#this is technically a very late Valentine’s Day post
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Local residents are falling head over heels for the new, dreamy milkman
♡ ig iheartbillievalentine
#the uniforms? Yeah thigh highs. All of them. What’s that? Oh yeah sure it’s perfectly practical#this is technically a very late Valentine’s Day post#swamped with stuff trying to do these#mirror image#vintage aesthetic#billie valentine#gay#retro aesthetic#vintage gay#vintage#pinup#milkman#valentines day
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Griddlebone Playlist

This playlist is meant to outline the complex (and fundamental) emotion of love, and the pitfalls and joys of chasing after something grand that requires another to reciprocate the affection.
More specifically for this set of songs, the want for love while having the feeling that something is not quite right, either with the other individual involved, or within your own mind. Through isolating oneself into hollow emptiness after heartbreak, and due to feeling devoid of being wanted, it is hard to be vulnerable and let anyone back into a place of emotional attachment.
Did you ever actually feel what 'love' was? Are you really deserving of being loved? After everything, wherever can you find it?
川口雅代 (Masayo Kawaguchi) – Melty
ROMY – LOVE コマーシャル (Love Commercial)
越美晴 (Miharu Koshi) – 恋はファニー・フィーリング (Love Is A Funny Feeling)
宮原芽映 (Mebae Miyahara) – 悪魔のように微笑んで (Smiling Like A Devil)
いしだあゆみ & ティン・パン・アレイ・ファミリ(Ayumi Ishida & Tin-Pan-Alley-Family) – 私自身 (Myself)
麗美 (REIMY) – シャドー・ブレイ (Shadow Play)
竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) – プラスティック・ラブ (Plastic Love)
工藤順子 (Junko Kudo) – 夕顔姐さん (Ms. Yugao)
Meow Meow & Thomas Lauderdale – Hotel Amour
Tracks 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 through 7, and 8 and 9, are meant to represent different sections of time in the life of the Queen.
Signature song with playlist: Meow Meow & Thomas Lauderdale – Hotel Amour
Track One: 川口雅代 (Masayo Kawaguchi) – Melty
“ううん・・・ ・・・・何でもないけれど 少し 不安になっただけ" ("Ugh... ...It's nothing, but I just felt a little anxious") 知られた分だけ わたしから 冷めてゆくのが こわいから (I'm afraid that the more you know, the more you'll grow colder from me) "・・・そうよ・・・” (That’s right…”) すき間もない程に 昨夜 ひとつになったの (Last night we became one, with no gaps between us) しがみついたら 微笑うけど どうしていいのか わからない (I smile when I hold on to you, but I don't know what to do) Melty 手を引かれて 溶かし溶かされ 充たされるはずなのに (My hand should be pulled away, melted, melted, and filled up) Melty つかめないの どうしてかしら? 肩すかしされた 気分 (I can't grasp it, why? I feel like I've been ignored) 何にも言わずに 抱き寄せて (Without saying anything, I hold you close) 朝の光が あなたの景色変えないうちに (Before the morning light changes your scenery) “いやよ” ("No, no") ・・・言いかけてやめるのは うまく 言い聞かせるつもりね (...I'm trying to convince you to stop when I say it) 困らせたいの! (I want to embarrass you!) "お見通し” ("Foresight") 小悪魔ぶっても かなわない (Even if I act like a little devil, I can't compete) Melty 手を引かれて 溶かし溶かされ 充たされるはず充たされるはずなのになのに (My hand should be pulled away, melted, melted, and filled up) Melty つかめないの どうしてかしら? (I can't grasp it, why?) 何かが 違ってゆくの 何も言わせず 抱き寄せて (Something is going to be different, don't let me say anything, hold me close) めかくししてね ちぐはぐなこと 言わないうちに (Before I get too confused and say something foolish) Melty 手を引かれて 溶かし溶かされ 充たされるはずなのに (My hand should be pulled away, melted, melted, and filled up) Melty つかめないの どうしてかしら? 肩すかしされた気分 (I can't grasp it, why? I feel like I've been ignored) 何も言わずに 抱き寄せて (Hold me close without saying anything) めかくししててね (Please cover your eyes) 朝の光で 見えないうちに (Before you can see it in the morning light)
The initial apprehension of being more intimately involved, emotionally and physically, with another person comes with the realization that she felt nothing when it happened. She should be able to feel a deeper connection, but something is not right, and instead pretends and acts accordingly like everything is fine.
Track Two: ROMY – LOVE コマーシャル (Love Commercial)
指の中で タバコふかし 何もないのに 愛にまみれた (I smoked a cigarette in my fingers and was covered in love, even though there was nothing there) 気にするコトが 自分���外の あの人に対する 愛の神経 (What I worry about is the nerves of love for someone other than myself) いつか見た あの人はいない 私の人には ならなかった (That person I saw someday wasn't the same person I was) 私はなまけて ただならぬ犬より (I'm better than a lazy dog) ただの人を 選んでみただけ (I just picked a person) 私のコントロール あえてコントロール こわくてコントロール あえてコントロール 心に 私まかせ コントロール (My control, dare to control, I'm afraid to control, dare to control, leave it to my heart to control me) 頭の中で おもいふかし 何があるのか 夢のざわめき (I wonder what's going on inside my head, The buzz of dreams) ただならぬ人だから あえて こわがって あの人に対する 愛の恐怖 (Because he is an extraordinary person, I dare to be afraid of him, and the fear of love towards him) 抱かれる日は 心 うきあし もうひとりの私 かくしきれない (The days when I'm held in your arms, I feel happy, and I can't hide my other self) 私のコントロール あえてコントロール こわくてコントロール あえてコントロール 心に 私まかせ コントロール (My control, dare to control, I'm afraid to control, dare to control, leave it to my heart to control me)
A reflection on not feeling love when, or to the level, you think you should, while worrying how it will affect your partner. There is a comfort in being together with someone, but that surface level connection will eventually face the challenge of it being something more for them, and she is not prepared or ready for that.
Ultimately, it is up to Griddlebone to move forward in the best way that makes sense to her, and that path is one alone.
Track Three: 越美晴 (Miharu Koshi) – 恋はファニー・フィーリング (Love Is A Funny Feeling)
彼は時間に遅れて 私は指輪を忘れた だけど ゴメンも言わずに つまらぬ言い訳ごっこ 空は春 時は今 幸せですと言わんばかり だけど 二人の心は ちぎれ雲 (He was late and I forgot my ring But we don't say sorry, we make boring excuses, And the sky keeps saying that we're happy now in spring but our hearts are torn apart by clouds) 恋はファニー・フィーリング かまわず回る 恋はファニー・フィーリング 慣れっ子 だけど (Love revolves around funny feelings, but love is used to funny feelings) 彼は口笛吹きながら 私 ため息つきながら 通り過ぎる 街角 小鳥の歌だけ響く (He was whistling, I pass by with a sigh, Only the song of a small bird echoes on the street corner) いろんなことが あったけど みんないい思い出ばかり だから ここらでピリオド それがいい (A lot has happened, but we all have only good memories, So it's good to have the end around here) 恋はファニー・フィーリング 手を振りながら 恋はファニー・フィーリング 深刻ぶらず 歌いながら 笑ってサヨナラするわ オー ファニー オー ファニー ファニ ファニ オー フィーリング オー ファニー オー ファニー ファニ ファニ オー フィーリング (Love is a funny feeling, while waving, Love is a funny feeling, don't take it seriously, I'll laugh and say goodbye while singing Oh Funny Oh Funny Funny funny oh feeling Oh Funny Oh Funny Funny funny oh feeling)
In a goal to subside the loneliness and longing to feel proper love, Griddlebone moves through relationships over time to find the elusive 'love' she believes is out there. Scared of getting too involved with someone she holds minimal emotion for, she breaks off any connection before feelings develop from the other party, and plays it off as something lighthearted.
Despite her efforts, she cannot find someone who fulfills her inside the way she thinks love should be.
Track Four: 宮原芽映 (Mebae Miyahara) – 悪魔のように微笑んで (Smiling Like A Devil)
罠をしかけ待ってるん 悪魔のように 微笑んで (I'm setting a trap up and waiting for you, smiling like a devil) さあ ドアを 叩いて ドアを ひらいて (Come on, knock on the door, open the door) 泣きまねの 電話 かけて 街灯り 胸はずませ (I made a phone call imitating crying, and the street lights made my heart flutter) あの人を 呼び出したの (I called that person) 数えては 時間をかせぐ (Counting the time to buy myself some) 優しさを 言い訳して 赤い血が 流れる前に (Kindness, before I make excuses and red blood flows) 嘘をつく ずるいあなた 忘れてよ あの娘の事は (Forget about lying You're so cunning about that girl) 罠をしかけ待ってるん 悪魔のように 微笑んで (I'm setting a trap up and waiting for you, smiling like a devil) さあ ドアを 叩いて ドアを ひらいて (Come on, knock on the door, open the door) 待つだけの 女なんて さよならよ 今夜こそは (Say goodbye to the woman who only waits, tonight) 愛の 糸 足にからませ あの人を もう逃がさない (I'll let the thread of love entwine around my legs and never let that person slip away again) 罠をしかけ待ってるん 悪魔のように 微笑んで (I'm setting a trap up and waiting for you, smiling like a devil) さあ ドアを 叩いて ドアを ひらいて (Come on, knock on the door, open the door)
A new connection with someone shows promise, but she discovers that her partner is a cheater, something that hurts Griddlebone in a way that she has not experienced before. Not used to being treated as a second thought, and feeling like she is not worthy of love if made so inconsequential, she plots to destroy and expose her partner for what they have done to her.
All the joy and hope that she felt in locating a person that is right for her is now crushed, and she vows to not let herself be taken advantage of ever again in the pursuit of love.
Track Five: いしだあゆみ & ティン・パン・アレイ・ファミリ(Ayumi Ishida & Tin-Pan-Alley-Family) – 私自身 (Myself)
ひとりソファーに寝ころんで 恋の歌聞くでもなし 歌うでもなし (I lie alone on the sofa and listen to love songs, but I don't sing them) 私は日暮れを見つめています (I'm staring at the sunset) 部屋の窓には東京湾の 船の灯が小さく揺れて (In the window of the room, the lights of the ships in Tokyo Bay sway slightly) 一人ぐらしに疲れた時は 結婚なんか考えてます (When I get tired of living alone, I think about marriage) 夜汽車で旅に出る時は 色のない写真のように 素顔のままで 東京駅から出かけています (When I travel by night train, I leave Tokyo Station with my bare face, just like a colourless photograph) 幾度か恋にこの身を灼いて 歌を忘れた私だけれど (I have forgotten how to sing because my body has been burnt by love many times) 淋しさだけを心に積んで 今日もぽつんと歌っています (But today, I sing alone once again with only loneliness in my heart) くちづけ交す恋人にさえ 私の気持は言えないでしょう (I can't even tell my feelings to my lover who kisses me) 人に知られず流した涙 (The tears I shed without anyone knowing) 私は今日も歌っています・・・・ (I'm still singing today...)
