#this is not a jasico hate post.
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calikitters · 4 months ago
the pjo fandom tag on ao3 ORUDHEJZJQK tell me why jiper caleo jercy EVEN JASICO are more popular than valgrace HDUSISKAKAKAKWK UEE😭🥺💧Eu💧💧E E😭😭 E EUE🥺🥺😭UUUUE😭🥺💧🥺😭 ue 💧 ee😭 Uueuuue. 💧💧ue 😭🥺ee e🥺🥺😭 eUEE 💧🥺💧EEE💧💧😭U E 🥺😭 EE H💧🥺😭E EUU💧🥺😭UUEHH🥺💧😭EUEH🥺😭💧💧ue e😭😭 eeeeee💧💧💧uu🥺😭 hh 😭🥺 uUEEE🥺😭💧 uuuue. 💧😭🥺😭 ueeeeee💧🥺😭💧this fandom is so ass u guys don't know my blorbos AT ALL.
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rosesradio · 7 months ago
smut masterpost ❤️‍🔥
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hi !! so in the endless pursuit of my blog navigation, i decided to have a separate masterpost for my smut fics. most of these are from summer of smut, though this post will be continually updated with new fics year round 💌
Key 🔑
🌧️= dark fic
☀️= fluff
⭐️= personal favorite
valdangelo 🔥💀
he’s only here for one thing, but (so am i) ☀️📸📚
"Alright, now that I'm back, let's adjust to the full body, okay?" darkprince asked, and Leo could see the frame shake. "Because it turns out I was teasing you guys, but just for my top. It was made by a viewer, and..."
The rest of his words became drowned out in Leo's mind as he realized, to his absolute horror, that he'd been absentmindedly starting to rub one out to his roommate.
Nico di Angelo was a fucking emo femboy streamer.
what the fuck is an aqueduct? ☀️⚙️🔥
Leo crossed his arms, hiding how he clenched both his fists. "I don't like...I don't think..." he sighed. He didn't do well with jealousy, especially not after holing himself in the Bunker all week. "You can wear whatever you want, obviously, but..." he swallowed, fixing Nico with a hard look. "I want him—I want everyone—to know that I'm the only one who can touch you..."
Nico's gaze turned soft, though the spark of desire in his eyes was undeniable. He stepped closer, turning Leo around so that he was facing his project. He wrapped his arms around Leo's waist, his fingers curiously untucking his shirt from his pants.
"How is anyone supposed to know—how am I supposed to know...if it's been over a week since you've touched me, Leo?" Nico mused, pressing gentle and wanton kisses down Leo's neck.
valgrace 🔥⚡️
aphrodite’s aphrodisiac ⭐️☀️🏺🪄
"Two demigods brave and true, Demonstrate passion of great virtue. Open the lid to discover your desire, And reach completion with a heat like fire."
Leo's voice trembled on the last line. He normally hated anything that brought up fire. It was always something along the lines of: “you will use your fire powers to cause massive, life-ruining explosions” and never “your fire powers will be used to make the world's most delicious s'mores!” Still, it only took a moment for Leo to realize that it wasn't talking about his abilities in particular. What this challenge entailed was—
"Oh," said Jason, eerily calm as if discussing the weather. "She wants us to have an orgasm, right?"
a moment alone ☀️💌🙏
Jason wasn’t used to having things. His time was never his own, always dedicated to the gods or the people under his praetorship. He’d never had a relationship before—Leo was his first everything. Jason knew, according to what they’d planned, they were going to take things to the next level.
or: leo & jason finally get some alone time, but jason gets a little too into it a little too early.
jercy ⚡️🌊
take a gamble ⭐️🌧️⚔️🍃
Percy's heart thumped in his chest. Jason's face was lit in shades of blue from the neon sign standing proudly atop the neighboring building: Take A Gamble, it said. Percy had found a sort of dark humor in it once, imagining the gods up on Olympus, rolling the dice or fucking around with cards to decide the fates of their dolls. For every scratch Percy gave Jason in this fight, his old man lost a drachma. For that slash Jason gave him, Poseidon had to give up a handful of sand dollars.
Take A Gamble.
Percy's mind reeled. Jason licked his lips, making them look glossy in the light.
Take A Gamble.
jasico ⚡️💀
cucciolo ⭐️☀️🐶🌌
"Whoa, cucciolo," Nico whispered, hands cupping Jason's face. "So eager...you need me, don't you? Why don't you tell me what you need?"
Jason had an intense fantasy in that moment. He imagined Nico bending him over the mattress, pushing into him as he whispered filthy things in his ear. Jason would be left with trembling legs, clammy hands grasping the sheets as the mattress springs rocked with their movement.
But no, that couldn't be possible. That should not have been what he wanted. Perhaps if he switched things—if he bent Nico over the bed...
Jason whimpered once more, half out of need, half out of frustration at how his mind and body conflicted.
pipabeth 🪶🦉
a lesson in overcoming fear ☀️👀🫦
"Are we," Annabeth started breathlessly. Piper had begun to kiss her neck, which was doing Annabeth's train of thought no favors. "Are we hooking up?"
Piper grinned against her skin, gripping Annabeth's hips as she flipped them over. Above her, Piper looked stunning. The overhead light, dim as it was set to in the evening, cast a ring of light against her hair like a halo. Her smile held all the kindness of her friend, though her eyes held a spark of desire that made Annabeth's entire body flush with heat.
"Yeah," Piper said. "Get with the program, Chase."
lukethan 🗡️🛡️
worship & ecstasy ���️⚠️👑
Ethan's breath hitched, and he took a step forward. He was so used to Kronos allowing Luke shifts in his body while Kronos's spirit shifted to a higher plane. Ethan had never seen the two fight too extensively for control.
