#this is me trying to get jily fake dating out of my system by doing a little one shot instead of the longform that has a deathgrip on me rn
gigglesandfreckles-hp · 3 months
the start of (something) new
“I don’t know why Vernon couldn’t meet us at the train,” Petunia grumbles. “It’s quite hot to walk so far.” “I don’t mind the walk. The weather’s nice,” Lily says optimistically. “Well, sorry we can’t all teleport like you,” Petunia snaps. Lily decides not to take that particular bite of bait in favour of watching the boys play football at the park. It really is a beautiful day and Lily finds herself wishing she had an excuse to go sit on the lawn to watch the boys play for a bit, instead of tailing her sister’s awkward day with her horrid boyfriend. One of the boys scores a goal and throws his hands up in victory. Lily smiles, watching as he jumps up and down before two of the other boys tackle him into a hug. It reminds her of her dad and all the matches played at full volume in their sitting room throughout her life, the scarves decorating the walls of his office, and the shirts she expects are still neatly folded in his long-abandoned chest. The boy who scored pulls back from the group hug and jogs over to a tree, leaning down to grab a bottle of water. When he stands up and takes a long drink, running a hand through his hair, Lily freezes. Because there’s no way. This is London, Muggle London, and while she knows he lives somewhere around here, the idea of him in Jubilee Gardens kicking a football about with Muggles, is so preposterous. It’s impossible, but somehow— It’s very clearly James Potter. He’s wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, blending seamlessly enough with the other boys, but his boots—they’re Quidditch boots, the idiot, and she refuses to believe the other boys, in their well-worn football boots, haven’t noticed. But this only serves as further evidence that it’s James, because of course, he wouldn’t bloody well care. He caps the bottle of water and tosses it back to the ground, jogging back to the makeshift pitch. One of the other boys briefly claps him on the shoulder and then they’re off, sprinting back down the pitch toward the ball. Lily allows herself to watch for another minute, and God, it’s just like watching him play Quidditch. He’s effortlessly brilliant, receiving a clean pass and dribbling it with precision down the length of the pitch. He runs like he flies, smooth and quick, and Lily isn’t close enough to confirm, but she’d bet that his jaw is set in that same determined way, too.
continue reading on ao3
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randomficsandshit · 4 years
Jily Fic Rec Masterlist
Please do not forget. I have not written any of these. I’m simply recommending favorites of mine over the years. If you love something, send the author you love, not me :) and if any links don’t work, send me a message and I’ll see what I can do, this is a pretty old list
A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Word Count: 5k+ 
Contrary to popular belief, it's not always the man who does all the chasing.
Pepper Up, Peppermint Word Count: 3k+
Sixth year Lily is home, sick, at Christmas. Can a visit from her friends cheer her up?
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight Now Word Count: 1k+ “The first snow is magical, you can’t deny it,” and Lily grumbled, but she did have to agree. It was beautiful. Of course, that moment lasted exactly thirty seconds before James squashed a snowball into her face.
Sing A Reckless Serenade 
Word Count: 7k+
After an almost minute of silence, she finally relents, “I need you guys to help me with a work thing.” A hefty pause. And then- “What kind of work thing?” James asks, warily. Lily takes a breath. It seemed like a brilliant idea last night, when she was more than three drinks under, but now in the light of day it just seems… pathetic. Still though, she needs help, and needs it soon, so she finds herself blurting out: “I need you to fake date me for a week.”
Three Swipes, You're Out
Word Count: 4k+
Part 1 of Shiver Me Tinders series
Sports star James Potter tries to pick Lily up on tinder. Lily Evans, a dedicated not sports fan is offended by the idea that someone thinks she wouldn't recognize James Potter's face. She laughs about it with her friends at a bar, until James Potter, who also frequents that bar, comes over to clarify that nope, he's on tinder, and he's definitely hitting on her.
Making Spirits Bright
Word Count: 2k+ 
Part 2 (final part) of Shiver Me Tinders series 
She should have expected it to be hard, dating a celebrity, but somehow she and James make it work.
Air For Free
Word Count: 2k+
When you’re in the company of James Potter you almost forget about the world around you.
What Are You Doing On Christmas Eve?
Word Count: 13k+
"I kinda told them all I was already seeing someone." "Kinda?" Lily eyed him deceptively, "Who?" "You." Christmas, Fake Dating 
Word Count: 7k+
He passes her the cardboard box and their fingers brush again only this time Lily doesn't pull away so quickly. This time Lily lingers, if only to be thrown back into another time when James was her everything. If he was willing, she'd let him be her everything again.
Isn’t It Obvious?
Word Count: 7k+
Rewrite of The Prince’s Tale except it’s James Potter 
Meet The Potter’s
Word Count: 8k+
"we're having a water fight but your white shirt is see through now and I'm distracted? oops?"
