#this is oddly wholesome and sweet
galaxylover06 · 2 years
What's so special about my AU's shadow you ask? Well not to brag but...
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Been absolutely loving getting to make all this wholesome Shadow art, along with different writing ideas for how Chaos energy truly works. more content is on the way
Stay tuuned!
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mad-hunts · 2 months
as barton was left to his own devices in the kitchen, it only then just occurred to him how the seven-fold bistro had a tv in the side of their lobby. and that could potentially be very bad if they weren't talking about the latest humdrum gossip in relation to bruce wayne or something — so, he would have to find a way to not appear suspicious and also, turn it off if they were talking about the death of the two guards already. barton sighed to himself as he pushed a chunk of the chicken on his plate to the side. he really had his work cut out for him here, didn't he?
of course, there might be a chance that jervis could handle it, he thought. but the last time he had handled something, he'd done it by sticking pins into someone. barton suddenly found himself standing up as if he was startled by the very thought of something like that happening to ravi. he had to create some sort of plan, for he couldn't just bust out of those doors, even if nothing was going on on that television. he tapped on the cold steel of the table below him with his sharpened nails as he contemplated what to do. maybe he could just stick by the almost saloon style doors of them for a bit and listen in on what exactly was going on out there.
just as ravi and jervis had made it to the front of the restaurant, his feet were carrying him to push his entire body flush against the doors, but with not enough pressure to actually open them. he thought he could hear jervis's voice now, but it was very distorted by the wall between him and the rest of the bistro. so he would have to get closer to the outside if he actually wanted to hear anything. while barton was now stressing, ravi honestly couldn't have looked more relaxed, as any friend of barton's was a friend of his. ( except they weren't really friends at all... but i digress. ) he smiled slightly whenever he heard him mention the soup out of approval, ❝ ooh... good choice. i love our mulligatawny soup, but it usually has rice in it, rather than on the side. but i could always request that our chefs put it there instead if you want. ❞
he shrugged nonchalantly and nodded, knowing that the kitchen would be more than willing to do something like that for jervis. ravi could feel his ears perk up and barton's ears did the same exact thing as a breaking news alert popped up on the tv. alright, well, he was not going to be waiting inside the kitchen any longer for something to happen — that was for sure — and so he opened up one of the doors in such a way that it wouldn't attract much attention. barton seemed to materialize out of quite literally nowhere, at least from ravi's point of view, before he was grabbing him by the opposite shoulder a little aggressively but not too much.
barton had played this off as him trying to playfully scare the other but what he was really aiming to do was turn the tv off. and that's exactly what he managed to do with the remote below the counter while ravi was too busy with being shocked, but then laughing in response to barton's 'cheeky' behavior as he spoke to him in between laughs and pushed him away from him, before punching his arm. ❝ oh, my god. you scared me! you jerk, why did you do that? don't tell me that this is you still being bitter that i beat you last time we sparred or something. ❞ ravi was still laughing, so he obviously didn't mean anything that he said in a malicious way as barton himself tried to catch onto the other's wrist before he punched him, but failed.
barton chuckled a few times before nursing the spot where ravi punched him with his arm. he made himself look guilty, only after winking at jervis whenever the other party wasn't looking, as if to say ' you're welcome ' and said, ❝ ahh, you caught me. but scaring you totally satisfied my need for revenge after you beat me. so, at least there's kind of a positive side to all of this. and just to keep you in the loop, jervis, me and ravi sometimes spar together because we're both boxers, ❞ barton gestured to the other man with one hand while ravi came down from his laughter. he made a playful ' shoo ' gesture towards barton, then. ❝ hey. me and your friend, who is also my friend now, by the way, were having a rather rousing conversation about his interest in the mulligatawny soup before you came along. so if you wouldn't mind... ❞
ravi left barton to fill in the lines of what else he was going to say before the blonde raised his hands in feigned surrender and sat down across a few seats away from them behind the counter. ravi laughed, making a ' come hither ' gesture towards himself, ❝ i was just joking, barton. you don't have to sit so far away. but anyway, i'll put in your order for the soup, if there are no objections? ❞ barton moved silently closer to ravi in particular, setting down his curry in front of him. he seemed oddly a bit protective of ravi based on the look he gave jervis.
it was one that said ' you better continue being nice to him or i'll kill you. ' and trust me, barton would do it, too.
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navree · 1 year
How was Aegon's relationship with his sister-wife and the rest of his brothers in the book?
We don't know a whole lot about his relationships in the book, because as always, it's meant to be a historical record, and those will rarely record feelings and emotions unless they're relevant to the historical events being described. But with what we can tell, and what I remember from Fire&Blood (it's actually been a while since I honest to goodness read it, though I do know how to look stuff up in it to get quotes I need to prove points), they actually all seem to have a pretty good relationship.
Aegon and Helaena's relationship actually seems to be pretty stable up until Blood and Cheese. We don't know a whole lot about it, just because it's not something that's remarked on and because Aegon only becomes a character the book focuses on once the Dance starts, and Blood and Cheese happens early on. We know that Aegon was unfaithful, since when Alicent sends people to find him in Helaena's rooms she quite bluntly says “He is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets.” But at the same time, there is an expectation that if someone were looking for Aegon, they'd find him with Helaena and with the kids, which speaks to enough a routine that they're together on a regular basis. Additionally, it seems that, rather than the typical way royal couples sleep apart (like we saw with Alicent and Viserys, for example), Helaena and Aegon did share a bedroom. It's specifically noted that Aegon and Helaena started sleeping separately in separate rooms after Jaehaerys was killed, apparently in defiance of their regular custom of not doing that, now that Helaena was having a breakdown and they were both heavily grieving.
Aegon's relationship with Daeron is incredibly hard to parse out due to how vague it is and just how little we know about Daeron. Their relationship seems to have been fine, if a bit distant, due to Daeron's time at Oldtown and also the fact that he's the youngest and apparently wasn't really considered much of a force by either of his brothers. But Daeron is described as "the gentlest" of Alicent's sons, which might have lended to him and Aegon getting along, and notably, Daeron's participation in the sack of Bitterbridge is explicitly said to have been brutal and unmerciful on purpose as revenge for how Maelor, Aegon's youngest son, died. That does speak to enough of a closeness to Aegon, and likely Helaena as well, that he's willing to take what happened to Maelor so personally and decide to burn an entire town for it.
Aegon's relationship with Aemond also seems like it's pretty stable and probably better off than in the show. There's nothing to suggest that Aemond was bullied in the book, or that Aegon was any sort of ringleader in any behavior, and that the two seemed to have a pretty normal brotherly relationship. And again, in the book, Aegon's the only one who isn't upset with Aemond for killing Lucerys, and literally throws him a party in his honor once he comes home. He also trusts Aemond not just as a fellow dragonrider and battlefield soldier, given that they both participate in Rook's Rest, but also as a leader and as an ally, in spite of Aemond's ambition. Aegon does explicitly name Aemond as his regent, so clearly he thinks that's the best option (you don't need to be related to the king to be a regent, he could have picked Criston or Otto if he really wanted). And Aemond, for all of his "the crown looks better on me" ambition, is very careful to never try and overstep on Aegon's turf, never calls himself king but only Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm while Aegon recovers, and he does fight incredibly hard to continue securing Aegon's claim even when he goes MIA, ultimately dying specifically in a battle he sought out in order to eliminate what he perceived as the biggest threat to Aegon's rule (Daemon). That does speak to the idea that Aemond did value his brother, and did want to do right by him, and did respect him as king and leader of their faction in the war.
All in all, it's hard to figure out where a lot of these relationships are emotionally, because that's just not information we're given in the book, but the hints we have about the kind of people they all were, and the way they interacted, seems to speak to the fact that they've all had pretty good and stable relationships with each other, and were certainly able to coalesce around each other as a unit and fight for each other in times of crisis.
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“Oh, no, not at all,” he smiled, as he forked himself another bite of rice and onion, saying, “It’s actually a pretty easy recipe, my ma taught it to me when I was younger, I thought you might enjoy it!” He hoped she did; he wasn’t sure if she’d like cooked fish versus raw (especially with all the seasonings and spices), but he thought he’d try anyways.
Of course, he could see that the rice and onions and peppers weren’t exactly to her taste, given the way she ate around them, but he wasn’t too hurt over that-he took a gamble, and it didn’t pay off. If nothing else, he figured, the next time he fixed her dinner, he’d perhaps try something different as a side, something more to her taste.
Still, it was proving to be a lovely date: The fish came out nicely, the candles gave the room more of a romantic touch, and it felt as if the band playing down the street was playing just for them...he could hardly think of anything that could make it even better, but he did have something of an idea.
“Do sirens ever drink anything?” he asked curiously, as he set his fork down on his empty plate-perhaps they didn’t need to drink, given their aquatic home, but he felt curious to enough to ask-he had some non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider downstairs that he had a bit of a hankering for, and thought he would see if she’d like to try it.
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chaedomi · 11 months
fem!child!reader x the black agriche; minus fontaine (platonic!yan), violence, death, unhealthy relationships, everyone somehow finding a way to terrorize reader, the agriche family as a whole; flowers come in assorted colors and produce sweet nectar. as a result, flowers attract various kinds of butterflies, even the so-called deadly ones. pt. 2 ꨄ — masterlist
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YOUR MOTHER was already a laughing stock and a huge disgrace to The Black Agriche. Due to this, she was confined to her room, away from the disgusted eyes that followed her form with every step she took. Her reputation further decreased when word spread in the household that she gave birth to a baby girl… a sickly one at that. Was she trying to ruin the image The Black Agriche carefully built for years!?
When LANTE found out, he was beyond livid. The disdain he held for your mother was very evident as the slightest hint of her has him in a sour mood and heads rolling. Still, he gave her a chance to redeem herself; birth a worthy child was all he commanded. However, the ending result only proved that she was indeed a useless woman.
Nobody could have stopped him from what he did next, not even the wails and desperate pleas of his other wife that knelt helplessly on the ground. Unleashing his bloodlust, your mother was brutally killed. The only ones spared were his other wife and you, as he deemed it foolish to judge you as a newborn. Perhaps your state was only temporary and as you grew older, you would impress him.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Although you weren’t sick, you grew to be a rather fragile individual. The littlest pressure has you crumpling in pain, wheezing breathlessly. A disappointment, really. Nevertheless, he kept giving you another chance to prove yourself. When you fail, he gives another and another, and another, and another-
It was then he realized how lenient he has been with you out of all people. Why he hasn’t diced you into a pile of meat as he claimed each time was beyond him. Every time you made a fault, he found himself scrambling for a reason to excuse your deplorable actions. It was unlikely of him and bothered him to a large extent.
Having enough of the confusing emotions you struck within him, an order was sent out, requesting your presence. Understandably, you were petrified as it was not common for the Head of The Agriche Family to express interest in seeing anyone out of the blue. And with an amused smirk, he watched as you nervously eat the desserts brought by the servants before dismissing you from his private room.
He continued doing this, either inviting you to the room or seeking you outside, the extreme feelings he experienced deepening with every interaction he held with you. Eventually, it escalated to a point where he didn’t want you to leave his side. He soon concluded that he will never understand what aspect of yours drew this uncharacteristic side out of him. And oddly enough… he was at peace with it. Maybe your mother was capable of doing good. Hmm…
Effortlessly, the killer of your mother lifted you from your seat. A touch meant to be comforting caused shockwaves of discomfort and fear to travel up your spine. His expression was unreadable, scrutinizing gaze never leaving your form. Eyes resembling the crimson red of blood, the picture was forever burned into your memory.
“...How strange.”
Unsurprisingly to most, SIERRA was the best friend of your mother. Looking past the horrible rumors that lingered inside the household about your mother, she decided to befriend her. And boy, was she relieved, discovering that your mother was nothing like the rumors had stated, no, your mother was just a sweet, harmless woman. The moments spent were very wholesome and a change of pace from the insanity that lingered in the household.
Though… everything went crashing down when your mother became pregnant with you. Don’t misunderstand Sierra… she was overjoyed over the announcement of you. What frightened her so much was that your mother fell terribly ill and without much reason. When your mother expressed her concerns about your health, Sierra also felt dread, wanting nothing horrible to happen to you. While it’s not related to health, Sierra knew what it’s like to be worried about your child’s well-being; she knew it all too well. Bless her kind-hearted soul, she hoped your mother would never experience the pain she was put through.
But, it appeared as though her prayers and hopes were all for naught as you were born sickly and frail. And aware of the monstrosity that will arise afterward, her heart shattered into a million pieces. Still, her knowledge of this evil pattern will never emotionally nor mentally prepare her for the disastrous event. Oh, she hated how powerless she was. Her screams, wails, and pleas were futile, having to witness the execution of her beloved friend at the hands of her husband. Why must the people she loves suffer so much?
