#this is so random actually back to studying law lmaoooo
heartbreakprincewille · 6 months
This is so random, but for the longest time I thought that the whole process they went through in the beginning of S3 was Arbitration. But no, what they did was actually Compounding of Offences.
I mean, both Arbitration and Compounding are based on avoiding tenuous litigation, but Arbitration involves an impartial third party who hears both sides and a conclusion is reached. But Compounding is involved when the accused party compensates the accusing party for the offence to avoid litigation. And compounding happens for offences which affects individuals only, an offence which affects the public at large is not compoundable.
I mean, it makes sense because it is based on a concept that the less litigations there are the better, and it is legal apparently, but Compounding is still based on the fact that money or any non-monetary consideration can apparently also compensate the feeling of violation and wrongdoing that the victim faces. I mean, it also depends on the receiver of such compensation- whether they feel validated by such consideration or not. But something about the values of justice getting compromised and the perpetrator getting away with their acts is something that sits wrong with me. August should have been punished imo but it was a still a realistic way the plot moved forward, if not the most satisfactory.
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Hi, law student anon here! (And no lmao I'm not british but I do live in England) I was wondering, do you have any headcanons for how the characters survived law school? Like what their uni was, their favourite modules, their experience, random trivia, anything really 😂
Hello arse anon!! I can try!! 😅😅
I won’t be mentioning real universities or businesses cause this is an ace attorney au at heart so...nothing is real lmao :) and I also don’t know what is taught at law school so sorry if this is vague...I am just a newbie college student...Wanting to go into secondary education *dies*
Francis: Francis started out college in an arts program! He was going to major in painting and interior design. He also planned on flipping houses with Jeanne. But when she was murdered during his sophomore year in college, he dropped out to grieve and regain his composure. Jeanne’s case made a huge impact on his life and he changed his career course to become a prosecutor. While he did party a little and was social, he was focused on his education. Jeanne’s parents and his own supported him all the way!! There were times where he struggled because of his Art Brain getting distracted but he pushed through!! As hard as he could!!! He did not enjoy learning about banking law or anything having to do with math. Poor Fran nearly flunked math lmao
Arthur: Arthur wanted to be a lawyer in order to break the cycle of dirtbag criminals in his family. But in the beginning, he intended on going into elder law. He made friends with multiple professors who told him he’d do great working with old people and Art really loved the idea of representing old people when they didn’t have anyone else on their side. As he worked through the law program, he decided on being a defense attorney instead! He wasn’t very social in college and seeing him in full punk attire for law lectures was truly a sight to see lmao. He did very well!! He was in the top 7 of his class! When he graduated, only Griffin came to see him. His parents didn’t enjoy the idea of him being a lawyer cause...they’re criminals lmaoooo
Alfred: Alfred switched majors like three times. He originally wanted to be a sports team manager!! He fell out of love with that very fast. Then he wanted to be a mechanic! He also ended up hating that. He’s always wanted to help people though as when he saw Arthur in court, he was like ‘wowie I could do that!!!’ So he did! He played football and basketball, juggled a frat life and law school all at once. It’s kinda impressive now he managed such a broad social life as well as his schooling. He struggled with writing because he tended to just barf words on a page. He knew what laws were and all the info he needed in order to win a fake case but he needed help learning to speak and write eloquently. Arthur tutored him :) and Matt picked on him “You can’t say ‘bro’ in court, Al” “Shut up!!!! >:(“
Yao: Back in his day, being a lawyer wasnt glorfied the way it is now. With the 3 day trial system being brand new, he had a lot to adjust to. He did his best and met his wife in college!! Yao was not only a teachers pet, he quickly worked his way up to be the head of the tennis team lol. His college experience wasn’t anything spectacular but once he graduated, he shadowed a bunch of defense attorneys who now have their own reality tv show lmao. Working in LA was hard and he came close to quitting many times but he got a big break when he got to work a murder case!! He won (even though the client was guilty oops) and people flocked to him! Without taking on that case, he would have totally quit working with the law and worked in real estate with his wife (now ex wife)
