#this is probably my favorite comic I've done visually
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reds-skull · 2 years ago
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(continuation of this)
Okay maybe I lied Soap won't be fine by the time Ghost is done with him
[edit: text bubbles are bigger for better visibility]
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bhaalest · 1 month ago
god this is so overdue. im finally making a bg3 side blog
for a first post i wanted to list some of the artists i've been (mostly) refraining from reblogging to main for many months at this point. i meant to only do my favorite few but then i couldn't decide who my favorite few were so... here you go
@meanbossart draws absolutely beautiful art of his absolutely beautiful du drow, and also has an amazingly well-written and well-characterized story about what he, astarion, and shadowheart get up to post-game
@kawareo goes deep how his durge strike suffers from both the urge and orin's attack, and into strike before orin's attack. i love the standalone art and comics, so when i say his writing is my favorite thing he's done that's high praise
@velnna's tav staeve is another very pretty man and i don't know how to describe what i like most about his art other than "very pleasantly textured", it catches the eye in a very pleasing way
@lucklessrat has incredible dramatic and comedic timing in their comics of lethean, and i love what they do with leth being old. you don’t see that often
i have a soft spot for half-orcs and paladins so naturally i think about @everchased's finch constantly. they have several of my favorite bg3 comics ever but the SMITE one is... just gonna say i agree with astarion there
there is so much to say about @jeeaark's tav greygold, from the jokes to the relentless optimism to the visceral (in a very good way) art style, but my new favorite thing is the dark urge (godsdammit) companion series, it's really fun to see DUG and greygold interact and i can't wait for more. also, another half-orc!
@ejoym's durge devlin is wonderfully deranged, i love the dark humor in the comics, the art is really crisp, and the artist makes really great use of colors. i love how pointy everyone is also
@ohpsshaw's durge typhus is going through it at the moment. love his expressive face (and the expressiveness of the whole art style) and puppydog vibe, i can't wait to see how much he... enjoys... the rest of the game as daddy's chosen. also check out the artist's entertaining commentary on her main(?) blog
@taygra5shaon's big scary durge jacq somehow can do adorable and terrifying equally well, sometimes at the same time. this is another artist who has great timing in her comics. i especially like the young jacq ones.
@angiemaniac's tavella and durge companion au presents durge from a different and very interesting perspective. and she does a great job including every companion into the story, while tavella is still a compelling character on her own!
cae is the most beautiful durge you've ever seen and @hellothisisangle's art does such a good job of making him feel dangerous. it's incredibly beautifully rendered, the poses and fashion are always amazing, and on top of it all cae's lore is fascinating too
@wellen-katze's comics are really in a league of their own. their comics vary but my favorites are the ones that hurt to read. my favorite series is this one with ascended astarion and a nameless durge dealing with the tragic aftermath of the story. their comics hurt in an incredible way that i can't get enough of.
ghost, aka niro, by @oathbreakerapologist is wonderfully fucked up. he has a really upsetting presence (/positive) and i can't look away from his relationship with orin. this is probably the least sfw blog i'm linking, which i hope comes off as a complement
with @mistercrowbar's aldiirn it's hard to pinpoint specific things i like because the art and comics are so well-rounded, but if pressed i would point to aldiirn's visual design and the skill with which the artist makes his desire for approval and will to break the rules mesh together. i'm not sure if i want to be his friend or study him like a bug
i love @crocodiller's pining dumbass (affectionate) rowan so much. there's a lot to like about the comics but my favorite is rowan's supportive friendship with karlach. they're also very well-paced and some of the crispest art i've ever seen
i found @ryvenarts and sullen literally yesterday but i'm already very interested and excited to see if there will be more
another recent (to me) discovery, thirkuir by @jayfitzmaurice. i really like his design and the expressiveness of all the characters
@quess-art has an adorable baby durge who still has a compelling backstory i'm excited to see more of. plus the wagging tail is just perfect
@3eefstud's durge Einar is really nice to look at, with amazing colors and gradients. i'm surprised i didn't find them until very recently
i thought @panksage's Ebony Darkness D'urge was just a joke at first but no, the comics are sincere (and also funny) and just beautiful, especially the colors!
i do not know if @arianiziolek's durge has a name. catty little murder lizard (affectionate). has some of the funniest comics but more importantly the best durge facial expressions
@bajablast666 is double dipping with durges kaethan and kelrath. both their art and writing have an intensity that i love (the red outlines they use often are so good) and their writing in particular conveys emotion and visceral feeling so well
karl by @beltart is another on the surprisingly long list of people i initially found from their art, then read their writing and was blown away. i don't think i've seen anyone else depict the weight of the urge as intensely as this and i love it
and finally, a palate cleanser from all the durges, @wirywyrm's tav arthur who's in a sitcom as opposed to a horror story. i really like the texture and detail of their art and also how much of a dork arthur is. least smooth bard(adin) in the realms
incredibly i did leave out a few people, mostly people who draw companions rather than their tav/durge because i sort of locked myself into this format, so i may come back and update this later!
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
Related to FallenClan designs! All your designs are super amazing, what’s your simplifying process/how do you decide design for cat pelts? Cause I always struggle with simplifying/deciding how they look especially bengals and cats with white patches… thanks if you respond!