Early Morning Toast Brigade 
Word Count: 2k+
"Is that toast?" she said, catching sight of a plate of the stuff that sat on the floor, next to James's invisibility cloak, the wonders of which she had been introduced to the summer previous. "Nah," he replied. "It's regular bread, with a suntan." "What?" "A suntan," James repeated. "It's highly unlikely that you've ever experienced one first hand, being ginger and all, so I won't blame you if you don't know what it is." "Shut up. Where'd you get it?" "Oh, my skin is naturally sallow." "I'm talking about the toast, idiot." "Won it off Dumbledore in a duel." "James!"
Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Word Count: 8k+
There are those who claim that Lily Evans couldn't possibly love James Potter as much as he loves her - including, on occasion, James Potter himself - but they couldn't be more wrong if they claimed that the moon was made of cheese.
Mother Deer
Word Count: 7k+
Euphemia Potter is the unequivocal boss of everyone, including and most especially her son, and if the sweet, bright-eyed redhead who frequents her coffee shop doesn't know that yet, she's about to find out.
Word Count: 3k+
She isn't certain how it started, why it continues, or where her moral decency has gone, but sometime around February, James and Lily start hijacking each other's rounds in order to sneak off and shag in entirely inappropriate Hogwarts locales.
Elevator Love Song
Word Count: 15k+
James unexpectedly finds himself trapped in a dodgy apartment elevator with Lily Evans.
Try, Trial, and Try Again
Word Count: 6k+
Spell engineering has never been so complicated than when an afternoon of trying and trialing leaves James and Lily in an interesting position.
Questions And Answers
Word Count: 5k+
The simple question of whether or not they're dating doesn't exactly have a simple answer. Seventh Year Jily.
*Sunshine In My Eyes
Word Count: 93k+
Mr. and Mrs. Evans are killed when Lily's only a girl, and she's supposed to go to a home with her sister. Instead, a relative they didn't know they had comes to collect them, and introduces Lily to manners, magic, and a life that's just the slightest bit different from the life she was supposed to live. Or, an AU in which Minerva McGonagall raises Lily.
Key Limes
Word Count: 23k+
In which Academy Award winner Lily Evans discovers the periphery of internet fandom and the mysteries of Prince James’s gold star system.
Red Velvet Ribbon
Word Count: 7k+
Lily sighed and ran an agitated hand through her hair, all the while glancing up at the mistletoe in the doorway. Those spindly branches and little green leaves, all bundled up in a red velvet ribbon, so falsely innocent and romantically devious… Lily felt that old James Potter tingle shoot up her spine and – as custom would dictate – she couldn't shake it off. God damn Christmas.
Wishing You All A Good Evening
Word Count: 46k+
Despite his popularity on campus, James Potter has had a hard time getting the attention of one, Lily Evans. Lily's not impressed by him and his arrogance, but James is quite impressed with everything Lily does. After the blunder that was their first meeting, James is determined to change her mind and she's determined not to let him. College!AU
Meeting The Marauders
Word Count: 49k+
Or how Mr Evans was forced to spend Christmas with four raving lunatics, had his life turned upside down and was forced to make his precious daughter go on a date. (mostly like this one because I think it was clever doing the POV of Lily’s dad)
Another Damn Grocery Store Fic, Okay?
Word Count: 9k+
Lily runs her father's grocery store and the guy she remembers from her childhood moves back into town. Thanks to petals for the brilliant prompt -- "grocery store AU where Lily works the counter and he keeps buying things just to talk to her"
I Can’t Read Your Mind (Though I’m Trying All The Time) 
Word Count: 40k+
The one where Lily is just trying to be a good friend by offering to be James's fake girlfriend for a weekend at the Potter Family Extravaganza. Really. Only, James just so happens to be in love with her, so this can't be any good for his health, and Lily is oblivious to the fact that this might not be so platonic for her, either.
Fate, Automobiles & Other Disasters
Word Count: 15k+
Lily is quite content owning her little flower shop and feuding with next door neighbor Sirius Black and his errant parking skills, until his best mate, Oscar-winning actor James Potter, moves in.
The Incident In The Library
Word Count: 3k+
Lily Evans has been distracted lately…and it’s all because of James Potter and his stupid, unbuttoned shirt. Hardly any fluff, but plenty of shirtless James for everybody.
I Think It’s About Old Friends
Word Count: 7k+
James and Lily, and seven years of Christmas.
Word Count: 20k+
What do you get when you combine two classroom enemies, only one chemistry book, the blizzard of the decade, and drinking games? The tropiest Jily fic of all time!
I Love You (ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?)
