#this is such a neishe post
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dickensianenglishbulldog · 1 year ago
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animatronicdoozer · 2 years ago
The funny thing about being in a (sorta??) neish fandom like the muppets(I mean lots of people like it but I don’t think that many are like in the fandom if you get what I mean) is sometimes I forget that there are other characters who have the same names so whenever I search up Walter (as in the 3 foot tall muppet) I see breaking bad posts
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caruliaa · 4 years ago
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[Image description: two images. The first is a screenshot from the sander asides episode "flirting with social anxiety" of the roman looking at virgil (who is offscreen) with a soft expression. The second is a screenshot from the carmen sandiego episode "the vile history caper" of carmen looking at julia (who is offscreen) with a soft expression. /End description]
Damm these spot the difference games keep getting harder :/
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afternoonspeaker-2021-1 · 4 years ago
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Neish Tsai
18 小時
生活中認識我的人,應該都知道我是一位珍惜自然環境的人,但是很抱歉我不支持現在的”反藻礁公投”。這一個環保議題也吵了多年了,而我10多年前也在這裡潛水調查過幾次,事實上這裡水下5公尺以深能見度超差,能見度大都不超過1公尺,也就是靠光生活的珊瑚藻和造礁珊瑚大概都不能生活;所以我水下潛水調查能拍到的只有不靠光而靠捕捉浮游生物的軟珊瑚為少數的固著生物。就是因為環境實在不佳,也只有可透光岸邊水淺礁石上才附生有造礁的珊瑚藻和少量的石珊瑚;難道這樣我就可以放���開發單位去破壞嗎? 事實上如果好好檢視現在的天然氣上岸的設計,我倒覺得現在這個修改後對藻礁的傷害能減到最小,而且也考慮完工後能讓周圍海水流通,讓後續的珊瑚藻能繼續附著生長。畢竟又有經濟能成長且不傷害環境是不太可能的,但能破壞減小下,也是不得不做的事!!以下引用"放言”的投書[“這幾天藻礁公投連署強力催票,看著網路社群越來越多朋友轉貼連署呼籲,同樣身為主修生物生態相關領域的學生,這時說反對似乎嚴重逆風。但明明我們都是關愛環境的人,不應該「網內互打」讓其他只為政治利益的人漁翁得利。希望大家好好了解事實全貌,不要只有跟風連署,要理性思考我們在環境保護和經濟活動間如何取捨去達成平衡,再決定是否支持這樣的公投連署,才是對我們關愛環境的心意更負責任的做法。新方案的位置和施工都已避開藻礁 藻礁公投說要搶救的範圍,是指位在觀塘工業區內、早在2015年就完成可行性規劃、預計設置中油第三天然氣接收站的部分海岸。後來2018年有人提出該區域有藻礁生態,中油就重新提出「藻礁迴避替代修正方案」,將第三天然氣接收站的開發範圍大幅縮小90%,現在開發範圍只剩下原本的十分之一(23公頃),並且已經完全避開有藻礁的海岸(G1、G2區)。 原本要在海岸設堤坊也取消不建了,所以岸上開發面積就只剩那23公頃,且那23公頃是早已完成填地的人造區域,注意是「人造區域」所以原本就沒有生態價值。其他設施則都遠離海岸以避開藻礁,例如將港口設計成遠離海岸的「離岸工業港」,位置在水深超過10公尺且透光率很低、沒有活體殼狀珊瑚藻生長的海床上;離岸工業港和岸上儲存槽間的連接道也改成鏤空棧橋,讓兩側海水可以自然交換,以利營養鹽穩定提供海洋生物使用。”]以下是我前一陣子寫的文~~大潭藻礁是天然氣上岸的預定地,目前從232公頃縮小到23公頃,雖然藻礁是日積緩生的生物礁,但是沒被重���前被破壞多少無人知了,現在政府也順從民意將原先中油規畫的影響區縮到1/10了,試問要做的就是要加大天然氣發電用(減少空汙),而開發影響就是施工段,如果可以讓施工不亂搞,施工完後,這區域又不是工業區,這後續的汙染是冷排水汙染,但也有再規劃冷排水的低溫養殖開發,比如是養鮭魚和比目魚(就是假鱈魚)。真不知又要減燃煤發電減空汙,又不讓天然氣上岸來發電是甚麼左膠思考?再說...雖然純藻礁是世界上是不多,不過在一般珊瑚礁環境中這一類紅藻幫忙造礁也是一環(也一直都在,不是觀音大潭特有的),當然大潭這裡也是有其他珊瑚生長,就是珊瑚在這環境長不好才會以珊瑚藻當優勢種,而這藻礁早在1500年前就在這裡;現在如果是早期桃園工業區的汙染(RCA)還有我們不知的其他廠的汙染? 然後這些工廠都沒責任嗎? 現在施作天然氣上岸點還只是一段時間的物理性破壞,還比上早期的化學性破獲更嚴重???施工完後,這區域又不是工業區,這後續的汙染是冷排水汙染,但也有再規劃冷排水的低溫養殖開發,比如是養鮭魚和比目魚(就是假鱈魚)。真不知又要減燃煤發電空汙,又不讓天然氣上岸是怎樣左膠思考點? 我也知發起的研究員是很令人敬重的,但是一點棲地都不能破壞..我不認同!!如果要求政府要發展經濟,又不要有汙染,燃煤發電要減(不過通過大潭計畫時(要減煤發電),賴副總統也停止了東北角台電瘋狂封"深澳灣"建港的燃煤發電廠),我想帶頭反大潭的研究員也應該贊同賴副總統停止深澳灣封灣的計畫吧!! 再來也一堆左膠環團反魚塭種電,也反離岸風機發電(看臨良可達鴨會被風機葉片打下啦!) 這些左膠團體不知夏天吹不吹冷氣? 最近很冷有沒去買電暖器? 不過買的電暖器會不會電線太短喔!! 請小心用延長線喔!! 非特殊延長線都是10安培耐用喔(標示10A或1000W左近),但是延長太長時..延長線舊了舊危險喔..