Moving on from her heartbreak, Griddlebone refrains from being involved with anyone else for a lengthy period of time, as that means she cannot be hurt once again. However, she cannot help but feel that the emptiness inside her continues to grow as time passes, even if she tries to remain strong willed. Her thinking is that she does not need anyone to sustain her happiness if she keeps the love she has to give tightly held internally.
Track Six: 麗美 (REIMY) – シャドー・ブレイ (Shadow Play)
淋しい笑顔と 言われるのに馴れても (Even if I get used to being told that my smile is lonely) 真夜中の鏡 覗けばつぶやくの (When I look into the mirror in the middle of the night, I whisper) Say, Love is the shadow play, shadow play Love is the shadow play 恋しても (Even if I fall in love) Love is the shadow play, shadow play, shadow play ひとりぼっちじゃ怖い (I'm scared of being alone) 街角の華やかさに 気がつけば急ぎ足 (If you notice the glamour on the street corner, hurry up) 片思いのままなら 恋も失くさず済むでしょう (If you keep your love unrequited, you won't lose your love) Say, Love is the shadow play, shadow play, shadow play Love is the shadow play, 密やかに (Secretly) Love is the shadow play, shadow play, shadow play ��くあなた見てる (I'm watching you from afar) 気づかないで (Don't notice) darling 壊さないで (Don't break it) wow wow Love Love Love Love Love Love, darling, Love Love Love Love is the shadow play
Her loneliness begins to swell to a point of action, and Griddlebone cannot ignore it or remain dormant for much longer. She is unhappy being completely alone, and wants to feel any form of connection with another, but does not want to be hurt again.
Feeling unworthy of being loved due to her faults, her past pursuit of love becomes less of a task to complete and more of a buried burden she has to carry.
In order to protect herself from emotional suffering, she develops a cold façade to protect herself with.
Track Seven: 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) – プラスティック・ラブ (Plastic Love)
突然のキスや 熱いまなざしで (With a sudden kiss and a passionate gaze) 恋のプログラムを 狂わせないでね (Do not cause a malfunction to the love program) 出逢いと別れ 上手に打ち込んで (Type in encounters and separations well) 時間がくれば終わる (When the time comes, it ends) Don't hurry! 愛に傷ついた あの日からずっと (Since the day I was heartbroken, I've been having a life) 昼と夜が逆の 暮らしを続けて (That's been reversed between day and night) はやりのDiscoで 踊り明かすうちに (While dancing the nights away at the popular disco) おぼえた魔術なのよ (There is a magic I've learned) I'm sorry! わたしのことを決して 本気で愛さないで (Never love me seriously) 恋なんてただのゲーム 楽しめばそれでいいの (Love is just a game, all I need is to have fun with it) 閉ざした心を飾る 派手なドレスも靴も (The showy dresses and shoes decorating my closed heart) 孤独な友達 (Are my lonely friends) わたしを誘う人は 皮肉なものね いつも 彼に似てるわなぜか 思い出と重なり合う (The men who flirt with me are Ironically always similar to him for some reason My memories with him are overlapped) グラスを落として急に 涙ぐんでも わけは尋ねないでね (Don’t ask me why even if I drop my glass and suddenly glisten with tears) 夜更けの高速で 眠りにつくころ (When I fall asleep by the highway at dawn) ハロゲンライトだけ 妖しく輝く (Only halogen lights are mysteriously shining) 氷のように冷たい女だと ささやく声がしても (Although somebody is whispering that I’m an icy cold woman) Don't worry! I'm just playing games I know that's plastic love Dance to the plastic beat Another morning comes
Relationships become more of a pursuit of pleasure, rather than meaningful connection, for Griddlebone. A cycle of one night encounters to keep her company before the new day begins and she starts over again with someone new. Her self-worth starts to become tied with being seen as attractive and desirable by another person. She has convinced herself that this lifestyle will quell the void inside of her, although she knows in her heart that she is still painfully lonely. The isolation does not cease, no matter how many individuals she crosses path with.
Maybe one day she will not feel this way, but she believes it is her fault that everything turned out the way it has to this point.
Track Eight: 工藤順子 (Junko Kudo) – 夕顔姐さん (Ms. Yugao)
夕顔姐さん 部屋には 夏でもね (Yugao-san, even if it's summer in your room) こたつが置いてある 束ねたコードを つついてる 退屈な 白い猫が家族 (A bored white cat is pecking at the bundled cords next to the kotatsu table) 今夜のお座敷 長過ぎる いつもなら (The tatami room tonight is too long, as normal) 帰ってる時間 (Time to go home) お勝手の隅の 猫メシは 山盛りで (In the corner of the kitchen, there is a mountain of cat food) とても食べきれない (I can't eat it all) 明かりは点いてても 時計の音ばかり そろそろ聞こえて来る はずなのに (Even though the lights are on, all I can hear is the ticking of the clock) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta) 夕顔姐さん 来年 数えでね 六十三になる (Yugao-san, I'll be turning 63 next year) 近頃男はダメだね 粋じゃない それが口ぐせです (Men are no good these days. It's not classy. That's what they say.) 衣ずれの裾は 萩の花 つい昨日 かけたパーマネント (The hem of my clothes was like a clover flower, a permanence that I wore just yesterday) 西に傾いた 大きな お月様 帰りを急がせる (The big moon leaning to the west hurries my return home) 浮かれ足の男 物欲し気な女 (A playful man, a wistful woman) 若いネオンの街に カラコロと (In a young neon city, colourfully) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta) 細い路地に入ると 犬達が吠えだす 待ちくたびれた猫は夢で聞く (When I enter a narrow alley, the dogs start barking, and the tired cat hears it in a dream) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta) 夕顔姐さんの下駄の音 (The sound of Yugao-nee’s geta)
Years removed from the emotional low point of her life, the empty hedonism to fill the void inside her, Griddlebone has taken up residence with an older, single woman that has mirrored her own experiences in the search of love. The familiar sounds of geta beckon the arrival of her human home to Griddlebone, and her days are spent resting in the sun and keeping busy through the house, all while reminiscing of a past of incomplete love. She has become accustomed to a quiet, uneventful life where she is loved by Ms. Yugao as a Swing pet and taken care of like the beautiful Queen she is.
Still, there is an unshakable feeling that she has missed out on true love in her life, despite her current, content happiness.
Track Nine: Meow Meow & Thomas Lauderdale – Hotel Amour
Fun fact: Meow Meow played Griddlebone in the 2019 movie!
I looked for Love in the beautiful cities I looked for Love up in the air I looked underground though I knew that I shouldn't And still, no Love was anywhere I went to the place they call Heaven I went to the Hotel Amour I sat still and wrote Love some letters But Love doesn't read anymore I sang Love into my stories And I danced Love into my dreams But Love didn't find me Let alone blind me Love is nowhere it seems I looked for Love by pretending I wasn't I looked for Love close to the bone I fixed up some wings and I bought all the permits So Love could take flight when it was grown I followed the maps, I read all the signs I bought Love a building called "Home" I filled in the forms and I paid all the taxes Still, Love left me alone... My heart's still jumping out of my skin I've nothing to keep the feeling in I've nothing to do to make Love stay I've nothing to keep the darkness away You're all in the grandness of little things A leaf that's shaped like a heart A simple breeze, a feather Morning light, evening star And I'm singing to you my stories And I'm dancing with you in my dreams... Love... Love is everywhere... it seems
Throughout her life, Griddlebone has done everything she thought was correct to find and feel a form of love that made her feel complete, but could be deemed as unsuccessful in that pursuit.
Although it never manifested for her as love with another, she has felt the unconditional love of someone that cares for her as the most important thing in her life.
Looking back on her life now as a senior Queen, Griddlebone comes to a realization that love can now be found all around her. It was never her fault for not finding the idea of 'love' that she felt she needed, and there may never have been an instance where she felt that she had found the prize she was after, but love was always with her in the little things of life.
@the-cat-at-the-theatre-door I am not sure if you are still interested in these after all this time, but in case you are, enjoy :).
#CATS Musical#CATS the Musical#CATS Playlist#Griddlebone#Happy Valentine's Day#What better day to celebrate the Cat that (I think) represents love more than any other#And whom I love very much :)#Does any of this writeup make sense? I hope so#It was created with a specific vision in my mind that can be hard to explain to someone not familar with what I mean or the songs I chose#If you subscribe to it#There is an unmentioned theme here in that Griddlebone is somewhat aromantic#But she does not really understand that and thinks that something is wrong with her for feeling the way she does#This idea has been building for quite some time and it is finally complete#Hopefully the drastic(?) shift between the first eight tracks of decades old Japanese music and the recent Meow Meow is not too much#But this playlist was built on the foundation of Hotel Amour as the so-called 'signature song' and everything developed from there slowly#I always wanted to do a playlist that is strictly (aside from the last song) made up of Japanese songs from the late 1970s into the 1980s#As that era of music has really grabbed hold of me and I have made a point of importing and archiving many albums from Japan#From that time period that certainly cannot easily (if at all) be found in North America#Each one of these songs (aside from Plastic Love) was lovingly transcribed and translated by me from the lyric sheets found in each album#The translations may not be 100% accurate for exactly what the Japanese lyrics best translate to but it should be fairly correct#This all started with the album 'Cat' by Mebae Miyahara#And if you look up the album cover you will know exactly why I thought it was something I needed immediately#Next came Junko Kudo's album and then Masayo's and then the next until I now have well over 100 records from the best era of Japanese music#Fun to see that some of the albums I have imported have actually been reissued#While others become increasingly hard to find and more valuable#Interesting to think that I have gone well over three years since posting a playlist#I never did finish the writeup for Munkustrap (half-way done and then I never went back) or Grizabella#Not to mention I have a full 'double album' for Coricopat and Tantomile that has been sitting in my drafts since October 2021#And technically a fully realized playlist for at least three other characters that I could post if I wanted#They will eventually see the light of day
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valentines gone wrong ft. childe, scara, and neuvilette
a/n: yes. you read that right valentines work on september!! this is just something random i wanna write one day when i'm lying down and ofc i can't wait until february next year (also how is it alr almost 2 months since i posted something???) tags: just fluff, light-read, and everything in-between, modern au (?) just don't think too much abt it hehe - summary: it's valentines and of course you have plans to give sweets to your lover. however because one thing and another, you had to entrust it to someone else in hope it will be handed safely to them. what happened when it didn't?
you went home excited, anticipating his reaction to your handmade sweets, however what greets you at the door was a sulky childe, who avoided eye contact as if his life depended on it as he limits himself to a a sentence everytime you ask him something.