I’m ADHD and struggle with consistency and simplifying lol, though more complex designs are pretty, I lean more towards what you do w/ you’re cats as they are simple but still super pretty + it makes it easier to consistently draw them all for stuff like this! (These comic like moon updates :])
(Also hope none of this came off as offensive, it’s all meant positively! I really really admire you and your designs :])
ty for the compliments!!! very sweet ask and I shall do my best to give a good response o7
generally my method with designing characters/drawing is to just wing it. fuck it we ball basically. but i DO take a lot of inspiration from other people's warriors art, taking the time to analyze what i like about their styles and what different sorts of patterns i can use
(i also regularly consult the Clangen Sprite Guide for better looks at white patches/tortie patterns and such, highly recommend)
the first thing i decide when i'm designing a new cat is what fur texture i want them to have. i have four that I pick from (pictured below, in order), wavy, spiky, curly, and square.
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i decide the fur pattern based on the cat's personality (a more stoic cat might have square fur, while someone more bubbly might have curly, or someone more excitable have spiky, so on and so on), and also based on their parents/how many cats i've designed with that fur pattern recently.
after that is snout shape, which is probably my favorite part. i love to draw cats with a very pronounced snout, not unlike an oriental shorthair, but i generally slide around between that and a more typical, stubby snout, occasionally veering off into the very square snout of a maine coon. this is also a great spot to determine how sharp you want their jaw to be, which is something that can really help set a design apart! (a couple of snout examples below)
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then i usually move onto colors. i like to pick an undertone for the cat first, so i know what sort of pallate to work with. as you can see in the pictures below, ravenstar has a purple/blue undertone, and toadbelly has orange/red undertones
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this helps me make all the colors look nicer together, so i don't end up doing something like making a very warm colored cat with blue-toned white patches (which would make the white patches look super cold/too bright), which can be a really cool stylistic choice, but isnt what i tend to go for
once i've drawn out the cats fur shape and picked my colors, i'll move onto the base coat. over my time of having the fallenclan blog i've discovered that having a very simple pattern underneath the normal pattern can add a lot of visual interest to a cat, and make them look less plain.
here's a good example! one of the first cats i designed, oaktuft. their pattern was super basic--one base color, plus the inside of the ears, and then the color of their patterns.
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and here's another cat that i designed a little more recently--Shiverspots! you can see that even just the small change of adding a bit of a lighter color to her underbelly made a world off difference. plus my style got a lot more defined lol
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i have a couple of different base patterns that i use. here's a few more examples. i've even started to experiment with more than two colors!
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once i've got the base done i move onto patterns. this part can definitely be tricky; trying to make a dozen brown tabbies with short fur be distinct can be . a challenge. i like to follow the steps of what i've already designed--a cat with spiky fur might have very sharp, angular stripes, and a cat with curly fur might have much rounder ones.
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i think a good rule of thumb for if your pattern feels a little too basic is just to throw some more colors in there. another shade of orange, a more pale tint to some of them, whatever. and don't be afraid to erase it and start again! sometimes a design just won't work, and thats fine :)
the final thing i do is to add little design quirks. a particularly sharp jawline, downturned eyes, a crooked smile or a gap tooth, whatever! little things can really give your cats character.
i really hope that this helped!!!
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year ago
Your favorite yandere visual novels? PS:can you reccomend some for me?
Hmmm, good question. I think most of the yandere visual novels I like tend to be ones that are less well known since I've played so many (as a person who has to feed my blog), I tend to like more unique yandere games instead of those which are more popular. And also anything that has a sub yandere (personality or otherwise) tends to have my heart as well. That being said, there are some more popular yanderes on here too just because I do like some of those ones as well.
Cemetery Mary - I'm procrastinating on doing a recommendation on this one because I want to also play Blackout Hospital since it goes a bit more into the yandere, but I really like how this story is and how is shows the reveal of the yandere. Mary is also very cute and a very interesting and fun main character.
The Snake's Taken a Spouse - this one is r18 and plays more like Degrees of Lewdity, and the artwork isn't that good, but Shimil is... charming. I like him and I feel bad for everything that he has to go through. It's cool seeing how he tries his best for you.
Sweetest Valentine/Where Two Flowers Meet - I'm lumping these two together mostly because I just like the way that Syllphan writes stories. They both are very different from each other but have pretty interesting takes on yanderes. I need to double check if For Amerta has one, but even if it doesn't I'll probably still love the game.
Karamu - Karamu... is just really well done. I really like stylized games and Karamu does it wonderfully with it's blue color scheme and comic book like aesthetic. Plus we get to slowly unveil the mystery the main character has gotten herself into.
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel.... Help!! - from what I played in the first demo, I really like the comedy in this one. It knows the yandere trope pretty well so I like how they play around with it. Everything is kind of in a cutesy pink aesthetic, which is also a fun thing. I really need to get around to finishing the game.
ITYH: Horror Otome/Saccharine - Saccharine is less of a visual novel, but like with Syllhan, I really like Amiralo's writing style. Most of their stories are bittersweet with not so happy endings in a lot of them, and very interesting yanderes overall.