"It is no matter," Kronos managed. "I have allowed Luke many releases with that dreadful empousa Kelli, though the feeling hollows and surges. I believe that if I allow him one release in the way he would really like, then this ridiculousness will be quashed once and for all. And what he really wants, deep in his echoing, pathetic subconscious..." he narrowed his eyes, cocking his head to the side like a curious dog. "Is you, Nakamura.”
lukercy 🗡️🌊
’till death do us part ☀️🌧️💍🪄
What?" Luke asked blankly, perhaps a little annoyance slipping through.
"Just didn't expect you to be polite, that's all," Percy replied, walking through the doorway with a hand in his pocket.
"Well, I'm not about to carry you in like a bride, but..." Luke trailed off, swallowing. He glanced down at Percy's hand in his pocket and sighed. "Easy with the ballpoint, alright? You still got the curse of Achilles, and if I was gonna try to kill you, I would've done it by now." He paused, voice faltering as color rose to his cheeks. "Besides, if I kill you, I quite literally won't be able to cum again in my life, so..."
Percy frowned, pulling his hand out of his pocket in favor of crossing his arms. "That's probably the only time you find any joy, getting your rocks off—am I right, Castellan?"
the power of neptune ☀️🌧️🍹📚
Percy stumbled back to the dorm building unsteadily, one foot shuffling in front of the other like a deer on ice. He was wearing only boxers and a bedsheet, tied around his body like a toga; it was soft, though it also felt weird and out of place. His tongue tasted like a blue raspberry, with the undeniable sting of something more. His breathing was slightly labored, his face flushed as he finally reached the short set stairs to his building.
Oh no. His dreaded foe: stairs.
"Percy?" a familiar voice asked. Percy looked up, his vision lagging considerably as he took in the blonde young man sitting at the top of the stairs.
"Hm?" Percy hummed, kicking the first marble step as he attempted to begin the surely perilous journey. "Oh, don't mind me, 'm just...man, have you ever noticed that these stairs just go on and on...it's like that place in China...that place in China..."
The blonde man stared at him with a raised brow. He looked around nervously before meeting Percy's eyes again. "Gods, Percy, are you drunk?" He hissed. "And you were about to just walk in to the front desk like that? Are you serious?"
[Fics will be added shortly after they are posted. I hope you enjoy these !! 💌]
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mischievousmary · 1 year ago
Solangelo:Will Is More Clingy towards Nico during the summer because Nico has a naturally cold temperature. And Will has a high body temperature, so Will Enjoys Holding Nico and Touching his bare skin because it cools him down. Nico is not a fan of Will when he initiates cuddles while being all sweaty from the heat.(i think i got this idea from @yonemurishiroku. I'd feel guilty if I didn't give credit honestly)
Valdangelo: Many people assume Leo is the Overly Affectionate boyfriend, and Nico hated when anyone touched him. But Leo knew that Nico Initiated Cuddles just as much as Leo did. The difference was that Leo didn't mind doing it in public, while Nico preferred to keep it private.
Valdangelo again: Leo had spent Weeks Trying to Convince Nico to Come up with a super cool handshake they could do whenever they greeted each other. Nico eventually did learn the handshake, but unfortunately For Leo, Nico had never promised that he would use it.
Jasico: Jason can't help but stare at Nico when he's deep in thought or reading a book. He finds Nico's intense focus and furrowed brow incredibly endearing. Sometimes, Jason can't resist the urge to Take a Picture of Him and Make an album full of Pictures of him.
Jasico: Jason loves to watch Nico sleep. He finds peace in seeing Nico so peaceful and vulnerable, and it reminds him of just how lucky he is to have Nico in his life. Sometimes, Jason will gently brush a strand of hair away from Nico's face, savoring the intimate moment.
Nicobaster: Nico playing the piano and Alabaster playing the violin. Their music is hauntingly beautiful and has a way of touching people's souls.♥️
Nicobaster: Alabaster loves to tease Nico about his serious and brooding demeanor. Whenever Nico gets caught up in his thoughts or has his normal Grumpy expression, Alabaster will jokingly ask if Nico hasn't yet had his morning fuel (coffee). Nico will usually roll his eyes or give Alabaster a playful shove, but there's always a hint of a smile or blush on his face. But there's sometimes he just Simply Whacks Him upside the head.
I need people to request any ship or character content so I can let my people pleasing come out and force me to post something actually enjoyable.😕
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sunshines-child · 1 year ago
I have nothing to do so here's me ranking Nico ships
Solangelo: 7/10 The canon interactions were not good. I'm giving this a pretty high rating because where Rick lacks is where fanfiction writers make up. (Solangelo fanfics can be freakishly good. They gave more backstory than Rick ever did) Percico: 8/10 The age gap when you really put it down can be a little funky, but my gods, if you write it right, you can make this ship some of the most poetic, tragic, gut-wrenching fanfics put down into words. (I prefer heavy one-sided tragedy but any suffice, really) Jasico: 7.5/10 it's a pretty nice one honestly, and you cannot tell me Jason and Nico didn't have SOMETHING going on. Not as high as Percico because most of the stories written are all fluff and comfort, and I'm more of a "make it hurt" type of fanfiction writer/reader. Valdangelo: 5.5/10 I've never found really good fanfiction over this ship. They rarely interact, and unlike Solangelo, the fanfiction writers don't usually make up for it with some funky AUs and whatnot. I can imagine some pretty fun scenarios with this though. Alabaster: 9/10 GOOD LORD @drksanctuary you have dragged me into a pit I cannot crawl out of. You can get every. single. type. of. fanfiction. from this ship, whether it's so kinky it makes you gasp (*cough* @avaetin and @drksanctuary *cough*), really gut-wrenching, or sweet. It's got the variety that I like. (-1 because they've sadly never properly interacted so we have no real land to build the house on) (I will shut up now.) Obligatory Nion: 9/10 @avaetin You are an evil lady. Your fanfiction alone has fueled my entire brainrot. There isn't even side fanfiction about him! You fuel this ship alone, and I'm all for it. (I have so, so many AU's over these two.) (Like my beautiful fish people AU that I posted the premise about previously) I hate any ship of Nico with a female, and yes this includes Percicobeth (or anything along those lines). Quit making Nico "find out he's bisexual because of Annabeth/Rachel/Piper/etc.", he's literally confirmed gay. Wow this is really long.
