#this is one of my fav photos to exist
deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
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When scars turn from something abhorred and ugly (mostly in one’s own regard) into something beautiful and interesting just because someone had taken one look at them and decided so.
unconditional as quartz (part of the series sillage) by @thefangirlofhp
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*throws a chair into wall*
*smashes plates*
*punches desk*
*destroys pillows*
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theonottsbxtch · 2 months
English Love Affair | LN4
an: bouncing out to 5sos rn so this is so happening also thank you for 300 followers!!
fc: hayley williams and pinterest
requests: open
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liked by ynpiastri, landonorris, lilyzneimer and 927,726 others
got to see little sis live again, @/bandname on tour starting september!
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userone: my fav aussie band
usertwo: we love a supportive brother
userthree: oscar only has one facial expression
landonorris: i’m in love
oscarpiastri: how about no
ynpiastri: it was lovely meeting you!
landonorris: 🥰🥰
userfour: help lando is in his lovergirl era
userfive: see you in london!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbandname and 373,936 others
london are we ready!!!!!
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userone: YESSSSSS
usertwo: she’s so pretty
nicolepiastri: i raised two very diffrent children
oscarpiastri: she’s definitely dad’s daughter
chrispiastri: ☺️👍
ynpiastri: love you both
userthree: piastri family reunion
userfour: yn supremacy 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
landonorris: see you in london 😉
oscarpiastri: you wish
ynpiastri’s story
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[caption: where’s my hot rockstar bf]
story replies:
oscarpiastri: thank god non existent
ynpiastri: let me feel love
oscarpiastri: no
landonorris: im no rockstar but i’m a pretty good driver
ynpiastri: i’ll think about it
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 827,372 others
london you were a dream
*tap to load comments*
userone: IT WAS SO GOOD
usertwo: yourbandname supremacy
landonorris: no you were
oscarpiastri: get out of my little sister’s comment section
landonorris: "how about no"
ynpiastri: you came?
landonorris: couldn’t miss a gig in my home country now?
ynpiastri: ☺️
oscarpiastri: i don’t like this
userthree: i ship already
userfour: isn’t she dating her bassist?
userfive: not everyone dates their bassist
lie detector test with oscar piastri and lando norris
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbandname and 948,826 others
second leg of tour soon - who likes the new badge and shirt my 'friend' got me 🤭
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userone: she’s so real for that
usertwo: i was there!!
userthree: she’s amazing
oscarpiastri: do i have to remind both you and your friend that our parents are on this app?
nicolepiastri: too late osc, too late.
userfour: i love their family
userfive: never change yn
landonorris: facts
usersix: WHAT
userseven: LANDO
oscarpiastri: i just threw up my breakfast
ynpiastri: 😉
usereight: lanyn is happening before our very eyes
usernine: i bet you that 'freind' was lando
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 963,234 others
seven thousand miles away...
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userone: aesthetic queen
usertwo: getting in touch with nature after that last lando commenrs
ynpiastri: new album cover! 😇
userfour: who IS IT!
carlossainz55: oh i know those abs
userfive: arianna what are you doing here
usersix: we just got confirmation of carlando and lanyn in one day.
oscarpiastri: please stay in aus and never come back to england
ynpiastri: "how about no"
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 958,356
my english love affair - stream now available on all platforms!!
*tap to load comments*
userone: they broke the internet with this one
nicolepiastri: thank you for letting me know you had a boyfriend through social media daughter
ynpiastri: no worries mumma
landonorris: i apologise mrs piastri
userthree: her and oscar are polar opposites and i love it
userfour: oh i know they be having the best *** of their life.
landonorris: hot 😩
oscarpiastri: someone hand me a gun
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motherlvr · 1 year
love me better, listen more.
wc: 3.2k
Pairing: Earth-42! Miles Morales x f! reader
Summary: After Miles' father died, everything changed. Including your relationship with Miles.
Warnings: angst w/ happy ending, cursing, friends to strangers to lovers, angry makeout session, Flash Thompson exists here
A/N: honestly my fav fic i've made so far, im literally running out of photos for him. im gunna have to start using photos of his jordans
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As you walked home, an arm wrapped around your shoulders from behind, "¿Cómo está mi ángel hoy?" Miles’ voice flowed through your ears.
He called you his, but you weren't lovers.
You were slightly startled but immediately recognized him. Letting out a soft chuckle, you said, “Your ángel, huh? That’s a new one.” smiling up at him.
"It suits you." Miles gave you a wink.
Usually, he called you 'ma'. So his switch-up today made you narrow your eyes at him skeptically. "What's with the good mood today? No 'ma'?" You tilted your head at him.
Shrugging it off, he said, "What, I can't be happy to see my girl?" He had a point, except for the fact that you weren't his girl.
You laughed and shook your head at him, "By all means, go ahead." As he accompanied you on your way home, you realized he made your walk home much more pleasant. Arriving at your house, you told him "This is me. Thanks for walking me today." You gave him a light peck on his cheek.
"Course. Make sure to wear that outfit I like tomorrow, mami." He teased with a grin, only half serious.
Rolling your eyes at him, you smiled, "You're insufferable. Adiós, Miles!" You waved as you walked up to your doorstep.
"Chao, princesa." Walking away, his mood felt lighter. He walked home with a little more liveliness than usual.
For reasons unknown, Miles walking you home was becoming a reoccurring event. Within the next few weeks, he walked you home more often than not. You started to look forward to it as you searched for him after school.
As you both walked down the street of your neighborhood for what seemed to be the hundredth time, you approached your house. As you both stood in front of your house, you turned to him and said, "Thanks for walking me home, Miles." You placed a kiss on his cheek. It seemed to be turning into a daily routine now.
"Anytime, princesa. Hasta luego." He smirked at you and watched you walk into your house before leaving.
Little did you know, that would be the last time he walked you home in a while.
Later that evening, you kicked your feet up on your couch and turned on the television. The first channel that popped up was the news channel. Reading the headline, your heart dropped into your stomach. It read,
"Police Captain Jefferson Davis Found Dead At 44.”
"Holy shit." You gasped. In an instant, you dropped the remote and tried to contact Miles. You tried calling but were sent immediately to voicemail. So you opted to text him, "I'm so sorry, Miles. I'm always here if you need to talk."
You left him multiple messages that night to no avail. The following day at school, you tried to scout him out in the halls. But he was never there. You would call if you thought he would answer.
Miles and you always confided in each other. There was a mutual trust between the two of you. However, within less than twenty-four hours, Miles' demeanor completely changed.
Leaving him another message after school, you said, "Where have you been? I'm worried, Miles. But you know that already. Sorry for the messages."
No response yet again. He didn't even bother to read it.
Weeks passed by with little to no contact from Miles. He seemed to entirely disappear. Your concern only grew for him. You haven't even seen him in the hallways at school. There was no denying it, you were starting to miss him.
Although, today was a new day. And for the first time in what felt like a century, you saw him in the hall. He looked a fright. There were new frown lines on his face that weren't there before. He looked slimmer, even. His smug smirk that would always adorn his face around you was no longer present. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him nonetheless. Jogging up to him, you called out.
"Miles, wait." You softly said as you delicately grabbed his arm, not to startle him. He paused, looking back but not into your eyes. He shook your grip off, never making eye contact with you. "I just need some time, alright?" He told you. But what does 'some time' entail? What if he just didn't want anything to do with you in general?
He walked away and didn’t look back.
You felt your heart break into two as you watched him fade away from your view. It broke for both him and you. Seeing him like this pained you. But at the same time, your heart ached as he pushed you away in the process.
Yet, you granted him his wish. You stopped looking for him in the hall. You stopped trying to message him. You stopped leaving voicemails. Maybe if you gave him some time, things would smooth out. Grief is a long process, after all. You couldn't blame him for grieving.
Weeks turned into months without any contact from Miles. And it didn't seem like he was going to break that any time soon.
You fell back into your old routine, the one where you'd never met Miles. He was merely a stranger that you thought too often about. You walked home without him next to you. And into class alone as well. You no longer looked forward to walking with him at the end of the day. The walks home were infuriatingly quiet.
Every day you arrived at your doorstep but never felt at home. You had a home, and he was it.
While you were getting books out of your locker, an arm slung around your shoulders. An almost familiar sensation. But it wasn't him. Far from him, actually.
Instead, it was no one other than Flash Thompson. His notorious blond hair and conceited attitude were tell-tale signs. You could almost smell the arrogance radiating off of him before you even acknowledged his presence.
"How are you, gorgeous?" He removed his arm from your shoulders to close your locker. Leaning his arm onto the locker above your head, he encased you on your locker with your back against it.
"I'm fine." You dryly responded, uninterested in his pursuits.
"That you are." He gave you a predatory smirk and winked at you. You mentally grimaced. "Anyway. You still with that Morales kid?"
Raising a brow at him, you respond, "We were never together.”
"Huh. He's always by your side, like an over-protective guard dog. So I assumed." Flash said. He wasn’t necessarily wrong. But that wasn't the case anymore. It hasn't been for some time.
This was one of the many times Flash had tried his advances on you. However, it never worked to his intentions since Miles was always there to tell him off. This time was different. Miles was nowhere in sight. At least, within your sight. Meaning Flash had an open opportunity with you. There was no Miles around to try and bite his head off.
"Yeah, well. Not anymore." You muttered. Suddenly feeling awkward, you directed your stare anywhere other than Flash's hungry gaze. An uncomfortable cold shiver ran down your spine.
Flash leaned in, his fingers pushing a strand of your hair away from your face. Whispering in your ear, he told you, "That's too bad. I could treat you better than him, though. He doesn't have to know, baby.”
You looked up at him and tried to hide the disgust that was forming on your face. But, hey. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, you tried to convince yourself. This was a chance to get over Miles. His hold on you was ridiculous, considering you were never actually together. You weren’t going to wait for him to crawl back to you.
You put a hand on Flash’s chest in an attempt to push him away from you. But he misinterpreted it and encased his palm over your hand that was laying on his chest. “See? You’re warming up to me already. You don’t need him.” He cockily said.
Turning your head away from him, you said, “I don’t know, Flash. I’ll think about it.” pretending to consider it. He gave you a displeased look, "What's there to think about? We would be good together, babe." he tried to persuade you. It was evident that he wasn't going to give up anytime soon.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Miles turned around the corner and instantly spotted you. He’s been skipping almost every day. All of a sudden, he felt glad that he didn’t skip today as he saw you with Flash Thompson. Way too close for his comfort. And then he saw your hand on Flash’s chest. That was his breaking point.
Miles saw nothing but red as he walked over to the two of you. If looks could kill, Flash would've been dealt with by the first second he walked around the corner. He sneered, "Back the fuck off my girl, Thompson." shoving him in the chest away from you.
You couldn’t believe him. After all that time, now is when he decides to make an appearance. He was the one that cut you out of his life. Not you, but him. Huffing at him, you spoke up before Flash did. "I'm not your girl. You've made that clear." You rolled your eyes in irritation.
Flash gave Miles a smug smirk at your words, "You heard her. So go fuck yourself, Morales." He spat at Miles, getting up close and personal with him. As Flash glared at Miles, it was clear he was trying to intimidate him. It wasn't working.
You almost didn't comprehend what was happening as a fist collided with Flash's face, knocking him down momentarily. He groaned in pain, holding onto his nose as blood dripped from it.
“What the fuck?” You screeched at Miles’ outburst. Flash was still laying on the floor, stumbling to get up. Before it could escalate further, you pulled Miles by his arm and dragged him into an empty supply closet. Miles opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"The fuck is wrong with you, Miles? You don't speak to me for months and now you suddenly want something to do with me?" You said in disbelief.
He said bluntly, "I don't want to see you with him again."
His hands traveled over the curve of your hips to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You tried to get out of his touch. Or, you would've. But his hands on you felt too natural. He felt right.
That didn’t mean you’d let him off easy. This was the first conversation you both held in months.
"Well for the past few months, you didn't want to be seen with me either." You quipped, aggravated. His sudden change of heart polarized your emotions. You were conflicted with yourself.
He shook his head, “I’m sorry, mami. There’s shit going on that I couldn’t involve you in. I can’t bring you down with me.” He uncharacteristically apologized.
His words made you become hyper-aware of his hands on your waist. The way he rubbed circles into your skin with his thumbs. How you almost folded under his touch, but maintained your unbothered facade. No matter how much time has passed, he still made your heart race.
You scoffed at him and continued, "I’m not going to wait around for you like some lovesick puppy. Do you want me or not, Miles?"
Without a moment of hesitation, he quickly said, “You have no fucking idea.” Inspecting his eyes, you tried to find deception within them. What you saw in return was the gaze of a man starved.
“Then earn me.” Glaring up at him, you harshly retorted as you furrowed your brows at him. But one more look into each other's eyes was all it took for the tension to snap in half.
He grabbed you by the waist swiftly and pulled you in, your lips finally connecting. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your bodies pressed together against the wall of the closet, knocking over supplies. The pent-up frustrations inside of you came undone as you kissed him with all the fiery passion you could muster. You bit his lower lip, making him groan against your mouth. That was a sound you realized you'd love to hear on repeat. Your lips moved together in perfect harmony. Like they were made to fit each other.
His hand traveled to the back of your head into your hair as he pulled it softly, making you muffle a whimper into his mouth.
Miles pulled away for a split second to whisper with a smirk, "Cállate, hermosa. But I'm down if you want everyone to hear." His lips were hovering over yours, only seconds away. You felt both of your chests heaving against one another, his breath overlapping yours. You were sure he could feel your heartbeat.
"Fuck you, Miles." You briskly closed the small distance between both of your lips once again before he could make a crude remark about how 'you'd like that'.
You spent the rest of the class period cooped up with him in the minimal space of the supply closet.
After school, you looked for Miles. Something you've been restraining yourself from doing over these past few months. However, you were hoping things were different now. In a good way. You'd think spending some quality time in a supply closet together would change things.
But as you looked across the courtyard, Miles was nowhere to be seen. You felt irritated with him once again, but you weren’t going to let him cut you out of his life for a second time.
So you did what any rational person would do. You visited his house to talk with him. You believed that if you had a decent conversation with him, it would fix what broke between the two of you. After all, his mother did tell you that you were always welcome there. His house was the place the both of you created a collection of memories. Memories that you stayed up late thinking about. Before it all went downhill. Knocking on the door, his mother answered it.
You greeted her with a smile, "Hola, Mrs. Morales! Is Miles here?" She gave you a knowing look. Mrs. Morales always did have a knack for knowing exactly what was going on.
Nodding her head, she told you "You caught him at a good time. He's been in and out with his Uncle lately. Come on in." She promptly led you inside the house.
"Gracias, Mrs. Morales." You told her before you made a beeline for Miles' room. Stopping right in front of his door, you knocked. Silence came from the other side. "Miles, I'm going to come in. Please don't be naked." You covered your eyes with your palm as you opened his door.
You didn't hear any yells of protest, so you assumed it was safe to peek through your fingers. As you removed your hand from your face, you noticed he was climbing through his own window. But that's not what made you stop in your tracks. Rather, it was his attire. He wasn't naked by any means. Instead, he was wearing the infamous suit that you've seen on the news time and time again. Over the past few months. The correlation clicked in your brain. He wasn't purposely avoiding you for the last few months. His life was just turned upside down in more than one way. He turned into the Prowler.
He looked just as shocked as you while he climbed through his window. "Fuck, what are you doing here, mami?" He frantically asked.
Closing the door behind you, you said, "I came to speak to you, but it seems like all my questions are answered now." You felt numb.
He didn't have a response. He didn't know what to tell you. It was exactly what it looked like. There were no words exchanged, but much was said within those silent moments.
Breaking the silence, you exclaimed, "Y'know what? Forget it. Forget I came here. Matter of fact, forget we ever met." You just about had it. Miles, the one that used to walk you home, being the Prowler was not exactly something you predicted.
"You know I can't do that." He said. You started to back away from him, turning away. He grabbed your arm with a feather-like touch, despite wearing his steel claws. You knew he wasn't going to hurt you. Not physically, at least. "Just let me explain."
"What is there to explain? That you've been avoiding me for months because you're the Prowler? I don't think anything else needs to be said." You let out a faint melancholic chuckle.
He stared into your eyes as he removed his claws, gently grasping your shoulders. "Mami, just listen to me." He pleaded, "You understand now why I couldn't tell you. That's why I had to stay away. This business is the shit I can't have you affiliated with."
