#this is technically a repost but i think its fitting to actually put this on the tag now that 1.9 is out
fishareglorious · 2 days
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bearchuckles · 7 months
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Decided to do a dragon age styled 'tarot card' painting of my bleeding-heart mute (nonbinary) Paladin/Monk half-drow named Hush. ( Do not remove caption. Artwork by me. Please do not take, save, use for AI training or repost- Thank you! Reblogs are fine ♥ )
[Hey folks, like my work? Consider donating to my ko-fi. ♥]
I pulled them from an old game and tossed them into baldur's gate just for funsies and it's, uuuuuuh, going GREAT. They are not stressed about protecting everyone to the detriment of themself AT ALL (LOL). I actually didn't intend for them to go paladin when I first started playing them. I actually had planned to multi-class into druid. (Because I like to smack things with my BEAR hands. ...yeah, I'll see myself out.) Then my spouse and I got to talking about 'what would you be if you ended up being transported into this game' and while I would 'choose' druid or ranger (or perhaps bard) that wasn't 'technically' the question. So after a lot of self analyzing we both agreed (with gritted teeth) that we have some really strong paladin tendencies. Adding it to the character actually kind of made them more interesting to play (and more frustrating sometimes lol but I like the complexity) so its been fun. Anyhow the textures on this thing took me three days and my hands are cramped into claws. I 'forgot' that I could make shape into a brush (sadly) and did a bunch by hand before I got wise. I also forgot (for a while) that I have a lovely bunch of texture brushes from True Grit Texture Supply and those also helped save my sanity. (also it made it deliciously crunchy looking. Very happy.) It was a big debate on whether to leave the line art on or to take it off to get more of a dragon age 2 cut-out art look to it. I ended up keeping the lines (obviously) but I'm still mentally debating on which was better. (honestly I just wanted to be DONE) The tarot card, btw, that I used as inspiration was the ten of wands (which is why I went with ten hands) because I felt like it was fitting. I think I might do this for a few of my other tabletop characters because as eye strain inducing as it was I REALLY like the style and result. (and who hasn't put up with horrible things for AESTHETICS???? admit it, we all do it lol)
Anyhow, please admire the result of forty+ hours of me squinting at a screen.
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ancientgreekyuri · 11 months
Eye of the Beholder
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Summary | Theseus gifts Dianthus a custom made arena uniform. Unfortunately... Dianthus thinks the arena uniforms are a little ugly. Notes | Reposting this fic just so I can finally put something in my writing tag 😭 don't feel obligated to read it though! ~1333 words. Has some nondescript nonsexual nudity as well as Theseus being a little bit of a pervert. [ You can alternatively read this on my neocities! Displays best on desktop as I have not yet figured out mobile responsiveness. Header image is from Unsplash. ]
The gift itself was simple enough; displayed upon a mannequin was  a chiton of a gentle blue colour with a trim of shimmering ruby on its skirt. The cloth had been customized so it would fit easily over Dianthus’ soft curves, and was meant to cover her chest in the same way a peplos would (as Theseus knew how she hated to be more exposed than necessary, though he himself was much the opposite.) Alongside the chiton was a pair of gauntlets and a golden belt, though its design was much simpler than the championship belt Theseus himself wore.
Yes, the gift was simple. What wasn’t simple, however, were the implications of this gift. An arena uniform, worn by those who trained and competed in Elysium’s colosseum. A garment typically only donned by warriors. Theseus had designed the uniforms  himself, choosing the colours,  drafting the belt’s insignia, even tracking down a jeweler to test out different shades of ruby gemstones to embed within the gloves.
Dianthus was no warrior,  yet it made sense that Theseus would pick such a gift. The king had on occasion expressed a desire for her to begin training alongside his fellow warriors: Strength alone does not make a warrior great! One must be of great intellect, and have the mental fortitude to quickly create and act out strategic plans. And you, my lady- your intellect astounds me! If you were to apply such intellect  to the battle field, why, you’d be unstoppable!
And on a different occasion, while watching the battle of a lesser hero, he expanded on his point: Though I am Elysium’s champion,  he’d said, I find there is much to learn from observing the battles of others! Watching for their strengths, their weaknesses! Strategizing at a mere glance!  Studying these techniques is but another way that I remain Elysium’s greatest warrior!
And while that much was certainly true, there was also the fact that he loved watching Asterius’ private matches for reasons that could be simply described as “Theseus thinks the bull is at his most attractive during a fight.”
And thus, Dianthus assumed this had less to do with the actual art and technical skill that came with wielding a weapon, and more to do with “Thesus thinks the outfit would look cute on her.” Which is all fine and good, truthfully. Dianthus had no issue with dressing up in a way Theseus would enjoy, as he would do (and often does) the same for her.
The issue was the simple fact that Dianthus found the arena uniforms to be ugly.
She’d never mentioned it to the king, knowing how proud he was of his craftsmanship, but his taste was just so… gaudy. His work lacked cohesion. He would  put strange colours together and slap gold ornamentation wherever he liked regardless of whether it fit or not.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, Theseus  was so stubborn! Many of Elysium’s tailors had attempted to set him down the path of aestheticism, but the king would not listen to their suggestions. And so…
“Erm…” Dianthus gently lifted the sky-blue fabric of the chiton, hesitant to so much as touch the garment. “Thank you very much for the gift, Theseus.”
“There is no need to thank me, my Lady Dianthus! To deliver such a gift unto you is my honour!” Theseus beamed brightly, standing proudly as he often did within the arena itself. He did this to appear confident, and to show how he took pride in his work.
“I assume you want me to try it on.”
“Yes!!” Theseus exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically. “Ahem, that is… though I would enjoy seeing how the outfit fits upon your figure, whether you try it on now or another time shall be your decision. Indeed, I have little desire to rush you.”
“I see.” Dianthus traced a finger along the ruby trim which glittered almost blindingly; an indication of how newly made the garment was. What to do? Wearing it would be a simple way to make Theseus very happy. And while he certainly wouldn’t be too upset if she never got around to trying on the chiton, she knew he would be disappointed… and that may lead him to trying to track down something even gaudier to gift her with, in the hopes she’d like that item more than the arena uniform. It would be simpler, then, just to put the damned thing on.
“Give me a moment,” Dianthus sighed. Then, “you go stand outside.”
“But of course my lady Dianthus! I shall do as you ask!” Theseus bowed, then exited the room… all while doing a fairly poor job of hiding his excitement, judging by the way he kept giggling to himself.
Now alone in the room, Dianthus turned to face the mirror that stood tall on the opposite wall of her home. She again lifted the blue cloth of the garments, idly rubbing it between her fingers. It was soft, at least. It felt comfortable enough, and the wool of the fabric was very clearly of  high quality.
Frowning only slightly, Dianthus began to disrobe. She would only have to do this once. Settle her king’s curiosity and then she’d never have to wear the blasted thing again. As always when she was nude, the nymph gazed at her figure. She had no qualms with her size at this point in her life, but she couldn’t help but feel certain parts of herself looked a little strangely, with her narrow hips and uneven chest. It was nothing she could change, however, so she’d simply elected not to worry about it.
Dianthus pulled the garment from the mannequin, mindful of the golden pins that aided in keeping its form. It didn’t take long to pull it over herself, letting its gentle blue settle upon her body in waves.
It was… hmm. Though it had been less obvious at first, it seemed the skirt of this particular uniform had been made slightly longer than usual, reaching to just beneath Dianthus’ knees. Which in turn meant that the typically forgetful king had remembered Dianthus’ preference for longer skirts on her clothing. It was a small gesture… but it was still surprisingly thoughtful for him. She would have to thank him later. When she twirled, the loose fabric twirled alongside her, soft blue and shimmering ruby blurring together as she did so. The next item of business was the belt, made with a soft leather so it could comfortably curve around her wide waist, then the gloves. In this outfit, she looked like a proper warrior… kind of. Would it even be possible for her  to battle while wearing glasses…?
Once she’d finished observing herself in her mirror, ensuring all her items were in order, she called out to the king:  “Theseus? You can come back in now.”
It took merely seconds for Theseus to burst into the room, seemingly having grown bored of masking his own excitement,
“Ah, look at you!” he gasp, “Just as I thought! How gorgeous  you are, my lady! Aphrodite herself would cower with envy before you!!”
Dianthus laughed sweetly. “The goddess would be quite upset if she heard you just now. Perhaps it’s better to keep her name out of your mouth, hmm?”
“Pah! Let her be upset! I would be a fool to deny the beauty that stands before me now.”
Theseus, physical as ever, went in to hug his lady, and Dianthus allowed it. His arms wrapped tightly around her, and Dianthus could feel him laughing against her neck, as he often did when his mood turned jolly. It wasn’t often that Theseus allowed himself to show his joy so openly, preferring to stay composed and confident before the rabble of Elysium. But here, in private, he smiled for her.
And yet… even after all this… She still thought the outfit was ugly. But if it would make her king happy… she supposed she could tolerate wearing it, at least for now.
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viouez · 3 years
First Snow | 1
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synopsis. introductions are never fun, especially when between the eight of them, one of them is ignorant about the things behind the curtain.
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pairing. bts x reader genre. angst au. hybrid!au contents. its only about 6651 words note. i again, like most of these, wrote this a bit ago, rewrote it, fixed small parts, you know? jjk main character type ego
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entire masterlist.
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all rights reserved © viouez | the reposting, modifying, and/or translating of any kind on any medium is allowed. the reposting, modifying, and translating of my work without explicit permission from me is technically a criminal act under the law but will not be dealt with legal action because i would enjoy my ideas to be distributed.
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A slight sigh fell from the female's lips, head tilting to the side as she listened to her coworkers job explanation. She had already been given the rundown by the boss when she was given the job. Though, she wasn’t going to stop him from talking about his passion, a second listen never hurt anybody. 
She smiled widely when she caught her friend turning the corner, clipboard in hand to show her to the work area. He raised a hand in a wave and sent the other worker off, saying something about the boss needing him down in the labs. She wouldn’t question it. He turned towards her once again and gave a warm smile. 
“So, the boss has given you room twenty-nine, I think you’ll want a room explanation before you meet any of the hybrids occupying such a room.” Chanyeol admitted awkwardly, pointing back towards the rooms.
“That’s the newcomers room, Chan, I don’t think I’m educated enough to deal with them yet. I haven’t even finished my schooling.” she almost gasped out, hands gripping onto the boys arm
He only gave her a sympathetic smile, patting the top of head. It was very uncommon for the boss to put someone just hired into the newcomers room. They were some of the most hostile or violent hybrids that were into the facility. He just hoped the boss knew what he was doing by sending her in. 
“Thankfully, your job with the newcomers is simple. You’ll be the one who does checks up. Meaning, you’ll be the one giving medications, ordering their food and delivering from the cafeteria, at least three times a day, since you’ll be working until about six.” He paused, reading over the paperwork one more time
“I’m just the caregiver, then?” hopeful, she stood on her tippy toes to try and read the papers as well.
“If they need absolutely anything, you’ll be the only person they can go to. Its also your job to decide if adopters would be a good fit for them. You get to give the final decision.” finishing his reading, he motioned towards the door, “Let’s get you to the hybrids, shall we?”
She nodded, excited to start her first day, before taking the clipboard from the man. Her eyes raked over the words and tried her best to take in the information as quickly as possible to seem professional. She had this, she just had to start her first day with confidence and authority. This would be easy for her. 
Pushing through the door, she stepped into room twenty-nine. This is where she started her first day. She needed to make a good first impression. 
Without realizing, she stood froze in the door way as her eyes danced around the room. Seven males sat in a circle in the middle of the plain white room. Most of their heads were hanging down and their hands were placed, folded in their laps. This looked more like an AA meeting than a comfortable meeting space for them. 
She parted her lips to question the hybrids on what was happening before a male pushed through a side door holding a tray of medications. Having not noticed the female, the worker stopped in front of a hybrid who curled in on himself. The almost threatening glare of the worker scared the girl as he forced the hybrids lips apart, dumping the array of medications into his mouth. 
“Hey.. hey, what are you doing?” her voice came out, a stuttering mess, goodbye to that good first impression, “Stop that, what do you think you’re doing? Don’t grab them like that.”
This gained the workers attention, hand ripping itself away from the hybrid at the new appearance, “I’m just giving them their medications, what do you think I’m doing? Are you an adopter or something?” 
“I’m the new worker for this station. You can go, I’ll finish up here, thank you.” 
The worker only rolled his eyes and moved to place their medications back onto the tray before leaving through the door they came in from. She was truly shocked at how harshly the worker was treating the hybrids. That was completely unneeded. She was sure the hybrids would take their meds without violence. 
She sighed in relief that the worker was gone before once again sinking into her thoughts. She had just done that little show in front of seven hybrids, the ones she was supposed to be caring for. Her stuttering and lack of confidence probably did not give the best look. 
Trying her best to build up just a tad bit more confidence, she stepped into the circle of hybrids and hurried to the medications tray. She could do this, she knew she could, but now she was anxious that she gave a bad first impression. 
“You got this, don’t even worry about it. So what you got scared? Anyone would be after seeing that.. Right?” she whispered to herself as she glanced over the paperwork one more time, “Don’t chicken out now.”
From what she could tell, the medications they were being given weren’t really hybrid medications. Seemed more like meds you would be giving your actual cat or dog, not a hybrid. What hybrid needs flea medications? Could hybrids even get fleas? 
A lot of the ones she was seeing did differ depending on the hybrid taking them. A wolf hybrid within the group would be taking medications to calm down the alpha effects within their body, seeing as they are being shoved into a group of unknown hybrids. A few were being given anti-anxiety medications. One was being given heat suppressors, which was confusing, wouldn’t they all be receiving them if in a center?
Finally turning towards the hybrids, she swallowed harshly and tried to put a hybrid on the faces. She could tell who the wolf was in the pack, the intimidating aura gave that away very quickly. Some of them were harder to tell from the others, granted, she could just look at the list, but she wouldn’t be able to have them introduce themselves. First impressions. 
Stepping towards the one who she saw being manhandled, she glanced over the hybrids features, sighing when the red marks from the worker came into view.  She bent down a bit to give them the look over, finger trailing over the red marks the workers hand had made. She grimaced at the light whine the figure made at her touching, hand pulling back without a second thought.
“Would you like a drink? I’m sure you’re not feeling too well with what had happened. Taking pills with no drink sounds quite painful.” Y/N smiled lightly, waiting for a reply, hoping that the hybrid wouldn’t be too scared of her. 
Once the hybrid nodded, she returned the gesture and quickly walked over to the door the worker stepped into. When she glanced into the room, she furrowed her eyebrows. With a slight groan, she stepped back into the room and pursed her lips. She did have drinks for herself. 
It wouldn’t be too bad if she skipped out on them today. She’ll make sure to order some for them tomorrow morning. She wonders if they’d be able to give her suggestions for what kind of drinks they would like. Hopefully after this introduction, they’d trust her a little bit more. 
“Seeing as I don’t plan on asking the person from before, I’ll be right back, I need to grab everyone something to drink, okay? Don’t go too far.” She tried to joke around before she exited the room. 
It only took about ten minutes before the female was stepping back into the room, with Chanyeol. All the hybrids bodies stiffened at the sight of the man. She was smiling at him before showing him where to sit down the items she had brought. 
“Thank you so much, Chan, I promise I’ll ask about getting drinks from the cafeteria next time but the worker that was here seemed a bit too hostile towards everyone.” She mumbled, though the hybrids could hear everything she was saying. 
“I’ll have to talk to them about that. I can’t believe they would handle the hybrids like that. Disgusting behavior. But, next time you need anything, write it down and send it over in a text until we can get you a work phone, okay?” Chanyeol added on as they walked back towards the door. 
She nodded quickly and moved to push him out of the room, “Go, go! You’ll be late.”
Happy with everything, she walked back into the hybrid circle. Thankfully, Chanyeol was there to help her with the drinks. She had gone grocery shopping and decided that because it was chilly out, her drinks would be alright in the boot of her car. She was correct and glad she left them. 
She quickly grabbed one of the milks and stepped back towards the skittish hybrid from before. The second she held the drink out, the hybrid hesitantly took the drink. 
“I apologize for taking so long, I had to go out to my car and then Chanyeol stopped me. I hope your throat feels much better. Oh! I also grabbed some cream from my car for your face.” she muttered out, hands shoving into her pocket. 
Pulling out the cream, she put a small dot on her finger before glancing up at the hybrid. Once again, hesitant, the hybrid gave a slight nod and turned his head to the side. Gently, the girl applied the cream to the marks left on his face. 
“I read on your paperwork that you’re a Samoyed? I mean, your ears kind of give it away too.” She smiled as she pulled her hand back, “I used to have a close friend who was a Samoyed, she always had such bright white ears. It didn’t help that she kept dyeing her hair black and left her ears out.”
This caught the hybrids attention, “You’ve met a Samoyed before? I’ve never seen another one-”
“My older brother used to have a close friend who was Samoyed. She was always so active, I could never keep up with her. Always had such amazing stamina, my little chubby legs could never.”
She could only smile at the memories, she missed the hybrid. Her brother wasn’t too happy when it came to the topic, but he would talk about it if needed. She was taken away by a center because she wasn’t actually adopted. She was a stray he had found and decided to keep. When they found out, they took her away. 
“Her name was Mina. She was a lovely person!” happy to be speaking about her, she watched the hybrid sip on his milk, “What’s your name?”
“Oh.. I’m Jimin. They didn’t tell you beforehand?” The hybrid asked, quietly, almost unsure of himself. 
“It’s on the paperwork, but I would like to meet you guys how anyone would normally meet someone new, you know? I don’t care what they write on paper.” 
The hybrid nodded at her words, going back to his drink. She took this as a sign to move along and meet the other hybrids, not sure how long it had been since she started talking to Jimin. He was a very quiet dog hybrid, she wondered if the other canines were the same. 
She turned to grab another milk, glancing over the paperwork to know which pills were for the next hybrid. She knew he was a wolf hybrid, but they did not have the pills ordered correctly. If she knew they were this disorganized, she would’ve grabbed their medication herself. 
“It’s the one with the large red pill.” a voice pulled her from her concentration.
 Trusting the hybrid, she grabbed the cap of pills and stepped towards the wolf hybrid. She was not the best when it came to meeting new people, she had a good reason to speak with Jimin normally. He needed cream for his marks, but, the wolf hybrid was intimidating. 
“Thank you for helping me. The worker seems to really not like his job. He’s made it very confusing for everyone but himself.” she spoke softly, knowing wolf hybrids spoke more confidently when the others were more submissive sounding. 
Granted, it may have been a stereotype that she learned from schooling. She wasn’t too sure but she wasn’t going to test that logic either. Wolves seemed to be the most difficult hybrids to deal with when it came to tempers and aggression. 
The wolf showed no aggression towards her, she felt like she was safe. 
“The names Namjoon,” the wolf started, taking the items from her, “Yeah, he’s not the best worker here, you saw how he treated Jimin.” 
“I’m still really sorry about that. I was in shock or I would’ve spoken up sooner. I did not think that the workers were so.. harsh.” she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about it, a lot of us are used to it. Jimin just seems to be his main target most of the time. None of us understand why. Maybe because he’s the smallest, but eh, not much we can do about it.” 
“I promise to try my best and not let that happen again. I’m your new caregiver anyways, he should stay gone. Or I’ll speak to Chanyeol again. He’s my friend, so, he should do something, right?”
She was speaking more to herself at this point, the wolf could tell. Though, he was confused about how she assumed Chanyeol was any better than the worker from before. He’s beaten the hybrids in the room. He’s done a lot worse and yet, she had no idea. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Namjoon. I’m happy to be your new caregiver. I promise to do my best.” she spoke out a minute later, smiling at the wolf. 
The hybrids in the room weren’t in a pack together, but he still appreciated her assuming they were. That means he would be making most of the decisions for the group. He had been here the longest and he knew the most, so this would help the group as a whole. 
Watching her step away to grab the next set of medications, the wolf glanced around the room. He caught eyes with Seokjin, only giving a slight nod his way. The hybrid dropped his shoulders in relief. The eldest was the most worried about the group, sensing that she was a very new employee. Ignorance is bliss.
She hesitated when she had to step towards the next hybrid, him already giving her a nasty look. Swallowing her nerves, she gave a small smile and held the milk out for him. 
“I.. I’m assuming you’re Suga? I think you’re the only feline in the room..” she whispered, the confidence draining from her body. 
The hybrid took the milk and meds, downing them within seconds. He shrugged his shoulders at her words. He wasn’t too sure why she was so terrified of him. He knew he had a resting bitch face, but he couldn’t do anything to her while she was here. 
“It’s Yoongi.” he spoke, licking over his lips, “Do you have anymore milk?”
She quickly nodded, moving to the box to grab another bottle for the cat. Once he got the bottle, he smiled at her to try and ease her nerves. The room was suffocating in them, he could barely breathe. She wasn’t entirely confused about the cat, but, she knew this was going to be quite the relationship between client and worker until they were separated into their own sections for hybrids.
“Yoongi? It’s pretty, means shine, a lovely name” She commented as she stepped over to the next hybrid. 