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thesungod · 2 years ago
s*langelo vs jasico will always be the funniest fandom beef in the world for me because of how one-sided it is. jasico fans have literally been minding their own business since 2014. i have never seen them reply to one (1) hate post ever. s*langelo stans call them weirdos and freaks and blast them on twitter for liking the literal most normal couple ever or try to make Jason be 18 in HoO so that the ship is “problematic”and they just dgaf. when tsats excerpt came out they made their silly little jokes about jason still winning, got unnecessary hate for it and went back to minding their own business. supreme winners of the idgaf war. humiliating the opponent without even moving.
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jasicocentral · 3 months ago
Pinned Post
Hello! And welcome to jasico central. We hope you enjoy your stay! First things first I am your host oxford or mod ox, there will also occasionally be posts from mod jay though they will not be as active!
the header and icon are by our lovely friend at @aroaceleovaldez
The goal of this blog is to have a place to reblog and share all the jasico content i find. I will not reblog hate speech or things i have deemed as in poor taste (largely racist caricatures and the like)
This blog is rated PG-13! As such suggestive content may also be reblogged. This blog largely runs on queue! Patience is a virtue
Tagging system will be updated as time goes by but the tags should be as follows: #jason grace, #nico di angelo, #jasico, #fanart, #fanfic, #text post, #headcanons, #askblog, #au, #genderbend, #ghost Jason, #mod ox speaks, #mod jay speaks
Asks and submissions are perpetually open!
I have opted to not tag spoilers when content revolves around Jason being dead, however there is a ghost tag that you may filter. The book came out 5 years ago guys.
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aina-otsuki · 11 months ago
I may or may not have gotten off track and made a fanfic about “A Kairos Moment”. @avaetin ever since your created that fanfic and ship I’ve never been able to look back.
Anyways anyone know a the show Star VS The forces Of Evil? Now imagine Nico’s family born from the “failed” clay prototypes made from the escaped essences of Earth, Sea, Sky, and Pit. Making them have magic but they were able to create their own ancient type of magic. Which like in the show they have a wand passed down from each queen. But instead of having a single wand passed down why not have them create their own wand along with their own spells to back up their own creation. I see Nico as the family’s Eclipsa (Queen Of Darkness) and Celena (the Shy). I think he’d be Eclipsa because why not. Also I think he’d look wonderful with an umbrella. Celena is mainly because of what’s said about her in that one episode where Star’s inside the wand and like reading stone texts about each wand user. I like started writing a bit of a fanfic about it.
Oh! Totally almost forgot about the kingdom his family has. So the Kingdom’s name is Eclipsara bc why not. Now kingdom is know to be hidden in the shadows and within plain sight. It’s where light and dark take a dance in a perpetual waltz. The capital is called Nightspire. It’s where all the most culture of the kingdom is held. Then there’s the major trading city that’s surrounded by a forest and near a river. Whisperwood is its name. It’s called this for a reason actually. The woods of that forest is where the trees whisper murmurs of secrets and where tales of yore are carried within its winds. This kingdom has all kinds of people from supernatural beings to normal people that live together in harmony among the rule of their dear Queen or King. OH!! The spells I wrote spells that are similar to the shows except they’re Nico’s spells and and like what if Nico took Aeon, and his children to the kingdom to let them have a “normal” childhood. Eclipsa was like hated for leaving her kingdom for the one she loved so instead of that for Nico. I’m going to have his family praise him for it. Like they did for Maria. Like they do for every family member who had enticed an immortal and powerful being.
Yeah, that’s about it. I’ll probably reblog the spells I made later.
Should I be working on my Jasico Fanfic instead of posting. Yes. Do I care and think everything I’m writing in the fic sucks and change sentences every few minutes. Yes. Should I not procrastinate and write my fic instead of saying I’ll do it later cause I have school work. Also yes! Anyways here’s the small part I started for this AU!
“A young girl stood in front of a tapestry. She was the oldest of her sisters. She, like her mother, was inevitability, the end. She was the fate others faced within their final breath. 
She was Atropos…
She looked at the tapestry with wonder. This was her mother. Her mother had titles her father hadn’t known of. She thought it was interesting to learn about this. She would admire the tapestry more later, for now she should read what her Mother’s people had to say about her. She looked down to read a tile of stone with gems and riches all around and a symbol of her mothers family. 
“Niccoló, Queen of Eclipsará. To an Eclipsaran King was wed but took a primordial for his love. And away from Eclipsará fled.”
Atropos felt like scoffing; they made her mother out to be someone bad. Leaving a kingdom for love doesn’t mean the person is bad. She disliked the fact they simply painted her father out to someone bad on the tapestry. Atropos thought they hadn’t known anything about her father. However, just as she was about to leave when she saw the stone change wording.
“Niccoló, the Flower and Star, he who hides behind a shadowed umbrella. The hand that does sweetly hold, a trove of cosmic secrets that have never been told.”
It wouldn’t let me upload my picture of the docs. So I had to copy paste which sucks. Anyways I bid everyone goodbye.
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kaufmann-6 · 8 months ago
Oh, hiiii! It was about time I made an official introduction to my blog!
I'm Kaufmann, but you can call me Kauf! I'm a writer on ao3, an avid fic reader and a pianist!
