#this is prolly 10-15 years post canon
dromaeo-sauridae · 1 month
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*sigh of relief* i finally drew him again
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bylightofdawn · 9 months
So stuff I've discovered in my second full rewatch of Avatar: the Last Airbender. Note it's prolly been 10+ maybe even 15 years since I fully rewatched the show and my tastes have changed, as have I as a person. I used to be all about the Zutarra lifestyle back in the day. I was so disappointed they were cowards and didn't give us that delightfully spicy couple as canon. I didn't mind Kataang and thought it was cute but it didn't really do much for me.
I still see the appeal of it but uh...I've kinda shifted to Zukka hardcore but with a caveat. I don't want teenage Zukka with them constantly butting heads and arguing. I want like 10-15 years post-canon Zukka who are older and more mature and still fucking idiots. I want a disgusting amount of pining and suffering in silence. Them going through multiple relationships that just don't work out for some reason or another. It's because they aren't Zuko or Sokka but neither want to admit it to themselves.
And then they get their shit together and everyone around them is like "FUCKING FINALLY. OH MY GOD"
I've also come out of this re-watch with a burning love for Hakoda/Bato because oh my gawd long-term friends who slowly realize even through tragedy and heartbreak, they can still find happiness and maybe the one you wanted all along was right there in front of you the whole time? asgjdhglkdhgkljdhgljkdhfljkashflkjdshx that's fucking kryptonite for yours truly.
Give me middle-aged people pining and finding love for the second time in their lives.
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tommmmmmmy-7 · 6 months
More about my newsies au prt 1
Down right character descriptions. you know? I'll just go through and say general stuff that wasn't said in the chart, this will prolly end up in 2 or three characters per post, depending on how long each are. (:
Snap(Tomy) Crusad: (he/him) (Spot alt)
15 years old
Became King of Brooklyn when he was 12 years old, after the former died, has been threatened for the position by many people, still in the position 3 years later
ran away from parents and family when he was 6 and a half years old, moved from Britain a few months before
hides his British accent with a heavy Brooklyn accent. it slips sometimes when he's tired, or surprised, but most people don't really notice
has chronic pain and really bad anxiety just hides it from everyone all the time. (leans on a lot of stuff and people to not fall over when its a flare day, does it enough for it to not be weird) (can't sit on the ground for long because it hurts to much lol)
Sprace is a thing in this so its more snrace, but that's a thing and it happens after the strike
knew Race for a couple years before the strike
veeeery adhd
smokes sometimes (hides it form smaller newsies, wants to set the best example possible, but he's also not even close to it)
still a pretty small guy but pretty strong (like Newsies92 Spot)
Race/r (Randy Bell): (He/him) (RaceTrack alt)
16 years old
Ran away from mom when he was 10, dad died right after and became a newsie
trans ftm, not super secretive, not super open about it though either
Him and Noah are twins (not identical ofc)
again, sprace/snrace lol
strategist of the Manhattan borough
autistic but that's not a term yet so he just says he's "just weird" and "it's worse sometimes"
very big liar, all the time, not to good at it but not to bad either. When you know his tells, it's pretty easy to tell he's lying
got the nickname Race/r from being 10 years old and very competitive about how fast he could sell papes
does not have a cigar like canon (fanon?) RaceTrack Higgins, still gambles like him though
I wrote this during class because I don't have anything to do lol
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greekletters · 4 years
this post, coming to you from the grave...
just kidding. I'm alive and well. just had a lot of personal things to struggle through. but I'm working on getting my life together so I can get a writing schedule set up. here is a question thingy to clog up your dashboard in the mean time.
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
~ maybe like 3.5. I find typos and errors a lot when I read through stuff for the    millionth time 
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
~ mostly to get things out of my mind so that they don’t live in there rent free and drive me crazy. 
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
~ well, it used to be that I wrote in 2nd person POV and no one liked it. But I have since altered that mindset. So now I need some new stuff for everyone to give me that feedback so I can improve. 
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
~ mostly, fellow fanfic writers inspire me. But from strictly like a “wow their writing makes me want to be like that, but better” I would have to say its going to be the modern poetry that I read. A lot of r.m drake, Amanda Lovelace, occasionally rh sin. 
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
~ if only. Because it was my first fic and it was my own story. 
