#this is sloppily worded but GOD i just. june makes me run around in circles
tertiaryapocalypse · 1 year
egbert posting (gonna use both names and he/she, sorry)
i think a great deal of the time people really simplify johns character to a sorta happy go lucky guy and that honestly really really bothers me like. june does put on a very cheery act but its not typically depicted accurately in fanon?
june canonically, at least in the first few acts, has a very sardonic dynamic with her friends. shes MEAN!!! let her be mean. john ribs pretty much all of the people he talks to, and i rarely ever see that shown in fanon? you have to remember that while he is a generally pretty carefree person as you would expect from the heir of breath hes also a teenager and kind of a dick (really much better than the sweet christian-type i see him portrayed as)
additionally june's carefreeness ... doesnt come from a place of joy. part of the breath aspect is this detachment, and june's the HEIR of breath, so she really really exemplifies every portion of twh aspect. june is so far away from her surroundings and friends, maybe not in the literal sense but when it comes to emotionally? it's pretty evident that a lot of things that happen to him are not properly processed, just stored for later, and its really likely those things never will be processed, at least without intervention. intervention which is near impossible to attain when you're holding yourself and everyone around you at arms length. she doesnt have any irl friends, despite being pretty much the only human kid who is presently able to make any. after the retcon, he entirely loses everyone he knows, only to receive shallow replacements instead. the jade he grew up with those last three years are gone, and the only people he knows who went through the retcon are roxy, a girl he barely knows, davesprite, who vanishes nearly instantly, and nannasprite, who despite being her grandmother is practically just a riddle telling game construct.
it just... frustrates me that everyone tends to see john as relatively problemless, because she has a Lot of issues, like any other HS character. theyre just harder to see, an act of intention on his part.
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flowercrown-bucky · 4 years
I Put A Spell On You
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Modern!Loki x Reader, Modern!Thor x Reader, Loki x Wanda
Warnings: NSFW content - 18 plus ONLY (NSFW parts are in bold. If you do not wish to read this type of content, keep scrolling on past it.)
Summary: What do you do when you fall in love? Embark on a clandestine affair with their brother, of course.
Authors’ Note: Whoo! It’s the one we’ve all been waiting for. I didn’t think weld ever actually get here. My attention span isn’t good enough.
I’ve never written smut before so if you could, like, not be mean, that would be great. It was weird to write and re-reading it made me want to vomit cotton wool so it’s not fully proofread. Also, it’s sex from a female - Y/N’s - perspective bc as a woman I do not know how sex feels from a man’s perspective. If that’s what you were expecting, I do not know what to say. Sorry, I guess.
Start At The Beginning | Series Masterlist
Chapter Six - Concerning, primarily, the events taking place between forbidden lovers within Loki’s flat on a Thursday evening.
Oh look it’s a different bum gif
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London's West End, June 15th 2018.
Stepping into the bar on Old Compton Street was like stepping back in time. From the stone-laid floor to the warm red lighting, to the polished steel of the bar and the mirrored walls, from the second you set door in the bar you felt like you were in New Orleans in 1976, despite the fact you were not alive in 1976 nor had you ever in your life visited New Orleans.
Either way, you were on a sophisticated night out (Making a change from your normal crawl through Camden's finest), and sitting at the bar sipping a martini from a highball glass - as opposed to a can - you felt like pure class.
The tall blonde at the end of the bar had been watching you as you chatted with your friends all evening, and after five minutes of you glancing across at him, he'd approached you. Your friends had quickly disappeared in a cluster of giggles and overpriced cocktails, leaving you alone with the handsome stranger half a foot away from you.
You bit your lip, shyly looking away from his intense gaze.
He quietly introduced himself, his charm and easy smile drawing you in. You chatted for hours, yourself completely entranced by this handsome, beguiling man.
After many, many drinks, you found yourselves locking lips, messy and drunk and beautiful. Your teeth clashed and your tongues slid together, not caring who saw or what they thought.
"Something tells me." You murmured between kisses. "That I was meant to meet you tonight. Like the universe meant to bring us together for some reason."
He said nothing, opting instead to catch your lips in his once more.
Loki's Flat, Present Day.
You glanced up at Loki, your breaths heavy in your chest. His head bowed down to yours, his gaze intense in a way you'd never seen before, his own breath warm on the skin of your exposed neck. His grip tightened on you, his fingertips pressing into the flesh of you right waist. Words escaped you under his intense gaze, your breath hitched in your throat.