She was left alone in the room, sobbing into her palm. Had it not been for the soft wails of your newborn self, she would have remained there on the ground, allowing the coolness of the tiles to seep onto her skin as she wept to her heart’s content. Frantically leaping to her feet and momentarily pushing her grief aside, she scooped your bundled self in her arms, listening to you calm down as a woeful frown etched itself onto her lips. Blinking away the stray tears in the corner of her eyes, she hugged you closer to her chest, rocking you slowly. She might as well enjoy what was left of her beloved friend.
History surely had its cruel way of repeating itself. As you aged, you developed a lovely personality; innocent and pure, contrasting the sadistic and aggressive personas the rest of your family members owned. Why it destroyed her the way it did was because your traits were on par with her deceased son, Ashil. Just what did she do to relive such a nightmare?
By some miracle, Lante seemed to favor you tremendously. The stress that was lifted from her shoulders was refreshing. …It was especially difficult to ignore how extremely clingy Sierra was toward you. Every hour of the day, every second, Sierra insisted to be by your side, never allowing you a moment of isolation. Even so, her clinginess will never compare to how overprotective she was. God forbid if you got injured in her sight, or somehow managed to sneak away from her watchful eyes for too long. She will fall into hysterics, holding onto the little thread of sanity she possessed as she smothers you with overbearing attention.
You almost screamed in terror at the figure looming above you. Thankfully, your brain reacted quicker as you identified the figure as your stepmother. What mostly unnerved you was not the fact that she most likely might have been watching you sleep, but how… lifeless she looked. You didn’t know she was able to make such a face. Quietly, you called out to her which successfully snapped her out of her trance. Wordlessly, the woman sunk to her knees and wrapped her arms around your small body, stuffing her face in your torso. Regardless of your utter confusion as to why she visited you in the dead of night, you returned the gesture, spurring her to tears. Doesn’t look like she’ll be leaving anytime soon…
“...It could have been you as well…”
When Sierra says she’s going to stay with you, she means that she is staying with you. She does a good job of it as well, much to your dismay. But her whimpers every time you tried to run away always filled you with guilt, grounding you next to her. And thus, due to Sierra’s stubbornness to leave you alone, this is how MARIA met you.
It was a bright and sunny day, the flowers were in season, and birds were chirping merrily… it was the perfect condition to host a tea party! What better way to relax under this glorious weather than to enjoy tea and desserts with her favorite guests? So excitedly, Maria sent invitations.
Sierra was one of the last few to arrive. When Maria went to greet her, what she wasn’t expecting was two instead of one. Honestly speaking… Maria did not care for both you and your mother. Yes, she has heard of the gossip of your mother circulating among the Agriche Wives, and yes, she has heard the talk of your birth. But for someone who has never seen you or your mother before, there was only so much fuel she could add to the fire.
Her eyebrows were raised as Sierra timidly states that she brought someone along. Since Sierra was mostly alone, it was a surprise to her. Though all questions died down in her throat when she caught a glimpse of you.
The umbrella that was tightly grasped in her hand fell to the ground, her jaw slackening as she stared at you with blown eyes. …Was it even possible to be more beautiful than Sierra and her daughter combined!? You were just as pretty as a flower!
Not much explanation was needed, she immediately fell head over heels for you. Forget the fact you came uninvited, come relax and have some tea! Squealing with a skip in her step, she snatched you from Sierra's side, ushering you to a comfortable seat where she and all the ladies present fussed over you. …You left with a stomach bursting from sweets that day…
Unfortunately, gaining Maria's affection means you're subjected to her bizarre actions. If you had Sierra visiting your room in the dead of night, you had Maria visiting your room at the crack of dawn. You've woken up to her beaming face far too many times to count…
Braiding your hair, dressing up, and playing pretend are Maria's favorite activities with you and they always end with her pinching your cheeks and kissing them before she leaves. She really wanted to lock you up for herself, a cute little doll all for her to admire, pamper and cherish.
Maria was very cheerful and a bit eccentric, so you mostly felt at peace in her presence. …But that all changed when you stayed at a party longer than you should have. What you saw was like a wake-up call for you, unless they were Sierra, no matter how sweet they make themselves appear, they were still an Agriche, dehumanized, and evil.
You suddenly felt the dessert you ate creep up your throat as you stared at the servant's corpse... what was left of it, at least. The spoon you used to eat the treat slipped from your fingers, falling onto the table with a loud rattle. Your second stepmother, the murderer, was unbothered by it all, a devilish smile occupying her doll-like features, calming dishing out orders for the servant’s body to be fed to the beastly creatures that resided inside the mansion. At the sight of you, her sadistic smile morphed into one filled with pure adoration. She made her way to you giddily and squeezed you into a hug, uncaring of the evidence of her killing smearing all over your body. Frozen, you just stood there as she lovingly pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek.
"My! Aren't you such a Cutie Pie!"
The first time she saw you, she only gave you a glance… before she almost stumbled over as she did a double take. Once she regained her composure, in quick, long strides, ROXANA closed the distance between you both, firmly placing a gloved hand on your shoulder. You flinched, nearly shooting off the ground. The hallways were pretty much empty, so where the hell did she randomly emerge from?
Her stare intimidated you as her eyes were practically glaring holes into your body. It remained that way for a while, her hand on your shoulder as she stared, you, too scared out of your mind to even breathe properly. Soon, her hard stare turned soft, her reddened lips curling into her iconic smile.
Do you know how long she has waited to see you? The answer, she’s been waiting for years. The Abysmal Flower is a book that was offered to her by a school friend in her previous life… to which she initially detested reading because of the triggering contents the novel entailed… but she got past that. Because of all the dark themes, your character was an abnormality in the novel so to speak, especially when you were a member of The Black Agriche. The Black Agriche was known for its criminal activities… Fraud, Theft, Drugs & Poison, and most importantly murder, taking away lives without batting an eyelid.
You didn't belong with that, choosing peace as a method rather than violence. You were just a poor unfortunate soul inside a den filled with savages. It was a custom tradition in the household to eliminate those who stood outside their reputation as it displayed signs of weakness. But you remained unharmed by their gruesome acts. You see, the book portrayed you as possessing this indescribable charm where people feel more inclined to protect you than to harm you. Clearly, The Black Agriche was under this so-called charm of yours. It also extended to the novel’s heroine, Sylvia, who despite hating The Black Agriche, fell in love with you because of your angelic nature, viewing you as a younger sibling. Sadly, blinded by her rage and sorrow over the news of her brother’s killing, she wiped you out with the rest… falling into deeper despair after realizing she destroyed you as well.
Admittingly, Roxana held a grudge over Sylvia and the authors for that stunt. You were her favorite character by far and had so much potential. So even though the alarms blared loudly as her mind registered that she reincarnated as an Agriche and the trials that come along with the name, she was buzzing from glee now that she had a chance to see you… years after.
But after that ‘incident’ and the daily nuisances, she ought to handle for survival, the thought of you slowly slipped from her mind… until now. While no one will stupidly lay a finger on you inside the household, the same cannot be said for some outside the household. The Black Agriche has made quite the amount of enemies, after all. You being the favored one, including your predicament will make you a big target of these enemies. Thus, Roxana does her best to add extra security to your life.
Whenever she gets the chance, she will constantly check on you. If not, she will simply send one of her butterflies to always be updated about your whereabouts. Don’t you see? Whatever she does, it’s done in your favor… So, please enlighten her as to why you appear to be so antsy around her. She hasn’t done anything wrong, has she? She didn’t know you had a dramatic side… but, oh well, that’s endearing too.
She was nice to you, very very nice. For some reason though, it scared you more than it flattered you. You were unsure of why, but your instincts always screamed at you to avoid the blonde. She hasn’t done anything for you to fear her, only spoiling you with exquisite gifts and jewelry. But after what happened with your second stepmother… you didn’t want to take chances. A gloved thumb distracted you from your thoughts, gently caressing your cheek. Lifting your gaze, you peered into reddened hues, an emotion you were unable to decipher swirling in them. She smiled at you fondly, cooing even. Placing your hands on your lap, you smiled back, ignoring the nauseating churn in your stomach.
“Did I perhaps do something wrong? No? Then you don’t mind staying longer with your Big Sister, right~?”
Roxana’s extreme adoration for you had JEREMY torn between anxiety and anger. It’s already bad enough that he had to share his sister’s attention with the god-forsaken Blue Pedelian but now a whiny baby has come to steal the remainder of his spotlight!? He’s NOT happy. I mean, he was there longer than both you AND him. Though, it seems that his sister favors you more than the horny dog… Not that it makes it any better. It’s still annoying.
Jeremy has mentioned this several times to his sister, mostly about you. It was obvious he was jealous, but his complaints stemmed deeper than jealousy, it was fear that his sister will leave him if she attaches herself to others. Growing up in a loveless household was beyond excruciating and his sister, being the first one to treat him like a human and not a weapon, he continuously yearned for her affection. He didn’t want to return to what it was before, and if denying his sister interactions with others stopped that, he’s all in for it. Reassuring words from his sister, however, washed away the little panic inside him.
Still, it lingered on his mind, you. His sister doesn’t mention anyone just like that; if she does, it certainly isn’t to that extent. She’s always smiling, her eyes glitter in excitement, and she rambles on and on, very unusual for her. At least you make her happy… Nevermind. He’s still bitter about the whole thing.
In time, he finally asks his sister if he can meet the person that caught her eye. It could be anyone, considering the ungodly amount of siblings he had and since she was heading to where you were located, he might as well tag along too. His sister’s hesitation didn’t escape his eye, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Looks like you held more value to her than he first presumed…
After contemplating her answer for a while, she gave in, beckoning him closer with a finger. As they walked together, she told him you were the shy type, and it's highly advised that he doesn't do something to overwhelm you. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not… but he felt as though there was a subtle threat underlying her words… Soon enough, they arrived at your bedroom doors.
What did you look like? What kind of person truly are you? His sister paints you a good light, going so far saying you were an angel descended from the heavens. But what if there was a dark side you skillfully concealed? That you were just another savage under the disguise of an innocent? It’s not like he doubted his sister’s judgment… just simply concerned for her well-being.
Well, he'll be damned. And slightly ashamed too. Look at you… you were so frail… and gentle too. The way you touched Roxana and spoke with her, (god, your VOICE!) was so soft, musical, and pleasing to the ears. He kind of flinched when the conversation held between you and his sister switched to him, his sister gesturing to him with a hand. His heart warmed, seeing how your big-doe eyes looked at him, the beautiful hue of them twinkling with curiosity.
Most recoil from his touch but, you reached out to him, interlacing your tiny fingers with his. He noticed how your hand trembled, looks like Roxana was correct, you were the shy type. Even so, you overcame your anxiety to greet him! Him! The final blow was the sweet giggle that escaped your lips, swinging your hand in his. Forget Angel, you were Heaven Sent.
It was very silly how easily he fell under your control, but can you blame him? When was the last time someone treated him with genuine kindness and affection other than his sister? He visited you a lot after that, to your surprise. You thought it was a one-time thing, but here he is, bringing spoils and stuffed animals every day. At that point, you had to ask for another room to store your gifts from him… Jokes and banter are common between you two, him doing most of the interaction, pinching your cheeks, and tickling your sides. Jeremy… turns out to be more childish than you, who is a child, and that said something. It amazed you when he’s on the verge of falling onto the ground and crying out whenever you declined his time with you.
Then there were instances that he was similar to a cat, cute and loving to the people he cherishes, pissy and hostile to others when they come near his cherished. What you hated about him was his ugly jealousy streak and the damage he brings with it. It can annoying when someone you like doesn’t spend much time with you as you’d like, but was it really worth bashing their head into the floor?
You walked hand-in-hand with your brother who hummed merrily. As for you, you were in a state of shock, silent as your mind tried to process what had happened prior earlier. Why did he… kill the servant? They were being nice to you were they not? It was just a lovely fresh-picked flower they wanted to gift out of the goodness of their heart. To you, you thought it was the prettiest one you’ve ever seen so far, the vibrant color palette reminding you of yourself. Mesmerized you were very close to taking the pretty thing, your chubby hands reaching to clasp at the plant. In the BLINK of an eye, the servant was no longer in their spot, the flower soaking in a puddle of blood on the ground, and your hands outstretched. The liquid was also splattered on your face, little droplets spluttered on your dress. In front of you was your brother, an enraged face overtaking his features. And underneath his boot was… the servant that offered the flower to you. What just happened…? Shrugging off how your irises dilated as he came closer, he knelt to the ground, scooping the flower from its puddle. And with a beaming smile, he patted your head, giving the bloodied flower to you instead.
“They’re out of their fuckin’ minds if they think I’d allow them to taint you.”
After your encounter with Roxana, she basically took over the role of bodyguard away from Sierra. Then you appreciated Sierra more, for mingling in Roxana’s presence had you stiffer than a board. The evening was a stormy one, the raindrops harshly beating against the roof, the low rumbles of thunder, and the faint flashes of lightning. For some odd reason, Roxana wanted to take a walk with you in this weather. You didn’t want to, but one word of hers led to another, and now you’re here. Too bad you were too scared to speak up.