Mushroom Oasis - I'm pretty guilty of trying to get a bunch of people to play the game but listen, Mycheal is very cute and I really like his design. The creator is still working on it and it has become one of the most popular yandere games under the yandere tag on itch.io, so that's probably a good sign right?
Froot Basket Valentine / Froot Basket Dark Chocolate - Dark Chocolate is a prequel to Valentine, but they are both fun to play through. Valentine is a bit more goofy since you see everyone's heads as fruits for the most part while Dark Chocolate is far darker. But it is cool seeing how the yandere progresses in each of these stories.
Heart Fragment - very well made game, though Kay is kind of a light but clingy yandere. And boy do I love my clingy yanderes. Still this is probably one of those games that we play more for the story rather than the yandere. Still would totally recommend it because it is very, VERY well made.
The Science of Staying Awake - big fan of the concept of someone- Something that so desperately wants to hold you but also drives you insane if you do? That's very cool and the horror on that is really creepy if you think about it and also a bit sad.
Kimbark Street - I like seeing the point of view of yanderes, or just any character that is on the more evil side. You can really see how their obsession drives them and what they will do to get what they want, whether the person they love knows it or not.
You can probably see I don't have as many dark yandere games on this list, which is mostly because while I do enjoy darker yandere content (in terms of murder sims and whatnot) I also am not the target audience for them since I love to torture my yanderes, not be tortured by them. Still, I can admit that they are fun to play through. I have a lot more that I like, but here is hopefully a good list of games that you too might enjoy.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 6 months ago
Art Tag
Thanks for putting this together @deathclassic! and thanks for the tag @spookygingerr
Have you always been interested in creating art? : Yes from day one
What's your favorite medium to use? If digital, what programs do you like? I use digital (procreate) most often now, not sure if it's my favorite but it's easier/cheaper than playing with all the mediums I like to use and allows for a little more freedom to play and experiment
Do you create outside of fandom? Yes! I draw and/or paint almost every day in my sketchbook and I work in architectural design so I sketch ideas with co-workers/clients
Share something you haven't finished and/or never got around to posting. Ooof so this haunts me - I have always always wanted to put together a full comic, so I had planned to make a comic version of my fic In Your Love, it's ultimately too much work ... so much potential, absolutely no time
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Favorite piece you've made?
Sooo hard bc my favorite piece is for a fic I did but haven't posted yet... very soon though! Until then, my favorite piece is the watercolor I did for the fanart masquerade
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Draw your icon in a minute or less - hey bud!
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An underrated piece you've made in your opinion
Idk, I like this one and it doesn't have very many notes
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Do you do art in a professional setting?
I do a lot of representational architectural drawings - like the Gallagher House drawings I did a little while back
A piece you don't like but did really well on social media. Honestly I really like all the pieces I've done - I either give up or gaslight myself into loving them
Post an old piece and compare it to your most recent, what are the similarities?
Honestly my style changes all the time but my skills have been pretty consistent so theres not going to be anything shocking
Have you ever collaborated with another artist/s?
I've only collaborated with a writer and created art for our gallavich summer camp bunk - which was really really fun
What piece has the most notes? Are you surprised?
Not super surprised, I think it's pretty lovely
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Who/What is your favorite subject matter? I love making art that coincides with the fics that I write! after thinking about a scene or world or vibe for so long while writing I want to put it down on paper visually
Show us something not from fandom you've made There's so much, idk have some watercolor buildings, I'm too lazy to curate anything
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Where do you like to create? At my table or couch, I don't usually draw out and about for some reason idk why
Do you have a tag that you use to group your creations? Tell us so people can follow it. No but all my art can be found here
Give yourself a shoutout, where can we commission/buy/follow you for more pieces? I don't take commissions or sell pieces, but follow me here on tumblr and you can probably talk me into drawing something you have in mind
tagging: @burninface @matt404b @deedala @doshiart
@heymrspatel @creepkinginc @suzy-queued
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dude1818 · 1 year ago
Anime Year in Review 2023
Last year I made a silly post ranking the three shows I happened to watch. This year, I got way more into anime (and manga), so let's do it properly this time
Revue Starlight* - Easy top star spot. This anime was flawless. I watched it twice this year and will be watching it again. The story, the animation, the music were all impeccable. The music, oh my god; I listen to the soundtrack every day. Some of my other favorites on this list I'd only recommend based on your personal tastes, but this show should be watched by everyone. (The sequel and spin-offs, not so much. They all use the revues in a way that completely undermines the premise of the main series)
Heavenly Delusion - So fucking good. Second on this list, but I think it's the best show that came out this year. Deeply traumatic, but in such a satisfying way. The horror elements were so brutal and so well done, and I love that the man-eating monsters were the least gruesome part of the show. If it wasn't for the stinker of the ice monster episode, I think this could've been my favorite anime
Call of the Night* - Adored this show. Yes it's a celebration of the hedonism of vampires, but it's so earnest and down-to-earth with it that it feels so good to watch that I did it twice (sub and dub). I also got into the manga, which is sadly wrapping up next month, but hopefully that prompts an announcement about season 2
