#this is mostly based off of my gijinka
bonzeez · 4 months
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itz-pandora · 4 months
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Human designs of Void, Andromeda, and Polarity that I made for fun!
All three belong to @emthimofnight
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fraternum-momentum · 8 months
Hey! I love your art!!! Tho, I was wondering if you could tag your ocs names cause I’m new but I’m really interested in your ocs and want to learn more about them :)
It’s okay if you can’t tho! Hope you have a great day
YOOO HELLO welcome to the blog :D i hope you enjoy your stay here and thank you !! i finally finally gave some of them names so I can make tags, that's mainly why it took so long to answer this 😭
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Azalea, Melanie, :o), MC, Gabriel, Nigel, Kian, Theo.
(the actual tags are also in the tags of this post)
Here's some contextual and random facts about them lolol:
Azalea and Melanie are characters of a webcomic I'm making ! It's just a little passion project that I'm slowly working on. (emphasis on slowly)
Theo is just a nickname. His actual name is Theodore. MC's name is still TBD.
They're also gonna be in a comic thing :D but more episodic and slice of life-y instead of an overarching plot.
Kian makes pipe bombs in his basement.
Kian is based on a rock I got on a random beach. I took a picture of it and put a bunch of stickers and gave it a personality a few years ago bc I thought it would be cute 💀 I have other rocks that still needs to be gijinka-fied LMAO (my fave is this one beach glass named Kelsey)
I was debating on naming the jester clown guy JJ but i decided against it, it's cute but ehh idk.. I might change my mind on it if I can't think of anything.
Kian and friends + the jester guy + that one teeth guy that I didn't include here (whoops) are mostly just one-offs and don't really have an ongoing story. I made them mostly cause I wanted to design a cool looking character. Maybe I'll do smthn with the rock friends but I don't really have any ideas :P
Nigel and Gabriel are part of this western cowboy universe thing I'm doing on the side. A lot of wonderful people have made ocs for it :DD !!!
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make of that what you will 👼
Gabriel has a twin sister named Mica, who also helps around their church.
Nigel is just an amalgamation of the kinks i like (that will not b disclosed !!!!!). Cause I thought 'hey, why don't I make a blorbo that has all my kinks that would b awesome ahaha' and look at me now.
Also BTW i know Nigel is technically a cop but he's more of a classic cowboy than an actual police officer. I added that random fact just for the cowboy³ joke. ACAB.
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kosukeiichi · 5 months
i've been slightly addicted with making ride kamens ocs ... haven't drawn digital versions of them all just yet but i am constantly rotating them IN MY HEAD .
shinji here is mostly based off of the shinobi22 portrayal of shinobi ( not to toot my own horn ) but yeah silly two faced mercenary guy who's so fail moe ( purposefully ) to throw people off his scent
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next we have asaka yuichi , kamen rider asa . he's based off of drive and he's a corporate business man who seems to be kind and caring and kind of a doormat at first , but beneath all that he finds kamen riders to be annoying troublemakers and wishes for things to be handled in a more civilized way . ( he was a kamen rider , but decided to stop for some reason idk i haven't made up a concrete backstory for him )
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last up is nabatame aoi , kamen rider aoi !! i haven't given him much thought of personality or backstory yet and kinda just went with the vibes tm . but he's based off of the virgo zodiarts , and i'm thinking he'd have some element of being a double agent as well somewhere in there .
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i might end up making more of these in the future they're stupid fun to design tbh ... i just realized IT'S JUST MAKING KAMEN RIDER GIJINKAS .
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almightyhamslice · 10 months
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I didn't forget abt them I just wasn't totally sure where to place them since they're meant to be encountered AFTER the story concludes. They're not even the last drawing in my Star Stacker series though! Very close to the end though... just two more drawings left!
Gryll is an alien witch who travels through the cosmos looking for people to stack stars with! They always conjure up the blocks themself, so their 'playmates' don't have the excuse of not having a game board or blocks... and if others don't know the rules of the game, Gryll explains it to them in agonizing detail! Gryll strikes me as being rather long-lived, but also incredibly carefree and not concerned about their own mortality & just living in pursuit of fun! They might be the same species of alien as (or perhaps an offshoot of) Marx's species? The two might've even played a game together once upon a time. Gryll can be irritating when it comes to asking others to play their games, but they do care about fairness-- they NEVER cheat because it removes the fun for them! They already know they're the best player, but they want to prove themself in an honorable way.
