#this is okay to rb or add onto btw
galatariel · 8 months
tumblr has a lot of talk about respecting gifmakers and cc's and i completely agree but you guys have got to stop putting gifmakers on a pedestal especially when they can't take criticism about creating content for shows with racist and zionist cast and creators
like i promise you all that no amount of notes or validation for being the first to gif the latest episode of whatever show is hot on tumblr is worth the promotion of media that can harm others
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magic-can · 7 years
Something I want to confess
I have something to confess before I go to bed, I know people might get mad at me for this but just hear me out, please.
I’m...scared of people assuming that I’m anti-lgbtqia+ because of certain stereotypes surrounding my religion, horrified actually.
In fact, a lot of the time when I hear about people celebrating Pride or something, I’m worried that if they found out I’m Christian they’ll assume terrible things about me or tell me that I’m a hypocrite for supporting lgbtqia+ (When in reality I’m not a hypocrite, the Bible isn’t actually anti-lgbtqia+. All of those “clobber passages” have been debunked multiple times, actually do some research.)
I hate how a religion founded on love and acceptance has been misused to bring out the opposite, hate and discrimination, not just to lgbtqia+ people (and remember, religious hypocrisy is one of the things Yeshua spoke against.)
I can’t begin to but my feelings into words, I will expand upon this at some point, but for now all I want to say is:
Hypocrites have no idea what they’re talking about, and do not make assumptions based on negative stereotypes.
Again, I will expand on this, I just wanted to get this off my chest.
(PS I know it’s just not Christianity, I get that. I’m just speaking from my own personal experience.)
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sajdd · 3 years
hey! ive been following you for a while now and you seem like a fun person and I'd love to interact with u but from what I've seen u have been talking to people you mostly know beforehand and i was wondering if it would be okay for me to start talking to you on rbs and stuff? Sorry if this is weird it's just that i have a big social anxiety and i just wanted to make sure, thanks!!
yeah man dont be scared to interract with me, im down to talk to anyone rlly, i might not always reply but i usually see it, this @ everyone btw, feel free to add onto my posts or whatever (but also im not always the best at holding conversations so kjbhjk my bad)
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Okay so I’m a self-dx autistic person with motivation problems and I thought I would be a (stereotypical jfc) white person and try to share some tips?
First off, accept that motivation is a bitch at times. Sometimes you just really feel like doing nothing at all and that’s okay. It can have one, multiple or no causes whatsoever. 
1. Lists. Lists everywhere. Like I’m not even kidding, lists are awesome. I usually make them right before doing a task and add onto them as I go if the tasks change at all. Here’s a quick example for when I attempted to clean my room earlier this week:
-Move dishes/bottles/plates etc to the kitchen and put them in the sink/dishwasher -Collect dirty clothes and put them in the laundry room/laundry hamper -Put clean clothes in the closet -Sort/locate notebooks/sketchbooks/stationary/art supplies -Put books in the bookshelf -Throw away trash like old receipts, broken pencils, candy wrappers and the like -Change bedsheets
Like seriously, even just changing your bed sheets help (I know at least I like the feel of clean bed sheets. Usually helps with my sensory issues)
2. Music. Music is proven to make you work more efficiently and make you more likely to finish the task at hand. Here’s a couple songs I usually listen to when I need to get slightly more motivated (the beat usually helps me so finding a song with a steady beat may help you)
-Fight Song (Rachel Platten) -22 (Taylor Swift) -We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Taylor Swift) -Take my Hand (Simple Plan) -Rude (MAGIC!) -Uptown Fuck (Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars)
3. Go through the tasks mentally beforehand. This doesn’t only count for general tasks, but also school work like presentations or spare time activities like orchestra concerts. I know I’ve had my fair share of those at least. 
(okay to rb btw)
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galatariel · 8 months
saw a tiktok from a zionist living in tel aviv posting a video of her with her roommate in a clean, modernist apartment talking about how it was the '100th day of the war' but at least she could dance with her roommate in her apartment (and comments underneath her post agreeing with her about how the palestinians had brought this upon themselves) and then you see videos of palestinians on the 100th day of the genocide where doctors tried to disinfect the open forehead skin of a little girl, directly onto her skull, but she ended up dying in agony on the floor of the icu hours later anyway. anyway that really puts things into perspective
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