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - Super chill show, which is a great way to wind down the week. It's such a cool concept too, following the adventurer after the adventure is over. It's just a reflection on life and I love it
The Witch from Mercury (cour 2) - Given that I run a sideblog just for this show, it might be surprising that it's so low on my list, but the second cour was a lot weaker than the first. Not nearly enough of Suletta and Miorine interacting, and way too much chaff following Guel's B-plot. I've said it before, but I think the worst part of this Gundam show is that it's a Gundam show. A+ epilogue though, and Suletta is still my favorite character this year
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off - I enjoyed the original comic and the live action movie. I didn't realize this new adaption was really a sequel, but it ended up being a great way to bring the old story to the modern decade. (Two decades later isn't much, but it was very of-its-time)
Spy x Family (cour 2) - Very fun show. Following several viewpoint characters means the individual episodes might be hit-or-miss (as much as I love Anya, the episodes at the school are relatively bland), but the overall package was sweet and enjoyable
Nimona - Another comic I really enjoyed. The movie was strong, although it cut a lot of parts out that I thought were important to the original story
The Orbital Children - Directed by the same person who directed one of my long-time favorites (Dennou Coil), the first two acts of this really felt like a modern update. Stunning visuals, great sci-fi, thrilling adventure. Went totally off the deep in the third act, though
Joshiraku* - As the characters pointed out, adapting a manga that takes entirely inside the green room of a stand-up comedy club is an odd choice. It was off-the-charts hilarious, though. Considering some of the scripts were entirely pun-based, it must've been an immense amount of work to translate, but they absolutely pulled it off
Oshi no Ko - The only reason I watched this show was because the OP was such a banger. (Several fantastic anime songs by YOASOBI this year, and Idol is easily my favorite.) The first, feature-length episode was incredible and I literally cried at the end. If it was a stand-alone movie, it would be a couple of spots higher on this list. The rest of the show was fine, but not really what I was here for. I'll probably still watch season 2 though
Arknights: Prelude to Dawn* - I bounced off the gacha game immediately, but the worldbuilding and character designs seemed cool, so I wanted to give the anime adaptation a chance. The plot was very thin but serviceable enough. At least it looked nice to watch.
The Magical Revolution of ... - Not typing that whole thing out. It was a cute show. The yuri stuff was nice, but I wish for a show about a magical inventor, there was a non-zero amount of magical inventing shown on screen
* indicates the show aired prior to 2023
A lot of shows I really loved this year. Looking forward to next year, the anime I'm most hyped for is obviously Dungeon Meshi. It looks like it's going to be incredible. The second season of Arcane is also scheduled to come out late next year, which is also very exciting. Technically Frieren has a second cour in January, but they're airing both cours as basically a single 24-episode season, so that doesn't really count
For older shows I mean to catch up on, YouTube has recced me clips of probably every single joke from K-On!, and it's really grown on me. Definitely going to watch that soon. I'm also in the mood to watch Bocchi the Rock! again. I should also make myself watch the first couple episodes of PMMM. Nothing I've seen on Tumblr has grabbed me for that one, but it's right in the middle of some of the other shows I was gushing about here and it would be dumb not to try it
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colossal-niamh · 10 months ago
ok, so I've been keeping up with the new Ultimate Universe line Marvel started this year. the last of the initially announced books, Ultimates, starts next month so before it does I wanna get my opinion on the other books out there. so I'm going to list them from least favorite to favorite. I like all of these books so far but I definitely like some more than others Black Panther- I think the only thing holding this one back rn is it feels like the book's in a build up stage where it's setting up the board to do interesting stuff soon, but unlike the other two it hasn't done something that really grips me yet. I do really like the dynamics they've established, the twists on Moon Knight and Kilmonger are really cool, and Storm has my favorite redesign out of all the ultimate books so far X-Men- this was my least favorite until issue three where they delve into Mei a bit and the cliffhanger introducing the concept of mutants into the Ultimate universe. before that I thought the setup was fine but the thing keeping me on board was Peach Momoko's art style. her soft, expressive illustrations and great water color work make this the most visually interesting book out of the three so far. admittedly everyone who's shown up so far are character's I'm unfamiliar with (I'm not very well versed in the X-Men side of the comics) and I don't know if they're doing some cool subversion that's going over my head so if I am let me know Spider-Man- This one's my favorite by a long shot. This series is doing the most interesting twists on the formula, the most interesting takes on the Spider-Man supporting cast, and probably the best Peter's been in comic form in like, years. I adore Ben and JJ's news startup subplot and using the setup of this universe as a metaphor for how younger generations feel their future has been stolen is so good. each issue has had something that made me out loud go "that's so clever!" and I love it for that
Overall I'm really enjoying what this new Ultimate universe has to offer. I'm not the type of comic fan who keeps up with books week to week but I'll be damned, this line got me to do it. Can't wait to see what's in store.
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idonttakethislightly · 2 months ago
The Power Fantasy masterpost [OLD/NOT UPDATED ANYMORE]
I've been writing a lot about The Power Fantasy so I figured I'd make a masterpost so people can find things! My favorite character is Ray "Heavy" Harris, and it shows in the topics I write about. He's the worst and I love him.