Other than their fixation on star stacking, Gryll is also very fond of onions! Their three onion companions are named Sugar, Salt, and Pepper; Sugar has no leaves, Salt has short leaves, and Pepper has long leaves. I think for Gryll, cultivating onions is less like farming plants and more like caring for animals? Like chickens, maybe? Though the onions themselves are smarter than that, so maybe it's more like taking care of parrots or crows? Point is they're really common on Gryll's homeworld and they like to have a few of them following them through space at all times. So they don't get lonely! Though, Gryll does also like the flavor of edible onions.
Overexplanation of my gijinka design under the cut!
Design wise I did kinda base Gryll's appearance off Marx (mostly cuz they both have huge shiny eyes and are from outer space! Though notably, Gryll has invisible/detached arms that are covered by arm warmers, and no external ears (maybe I will remove Marx's ears as well?). I knew I wanted to emphasize that they have detached arms, but very clearly visible legs! Though I also wanted them to have more stripes in their design, so I decided they should go to their arm warmers. Similarly, I thought they could use more red, so I added a little red shawl. My gijinka design has bare legs since I think they're a very striking feature of Gryll's in-game design-- Gryll has actual legs rather than connected shoes or floating shoes, which not a lot of Kirby characters have! Their top is cut on the sides; it's more androgynous that way I think, and it's also a nod to how Gryll was accidentally depicted with actual arms in one of their in-game panels. I interpreted the lines on their face as whiskers/patchy facial hair, again because it feels more androgynous to me! And I think it makes them look cute. I suppose it could just be blush or paint but I like whiskers!! Basically, I totally overthought Gryll's design lol! I think it's because this is their only appearance so I don't rlly have room to redesign them! Unless I feel like it later lol.
anyways heres my funny drafts of Gryll! They used to have striped sleeves but I wasnt satisfied w that rlly.
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They remind me of a Rayman character or perhaps Rayman himself? (has only played Rayman 1 and failed miserably at it)
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starmansymphonyarts · 9 months
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Bowyer gijinka! As well some Aeros and part of the back of Geno's head.
Not the first time I've done a Bowyer gijinka! Not gonna link the post, but if you go onto this blog and look into the Super Mario RPG tag you'll be able to find it! I mostly based this version off that old one, but with some tweaks here and there to make things make more sense. Very proud of my improvement since then!
Unshaded version under the cut!
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ladylyra · 3 months
Do you have any recommendations on how to get more expressive and lively color pallettes? Also, I absolutely LOVE your art! I just saw two of your posts of zacharie and I love them both so much!
thank you so much!!! :") i've been actually been trying to get better with my palettes so i'm happy that they stand out!! i really don't think i'm a good resource for advice (self taught & mostly go off vibes) but i'll try
definitely look into color theory. i don't know if it's actually designed for what art i do but this was a good resource for me. you said you liked the zacharie pics so i'll use it as an example!!
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i use different shades within each color but the general idea is that i'm using two complimentary pairings in one piece--red/green and then blue/orange. it makes the entire piece pop. purple/yellow is definitely one of my favorite palettes to do but i have a soft spot for red/green because it's always interesting trying to make really sure it doesn't start giving christmas vibes LMAO. it can get really fun playing around with different shades. color changes the tone of the piece so definitely consider what youre trying to convey when you pick the colors you want to use.
2. i think a level of restriction breeds innovation. you have to do more with what you have. for this piece i reused base colors as 'shading colors' a lot. the poliwag's base blue was also used as a shading color, for example. i think it ties the piece together if colors are repurposed in multiple spots. generally, i personally don't like having too many colors in one design or drawing. if i can reuse a color, i want to. for shading, for convenience, sometimes ill use multiply and overlay layers which increases the color count, but i've been trying to branch out from them more :). overlay can be very useful (as well as some of CSPs other modes) in coming up with very vibrant palettes that you can use as a jumping off point.