Suddenly, she told you she had to run a small errand. It won’t take long, she insisted, and just like that, you were left “unsupervised” in the middle of the hallway. When you wanted to be left alone, you didn’t mean it like this. The hallways were eerily vacant and your room was nowhere nearby. The setting didn’t ease your growing anxiety; it was straight out of a horror novel where anything was capable of jumping you at any given moment. So… imagine how your soul left your body when you glanced over your shoulder, only to make eye contact with a face.
Gasping loudly, you spun around and stumbled backward, your small hands clutching at your clothes. Hair dark as the night sky, eyes red as blood… How did your father manage to silence his footsteps…? And most importantly, what could he possibly want from you…?  The deep frown he wore is a bad sign… Did you finally manage to push your father over the edge!?
The distant sound of heels hastily clacking against the floor trickled into your ears. Shortly after Roxana came into view, panting heavily as she shot a firey glare at the figure in front of you followed by a trail of threats. How did she have the courage to do that!? Did she not fear your father’s wrath? More so, why was he not responding? And who is this DION!? Too confused to study your fear of your sister when she lifted you into her arms, you wrapped your arms around her neck staring at a smirk creeping on who you assumed to be your father’s face.
The days continued smoothly (as the routine with Lante, Sierra, Maria, Roxana, and Jeremy occurred too often to be considered strange) and you lived your life as best as possible. But that was just the calm before the storm… 
Jumping from your seat, the porcelain cup slipped from your hands, shattering on the ground and spilling the milk. Your heart was hammering in your chest and your skin grew ice cold. Maria, Sierra, and the women present at the tea party also freaked out, the former rushing to both of your sides as they attempted to soothe your panicking self.
But that was a mistake for as soon as Maria touched you, you broke down into a fit of tears. They were confused, you were fine seconds ago! Was it perhaps the milk you drank with your biscuits that caused this!? Well, that certainly wouldn't slip by!
However, was that the answer to your panic? No. Someone was… watching you. It wasn't a normal glance… but rather one that instilled apprehensiveness in the hearts of numerous, and unfortunately, it was geared toward you. Left, right, and back, you frantically looked around, trying to identify who it was the person that had you so distraught. But, you couldn't, which made you cry harder and flail your arms about.
You knew the situation was very bad that the noise caught the attention of Lante, summoning him inside the greenhouse where the tea party was hosted. He was disgruntled, unsure of what to do. He didn't train himself to be a proper parent, so how should he know how to tame a crying child no less?
The best option he thought of was to carry you to your bed quarters and your stepmothers quickly complied, Maria whispering sweet nothings into your ears as she carried you, and Sierra lurking not too far behind.
There was some fun in isolation, you thought, as you found solace in the confinement of your room. Whenever you tried to stay outside in the company of others, so did the feeling of being watched return, the dread worsening the smaller the crowd gets. The feeling always disappeared when you were alone in your room, or by yourself… hold on, did you just hear your bedroom door lock?
This man was not your father. It made sense now why your sister treated him with disrespect. If he was not your father, could he possibly be one of your siblings? Though he looks like him, a carbon copy you think, he was sure far worse than your father in personality. Dull, apathetic, and very sadistic. He had no regard for life either as he shamelessly killed the maid assigned to you in front of your eyes. Even when the blood splattered on his face, he showed no emotion, maintaining eye contact with you. Could he be the one that was watching you all this time? Why did he wait to approach you when you were alone? Have you upset him in some way? Was he going to slaughter you next? All these questions ran through your head, unknowingly letting the tears gathered in your eyes run down your cheeks. This caught his attention, the smirk you remembered him having on your first encounter spreading on his lips. Kneeling in front of your bed, uncaring of how you trembled in his company, he reached out a hand, rubbing his finger tenderly against your cheek. It was sick how he found satisfaction that he evoked such a reaction from you. A teardrop fell onto his finger and he brought it to his lips, tasting it. What was meant to be salty, the flavor burst with sweetness in his mouth.
“I wonder what other reactions I can get from you.”
Weak… Fragile… Gentle… Pure… Innocent… How are you surviving in this god-forsaken household? It’s even more amusing to witness the same man, her father, protect what he firmly strived to kill. And that’s how GRISELDA formed a great interest in you, the youngest of The Black Agriche. She remembers clearly, a conversation she held with one of her younger half-sisters years ago, the person responsible for knocking her out of her top three rankings. Smiling happily with her fingers interlaced underneath her chin, she promised to show her something that will greatly humor her.
You may not have been the ‘thing’ her sister was referring to, nevertheless, it was not an unwelcomed one. Ah, she wonders, how long has it been since she has had that spark of interest? The day her sibling died in front of her eyes, feelings such as love became foreign to her. But, you? You restored these lost feelings of hers from first sight. She was stupefied when it happened, her body overflowing with spontaneous bursts of energy.
Truth be told, she had an eye on you for the longest while now, aching to meet you in person at least once. But, curse her hectic schedule to hell, leaving her no choice but to satisfy her curiosity about you from the little stories told by her other half-siblings. For the first time, she had felt a sense of ugly envy… Will they know of it though? No.
Fate was cruel to her, she thinks. First, to take away her sibling she loved, and second, to present, oh, such an ethereal gift, just to keep it away from her arm's length having to watch down on you from the villa’s balcony, scurrying about with her other siblings. For now, she’ll keep it that way, looking at you with a sober expression from afar, but still offering you exquisite gifts to make you aware of her existence.
It was another gift that seemed to spawn alive onto your dressing table, probably from your anonymous gift-giver. You had asked your siblings, including your stepmother who would occasionally step inside if they were the ones responsible, to which they all responded with a ‘no.’ You wondered if it were a servant that did it, but after what transpired with the previous one, you doubted anyone outside your family will be willing to take such a risk. This time, the gift was sitting in a glass vase, filled with water. In the vase were the flowers you adored with the lovely aroma. Happily, you whiffed the scent. Picking up the note that came with the gift, it read, ‘These flowers reminded me of you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do… Sincerely, Griselda.’
“Don’t die on me, Little Sister. I won’t allow it~”
You were very confused to see a red-headed girl on her hands and knees, panting heavily for air. She was shaken too, a sickly color to her pale skin and the cold sweat that ran down the exposed parts of her body. But as you caught the dim red glow in the corner of your eye, as well as the faint sound of wings flapping, you were able to put two-and-two together; the girl was most likely tormented by Roxana’s infamous killer butterflies.
You pitied her, knowing what those butterflies were capable of, one almost biting your finger clean off your hand in one instance. But, that was just a sole butterfly you dealt with, she must have encountered several. And from one victim to another, you approached her shaking form in the hopes of comforting her.
Though… it seems she didn’t appreciate the sentiment… the fiery stare she gave you in response shut you up quickly and almost made you lose your bowels right there. Screaming insults and curses, she sprang to her feet and shoved past you, storming off to where she wanted to go. You just stood there in your spot, wide-eyed with your hands on your chest. Well, that’s what you get for roping yourself into situations that didn’t concern you…
From her outburst, you didn’t anticipate seeing her again, nor do you think she would want to see you. So her interrupting the tea party with yourself in the garden the next day startled you. Overcoming your shock, you smiled at her and invited her to join you and enjoy a couple of biscuits. She stuck her nose into the air and gawked at you as though you’d grown two heads… but still agreed. You did most of the talking, shortly learning her name, CHARLOTTE, and her exchanging haughty remarks here and then. It was a decent event…
If only you knew what exactly your brief display of kindness unconsciously resigned yourself to. Charlotte… was awfully demanding. After the tea party, Charlotte appeared by you very frequently, ordering that you drop whatever it was you were doing, and spend time with her. It could be one of the most important things you had to handle and she would not care. You could be with one of your siblings and she would not care. You could be sick and worn out, she will NOT care. If she wants to be with you, it will be now, no time for discussion. Just TRY to say no, it won’t do you any good. You said yes a lot, mostly because of your fear of what she will do if you deprive her of what she desired. She already made you petrified with a glare, how much worse will it be once she reaches her limit and lashes out? You have no ability to defend yourself when the time comes, so why should you cause trouble? Give in and avoid the unnecessary problem.
She was shaking with fury, hands angrily pulling at her puffy pigtails. How dare they…? HOW DARE THEY!? Are they stupid!? What do you mean you can’t spend time with her!? YOU BOTH ALWAYS SPEND TIME TOGETHER AT THIS TIME! WHY was she and him getting in her way of being with YOU!? They have to be stupid! While she went through an internal crisis, you clutched at your clothes, tears pricking at your eyes. Her green eyes were practically glowing with wrath from the hatred she harbored for your older sister and brother! She was also on the verge of snapping, that you can tell. She was losing all of her morality the longer they denied her what she wanted. You would have excused yourself long ago, but when she’s like this, that’s not the ideal option, for she may do something regrettable to you. Stepping behind your sister, your ears twitched at the sound of a whip cracking, inclusive of a butterflies’ wings, indicating the start of a full-on brawl.
“GO AWAY! Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something!?”
And finally… YOU! How do you feel about your family's attention to you? You never saw how other families interact with their kin… but you knew that what your family was doing was wrong. It was dangerous and obsessive. Would you tell them that? No. Unless you wish to suffer a fate worse than death by confronting them, you will keep your silence until all the odds are in your favor.
They were the butterflies, your mannerisms and kindness as the sweet nectar and color that attracted them, and you, their delicate flower.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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forbebeandjam · 1 month
I was thinking along the lines a sweet smut fic of g!p Bada and sweet wifey reader. Where reader asks Bada for a baby cause she wants to grow their family.
Baby Mine | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | Smutty Fluff
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Summary: your baby fever was stronger than you thought.
World count: 1.7k
Warnings: g!p Bada, fingering, etc. MDNI
A/N: once again trying something new. I have to be honest and say, I don’t know if I did this right. I used to write BTS smuts before so… yeah. Hope I did okay for you! Enjoy!!
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Marrying Bada had to be one of the best decisions of your life. Being by her side was so wholesome. You could look forward to seeing her at the end of a long shift and cooking her favorite meal. 
Though being apart was painful sometimes, you were both busy dancers but that never came between the love you had for each other. That was until you finally had a Street Woman Fighter 2 gathering. 
You would get to tour and hang out together every day along with the other girls that you missed. 
However, some stage feeling in you started to develop when you saw Aiki with her daughter while you worked. The way they bonded was just so pure and beautiful. Then you saw your other actor friends, with their children or pregnant. 
You didn't want to burden Bada with your thoughts. You knew she was at the peak of her career and you would never do anything to interfere with that so you just kept quiet. Every time you two had sexual intercourse she would end up pulling out like always so you also assumed she didn't want kids yet.
After packing and heading to your second destination of the tour, you were having so much fun playing around on stage and behind the stage with your friends. On the third day of the tour, you could see some of the girl's families arrive to visit them. 
Including Akanen's husband and daughter. Akanen was such a sweet mother but you were never close to her. You never had the guts to approach her. Bada on the other hand was close friends with her. 
One day after the show you went to the dressing rooms and you saw how Akanen's daughter ran up to Bada. Bada picked her up and spun her around. The little girl laughed and giggled and then her eyes landed on you. 
"This is my beautiful wife," Bada said as she approached you and the girl held your face with a warm smile. Your entire being was moved by the girl and a tear threatened to escape your eye but you held back and walked away.
You got dressed and packed. Bada asked if something was bothering you but you didn't say anything and headed to the hotel. You were oddly quiet given the fact that you got to share a van with Audrey, Emma, and Bada. Usually, you always play around with them or do karaoke but this time you just lay your head on Emma's shoulder and look straight ahead. 
When you arrived at the hotel, you grabbed your bags and walked out of the van without waiting for Bada. You wanted to avoid her before blurting out something you didn't mean.
You placed your things in the room and went to shower. Bada didn't say a thing already sensing something was wrong. She decided to give you some space and she went to shower. 
You brushed your hair calmly looking out the window and staring at the city. Your mind was filled with thoughts of little feet running around the house and the sweet giggles and cries of a newborn. 
Suddenly, you came back to reality when you felt Bada's hands wrap around your figure. She placed soft kisses from your cheek to your neck knowing how to get your mind off of things. You tilted your head allowing her full access to your neck so she could continue.
"Just relax. I'll make you feel good," she said and you smiled. You turned to her slightly pushed her onto the bed and straddled her. She kissed you on the forehead and smiled. 
"What's going on inside your mind, babe?" she said as she locked eyes with you. It was never hard to communicate your words and thoughts to Bada. She always made it easy to share your feelings. 
"Well... I am feeling a bit tired from the show and..." You hesitated to speak for fear of saying something that might upset her. 