Here's some of the main things I've done:
Writing focused on Heavy
My own bodily dissociation, where it comes from, and who I'm projecting it onto
How Heavy uses his body rhetorically, and whether I'm buying what he's selling
Assorted thoughts: Heavy's embodied privilege, body language, and power over his own body
My take on Heavy's us-and-them mentality
A deep dive on one panel (featuring Heavy) from issue 2
Me having feelings about Heavy crying
Comics technique: a character's "visual perspective"
Writing about The Power Fantasy overall (with probably still a lot of Heavy)
The Power Fantasy as a deconstructive take on "Autism is my superpower"
Three smaller thoughts as one post
The places they live and what that says about them
Heavy scrambling eggs (Kieron reblogged this with a poll!)
Zine/Comic: "An Inaccurate Recap of The Power Fantasy Issue 1"
Heavy and Tonya getting dressed for the gallery opening
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bowditch · 1 year ago
Fanfic asks: 2, 3, 6, 9, 14, and 17? (Or whichever ones you like as that’s quite a few)
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Oh absolutely. I usually do a quick reread right when I post to skim for edits, but then I'll leave a fic alone for months or years, and then go back to it. I wrote them for me and for friends! It's what I wanted to read. Sometimes, I'm like Meh about them, but usually I can be like "I've seen how I've grown as a writer but this is still what I wanted it to be." 3. What's your favorite fic that you've written? Oh, man. Uh. It's honestly hard to pick, haha. I feel like all the ones I love have weak spots and strong spots and it depends on the mood I'm in if I think about them or revisit. Like, Foreign Object just feels special to me, but I've also written so many shorts. Maybe I'll make another post that's a list of some of my current shorts faves? Probably, though, The Dimming Days . That's one of the ones that was really mostly for me, and not like, also for a friend or with someone else in mind.
6. Are there any fics from others that you reread all the time? Yes. I have a steady rotation of fics I revisit when I'm in the mood, very few of them in the Batman fandom, actually. Whenever I'm in a mood for a fandom, I have a few go-tos I revisit haha
9. Do you write everyday? If you do, share a sentence! I do not! I go long periods without writing and then periods where I'm writing 2-6k a day. I'm currently on a writing kick but haven't written today, lol.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
I Used to Be an Adventurer Like You, Then I Took An Arrow to the Knee for batfam, and Coming in Clutch for other.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I answered this one in a previous ask but I'll add that I learned how scheduled amputations are done! I watched a few surgery videos, lol
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sleeplesslark · 11 months ago
Heyy! 9, 14, 15, 16, 22 and 23 for the fanfic writer ask! That's a lot but I'm curious about your routine :p
Thank you so much for the ask!! This is wonderful, so many fun things to answer.
I'm wordy so under the cut u go
9: Do you write every day? If so, share a sentence of what you've written.
I try to do at least a chapter a day! A chapter for me is about 3-4k words or 10 pages double spaces 12 pt font. Work and life sometimes keep me from it though.
About a chapter a day helps me draft, its my least favorite part of wriring but if I'm like, well this has to be done today, it can help take pressure off it being good and to just get the events down.
Here's a passage from resonance, my Naruto and Soul Eater crossover.
" "Oh?” Kabuto adjusted his grip, smile untouched. “I figured Konoha would send someone a little more. Hm, how do I put it? Graceful.”
Ok, Naruto was going to murder this guy. Kabuto laughed, and Naruto could almost believe he was actually amused.
His glasses slid down his nose, letting Naruto see his eyes. Kabuto's smile grew. “Looking at me like that, you must really think you’re scary.” "
14: If I could have any fic adapted to a visual medium, which would it be?
This one was tough. Uhm. I wanna say LP; Eternity because it's probably the most visually interesting of my fics? I actually played with my descriptions a bit there. It's so long though, 101k.
Maybe "under the skin", I feel like it could make a cute comic or short film.
15: How do I come up with fic or chapter titles?
Usually I don't use chapter titles. Fic titles, it varies. A lot of my shorter fics I try to pick an unusual word, like "Misconstruction". Sometimes I try to go for what's generally happening like "Happy New Years". An idea of the theme or overall arc, "Learning to Care" and my "Loyalty's Price" series too. I want to go for more song lyrics so I can throw song reccs in my authors notes.
Despite not generally using chapter titles I plan on using a portal reference chapter title in late LP.
16: At what point in the process do I come up with titles?
The very end usually. Sometimes after I tagged and wrote the summary for the thing. LP was "Kabuto fanfic" in my drafts until the last second. Sometimes something comes to me sooner like "Resonance" but it's rare.
22: Do I know how fics will end before I start them?
A lot of the time yes. I'd say a good majority of my fics are very short so I have an ending image in mind at least.
Loyalty's Price is my first super long series and I've known the ending I want since I started writing it. Just didn't know if I wanted to write the middle.
Resonance stands out a bit, I immediately knew the beginning and the middle but I'm still a bit stuck on the ending. I could go bittersweet to straight up downer. I wonder how people will react to it.
23: How do you chose where to end a chapter?
This made me think because I'm not really sure. Usually I suppose I have a good sense of ending points? More an instinctual, "this event has gone on long enough" I try to write chapters to focus on a sorta main idea like "how does Kabuto adapt to xyz" so once that's run its course, I suppose.
If anyone else wants to send me asks!!!
