#this is one of the weirdest things I've drawn this month
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jednakavka · 7 months ago
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miku, víra, tábor
aneb husitská miku s prakem/pórkem
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piko-rose · 1 year ago
Sleepy Sonic Headcanons Because Why The Hell Not
Like Tails said in Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic sleeps in the weirdest places. The first time Tails found this out was when they were younger when Tails just randomly found Sonic napping in the pilot's seat upside down in his plane. He still has the photo of it after years.
Around winter, Sonic tends to take more naps depending on his mood. Sometimes he would just nap for the entire day without even realizing it until Tails told him that it's the next day.
Sonic sleeps walks, and sometimes even sleep runs. (I blame @neurotypical-sonic for this one lol) It's a miracle he didn't run into any danger or do anything stupid while he sleep ran. The only time something like that happened however was when Sonic sleep ran all the way to Eggman's lair and destroyed every single Badnik there while Tails tries to stop him. Eggman didn't even know that Sonic was asleep the entire time, he was just pissed that Sonic destroyed his Badniks in the middle of the night for no reason.
He would feel tired after a big meal, usually after some chili dogs. Knowing Sonic he would need to eat a lot, but there were times where he would actually feel full, which is a shocker to most except Tails. In that case, he would be groggy and light, and in need for something to pass out on. (He's gonna fall asleep on the floor anyway)
Sonic owns chili dog themed slippers. Istg this is the best headcanon I've ever come up with. I need someone to draw this omg-
Sonic had nightmares since his first few months being in the Death Egg, they've only gotten worse ever since Tails, Amy and Knuckles left on their journey. But when they came back, the nightmares stopped. Since they stopped, Sonic wouldn't see any point about bringing them up to his friends, that is until suddenly Sonic gets a really bad nightmare one night. Sonic would cry out for his little buddy and thrash in his bed (or couch??) and Tails would come running in to see if he was okay. After a moment of crying and comforting, Sonic decided to tell him about the night terrors and even how much he missed him and Amy and Knuckles. THAT'S when the nightmares stopped for real.
If he's not having nightmares, then he's probably having a dream that is adventurous and epic, or very weird and bizarre. He surprisingly remembers most of his dreams considering how crazy they can be at times.
Even if his nightmares aren't about drowning, or loosing his friends, or Eggman defeating him, or flashbacks about the most intense part of his adventures, sometimes his "nightmares" would just be plain stupid depending on who you are. Like the next time you're gonna see Sonic in his bed, hugging his blankets and looking a little frightened, worry not, he just had a dream about chili dogs going extinct and Eggman, who was an actual egg with a mustache, turning everything into brussel sprouts. (Okay THIS I wanna seen being drawn lmao)
One of Sonic's favorite places to sleep is outside under the stars. Looking up at the pitch black sky that's covered in beautiful stars and galaxies is the most wonderful thing to see before he falls asleep. It's just his most favorite thing about the sky, and the night in general.
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utilitycaster · 10 months ago
What are some of your favourite podcasts / podcast recs?
It's hard to pick a favorite though I will say at the moment Midst is the one I think I look forward to the most, so I'm just going to go through basically all podcasts I currently or relatively recently previously listened to and sort them by rough genre. Note that as with all recommendation requests it helps to know the vibe of what you're going for and what's important to you (I know I just was like hey I'll take most music recs but the commitment for music is like the length of a song, whereas podcasts/books/movies/tv are a bit more time put in)
Actual Play:
Longtime listener of NADDPod and TAZ which I'm guessing if you follow me you are broadly aware of but if not feel free to ask more; I also post about Worlds Beyond Number enough that you might know what it is. I checked out Burnt Cookbook party a while ago both because I liked Jenna Stoeber's work with Polygon and because someone asked me for Actual Play podcast-only recs with more than one woman or nb player that weren't RQG and I was like oh I should find some. Anyway it's quite good! it's definitely lower production values than bigger podcasts but the plot is highly original and really good, the vibes are fantastic, the characters are a lot of fun, and all in all worth checking out. I also do listen to the Re-Slayer's Take which I've really enjoyed! Everyone's good but while I was familiar with (and a fan of) Jasmine Bhullar and Jasper William Cartwright's work, Jasmine Chiong as Farah speaks to the Grouchy Old Hunter Woman fan in me and has been a personal standout. It is very heavily edited, which does take some getting used to. Also, I mentioned RQG (Rusty Quill Gaming). It comes with the caveat of "very good but slow to start and then doesn't really stick the landing, imo, though the epilogues help" but I can recommend with that warning.
Scripted Fiction
Camlann. Modern post-apocalyptic Arthuriana/Folklore of the British Isles, with some hints of other folklore as well. 1 season; hoping they get funding for a second because it was very well done and also I want Gwen and Morgan to kiss.
Midst. Hard to describe but if you follow me you've seen a lot of posts that might help. Extremely good! About to finish in a bit over a week's time! Check it out and I advice you check out the first 3 episodes at once to get a feel for it; the three-narrator thing is also "get used to it and it will be fine".
The Penumbra Podcast. Originally envisioned as an anthology podcast but then two specific settings (noir-y space opera and medieval court monster hunters) were very popular. Also nearing its end.