"If you don't want me affiliated, then don't join it." You snapped at him, pushing a finger into his chest.
Your response set off something inside of him as he blurted out, "I'm in love with you. Shit, I love you so fucking much. I always have. You're the only one that's ever on my mind, 'ight? If I permanently lost you, I'd never come back from that."
Those were precisely the words you've been waiting ages to hear. But not like this.
"Miles. I can't be a part of this. I don't want to do this 'back and forth' thing. I can't do this. Not with you." Turning your back on him again, you tried to hold your composure as you stepped away. Out of his grasp. You had no intention to break down in front of him. This time, you were the one walking away. You were going to be the one leaving him.
"Wait," He called out, his voice faltering. You were slipping through his fingers, right in front of his eyes. If he had to beg you to stay, so be it. Even after all that time apart, you've been the sole reason he woke up in the morning. He couldn't afford to let you leave him for good.
"Quédate conmigo, mami. Por favor. I can't lose you again." His voice trembled with desperation. Your steps hesitated, his words plunging knives directly into your heart. You've never seen him like this. And it was a sight you never wished to see again.
So you obliged. You might as well have taken what you said and thrown it in the trash. He had the ability to change your mind with only a few words. Turning back to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He reciprocated as he enveloped your waist with his arms.
You buried your face in his neck as you whispered, "Don't fucking do that again. Don't shut me out." You placed a light kiss on it. You continued, "I love you too, Miles." removing your face from his neck to stare up into his eyes.
"I promise, mami. It's only ever been you." He softly said, pressing his lips to yours. You kissed back with just as much delicacy.
You were aware it was an incredibly dangerous business Miles was involved in. For him, you'd give up anything. You hadn’t a clue what being involved with the Prowler would exactly entail. It was something you both would have to figure out together.
Your relationship was by no means perfect. But you were both learning. As long as it was with him, you wouldn't have it any other way.
¿Cómo está mi ángel hoy? - How's my angel today?
Princesa - Princess
Adiós/Chao - Bye
Cállate - Shut up, be quiet
Hermosa - Beautiful
Quédate conmigo - Stay with me
Por favor - Please
(yes the title is a childish gambino reference)
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bestanimal · 2 months
~ Round 2 will begin November 1st! ~
On a quest to find Tumblr’s favorite animal!
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(Pictured is my personal favorite animal: the bearded vulture! Photo was taken by me… if you want to see more I post my photography on my instagram: SaritaWolf ;P)
Ever wondered how your favorite animal stacks up against other people’s favorites? Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here’s how this will work…
Polls will be ranked like so:
My fav is in this group!/This is one of my favorite animals!
I love these/this animal(s)
I like these/this animal(s)
I am neutral about these/this animal(s)
I dislike these/this animal(s)
I hate these/this animal(s)
If an animal is your favorite, it receives 5 points
If you love an animal, it receives 3 points
If you like an animal, it receives 1 point
If you are neutral about an animal, no points are added or subtracted to its ranking
If you dislike an animal, 1 point will be taken away
If you hate an animal, 3 points will be taken away
At the end of a polling period, that animal’s points will be its rank.
The top 20 or 50 or 100 or whatever (number to be decided on at a later date) will move on to the next round!
Polls will be open for 7 days
Since it’s not very feasible for me to make 1.5 million polls for every known species of animal, the first round of polls will be by Phylum, the next round will be by Class, then Order, then Family, then Genus, and then Species.
If you want your favs to make it to the top, make sure you know what group they’re in! This can be found via a quick Wikipedia search and a look-see right here (using the bearded vulture as an example):
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The Bearded Vulture is in the Phylum Chordata, the Class Aves/Reptilia, the Order Accipitriformes, and the Genus Gypaetus, so now I know to vote for that group as my favorite when it comes up!
The top ranked Phyla will move on to the next round, where they will then be split into Classes, and Round 2 will begin.
Round 3 will take the winning classes and split them by Order, then follow the same pattern.
Round 4 will take the winning orders and split them by Family, then follow the same pattern.
Round 5 will take the winning families and split them by Genus, then follow the same pattern.
Round 6 will take the winning genera and split them by Species, then follow the same pattern.
The Ultimate Round will pit the top 20/50/100 (number also to be decided at a later date) species against each other.
If no clear photos exist of a species, it will not be included in the polls. (So, if you’re a scientist who just discovered a new moth and it’s your favorite animal you better get those photos on iNaturalist quick)
You can have multiple favorites, I am not keeping track of that, but I do ask that you answer honestly!
I will add a bit of propaganda under a cut on each poll, but please feel free to reblog polls and add your own! If you want your fav(s) to win, these polls need to be seen by lots of people!
I do encourage people to not vote blindly. Look at the photos, read the propaganda, maybe even do your own research before you decide how you feel about an animal!
And lastly, please keep things civil! We all have different tastes and someone hating your fav is not a personal affront against you!
That being said, we do not “Kill it with fire” here. It’s ok to not like an animal, but we do not tolerate people calling for violence against a species or wishing a whole species extinct.
Important Tags:
#Animal Polls: All main polls
#Poll Results: Completed polls will be reblogged along with their calculated ranking
#Special Poll: Any extra polls
#Extra Propaganda: Any reblogged propaganda added by voters
#Statistics: A stats post will be posted after each round
#Asks: For any responses to asks (my askbox is open!)
#FAQ: For questions that may come up often
#Extras: For any announcement posts, reblogs, etc
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leclercsluvs · 2 months
MV1 | Songs of a Healing Heart | smau
part 1
an: did i disappear for like 2 months? yeah. is this what i meant to post first thing back? no. not really tbh. also time stamps are not important. also the timeline does not exist in this universe, i'm including some things that's happened irl (emails i can't send), but that doesn't mean i won't use earlier songs (on purpose). also it has been some time since i last wrote something, and my first language is not english, so this isn't perfect <3 fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader warnings: swearing, a spoiler for chicago fire (a character death, i will also be reminding you, when it comes, so you can skip that one post it's honestly not that important to the story) inspired by: i can do it with a broken heart - taylor swift
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, & 1.936.203 others yourusername guess who’s single again and guess who has an album coming 🥳🎉💃🎊🎈🎀
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user2 this is gonna be my fav album of ALL TIME ❤️ by author
maxverstappen1 who hurt you?
yourusername shut the fuck up ❤️ maxverstappen1 never 😌 danielricciardo wow max, really shooting your shot nicely hm maxverstappen1 shut the fuck up ❤️
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liked by georgerusell63, charles_leclerc, & 1.016.358 others yourusername *aggressively writes songs* >:)
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georgerussell63 why do you need to do it aggressively?
yourusername because why not?🤷‍♀️ georgerussell63 because aggression is not the answer 🤨 yourusername says who? >:( georgerussell63 says max yourusername that’s a lie.
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, & 1.398.244 others yourusername guess what’s finally here! to everyone asking, i’m doing fine, don't worry.
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charles_leclerc okay so there was definitely more than one asking if she’s fine, who else did?
maxverstappen1 i did danielricciardo i did landonorris i did lewishamilton i did yourusername you all did 😑 oscarpiastri like everyone??? 🤔 yourusername as in everyone on the grid, even a few not on the grid anymore. the next one asking, will be feeling my greatness. logansargeant if that’s a threat, max should be the next one asking maxverstappen1 what the fuck
yourusername (chicago fire spoiler)
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, & 2.542.658 others yourusername this idiot forced me out of the house (i was very busy and comfortable watching chicago fire) and now i’m at the track?????
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maxverstappen1 you’re welcome
yourusername i’m not thanking you. i’m fine maxverstappen1 then why were you crying? yourusername uhm because otis just died and he was a good character georgerussell63 SPOILER WARNING??? OTIS DIES?? yourusername oh whoops yeah he does. very sad. very cryable.
charles_leclerc max is right yn. you need to get out a bit more.
yourusername aww charles defending his boyfriend
user3 yn is hanging out with the drivers???
user 4 well yeah. she and max have been friends for quite some time now. she's been to a few races as well user3 woah how did i not know?? user4 she kept a low profile because her boyfriend (or ex) didn’t really want it to be too public. she did take photos with some fans but asked of them to not take photos of her and her bf. how the paparazzi didn't catch them is a mystery to me.
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, & 2.990.363 others maxverstappen1 isn’t she cute when she’s being sad in the rain on top of your car so you can’t drive her home?
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yourusername now why would you post this? :(
maxverstappen1 because you got yourself sick. yourusername that’s not a good reason danielricciardo because he loooooooves you maxverstappen1 shut the fuck up daniel yourusername shut the fuck up daniel
user5 max and yn having matching responses to daniel saying max loves yn is super cute imo
alexandrasaintmleux i would never post pics like this of you 💕
yourusername we should leave them and go live happily ever after 🤭 charles_leclerc you do know we can see your comment right? alexandrasaintmleux oh so you can see? 🤨 charles_leclerc I SAID I’M SORRY
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, & 1.207.087 others yourusername oh? had a lovely dinner. thank you anonymous man.
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maxverstappen1 looks cozy 👀
yourusername definitely enjoyed the company 🙃 danielricciardo i feel like there’s secrets here 🤨 yourusername like what?
landonorris looks a little like max
oscarpiastri what if it was me? then i would be hurt by this statement :( landonorris well you and i spent the day together yesterday  so i know it’s not you.
user6 okay but the power duo that is max and yn
user7 if it is max
user8 if he makes her happy i guess that’s great? ❤️ by author
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fics-lovebot · 3 months
fushiguro toji fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
disclaimer: if you came back looking for that one fire fic and you can´t find it, it´s bc it doesn't exist anymore :( so i deleted it
LAST UPDATED: 08/08/2024
unprecedented reveal - ( @spideyyeet ) smut, fluff, mma!toji, journalist!reader, lowkey angst, "photo leaks of toji going down on you in public is suddenly exposed for everyone to know about the infamous fighters girlfriend" wELL dssdfh that´ll do it
will always be yours - ( @nezuscribe ) smut, fluff, so basically toji only does rough sex, doggy style being his fav, but when it comes to you he prefers the loving-face to face-intense eye contanct type of sex (more like love making) bc being with you makes him feel ten different emotions at once :) DÑFLJSLDFJ
ridin dirty?! - ( @screampied ) smut, mechanic!toji, the beggining had me giggling and blushing sdlfhlsjh, he´s too fucking cocky lmao, writing his number on her asscheeks and stuff
due date - ( @sleepymarimo ) fluff, big scary dad!toji, UGHHH LOVE ME SOME FLUFFY TOJI
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anitalenia · 4 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. 𝐎𝐇, 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋, 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐓 𝐀 𝐒𝐌𝓘𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 . ♡ 𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑐𝘩 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑒. 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕. 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 ♡ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ dark knight!joker x fem!reader ♡
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ suggestive content, mature content, reader is spoiled but not a brat, reader isn’t necessarily a good person, joker is lowkey your sugar daddy, inner turmoil and lowkey delusions, joker being manipulative ♡
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ slight dark content, a lot of emotional turmoil with reader, lowkey brainwashed reader ♡
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ this is actually like my fav. Joker, I miss him 😞 hope you enjoy ♡ also, this isn’t my best merged gif but I haven’t done one since my wattpad days 😫 2017 era 🕺🏻 Sorry this has no smut in it, but this is my first joker fic so I wanted to do something tame. I’m not sure how I would approach writing smut for him 😭 he cray cray. I do like this idea though so I’ll probably expand on it somewhere down the line. ♡
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ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ♡ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐍. This was a fact constantly paraded around your face everywhere you went in Gotham City. It was in the front pages of newspapers most often, written in big, black, bold letters that the bad man had struck again. Murder, ruination, destruction, robbery, devil — all synonymous with his name, all written in big, black, bold letters.
It would be written in the same newspapers, more often than not, that were shoved into dingy trash cans and sold at corner stores. A big gray photo of his mugshot plastered right onto the front page of the neatly rolled up papers thrown onto your porch every morning. His face was easily distinguishable and it always made you shiver when you saw it; soulless black eyes topped with a frazzled hair of green.
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It was televised in the local breaking news segments almost every day on the hour, when you’d be sitting at your glass table drinking your morning coffee, wearing that grand red robe that was much more expensive than necessary. It was always the same story; the bad man has stolen millions from another major bank and has somehow gotten away with it, whatever will Gordon do?
The joker. His face, those beaming crimson lips, they were plastered on the tabloids and the front pages of magazines and painted across the wanted posters that hung on every light pole installed on every block in the grandest city of grime.
He was everywhere you seemed to be, watching, smiling, plotting. His scarred face a shadow in the back of your mind and his maniacal laugh an echo that lingered behind your every thought.
He was in every reflection and sprinkled around every corner; the yellow tape wrapped around the ruins of a building, the joker playing cards mockingly laid out in the street brushing past you in the soft breeze, the eery quiet after nightfall and the laugh dancing in the empty streets everyone pretends to not notice.
He was like a ghost, your own personal demon you couldn’t just brush to the side and ignore. His presence was constant and persistent even when he wasn’t there, gnawing at your sanity like a feral dog thin and hungry, the memory of his smile found in the cold corners of your house and his sourly sweet musk soaked into every pore of your polished home. His very existence haunted you, as you were sure he intended.
No matter the source the message was always profoundly clear to you; you could never escape him.
You belonged to him in his own possessively twisted way you could never rationalize with a sound mind. You were his and he loved to entertain that notion in front of you as often as he could. He had spared your life that night in a carefully orchestrated plot to ensnare you, wrap you in his shadow and keep you tucked away in the dark.
You were his.
Yes, That was a fact that blared in your mind as loud and as simple as big, black, bold letters.
You were his.
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Today was a dreaded day for you for one fatal reason and one reason alone. Today was the first of November, a very dreaded day you had found yourself dreading to face during the whole length of October.
With every beginning of a new month he would take it upon himself to visit you, invite himself into your life once more and disrupt any kind of routine uniformity you had developed. He’d come just to remind you of who exactly you belonged to, of who exactly gave you this life to begin with.
Of course, you would see him sparingly throughout the month when he’d come check up on you unannounced — it was really just a ploy to make sure you were sat put and not planning anything devious behind his back. Those moments were short and brief, sporadic and sometimes only ever occurring thrice within a thirty day period. Those moments were manageable.
He was a busy man he’d always say, too busy to attend to you and your whims.
But now it was the first of the month, the beginning of the month. He reserved those days especially for you, to give you his undivided attention and to ensure you’re properly reminded of your place. Today, Joker was going to come to your door once more with the expectation of you catering to his delusion, with the intention of being with you in every sense of the word.
You had found yourself lingering in bed later than usual, being sure to keep the television off to avoid yet another news story on the man you were going to see later on in the evening anyway.
You had avoided going outside, avoided any newspapers or magazines, completely disrupting your normal ritual in order to remain sane at the expectation of what was to occur later on. You didn’t want to see his face, it only served as a heinous reminder of what your life had become; long fragmented strings orchestrated under his wicked, purple gloved fingers.
You had just sat in your living room for the majority of the afternoon in a sweet green dress with a glass of white wine, reading a thick, verbose book you had no real interest in finishing. It might’ve been a dictionary, but you couldn’t focus on the words anyway to know, your eyes just blindly running over blurs of black ink and dwindling for several long minutes on the same page.
Your fingers trembled and you couldn’t help but gnaw on your bottom lip until it was sore, your wine glass constantly refilled and your throat consistently dry.
A part of you hoped that if you drank enough wine you’d be too tipsy to properly remember your night with him; your efforts were pointless and had been for quite some time. Sadly, your tolerance had heightened many moons ago when you found yourself starting to drink more to abide the anxious time you sat waiting, waiting for him.
These were the tell tale signs of your foreboding nervousness, all attempts of futile idle work to distract yourself from looking at the clock overhead your television.
It was a big flat screen, your fancy television was, with the best surround sound and 4K picture any tv on the market could offer. It was unnecessary and cruelly gratuitous — another flashy thing thrown your away to appease you when all it did was take up space. But, you supposed, it’d be selfish to complain.
As with the tv almost everything in your household had been given to you unmerited by the Joker himself; the diamonds, the fancy silver, the lavish fabrics and the fine jewelry. It was all luxuries you used to admire, now they were nothing but blood money to you. They were all one in the same, all tainted with some sort of sin or another he had committed to get them for you in the first place. You really couldn’t stand to be surrounded by them, to be surrounded by the filth.