Word Count: 21k+
He didn’t picture Lily wandering alone, he never imagined the dullness that seemed to overcome her usually vivacious eyes, never fantasized about the way she looked at him straight on and asked, “Want to do something stupid?”
He, apparently, was something stupid.
(Summer before seventh year, failed friends with benefits).
Quidditch Club
Word Count: 14k+
The first rule of Quidditch Club is 'no falling for a student's mum'. Jily AU. Single Mum AU. Smut if you squint.
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shipsrulemylife · 6 years
Jily Fic Rec
Surprise, surprise. Guess who’s back with another fic rec!
It’s Jily this time because who doesn’t love a good enemies to friends to lovers trope?
EDIT: apparently the links only work if you click on the read more??? why is tumblr so weird
Key Limes by cgner [Rated T]
In which Academy Award winner Lily Evans discovers the periphery of internet fandom and the mysteries of Prince James’s gold star system.
Mother Deer by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Euphemia Potter is the unequivocal boss of everyone, including and most especially her son, and if the sweet, bright-eyed redhead who frequents her coffee shop doesn't know that yet, she's about to find out.
Polyjuiced by ladyoftheknightley [Rated T]
A very pregnant Lily invites the Marauders round to help her entertain James. Somehow, this degenerates into 4 Jameses wandering around her living room, with her having to guess which is her actual husband or (horror of horrors) lose a bet against Sirius Black.
Salmon Fishing in the Olympics by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU: When Lily Evans seeks assistance from James Potter to avoid the attentions of a suitor who just won't take no for an answer, she accidentally lands them both on the front page of every gossip magazine in Britain. She should have thought about that before pretending to be the girlfriend of a famous athlete.
Cat in a Fifth Floor Flat by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU. When Remus Lupin moves out and Lily Evans moves in, James Potter finds himself instantly drawn to his beautiful new neighbour. Little does he know that a mysterious force of nature is secretly pulling the strings.
The Yeast I Can Do by elanev91 [Rated T]
Dr Lily Evans had an absolute shit day at work. Luckily, there's a bakery nearby that offers a course that she hopes will take her mind off of things.
Try, Trial, and Try Again by BeeDaily [Rated G]
Spell engineering has never been so complicated than when an afternoon of trying and trialing leaves James and Lily in an interesting position.
Supermarket Sweep by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU: James Potter can find anything he needs in his local supermarket - bread, milk, the woman of his dreams - they've got it all.
we could be gigantic by elanev91 [Rated T]
Lily and James have been best friends since they were kids. Uni, a band, a trip abroad, a few tours and a couple of albums later, things start to change. Half an email fic, half a regular ol' narrative.
Swipe Right, Swing Left by ShadowRose997 [Rated T]
The unspoken rule of using dating apps in D.C. is that you always start with where you work. James Potter, it seems, never picked up on that one.
Erotic Porridge by elanev91 [Rated T]
Euphemia Potter thinks her doctor needs to go on a date with her son. This story is so named because I saw it somewhere, could not stop laughing, and my best friend professor-riddikulus hates it so much that I just had to. This story has nothing, literally nothing, to do with porridge. (I really should give my stories better names) - Muggle AU
Elevator Love Song by BeeDaily [Rated T]
James unexpectedly finds himself trapped in a dodgy apartment elevator with Lily Evans.
Motionless by lovesickjily [Rated T]
James Potter always had thought that he was the only person in the world who had the power to stop time, but somehow, just the sight of Lily Evans makes every second feel like an hour.
Pickup Limes by elanev91 [Rated G]
Lily loves to blow off steam in Waitrose. Tonight, she spots an unbelievably gorgeous man in the bakery. Modern AU, Muggle AU, Grocery Store AU (still def not a thing)
Orange Cardamom by ShadowRose997 [Rated T]
James may not believe in love at first sight, but he's beginning to think there may be some merit in love at first sip.
Too Fic Too Furious by elanev91 [Rated T]
The M25 needs to undergo massive emergency repairs and the entire motorway has been shut down for, well, probably the rest of eternity. Lily Evans was foolish enough to think she could make it through before the traffic properly started. She's absolutely dying of boredom when she spots the guy in the car opposite.
you exist behind my eyelids by lovesickjily [Rated T]
How could they be in love with someone whose existence was only known because they frequented each other's dreams?
the one with the white suit and the red beanie by Apalapucian [Not Rated]
james agrees(?) to be a model for lily's photography class project, and jeanne, james, and lily all fall one way or another in the duration of it.