“something happened today, babe?” you asked him worriedly, the chocolate was the back of your mind seeing the state of your boyfriend in. “oh something definitely should have happened,” he quipped, his lower mouth sticking out slightly. “that sounds like a dig at me, did i forgot something?” you asked as you follow his gaze to what he thought must be the most interesting flower vase ever. he shrugged, refusing to give you more.
frustrated by his rejection to tell you what’s wrong, you held his face with both of your palm, turning his face to yours. although the move met no resistance, childe still refused to look at you in the eyes and only now his childish grumbles turned into such a sad expression.
“baby? please tell me what i did,” you were gentle with it, rubbing your thumb below his eyes. “...late.”
“chocolate. where’s mine? i saw you gave your friends one so i don’t think im crazy to expect one too, especially as your boyfriend.” he pouted and you swore it looked so adorable and so out-of-character of him that you wanted to kiss him—wait.
“huh? but i did give you one!” you claimed, confusion rose inside you. “huh? but i didn’t get it...” childe’s face matched your expression. “well technically i gave it to scara to give it to you.. did he not... give it to you?”
“i wouldn’t be this insufferable if i got one, you know that, but no he didn’t say anything—and also really babe? scara? the guy who hates and made fun of me every chance he got?” he crossed his arm, raising an eyebrow, as he questioned your questionable decision-making. “hey give me a break, i was in a rush there thinking i couldn’t give you the chocolate in time. and he made me say please three times before he said he would consider doing it-oh i see how i was wrong there.” your line of ramble humbled you, the silence was loud.
“maybe he just put it in your bag or something?” you offered. “you really think he’s someone who’d do that?” he asked. “in desperate times i’d give even scara the benefit of the doubt,” you stated, opening childe’s bag. and there it was, put nicely at the very top, your chocolate for your lover.
you smiled, for all the shit-talk scara gave everyone on a daily basis you knew you could count on him. “see? i knew he’s actually a big softie for stuff like this.”
childe practically runs to your side. “my chocolate? aw babe so you really didn’t forget me!” he peppered kisses all over your face, then clasping the sweet to his chest like it’s a new-born baby. “of course i’d never. but maybe next year i’ll just give it directly to you.”
“yeah? please do, today’s event just wasn’t great for my heart.”
“welcome home, dear.” you greeted him cheerily as he just arrived home. it was quite late, and you had entrust the chocolate you were supposed to give to him at a reasonable hour so he could enjoy it instead of giving it to him at home.
he kissed your temple in return, a smile you’re still head over heels for on his lips. but it doesnt quite reach his eyes.
“what’s wrong?” you asked carefully. “nothing is wrong,” he replied, somehow looking nervous. “yet it’s strange for you to be looking so fidgety. tell me?”
“well,” he paused a little, stroking your hair as he pondered the best way to approach the sentence he’s about to say. “i saw you today giving chocolates to navia and wriothesley.. i couldn’t talk to you because i was in a rush to deal with an urgent case,” he said, not looking at you on the eyes. “oh, did that bother you? it’s just they’re such good friends of mine and it’s only friendship cookies-“
“no, dear of course not. i know you’re a loving person who always appreciate those around you, it’s just..”
neuvilette looked like he didn’t hear the rest of the words after that you did make some for the white-haired male. a smile bloomed on his face as he shook his head. “no problem i will ask them about it tomorrow. i’m just delighted you kept me in your thoughts.” a gentle expression was loyal on his features. “well of course neuvillete, you hardly ever leave my thoughts, don’t you know?” he chuckled. “i’m familiar with that you see, considering you never leave mine as well.”
the next sentence was almost audible as he spoke. “do i not get one..?” he asked ever so softly sounding a little sad, his calloused hand ran across your arm, tracing along your vein as it touched your fingers and you're sure there's something wrong in your head because all you could think about that second was how adorable the usual charismatic man was being. yet you held your smile.
“of course you do! did it not reach you? i asked the guard in front of your door because i afraid i’d bother you at work hours. sorry neuvilette, i promised i made some for you, and i was so proud of it too...”
“no i’m not.” he said, with the worst frown you’ve seen on him for a while and that’s saying a lot.
“you’re definitely sulking,” you said. “shut up,” he grumbled. “hey i was supposed to be one who’s doing the sulking. we’re nearing the end of the day and you haven’t even mentioned about the chocolate i gave you today!” you retorted out of frustration but most of all confusion because you had no idea what made your lover fall into such a bad mood.
“say that again,” scara said, “that i gave you chocolate?” you asked. “no you didn’t, you liar!” he complained, his frown deepened if that’s even possible. “wait what? i swear i asked childe to give it to you earlier today! i was ambushed by customers today at the shop so i was scared i couldn’t give it to you on time so i asked him. did it not get to you?” you explained.
“i came home empty-handed didn’t i? also really, that dense fool?” his displeasure was obvious upon the new information you couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. “don’t look so disgusted, he’s not that bad.”
“sure, although you know what’s bad? that i don’t have my chocolates right now.” he crossed his arm, fuming almost looking like a child who got their toys taken. “alright enough of your pouting. we’ll interogate him later. for now, i seem to have leftover ingredients, i’ll make you a new one.” you approached him, combing through the back of his hair as you planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. he replied by pulling you closer as he nuzzled into your neck. “it better be good,” he mumbled.
at the end you didn’t even make it to 5 minutes before scara followed you to the kitchen, insisting that he made it together too because he was ‘watching over you so you don’t mess up’ but personally i think he just felt bad because you need to make a new one and wanted to help you any way he can. that’s something he’d never admit even if there’s a gun pointing at his head, though.
#genshin x reader#genshin scenarios#genshin impact x you#genshin impact x reader#genshin fanfic#genshin x you#genshin fluff#childe x reader#tartaglia x reader#tartaglia x y/n#tartaglia x you#neuvilette x reader#scara x reader#scaramouche x reader#wanderer x reader#wanderer fluff
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From The Heart
F!Reader X Taiju Shiba
HAPPY LATE VALENTINE’S EVERYONE!!! I meant to post this the day of but you know how it is. This one goes out to all my Taiju girlies, sorry I have been lacking on content for him. Please accept this as a token of my love to you and a sign that I miss him dearly.
This isn’t technically linked to There’s Just No One Like You, but I did write it in the same vein, so it can be considered a little bonus chapter of sorts. He’s not as much of a butthead in this-I wanted to mess around with a sweeter, more bashful Taiju. :3
Enjoy and as always, thank you thank you thank you!!!
WARNINGS: possessive behavior, Taiju makes you cry exactly one tear, some miscommunication but not a lot because I hate it and it’s my least favorite trope, Koko flirting with you even though he knows you are a spoken for woman, mentions of sexy stuff but nothing overly saucy, heavy petting.
“Happy Valentine’s day Taiju!”
Excitement laced your voice as you approached the man in question, a huge smile on your face as you brandished his present, eager to see his response.
However, the initial giddiness you felt was quick to dissipate when you noticed the resentful expression that had settled on his face. Taiju eyed the gift box that lay in your outstretched hands as if it were full of insects, the home made chocolates you had spent all morning slaving over met with a look of revulsion. His piercing gaze drilled holes through the cutely wrapped box of treats you enthusiastically presented to him, his animosity palpable the longer he stared.
A thin layer of sweat began to coat the back of your neck as he continued to turn his nose at the box, his unamused scowl unflinching as he gawked at the gift in complete silence. You swallowed, shifting your feet where you stood. A blush crept to your cheeks as the seconds crawled by, his lack of verbal response making the atmosphere oppressively awkward.
“… Chocolate?”
The word sounded as disgusted as his expression looked, and you flinched when his sharp eyes directed themselves your way.
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, tightening your grip on the box, “I made them for you this morning. I was going to make them last night but I ran out of time…” You looked down at the misshapen lumps in the box, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. “Um, I know they aren’t the prettiest, I kind of rushed to make sure they would be done in time… They still taste pretty good though.”
It was true that the presentation was a bit lackluster, the simple red box that housed the chocolate was just something you had lying around and you didn’t have any molds or fun sprinkles to turn the candies into cute shapes or otherwise decorate them. The time constraint didn’t give much oppurtinty to focus on the aesthetics of your gift, so to make up for that you made sure the taste would be incredible. You typically weren’t one to brag, but when they cooled enough to taste you were impressed by your hard work, truly proud of them despite how wonky they appeared.
But looking at Taiju’s sneering face scrutinizing your creation made any feeling of accomplishment wither away and die. A nervous pit expanded in your stomach, dread overtaking the joy you felt in gifting them to Taiju. Maybe he didn’t like chocolate? You knew he wasn’t super huge on sweets, but you figured gifting him something traditional, something made from the heart, would at least garner a smile or a thank you.
You felt like an imbecile as he snatched the box from your hand, huffing as he turned on his heel.
“I’ll see you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, “wait for me.”
A deep frown settled on your lips, your eyes following him as the distance between you grew. Eventually he was entirely gone, his exit causing a single tear to slide down your cheek. You were quick to wipe it away, sniffling as you attempted to compose yourself.
You’d just have to try harder next year.
“There she is!”
The unmistakable voice of Kokonoi rang out behind you, causing you to sigh in annoyance. The day was half over and you considered yourself lucky to not have been bothered by him up until now. You had hoped your luck would continue through the whole day, saving you from his smart comments or weird insinuations. But that seemed to be too much to wish for on a day you were already struggling to get through, so here he was to add another trial to your trying holiday.
And you were just starting to feel better, too.
You turned around to greet him, but shot him a puzzled look as soon as you locked eyes with him. He stood before you, hands cupped in front of him as they reached out towards you, posed like he was looking for some kind of handout.
His question only confused you further, your brows furrowing as you cocked your head to the side. He sighed in frustration at the gesture, slumping his shoulders in mock dramatics. Your ignorance had apparently deeply wounded him.
“And here I thought you had made enough chocolate for all of us,” he shrugged, shooting you a teasing look, “Guess I was mistaken.”
“Chocolate…,” Confusion still permeated your features as you spoke to Koko, “What are you talking about?”
It was his turn to look puzzled, “Yeah, your home made ones? The ones you gave to Taiju?”
Noting the look of realization dawning on your face, Koko continued.
“The boss hasn’t shut up about them all day. The way he’s been going on and on about them made it sound like you had toiled over them for days, becoming a veritable chocolate factory.”
A deep blush settled over your cheeks, “He… Wait… What?” You struggled to find the right words, thrown by the fact that Taiju had not only acknowledged the gift you thought he had hated, but was gloating to others about it.
Koko frowned, “Why are you looking at me like that, did you not make him chocolate? I doubt he would accept them from some other chick, and it seems like a lame thing to lie about.”