But, you supposed once more, it wasn’t necessarily unmerited.
If you were really being honest with yourself he had spoiled you, or better put, he had fooled you. He had dangled all the riches and glamour you could’ve ever wanted over your starved, gaping mouth like a chunk of red meat.
You had been skin and bones before him, suffering, discarded to the side of the road like a diseased dog nobody wanted and he had used that to his full advantage, dangling that chunk of meat in front of your face as a faulty promise to ensnare you in his steel trap.
In your old life — that’s what you liked to call it anyway — before him, you were never able to dwell on superficial things like beauty or fashion. They had no place with you then, no substance, as your life was nothing but a dirty stain smeared in the smallest corner of Gotham that would easily tarnish such superficial things. It was a disastrous life held together by the withered scraps of a run down waitressing job.
You had been poor, incredibly so, hungry for the comfort and wealth you’d only ever see dripping off the fancy ladies you’d serve gin and tonics to in their lavish fur coats and shoes.
You were envious of them, angry, easily able to be coerced into any solution that could fix those feelings.
He had viewed your vulnerability as an opportunity, a moment he couldn’t let pass. He had manipulated you with the hollow promises of a magical land full of diamonds and rubies, one in which you’d never be hurt or forgotten about, one in which you’d get everything you ever desired and all your worries would bleed away, one in which you’d look even better than the ladies you’d serve gin and tonics to with their lavish fur coats and shoes.
You had salivated at the thought.
He knew you had been deprived for so long, deprived of love and care, of the warmth and intimacy only a real home could provide. You had missed that sense of belonging, of purpose, and he knew that in the way he selflessly fed to your greedy jaws of want — you wanted it all. He had shown up like a savior adorned in a purple cloak and green hair, coming to your aid. And despite the terrible rumors you had heard about him, the abominable things you’d seen, you had truly thought he was so for a while.
He had saw your famine, your insatiable appetite, and had raised you prosperity, an abundance of all the food, the money, you could ever want. If only you had seen that his promises were just carefully coated secrets to disguise his true intent, a bountiful paradise concealing the sinister hellscape underneath it.
It all seemed like a dream come true at the time. You had ate the scraps of luxury right out of his purple clothed palm and it wasn’t long before you had realized that you’d ate too much; you’d been spoiled by him, fooled by him, so familiar in the unconventional relationship you had found within him now to ever regret doing so.
You could never go back to your old life now and you knew it, he knew it. You could never go back to the dark, to the sick, to the cruelty of the real world outside of your selfishly curated paradise abundant with food, with money, more than you’d ever had in the accumulation of your whole existence. He had trained you well, fed you so much your teeth were rotten and your belly was full.
If only you had known that there was a price, a trick, before you ever agreed to his terms. If only you had read the fine print in the contract, for there was always a price to pay, a trick up their sleeve, when it came to the matters of a clown.
Yes, you were to be given everything you ever wanted, all the money, the clothes, the makeup, the jewelry, everything, but only in exchange for just one little thing.
Your devotion.
Your devotion to him and to him alone and to only ever him.
It seems meager of course, insignificant and small compared to what you were getting in return.
But no, no you see, because there was so much more to it as there always was to a slippery, two-sided promise. He wanted everything in return for giving you everything in the first place. He wanted your loyalty, your trust, your morals, your essence and your very soul. You were rich in the material sense while he was wealthy in a morbidly different fashion entirely.
He had saved you from the street, gave you food, gave you comfort, gave you a home, and just like a dog you had been blinded by his compassion, too blinded by the glitz and the glamour of his castle to notice the cracks in it’s foundation.
He had saved you, fed you, comforted you, clothed you, his loyal pet, bound to his side forever now with a diamond studded collar, your leash tied to the sinister intricacies of his pale hands.
Now, now you were his in all of your totality, a helplessly devoted, hypocritical bitch dressed up in blood-stained diamonds.
There was no saving you now. You were too far gone, too spoiled by him to ever give up your riches for sanity’s sake. He had filled you with that sense of belonging you desperately craved, your existence catered to him and his needs in exchange for a modicum of companionship.
As time went on you had come to loath your two story home and its white walls, its glass tables and expensive vases, its flower ridden garden and its white oak gazebo. It was too extravagant now, each shiny object digging a hole further in the hollow of your chest where your morals were supposed to be. Now it was all material, all superficial, all things given to appease you yet they only took up space.
But, you supposed for a third time, you could never give it up and go back to the way things were. Yes, you hated this house and its white washed walls that seemed to expand and swallow you whole, digesting your cowardice and greed, but you loved that it was all yours and no one else’s, you loved that he spoiled you and only you and you alone, that in a weird, twisted way you had his devotion just as he had yours.
You hated him and all his complexities yet you needed his company and praise. You were a poor, desolate creature lapping up any semblance of gold and care he spared you. Sometimes you’d wonder if there was better for you outside of your white-walled prison, but then he’d stroke your hair and call you a good girl and you’d wag your tail like it was all forgiven, like you were foolish for even thinking such a thought in the first place.
Yes, you were just as you said, a helplessly devoted, hypocritical, bitch.
You filled your wine glass up once more once the sky had settled into a sheer blue hue, the yellow tainted liquid filled to the edge of the glass as you looked at the clock pasted on the white wall over your fancy television with the fancy surround sound and the fancy 4K picture.
You took a heavy sip of dreaded excitement as the clock struck seven.
He’d be here any minute now.
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“So, how ya been, honey? After all it’s been a month since the last time I saw you. I was starting to miss you, ya know. Miss ya real bad. Miss that pretty little smile on that pretty little face…” He drawled out slowly in that scratchy tone of his, his voice gritty and raw, fragmented.
You swallowed nervously as his fingers delicately traced over the skin of your cheek from where he stood in front of you, his black painted eyes looking up at you from the bridge of his nose.
He was hunched over in front of you in the stillness of your living room, amidst the white, both of you stood by the red couch yet he was taller than you as always, clad in his signature purple suit and gloves to match — they were soft on your cheek in the fleeting touch he spared them.
You looked back at him with a measly gaze, breath trembled with the subconscious fear you got whenever he was too close to you. His aura was palpable and dark, and with his irritable tendency to step into your personal space it seemed to swallow you whole and make you uncomfortable (not that he really cared). But you also guessed that if you belonged to him trivial things such as boundaries didn’t really apply.
On the other hand, you couldn’t deny that your body wantonly sought out his whenever it sensed him near — the flutter in your tummy, the tightness in your legs and the excited buzzing in your hands. It was an irritating betrayal to your logical mind, who knew wanting him was wrong yet was left wanting anyway.
You had been steadily convincing yourself it was just the symptoms of Stockholm syndrome, but you were not kidnapped and he was no captor… well, in the literal sense of the word. But, maybe that’s exactly what this was; you doubted he’d ever let you leave him anyway. Unfortunately, you knew your affections weren’t as simple as black and white. Really, your feelings for him were a puzzling paradox locked in a spinning box better left unopened, lost somewhere in the dark abysses of your mind better left unexplored.
You inhaled a soft breath, blinking up at him as time, in your altered perception, seemed to stretch and bend into a warped mirage of endless minutes and infinite seconds as you found yourself lost in your own thoughts, the smell of him tickling your nose pleasantly.
He smelt of smoke and something sickly sweet, scents that reminded you of cane sugar and the residue of a house fire. His hair was stringy and green, slicked back away from his messily painted white face that seemed to bore into yours.
Your body was tense, back straight and chin up, your arms sternly at your sides as you were too perturbed to know what to do with them. You were awkward, more than usual, having not seem him in an uncharacteristically long time. You had forgotten what pleasantries you used to rely on when he was around, any automated responses you were comfortable with using lost in the fluffiness of the clouds where you’d never find them again.
You were clueless as to what to say, not wanting to give in to this odd domesticity he was portraying and actually be nice to him, but you also didn’t want to risk it and be rude either. He was an unpredictable creature at nature, confounding and bipolar so it took very little for his switch to flip completely. You’ve witnessed that first hand and it made you incredibly wary.
Joker hummed at you then, blank eyes staring at you expectantly when a few moments of silence passed following his question — you hadn’t really paid attention, his touch leaving you stunned and his fragrance leaving you questioning. He rolled his eyes at you, big hand curling into a fist and playfully knocking at your forehead.
You grimaced at the feeling, body jolting from his touch ever so subtly as his dark voice rasped in your ears once more.
“Uh, hello, anybody home? I asked you a question, it’d be rude not to answer it. You have better manners than that, my dear. Go on, tell me, I’m curious now…” You watched as his tongue quickly flickered out in that weird way it always did, his jaw clicking in the blink of an eye. It was a tick you had noticed fairly quickly after meeting him. He couldn’t help it but it disturbed you nonetheless, an ode to his insanity.
You swallowed the dryness in your throat, head feeling fuzzy as you blinked up at him.
He looked at you with straight lips and bored eyes, already expecting a response you were late saying.
“I-um, I’m sorry I was just distracted. I’m fine, thank you for asking. Nothing new has-has really gone on…” You cleared your throat, releasing a steady breath to calm your buzzing nerves. You looked up at him sheepishly, timidly, as he regarded you clinically, like a surgeon trying to dissect a lie.
You could understand his vexation; you yourself were gradually becoming irritated at your lack of attentiveness. Maybe it was because you hadn’t seen him in so long that was throwing you off balance… or maybe because he seemed much handsomer now than he did then. Maybe your loneliness was making him seem much more appealing than he ever was.
Whatever the case may be, you still felt delightfully anxious, a bubbly sick feeling in your tummy that was oddly giddy yet nervous, like you were talking to your crush for the first time. You hated that feeling but could do nothing to deter it.
He smacked his red painted lips, a low displeased hum sounding from the back of his throat, “Mm, distracted, you say? And what are these… distractions, hmm?” His voice was low and clipped, cocking his head at you as he leaned just a little bit closer to you. It was almost a dare to see if you’d avoid the question altogether, his shadow enveloping you in an ironically terrifying way the back of your mind cringed at.
You were unsure of what to say exactly, crippled under his dark gaze and frowned smile as he stared down at you heatedly. His eyes were always so intense and smoldering despite seemingly holding nothing at the same time, blank and emotionless beads sat in the emptiness of inky black pits.
Your lips parted but no words seemed to sound; you were lost entirely in the ebony abyss of his eyes, not sure what to say or how to respond as you were just spewing sentences you yourself barely understood. You were just too busy talking to appease him that you didn’t even listen to a word you said.
“Well, tik tok dearest I don’t have all night.” Joker said numbly, gravelly, staring at you almost irritably for your odd behavior.
Even he seemed to notice your sudden shyness and it was starting to irritate him; you never seemed to have this problem before nor did you ever seem so agreeable. He was greatly familiar with your rude quips and pessimistic sarcasm yet he hadn’t heard a single one out of your mouth tonight.
How odd, not that he was complaining. He preferred you compliant, malleable.
You gulped once more, your gaze flickering down to his flattened red lips then back up to his eyes, hopefully before he noticed the action.
You looked back at him, clearly nervous for no evident reason, “Well I was just thinking about the last time I saw you. It has been a while…” You managed to formulate a legible excuse, voice soft and almost dainty as you looked up at him doe eyed.
You licked your dry lips as you regarded his expression to your statement; it seemed your words flowed easily from the whispers of the heart, ones you weren’t especially keen on sharing yet seemed to share anyway. They just seemed to have spoken themselves before you could stop them… he was just too close, much too close, it was fogging up your ability to think rationally.
His eyes seemed to register your words, brow flicking subtly in interest like you’d caught him off guard — you most likely did as you yourself weren’t even prepared to hear what you just said either.
He stared over your face heatedly, eyes an inky black, prodding with amusement and curiosity yet he just seemed to stare at you. The air shifted then, warmer now, more suffocating, as you felt your heart start to race at the close proximity and eye contact.
You could feel yourself start to panic slightly at the unexpected moment of intimacy you hadn’t meant to initiate, but you were also curious as to what he would say… maybe he’d surprise you. As you said, he was conclusively unpredictable and erratic, always leaving you guessing. Maybe he’d say something a part of you wanted to hear.
He was tall and narrow in the white expanse of your living room, a dark purple blotch stained on cream colored sheets, so out of place and vaguely threatening it made the air feel thick and smothering. You were finding it hard to think clearly with him this close to you, smelling like he did with his proper purple suit and shiny black shoes.
He was more polished today than usual, not so unruly and scraggly as he usually was… you could even make out the muscle sculpted underneath the confines of his purple suit and the way it tailored to his size perfectly and complimentary.
Maybe he tried to look good for you. Maybe just this once.
You couldn’t dwell on that thought however at the sound of Joker’s voice snatching your attention once more.
He seemed to have found your response funny, letting out a wheezy laugh as his smile seemed to stretch across his scarred face for eons. You were too tense to laugh, watching as he did instead, standing idly by in confusion on what could’ve revoked that kind of response out of him (perhaps even slightly offended that he would dare laugh at your showcased vulnerability).
But, you also knew trying to make sense of the Joker’s actions was entirely asinine. His whole being, his whole existence, was made to be senseless and absurd. You’d have to be his crazy to understand his crazy, a level you weren’t quite ready for.
He finally looked at you after his giggles transpired, regarding you with amused eyes and a wide smile.
“Ahh, so what you’re really saying is, you missed me?” He grinned, cocking his head at you animatedly, his yellow stained teeth bright in the dark expanse of his mouth.
You didn’t reply, too stunned he would say such a thing and too frightened by the pumping in your chest and the words caught in your throat. He was bold, brave even, for saying such a heavy thing so simply. You eyed him astounded, opting with your shaky silence as a reply instead.
Joker scoffed at you, rolling his eyes dramatically once more, “Well go on, tell me. Tell me you missed me, say it. It’s not good to, uh, lie to ourselves, is it? Honesty is, and always will be, the best policy.” He grinned sarcastically, his warm hands flinging around his face in a dramatic gesture to emphasize his words, his arms long and not too muscular, adequately thin and yet still capable.
He chuckled darkly, handsomely, now eyeing you in a twisted fashion much different than you did; he wanted to hear you say it, tell him, confess to him, submit to him. And it gave him no greater pleasure than breaking you down to crumbs in his palms… his to use as he pleases and his to do whatever with as he pleases.
But, on this specific matter, he just wanted to hear you say it. He was fully aware of how much of a struggle it would be for you to do so, finding sadistic pleasure in your obvious discomfort.
You gulped again as agnostic revelations pulled at your weak heart once more… had you missed him? Maybe you did, but maybe only in the sense that isolation made you desperate for any form of contact, maybe only in the sense that loneliness made you crave connection. Sure, you’d say you missed him, you’d say you missed him the same way seclusion made you miss anybody, the same way an uprooted flower would miss its green pastures.
However, had you missed him specifically? To be honest, you didn’t want to dig too hard for the answer, entirely too afraid you’d unearth the truth you purposefully buried deep in the dirt a long time ago. Your mind was fragile enough already, deteriorating slowly and gradually the longer you denied and embraced your oddly infatuated companionship with the man in front of you.
You were sure that if you epiphanized to any serious truths you werent sure you wanted to admit your mind would atrophy into a numb, lifeless thing hanging onto the remembrance of Jokers smiling face, left rotting with the harsh witness marks of his perverse adoration.
You blinked at him, mouth going dry and fingertips pulsing as you mumbled out what you only could, “Maybe I did…”
Yes, still the truth — enough so as to satisfy him — but not the whole truth you wouldn’t dare say out loud, not even in the uncertainty of your mind where Joker lurked in the darkest and brightest corners of, easily susceptible to your every thought and feeling.
You couldn’t take that risk of him knowing you inside and out. You needed at least something to yourself, something not shared with him even if it was your own darkest thoughts and desires.
Joker hummed delightfully at your response, giddy at your honesty and the way it made his stomach flutter with black-winged bats.
His eyes closed shut and he seemed to burst into a fit of elated giggles that had his foot stomping on the ground. He covered his mouth with his hand and laughed, laughed so much it disturbed you yet you found yourself blushing anyway.
How pathetic could you be? So enamored with the same man you loathed entirely.
Joker seemed to gather his wits after a moment, a grin still on his white face as he approached you once more, but this time much, much closer than before.
“Oh, oh isn’t that just sweet. You missed me, did you? That’s just what I wanted to hear.” He almost growled possessively, his limber arms quickly wrapping around the lower curve of your waist, hastily pulling you into his sturdy chest with a delectable purring noise that shook through his ribs and reverberated onto the palms of your hands.