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
~ the idea of the story. I can play it all out in my head, no problem. 
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
~ the writing part. And occasionally, like right now, the motivation to write part. 
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
~ Blake is the easiest to write for me, but I enjoy writing Weiss and Yang as well. I’m fond of Winter and Pyrrha sometimes. 
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
~ Ruby. But I think that’s just because I don’t have any kind of emotional connection to her. Out of the four RWBY girls, she’s my number four. 
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
~ fiction. 
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
~ when it comes to fanfic, monochrome forever and always. Not fanfic, its going to be poetry that is inspired by my somewhat boring life. 
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
~ I have a multi chapter fic in the works, which is why I haven’t posted much. And I like to get everything complete before posting. But I’m struggling to find motivation to do the actual writing. 
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
~ RWBY and it will prolly be the only one I would write for. 
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
~ RWBY. 
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
~ oh look, RWBY again. 
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
~ friends to lovers is obvious. But I always like the cold, grouchy, lonely ones that come together. 
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
~ something nonconsensual. Or incest. That’s just yuck. 
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
~ I don’t know if it counts as fic, but it’s not public and I don’t think it ever will be. And its kinda smutty. 
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
~ AU all day and night. 
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
~ the shippy stuff. Forever and always. 
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
~ monochrome. 
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
~ sometimes if I’m stuck, I listen to please be naked by the 1975. That song has deep seated emotional attachments for me. 
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
~ for the short stuff like one shots, I need prompts or something. For the multi chapter stuff I usually develop my ideas independently. 
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
~ one shots for the in between multi chapter works. I say this ironically because I’m not doing well at either right now. 
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
~ not really, because my actual life is the spin off of my fic. It includes a cross country desertion of my entire life. Riveting stuff. 
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
~ right now? Just words. 
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? 
~ I’ve gotten too many lovely ones to pick a single one out. 
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
~ its part of my regular job to take feedback and criticism, so that helps with writing. I have an objective brain. 
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
~ I think just writing the first one was outside of my comfort zone. Turned out alright, since I’ve written a few more. 
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
~ why not both?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
~ my brain isn’t creative enough for OC and the time required to develop them. 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
~ feeling love with nothing felt in return. 
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
~ I’m slacking on my writing a lot, and I had a lot of real life things blocking my writing brain. But I’m working on it. 
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
~ I just spent over an hour reading through things I’ve written and couldn’t pick a single one. 
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
~ this year is gonna be the year I get my writing life together. I’ve worked through a lot of the personal things that prevented me from dedicating time to writing. So I promise monos content for 2021. 
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wavemaker9 · 8 years
re the latest reveal about cloned bodies for teh xover
There was a post that kind of addressed the idea of each of the boys dying various times + that static portion of each of their lives, i’m linking here. Basically how even though it’s only focussing on magnus atm, it’s likely all the boys were/are liches due to their all dying in different ways and they’ve each had new bodies created for them over time like barry as tehy all die either on their own or together when the world ends. Relistening, i heard barry says that he just found the item a few years ago and says he's been using it to bring himself back instead of framing it like he’s used it for all of them. though it could also be a different method used in the past and/or griffin trying to keep that the others have used it/items similar to it low key atm, justified maybe in barry knowing he’d have to explain more shit if he used ‘we’. Idk it might be handled later in a different way but it all works better for what i want it to with this implication so that’s the theory i’m following until contradicted. i mean with the shit covered below it could be that way because it wasn’t used in this world on any of them anyway. just. also kyle.