3. kinda going off my above point, but this is more about character palettes than palettes for a drawing. if you look at a lot of my oc designs i have a low amount of colors ill use in one character, as well. i do a lot of gijinkas which in a way can pick palettes 'for me' but im also talking about my oc designs outside of that (1) (2) (3) (4) if i have too many colors i almost feel like i start to lose focus. i use complimentary colors a lot. this is honestly a little of a personal preference in how i approach designs (i also don't like designs with too many tiny details so...lol) so i don't know how 'legitimate' it is as advice? but i thought i'd offer it
3. i was so afraid of using bright colors when i was younger because i didn't want things to clash, so a huge part of this is just getting more confidence in the process. i mess around with colors during my sketching process, and treat palette picking as a part of sketching. the zacharie drawing went through like 2 different constantly tweaked palettes. you have to be willing to just throw whatever down at the risk of it looking bad, erase it, and do it again. don't get too attached to anything. don't aim for perfectionism on the first go. i also have this same mentality for just sketching in general. playing it safe can destroy the expressiveness of the piece and the integrity of your vision. you wanna try out some obnoxious neon blue? ok, put it down and build around it. art is meant to express something!! be more confident in what you want to make. if it looks 'bad' nobody has to see it. just keep messing around until you like it, or throw it out completely and go again.
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featherlouise · 2 years
So, does Hollow just die in that AU where Radiance took control of them? Or is there even a scrap of a good ending there?
Hi anon!! Istg I did not mean to wait this long to answer holy shit it’s been nearly 2 weeks I am SO sorry
But okok originally, I just wanted to redraw the “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” painting with my gijinkas, so YES Hollow was originally supposed to just. Die. In this au.
BUT since I’m a sucker for pre-sealing AUs where Hollow gets the chance to forge real relationships with the people around them, ig it’s my turn to do it now lol
SO!! Idk how canon this is, but I headcannon that, while the infection reduces people to their base instincts generally, the Radiance can choose to individually control certain bugs, so when she realises that the so called “Pure Vessel” isn’t hollow, she realises she has the perfect opportunity to take out the Pale King in a way that he’d never see coming, mostly bc of how deep in denial he is that Hollow is hollow, and bc he’s so confident that he’s safe within the palace walls; he’d be caught completely off guard.
So, long story short, Radi infects Hollow instead of Xero (ik he’s not a knight but the caption sounded more dramatic that way) and tries to assassinate the king. In a last ditch attempt to stop attacking their father, Hollow momentarily wrestles back control and stabs themself instead, which further confirms the fact to PK that his child has a will of their own.
Like. When Hollow stumbles in, dishevelled, hair out of place, their armour nowhere to be seen, he genuinely assumes that they’ve finished their tasks for the day and have been ordered into his study. When he realises they’re infected, his initial thought isn’t that they’re alive, but that he was wrong in his assumption that you need to have a mind to become infected, and he’s essentially given Radi an empty puppet to play with. It’s only when Hollow takes the initiative to fight back against Radi that it clicks for him.
So! I’m open to suggestions about how or why this happens bc I’ve not figured it out yet (maybe Radi figures Hollow’s a lost cause and there’s no point wasting more energy on keeping them under her control is they’re dying anyway??? Maybe some void fuckery happens??) the point is, as PK takes Hollow into his arms for perhaps the first time in their life, the heat of the infection leaves their eyes, and PK manages to heal them enough that he can call for help without worrying that they’re going to bleed out in his arms immediately.
In the palace gardens, where Hornet is having a tea party with Herrah and the White Lady, PK’s cry for help is heard and Hollow is taken into a room where they can rest and heal (in the same wing of the palace as pk and wl’s room bc holy fucking shit we’ve been treating our child like an object their whole life they don’t even have a proper bedroom wtf is wrong with us).
That’s honestly as far as I’ve gotten with anything regarding a plot,
Again, I’m really sorry for the wait I swear I didn’t forget lmao and I hope this was worth it?? Did I even answer your question or did I just ramble for however many words
TL;DR: Hollow does survive!! There’s just a lot of whump before, during and after!!