Your own breath escaped you in a gasp as your hands smacked into him, breathless and shocked at the sudden contact and closeness. You were quite unprepared for this, your heart racing in your ears and your breaths warm and heavy from such close contact after not having any for so long.
As soon as you touched him and he touched you it felt like something inside of you burst, flooded your internal systems with a need so violent you couldn’t pull away no matter how much your frail mind told you to do so.
You welcomed the embrace naturally, disregarding any logical thought as a soft exhale left your shaky lips. Over time you had learned to smother out your inner sagacity until it was just a dull ache in the back of your skull you could easily ignore.
You welcomed the warmth of his chest and the feel of his foreign embrace, enjoyed it even after a month of not a single touch or sound from another human. You really were so brainwashed beyond your own understanding. You sought him out yet desperately wanted to resist him; you wanted him to hold you and appease you yet you wanted him to leave, leave forever and never come back.
Still, you found yourself melting into him against your volition with a stuttering breath, muscles tense as you still considered letting go but knowing you weren’t going to. You felt comforted and safe in the absence of space between your bodies, something contradictory and confusing as he was very, very dangerous and most likely bound to hurt you with any wrong move you made in your shared future.
You were still sane enough to acknowledge at least that…
Again, you smothered that flame of rationality burning in the back of your head and didn’t bother denying him, mind going blank and empty as your manicured fingers tightened around the folds of his jacket. You exhaled with a soft tremble on your breath, slowly looked up at him with parted lips and darkened eyes.
He looked down at you all the same, eyes delectable and merry yet with carefully concealed undertones of something darker, something evil that resounded brightly in the darkness of his eyes. Maybe a flame of his own he was embracing rather than ignoring, something more sinisterly amatory you didn’t dare question any further as he went to lay his down on your shoulder.
“Ahhh, you smell sweet. Deliciously sweet. You wear perfume just for me? Aren’t you a doll.” He chuckled huskily at his own statement, voice muffled and gravelly like stones on rough pavement. He set his head into the crook of your neck, his cold cheek resting on the warmth of your shoulder.
His two hands were snug around your midsection, fingers digging into your skin sharply like you would dare push him away and run out the door. He couldn’t ever let that happen. He needed you here, with him, could never imagine you running away unless you wanted the city to drown in its own blood.
He’d find you of course. He’d always find you even if it meant burning the whole world to do it.
You swallowed thickly as his fingers tightened on you, looking at the plain wall behind him as your hands dug into the velvety fabric of his coat.
This position was oddly intimate yet very much appreciated. He was always a touchy man, never bothered keeping his hands to himself but they were mostly just meaningless touches, touches meant to annoy and distract you, not sweet embraces meant to console you and romance you.
You felt his warm breath caress your neck as a beat of silence passed, buzzing in your ears with the sound of your breaths. It was ticklish and gentle, a pleasant low hum sounding soon after.
You couldn’t help the goosebumps that rose on your skin from the purposeless action, your eyelids fluttering at the pleasant sensation as he breathed once more.
You were completely shrouded in him now; his sickly sweet scent, his hair tickling your jaw, his strong arms wrapped around you, his raggedy breaths soothing the skin of your neck. It was all overwhelming and all encompassing on your senses. All you could feel was him, see him, smell him… it was making your mind drown in its own deranged splendor as thoughts of wisdom and logic seemed to wither away into ash and smoke.
A cruel metaphor simply portrayed for how similar it was to your own real life. Shrouded by him. Controlled by him. All him and only him.
You could feel your sanity literally slipping away from you the longer you tried to rationalize the hunger biting at your stomach. You could feel it sliding down your body and melting at your heels like you were in the dawn of a new age, shedding old skin and starting anew; a catharsis of your own lunacy as you found yourself craving him to be closer, to hold you tighter, to meld himself as one with you so you’d never have to be alone again.
Another beat of silence passed before you spoke once more, something your mind didn’t want to register but your heart seemed eager to scream.
“I wanted to look good for you.” You mumbled quietly in the small space between his ear and your pink painted lips, eyes flickering down to his green hair then back to the wall as the whiteness of it seemed to blur around you so all you could focus on was him, your savior, your capturer, your most abominable admirer; your nightmare living in a daydream.
You don’t know what made you say it, what made you whisper it into the absence of noise, but maybe it was the way he held you against him like he didn’t want to let you go. Maybe it was the way he hummed lowly on the skin of your shoulder pleasantly and soundly, content to stand with you in the center of your white living room and be the only source of comfort and color you could ever have again.
Perhaps it was the sense of belonging you always craved and now felt in the warm crevice between his arms that made you confess it, of that same sense of purpose he had promised you all those months ago.
“Did you now? For me? Well aren’t you a darling.” Joker hissed the word into your cheek, wet lips rubbing against your skin as he picked his head back up upon hearing your voice.
Your eyes closed momentarily at the feel of his lips on you, a burst of tingly sparks pulsing through your entire left side as neediness crept into your palms. You held him tighter when he seperated his head from you, not wanting him to go now, wishing for him to stay, to keep holding you and to never release you into the cavern of cold that was your soulless living room.
His hands stayed where they were much to your enjoyment, his broad chest still pressed against yours as he looked down at you with a dead yet pleasantly satisfied expression. You had been with him long enough to identify the subtle cues in his rather stagnant facial quirks.
He smacked his red lips, releasing a gravelly hum once more as he cocked his head at you. Observing the way you looked up at him with so much… devotion.
It was written all over your face in bold black marker, eyes glistening with vehement devotement that made a wheezy chuckle bubble in his scratchy throat.
He felt ecstatic, warm fuzzy feelings he didn’t know the word for swirling around in his empty stomach and clearing away any cob web stuck to his dark heart.
Yes, yes you were his and you’d always be his no matter what you had to say on the matter. He had decided it a long time ago and will enforce it for the rest of the many lives you’ll suffer through together.
Your head felt fuzzy, eyes heavy and breaths low and lagged as you stared up at him earnestly. You could feel the arousal pulling at your gut, the admiration stirring in your heart as you looked up at him. He was handsome, so handsome even with the scars, even with the paint, even with the villainous degeneracy hidden under the scarred flesh.
You had him, you had him almost as entirely as he had you and you knew it, he knew it… but you could never say it out loud because you fear the repercussions if you ever did. If you ever completely, entirely, unconditionally gave yourself to him in every sense of the word. But, to your dismay, or to your satisfaction, you already did in a lot of ways.
However, admitting it, fundamentally giving yourself to him, you knew that would be the last straw for your dwindling sanity. You were already so severely fragmented, stained with so many cracks and blemishes that just a simple touch would shatter you.
Your mind was all you had left, all that was left of value. Everything else belonged to him. Your soul, your body, your life. But it was really hard to focus on such noble things when he was this close to you; a handsome, devious, shadow glooming over your light and dimming it completely, smelling the way he did and looking at you the way he did with this peculiar act of tenderness.
It did nothing but aid your arousal further, his hard yet gentle touches and intense yet glittering eyes.
Joker regarded you intensely, his own morbid admiration for you leaking through his palms as his left hand started to glide up the curves of your body slowly and meticulously.
He slid it around your waist, his eyes following the motion to gawk at every dip and curve he touched that was masked by your pale green dress. His finger tips pressed into your skin, into your stomach as his palm stretched upwards, feeling you like it was the for the first time, like it was solely done to tease you.
The tingling sensation pulsing through your thighs, tingling pleasurably on your skin underneath his eager hand, it all made your breaths quicken and pulse jump. You stared at him lustfully now, submitting to your own delusion as you found yourself wanting him. Strongly.
Eventually his hand made it to the valley of your breasts but he made no extra moves to touch them directly as he would in the past. He was abnormally patient, not so frantic with his touches almost like he was calculating them, so unlike his usual nature.
His eyes looked at the areas of your chest he didn’t touch though, heavy and dark, stirring with a lust of his own just as intense and passionate as yours as his thumb grazed the skin of your left breast.
Your breath stopped for a moment, eyes boring into his face even though he didn’t look back at you, eager to see what he’d do next. There was a small, very minuscule part of your brain utterly disgusted with yourself for wanting his bloodstained hands on you in the first place.
You did not listen to it, core hot and clenching around nothing as you stared at him, hyper aware of his hand smoothly sliding up your neck now.
A very vulnerable place, exposed to the unforgiving grip of his palm if he so chose to squeeze the life out of you. You didn’t stop him even as that thought crossed your mind, too hypnotized by his essence and touch to deny yourself the luxury of feeling it.
He looked at your face then, black, hungry eyes flickering up to yours as his fingers wrapped around your jaw and pressed harshly into the fat of your cheeks.
You inhaled sharply at the sting, letting out a hiss as your cheeks dug into your teeth.
Still, you found pleasure in the brutality of his touch, fingers digging into his coat so hard the tips of them burned as you stared back boldly into his starved, manic eyes ablaze with something dangerous and predatory.
You felt something similar sitting heavy in the pit of your gut, something untamed and primal that needed him inside you as importantly as you needed food to eat. It was fierce and wild, striking roughly under your skin like whips and rattling like chains for a taste of what only he could give you.
He forced your head back with a gentle push on your cheeks, eyes crackling with the fervor of a black flame as he inched forward… forward… forward, until his scarred mouth was right above your parted lips and his straight nose was tapping against yours.
You breathed heavily now at such close quarters, so pent up and overstimulated you were confused on whether you wanted him or utterly hated him. But with a need so intense it stung your core and shook your soul, with your stomach so tightly wound together and aching, with the space between your thighs pulsing and dripping for something to appease it, you regretfully, indubitably knew your answer.
He was your answer, him and his skilled, frazzled hands and forked tongue; the serpent tempting you to corruption, to rid yourself of any semblance of innocence you had left.
It was the loneliness you told yourself, the loneliness that made you feel such a way for him. Although, it wasn’t loneliness that made you stare up at him like a horny, doting slave bound to his every wish and desire. You made that choice all on your own.
“You know… I always wonder how I found such a sweet thing like you. So lost, so pathetic. I almost pitied you, really I did…” He grunted lowly, voice a gravely, manic hiss that had your skin crawling pleasurably.
You didn’t dare look away from his gaze as his fingers tightened on your cheeks, not even finding yourself capable of being insulted by his words. You were too enraptured by the rasp in his voice, by the way he stared so intensely at you with equal fervor.
He shook your face for emphasis, your cheeks digging into the ridges of your teeth so hard it stung but you made no move to protect yourself.
The pain only soothed you, made you wetter, only made you more greedy for him and his hands, for the sweet release of pain and pleasure only he could bring you. The pain made you feel something, something other than boredom and guilt these white walls seemed to torture you with, something other than self loathing you seemed to be haunted with.
He was the one that made you feel. He was the one that made you feel like you were still living at all, he was the one that made you feel alive.
He looked over your face intensely, as though inquisitively looking for something beyond it. Picking and prodding at the scattered pieces of your brain for something you didn’t know. His jaw was clenched as he dug his fingers harder into your cheeks, holding your face sternly so you couldn’t do anything but look back at him.
You winced at the pressure, yet your thighs pulsed and fingers tensed for more as your gaze bore into his with sparkling, edacious irises.
“But now I got’cha, don’t I? I have you and you belong to me, isn’t that right, honey? Go on, I want you to say it. Say it now…”
You nodded your head barely in acceptance, eyes glued to him as heavy breathed escaped your lips. You were stuck on him, stuck on the sound of his voice and entirely fixated on his words no matter how deluded they sounded.
“Say it!” He demanded with a rough, agitated voice, tone impatient and thunderous with his demeanor suddenly hostile. He thrashed your face back so hard you yelped.
“Ah! Yes, yes, I belong to you.” You repeated as instructed through clenched teeth, staring up at him with fear blown eyes. He seemed to like your answer as the tight grip around your cheeks dulled slightly.
You panted as the sting throbbed in your cheeks, eyes blown wide and teeth clenched yet you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. He looked crazy but smelt so good, acted like a lunatic but maybe only because he was crazy about you. Crazy about you and only you as his reciprocated feelings seemed to be affecting you the same.
You watched him grin then, something insane and diabolical as giggles erupted from the base of his throat once more.
“Yes, you’re mine. Mine, mine, mine, all mine!” He laughed, jiggling your face in his grip as his mouth fell wide open and his scars seemed to stretch and move in the motion of a crazed smile.
You didn’t laugh with him — you never laughed with him — just stared at him with a newfound fright and even brighter yearning, a yearning so powerful that all you could do was stare at his vermilion lips and the jagged scars cut into either side of them.
Once upon a time you heavily disliked them, was rather perturbed by his disfigurement but now… now they didn’t scare you for he wouldn’t be him without them, those same scars that haunted your dreams yet you couldn’t stop fantasizing about.
Joker’s crazed laughter died down after a minute. A quick minute in your perspective because you couldn’t stop looking at his lips, thinking of them finally leaving harsh bite marks into the hollow of your collarbone with blood red paint smeared over the bruises on your soft skin.
It was a tantalizing thought, one he had initiated many times before yet tonight he seemed to be prolonging the agenda. For the first time ever, you were the impatient one, craving his touch to feel you and satisfy that burning bulb of longing shining bright in the pit of your belly.
He looked at you heatedly, dryly, now standing back to his tall, intimidating stature as his hand released your face from its tight grip. You stared back at him unwavering as he slid it down your jaw tentatively until it was around your neck, resting at the base of it.
You swallowed nervously as he stared hard at the area, gloved fingertips pressing into the skin like he was struggling not to strangle you right then and there.
The thought scared you, how easily you presented yourself to him and discarded any self persevering instincts molded into the strings of your DNA over the course of generations. You were going against your very nature letting him touch you like this but you relished in it, let it wash over you like a pool of warm water.
His other hand swiftly came up and to your face, the pad of his thumb softly tracing over the plushness of your parted lips.
You reveled in the soft feeling it arose out of your sensitive body, a breathy sound leaving your chest like the whisper of a breeze between sheer flower petals. Delicate and dainty, rendering you breathless.
Maybe this was what he meant when he said you’d have purpose again, when he’d promised you belonging.
Yes, you’d have purpose in the sense that you had purpose to him, that he needed you in his own sick, self serving ways and everything you could offer him. You’d always have purpose as long as you stood next to him. Purpose to be found when he was buried deep in your heat and cradled in your heart during the cold evenings spent between Egyptian cotton sheets only his lustful animosity could make warm.
Yes, you’d always feel like you belonged as long as you were with him, entrapped in this huge house he graciously gave you with its sickening white walls and disgusting velvety red curtains. Yes, you would always belong to him in the sense that you didn’t have a choice but to be. He has found you and you are now in his clutches, he has found you and you will never be lost again.
You belonged to him. Your heart, happiness, health, and everything else was entirely his. A gruesome sense of belonging twisted in the dire fabrics of his manipulation, intertwined with his body and absent soul. You belonged to him, tethered to him like a ball and chain, a woefully symbiotic bond. 
Even now, with his boney hand around your throat so easily capable of draining your life force you didn’t bother trying to save yourself. Your very existence was interlocked with his and had been since he first laid eyes on you. You didn’t have anyone but him to trust, even if that meant trusting him with your own life and death.
He had the power to let you thrive, as he has proved countless times with his endless money and pointless gifts, giving you a life anyone else could so easily live but he had all the capability of destroying it as well. He was the King of your small kingdom and you were nothing but the romantic whim he could just as easily spare, a victim caught in the crossfire of his demented devotion.
Your life was quite literally in his hands and unfortunately for you he had an unfathomable proclivity to ruin anything he touched.
The thought made you feel shame for yourself, knowing how dumb you were being as drops of lucidity dripped down the cracks in your fried brain yet your lust didn’t deter. You had already acknowledged that you were deranged in your own way, so desperate for connection that you’d find it anywhere. It just so happened you found it here, in his sticky trap you’d never escape from for reasons beyond your own capability.
Joker removed the hand that was on your neck to the other side of your face, cradling your cheeks in his hands with a much more gentle touch than was exhibited before.
“Now, let me see a smile… go on, smile for me. I wanna see a great… big… smile.”
He smiled slightly at that, a dry fleeting motion with no real effort behind it, cradling your cheeks in his palms like delicate birds. His thumbs rubbed the corners of your lips then stretched them into a smile for you. You didn’t resist him, loosening your lips as he stretched them so far they cracked.