The Silt Verses. Quite literally everything on this list would be described as "New Weird" and "has queer characters" and this is maybe the New Weirdest. Anyway, set in a world where gods are real, require human sacrifice to live, and society is both very complicit and also uses the gods to sell shit. I think people who are mad about D20 or CR not being explicitly political enough should listen to it. Extremely good. Also in its endgame, but they've had a very drawn out schedule as of late.
Welcome to Night Vale. You are on Tumblr; presumably you know the drill. I can't say I'm like...super following what happens but it's one of those things that's been a constant in my life for over a decade and takes up a very pleasant hour-ish per month. This feels like damning with faint praise but the earlier stuff was great and it's still strong, it's just, you know, the inevitable slowness of an indefinitely long slice-of-life-ish show vs. the more plot-driven ones above.
Within the Wires. By one of the Night Vale Creators. I have a post about it but it's set on an alternate history Earth where a cataclysmic war/plague/various other bad things absolutely destroyed the population in the early 1900s, leading to a very different global society. Some people say the seasons are very uneven in quality. They are incorrect. The seasons follow different people and all are in the form of found audio, so they are all quite different, but it's entirely a matter of personal preference if you like a season or not; it's not that some are Objectively Better.
Wolf 359 finished a long time back and I haven't relistened since my original listen in like...2018, but of "podcasts that have finished" it's worth it. Weird space stuff.
Home Cooking by Hrishikesh Hirway and Samin Nosrat; was a pandemic project that now only airs yearly, really, but worth checking out if you like cooking.
I found out about Home Cooking via Song Exploder, which is just Hrishikesh Hirway talking about songs. Great podcast; the editing is fascinating and I have found a lot of good music from it!
I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats. Has only two seasons but they are both very good if you like The Mountain Goats as a band.
No Such Thing as a Fish: the QI (British quiz show) (if you're British you know this better than I do) researches talk about weird facts and riff on them.
Sawbones: Justin McElroy and his wife Dr. Sydnee Smirl McElroy talk about weird medical history and dumb wellness trends on tiktok. This is one of the earliest podcasts I subscribed to back when I did not drive nearly as much.
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. Has also completed and there's a book that's basically covering the same ground. It's not like, purely informative; it's very anecdotal (as is I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats) but I learned a lot from it.
Honorable mention: I just didn't have the time or energy to keep up with Ologies by Alie Ward but what I listened to was fun and interesting and my sibling is a big fan.
Comedy and Miscellany:
Beef and Dairy Network: also British, on the Max Fun network with the McElroys. Fucking weird. I debated putting this in the scripted fiction because it's basically "what if Welcome to Night Vale was a little less story focused but still had throughlines and was specifically about the cattle industry in some absurdist alternate version of our world" but stuck with comedy bc the absurdity outstrips the plot. It's weird!
My Brother, My Brother, and Me: you probably know this one; either you love it or you don't.
My Dad Wrote a Porno: also British and from what I understand a bigger deal over there. Has uh. reached completion, in that they decided they were done, but the books apparently go on (sorry Rocky I'm not buying them). A guy and his two good friends read and roast his father's self-published erotica e-books about Belinda Blumenthal, Pots and Pans saleswoman, ft. bad accents, corporate espionage, and, of course, The Duchess.
The Empty Bowl: Justin McElroy and Dan Goubert of Cerealously's ASMR podcast about cereal. legitimately has helped me calm down when anxious at night. I am not even a big cereal eater it's just entertaining and chill.
Anyway any other podcasts I have listened to I've either forgotten, weren't good enough to recommend, just disappeared without any conclusion [*cough* king falls am] or involve way more reservations than I am willing to go into without knowing more about what you are looking for.
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pawbean-soda · 3 months ago
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Ok so recently (last couple months) I have been questioning being an amhimorpho, their shapeshifting anthropomorphic dragon-bunny-aliens and an original furry species. If you're curious I will link more information at the bottom.
One of the things that really clued it in for me that this was a kintype was when I was reorganizing out filing cabinet, something we hadn't touched in years, I was pulling out picture after picture and story after story about what were essentially amhimorphos, just with slight variations. and funfact: amhimorphos are known to vary slightly off of their base species cuz their shape shifters.
It all came to a head earlier today when I was drawing this picture. I had based it off of a couple phantom shifts I've had and what I think my basal coloring might look like even though the picture itself is actually of my alpha form (sorry if that sounds dramatic or pretentious, I promise that's just what it's called). It felt so right and my brain just started screaming at me that this was what I looked like.
More rambling under the cut
Ok, so I wanted to talk a little bit about how my amphimorpho kintype differs from my leopard one.
One difference I noticed was information. With leopards there is a wealth of it. Big cats are well researched and documented. If I wonder if that weird noise I made was a leopard noise or a human noise, all I need to do is Google it. I can easily get my hands on what a leopard eats, how it hunts, when it sleeps, how it raises it's young, what their bone structure is like, ect.
With da Morpho, it's a bit different. Theo (the species creator) has made a wonderful amount of lore documents, drawn lots of diagrams, and lots of lovely art. Their lore was the reason I figured out things like me frequently sticking out my tongue is because my brain thinks that's how I should smell stuff. One creature, however, doesn't replace decades of research by countless biologists, paid full time to do nothing but make the leopard lore documents.
Information with morphos is a lot more scarce and I can't answer every question I might have. My go to questioning method (excessive and obsessive research) was off the table.