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lightofunova · 2 months
What inspires you to design the legendary gijinkas? Like music, aesthetics, etc.
I was talking a little about this but alot of it is vibes LOL Veeery much my personal feel about them through my experience playing the games.
Ryuki feels so strong and powerful yet graceful, just like Johto is as a region, so I was inspired to make him fit in with that aesthetic more!
Unova, despite being based off America has always had a very medieval sort of lore to it that really inspired me when designing Reshi, but also the pokemon is just so soft and fluffy that I had to emulate that somehow haha.
I dont design all the legendaries of course though, half of them are owned by my bff so I can only really speak for the ones I design though haha. In the end they don’t really come together until we brainstorm ideas for them to flesh out their personalities! Like how Yveltal is a laidback racer who enjoys the limelight but is secretly the god of death XD Or the tension between Reshi and Zekrom. These things really dont take form until I chat with my bff about em and we come up with the ideas together!
Finally!! Most of the characters I design do have playlists that I make to listen to while I draw or design stuff for them. Mostly its made after I’ve had themmfor awhile though, cus by then I know what they’re characterization is haha. Thanks for the ask!!!
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donuts4evry1 · 5 months
After reading through Dungeon meshi and reading + watching content about Kui’s character design, I realized something (as I’m sure many other artists did):
My own character designs, while interesting enough, didn’t really properly reflect the character. And in my case, they didn’t really properly reflect animals I was basing them off of.
For body types, the only thing that separated my characters was height. Legs and arms stayed the same, stomach and cleavage were relatively flat. My style is mostly simple, but if I truly want to do the jellies justice and give them good gijinkas, I need to do more. (I could also work on my facial features, but I still haven’t grown out of the button nose yet. Haha. For the record, though, I do have somewhat varied eye shapes and styles thanks to Mairuma-kun. Yay!)
If you see me retroactively redesigning characters to reflect this… oops. I’m realizing it might’ve been a bit of a mistake for me to post about all my characters so early in development (especially when I had no Idea what I was doing), but I guess it’s not a bad thing to document the design process.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 9 months
Yoooo Marilou has a sword? :O
Also I saw something about waterproof hair and fabrics in that gijinka universe, which is really interesting! Are there any other little details like that, about the funky traits pokemon can have and how they affect the world?
(my inital response got too long and crashed my computer lol TAKE TWO)
SHE DOES! She's an oshawott so her sword is her scallchop :3 it looks and behaves mostly just like a normal non gijinka one does. is attached to her belly button and considered a part of her body. the suction to her belly button is strong enough that it can be attached through a thin layer of fabric: but ussually marilou will still have her clothes either modified to have a hole or have a special belt to attach it too. Her scallchop extends to a full length sword when she chooses! no one else including another oshawott can make it extend to sword mode.
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the sword itself is based off of pirate swords and samurotts' sword thingie
THERES SO MUCH FUN FUNKY STUFF so much i'm working on some drawings of eevees evolved into every eeveelution as an excuse to infodump lol
heres some fun psmd gijinka au world building/lore facts!
-if marilou were to put on a normal collared shirt, the collar would transform into an upturned frilly one: bassically a pokemon 'pokemonness' (being very connected to not just nature but like the nature of the world) connects with the physical natural material in the clothes and can modify it slightly. never by a whole lot. but enough that theres a canon explanation
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so yeah the universe has a species dress code basically
-species names function a bit like last names. most (but not everyone!) does have a 'real' name, and in smaller communities generally everyone will know and address others as such (with the exception of like, an elder figure, like a kid won't call the kind charizard across the street by her name she's 'ms charizard' ), but generally speaking it's rude to ask for someones name, or adress someone by such if they havn't told you you can. whats wacky is sometimes if someones adopted by another species they'll adopt an aspect of one of their adoptive parental figures names as a middle name. Marilou and Comet both do this! Marilou's full name is 'Marilouise Brazil Oshawott' Brazil as in the tree nut (Nuzleaf's name) and is 'Comet Costa' Bulbasaur' Costa like Carracosta
- humans (while considered exitnct technically can still exist in the psmd-gijinka verse) can't have 'unnatural' hair colors! within anime reason of course like a black haired humans hair can be actually a shade of blue but like, a human can't naturally have a bright colorful hair color: they can have any color eyes though!