I like to reblog some of my favorite fandoms content, like PJO, Batfam and TUA on this blog and share my fics. (feel free to send me writing prompts and headcanons from the fandoms I'll list below, I'd love a challenge!)
I'm also open to fic colabs and friendly chat. You have my permission to remix, translate, make podfics and/or fanarts out of my works but please tag me when posting here on tumblr. You can also post on ao3 using the "inspired by" or gift feature. (do not post content based on my works out of ao3 and tumblr)
If you'd like to make a writing request, here's my Bad Things Happen Bingo card. I'm accepting Jason Todd and Maverick requests!
I go by Kaufmann on AO3. Here are some things that I've written:
The Umbrella Academy
Absence → A remix fic I wrote for @tua-masked-author based out of @littlerit's amazing work, The Time Traveler's Life. It's Klaus pov of his 14th birthday and Five's multiple appearances. Angsty.
If Only → An AU in which Patch didn't notice Five's van across the street and Cha-Cha got tired of waiting so she kills Klaus on S1E4.
Bubble Thoughts → Another @tua-masked-author entry, an older one this time. It's a post-S3 fic in which Klaus reflects on his father's betrayal and his actions in that season. Luther helps him cope.
I can die when I'm done. → Written for @tua-masked-author first edition! It's a missing scene fic from when Klaus was locked in that tiny motel closet in S1 when Hazel and Cha-Cha left to blow up Meritech. Character study, internal monologue. Lots of Angst & Hurt/No Comfort.
The Bargain → An old wip that I really should pick up again. It's an AU in which the Handler decided to use Five's love for his siblings against him and uses Klaus as a hostage to get Five to work for her on S1E5. TW: SA.
DC Batman
'Cause you all try to keep me down → Black Mask kidnaps Red Hood and Red Robin and Jason is forced to watch Tim get tortured by the man who hates him the most. This fic was written for @febuwhump 2024. TW: Whump & electric shock torture.
resigned. → A drabble in which I explore how sick and tired Jason is of giving the batfamily a chance, only to be disappointed, but he can't not give in, because he deeply cares about them. Character study. Loosely set post Batman and Robin (2011) #20: Red Hood.
I'm absolutely obsessed with Jason Todd at the moment and have so many fic ideas, including a Time Traveller's Wife AU coming up soon. Stay tunned!
Riordanverse (PJO, HOO, TOA)
Oh, ho, the mistletoe (is hung where you can see) → Jasico Imprint Soulmate AU written for @jasico-challenges's Bingo Challenges 2024. Between flashbacks from the past, nightmares and christmas presents, Jason and Nico figure out how to tell their friends the truth about their relationship.
If you had one more chance → Jasico fic for the Percy Jackson Gift Exchange Autum Equinox 2023. Nico struggles after Jason's death and decides to risk everything to bring him back. Orpheus & Euridyce style.
Every Breath You Take → Jercy fic written for the Percy Jackson Gift Exchange Winter Solstice 2022. Percy and Jason are secretly pining for each other. In a road trip across the country, they finally face their feelings, but not withought some angst and jelously in the middle.
It Doesn't Matter Anymore → A Jason Grace character study from when he was stuck in the wind prison in TOA. What was he thinking on his very last moments? Angst and Hurt/No Comfort. TW: Major character death & implied/referenced suicide.
I've written fics of some other fandoms like Maze Runner and I Am Not Okay With This but the fadoms above are the ones I'm still active in.
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vivitalks · 1 year ago
take in every moment (hold it close again)
hiii this is for the "movie night" prompt on my jasico bingo card!! short sweet and silly the three best things a fanfiction can be. and im posting it in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY seriously who am i title from netflix trip by ajr :) read it here on ao3
It stands to reason that a demigod legion modeled on the Ancient Romans wouldn't think much of technology. And it's true that demigods and modern tech don't tend to get along. It really shouldn't surprise Nico when nobody knows where to find a TV.
And yet.
“Seriously,” he finally complains to Jason, walking Via Principalis with coffee courtesy of Bombilo, “it's like you're all trying to become social outcasts.”
“I think the whole demigod thing covers that,” Jason says.
“My point exactly! Nobody is even trying. Plus, monsters can't get into camp anyway, so who cares if you're using technology?”
Jason shrugs a shoulder. “Yeah, but why risk it?” 
It's cool but sunny, the perfect weather for Jason. Not that Nico has any sort of bias. Jason looks great in all weather, in Nico's completely objective opinion, but gentle rays of sunlight make his hair as golden as his sword and give his skin an extra glow.
At least six times a day, Nico wonders how the most beautiful person in the world is his boyfriend. Some call it insecurity; Nico calls it a reality check.
He checks back into reality in time for Jason to be saying, “Besides, most of the people here spend their whole lives either in the legion or in New Rome. Nobody is missing out because nobody is on the Internet or watching movies or any of that. It's a pretty insular community.”
“Not anymore,” Nico says. “Now that there's the exchange program, Camp Jupiter is going to start getting Greeks, and most of them spend their years out in the real world, experiencing real-world things, like movies and music and all that fun stuff you Romans hate.”
“Don't ‘you Romans’ us,” Jason says, swatting playfully at Nico. Nico doesn't bother to dodge, but he does grin. “But you may have a point.”
“I do have a point. If you really want the Greeks and Romans to get along, there can't be this massive cultural gap. The Greeks will feel superior, the Romans will feel left out, and then we'll probably have another war and I'll have almost killed myself bringing the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood for nothing.”
Jason lifts an eyebrow. “Oh, is that all?”
“Shut up. I'm serious!”
“I didn't realize you felt so strongly about this,” Jason says, looking bemused. “Wait, why do you feel so strongly about this?”
“In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little behind on popular culture myself,” Nico says flatly.
“Really? Why is that?” Jason asks, with a straight face.