"Talk to me. Please," she said as she pushed your hair behind your ear. 
"Well, I was working with Aiki and she had her daughter with us and she was so sweet and nice. Then I was talking to Yejin and she showed me her baby. Then Akanen and her cute daughter..." you paused to gather your thoughts. 
"Baby... what are you trying to say?" Bada asked in concern when she saw how your eyes were tearing up. 
"You looked so perfect while holding her and then she touched my face and I... I thought of how good of a mother you would be and how pretty I would look pregnant. Bada..." You held her face and looked deep into her eyes. 
"I want to have your babies," you finally blurted out. Her face turned a bright red but her eyes didn't divert from yours. 
"Bada Lee, I want you to put a baby in me," You said once more to make sure the message got across. 
You didn't say anything else but felt the member in her pants harden against your thigh making you grin. 
"Baby, don't play with me," she said as she shut her eyes. 
"I am not playing, Bada. I have never been so serious about anything," You said as you lowered yourself on her clothed penis grinding against it. She let out a soft groan. and took a hold of your his. With one swift move, she flipped you and was now on top of you. 
"I have been dreaming about this for years. My own little family with you. It will be perfect, baby," she said as she attacked your lips hungrily. You used your hands to remove the underwear under your silk nightgown. 
The straps of your dress fell over your shoulders exposing your breast to her sight and she didn't hesitate to take one in her mouth, savoring it. 
She used her free hand to remove the sweats she was wearing and collected the juices dripping down from you with her long member. Slowly sliding between your gushy walls allowing you to adjust to her. 
You bit your lip and looked up at her innocently. Those eyes drove her crazy. Something about the thought of finally getting to release inside of you made her even more turned on. So she began to move. 
She started off with slow thrusts and your bodies moved in sync like a dance. The devil's tango. But as you moaned her name and occasional coos of "faster, baby," and "more, please," she began to increase her pace. 
She began to speed up using her hand to rub on your now-sensitive clit. You felt yourself clench around her length when she reached your sweet spot. She moaned as her elbows were on each side of your head for support. 
Both of your breathing patterns were speedy and short. 
"I'm almost there. Don't stop, Bada. Please," you said making her grin. 
"What is it that you want, baby?" she asked. 
"Cum in me, please. Please, Bada," you began to rock your hips for friction but she used her hands to hold down your hips hard. 
"I love it when you beg for me," she said and started trusting again using her hands to go deeper in you by pulling your hips against you. 
Your eyes shut close and when you opened them you could only see stars. The ecstasy of the moment was too much you thought you couldn't handle it. 
That was until, with one last thrust, she poured herself inside of you. Rippling waves of pleasure washed through your body and your eyes rolled back. Bada soon collapsed on top of you, still inside. 
You thought she was finished but you clenched once more around her making her groan loudly and let out more of her seed inside of you. She didn't bother to get up from you and once you both recovered from the magical moment, you began to stroke her hair as she lay on your bare chest. 
"So, what do you want to name her... or him?" she asked. 
"I haven't given any thought. What about, Yeni Cho?" you said with a giggle. 
"Ha. Ha. Very funny," she sarcastically said. 
"I don't care about any of that. All that matters is that we are on the same page, baby," you said and she nodded. Soon you both drifted off to sleep. 
(A few months later)
Touring was over and you were sitting on the couch biting your nails. You had bought almost all of the pregnancy tests available at the store. Bada was supposed to return home soon from her trip to Vietnam. 
You jumped at the sound of the timer indicating your seven pregnancy tests were ready and the result should be revealed soon but you couldn't bring yourself to look at them. You paced the bathroom like a lunatic and talked to yourself. 
"Baby! I am home," You jumped at Bada's voice. You were so busy, you didn't even hear the code to come in the house or her keys. 
"I'm in the bathroom, Bada," You said still biting your nails. Bada walked to the bathroom and her eyes widened when she saw how many pregnancy tests were on the counter. 
"Baby, are you-"
"I don't know. I've been standing here for like five minutes and I'm nervous. I missed my period and I've been getting morning sickness so... I just figured I should discard any possibilities before going to the doctor. You look. I can't do it," You said and walked out of the bathroom. 
Bada turned test after test. Her face changed each time she held a new one. You walked in feeling eager. 
"We are going to be moms, baby. We are going to be moms!" she said as he picked you up and kissed your lips. 
"All of them? Are they all positive?" you asked. Bada nodded repeatedly as tears escaped her eyes. She embraced you in her warmth and you cried together. 
This was truly the start of something new. A new growing family. Something beautiful and you were forever grateful that Bada would be the mother of your future babies.
Thank you for reading🩵
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reiding-writing · 7 months
macarons and misunderstandings [ s.r ]
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You coax Spencer into joining you in a bakery café that your friend recommended you to visit whilst on a case in NYC, and although it starts as two friends getting lunch together, it doesn’t end that way.
WARNINGS: minor swearing, wholesome miscommunication
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
genre: fluff, just the most sickeningly sweet wholesome fluff
wc: 3.4k
a/n: rest assured, i will be returning to my comfort zone of hurt/comfort for my next fic bc i cannot write wholesome stuff for the life of me 😭
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“Alright, take a break everyone, we’ll pick this back up after everyone’s had the chance to eat,” Hotch’s voice rings across the NYPD conference room alongside the closing of the file he was reading from, and he tucks the manilla folder under his arm as he stands. “I want you all back here by 1:30,”
There’s a small chain of nods and ‘yes sir’s before the team is rising from the table and grabbing their belongings to vacate the police station to go and get some lunch, and you manage to catch Spencer right before he leaves. “Hey Spence-”
“Hm? Yeah?” He does a full U-turn with his body, almost walking straight into you in the process if not for his hand still holding the door open to give him a point of balance, and you have to stifle a small smile that tries to break its way onto your face.
“You got any plans for lunch or can I effectively kidnap you for an hour?”
Spencer gives you slightly furrowed expression although doesn’t seem opposed to the idea. “I’m not sure that was the best way to word that but no I haven’t,”
“Yeah probably not-“ You let out a small breath that could almost constitute as a laugh. "Anyway, apparently there’s a really good french bakery like two blocks away from here, we should go check it out before Hotch changes his mind and decides we’re confined to the station,”
“Right… yeah uh-.” Spencer laughed softly, encouraging you out of the door ahead of him before following behind you. “A bakery sounds really nice actually,”
"My friend told me about it when she was down here for fashion week, she said it has some of the best pastries she’s ever tried," You emphasise the word ‘best’ with your hands, and Spencer’s eyes followed them as he got caught up in your enthusiasm.
One of your favourite things about your oddly-developed friendship with Spencer was that you could do things like take a trip to a bakery together without a single hint of awkwardness.
Long since had the silences between you held any unfamiliar tension or apprehension when it came to getting to know each other those five years ago.
It was comfortable. Secure. And you weren’t entirely sure it was just a ‘friendship’.
“Did she happen to mention what type of pastries they have?” Spencer asked you, his eyebrows raised with genuine curiosity.
"She specifically mentioned the almond croissants, although i’m also eager to try their lemon crêpes because they sound absolutely amazing," You continue to exaggerate what you’re saying with your hands as you push open the door of the Police Station, exiting into the cool autumnal breeze of the New York City streets.
Spencer followed closely behind you, nodding along to what you were saying as he placed his hands the pockets of his tattered trench coat. Although, he wasn’t entirely listening to the words leaving your mouth, too focused on how the autumn breeze blew your hair softly and how the partially concealed rays of sun made your eyes look like they they held all of the stars in the milky way.
"Ooh, and macarons-" You turn towards Spencer as your excitement about what pastries to get overtakes any lingering thoughts of the case you’re working on, gripping onto his sleeve with your left hand.
You were excited about the pastries; He was excited about the warmth of your hand through his sleeve.
“Macarons do sound good. You know what would go really well with them?” Spencer looked at you as he spoke, smiling like you’d ripped the sun from the sky and given it to him as a present. “Hot chocolate.”
"Oh you are so right-" You give an immediate sharp nod at Spencer’s suggestion, sliding down his arm to rest on the inside of his elbow, fingers pressed gently into the slight curve created from where his hands rested inside his pockets.
To the unassuming eye, the two of you most probably looked like a couple out on a date, your arms linked and Spencer looking at you like you were the only person in existence.
Spencer was very aware that the way you touched him made it look like you were in a relationship.
And it made him feel a little giddy.
He had to force himself back to reality. He wasn’t in a relationship with you. All he was doing was going out with you as a friend to grab some pastries for lunch. That’s it.
"Okay so we have definite yeses to macarons and hot chocolate, I feel like we’ve gotta get at least one almond croissant considering how much my friend was raving about them, anything else?"
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a crêpe before. Maybe we should try one of those?”
Spencer had a sudden urge to kiss you, and he didn’t really know why. Maybe it was gentle heat of your fingers against his arm. Maybe it was the light pink flush on your cheeks from the cold breeze. Maybe it was the fact that he’d been subconsciously pining after you for years to the point where he could barely think of anything else.
"Yes. Definitely. 100%." You give the inside of his elbow a small squeeze at the prospect of introducing him to the delicacy that is french crêpes. "I cannot let you live a life without crêpes in it."
Spencer nodded along arbitrarily, not listening to a single word that you just said as he internally imagined how it would feel to have your hands in his hair and your lips on his skin.
Why wasn’t he in a relationship with you? You were just… perfect, and he was really into you.
He felt like there had to be a reason why you weren’t together, but that train of thought made Spencer fluster to the point he was afraid you’d be able to see it if he thought about it any longer.
"Aha," You make an exclamation of victory as the bakery comes into view, pushing the door open with a soft bell chime and tugging Spencer inside with you with a gentle but excited insistence.
The bakery looked amazing, although much closer to a café. It had a small quaint European feel to it despite it being on a main Street in New York City, and surprisingly, it wasn’t that busy either. It was the exact type of bakery that Spencer had hoped it would be.
You scour the chalkboard menu for a second to make sure they actually had everything you wanted before going up to order, and Spencer noticed as your hand slid downwards to the inside of his wrist so that you could lean forward to see the chalk whilst still keeping yourself anchored to him.
He was definitely blushing now, his heart taunting him as it pounded against his chest.
Spencer wanted to ask you to kiss him, or at least hold his hand, but the thought of bringing attention to the unspoken connection the two of you had may ruin it stopped him from saying anything, not wanting to risk losing what he currently had in the very minor instance of gaining something more.
"You’re alright with sharing a croissant and a crêpe right? I figure it might be too much otherwise-"
Spencer nodded with a smile. “I don’t mind sharing a croissant and a crêpe with you.”
You give him a beamed smile and a nod as you leave his side to go and order, shutting down his offer to pay before he could even suggest it.
He subconsciously ran his fingers over his wrist as he waited for you, trying to compensate from the loss of your touch and the gentle warmth that accompanied it as he watched you engage in polite small talk with the cashier.
You looked so sweet. So perfect.
"let’s sit outside yeah? it’s a nice day," You retreat back towards him with a tray balanced in your hands, two mugs of hot chocolate joined with four coloured macarons and a single croissant and crêpe, carefully distributed to balance the weight as you carry it.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Spencer nods at you softly, a wistful expression still on his face as he takes you by the elbow in order to help you carry the tray safely.
The reinstating of your previous contact brought a small flush back over his cheeks, and even through his hands were only brushing against the fabric of your shirt, it still felt oddly intimate.
The two of you walk over to a vacant table, set under a large parasol that casted the table in a comfortable shade.
Spencer took a seat across from you as you both sat down, separated by a small table in between the two of you.
Funny how a little table could do that.
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"Oh my god we are definitely coming back here next time we have a case down here-" You give a satisfied sigh as you wipe your fingers on a serviette, placing it inside your empty mug and pulling out your phone to check the time.
You should get back to the station.
The thought of having to go back dampened your mood a little, and not just because it meant you now had to spend the rest of the day bent over a desk to curate a profile.
You really enjoyed spending time with Spencer like this, whether it be accompanying him to a new museum exhibit or driving him to buy his groceries so he wouldn’t have to sit behind the wheel.
It was a small highlight of your time not spent working, and you always found yourself disheartened when it was time to leave.
“We should definitely come back.” Spencer looked at you as he spoke, catching the mild change in your expression. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah- yeah i’m good,” You give him a nod and a reassuring smile as you stand from you seat with him following not long after you. “Just not exactly looking forward to going back to work,”
“Yeah I understand what you mean,” Spencer gives a small laugh, stuffing his hands back into his pockets again.
"We should do this more often you know,” You tilt your head slightly at him, the words leaving your mouth without any thought behind them. "I uh- enjoy spending time with you like this,"
“I enjoy spending time with you too,” Spencer smiled gently.
He looked at you, feeling a slight bit of courage at your confession of enjoying spending time with him one on one.
Come on Spencer, just ask them out already.