You ignored the burn, your eyes showed no signs of happiness as a smile usually demonstrated. Just lustful watery things staring up at him pleadingly, begging for him to finish this act of his and relinquish the pain you were starting to feel in your lower regions.
Your muscles were tense, body longing for him to touch it in the places you needed him most, to carve his admiration into the fat of your hips and apex of your thighs so you’d never lose it. You were dirty with his tainted love anyway, too much to care anymore; could never feel clean.
He stared at your smile with a criminal look in his eyes, a cackle scratching at the back of his throat as your fingers tightened even tighter around his jacket until the edges were engulfed in your own warm palms. You fought the desire to yank his lips down to yours, knowing you should never rush him no matter how impatient you were becoming.
“Ah, ah, ah, there we go. Now isn’t that pretty?” He rumbled fiendishly, satisfied now as his thumbs slid down your cheeks in a frowning motion until your lips gradually reset themselves into a line.
You swallowed once more, staring up at him wantonly as his hands slid down to lock onto your upper arms. Sparks burst where he touched you, your lifeless body abuzz with an invigorating feeling only his greedy fingers could make you feel.
You didn’t say a thing, unable to speak, longing for his lips to touch yours and for his lithe hands to familiarize themselves with the smooth skin of your body as he has so many times before.
You couldn’t imagine how desolate you looked now, so wrecked in the pupils of his glowering eyes as he stared down at you with an intensity you easily recognized, an intensity burning with the promise of wrecking you entirely later on.
“Now, what do you say we go and have a little fun, huh? I’d really appreciate it if you’d do me this little favor. You know I hate to make a fuss but, uh, it’s been a…rough… night.” He mumbled sarcastically in remembrance of something you had no clue of, rolling his eyes at himself as his tongue flicked out of his mouth again, his thumbs stroking the skin on your arms in an oddly patient way.
He hummed with his scratchy voice in the tone of a question, staring down at you blankly in expectation of a yes.
You nodded your head dumbly, so consumed with want that all you could see was him, think of him, him, him, him. Him and his devilish gloved hands and long purple fingers that had killed so many yet only seemed to bring you back to life in the harsh and tender touches they spared you. Blood stained hands, hands tainted with grandeur sin and murder that only seemed to exhilarate and enliven you.
Him, him and his red lips that spoke such curses and cruelty yet kissed you so delicately like a golden star dotted in the blanket of a navy blue sky. Him and his body riddled with scars and imperfections hotly intertwined with yours as he conquered you in a way so similar to how the Roman’s stormed the Greeks. Just as powerful, just as influential, just as legacy lasting.
“Okay.” You breathed out softly in acceptance of his words, of your own delusions, already staring at his lips as eagerly as a lifeless carcass only brought to life by his magical kiss; the most twisted tale of Snow White written in any media.
Joker grinned villainously, cackling at your behavior before his hands tightened their hold on you and he was lunging your smaller body towards his in a messy, much awaited kiss that left red paint smeared over your own lips in the same, wicked smile that he had.
How fitting.
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⋆˚࿔ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ @little-miss-chaoss @ghostslillady @boobaeri @prayingal (I think that’s everyone, hope you enjoy ☺️)
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miniimight · 1 year
first off, I just wanna say how I love how you write izuku like??? my sweet boy doesn't get much appreciation and I'm just obsessed with the scenarios you've made with him 🤭💜 second, would it be okay to request a scenario in which the bnha boys (Deku, Bakugo, any other if you want!) who's been dating the reader for a while but it's a secret relationship- which suddenly gets revealed?
thank you! can't wait for more of your writing! 💜
SECRET RELATIONSHIP GETS REVEALED ! the secret relationship between you and your pro-hero boyfriend gets revealed to the public
with deku, bakugo ( pro heroes )
notes ahaha izuku is definitely one of my favs and ur so right when u say he doesn't get enough appreciation :( but i'm here to change that lol ! thanks for requesting ! idk if this is what you had in mind but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
your boyfriend didn't want his relationship with you to go live because one, he's legitimately one of the most hated heroes by villains and two, the media won't ever leave you alone. he found it better this way, for both of your sakes.
it worked for a while, and though the both of you had to make little sacrifices here and there, the arrangement was more than perfect. that was until someone tipped the media off with one (1) very rare photo of you and boyfie out and about in disguise (a terrible one, at that).
photos of the pro-hero's new companion dominated the internet and everyone was wondering who the mystery person was.
it happened so fast that you and your boyfriend were out of the loop. in fact, you and your boyfriend were out on a secret date when the news exploded.
izuku zipped his crossbody bag up and fitted a black baseball cap tightly on his head. his green curls were hard to miss regardless of any disguise he thought up. he flashed you a determined smile. "ready for our day out, love?"
"born ready," you mimicked his way-too-serious tone. "but won't you relax a bit?"
at your comment, his shoulders stiffened. "why, do i not look relaxed?"
he was standing like his friend, iida—almost robotically, like a sentry who was on high alert. you could see the tired circles under his eyes though the shadow of the cap made them almost invisible. his casual outfit covered one of the essential pieces of hero gear; his gloves. it was almost as if he was expecting something bad to happen.
you drifted to his side, an amused smile on your face. "we've done this before, izu. nobody will notice!"
"at least i have a better chance," he raised an eyebrow at you, spinning you around in his arms. "your disguise is non-existent."
"hey, i'm not the super-famous pro-hero that everyone adores." you stuck your tongue at him, making him smile reflexively.
"it's not my fault i'm so charming."
"oh my god."
a little more bickering and a car ride later, you both arrived at the museum you had planned to tour. the guide handed you pamphlets after welcoming you to the grounds, informing you that she'd take you around the exhibits in a short moment.
"oooh..." you flipped through the brochure, excitement bubbling through you. "there's a lot of things in here."
izuku rested his chin on your shoulder, trying to read as fast as you were flipping pages. his hand enveloped yours in an effort to stop you from turning the pages at a lightning pace— "honey, can you go slower?"
you giggled and thumbed the whole pamphlet, making a little buzzz sound as you did so. "weren't you at the top of your class, izu?" you shrugged nonchalantly. "just read faster."
his hands snaked to clasp around your stomach from where they rested on your waist. an uncontrollable laugh threatened to bubble out of you. "really, 'just read faster'? a little cheeky today, aren't you, love—?"
"uhm... couple at the back, please refrain from pda as there are children around." the tour guide cleared her throat. a crowd had gathered for the next tour around the museum and it appeared as though they were ready to start.
you and izuku jumped away from each other as if you were caught by a teacher in high school, your cheeks heating up from embarrassment.
"sorry, miss." izuku mumbled in a low voice, head hanging. he gave you an amused smile that you returned with a huge grin, accepting the hand he held out for you.
halfway into the tour, the group grew so bored they retreated to the comfort of their phones. hanging around the back, you thought it unusual that so many people began to glance backwards at you and your boyfriend, whispering among themselves.
you caught glimpses of their phone screens, questioning why the hell your face was on them.
you nudged izuku's side to tell him just as the teens in front of you spun around, screaming "it's deku and his s/o!"
you and izuku froze like deers in headlights as the commotion spread through the group.
wait, how do you know? the news just made a story about it today. there's a picture of them here! and besides, he's wearing the same disguise.
you gave izuku a pointed look and he smiled sheepishly at you. "what the heck should we do?!"
"deny it??" he said, though he didn't seem sure of his answer. "that photo?" he talked to the crowd again. "not her."
"yeah, i get it all the time," you chuckle nervously, playing along. you shrunk into his side. the attention was sending shockwaves through your body.
the kids weren't buying it. "well, you're obviously deku." one deadpanned.
"me?" a boxy grin spread on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "no, i'm just... not him..."
seriously, didn't they have specific media training classes at UA for this kinda thing? you rolled your eyes at his response.
"who else has green hair?!" another crossed their arms. "you're so deku."
you both held up your hands, as if caught red-handed by the police. you squeaked, "we're just two random, normal strangers having a date in a museum, promise—"
a kid waddled up to deku's side and pulled his signature gloves out of his pants' pockets, holding them up triumphantly. yours and deku's head slowly turned to watch it unfold before looking at each other almost comically. a long pause followed.
"it's deku and his s/o!" the kid yelled, pointing a chubby finger at the two of you. the whole vicinity was alerted to the famous hero's presence.
you clung to izuku's arms and the swarm encroached on your space, clamoring for autographs, information, pictures—anything they could get their hands on.
to your surprise, deku wasn't the only center of attention. you were asked your name, age, and occupation, where you grew up, if you knew 'their' deku in high school—
izuku's upper arm came under your bum as he leapt back from the crowd at lightning speed, yelling a very apologetic sorry! as he zoomed the both of you away to safety. you screamed as you hung over his shoulder.
he parkoured his way up the museum building, crouching on the roof. it wasn't the first time izuku used his super speed with you in his arms, but holding you like a sack of potatoes wasn't the best position—not if you liked your neck.
he set you down and smoothed your clothes, his hands flying everywhere accompanied by a thousand apologies.
your hands caught his wrist and you gave him a pointed look. "how did they find out? we were super careful."
his concerned expression quickly turned unimpressed. "sweetheart, you have no disguise."
"they believed i was just some random person after we denied it. they already knew you were deku!" you retorted, flicking his cap upwards and allowing the tufts of green to spring out.
he opened his mouth to respond before he snapped it shut. "it's not my fault i'm hard to miss..." he muttered.
you softened and moved closer, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning into his chest. "i'm sorry, jus' a little on edge."
his hands rubbed your back soothingly before he hugged you back. "it'll be okay." he felt something cold against him and he looked down to see you pull out your phone, pressing it against his body as you got to the bottom of this. "hey—"
"it's all over the news, along with katsuki and his s/o." you hummed, scrolling through article after article.
"hey." he repeated firmly. he gently tugged the phone from your hands, slipping it in his pocket. "it'll be okay. i'll make sure you're protected, not that you aren't already, and we'll get you a new apartment, closer to mine."
you sighed. "i'm not really worried about that."
he gave you a concerned look, wondering if he needed to look into your lack of self-preservation. "...you're not worried about someone potentially attacking you?"
you rolled your eyes, lightly swatting his chest. "well, duh, but i know no one can really get past you and your brigade of hero friends." you waved off his concern. "i'm worried about the paparazzi and gossip channels—what if everyone decides i'm not good enough and they pressure you to leave me? what if—"
"i'm going to have to stop you right there," he gave one of those self-proclaimed (but also, he wasn't wrong) 'charming' smiles as he cut into your rambling. "being with you is my conviction. no one's gonna pressure me to do anything except marry you one day."
you blinked, a huge grin spreading on your face. all your worries were gone when you let his words sink in.
izuku realized what he really said. "or... something like that, you know?" he muttered under his breath, color rising to his cheeks as he looked away.
a moment passed as he held you on the museum rooftop, the date turning out much different than expected. he gasped out of nowhere, jostling you out of your thoughts. his little giggle made you suspicious.
"kacchan just texted me something really interesting; he got stuck in traffic and is trying to hide out in his car—oh."
he turned his phone to you. it was a post titled 'NEW!" and underneath was a very blurry photo of you and izuku on the rooftop at that very moment.
you scrunched up your face. "your fans are weird."
he laughed openly. you stared at him with such adoration that you hoped the press got a picture of his blissful face so you could fawn over it later. "have you even read the things they're saying about you?" he kissed your forehead. "i have a feeling they're gonna grow to obsess over you more than me."
you heard the impatient jangle of keys as bakugo called after you. "we're gonna be late for our res, baby, get your beautiful ass in the car."
you giggled as you stuffed the last of the stuff you needed in your bag. you exaggerated a gasp and wagged a finger at him. "take me on a date first, mister."
he rolled his eyes. "i am literally trying to do that right now, but someone ain't listenin."
"fine, damn, i'll go on a date with you." you huffed, keeping up with the bit as you walked past him, tossing him a playful look over your shoulder. he smiled softly, following closely.
you got in the car and watched him with starry eyes. he was focused on starting the car and setting the music, but all you could think of was how good he looked in a turtleneck. he had so much faith in that face mask, though, as you'd told him multiple times that it was a really bad disguise.
"you're starin'." he glanced out his window before pulling out the parking spot.
heat rose to your cheeks. he held his hand out and you laced your fingers in them. he squeezed your hand.
the ride was smooth and calm, the hum of the engine complimenting the mellow yet catchy songs playing. you were jamming out until you realized you hadn't moved in a while.
you ducked closer to the windshield. the light was red, and the traffic was piling up. you pursed your lips, glimpsing at the irritated drivers around you.
"looks like we might not make our res, huh?" you mused. bakugo hummed.
"it's whatever, betcha they'll still take us anyway." he grinned mischievously.
you squeezed his hand, chastising him. "kats, you can't use your 'i'm a famous hero' card on date nights."
"m'just teasing, baby." he chuckled softly, leaning back in his seat. his head rested on his shoulder as he gave you a look. "better get comfortable."
you laughed and let go of his hand, turning fully in your seat to face him. "kats! keep your eyes on the road!"
"why? i wanna look at you." he smirked.
a bright flash made both of you freeze, though bakugo reacted quicker. he sat up in his seat, leaning over the wheel as he peered out your window at the car beside you. the two girls in the front row were fawning over the picture they just took.
he glared. "a couple of fans, i guess?"
you breathed out a sigh of relief. "thank god i was facing away from—"
you squeaked in surprise and reflexively covered your face. you leaned back in the seat to see a couple other teens laughing triumphantly over their rare photo.
bakugo observed your shock and panic silently before he laughed, thoroughly amused.
you groaned, slumping below the windows. "i was talking when they took that picture, i'll look distorted." you whined, voice muffled behind your hands.
he tsked. "i'm sure they got your good side, babe." he was trying to act calm but really his mind was racing at a million thoughts per minute. he had tinted windows. he made sure to make an appearance this morning so people would think he was out hero-ing for the whole day. was this a freak occurance, or...?
you opened your phone and were flooded with articles upon articles of you and bakugo on your dates. in hindsight, yes, those disguises were really bad. those pictures were low-quality but anyone who was anyone would be able to recognize bakugo's spiky blond hair.
everyone was speculating who the mystery person was and how their relationship would be, etc etc. you groaned again as you held up your phone to bakugo.
"what?" he whispered, breaking out of his thoughts.
"come down here," you motioned for him to join you below the window.
he scrunched up his face. "... i'm not doing—"
"come down here." you hissed, pulling him by his shoulder to crouch below the window's line of sight. he blinked, not entirely surprised or against the action. "look!"
he scrolled through, some news pages looking familiar. he sighed. "my agency was starting to talk about these rumors."
"why didn't you tell me?!"
"i thought they'd handle it!"
you pouted and he softened, kissing your cheek. "no one's gonna get a hold of any bad pictures of you, promise. i'll make sure of it."
you smiled. "really?"
he grinned, lovesick. "yeah." so what if the whole world would know you're his? he could deal with the details later.
muddled banging made you jump.
"dynamight, is that your s/o?!" the girls from the car over squashed their faces to the window, cupping their hands around their eyes.
you screamed and dynamight gave them a what the hell look.
he blast through the car roof, holding you by the waist as he soared upwards with loud pops behind him. landing on a nearby roof, he checked to make sure you were okay. all he was concerned about was the frown on your face.
"what, you not comfortable with everyone knowin' bout us?" he asked, voice soft.
you perked up, shaking your head. "no! obviously not. i'm just..." you curled your knees to your chest. "you're a hotshot and you have so many people after you. dunno if i meet expectations."
"who cares?" he scoffed indignantly. "you exceed mine. that's all that matters."
you giggled, your sad disposition quickly morphing into a smile. "yeah?"
"yeah." he assured you, pushing your knees down and swinging them to the side. the momentum made your whole body twist so that you were parallel to him. he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you leaned into his embrace.
"now i gotta call that nerd so he can move our car. we're causin' more traffic."
"kacchan!" izuku chirped, his s/o on his back as he floated in the air. bakugo's face twisted up as if the green-haired boy wasn't one of his best friends.
"hey." bakugo jerked a thumb at his very broken car. "can you take care of that for me?"