Another difference I noticed was that I had a longer history with amhimorphos. The leopard kintype came out of left field for me. Going into questioning being a therian I did not expect to come out of that with leopard. I never really liked them, they never stood out to me, never felt special or different from lions or tigers or other big cats. I had to slow way down and take a close look for me to figure out I was one.
With the amphimorpho I had suspicions before I had even discovered the species. Like I said earlier, I had been drawing amphimorphos and writing stories about them for years. The formula of "blue four-armed fluffy dragon without wings or an obvious nose that eats mostly veggies with some small mammals/fish and a lot of bugs" showed up everywhere in my art and daydreams. I also had a number of phantom shifts (before even knowing that Therianthropy was a thing) featuring a long furred lizard tail.
Eventually I ended up having some intense shifts for my lower set of arms and had some bad species dysphoria for them. Having two arms is weird! Creatures are meant to have four, it's many times more efficient and comfortable for living. Anyway that clued me in that this might be a kintype and I started paying more attention
ok quickly, phantom arms are probably some of the weirdest phantom limbs (at least in my opinion).
me- "oh my first arms are full, good thing i got these other two! I'll just reach down and"
god- "oh wait actually no"
me- "what?!?!?" drops cat on floor
i can also give people the bird and they'll never suspect a thing.
after discovery i have had shifts for my muzzle, ears, body shape (no clue how to explain this one), and legs. lots of fun, very cool. I also want to try eating bugs at one point as a fun kin activity, if i do I will tell you all how it goes.
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youthofpandas · 1 year ago
so what's crabfic and how'd it get the name?😺
omg hi yes crabfic my beloved... it is my character study type fic about sinclair and their gender issues in the months leading up to that christmas and how they intertwine with the fears of the prosthetics surgery and growing up <3 centering around the relationships they have with their sister and of course demian and kromer
it is slow going but i think it's about half done - kinda unsure how to end it bc well. part of it is is the simple fact the gender issues go unresolved for much longer. but it's been really fun to be so self indulgent with it, it's truly my ideal little world of headcanons and themes I want to see explored. really love how well demian's "i want to see your full potential be realized" thing works in the context of giving increasingly weird, metaphorical advice about this and kromer being a source of both envy and doubt in sinclair as they have very mixed feelings on wanting to be more like her while she also wants sinclair to be, well, her sinclair and so she causes a lot of their self hatred <3 yayyy~ limbus making kromer a girl was so great bc i think sinclair being drawn to the world of darkness And getting weird gender envy from her is just so good... and then they also made her an insufferable fascist so she's also transphobic To Me and it all feels so in line with sinclair's character to get roped into All That Nonsense on their journey of self discovery
the crab thing comes from the fact i believe all my fics need some weird thing for demian to go wikipedia boyfriend mode about and in this one it is hermit crabs. using them as a metaphor for moving forward in life and how picking how you want to move forward doesn't have to be a permanent choice that has the ability to ruin everything - instead the crabs can pick from their shells and if they're not comfortable they can find another one with no harm done and the only thing that will hurt them is refusing to acknowledge that they are outgrowing their past. demian is doing his best to urge sinclair forward but both of them are doing a weird little dance around each other where sinclair still doesn't want to talk about their fears of the surgery and demian doesn't want to reveal he Knows everything more or less. really funny convo happens at some point where Demian is like ^^ oh don't let your fear of your family's reaction stop you, after all they could just all die one day and then what would you do? and Sinclair is like ._. uhm. I don't want to think about that. actually.
sighs wistfully... i love you demisin... world's funniest couple ever, weirdest little nonbinary bisexuals in the world. I've had to cut out many bits that get too romantic bc I'm trying to keep it away from being too shipfic-y i want it to stay more sinclair focused but like of course demian is like "i have a non normative experience with gender myself, (5 minute ramble about gender and crabs)" and sinclair is like (so in love it physically hurts) "would you love me if i was a worm hermit crab?"
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raeygina-george · 1 year ago
Every third remaining ask from the game
ill just answer the whole thing in one. LONG ASS POST GUYS
💖Favourite thing to draw
WAVY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💯Favourite piece(s)
you get a sneak peek of the art project im working on yay. the perks of putting up with my bullshit <3
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some of these i like more than others but as of rn these are the pieces i show people who haven't seen my art. my makeshift portfolio, i guess
🌈Favourite colour palette(s)
i think this is obvious enough if you look at my previous answer, but pinks, oranges, purples, and blues!
🤴Favourite OC(s) to draw
oooh yikes. to DRAW???? i never draw my ocs... i really like kyrie's design but i've never drawn her outside of that so i feel like she'd be really hard to get right..... idk i mean i guess saturn????????