Taking a break from the hybrids, she slowly walked back towards the medicine tray. She had already met three hybrids who all had very different personalities. Jimin was shy and quiet, not too sure what to say whenever he said anything. It’s almost like he triple checked in his mind before he spoke to her.
Namjoon knew what he was saying and was confident in himself, she was surprised that he was even sent to a center, honestly. Wolf hybrids weren’t entirely rare to see in the hybrid world, but seeing them in a center was a rare sight. They would rather send them in the wild than in a center full of hybrids. Sometimes its too much for them to concentrate or create bonds. 
Though very much intimidated by the feline, Yoongi seemed to be a interesting one. Why did they give him a nickname like Suga? Was he returned from an adopter? He didn’t seem to keen on talking with her. Though, that could be a trauma response as well. Most hybrids go through trauma within just ten years of life. 
“Are you alright?” a voice questioned beside her, scaring her
She pushed away from the new voice, hand slamming over her heart in quick movement. She didn’t mean to freak out over one of the hybrids speaking to her, she was just lost in thought. 
“I am so sorry, I did not mean to freak out like that. I was just in thought. I have a bad memory, so remembering names is a bit hard.” she quickly moved to apologize, bowing slightly towards the hybrid. 
“You were just staring at the table, I assumed you needed a bit of help.” Namjoon sheepishly acknowledged, “It’s okay if you don’t!”
“No, no, please, they’re not labeled and I don’t want to mix any medications up. I appreciate the help, I do. Again, I’m really sorry for getting scared, I should’ve been paying attention.”
Shaking his head, the wolf smiled and quickly went to put the medicines in order for the last four hybrids. He quietly named off the hybrids breeds in order for her not to mix them up. She mentally begged that he did not believe she couldn’t do her job. She was just nervous and trying to remember names. 
“Thank you again, Namjoon, I get overwhelmed when things aren’t in order, I wish I had gotten the meds myself.” she admitted, muttering out a little curse towards the other worker. 
Once again shaking his head, he moved back towards his seat. She appreciated the help, seeing as she almost gave the wrong hybrid the heat suppressant. She was glad she wouldn’t be messing up their medications. God knows how upset Chanyeol would be with her. 
“Hi, uh, I want to assume you’re the fox hybrid?” quietly, she walked over to the male with the more pointed ears.
“Ah, yes, that’s me. My name is Seokjin, by the way, it’s lovely to meet you.” He was happy to take the items from her grasp, thankful for his meds. 
“Its lovely to meet you as well, Seokjin, I hope we have a nice time working together.” 
She couldn’t help the smile from appearing on her face, heart calming down. She was so worried to meet these hybrids and yet they’ve all been kind to her. Hell, Yoongi could’ve reacted a lot worse than he did, but he did introduce himself willingly. 
“I.. I like your hair color.” she whispered, nervous now that she complimented without thinking. 
“Thank you. I had just gotten it done before I was pushed into here. I think it’s a lovely orange shade.” Seokjin laughed at the compliment, thankful at a change in atmosphere. 
“Ah, compliment me next, please? Pretty please?” another voice cut in between the two of them. 
Y/N glanced over and caught the second dog hybrid pouting at the two of them. Nodding at his request, she quickly grabbed his things and came back over to speak with the excited pup.  She was happy that one or two of them were happy to talk with her.
“I’m Taehyung, but you can call me Tae, I don’t mind, I feel like we’ll get close anyways!” He spoke, voice deep but louder than most of the other hybrids she met already. 
“If you want me to call you Tae, I don’t mind at all. It’s a beautiful nickname.” She nodded at his words, opening his milk for him as his tail slapped against another hybrids chair. 
She wanted to question why he sat sideways, but she as not going to do that just yet. He seemed extremely comfortable with her already, she wouldn’t wanna ruin that. 
Grabbing the drink from her, making sure to be calm enough to not drop it, he quickly brought it to his mouth, gulping down the liquid. Without thinking, she tapped his wrist gently, whining at how quickly he drank. 
“Be careful, Tae, you’ll end up with a stomach ache if you keep drinking so fast.” she rushed out, almost thankful when he pulls the drink away from his mouth. 
Whining back at the worker, the pup listened and pulled the bottle from his lips, licking the milk that was strapped above his lip. She held the pill bottle towards him, tilting her head to see if he would be another willing hybrid, only to have the pill bottle pushed back towards her. 
“You don’t want to take your pills? Why not? They’re supposed to make you feel really good and make sure your body is healthy.” She frowned, holding the pills up again.
“You take the pills for me then if that’s what they’re supposed to do. Pills are no no’s, you can’t take them, they’ll hurt you.” He sarcastically commented after her
“Hm, okay, how about we make a deal then? If you can take all your pills, i’ll give you another drink, how does that sound?”
He took a minute to think about the deal. It was obvious she was trying to bribe him into taking the meds, but this is the most fun he’s had in a while with any worker here. Pursing his lips just slightly, he looked over the girls face and hummed. 
Seeing how hopeful she looked, he sighed in defeat and nodded at her words. Taking the cup of pills, he dumped them in his mouth and quickly drank the rest of his milk. Clapping her hands happily, she quickly moved back to grab him another milk, opting to grab a strawberry milk as a treat. 
Taking the drink, he was happy to take little sips this time, wanting to savor the drink. 
“So, I have a quick question to ask you, Tae, you know.. do dogs like to sniff hands like cats do? I know the full animal sniff the rears of their playmates but what do hybrids do?” She questioned with genuine confusion, looking away from the pup
“I do not.. and hybrids sniff as well, we just don’t sniff their asses like the full animals do. Also, Yoongi doesn’t do the whole sniffing thing either, he’s too mean, plus he has a sensitive nose, it always shows when Jimin and I are around him, but he never has an issue with Namjoon!” the pup almost vented to the worker.
She didn’t mind letting the canine to vent to her, she kind of found it cute. He did not mind talking to a stranger about the problems within the hybrid group. Though, she wasn’t surprised that he and Yoongi didn’t get along. Steretypically cats and dogs have never gotten along too well. Especially when they’re much older.
“I wouldn’t think he did, he didn’t seem so pleased with my presence, but it's something I knew was going to happen. And its nice to meet you, Taehyung, it’s a nice name, something unique.” She nodded at his words, stepping back towards the middle so she could move on, but still wanted to talk to the pup
“My owner gave it to me! she’s a really nice person, you know? She always gave me meat, so much meat, but then she stopped coming home, I think that maybe she was just visiting her family and they brought me here to watch after me.” He spoke loud enough so she could hear while she stepped away. 
Turning her back to the hybrid, she frowned lightly. This could only mean two things and both ways, she didn’t like the idea of him finding out one day. The owner either passed away while away from the house or she had given up ownership to the center. Both ways are heartbreaking. 
It wasn’t uncommon for hybrids to be taken from their owners either, it just seemed to more reasonable for someone to give up their ownership than the hybrid just be taken away. By law, it had to be a huge reason for your hybrid to be taken from you. Most places, the law passes over abuse, most mean trafficking or invalid adoptions. It was hard to learn in school, but one day it will change, everyone was sure of it. 
Without speaking another word about the issue, she found herself standing in front of another hybrid, softening when their features formed into worry, probably realizing what the boy next to him had meant by what he said. He looked up at her and frowned, mentally asking if she understood.
“Will they ever tell him what happened? He hasn’t stopped talking about her since he got here and its been weeks. He thinks he’s going back with her when she gets back..” The hybrid started, a low whine falling from their throat. 
“I don’t know when the center thinks would be the best time to tell him. I just know that when he is told, he’ll need some comforting. I know hybrids can read feelings and emotions a lot better than humans can, so, do you think you’d be able to help out?” she questioned softly, not sure how else to approach the situation.
“I could do my best. I’m just not too sure how much the poor thing could take. He’s like.. In love with the girl or something. It’s always Jieun this.. Jieun that. He never stops talking about her. Even Yoongi tried to say something and he just refused to take it as truth. He almost fought with the dude.. Taehyung did. Its weird.”
Not sure what else to say to the poor hybrid, she gently handed over the milk and pills. Maybe she’ll talk to Chanyeol about the situation and see what he thinks about it all. Hopefully when she gets close enough to the hybrid, she’ll be able to talk to him about it.
Taehyung seemed to be an extremely hopeful hybrid. It’s not something rare to see, but in a center it is. He seemed to be around her age as well in human years, meaning that he was old enough to forget all about child-like hopes and dreams. She’s curious about who his last owner happened to be. 
Unlike Taehyung though, Seokjin seemed to be a very calm hybrid. He didn’t seem to mind talking to her like they were old friends. He was nice to speak with, very well educated and talked as if he had been with a high-class family. She wonders why they would give up such a delightful hybrid. 
Feeling the atmosphere change, the hybrid in front of her pat her arm and got her attention, only giving a small smile, holding the cup back up towards her. They both knew the pup would be told sometime while here and they both knew that it wouldn’t be a pretty picture the minute he actually realized he had been abandoned.
“We’ll try and let him know slowly, so it doesn’t hurt him too much as he realizes. It’ll be a lot for him, but I think he’ll come out fine with a bunch of friends around him, you know?” she smiles, glancing over the canine one last time. 
“I hope so, he’s a lovely kid, just has a childlike way of thinking. He’s hopeful,” the hybrid shrugged, turning back towards the girl with a nod, “I’m Hoseok, by the way, It’s nice to meet you finally, I’ve been waiting so long.” 
She blushed, realizing she had been taking her time with meeting most of the hybrids, having talked to the five before him for over two hours. She hadn’t even realized how long it had taken her to introduce herself to them all. This is probably why she was a good fit for the job. She can have time pass really easily. 
“You’re a red panda, right? A rare sight to see.” She admitted, trying to change topics.
“I am! I’m quite rare on this side of the world, yes, I’m not originally from here.” Hoseok nods,
“They really don’t teach us about red pandas in school, you know? We learn the very basics about pandas. I don’t think I learned anything about red pandas.” 
Laughing at her comment, the hybrid shook his head. Of course it was rare to see red pandas talked about in schooling, they’re mostly only learned about when it came to natural habitat. Most of the time, they were taught in places like India and China, where you could actually find them. Not here. 
“I guess we’ll both be teaching each other something. If you don’t mind.. I would like to learn about hybrid things as well! We can be each others teachers.”  Hoseok smiled, hopeful.
“I would love that, actually. I would love to learn about red pandas. You are someone I take care of, I’d like to know more about you and your hybrid side. I’m sure there’s so much to learn as well. I’m excited.” She bounced on the balls of her feet.
Making plans with the hybrids was nice, she felt like she was getting along with mostly everybody. Standing back at the medicine table, she realized she only had one more pill cup left. 
Glancing over at the last hybrid, she swallowed. She could tell why the hybrid was sent into a center. It broke her heart, but she knew how people and hybrids were. If they didn’t fit the usual stereotype of the hybrid, they weren’t wanted or cared about.
Most bunnies had small figures, shorter in height, smaller in size, most were grey or white colored, and they had more feminine features as well. This bunny seemed to be quite the opposite. His shoulders weren’t the broadest, but he definitely looked more masculine than feminine besides maybe his facial features. He was built larger than most as well, seemed about a few inches from six foot, larger thighs and biceps, he looked more like a man than a boy. 
If she were seeing them from far away, ears hidden, she would assume the Samoyed and bunny were the opposite species. The pup had a figure closer to a stereotypical bunny while the bunny had the stereotypical body of a dog, she thought the stereotype breaking of both species was adorable. She loved the idea that you would be surprised seeing their species.
“The most rare breed of rabbit..” she spoke quietly as she red over the paperwork, glancing back over to the boy. 
How in the world did one of the most rare breeds of rabbit end up in a center? 
“Blanc De Hotot.. You are the most rare rabbit to exist. How are you here?” her voice came out weak, now that she was standing closer to the hybrid. 
No, she did not realize how harsh the comment came out or how wrong it could sound to any of the hybrids in the room. She was completely shocked that someone willingly got rid of him. He was the most rare. 
“When you aren’t sought after in sex work, they don’t want you anymore.” the hybrid spit, rolling his eyes are her comment, though, he was confused on how he was a rare breed.
“I’m sorry to hear that, I’m glad you refused such terrible work, I would rather be on the streets than to be forced to sleep with people I didn’t know. It’s a harsh business to work in, especially for hybrids.” her voice was barely audible by the human ear. 
He tensed at her words but kept his eyes down as he grabbed the items from her hands, allowing himself to take the medications. It wasn’t the fact that he hated the sex work, it gave him a place to stay while also relieving himself of anger or frustration. But once he couldn’t take the work, he was shoved into the streets, a bunny who had only known labs and then sex work from a young age.
“At least while you’re here, you can take care of yourself and then get an owner who will take you in with care and not with ideas of slaving you around.” She smiled happily, completely confusing the poor bunny.
He was going to be sold off to someone else? He had no idea they they took in animals just to sell them off when they felt like it. He left for a reason. He wanted to live on his own and become his own person. He didn’t want to just be sold off to someone else. He’d rather staying this room with the people he had gotten used to being around, people who would become his friends or family, people he trusted to leave him in his own room without bothering him. 
Anger built inside the bunny, fingers squeezing the milk bottle until the liquid exploded on both him and the worker, resulting in a small squeal falling from her lips as the cold liquid soaked into her clothing. He pushed up from his seat before slamming the bottle against the females chest, hearing the side doors shove open.
“Jungkook.. Please don’t.” her small voice came out, hands wiping at the wet feeling on her chest. 
“They plan on reselling us? They plan on taking us in and then shipping us off to some new owner?” He snapped towards the male, ears twitching at the anger radiating from him
“No, no that’s not what i meant, that’s not what i meant at all.” The female tried to calm the hybrid down as well, letting the milk drop to the floor.
His hands raised before she was shoved to the side, hands gripping onto the medicine tray as the bunny stormed his way towards a side door. She whipped around and faced the fox hybrid, eyes widened before she realized exactly why the bunny stopped being forced into sexual work, he had a temper, a bad temper. 
  The same worker from before found his way next to the girl, smirk filling his lips as he watched her realized she had to actually be strong around the hybrids. She only rolled her eyes, wiping her clothes with her free hand, smiling sadly at the fox, hoping his body would relax from what happened.
“You can leave. I’ll clean up here and try speaking with the hybrid.” The girl muttered, grabbing the milk bottle from the floor.
“There’s not way you’ll make it a week. Chanyeol was an idiot for thinking you were a good fit with this group. They’re a group of unwanted hybrids with bad tempers. You’ll figure it out. Ones already shown his true colors. Just wait.” the man spoke, smirk only widening as the girl stared at him.
‘I do not care who you are or who you think you are to be speaking to me like that. These are my hybrids now. I want you out of this room or I will be calling Chanyeol. Do you think he’ll take sides with his friend or some rude worker who attacked a hybrid and threw milk on his friend before trying to scare her off?” 
  She knew what she said was manipulative or against her own morals but she refused to let some man sit here and tell her she wasn’t strong enough for this job. She would not back down. This is the job she wanted and the job she fought years of school for. 
“Get out of my room.” her voice cracked as she spoke, but the fear now crawling up her legs was something she or the hybrids couldn’t ignore. 
The male instantly went for the door after her threats, leaving the girl to bend over to try and calm her anxiety down. How the hell she had the balls to say that, she will never know. It scared her thinking on it. 
“I’ll check on Jungkook and when I get back, I would like to know what you guys would like to eat or drink from now on. I’ll be ordering food from the cafeteria now and I would like for it to be something you guys will actually like.” she spoke, now quiet, scared she would sound too harsh.
Without giving any of them time to answer her or say anything, she made her way towards the door that Jungkook stormed off into. She took a deep breath, thinking about what to say when she’s in front of him. She hopes it’ll work out. 
“I’ll go in and try to speak with him, if you hear any commotion, please do come in after me, you have every right to manhandle me if anything is happening as well, I get I'm not strong looking, but I do kick shins really well.” she spoke to the other hybrids.
Knocking gently, she pushed her way into the room when she hear a grunt in reply. When she closed the door, she gently backed up so her body was pressed into the cold metal. This is her time to try and make amends with the hybrid. If he forgave her or not was not up to her, this would take time. 
  Now that she looks around, it looks like a casual college kids room. posters rested against the walls here and there, a laptop even sat on a nightstand. How he was able to have one, she wouldn’t question. Weirdly enough, the room almost reminded her of her older brothers college dorm when he was still in college.
“Why are you in here?” the bunny snapped from his bed, hands bunched up in his lap.
“Jungkook, I want to apologize for what I said,” she bent her head down, trying to seem less intimidating, “I don’t think you’ll be sold off if you don’t want it. I make all final decisions, If you don’t want adopted, I can refuse any offers made until you know what you want. I can’t promise you that the others wont want to leave though, that’s up to them.” 
The boy stayed quiet, watching the female as she waited for his reply. He wouldn’t be so forgiving, he couldn’t. He’s seen how horrible humans were. How horrible they would treat others and then how quick they would be to manipulate them into liking them after all of it. He couldn’t trust humans. He could trust Namjoon. Only Namjoon was trustworthy. 
“I do not want to be sold off into another family. It’s bad enough being treated like another slave here, I don’t want to be owned by anyone. If you ever sell me off, I don’t know what I’ll do, but It will not be pretty.” The rabbit snapped out, standing from his bed to try and look big.
He didn’t need to try and look anything when the female was shaking like a leaf in front of him. How little was she told when she decided to take the job offer? How little does she know about this place?
“When things come out of the dark, I don’t want you to change your mind about this. If you’re here to be a caregiver, you stay. You are not allowed to leave, you hear me? Chanyeol can make you think what you want.. but when you see the truth.. you cant leave.” 
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hi <3
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trickstercaptain · 3 years
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 . repost, don't reblog.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞? 
rum and smoke and gunpowder and tar and the sea.
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩? 
in fits and starts, is probably the best way to sum it up. this is of course all very dependent on whether Jack is sleeping alone or with company ( naturally he sleeps better with somebody else ), but he’s a bit of an insomniac and is very much a night owl as opposed to an early riser. he’s more likely to be awake until very late and then sleep through most of the morning and so in a professional capacity as captain will tend to take on late watches rather than early starts. when he does actually sleep? he will either sleep on his back or on his side, and either in a light sleep which means he’s very easily awoken ( lingering hypervigilance from the mutiny ), or essentially the sleep of the dead lmao, there’s not much in between. he also occasionally talks in his sleep -- most of the time he’s completely unintelligible but sometimes you might be able to pick out words and phrases. getting his mind to shut up long enough to let him sleep is a constant struggle of his.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲? 
sea shanty noises intensify. in modern it’s a real eclectic mix of 60s/70s rock, 80s new romanticism and your over-the-top power ballad, and some nonsense pop too. his modern playlist is honestly such a joy for me to listen to because it contains a real range of genres and styles lmao.
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠? 
i want to say not a lot of time but that’s an absolute lie, he has a morning Routine lbr. but the extent to which he goes about putting together all of the careful jigsaw pieces that make up the puzzle that is Captain Jack Sparrow does vary: on a typical day at sea on the Black Pearl he would likely keep to the bare minimum of effects. there are two things that will go everywhere with him, however, and that’s his bandana and his pistol.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭? 
anything with sentimental merit. despite being someone who’s not very openly feeling or romantic in any way, Jack has a hidden sentimental streak and will acquire and keep ( in many cases for years ) things that hold some kind of personal value to him or were gifted to him by someone he cares about, even if to a stranger’s eye they are completely worthless. it’s a wonderful visual metaphor for how Jack very rarely takes people at face value or actively dismisses them once they’ve gotten his attention.
𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝? 
technically right handed, but he can confidently wield a sword and pistol in his left hand if required.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧?
this is complicated because Jack is certainly not religious, but he has also seen enough in his life ( both in the canon presence of multiple gods in the potc universe and in his exposure to other religions around the world ) to be polytheist and acknowledge that multiple gods exist and that he would like nothing much to do with any of them ( while still respecting those who do, an important thing to point out ). at the same time, however, five years masquerading as someone who wasn’t brought up in a melting pot pirate haven and was trying to advance in the English merchant service, and having a best friend in Robby Greene during that time taught him to affiliate himself with protestantism when asked. despite some complicated feelings of identity he has ( being a pirate = a man of no nation vs. being a begrudging subject of the British Crown and therefore beholden to it if/when he is ever caught ) and the fact he once impersonated one of its clerics, that would theoretically be his go-to, but it’s not really something he ever thinks about.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭? 
sailing and swimming are sports, right? they are also two hobbies that transfer over to his modern verse too. aside from those two, he’s not hugely into sport for the most part. even with football, which is a way of life over here in the UK and the fact that both his age and cultural background mean he would know a lot of ardent football supporters in his life ( nights with the modern black pearl crew watching football on telly while drinking beer are a thing, let’s be honest ), he’s not hugely into it --- but knows enough that if he ever had a reason to care about it he would surprise himself with his learned-via-osmosis knowledge.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠? 