"I’m glad," You give Spencer a half-laugh, turning away from him slightly to hide the flushed nature of your cheeks from your embarrassment.
Spencer’s eyes studied you, and he felt like now might be the time. You two were still technically off work, you loved spending time together, and you’d just spent the last half an hour listening to him rant about the new book he was reading whilst the two of you drank hot chocolate and shared french pastries with each other.
You weren’t just friends. You were more than that.
At least he hoped so.
“Can I take you out… on a date?” Spencer’s voice was soft, but it carried confidence.
"A- date?" You stop walking in the middle of the street, your body re-directing any cognitive functioning to focus on computing Spencer’s question.
Spencer stopped as you did, eyes entirely trained on your expression. He couldn’t help but look at how beautiful you were right now. Your face painted with a blush and a mild look of confusion characterised through the slight furrow in your eyebrows.
“Y- yeah… do you want to go on a date with me?”
Of course it was okay if you didn’t. It wouldn’t hurt Spencer. He’d handle the rejection. Right?
"I- Yeah-" You nod quickly, a little too enthusiastically if you were to think about it logically. “Yes,”
"I’d love to go on a date with you-" You’re words are rushed and slightly muddled together as you hastily agree to his proposition, but they get the point across.
Spencer’s face lit up with a blush as you said yes.
That’s wonderful news.
A small grin spread across his face. “I’m glad…” The words slipped out without Spencer realising it, joined by a notable fluster.
He was glad.
He was absolutely thrilled about the fact you want to go on a date with him.
Spencer was so incredibly grateful that you said yes.
“Wouldn’t- I mean- We just like went out together and got food and talked and stuff- was that… a date?-“ You gesture your hand back to the bakery café the two of you had just left.
You weren’t exactly wrong, and he understood your confusion.
“I suppose it follows the motions of a date,” Spencer looked at you, overtaken by how perfectly ethereal you looked with the breeze fluttering against your shirt and a blush covering your cheeks.
“But an actual date would be much more romantic.” His words were confident, even if he was embarrassed that he was admitting to you just how much of a romantic he was underneath his façade of being uninterested in finding someone.
"So it wasn’t a date?” You raise an eyebrow slightly, fiddling with your sleeves. “Because I want to kiss you but if it wasn’t a date then I can’t because you can’t kiss someone without going on a date with them first because it breaks date etiquette-”
Spencer’s eyes widened as he listened to you ramble without taking a single breath. You wanted to kiss him?
You wanted to kiss him.
You wanted to kiss him.
Spencer was trying to keep his emotions in check as he stared at you. Your words made him tingle with excitement. “Um… you can- still kiss me if you want…?”
You shake your head with determination. “You can’t kiss someone before you’ve been on a date with them,”
Spencer looked so utterly confused.
So, you didn’t want to kiss him?
He wanted to kiss you.
“Why not? Your logic makes no sense. Why can’t kiss me?” Spencer was so utterly confused, his eyebrows knitted in a way that made you want to plant your lips between them as he tried to understand what your issue was.
"My logic makes complete sense-" You cross your arms over your chest as you gesture for the two of you to keep walking with a nod of your head.
"Everybody knows that you never kiss somebody until the end of the first date, it curses your whole future relationship otherwise,"
Spencer couldn’t help but stare at you blankly.
What he heard you say was wrong. Really wrong.
You should kiss someone whenever you want to kiss someone. Especially if they’re your crush.
But you were adamant you couldn’t kiss Spencer because of this stupid arbitrary rule.
"Well, if you’d have agreed to my judgement that our bakery stop was a date then you’d be getting a kiss," You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly, lips pressed into a straight line. "But you don’t, therefore I can’t kiss you,"
Spencer stared at you in disbelief as you spoke, before his eyes widened.
He knew what you wanted to hear, and so he gave in.
It was the only way he’d get a kiss.
“Okay okay- It was a date at the bakery I was wrong-”
He hated how desperate he sounded, but you were so beautiful, you were stunning, you were the most gorgeous person he ever met.
Spencer wanted to be with you. And you were giving him an in to finally press his lips against your perfect face.
"Are you sure?" You furrow your eyebrows at him in mock accusation, agains stopping in your tracks to stand in front of him with your eyes fixed on his face.
Spencer sighed. “I… yes. It was a date. I was just being silly…” Spencer took your hand for a moment as he spoke to you, interlacing his fingers in yours and feeling the warmth of your hands against his frigidly cold ones.
He wanted you to know that he felt a lot differently towards you compared to how he’d felt about anyone else.
You were special.
And he wanted you.
"Right you are pretty boy," You give his hand a small squeeze as you use your other to cup his face, pulling it towards you with a gentle insistence so that you could press a chaste kiss to those perfect pink lips that had just been begging you to silence them. "You were being silly,"
Spencer’s face lit up with another blush as you called him pretty boy.
Of course you thought Spencer was pretty. Not handsome or beautiful.
He let himself be pulled in closer as you spoke to him teasingly, telling him that he was being silly.
And then… your lips. Pressed against his with a soft pressure that he gladly returned.
That was all it took for Spencer to feel like the luckiest man on earth.
"Here’s to a successful first date," You chuckle softly as your lips part, your noses brushing as you lean back to admire the rosy tint to his cheeks and the beaming smile that accompanied it.
Spencer felt so happy. So overwhelmingly, sickeningly happy.
And so, he did a thing that he never thought he had the courage to do. He pulled you into his arms, leaning in to kiss you with so much fervour that you were relying on the strength of his hands on your waist for stability.
Spencer didn’t know when he’d get the opportunity to do this again. So he was 100% going to make the most of it.
You can’t help the smile that erupts on your face as he pulls you in again, your hands cradling his cheeks and your head tilted ever so slightly to the left as you rested your weight into his hands.
If you’d recorded this moment and told him it was a scene from a cheesy romance movie he would’ve believed you.
As the two of you reluctantly pull away due to the unfortunate human necessity of breathing, you catch a glance at the watch face on the inside of your wrist.
“Shit- We really need to get back to the station.” Your hands fall from his face to grab one of his own, pulling him down the streets as you hurry back to the police station, mildly out of breath and still completely flustered.
“So-“ Spencer pulled a small resistance against your hands as the two of you stopped outside of the door.
“We’re going on a second date once we get home right?”
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theemporium · 11 days
if you decide to do luke & cherry blurbs, i love me some angst but i know you said you’re including angst in the actual storyline lol, but i really love the sweet domestic moments like when they take naps on her couch tg or she gives him head scratches so i’d love more wholesome stuff too that captures just how hard they are falling in love, although i love reading the smut it’s nice to also see the sweet side of their relationship 🫶🏼
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
series masterlist
“I don’t get it.”
You turned your attention away from the TV screen and towards the boy that was currently sprawled on top of you. 
“You don’t get what?” 
“This doppelgänger stuff,” Luke muttered, his cheek pressed against your stomach and his arms wrapped around your thighs. “So, there’s two of them now? Does everyone get a doppelgänger? Do we have to deal with two Jeremy’s?” 
You snorted, raising your hand to gently push through his curls. “No. Well, Stefan has a doppelgänger too but you don’t see him until, like, season five or something.” 
“Huh,” Luke hummed. “Who knew being a vampire brought so much drama.” 
“This is only season two, it gets so much worse,” you told the boy, watching with amusement as his head snapped up to look at you. 
“Worse? How can it get worse? She’s almost died every episode!” Luke scoffed, the episode now paused and his chin pressing against your lower stomach as he looked up at you like a lost puppy.
“It’s The Vampire Diaries, Luke, that’s the whole point of the show,” you snorted. “They cry. They die. Some come back to life. Some don’t. And you have to have that one character you despise no matter what even if they are liked by everyone else.” 
Luke nodded, looking oddly serious. “Jeremy Gilbert.” 
“And you get to meet the love of my life,” you added, lighthearted and playful and so unaware of the way the boy tensed on top of you. 
You let out a wistful sigh. “Klaus Mikaelson.” 
“Klaus,” he repeated with a blink. “Like Santa Claus?” 
“Not Claus, Klaus,” you corrected, rolling your eyes. “He’s the best character in this show, just you wait and see. You’ll love him.” 
Luke laid his head back down on your stomach, a frown on his lips. “I’m sure I will.” 
“Don’t get jealous,” you mused, your nails scratching across his scalp. “I wouldn’t give Klaus head scratches and let him squish me for three episodes straight.”
“You’re comfy,” Luke huffed in response, nuzzling himself further against your stomach.
“And I guess you’re a pretty good blanket,” you teased lightly. “Save me a bunch on heating too.” 
Luke didn’t bother trying to hide his smile. “M’not that warm.” 
“You’re a fucking furnance, Hughes,” you retorted. 
“But you love it,” he snapped back. 
Your lips twitched. “Yeah, I guess I do.” 
Luke didn’t bother hiding the smile that took over his face. “Bet Klaus isn’t a furnace.” 
You snorted. “Drop it, Luke!”
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rhenuvee · 10 months
Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons with Genshin Boys [Modern AU]
A/N: This is not important but I almost wrote sea bass with the characters
Treats it like Minecraft. Farms the heck out of your island for materials, and makes his own little "base" that's bordered by fences. Has enough wood, rocks, iron nuggets, etc to supply him for a year.
Razor, Bennett, Albedo, Alhaitham, Chongyun, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Thoma, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao
Chaotic. Attacks you with a net, sends you purposely cringey notes with a smelly sea bass attached, dresses like a hot dog after telling him to dress nice for a picture, probably decorates his house like a demon summoning ritual.
Childe, Cyno (does it to make you laugh), Itto, Kaeya, Lyney, Venti
Has sooo many bells... and from what?? He is your resident glucose father, always giving his bells to you to pay your debts. That 75,000 bell piano? It's yours. Really good with the Daisy Mae stonks, buys 100 turnips every time.
Alhaitham (asks you to catch a Coelacanth first), Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya
Broke. You’re the one with millions of bells. Takes so long for him to get out of the tent, and can't pay his home loans for days- but always has money for buying random things like a chair? Sometimes they have bells, but still ask you for some to annoy you. Also frequently gets scammed by Redd.
Bennett, Itto, Kaveh ("why does this feel oddly familiar..?"), Venti
Trash island. They are hoarders (honestly me). Your island's trees are still at the original random locations, along with weeds you have to pick every time, and some unknown "leaves" scattered everywhere. You say this is the reason Isabel gave your island a 2* rating but he denies it.
Bennett, Razor, Cyno, Itto, Venti
Clumsy. Always gets stung by wasps because he never takes out the net on time, falls for pitfall seed traps, and lots and lots of sea bass.
Bennett, Gorou, Itto, Kaveh
Treats it like Pokemon. Catches every single fish, bug and ocean species, completes the art gallery, every DIY. If you need something caught or made, he's your man.
Albedo, Bennett, Chongyun, Cyno, Freminet, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Heizou, Thoma, Tighnari
Wholesome af. This one gifts you sweet letters with nice gifts, aw. Plants lots of flowers outside your houses. Always gives you things you need. Probably decorated a small little space your you two, and gives the villagers nice gifts too.
Ayato, Baizhu, Bennett, Freminet, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lyney, Mika, Thoma, Venti
Doesn't really play video games... but he knows you like it so he tries to understand it. He's like a tourist, following you around, occasionally getting sidetracked by random things such as villagers. He doesn't know about the mailing system (yet) so he drops off gifts for you in front of your house.
Alhaitham, Ayato, Baizhu, Diluc, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli
Villager drama enthusiast (but chaotic). You tell him about your island and the personalities of your villagers. He goes a step further by making up gossip like "_____ cannot be neighbours with _____ because he cheated on her with _____!"
Childe, Kaeya, Kaveh, Lyney, Heizou, Venti, Xingqiu
The artist. Takes Animal Crossing very seriously. Has only the best clothes and furniture, sometimes making his own custom designs. Terraformed and decorated your island to a T, and takes cute pictures with you in the museum's aquarium, fireworks festival, etc.
Kaveh, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lyney, Venti
The competitive one. Originally he thought Animal Crossing was just a cutesy game. Once you introduce him to it, it doesn't take long for him to complain about Tom Nook being a capitalist and struggling to pay his loans and complete the museum. You offer to help but he insists on doing it himself.
Itto, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaveh
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kindestegg · 1 year
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"What do mortals eat again? Rocks? Fire? Gravity?"
This line is funny just by itself being rather absurd with how other Collector presents himself to the other characters of the series, but I noticed something silly and actually pretty wholesome about this.
You see, the joke is initially set up as if Collector just Wouldn't Know what to even feed the Owl Beast, or even King for that matter, really, since King is at least "semi-immortal" as he calls himself, and he does eat.
But King doesn't answer, instead just giving Collector this look:
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And later Collector settles onto something very normal as mortal foods go, pizza bagels:
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He... absolutely knows what mortals eat, doesn't he. He was willingly and knowingly messing around with King, and King KNOWS this.