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charmwasjess · 1 year ago
hi jess! for the fic asks: 13 and 14
also this one is not on the list but i was just curious! do you write fics for other fandoms besides star wars? or have you done so in the past?
How much planning do you do before writing?
I'd answered previously "a lot!" but it actually occurred to me that Making It Up, silly little oneshot, I just vomited out in like a week with zero planning, and yet it's probably my favorite Syku romance I've ever written.
If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Oh easy, Milk Run. :D By a long shot. It's such a visual fic! I wanna see Dooku in his tiny swim shorts + Jedi robe combo. I wanna see Qui-Gon riding the giant fucking snake. I want to watch tiny Jocasta frogmarch a gigantic handcuffed Dooku out of the police station. I want to I wanna see Sifo-Dyas pull off that fake-ass ritual in front of the pirates with Dooku as his special effects department.
That, and it's probably my most narratively coherent fic - a big adventure story, serious but with a lot of humor. I think it would translate to a visual medium better than some of my other stuff.
And as to your other fandoms question! Just Star Wars for fic writing, but without doxing myself too badly, some of my poems are floating meagerly around small literary journals. ....and uh, once I wrote like 300 pages of absolutely unhinged dragon novel that only @izzy-paints has ever read that I think was some kind of weird and upsetting metaphor for depression lol
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scary-grace · 1 year ago
oooh! for the fanfic writer asks, 1 (for show a little faith, other than the one the title comes from?), 3, 14 and 27 please! :D
Thank you for the ask!
1. Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]?
I went into my Spotify playlists for this one! Obviously one is Songbird by Fleetwood Mac, for reasons of the plot, as well as Winter Song by Sara Bareilles, for reasons of the plot. (I can't remember if I ever properly identified the song in that one scene. Oops.) As for things not mentioned in the fic itself, I would have to go back to the boss himself -- Tougher Than The Rest from Tunnel of Love!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
My eternal favorite is probably Kairos -- I don't think I'm ever going to write anything else quite like it, and having the chance to share it with other people has made me look at it in a new light. Otherwise, my favorite is whichever one I'm working on, and at the moment, that would be a fic of the reader insert variety, the first chapter of which just went up today!
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Seeing Kairos as a comic/graphic novel would be amazing, but it's so long, and I feel like it wouldn't be right to do that to somebody. It feels like a pretty fic in my head, and any time someone's done art for it, it's looked gorgeous, so I think that would be fun! I think 'seeking a friend' would be a fun limited series, also.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
'All of them' would have been the answer a while back, but now I'm usually fairly calm when it comes to posting Barduil, Tolkien, or Erasermic. Kairos was incredibly nerve-wracking to post, and I posted it in a state of panic -- which is the same way I posted the first chapter of Enough to Go By today. Usually if it's a fic I'm really attached to or something new for me to try, I'm anxious. Needless to say, I've been anxious all day today.
bored + anxious fic writer asks
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essayofthoughts · 2 years ago
Which version (i.e the comics, cartoon, original campaign art, other fanart, etc.) of Percy and Vex do you typically visualize when you write your stories? Is that version of them your favorite?
This is probably gonna sound kind of arrogant but for the most part, none of them? Like, certain things have influences on how I tend to envision the characters but I'm not a terribly visual thinker or writer; if you look at my fics you'll note I tend to dwell much more in emotion and tactile senses than I do visual. It's kind of why I envy people like my dear friend @cosmonauthill or the excellent @exhaustedwerewolf - both have this fantastic knack for creating a single striking visual that helps you build out a scene or a character in your mind from that.
Like. At the end of the day there's only one art piece that I tend to really look to as a visual guide for any of the characters and that would be This Fantastic Piece of Percy and Orthax from the lovely @agarthanguide, and that's more to do with the artistic style of the piece (which. I just love) and the fact Hannah is a dear friend who's art I've enjoyed for a long time, meaning I'm biased towards her art anyway.
As it is, I don't particularly care for the animated series - I find the designs too simplified to the point that they're boring to me, and I'm someone who likes the animated shows I watch to have a clear style; to me the animated series looks altogether too much like many other shows.
The comics are fine, I guess, but they don't really stick out much to me, and I have nitpicks about a few things in the fanart of others - namely that a lot of people draw half-elves' ears like they're full elves. If they're half elves, then elven ears would be like those of the World of "we have an ear fetish" Warcraft elves and I find those kinds of ears just to just... beggar belief. I need a bit of verisimilitude and the ear size/prominence is a nitpick for me.
I certainly take cues from some art. I used a mixture of the comics art and the group picture done by AnenomeTea to judge the height differences of Vox Machina, which, yes, I did sit down and do, I'm like that, and I love @crithaus' golden freckles idea for Vex, I like the sheer ludicrousness of Vex's hair in @alienfirst's art, and I like how long and awkward Percy's face is in the comics, but I also like the art of @2impostors which always makes him look like his nose has been broken at least once (a headcanon I share) and I also like just how young he looks in the original stream portraits with that round face. It really brings home that he was only a teen when he went through so much. That's another reason I really like alienfirst's art as well, because they similarly give Percy a rounded, young looking face - though I personally tend more towards how Hannah - agarthanguide - draws Percy's hair than anyone else.