Jack’s not really the tourist type, he’d much prefer to throw himself into a country and culture headfirst, and certainly in his modern verse would rather go off the beaten track, as it were. I suppost the most tourist-y thing he’s guilty of is his fondness for souvenirs of his travels and adventures.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫? 
storms. they’re definitely not the most practical type of weather, particularly at sea, and a warm sunny day with a strong tailwind is also very welcome, but there’s something deeply appealing to him about watching the sky scream.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 / 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞? 
i’m not sure if Jack has any obscure fears that I haven’t already covered in depth ( the Locker, being forgotten/abandoned/not being remembered, fire ), but I can tell you for an absolute fact that Jack has no fear of heights or claustrophobia whatsoever.
tagged by : @lighthouseborn <3 tagging: @valorsworn ( jack votes james but i vote cullen, so you pickkk ), @iniziare ( AERITH !!!!!! get ready for me to tag her in everything now ), @piraticalwit, @sicsemper ( cloud or alistair!!! ), @aglaecan ( mar or dorian!!! ) @hangtherules, @thecodekeeper & anybody else who would like to do this!!
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bloodys44 · 4 years
Silence and Cigarette Smoke
Original story and bonus content found here! ↓↓↓↓
Unfortunately it seems FF.net is having some technical errors and new chapter updates are only viewable through the app. I will continue to repost in hopes it will be available for everyone soon! Chapter 7 is viewable through the app and everything up to chapter 6 is online. Thanks for reading!
Chapter 3: The Dragons Birthday
Lucy’s POV
She always thought he looked the best while asleep. Mind caught up in a dream, unfocused to the world around him. The way his bare chest shuddered on every exhale. The stark white of the scars littered over his tan skin. There was never a time he looked more relaxed, his sharp facial features losing their regular heated mark. He was in every aspect, simply beautiful. Once her blurry vision had focused on him, she'd been utterly captivated. And now, with him laying so nonchalant atop her blue pleated comforter she took the time to soak him in. It was rare for a moment of peace to present itself in their chaotic lives. Sometimes she felt stuck in a constant state of running. And tiring as it was, she had never felt such happiness. It was almost funny, she thought. How she had been humored by Lissana's words the day she had met her. All her preaching about how she owed this man her entire life. And to think now, she felt almost the same. She really did owe him the world, for he was the one to actually give her one.Three years had passed since Natsu had rescued her from the forest and brought her to Fairy Tail. Taken her hand and led her step by step through his exciting life. Teaching her the unspoken rules of the enchanted world. The guild really was a dream, giving her a place to live and grow in exchange for work. Everybody had a simple job they worked while at home. Natsu for instance, worked the front guard line, scouting the edge of their safety enchantments for trespassers and unwanted visitors. When he wasn't out scouting, he stood watch in one of the three stone lookout towers. It made sense, given he had uncanny senses and tracking abilities. Lucy found herself taking shifts in the constantly busy infirmary alongside Lissana and her sister Mirajane. It was pleasant work, a good distraction from day to day life. But it was when they left the guild that the real adventure began. Fairy Tail (along with other guilds in the network) took job and quest submissions from trusted or other magic folks. They ranged from simple things such as retrieval of objects or escorting people during their travels, all the way to clearing out dark guilds and the slaying of demons. Natsu had been gracious enough to form a team with her, working alongside her to complete jobs. They truly had become an inseparable force over the last few years.Lucy set the plate she had been carrying on the side table by her bed before moving to lean against the end of her mattress. Natsu twitched slightly in his sleep but didn't wake, instead rubbing the underside of his nose against the back of his wrist. She snickered lightly, brushing golden locks from her view. She still found it hard to believe the man in front of her, sleeping so silent, was actually an unmatched powerhouse of magical energy. A dragon slayer, so he was called. An extremely rare form of magic, bestowed by the dragons themselves to aid the humans in their war against the 'white witch' hundreds of years prior. The rarity stemmed from the fact that these commanding creatures no longer existed, wiped out by the very magic they had gifted the humans. Thus earning the 'slayer' term. In the current day, dragon-slaying magic was passed down through bloodlines, slowly dwindling downwards to nothing. Natsu claimed he remembered nothing of his parents, choosing to never speak about them or anything else regarding his past. This sat just fine with Lucy, considering her home life wasn't much more uplifting. An abusive father, drunk with power. So consumed in his self-preservation he elected to wipe out a quarter of the population in fear of them uprising. Jealous of the power swimming through their veins. Even going as far as to execute his beloved Queen and daughter for their enchanted blood.Her mother had always whispered of the beauty that came with their magic. The glow of the gods she called it. And translated directly, it sort of was. Celestial magic rumoured to have been created directly by the gods for a historical gracious Queen. The only enchantment to possess such a warm golden hue, literal stardust drifting from fingertips. Natsu had gone out of his way train with her while she learned her capabilities. Even (much to his distaste) spending hours upon hours scanning over ancient books and text, looking for answers to explain her mysterious powers. There was extremely little known about celestial magic. Its rather small royal bloodline being the only people able to wield the starlight. After three years of constant work, Lucy believed she was rather proficient in its use, though she could never be completely sure. As special as it was, being enchanted with such abilities it was also rather frightening, to say the least. With rarity came obsession. Many stories existing of the pursuit of celestial mages, desire for their uncapped power. The story goes that besides their own magical abilities, celestial mages can greatly increase magical energy with a single drop of their blood. Their blood is said to taste like pure ecstasy. Mages go insane after a single drop, drunk on the taste. Natsu had told her. The thought always made her stomach turn.Lucy huffed, shaking her head to dismiss her thoughts. Today was supposed to be a happy day, she couldn't let her self get caught up over nothing. Sliding the light grey flats off her stocking covered feet, she pulled herself completely up on the mattress. It was a pleasant Tuesday morning, the sun soaking through the aged glass of the windowpane. Her room taking on a rosy hue as the light bent with the lace of her pink curtains. Her room was small (as were most of the dorms in Fairy Tail were) but she loved it just the same. Her bed was pressed against the far right corner, mirroring a birch desk placed at the conjunction of the other. It, currently serving as the sleeping place for a bizarre blue cat, napping happily, wound up in scaled white fabric. She had a small overstuffed closet at the foot of her bed and an ensuite adjacent to the grand door leading to the hallway of other rooms. It was her safe place, a real home to relax and be herself in. The old walls speaking for previous guild members long passed. The only thing was, that she more often than not had to share with an intruding pyromaniac. Whether that was a negative or bonus she never could decide. She crawled towards the unsuspecting male, strung out over the bedding in his sleeping state. Taking perch beside his head, she pulled her knees to her chest. Her wrist flicking outwards slightly as she moved to wake him. It almost felt criminal, pulling him from his peaceful slumber, but she was too excited, not wanting to wait any longer. She dusted her fingers over his forehead, moving the displaced pink tendrils from his closed eyes. The light touch was enough to sway him from his dreams, grimacing as he squinted one eye open."Good Morning birthday boy." Lucy smiled sweetly, running her fingers through his fringe once again before pulling back. She wrapped her arms around her folded knees, watching as the tired man before rubbed his eyes. "Bout time you joined the land of the living.""Birthday boy?" Natsu questioned, his voice raspy, rugged with sleep. "Lucy, you know I don't know when my birthday is." He shoved his elbow under himself clumsily, sliding his body to more of a sitting position against the headboard. An exaggerated yawn flashing his pointed canines."I know." The words a sweet hum over her lips. "And every year I tell you, everyone deserves a birthday, and that you should just pick a day to celebrate."Natsu was smirking now, his expression slowly coming together as he woke. "And every year I tell you it's not important, and that you're crazy.""You celebrate my birthday every year, what's the difference?" She questioned playfully."I dunno, just different cause it's you."Lucy tried to ignore the heat that was surely blooming over her pale cheeks, tossing her bangs to the side with a sway of her neck. "Stop being so modest you stupid dragon, you're just as important as anyone else and deserve a day dedicated to you just the same." Natsu rolled his eyes at her, earning a swat to his shoulder. "Since you never pick a day, I've taken the initiative of picking for you.""And today made the cut?" He joked, fingers twisting upwards to toy with a strand of her golden hair."It's the first day of summer." She rushed out with slight embarrassment. "I thought it was fitting considering your name."Natsu snorted, mumbling something along the lines of 'cute' before pushing himself upright into a complete sitting position. He glanced to the side, noticing the small plate Lucy had put down earlier. He spun his head back towards her, eyebrow raised curiously. "Did you really bake me a cake?" She had, in fact, baked him a cake. Lucy nodded sheepishly, feeling the heat in her cheeks expand down her chest. It was nothing special, a miniature loaf that resembled more of an oversized muffin than an actual cake. To be fair, it had only been her second attempt at baking. She had considered asking Mira to make one for him, but she was away on work with her younger brother Elfman and her husband Laxus. Leaving Lucy to her own devices. Her first attempt had left the guilds mess hall a smoky mess and resulted in something unedible. Her second attempt had actually tasted pretty good despite its appearance. She had iced it in fluffy yellow icing, a baby blue branding of '22' crowning the top."You think I'm twenty-two?" He questioned again, his voice more steady than his earlier playfulness. His fingers continuing to loop over her flaxen strands."Well nobody knows your actual age, so I had to make an educated guess." She huffed in response.Natsu chuckled slightly, wrapping his arm around the blonde and pulling her into his bare chest roughly. "You're probably right, as per usual." Lucy tried to scramble against him but was held firm between his rippling arms. He slid one upwards, wrapping it around her neck pulling her into him further His chin nestled in her flaxen tendrils "Thanks, Luce, you really are the best." His lips brushing just slightly over her temple as he spoke. The touch so light she wasn't sure if there was really any contact or if she was reacting to his unusually hot breath against her fair skin.She loved moments like this. When the loud-mouthed, cocky, and rather brash man spoke in gentle tones. It was such a contrast to his typical over-excited nature. It may be selfish on her part, but she loved that this side of him was private, only sneaking up when the boy felt truly comfortable. It wasn't that he was typically exhausting, in fact, he had matured greatly over the years. But she had yet to witness him speak so calmly to another, the constant rigidness in his shoulders lacking in moments like this. It made her feel special, like she really was important to somebody. Not that she could ever deserve somebody as special as him. Somebody who lived their life completely for those surrounding him."We should hurry up and head down to the hall, Lissana's been cooking breakfast for us all morning." Natsu nodded in response, sliding himself off the cotton sheets with another exaggerated yawn. He flung his arms above his head, stretching out his previously coiled limbs. Lucy watched absentmindedly as his taut muscles strained under the spance of his tan skin, moving in sync with his smooth rhythm. He slipped a black hoodie over his head, sliding it painfully slow over his ridged abdomen. Sometimes Lucy liked to believe he showed off on purpose, maybe hoping to get her flustered for his own entertainment. He side-stepped into the ensuite, rummaging around in cabinets before his head popped back out of the doorframe. He looked slightly dishevelled, toothbrush hanging from his perfectly placed teeth. Lucy couldn't help but giggle at his curious expression, already knowing what he was about to ask before he even started speaking."I think Lissana tried to make all your favorites." Natsu nodded excitedly, darting back through the frame to continue cleaning up for the day. She swore there was nothing in this world that got him more excited than food tended too.The walk to the mess hall was pleasant, small talk mixing with their echoed footsteps on stone. Fairy Tail had taken residence in a long-abandoned castle on the outskirts of the supposedly haunted forest. Encased in hills of sprawling green, plenty of room for its members to train and spend their leisure time. A safe and beautiful space hidden so casually within the modern world, at least, thanks to the protective charms cast over the vicinity. The castle and grounds were un-seeable by the normal eye, only appearing if you knew what to look for. Most common folk would have their mind altered slightly on approach, causing them to reroute their current path. But on occasion, people have still managed to slip in, mostly lost children who's pure hearts wanted only a family or somewhere safe to rest. But there had been cases of well-skilled mages slipping through. One's like their friend Erza who possessed an enchantment cancelling eye. That's where Natsu and the other's on watch and guard duty came into place, silently protecting the livelihoods of so many. Their Headmaster was always very adamant in the safety of his 'children', so he called them. Always making sure the proper steps were taken. This was something Lucy very much appreciated, almost considering the man to be her replacement father figure."Hey wait, let's step outside quick." Natsu mumbled, grasping the side of her arm and guiding her over to one of the numerous balconies. He pushed the enormous oak doors open with ease, practically leaping out to bask in the sun rays."You really are like a salamander sometimes," Lucy scoffed playfully, commenting on his community dubbed nickname. Mages were generally very secretive about their identities, even with mages of other guilds. Understandably wanting to avoid attention from the crown. But Natsu seemed to have a knack for attention, or rather, for destruction which typically caused a lot of notice from townsfolk. The population of Fiore deciding on the name 'Salamander' for their rampant arsonist. Natsu snorted, retaliating by ruffling her hair aggressively. He then spun the other way, practically flopping against the wall with an exhale. He reached behind his gold decorated ear to remove a cigarette from its resting place. Lighting the tip of his finger with a hypnotizing flame. "I really wish you would drop that awful habit." Lucy nagged, crossing her arms slowly. "You're going to cause your own early death."As per usual Natsu looked at her like she was crazy. "You do realize I breathe fire right? Smoke it practically oxygen for me."Lucy simply shook her head, not wanting to get into their usual child-like argument about the safety of smoking. "You know Mira would agree with me." She teased."I know Mira isn't my mother, so does it really matter?" He smirked, pulling a long drag and blowing the stream into the blonde's face. She swatted at the smoke angrily, muttering under her breath about her immaculate ability to deal with morons. She turned and stepped out slowly to the edge of the castle balcony, draping her arms over the stone railing. The weather was spectacular today, the sky clear and the air surrounding them was warm and comforting. The clouds silently wishing them well with their day."I was thinking," The blonde hummed, turning back to face her pink-headed partner "We could take a job request today. Birthday boy gets to pick? Maybe Happy would even want to tag along."Natsu beamed at her, exhaling a grey cloud. "Sounds like a plan Blondie."Eventually, Natsu finished hacking away at his cigarette, giving his body a final long stretch under the sun before motioning for them to return indoors. Thankfully he seemed to be the only man Lucy had ever met that never reeked of the poison smoke. (or she liked to call it) His typical earthy scent mixed with a hint of mint and cinnamon seemed to repel all foreign smells. The remaining walk to the mess hall was quiet, the two simply comfortable in the silence of the other. At least it started that way, interrupted only by Natsu's sharp inhale as he broke out in short fits of laughter. Lucy turned to him, gawking slightly at his strange behavior while she waited for him to catch his breath. They were only about a floor away from the hall, the castle being as obnoxious as it was, took a while to navigate through."A surprise party? You really pulled all the stops hey?" Natsu mused, turning his shit-eating grin to face her. She looked absolutely baffled, her pace coming to a complete stop. This only caused Natsu to laugh harder, clutching his sides with amusement. "Did you forget about my incredibly awesome superhuman senses?" He bragged playfully. "I can hear everybody down there running amuck trying to get everything together." Lucy's expression faltered slightly. Really, who could blame her for forgetting one of his hundreds of bizarre quirks. A pout started to work its way to her plump lips. Instantly Natsu cut off his laughter, moving to stand right in front of her. "Aweh come on Luce, it's not ruined yet, promise." She scoffed slightly, swatting at his arm. "I'll even pretend to be surprised, since you worked so hard n' all." Lucy only grabbed his hand, shaking her head slightly. Of course he would react that way, selflessly cheering her up at the slightest bit of disappointment. Even on his own birthday.When they arrived at the doorway, the hall echoed with its silence. Clearly, the other guild members had found an adequate hiding place. Natsu cast her his infamous smirk before pushing the doors open, and (rather skillfully she might add) gave off his best-surprised reaction to the other members jumping out, cheering his name. It didn't take much to rile up the other members, they were always ready for any sort of celebration. The mere mention of alcohol sparking the interest in most of them. Besides that, there seemed to be a collective amount of appreciation for Natsu among them. Either a family-style bond or respect collected over the years. Even in some cases, complete loving adoration. The latter of which currently on display as Lissana latched herself onto the man, wrapping him into a soft embrace."Happy birthday Natsu-san." She cooed into his ear, gripping the man tighter. Natsu returned the compassion with ease, thanking her for all her work in the kitchen this morning. They looked fitting together, at least in Lucy's opinion. Although, that didn't mean she was very fond of watching them. In fact, she found it rather stomach-turning. Watching as Lissana openly strung herself all over him to no avail. It wasn't that she hated Lissana either, the girl being exceptionally kind-hearted and sweet. A genuine soul. Not to mention she was one of the prettiest women Lucy had ever seen, possibly rivaled only by that of her older sister. She wasn't sure exactly what it was, the feeling in her gut when she watched them together. The glorious smile that Natsu always wore around her gave nothing but an uneasy feeling. This, of course, had nothing to do with the maddening crush she had on the man. No, it most certainly didn't."You're staring." A whisper fell over her shoulder, startling her. She tossed her head quickly, scanning her peripheral for the intruder. Levy McGarden. An extremely petite and slender woman. Her eyes playful while she teased. The blue strands of her hair tied back by a golden ribbon strapped across the top of her skull in its usual fashion. It just so happened that this literature-loving book worm was Lucy's best friend (besides Natsu, of course). "If it bothers you so much, why don't you just tell him?"The blonde stared at her friend with wide eyes, progressively more startled than before. "It's not like that! We're just friends!" She defended breathlessly. "How many times do I need to repeat myself? You and Mira are going to give me a stroke." She slumped over the counter of the bar she was currently seated at with a huff.Levy lifted her brow in a mocking manner, chuckling before taking a seat at the bar beside Lucy. "Whatever you say Lu." She teased further before letting her expression fall back to normal. "This party really is nice though, you outdid yourself this time for sure." Lucy nodded slowly, spinning on her stool to take in the atmosphere. The morning was still fairly young for a typical party in her opinion, but she had really wanted to spend the evening working on a job request with the birthday boy. After some convincing, she had managed to get the rest of the members to agree with the morning time frame. The hall was decorated in a beach style theme (this being the only way to incorporate burning tiki torches, a strange favorite of the pink-haired male). Strings of flowers spiraled the stone columns in a variety of color. All the members seemed to match, flower wreaths hung around their throats in the same manner. The overly grand hall taking on a more cozy interior. Even the enormous stained windows had banners plastered to their panes. Celebration wishes printed on the fabric. Everybody had woken up super early to pitch in, getting everything set up without a hitch. Smiles and laughter mixed together creating a pleasant feeling. Kinship and happiness coated over the walls. Even Gray, the ever stoic had cracked a smile. Bickering with Natsu while holding on to his prized possession Juvia. Though he had yet to admit it, his feelings for the blue-haired, eclectic water woman were growing to become glaringly obvious."It really is nice." Lucy hummed softly. "It's a shame nobody ever thought to celebrate his birthday before. Hasn't he been a member for a long while now?"Levy nodded happily. "I think Gildarts found him when he was about twelve or thirteen, I mean if he really is twenty-two like you guessed."Lucy let out another breathy hum, turning away from the crowd to face her friend once again. "Does anybody really know about his life before Gildarts found him? He never talks about his past.""I suppose that makes sense." Levy folded her arms casually, balancing her chin in her palm. "As rambunctious as he is, I think Natu's a little more reserved about his life on purpose. He really never talks about his opinions or feelings even, unless it's regarding a fight." She giggled lightly. "I think if he were to open up to anybody, it would probably be you Lu."Lucy turned her head back towards the crowd, scanning over the bodies in search of him once again. A gentle maybe falling from her lips, her mind more focused on its hunt. She locked eyes with him from across the hall and couldn't help but smile brightly when he started making his was towards her."Happy birthday Natsu." Levy chimed on his approach. He beamed at her, letting a string of smoke leak between his teeth while he thanked her. "Didn't Lucy outdo herself with this party?" She smirked, nudging her blonde best friend who rolled her eyes and groaned internally."She really did." Natsu agreed eagerly, wrapping his arm around Lucy's shoulder to pull her into half a hug. "Aren't I spoiled?""Maybe a little." Levy jested, poking his chest playfully. Lucy wasn't really sure how the rest of the conversation played out, instead focusing on the radiant cake Lissana was currently wheeling out from the kitchen. Not that she would ever mention it, but when comparing this to the strangled looking muffin she had presented to him earlier, she was slightly offended for her own creation."Time to make a wish Natsu-san!" Lissana called softly, pushing the platter in front of him. Natsu closed his eyes in thought before leaning forward to blow out the red candles splattered over the layers, and Lucy couldn't help but smile with the rest of the group. It was just so nice, seeing the boy that always made sure everyone else was doing okay, actually have a moment for himself. Taking a second out of his hectic life to celebrate his very existence. Smiling and cheerful surrounded by his makeshift family. A moment of true happiness. If the remaining day's of her life were at least half as good, Lucy thought she could consider herself lucky.The morning had begun to drift away slowly, the party winding down accordingly. Everybody needing to get to work and begin their day to day routine. The hall progressively becoming more silent. Lucy was busy clearing empty bottles and glasses from a table when she regarded a comforting heat creep over her shoulder. "Did you pick a job yet?" She cooed at her partner, noting his presence without a need to visually see him."Of course." Lucy fluttered her lashed quickly when a flyer was held in front of her sightline, his arm stretching over the top of her head. She squinted slightly, reading the print of the request carefully. The job was nothing out of the ordinary, a group of bandits disturbing the peace of a small town a short train ride away. They only needed to find their base, possibly ruffle them up a little and get them to vacate the premises. "Did you catch that reward?" He presses, stepping around her to face her. She grabbed the flyer from his extended palm, narrowing down on the fine print. The cash reward was rather minimal compared to the requests they usually accepted. She raised a brow at him over the edge of the page and he smirked, telling her to keep reading. Her irises flashed back over the text, blowing wide when she read the final sentence. One first edition copy of Queen Anna Heartfilia's uncensored oral history on celestial magic. "She's probably your great grandmother or something hey? Natsu asked cheerfully, studying her reaction. "I figure we might find something new the other books missed." She could feel the beat of her heart quicken with excitement. Information on celestial magic was insanely hard to find, and to find something created by one of her ancestors was completely unheard of. A once in a lifetime opportunity."Is this really the job you want to take? Today's about you, we don't need to take this for me.""Consider it a thank you for everything you did for me today." Natsu beamed at her, and she couldn't help but return the smile back at him. How lucky was she that this selfless man just so happened to be her best friend. She let out a breathy okay, wrapping the fire-breather in a tight hug. He chuckled at her, grasping her shoulders and holding her a step back to meet her gaze. "I have one more favor though," She nodded slowly, smirking back at the man. "You gotta share this with me before we head out." He reached behind him, grasping a plate he must have placed down earlier. The miserable excuse of a cake she had made for him presented before her.She almost broke out in a fit of laughter, needing to take a moment to catch her breath and calm herself. "You don't need to eat that, Lissana made you a much better one.""Ya, but you made this one." He deadpanned, looking at her curiously. Her cheeks were definitely inflamed, the heat brushing its way down her throat and over her collar bones. If it was possible, her heart rate doubled over its already quickened pace. "Plus," he continued while taking a large bite, "It tastes so fucking good." He laughed warmly, offering a bite in her direction. She joined him with her own fit of giggles, perching herself on one of the hall's benches to share the rest of the desert with him.They ate quickly, sharing their excitement over the new job. Lucy practically gushing over the fact that a book of that stature even existed. No matter her effort, she couldn't contain the smile cemented over her lips."What are you two up to for the rest of the day?" Lissana's cheerful tone carried over, pulling them out of their fixated trance. She had cleaned herself up after the party, draping herself in a summer yellow fitted sundress. It ruffled out over her hips, only accentuating her perfect curves more so. Her white locks pulled back with a pearled clip. Lucy was almost annoyed at her for simply looking like herself, completely void of any flaws."Just heading out for a job," Natsu responded, sliding over to let her take a seat beside him."Oh, that sounds like such fun! I haven't been out in ages." She wined graciously. "I was going to wait for Mira and Elman to return, but it's been almost a month, I'm not sure when they'll be back." She folded her slender fingertips over the edge of the table, leaning in slightly as she spoke. "Would either of you mind if I tagged along? I've been working on this new spell and I'm just dying to try it out!"Natsu glanced towards Lucy, trying to gauge her reaction. The blonde just shrugging at him, leaning back against the bench. She was silently hoping he turned her away, the selfish side of her wanting to spend the next few days with just each other. And happy (Natsu's royally annoying blue flying cat), of course. "Ah sure Lissana," Natsu sputtered, still trying to read the blonde. "The more the merrier I suppose."The fairy-like woman practically sprung out of her seat. Perfect dazzling teeth on show as she glanced back at them over her shoulder. "Oh, fantastic! I can't wait!" She mused, heading off towards the hall exit in a hurry. "I'll just head up and pack real quick!"Natsu flashed an awkward smile back at Lucy, shifting to lean over the table towards her. "Cheer up Luce, this could be fun if you let it. Next job will just be us, sound good?" She nodded back at him, groaning internally before heading up to her own room to gather her things together. It was strange, adding her to the equation. It was always just her and Natsu that went on jobs. Even Gray dropped in from time to time. But it was never Lissana. She knew that it shouldn't matter all that much. Lissana was an amazing person and a fairly good mage in her own right. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she knew jealousy was the only thing she had against the girl. To her knowledge, Natsu had never reciprocated the girl's advances and constant pining. He was also his own person, his decisions didn't need to compensate for her own muddled feelings. All she knew, was that this was going to be a really long trip.