🎨Favourite artist(s)
i dont have a lot of these, but i like hanacue, aidairo, and milkie2's art styles (these r just what i could think of off the top of my head)
✒Favourite medium 
i like gouache cause im a whore bitch
📏Medium you’d like to work with more
gouache because im not typically a traditional artist and every time i sit down to paint i just end up suffering for like an hour before i finally accept the fact that i cannot save this little kitty from its fate of looking like a vaguely animal-shaped blob. such interactions further repel me from the world of traditional art. im taking a painting class soon though so i'll just get my act together then
💭Go-to subject matter
humans?? usually just like. smiling. not doing anything too interesting
💜Drawing staples
i don't know exactly what this means but if it's an art piece of mine, it's got pink in it
💬What you’d like to draw more of
i'd like to draw more like backgrounds and animals? there's a shit ton of stuff i wanna improve with my humans but idk i've been wanting to branch out a bit more for a while i just haven't had the time or energy to draw more than like 1 of my blorbos a month
😂 Funniest drawing
i play tee k o with my family (you) so i draw stuff for that that's silly. WAIT HANG ON
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this isn't my funniest drawing but it's what i have
❓Weirdest drawing/drawing with a weird process
im doing an art telephone w my friends that i might post when we're done? i can't post it now cause that would ruin the fun but yeah
🕑Drawing(s) that took the longest
uhhhh i mean earlier in my drawing journey i took forever to draw and i really hated drawing bc i took a super long time to draw and i didn't like anything i made and no one else liked anything i made so it was just like wow i spent all that time for nothing. still glad i did it though bc that era was still an important step in my art development. anyways as for more recent pieces uhh. my piece for the yorknew auction took a while, mostly because i had 0 time or energy and it was a really involved piece
👑Favourite fictional character(s) to draw
as you will see, i really like drawing lust from fmab
👿Least favourite fictional character(s) to draw
i've found out that unfortunately drawing olivier is not very fun for me. so sad cause i really like her
👔Design process for [x] character 
oh my god guys ask me about my magical girl designs and i will go insane i will type up a whole essay. i'll talk about kyrie cause i like her a lot
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here's the design! so she drowned (or rather, was drowned by someone else) at 16 after being stalked for a couple months and eventually kidnapped. not exactly the lightest story, but bc it was so traumatic her brain erased the memories, and she doesn't find out the real cause of death until much later in the story, when kye comes across a guy who lived in kyrie's town and gets the full story.
her outfit is themed after ophelia for. obvious reasons. i looked up paintings/common interpretations of ophelia and found that she was commonly depicted in a white and gold dress with reddish-brown hair half up. oh, and flowers. so i ran with that. the white streaks in her hair were actually not part of the initial plan, but when i was using the bucket tool it left blank streaks and i just thought it looked nice.
for the flowers i chose forget-me-nots because she loses her memory, and then the hands on the skirt represent her fight to stay alive (both while drowning and before) and how she reached out for help in the months leading up to her death but no one answered. she's also, in a way, reaching for her lost memories, who she used to be, etc etc. the blue thingy in the back was initially supposed to be a mermaid tail as like. a single callback to the little mermaid (and the fact that she was a really good swimmer, so it's ironic that she drowned), but i took the mermaid aspect out & added in the two eyes.
the eyes are like. the feeling of being watched. the eye at the front will always look at kyrie no matter what, and the eye in the back will look at anyone else it can find, as if pleading for help. i just noticed the bracelet? not sure why that's there. probably just for fun. anyways the ring with the star on it is from a play called 'the princess who had no name', which is about a princess with amnesia who's trying to find out who she is and where she came from.
and finally, the weapon! it's meant to be a sparkler, like the little fireworks yk? it's a callback to the very first draft of her character from like 2 years ago, back when the kyries shared the name lylie instead & i had written absolutely nothing about her character. but i was reading through the old plot/character info a while ago and i found out she apparently really liked fireworks??? that was like my only piece of info about her. i figured since she'd changed so much it was only fair i put a little something from her roots. but the sparkler can also represent how 'bright' she appears to be; people are drawn towards her, for better or worse.
📆Earliest fandom you did fanart for/first fanart
the first fandom i remember like really being hyperfixated on was.... miraculous ladybug................. BUT i didn't make any fanart for it, so instead you get the very first real piece of art i ever made on my computer :)
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shoutout to me for drawing those wings by hand. i didn't know how to use the flip tool so i just spent like 4 hours trying to make them symmetrical. and now i can't even remember how to draw butterfly wings. smh
HOLY SHIT WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED. BACK WHEN YOU FIRST SHOWED ME FAIRY TAIL I DREW HAPPY A COUPLE TIMES. I DONT HAVE ANY PICS BUT THAT'S DEFINITELY EARLIER THAN THIS. oh my god and don't even get me started on my warriors phase. wow i guess i've been making fanart since forever lol
this post is already too long. no
📝Process for [x] drawing 
my general art process is idea > rough sketch > real sketch > lineart (if applicable) > coloring > rendering > SHADE THE FUCK OUT OF THAT THING > send it to my friends and say 'anything else i should add 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺' > add a little more shading > done. you can ask me for more detailed instructions, i'd be happy to give a more in-depth tutorial about something specific
✨Inspiration for [x] drawing 
uh idk i do a lot of redraws. lately i've been doing redraws + asking friends for cool poses + looking at stock images for inspiration
💚Things you like about [x] drawing
i'll go with that aubrey piece from one of the earliest questions. i like how the emotions came across in both her expression and the coloring, and how much more fluid the pose is. i think the shading & rendering is neat. overall it's a big improvement from the piece i was redrawing so im really proud of that & it's nice to see how far i've come in a relatively short amount of time
⏳Things you’d do differently with [x] drawing
using the same drawing, uhh... idk there's some stuff with the proportions that like. sometimes looks fine to me and sometimes looks off? i really just eyeball anatomy and stuff so it's not always particularly Good. i like the colors i have here but they're not the colors i was intending to use. i didn't really know how to draw the jacket and everything i did with the top just looked strange so they're not As Detailed or 'good' as they probably could be? there's parts where i got lazy and all that but all in all i really like this drawing and nothing big really jumps out at me, these are all just nitpicks
💌Some favourite feedback on art
hmmmmmmm i really like the few like. paragraph responses i've gotten. i appreciate every single comment i get but like when people rave to you about your art???? that's so nice. i can't really pick out a critique i've heard that super super helped me off of the top of my head, but there's power in knowing what you can do better next time
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purplesurveys · 7 months ago
What was the last fast food restaurant that you ate at? What did you get? I got Shake Shack because I've honestly been craving it the entire time ever since I tried their burgers for the first time months ago, but all their branches are just SO far away. Yesterday I managed to be somewhere with a Shake Shack hanging around so I grabbed the chance even though they were not part of my budget for their day lmao I got their hot chicken sandwich + cheese fries + salted caramel milkshake.