And that's before we get to specific AUs of mine - Percy's differently weathered and worn in Delia AU and Ripley's Assistant because he wasn't physically tortured; in Ghost Cass he's much better rested and doesn't look so sleepless, and of course for Tiefling AU, I lean very much towards the lovely art @blorbologist did.
So... yeah. What visuals I do have are very much a mishmash of personal opinion and specific AU, and while I might take cues from this and that it doesn't really create a single coherent image so much as a few specific details I can then write in for people to apply to their own image of Percy. Hope this answers your question!
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loopy777 · 1 year ago
1/2 Sooo chiming in on the MHA discourse, one of the complaints I see most often regarding this final arc is people being disappointed by the fact that Bakugo didnt die and that he will most likely survive, a complaint I don't get. I agree with what you said about the kids inhereting the world, but what really rubs me the wrong way is how shounen fans want so badly to see kids dying in their favorite manga. I've seen it with MHA, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, etc.
2/2 And when kids don't die or they survive impossible situations, they call the author a "coward." Idk, it's not that I'm against kids dying in a story, but if an author wants to convey an idealistic message and doesn't want to kill a literal child in the process, I think that's perfectly fine. Insisting that Bakugo should die feels a little too edgy and cringy to me
For my part, I'm a little nonplussed by Bakugo's fate because he's already had a big sacrifice-himself-oh-no-wait-it's-a-fakeout moment, and the anime adapted it in the latest season. So we're sitting here waiting to find out whether Bakugo survives, only to be reminded that we just did this recently (in-universe timescale, anyway). So I can see the complaints coming from the repetition.
But yeah, I agree that idealism and not killing kids are not surprising things to be the subject of a superhero story that's done a pretty good job of reconstructing the archetype. Typical shonen stuff kills people off, probably (I admit that FMA: Brotherhood is probably my only other extensive experience with the genre), but in superhero media (which I am much more knowledgeable of), familiar characters dying used to be a once-in-a-decade event. Sure, the 90s happened, as well as the Woman In The Refrigerator trend, but overall MHA has pulled a lot more from the Silver Age despite the violence it indulges in.
But most people watching MHA are probably more accustomed to those shonen tropes rather than American Superhero Comics, so the swerve feels off. And it doesn't help, I'm sure, how much MHA throws around violence and sexualization with these teenagers, so they might come across as more adult characters than they really are, and subject to more adult themes like War & Death & Stuff.
That's one reason why I really liked it when the Ultimate Spider-Man comics would have Peter wearing his school backpack when in costume, and the Spider-Verse movies when Miles wears his hoodie and/or Nikes. The addition of those elements really helps visually sell that these are teenage superheroes, when superhero art otherwise tends to idealize the body so much that it can be tough to convey age.
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leiakenobi · 2 years ago
3, 11 and 14 for the fic asks 🫶
fic writer asks
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Holyyy moly, you sure started off with the hard questions. I've written so many at this point that it'd probably be impossible to pick just one. So I'll give you a few:
"This Must Be The Place"/"Once In A Lifetime." Honestly Santi is the kind of character that's wormed his way into my brain so deeply that I feel like a lot of my fics about him end up being my favorites (in my head I think of bartender Santi/baseball Santi/knight Santi as a trifecta) but "This Must Be The Place" is The One ya feel. Like how can you read it and not fall in love with Santiago Garcia a little bit.
"now let me at the truth." The premise of, "lol what if Ted Lasso but Ted and Trent knew each other back in college" was fully a goofy bit that my bud and I were riffing on in our DMs and it turned into this whole 50k+ world? Which is exciting in and of itself but I think what makes me so proud of it amongst my longer fics is that I really let the story guide me in terms of structure and length and style. It felt like I kind of leveled up in how I approach fic in a way that I hadn't felt in a long time.
"a shallow creek that too runs deep." Oh my goodness, truly this fic does atmosphere in a way that I measure all my other writing against. I also am very proud of how it kind of gradually developed over time from a oneshot into the full fic that it is now; I'm generally unwilling to expand on my oneshots because usually I feel like it would make the original story worse. I initially felt that way about this fic, too, even though I knew already that Poe and Rey's story would culminate in the same place where it eventually did. But I think the final product ended up being a really meaningful and well-done elaboration and I revisit it often.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
I'm actually very rarely able to write fic while listening to music anymore (this is the problem with studying music). On occasion I will listen to music if I've made a playlist for that specific fic, but even those are more for getting myself into the headspace of the world as I mull over what's next for the characters, with the idea that then I turn the music off when I really get on a roll. If I do listen to music, it will generally be this or this on repeat.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Most of the fics that are coming to mind have one or two specific scenes that are very cinematic in my head? I don't think I have to sell you on the idea that it would be glorious to see the "Come and Get Your Love" scene from "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" on the screen. Combat is significant enough in "clipped wings" that I think a visual medium would probably do it justice better than I can in writing, and I think the Force visions would also be very cool to see in film—particularly the one in Chapter 10 would probably be more readily comprehensible. Meanwhile I think "Post Script" would make a superb comic, though of course that would immediately change it from a generic reader-insert to a specific character—but that moment of her going into her old room and seeing all the post-its.......... oof oof oof that would hit so well visually.
