#this is queued by the way. i dunno why im bothering to write things here since it is. /shrug
yafaemi · 3 years
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call-2-arms · 3 years
Muse Dashgames
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NAME:  Owl
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I’m fine with IM’s. Mutuals are free to add me on discord. 
NAME OF MUSE(s): You can find my muses HERE :) 
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  A long arse time lol. I’ve been RPing since, I think around 2008? 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: devART, email, MSN, Skype, MERP forum, Tumblr. 
BEST EXPERIENCE: My best experience has been in the DARP community. I just felt like it was so welcoming, and there’s not as much infighting in that community than some of the ones I’ve seen. I’ve found some really amazing friends over the years there, and overall, Kaaras (my Inquisitor muse) has just... been a life saver to me. You know when you desperately need something to focus on to help you grow and let go? That’s what Kaaras helped me with. Overall, my best experiences has been on tumblr, for sure. 
PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Not dealbeakers, but I’m uncomfortable with seeing loads of RL not IC faceclaim posts. It makes me feel like I’m looking at a magazine I have no interest in? I dunno... I don’t know WHY this bothers me but it’s a thing. Blogs that are meant to be RP blogs but only end up posting ooc content, even if it’s related to the character, but not... actually writing anything IC. It just feels like being led on? Uhhh... honestly... seeing any MCU kinda makes me avoid as well. I just know the fandom is hella toxic and I kinda don’t want anything to do with it, I’m also extremely MARVEL’d out. I’m so over seeing it everywhere? It’s not that I don’t like it (I’ve watched most of them and enjoyed them), it’s just... MARVEL fatigue lol. They’re not dealbreakers, and I’m willing to RP, but I might not follow back just to keep my dash clean and comfortable. Obviously any dealbreakers are if you’re just an extremely rude and toxic person. I’m too old, tired and busy to deal with high school crap. Don’t be a cunt is my philosophy. 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  I love all. Honestly, I’m comfortable with writing them all as much as each other. If I was to say one of them was more difficult than the other, I would say mix between fluff and smut ONLY if it’s just not going anywhere else and it feels pointless? I want and need character growth. Sometimes smut can just get repetitive, and sometimes fluff can just get stale, even tho I love slice of life. Angst is definitely my speciality lol. 
PLOTS OR MEMES:  I find memes are a lot easier for ice breakers and for tossing your memes into some strange situations and seeing how they respond to that. But I do want a bigger plot do go ahead from that. I’m a very tired individual with brain fuzz, so sometimes I can’t THINK (which sucks arse because what the hell happened to my creativity? oh right... adult life). So I love memes to start something interesting and plotting following that. Or hey, if you have a plot, I’m happy to take it on board, I’m just a zombie when I get home from work. (: yay aspie exhaustion and immuneo shit. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  Long. I won’t write with people who only give me 3 sentences. If that’s your style, it’s totally okay, we’re just not compatible. I actually STRUGGLE doing short replies, because I write how my characters feel during said replies. Admittedly, some of my muses don’t use a lot of dialogue and it’s all internal, and that’s the way I can express that to the other writer (even tho I don’t want your character to be a mind reader lol, I’m just expressing them internally). But if I do 4 paras and I get a single one back? Yeah nah... we’re not compatible.  
BEST TIME TO WRITE:  In the morning. Like... just after I’ve gotten up lol. I’m that weirdo. But as the day goes on, the more tired I become. This is also why I struggle to write on work days, because I’m tired af from work, and I have no energy to write afterwards. So on my days off, I try and get as many replies queued as I can in the morning/midday. Generally, I can do some in the arvos on early week days, but my Wed I’m like this ain’t happening. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  Some, yes, some definitely not, but what I find is that I share at least SOMETHING in common with every single one of my muses, because a wise man once said ogres are like onions, and they have layers XD so do people. 
Tagged by: @lastxdragon​ Tagging: Do the thing! 
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