I mean, we SEE them having a tea party WITH COOKIES as one of the end credit pictures! HE KNOWS! He was trying to joke around!!
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So with that all being said... It's oddly sweet seeing them be comfortable with each other to the point they can joke around and know when the other is joking as well. Really, the growth of their friendship deserves to be documented into a longer post itself (and it will).
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roses-for-rosalyn · 11 months
i desperately need dealer!ellie and her sweet girlfriend (who is also totally a stoner (;). maybe if reader went out of town for a while and ran out of weed, so she got some off of a dealer/from a dispensary in that town. then reader gets home and ellie would be (mostly jokingly) horrified by the weed that wasn't hers, and so on :3
(sorry if this does not make sense, english is not my first language and i've never done an ask before so im a bit nervous :])
Rahhh what an amazing idea!! I'm so honored I was your first ask, also don't be nervous to approach my account this is a safe space for anyone darling 💕 Sorry it took so long to respond!!
the people who like my Ellie content come 'ere, this is a treat for you.
word count: 3.7 k
minors dni (please bro)
cw: sprinkle of fluff (haven't had a productive therapy session in a loong time), mutual masterbation sort of, neck kissing, drug use 🍃, established relationship, dealer! Ellie, strap on use (r! receiving), teasing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, no use of y/n (lmk if I missed anything)
You stand before a familiar rust colored door, contemplating for a moment before you rap your knuckles against the hardwood. You were visiting your girlfriend for the first time in a few weeks–which felt more like a few months. You had gone back home to visit family for a while, and to meet up with some old friends. Naturally being with family was incredibly stressful and you were relieved to be able to return to your girlfriend for multiple reasons: 1) she has weed 2) you were extremely sexually frustrated after being without her for a few weeks 3) you simply missed her company (which you would never explicitly admit to her considering she was a pain in the ass half the time). You had been texting Ellie every day and she never failed to turn the conversation from something wholesome into something incredibly dirty. You would go from talking about your day to shaking, nervous hands trying to type a response without dropping your phone. She could have you aching for her in mere moments simply by stringing together a strategic set of words. It was truly a gift, an oddly specific gift that you were incredibly grateful for when you were separated from her. 
You had told her almost everything about your visit. You failed to mention that being with family got so stressful you met up with your old plug from highschool. You only bought like three prerolls, but for some odd reason you felt like you were being unfaithful to your drug dealer girlfriend. It was something so incredibly silly, but the action just felt…weird. She enjoyed being possessive a lot of the time, mostly because it was fun for her (particularly in bed). Someone might flirt with you at a bar and she would take you home and not let you come until you had said you were hers over and over and over. A combination of nerves and excitement invaded your body every time you thought about telling her. You would imagine her reaction and an ache would immediately grow between your legs. But then another side of you wondered if it might actually bother her, and maybe she wouldn’t react that way. It was a gamble and you were unsure if you felt like risking it. 
The sound of the door opening disrupts your train of thought. As soon as you see Ellie’s face your worries dissolve, you leap towards her, wrap your arms around her tightly and kiss her. You were both smiling so hard your teeth gently knocked together. You lean back, taking her in, you had missed her perfectly placed freckles and familiar green eyes. You kiss her again and again and again, pecking your lips against hers. She moves away from your lips, cups your face and plants gentle kisses on your forehead, cheeks and nose. You giggle and scrunch up your face at the feeling, your cheeks starting to warm. 
She breaks away and rests her forehead against yours, “Hi.” she says breathlessly.
“Hi.” you reply, giggling. “I missed you.” 
“I know, I’m an incredibly amazing person to spend time with, anyone with a brain would miss me.” She smirks, almost challenging you to retaliate. 
Your eyes narrow,  “you know what?’ You scoff, ‘I know you missed me,” a grin forms on your face before you continue, “In fact I have proof of exactly how much you missed me right in my phone.” You lean in, whispering in her ear, “And if you don’t admit it we won’t do anything we talked about while I was away.” 
Ellie smiles, “Ok, Ok I missed you,” she looks down, “you and your perfect tits.” You pull away from her and playfully slap her on the shoulder, poorly pretending to be offended–your giggling gave you away. you could tell she meant it when she said she missed you because she was looking at you with such adoration in her eyes you think you might explode. 
Ellie finally walks away from you to close and lock the door before gently grabbing you by the hand to lead you to the couch. Her hand is so warm and familiar, you squeeze it softly, savoring the feeling. 
She looks back at you, mischief in her eyes “Wanna smoke?” she asks. 
“God, I thought you’d never ask.” You smile, giddy as ever. You eagerly sit down on the couch next to her, close enough so the sides of your thighs touch. You were more needy than usual and Ellie took notice. 
Your eyes move to the coffee table which has various weed related objects strewn about. Ellie had clearly been smoking a bit before you had gotten here. You watch her hands as she leans over the coffee table and begins to expertly roll and pack a joint with her slender fingers. You get lost in her movements, studying the way her hands move so carefully and purposefully. 
She finishes rolling the joint and offers it to you with both her hands, head bowed as if she was bestowing a wondrous gift to you. You giggle at her amusing antics and gently take the blunt from her hands, pinching it between your thumb and pointer finger. Ellie is quick to grab the lighter off the coffee table as you bring it to your lips. You wait for her to burn the tapered end off before wrapping your lips around it and deeply inhaling. Thick smoke fills your mouth, flows into your throat and lungs. The feeling is warm and familiar, ever since you started dating Ellie, smoking stopped burning and started feeling more tingly. It was a sort of comforting feeling- knowing your body would eventually relax and your thoughts would become muted. Your eyes instinctively close as you breathe out, a smile forming on your lips. 
“Wow, you really missed smoking huh?” Ellie laughs at your dramatic display. 
“Well I didn’t exactly go completely without it, but I missed your shit, this is actually good.” You look down, sigh and take another small hit. You offer the joint back to Ellie and look up at her, trying to read her expression. Her appearance doesn’t give anything away as she takes it from you and takes a long hit. Her eyes stay on yours as she exhales, all you can do is stare back, your eyes frantically searching hers for any hint of anger or jealousy. 
“Where’d you get the other shit from?” Her tone is completely flat. “Wasn’t from me was it?” she pinches her eyebrows together, trying to recall if she sent you off with anything. 
“No, no. I got really stressed and I was desperate for any type of relief sooo I messaged my old plug from highschool.” You let out a short laugh. Ellie hands the spliff back to you calmly.
“Was it any good?” She tilts her head and watches as you take a long hit before answering.
“Pretty good, but nothing compared to your shit babe.” You smile as you exhale and hand the joint back to her. She takes it and puts it out, her expression remaining scarily blank. She was obviously planning something in that brain of hers. 
She hums and nods looking down at the coffee table. She sits up and finally looks at you, pats your thigh and mumbles “come ‘ere.” You do as she says and adjust yourself so you're straddling her. “Cheating on your drug dealer who is also your girlfriend huh?” She shakes her head, “Bad idea.” Her expression turns into a wicked smirk. 
You laugh “No I-” 
She interrupts, “Uh, uh, I don’t want to hear any excuses.” 
“But I-”
“You’ll have to make it up to me princess.” Her voice lowers, a suggestive tone lacing it. The way she said it, dominance dripping from her words sent butterflies straight to your cunt. 
“Whatever you want, Ellie.” you say in your most submissive voice, hoping it will convince her to take mercy on you. You know she’s gonna make you ache tonight one way or another. She smirks and kisses you. She opens up your mouth with her tongue, the kiss this time was different; it was hungrier, her tongue roughly massages against yours and she groans at the feeling. You move your hands down to the hem of her sweatshirt and tug. You break away for a moment to throw her sweatshirt across the room leaving her in a white tank top. She grabs the hem of your t-shirt and does the same, leaving you bare for her. 
You hadn’t worn a bra in anticipation for tonight and it definitely paid off. Ellie wasn’t expecting it and stared for a moment, your nipples beginning to harden from being exposed to the cool air in her apartment. You can’t help but giggle at her ogling, but the giggle is quickly cut off once she latches her mouth onto your sensitive nipple. Her warm tongue swirls around your hard bud and you gasp at the feeling, threading your fingers into her hair. She brings up one of her hands to begin playing with the other breast, pinching and rolling your nipple between her thumb and index finger. The feeling was even more intense from the weed, her actions sent arousal straight to your cunt. She takes her time, licking and sucking until she’s satisfied. You're a panting mess after mere moments, mumbling breathless obscenities as she has her way with you. She moves to the other nipple and you have begun grinding against her to try and relieve the ache that had now grown painful between your legs. She removes her mouth, before moving up your body. She kisses along your clavicle taking her time, sucking and licking as she moves. She made her way to your neck and latched on to the sensitive skin causing you to moan. She is slow and methodical, purposefully trying to mark you up. You didn’t mind, you kind of liked the bruises she would leave behind. Your heightened senses deliciously exaggerate the feeling of her warm tongue on your skin, while also making the ache in your cunt almost unbearable considering everything was sensitive. 
“Ellie please.” you whimper, wanting her to do anything to satiate your sore cunt. 
“Please what, Princess?” She asks between kisses. 
“Ellie” you whine out, frustrated beyond belief. She hums and grabs your thighs, wrapping them around her waist, then your arms to wrap them around her neck before standing up and walking you both to the bedroom. She continues teasing you with her tongue, touching you everywhere, but where you need her. She lowers you down to sit on the edge of the bed and you break away from her to back into the middle and lay down. She raises her eyebrows at your eagerness, but crawls on top of you and kisses you, her tongue intertwining with yours, her leg in between yours rising higher and higher… before she pulls back. You frown and tilt your head in confusion.
Ellie smirks and raises her eyebrows, “Oh, you thought I was gonna make this easy?” She lets out a dry laugh at your desperation. She finds it cute, but not cute enough to give in and give you what you want. 
“But I just got back-” 
“And what did you do while you were gone?” She tilts her head questioning you. “You gave me a reason to make this difficult for you,” she answers her own question before leaning in so close you can feel her breath tickle the shell of your ear and whispers, “And you know how much I love an excuse to make things difficult for you.” The bass of her voice invertebrates through your body sending tingles down your spine. 
“F-fine,” You try to sound confident, but she has you in pieces underneath her. “What do you want?” At your question Ellie sits up kneeling over you.
“Get up.” You sit up slowly as she gets off the bed and you follow. You stand in front of her, chest heaving from arousal, eyes shining with desperation and Ellie almost scraps her whole plan for the night. She grabs the hem of your shorts and gently lowers them past your hips, letting them slip to the floor. She does the same with your underwear, all the while you stand still, allowing her to have her way with you. Ellie unbuttons her jeans and lowers them to the floor, her tank top following. You can’t help but stare, her sports bra doesn’t do much to conceal her hardened nipples, her toned abs and arms practically made you drool. She rests her hands on your hips and takes a moment to admire your bare body. “So beautiful, baby.” Ellie breathes out before planting a gentle kiss to your shoulder. You smile at her and she smiles back, then she walks towards the head of the bed, grabbing one of the pillows and putting it in the middle of the bed. You're confused until she gestures for you to sit on the bed. Oh. 
You crawl on to the bed and straddle the pillow, facing the head of the bed. Ellie moves to the top of the bed, gently grabs your hips and encourages you to lower down on to the pillow, you put your hands on top of hers and start to sink down. Once your sensitive clit contacts the soft fabric of the pillow you let out a small gasp. Subconsciously, you start rocking back and forth on the pillow, so needy and overstimulated you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your eyes start to close from the delicious pressure on your clit.
“That’s it princess, just like that.” You let out a little whine and continue rutting against the pillow, chasing relief. After a moment you realized the pillow wasn’t going to be enough, you needed more. You move your hand from Ellies and start to bring it down between your legs. She grabs your hand and tuts “uh, uh you’re going to move just like this,” She nods to you, “until I say. Not any faster, not any slower.” 
“You didn’t seem to want me enough,” She shrugs, “so I’m gonna make you need me.” You let out a quiet moan at her words. She was intoxicating when she was like this, you loved it and hated it at the same time. 
Ellie lets go of your hips and you do as she says, keeping a steady rhythm against the pillow. Once she watches you for a moment she leans back onto the pillows one leg bent, the other straightened out in front of her. And she just…watches, staring you right in the eyes, she doesn’t plan on touching you or helping you in any way. Fine if she was going to watch, you were going to give her a show. A show good enough to get her to give in–hopefully. You begin letting out little whines and gasps as you move fluidly against the pillow. You maintain eye contact as you let your moans build, your clit being teased from the fabric. She groans “Keep moving just like that Princess.” Your eyes follow Ellie’s hand as it slowly starts to move between her legs, palming at her clothed cunt. 