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freenewstoday · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2020/12/01/the-arecibo-telescope-in-puerto-rico-collapses/
The Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico Collapses
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The enormous Arecibo radio telescope, a destination for astronomers perched in the mountains of Puerto Rico, has collapsed, the National Science Foundation said on Tuesday.
The telescope’s 900-ton receiver platform, which was suspended by cables connected to three towers, fell onto the 1,000-foot antenna dish sometime overnight, the foundation said.
“The platform fell unexpectedly,” said Joshua Chamot, a spokesman for the foundation, which owns the telescope at the Arecibo Observatory. Officials said they were assessing the collapse before releasing more details. They did not specify when the platform had collapsed or why it fell.
“As we move forward, we will be looking for ways to assist the scientific community and maintain our strong relationship with the people of Puerto Rico,” the foundation said on Twitter.
The foundation announced on Nov. 19 that the telescope had to be torn down after an auxiliary cable slipped out of its socket and left a 100-foot gash in the dish below. The observatory is managed by the University of Central Florida.
“The decision comes after N.S.F. evaluated multiple assessments by independent engineering companies that found the telescope structure is in danger of a catastrophic failure and its cables may no longer be capable of carrying the loads they were designed to support,” the foundation said last month.
On Nov. 24, the foundation said engineers had observed more breaks in the wires of the remaining cables attached to one of the towers that held the platform.
The observatory has served as the vanguard of the search for alien civilizations, and astronomers used it to track killer asteroids.
For nearly six decades, the observatory was a renowned resource for radio astronomy and planetary research, and it held enormous cultural significance for Puerto Ricans. Many said they were inspired by the observatory to pursue careers in science and technology.
The telescope became ingrained in popular culture and was featured in movies like “Contact” and the James Bond film “Golden Eye.”
The telescope beamed signals to and from space, an ability that made it possible to collect undiscovered details about planets in the solar system, said Catherine Neish, an assistant professor of earth sciences at the University of Western Ontario.
One of its early feats, in 1967, the discovery that the planet Mercury rotates in 59 days, not 88 as astronomers had originally thought.