Again, check out the full story here! ↓↓↓↓
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vee-angel · 4 years
Non-consent Nancy (part 2, repost)
(Technically this is part 3, I just posted part 1 and 2 as a single post)
CONTENT WARNING: This story focuses on a lesbian black woman who fetishizes rape, misogyny, racism, and abuse. This section briefly checks in with her recently raped Jewish friend, but the bulk of this section will focus on Nancy violently abusing and raping a young female-to-male transgender person.
And if you happen to be the type of person who might feel bad about getting off to a hate-crime (or you’re just a decent person who enjoys indecent erotica), consider donating to Trans Lifeline at translifeline.org
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 3
Nancy got a warm, fuzzy feeling when a mutual friend texted her saying that Hannah had been attacked and was presently being treated for her injuries at the hospital. She rushed out the door, eager to see the damage inflicted on her close friend.
She headed to a room on the second floor after a brief consultation with the hospital receptionist,  Entering, she saw Hannah sitting in the bed; her spirit broken and so was her beak-like nose. The normally large protrusion that jutted from the center of her face was now swollen to even more ridiculous proportions. Nancy couldn’t help but let a laugh escape from her throat, but quickly stifled it, putting her hands to her face and passing it off as a cry of horror.
Hoping to add to her pain just a little bit more, Nancy rushed to her side and flung her arms around the little kike, squeezing her face tightly against her large breasts. She twitched and pulled away, obviously in pain.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I should have realized you’re not really touchable.” Nancy was proud that even now, she could drop subtle, subconscious jabs showing how repellent she thought Hannah was. “What happened, Hannah??”
“Somebody posted my pictures online. The ones I sent to you.” Her voice was even more whiny than normal; she sat hunched, staring down at her knees. “I don’t know how they got them, but they were giving out my address, too!” She began to weep. “Someone was pretending to be me, saying that I wanted to be… That I wanted this to happen. What’d I do, Nancy? I never did anything to anybody that would make them want to hurt me like this!” The sobs escalated to an ugly bawling.
Nancy sat, pulling her face into an expression of concern. She handed a tissue box to Hannah. “People will hate you no matter what you do. Some people just get off on hurting the weak. There’s not much you can do about that fact.”
Everyone hates you, you’re weak, you should give up hope; Somehow Nancy had managed to word those sentiments as though they were aimed to comfort.
After a few more moments of Hannah wiping the tears from her twisted, squealing Jew face, she turned back to Nancy, “I really appreciate you being here for me.”
“Of course! You’re one of my best friends. If you ever need to talk about what happened, I want you to know that I’m here for you, day or night.”
The two women spoke a few minutes longer, until Nancy elected to leave to make room for Hannah’s family, who had just arrived. She certainly didn’t want to get trapped in a room reeking so strongly of kikes.
She attended classes until late afternoon, at which time she popped over to her apartment to pick up the spy-cameras she’d had overnighted, then went back to the rape-crisis center hoping that Darla would return. She didn’t, but at least Nancy got some practice secretly surveilling some of the girls that came in.
That evening, she began to feel antsy. After all the delights she’d had the luck to witness in the last few days, she was starting to feel restless. She needed someone to rape.
She had a dating app in her phone that she’d set up under a fake name. She scanned through the few women who’d messaged or admired her, none of them were especially appealing. She decided to look at the males, thinking that maybe she could rape-bait one of them into assaulting her; it wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but then again, the wants of a man, especially a would-be rapist, would always surmount hers.
That’s when she saw it. A little cuntboy who called itself Angelo. If this thing thought it passed for male, it was sorely mistaken. She scanned the confused dyke’s profile and found the term “f2m” hidden at the bottom. Based on the message she’d sent Nancy, it seemed the desperate little twat was a little girl-crazy.
Nancy had a plan. She wrote back to Angelo, saying how handsome ‘he’ was, and how she’d love for them to get together soon.
The next evening, Nancy made her way to the restaurant that Angelo had picked out for them. The tranny cuntboy was already waiting on a bench out front. It sheepishly stood and introduced itself with a voice awkwardly forced into a lower register, then gave a quick, awkward hug before beckoning Nancy to join it inside.
A few inches shorter than Nancy’s statuesque frame, dirty blond hair cut short and neatly parted at the side, freckled cheeks beneath green eyes, and rather stylishly dressed; a white button-down shirt whose top two buttons were flirtatiously undone beneath a charcoal suit that actually managed to fit over the freak’s boyish frame. Angelo was just her type, not that Nancy would admit to the attraction.
Nancy had leaned into her femme side. A short, flowy, scarlet dress adorned her dark-chocolate skin, accessorized with a layered gold necklace and a druzy ring carved from a single piece of amethyst.
Angelo seemed eager to please, though just slightly on the timid side. Nancy laughed at “his” jokes, touched “his” hand from across the table, and looked down with a demure smile each time their eye contact lingered. She hoped her flirtations would speed the evening along.
Less than ninety minutes later they were walking into Angelo’s third-floor studio apartment. The room was tidy, with a muted color scheme and modern decor seemingly devoid of a woman’s touch. With a giggle, Nancy was upon the little cuntboy as soon as the door closed behind them, pushing it invitingly toward the bed centered against the rear wall of the room.
“Hang on a second.” it said.
Angelo stood, taking a zippo lighter from the bedside table, and lit a series of scented candles organized neatly around the room. It then hung up its coat and laid on the bed. Nancy crawled on top, her toothy smile ravenous with a hunger for what was to come.
Nancy kissed the dysphoric dyke hungrily, her hands frantically kneading across the flesh, moving downward until she felt a large silicone cock-and-balls that cuntboys like Angelo sometimes wore inside their underwear to play at being real men. She let out a little squeal of delight, pretending to believe that the thing in Angelo’s underwear was its own and not some dress-up toy ordered from an online costume shop for freaks.
She moved downward, gingerly unfastening the button of the slacks and pulling down the zipper. She stood briefly to yank the pants off with dramatic flair before playfully hopping back onto the bed, Angelo’s feet straddled between her knees.
“Wow,” Angelo said, almost breathless at Nancy’s forceful passion. It reached toward a drawer at the bedside table, “Let me get the, uhh, ya know.”
“Mmm, of course. I bet you need the magnum size.” She said, rubbing the front of Angelo’s grey boxer-briefs. She dipped her fingers into the waistband and pulled down as her face descended.
Then suddenly her expression changed. “What the fuck is this?” she demanded as she seized the realistic silicone genitals and held them accusingly above Angelo’s suddenly confused face.
Nancy threw the fake cock forcefully onto the bed and yanked the boxer-briefs down to the knees. “Oh my god! You’re a fucking girl?!?” She shouted, her lips curling in disgust at the last word.
Angelo sat up, her hands darting to her underwear to re-dress herself, Nancy responded by slapping her hard across the face. Angelo looked scared, and helpless. “You lied to me, you tranny cuntboy freak!” Nancy spat the words at her, before literally spitting in her cowering face.
“Please don’t call me that!” Her voice was cracking.
Angelo yanked her feet out from under Nancy and crawled off the bed, pulling her underpants up in the process. He wiped Nancy’s saliva from her eye and tried to compose herself. With still panicked breathing, she pointed at the door and tried to sound authoritative. “You need to leave right now.” she was actually shaking, “Get the fuck out of my house.”
While Nancy hated the ghetto-monkey dialect she had grown up hearing, she found it useful when the occasion arose that she needed to assert a sort of primal authority. Still, she couldn’t help but speak with her erudite style of slow enunciation and clearly articulated consonants, “You had best get that base out of your voice before I shove that fake cock up your bitch-ass, you tranny, cuntboy motherfucker.” Nancy took slow, menacing steps toward her as she spoke. Angelo retreated.
“That’s it, I’m calling the police!” She hurried over to the slacks that had been tossed across the room, squatting down to reach into the pocket. At that moment, Nancy threw a meticulously practiced roundhouse kick that caught the little girl-faggot just below the ear. Angelo was left slowly writhing, half-conscious on the slate tile floor.
“I told you what was going to happen, didn’t I, cuntboy?” Nancy reached down and raked her fingers through Angelo’s dark blonde hair before her fingers formed into a fist; dragging her by her hair, she forced her back onto the bed before yanking her boxer-briefs down and off in several successive, violent motions. She continued holding the tranny face-down by her scalp with one hand while she grabbed the fake cock with the other. She drove her knee into the cuntboy’s ass to spread it wide enough to expose her tight, pink asshole. When she began stuffing the soft rubber cock into her, Angelo seemed to regain her senses. She started thrashing, but Nancy overpowered her and began shoving even harder.
“No! No please! You’re hurting me!” Angelo tearfully cried out as Nancy’s french manicure scraped against her anus with each push. Nancy smiled with satisfaction as the confused boy-girl begged for the violation to stop.
After several agonizing seconds, Nancy had finally stuffed the last of Angelo’s packer up her ass. She released her victim and stood back to take in the sight of the broken bitch. “Flip over and show me your pussy.”
The little cuntboy closed her eyes tightly, as if trying to block out the world. Nancy grabbed her hair again, yanking her to her feet. She punched the girl hard in the face twice, the crystalline points of the amethyst druzy ring leaving deep wounds that would heal into permanent scars across her freckled cheeks.
“Lay down and spread your legs!” Nancy commanded. The terrified girl finally complied, blood dripping from her wounded face. The sound of whimpering providing soundtrack for the sight of the pink cunt, adorned with a neatly trimmed layer of wispy blonde fuzz.
“That’s fucking disgusting. If you don’t even know how to shave a pussy, than you don’t deserve one.” Nancy stomped over to the night-stand to grab the zippo lighter, then returned to the foot of the bed, pinning Angelo’s legs wide against the mattress with her knees. This ensured that the tranny wouldn’t be able to close her legs as she flipped open the lighter and ignited the flame. Angelo looked down in horror as Nancy brought the flame against her sensitive, pink cunt.
The bitter smell of burning hair filled the room as the boy-pussy went aflame. A panicking Angelo tried to sit up, but was met with Nancy’s strong, steely fingers clamping around her windpipe and pinning her to the bed. The pathetic twat thrashed frantically, she didn’t know whether to try to snuff the fire that was blistering the skin of her labia, or rip away the vice-like grip that was crushing her throat. In the end, she succeeded at neither.
The fire, thankfully for Angelo, went out after several seconds. The skin of her vulva was left bright red, with various round spots of white where the damaged skin was beginning to form blisters. “You know, if you just wore a skirt and shaved you cunt like a good girl, I wouldn’t have to do this for you. But you’re too fucked in the head to do that, aren’t you?”
Nancy released her throat, the tranny cuntboy had a coughing fit. Her legs were still pinned open, driven painfully wide by the pointed knees driven into the nerve-laden tissue of her inner thighs. She finally took a few gasping breaths as she realized that Nancy was still holding the burning lighter.
“I’m doing this to help you get better, you know. You’re probably going to be tempted to try to turn that little clit of yours into a full fledged dicklet sooner or later, so…” she paused for just a moment to forcefully blow out the flame of the zippo, leaving only the glow of hot-red metal where the flame had been, “let me remove the temptation.”
She drove the hot metal firmly against Angelo’s skin. She screamed as her clit turned to smoke; Nancy muffled the screaming, pressing her hand over the girl’s mouth. Even the half-silenced shriek was almost loud enough to drown out the wet, popping sound of boiling skin.
A few seconds later, she pulled the hot metal away, having left most of its heat in Angelo’s destroyed clitoris. Little bits of burnt flesh snapped off and stuck to the lighter. Upon examining the wound, she was satisfied to see a rectangular reddish-pink pit where the flesh had been, shiny-wet inside and wreathed with ragged black edges.
The toned, statuesque rapist needed to take a moment to catch her breath; they both did. She stood, closing the lighter and tossing it on the bed. She took a brief moment to stretch while she listened to the frantic screaming sobs as Angelo clutched her devastated genitalia. Nancy looked down with a smile to see the fake rubber penis peeking out of her asshole as she heaved with tears.
She had almost forgotten about that! She pinched the soft rubber tip and yanked the full mass out of the boycunt’s twitching asshole. Almost reflexively, Angelo seemed to reach out for it like a toddler who’s favorite toy was just stolen away. She watched as Nancy held the phony organ at arms length and walked over the the adjoining kitchen. There was a brief pause in the sobbing as Angelo tried to divine Nancy’s intention. A new wave of disbelieving shock came over her as she watched the piece that defined her identity dropped into the sink drain and Nancy’s finger moved swiftly toward the switch of the garbage disposal.
“NO! PLEASE!!!” She screamed like a little girl watching her teddy bear being eviscerated. Her voice was soon drowned out by the grinding sound as the only intact set of genitals she had left was turned into mangled rubbery slivers by the spinning metal blades.
“For someone who thinks they’re a boy, you sure cry like a little girl!” Nancy snapped.
The broken bitch-boy managed to whimper out “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? Sorry for lying to me, sorry for being a fucking pervert, or are you just a sorry piece of shit?” Nancy spat the words as an accusation.
“I’m so-oo-orry! Plee-heease! Please… just leave me alone.” Angelo barely managed to articulate the plea through the tears that streamed down her bloodied and battered face.
“You want me to leave?? I thought you wanted to get laid, you pathetic little dyke. What, am I suddenly not pretty enough for you anymore?”
“Why are you doing this to meee?”
Nancy rolled her eyes, “Okay, fine. You’re little pity-party worked. I’ll fuck you, you don’t need to beg.”
Angelo looked confused as Nancy advanced. She scrambled backward on the bed, leaving crumpled piles of sheets in her wake. Nancy grabbed her ankles and dragged her down forcefully before hopping onto the bed herself; her dense, muscular form crushing little Angelo beneath it. She began kissing the girl, tasting the salty combination of blood and tears as Angelo clenched her lips and eyes tightly. Undeterred, Nancy reached down and forced two fingers into the mutilated cunt below. Angelo twitched in fresh pain as she was roughly finger-raped. Kissing her way down the cuntboy’s neck and chest, she arrived once again at the mutilated pussy. From this angle she had the leverage to properly fist-rape the little tranny.
She added two more fingers roughly inside and began pushing. Angelo twitched violently at the painful new violation. Nancy encountered resistance when her bulky druzy ring pushed against the back edge of her hole.
“You’re ring! Please take off your ring!” Angelo regained her senses just enough to make the seemingly reasonable request not to be fisted by sharp points of rock. Unfortunately, Nancy didn’t feel very reasonable at the moment.
The fingers were roughly withdrawn, but only so Nancy could take a firm jab at Angelo’s mouth, splitting her lip and shattering a few of her teeth with the pointed formations of amethyst. “Don’t you dare tell me what to do, faggot!” She jammed her hand back up the girl’s burned and blistered vagina, her ring slowly scraping its way inside of her with a series of sudden violent thrusts. Angelo began screaming again as Nancy buried her hand wrist-deep inside of her.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m going to slit your throat.”
Angelo quickly grabbed a pillow to scream into as Nancy resumed her violent assault on her cervix. She punched in and out, making sure to bruise and scrape every inner surface with the crystal shards she wore as jewelry. After a few minutes of vigorous thrusting, she heard the dyke-faggot’s voice give out. She withdrew her hand, now slick with crimson blood whose hue was deepened upon her chocolate colored skin.
She looked down at Angelo, still pouring tears and blood and snot into the pillow and asked, “Well? I need to get off, too. Come here and lick my pussy.” She lifted the front of her blood-red dress, the wet streaks on her hand leaving barely noticeable stains. Beneath was a form-fitting pair of white cotton panties.
“I said lick my pussy, Angelo.” She demanded with a sneer.
The defeated form slowly dropped down from the bed, walking on her knees over to where Nancy stood, waiting. Nancy dipped a finger down and pulled her underwear aside, revealing the firm, flawless skin of her coffee colored labia.
Angelo opened her mouth and hesitantly moved it toward the neatly formed, feminine flower. Just before her tongue made contact, Nancy shot a stream of pale-yellow piss straight down Angelo’s throat. She began to cough and turned away.
Nancy grabbed her head angrily with both hands, “Don’t you dare turn away!” She forced the tomboy’s face back into the path of her urine. “Open your eyes! Open your fucking eyes!” She pried her date’s eyes open and shot salty piss straight across the green irises. When she was finally done using Angelo’s face as a urinal, she threw her onto the cold tile floor and gave her a couple of firm kicks in the torso.
Finally satisfied, she looked down at the sad, tormented form. She listened to the small, heaving tears of the thoroughly raped woman at her feet, her ragged voice periodically went silent. It was as if she was having a conversation with some unseen entity, and responding only in the language of weary sobs.
Nancy smiled, “Thanks for buying me dinner, Angelo. I had a great time tonight.”
With that, she left.
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shounenkitsune · 4 years
Cake One Shot Sick Fic
Reposted from fanfiction.net, but I feel like I wanna move everything over here bc I prefer tumblr.
Vocaloid fanfic, but tbh they might as well be OC’s bc nothing in the story is relevant to them being Vocaloids XD
Rin stretched out on the floor, trying to get a better look at her painting. She'd already put a lot of water on it. She had to be careful with her next moves, because the paper wouldn't accept much more water here soon. She needed to blend more black into the background, but there was already so much in there, that the rest of it seemed to look like blobs of blue rather than that cool galaxy look. She frowned. Maybe there was another dark color she could use to add depth?