The action immediately sent a wave of arousal to your needy pussy. “Ffuck, Ellie.” you whine out, letting your head fall back and eyes close. Your moans grow a little louder, pleasure slowly building in your stomach. You look back at Ellie, her chest is heaving as her hand moves a little faster against the fabric of her underwear. She is looking down, watching you fuck the pillow, both of you longing for the pillow to be Ellie. You decide to boldly move one of your hands to your breast, cupping and massaging the soft skin. She doesn’t protest, only watches you in awe. You could tell she was on the verge of giving in. You start moving your fingers around your nipple teasing the sensitive bud, before pinching  and rolling it between your fingers. You moan loudly at the sensation and begin to move faster against the pillow. Ellie gets up quickly and grabs her strap from the night stand. You let out a sigh and halt your motions, feeling relief flow through your body. 
Ellie looks back at you “Did I say you could stop?” 
“N-no but-” You stop talking once Ellie tilts her head, silently challenging you. You start moving again, whining a little bit at the feeling of your sore clit rubbing against the soft fabric. You watch as Ellie adjusts the harness. Taking her time to secure it, you would almost be pissed off if you had any room for any emotion besides complete and utter desperation. 
Finally Ellie moves behind you on the bed, she caresses your shoulders, moving her hands up and down and kisses the side of your neck. You are still desperately humping the pillow as she said, waiting desperately for her to say the word. “Ellie please.” The desperation in your voice is pathetic, but you were reduced to a puddle from her literal torture. 
“Come and then I’ll let you stop.” She whispers in your ear.
“Ellie I can’t, it’s not enough I need more please.” She moves her hands to your breasts and begins cupping and massaging the tender skin. Once she starts teasing your overstimulated nipples your head falls back on her shoulder and you moan her name. She starts sucking and kissing your neck and that was all you needed. The pleasure in your stomach finally started to build to a peak. You start rutting your hips faster, chasing your high. 
“Come for me baby.” Ellie breathes into your ear. At her words your orgasm hits you, your pleasure coming to a satisfying peak after the relentless teasing. You buck against the pillow over and over, riding out your climax. “Good girl.” Ellie says as she continues teasing your nipples. When you start to come down Ellie immediately guides you so your upper body is laying against the bed, still straddling the pillow. She grabs the pillow and puts it underneath your hips, giving her a perfect view of your swollen, dripping cunt. You suddenly feel her fingers running up your slit, gathering your arousal, before shoving two fingers inside your soaked cunt. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, tightening around her fingers. “So perfect for me baby.” Ellie says before starting to move her fingers, curling them up against that perfect spongy spot inside of you. You moan as she moves her fingers in and out of you perfectly. She removes her fingers from you and you feel her begin to guide it against your soaked pussy, nudging your clit as she moves her hips forward. You moan into the sheets as she moves her hips back and forth a few times, grazing your clit each time. The strap was coated in your juices after mere moments. You were almost dripping down your thighs, clenching around nothing as Ellie teased you. She massaged the silicone cock, coating it with your arousal, before teasing your entrance with the very tip. You groan as it stretches your tight cunt. She moves slowly, opening you up with the thick black cock. 
“Oh god.” you moan as she moves deeper into you. 
“Relax for me baby. You can take it.” Ellie assures you. You relax, allowing her to sink all the way into your tight cunt. You whimper as she bottoms out, feeling a painfully pleasurable pressure in your pussy. She grabs your wrists and holds them together with one hand and places the other on your hip. She starts to fuck you mercilessly, not giving you any time to adjust, forcing a pathetic “fuckfuckfuck.” out of your swollen lips. Ellie begins grunting at every thrust from the effort, but keeps her pace. The harness was rubbing against her clit perfectly, her ache being soothed as well as yours. 
“God I fuckin missed this pussy baby, missed using you however I wanted like this.” You moan at her words, you loved it when she used you however she wanted. “Such a good girl for me.” She begins moving faster, getting lost in her pleasure. She uses her grip on your wrists to pull her cock deeper into you, causing you to moan at every thrust. Ellie could tell you were already close.
“You can come as many times as you want, princess, but I’m not stopping until I’m done.” You started to come undone, your orgasm ripping through you as Ellie fucks you through it. Waves of pleasure wash over you and you moan so loudly, you are sure the neighbors heard, hell maybe the whole neighborhood. You start to come down, but Ellie doesn’t let up, you whine as she continues to pound into your overstimulated cunt. You whine out her name and she reaches under you to lift you upwards, your body flush against hers. She slowly moves her hand down your stomach, you can tell what she’s doing “Ellie I can’t-” 
She pauses, “You can take it, give me one more baby.” You nod and she moves her hand to your clit and starts rubbing it in small controlled circles. She uses her other hand to tease your nipples and you’re already close again, muttering obscenities and letting your head rest on her shoulder. Ellie begins panting and moaning in your ear as she thrusts into you, reaching her high as well. Her hips start moving sloppily and she breathes out “Come for me.” before coming undone herself. You let go, your moans syncing with Ellie’s as her thrusts become slower and less controlled. Your body completely submerges into your pleasure, your hips rocking back into Ellie’s mindlessly. You can barely hold yourself up any more as pleasure washes over you. Ellie holds you against her as you lose your strength. She pulls out of you slowly and lowers you down to sit on your knees as she removes the strap, throwing it to the side. You turn around to face her and smile lazily, she smiles back and kisses you softly. She lowers you onto the bed as she continues kissing you. You collapse into the soft pillows, every bone in your body giving out. 
“I missed you.” You barely manage to whisper.
“I missed you too.”
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bambiimutt · 9 months
hiii!!! Can you do masky as a father figure to edgy emo/scene teens? 👀
Father Figure Masky
Of course I can my love!! I actually haven’t thought of doing something like this so I’ll give it a shot!!
Not any tw’s if I missed any please let me know. Just some wholesome Tim! Lots of fluff!
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-I feel like he probably finds you in a Library. He doesn’t go often but when he usually spots you. you’re always reading a book or sometimes drawing. He never sees your parents so he assumes you must be old enough to be out on your own.
-he’s typically in there for.. well not really anything. To get away from the noise. From the typical people. He usually sits in a corner, book in hand slightly slouching in his chair, legs crossed over each other. His satchel usually sits beside the squeaky chair, occasionally he pops a pill, swallowing down water and going back to whatever he’s reading.
-you come in one afternoon, grabbing the book you’ve been reading the last couple of weeks and heading towards your spot. But when you arrive you’re met with a few teenagers from you school. “Shit.” You’re quick to turn on your heel before they see you and try to find some other quiet corner to sit in. And when you do someone else just so happens to be sitting there.
-you clear your throat. “Uhm..” Tim looks up from his book, eyebrow cocked. It’s you. “S-sorry. Uhm. Do you mind if I sit here. I won’t bother you or anything.” He’s silent for a moment, his fingers curling at the page before he closes the book. You’re quick to roll your eyes when you don’t get a response “hellooo?” You wave your book in his face before he speaks “g’ahead” he moves up slightly and watches you carefully. He takes note of your funky hair, how it isn’t natural. The piercings on your face and the clothes you wear.
- this is all where it kinda started. You’d start sitting with him whenever you knew he was there, he’d learn why you were always here, how your parents just never treated you the greatest and the only way to escape was to come to the library.
-you finally ask him one day why he takes so many pills, why he needs so much medication. And oddly enough he feels okay to open up to you about those things.
-I think he would feel some sort of comfort. He likes that your different then others. In a way you’re like him, but maybe not so violent. And he tries to keep that part of him away from you. He tries to just be the happy him, but it’s hard when he’s been out all night blacked out stalking innocent individuals.
-he ends up buying you some art supplies. He first took note of your artistic skills from the moment he seen you. He likes the weird things you draw, it almost eases his mind to know he’s not the only one with weird stupid scary thoughts.. though you are more of a edgy teenager.. he’s just not normal.
-your name in his phone is kiddo. He probably sends you stupid fucking memes he finds on the internet that he thinks are so Hilarious but they’re actually so fucking cringy.
-Calling him dad for the first time. Yeah it kinda just slips out and he’s shook. You think he’s angry, uncomfortable but he’s in pure SHOCK. Really? You look at him like that? That’s so… sweet. He cares for you deeply and wants to see you go far. So the fact that you see him like that.. damn you might have just wiggled right into his heart.
-it takes him some time getting used to it but at some point he fully allows you to call him dad. He’ll pick you up from school, he’s always the one to listen to you when it comes to bullies at school, he buys you lunch, makes sure you have school supplies that you need. You call him asking him to pick you up because you don’t wanna be there anymore? He’s on his way.
-“can you take me to the MCR comeback concert?”
“Fuck no.”
-Trust me he’d love to take you to those things but his money goes to his medications and his house, he’d rather have a roof over his head then be surrounding by teenagers crying and screaming. Butttt.. that doesn’t stop him from buying you things that you’re interested in. Band shirts, new hair dye, comics, etc.. he even goes out of his way to make sure you have new things, new phone.. whatever you want. I think he’s taking the dad role straight to the heart.. but it makes him happy.
-if you were ever in a situation to be put up for adoption. He’s 100% willing to adopt you. But if you’re old enough to be moved out, he’s got a bedroom all set up for you.
-he takes his road trips.. and fully takes pride on the fact that he listens to dad rock. He sings horribly to the music while you groan and plug your ears, and searching frantically for your headphones “dad please! Shut up!”
-he does let you play your music majority of the time though, and he actually doesn’t mind any of it. He thinks it’s pretty cool.
-“I bought hair dye..” you look at Tim and sway side to side, hands behind your back. He stares at you from the couch before shutting his eyes and sighing “alright, grab a plastic bag and get to the bathroom.” He always dyes your hair. And he’s always wrapping the damn plastic bag around your head too tight. “Gotta make sure that dye stays in there” and gives you the meanest dad back slap.
-if you ever graduate, he’s in the back of the stadium watching you proudly from afar. And of course he has gifts for you, what kind of father would he be if he hadn’t. Once you’re both in the car he’s got a small box and a large bag ready for you. Some new clothes, items and those damn concert tickets you always talk about.
-he’s a good papa. He’d never judge you for your interests nor what you looked like. He thinks you’re super bad ass and he’s proud to be such an important figure in your life.
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i’ll go see you again tomorrow (spring is coming to an end) ; sashisu
[ part 0 - first meeting ]
synopsis; the gradual blossoming of a youth shared with three strange classmates, at the weird, isolated boarding school you all attend. as the seasons of your first year together pass, the relationship between you changes into something you don’t need to put into words to understand.
word count; 1.6k
contents; sashisu/reader (but can be read as either platonic or romantic, or something inbetween!! i wrote it with the latter in mind), gn!reader, no curses au (dw they’re all still a little bit insane and damaged), very shoujo manga-esque, reader is a little bit in love with all their friends, just wholesome comfy vibes :), characters may be ooc but pls bear with me </3
a/n; this is the shorter opening piece of a sashisu/reader series i’m writing and the first out of six planned parts!! :> the rest will be much longer this is just me setting the tone. sorta. i’m extremely normal about sashisu and i wanted to write something summery and sweet so <3
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you first meet them in a sun-soaked classroom, with blue-tinted windows.
the room in question, clearly not having been of use for some time, is just a little dusty. enough that you notice it, nose scrunching up as your gaze trails over the space.
tiny specks of light dance around, meeting and intersecting between the gaps where streaks of sunlight fall and illuminate the floorboards. they’re oddly mesmerizing, a little hard to forget. the flicker of their movement begins to etch itself into your retinas; for some reason, you can’t quite take your eyes off them.
eventually, your attention is caught by something else, coaxing you into moving your gaze towards the translucent windows. they glimmer softly, tantalizingly in the sunlight, reflecting the blue of the sky. through the glass, it’s all you can see at first — a sky so blue that it’s a little irritating. big, white clouds are scattered like splotches of paint across a blue canvas, treading gently over the boundary of your vision. 
in a similar fashion, the ground of the schoolyard is littered with dots of white. for just a second, you delude yourself into thinking that it’s snow; it’s not until you spot the skeletal trees and their pale blossoms that you see them for what they are. soft petals flutter down to the ground eagerly, covering everything in a pure white. 
it really is eerily reminiscent of a snowy landscape, ephemeral in its beauty. it gives you the impression of having stepped over some sort of threshold, into another realm, another world entirely. coated in apricot blossoms, soaked in sunlight.