basically like i kind of really like this because it should make things easier for the xover. i’d mentioned previously, it was trouble for kyle because he’s younger than the youngest of the group by ~10 (now ~20) years at the time of the current story’s events. The static was set in a part of their lives where kyle’d be in his super early teens or so I think? Maybe preteens. Hold on lemme see if i wrote it down in my prev notes. Wow, okay 12 years. He was 20 at the time of the seeing that, just turned after crystal kingdom arc, so he’d be about 8 with that logic? Around there at least. No way is he doing whatever. But basically, because of the way the static and them likely being all liches who keep getting into new bodies would be handled, kyle wouldn't /have/ to have started out on his own the same 12 years ago the others did. If barry died early on accident and then has to restart now back at the previous age, why couldn’t that happen to the others too. Like actually with that logic, it wouldn’t be 12 years back that the static occurs for kyle when the cup is reviewing his memories. Maybe only a couple/few years back at max. Because we know the sizzle it up shit happened in this world since people acknowledge it and merle’s kids were in that range too, hold on. Okay mavis was 12 years old but she wasn’t his blood kid, only mookie was who is portrayed as younger, so that still checks more or less. And i don’t remember an exact year for the revolution and then fall of raven’s roost but i’m 90% sure it was in the 12 year range too, especially if magnus is only 32 by the suffering game, no way he was younger than 19-20 doing that revolution shit. So that all tracks, everything that affects this world explicitly happened in that 12 year range and anything before that is less concrete on where it was and who was involved with it.
Because assuming anything prior to the static is automatically on another world/plane, that’s a lotta shit that’s going to need to be reworked in kyle’s bg for this to make it work. I think for kyle it’ll be right after he ran away, so I might work ria later to be after that and per his memories it was almost right after he ran away but there was the time of the static between them, mainly because i did have her as the reason he can get the magical items as he needs to as gifts in this world plus i’d like him to meet her again and be able to keep her memory in his head again. Old ones still gone, but he can keep the new ones. Have to remove her having heard about the news of what happened to his sibling and being aware of that when he shows up, but i might like that more. Young teen kyle suspicious of this woman who seems to not be suspicious of him despite how close her town is to his and how the whole town knew what he did. I can also still have him viewing this town selbra as his hometown even if it wasn’t actually his home town. Also have to adjust because i did say on his second visit back home was when he lost track of his parents and both visits were going to be some time after leaving, but could remove first one or maybe make it very recent, sees he’s not really missed or anything, gets all upset and angry and reckless which leads him to eventually trying to work his way into this group even while still relatively young (if the BOB lets in 11 yr olds, the IPRE could let in a very determined teenager is all i’m saying, he’d only be 15-16 range probably when starting? i have to work out what would be best as we get more info). Then when he goes back home later, he goes to where he expects to see his house and family and they’re not there because they never were there, that was some other place entirely. I was gonna have dark be pre-static but he was after ria and within a couple years recent. Also i’ll get into this later but i’ll probably make him even more recent. Man i feel like i should be mad having to rework so much stuff but i’m honestly real excited, this is interesting to do to make it work with this new idea i have and since the new idea makes other shit work i’m super happy about this, it’s chill.
So everyone got bodies on this plane at the same time 12 years ago to start the plan, and kyle started at a 17-18 year range (Another age thing I still have to figure out what the best age for that would be), with the plan being that he’d be 29-30 by the time shit kicked in, only a little younger than magnus would be excluding the sacrifice. But it’s kyle. Barry’s not the only one who’s stubborn. Kyle is stubborn and reckless and self sacrificial and if he loses all memories post a couple years after running away, he’s going to def go back to that and just. Just be that reckless ‘who cares if i live or die’ sort of person. That’s where he was at when he met the boys and part of that was on dark, but it wasn’t a far leap for his brain to get there and he’d likely been tehre or similar before meeting dark too. It’d get less so as he gets older but he doesn’t really chill out as a person until mid-30s and later, so basically kyle living his standardly reckless life and absolutely ending up dying before able to meet the other boys at the bar or whatever. A year or so before probably, since it’s about another year or so between here there be gerblins and crystal kingdom and i want at least about 2-3 years for darkness shit and some time before/after that. He dies and needs to get a new body cloned so starts back out at young late-teens age which isn’t ideal but there isn’t much that can be done.