What do the curtains look like in your room? Do the things in your room match, or do you just have a lot of things that don’t go together? They're just plain grey-beige curtains that keep natural light out as that's all I need it to do. Mm, I don't have a lot of accents in my room as it is; I never got the itch to match stuff together. As long as everything I need is here, that's already fine with me.
Do you have any neighbors that you dislike, or try to avoid? Who is the weirdest person you have ever met? The people who live behind us for some reason have like 5-6 kids roaming and running around and making the biggest fucking noise I've heard ever come out of a house. It is exhausting hearing one of the kids scream-cry every 10 minutes or so. I went from being annoyed to actually hating them, because the parents never do anything to stop the crying...at some point I learned to gather the courage to piss them off back by playing my speaker at the highest volume and pointing it to their direction.
They also make inihaw occasionally and the smoke and smell waft over to my room, so they do wonderful jobs being inconveniences.
What was the last pill you took for? Do you have any medications that you take daily? Biogesic, it's really the only thing I take semi-regularly. No, I don't take anything else daily.
What is the stupidest thing you have done while driving? Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? I've accidentally driven out with my right side mirror closed. The first time I nearly bumped into someone (precisely because I couldn't see anyone on my right) while trying to pull over – then I got formally pulled over by an officer immediately after lol not my finest moment.
The second time happened just two weeks ago and very fortunately traffic was light + I was already in the rightmost lane already so I easily managed to pull over and fix the damn thing. But yeah, all things considered, I'm an okay driver. I'd say I'm more safe and slow than 'good,' though – I'll take ten minutes longer to get to my destination as I'm more careful and usually give everyone right of way lol but at least I'm safe.
Do you find yourself drawn more toward odd numbers or even ones? Or have you not noticed a favor for either? Even, I guess.
Do you prefer life to be a routine every day, or do you like each day to be different? Are you planning on making any changes in your life soon? The older I get, the more I love routine more than I already do. I just need to know stuff hah. Where are we going? How are we getting home? What time do we head home? stuff like that. Spontaneity can still be fun but even that needs to be planned out beforehand for me hahahaha – like tell me when we're gonna go rogue so I can prepare for it in my head lol
If you were famous, what would you like to be famous for? What famous people would you like to meet? If I had the time and energy I'd live out my dream of being something of a vlogger, but for my trips to museums so I can share my 'this little life.' I don't want to make it a full-time thing, but rather a side passion that I just happen to be well-known for. I don't want to meet any famous people.
List 5 movies that you hear are good, but that you have never seen. The Godfather, Star Wars (all), Lord of the Rings (all), Inception, Silence of the Lambs.
Do you have more winter clothes, or summer clothes? What is your favorite outfit for both seasons? Neither. I have clothes for bearable, hot, and very hot.
What time have you been going to bed lately? Do you generally go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day? Anywhere between 1-3 AM. On weekends, it could go up to 5:30 AM. As for waking up, yes I usually do so around the same time - between 8:30 to 9.
What does most of your money go towards? Food is my #1 vice ever. I will get whatever it is I'm craving in the moment even though I still have my last craving in the fridge. The problem is that all my cravings can be expensive, so...
What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? I planned to do nothing for this long weekend and I've been very successful. I did attend Reena's dance recital yesterday and while it was a lot of fun, it took out my last remaining energy and as soon as I got home I was passed out from 6 PM to 3 AM (now).
What was the last thing you drank? The milkshake I said I got from Shake Shack.
Name the first person you can think of that has a tattoo? My sister.
What is on your wrists right now? Nothing.
Are you wearing anything that was made in China? Probably.
Can you live a day without TV? Yes.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? No.
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? Yes! It's cute. I'm not usually vocal with stuff as it is anyway so it's nice to be able to be loud about something for just a day.
Are you a couple with the last person you kissed on the lips? No.
What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee? I like Starbucks. I like their coffee and like the ambiance of every single one of their places I've been to. It gets a lot of shit but fortunately I've never met anyone who's given me shit for liking it.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you’re at in life now? Not at all. I pride myself on getting over one setback after another and for reaching the happiness I never even saw happening for myself. At the same time, I also didn't expect to last as long in my workplace for as long as I have but we are here now lol Do you regret anything you’ve done in the past three days? No. I know I would have regretted it if I bailed on Reena's recital but I'm glad I showed up for her in the end.
Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment? No.
Did you tell anyone you loved them today? Yeah, Reena!
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow? Having an extra weekend day doing n o t h i n g.
Is anyone else in the room with you? Nope.
How many people live in your house? Four.
Do you like your siblings? I like my sister.
Ever punch someone in the face? I've slapped someone as a response to being slapped first.
Where’s your best friend? At her home.
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brokebuckkmountain · 8 months ago
I'm gonna bitch under the cut cause I think I met an actual evil nurse today and I've been in pain for hours
I've had an ongoing medical issue for months. Been to the doctor and ER a ton of times, today one doc even expressed concern over how many CT scans I'd undergone in such a short period of time and how much blood I've had drawn. I've just moved, so I've been going to ER's until I can get in with a primary care physician.
A few days ago, the doctor at the clinic near my home had to cut open and clean out the part of my body where I've had ongoing issues. That's about as vague as I can keep it. They numbed me, gave me morphine, and told me even with all of that, it would be a super painful procedure because of how sensitive this area is and they were really sorry. I kind of teared up but toughed it out because I have a thing about crying in public.
Today I had to go to a different location for my check-up. Everything went well, but it was the end of the shift change, and the nurse helping me told me her coworker was in a massive rush to get home and kept stopping her from being able to do my paperwork. This guy comes in the room and says he needs to re-pack my wound. I told him my OG doctor said I didn't need to re-pack it (she actually said "with this sort of thing, normally you have to re-pack every few days, but I won't have you do that, that's just cruel, this is such a sensitive part of the body"). He said I had to do it anyways and I "was tough enough to handle it", reclined my seat and started immediately (first nurse was literally still in the middle of removing my IV).
I cannot describe to y'all how painful this was. I had told them about the morphine and numbing shot last time, but he kept insisting I'd be fine. This was the second most painful thing I've ever experienced (real ones know when a surgeon left a cotton swab inside of my face after a surgery 11 years ago). I was full body shaking and crying uncontrollably, the original nurse dropped what she was doing and ran over to hold my hand and tell me to breathe and try to talk me through it. My brother was in the room watching and holding my other hand; he agreed this guy was being extremely aggressive and just shoving the shit under my skin. He used significantly more of the gauze than the last time and just kept fucking shoving. Then he stood there holding the gauze and going "I don't have scissors, go find me scissors", talking with his hands and thereby yanking the gauze around inside me and causing even more pain. He grabbed a pair of pliers and said he would just twist the gauze with them til it broke, the other nurse went "NO!" and darted off to find actual scissors. Then, as they were bandaging the area, he starts asking my brother "how did they do it last time" "what material did they use" "does this like right to you". Like he- doesn't know how to dress a wound? Every time I could catch my breath I was apologizing for crying so much and the other nurse was really sweetly trying to cheer me up while this dude just stared blankly at me. The weirdest part was, even after I was done and all packed up, at random points he would walk up and just shove on the gauze to really pack it in I guess? And I would have to stop talking mid-sentence (answering discharge questions) because the pain was so overwhelming. At one point he mentioned how some of the gauze has to be left out, and I half-heartedly joked to my brother "oh I have a tail again huh?". This man flicked the gauze "tail" and went "yup". This was around the point I forced myself to stop crying because every part of me was thinking "this sick fuck is doing this on purpose". I don't know if he was, or if that's just my past experiences rearing their ugly heads up, but I refuse to cry in front of someone who's getting off on it. Finally the dude looked at me for the first time, and really coldly said "wow I guess that really hurt you. sorry" with a shrug. Just very insincere, like he thought it was funny.
My OG nurse was super sweet, kept throwing compliments at me and trying to cheer me up, and I just tried to wipe away with mess of tears off my face and went home.
This was weird, right? Like, maybe the guy wasn't intentionally causing me as much pain as possible, and he really just wanted to up and go home, but he was still so unnervingly aggressive. Even my brother was really upset at how unnecessarily rough it was. I don't know what to even think. I've been in physical pain for hours and I also feel just, emotionally drained. Like I've always been kind of freaked out with doctors offices and dentists and this just made it so much worse. Like, am I overreacting or does this seem like really bad practice. Idk.
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captaindamianos · 3 years ago
Artist asks 🥰 Could you answer 3, 17, 21 and 24 for me?? Or just any of these you feel like answering ❤️
THANK YOU SWEETIE 🥰 God, this is going to be interesting. 😂
(Also really sorry for the delay with the answer, a lot of things got in the way unfortunately.)
3. Least favourite things to draw?
Groups of people (everything above 3), children (they're hard to draw 😭), pictures with a lot of details (I love them, and god do I wish I had the patience, but like one third of the way through them I'm ready to throw hands). If you ever see me do something detailed or with a more extensive background, I probably cried and despaired a lot along the way. So yeah, backgrounds sometimes, when the background wasn't there to begin with and supposed to aid the picture somehow.
17. What inspires you?
Nature, landscapes, art in general, visiting museums, getting out of the rutt and going literally anywhere, seeing anything I don’t see daily. Sometimes people’s fanfictions or stories are really inspiring, I’ve also been inspired by music. Movies and tv shows as well, but it can also be the most random thing. Last year I saw patches of flowers next to fields in Denmark while driving through. And I still have this really vivid picture in my head because of it that i definitely want to still put on paper.
