#this is the best bit of genshin lore i have heard of. in Ages.
qserasera · 1 year
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the wanderer spending his spare time writing incisive political commentary on inazuma and Accidentally becoming a phD scholar at the akademiya is the Funniest thing i have seen in ages!!!!!
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seelestia · 2 years
hii Liaa :''D
idk why I'm writing an ask but after getting knocked over the head with piles and piles of performance tasks, I think I just wanted to seek u out to bring some kind of joy in my now research-blinded cave :'''D
sorry to suddenly dump all of that on u btw I know ur pretty busy urself :'))
but yeah, just wanted to come on here to see an answer from my dearest author :''D
so here's just a bunch of things I want your opinion on (its giving 20 questions realness lmao)
If you were in a situation where you had to pick between having to constantly reincarnate, or be immortal, which one would you pick?
if you were to name a shade of color a different name, what shade of color would you pick, and what/why you'd give it that name?
If you were to ever receive an item (any item) that you wish for BUT it's single use only- what would your item be and why?
What's your opinion on biblically accurate angels (have u ever seen one?) and if you have seen it in the internet, are you creeped out or are you just as fascinated as I am lmao (this is the crack question lol)
But yeahhh- I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with a less than normally-happy aura of me :''D - Every so sincerely yours, 👹✨ Jae (also- my boi hating on paimon)
aww, jae, no worries! you don't have to be at your best all the time, we all have our downtimes, ;( those performance tasks must be super draining for you, i hope you'll get thru them soon 😭 and frankly, i actually really like these kinds of questions and if it also helps you feel better — then even better, i'm all for it! >:)
If you were in a situation where you had to pick between having to constantly reincarnate, or be immortal, which one would you pick?
i think i'd choose immortality. it is the loneliest option out of the two but there is just smth abt experiencing the evolution of time before my very eyes... having to move around to avoid suspicion for my questionable age might be a bit of a hassle tho. wait, why am i thinking waaaay ahead rn LOLLL but yeah! ;D
if you were to name a shade of color a different name, what shade of color would you pick, and what/why you'd give it that name?
not my smartest answer, but i'd rename light blue (#ADD8E6) to cotton blue! not sure why but i just feel like that name is fitting. like the color is somewhat fading into a light/white shade but still retains the blue. and when i think of white, i think of cotton, hehe <3
If you were to ever receive an item (any item) that you wish for BUT it's single use only- what would your item be and why?
hmmm, hmmm. i haven't wished for anything material for a long time (like even during my birthday last month, all i asked for was a family dinner and i got it), so idk what i should pick 😭 but let's see, i think i'll just pick smth that goes along with the 'single use' concept which is... a 'infinite' amusement park ticket that allows me to go on every single ride without having to pay for each. (this is such a basic answer HELP)
What's your opinion on biblically accurate angels (have u ever seen one?) and if you have seen it in the internet, are you creeped out or are you just as fascinated as I am lmao (this is the crack question lol)
yep, i've seen them before! literally heard holy music playing in the back of my mind when i saw them hdjejkse. to me, they're equally creepy and fascinating, tbh! they also remind me of bill from gravity falls for some reason (it's the shape) like y'all must be related but then, i remember that the evil doritos chip is a devil 😭 (/j)
LOLLL I PLAYED THRU THAT SCENE AND I SNORTED SO HARD. this one too. he'd bite me for this, but why he is such a funky little guy. (/lh)
psst, also, idk if you know but there's this creator on tiktok that i just recently followed and they do great genshin lore videos with pleasing formats! literally thought of you when i followed them, hehe.
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delvalentine · 3 years
draft dump
once upon a time i had a plot bunny for a school genshin au in which the adults were teachers in a modern setting, and mc/reader was a TA working with them
i won't be revisiting that but it would be a waste to send the first draft to the void so here that is!
“And that brings our little guided tour to an end.” Mr. Zhongli turned around once reaching the front door, smiling languidly. “I hope it wasn’t too much to take in at once.” “No, I think I got everything.” You shoved the notepad deeper into your purse, taking a steadying breath. “Thanks for showing me around before orientation. It was really helpful.” “It was nothing. I do hope you’ll like it at our school, Ms. [Surname]. If there’s anything you’re unsure about, feel free to ask me—and if I’m not around, seeking out the vice principal should suffice.”
He caught your soured expression and chuckled deeply. The VP—Mr. Xiao—was not quite as amiable as the headmaster before you. You had tried to make a good impression by being polite, but the slender man had merely scowled through you like you’d insulted his mother’s mother or something. The memory of his scathing glare made your cheeks burn.