Bravely, Nico ignores him. “I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone here. Get some Vulcan kids to put together a TV. I'm sure they can work their magic and make it monster-repellent or whatever.”
“And do what with it?”
“Start a film class?” Nico suggests. “I would get a Greek demigod to help with the curriculum, though.”
“You can just say Will.”
“I don't think Will should come near the curriculum with a ten-foot pole. He'll just put every single Star Wars movie on there. I was actually thinking of Piper.”
“Piper?” Jason shakes his head. “Right. Duh. Movie star dad.”
“Yeah. She's probably our best bet.”
“We’re going to have to run this by the praetors before we get any further,” Jason says. He takes a long, considering sip of his coffee, which does not contain nearly enough sugar. Nico tried it earlier and almost choked.
“Yeah. I'm in favor. You're not wrong about the cultural deficit.”
Nico grins. He kisses the corner of Jason's mouth — just because he can. That sunny glow shines even brighter in Jason's eyes.
“Lucky for us,” he says cheerfully, “we have some sway with the praetors.”
The film class proposal is met with conditional approval from Frank and Reyna. “Culture in Film: From Classic to Contemporary” becomes the most popular course in the legion within days. Piper helps them build a curriculum, which in this case means just choosing fifteen classic movies — all of which she vehemently describes as “must-sees” — and expressing profound shock at the revelation that neither Jason nor Nico have seen any of them.
“But it’s Princess Bride,” she keeps saying. “How can you not have seen it? ‘My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die’? Is nothing sacred?”
If anything, at least her attitude proves how absolutely necessary this class is.
The conditions of the class are sternly outlined for them by Reyna: (1) do not screen anything rated higher than PG-13; (2) only select movies with some relevant message or theme that can be transmitted to the legionnaires; and (3) do not use the forthcoming anti-monster television for anything other than class use.
Rule one is easy. Nico and Jason break the second and third rules within two weeks of the first course.
“I can’t believe you even suggested this,” Nico whispers.
The classroom where “Culture In Film” takes place is silent after hours. At the front of the room towers an 80-inch, Imperial Gold television, the most eye-catching thing in the room. Just below it, there's a box Nico distantly recognizes. A DVD player — Demigod Video Discs, optimized for playback on magical TV screens. This, too, is constructed out of Imperial Gold. No doubt the TV and DVD player combined are imbued with some combination of enchantments designed to make them undetectable to monsters.
“I'm not a praetor anymore,” Jason replies, approaching the DVD player. “What can they do? Kick me out of the legion? Half the time I'm at Camp Half-Blood anyway.”
“Not sure that argument will hold up in front of the Senate,” Nico theorizes, but he's not really worried. In fact, he kind of loves that Jason was so committed to having a movie night with Nico that he was willing to break the rules for it.
“Then let's just not get caught,” Jason says. 
That works for Nico. Their emergency escape route is to shadow-travel out, but since Nico shadow-traveled them in, he's hoping it doesn't come to that. Even the short distance from barracks to classroom has his eyes drooping. If he tries it again, he's liable to pass out.
Jason kneels and examines the DVD player. “Do I just…put it in?”
“I guess?” Nico peers at the player and the TV. “We should probably turn on the TV.”
“That would be smart.”
Nico feels around for a button and finds it underneath the screen. When he presses it, the big black screen turns royal blue, and digital letters show a message onscreen: NO DISC DETECTED.
Nico and Jason exchange a look. 
“Is it weird that I'm more stressed right now than I was when we fought Gaea?” Jason whispers.
Nico laughs. “We're not going to get caught, Jason.”
“I'm not worried about that. I just have no idea how to work this thing. What if I break it?”
“I'll do it,” Nico says, snatching the DVD case from Jason's hands. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, another “must-see” from Piper that didn't make the curriculum cut. According to Jason, when he told her he'd never even heard of it, she got Leo to modify a disc for their benefit and demanded he find some way to watch it. Nico, having also never heard of it, got roped into the deal by some combination of Charmspeak and standard-issue Jason Grace-ness.
Nico removes the disc and takes a breath. “Here goes nothing.”
As soon as the disc is in the player, the machine whirs. The screen turns black again. Nico and Jason take a united step backwards.
“Isn't there supposed to be a remote?” Jason asks. At the word remote, a panel from the top of the DVD player opens up. Inside is a remote. “Oh, sweet.”
“Come on,” Nico says, throwing himself onto the nearest couch. Romans and their couches. They're an indulgent breed, these Romans, but in times like these Nico appreciates that.
“Is it playing?” Jason questions, and just then, a deafening blast of orchestral sound erupts from the TV. Jason yelps and staggers backwards, and Nico cracks himself up. “Okay! It's playing!”
“Sit down, Superman.”
Jason sits down. He takes the spot right next to the armest. Nico would never take the armrest seat. He likes to have an escape route. He's special like that.
(“Traumatized,” whatever. Tomato, to-mah-to.)
“So far so good,” Jason says, offering an arm, kind of gesturing at Nico to come closer. Nico obliges. Jason doesn't mind being trapped, which is his own prerogative. So Nico takes up every inch of space on Jason's free side. He's not so small anymore, but he fits right up under Jason's arm like the dark half of a yin and yang symbol.
“Nothing's happened yet,” he points out.
Jason just squeezes his shoulders. “I'm having a movie night with my boyfriend. Like a regular teenager. Everything is great from where I'm standing.”
“Let's not be hasty. The movie could still suck.”
“Wouldn't matter.”
“It'd matter to me,” Nico says haughtily. “I'm putting a lot of faith in Piper.”
“She seemed absolutely confident we would both like this movie.”
“So imagine how foolish she'll feel if we don't.”
“I'm starting to think your attitude is the problem.” Jason grins. “Open your mind, Nico.”
“I'm open-minded!”