"yeah, i got it." with his gloves on, izuku initiated blackwhip. the tendrils snaked around the car and hoisted it into the air, freeing up that lane once again. "did you suddenly get exposed out of nowhere, too?"
bakugo snorted. "yeah, ain't that a coincidence?"
izuku chuckled softly as he nodded. "yeah, super weird."
who could've gotten the jump on two of the most famous heroes' love lives, anyway?
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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judasgot-it · 6 months
Ulterior Motives
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A quick fic in celebration of me finishing this semester, and with one of my fav Tecchou frames (i love my husband mwah)
Scenario: Passing class is literally impossible when your professor has a nice ass. So in order to pass, you show him your tits
[Reader is an adult here. also NSFW warning but like it's really not explicit.]
This course had been a nightmare - it was the second time you had taken this class, and your second attempt was just 'barely passing'. Straight C grades across each test and paper, it almost made you want to scream.
It was nearly impossible to pay attention to your lectures when your professor wore tight pants and button-up shirts, like a whore. He was like candy for your eyes, walking around the front of the room and pointing at the board with his authentic Kyu Gunto sword.
Jesus. What a nerd.
How were you supposed to take notes on the history of pan-Asianism when he didn't even know how geeky he was? And when his shirt couldn't even contain his shoulders?
It was so distracting.
Of course you were close to failing.
Last semester had sealed your fate - you had failed so badly that he asked you to personally take the course again, discussing personal study groups and even asking 'Is everything alright?'
No, nothinh really was. But you can't go up and say 'Professor Suehiro, you're too distracting' when it's just his face.
Professor Suehiro was either ignorant or a masochist, forcing you to watch him stroll across the room and talk about the Russo-Japanese war with a warm voice; you prayed he didn't notice how much you shifted your legs.
Why did you sit in the front again? It wasn't a full class, half of them had dropped out throughout the semester, you could have always sat in the back if you really wanted to.
But god.
Every time you made eye contact and saw the spark in his eyes at the passion for his subject - it made you so happy you had a few more months with him. It was hell trying to focus when he looked at you, but it was so exciting each time he did.
Fortunately, it was the last day you had with him. Which meant that the man who tortured you with his existence would be just another page in your life.
Unfortunately, it meant passing your final exam.
You were pretty sure you were going to pass. This time you had studied and really tried, which was better than you could say than last semester - you had stayed up the entire night and got...distracted. (Professor Suehiro had a public Instagram. Of course, you were obsessed)
But you had a card up your sleeve this time. If you failed, then you had a photo of your tits with your number on the back.
It was pretty obvious what the implication was. You spent time trying to position the camera right, getting the right bra and lighting so you would look as fuckable as possible.
Hopefully he didn't notice that your apartments floors were from the 18th century and belonged in a horror film. It was hard to make the photo attractive when you had such a poor workspace.
Parts of you were really hoping he would call - if you can't use your brain to get through college, surely you can use your body, right? Professor Suehiro was attractive, you would have slept with him anyway, grade or not.
The smarter part of you was screaming at you - this was weird. It's really weird, actually.
But you needed every card you could pull to pass.
So against that small intelligent part of your brain that was beaten to death by regurgitating the semester's course material on the exam, you snuck in a photo of your tits and number into the stapled-together papers, praying to god that at the very least, dealing with the consequences later.
"Oh. Hello Y/n."
Professor Suehiro smiled gently towards you, shuffling papers that you were sure was among the hundreds he had to grade. His hands were elegant as he moved them around - his veins were so beautiful you wanted to bite them.
"You emailed me about my exam? Is there an issue?"
The smarter part of your brain was winning now that you were released from your test anxiety - right after you had left the room, it had won and had stayed winning, making you wish you had never left that stupid photo.
"Not exactly. I did wish to congratulate you on passing this semester - the minimum you needed was a 30, and you scored a 52. That brings you to a 79 as your final grade, if you're alright with that."
His deep voice drawled out the numbers, having them languish on his tongue as he looked down on you.
It was hard to maintain eye contact, so you stared a little past him, observing how his shirt was unbuttoned just enough to show the definition of muscle between his chest and collarbones.
"C's are A's for me. I'm happy enough."
It was like a piece of your anxiety left - finally, this class was over. After you walk out of this room, you would quite possibly never think of the Meiji era again. Ever.
Or the sexiest man alive, which was frankly a little disappointing.
"Are you sure? Student's ask me to round their grades usually, so I offer extra credit."
The brunette tilted his head like a puppy, his golden eyes calculating something as they grazed your form.
Today was one of the few outfits you had worn that wasn't revealing - you weren't even wearing a bra, instead opting for a large shirt and a jacket in order to avoid the discomfort.
Maybe he noticed? Fuck. You hope he noticed.
"What is it?"
Maybe it was a date. Or something better.
Was the photo actually paying off?
"I can text it to you if you'd like, you seem to prefer that."
You couldn't tell if he said this with sarcasm or not, but you nodded anyway. He smiled a little - maybe it was the right thing to say?
Casually, he pulled out the photo you left him, staring at the front for a long, hard moment. His face didn't tell you anything about what he was thinking, but you could feel your face warming up in a normal amount of shame, as his eyes turned to look back at you.
Silently, he turned the back of the photo around, typing in your phone number. His face cracked into a smile, his cheeks chasing his eyelashes as they pulled into little crescents.
"Oh! Yea."
Professor Suehiro wasn't well known for understanding social cues, but you could feel his knuckles graze against your chest, with only your thin T-shirt to protect you.
He was definitely far too close into your personal space.
"I don't think you meant to leave this."
His fingers tapped the photo against your chest, causing a furious red to spread across your face.
"Right. Um...you can keep it, if you want."
Why the fuck did you say that?
The older man just took the photo and stared at it for a moment again - it was so embarrassing, feeling like your chest was some sort of science exhibit.
His golden eyes moved back towards you again, after torturing you for the last few minutes.
"Thanks. Nice bra, by the way."
"I appreciate it, Professor Suehiro."
Was that a compliment or just a statement? His voice was hard to really know anything by, and his face currently didn't say much - he was just the same handsome guy who had been torturing you for half a year with your existence.
"Just call me Tecchou."
He leaned in closer, deciding that your personal space was his own as he fixed the collar of your shirt, tugging it around your neck and dragging his fingers across your skin.
What the fuck was that extra credit going to be?
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This is very self indulgent but like *shrug emoji* anyway im gonna be a bit more active now I guess
Also edited cuz who is letting me post this while fucked up?
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 months
ok so ive been rewatching psychoville and saw on the wikipedia that there were a bunch of websites made for the series (they were all written by reece and steve btw) which i've been looking through cos they are genuinely SO fucking funny & also just amazingly creative lol!
anyway i know people in the fandom probs already know about this (since the show came out literally 15 years ago pfft) but i thought i'd share some of my fav bits (but honestly would just recommend just checking them out if you haven't i have been crying with laughter for literally hours lol)
i will say that a lot of the media (videos, games, etc) no longer work on the archived sites rip but i'm sure people have uploaded some of the stuff (vids especially) to yt or other places lol
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so a) i love that we get some background stuff on jelly and 2) 'captain CRACKERS' bernie clifton's dressing room reference question mark ??????? (ofc bcdr was AFTER this but i know love the idea that mr jelly trained under len pfft)
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what that red raw stump do though 👀 (sorry pfffft)
mr jolly's website wasn't that interesting soz tho i did like him comparing being a doctor to being a clown lol
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the comment about fag bears did make me wheeze i'm afraid lol i also loved the blurry photos of lomax's commodities lol (kinda reminded me of the bit in tlog w/ that terrible old photographer guy lol)
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when i tell you i DIED with laughter at the 'now known as hull' bit like u just know reece wrote that bit pfft
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not really a funny thing but this poem written by david honestly kinda breaks my heart lol... i think it also a lot of additional context to david's guilt when he thought he'd killed his father(faver) because perhaps he felt guilty about NOT feeling guilty you get me? like, it felt to me that when maureen told david it was SHE who killed her husband, it didn't feel like he was mad at her for doing it, but more that she kept the fact from him. it's about... the mutual oedipus-coded obsession with one another that couldn't even be destroyed in death and in this essay i will....
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ghoul_lass23 is just like me but about tumblr lol fr
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nothing feels more cursed than the phrases 'the river minge has burst its banks', 'crying creamy tears' and 'fleshy rapunzel' (which i've just noticed they misspelt lol... don't think that was intentional lol?) so if i had to read this so do you <3
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the way that i kinda wish this actually existed tho pfft... also, it does kinda remind me of that video where jenny nicholson talked about that insane reality show 'opposite worlds' lol
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'cross between seven and glee' is honestly sending me pfft
also on this part there was a script from stinkfinger (which is a show mentioned on the show) which sounded suspiciously like a reference to tlc lol
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the less said about swastknickers the better
(will say i did nearly piss myself laughing at the nazi section of the hoity toity website lol which wasn't a sentence i thought i'd type today lol)
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i just love these kinds of jokes pfft
also the whole biography sections of each of the pantomime cast are fab lol tho i AM kinda pissed they made debbie from yeovil and yet didn't give her a west country accent lol!!! (i guess they thought it'd be a bit much w/ joy being bristolian but i'm still mad about it lol)
also i know people have probably already pointed this out but i do find it funny that brian in the in9 episode last night of the proms is a closeted gay guy who likes watching drag was probably a reference to brian in this show that was a drag queen like... is anything these guys do NOT a reference??? u know those gaylor fans who obsessively look for clues in her songs about her apparent secret sexuality? all i'm saying is that i think they'd really like the extended reece shearsmith & steve pemberton universe pfft
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all three of these made me cry with laughter lol
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ohh this is interesting lol so obviously they suspected that some people might be all 'um why didn't the sprinklers go off during the fire at ravenhill? plot hole much!' so they wrote this into one of the websites so they could be like SEE! WE'RE ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU DUMBASSES lol
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both the jeremy kyle reference (remember when that was a thing? yikes... my mum used to watch his show CONSTANTLY...) and nurse kenshington's thoughts on david and maureen are interesting lol.. also there's a reference to the serial killer top trumps in this bit lol! (do people still play top trumps?? man i LOVED top trumps lol...)
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the entire sunnyvale care home section is so fucking funny (both the website AND in the show lol mrs wren/mrs ladybird face is unironically probably my favourite character on the entire show) these were just some of my fav gags lol...
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ok but why is this the SECOND reference to a guy punching a child who was apparently looking at his dick lol!??!! did this happen to one of you ??!!?!? reece did you punch a child ??!???!?!??
&&&& that's it lol
there were a few websites i didn't spend long on or generally weren't that interesting (coughmidgetgemscough) but honestly? i was really captivated with just how funny and well put together all these sites were! you can tell they had a lot of fun making it and i'm sure fans at the time LOVED being able to have this semi-interactive element of the show lol
there was just something so wonderfully late 00's about these websites lol i genuinely don't think i've laughed this much at anything in literal months and all of this is just solidifies that psychoville is a criminally under-appreciated masterpiece lol
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716chr · 5 months
Chihiro Natsuyaki SSR Story “Dazzling Dancing!” - Part 1
#ちぃとデートなうに使っていいよ /#Feel_Free_To_Use_This_Pic_Like_Ur_On_Date_With_Chii_Right_Now
(TL Note: The hashtag above roughly translates to “Feel free to use this picture (with the hashtag) "On a date with Chii right now”. This (デートなうに使っていいよ) is a common hashtag on X/Twitter where users will save existing photos under the tag to pretend they’re going out with their lovers)
Location: HAMA House
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Chihiro: OMG, yay! Mega win for Chii~☆
Kaede: Did something good happen, Chihiro-kun?
Chihiro: Mana-pii*! Guess what, guess what!?
TL Note: So Chihiro (and a few others) call Kaede “主任”. This title can be translated to the following: “person in charge”, “senior staff”, “chief”, “manager”. I picked “Manager” because it flows off the best, hence, Chihiro’s nickname for Kaede (主任ぴ) will be translated as “Mana-pii” in my translations since I don’t feel particularly fond of keeping it as “Shunin-pi”
Chihiro: So, like, that one pancake cafe that’s been makin’ the big buzz lately is doin’ a collab with Chii’s fav brand, TuRyStA, and——
Chihiro: Chii managed to snag reservation ♪ So now Chii can totes go eat those super adorbs TuRyStA bear pancakes
Kaede: That’s good to hear!
Kaede: I knew pancakes are trendy lately due to the retro boom, but collabs like this is totally unexpected…
Chihiro: They’re not just retro anymore, y’know. ‘Cause pancakes nowadays are steppin’ up their game ♪
Chihiro: Check out this site, Mana-pii. Like, pancakes and fruits are makin’ all the big boom now. That fluffy and creamy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling is totes to die for, ya feel~?
Kaede: Woah, they look so good!
Kaede: Ugh…. Hearing Chihiro-kun talk about this is making me crave something sweet now
Kaede: And I just had dinner too
Chihiro: Ahaha, it happens to the best of us~!
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Chihiro: Heard that Kirokkuma’s gonna go with his lil sis to this collab
Chihiro: It, like, just gives Chii the total sniffies* 🥺 at the thought of goin’ there alone, so Chii’s plannin’ to invite someone too, since 2 reserved seats already in the bag
TL Note: I decided to ‘translate’ マジぴえん / Maji Pien into “total sniffies” for dramatic effect lol
Chihiro: Hey, Mana-pii. Ya free this weekend? Let’s go indulge in sweets with Chii!
Chihiro: Also…. How ‘bout we grab some puddings for dessert right now?
Chihiro: Chattin’ with Mana-pii got Chii cravin’ for some sweets too ♪
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Chihiro: Y’know, as celebration for our reserved seats…. What’d ya think?
Kaede: Uh, but…. I’ve been eating too much lately….
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Chihiro: Y’know there’s always room for desserts, right? Like those that’re extra creamy, with nata de coco on top….?
TL Note: Here Chihiro used the kanji “別腹” which basically stands for “dessert stomach”/“having extra room in your stomach for dessert despite being full”
Kaede: Hnng…. Got it! I’ll have pudding with you today and pancake with you next week as well!
Chihiro: Now that’s the spirit! Mana-pii’s the best, you always get it~☆
Chihiro: Aight, don’t forget our weekend plans, ‘kay? If you forget, Chii’s gonna cry for real!
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Location: Cafe
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Chihiro: Cake ♪ Cake ♪ Pancake ♪
Kaede: Geez, I can already smell it…. I can’t wait for it to arrive
Chihiro: Totally! Chii’s secured the merchs, so now it’s just pancake-munching time!
Kaede: But… This really is a popular collab, isn’t it?
Kaede: It’s thanks to our reservations that we can just waltz right in, but there’s quite the line outside….
Kaede: Somehow, I feel kinda bad
Chihiro: Don’t sweat it, it’s totes fine. Enjoyin’ things like tasty treats and cool places also includes waitin’ in line as part of the fun!
Chihiro: ‘Cause nowadays, there’s even a system that lets you wait in line without actually physically wait in line, right?
Chihiro: But still, if ya linin’ up in front of the cafe, that means that was a deliberate choice!
Chihiro: And, like, just waitin’ for the pancakes to be served while chattin’ you like this, Mana-pii, is already so much fun for Chii…
Chihiro: Chii is sure that everyone outside waitin’ in line is having a good time like us too ♪
Kaede: I see. I guess you’re right
Kaede: Thank you. I was kinda nervous about coming to such a trendy place like this alone…
Kaede: When I’m with you, Chihiro-kun, even waiting is fun
Chihiro: …..!
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Chihiro: Damn, that’s, like, the ultimate compliment ever……
Delivery Drone: Thank you for waiting. Here are your “Stakichi Pancake” and “Turysuke Pancake”
TL Note: It’s probably obvious already but I’m just gonna point it out here just to be sure. “Turysuke” and “Stakichi” are just the word Turysta split in half, with common Japanese name suffix (-suke and -kichi) attached, making them into names
Chihiro: It’s here~!!
Chihiro: No way!? It’s this cute!? It’s so totes adorbs that Chii’s feelin’ like freakin’ out right about now!?
Chihiro: Mana-pii, don’t eat yet! Chii wanna snap a quick pic of Stakichi and Turysuke layin’ side-by-side!
Kaede: Of course. If I’m not mistaken….. This purple one’s called Stakichi, right?
Chihiro: Yep, yep! And, this red one is Turysuke, Chii’s fav bear!