On top of that, can use his friendship with dark for plot shit. Him dying in time where he could be cloned again in time to meet the bar works out, it’s probably cutting it close, but he’s set up to do it and then fucking just like everything else in every other au, doug fucking ruins it. I’m basically moving up the time frame a bit so that it’s much less time between when he loses dark and finds the boys, maybe only a month or so instead of a full year. all it’d do is make him more desperate for replacement friends. Bit more vulnerable to better explain him putting up with a lot of weird shit and these three morally-gray assholes because it gives him something to do and be heroic at while having friends and a place to stay that will temporarily be his. Still more or less a year though when he meets dark, and basically the plan was still him making it to the bar like the others, but he ran into dark a little before that instead. Maybe tries to steal from him so he sees kyle’s useful for that or genuinely just runs into him bumping style and that gets them talking until kyle shows off what skills he has another way. Maybe both, bumping into people /is/ a standard pickpocket trick. Whatever reason he’d have originally, i don’t think that would change, i just don’t think i gave a reason they stuck together yet. I. love the idea of Kyle stealing from him, take that doug you ass. You’ve stolen all of kyle’s self confidence in every au you’re in but this one time around kyle stole your wallet first! Anyway, some sort of plot convenience happens and dark talks kyle into joining him, probably guilting/blackmailing him into it or just basic manipulation, dark’s got a lot of ways to manipulate him. If the bar storyline for their history is still canon,they don’t explain how they all knew went at the right time besides barry planning some shit, but i imagine whatever it is, kyle wouldn’t trust it. If he doesn’t remember the reason he needs to do this thing himself, how can he be sure it’s legit. Sticks with dark for a while as with before before splitting and ending up in the bar that leads him to the job that leads him to meeting the boys. Thus the 12 years not needing to be adjusted i don’t think, but kyle not being one of the red robe group people while he was 8 years old.
Also kyle wouldn’t be too much younger than magnus would have to have started at, but i like him very insistent that even if they can clone him older at any point, if they can not, they don’t. Kyle low-key hates the thought of being old, he’d accept it once he was there past his 50s and later, but as a youngun, and an energetic and good looking one at that, the idea is a hard eugh. he wants to stay young. It’s part of the reason he’s so comfortable with expecting to die at a young age. Not only the bad self esteem and (in this au) missing his dead family, but like. Everything anyone hears about aging is how much it sucks. you don’t look as good, you can’t do as much, you’re much more fragile. Why would he want that? What’s the pro of that??? If he dies before he’s 30 or 40 he never has to deal with that and that’s not a bad trade off, yeah? (disclaimer: prolly nah) so like in this au if he can control how his body is cloned, like needing to update whatever dna or whatever it’s being cloned from if you want to end up being older, him not. Doing that, again, even when given teh chance to. Depending on how much you remember, there’s likely no pro like keeping levels you’ve gained. You’re just older at your start next time, closer to going gray and all the oher shit. He accidentally made it to 34 once before he died and was very upset about that. all i’m saying is that this has become twilight now because when someone asks kyle how long he’s been 19/20 (not continuously though) he can accurately say “a while” which is literally all i’ve ever wanted. I already mentioned how kyle is perpetually 19 in my head, like i literally can’t picture him as older because he resists the idea of growing old and maturing so much, so this is perfect.
Again, i’m really kinda happy with this. Still not perfect but def better. I was learning to just accept he would be outside the group and him being able to resist the relics wouldn’t be able to be explained like it likely would with the others, but this works so much more smoothly into the story, i am very glad for this idea. Thank god griffin just really wanted to bring barry back for the fans.
The only /real/ downside is it cuts out the kyle & taako exchange “I could have gone to one of your shows when I was really young but like. Stealing, mate.” “No, no, I get you, my dude.” because i really loved that. Taako wasn’t doing the shows more recently than 5-6 years ago if memories serves so that may have happened but kyle wouldn’t remember it. Alternatively, now that i think about it, i do love the idea of taako’s being famous brought up a number of times and kyle really just. Does not remember ever seeing it. Might have heard it in passing but never saw any actual shows advertised or anything like that. Kinda thoguht it was like a fucking. Fantasy world version of the candle cove or whatever situation where everyone just imagined these shows happened until actually meeting taako. Still isn’t 100% sure. I do kind of like that, just because i think that’d get >( fast for taako considering how much he values his fame. What fucking rock did kyle live under where he never even heard of taako’s show until recent years? His home town is a ways away but not that fucking far, cmon my dude. Taako knows human ages are weird but like. Kyle’s not that young right? How old are you again? 20? No, you have to have heard of it, what the fuck?
(ALSO. Barry seems to be the one in charge of how shit rolls since he has the coin thing. I mean, none of the other boys got coins telling them what to do, right? A stray thought was what if he was the only one who knew enough to handle the cloning shit so lich kyle interfering in some way or another to lead barry to dying early to get his help. I have no idea how and there’s no real reason for only barry knowing how at this point, but i like kyle being that asshole.)