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transmortaltv · 2 years ago
1. I tend to lean more digital...but I'm not sure that I prefer one over the other.
2. I have been drawing since before my earliest memory, so maybe 26ish yrs? Being creative is something I feel is an inherent part of me.
3. I took basic drawing, painting, and digital art in highschool...then pursued a bachelor's in graphic design in college...so I've taken more classes than I can count off the top of my head.
4. I mostly just post here and Instagram when it comes to art (I'm on Twitch/Youtube/Twitter for gaming content)...I'm bad very bad at social media.
5. My favorite things to draw are characters...usually with hoods and masks. I have always loved drawing Kirby characters... they bring a sort of comfort to me and robots are also pretty high up there in the list...
6. My least favorite thing to draw are hands and backgrounds because I am most unfamiliar with them and they stress me out.
7. I use references a lot...I learned in school that drawing from real life references allows you to truly visualize something in 3d space and it helps a good bit.
8. I have done quite a few commissions and work semi-frequently with Empire Comic Con in Savannah Ga to provide them with fun visual material for their events...but I mostly develop my own characters to be used in future projects 👀
9. On a daily basis overall I do not draw a lot...I personally am recovering from a very toxic mindset surrounding my art and been in a bit of a burnout/block for a while. I'm working to get back to the core of what makes creativity sincere and fun!
10. I'm fairly confident in my art looking back at it after the fact, specifically whenever a piece is done. Somehow they ALWAYS seem to finally come together at the end.
11. I follow very few artist blogs...I follow many artists on Instagram...but I think no more than 5 blogs (I'm new here)
12. I welcome any questions about my creative process or art advice...if you have any questions about art ever and think I could help I'm more than willing to try!
13. I always prefer to share the art I'm most proud of, whether it was personal or not...I think connecting and sharing it is what it's all about.
14. I don't collab usually...I'm very much a "too many cooks in the kitchen" kinda guy...
15. My works depending on the level of detail range anywhere from 2-10 hrs total maybe?
16. I draw less than I have in the past...I used to draw every day for fun, but as I get older I have to deal with the struggle of the weight of perfectionism and "it needing to be about something"
17. I think everyone is justified in some context to give art advice when asked...we all learn at different rates and everyone has something valuable to share.
18. Right now I'm just trying to improve my motivation to just create freely!
19. The most difficult thing for me to draw is probably feminine faces...It's very frustrating to me that this is a struggle.
20. I feel most comfortable drawing Kirby Characters...I doodled them constantly as a kid growing up and they just feel like home to me.
21. I feel like saying I LOVE to be challenged is disingenuous...initially I hate the overwhelming feeling, It's always stressful and almost makes me feel sick...but when I power through I love the end results and am happy I went through it after the fact. I feel every new piece I do challenges me to learn something new.
22. I try not to be over-confident about much...but looking at newer art of mine compared to my older stuff...I think I can safely say that I am improving...even if very slowly.
23. I feel like I draw more fanart than I used to just by the nature of me drawing for social media...I do a lot of speed drawing on Twitch...but traditionally overall I think I draw more original characters.
24. I don't think I ever feel jealous about someone elses art. I feel like that implies a certain level of resentment toward their work which I don't feel. I'm not a very competitive person when it comes to creativity and I don't feel like someone being good means you can't ALSO be good; therefore, there's never a reason to angrily covet someone elses capabilities. Sometimes I do struggle with feeling much less desirable/adequate as an artist than them or at a disadvantage...but I dont see how that's thwir fault...I believe one should channel that INTO inspiration to try to improve.
25. When I draw I like to put on music or a show that connects me to what I'm drawing. Maybe it's music that I feel like the character would like, or maybe a show that inspires me to create this world in the first place...the more it puts me in the world I'm drawing the better.
26. I mostly use Procreate with the Apple Pencil because I'm working to cut Adobe out of my life...but I also am well versed in Clip Studio and Photoshop.
27. For my more cartoonish style stuff...it's usually only about 5 layers in the end...but that requires a lot of creating new layers and merging throughout the process as well.
28. Oddly enough...when I draw traditionally I prefer a mechanical pencil for sketching followed up by inking with Prismacolor pens/Markers...or scanning in the pen illustration and coloring digitallyl
29. To start a drawing I like to get the line of action and rough layout of characters down then build off of that. It helps with proportions and anatomy which is not usually my strong suit.
30. What inspires me most is the stories that make an impact on me as a person. Movies, Games, Books, Shows, Comics...they have the ability to teach us in almost a parable fashion. There is usually a lesson we can learn from them...I want to do that too...I want to create and inspire. People say art is what we learn from the most left behind by past civilizations...Your creativity pushes others in ways you might not understand now.
Artist Asks!
Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?
How long have you been drawing?
How many classes have you taken?
Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
What’s your favorite thing to draw?
What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
How often do you use references?
Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Are you confident about your art?
How many art-related blogs do you follow?
Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
Do you ever collaborate with others?
How long does an average piece take you to complete?
Do you draw more today than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
Do you think you’re justified in giving other people art advice?
What are you currently trying to improve on?
What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
Do you like to challenge yourself?
Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
For digital artists: how many layers does a typical piece require?
For traditional artists: what medium do you like most? (Pencil, charcoals, etc)
For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
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