“It was an incredible piece of technology,” Dr. Neish said.
But after years of hurricane damage and financial duress, questions arose about the observatory’s future.
Puerto Rico residents and astronomers had called on the foundation to repair the telescope rather than demolish it.
Before the collapse, nearly 60,000 people signed a petition urging federal agencies to find a way to stabilize the structure.
But Thornton Tomasetti, an engineering firm hired by the University of Central Florida to assess the telescope, said the likelihood of another cable failing was too high to justify repair work.
“Although it saddens us to make this recommendation, we believe the structure should be demolished in a controlled way as soon as pragmatically possible,” the firm said in a letter to the university and the foundation.
On social media, scientists and Puerto Ricans who recalled visiting the observatory mourned the telescope after the collapse
“This is a stunning loss for our science capability,” Justin Kugler, an aerospace engineer, said on Twitter. “The United States needs to create a plan for a successor radio telescope that builds on the heritage of Arecibo and honors the commitment of Puerto Rico over these many years.”
Dr. Neish, the University of Western Ontario professor, said the loss of the telescope is not only devastating, it is also infuriating to scientists who believe the foundation could have done more to save it.
“It was not inevitable,” she said of the collapse. “If they had properly maintained it, it’s likely that wouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s such an undignified end,” she added. “That’s what’s so sad about it.”
Dennis Overbye contributed reporting.
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veryfineday · 5 years ago
Monday 31 May 1830
5 1/2
11 35/..
Vc  LL  L  L  L
F53º at 6 3/4 and fineish morning - off at 6 1/2 - at the amphithéatre at 7 25/.. - monsieur Desfontaines Leçon 6 from 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 - hurried home - breakfast - 5 minutes too for Brongniart Leçon 20 from 9 to 10 1/4 - he gave up abrubtly on account of monsieur de Blainville Leçon 7 from 10 50/.. to 12 35/.. - we waited for him 1/4 hour - he not géné because monsieur geoffroy Saint Hilaire have just lost one of his daughters  Could not lecture today - and will not give his next lesson till Friday -
home in 5 minutes - at my desK at 1 10/..  monsieur Julliart called at 3 10/.. and staid 3/4 hour to settle about when to have our next lesson - to begin with the cerveau, or an eye with the orbit - before and after monsieur J-[Julliart] came wrote 1/2 sheet full to L[ad]y S-[Stuart] ‘miss Hobart’ and ‘miss maclean’ and a little 1/4 sheet full to ‘Lady Duff Gordon  34 Hartford Street’ all these enclosed with miss Hobart’s bill from Batton paid last Thursday in envelope to the ‘Honourable Lady Stuart  whitehall’, and sent them off by george to the embassy at 4 40/.. -
these letters merely in acKnowledgement of the album and the writing in it - triste to all but Lady G-[Gordon] and to her assez spirituel - will thinK of the Spanish business (going to Seville next), and offer partnership as soon as I can - say ‘tho’ I wrote so long a letter only the other day’, must ..... pay her and Cosmo’s journal a high compliment  I Know it was joint properly ‘on casting so postiche an affiche, so notable a note, and such an out-rage of an epitaph - I laughed exceedingly’ - make very honourable mention of Lady S-‘s[Stuart’s] pretty verses both to herself and Vere -
Tell the latter I could not tell her the effect Sibbella’s lines had on me - ‘It is not for me that hope’s fairy pictures bright colours display’ - and spite of all ‘the consolations that reason and religion faith can offer, the thought of that tomorrow  which she bids me hail is but the harbinger of sorrow - But all things worK together for good under the guidance of that being who cannot err, and it is enough - Come what may, my album will give me pleasure - there is a neat small hand that my heart tells me I shall value more and more, - one little rememberance ‘encore un plaisir qui reste après tous ceux qu’on a perdus’ - I had before said the booK was ‘ beautifully neat - just in that chaste and quiet taste I liKe’ - and that was all I said of what was written by her who Knows that her writing tho’ mentioned least is not least valued -