“He may be temperamental, but he’s unmatched at his work. Just try to catch him in a good mood and you’ll be fine.” You weren’t sure Xiao would know what a good mood looked like if it hit him in the face, but you brushed it off. The infrastructure here was breathtaking—as you’d expect from a boarding school so deeply steeped in history and so well-funded. Royal Celestia School, aptly named after the heavens, for there was no other institution so highly regarded in all of Teyvat. Graduates that called RCS their alma mater went on to forge great paths of success. Only the best of the best got to attend. Its newest hire: yourself, of course. You had applied for their TA position amongst many others, not really thinking you’d get it fresh out of post-secondary or anything. It didn’t hurt to try. But when you got the callback, you had to wonder if you had died and gone to heaven yourself.
“Now forgive my memory, but I seem to have forgotten who you told me you’ll be working with.”
Zhongli wasn’t just the principal—he was the founder of the whole shebang. He was as top brass as you could get, here, and he looked the part. Despite his age, he was incredibly sharp in his copper-black suit, and those warm honey-gold eyes weren’t helping with the whole tall-dark-and-handsome thing. Attractive looks aside, he was the overseer of all administrative operations, though rumour has it he was quite… spacey at his job. If anybody needed an assistant, it’d be him.
Xiao, the second in command, left a far less sweet taste in your mouth. You noticed the dragons tattooed on his arm in an impressive sleeve first, and the deeply beautiful look of calm second. It was as soon as he opened his mouth that he ruined it all. He was snappy and peevish. If Zhongli hadn’t been with you, he might very well have eaten you alive.
Speaking of grumpy men—Dr. Ragnvinder. You’d never had entirely good experiences with math teachers, and he was the living embodiment of all those hauntingly long questions you’d cried over on long nights. According to Zhongli, Diluc Ragnvinder was the one of the youngest in the teaching department to hold a PhD. During your meeting, he was nothing but cold and brief despite his fiery red hair and eyes. You loathed to think of how he’d crack down on you for not grasping a topic.
In stark contrast, Mr. Alberich was far more easy-going, if not a tad bit… seductive. He had a certain way of phrasing things with innuendo that kept you second guessing yourself, and if you weren’t careful, he’d easily take you off your feet. No wonder he specialized in the arts of literature. How you would’ve liked him to read excerpts to you in that suggestive tone of his.
Ms. Lisa had seemed to be cut of the same cloth, leaning in so close to you that you could smell the perfume wafting off the skin of her neck. The librarian oversaw one of the outlandishly largest collections of books you had ever seen in your life. (It wasn’t the only big set you’d noticed.) She invited you back with a smile, though it seemed less an invitation and more a given task to see her again.
Zhongli had then taken you to the theatre, equally as massive and ornate. You could imagine full opera shows occurring rather than silly school plays. Private school kids were a different breed entirely. Inside, a pair of men were practicing something together. There, you met Venti, who insisted you call him by first name alone. Beside him was the taller, leaner man named Childe, who assured you it wasn’t his real name, but that was a secret of the trade. Venti had a voice of an angel and played a lyre so daintily you were almost moved to tears. It was no surprise he taught music. And Childe, whose mere presence made you feel like he was putting on some sort of show, oversaw drama.
Next door was the gymnasium, which, once again, wowed you with its size. Perhaps Zhongli was hoping to train generations of Olympic athletes-slash-artists-slash-geniuses? A hearty dark-haired woman took you in with great familiarity, shaking your hand and inviting you to drinks before you’d even managed to introduce yourself properly. With the force Beidou had exerted in a mere handshake, you were afraid to think about being under her training regime in physical education.
A far more sobering presence, Ms. Ningguang looked to have the same stable ethereality as Zhongli did. As an educator of finance, you’d heard that she had single-handledly changed the entire stock market just to prove a point in her lecture. You had made a note to ask her about your taxes.
Keqing next door taught geography. Her classroom had been lined with maps and globes, each marked with such numerous and precise points that you felt like you couldn’t even recognize what each place was. She spoke to you with succinctness, like everything she said was pre-determined and you had better understand what she meant <i>or else</i>. But she was fairly warm in comparison to the men of earlier, and you’d take what you could get.
A room with even more clutter was Dr. Mona’s. Contraptions like Newton’s cradles, plasma domes, lava lamps, and even a wall-to-wall Ruth Goldberg machine made your head spin. Her eccentricity was clue enough to her role as a science teacher. Somehow in your short conversation, she managed to boast about herself a total of six separate times, but Zhongli quietly assured you that her claims weren’t unfounded. She was confident and intelligent, her blue eyes sparkling with knowledge. Spending a day with her sounded exhausting but thrilling.
The last classroom Zhongli showed you to was Jean’s, who was a startling calm presence right after exiting Mona’s Wonderland. She was a history teacher, well versed in lore and social sciences, and you couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy just talking to her.
“Well?” Zhongli nudged as you thought back on your day. “Which professor were you to help out with?” You answered…
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