Your noses bumped gently as you leaned into each other, a gentle chuckle leaving his lips. Your heart hammered in your chest, blood rushing to your increasingly clammy hands. For a fleeting moment, you wondered if he'd notice how sweaty your hands had become through the thin material of his shirt.
You bit your lip awkwardly, watching his gaze slide down your face, stopping at your lips.
[I put a spell on you
Because you're mine]
You inhaled sharply as he leaned in, closing the gap between the two of you. His lips were surprisingly soft against yours, bringing his hand up to the back of your head, pulling you into his kiss with a harsh tug on a fistful of your hair. The taste of red wine lingered on his lips, along with something so uniquely him that you were convinced wyou'd never get enough of it.
You gasped quietly, your lips parting slightly, allowing his tongue to slide into your mouth. Your mouth pressed insistently against his, your hands grabbing at the back of his neck, allowing yourself to feel all the feelings you'd harboured since your first meeting.
[You better stop the things you do
I tell ya, I ain't lyin']
You gasped as his suit-clad knee pressed between your legs, his hand falling from the backing from the the back of your head to the small of your back, pushing you backwards. You squealed as the sofa hit the back of your knees, knocking you off balance. You grabbed out at Loki in a desperate attempt to steady yourself, causing both of you to topple backwards and land on the sofa in a tangle of limbs. Steadying yourself, you bit your lip to stifle a laugh.
Loki's eyes met yours, the grin on his face making it impossible to suppress your giggles any longer. The two of you laughed nervously as you untangled your arms and legs from each other. He held your face between his thumb and two fingers, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips.
"You are everything." He whispered, the tip of his nose brushing against yours. You blushed, leaning back up to kiss him.
[You know I can't stand it
You're runnin' around]
His fingertips were cool on your waist, slowly, gently, bringing your shirt up as they rose up your abdomen. Your kiss deepened as you ran your tongue across his lip, your mouths moving together sloppily, teeth and tongues clashing. Yet, his hand stayed still, remaining on the bare skin just under your breasts. You rolled your eyes, propping yourself up slightly on your elbows, reaching to unbutton your own shirt.
[I can’t stand it
‘Cause you put me down]
"You were taking too long." You breathed, wriggling out of your shirtsleeves.
"God, do you ever shut up?" He grabbed your thighs and rolled you over, one leg resting either side of him. Your shirt fell open as he began unbuttoning his own, your eyes trailing across his bare chest. The feeling of your skin on his as you removed the rest of your clothes, his mouth trailing kissses down your neck, was becoming unbearable, need burning in the pit of your stomach.
[I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine]
"Are you sure about this?" He asked. "This is what you want?"
You nodded, leaning in to kiss him again but he caught your chin in his hand, stopping you just short of his mouth.
"I need to hear you say it." His voice was desperate, almost begging you.
"I want this." You voice was soft. "I want you, Loki."
[You know I love you
I love you
I love you]
Your words elicited a noise you'd never heard before from his mouth, a deep, primal noise, almost a snarl. He grabbed at you roughly, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips, pulling you to him.
He unbuttoned his slacks, freeing his erect cock and lining himself with where tyou hovered above him. Slowly, he guided himself into your soft, wet entrance, eliciting a deep, primal moan from him. A slight groan left your lips, a groan of frustration and of him finally giving into his urges, of finally feeling every ridge of him inside of you. You felt his blunt head nudge at your sweet spot, every movement adding to your growing frustration.
You rocked your hips slowly backwards and forwards, feeling a moan of pleasure rippling through your chest as you felt him reach places you previously didn't know existed. He reached down, catching your hip in one massive hand. He bit his lip as he grabbed st the soft flesh. It would bruise tomorrow, you thought.
[I don’t care if you don’t want me
I’m yours right now]
His thumb slid across your increasingly sweaty navel, gently running his fingers over your clit, before pressing more firmly. A grin spread over his face as your breath caught in your throat, his fingers catching a rhythm as they rubbed gentle circles.
Your hands fell to his chest as he moved you, feeling him rock up into you. You wanted to touch him, needed to touch him, needed to feel like he was yours.
Could you die with this man between your legs? Quite possibly.
[I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine]
You couldn't speak, couldn't think of anything but him, hitting that one spot over and over and over again until you could barely breathe. You felt your climax building inside you, coiling in the pit of your stomach.
A filthy moan escaped your mouth as you came, your body spasming with pleasure. Loki followed quickly, riding out his high with slow, lazy thrusts.
[I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine]
"I love you." He breathed, cradling you to his bare chest. You opened your mouth to reply, but found yourself stopped by his finger.