very Kind letter to miss mcL-[MacLean] - asK her prettily enough to let me have Vere’s picture - I will have it copied for that one of her family whom she may wish to have a copy - but I have the copies of all these letters that I wrote yesterday  writing them out took me two and a quarter hours  and reading over folding and sealing too half an hour -
wrote all the above of today after sending off my letters and had just done it at 5 1/4 - dawdling over 1 thing or other - covered the 2 vols. Hippolite Cloquet (anatomy) with paper - Off at 6 5/.. - in 10 minutes tooK fiacre from the Place Maubert and thence home in 27 minutes at 6 3/4 - dressed - dinner at 7 - my aunt very poorly - spasms - came to my room at 8 20/.. -
on coming home george brought me letter per post from the embassy from miss maclean - 3pp. and the ends - dated Thursday the 27th - mr. Hunter without saying a word to miss mcL-[MacLean] wrote off for Albane - miss mcL-[MacLean] so annoyed says’they have outwitted themselves for if I am able to move  I shall sail for Boulogne this day weeK and remain there till I gain strength - but I shall write again next post - I forgot I had not written to you since Hunter insisted on my remaining a few weeks longer’ - well! I need not pother myself - she will not be able to move and therefore she will not be off for Boulogne - what can we do with her  I only hope and trust she will not come -
settling accounts - Coffee at 9 25/.. - looKing over post booK map and Galiguani’s guide thro’ France (for tour with Lady S-Stuart de R-Rothesay) till 10 1/2 - came to my room at 10 40/.. at which hour F59º - fineish day - just got home to rue Saint V-[Victor] from de Blainville’s lecture before a smartish shower - streets seem wet now tonight at 10 50/.. - 
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askcharliefoxtrot · 7 years ago
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I forgot to post these today! Oh well, I can reblog it in the morning. Here’s MediNeko, the robotic catgirl seen with “Mark” in these pictures. The artists are, in order;
- This is the one artist I haven’t been able to track down. They shared a table with @vixiebee but I haven’t been able to find out more. If anyone knows the artist’s name please let me know.
James Neish
Liz Mac Draws
Thank you all for your amazing work! These are some wonderfully fun interpretations of her!
More about the character under the read more.
So MediNeko originally started out as a genderswapped version of “Mark” back when he was still an avatar for myself. Because everyone else was doing it, it’s a thing I guess *shrug*. She eventually turned into a separate character with her own backstory.
The MediNeko line was drafted and designed to act as nurses and personal care assistants to an aging otaku / weeaboo population, whether it be working in nursing homes or by allowing senior citizens to remain in their own homes by assisting in various tasks they were no longer capable of on their own. The line never made it past the programming stage, and no physical prototypes were ever constructed. MediNeko’s programmed AI was left forgotten for years before being discovered by Mark-88, who constructed her form based on the project’s original blueprints, with some modifications.
MediNeko is not entirely thrilled about her original purpose or how she is perceived by some, but is generally a happy and positive AI. Elements of her original programming sometimes crop to the surface (like stereotypical catgirl mannerisms) which she is embarrassed of. Her design is much more streamlined and sleek when compared to Mark. As one artist described the two of them, “They’re like Wall-E and Eva”.
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punkblackmf · 8 years ago
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If you missed Punk Black January 2017 you missed one hell of a show.   The Apocalypse Eve Edition was more than just a show; it was our chance, as the minority counter-culture, to make a bit of noise in protest of the way our country has devolved into a deplorable fascist regime.  As always, the PB Nation showed up fully prepared to rage the night away.
Posted at the Union EAV, this edition greeted our friends with a couple new features and amenities.   As I entered the dark shotgun bar the first thing that caught my eye was the 5 screens boasting the Punk Black name hovering over a montage of Japanimation scenes. Swords and warriors and fierce battle faces welcomed me to the proceedings. Ensconced on the raised platform next to the entrance were Punk Black staple artists Ron Smith and Clive Neish. Artwork with a shrill of revolution graced the tables accompanied by brand new Punk Black merch.