Len released a rather obnoxious belch from his side of the room. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed, one hand resting lightly on his stomach. Rin glanced up at him, then immediately went back to her painting. It wasn't really unusual for him to do that. He was a teenage boy after all. Not that he wasn't respectful, just that he felt comfortable enough around his sister and she didn't mind it, so he didn't feel the need to be so proper and polite. He usually said excuse me afterwards though, but it wasn't such a big deal. Rin didn't care either way.
Rin grabbed a purple watercolor pencil and began shading heavily around the black. She needed it to be prominent, that way she didn't have to use a lot of water to blend it. She heard another large belch as she dipped her brush into the cup of water on the floor in front of her. She brushed it off again and began painting. This happened several times, all of which she ignored, until she started hearing his stomach gurgling all the way on the other side of the room. She looked up at him curiously.
"What's going on?" she asked. Len opened one eye to look at her, then closed it. He muffled another belch.
"What do you mean?" he asked back, not sure what she was talking about. He belched again.
"That," she said. She propped her elbow up on the floor and rested her chin on her hand. "Why are you so gassy? Did you eat too much or something?" Len didn't reply. Most likely he wasn't expecting that answer and got embarrassed. He didn't mind burping in front of her, so long as she didn't draw attention to it.
After not getting an answer for several seconds, she tried again. "Does your stomach hurt? You okay?" Len sighed, knowing he would have to answer her eventually. He didn't particularly like discussing this topic, however.
"I'm fine," he mumbled. He forced down a belch from entering his throat by swallowing. "Must've just been something I ate…"
Rin pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. There was something he wasn't telling her. Len peeked at her with one eye, then opened both eyes once he saw the face she was making. "What?" he asked defensively. Rin squinted her eyes. Len stared back, waiting for her to do something. This went on for a while until Rin blinked and shook her head. She looked back up at her brother, who looked very, very confused. She furrowed her brows again.
"What did you eat today?" she asked. Len was on a diet. Well, technically he was always on some sort of diet. He had marching band, track, cross country, and dance, so he absolutely needed to be fit in order to keep up with the activity. He was pretty good about his home workouts, which was basically just a run every night before bed. He showered in the morning, which was kinda gross, because that meant he went to bed all sweaty, but that's another reason why they had their own sides of the room. But aside from the workouts, he really had a poor will to avoid unhealthy foods he wasn't supposed to have. It wasn't such a bad thing, since he didn't do it very often, and it's also not healthy to completely deny a kid unhealthy foods or desserts while he has to watch everyone around him enjoy them. The only issue is that he kinda binges on junk food from time to time. Knowing Len, he probably did something like chug a 2 liter, or eat a whole box of pizza rolls.
Again, Len took a while to answer. He knew she was gonna chew him out like always, because she was his "diet coach" (which she appointed herself), and he really just wanted to lie down for a while and relax.
He let out a heavy sigh. "Cake," he replied curtly. Rin wasn't surprised. But it made her think for a moment. Eating a singular piece of cake wouldn't make you that gassy.
"How much cake?" she asked. Again, a long pause. Rin expected the worst at that point.
"A cake," he said. Rin furrowed her brows in confusion.
"What do you mean "a cake"?" she asked, then realized what he meant and widened her eyes. "You ate an entire cake!?" she shouted. Len nodded, refusing to open his eyes and look at her. Rin was shocked that he could eat a whole cake by himself. Where did they even get a cake? Rin looked down at Len's stomach, something she hadn't really paid much attention to, and realized that the more she looked, the more she could see how bloated he was. He definitely ate a lot of something.
"How big was it?" she asked. Len held up his hands about a foot apart, then moved them to the side perpendicular to where he first hand them, only closer together, making an imaginary rectangle about one foot by six inches.
"What the actual fuck, Len," she said. Len shrugged. At least she wasn't yelling at him to go for a run. Rin looked at him, concerned. "Are you okay though? I mean, do you think you're gonna puke or something?" Len opened his eyes and looked at her, surprised that she even thought about that. Normally she just told him to do some sort of workout, usually jokingly, sometimes seriously.
"Yeah, I'm alright," he said. "I'm a little nauseous, but I don't think I'm actually gonna throw up." Rin nodded once and chewed her bottom lip nervously, looking over his body. He looked like he was okay, but Rin was actually worried about him this time. I mean for Pete's sake, he ate an entire freaking cake!
Rin stood up and walked over to his side of the room, stopping by his bed. She pulled up his shirt, to which Len didn't object. He even moved his hand out of the way to let her pull it all the way off his stomach. She put her hand on his belly and immediately felt the sloshing and gurgling going on in there, his stomach kicking into overdrive to try and break down that massive lump of food. She rested it there for a moment before slowly dragging her palm across the smooth surface of his skin, making a circular motion. She felt him tense up, then slowly relax and melt into her touch. She rubbed his belly for a while. When they were little, their grandparents used to do this when they had an upset stomach. Normally it was Len who had the tummy ache, since he was the one obsessed with food, so Rin watched a lot of the time. She started doing it herself at around maybe ten. The first time she did it, Len had no idea what she was doing and it got...very awkward to say the least. But now he doesn't mind. He actually rather enjoys it. Belly rubs are really relaxing, and they really do help with the pain of an upset stomach.
Len closed his eyes, the slow motion of Rin's hand lulling him to sleep. He let out another belch and his eyes popped open again, caught off guard by himself, not even feeling it before it happened. Rin could feel it though. His stomach rumbled again, the air bubbles making their way up towards the belly button. She took two fingers and gently pressed them into his stomach just beneath his belly button, rubbing in a circle, but not moving in a wide circumference. Len's stomach gurgled loudly, bubbling angrily. Len flinched. That gurgle had upset his stomach more and he felt a sharp stab of pain where Rin's fingers were. He almost grabbed her hand and pulled it away, but he started to feel better as the air made its way up. He could feel warmth rising up towards his throat. For a moment he waited for the belch, but then leaped forward and made a mad dash out of their room, leaving Rin standing there beside his bed, dazed.
The bathroom was upstairs, so he ran into the kitchen, dropping to his knees in front of the large trash can. He retched violently, coughing and sputtering as the warmth moved up into his throat. He could now feel the burning pain of the stomach acid in the back of his throat. He retched again and vomited into the trash can, coughing and struggling to breathe.
Len's mom was sitting at the kitchen table playing a game of cards by herself while reading an ebook on her tablet. She was surprised when someone suddenly raced into the room and dropped to the floor in front of the trash can. It took her a moment to realize what was going on and who it was. She stood up and briskly walked over him.
"Len? Hey hey hey, are you okay?" She put her hand on his back and pulled his hair out of his face while he puked. She looked into the trash can and became worried. His vomit was a muted pink color, and it was very liquidy. What did he eat? Or maybe it was blood mixed in with his stomach contents…
His mom rubbed his back and waited for him to finish before asking any more questions. He wouldn't be able to answer them until he was done anyway. After a while, the retching died down a bit. He started letting out low belches instead, with a little bit of retching mixed in. Thinking he was almost done, his mom pat his back and looked him in the eye. He looked tired.
"You alright, baby?" she asked. Len thickly swallowed, then spit into the trash can. Some saliva stayed on his bottom lip though, creating a small string that started to drip down into the trash can. He spat again to get rid of it, but it wouldn't budge. He tried again, but coughed harshly and groaned. He nodded softly, no longer looking at his mom. He still felt really nauseous, and he knew he wasn't done, but he felt a lot better now that his stomach was empty.
His mom put her hand on his forehead, feeling for a fever. He felt normal. She furrowed her brows and pursed her lips, a trait she very noticeably passed onto her daughter. Maybe he ran too hard and made himself sick? The treadmill was upstairs though, so he should have ran into the bathroom, not all the way downstairs into the kitchen.
"You think you're almost done?" she asked. Len mouth breathed for a few seconds, trying to catch his breath. He wanted to be done, but his stomach still felt hot, and it was swishing and gurgling. He shrugged, the motion upsetting his belly more.
"Ohh," he moaned softly. "It still hurts." He was about to take a breath in when he suddenly lurched forward and belched up another string of vomit. He coughed softly, almost as if he was crying. His mom got worried and looked to check. His eyes were watering, but he didn't look like he was actually crying. His nose wasn't red or anything, and he looked more tired than in pain. A few seconds passed before he retched again. That felt like it might be the last of it though. He hurled one more time before his stomach felt empty. He could hardly breathe when he was finished.
His mom pat his back a few times and waited for him to say something or get up. She didn't want to bug him with questions or make him feel pressured to be done quickly. He tended to get embarrassed whenever he got sick. He always wanted to be alone. He surely didn't want her to be there right next to him while he threw up.
"Ohh...I feel better," he mumbled, closing his eyes. He let out a deep sigh and relaxed, leaning back into his mom. He let his head rest heavily on her chest. His mom pulled him up into her lap and pressed her cheek on the top of his head.
"What happened, baby?" she asked in a sweet voice. "Do you feel sick? Did you eat something bad?" It wasn't like him to just randomly throw up.
"I'm okay," was his reply. He was too exhausted to explain any further. He lied there in his mom's lap for a while, trying to catch his breath and get some energy back. His mom asked him more questions.
"Were you feeling bad this morning?"
That just happened to be Tuesday, a school day. The kids had been home for about an hour or so. She wondered if he'd gone to school feeling sick. It wouldn't have been the first time. He liked to hide it for some reason. She could feel him shaking his head, however.
"No," he mumbled. He didn't feel like answering her questions. He wanted to go back to his room and lie down. He felt better getting that out of his stomach, but he still felt awful. "Mom, I'm tired. Can I go back to my room?" His mom bit her bottom lip after hearing that. She didn't want to just send him to his room without knowing why he suddenly got sick.
"Yeah, okay," she said. She rubbed his back a few times, then helped him to his feet. She would check on him later. Maybe he would feel more up to talking then. She led him down the hall to the twins' room. Rin was sitting on his bed, sketchbook in her hands. She looked up at them as they entered.
"Hey, you doing alright?" she asked her brother. She could hear him from their room. Len nodded, his eyes half closed. He was sleepy before he got sick. He was even more tired after his abdominal muscles forced out everything in his stomach.
Rin moved off of his bed so he could lie down. He got in bed and dug himself under the covers. He curled up into a ball, cradling his knees to his chest with one hand tucked between his stomach and his legs, holding his stomach.
Rin frowned and sat down beside her sick brother. He may be an idiot for being so reckless, but she still felt bad for him. She slowly rubbed his arm up and down in a soothing manner. Len whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut, curling in even tighter on himself. God, his stomach was killing him. He didn't think he would get this sick from eating a simple cake. Despite the cake no longer being in his system, his stomach still gurgled and groaned uncomfortably. He muffled a few belches into his pillow.
"Do you want some water or anything?" Rin asked softly. "Any medicine?" She felt helpless just watching him suffer.
Len could hardly bring himself to speak. His throat was so dry and cracked from all the stomach acid. "Water…" he croaked out. Rin nodded, even though he couldn't see her face. She went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Her mom stopped her before she could open the cupboard.
"Rinny?" she called out to her. Rin turned around to face her mother.
"Hm?" she replied, turning back to get a glass down from one of the shelves. Her mother looked at her worriedly.
"Have you seen your brother recently?" she asked. Rin slowly looked back at her and nodded, frowning. Her mother bit her lip, concerned.
"Yeah," she mumbled. "He had an upset stomach, so I tried to give him a belly rub to make him feel better, but then he ran away all of the sudden." She saw the look on her mother's face and could only guess what happened when he was gone. "I assume he threw up?" Her mother nodded.
"He was pretty upset when I last saw him," she added. "He looked like he was in a lot of pain. I didn't know what to do, so I asked him if he needed anything, and he said some water would be nice." Remembering that he needed the water, Rin hurriedly filled the glass with ice and water and started to make her way back to their room. Her mother stopped her again.
"Did he tell you anything about why he's feeling bad?" she asked. "He was pretty drained after he threw up, so he didn't really explain anything to me about what was going on." Rin nodded.
"Yeah, he uh…" she shook her head and laughed at him in pity. "He told me he ate an entire cake. I'm sure he's learned his lesson about portion control, though." Her mother sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"What am I gonna do with him…" she mumbled. Rin shrugged and went back to their room to deliver the water to him. Surprisingly, he had fallen asleep in the short time she took to get it for him. She sighed and set the glass on the nightstand beside his bed. Taking a seat next to him, she leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead before ruffling his hair lightly.
"You're such a dummy, Lenny…" she mumbled to herself, then lied down next to him, spooning him. Len tossed a little in his sleep, whimpering to himself. Rin hushed him and rubbed his arm up and down. Eventually he relaxed from his fitful sleep and fell into a deeper dream state. Rin was beginning to feel tired as well. She ended up falling asleep next to him, keeping him warm while he recovered from his bad decisions. Hopefully he had learned his lesson.
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switchedflip · 4 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
full name. Citynetics Workbot Unit C-8 5779. or, yknow, just switch. never bothered to come up with a last name for himself
nickname. very often called “dude” or “bro”, mostly by raptor. not really a nickname but regularly gets called shit like “tin can” or “scrap” by hecklers.
gender. dude, he/him
height. six foot even
age. he was manufactured five years ago, but being a construction bot, he was built to have the sense of someone in At Least their mid 20s to work a dangerous job and be personable to human workers. now, he’s got the attitude of a college dropout, so he’s mentally like 21
zodiac. he didn’t want his birthday to be the same day that the other bots were manufactured, so when he became lucid, he gave himself a new birthday. the thing is, he had two days in mind, but he didn’t want to pick between them. so, his birthdays are september 19th and october 28th, the anniversaries of the release dates of tony hawk’s pro skater 2 and 3, making him a virgo and a scorpio. whatever one he chooses that year is anyone’s guess
spoken languages. he was programmed knowing english and spanish, but he downloaded a japanese patch as well after he went lucid
hair color. bald! bald! bald!
eye color. glowing yellow. they look really sick in the dark
skin tone. burnished steel. he really needs to get himself polished again
accent. is bitcrushed an accent? otherwise, he’s very much got the speech patterns of someone from coastal socal, very much has that flavor of “surfer dude”. what the fuck kind of guy in probably 21XX says gnarly unironically?
voice. did you know switch has the longest set of voice clips in the game? i think that’s neat
dominant hand. okay, being a robot he doesn’t have a dominant hand, so he’s ambidextrous, but he did program himself to have a dominant foot. bear with me on this. you see, in skating, you generally have your dominant foot be the one on the back of the board to have better control. he programmed himself to have his left foot be his dominant foot so he could be goofy footed
posture. he’s just got a habit of standing up straight, he probably can’t even bend much around the waist. 
tattoos. his arm guards being decked out and bolted on is kinda close? i’ll call that tattoos, just short of actually engraving his chassis
birthmarks. speaking of chassis engravings! his barebones frame under his main chest piece is engraved with the citynetics logo in a few places, as are a lot of his other more fiddly parts
noticeable feature(s). he’s decked himself out A Lot compared to other citynetics workbots so he doesn’t get lost in a crowd. for one, he wears pants and shoes. but also, he’s done away with any safety markings on his parts, he’s modified his chestpiece to have much more appealing lights, and his armguards-- which match his board no less? he’s curated his style to fit himself perfectly
place of birth. he was manufactured in the main citynetics factory in shine city!
birth weight. probably at least 200 pounds? robots arent light, especially ones meant to do construction projects
birth height. still six feet
manner of birth. conveyor belt construction line, put together with giant machinery like all the other bots
first words. when he was first activated? he just rattled off his standard boot-up phrases. thank you for choosing citynetics blah blah. his first word when he was freshly lucid was “what?”
siblings. technically 9999 others in his manufacturing group. raptor’s his only Real brother though
parents. do you count foremen of the factory?
parental involvement. nah
sexual orientation. please do not try and fuck the robot
romantic orientation. gay as hell
love language. physical touch and words of affirmation. for the physical touch thing, yeah he might not have the best touch sensors out there, but he still likes like. holding hands and cuddling and stuff. its nice and, for lack of a better way of putting it, it makes him feel like he’s close to a human way of expressing love, yknow?
relationship tendencies. he WILL make a mixtape and IT WILL have daft punk on it. he’s very chill in a relationship, though. he doesn’t do big grand romantic gestures, and generally things dont change much between him and his partner. he’s still a dumbass, he’s still chill, he just likes holding hands and maybe gets into movies for half off by pretending to be a guardbot or something
character’s theme song. sk8er boi his home stage in blaze is the abandoned pool with this as the theme, so That Works. but if you ask me, i heavily associate him with this song from ollie king,
mental illnesses. not a mental illness, but he’s got some shades of neurodivergency. he’s got some flavor of adhd, or as he likes to call it, 80HD. otherwise, a while back he was in a pretty bad depressive spiral for being where he was. like, things were easier when he was a braindead bot, or if he was fully human, not somewhere in between. now, he’s mostly gotten over that rough patch with the help of his bro and some other friends in the league
self-confidence level. oh he is super confident 64. like, genuinely, he’s probably one of the cockiest members of the league, with boasts such as “i’m not programmed to lose”. it doesn’t stop at him being competitive, he’s open and easygoing, personable but strong in his convictions
vulnerabilities. he IS still a robot, so anything that messes with machinery will fuck him up. you can also get to him if you mess with someone he cares about
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baconpal · 5 years
pokemon isn’t for us anymore
ya that’s right it’s time for a daytime juvenile rant cus i’m angry and finally think i can put my thoughts to words, 
if you like the new pokemon then this isn’t really for you, cus pokemon is still for you. enjoy it while you can. otherwise click that read more
i’ll start by making my opinion and background immediately clear, so you have something to compare to and such. I loved Pokemon as a child, and for a long while afterward. I think the series’ highest moment was black and white in terms of art and story, and the gameplay was at its best in black and white 2. Gen 5 is also the gen where I have the most competitive experience. 
And my opinion is that every single thing that’s been shown of pokemon sword and shield is really, really bad. Not even as a hyperbolic statement of “wow i hate new thing!” but as a fan who wants nothing but for the series to realize its potential, not one thing they’ve done has made feel anything besides disgust and disappointment. But this is not a normal thing, this isn’t what everyone thinks, i’m not preaching to the choir by saying i hate sword and shield. I’m the contrarian, i’m the one whose saying shit nobody agrees with, and I’m the voice who will be ignored. And that’s because pokemon is no longer being made with someone like me in mind. 
The question then becomes, what is pokemon now? What did it used to be? What should it be?
Pokemon today is not a game series. It’s a brand, a franchise, something that has weight simply by existing. Of course pokemon has been more than just games for forever, the shows, the toys, the side games, everything about it is marketable and marketed. But the main line games were separate from that to an extent. They were the new bits of source material thrown out into the world without concern for how it would all fit together. A video game was made first, and was then marketed to whoever would buy in whatever form hey wanted.
Today pokemon games themselves are a tailored product. People of today don’t care about the actual video game, many wont play it, and many won’t even realize when it comes out, but gamefreak doesn’t need the game itself to sell (though it will), they just want everyone on earth to know about pokemon and to be excited about it, it’s advertising for their brand. As long as people know pokemon exists and is out there, it will make money. 
So instead of holding their cards and releasing a video game to let people mess around in, the entire game is drip fed to us on social media before it’s even out. The days of korokoro leaks and blurry photos of pokemon are over, the discussion of what they might be or do is over, and a joy in the exploration of the unknown is gone. Instead, a trailer will be split up in to a chain of individual tweets, all tailored to be as easily digestible as possible. Videos or photos that require seconds of attention, and descriptions of characters and pokemon that make it easy to form a shallow attachment, enough to repost it and say “oh that’s so me” or “love this kind of character”, and that’s free advertisement. the kinds of people who live on social medias will translate genuine advertisements into a form of speak their friends will appreciate and thus engage with the advertisements further. The job is done and pokemon is making more money than ever. 
Again, something many disagree with, the art is fucking awful in the new games. But that’s because its not art meant to impress me, an artist with his own design sense and standard of quality, the art only needs to be serviceable, enough for someone who can’t draw to appreciate. The standard of what will be accepted is never actually very high, but pokemon no longer makes any effort to exceed passable. Fanartists will be essentially forced to draw better versions of all their characters since pokemon is once again the hot new thing, so the actual quality of the original art will not be reflected in peoples perception. The model quality as also awful, every design manages to look even worse in motion and in game. But since the goal is not to make an enjoyable game, this is again not a problem. 
This extends to the clothing the characters wear as well, but pokemon no longer is its own universe. It is doing all it can to act as if it takes place in the real world, and making the clothing its characters wear bastardized versions of modern aesthetics, instead of the unique and simple sudo-sporty aesthetic the other games had, where clothing was cohesive and sleek, looked fit for various kinds of weather, and seemed generally comfortable. The new gym leaders for example, wear horribly messing and unneeded sportswear based mostly on real life soccer clothing, but without any of the benefits, as they are also loaded with unneeded accessories that go in direct contrast to what they’re supposedly doing. Nessa is the worst offender to me (and what do you know she’s the most popular), compared to misty’s attempt at being part time swimmer part time trainer, nessa looks absolutely ridiculous, and not prepared to do either swimming or pokemon battles. She wears a swimsuit, but not an actual swimmer’s suit, and she’s covered in jewelry, accessories, makeup; things that would ruin any attempt to go swimming even casually. And yet she doesn’t look like she could comfortably go on an adventure or catch and raise pokemon. She is a bland aesthetic mess of what people want a cute swimmer girl to be.