Roderich: Roddy went to a super expensive law school on the East coast before moving to California. His family is rich so they just threw money at him and let him do whatever he wanted. His childhood was great cause he got whatever he wanted but he didn’t have like...the opportunity to help others cause it wasn’t something rich people did. So as he grew up he wanted to help others and seeing prosecutors on tv or reading about them in books??? He decided that he wanted to do that. He did not make any friends in college. He went to class, grinded through work and slept when he could. He was on a constant grind, going out of his way to prove himself as the best and I mean...He was. Roderich ended up being in the top 3 of his class. He was scooped uo almost immediately by the city prosecutors office when he made it to LA and has been working with them ever since! He really wants to be the chief prosecutor but he isn’t gonna push his luck
Eliza: Eliza is a first generation college goer in her family! She busted her ASS to get scholarships for academics and soccer and took out a sizable loan in order to get herself through school. Literally a self made woman and she’s just awesome for it. She knew she wanted to be a lawyer from the start so figuring out a career path wasn’t very hard. She and her college soccer team were super close, they went out a lot and had grouo study sessions all the time. She still keeps in contact with a couple of them!! She sucked up a lot to her professors to get on their good sides so they’d curve her grade at the end of the semester and hey! She got most of them to do that so good for her
Ivan: Ivan was pushed into going to a school that he didn’t want to go to poor guy. His mother paid for everything but he wasn’t allowed to participate in clubs cause it would ‘distract him’. He managed to convince her to let him join the damn chess club during his second year of college but she made him quit when he started getting close to his teammates. He graduated early because he took so many credit hours but his college experience was shit overall. He made like two friends but spent almost all of his time studying or shadowing his mom’s friends in court or just sitting in on trials, writing reports on them as he watched. Then he’d hand them in to his mother later. She was stricter with him than she was with Natalya but still just...awful lol. He went to the lawschool his mother went to so they recognized his name and would be like “Oh! Hey we got a Braginsky here! How’s you’s mom?” He hated how everyone talked about her. Sometimes he thought that those professors would just pass him cause he was a Braginsky...ugh...
Natalya: Her mother put her through the same law school as Ivan. She worked herself to the bone to graduate early in order to catch up to him. She wants to be the best. She wants their mother to be proud of her. She shadowed multiple prosecutors who used to work with her mom and attended as many public trials as possible in order to take notes. Throughout her college years she has super dark eye bags cause she just....Didnt sleep. Ivan would take her in and make her rest at his place where it was quiet. She was allowed to be in the choir and her mom would actually come to their concerts which was something she would usually say no to. Nat was also allowed to have more friends than Ivan which kinda made her feel bad cause her brother is so isolated all the time. Oh well. She’s still his friend :’)
Kiku: Kiku survived law school through spite alone. His mom insisted that he was not cut out to be a lawyer and every time she said that, he wanted to be a lawyer even more!! He took out loans and got himself through school. He had a lot of professors that he ended up liking and bonded with his ‘criminal psychology’ professor!! He didn’t have many friends but he felt comfortable going to that professor for advice. Kiku was very interested In bankruptcy law from the beginning but he thought that being a defense attorney would be more rewarding as well as more impressive to his family
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purplesurveys · 5 years
When was the last time you read a whole book, to the last page exactly? Last year I think? I had a brief binge reading phase of all of Chris Jericho’s memoirs in 2018. After that I kind of lost the time to read the rest of the autobiographies I had downloaded. How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? Hahaha I wouldn’t know where to start. 2017 was still ~honeymoon phase for us so we def did it too many times to count. It’s been more chill these days, but 2017 would absolutely raise the number. When was the last time you made up a word? Did people think it was weird? I used the word ‘emic-ally’ for my anthropology exam reviewer so that I could better understand the concept I was studying. I’m unsure if emically is actually a word, and I didn’t talk to people about it so I don’t know if they’d find it weird. How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? Zero. I only go when I’m really stoked for a film, like for The Incredibles 2 or Midsommar. I’d spend P250 ($5) to P400 ($8) for tickets; depends where I’m watching. What is one of those movies that you could never get tired of watching? Two for the Road. Absolute gem of a movie.