“And shut up,” Jason adds. “‘Cause we've already missed the beginning and I don't know how to rewind this thing.”
“Not my fault,” Nico says. “I was just—”
Jason shuts him up by occupying his mouth with Jason's mouth, which is a proven top-five strategy for getting Nico to stop talking. 
“Okay,” he says. And kisses Jason again. It's never any less awesome. “Shutting up.”
The movie keeps playing. Nico settles into Jason with his whole body and thinks about how this is the first time he's ever watched a movie with a boyfriend, and how absolutely astonishing that is, by itself. Even if it does suck, he figures there are worse things in the world than watching a bad movie with your boyfriend.
In fact, there might not be many things better.
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thefuzzzz · 1 year ago
Jasico Bingo Challenge #10!!
Prompt: Touch Starved
When they first started dating, Jason was surprised by how touchy Nico was.
He hadn't expected it, considering Nico was not the most affectionate person alive. However, as They spent more time together Nico only got more comfortable with him and Jason only accepted it more and more.
One rainy day at camp, the two spent some time together in the Hades cabin. It was comfortable, Nico's bed might as well have been crafted by Hypnos himself.
Jason tangled a hand in Nico's hair, who was currently sprawled over him like a cat. Jason wrapped an arm around him and rubbed small circles into his back. Nico curled into him further.
"Neeks?" Jason said softly.
"I never knew you were so cuddly."
Nico laughed lightly. "I'm normally not. You're just nice to lay on."
Jason smiled and held him a little closer. He was raised by wolves, and wolves didn't mind physical touch at all.
"I like cuddly you," Jason laughed at his own cringe, letting his hand slip up Nico's hoodie to rub his back better.
"Good, cuddly me is going to be a problem for you for the rest of your life."
Nico adjusted his head so it laid on Jason's chest rather than his shoulder now. He listened silently to his heartbeat, backgrounded by the rain.
Jason intertwined their hands, playing with Nico's hands. He examined thin scars from swords and chipped nail polish on chewed nails.
Nico was nice to hold. He was somehow warm, despite freezing hands. He bended to Jason’s body like a liquid, spilling his limbs over him dramatically.
"For a long time in my life, I wasn't really close with anyone," Nico said quietly. Jason's eyes flickered to the inch of his face he could see under his hair.
Nico didn’t open up very often. When he did, it was spontaneous and never brought up again. Jason listened intently as he thought of what to say next, having only planned out his first sentence.
Nico continued, "Physical touch has always been important to me. With everyone, really. I was always close with my friends. I think...after I lost Bianca I got very distant."
Jason's eyes softened. He stayed quiet, but made sure Nico could feel him hold him a little closer.
"When I met you, you were such a breath of fresh air. You didn't assume I hated being touched, you just let me be close to you."
Jason smiled. They didn't say anything else for the rest of the night, but Jason appreciated the cuddling far more than usual.
This is also posted on AO3:
My card:
Tumblr media
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years ago
Hi, I've seen a few (jk I've seen a bunch) of your posts and I was just wondering...
If Jason came back to life, would you be pissed that Rick pulled another Leo, or would you rejoice?
OR would you rather Will and Nico bump into Jason in the middle of the book?
Hi! Firstly, thanks for your interest! Let us dissect this one at a time.
For the first question: well, I'd say "pissed" might be too aggressive. I rarely get outraged when it comes to media content (wrecked yes, but rarely angry). I might not like it - that's like. all the time - but I'd most likely be able to leave it alone just bc I hate to care about what I dislike.
That is to say: should it turn out that Jason pulls a Leo, I think I would be more happy than not.
Of course, it depends a lot on how, exactly, Rick pulls it off.
As I've said, it's all about plot and more importantly, to me, logic. If he makes up another sort-of-the Physician's cure and the story basically goes the same way? I would be extremely disappointed. I love parallels but not replays. I hate it more if it's Jason - who's alr been shat on enough for "not having a personality". I'm throwing hands
In the fortunate event that Rick somehow comes up with a new, unrivaled resurrection method for Jason, though? It'd be really nice because I'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 Jason stans would want another chance for him to live a true life. Bringing him back to life - as of now, would do more good than harm, IMO, and maybe idk give the Jasico fans a reason to buy the book Ig
I'm aware of how difficult it is, also. Said resurrection must not be another Leo replica and still has to bypass Nico's children of Hades thing. I barely know about Greek myths and I have nothing in my mind. Let's just Rick has something in store should he decide to play this card lmao.
About the scenario in which Nico and Will bump into Jason: generally, I have no problem with the idea that Jason would make an appearance again. As mentioned: I'd love to see Jason again - in every shape and size, honestly.
However, there're a few I hope would be addressed should it happen that way:
1/ The fact that Nico didn't even try to contact Jason after his death.
2/ How Jason feels after-death, whether he even wishes to be back, how he feels about his funeral and/or Apollo's promise, sort of, etc...
3/ A clear insight into Nico's grief.
And of course: a thorough and reasonable explanation as to why and/or how Nico and Will bump into Jason.
Do they see him in Tartarus? Then why is Jason in Tartarus when he's died as a hero? How he's coping?
Do they meet him in Elysium? Why does Nico (and Will) come to Elysium in the first place? What does their encounter bring? Does Jason help with the quest?
In short: I'm more of a go-with-the-flow type of writer. Generally, I have no problem if things are set the way they should be and the plot doesn't just. kick its own balls I guess. If Rick can make it make sense and stay away from the cliché, I'm sure everything would be just peachy.
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rosesradio · 2 months ago
2, and then 14-22. Realistically I'd ask all the questions if it wasn't a bother but these are the ones I'd love to hear the most. I know it's still a lot though so nbd if you don't have answers!
i went ahead and answered all of the 2024 look-back questions !! 💌
How many fics have you worked on since January?