-pokemon still come from eggs in the psmdgijinka-verse. And they still can only reproduce with pokemon from the same egg group and the species of the kid will ussually be that of the 'mother' theres a chance it can be the other parent's. though maybe some species may give live birth like how there are some reptiles etc in our world that do that, but i'm not sure yet. yeah I'm that one nerd that will go on about how theoretically how pikachu can be both a mammal and lay eggs
-most fairy types have particularly like idk the word cause usually 'fair' means pale but what I really mean is that when drawing a fairy type I'll make sure they're skin tone is more saturated than I'd usually choose has more noticeable blush and is closer to the red/pink then orange/yellow hue
-so the shades of color a pokemon can be varies a lot! however the shiny color of a pokemon does effect this. like take vaporeon for example, It's more common for a vaporeon's shades of blue to be teal then indigo sense indigo is closer to purple (vaporeons shiny color)
-while more rare type exclusionist/discrimination/not comparable to any real life bigotry so idk what to call it does exist: like they make grass type dominated towns where fire types aren't allowed and dark and ghost types are often stereotyped as mischievous and up to no good. like yeah sometimes they are but not to the extent that people act
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puddingjump · 1 year
Hey Look! https://www.tumblr.com/magoloranlaunch/716615128101076992/old-djss-gijinka-art-and-zine-work-2021?source=share
I just find it amazing and hilarious how the human drawings of Supernova remind so much of Asterian! XD Especially with the pv & cover you just made not too long ago.
omg yes i ADORE this human djss!! it's one of my favorites! <3 the human djss i made for the pv is actually based off an old humanization doodle i did a couple years ago! (link) oh man this is old and wonky lookin
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i just incorporated a few extra bits to add asterian to it, mostly the colors! i do love how both that humanization and asterian resemble each other though! :)
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Based off the last drawing, I thought it be fun to draw my Human AU/ Gijinka  Jet, 25 years later- in the previous one he was fourteen, here he’s a thirty-nine year old grown man with his three kids Matilda, Boomerang and Levi, As well as his loving wife (My girl) Coral.
I dunno why but I just picture him as this fun yet silly daggy dad. So the idea behind this is that now at 39, his old “STUD” shirt doesn’t fit him anymore- so he gives it to his son Boomerang (who he and his old twin sister are 14 and Levi is 12). 
Either way, he comes up with this idea to surprise his wife.. so walking down to her workshop topless, he quietly walks in -of course his eldest Matilda and her Aunt- Wave are their. Wave of course catches him walking in from the corner of her eye, shaking her head in disbelief, thinking to herself- “oh god not again”..
clearing is throat, Coral and Matilda turn around- when Tilly saw what her father was doing she shook her head and face palmed herself..
Now with his love- Coral looking he smirks a little, winking, he says..
“Hey Coral, your stud is here my love”..
Coral of course is just starring all wide-eyed and flustered and awkwardly blurts out her husband’s name-she likes what she sees though even if she’s red.
Matilda on the other hand is a little frustrated, being all- “Really dad, Mum was helping me out with my gear design, did you have to distract her like that”
Being that Coral is still distracted, Auntie Wave comes over and helps Matilda out instead, Matilda just goes off with her aunt to leave her parents behind..
Anyway, that was the idea/ story behind this ..
it was great fun actually coming up with an adult Human AU/Gijinka design for Jet- mostly just an excuse for me to draw the male torso again.
“Coral the Swallow belongs to me!!!”
“Matilda “Tilly” June Hawkington/ The Hawk belongs to me !!!”
“Boomerang (Boom) Remo Hawkington belongs to me !!!”
“Levi Mae Hawkington/Swallow belongs to me! !!!”
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kitsunequeen1987 · 2 years
And now I explain who Tourmaline is.