Opening the night was The Konvalescent. In their sophomore appearance at Punk Black, once again they melted faces with their intense heavy metal explosions. This band was amazing with their synchronized head banging, roars and growls, unearthly drum beats and time signature changes. As always, Punk Black brought the best of Atlanta Underground music to our fingertips.
Next up, Punk Black veterans: Conkrete God!!!!! This soulful female fronted band has mesmerized our ears quite a few times, yet this Apocalypse Eve they were in rare form. With mystifying, epic guitar licks undergirding a voice of divinity we were reminded that, amidst the raging and moshing, our voices MUST be heard, black lives DO matter, and we MUST embrace our allies… Punk Black isn’t just music… it is a movement.
The third band was a trip to punk rock past with the raw garage punk sound of Holders. These young guys, organic and dynamic, aroused the crowd with the unfinished aura of some of our favorite bands’ early sounds. Succinct and determined they drove edgy guitar riffs and proud vocals into the souls of a hungry crowd!!!! Keep an eye on these guys as they rage their way into the annals of underground rock history.
Closing out the night was the proverbial root band of Punk Black, Howling Star! Never ceasing to amaze, Howling Star raised a ruckus with the intense showmanship and moshing expertise of frontpersons Jamee Cornelia and Arkkade Kult, backed by the bold guitar invocations and rhythm prowess of our beloved mother band.
The moshing was sick, the sweat dripped, the drinks poured, the smoke wafted… Once exhausted and inspired, I must admit, Punk Black is on its way to securing its place of legend in the Atlanta underground scene and beyond. Don’t miss next month’s “Valkyrie Edition”, featuring all female fronted bands, of course in Punk Black style of honoring minority influenced rock music… I’ll see you there on February 23 at the Union EAV.
-Avien Reese
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tchaka69 · 6 years ago
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SWOT Analysis
I feel like I have good social skills, I am personable, friendly and have the ability to get on with almost anyone, regardless of ace, race, nationality or sub-culture.
I posses an Avant-guard nature, I find it easy to think outside the box and often use this to aid me in conceiving original and interesting ideas. I can write film in a standard fashion but with my own twist. This means I have locked down the classic elements witch make people comfortable with film, like the mise-en-scene but can bring exciting, odd new narratives to the table.
I am experienced on many platforms (e.g. Ableton, Avid media composer, Premier-pro, Photoshop and the entire Microsoft office software package).
I love watching and especially love making film, the way you go on a journey on which you learn along the way is excellently clever. A film is visually pleasing but there is a lot more to a it, we as human beings are inherently smart and as we watch a film we slowly piece together an ideal/ideal derived directly from the film, this idea can influence the way we interact with others and live our life’s.
I wish to enter into the film industry, working for an independent production company, most probably based in London. I have made this decision as I wish to be employed in the film industry, as films are not constant work like television, I must be attached to a production company as this way I will receive constant work in my desired industry.
Film as apposed to television is more interesting, things seem to be more serious in general and the space for experimentation is much larger. You also work in a bigger team of people, I love being on set and several things happening at the same time but all united under a common cause. Also although there is constant reoccurring money with a good TV show, the amounts of money that can be made in the film industry is a lot more. A lot of TV shows rely heavily on set work, for British film we shoot on location a lot, this is something I find exciting as you get to see and be in new places a lot.
A film set has the need for people who can think on there feet, make decisions quickly but be respectful and considerate in your actions. I can do these things well and plan on using these skills to help chisel out a place for me in the industry.
Ultimately I wish to end up directing film but I realise that this is not really an entry level job. I will more than likely have to start as a runner, work my way to production assistant. From there I will be in a good enough position to start to apply for 3rd assistant director and from there work my way up to 1st ad and then to director. I do realise that this is an extremely long process, however I 100% plan on directing on smaller self run projects all along the way to help home in my skills.
I love working with people and I love having to interact with them, I find it very interesting and I find it helps make your job a lot more pleasurable as you receive such variety of personality in the way of people. I also really love having creative control over a project, it is a position like this which I feel I can extend my self to my full potential as I know I am in space which offers freedom, which is something I strive for.
