#this is meant to be navel-gazing ponderings
nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
when i get tired of the garashir i do indeed block the tag(s) for a few days until i get tired of missing most of whatever fandom is going on about and then i unblock it and it feels almost fresh and exciting to me.
also okay some/lots of the ship-related meta does read as somewhat WTF to me, but that's kind of a given for any fandom i guess. "omg, they were in the same shot and they looked at each other and that PROVES they are endgame destined to marry perfect for each other <3" stuff is everywhere once a pairing gets popular.
such is the power of shipping-goggles, innit? also there's a couple of people where i just scroll past any time i see their name on a post because i know it's going to be A Take that will annoy me and/or just read like someone projecting wildly onto their current Blorbo(s). it's fine, i don't see how they could possibly know that i do that, i never say anything to them.
that is how i survive in this world i mean fandom. also i know better than to go into the jezri tag, that's just an endless stream of negativity for some reason. (tumblr doesn't tag it's hate unless it does. idk.)
(also I say "for some reason" but i know it's "conflicting with a popular OTP so it has to be toxic not just not-my-jam" i just didn't want to say that in as many words in case anyone... oh shit.)
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