So, as mentioned in previous posts, I created Tourmaline when I was ten. All I really had of her story at the time was that Meta Knight adopted her as a sister more or less, and she died. (Which looking back, seemed to be a common trait for my OCs back in the day)
Anyways, I've been getting more into Kirby again lately (which given my postings of Meta, I doubt that's a surprise) and she popped back into my head. So I decided to revamp her story a little. (Side note, I should mention this is essentially a gijinka universe)
Starting off, Tourmaline escaped a relatively totalitarian planet from the galaxy (think Homeworld from SU, it's basically that) after highjacking a ship. She was more or less a maid, and despised it. So when she -less than expertly- lands on a rather worse for wear planet called Dust Star, she celebrates. Like, a sort of- "I did it... I DID IT! WOOOOO!" type of way.
Anyways, thanks to this mini celebration of hers, Meta and some of his fellow star warriors (since Tourmaline's story takes place in the KRBAY universe) finds her. They essentially take her in, because like... They're not just gonna leave her to die on a planet where monsters roam.
Over time, Meta and Tourmaline form a pretty close friendship- eventually just settling on calling each other their siblings. (Tourmaline started it, honestly- Meta started doing it later as a joke and it just stuck)
Meta ultimately lost Tourmaline as she was slashed by a monster
in what is essentially a weak spot for her. She died right in front of him.
Timeskip like- a couple hundred years later, and Meta's at Dreamland. Where he proceeds to just- never talk about his sister because emotions are for the weak, and that's not him. (In other words, he doesn't wanna think about it and get sad as a result- especially in front of others)
And now some random fun facts about Tourmaline.
1. She's a big ol asexual space lesbian.
2. Adding to fact one, she had quite the crush on Garlude... Whoooo tragically died, which she didn't witness. (Poor thing was practically inconsolable when she was told)
3. Despite being the "younger" sister, she'd tend to fuss over Meta's diet of constantly eating sugar.
4. Her eyes get brighter/dimmer based on emotions. (When she's really sad, they practically look dead)
5. Meta taught her how to speak Spanish, so they'd often just have small conversations in it (mostly to be secretive, but it's pretty damn obvious)
And that's basically it!
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vegetablejester · 10 months
I need to like schedule out what I'm working on. I tend to use fic writing as a way to practise proper writing for novels I plan on publishing and those are still in planning/draft phases.
Rn is chp 22 of WoH which is at 10k words so far and I'd say maybe 70% done???? Help.
After that I want to continue work on one of my FFXIV fics Solis. I was rewriting some of the chapters it had 3 chapters before I decided to rework it. Chp 2 is halfway done so I wanna get that and 3 done. But then after that I need to do chp 4 as then I'll feel like the story has gone fucking nowhere. Luckily that one is mostly just abt Akademia Anyder.
Another FFXIV fic I need to rewrite is Forever at Your Side. The entire first chp rewrite of that one has been planned out already I just never have the energy for it.
On the side I also started a 5 chp fic based on Kirby's adventure with my Gijinka setting. Idk why. It's kind of nearly done in the first chp but the entire thing felt off so aaa on my knees begging my friends for feedback.
I also need to continue that Hollow Knight fic series I started, I have in mind what I want to write for the next bits but I just need motivation for it.
There's the Virgo fic too. Ngl I have to be deeply depressed to write that one so maybe there'll be a chapter soon with how I've been feeling lately lmao.
I think once the stuff planned for Solis is done or maybe when I'm getting bored of doing it I'll do the next chapter for Guided by Starlight. That one has had a fairly healthy upload schedule ngl. WoH i have to try and do a chp per month or more or I will never get it done.
Two back burners are Ashes to Ashes and a FE Fates rewrite. Ashes to Ashes is just fucking complicated and a dark story so it needs time to COOK. And Fates is just gonna be a lot of effort but I had inspo for writing abt two of my ocs and just kinda did it and now I'm like "Well fuck I gotta continue this in some way."
I have three novel's I'm working on as well in the planning stages, they're all fantasy at least. Ugh I should really work on one of them properly next year at least a first draft or smth or I'll be 40 by the time I actually publish smth.
Don't be me, I'm on the highway to hells burn out.
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sacriou · 2 years
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Magoboyo!! My favorite character- my bias definitely gets in the way of my work… unlike a good amount of the others I have a few tidbits of gijinka lore if anyone is interested!!