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ashtonfinryder · 8 years
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if u wanna listen to me ramble | task11
how long have you been rping?
About 5-6 ish years? but I only started on tumblr like 2-3 years ago uwu
any idea how many rpgs you’ve been in?
 i think this is the big 10 \o/, i’ve been in like the hunger games, a divergent one and half blood ish one on forums, then on tumblr with thekillingrp, some dragon age one i can’t really rmb called the safehouse or something, half blood institution i think, a spy one called hudsonhq, a post apocalyptic one called the hub, afterfourminutes, and bloodwars!!
fave genre(s) or type(s) of rpg?
murder. i mean. i like anything dark, always up for utopia/dystopia, apocalyptic and post, myths and magic and anything that my friends do tbh i’ll always be there. <3
how about your least fave(s)?
..prolly celeb rps, unfortunately :c
do you, or have you, played any canon characters?
none at all, it’s too stressful for me to play canon characters ahah a h , like what if u get it wrong yikes.
have you ever admined or created a rp? do you want to in the future?
nope none on tumblr that is, i helped admin the hunger games one on a forum (bc I loved being able to be game master and torture people in the games ammiright?), it was loads of fun being able to plan out the deadly arena \o/ but of course my crappy gmt+8 timezone might’ve just drove that into its grave rip, so prolly never again. i like low key helping out so like doing little video trailers and helping with codings and stuff like that <3 but prolly not really admin one, i’ll prolly be too soft as an admin c’: but always here and ready to be all in for an rp \o/
any fcs you’ve wanted to use but haven’t gotten the chance?
sigh. Emmy Rossum def, Harry Shum Jr what a bae, Matthew Grey Gubler, Ishihara Satomi,  and Christopher Larkin? and if u know anymore doormat pushover faces give me a ring, u know my kinda style of ocs
introduce us to a fave muse of yours that you haven’t brought into the rp!
gotta give props to my first two ocs that’s for sure, my lovely twin duo Amaya and Skye Walker that are my dancer-pianist fun team that always balanced each other out based on their energy levels and somehow both tragically died in the hunger games (i was 15) also gotta give props to Dominic Hughes, (whose skeleton was actually made by the lovely jen) bc he’s my adorable spy grandpa that has a career in being a disappointment, but is also overly a gentleman and too much of an old soul. <3
do you have a writing blog? feel free to link it so we can all follow each other!
absolutely tho lately it’s been ded, yeah thanks pinterest. http://shantelchiitriestowrite.tumblr.com/
ok be HONEST do you believe in aliens? ghosts? cryptids? why or why not?
... absolutely. aLIENS? deffo, the universe is way too big and scary, and we’d be too egotistical to think we’re the only ones here \o/ ghosts maybe i like the idea of reincarnation tho, i wanna be an otter.
if you had to choose between being stuck in an elevator for a week with matthew mcconaughey or danny devito who would you pick
well, probably matthew mcconaughey if we’re gonna survive and climb out of that damn elevator you know. though if we get hungry i’m prolly gonna die.
yo if you could have any one superpower what would you pick?
yo, i’d love to fly ty \o/ #saynototransportationcapitalism
list 5 things that you associate with yourself
too much tv production, too much dance and musicals (rip my body and vocals), astronomy, a good cuppa tea, and story driven games
what is the last dream you can remember having?
yikes. I was really stressed out over my last project in jan (bc i carried four lazy asses which i just got back my results today and its surprisingly fab) and it’s a two day critique and my art installation’s crit was done on the first day and i crashed right after sleeping at like 5pm bc i didn’t sleep at all for like a week for it, and i dreamed that i overslept for the next day (bc not going means u fail) and i got so pissy about it and somehow ended back in Singapore complaining about it and eating ice cream with the fam. weird. then i woke up and saw the clock at like 1am and I thought it was 1pm and I freaked again. GOOD TIMES.
do you have any pets? TELL ME ABOUT THEM and feel free to add pics
aw I once had a lil mutt pup when i was a kid and we wanted to name it shaggy and my mum was yelling the spelling over to my dad and my dad heard shappy, so that’s my lil pretty boy!! <3
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