“No I made them it’s just,” you shook your head, trying to pull yourself back from the shock, “Is he really bragging about them? When I gave them to him he seemed less than thrilled.”
Koko gave a sharp laugh, “Maybe he was just trying to play it cool in front of you or something because trust me, he’s been borderline obnoxious with how much he’s been enjoying them,” Koko took a step towards you, leaning down so that he could look into your eyes, “Made me a little jealous, ya know? I was hoping maybe you had some left over for your old friend Koko~?”
Your face settled into an irritated expression, garnering another large sigh from the raven haired boy. “I guess not. Though it makes me sad, it’s probably for the best. Boss looked like he was damn near ready to kill one of the other guys when they jokingly asked for a taste. If I got my own directly from the source he’d probably kill me.”
He lowered himself even closer, causing you to take a step backwards to create some distance. A blush flitted across your cheeks at the proximity you shared, nervous that someone may walk by and misconstrue the scenario they saw before them.
“Though maybe someday I’ll get lucky,” his voice was low as he spoke, his eye contact unwavering as he held your uneasy gaze. He raised his hand to his mouth, placing his index finger across his lips, “if you ever feel like making me a batch in secret, I promise not to tell Taiju. I’d never turn down goodies from you, even if you were just using me as a taste tester for some other man.”
Koko gave you a knowing smirk, causing you to blush harder.
“Stop joking around,” you frowned, pushing past him to continue on your way, “I’m sure you’re not hurting for chocolate from girls today, Koko. Go bother one of them if you want something.”
He laughed once more, this time sounding slightly less jovial than previous.
“Guess you’re right. But still, offer stands if you ever need a sampler.”
You felt Taiju’s arm around you before you even sensed him.
Your body lurched, startled by his sudden appearance. Having been so engrossed in the show you were watching you didn’t hear him come through the door, nor did you notice him sneak up behind you.
“Did I scare you,” he smiled down at you, pressing a firm kiss to your head, “You need to pay better attention to your surroundings, what if I was some burglar come to haul you away?”
You gave him a wry smile, relishing the feeling of his closeness, “I wouldn’t be too worried for myself, but I would feel bad for the burglar. Once my boyfriend catches wind of my kidnapping, I don’t think it would end very well for the man trying to cart me away.”
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. “True enough, but I wouldn’t be too happy with you either, letting some other man touch you so easily.” Goosebumps littered your arms as he placed a lingering kiss on your neck, “I’ll let it slide this time, but if you let me catch you like this again I’m going to have to punish you.”
Before you could comment further, Taiju lifted his left hand before you, revealing the vibrant bouquet he had been concealing. Your eyes widened at the colorful array of delicate pink roses and round white peonies beautifully clumped together, delicate baby’s breath placed along the edges as a lovely finishing touch. The flowers smelled as amazing as they looked and you happily accepted them, a smile illuminating your face.
“Thank you Taiju,” you exclaimed, taking a moment to bask in their beauty, “They are so pretty! I love them!”
He gave you another kiss on the head, “I’m glad you like them. I could have waited until white day, but I would have felt bad accepting such a great gift today without showing my appreciation in return.”
You turned back to him, a nonplussed look on your face. “You mean… You really did like the chocolates I made?”
It was his turn to shoot you a look, “Yeah? What man wouldn’t love their girl making them chocolates on Valentine’s Day?” You swore you saw a slight tinge to his cheeks as he lowered his head, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck before he spoke again, “It was cute as hell. And besides, they taste amazing.”
You placed your hand to your chest, breathing a small sigh of relief. “I’m so glad to hear that, I’ve been worrying about it all day.”
“Yeah,” you huffed, “You seemed so mad when I gave them too you! You had this look on your face like you were grossed out the moment you laid eyes on them.”
“Idiot,” he mumbled against your skin, “You completely misunderstood. I was pissed off because you spent the whole morning away from me. I had a Black Dragons meeting for most of the day so I was worried I wouldn’t get to see you, on Valentine’s no less.”
He sighed, detaching himself from you slightly, “Then I found out you were doing some adorable shit like making me homemade chocolate and I didn’t know how to react. I was still mad you weren’t by my side, but…”
You cocked an eyebrow at him, “But?”
He sighed again, scratching the back of his head in vexation. “I was also really happy. No one has ever made me chocolates before and I never really cared too much about receiving them from anyone previously. But getting them from you today, knowing that you made them with your own two hands…” His blush returned, this time much more noticeably, “I don’t know, it was exciting I guess.”
You laughed, enamored by the rare bashful expression plastered on Taiju’s face. “Good to know after all this time together I can still excite you with such a small surprise.” You nudged him gently, garnering an almost sheepish sounding grunt from him in response.
“You know you could have chocolates all the time if you wanted, all you have to do is ask.” You mused for a second, before adding “Well, only if you promise not to look at me like I am some kind of gross bug again when I hand them to you.”
He smirked, taking the flowers from your hands to place them on the table beside you. You remained fixated on him as he walked around the couch, gasping as he pushed you back against the soft cushions. Before you could question his motives, he crawled atop you, latching his mouth to yours in a searing, needy kiss.
“Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you?” His voice was husky as he broke the kiss, “You should know by now if I want something I won’t ask, I’ll just take it.”
He crashed back into you, working his mouth against yours with increasing ferocity. You whined as one of his hands gripped your thigh, the other snaking its way up your shirt to fondle your chest. His tongue slid inside your mouth, moving against yours as he groped you, your body growing hot each place he connected with you.
He caught your bottom lip between his teeth, gently biting down as he pulled away, licking the taste of you from his lips when he disconnected. Staring down at you with a lust crazed look in his eye you felt your sanity begin to waver, a shiver of anticipation coursing through your body over what was to come. Noting this, Taiju smiled, baring his teeth in an animalistic grin.
“And right now, I want something much sweeter than chocolate,” he rasped, pressing himself ever closer, “I’m gonna take all of you, and I will give you all of me in return.”
He kissed you once more, this one decidedly sweeter despite the desire that hung heavy in the air.
“Happy Valentine’s sweetheart, let’s make it one neither of us will forget.”
#taiju shiba x reader#taiju shiba x y/n#taiju shiba#tokyo revengers x y/n#tokyo revengers x reader#taiju x reader#taiju x y/n#tokrev x y/n#tokrev x reader#tokrev reader insert#tokyo revengers reader insert#taiju shiba x you#tokyo revengers#tokrev#what i would not give to have this man flustered over a treat I made him so help me...#mothwingswritings#thank you for reading!!!
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Late ahh dnp 2024 predictions:
- Valentines Day Heartthrob episode (they love this game so much) with another twist of some kind is the first dapg video of 2024
❌ first video back on the gaming channel is “will you press the button?”
- WDAPTEO 2023 comes out on very last day of January
❌ technically I predicted wdapteo but it wasn’t put out on January 31st
- Playing the next chapter of poppy playtime during spooky week
❌ they played it in February
- Sims episode of Spooky Week following Daliens emo ass
- Bob and Eliza die of old age, Dil befriends the Grim Reaper when he comes to collect their souls
❌they moved so we’ll never know what happened to Bob and Eliza
- Dan and Phil Crafts revival video is taken down no more than 24 hours after it’s posted
✅❌1/2 points. Dnpcrafts video did not get deleted, but it was posted
- Dan makes it his mission to do the worst spon breaks ever/sabotage Phil, whose actually trying (like NordVPN)
✅ counting this as a successful prediction after Dans NordVPN fanfiction moment
- Heart Eyes Howell mention
❌not technically but also that one interview that mentions Heart Eyes Howell in the thumbnail was crazy
- Phil wears an Extremely Expensive Shirt and everyone freaks out when those blogs that find people’s clothes post the price
- More crazy conspiracies about a wedding/child/pet/honeymoon
✅ these Phagenda theories are getting out of hand guys…
- Phil goes to the ER at least once
✅Good Lord I didn’t think it would be that bad…
- Dab and Evan make a science baby because Phil wants to know how it works
❌god i wish they did though
- They both get Hotter
✅we mustn’t forget the Phullet
- They finally rid the Howlters of Drago, only for the game to crash and the progress to be lost. They view it as a sign that Drago cannot be removed from the household or terrible things will happen
❌is Drago still there??? I think so????
- Alluding to a popular Phanfic that they Shouldn’t Know About
✅ok I know they’ve referenced some before now but the visceral reaction I had to Phil saying “lets not mention any sunburn or hamsters.” Made me qualify it here
- They continue to talk about cursed Lore and make fun of old conspiracy theories that get gradually more niche
✅ yeah that’s happening
- One of Daliens high school friends is abducted while they’re hanging out at the Howlter residence
❌lowkey surprised this didn’t happen
- DITL of Dan and Phil at Pride
❌wishful thinking tbh
- Some kind of house tour that shows little to none of the actual house
❌dnpcrafts came close…
- Less frequent posting on the gaming channel
���yes bc they went on tour
#i am delusional#daniel howell#phil lester#dan howell#amazingphil#dan and phil#danandphil#danandphilgames#dan and phil games#dnpgames
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It's only 8pm where I live, which means I'm not too late for Valentine's Day posting!
You're the One I Want to go Through Time With
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog (no specific media)
Pairing: Sonic/Shadow
Summary: Greying quills were not a deterrent for Shadow, but Sonic seemed to think they were.
Shadow would be remiss to say he hadn't noticed the slow shift of peoples attitudes towards his relationship with Sonic over the years. At first it was simply the occasional odd look shot towards them here and there, but those eventually developed into looks of disapproval and quiet comments whispered behind hands. The hybrid had taken it all in stride, sticking his nose in the air and ignoring anyone who simply didn't understand, while adding a sharp glare towards anyone who felt like they could be more bold in their disapproval. Sonic found it all to be incredibly amusing and did little to quell the murmurs that had begun to follow them when they went out in public together.
Today, however, there was a new kind of comment that Shadow hadn't been expecting, and he feared it was truly the very last straw.
"I have to say, it's so nice to see young people taking their elders out!"
The waitress was well meaning, all sunshine and rainbows with a wide, kind smile. It didn't stop Shadow's quills from standing on end while Sonic snorted heartily into his water, spraying droplets across the table and his plate.
"Excuse me?" Shadow murmured, arching an eyebrow at the girl, who was apparently undeterred by Shadow's dour expression.
"Oh, it's just," she waved a hand through the air, order pad clutched to her chest, "you never see young people spending time with their elders these days. It's such a shame, because they always have so many amazing stories! They deserve to get out and socialize too, y'know?"
Sonic continued to chuckle into his napkin as he wiped up the water from his muzzle, while Shadow looked as though he was trying to set the waitress on fire with his glare alone, all while she continued to smile sunnily at the two of them.
"I'm older than he is," the dark hedgehog finally stated bluntly, causing the girl to falter, her smile turning stiff as she blinked in surprise at Shadow.