TL Note: Chihiro used “推しクマ” and I debated whether or not I should keep it “oshi” as is but ultimately decided to just use “fav” instead. Since I dunno if everyone knows the whole culture behind “oshi” completely or not (plus, I guess it flows a bit better than writing “oshi bear”)
Kaede: Both of them are so cute… Ah, is this spot good for the drinks?
Chihiro: Okie-dokes. That’s the sweet spot!
Chihiro: First thing’s first, gotta snap some pics for SNS….
Chihiro: ‘Kay, Mana-pii get in-frame next! Let’s take a two-shot together to commemorate our outing!
Kaede: O-Okay
Chihiro: Thanks, Mana-pii!
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Chihiro: Woah~…. This place is, like, seriously Chii’s vibes
Kaede: (Chihiro-kun looks so happy. Just looking at him makes me happy too)
Kaede: (I’m glad we went here together….)
Chihiro: Let’s save the dazzle postin’ for later. Sorry to keep ya waitin’, Mana-pii. Shall we dig in now?
Kaede: Yeah. Let’s dig i——
Chihiro: Actually, pause! We gotta drop a message to the work chat so everyone at HAMA Tours can know ‘bout our date….
Kaede: Th-That’s embarrassing, wait!
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Part 1 | Part 2
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ghouloflove · 1 year
the muse and the wag
when a solo KPOP idol attends the Australian Grand Prix and finds love within a muse
pairing: lando norris x idol!reader
plot note(s): google translated korean. three year age gap (both parties are legal). blackpink is ot3.
fc: rosé (BlackPink)
please like, comment and reblog—always makes me happy!
[ instagram ]
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liked by jennierubyjane, sabrinacarpenter, florencepugh, and 2,309,893
yourusername attended my first GP as an adult this weekend, absolutely thrilling and never realized how much i missed going since i was child!!! especially in the country i spent half of my childhood in, it is always so so special for me whenever i visit 🤍
view all 201,632 comments
sabrinacarpenter what a pretty girl!!! 😘
— liked by yoursername
lalalalisa_m so need to go together, baby! ❤️😊
— liked by yourusername
view all 12,038 replies
yourusername yes yes yes, prettiest date ever 🥹
ynsmymother both my mothers at my fav sport!?
mclaren It was an absolute blast having you in our garage! “On the Ground” from your presence 🤗🫶 Must’ve played into the P6 and P8!
— liked by yourusername, and landonorris
view all 8,032 replies
yourusername Thank you for having meee!! 💖 Best believe it will not be the last :)
landonorris 🧡😜
— liked by yourusername, and oscarpiastri
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landonorizz101 i JUST know hes blushing, the way he kept giggling and shit whenever the camera panned on him and her 😏
craziestloveryn i wouldnt know how to talk to yn either, lando, dw 😔
wdc_rookieoscar oscar def teasing lando rn
— [ TWITTER ] —
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📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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liked by lalalalisa_m, zendya, landonorris, and 2,098,672
yourusername it was the Monaco GP 🇲🇨 with my bestest girls but missing one sooyaaa_ get better soon ❤️‍🩹 Hope all the videos and photos shared all the fun with you 🫶
view all 502,673 comments
lalalalisa_m 그것은 너무 재미 있었다. 그래도 메르세데스는 내 마음을 갖고 있어요! 💖💖 it was so much fun. still, mercedes has my heart!
— liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and more
landonorris Glad you had fun!!!! 🧡🧡🤗 Crazy to have you again with us!!!!!
— liked by yourusername, and more
view all 6,098 replies
yourusername Only extra fun with you guys! ☺️
ynsdearlover …is this flirting or not?
k.f1.pop the no rizz joke is becoming realer and realer…honey…all those explanations marks??? blushin n shit huh 👀
mclaren Y/N, you have such amazing taste 😉
— liked by landonorris, yourusername, and more
view all 4,103 replies
yourusername 🧡
jennierubyjane 그것은 양방��으로 진행됩니다… 😗 it goes both ways
jennienynschild HUH?????
theangelgirlyn jennie…just cuz u typed it in korean does not mean google doesnt exist…wtf??
📍 Barcelona, Spain
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liked by landonorris, florencepugh, jennierubyjane, and 1,093,792 others
yourusername te amo, spain 🇪🇸 always so beautiful and fun to visit especially this time. it was barcelona gp weekend, last one for awhile because it is that time to spoil my angels with music 🎵 😘
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(comments have been limited)
jennierubyjane Only the luckiest see this personal beautiful view 🫶
— liked by yourusername, landonorris, and more
goldenyn HER DRESS AT THE GP 🥰🥰🥰🥰
landonorris Don’t forget to come back 🫵🧡🧡!!!!
— liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and more
view all 9,093 replies
yourusername Sweeettt 🧡
landoyesrizzz you kicking your feets n shit, norris??? 😏
k.f1.pop cute mfs
mclaren Your presence will be missed, but we’ll be here when you come back! 🧡
— liked by yourusername, landonorris, and more
bbgisyn actually fucking serving in that dress, literal definition of all eyes on me 💖💖💖
📍 Barcelona, Spain
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liked by yourusername, daniel3.png, and 302,201 others
lando.png all barcelona structures plus a dog. beautiful visit with all the views i could want 🤍
view all 18,093 comments
lando.png ps some of these were taken on phone 😅
landosupport you did your best, glad you had a fun time outside of racing!!
oscarpiastri i know things
view all 302 replies
lando.png know to how be annoying? yeah I know 😐
ynsdreamy got something to do with ms y/n???
k.f1.pop lando attempt on hinting towards someone?? especially the second photo👀
daniel3.png crazy how photos tell stories
view all 412 replies
jenniesitgirl actually stfu pls just realized my parasocial relationship may be in danger
k.f1.pop i got a dollar and a max verstappen take or leave it
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liked by k.f1.pop, f1wags, and 204,892 others
thekpopgossip :
[ Admin 👻 here to whisper the lastest gossip going around!
It is has not been uncommon to hear that our beloved idol Y/N has been attending the F1 Grand Prix's when she can. She has been open about her interest and love for the sport that had started since she was young and living in Australia, much thanks to her mother. For the past months, she has attended the Australia, Monaco and Barcelona Grand Prix. At the Monaco GP, her closest friends and group members of BLACKPINK Jennie and Lisa attended with her, Jisoo was unable to join them due to the flu. Her go-to team is Mclaren as she is often seen in their garage and actively chatting with driver Lando Norris.
Into this newfound friendship...or possibly more? The driver Lando Norris has been leaving friendly comments since her first attendance in awhile at the Australian GP but he has grown more confident and so has she. Just recently for the Barcelona GP, Y/N and Lando Norris were spotted hanging out outside the tracks with a small group of friends as seen in PHOTO TWO. The lucky fans that spotted and snapped a picture has commented that, "they both looked very friendly with each other [...] Lando kept looking at her with heart eyes almost [...] both of them left together while the others stayed".
These new speculations on their "friendship" had only gotten much more active after Lando Norris posted to his alternative instagram account based on his interest of photography and PHOTO THREE was posted in the photo dump of his race weekend in Barcelona. Fans of both Y/N's and F1 pointed out the hair and the similar hand and jacket in the photo--our dear Y/N. There are also speculations that this was NOT the same day as the hangout of friends, rather a different day...and perhaps a different kind of date 😉
Let's not forget the suspicious comments her closest friend Jennie has left on her instagram especially after the comment from Mclaren, "You have amazing taste"...to which Ms Jennie Kim replied in korean, "It goes both ways 😗". Fans believe Jennie might been insinuating that a certain driver (Norris) and Y/N have good taste...or should we say, interest within each other?
Though, so far, not much has been found if this is a beginning of the soft launch of their relationship or simply a flirtatious and playful friendship between the very two different yet similar people. Let's just look forward to Y/N's upcoming project and for the F1 fans, enjoy the week break!
Admin 👻 has been summoned elsewhere! ]
view all 87,092 comments
k.f1.pop ...fr losing our nations gf to a vroom vroom british "lad"...y/n GET UP
jenniesitgirl my parasocial relationship....NOOOOOO bbg listen to me...this isn't you
verstappenwdc cannot fucking believe the sport is being shitted on by kooopies 🤢
theynschild lets not actually? this is going to be another 2019 scandal of non-existence relationship that'd ruin a wholesome friendship...she went through hell actually :(
view all 42 replies
jenniesitgirl yeah all jokes aside...that wasn't a good time at all...I still miss JK and her interacting but now they steer so fast away from each other and that is actually fucking sad
angelisyn "I woke up, fell back asleep cause I'd rather live in my dreams" :((( she was hurting after that whole scandal
-- [ INSTAGRAM ] --
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liked by landonorris, zendya, vancityreynonds, jennierubyjane and 4,890,213 others
yourusername oh my darling angels, i’m sure you missed some new music so here i present…
“I Was Made for Loving You”, one of the dearest songs held close to my heart. an all english single. surprisingly—well i don’t know, but anyways, this is a song that its lyrics just flowed so freely and beautifully for me. i enjoy thinking of lyrics but this one, it had its own thinking and its own feelings for itself that simply needed to find its way on the paper. i create from what i feel, what i know, what i experience then and now—this is definitely one that had its own muse.
“I Was Made for Loving You” is to be all yours on june 21 🤍
view all 1,032,832
jennierubyjane ooooo pretty prettyy cannot wait 😘
— liked by yourusername and others
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yourusername so sweet too sweet 🥰
florencepugh oh sweet darling, can’t this week go any faster???
— liked by yourusername and others
sabrinacarpetner geeking rnnnnn
landonorris 😝😝😝
— liked by yourusername, and others
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yourusername 🤪🤪🤪
k.f1.pop think theyre broken…
jenniesitgirl welp…my parasocial relationship is gone
lewishamilton 😊 cant wait to listen
— liked by yourusername, and others
angelicyn_ OH GREAT HEVANS
thekpopgossip 👀 love song?
— [ TWITTER ] —
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authors note: got the sudden inspiration to write another idol!reader social au—expect for lando!! i hope you all enjoy this one ☺️ part two should be out soon! if it takes me awhile, it is because im prioritizing my classes before i create something that i do as a small hobby. as i mentioned before, this one is actually following the schedule so it is a bit of a “slowburn” expect somewhat more private. also thank you, thank you all so so much for all the love you’ve shown for my idol!reader with charles 💖💖 always makes me smile!!
song(s) used: On the Ground by Rosé + Spinnin’ by Madison Beer + I Was Made for Loving You by Tori Kelly ft Ed Sheeran
— until next time. 🤍
361 notes · View notes
Introduction to Stray Kids, SKZ
[for my baby-STAY bestie, Nyll]
From what I know personally. Don´t hate me for knowing more about some than others lol. Feel free to comment fun facts about YOUR bias, maybe I´ll add them here!
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DISCLAIMER: For anyone reading this, this article is how I preceive the skz members, some of it might be a personal opinion, so might NOT be factual!
Entertainment company: JYP Entertainment. Their debut was on March 25, 2018. They had a survival show a year prior to that. Chris (Bang Chan) is the one who formed the group by himself, which was unusual, since normally the company does that. So if it wasn´t for Chris, the group may have contained completely different people. The company trusted him enough to do so. The group debuted as a group of 9 members but one member had left in 2019 due to personal reasons. (If you want tea about that, text me.)
Fandom name: STAY (August 1st is our bday.)
Members: 8
Hyung line (eldests): Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin.
Maknae line (youngests): Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N.
Units: 3.
First Unit: 3RACHA: Consists Bang Chan, Changbin and Han. ( The OG unit. This is the unit who creates all their music. Without them the group basically wouldn´t exist. They write, produce, arange and more.) Before making music for SKZ they made music for themselves. You can still listen to those songs on Youtube. That was more rap based.
Second Unit: Dance Racha: Consists Lee Know, Felix and Hyunjin (Since there are 3 members leading in dance. They made a joke to call it a unit, but I feel like it´s a real thing now.)
Third Unit: Vocal Racha: Consists Seungmin and I.N (Same thing here, they are main vocals, that´s why.)
It´s called Racha, because of the sauce, sriracha. Cuz they´re hot.
Current Dorm Arrangement: Dorm 1: Bang Chan & I.N Dorm 2: Lee Know & Han Dorm 3: Changbin & Hyunjin Dorm 4: Seungmin & Felix The 4 dorms are located within 5 minutes walk from each other. 
Mascotte: SKZOO (Let´s see if you can match them to the right member)
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I will introduce the members in age sequence from eldest to youngest. I picked the photos from the ATE album photoshoot. I will type anything that comes to mind. I amazed myself of how much info I know about them. It´s kinda disturbing if you think about it...I need to get a life UWU.
방찬 Bang Chan:
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Stage Name: Bang Chan (방찬) Birth Name: Christopher Chahn Bahng Korean Name: Bahng Chan (방찬)
Age: 27 [ October 3rd, 1997 ]
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 171 cm
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Representative Animal: Wolf
Position: Leader, Producer, Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper
Unit: 3RACHA
Instagram: @ gnabnahc
A bit about Chrissy:
As you know, this man is my bias. A bias is what you call a member who is your favorite. So for you that currently is Changbin Chrissy is also my Ult. Ult means Ultimate, as in your fav member, amoungst all the kpop groups you stan.
Chris likes sports and is very athletic. He can do it all.
Strong, fast, smart, sweet, truely kind, determent, ambitious, hard working, shy, empathic, loyal.
If there is one thing that he loves, it´s the ocean. This man is a true aussie and misses his home alot. But he knows what he gave it all up for. Stray kids.
The group he basically created. He was very young when he moved from Australia to Korea to become a trainee at JYP. He trained for 7 years. He had a hard time seeing his other trainee friends come and go, and became a very cold person. Because he bascially protected himself from being hurt like that again. Towards his members he was also very strict and cold in the beginning, since he loved them too much and wanted them all to succeed. He never wanted one of his friends to leave again, so he worked so hard, day and night to make the group as big as it has become today. I personally stanned them since 2017 and I remember him being that way. Everyone was a bit scared of him lol. But he also tried showing lots of love too. Nowadays that coldness is pretty much gone and nothing but love comes from this man. Although he doens´t forget his position as leader.
He takes care of everything regarding the group and is the first one responsable. There is an insane amount of pressure on him, but he always tells us, that he can handle it. He knows himself better then we do, and we have to take his word for it.
Chris loves Pokemon and One Piece a lot. He watches a lot of Anime. He isn´t that good in gaming, from what I´ve heard from the other members. He says otherwise. TFT is his current fav mobile game. He also has been playing Genshin and he said the new character Xilonen is hot. Besides playing games, Chris usually is just working.
He is a very flirty person on Bubble, but he claims he doesn´t know what flirting is.
He can play the guitar and the piano.
He is double jointed.
Favorite song is Rewrite the stars by Zendaya and Zac Efron.
He hates his thin curly hair. He hates his height. He hates his face card. Basically he doesn´t love himself. Which I don´t get, but us stays cannot change his mind.
He used to do Live streams every Sunday. Called Channie´s Room. I have watched them all since 2019 until it ended last year. He quit those AMAZING lives due to unclear reasons, but I have a feeling it had something to do with- (ask me in real life, it´s too controversial to say on here lol.)
His favorite color is blue. Blue, like the ocean.
He has a little brother and sister. He really looks up to his dad. He wants to be like him one day. He has a dog named Berry.
Chris used to swim. And he is still pretty good at it. But he rarely gets the chance to do it anymore. Nowadays he likes to play soccer or as he likes to say, footy.
He is addicted to his phone.
He doesn´t have a favorite food but he likes anything with meat. Especially the lamb ribs his dad makes for him on the bbq. He had a phase that he only ate Vietnamese Pho. He likes gelatto and he likes the flavour pistachio. Does not drink alcohol or coffee.
He barely sleeps, like ever.
He is friends with a lot of famous people, including Ryan Reynolds. He loves the Deadpool movies. But he took note, to never watch it together with STAY again. He did it once, on Christmas...and got shy when the explicit scene came on. Dork.
He is very rich lmao and currently wears a lot of clothes by Fendi. He used to only wear black clothes from head to toe. But this year he has really improved on his style and figuering out what looks good on him.
Thinks it´s funny to eat spicy noodles even though he can´t take the spiciness. Idiot.
He has a candle warmer with the candle Vanilla Creme brulee underneath it from Yankee.
His favorite season is Autumn.
When he was young he had issues with anxiety. He couldn´t even leave his house. He was affraid to talk to people. But he took his mom as an example and started acting the way she did and overcame his fears.