21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
I honestly don’t think I’ve ever drawn anything too weird? If you don’t count having no real concept of dimensional drawing or how anatomy actually works. I’m so easily embarrassed by what I’m drawing, that I’m too scared to draw and share anything embarrasing/weird. 
Though now that I’m thinking about it, it might be this. I’m full of regret both in regards of how much time I spent on it and how it turned out, also that it was for probably one of my favourite fics in this fandom and it’s just not good. 
24. How do you deal with artblock?
Usually artblock deals with me. 🥲 Seriously though, I think in the past I wasn't good dealing with it and wouldn't draw for weeks, months or years sometimes, which wasn't helpful because I never really developed a good workflow to fall back on.
I think I've managed to let go of some of the fear of failure when it comes to drawing itself now, that always held me back. Even when I'm not in the mood for it, I sit myself down and draw anyway. If I have no idea I look for a reference and just do gesture drawinga/studies. Just to keep myself in the process of drawing at least once or twice a week. I haven't dealt with major artblock in the past year. I get frustrated occasionally when nothing looks right, but I just try to push myself through it. Not everything you make has to be a masterpiece anyway. Sometimes it's just about doing the thing.
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stay-tinystars · 4 years ago
She's a what??
Ship: Wooyoung(idol) x female Vampire (unnamed)
Comedy/crazy fic!
Warnings: biting, blood, immortality, slight cursing, vampire, it's a really stupid vampire x idol au.
A/N: this is probably the stupidest weirdest fic I've ever written. This is my take on vampires. TMI I've always enjoyed looking at necks, and Wooyoung of ateez has a very very nice neck. So I wrote this crack fic because of a discussion I was having with @ateez-angel
I hope you all enjoy this crack fic. It's very random, and obviously very untrue, and a work of complete fiction.
Word count: ~1.2k
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As an immortal it was a good thing to keep moving. Never being someplace too long, of course looking to be in my early twenties helped. I could always be a student attending college abroad, or a new girl who had moved from a small city. I'd done many random jobs, internships, at one point I even joined a nunnery. Having traveled the world I enjoyed the small things like the smell of small bakeries, the sound of amusement parks, the crackling of an open fire.
Most people thought of vampires as creepy, blood sucking creatures, only wanting to suck people dry. Bursting into flames if they stepped into a church (which is why the nunnery was always funny to me). I never fit that description. I also found human food to be quite tasty. I was the uncommon vampire, who had been around for centuries. I was grateful for modern day things, like airplanes, but mostly I was grateful for the fact that humans now bathed regularly.
I had seen things come to be that were now in museums. In fact I'm pretty sure one of the books on display in the Trinity college library was originally mine.
Well enough of my rambling, I'm here to tell you the story of how I accidentally created another immortal after 370 years. How can you accidentally turn someone immortal, you ask? Well that's why I'm here to explain. I really didn't mean to turn Wooyoung immortal. I really didn't, but with a neck like that, how could I not be tempted.
It was your average day in Seoul. I was working at the Jamsil Arena, setting up for another concert stage. This job was quite nice, away from direct sunlight, and worked well for my current 'life' of interning to work doing lighting for concerts. Being an intern I mostly set the lights up, and tested them. That is when I saw him for the first time as he and the 7 others walked on the stage for rehearsal. I had seen my share of k pop idols, they all were fit, young, and talented. However the one with a loud voice and cackling laugh, he drew me in. Wooyoung was what he said his name was, as they all introduced themselves to the stage hands. His aura, his smirk, that jawline, it was all beautiful, but his neck was so tempting. I could feel my small fangs sneak out slightly further than usual as I watched them perform. I tightened my lips as I adjusted the lights during their rehearsal.
I hadn't had human blood straight from the source in over 50 years. Most of my blood fuel came from blood sausage and rare steak. Tonight I'd definitely need a rare steak.
"Hey" I felt someone tap my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts, back to work. I turned around and saw him standing mere centimeters from me. "Sorry to interrupt, but they said you could help. My transmitter for my mic isn't connecting correctly"
"Well. I usually only deal with the lighting, but I'll see what I can do" I offered, trying not to stare. He was a masterpiece. I held out my hand, expecting the transmitter, and only getting Wooyoung's hand.
"My name is Wooyoung" he smiled as he squeezed my hand.
"It's a pleasure," I responded. He just swung my hand with his. "Can I have your transmitter to see if I can get it to connect"
"Oh yeah, here you go" he pulled it out of its holder, with his other hand effortlessly, never dropping my hand.
"I'll need both hands" I said slightly giggling as I took the transmitter. His ears reddened as he loosened his grip, dropping my hand. I turned it on, and pressed a few buttons. Trying to remember all the things I'd learned over the years of how these things worked. "OK, try talking," I said.
"Hello" he said, and the sound of his voice echoed through the stadium. "Cool, it's fixed."
At this point I doubted it was ever broken, but I handed it back to him.
"How can I repay you?" He asked as he switched it off.
"I don't think it was ever broken" I smirked.
"Well how else was I supposed to start a conversation with you?" His eyes looking at mine.