I’ve written several drabbles and things that haven’t made it to ao3, though using my ao3 stats, i’ve posted 30 fics in 2024.
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year?
I’ve expanded and delved further into themes and things I’m interested in—especially with quite a few ships and dynamics I haven’t tried before! (Like jercy, lukercy, lukethan—arranged marriage, getting back into x readers a little, etc.)
What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.)
obviously pjo lol, that inspired 27 of the 30 fics 😅
How many fandoms did you write for this year? Three (spider-man got one fic and hsmtmts got two)
What ships captured your heart?
i’d have to say valdangelo, they were the focus of two of my longfics (one still a wip). but honorable mentions to lukercy and jercy for some good smut 👀 and lukabeth for helping expand my darkfics
What characters captured your heart?
Leo, nico, hazel (this is more for the later IR chapters that are written and not posted 👀), and annabeth. oh and Jason and Percy and Luke. just all of them !!
Did you write for any new fandoms or ships this year?
lots of new ships, but i think spider-man was the only new fandom
What fic meant the most to you to write?
i’d have to say ceaseless eve and ivory rain (yes i’m pairing them they can’t be bought separately lol). i put a lot of work and bits of myself in those fics and had a lot to say about the world i created there—and i have a lot more to say still <3
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
honestly anything fluffy and smutty—cucciolo, a jasico first time fic, comes to mind. it was just so sweet and hot and captured just the right dynamic <3
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
probably ceaseless eve. it was just before i was going into knee surgery (tfw knee surgery—gunshots), and to set that up to post so i could read comments when i was in recovery was so nice :-) i just know that feeling will be even better when i’m done with ivory rain
What fic was the most difficult to write?
honestly ivory rain. longfics have always been difficult, but i’m trying things i never have before. it’s exciting and intimidating and frustrating all at once, but i know once people read it they’ll see it was worth it.
What fic was the easiest to write?
any of my smut fics lol, that’s why they’ve multiplied like rabbits 👀
What were your shortest and longest fics posted this year?
ceaseless eve (mid-revision…please don’t ask about the revision process 🚬) is 103,315 words. i’ve written several shorter drabbles on tumblr only but the shortest posted work is a moment alone, which is 795 words.
What were your go-to writing songs?
i have a writing playlist of instrumental songs, i can’t listen to songs with lyrics lol
What was the hardest fic to title?
I have a hard time with all of my titles. I remember specifically struggling with a lesson in overcoming fear and hidden in darkness, cloaked in sheets—for the most part though i just extract a little phrase of what the fic is
What's your favorite title of the year?
again, ceaseless eve and ivory rain. they’re stupid and pretentious and i hate them so much <33
Share your favorite opening line
“When boiling it down to the basic strategy, the absolute most straightforward logistics…working a service job was a lot like charging into battle.” The opening line to ivory rain…it’s cringe, it’s sillygoofy, it’s leocore babey
Share your favorite ending line
“We need to make sure you're good and rested up, anyway, for the Sunday matinee…" is a good closing line from spoils of war. it reveals something and leaves the reader wondering and dreading.
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
"You're asking if I burned your letter," Leo said stonily.
"Not necessarily," Nico started, his heart jumping in his chest.
"Look," Leo said, his gaze flitting towards the trees. "I was pissed. I still am. I'm not gonna lie and say I've cried over you like a wife waiting for her husband to come back from war. But I was pissed because I was worried, okay? So if you think I would burn the only evidence I had that you were okay just because I was mad?" He shook his head incredulously. "Then you don't know me at all."
it’s a tie between this and simply the “welcome home, nico” line in ch 3 of IR. there’s just so much pining and angst and friction and ultimate love that’s so fun to convey through the dialogue with these two
Share your funniest line
If Leo's therapist had seen the bunker, had really explored it and noted all the red flags (ranging anywhere from unhealthy isolation habits to illegal safety hazards), she probably would have determined that the bunker was enabling him.
That's because the bunker was enabling him.
i think it’s like the rhythm of this little paragraph, it just reads like a standup joke & is once again very leocore lol
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
i think i’ve just been surprised by my brainstorming process for IR—it’ll be easier to explain once the fic is posted, but yeah the story’s taken me lots of places!
What writing programs did you use? Did you write by hand?
i use Wattpad drafts 🫣 sometimes i’ll use tumblr drafts and the word counter website depending on what i’m trying to do, but for the most part it’s wattpad
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
finishing CE—and i just know finish IR will be 10 times that :’)
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
i don’t think so—maybe take a nap or get ice cream :-)
How did you recharge between fics?
…i don’t. i just go long periods where i don’t write, or i’ll just do inbox drabbles
Did you create fanworks other than fic?
nope, just fics! i wish i worked on drawing though 👉👈
How many events did you take part in? (bangs, exchanges, ship weeks, zines, prompt memes, they all count!)
i took part in the lukercy birthday bash! i posted two fics (around 14k each) for that, both of which can be found on my ao3
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
@heavens-vault, my lovely editor/beta reader/my person—IR wouldn’t be half of what it is without her. and ofc anyone who’s ever enjoyed my fics enough to leave a comment & lmk, it is very much appreciated 💌
What's left on your to-do list for 2024?
nothing i guess 😅
What would you like to write next year?
i hope to finish IR (i’m almost halfway through), maybe participate in the lukercy valentines bash, and maybe get started on my next longfic which i’m keeping close to my chest lol. it’s all pretty ambitious and i’m sure I’ll be working on plenty of drabbles in between, but I look forward to it ! 💌
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lazy--lillies · 9 months ago
Blog Intro
Damn didn't make one of these for my first blog, so trying to get ahead of the curb with this one lol
Hi guys! I'm Lily, and this is my side blog for specifically PJO related stuff. I'm gonna be posting my pjo headcannons, ships, etc on here, so if any of that interests you feel free to follow! I'm also going to be using this to talk about some of my issues with Rick Riordan and his writing, and complaints about the PJO universe as a whole, so if you're an Uncle Rick fan, this might not be the place for you. Below is gonna be the specifics of what I'll be posting about on this blog, so if you would like to see, feel free to forge ahead.