Wishing you all a Good Evening by thejilyship [Rated T]
Lily Evans is a news anchor for her college news station and James Potter is a football star who has gained quite a bit of local notoriety. Lily's not impressed by him and his arrogance, but James is quite impressed with everything Lily does. After the blunder that was their first meeting, James is determined to change her mind and she's determined not to let him. College!AU
So Just Act Like You Love Me by twilightstargazer [Rated T]
Lily was looking forward to a nice, quiet Christmas by herself. Instead she's heading back home for her sister's engagement party with a fake boyfriend in tow.
the one with the storm and all the texting by Apalapucian [Not Rated]
James and Lily get stuck in a coffee shop during a storm.
Unexpected Perks by thejilyship [Rated T]
James and Lily meet in an airport after missing their flights, though by the end of the day, it all sort of seems like fate.
Sing A Reckless Serenade by twilightstargazer [Rated T]
“What kind of work thing?” James asks, warily. Lily takes a breath. It seemed like a brilliant idea last night, when she was more than three drinks under, but now in the light of day it just seems… pathetic. Still though, she needs help, and needs it soon, so she finds herself blurting out: “I need you to fake date me for a week.”
Dr. Jones and the Witch by jamespotterthefirst [Not Rated]
Who is the stranger Lily drunkenly met at a party? And why can't she stop texting him?
no matter what (i love you) by softjily [Rated G]
When Lily’s aunt Rose introduced her to a scrawny twitchy eleven year old boy with frantic hair and glasses that were too big for his face, she certainly didn’t think she’d spend the next seventeen years beside him." Or, the VirtueMoir AU no one asked for.
Have a Biscuit by PetalsToFish [Rated G]
No matter how many biscuits it took, Minerva was too invested in James Potter's relationship with Lily Evans to tell him that he needed to stop eating all her biscuits.
The Engagement by itsa_bee [Not Rated]
Lily and Marlene decide to go wedding dress shopping, even though neither of them are even in a relationship much less engaged. One thing leads to another, James Potter enters the scene, some fake dating ensues, and then they eat an engagement cake!
Sixty-Nine, Nice by a_collection_of_nonsense [Rated T]
In which James Potter and Lily Evans are in a math course together and have absolutely no chill.
#Jily by Chie (Chierafied) [Rated G]
Twitter seemed awash with the hashtag Jily. Lily blinked at in confusion, until she realised it was one of those silly couple monikers people had bestowed on her and Potter. …Though there was a small dissenting crowd following a tweet from Potter’s bandmate Sirius Black: Jily? Hah! More like LAMES.
victorem by gryffindormischief [Rated T]
When God closes a door, sometimes you have to jump out a window.
Cheers to That by wotcherpotter [Rated G]
Breakout star James Potter has seen success on the new hit comedy Have You Ever, and has been nominated for his first BAFTA. Upon the announcement he receives congratulations aplenty online, including from fellow actor and long time crush Lily Evans.
follow your heart gently; by lilevans [Rated G]
social media au + “after lily spotted james on campus, she posted a video to her university’s campus story, telling james: ‘To the cute guy wearing the blue jersey in the university’s snapchat story, I’m seriously in love with you. find me.’ a modern day cat and mouse game ensues with the whole campus urging romeo and juliet to meet because oMG its love at first sight!!”
Questions and Answers by lizardcookie [Rated T]
The simple question of whether or not they're dating doesn't exactly have a simple answer. Seventh Year Jily.
Upside Down by Bob_The_Other_Zombie [Rated G]
Lily’s pop star career seems to be hitting a rut, until her publicity team comes up with the perfect plan- a fake relationship with James Potter, frontman of the hot new boyband The Marauders. Lily’s less than enthused- last time she and James were in the same room together, there was vomit involved, all over her nicest pair of shoes. After a few dates, however, lines begin to blur, and suddenly things between them don’t seem to be just PR anymore...
Sweet Tooth by mylifeissocoollike [Rated T]
Lily and James were best friends growing up, but when he moved away and they drifted apart they thought that would be the end of their friendship. But fate has a funny way of working out, and Lily can’t keep herself away from the brownies in the grocery store.
Lilium Regale by jewishwondergirl [Rated G]
Flowershop!AU. Lily works in a flower shop, and every Friday James comes in to buy flowers. For this prompt: "you keep buying a bunch of flowers so i think i have no chance but it turns out theyre for ur mum" Written (early) for Jily Trope Fest! Nothing but fluff.
The Benefits of Recklessness by madnessandbrilliance [Rated T]
Some people really were lucky they had good medical insurance. A Jily AU.
Darkest Night by thelittlegreennotebook [Rated G]
"It’s a tiny place, warm and welcoming with soft light and softer croissants. A place so small that if you happened to, say, run into the bloke you had been hell-bent on avoiding—well, there would be no avoiding about it." The third and last in a series of Jily college AUs for the November Fanfiction Challenge.
Happy reading!
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