Also in his trainee years, he dealt with depression (Insert the song 42 by 3RACHA.) He sometimes still feels depressed, and overthinks a lot during the night. But he said, he can take it.
His motto: Just enjoy.
I could keep going for like 44482779837383843 more pages about stupid little things I know about this man, but let´s not lmao. I´ll spare you.
Click here to see random Chris moments!
리노 Lee Know
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Stage Name: Lee Know (리노) Birth Name: Lee Min Ho (이민호)
Age: 25 [ October 25th, 1998 ]
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 172 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Rabbit
Position: Dance leader, Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper
Unit: DanceRacha
Instagram: @ t.leeknowsaurus
A bit about Lino:
He used to be a back-up dancer for BTS.
He has 3 cats and is obsessed with them. Sooni, Doongi, and Dori.
He often comes off as a mean person, cause he likes teasing the other members. But he has a heart of gold and would take care of you the best.
He is hubbie material frfr. He can cook really good too!
Afraid of heights.
Has weird dreams.
Doesn´t speak English very well, but he is learning! In English interviews he often seems lost, because he simply is.
In the survival show, he got elleminated. In the end JYP gave him one last chance and he made the final cut.
He can´t actually swim, so in variety shows where they go into the water, he always has a floaty.
His motto: Let’s eat well and live well.
I do know more things, but none that are really important right now.
Click here to see random Lino moments!
창빈 Changbin
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Stage Name: Changbin (창빈) Birth Name: Seo Chang Bin (서창빈)
Age: 25 [ August 11th, 1999 ]
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 167 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Pabbit (Pig & Rabbit)
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Producer
Unit: 3RACHA
Instagram: @ jutdwae
A bit about Binnie:
Okay so I don´t know a lot about this man.
He loves the gym! He has been working out for years and loves being strong. But he doenst have abs, or so he claims. That´s why he never shows skin on stage. But he said he was working on it!
He is actually really kawaii. He likes pink and such. But in the beginning he was all dark and bad boy vibes. He still claims black is his favorite color.
He likes horror movies.
Girl group dances are his specialty.
His motto: Let’s live with a positive mind, enjoy the life.
Cries on rollarcoasters.
Click here to see random Binnie moments!
현진 Hyunjin
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Stage Name: Hyunjin (현진) Birth Name: Hwang Hyun Jin (황현진) English Name: Sam Hwang
Age: 24 [ March 20th, 2000 ]
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 179 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Ferret
Position: Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Unit: Dance Racha
Instagram: @ hynjinnnn
A bit about Jinnie:
Hyunjin is a great dancer, but also a great painter! He makes amazing paintings and shares them on Bubble and Instagram.
A walking meme.
He lived in Las Vegas for a while as a kid.
Allergic to cat furr.
Almost joined a cult by accident when he first moved to Korea.
He hates onions and eggplant.
Screams loudly and is overall chaotic.
His motto: Let’s try even when you regret it later.
Click here to see random Jinnie moments!
한 Han
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Stage Name: Han (한) Birth Name: Han Ji Sung (한지성) English Name: Peter Han
Age: 24 [ September 14th, 2000 ]
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 169 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Quokka
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Producer
Unit: 3RACHA
Instagram: @ _doolsetnet
A bit about Hannie:
A complete rockstar.
The first member to be chosen by Chris.
Writes beautiful lyrics.
Likes the color red.
Plays electric guitar live on stage.
He stayed in Malaysia for a while as a teen. That´s why his english is pretty good, but he has a british accent, since that´s how they teach it there.
I don´t remember the story completly correctly, but I feel like I remember him saying that he almost got eaten by a crocodile in Malaysia once. I could be wrong lmao.
Had some issues with anger and anxiety, but is doing well nowadays!
When he lays down he usually falls asleep.
I feel like he is a very emotional person. I feel a strong connection with him since he has been through a lot of the same things as I have. Latety he has been doing well though.
Struggled with panic attacks as well. (Insert my connection to him.)
His motto: This too, shall pass.
Click here to see random Hannie moments!
필릭스 Felix
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Stage Name: Felix (필릭스) Birth Name: Felix Lee (이 필릭스) Korean Name: Lee Yong Bok (이용복)
Age: 24 [ September 15th, 2000 ]
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 171 cm
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Representative Animal: Chick
Position: Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist
Unit: Dance Racha
Instagram: @ yong.lixx
A bit about Lixxie:
Our second aussie man.
Just like Chris, from Sydney. He must miss his home as well, but talks about it less.
That´s also why Chris and him are so close. Chris said he feels like a brother to him. And he loves talking English with him, so he doesn´t lose his aussie accent. Even though Felix his accent is already much thicker than Chris´s.
An actual nugget. He is so tiny asdfghjkl.
Fun fact, he was my first bias back in 2017.
He is ambassador for Louis Vuiton.
He is Catholic.
Very flexable.
Felix is a 3rd degree black belt at taekwondo, he won a lot of medals when he was young.
He can make a spot on Mosquito sound.
Blue is his favorite color.
He had to learn Korean within a couple of months, and did it.
He HATES scary stuff.
Chocolate abs.
His hands are very tiny.
He loves doing ASMR.
Baking! He loves baking but especially brownies and cookies.
Build his own PC and Keyboard.
Loves gaming. Obsessed with Genshin these days.
He always gives the other members massages.
He always cheats in every game.
Obsessed with Changbin.
Just like Minho, he got ellimenated in their survival show. In the end he also got a second chance and made the final cut as well.
His motto: Just a little braver.
Click here to see random Lix moments!
승민 Seungmin
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Stage Name: Seungmin (승민) Birth Name: Kim Seung Min (김승민)
Age: 24 [ September 22nd, 2000 ]
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 178 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Dog
Position: Vocalist
Unit: Vocal Racha
Instagram: @ miniverse.___
A bit about Minnie:
Okay so don´t come at me, but I simply don´t know much about him besides that he is realy sweet and feels betrayed fast is the members prank him. But he will return the favour. He is a menace.
He went to the same high school as Chris.
He loves singing covers.
I also remember something between him and baseball, he liked playing.
His motto: Today you spent in vain is the day as tomorrow someone who passed away really wants to live through.
Click here to see random Min moments!
아이엔 I.N
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Stage Name: I.N (아이엔) Birth Name: Yang Jeong In (양정인)
Age: 23 [ February 8th, 2001 ]
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 172 cm
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Fennec Fox
Position: Vocalist, Maknae (Maknae means youngest)
Unit: Vocal Racha
Instagram: @ i.2.n.8
A bit about Innie:
Same here, I don´t know too much about our little Maknae. And when I say little, I mean not at all little, actually. This tiny nugget really grew up in front of our eyes, and is now a man.
Huge hands.
Litterly has one of the purest hearts.
Has the sweetest softest smile and voice.
During the survival show he got really insecure and was worried he would be ´´poison´´ to the group.
I.N is a Catholic.
He is known to be one of the cleanest members.
His motto: Let’s have a good time!
Click here to see random Ayen moments!
Sorry if I didn´t write as much for all of them. I love ALL members equally. But I just know my biasses better than others. Hope you enjoyed babes! I want you to know that I appreciate it a lot that you listen and watch the content they make, because you know how much I love and care about these men. For any other people who might be reading this...hi :)
Credits of videos and photos go to the op
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astraystayyh · 7 months
here is the essay that no one asked for because long for you is my fav hyunjin song and one of my all time favorite songs (it spoke to the yearner in me)
first the hauntingly beautiful melody 😭 as soon as i heard the whistles in the beginning i thought of the melancholic chirping of birds that feels like they’re calling out to someone who is far out of their reach, and it just sets the tone for this excruciating nostalgia throughout the song, for a time that has passed that we cannot go back to again.
at the beginning i thought this was about longing for a loved one but when hyunjin said that it’s about ‘missing your past that has lost its shine, and therefore longing for everything from back then’ the song just got more devastating for me, because (imo) this song is about longing for a past version of yourself that you lost and that you had to relinquish and that you never wished to part from, and hyunjin weaved this yearning for someone who technically doesn’t exist anymore so so well :,)
When was the last time we walked side by side
to me this could be about this kind of dichotomy that you feel within yourself when you can no longer recognize who you are and when you kind of lose sense of what you love and who you wish to be. And you no longer feel as if your past selves and your present ones are in harmony, walking side by side, but rather that your present self tries to go backwards to reach for your past self when the only possible trajectory for it is to go forward
In the faded photo, I come across a smile. Spread across a youthful face, overlapped with the seasons.
again with the longing for your past self, clinging to photos that have faded with how much time has passed and yet you still wish for the smile you had, long ago, to come once again. i relate to this so much because there was a time where i looked back to my old photos and i just missed how smiling came so easily to me back then instead of feeling like a chore. a smile that once withstood the changing seasons, but that is now a simple memory
The night’s so cold that it’s almost unreal. I wake up in another silence, and I close my eyes
hyunjin and the loneliness that only manifests at night :(( just like in cover me he manages to perfectly convey the cold and daunting feelings that come with being lonely,, also the act of waking up and closing your eyes right after, as if you wish to wake up in any reality but your own
The white flower we planted together has bloomed. I do not dare pick it. Now it withers away
OHHH this one had a little (huge) kick to it, this verse is just so poetic and so full of emotions im unwell :(( white often symbolizes purity and beginnings and its referencing to a time where your existence wasn’t tainted by anything, to the very beginnings when everything was well, back when you had enough will and happiness to care for something, to plant a flower. and now that flower has bloomed, but you do not dare to pick it because it is the last string tying you back to that time you longed for, so you leave it there, afraid that once you’d touch it then you’d soil it with everything that makes up your current self. but by doing so, the flower withers away, and i feel as if this last line plants a seed of hope, of light in a very melancholic song. that by longing for the past and forgetting the present all you do is harm the flower, harm yourself. that you shouldn’t forget your present self while reminiscing the one that faded away
So I long for you. And I long for you. And I'll long for you. So I can keep loving you. So I could be loving you. And morе.
THIS PARTTTTT!!!! this is The Part that gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes,,, hyunjin’s vocals throughout the song were so mellow, so soft, so tender to hear, yet so melancholic at the same time. but this part. THIS PART. this feels like floating atop the pool on a warm summer afternoon and you are hit by this wave of nostalgia for a moment that has yet to pass, because you know that you will miss this instant right here, and that you might comeback to this exact same pool next summer, and the one after it, but things would have inadvertently changed AND IT’S SOOOO 💔💔💔 especially the part where the music quiets down and all you can hear is his voice and then THE VIOLIN PICKS UP and it feels as if he’s tugging with my heartstrings and he’s harmonizing with himself and it’s all so HEART WRENCHING in the most beautiful way, like this is the embodiment of yearning.
i got carried away but as for the lyrics this part also makes me wanna cry and weep because it’s so full of hope?? of moving forth?? instead of longing for who you were and letting it hinder you, you long for who you were and behold it as a compass to love your present self, because past or future you are you, and if you loved who you were at one point of time, if you were at peace with who you once were then you can and you will love who you are now too. and i’m so 💔💔💔 also him harmonizing with himself ties it all together like the only person you got is yourself and it reminds me of THE PAINTING 😭😭😭😭😭😭
yes this isn’t over yet. the painting. The Painting. THE PAINTING. hyunjin hugging himself, burying his face in the crook of his neck i am too sensitive for this. i am no art expert but i am always at awe of the way hyunjin plays with colors and lighting and shadows, even if you aren’t well versed in paintings you can still feel the emotions hyunjin wants to portray and it’s all so.. special to me. all his works deserve to be hung in an art exposition
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also i feel like this cover painting is the continuation of the one he shared some time ago, they look very alike and the color scheme resembles one another
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i just love how hyunjin writes and produces and draws the covers of his songs like 🥹 i’d never tire of saying that he is the embodiment of art
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kichona-s · 2 months
Hereby requesting facial structure rant
ok for those who dont know this is reference to my post where i cry about george's beautiful fucking face at 2am
this is pretty fucking specific and also pretty long so i wont clog your tl with it so its under the cut
OK FOR GEORGE. Personality and everything else aside he has my most favourite face out of the entire grid (sorry guanyu) BECAUSE. LOOK AT HIM. THERE SO MANY NICE ANGLES AND ITS SO NICE AN LONG AND HIS CHEEKBONES??? THE JAW??? his nose also fits his face really nicely ok but the key is to not look at him head-on you need to get the side profiles and the 3/4 views because FUCK. i love so much theres so many points of interest for his face also his chin juts out really strong which looks lowkey kinda funny in some pictures but it really adds to the whole angleley bony face structure he has going on anyway. george my number 1 fav face the only thing im not a big fan of are his ears rip theyre too round for the whole angular coherency BUT THATS FINE IDC
MOVING ON TO MAX VERSTAPPEN (this is not done in a ranking order btw i havent drawn the whole grid so i cant properly rank everyone) ok like im gonna be real with yall. i thought he was fucking ugly as shit when i first got into f1. like i looked at his photo and was like ??? ig he wins a lot lmao OK BUT THEN LIKE A FEW MONTHS AGO I KEPT GETTING MAX STUFF ON MY TIKTOK FYP AND I WAS LIKE. HOLD ON. HIS PERSONALITY KINDA CUTE ASF. ok yea basically i gaslit myself into loving his face (either that or charles possessed me). for max im way too drawn to his lips (@loquarocoeur bro u know this lmfao) and ngl anyone who read the notes in my face breakdown u could probably tell but i love his lips??? so much??? gonna keep it pg here but he should suck on more things other than the twisty redbull can straw things
still on max but i really like how fucking square his face is. its so refreshing to draw. also did you notice that he has a small ass forehead?? bc he does. he looks wrong when i draw his forehead too big its kinda funny (looking at YOU oscar). i also really like his ear shape? it bends pretty low so it looks kinda cute and i try to make sure i draw it properly lmfao. special note to when hes looking down but then his eyes look up and holy smokes it brings out his nose bridge and the eyebrow bone thing SO WELL???!! anyway i want to eat him
for oscar uh. his face is oval? i guess?? after all the oscars ive drawn youd think i have more to say but i dont :( his face is pretty and also sometimes a pain to get right but other than that nothing too much for me to rant about. OK BUT HIS HAIR??? LOVE HIS HAIR I LOVE THE FUCKING SWOOPY THING IT DOES (it also makes my life WAYYY easier bc i can just draw the swoop and most people know its oscar yay for good character design). also everyone is right he does look like a cat. a cat with a massive fucking forehead. also whenever i draw him i remember that hes only three years older than me and its pretty scary ngl! thats hitting a bit too close to home for my taste! hes cute though and ive definitely drawn some banger oscars so one love
NOW FOR LANDO WHOOOOIMABOUTAMAKEANAMEFORMYSELFHERE! ok firstly his face is like a V so i always need to remind myself to bring the sides of his face in more compared to oscar. also did you know his eyes are a bit lopsided? theyre on different parallel lines im telling you go look at the 2023 official driver photos its So Bad i want to cry (that was also my first introduction to him so. i thought he was fucking ugly too). his face is really interesting to draw especially with his eyebrows that fade in and out and are really fucking bushy in the middle LMAO. do i love his face? nah. is it fun to draw? yea pretty fucking fun ESPECIALLY because he somehow suits all the funny shit i wanna put him in like dresses and skirts and bikinis (and also @cx-boxbox is an enabler istg half of the landos ive drawn probably wouldnt exist without her) also his ears look pointy from certain angles and i think thats really cute so i always draw them pointy :))
for charles uh i dont like drawing his hair its a pain. nice face i guess
LASTLY MY ONE AND ONLY!! THE MAN WHO BREAKS ME OUT OF ARTBLOCK REPEATEDLY!!!! ZHOU GUANYU!!!!!!! he's just very cute to me i love his stupid fucking eyebags AND ALSO THE WAY HE SMILES IS ADORABLE I WANNA PASS OUT :(((((( i dont draw his non-chibi version as much bc whenever i do i feel the need to make him Perfect (because hes my fav yknow) so i tend to just. not do it. unless i need to cure my artblock then i draw him so idk hes like my pc reset button. anyway i love zhou and i love looking at pictures of zhou and if he doesnt get a seat next year i will probably cry. also shoutout to sweetcorn the bestest most adorablest cat (wins out jimmy and sassy btw i dont care sweetcorn is the best fight me)
comments questions and arguments are all encouraged i stand firm in my stances (for now at least we'll see again 6 months later)
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