"O-oh," she floundered, pen flicking through her fingers quickly - obviously a nervous habit, "Well, you certainly look good for your age!" She let out a forced, nervous laugh, before quickly scurrying away to give their order to the kitchen.
"Shadow," Sonic scolded gently, though the grin on his face easily betrayed the fact that he was still beyond amused, "That was mean."
"How? It's technically the truth," the dark hedgehog said with a shrug, taking up his own glass to sip at his water.
"Once upon a time you'd argue that we were the same age," Sonic teased, "Didn't you always used to say that those fifty years in stasis didn't count?"
"That was because you'd always try to make me feel foolish for not knowing things about modern pop culture. You used to call me an old man for only listening to music from the fifties."
"And look at you now," the blue hedgehog hummed, running fingers through his greying quills, "dating someone in their fifties. Guess you are still an old man."
"Maybe I should dye my quills white so people will stop making stupid comments," Shadow groused, setting his water glass down with a bit more force than strictly necessary.
"Don't you dare!" The smile finally slipped from Sonic's face, "I love your quills just the way they are. If anyone should be buying dye, it should probably be me. I think mine are more silver than blue at this point."
"I love your quills just the way they are," Shadow countered with a sharp glare, "They show all the life you've lived. You deserve to show them off with pride."
Sonic smiled warmly at Shadow, reaching across the table to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "And I wouldn't change a minute of any of that time. But…I think the comments are starting to get to you. Don't think I haven't noticed how you bristle when someone says something when we're out for a walk, or running errands."
"I miss the days when I could just punch someone when they annoyed me," the hybrid lamented, resting his cheek in his free hand as he leaned in towards Sonic across the table. "Being the ultimate weapon during peace times is frustrating."
"Don't try to change the topic."
"I wasn't."
The dark hedgehog sat back with a heavy sigh, slipping his hand away from Sonics as the waitress returned with their food, wisely choosing to stay quiet as she set their plates down before hurrying away again. He pretended he didn't see the momentary flash of hurt on Sonic's face as he picked up his fork to stab at his salad.
For the couple of weeks following what Shadow had begun to dub 'The Restaurant Incident' had occurred, he began to notice Sonic pulling away from him. He'd opt out of their daily walks, siting that his old knee injury was acting up due to the colder weather, and had held a book up (which Shadow knew he'd already read no less than seven times) claiming he just had to finish it, to avoid attending their weekly errand run. It was easy for the dark hedgehog to pick up exactly what Sonic probably thought he was cleverly getting away with. He was hiding himself from the public to try and save Shadow's pride. And the hybrid was not going to have any of it.
A quick glance over the calendar revealed that Valentine's Day was less than a week away. A slow smirk curled across his muzzle as a plan rapidly formed in his head.
The park at the center of Central City had been transformed into a romantic getaway for the holiday. Archways of fake flowers shrouded nearly every walkway from the prying eyes of the city streets, while a grand bandstand had been erected right in the middle of the park, where various artists performed throughout the day for the throngs of giddy couples who meandered through the fantastical gardens. Various vendors were dotted here and there along the winding pathways, their carts overflowing with bouquets, candies, and shiny trinkets for lovers to purchase for one another as they walked. It was a sight to behold, especially as evening began to fall, and the fairy lights that had been strung up throughout it all lit up, drawing gasps of delight from the park goers, all while the sunset cast glorious shades of oranges, pinks and purples across the sky.
Amy Rose herself could not have planned a more perfect moment for Shadow to enact his plan.
It had taken him hours to convince Sonic to leave the house. First he'd complained that the bed was far too warm and comfortable to get up, then his knee ached from the cold once he was finally mobile. After that he'd had chores to complete around the house, and then he hadn't wanted to leave without showering since he'd worked up a sweat while cleaning. But, finally, Sonic had run out of excuses and Shadow nearly shoved him out the door into the crisp February air.
The park wasn't a regular location for them to take a walk, but Shadow had made a comment about the holiday and how he'd wanted to go somewhere different. Sonic had been reluctant to agree, but Shadow curtailed his dithering with a quick chaos control. He couldn't argue if they were already there, after all.
Sonic had nearly dug his heels in when he'd seen the state of the park, but Shadow simply looped a dark arm around tan and dragged him along, head held high, despite the looks they were being shot from some of the other couples. Sonic seemed to have some misguided misconception that the hybrid was embarrassed to be seen with him because of their perceived age difference, but that was so far from the truth it was laughable. Shadow had never given a damn about what other people thought of him, and he never would. They could leer and make snide comments at him all they wanted and it would never make a dent in his self-worth or pride. No, his anger and irritation were on behalf of Sonic. The blue hedgehog was a hero, and one of the only reasons Mobius had managed to escape the clutches of Ivo Robotnik and his plans to turn the planet into a giant mechanical nightmare factory. He didn't deserve to have the people he'd saved look at him like he was some sort of pervert for being with Shadow. It made the hybrid's blood boil.
"Shadow," Sonic's voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he hunched his shoulders minutely, his pace slow as they strode under a beautiful archway of pink lilacs, "People are staring."
"Let them," Shadow hummed with a shrug, tightening his hold on Sonic's arm, "It never bothered you before."
A soft hum was all the response he got, making Shadow's quills bristle. Sonic was meant to be vibrant and bratty, not quiet and demure. It frustrated him to no end to think that the blue idiot really let one less than ideal interaction finally push him into feeling awkward while on Shadow's arm. He let out a slow breath, forcing his shoulders and quills to relax as they approached the band stand in the center of the park, just as the sunset met its zenith on the horizon, the world around them taking on a soft pink hue.
"Wait here," Shadow murmured, pressing a brief kiss to Sonic's cheek as they came to a stop near the gazebo.
"Only for you," Sonic teased easily back with a smile, which warmed the hybrid's heart. It was at least nice to know Sonic hadn't dug himself into such a hole of self-doubt that he couldn't still joke about how no one could ever get him to slow down or stop until Shadow.
With that, the hybrid slipped away from Sonic, casting only a single glance backwards to witness the blue hedgehog shift awkwardly and shoot a painfully forced smile at a couple who were openly staring at him. It was hard to tell if it was because they recognized him or not, but Shadow didn't care. Soon the whole park would recognize him. He slipped around to the back of the band stand where the organizers and a handful of performers were, making a beeline for a tall coyote woman with a microphone and a clipboard.
"Ah," the woman said with a smile, a hand over the microphone she wore as she spoke to him, "You must be Shadow the Hedgehog."
"That's correct," the hybrid nodded, "You're Miss Dubois?"
"Please, Charlotte is fine."
"Charlotte, then," Shadow nodded, turning towards the stairs that lead up to the stage, "Is everything ready?"
"To your exact specifications," Charlotte hummed, glancing down at her clipboard, before tilting her head at Shadow, "Is he really here? The legendary hero of Mobius?"
"Yes," the hybrid stated simply.
Charlotte obviously anticipated for Shadow to elaborate, as she stood in silence for a moment before clearing her throat. "Okay. Well, the band currently on stage will be finished in a moment, and then the mic is all yours."
Shadow simply nodded and moved towards the stairs, folding his arms over his chest as he waited for his queue to step up onto the stage. He'd been preparing and practicing what he was going to say and do for the last few days, since he'd hatched his plan, but it didn't stop the nervous butterflies in his stomach from causing a commotion. Which was ridiculous, really, given that he and Sonic had been together for going on nearly thirty years.
The time to climb the stage steps came all too quickly, and suddenly Shadow felt like he might vomit. However, as the ultimate lifeform, he was above such base reactions to nerves, so he pushed the feeling down and climbed the stairs, approaching the microphone as curious murmurs rippled through the assembled crowd below. He licked his lips as he adjusted the microphone to the appropriate height, his eyes scanning the crowd until he spotted Sonic, who was staring up at him with wide, surprised eyes.
"Good evening," Shadow murmured into the mic with a smile, gaze fixed on his blue hedgehog, who couldn't seem to wipe the flabbergasted expression from his face, "and happy Valentine's Day. I hope you all have been enjoying the day with your loved ones in this beautiful wonderland of a park the city has set up. I'm sure you're all curious as to why I, a seemingly random hedgehog, have put a pause on your evenings entertainment. Well…that is to celebrate with my own loved one. He is…indescribably precious to me, and to many of you as well, I'm sure. Although his quills have greyed and his speed has slowed, I'm positive the name Sonic the Hedgehog still ignites wonderment and awe in the hearts of those who recall the days of The War." He paused and gestured towards Sonic, who jumped as a spotlight landed on him. His smile was lopsided and confused as he waved at the crowd, who burst out in a cacophony of clapping and cheers.
Once the noise settled, the hybrid continued. "He saved countless lives, including mine, and asked for nothing in return, except the ability to live freely. And live he did. We both did. Sonic showed me what it truly meant to live, and has been my steadfast companion and loving partner for decades now. Nearly thirty years we've spent together, freely. But…I don't want that freedom anymore." A collective murmur of surprise ran through the crowd, before more cheers erupted as Shadow took a knee at the edge of the stage, a small ring box held out in his nearly imperceptibly shaking hand. "Sonic the Hedgehog," Shadow spoke quietly into the mic, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
With speed Shadow had been certain Sonic could no longer achieve, the blue blur was in his arms, tears in his eyes and laughter on his lips. "Yes! Yes, of course! Duh," the blue hedgehog gasped into Shadow's shoulder, before pulling back to snatch the ring box out of his hand. He ripped his glove off with his teeth and nearly fumbled pulling the ring from its little velvet pillow. Shadow snorted as he covered Sonic's excited hands with his own, taking the simple golden band from Sonic to slide it on his ring finger, all while delicate flower petals burst from strategically placed canons and fluttered around them on the breeze.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Sonic."
"You big sap," Sonic muttered tearfully, cupping Shadow's face in his hands as they forgot the rest of the world existed around them, "I love you."
"I love you, too. Never forget that."
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Progress of Janeuary Prompts and Chapter 43 of Trying to Tread Water
8/02/25 Update
Chapter 43 of T3W: As of right now, it's at 8.2k words (almost all of that increase was done within the last few days) and I'm in the home stretch! Between the illness and general busyness it's taken longer than I wanted (and I forgot to post an update last week because of it) but all that's past now so I fully expect it to be posted next week.
I was hoping to get it up looong before Valentine's Day but I suppose there's something fitting about that seeing as it follows directly on from Chapter 42. They're almost part a and b of the same chapter, so it might be a good idea to reread (at least the ending) of it just before this next one comes out. I should also start seriously considering getting the 'what if was smut' and higher-rated bonus/extended scenes into an uploadable state but I won't really worry about that until at least this chapter goes up because my brain is noisy enough right now.