"Maybe just a hello?"
"That's too ordinary"
"I suppose it is, for you at least" I had to admit this boy intrigued me. He was different than most humans I had encountered. He seemed to skip steps in the getting to know you process.
"I'd still like to repay you." He grinned. "Maybe I can buy you dinner"
This was difficult. I hadn't been this drawn to someone in over a century, and I couldn't do anything about it. I just did my best to play my role as a young twenty something. He flirted relentlessly through texts, I responded in kind. That's all we did for a month was text. I ate a lot of rare steak.
Soon enough he started inviting me over to the dorm. That is one thing that's true about vampires we must be invited, luckily Wooyoung invited me everywhere with him. The relationship blossomed quick. My feelings for him deepened, much further than just the lust of it all.
Everything went fine until one late night we got caught in the rain as we walked. I had truly fallen for this strange beautiful man. We were walking when I slipped, and he caught me. I found my arms around his neck, his beautiful beautiful neck. It probably looked as if he was dipping me during some odd slow dance in the rain.
He moved in closer as he pulled me up. Our lips ghosting each other. My fangs started protruding, I couldn't stand the temptation anymore, I opened my mouth, a cruel smile taking hold of my features. His face changed from one of caring, to one confusion.
"I've always noticed you have what look like fangs, but tonight they seem bigger" he said quietly, his eyes growing larger.
He was going to become my drug, and I knew it. I smiled wider, then dove for his neck. His beautiful neck, his neck flexed, his SCM tight as I bit him.
His scream brought me out of thoughts. "What the hell! That hurts!" He yelled. I couldn't drain this man, so I did the next best thing. I pulled back slightly and bit hard on my own lip. My blood mixing with his, in my mouth, I then went back to his neck, and sucked. Mixing my blood with his against his neck. I pulled back looking at him and smiling. His hand flew to his neck, he pulled it away covered in the wet red blood.
"I knew you said you liked my neck before, but what the hell! Most people don't draw blood when giving a hickey. It almost felt like you were sucking my blood!" I smiled at his ignorance.
"Wooyoung, sweetie. I am a vampire" I said, trying to help him stay calm.
"Am I going to die??" Panic flooded his features.
"The good thing is, you will never die now. The bad thing is you're gonna have a hell of a time the next few days. You're gonna feel like you have the flu, and a hangover at the same time."
"Well, shit!"
"Also you're going to have to wear some thick chokers to cover your new mark for a while"
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ceres-t4xidermy · 3 years ago
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I have no idea why the fuck people are following me on my locked accounts instead of the main one.
The weirdest one is my personal twitter, where I mostly cry, talk about kpop, live tweet my classes and add just people I trust and/or know irl. The weird thing is that I have not put the handle anywhere in my main account so HOW THE HELL are people finding it?? I mean, it's not that different from main (it's Ceres_txt) but if these people don't follow me here or on main... HOW.
The people who are following me there are mostly kpop fans and makes sense since my banner is Leeteuk and my avatar is Siwon, but it's LOCKED which makes me think that Twitter is not hiding it properly. I mean, how can it be found through the search engine? The screen name, however, is nothing about kpop, it's a joke with Carlos Alcaraz's name and mine. HOW am I appearing for people?? And the other thing is that mainly I'm being followed by BTS fans... I don't even like BTS??? I'm an old kpop fan wtf. There is this person following me that *ONLY* follows BTS NSFW artists and I have never ever drawn ANY kpop band fanart. They followed me on main at least, but not before following me on personal... but not in the NSFW.
For my wip account, idk what the hell is happening. Maybe it's because I put a NSFW warning so it's easy to find by search. However, most people are following me there instead of main. I had to put a no locked account rule over there too bc I don't trust people.
I'm really regretting about this wip/NSFW account. I'm regretting ever posting my artwork anywhere tbh. This is making me too anxious. To be fair I've been loving that account because I CAN TALK ABOUT MY REFERENCES, MY ART JOURNEY, MY CREATIVE PROCESS WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK THAT MY SILLY TWEETS ARE GOING BETTER THAN A FULL ARTWORK THAT I'VE SPEND A MONTH DOING but omg my nsfw stuff are sporadic, why should I have to put a whole ass warning for something I do for fun only when I feel like doing it?
Joke's on everyone, my steamy artwork is the best.
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 3 years ago
info dumping random facts about Rowan again
For some reason ppl think he has a nice ass when I've never even drawn him a side profile.
He has a legacy version like Jack, except Rowan's is flirty, two-faced, and pretty good at gaslighting.
I actually made him 8 months ago, I just decided to redraw him bc his old design fuckin sucked.
He has the weirdest personality changes, one second, he'll be the usual tired bitch he is, and then next thing you know he's on the verge of shooting somebody (honestly mood)
It's weird how he functions, I mean he's dead, but he's still able to breathe somehow, and I guess bleed too with his whole black ooze situation.
Of course, he's aware of the mod's existence. (with how many times I pop up lol)
He's a gun fanatic, which shouldn't be a surprise, considering I made him originally from Arkansas to have something new to work with.
The fact that he's worked at several Fazbender's restaurants is weird, he hates the company, yet he's worked at so many of the restaurants.
I'm saying this over and over again, he's a DEMISEXUAL, meaning he's not completely asexual, but he was about 2 days ago XD
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