Onto the ships! Ships that I will be posting about:
Jiper (platonically)
Ships I'm not a fan of:
*if you're fans of these then you probably won't have a good time on this blog, as I will be complaining about them. No hate to y'all, just maybe don't scroll further down.
Tags and their meanings:
pjo/Pjo/PJO - general tag for the pjo series and all relating content to it
percy jackson - individual character tag
pjo rants - my issues w riordan/the series/any general complaining and criticisms
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mr-z1ggystardust · 1 month ago
Intro Post + Get to know me!
Name — Evan
Age — Fifteen
Trans (He/Him) and Bisexual
Timezone — EST
*friendly flirting is alright as long as it’s a joke and it’s platonic, i have a boyfriend who i love very much!!*
FANDOMS: Marauders, My hero academia, TDLOSK, Arcane, Percy Jackson, Psych, JJK
Few fav ships from each fandom: Marauders- Wolfstar, Nobleflower, + Rosekiller ~ My Hero Academia- Kiribaku, Izuocha, Momojirou, + Togachako ~ TDLOSK- Kubokai, + Nendou/Hairo ~ Arcane- Timebomb, + Jayvik ~ Percy Jackson- Percabeth, Jiper, + Soleangelo ~ Psych- Shassie ~ JJK- Itafushi
MUSIC: Bowie, Queen, Olivia Rodrigo, Pierce The Veil, Green Day, Mitski, Lana Del Rey, HIM, SZA, Hamilton, Sir Mix-a-Lot, Bo Burnham, Billy Joel, + More
FAVORITE SONGS: Iris (The Googoo Dolls), Lady Stardust (David Bowie), When I come around (Green Day), American Idiot (Green Day), Mr. Brightside (The Killers), Born to die (Lana Del Rey), Ride (Sir Mix-a-Lot)
DNI BASICS: If you’re over 30 because i am 15, if you’re homophobic/transphobic, pro-shippers or incestuous shippers, Sirius Black haters, if you love Mike Wheeler (i can’t stand him.) URARAKA HATERS, YAOYOROZU HATERS, LILY EVANS HATERS, MEL HATERS, KAIDOU HATERS, TERUHASHI HATERS
DNI IF YOU SHIP *im okay with most ships except for these specific ones that i just can not stand* : Remus with anyone that’s not Sirius, Bakudeku, Tododeku, Bakutodo, anything incestual or illegal, Saiki/Teruhashi (the main point of their relationship was that he DIDN’T have romantic feelings for her), Pernico/Jasico, basically Nico with anyone that’s not Will and vice versa, DRARRY I FUCKING HATE DRARRY, Dramione, Shawn/Gus (they’re just best friends guys)
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thesungod · 2 years ago
omg i just searched up pjo tumblr on twt and they HATE it...i didn't know this was a thing!! & i didn't know jasico was such ahated ship! that's crazy to me it's the only one i can actually get behind in canon (like solangelo is cute&sweet but only in good fanfics lol, canonically uhmmmmm) . i just don't get it how do they not see the potential!!!!! & i think it's funny how they say it's negative or miserable on here i think it's more miserable to be unable to criticise things without people getting mad. im having a ball reading all the tsats posts lmao.
i figure maybe it's a age thing? i've seen more older people on here & unfortunately it is just inevitable that you will be a little bit annoying at 14/15 etc haha.
i just sent this here because i saw your post about twt people getting mad & had to investigate. well my eyes are opened now!
“i think it’s more miserable to be unable to criticize things without people getting mad”
anon. genuinely thank you.
this new fandom attitude whereas you can’t criticize things you like or follow, and if you do it must only be because the author did something malicious, and if not you’re being a miserable bitch is… bad. it’s not good.
it’s very important to have a critical mind and understand on our own not only when a piece of media is problematic but also when its characters are flat and the plot is not compelling and the writing is poor. that’s also part of being critical.
“authors don’t owe you anything” means they don’t owe you more books, or the exact characters you want, or the exact plot you want. it doesn’t mean you can’t say that a product you bought with your own money isn’t well done, especially as independent, unknown authors struggle to get their stuff published while Disney and other big corporations feed us garbage that could very well become AI generated soon.
let’s be fr: i had every right to expect, at the very least, not BLATANT continuity errors from two published authors. we need to stop pretending that it’s mean to ask for the bare minimum.
and even if we (or i) were wrong and the book was amazing… don’t we all learn the whole “respect other people’s opinions as long as they are harmless” in preschool? i genuinely don’t get what there is to be angry about🤷🏻‍♀️
and yeah idk what their problem is with Jasico. it’s such an innocuous ship.
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titansarmy · 2 years ago
I have notifs on for the Jason / Nico text comparisons post because I keep running into people being weird about Jasico / oddly hateful so it’s always nice to see people also losing their minds over those two like I am 🖤 also probably a hot take but ThaliaNico was the fandoms prototypical nicojason (also a lot of people I used to know back then personally / seeing them in the fandom scene that loved Thalia are lesbians now lol… her power)
- 💀
i will make more text comparisons because !!!!! i think there’s something to say about how their characters both are guided by similar things and how they also complement each other !!!! if u have any like quotes/topics that u might want to see , let me knooooow and we can search the books for them <3
👀👀 u might be onto something there. big 3 kid shipping makes a lot of sense. but tbfh everyone got shipped with everyone back in those days
the thalia enjoyer to lesbian and/or wlw pipeline is sooooo real 💀
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