(it shouldn’t be possible from where you’re standing, behind the windows — but the scent reaches you all the same. everything smells of apricots.)
it’s springtime, and you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to share with three other kids, all standing in front of you and wearing mildly indifferent expressions as you give each other a brief glance.
you try not to stare too hard, but it’s difficult to resist the temptation. three new classmates, mysterious and just slightly intimidating; two guys, and one girl. the tiny glances you steal at them aren’t very sneaky, but you doubt they’d care, when they’re all doing the same. 
you study their appearances, eager to sate the curiosity clawing at your heart.
the girl is pretty.
the expression on her face is laid-back, almost bored, and she looks a little like she doesn’t quite want to be here. her hair reaches down to her chin, just barely, brown and smooth and silky. estimating her exact height is a little tough; you can tell she’s fairly short, but you don’t know how much of it is exaggerated, courtesy of her placement between the other two. their lanky legs and broad shoulders only make her look smaller in comparison.
her eyes are chestnut-coloured, a little dim, somewhat hazy. there’s a mole under one of her eyes, too, and you’re acutely aware of how charming you find it. you’re relieved to have at least one girl in your class, anyhow. you hope she’s nice.
the boy on her right is pretty, too. 
he’s much taller, and wearing a somewhat serious expression, but something about him feels almost comforting all the same. he seems relaxed, but also sharp, as his eyes trail across the room. his hair is black and silky, and it’s long — or so you assume, judging by the fact that he’s got it in a bun. two things about him stand out in particular; one, the black gauges on his ears, and two, a single lock of hair framing his face. his hair is tied up and neat, prim and proper, with the exception of his bangs. you don’t think it looks bad, exactly, but it’s an odd choice.
at first glance, you think his eyes are black, but when a ray of sunlight falls across his face you realize that they’re brown. a deep colour, oddly soothing, warm. little sparks of amber glitter in the depths of his irises, illuminated only by the sun. it gives you the impression that there’s more to him than meets the eye.
then there’s the other boy. 
he’s the most intimidating out of the three, without a doubt, though you still can’t pinpoint exactly why. he strikes you as particularly unnerving; maybe it’s the expression on his face, that you can’t seem to identify. he’s also tall, very tall, even taller than the other guy — though only by a smidge. he towers over you slightly, and that unnerves you even further. there’s something in the way he’s standing that almost seems a little menacing. his hair is white, and soft, and just a tad messy. and he’s wearing a pair of round sunglasses, even though you’re indoors.
you can’t see his eyes well, behind the black glass, but you get the vague impression that they’re blue when sunlight cascades down the contours of his face and reflects in them.
you take another moment to simply look at them, observing them, as if trying to reach some sort of conclusion about what they’re like. it doesn’t really work, but you do get some semblance of an impression.
finally, your teacher clears his throat, breaking the silence of the classroom — urging you to hurry up and get the introductions done and over with. the impatient reminder snaps all four of you out of your collective trance.
the first person to speak up is the boy with the weird bangs. that alone gives you a sense of his personality; polite, proper, the first to do the thing no one really wants to do. 
”my name is suguru geto,” he begins, well mannered. ”it’s nice to meet you.” his voice is pleasant, somehow. nice to listen to. there’s something comforting about it, that you can’t quite place; it sounds almost familiar, like you’ve heard it all your life.
then, the cute girl chimes in, casual and unbothered as she fiddles with something in her pocket. ”shoko ieiri. just call me shoko,” she says, short and sweet. 
she really is pretty, you muse, bathed in the streaks of sunlight falling haphazardly across the room. and she seems nice, not uptight or obnoxious; the kind of person that’s easy to talk to, easy to be friends with. you think you like her already. but she notices your lingering stare, and so you look away, gaze falling to the floorboards.
finally, after a slight pause, the boy with the sunglasses speaks up. you still can’t get a good read on his expression. ”… satoru gojo,” is all he says, and you can’t seem to grasp his tone of voice, either. 
it irks you, though. you’re not sure why. you almost get the sense that he thinks he’s appeasing you, by introducing himself, like hearing his name is a priviliege. that, and you feel a little like you’re being dissected when his gaze falls on you — like he’s weighing your value, deciding your worth. you think you almost catch a glimpse of his eyes behind the black tint of his glasses, and they strike you as acutely menacing, bright blue and uncanny. you decide that you don’t like him, and that his sunglasses are kinda ugly.
their gazes fall on you, at last. 
you’re the only one whose name they don’t know, now. it’s a kind of power, in a way, the power of mystery. intrigue. their stares feel heavy on your skin, and you feel more than a little nervous; but you’re intent on following the silent cue, all the same. 
and you do so, dutifully, raising your hand up in a silent hello before tentatively saying your name. then, in a voice you hope doesn’t come across as bored or unpleasant:
”— it’s nice to meet you.”
some of them hum in affirmation, as if to say it’s nice to meet you too — others remain silent. even when the introductions are finished, you continue to look at each other, vaguely and discreetly, as if trying to look inside each other’s heads. 
but then your teacher begins to speak, in an authorative voice, and you’re snapped out of the trance, once more. 
he babbles on and on, about something you’re sure is important, something about the school and the classes you’ll be having and the dorms and so on. you try to listen, you really do, but it’s tough — you vaguely get the gist, but all you can really think about is your classmates, still so mysterious and intimidating.
you try to repeat their names, inside your mind, trying to ingrain them into your memory.
suguru geto, shoko ieiri, and satoru gojo.
you still don’t really know what to think about them. shoko will probably be fairly easy for you to warm up to, but the other two are a different story. all three of them seem to have strong personalities, reflected in their eyes; a dim hazel, a deep umber, and a stark azure. you don’t know what’s hidden in them, but you have a strange inkling that you will, in due time.
that’s how the four of you meet. and in this moment, as you look into their eyes for the first time, you have no idea how much your life has changed — how much they’ll change it for the better.
you only know that it’s springtime, and that you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to spend with these three kids in front of you, who you know nothing about. some part of your soul urges you to find out, for yourself.
maybe you will.
(outside the sun-soaked classroom, through the blue-tinted windows, the world observes your meeting with bated breath and barely contained excitement.)
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part i
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loveephia · 1 year
kita shinsuke turns into a toddler.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting, cavity-giving, super sweet fluff, reader takes care of toddler kita, toddler!kita has the roundest cheeks ever, and the silliest bangs to exist, toddler!kita has a crush on you, just an innocent and wholesome piece overall.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: i got absolutely demolished with the biggest wave of baby fever, so enjoy!!! :3
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you look down and see a toddler, dressed in an oversized inarizaki uniform that looks oddly like kita shinsuke.
"k- kita?!" you exclaim, the panic evident in your shaky voice. you crouch down, looking around the empty hallway to see if anyone else just saw what has happened. the child stares up at you, quiet. he rubs one eye and yawns drowsily.
"who.. are you?" kita asks. "i- i'm y/n l/n! remember? the vice president of the student council? i work right under you b- because you're the president!" you answer.
kita blinks his chocolate doe-like eyes at you.
"grandma yumi told me not to talk to strangers." kita turns on his heel, "goodbye." n- now hold on!
you scoop kita up in your arms before running off to the student council office, "no way! if anyone in inarizaki sees what has happened to you, they're going to freak out!"
kita only holds onto you, gripping his tiny hands onto your uniform. "p- please slow down, miss l/n. i'm a bit scared." he stutters.
ack! my heart!
"o- okay.." you do as he says, trying desperately to quickly find the door that leads to the student council office. he hides his face in the crook of your neck. squish. he rested one fluffy cheek on your shoulder.
"oh my gosh, oh my gosh! so cute, so cute!" you thought, covering your mouth with one palm.
you kicked the office door down before gently placing kita on the couch. you closed the door shut and sighed heavily. what is this bizarre situation?!
"you're going to stay here until you turn back to normal, okay?" you said, tone firm. kita hesitates, but he nods anyway, not fully understanding what you meant. you mutter a small, "good." at his obedience.
"miss l/n, please don't leave me." he says politely, fidgeting with his fingers. "i'm scared of being by myself."
he's so adorable!
"o- of course.." you plopped down next to him on the couch, sitting in silence.
you glance over at kita, who seems to be staring at the office table with nothing but bond paper on it. you then notice the prominent shape of his cheeks. white, round, and smooth. huh.. kind of like a bao.
you poke one out of the curiosity of your own heart, and you were satisfied, to say the least. "waaah! they're so soft!"
attack worked! you have confused the enemy! (kita)
"miss l/n, can i draw?" he asks, sheepishly fiddling with his own fingers. "oh, right.. since kita is basically a child now, he'll probably want to do something with whatever creativity his brain can muster up." you thought to yourself. "yes, sure!" you pick kita up and place him on one of the office chairs close to the table before trying to find a box of crayons and a pencil for him to use.
once you found them, you handed them to kita, even giving him a sheet of bond paper from earlier.
kita gets to work, and you sigh, sinking back into the office couch. it's a good thing that kita wasn't a very high maintenance child, so you didn't have to worry too much.
"achoo!.." kita sneezed. you pulled a clean and pastel handkerchief from your pocket and let kita blow his nose into it. "are you okay now?" you asked, and kita nods.
you take a peek at what kita was drawing, and it's of you and him, holding hands. it looks like he wasn't finished yet from the way that there wasn't any colors.
i seriously want to cry. how much cuter can he get?!
time skip.
kita finally turns back to normal after a long day of caring for him, and a part of your heart cracks. no more baby president..
"oh, l/n. do you have the papers i asked for?" kita asks, voice mature, dropping the miss. you nod gloomily. "yes, hold on." you check under your own office desk, and there they are. you hand them to kita, as he mumbles a small, "thank you."
you stare at his cheeks,
before planting a kiss on one.
kita's face was lit aflame, and he's looking at you, dumbfounded at the sudden action. you can tell that he's trying to keep it together, with his wide eyes and all. "i have to go home now. see you tomorrow, president." you excused yourself before leaving the office.
kita just stands there. what.. just.. happened?
once the office door was shut, you smile to yourself giddily, before burying your face in the palm of your hands. "his cheeks are still as fluffy as ever!" you mentally cheered.
you were able to take the drawing that kita did, colored and all. best believe you're going to hang it up on your wall like a trophy.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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kinda interesting how sokka's life-changing field trip was the only one where zuko didn't have his own goal, where he was 100% focused on supporting the other character's arc. like of course he was supporting aang and katara but he went to the sun warrior ruins with aang bc he also needed his firebending back and he specifically suggested katara's trip so she'd stop hating him. you could argue that boiling rock was also about making sokka not hate him but he didn't suggest it (he actively discouraged it) and sokka wasn't being as hostile as katara nor was gaining his trust as high-priority as it was with aang.
zuko went along with sokka because he saw a guy getting ready to go on a ridiculous quest for the approval of his father and was like "sounds like you need an uncle iroh". he'd just learned to draw his firebending from a less angry source (like iroh does) and was trying to be iroh by making tea for them and telling a joke so he was like "time to put the new nice iroh-like zuko into action!" it was sweet and supportive and oddly wholesome.
if anything, southern raiders is kind of a regression for him. do you think iroh would suggest murder like that? but it makes sense because what he learns in boiling rock is that he's not iroh (the silver sandwich), and if he's going to helpful and supportive he needs to do it in a zuko way, not an iroh way. the zuko way was drawing on his own experience and feelings to give advice, rather than trying to come up with abstract wisdom, so he tries that again. unfortunately it's kinda just him projecting onto her and assuming her wishes. oops. at least he was correct that she needed to work through that, and now he has a new friend. task failed successfully!
basically, zuko is still struggling to figure out what Good Zuko looks like at the end of the show, and the way he acts in firebending masters, boiling rock, and southern raiders all reflect different parts of that journey
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nitrokiraru · 6 months
i finished listening to the takutowa drama cd! my thoughts/ig spoilers under the cut
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MAN IT WAS SOOOO CUTE N WHOLESOME exactly what i expected. it was a little shorter (? maybe the madatowa one just had more tracks) but the story was sweet about how taku came to terms with himself and the clinic and towa. including some screenshots from the translation credit to yukirayu (also if anybody doesn’t want their translations reposted/screenshotted just let me know and i’ll edit it out!)
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this. this was perfect. literally LOVED this towa completely taking advantage of this old man and his new muscles from getting out of fuckin PRISON. he’s so funny
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JEALOUS TOWA!!!!!!! HE APPEARS u already heard of old man jealous yandere taku in the vn now get ready for Him. i loved this i love them bickering like a literal married couple BUT WHEN TAKU SAID THAT IN THE FIRST IMAGE I WAS LIKE??? n then i realized oh nobody knows they be fuckin it kinda makes sense but i would’ve been mad/jealous too idk
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towa can lie all he want but i know he was jelly i can literally imagine what his facial expression was in this part. he’s such a lil tsundere i love him
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this was oddly adorable towa is just like “again :)” and then taku’s just like Huh?.. it gave dmmd bad end
something i realized abt n+c drama cds (or just the dmmd and surodame ones i’ve listened to) they always have some sort of conflict in the middle. like they LOVE the miscommunication trope
my only complaint is that i lowkey wanted it to be longer. i wish we had tracks of towa and taku just hanging around in their appt or something..like i feel like they’re just peak married couple vibes and they could’ve explored that a bit more besides the main plot
but anyways i loved it! i wanna buy the other ones now even though i’m not particularly big fans of the other ships. don’t get me wrong i like all ships there’s just certain ones that give me more brainworms than others
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