Custom trainers are a whole different problem in that no game with custom characters actually has good ones. The best result you can have is funny looking characters, which is actually a pretty good goal, but gamefreak still wants everything to be samey and appeal to broad aesthetics so people can post their own characters and share some feeling of attachment. 
the quality of sword and shield from a technical standpoint is clearly very low, and this is one of the few things people have been willing to call out. The model quality hasn’t improved, the animations are sparse and bad. The wild areas are a mess and run terribly, the game crashed trying to handle multiplayer bosses live on stream. The national dex has been removed for literally no reason. The gyms have been completely gutted and reduced to just the fights (which are still nothing but bland checks for type advantage) and the new gimmick is just “make your guy strong” and is obviously best used in response to the opponent using it. the pokemon wonder around the open area and yet wild grass is still there, there’s no option to approach pokemon peacefully and capture like in let’s go, so even the few out there things they’ve tried aren’t going to be used in any meaningful way. But repeat after me, the game doesn’t matter! As far as gamefreak is concerned, the game could crash 40 minutes in and they would have done all they needed to do.
so i’ll end this stupid rant with something the new pokemon games don’t have, even the ones I really like don’t have em. Multiple goals to achieve, multiple ways to approach the game. Even the originals didn’t truly have multiple ways to play, but they started you off by presenting you multiple goals, which were tangled together to start but by the end of the game would become 2 very seperate things, becoming champion and completing the pokedex. Johto did it best, to complete one goal, you had to make a pretty good chunk of progress on the other, it was impossible to not “beat the game” if you actually wanted to accomplish either goal, but after that you were free to tie up whatever goals you had left. It was primitive and mostly meaningless, but it was there. The shows and the manga also put a lot of emphasis on the fact that every trainer can do something different, and their own ultimate goal is completely different from everyone else. 
The closest the games come now to this idea is having your rivals go off and do something else other than fight the elite 4. Some of them aren’t even actual rivals and just like pokemon, like lyra from HG/SS. But there is no pokemon game in which you, the player, are presented a goal other than to beat the game, winning the elite 4 and defeating some evil plot along the way.
For me, an ideal pokemon game would be about giving complete freedom, start off with some explanations of what all the possible goals are, completing the dex, becoming champion, winning all the contests, defeating the evil organization, exploring the world, anything. And once the player gets an idea of what they want to do, they’re set free into a world where they can find pokemon and do whatever they want, working towards whatever goal they want. Other aspects will naturally come into play, battling pokemon and making them stronger would help you catch more pokemon, learn moves for contests, explore more dangerous areas, beat stronger trainers. So no matter what goal you have, you’d still interact with many of the systems and areas in the game, and make progress on all goals at the same time, but ultimately feel satisfied when you accomplish your own, personal goals, instead of following the straight line gamefreak set for you.
Obviously that sort of thing will never happen. That’s just what I think pokemon has the potential to become, but pokemon isn’t made for me, anymore.
Thank you for reading.
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wieldbrave · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping-off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
MUN NAME:  Thyme ( won’t lie, I chose this alias for the sake of making puns ) OOC CONTACT:   I’m available through Tumblr IMs & Discord for mutuals ( thyme#5669 ), although I’m slower to reply using the former!
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TOMIOKA GIYUU: Water Hashira. Lost his parents, older sister and best friend to demons. Depression given human form, cursed with a resting b*tch face, completely lacking in self-awareness and has no idea how to interact with people ( often resulting in him unintentionally insulting them? whoops ). He hates speaking unless he absolutely has no other choice, would literally give his life to protect the Kamado siblings ( don’t test him!!! ). Created his own unique style, “Lull”. Surprisingly kind and lowkey empathetic deep beneath his blank exterior. Has a soft spot for siblings, especially sisters, mildly projecting his own feelings onto them. Values the lives of others well above his own. Views himself as an eyesore, unworthy of his status despite his strength. Keeps others at arm’s length because of this. Quietly sentimental, his haori acting as a physical reminder of the loved ones he lost. Likes animals, but they don’t like him. Basically, he needs more friends, please help him he’s so lonely???
KAMADO TANJIRO: Demon Slayer, Dance of the Fire God breath user, full-time older brother and firstborn son with an amazing sense of smell that defies all logic. The personification of compassion and empathy. Has likely known you for 0.5 seconds and will now die for you. On the flip side, if you threaten or hurt anyone he loves, he will absolutely decimate you, don’t even try it. Adores his sister and close friends more than life itself and doesn’t even stop to think if they’re ever in any danger. Driven, dedicated, has made it his mission to befriend as many people as humanly possible no matter their backgrounds or lifestyles. Won’t tolerate mistreatment of others and will stand up to anyone he views as wrong/a bully regardless of someone’s status. Has a strong moral compass and won’t hesitate to kill demons who excessively harm innocents, but expresses empathy towards his fallen opponents in their final moments. Can talk to and understand birds ( and likely other animals ). He’s basically a Disney Princess. A tone-deaf one.
SABITO: Dead, but I do what I want, so he has an alternate verse. Technically a Demon Slayer ( takes on missions from time to time ) but acts as a Swordsmen Cultivator alongside Urokodaki due to an injury in his Final Selection which has affected his abilities to fight for extended periods of time. Water breath user. Rough around the edges, quick temper, does not tolerate any whining or complaining. Typically keeps his true emotions close to his chest, but in moments of extreme stress, they come rising to the surface, especially when someone he cares about is hurt/in danger. A harsh trainer, an advocate of tough love. Under the guise of an abrasive attitude and a slew of insults, he’s encouraging and motivational. Confident, precise, dedicated, efficient. Wastes no time putting himself in harm’s way to protect others, even strangers. Refuses to let anyone give up or waste their life while there’s still so much they can do with it. Will Not Hesitate To Kick Your Ass. Dogs love him and he loves them. 
RENGOKU KYOJURO: Also dead, but I still do what I want, so he has an alternate verse as well. Flame Hashira ( recovering / retired ), focused on training a Tsuguko to take his place and bolster the Demon Slayer ranks. Loud. Rambunctious. Enthusiastic. Passionate. The type to wear a smile to bring comfort to those he aims to protect. Follows his strict moral principles to a T, will not falter or compromise for anyone or anything. Cares immensely for his younger brother and father, wants nothing more than to make his deceased mother proud. Keeps his negative emotions to himself, rarely opens up to those around him, but his friendly attitude attracts people to him regardless. The type to take kids in need of a role model under his wing and will protect them fiercely as he views it as his duty to do so. Animal lover.
GIYUU is instantly recognisable by his haori. The maroon half once belonged to his deceased sister, the cube patterned half belonged to Sabito, his best and only friend. Other than that, he purposefully does as little as possible so as not to stand out. He prefers to go unnoticed and will rarely approach/speak to strangers unless given a proper reason to.
TANJIRO stands out from the crowd for a multitude of reasons: he wears hanafuda earrings that carry a certain weight amongst demons ( or, rather, Muzan himself ), he bears a scar-like birthmark on his forehead, he wears a bright green and black checkered haori over top of his uniform and, last but not least, he is often seen carrying a large wooden box, where his younger sister sleeps during their travels. His bright smile and friendly personality will undoubtedly draw you in from the get-go — he thrives on interactions with other people and willingly seeks them out.
SABITO is instantly recognisable by the peculiar fox mask with a scar by the right side of its mouth that he is often seen wearing, paired with peach coloured hair that reaches past his shoulders. Beneath his mask, there’s an identical scar by the right side of his mouth, but it is rare for him to take off his mask by choice. He holds little regard for social status ( he’ll only ever express respect for Urokodaki or those who have beaten him in combat ) and can be quite abrupt, regardless of someone’s rank or standing, doubly so if he feels someone is needlessly complaining.
KYOJURO is a man who stands out, whether intentionally or not. Loud ( seriously, his volume is permanently cranked to the max ), rambunctious, wearing brightly coloured clothes and possessing even brighter hair, he is the epitome of ‘out there’. It is hard not to notice him.
GIYUU is embarking on missions issued to him by his Kasugaigarasu or attending meetings alongside his fellow Hashira. In his downtime, he keeps mostly to himself, either by training or meditating. His main motivation is to prevent innocent people from suffering at the hands of demons.
TANJIRO’S arc depends entirely on what point in the series I’m writing something for. His main motivation is to focus on finding a way to make his sister human again, defeating Kibutsuji Muzan and fulfilling his role as a Demon Slayer.
SABITO is either embarking on missions issued to him by his Kasugaigarasu, spending time with Makomo or working alongside Urokodaki as a Swordsmen Cultivator. His main motivation is to focus on keeping himself fit and healthy, coping with the lingering effects of his injury and fulfilling any missions given to him.
KYOJURO is focusing on his recovery and is eager to return to his status as Hashira ( or he’s in retirement, dependent on the partner ). His main motivation is to find and train a Tsuguko to take over from him in his retirement, preparing them for the duties and hardships a Hashira must face.
In between missions ( which is a very infrequent occurrence ), GIYUU can be found at his “estate” — a modest house by a pond at the edge of a forest that lacks any furnishing or personal touches. He views it as more of a place of rest between missions rather than an actual home and thus sees no need to decorate it. Typically, Giyuu is hard to pin down. He throws himself from one mission to the next, forcing himself to stay on the move. A lot of this is to help as many people as possible and fulfil his duty as a Demon Slayer, however, it’s also a form of self-punishment/self-harm. TW SUICIDAL TENDENCIES. By refusing himself proper rest, he can punish himself for his perceived failings, which is the least of what he believes he deserves. He wholly expects ( and, one some level, wants ) to die on his missions and fully believes it’s the best thing for him.
TANJIRO can be found all over the place, as he rarely stays still in one place for very long. He’s become a frequent visitor at the Butterfly Estate due to the injuries he often receives on his missions, but aside from that, he no longer has a place he truly calls home. He’s often on the move, his missions and duties as a Demon Slayer keeping him busy. Until he can help his sister become human again and defeat Kibutsuji Muzan once and for all, he’ll continue to fight for as long as it takes.
SABITO’S sole permanent residence is with Urokodaki at the foot of Sagiri Mountain, where he spends most of his time as he helps train budding swordsmen. However, when he’s called upon, Sabito will take to the road to fulfil his duties as a Demon Slayer.
KYOJURO frequently visits his estate to check in on his younger brother and ensure his father is doing well. Otherwise, he can be found all over the place, visiting his fellow Hashira, or any wounded swordsmen at the Butterfly Estate. When he’s called upon, he, like everyone else, will take to the road to fulfil his duties as a Demon Slayer.
Arcs my muses will be going through already or in the nearby future.
GIYUU recognising that his lack of self-worth is harmful and trying to change the way he thinks about himself/interacts with those around him. Giyuu struggling with his attempts to change, frequently slipping back into old habits and slowly finding his footing again.
TANJIRO learning how to further utilise his Dance of the Fire God breath. Facing his feelings regarding everything he’s been through so far, as he’s never had the chance to truly acknowledge it all. 
SABITO continuing to work at his strength, despite many years having passed since his injury. Connecting with people rather than continuing to isolate himself due to his continuous struggle with depression. Helping to train other budding swordsmen or helping to polish the skills of already well-established Slayers.
KYOJURO building himself back up to his full strength. Depending on the partner, either returning to duty and training his Tsuguko or retiring from being a Hashira and focusing on bolstering the strength of any newbies to the Demon Slaying Corps while training his Tsuguko.
**  If you have any ideas for any of my muses that aren’t listed here, I’m more than open to anything!! These are mostly things I’m thinking of off the top of my head.
GIYUU: I’d like to explore him attempting to connect with his fellow Hashira ( OC or canon ) following his chat with Tanjiro, overcoming his feelings of worthlessness and learning how to cope with his depression, or even forming an older brother/younger sibling dynamic with any of the kids ( OC or canon ). Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD. Any interactions ranging from emotional to lighthearted and fun would be great!
TANJIRO: I’d like to explore Tanjiro having a moment to properly grieve the death of his family and being forced to face the full weight of his feelings, especially around the anniversary of their deaths or any birthdays, particularly with a Nezuko, or anyone who may be interested! Tanjiro experiencing symptoms of his PTSD. Shenanigans at the Butterfly Estate/a house with a Wisteria Crest. Going on missions together. Having some downtime in a village/town. Someone educating Tanjiro on the more modern goings-on ( think his reaction to the train ).
SABITO: Having him meet other members of the KNY cast ( OC or canon ), whether helping them on a mission or offering extra training during the Hashira training arc. Sabito expressing vulnerability with someone, being able to smile and laugh with them etc. INTERACTIONS WITH A GIYUU!!! Sabito showing signs of struggling with the lasting effects of his injury. Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD.
KYOJURO: Expressing difficulty in recovering from his injuries after his fight with Akaza, verbally or otherwise. Struggling with his newly altered depth of field, expressing rare and mild frustration over it. Spending time with his fellow Hashira. Choosing a Tsuguko ( typically defaulting to Tanjiro, if fellow Tanjiros are okay with it, but this is open to other characters who would like to explore this!! ). Forming an older brother/younger sibling dynamic with any of the kids ( OC or canon ). Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD.
AKA things my muses can offer to yours.
GIYUU: Extremely awkward, stunted, one-sided conversations! Yay! Hesitant attempts at friendship ( specifically for Hashira muses ), impassiveness, extremely mild contentedness around Tanjiro and Nezuko in particular. Sadly, without a solid plot/idea in place, Giyuu is pretty flat when it comes to interactions due to his personality. 
TANJIRO: Unconditional love and affection from the second your muse meets him for the first time ( and also if your muse already knows them, that much is a given ). Moments of reckless selflessness in which he tries to protect your muse, homemade food ( he’s really good at cooking ), endless and undying support, a friend who will stick by your side through thick and thin. He’ll stand up to your muse if they’re being an ass and tell them how it is while somehow being incredibly patient, earnest and kind about it ( well, mostly ).
SABITO: Training. As a Swordsmen Cultivator, Sabito is good at drilling in techniques to his unfortunate pupils. Backhanded encouragement disguised beneath insults and Sabito quite literally beating the stuffing out of your muse ( if talked over first, of course ). A friend who will aggressively support your muse, aggressively hype them up and remind them how worthy they are.
KYOJURO: AN OLDER BROTHER FIGURE FOR THAT MUSE! AN OLDER BROTHER FIGURE FOR THIS MUSE! EVERYONE GETS AN OLDER BROTHER KYOJURO!! He will take on anyone and everyone as his Tsuguko and offer to train them up. He’ll support your muse’s every endeavour, offer constructive criticism on how they can improve, make them hearty meals ( he’s an amazing cook ), a guiding hand against their back.
N/A at present. I don’t typically post opens very often, as I’m more likely to throw out starters for people my muses want to interact with at random.
This blog is set to low activity! I’m a slow writer with extremely erratic bursts of inspiration because work kicks my ass and depression is a little b*tch. Some days I’ll write a lot, other days I won’t write anything at all. There’s rarely any in-between, but I’m working on trying to change that. I operate best with plenty of plotting and regular chats ( whether in the IMs/Discord/in the tags of threads ), as I find it extremely motivational to get to know the mun I’m writing with and maybe even plot out a relationship as we go!
I don’t mind if you favour a single muse over the others! I don’t mind if you want to write with every single one of them! I don’t mind threads with duplicates of my muses! I don’t mind multiple threads, even if we don’t always finish all of them and get hit with a new idea! I’m more than happy to go with the flow — so long as we’re having fun that’s all that matters.
My portrayals often involve the heavy use of headcanons, some of which haven’t been officially posted yet! Everything you see on this blog is likely a continuous work in progress, as my muses and ideas for them are always developing and growing.
For any extra info, please refer to my rules!! If you’re unsure of anything, hit up my IMs!
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thatmultifandomhoe · 6 years
Sleepless Nights
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Word Count: 2,563
Pairing: Jimin and Reader
Scenario: Now that Jimin and the rest of the guys have returned home, you and Jimin find yourselves reminiscing on the time you spent together and unable to get any sleep.
Genre: Fluff, if you used a magnifying glass some angst. But not the angry kind but like the sad kind.
A/N: It has taken me FOREVER, but I finally have pt 2 to sleep as requested. I used Google translate to get the Korean characters and I hit the switch button between English and Korean about fifty times so it should read as it’s translated, if not then I apologize and will start looking
Sleep - Sleepless Nights - Pt 3?
Master List
©thatmultifandomhoe 2018. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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It had been weeks since they had been in that position, with Jimin’s head in her lap, and her fingers gently tracing the shape of his face and playing with his hair. They didn’t speak about it after it happened, especially when the rest of the guys returned from their adventures. Instead, they returned to see Jimin sitting up and watching the TV while she finished her homework, a task that she was grateful to be done with.
No one knew about their secret interaction.
There was something about it, the innocent touches, the soft smiles. It was their moment that no one else needed to know about. No one knew that they both secretly wished they could have stolen more time, neither of them wanted to stop. But it had been Jimin who pulled away. Fearing that if his brothers saw them, they would want to leave immediately in fear that she was trying to use them, to use Jimin.
That was the last thing she wanted. In fact, she was partially grateful that he had moved. Not only did it allow her heart to return back to its normal pace, but gave her a chance to think. What was she doing? Jimin was on a completely different level from her. She stood no chance whatsoever with him. That wasn’t even touching on the language barrier. If that was the only issue, she would have learned and spoke to him in Korean to make him more comfortable. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.
They had left later that week after their moment together. The week had been filled with laughter and Polaroid pictures to go around, ending too fast for everyone. The atmosphere was heavy when it came down to saying goodbyes, good natured hugs going around one last time and, at Jimin’s insistence, one last group photo. She didn’t cry when she hugged the others, instead they all shared bittersweet smiles. Namjoon was quick to remind everyone that they made a group chat and added her to it, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them in person and hearing their voices.
Saying goodbye to Jimin was the worst though. Even though they didn’t spend anymore long periods of time together, they had stolen quick precious moments with each other. Whether it was when they were all in her kitchen and Namjoon got up to move around the island where her and Jimin were standing on one side of, and Jimin’s hand lightly touched her lower back as if to make room for Namjoon. Or that time when they all piled in the living room to watch movies, all of her blankets out for everyone to curl up under and they just so happened to share a large one, their fingers accidentally seeking each other’s out. Simple moments that they took while they had the chance.
“Don’t worry,” he told her, softly smiling. “It’s okay.”
She didn’t realize she had been crying until Jimin wiped away the tears falling down her cheek. With a choked out laugh she buried her face in his sweater, arms coming around to hug him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, taking one last deep breath of the strawberry shampoo she used, squeezing his eyes closed. Never in a million years did Jimin think he would grow feelings for the woman who opened her arms to all of them like they were long lost friends. Not once had any of them felt like they were being held up to impossible standards. In seconds, she made them remember what it was like to go out and hang out with friends, like how they all used to do, before they debuted or were even in training.
However, she made his insides feel like there were butterflies living in his stomach. He was more nervous and he forgot what he wanted to say more than half the time. Their stolen touches and secret smiles relaxed him while making him feel alive. That’s why he had insisted on so many pictures, he wanted enough for not only him, but for her. To remind them that this hadn’t been a dream. That it was real.
And dammit, he didn’t want it to end.
Long after they finally left, once she was finally adjusted to her life once again, did she go through the pictures that Jimin left her. Seated on the floor of her bed with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around her shoulders and another to cushion her butt from going numb, she went through each polaroid, smiling and even laughing at some of them. It was late. If she was being technical, then it was actually morning. Four in the morning to be exact. Her days may be back on track to her daily life, but sleep had been evading her.
Due to the extreme time zone difference from America to Korea, she tended to stay up late to send a few texts at a more convenient time for them. Sometimes she sent some throughout her day when some of them couldn’t fall asleep, but they tended to pass out more quickly. So, she didn’t mind staying up late to text them, it’s not like she could fall asleep anyway.
With her lamp on, she leaned her cheek in the palm of her hand, staring at one specific Polaroid in particular. It was ironically, of Jimin and her. She had actually taken it, Jimin’s arms were too busy being wrapped around her waist, his chin on her shoulder. They only had five minutes and they were quick to capture the moment before the others walked in on them.
Beep beep!
Lifting her head, she reached out to grab her phone, that was carelessly thrown in the midst of her blankets. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness compared to her dim room, and it wasn’t until she lowered it that she saw the message from Jimin. Quickly after Namjoon had created the group chat, Jimin made one just for the two of them. It took her a couple minutes to send the message through Google translate:
From Jimin:
좋은 아침 졸린
(Good morning sleepy)
She rolled her eyes, lazily smiling as her fingers worked out a response. They had agreed that sending the messages through translate was easier for them, although learning the other’s language be even better. Secretly, she had started on some work books to learn Korean with the hope of surprising him, but until she was confident, she didn’t mind putting the messages through Google.