Janeuary: No major updates here, since everything has been jotting down notes and planning. I've also been persuaded, by popular demand, to give 'Dear Lady Catherine' two more chapters to show the crucial moments of how that story unfolds, so that's been added to the to-do list. Everything's going to be uploaded intermittently whenever I finish them even though Janeuary's technically over, since the event still allows late submissions and these little plot bunnies won't leave my head until they're typed out.
I hope you're all doing well and thank you for following up with me and being understanding! Hopefully I'll be giving you lots of goodies soon <3
24/01/25 Update
No real change from last week. I've been busy with the twins turning 3 (!!) and we currently all have a cold.
The Day 20 Janeuary prompt is probably closest to being posted, but when I finish it is heavily dependant on how fuzzy my head feels. Btw, I don't think any of the prompts will be done on the right day but they're all still going to be posted, regardless. I laugh in the face of due dates.
18/01/25 Update
Chapter 43 of T3W: I'm about 5k words in and it's going well. I might have to do some heavy rearranging of the second section depending on how the last goes but I don't think anything has to be scrapped so that word count should only be increasing.
Janeuary: Very behind but still working away (before anyone comes for me: I'm doing this during the times I can't work on T3W because I'm too tired or there's too many distractions and I have to keep pausing, etc. The proper fic requires significantly more brain power and care than quick one-shots).

I can only see one of these, so unless you sent me a Day 20 prompt about Kitty/Colonel Fitzwilliam (an update on that below) please resend your ask! I think the inbox ate some.
Janeuary 2025 Prompts done so far:
Day 8: Cravat 'Elizabeth Overestimates her Ability to Tie a Cravat' - Rated G, 3k words, Elizabeth/Darcy, sweet, first kiss, post-canon.
Over the period of their engagement, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy take many long walks. During an unseasonably warm late October day, Mr Darcy loosens his cravat and removes his jacket. Elizabeth finds this a very educational experience. But when it comes time to put them back on, she cannot for the life of her figure out how to knot the cravat properly after insisting she do the honours.
“My dearest, and loveliest, Elizabeth,” he gently began. “You have no idea how to knot a cravat, do you?”
Also Day 8: Cravat 'Inappropriate Use of a Cravat'- Explicit, 6k words, Elizabeth/Darcy, author's first smut, the prompt was from the wildest ask I have ever received but I made it seem normal, smut, established relationship, post-canon, the cravat is part of the smut.
After an absence of some weeks, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth are very eager to be alone together and don’t even make it to the bedroom. As it’s been a while, Mr Darcy doesn’t think he’ll hold out very long if Elizabeth keeps lavishing attention down there – so she ties his cravat around the base of his shaft, to prevent an early end to their enjoyment.
Her surprised gasp was silenced by his lips, her own eagerly parting as she tangled her hands into his hair to keep his face pressed to hers. Pushing Mr Darcy against the wall – door – something, she melted against him, his hands digging into her waist, revelling in the taste and feel of her. “I missed you,” she said again, drawing back to kiss a line down his throat, “so much.”
Day 11: Card Playing Artwork- Which is the banner of...
'A Losing Hand' - Rated G, 2.9k words, Elizabeth/Darcy, canon compliant, falling in love and FIGHTING it, banter, awkward flirting, unrequited crush.
Mr Darcy is falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet, and he is not best pleased about it. His pov of that enlightening card game in Chapter 8 of Pride and Prejudice when they discuss accomplished women.
Darcy could only look at her – the light challenge in her gaze, the slight smile that accompanied it. He could debate with her all day.
Day 16: Gossip 'Dear Lady Catherine' - Rated G, 4.2k words, Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jane Bennet/Charles Bingley, Canon divergence, Lady Catherine is in peak form, and facing someone who's allowed to argue back, Character development, Speedrunning Darcy's realisations, Self-reflection
Following the Netherfield Ball, Mr Collins happily gossips in a letter to Lady Catherine that her that her nephew may be on the verge of matrimony… to Miss Bingley. He overheard his cousins talking of the lady’s attentions and quite misconstrued everything. Lady Catherine, as incensed as she could ever be, goes to confront her nephew in London… and arrives in the middle of the ‘Why You Should Not Marry Jane Bennet’ intervention.
Yelling ensues. And maybe more than one instance of self-reflection.
In which Mr Collins has the sacred duty of sharing gossip he wasn’t supposed to know; Lady Catherine is of infinite use, which ought to make her happy, for she loves to be of use; Miss Bingley learns what all her attempts to secure Mr Darcy’s affections have amounted to; and Mr Darcy himself is full of pride and confronted with his hypocrisy.
Janeuary Prompts in progress/ideas:
Day 13: Christian Name - A few people wondered what Darcy was really thinking in Chapter 42 of T3W when he was talking about how he imaged Elizabeth calling him Fitzwilliam:
“How did you imagine it?” she enquired with a frown. Mr Darcy blushed a deep crimson. “Mostly, mere casual use.”
And I thought that made a great prompt for trying my hand at some more smut.
Day 20: Dearest - An anon sent a prompt for some Kitty/Colonel Fitzwilliam Fluff, and since I've never considered them before it was a fun exercise to think about how that would work! I started a draft of it as I worked out some ideas so this will definitely be happening.
Day 27: Cousins - Toying with the idea of doing a sweet glimpse of 5 or so years into the future, featuring little Bingleys and Darcys. Not sure if that's something anyone's interested in though.
Day 29: Carriage - A missing scene from Pride and Prejudice featuring Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam
Day 30: Garden - Another Pride and Prejudice missing scene with Darcy's pov of something Elizabeth mentions in passing.
#turns out when I'm not worrying about story and character arcs and keeping consistent tone and narrative purpose etc etc#I write like a mad thing#I've written over 22k words (not including what's been deleted) in under two weeks#I turn off my brain and just let the movie in my head run as I desperately try to type fast enough to keep up#have I sometimes been too inspired and forgotten to sleep at a reasonable time?#MAYBE#but it's great to be doing little things that I don't have to think too deeply about and replenish my creativity#fanfiction#ao3
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Florist Talk: a flower shop calendar
So I talked about the average day in a flower shop. Now it's time to talk about the average year (usual disclaimer: US-centric, small town sort of knowledge is to be found here. Adjust as needed for a different setting, whether real or fictional; these notes are merely meant to provide grounding or ideas for your writing).
So, Month By Month:
Business is basically dead for most of this month.
It's too early for springy colors but nobody wants the red and white Xmas color combo anymore. Floral limbo.
Prep for V-day begins in earnest sometime around here.
Earliest V-day orders might start coming in middle-to-end of the month. Sometimes people think ordering super early means they can get roses for cheaper. This is not the case; they will be charged the price of the roses they're gonna get, not the roses that exist a month before.
A longer post will be dedicated to V-day itself eventually. For now, know that there's usually a lull in business immediately after the day itself.
There may be leftover roses. Nobody will want the leftover roses. If your Florbo over-ordered these supplies, they will have a difficult time shifting them. Write a fic and have them donate roses to an elderly care facility or something.
Kinda dead for the most part, aside from a little bit of prep toward Palm Sunday and Easter and Prom (see April)
I always make stuff for St Patrick's day but very few people want flowers for St Patrick's day so there's not much point. Maybe this could be different in a community with more people who go all in on St Paddy's.
When there are orders, this is when people start to ask for "springy" flowers.
If there are Christian Churches around they might want Easter Lilies ordered in for Easter, and Palm Branches for Palm Sunday.
Sometimes people will ask for flowering mum plants too, usually in white, yellow, or lavender. The wholesalers always seem to send way more lavender mums than any others, like they're trying to get rid of them.
Prom Season - technically can stretch from mid-late March through April. Depends on how many high schools are in the area. This means lots of corsages and boutonnieres. If there's a single big school that's very local then that means one very, very busy weekend spent doing nothing but assembling these things the day before and getting them picked up and paid for the day of. Might make a focused post on these one day.
Secretary's Day / Administrative Professionals' Day - late April. Technically there's a Day for this but it also covers the entire week of that day as well. Businesses and Bosses buy small flowers or maybe candy bouquets for their various Admins. Can get a little busy.
Teachers Appreciation Day / Week - early in May, lots of school deliveries.
Nurses Appreciation Day/Week - the next week in May, lots of hospital/clinic deliveries.
MOTHER'S DAY OH GOD OH - oh it's not quite as bad, actually. People get their Mother's Day flowers the entire week before so it's less concentrated. Still a big one.
US has Memorial Day right at the end. This means arrangements made for placing in the local cemetery. Can be busy but isn't usually too bad.
Dead business. So bored.
Dead business. So bored.
Attempt at July 4th table arrangements. Not many tend to sell.
Dead business. So bored.
School is back in session, which means that any student, teacher, or school admin staff who has a birthday or anniversary on a weekday might get sent flowers or balloons or candy bouquets or things like that, which means Flower Shop business.
Preferred floral designs shift toward "fall" and "autumny" colors and flowers somewhere between August and September.
Not a lot going on specifically, but business still tends to be busier than in summer. Also, despite all efforts, Halloween does not tend to involve a lot of flower orders, which is a real shame because you can do some real fun things with orange, purple, and bright green flowers, and with hot glue strands on twigs to make cobwebs, and with black painted bowl vases to resemble cauldrons...
US has Thanskgiving this month and some people want fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for their tables. A responsible florist will include tags warning people not to burn those candles unattended because while the floral arrangement isn't going to be dry by any means, it is still technically flammable, especially if the candle has burned very low and for a very long time.
Christmas also involves fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for tables. Also like 80% of all floral arrangements are being done in red and/or white.
And that's more or less it. Set your writing appropriately for how busy you want the Florbo to be with their flower job - if the plot demands Florbo have a lot of free time or be very very bored, look at the summer months, or the downtime of early January or late February. If you wish for them to be overwhelmingly busy, set it the week before Valentine's or Mother's day, or pick an April weekend for a local Prom and give them like forty corsages to make on a single Friday. A more moderate or variable day to day structure might be in May, or one of the Autumn months, when there's usually plenty of everyday type stuff to do plus the wild card busy days around big funerals or the like, with random dead days peppered in there.
Happy writing!
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3 and 5!!
WIP Ask Game
I already answered 5 in another post, but for 3...
I wrote this around Valentines Day 2023 when I was hurting with writers block and just wanted to write something that felt fluffy and warm! I never got around to fully editing it and making it pretty so it continues to linger in my WIP folder, but it involves Tim and Jason from the TBATH universe! Here's a snippet! Maybe one day I'll get around to actually posting the full thing.
3: Valentines Fluff
He loves the way the townhome welcomes him. How, although it belongs to someone else on paper, as soon as he steps through the door it greets him as if he's always belonged there too.