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? This afternoon driving to the mall after school.
Have you ever begged the opposite sex for anything at all? I’ve begged my dad to buy me things.
Are there many places to shop in the town you live in? What kinds? Filipinos’ favorite pastime is going to the mall, so you bet there are many places to shop at. There are malls everywhere, and all of them have all kinds of stores and restaurants. When was the last time you bought shoes? What do they look like? A few months ago. It’s the Forrest Gump edition of the Nike Cortez. Do you like surveys with really in-depth questions, like mine? These aren’t too in-depth. But yeah I like open-ended questions, but I don’t like ones about morality or philosophy or law or politics. I go on Tumblr to talk about my day, not to pull out my readings again just so I can properly defend my stance on like abortion lmao. When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? Around a month ago when some dumb man on a bike hit the back of my dad’s car (which I happened to be driving that day) and gave it a little paint scratch. Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever cheated on you? Were you mad or sad? She hasn’t. Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? Uhh no I don’t think so. I don’t think I’d want to hang out with them if they’re convinced of that, haha. Are you a superstitious person? Have you ever been superstitious before? Filipinos are naturally superstitious, but I don’t really catch myself acting upon superstitions. The only one I do my damned hardest to follow is the no-pictures-with-the-Oblation-or-else-you-don’t-graduate-on-time rule in my school. Do you like any songs from country music? If so, which ones do you like? I hate country and the only song I can tolerate from the genre is Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Can people read your facial expressions easily? If so, why is this? Yeah I’m an open book. Through the years I’ve realized I’m not really the kind of person who’s good at hiding how I feel, despite what I claimed before as an edgy teenager that I hate showing emotion haha. If I’m pissed everyone knows it; if I’m crying everyone is bound to hear the sniffles. When was the last time you went on vacation? Where did you go to? We went to a short trip to Cavite two months ago. How many states have you been to in your lifetime? Guesstimate if not sure. No US states, if that’s what you mean. But I’ve been to tons of local provinces - I think 20-30 would be a safe guesstimate. The only place I have yet to go to would be Mindanao. When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? If I paid for it I kinda have to lmaoooo. But like I said, I only watch in the cinema when it’s for movies I’ve waited months for, so it’s common sense to actually watch the movie when I’m actually there already. What kind of instant messaging service do you use? Why do you use this? Messenger, it’s quick and easy. I also have Viber and Telegram because other people prefer those. When was the last time your area had a tornado warning, if ever? I have no idea if the Philippines has actually had a tornado in the past. It’s not a thing that happens here. Have you ever had one of those major fights with your current bf/gf? Yes. Does it ever bother you when people use abbreviations for certain words? Nah but it becomes annoyingly hilarious/exasperating when people shorten words that are already short??? - like when ‘with’ becomes ‘wt’ and ‘twitter’ or ‘tweet’ becomes ‘twt’ like ???????????? I let myself get annoyed for a bit but then I just let it go haha. Would it creep you out if you walked in on your best friend having sex? Nah. It’s Angela. I could never have awkward moments with her. We’d probably make fun of ourselves nonstop if one of us caught the other having sex. When was the last time you said ‘I love you?’ Who did you say it to? A little earlier; to my girlfriend. Do you have any of those freaky phobias that make no sense at all? I used to be scared of watching advertisements at night, but it’s mostly gone now. Do you ever look at random people and think they could be a serial killer? Strangers, yes. Typically I don’t think of people in my inner circle that way. Does it scare you when the sky gets really cloudy and dark during the day? Noooooo I get really happy lmao, I love when it’s about to rain. What was the last amusement park you went to? Did you have fun? Legoland, in Malaysia. It was a lot of fun but it was very hot and the park was mostly for kids, so there wasn’t a lot of stuff a 14 year old could do there.
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