To Jimin:
How’d you know I was awake? Maybe I was sleeping, lol.
It was easier to tease him via text, although she missed the way his eyes widened in shock, his mouth dropping open as if he couldn’t believe she would do such a thing. Before she was enveloped in her own sadness, her phone beeped again.
From Jimin:
너는 더 이상 자지 않는다.
(You do not sleep anymore.)
She frowned, wondering what he meant. Of course, she slept, if she didn’t there was no way she would be functioning as a human being. But…she faintly remembered her friends pointing out the dark circles under eyes. Even her boss at work noticed that she seemed quieter and less talkative then she used to be. It was easier to pass it off that she was studying harder and working on papers and projects for her classes, which was true…to an extent. She had offhandedly mentioned it to Jimin once but, she thought he had forgotten. Her phone vibrated in her hand, dragging her out of her thoughts.
From Jimin:
내가 가고 싶니?
(Do you want me to go?)
Her head immediately shook, momentarily forgetting he couldn’t see her. Softly sighing, she sent a response.
To Jimin:
No. And I sleep…sometimes.
Jimin frowned at his phone as he read her message, confused. He didn’t know how to reply back. On one hand, he wanted to chide her for not getting the sleep she needed. There were too many things that could happen to her if she didn’t change her ways. She could hurt herself gratefully if she wasn’t careful. At the same time, he couldn’t be so judgmental, he had been going through the same thing too. Since they returned back to South Korea, Jimin had only able to steal a few hours of sleep at night. It was worse when they went back to work to the point of his brothers noticing that there was a problem. He played it off as still getting over jet lag, but that was a lie.
At night when he should be sleeping, his thoughts were consumed of her. The way her hand fit in his, how when they hugged goodbye he squeezed her just a little tighter so he wouldn’t forget the way she felt in his arms. And her tears…he thought he heard his heart shattering at the sight of them. Everything plagued his mind, the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes lit up as she explained her classes, even if he didn’t understand it all until Namjoon translated. The only thing that made it easier, was being with her.
His thumbs hovered over his keyboard, sighing as he tried to think of something to say.
He knew exactly what he wanted to say, but it wasn’t the right thing to say. Jimin wanted to say how much he missed her, how he missed the way her fingers had caressed his face that first night, it soothed him so much that he never wanted it to end. He missed her with every fiber in his body.
When he was desperate for sleep, even just an hour or two, he’d close his eyes and picture himself getting on a plane to surprise her and showing up at her doorstep his hands itching to be able to hold her once more. It left him with a soft smile and allowed him to continue his fantasy into the dream realm where he was able to sleep before getting up for work.
From Jimin:
당신은 더 필요합니다.
(You need more.)
Finally hitting send, he tossed his phone on his blankets as he stood, his shirt lifting as he stretched his arms. Thankfully, they were able to take a short vacation giving Jimin the freedom to do anything he wanted. Hoseok-hyung was visiting his family which meant their shared room was quiet, a concept he never thought would happen. But it was exact opposite of what he needed. As nice as it was, it left him alone with his thoughts and with his mind consumed with her, it was overwhelming. He needed to be distracted, but he didn’t want to do any work.
Retrieving his phone, he copied the message, a breathy laugh escaping once he could read it.
To Jimin:
Tell my professors to not give me so much work then, lol.
I need you, she thought to herself. Biting her lip, she tried to fight back a smile as she tugged her blanket up over the lower half of her face. The only way she was going to get her sleep schedule back on track was only if she saw Jimin again. There was no doubt about it. But there was no way she could tell him that. She was an idiot to believe that her inability to sleep was only because of school and work. Deep down she saw the big picture. It was because of Jimin.
The inner fangirl in her always had a small crush on Jimin, but she never expected it to blossom to this degree in the time they spent together. It was no longer a simple fan crush, but had transformed into a mature and adult version where she fell for the man that is Park Jimin. The way his eyes turned into little crescent moons when he laughed, how he didn’t let his brothers talk down about themselves for even a second, rising them back up to where he believed they should be. How he was the softest marshmallow she ever met simply because that was who he was.
That’s not to say he didn’t know how to be sexy or mature, God knows he can wield both sides of that sword. Jimin had teased her once by caging her in his arms with her back against the wall, somehow, they ended up alone while the others were focused on playing a game in the living room. She had been a flustered mess, unable to get out a single sentence without stuttering or blushing. His laughter bounced off the walls that day and finally gave in, burying his face in her shoulder for a brief moment to collect himself.
Feeling her shoulders slump, she longingly stared at the photo in her hands, wishing that she could just hug him one last time. There were always going to be the songs, the music videos, interviews, Bangtan Bombs, and everything on their V-Live for her to watch and hear his voice, but it wasn’t the same God dammit.
Her phone was back in her hand a second later, her fingers already typing out the message that she wanted to send Jimin. The little black letters stared up at her, all she had to do was hit send. But she hesitated. Even if they somehow found a way…she shook her head, her heart depleting with every second. It wasn’t possible. Wasn’t in the cards for them.
Jimin sat on the edge of his bed, his elbows resting on his thighs as he stared at the text he prepared to send her. Why was it so much harder this time? They always said it in the group chat they had with everyone else. It was always said in good nature and the far-off hopes of maybe one day, seeing each other again. Between the two of them though, with no one else, it was so much more intimate, filled with longing and desire that he never got to experience before. At least, not with someone he wanted to be with.  Licking his lips, he stared at the screen.
All they had to do was hit send. From there they could work everything out, find a way to see each other and be together in the way they both wanted.
She ran her hand through her hair, setting her phone on her night stand as she collected her pictures replacing them in the memory box she picked out for them. Instead of sending the message, she let her screen go black and crawled back into bed crying as she suffered through another sleepless night, never hitting send.
Hearing his name being called for dinner, Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his face before slowly standing up. If he brought the phone with him, he was going to hit send. His lifestyle though, the career that he loved, by not sending her that message, he was protecting her. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt, whether it be physically or emotionally, he had to keep her safe. Even if it meant giving up the woman of his dreams.
           I miss you.
           난 당신이 그리워요.
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flakandforay · 6 years
LY 結: Answer Album Overview
this is the overview of the LY: Answer, the final album of the love yourself series. 
disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion, feel free to disagree. do let me know your thoughts in my ask box. i would only be talking about the tracks that are new considering it is a repackage album, but also be talking about the flow of the whole album. 
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overall: this album in general has a lot of techno beats in it, technically, this album is meant to be more upbeat as now they have overcome all their problems. but what i love is how it tells a story on how despite everything that happened, you should love yourself. 
disc 1
euphoria: the intro of the ever first instalment of the love yourself series, starting off with wonder. ( LY 起 ) a song that definitely shows how much jungkook’s vocals shine so much. this, together with that techno game beat has opened my eyes to a whole new love for it. 
honestly, i feel as though with this song, you could feel as though everything is going so smoothly here, everything is perfect, just like how he would have envisioned it. this was the beginning - his euphoria. 
trivia 起 just dance: this is hoseok’s track that he produced and all i could say is that it could easily be blended in into his mixtape called Hope World that he recently released on 2 May 2018. 
trust me, just put this track right after Hope World, or after P.O.P. (pt.1), and the mixtape would still flow smoothly. a lot of upbeat synths - a signature of hoseok to be honest, it’s his style.  
this track talks about hoseok’s love for dance, but im pretty sure, i hear jimin at 2:40 doing some of the backup vocals here. 
notice that all the trivia tracks have the corresponding symbols of which instalment they are from. they are kind of the interlude tracks to the next instalment of the love yourself series - the track that transits to the next love yourself series., 
serendipity ( full length ): aside from the melodic track that we have heard before, this full version has an extra verse inside, sort of like an extended bridge/verse in which he breaks it down even more before he nicely ends it with a note. 
honestly, this sounds like a wonderful lullaby, with its mellow sound and soft instrumentals, say thank you park jimin. 
trivia 承 love: this is namjoon’s track that he produced and mainly talks about love - falling in love in general.
i love how despite the instrumentals are quite soft and mellow, his rapping here is more harsher so it provides quite a contrast to the whole track. 
also, namjoon tries to sing this time round as well at 2:27, though you could tell it is auto-tuned, 
im not sure if he has hoseok as his backing vocals or if its just namjoon doing the backing vocals because of the change in the vocal tone and colour. 
trivia 轉 seesaw: this is the track that yoongi produced and trust me, this has the same vibe as the track that he helped produced for Suran called Wine/If i get drunk today , this could be heard by the straight instrumentals that he used here, very mellow sounds, not much synths, but more towards guitar and little percussion in the beginning. 
also, by the time it hits the chorus, there is the underlying techno vibe of it. i love how yoongi makes an effort to sing in here, and i really love it so much, especially when he sang in the best of me, i would definitely look forward to yoongi singing more. 
overall, i love how each of the trivia tracks done by the rapline has them singing and rapping in them, it shows that they are exploring more and i love how it just fits all in all. a smooth transition. 
epiphany: of course, bighit would release the full version because we all knew that when they uploaded the comeback trailer, they teased us a bit of the track inside and focused more on the whole story telling of it. 
but moving on, i love how it showcased a lot of seokjin’s vocals here and it shows how much improvement he has made. thank you so much seokjin. 
idol: the title track that is very lit. tp be honest, i thought there wouldn't be a title track considering at first, bangtan won't be promoting but they are now!!!
but moving on, trust me when i say this is the type of music you would probably hear at the World Cup but i really love the fusion of the south african music together with the traditional korean music. 
in all honesty, i think the teaser that they show was far off considering it was just the bridge that they showed but the actual song was bass boosted. it had the feels of bang bang bang towards at the end and possibly bollywood too, but wow at the intensity of it. fire could be compared with it. 
i’m fine: so this is the track that is meant to parallel save me, based on the HYYH series, in which you reverse the words etc, you'll get each other. 
talk about bringing memories when you hear the starting of the song with ‘save me’. nice transition though but also, this song has the feels of ellie goulding’s burn by the chorus but they changed it at the second line etc. 
also, trust me, it sounds a bit of wake me up by avicii too, but wow at the amount of synths being used here. again, bringing the whole game music. 
answer: love myself: this song definitely healed me. if you just listen to it without even reading the lyrics, there is this sense of emotion of satisfaction that only bangtan could instil in you.
i love how there is a lot of harmonising in the chorus, it’s as if you are being reassured by them and when you look at the lyrics, this is the reason why you stan them, hands down. 
disc 2
dna ( pedal 2 LA mix ): i am guessing this is the mix that they used at the AMAs, when bangtan was asked to perform there and everyone had a fun time. 
fake love ( rocking vibe mix ): this remix that bighit decides to just drop out of nowhere this year, like thanks.
but this would be the more alternative rock track with the change in the instrumentals and introduction of the guitar, more intensity than the original track that felt a bit like BST. 
mic drop ( steve aoki ) ( full remix ): the mic drop remix track that bangtan has used at 2017 MAMAs and actually sent many of the fans to their graves because of how lit their stage was together with those dance breaks. 
say thank you bighit. 
last thoughts: overall the album has a lot of synths this time round, sounding more techno than before but i love how they still managed to bring across the emotions and messages that they want to bring across, especially the final track: answer: love myself. 
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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crystallineglacian · 6 years
want new-and-exciting plots for your character? long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? fear not! fill out this form and give your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. templatehere.
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mun name . Caritas. (I think there’s a theme going around? So I wanted to maintain that.)
ooc contact . Inbox, messaging. Discord is its own other thing, so you won’t usually catch me going out of my way to get on it.
who the heck is my muse anyway . Shiva, a being that has a different backstory than the one she was given, and Gentiana, her extension. I’m actually scared to reveal that because it is so different from the canon.
points of interest . Drama. Especially drama that results in her changing her perceptions, because at this point its tiring for me to write her defending herself. But her mind actually needs to be changed in a realistic manner. Since she’s technically a widow, the muse also gravitates towards shipping. And since she was made to become a mate for another being? She falls hard.
what they’ve been up to recently . Mostly getting to know muses now. Last year, before I put the big bad in a box, she was causing mayhem and posing as an antagonistic being intent on destroying herself and her reputation.
where to find them . Generally trailing the members of royal families because she happens to know them. Niflheim, surprisingly. Tenebrae, predictably. In case your muse is in neither of those places- If you call her name, she will hear you. This has been a feature since the beginning to tie into her backstory.
current plans . Follow Bahamut’s instructions and save as many lives as possible.
desired interactions . This muse is extremely flexible. I’m a bit of a hermit for a mun, so, she hasn’t even met some of the other characters yet. Again, certain muses have more power over her perspective than they think they do. That should have been evidenced in September.
offered interactions . If you think it, we can write it. Want to capture an astral? Sure! Want to fight her? Sure! Want her to be an AI? Sure! Want to interact with her in another time period? Sure! :)
current open post/s . I will likely have one up over the weekend, but spontaneous asks will be answered in lieu of an open post.
anything else . I want to get to know more members of this community- and I want my muse to build relationships, too. Define herself instead of living purely by the rules... especially when she doesn’t know for sure who the rules come from.
TAGGED BY: I stole it ._. TAGGING: Every single person who reads this. I don’t pick favorites and I don’t plan on doing it today. :P
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dindadeel · 7 years
Character / Storyline / Whatever-you-called-it Analysis: Mystic Messenger
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I really want to credit the artist, but unfortunately I, too, stumbled across this image on the web. If any of you know the owner of this picture, please let me know. Oh, and if the artist does not allow me to repost this picture, please let me know to as I’d be more than willing to take this image down if the owner does not allow me.
Oh my darling,
If only I dare to publish my (twitter) second account here, (will not happen, since I want to say things under privacy, too) you guys would’ve known my obsession over this Korean game called Mystic Messenger.
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It is a female-oriented otome (dating) game. You’ll play as this Main Character (MC), so far Cheritz (the developer) has released 6 routes, which you can play depending on which character you want to choose.
So after playing each route and finishing the secret ending, here’s my thought overall.
(lol I actually already wrote a review on my 2nd account, but I’ll write a repetitive thing here lol don’t mind me).
This is a long ass post btw, if you’re not up to that, then you’re free to browse anything else. But if you do want to stick around, feel free to grab some ice tea (I’m recently into honey lemons) and some pockys.
When starting Mystic Messenger, there’s 3 options to choose; Casual Route (free), Deep Route (80 Hourglasses), Another Story (300 Hourglasses). Hourglasses is basically like coins that you can exchange to unlock features throughout the game. You can still proceed with the game without it, but you’ll definitely get more benefits with these hourglasses (e.g.; unlocking new routes like Deep Route, making phone calls, participate in chats that you missed, etc).
You can find more about Mystic Messenger here if you’re a beginner to the game.
Now on to the analysis!
If you’re hoping for your-typical-shoujo-storyline-i-met-a-prince-of-my-dream, well you’re wrong because Mystic Messenger is here to fuck you up and make you emotionally attached to fucking fictional characters.
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I’d like to think each and every route is a different universe every time I chose a new route (believe me, you’ll have hard time restarting your day after the 11th day). But I cannot help to feel that every route is actually linked to one another and the final ending is Seven’s route. (Yes you can fight me but thats the fact because Seven’s always have this additional thing in his route and he even owns the secret ending, technically).
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However, another story (aka V route) is another different universe, because the storyline is a little bit distorted than the original 5 stories (well, it is an additional story).
The reason why I wrote a Tumblr post is because I got a bunch of bullcrap I need to write after finishing V route and Secret Ending.
First of all,
What the actual fuck?
Okay, everything was all good and jolly when you start playing Casual Route. I guess they called it Casual Route because it literally give you the tiniest bit of the secret of RFA. It literally means nothing if you compare it to Deep Route, Another Story, and Secret Endings. In actual fact, even in Jumin’s route, it don’t give as much information.
On casual route, it is very fitting to the name; very casual. It just gives you all these simkung moments with your character of selection. Sure, every route all-in-all asking the MC to ‘help’ the character from their wounds.
(list is based on my recommendations on taking which route first)
Jaehee - To choose her dreams or live on social prejudice
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Yoosung - Dealing with his depressions and confusion after Rika’s passing
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Zen - Overcoming his insecurities and his past
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Jumin - Expressing his emotions when the world seems like tangled threads
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Seven - Making sure he is belonged in this world and to be a place where he can call it home
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V - Letting him know that he should love and put himself first
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Tbh after finishing all routes, I cannot help to think that this whole mysme universe is started as a couple quarrel. But it is a twisted and complex couple quarrel. Basically it all turned murky when  — turned out both the couple did not realized that they’re in a toxic relationship.
 I’m gonna talk not only about any specific route, but the universe as a whole. Mainly towards Secret Endings in which branched from Seven’s, but the inputs came from every route regardless.
Rika had an illness to begin with. She struggles with depression, anxiety, paranoia, and (paranoia induced) delusions. Now this woman (haha please note on how I address her because I put my whole feeling on it) tried to hide it (and she succeeded) from the rest of the member, except V, who’s her fiancee and the one she trusted wholeheartedly. I guess her intentions are good, because she don’t want the rest of the member to worry about her. All she ever wanted to do was to create RFA in hope she could help people with her charity parties and where people with different background and social status could mingle. But again, she’s dealing with a mental illness and I guess she needs someone to know her as a whole, which is V.
This is where everything went wrong, I guess.
Rika does not represent people with mental illness. Cheritz just need a character as an antagonist, or there won’t be any storyline, hahaha.
Don’t get me wrong. V is a loving man. His intentions are also come from a good heart. V loves Rika wholeheartedly. He loves Rika with her flaws, too.
But their actions were like a ripple in a calm water. A single drop could disturb the whole surface.
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V comes from a wealthy family, alongside Jumin. He was brought up to act like one. His father brought him up so that he could continue the family business, like Jumin. However, V’s mother was a musician. In fact, his family business related a lot in art & creative industry. So he have this ‘artist blood / tendency’ within him. I think his father opposed him on being an actual artist, so instead he became a photographer. This is where he encountered Rika.
Rika, on the other hand, did not came from a good childhood memory. She was adopted. However, turned out the adoptive parents regretted adopting Rika (that’s a fucked up parents to begin with. I mean, you HAD a choice to PICK your child for God’s sake. You’re not stuck with whatever-God-gave-you on your womb but you GET to choose, either the gender nationality race whatever suits you best and you STILL regret it?). She always felt that she does not belong anywhere and don’t have any place to harbor. She always feel empty.
Now when Rika met V, it felt like a faith to both of them. Rika was the empty canvas. She never knew how it felt to be loved. V, on the other hand, does not know how to give love, as he was always brought up in prince-like manner, and his mother was not able to be there to teach him how to love. So when he encountered Rika, I guess in his artistic mind, his love was like this massive artwork, ready to be painted on Rika’s blank canvas.
Both of them thought that their love was like the sun in the sky.
Why the sun?
Well, the sun is the source of living being. No matter where you are, it will shine. Even when the clouds are there to cover it, the sun is still there, giving you all the warmth. But the thing with the sun, in my opinion, yes it is warm, but there are times where you can get burn to crisp if you stand too long below it. You can get blind if you stare too much. Why, you can even get skin cancer if you’re not well protected.
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Both of them could not express their love... as a couple. One wants to accept everything and one is willing to give everything. But the thing is... everything has its own limit. Sure, it feels like they’re meant for each other, however I think it is a toxic relationship as no one in that relationship know how to say no and to stop. V being too philosophical attracted to Rika’s innocence. Back to my canvas-paint theory, it is like Rika is the blank canvas, and V is willing to paint every single space within Rika. So much it turned into obsession. So much that Rika’s actually suffocated from it. Rika’s running out of space.
Sally’s death was the trigger. Rika was in the verge of breaking down. She said it was her fault. Said nobody would love her if they know how dark she is. She is actually ashamed of her illness and struggles, and she wants people to see her as a savior instead. V, who love her so dearly, instead of stopping her, said;
“Even if you strangle my neck, blind my eyes and break my limbs... I will still love you.”
THAT IS FUCKED UP OKAY. Now, if you have a loved one that’s struggling with these conditions, you do not add fuel to the fire. Don’t encourage them to hurt people! What V did was to turn the switch in Rika. In her innocent thought (at first I could not believe Rika was this stupid, but then again, she had her condition), it is okay to be abusive, as V said, he will still love him regardless. THIS. WAS. THE. FUCKING. TRIGGER.
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Rika hurt V on purpose due to him trying to stop Rika on creating this cult where she force happiness onto people, drug them so that they would not know any pain. I know V had a good intention trying to stop Rika but I cannot stop thinking that he’s the one who made Rika to had this thought. It was the seed he planted on Rika. He was expecting a beautiful flower to bloom from it, but a monster sprouted instead because of the way he tended the seed.
Due to that, Rika left V for three main reason;
V opposed her idea on creating this everlasting paradise
She thought that V did not love her anymore because she thought V is disgusted with her monster side and the last thing she wanted was for V to leave her side
She knows what she did was wrong. She might be distorted, but she is good by nature. So when she realized she injured V severly, she is actually scared of herself. What if she hurt V even more in future?
And this is where everything went from what the fuck to what in the actual motherfucking fuck?
So instead of spilling the truth, V, being a chivalrous man he is, decided to keep it as a secret. He stated that the reason he kept it as a secret because he did not wish to put Rika under a dark impression. He wants Rika to be seen in her glorious days, as a brilliant young lady which everybody love and adore.