-For starters the cat hes based off of is a Norwegian forest cat! They are absolutely huge.
-Magolor started off actually as a type of selkie- where if he were to remove his cloak he would no longer keep a humanoid form! (A concept I HAVENT completely dropped but I’m not sure what else to do with it)
-his cloak/cape is made of a much thicker heavier material! This helps keep him grounded easier when traveling and also in areas pf varrying gravities during his travels. His hood is thicker so he can protect his hears! (They can be sensitive to sounds)
-speaking of sounds he’s put up with a lot- I imagine outside of tinkering and engineering he also picked up blacksmithing around the time of Kirby clash deluxe! (I like to imagine he makes all the items himself- he needed a hobby to keep him busy since he’s a workaholic)
-the little apron is totally optional on this design, mostly added for the blacksmithing tid bit
-the little pouches he carry’s around have spare tools- I imagine he’s constantly working on multiple projects and constantly misplaces his things (also convenient for on the go fixes)
-this loser is kind of a hermit- if it wasn’t for him having such a profitable opportunity as a shop keeper he’d go out even less- he has all his projects kept in the lor and is constantly busy tinkering and inventing if he’s feeling up to it! He smells like oil.
- magolor is from halcandra and of course the temperatures there are very extreme- but his range of tolerance is slowly adjusting to the much cooler temperatures of pop star (and space). Usually on his home planet he wouldn’t wear the cloak and cape and gloves, maybe a sleeveless shirt instead of his usual top? But the rest is the same
-speaking of his clothes his gloves aren’t just to keep him warm- they also double as work gloves! He can handle hotter temperatures but when he’s smithing or soldiering he’d rather not burn his finger. (He can totally handle it- it won’t hurt him as bad as say if a human or whatever held molten metal, but it would leave him with an annoying burn that would get in the way of his work) also protects him from blisters and cuts from the tools he uses
- this is the part when I talk about him eating the rocks LMAO- my thought process was this- halcandras extreme landscape is totally incapable for hosting much flora- not enough to feed a whole population anyways- so what else is there to eat besides a meat based diet? (He’s still mostly carnivorous I think) well lord of intense heat and pressure is the perfect environment for rich gems and minerals to form! He’s an alien species anyways- imagine if the gems were formed at a much faster rate due to the extreme environment and so their structure is much weaker and thinner (think graphite), meaning they could break apart much easier. Say magolor had a digestive system that could handle minerals in this form it would be another source of nutrients (it’s far fetched as hell but the idea of pebble boy chomping on a rock makes me laugh)
- speaking of the gem apples being his food- when he found out how scarce gems were on pop star due to how they didn’t form as fast or as often, he figured what the hell and started a buissness from it! (He got a new hobby and a source of income- more money to fund his projects)
-speaking of his projects again his knowledge in the maths and sciences is beyond impressive- not to mention whatever his studies of the ancients brings him. He’s actually well awuanted with Susie too- she actually commissions him for some projects since his engineering abilities are so astounding and his research is beyond valuable to her (this comes at a heft cost at her end but she’s had to accept the fact that magolor dosent work for cheap). Also his knowledge and experience with the lor and ancient technology is a whole other asset
- I’m rambling ever more lol! Magolor has a berry strong bond with the lor- she has a lot of respect to him for all he does to keep her up and running and bringing her back from essential being shut down, magolor also has lots of respect for the lor star cutter and all she is-
-I imagine their relationship is the lor is kinda like a babysitter or guardian- but also in a casual way? Like they bicker or argue (yes he will argue with a boat- she dosent have a voice or anything but actions speak louder than words here) but not out of like spite or anything! Just friendly banter- or like maybe the lor would shut off his computer when it gets too late and he needs rest, to which he would jump and fuss but got the message to just rest up (don’t worry his files were fine she just shut off the screen lmao)
-yes she also locked him out every so often when he avoids doing something and won’t let him back in until he does it (he’s over dramatic about it but eventually goes out and does it)
Congrats THATS the whole info dump rn- I probably have more but I’m not bothered to fix this up yet- I have more on my Insta that’s more thought out but this is just for now kinda silly stuff
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