When looking at the people who are directors, they are my type of people, they are odd and always have an alternate creative rational, they are not afraid to be bold.
These are all things that I feel I encapsulate and this is reason as to why I feel I can direct, also everyone I have worked with has commended me on my directing skill and professionalism which has pushed me to strive further.  
My most notable achievement so far has been my graduate film, nothing else I have made or help make has ever come close to the professionalism and overall quality of the final product. It is not decorated with festival awards and accepted submissions, however we do definitely plan on taking it to festivals….and an even though it is early, I’m pretty darn sure that we will be showing at the BFI graduate show.
I attribute my success to hard work, dedication, love for the project at hand and having the ability to comfortably think outside of the box.
Society places success under a banner of material possessions and the amount of money you have. I measure my success in feeling, success is a feeling you can only achieve if you succeed in the way you want and have something you can be proud of, therefore according to this way of thinking, I am the only one who can tell me weather or not I am successful.
I have quite a bit of knowledge about the so called ‘street’ subculture and feel that bringing their influences to a company would be extremely helpful as it will widen there demographic and ultimately earn them more money.
I feel my greatest asset Is my ability to take something quite normal and standard and turn it into something interesting, unusual and uncanny.
My punctuality could me more on point, I will be at every single meeting or organised event I am required, however I am late some of the time and this can get in the way of the task at hand.
I’m very free flowing and this translates to my organisation being not well kept, unless I specifically put a lot of effort in to adhere to the way others have outlined.
I also do find my memory isn’t to good, unfortunately if I don’t write something down or have 100% interest in that thing I’m likely to forget it.
I should avoid situations where I allow myself to much freedom, freedom is important but I feel that I must channel it in order to benefit from it, otherwise I am running feral.
I like to avoid bad vibes where I can, this does not mean that I wont stand up for what I believe in but when I get hot headed I can say things I do not mean, avoiding confrontation by being companionate helps me the most. I should also avoid getting to heavily involved with one element in filmmaking, I can sometimes become fixated on something when I’m so passionate about it, however when working in a team, which is nearly always in the industry. The way I move on is that someone usually advises me to move on, which I easily do, just after I realise what I am doing.
Professionally I find that when I like an idea, I find it hard to move on from it and try something else, even when I know what I want to do is the wrong thing. I like to push the boundaries however I need to know when to know to push or back down from the boundaries. This can equal me wasting time which, obviously on set is of the essence.
I Must remember that a set is like an office, it is a place of work, it is not a place for any messing around. It is a playground for thoughts and ideas but not for actions, I must stay composed and calm on set, which is easily done, I just must remember to adhere to that way of thinking. If I don’t adhere to this, I will appear unprofessional and this will hinder me from getting future employment.
I don’t fully understand every aspect of filmmaking, which is something that must be required of a director. However, this is something that will come with time and at this stage no one would expect this of me. This will make the production process a lot slower as people will have to be explaining things to me along the way.Another weakness is the fact I have type one diabetes, this can affect me greatly if not well managed. It can cause me to have fits and blackout, however if I stay on top of it, I can avoid this from happening. 
When younger my Avant-guard nature was not popular with the majority of students, I felt like I required neish community to integrate into. I would always them find eventually but its not easy, this has created me to feel conflicted as I feel like I am being to full of myself, giving requirements for being mates with me but then on the other side I want to be with like minded people, people who truly get me and accept and love me for my oddities.
Luckily I live just over an hour on the train to London, this puts me at a huge advantage as I am located close to the UK’s central hub for the TV and film industry. I also will leave university with a degree, hopefully at a high level which will definitely advance my job prospects for the near future. I cannot rely on public transport to be able to get from set to set as it can change frequently and can often run to early times in the morning. Therefore, this summer I am going to learn how to drive as this is something that seems to be required for prosperity in this industry and it will help with post-graduate life in general.
My chosen profession is directing, which is mainly revolved around interacting with people, this relies on little to no technology. The state of the art in my chosen profession would probably just being up to date with contemporary happening which I will use to help my actors understand roles and motivations well. Also having a well rounded personality which is focused on being calm as this in turn is picked up by your actors and out turned by them.   