On the crooked end table with a single glowing lamp, there's a stack of books that he recently finished reading from the library, all long overdue. And his jackets... those are all neatly hanging from the coat hanger while another's lay stale and untouched in an ever-growing heap on the floor.
Even the fridge is marked with his presence, occupied with tupperware full of stir fry. His recipe... though it had been made by someone else in his absence.
And technically, he could go to his room. Tim had made sure that he knew that it always belonged to him. Even from the very beginning.
So at first Jason considers it. The door’s wide open and waiting for him. And it’s what he usually does when he gets into town late; they’re considerate of each other’s sleep schedule like that.
But... it’s Valentine's Day. Or it was Valentine's Day, he thinks, looking down at his watch and seeing the short hand point at the 2:00. And while Jason’s not a sap for all that capitalist bullshit, he finds himself teetering on his feet in front of his doorway, side-eyeing his bed that looks so cold and lonely in the dark.
“Fuck it,” he decides, turning on his heels and striding into the room across from his. Timmy might get a little pissy about being woken up but he’d just have to live with it for one night. It’s Valentine's Day, or was… and god dammit if Jason isn't feeling a little sentimental. Sue him.
He sounds a lot tougher in his mind, but his actions tell a different story as he slowly nudges the door open, cringing at the resulting creak of old hinges. Had it always been so loud?
Of course, Tim startles, his eyes blearily opening, the pupils constricting at the sudden light. “Jay?” he asks, “Everything okay?”
Jason feels instantly bad. Like he said, they never do this, not unless something’s wrong. So Tim’s instant concern isn’t totally baseless. Usually they give each other a day to adjust to the timezones and whatnot before inexplicably finding themselves in each other’s beds. Intertwined for however long they're both in town… which isn’t as often as either of them would like.
“Yeah, all good, just…” Jason pauses, a little embarrassed to say the words out loud. He was really counting on Tim being asleep. And goddammit, the little smile that crawls across Tim’s face makes him want to bury his head in a hole.
“I didn’t take you for a Valentine’s sort of guy,” Tim teases, that little sleepy smirk so fucking annoying. And yet, Jason feels himself unraveling in ways that he can’t put words to.
He swears, “...Just scoot over, will you?”
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Late Again? - Stranger Things - Steddie - PG
Rating: PG | cw: mentions of sex | tags: fluff, rich Steve, post Vecna
Prompt: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time (@sharpbutsoft)
A/N: Written for @steddielovemonth day 14. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Hope you are having a great day full of love be it platonic or romantic.
Also on AO3 soon | All My Other Stranger Things Fic
Late Again?: Love Is Too Compelling!
“You should just quit,” Eddie said, doing his very best to drag Steve back to bed.
“And leave Robin alone?” he replied, slipping out of his boyfriend’s grip. “I couldn’t. She took a year out so she could earn some money for college, and I won’t leave to her deal with Keith on her own.”
“Let me guess, you offered to give her the money and she said no,” Eddie said, flopping back onto the pillows.
“Yep,” he said, searching around for his work vest. “She’s being stubborn, wants to earn her own way. I’ve tried explaining that since my Grandpa died I have more money than I know what to do with, but she keeps telling me I might need it in the future. It was hard enough to get her to let me pay for some proper driving lessons. Her dad is great, but good at teaching driving he is not.”
“I’ve seen her dad drive,” Eddie agreed, “he’s almost as erratic as his daughter.”
“They do take after one another sometimes,” Steve said, holding his prize aloft when he finally found his vest down the back of the nightstand.
They might have been somewhat enthusiastic the previous evening given how their clothes seemed to be in very random places. Not that Steve would ever complain. His sex life with Eddie was amazing, which went right along with how much he had fallen in love with his metalhead boyfriend.
“Please come back,” Eddie whined. “Just for five minutes.”
“You mean like yesterday’s five minutes?” he responded. “If I am late again, Robin might actually tell Keith, and I’ll have to sit through another one of his lectures about company loyalty and responsibility.”
He was very glad to find he still had plenty of clean underwear in the drawer when he pulled it open. Laundry day was a way off yet, thank heavens.
“Am I not worth it?” was Eddie’s next gamble in the dragging him back to bed game.
“Of course you’re worth it,” he said, leaning down for a quick kiss on the way to the bathroom, “but I happen to have the keys today.”
“I shall lay here and pine away thinking of how I have been abandoned,” Eddie added with huge drama.
“Write me a new song,” Steve shot back, sticking his head back into the bedroom after grabbing his toothbrush. “You know how hot I think that is.”
“I feel like an old-timey bard with a rich benefactor,” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, well when you and the band are rich and famous, I’ll be your kept man, okay?” he said with a laugh.
Eddie had tried to find a job in town after he had been begrudgingly allowed to graduate, but no one would hire him. Even though he had been completely exonerated and even made into a bit of a hero by Owens’ carefully created cover story, Hawkins was slow to believe. After Steve’s grandfather had died and he’d inherited a ridiculously large amount of money and the house in Hawkins, which it turned out his parents had never owned, Steve had offered to give Eddie the time and space to chase his dream.
It had taken some persuading, but neither of them planned to go anywhere until the kids were graduated, just in case it wasn’t as over as everyone said, so Eddie had finally acquiesced. Eddie had a set up in the basement where the band could also practice and, these days, he’d just about moved in permanently too. Technically he and Wayne had a house thanks to government hush money, but Eddie spent most of his time at Steve’s, and they had Wayne over whenever Wayne was free.
“Stevie,” Eddie called from the other room as Steve started the shower.
“Yeah?” he called back.
“Have you ever actually told Robin how much you inherited?” Eddie asked.
“Um,” he said as he thought about that. “No,” he realised, “but I did tell her I had so much I didn’t know what to do with it.”
Throwing around numbers had felt kind of wrong.
“You do realise you don’t exactly live an extravagant lifestyle these days, right?” Eddie said and Steve turned to find his boyfriend now standing in the doorway.
He shrugged.
“Guess I got used to budgeting,” he replied.
“Which is very noble, gracious knight,” Eddie said with a grin, “but are you sure she gets just how filthy rich you are now? I didn’t until you showed me the numbers.”
Steve had never thought of it like that. Throwing some of the paperwork he’d been given by the lawyers at Eddie had been part of his last-ditch attempt to convince his boyfriend to take him up on his offer.
“Ah, maybe not,” he had to admit.
“Then I shall return to bed and mourn your parting quietly today,” Eddie said, back to his dramatic flair, “but give Robin the numbers and invite her to be your live-in lesbian of leisure.”
“Our,” Steve corrected as he laughed at Eddie’s choice of words.
This was why he was sure Eddie had more than enough talent to eventually go global. One day Eddie’s words and music would be famous, he had no doubt. Using the money he had never expected to receive to give Eddie the time and space to realise his dream, seemed like the perfect plan.
“I still don’t know if she’ll say yes,” he said, pulling back the shower curtain to climb in, “but I will tell her. Now shoo before I’m tempted to be late again, because if she’s mad at me she won’t even give me the chance to talk.”
“As my liege orders,” Eddie said and bowed, which was hilarious given he was naked.
Steve gave himself a stiff mental talking to and refused to look too long. After all, he only had so much will power.
All My Other Stranger Things Fic
#stranger things#stranger things fanfic#fanfiction#steddie#steve harrington#steve x eddie#eddie munson#eddie lives#post season 4#steddielovemonth#eddie x steve#steddie fic#steddie fluff#steddie ficlet
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Cowboy Bebop Headcanons
Late-Night Snacks
Imagine it's like 2 AM, a wonderful time to get a snack when you wake up in the middle of the night... or when you just can't sleep. Here's what I think the Bebop crew (+Vicious) would be caught snacking on this late.
Are these accurate? Probably not. Did I have fun coming up with these....... kinda? Am I willing to do more stuff like this? YES. PLEASE. SEND ASKS.
Cold Cuts, y'know... sandwich meats. He gets into that at night sometimes. It only bothers people when he eats an unreasonable ammount in one night.
When he is depressed, he gets into the tub of cool whip, Jet tells him not to, but he does anyways.
Spoonful of peanut butter, and I'm talking a HEAPING spoonful, he either does that or decides to be a civilized person and make either a ham and turkey sandwich (if Spike didn't eat all the cold cuts) or a peanutbutter sandwich.
On depressing nights, it's condiment sandwiches. Just bread and mayo or mustard (or both) or ice cream.
Chips, if there are any chips you don't want her to finish in one night, HIDE THEM. She has gotten in trouble for eating a whole bag of chips in one night.
Whenever she is going through a bit of depression at night, she gets into the junk food. Any junk food. Candy, chocolate sauce, ice cream, ANYTHING.
At night, they get into the Sour Cream & Onion Dip, without hesitation (totally not based off of something I used to do when I was younger). Eats it by the spoonfuls. It makes everyone who witnesses them eating it VERY uncomfortable.
Even kids get depressed sometimes, but for some god damn reason, I feel like if Ed got depressed, they'd eat an entire jar of Nutella on two slices of toast.
He is 100% standing in front of the microwave waiting for ramen to cook. He's just staring, watching it rotate. He makes people uncomfy because of this.
On those days when he possibly feels depressed, anything in a can that can technically be eaten without having to be heated up works with him.
#cowboy bebop#spike spiegel#jet black#faye valentine#edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv#vicious#headcanon
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Hilda Appreciation Week Day One
My apologies for being late to this. But I think it's time I finally wrtite this. I had also thought this started on the 10th. Luckily, it didn't.
@hilda-appreciation-week #hildaappreciationweek2024
Day One: Favorite Character(s)
Who is my favorite character? I think that question answers itself when you see my icon.
It's Johanna. I have talked about this character before and how much she means to me. And this thing I wrote for Valentine's Day last year still applies after season 3. Video games, movies, & toons? — I just posted this on Twitter, and I just had to... (tumblr.com)
I'm technically a "Johanna apologist" considering certain criticisms about her. But I shouldn't care and that's not what everyone thinks. This character has impacted my life in positive ways.
Yet I have other favorite characters such as Hilda. I really love Hilda as a character and her personality as well. But I think I could delve more into her with day five. Other favorite characters include Frida, David, Gerda, Alfur, Woodman, Erik (I sound silly, I know), the Bellkeeper and whoever else. A lot of the cast of characters are great.
I think I won't make this too long. Besides, I have that very detailed post linked anyway.
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Thanks for the tag friend this seems like fun @fluidsoul31. I’m late sorry. But better late than never I guess.
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have a ridiculous amount of WIPS because my brain does this /very/ annoying thing where when I get an idea for a fic, I have maybe a 10 + hour window (on a good day) to drop what I’m doing put ass in chair and type it out from start to finish without any interruptions or else the idea will just go *poof* gone never to be seen or heard from again. And the only reason I even wrote and posted my last fic was that I blessedly got the idea on a Saturday morning.