He decided to make Rika’s departure from RFA as her passing. He made up this story that Rika decided to take her own life. Jumped out the cliff, he said, so none of her remains were to be found.
I know RFA trusted this man 100%. But there’s a reason why Yoosung always doubt him, because I will certainly do, too.
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First, do you think it is fair for the rest of RFA to be treated that way? To live their life in lies? I mean, come on, she’s basically everyone’s center. If someone that was that close to me, suddenly her fiancee come to us and said she took her own life but her body was never to be found, I would use every measure to fins her (I believe Jumin was loaded enough to do so). 
That aside, does V never consider the rest of RFA’s feeling in the first place? Does he think it was okay for him to lie to them? If only they did not discover the truth in Seven’s route, he will even keep it to himself. I could not help to feel that V is selfish, in a way he wants to keep Rika to herself. He is the one who Rika trust as a whole, and he’d like to keep it that way.
In Casual route, there’s no sign that Rika’s still alive. At the end of each casual route, V is always nowhere to be found. He is either not attending the party, announcing that he’s about to be blind, or just ‘let’s not discuss it now” / “I cannot tell you now”.
IMAGINE how betrayed everyone was when they found out that Rika was still alive and V decided to keep it as a secret. To make things worse, Rika even created this illegal cult. If they truly cared for Rika, I bet they would even love her and help her from her darkness. Hell, Rika was their savior in some way. I just don’t get the logic behind V keeping it from the rest.
For Zen and Jaehee, it might not be a significant lost, just a sense of disappointment. They’re not directly involved in Rika, emotion wise. Jaehee was merely Jumin’s assistant and she respected Rika. Zen was a bit closer to her, as Rika was his fan and the who ‘discovered’ Zen and help him with his career. But other than that, they did not share any emotion bond with Rika.
Yoosung though, he saw Rika as his own big sister. He saw her as his role model. He looked up to Rika a lot. So it is understandable that he was struggling after Rika’s passing, in the most unreasonable reason ever. Especially when Rika only showed her good personality. Who could accept that reason?
Sometimes, people said ignorance is a bliss and that is exactly what happened to each of their routes. They NEVER know. But that is the sad thing. They WILL never know. But if they WERE know the thing that happened behind their back, imagine how hurt they will be? Especially in Yoosung case, where he even get depressed over Rika.
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Anyway, it gets even more disappointing for me for the deep route guys. If I were to talk in detail, it will take another dedicated post because it is a deep route hahaha I guess I was deeply attached to them (lol).
By know I guess everyone can grasp on how hurt Seven would feel. His brother was taken by someone that he trusted could take care of him. HIS FUCKING FAMILY. The only person in this universe that he share his blood with and his very existence is the most precious thing. Due to this stupid lover quarrel, Rika just fucking took him and drugged him so that he could work for her and made him hate his own brother. 
WHAT THE FUCK. This is a one sick lady. But whats even sicker is the fact that even knowing this, V did not give Seven any information. He just stick with “I can do this myself, so that none of the member will get hurt”. ITS HIS FUCKING TWIN BROTHER FOR ALL THE GOD’S SAKE. How stupid you could be?! He is more than entitled to know anything about Saeran. Even if love my s/o to death, if he done anything as outrageous as this, I would definitely call for help. This even involved other person’s closest relative!
Another thing to point out is why can’t Seven left any note to Saeran? I know it took awhile for Rika to take Saeran out of Seven and Saeran’s mother. But afterwards, when Saeran was under Rika and V’s care, he could leave a note to him. A simple post-it will do, if he was that scared to be traced. Let Saeran know that the reason he left first is to protect him. Why can’t he do this? I mean, its not like Seven never met V, if in this sense we put Rika under bad light.
Why does V think he is entitled to keep this as a secret? I could see why Seven was in rage when he found out about the whole truth when he about to rescue MC at Rika’s apartment. His reunion with his long lost brother was suppose to be sweet, but no, he was brainwashed and hate him to the core. And even when Seven asking for the truth, V still dare to lie.
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But what is even more saddening is Jumin position. Surprised? Well, I guess it is unexpected as he is not a part of Secret Endings. He is constantly suppressing his emotions too. But that is even worse.
The fact that Jumin is V’s closest friend. In his route, Jumin even told MC that the only people that he could trust was V and Rika. I get that couple only share some things among themselves, but imagine how Jumin would feel when he knows two people he trusted the most turned out hiding such big secret? 
He trust V decision, always. When everybody seems to doubt V, he will be that very last person to agree with V. He will never hide anything from V, and even when V hides something from him, he will always said that “V’s always like that. I will trust his decision nevertheless”. The only thing that he didn’t tell V was probably he had feelings for Rika, too (fuck this thing. Jumin’s my man don’t you lay your hand on her Rika (lol)).
Speaking of that, Jumin was in fact treasure Rika, too. He claimed that Rika was that very few people that was able to make him open up and let him expressing his emotion.
He had feelings for Rika, but knowing that Rika never saw him that way and only love V, he suppressed his feelings and decided to just watch from far.
He even treasures Elizabeth the 3rd. Elizabeth the 3rd was so dear to him because it was from Rika, and V named her. The Jumin that we know now is head-over-heel over cat, but in his conversation with Rika on his route, he was not particularly interested in cats to begin with. Jumin’s fucking loaded, if he really likes cat, he could’ve bought the rarest breed of all and enjoy its beauty. But everything changed after Rika gave him Elizabeth the 3rd. He treasured every fragments Rika left him with. He didn’t even finish the book that Rika gave him.
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So imagine, imagine it, my dear friend, how unfair his situation is. He already decided to be a bigger man and root for his best friend’s relationship. But turned out his most treasured people are keeping this huge secret. Imagine how disappointed he would feel when he knows Rika was brainwashing Saeran. Imagine how he would’ve felt when V decided to quit RFA on Seven’s route. Imagine how confused he would feel when V is always out of reach on everyone’s after ending. Imagine how painful it is for him to see Rika was beyond repair on V route, the two people he wished for happiness, turned out to be destroying each other?
Imagine how broken he would’ve felt when he attended V’s funeral at Secret End, knowing that his best friend’s own fiancee was the one who lead him to death, and the fact that he has to stay composed in this situation?
There’s a reason why I like Jumin so much. Not only his capability on stay logical (though sometimes can be interpreted as emotionless), but the fact that he never beats around the bush. He never sugar-coat his words (except during his route when he acts like a stupid love bird—no complain about this tho). 
Yes, he is not perfect, even on his route he could be irrational sometimes with his obsessiveness. But knowing his upbringing and his background, its understandable he’s acting this way. But in the end he even tried to overcome it and when V came, he believed in V almost immediately. Even when MC’s life was somewhat along the line.
That is how much he trusted V and how deeply he cared for him.
V, on the other hand, was so drowned on his own ideology of protecting everyone to even notice this. Do you think its fair? Does he thinks its right for him to keep the truth from everyone, when Jumin’s always there for him?
Jumin is even willing to go extra mile for V. I guess sadly V doesn’t see Jumin in the same light.
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I know this post somewhat treating V as the main villain. I swear, on V route I tried to save him like everyone else. Rika was truly a sick woman on his route. I really loathe her. As Seven said, she was beyond repair. But again, I couldn’t help to feel sick over the fact that both Rika and V are still hiding Saeran/Ray’s existence, even when Saeran blow himself, ON SEVEN’S AWARENESS.
Even under this fiasco, V never tell anything to anyone. He didn’t even tell MC as far as I know.
Ray... he was the main victim. He was tossed here and there without him able to control his own consciousness due to the drug.
I don’t want to blame V. I really want to hate Rika because Cheritz created this character for us to hate to begin with. But then again, I can’t help to think that the root of this problem is both of them. Both of them acted like they want to save people, how they don’t want to bring pain to innocent souls, but in the end, with their lies and their acting like a goody two shoes,
how many souls did they hurt?
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 7 years
QUARTET NIGHT LIVE Evolution 2017 - 2017/02/12 - REPORT Part ②
*Do NOT Repost*
Read Part ① here
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I FORGOT TO MENTION! They had intro music for ONLY ONE and it was really kakkoi!
And also about Shoutan's hair! You can barely see in photos, but one side of his hair was partly braided, one braid had green infused in it!
So, I know I scared a few of you by saying how I noticed Shoutan was off with part ① of my report. I never seen anyone else mention about it at all, so I really wondered if it was only me who noticed? So I asked my Japanese Shoutan friend, who, if there was anyone, would notice for sure. And she said she did notice he was off too. She said it could also be the technical difficulties they had which may have bothered Shoutan. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed, I knew I wasn't imagining things!
Winter Blossom
There was a piano on stage and a silhouette next to it. IS THAT SHOUTAN?!?? ITS HIM!!
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He sat down, both me and Yukina screamed and were about to cry He started playing!! 😭😭😭😭 Shoutan!Hehatesplayinginstrumentslive!Thefirstthemheplayedhediditforthefanssecondtimeheplayedabitduringanisama2015!!!!Hesplayingagainnnnn!!!!😭😭😭😭 A bit before his line starts in the song, He stopped playing.
He picked up a mic that was sitting on top of the piano with his left hand. We all kinda laughed
He got up, walked forward and paused. Fans:??
Shoutan: Ne? (Hey?)
Waratte. (Smile)
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And he smiled beautifully Me and Yukina started to get emotional again (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
♪Boku wa kimi no naka … Ikitsuzuketeyuku…
Ai wo … Shoutan: Arigatou (
He spoke out arigatou) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
*At the end of the song* Shoutan: Mata ne~
Maeno had the cane. He walked to the left side and got on the platform, he got raised up.
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Then, HE PULLED OUT THE 3RD STAGE RING AND PUT IT ON!!!!! He got lowered down, walked to the middle of the stage, AND PULLED OUT THE 5TH STAGE RING AND ALSO PUT THAT ONE AND YOU GUESSED IT, HE PULLED OUT 4TH RING AFTER AND WORE THAT TOO (Yes, it was in that order)
He's so... Maeno. 😂
Starlight Memory
They sang and danced with mic stands and they were so kakkoi!! Shoutan stood on the right side. They made hearts with their hands If I remember correctly, Shoutan seemed fine from this song onwards.
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The Dice Are Cast instrumental ver was played in the background. Footages of QN during 5th Stage, 4th Stage Making of pamphlet shoot and op movie They caught Maeno practicing his dance steps XD Tatsun and Maeno posing with the cakes, celebrating God's S.T.A.R getting number 1 Shoutan and Morikubo with the cakes too.
The first song that starts was something I didn't recognise at all??? The doors opens up and we see something huge with the live logo on it. IT'S DJ MORIKUBO WITH A DJ SET OMFG LMAOO He changed clothes and his outfit looked fitting at a DJ with sunglasses, leather jacket He also had a inbuilt maracas mic!! 😂 He introduced each of the dancers as the DJ
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Hurray x2 Dreamer
Morikubo performed this song with a towel The fan chants to the song was amazing!
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Double Face
The first thing I noticed is that Maeno wore the bangle light!! XD There was 2 dancers who wore a masquerade mask, one was dressed in white, the other in black, they were on either side of Maeno This performance was amazing. Maeno performed while changing from butler Camus to Count Camus Everyone freaked out every time he changed to Count Camus
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NO. 1
During the end part of the second chorus: “aijou kanjou shinjou joushou koujou ZENBU nose de shirane KAIKAN kanjitē daro Baby?” they showed a video of Ranran saying the words to the song and the lyrics plastered on top of each other, one after another (it was graffiti-like) It looked so badass The venue and the cinema was really heated up with the fan chants.
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Mune No Koudou
Seeing how everyone changed to a more rock like outfit, I had a lot of expectations with Shoutan's outfit. As soon as he appeared I was so star strucked (*_____*)
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He looked so kakkoi and beautiful AND it's Mune No Koudou (my fav song along with Futari No Monogram) FINALLY I can hear him sing it!!!!!!! I never expected it at all, but he danced to the song!! The dance was kakkoi and sassy at the same time lol It suits Ai-chan! Throughout the whole performance I sat up watching him in awe He was definitely fine during this.
The choreography was just like 4th Stage, except you can see the huge difference from then and now. Tatsun was so much more confident this time round.
Shoutan: Ne let's walk together *pretends to hold someone's hand walking He looked extremely teretere!! (Shy) looking away and things Ahhh!! He puffed up his cheeks as well OTLOTLOTL
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Kiss Wa Wink De
Morikubo sang with maracas mic and held another maracas in his other hand. The dancers had maracas too, everyone shaked them along with the song. All the fans shook along with them using their light sticks.
Zettai Reido Emotion
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Something crystal/snowflake like came down and Maeno held it on the top of his palm and then it flew away The effects were so beautiful!! During the instrumental part, he pointed the cane towards us along with the beat, as if he was casting magic on us Confetti fell.
While Maeno was still on stage, the door opens just like in 4th Stage and the rest of the members came walking out They were SOOO kakkoi!! They all stood still, posing until it was their line to sing The did the hand circle thing again
God's S.T.A.R
Definitely the best song of the night, everyone was fired up from it!
They were all on the stairs and then walked down a little and they sat down in the same order as QN did in the car in the anime!!!!
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Morikubo pretended to drive They played the anime scenes throughout the whole song ❤️
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Tatsun’s talk Can I say something? I don't want this to end
Morikubo: We always talk about it this!
Tatsun: We've spent a whole week together rehearsing Even after we've finished rehearsals we didn't want to leave! Shoutan: Sou ne, we didn't want to leave! Yeah, after finishing rehearsals and checking we've done enough, we’d end up just staying and talking for another half an hour XD
Morikubo Really, thanks to everyone GOD's S.T.A.R got number 1 on Oricon chart and Gold Disk Award We're able to hold a live and it's thanks to you all and the staff.
Tatsun (This part is most likely really, really out of order, Tatsun's talk was really long Sorry!!) Really, last time in 5th Stage, I've caused such trouble, I wanted to do my best. I've let Ranmaru down, everyone, the staff, Utapri, production... Making everyone worry...
Tatsu: We've practiced and prepared so much just for today. I've started a lot new things because of Utapri, like dancing. I've never tried that before Utapri. Morikubo: you danced the full song! Tatsun: This was my revenge!  
Tatsun: If it wasn't for everyone, I wouldn't be standing here, talking big.
Well, I'm all fine now though! *Everyone laughs* But really, I'm sorry for having caused so much trouble and for making everyone worry. I'm really sorry.
I would be happy, if people would love Ranmaru more, and love Quartet Night and Utapri more
Tatsun’s talk made me and Yukina cry so much. He really loves and cares so much about Ranran!! To think that what happened during 5th Stage would affect him THIS much! ><
Shoutan I can't say anything as cool as Mori nii and Tatsu nii I don't know much phrases, it's always the same things. Really, as Mikaze Ai, as a member of Quartet Night, I'll continue to do my best
As Quartet Night, even this time, compared to everyone else I'm still the newbie after all
When reading the script, I'm always watching Ai's back, thinking, how can I catch up to him? I must catch up to him. I feel like, even just a little, I've finally caught up a bit with Quartet Night and Ai.
Thanks to the staff, production, thanks to the staff... Ahh, I said it twice... >< *face palms* Morikubo: Maa ne, there's a lot of them Shoutan: Thanks to everyone.. Ahhhh >< *Me: Ganbare!* Shoutan: I couldn't say it well at the end...
To be given the role as Ai, for Utapri to become so loved, and for Ai to become a character who is loved. I'm extremely grateful.
Thank you for Ai-chan’s existance and for giving Ai-chan a voice Shoutan 😭
Maeno Really, apart from being a Seiyuu I don't do anything else at all, so there was pressure on that part. At first I thought, is it really ok to be Camus?
I'm really glad to be a part of Quartet Night. Really, I believe it if wasn't for Starish we wouldn't be here, they were the ones who started everything *Everyone agrees
Morikubo To tatsun* I love your voice! This guy! He’s the most heated up out of all of us!
Shoutan is the most idol like! We were worrying thinking, how can we be more idol-like? We've relied on him many times with that, like how to dance etc *Everyone agreeing Shoutan shaking his head: no, no, no, no, no I'm not Morikubo: You've really helped us a lot!!
Maeno, you work the hardest out of all of us! You're always rehearsing and practicing your steps Even after we're all done you'd still be going over steps by yourself *Morikubo demonstrates pretending to practice steps XD
Tatsun: Morikubo-san... seems really, like he really likes us lol Morikubo: Minna daisuki I'm glad we're Quartet Night!
This isn't the end, we've got our next stage, with Starish and Heavens
Starish is actually here watching this! Fans: OMGGGGGG?!?? Maeno: Ehh, is it ok to mention it??
They said a line from the lyrics to Evolution eve. “Kotoba wa iranai, uta ga areba ii” (If we have our songs, we don’t need any words)
Evolution eve.
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After their emotional talks I started tearing up and crying from time to time listening to this song. Also, I always get emotional hearing this song because the episode aired during my very first trip to Japan and it always reminds me of Japan.
They made hearts and did hi5′s again but this time, Morikubu & Tatsun, Shoutan & Maeno. They added a break to the song and did the solo dances again!!!!!!
We started calling encore but changed to calling out "Quartet Night" pretty soon afterwards. Me and Yukina chanted too Not everyone in the theatre chanted which was understandable
Poison Kiss
They came out wearing, not the black tshirts but white vers?!
The structure of their performance was pretty much the same as previous ones. The dance!
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Tatsun: Thanks for the encore!
Morikubo: ...Ahh, I don't want to end this, lets just stay here! Morikubo begins to lie on the stairs XD
Shoutan: Why is it only one day anyway?
Morikubo: The stage is so big yet, why is everyone so close to me, what's up??? *everyone gets even closer to him 😂 Morikubo: Close, close, close, close, close!! Maeno: We all get along~ Morikubo: Ahhh! We really don't want to end! One more song Tatsun: honestly, I really like this song Morikubo: I like this song too, everyone please sing with us by all means! Live Viewing, please also sing with us!
You're my life
They extended the last part and got us all to sing the Lalalala part a few times
Last greeting
Tatsun was so emotional Shoutan too
They thanked us all without using mics and bowed to us, Shoutan was the first to lift his head
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Nooo, don't end! Don't go! >< You can tell they felt the same. They looked at each other with a *we need to go now* look
They walked to the door and turned back facing us From left to right: Maeno, Shoutan, Morikubo and Tatsun They all cried at the end Shoutan was trying so hard, he was all teary eyed, but once he turned to Maeno tears started to fall and wouldn’t stop. Maeno also teared up, Tatsun too
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End video
Ai-chan: It was really a fun live, it's thanks to everyone, we'll surely meet again. Camus: You've done well following us up till now, this is certainly not the end. Reiji: it's just like Camus said, it's not the end, thanks to everyone we had this live, Ranran: Because of everyone, this live became possible. Let's meet again at the next live.
I can't remember what song it was anymore, but the camera caught a wink from Shoutan EXTREMELY briefly!!!!!
They mentioned us live viewers A LOT which made us all feel so included! But since they never knew which camera was on them, they always looked and pointed at the wrong direction 😂 It was really cute though
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Although this is posted really late, I realised it's actually pretty good timing after posting the translation to Shoutan's 6th Stage blog. He talked about the love they felt at this live, and really, the love was unreal, I've never felt it this much at an event before. You can really feels the fans' love and the Seiyuus' love, they were equally as strong! Obviously I am a huge QN fan, so I am biased, but I felt it more here than in 5th and 6th Stage Because it was purely QN and their own fans. Even though I was in a cinema and not at the actual venue with them, I can say for sure the feeling was all equal. I can still remember the pure satisfaction and happiness I felt after watching this Live. Words can’t really explain it, but it was amazing!
And this was the thing that made this live more amazing than others, of course they were restricted to what they can do because of the venue (I.e. No flying, no driving on the stage lol etc) but even without all the fancy performances, this live was better.
Of course, if QN isn't your number one group then you most likely won't feel what I felt when you come to watch the DVD.
Wait! Maybe I'm not biased! QN Live was better than Shoutan's Prism Live ButnothingwilleverbeatShoutan’sBudokanLive!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me say this one more time.
I LOVE QUARTET NIGHT!!!!!!!!! 💚❤️💜💙
Here are pics of the goods I bought since I’ve never posted them before
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I finally wore my cardigan for the first time at 6th Stage!
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I want to thank everyone and specific people for the response to this post
I’ve actually already written about 90% of this report shortly after the live, but only just wrote the remaining 10% prior to posting this.
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Thank you so much! I’ve honestly never thought about it that way before! I always thought, “people have read other’s reports, they know what happens, so they probably won’t care to read mines anymore...” Your comment gave me a real motivation boost!
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@shiritsuskorone​ Thank you! I’m really glad that’s how you see me and that my posts are useful! Thanks for always reading and reacting to my posts! ✨
I also want to say that I used to read everyone’s comments and tags (every single one of them), but I haven’t had much of a chance to do that recently due to life. I didn’t even look any other posts or anything, I only came onto Tumblr to post whatever I needed to and just go. I started to read responses just recently again though.
Anyway, I hope people will wait and look forward to my 6th Stage report!
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