"It's ok." His lips curled into a crooked smile that you thought your heart might die for. "You don't have to say it if it's hard to. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to be anything but you with me."
You smiled gratefully, your eyes suddenly heavy with the emotional drain of the day. As you drifted off to sleep, you were vaguely aware of him speaking, his voice low and soothing as he muttered in your hair, but you could not muster enough consciousness to focus on the words.
"I wish you were mine."
Loki woke with a groan.
Why was his body so heavy?
Where was the light coming from?
And what the fuck was that godawful noise?
He blinked, shifting his hand to rub his face.
What the fuck had he just touched?
It almost felt, like hair.
It was hair.
Your hair.
His whole body bolted into an upright position, his hands holding you carefully so as not to jolt you, reaching out for his phone. Eventually, his hand settled on it, and he flicked it on to check the time.
10:28 AM. Fuck.
43 missed calls. Double fuck.
He threw his head back, screwing his entire face up as he remembered exactly what had happened.
He’d bailed on Wanda, and ended up shagging his brother’s fiancé on his sofa, when he really should’ve been fucking his own girlfriend.
Oh, and now he was two and a half hours late for work.
Nice fucking work, knobhead.
His eyes flitted down to where you lay in his arms, and everything felt okay for a moment.
You looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, so authentically yourself, your hair splayed across his chest, the morning sun illuminating your features.
“Hey,” He rah one hand through your hair, gently shaking you. “Hey, little one, you need to wake up.”
You peered up at him with one eye.
Your heart hammered in your chest. You’d rung your manager, explained that you’d overslept, and you were pretty sure you’d just about gotten away with your job in tact.
You’d rung your sister, Sophie, explained that you really needed an alibi for last night in case your husband-to-be wanted to investigate your reason as to why you had randomly left and not come home or been contactable all night (You attributed this to a “family emergency”). She’d been suspicious, incredibly so when you wouldn’t tell her where you’d actually been - something you knew you would have to come clean to her about or come up with a really good excuse - but you were fairly certain she’d back you on this one.
Oh, and you sort of accidentally fucked Loki in the shower.
You weren’t even entirely sure how it happened. One minute you’d been rinsing soap suds off your arms, the next your back was against the wall, his lips on your neck, your hands tugging at his wet hair.
You didn’t know what had come over you. Come to think of it, you didn’t know what had come over you last night either. The connection between you, it was magnetic. You felt it the first time you’d met, and you were fairly certain it would only get worse now you’d been intimate with each other.
In all honesty, you didn’t feel as bad as you thought you would.
Not that you didn’t feel guilty. You had cheated on a man who loved you. Twice. You knew you’d done a terrible thing.
You felt guilty, for sure, yet you were slightly more concerned with the possibility of your little tryst being discovered. Was that guilt? You weren’t sure it was.
You were dreading seeing Thor, dreading getting yourself out of this one. How could you continue your life as normal, choosing cakes and dresses? You’d committed the rest of your life to this man. Could you live out the rest of your days living a lie?
“Hey,” Loki’s voice was soft, his hand cupping your face. “I really need to go to work, seeing as I’d quite like to keep my job.”
“Yeah.” You echoed. Me too.”
“I’ll call you later.” A gentle smile spread over his face as he stared at you. “It’s all going to be okay, little one.”
You wished you had as much faith as he did.
He kissed you gently, nothing more than a brush of lips on lips, shutting the door to his flat behind you. You felt slightly dazed as you ran down the steps, all the way into the parking lot where you’d abandoned your car.
The ticket tucked under the wipers was not what you needed to see.
You banged your head against the steering wheel as you settled in your seat. You could not shake the feeling that you were already neck-deep in hot water and the sand was still slipping from under your feet.
Oh, fuck.
[This chapter is a slightly different format. You may or may not have noticed, but every chapter is a named after and inspired by a song - this chapter directly contains lyrics.
One for the eagle eyed among you - whilst writing this I made a small amendment to Chapter Four. There’s a tiny detail that appears twice, once in Chapter Four and again in Chapter Five. Has anyone noticed what it is?
Also, shout out to anyone else out there who struggles to express emotions verbally. I feel like loki would understand that.
And to my sister, who gets her cameo in here.]
@jessiejunebug @sherlockfan4life @soapbox-moments @amour-delicate @milea @writingforthelonelysoul @justyourneighbourhoodretard @chxrryycola @erinlaufeyson @marvelousell @rogerrhqpsody @lolitsme42
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