So welcome to my graveyard of WIPS that are gathering dust in my Google docs because I got the idea like 5 minutes before I had to leave for work and the juice ran out by the time I got home and all that was left was maybe 7 or 8 paragraphs if I was lucky that I got to spit out before the inspiration flew away.
So let’s start with the Phayu/Rain WIPS -
1. NICE TO M(EAT) YOU a.k.a the Hannibal AU. Butcher! Phayu/Line cook! Rain
(I actually wrote a good chunk of this from Phayu’s POV before I realized it would have been better to start in Rain’s POV so it’s unfinished but technically planned out)
(Fem! Phayu Rain fic. I wrote this one for the sensory deprivation day for Kinktober and it’s like 95% done but I got in my head and thought it was shit so I didn’t post it.)
3. MONEY TO BLOW a.k.a the BL co stars AU but make it dead dove -
(HIGH KEY wish I had called into to work to write this one. I really loved this concept. But I only got to spit out about 6 paragraphs before work. )
4. CARN(IV)AL DESIRES a.k.a the Carnival meet cute fic.
(We are going to collectively ignore my cheesy title. I wrote basically the entirety of this meaning to post for Valentine’s Day but the dialogue was beating my ass so it’s unfinished.)
5. PHAYU.EXE - a.k.a the succubus/computer virus Phayu AU
(So another one I wish I had called in to write. It’s probably 3 paragraphs of actually story and 1000 + words of bare bones skeletal ideas)
(I had written this one for the piss day I think for Kinktober. I wrote a good amount of it before the characterization got a little fucky and I had no clue where I was going with it.)
7. SOME LIKE IT KNOT - a.k.a my first attempt at an a/b/o fic
(Another idea 5 minutes before work. But I actually wrote a good chunk of this and world builded a little before I realized I also had no clue where I was going with it. )
8. FUCK ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU - a.k.a Fem!Rain’s gay awakening
(Another Fem! Phayu Rain one. Sort a retelling of the code line meeting night. This is basically fully written but I don’t know I just didnt want to post it. It felt very ‘I’m projecting onto the blorbos and I do not want to be perceived so let’s not post this’. So yeah.)
I have more but I can’t be bothered rn to go rummaging around to look for any more.
So next up is a Ray/Sand Only Friends WIP
1. THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE a.k.a the Ray goes to AA meetings fic
I wrote this while the show was still airing so canon kinda made me give up on finishing it but I wrote a good bit.
And lastly my Killing Stalking WIP
This is a canon divergence rewrite of chapters 8-9 of the manga. Didn’t finish it but a wrote a lot and it was fun to write something a little fucked up. The manga was /something/ and I was itching to rewrite some parts of those chapters:
Ok so I know I technically didn’t follow the rules because it said only the titles but I couldn’t help myself. Sue me. Send me and ask if any catch your eye.
And I have no clue who to tag so anyone that wants to participate can have at it.
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2023 Writing Wrap-Up
I'm a little late this time around since it's already 2024, but I haven't done a writing wrap-up since 2021 and I thought it would be fun to bring back!
So this year, I was on quite a roll for the first half of the year. And then July rolled around and I started slowing down until it came to a screeching halt. Not sure what happened. Maybe it's my ADHD and constantly shifting hyper-fixations to blame. But I gradually managed to come back around just in time to post something for Christmas, which I'm still working on finishing. However, my hiatus doesn't take away the pride I still have for what I was able to write during the year. And I look forward to writing more in 2024! So here's all I managed to finish/get a good start on and post during 2023.

A Kiss For A Drink: 6,740 words; one-shot I actually started writing this back in 2020 or 2021, intended to be posted on Valentine's Day. And then I got a point where I couldn't finish it and let it sit for about 2 years. I finally came back with some inspiration and motivation and finished it just in time to post for Valentine's Day 2023! I'm really happy with how it came out. It was a fun idea that turned into a fun fic with a few laughs included, even if it is one of my least-viewed fics lol I had fun writing it too, which is all that really matters!

Lunacy Fringe: 62,690 words; 8/8 chapters To say this fic suddenly came out of nowhere would be an understatement. I literally got inspired out of the blue while listening to an episode of the Therapy Gecko podcast and the next thing I knew, I was balls deep in a psychological thriller. I actually managed to write it in just over a month or so!! Which is really incredible for me, especially considering I didn't step away from it at all or lose inspiration before it was finished. I'm really proud of how it turned out, and I haven't really told anyone, but I am working on converting it into an original story and possibly self-publishing. It could end up being my very first original novel :) the feedback I got was far more positive than I'd expected, especially considering how I portrayed Beth. I'm overall so so happy with how it turned out!!

Longer Than A Heartbeat: 157,289 words; 29/29 chapters Now this... this fic is one of my proudest pieces by far. I'll never get over how happy I am with how it turned out, and how I was actually able to finish it. For the last few years, every time I rewatched "28 Days Later," I couldn't stop thinking about how it would make such a good Bethyl fic, and how I wanted to convert it into a Bethyl fic that included Rick and Judith. I finally did it!! Technically, I wrote it in 2022, but I didn't completely finish it and post it until 2023. When I say I write for myself... this fic really proves it, because I go back and read chapters from it all the time just because it's so fun and I love how I wrote it. I was also pleasantly surprised by the reception and how people who hadn't ever watched "28 Days Later" enjoyed it! Not to mention, @boltthrutheheart made some incredible custom manips for me that I can never get over!!

hot girl summer (playing by the rules); 167k+ words, 16/30 chapters Ah yes, here she is... the companion piece to the first 3 fics of "in for a penny, in for a pound" that I've been planning/contemplating ever since I did that first fic from Beth's POV for the series. I always wanted to show Beth's POV for all the major moments in the series, and then once I got started, I figured why not go all in and just do her POV for the entirety of the series thus far? It gives a little more insight into how she's feeling, why she does the things she does and says the things she says, and we also get to see exactly what she was doing all those times that Daryl couldn't help wondering about her (because I already knew in my head, but I thought it might be fun to share with everyone else). I also thought it would make the set-up for the next fic a little better, so we could try and understand Beth's motivations better and where she's at in her head. Of course, I got pretty into it and then hit a speed bump and then suddenly, lost all ability to write. It'll come back soon, though. I can't wait to finish this fic and move on to the next in the series, and eventually conclude Beth and Daryl's tumultuous journey in this fun little AU.

Small Miracles; 39k+ words, 6/10 chapters This is the fic that finally pushed me back into being able to write. I had no plans of writing for BHF 2023, and then I suddenly had this strike of inspiration for a very weird idea and decided to go with it and try and finish it in time to post for Christmas. I did manage to finish about 1/3rd of the fic in time, but I'm still writing it and haven't lost motivation yet, so that's a good sign! It's also just really fun and kind of cathartic to do a new exploration of Beth's journey through the eyes of an older Beth who survived Grady, with that fun little supernatural twist added to it. I can't wait to finish this one, because I've had a lot of fun writing it and really look forward to seeing what people think of her entire journey and the way it will conclude.
To everyone who's read my fics, left feedback, kudos, bookmarks, or even helped me bounce ideas off and come up with plans for fics... thank you so much! I appreciate everyone in this little fandom so, so much. Y'all mean the world to me, and I am so grateful that we have this wonderful community in our own little corner of the internet. Happy New Year to you all, and I hope 2024 brings you nothing but blessings!
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This is very very very very very very very verryyy late but due to technical difficulties I only figured out how to post this pic NOW… even though originally it’s a VALENTINES DAY present. So, uhm… again, this is a (yet another) gift for my partner Mika who I love very much :3
(P.S. BY THE WAY! This picture shows my two pet rats and Mika’s cat, but in reality, it is NOT a good idea to house these two kinds of animals together. In most cases, blood will be shed. PLEASE always do careful research before housing two different species together!!!!!!!!)
#like. seriously#we don’t live together and neither do our pets#I just drew them together because I wanted to#this is just a picture#keep your animal friends safe 🙏#digital art#procreate#artists on tumblr#illustration#positivity#?#probably. idk#I’m not very creative w tags#valentines day#4 mikea:)
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okay just because i really like dates/timelines (hashtag history major) can you Please tell me all the birthdays / ages of everyone in the movies? also any other timeline funfacts/details you wanna include. idk what that would be but that’s just the subject of this post, go ham 🫶
oh absolutely >:)
okay so the first movie starts on May 22nd, 2007 and ends on the 26th. May 21st is the night Giselle dreamt about Robert, she meets Edward the 22nd, meets Robert the 23rd, spends the 24th with him, they attend the ball on the 25th, and kiss on the 26th.
there's nothing I love more than knowing canon dates and I am very Very thankful to whoever randomly decided May 25th would be the day of the ball.
and then Disenchanted takes place 10 years later.
and now, my headcanons !!
For character ages, Robert is 30, and his birthday is September 5th, 1976. The scripts I have are a bit vague with everyone's age, and he's described as "late 20s" in one and "early 30s" in another, so I just stuck him at 30.
Giselle's is even more vague, with her descriptions just being "fair maiden" however in one copy, Robert says that she "looks 23" but he's unsure. I personally put her at 26, with her birthday being February 28th, 1981.
Morgan we know is 6, and I headcanon that her birthday is September 10th, 2000. Her and Robert having birthdays five days apart is inspired by my dad and I (ours are Sept. 6th and the 11th!) because their relationship reminds me of us :p
Sofia we know is a year old, and I have tried so hard to look at background details that might tell me when Disenchanted takes place (at least what month) but none of the event flyers say anything. Nancy says "we missed her birthday last month", so I've just decided it takes place in March, because I headcanon Sofia was born February 12th, 2016.
I can only hope no details come out about when it canonically takes place now because I love Sofia's birthday being right before Valentine's Day and headcanon that, before she had a name, Giselle would always call her "my little Valentine" and it is whyyyy her middle name is Valentine 🤧
and I don't have as many details for them, but I do headcanon Nancy was 32 in Enchanted, and Edward was 28. I liked the idea of Nancy being the oldest for some reason, idk why. I haven't given them birthdays, but I feel like Edward's probably a Leo.
Oh, and another fun canon detail is, according to the credits, Morgan is 8 years old in the flashbacks that play during Love Power. Because of that, I headcanon Robert and Giselle got married May 25th, 2009, with Morgan turning 9 later that year.
also, sticking with canon and timelines, Disenchanted takes place over the course of five days, or four depending on how you view the wish, I guess. cause I've seen some people say the wish reset the fourth day, but when I watched it, I assumed the day still happened, but no one remembered, so it was still technically the next calendar day? But I suppose the day could've just reset too, idk.
anyway !! ahhhhh thank you for letting me talk about this there's truly nothing I love more than 1) breaking down/figuring out movie timelines and 2) giving characters birthdays/ages 💖💖💖
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