I am aware of what needs to be done in order top succeed in my industry, and I am doing what I can at this point in time. Unfortunately, I am required to network, however I can only network inside of university as this is where my life is focused. I am also planning on shooting some a couple of shorts now that university has finished to keep my mind on point and have continues involvement with the industry.
To be in a better position for employment should beef out my showreel with some new pieces, focusing on the acting and overall aesthetics of what I’m putting in it.  
Id somewhat familiar with the Arri Alexa camera and but I definitely need to become familiar with the RED cameras as they seem to be used quite a lot in the industry, yet university has given us no training on them at all. 
Unfortunately, I have realised that to become a director at the level I wish to be, it is going to take many years and a lot of hard work. No one will trust a random person to direct their production which has cost them ridiculous amount of money, which is why I am going to have to slowly build up a name for myself with in the industry, in order to gain the trust of investors and producers. Something that is going to affect my industry is Brexit, after leaving the European union we lost the MEDIA / Creative Europe funding, which means the British film industry will loose over 100 euros’ worth of funding also unfortunately British content will be much less attractive to European broadcasters however this doesn’t bother me to much because I specifically wish to make stereotypical British content, and that markets its self.
There are a lot of people I my desired industry and there are a lot of people who are Justas good as me, but luckily, they are not me. They will not posses my director’s traits, my tricks, my methods and my personality and these are vitally important things to my desired job role.
I am very lucky in that technology will never threaten my prospective position because my selected role is based on opinion, in fact it is the most defining element of directing, until artificial inelegance is created a machine will have no chance in doing my job. I need to be able to work closely with people, I need to evolve with them and understand what kind of person they are and how to motivate them to get what I am envisioning, this cannot be done by a computer because it cannot truly learn and respond to a situation.
Directing has obviously change in the way of the rules and regulation you have to adhere to with filmmaking, however the actual act of directing people hasn’t changed since the early days of the 1930’s ‘talkies’. People still require and will always require to be directed by someone who has an ultimate creative knowledge base of the project, someone who can make decisions and can evolve to the situation which ever way it goes. 
Directing in vital to the film making process, essentially you are creative god on set, the role takes up all of your attention and efforts, therefore I don’t need to worry about my job being combined with any others in any downsizing efforts. One person is required and always will be for my desired job role, it is essential to any production, a set with out a director is a ship without a captain.
 My role is subject to many internal conflicts, mostly centred around the actors and the personalities clashes. The main issue I ever have with film making is the people aspect, unfortunately actors as a breed are impulsive and melodramatic, due to me being an essential people wrangler, I have to deal with and overcome these problems, sometimes with the help of the crew but often on my own.
If I have done wrong or even if I haven’t I will be respectful and try to be as understanding as possible. The most useful piece of information I have learnt when dealing with actors is that if they are insistent on a scene going how they want; you shoot there take to plicate them. However, you always ensure you get at least one take the way you envisioned it, because after all, you are the director, not them. You must always remember to be calm and composed when dealing with any situation and remember that people are only getting stressed because they want to make a good film, so you have to remember that at the same time as making them understand that they are not the director, they can play these games with you but ultimately, they will loose.
Brexit is in full swing at the moment, as I listed above, it will have big implications on the British film industry but at the same time it will also create a bigger space in the market for downtime as people will have to be working harder. People like to work hard and play hard, this future time of stress will ultimately result in people wanting to chill out, and film is one of the biggest forms of inside chilling.  
Hopefully who ever I get a job with will give me constant work, it is in the industry I chose so therefore will undoubtedly enjoy it! As no production is unlimited in the film industry, unlike television, I will be constantly being faced with new subject matter and projects I can sink my teeth in to, and as they say, ‘variety is the spice of life’.
In the case of sudden employment, my showreel and accompanying CV will be strong enough to ensure that I can find work. There is a lot of people in the industry, however I am lucky that I posses an Avant-guard nature, as this way I make a lasting impression. My odd nature mixed with my high quality showreel and good CV will hopefully lock me down employment.
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