#this is mainly aimed at my followers anyways
we-can-escape · 2 years
god i never thought id see the day the app glitched to badly i had to open tumblr in my browser to make a post, but here we apparently are. anyways, all this to ask, is anyone else’s tumblr app just flipping tf out rn? i can’t make new posts or even reblog anything, trying to open my activity tab crashes the app, and trying to view my blogs brings up an error message that “something” went wrong and to try again later, and doesnt switch tabs. the search seems to work normally but trying to follow someone new either also crashes it or boots me back to my dashboard, though it does seem that the follow sticks despite this. and it’s not just like, something wrong with my account or anything bc the browser version works just fine. im just. what is happening. tumblr why.
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broke-on-books · 1 year
AND WE ARE BACK BABY 🥳🎊🎉🥂🎆🎊🎆🥳🎉🎊🎆🥳🎊🎊🎆🎆🎊🎉🥳🎆🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🥂🥂🎊🥳🎉🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅
If anyone asks me if I regret my decision (being unable to post for 22 hours bc I went ham on a sideblog and hit post limit at 2am yesterday) I'd like to give a resounding HELL NO by the way. It was a terrible experience bc unfortunately I'm horribly addicted to this webbed site HOWEVER. I'd do it again. It's what they [noncanon hetbait comic book couple] deserve. Anyways it is SUCH a relief to be able to post again. I am now so aware of how much I use this site though rip
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simpinformonkies · 1 year
Can I request a Redson x Calm!S/O reader, who's his partner in crime and a powerful earthbender (cause they keep him grounded) please and thanks.
Sorry this made me laugh so hard when I first saw this ask, the joke broke my sense of humor im so sorry. Anyway, here ya go!~
-The first time he met you all those years ago, he thought you were just some weakling human that decided to piss him off, but you just raised a brow at his behavior and slammed your heel on the dirt, slamming a pillar of stone and dirt into his gut and sending the Demon Bull Prince flying off.
-Oh, he was furious at the audacity.
-But just as much, Red Son was interested; humans don't just control an element as well as you do. It was like the earth itself was your sandbox that you did whatever you wanted with; be that helping people, growing plants, or destroying his Bull Clones.
-After a while though, people just kept demanding things of you, and you just... kind of got tired of it. So what'd you do?
-Why, go to Red Son and ask for a partnership of course!
-Why? You have no idea; you just hated being demanded things of by people that don't even respect you.
-Red Son at least respected your power, even if he also hated you.
-Baby steps people, baby steps.
-So you commit crimes with Red Son, being like that silent soldier in the background that the heroes never notice until its too late and you're already attacking them. You always had Red Son's back, and stopped the worst of his injuries from happening.
-Especially from MK. Sweet kid, but a little much sometimes.
-Ya know that meme of 'the demon lord having a sweet tiny spouse, but the spouse being scarier'? Yeah, you're much scarier than Red Son is, because while he's always angry and yelling, you're sweet and kind that can flip on a dime if the right buttons are pressed.
-Anyway, you're Red Son's "rock" essentially, being there for him through thick and thin. This means you're very close to him and following him every day (or, alternatively, he's always following you, even around the council but acting like he's the one guiding you. His mother thinks its adorable.)
-After confessing to each other (in which Red Son acted like a total tsundere the entire time, let's be honest), you constantly do little stuff with your earthbending to show how much you love that. Whether that be making statue of a heart on 'fire', or doing little stuff to make him happy or his workload easier.
-Red Son often gives you gifts that mainly consist of gems (as a homage to your element of earth) and always does romantic things with you while attempting to act nonchalant or cool.
-Keyword being attempting.
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~~~ BONUS:
-Your 'scary' side came out when Azure and his goons attacked the Demon Bull Family, attempting to seal away the others. You send shards of earth flying at Peng, aiming for his wings (and hitting them in quick succession) before earthbending binds and pillars at Azure in hopes of defeating him.
-Unfortunately, you forgot Yellow Tusk exists, and he bound you with magic, and then you were sealed in the scroll of memory.
-(And if that happened to make Red Son so angry that his flames sparked a brilliant blue, then only he and the brotherhood would know such secrets.)
Hope you enjoyed this!~
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Take care...
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 11]
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Part 1
Their first stop was a small café near Robinson Park; Alysia's Boba Bar & Café. After each of them had placed their order, with Jason paying, saying it was ‘his treat’ and that ‘he had promised he’d be the one paying earlier’, they took their food outside.
They did get some stares from the customers and employees, mainly aimed at Jason who’s wearing his Red Hood gear, but they just ignored them minus some intimidation from Jason from afar.
Though, Jason wasn’t quite sure if Danny actually ignored them or just blatantly didn’t even notice them.
Either way, they were currently sitting on a bench in the park. Jason had taken his helmet off and put it next to him so that he could eat, still wearing his domino mask anyway. He’s also still wearing the watch Danny had gifted him.
And he’s never taking that off, holy shit he loves it so much.
Danny is sipping on the leftovers of his boba, having already scarfed down his sandwich. Jason starts his tour, telling him about Robinson Park and pointing out Gotham Zoo right next to it.
After they’re both done with their food, Jason puts his helmet back on and they get back onto his motorcycle so he can point out important landmarks while driving around.
Jason and Danny proceed to chat a bit during the ride as well, just some basic stuff to get to know one another; favorite color, favorite food, how they would disarm someone with a gun and de-escalate the situation, opinions on otters and how they hold onto each other so they don’t drift away, favorite movies, etc.
And Jason is desperately trying to focus on driving instead of Danny’s arms wrapped around his waist from behind.
"Over there is the Iceberg lounge."
Danny’s gaze follows where Jason is pointing, falling on a big two-story building with a sign on the outside reading ‘Iceberg Lounge’.
"It's a nightclub owned by the Penguin, one of Batman’s rogues. It’s mainly just a front for his criminal activities, but the nightclub itself is actually pretty good to be fair. Bit posh though"
"See that big tower in the middle there? That's Wayne Tower. It's basically the office building of Wayne Enterprises, the company owned by Gotham’s very own multi-millionaire Bruce Wayne." Red Hood says, sarcasm dripping off of his words at the end.
Danny lets out a small non-committal hum.
“You don’t sound too fond of him” Danny inquiries curiously.
“I’m not“ Red Hood states, not elaborating in the slightest.
Danny tries to lighten the mood a little “Well, as long as he doesn’t try to adopt me I guess he’s still better than another millionaire I know.”
Danny smiles as he hears Red Hood laugh.
"Over there’s Gotham City Public Library. It’s one of my favorite places in the city. I tend to go there at least once a week. They’ve got a ton of books and are willing to order any they don’t have at request. There’s also some computers there that are free for public use."
"You like reading?" Danny asks curiously.
"Mhmm. I'm mainly in the classics like Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, etc."
“Oh, nice. I don’t usually read much. English was basically my worst subject at school, but the teacher was pretty good. Kind of ended up being one of the only ones in my corner and he really tried his best, y’know?”
“He sounds pretty nice. Is there a reason you haven’t read much, like lack of interest or…?” Jason trails off questioningly.
Danny shrugs “I guess I never really had the time as a teenager, with an added lack of motivation on top. And now… I guess I don’t really know what kind of books I’d like or where I should start.”
“I could recommend you some? If you want me to?”
“Sure, that’d be nice”
"The large building over there is Arkham Asylum. It's basically a psychiatric hospital. Batman dumps all of his rogues here, though they keep breaking out."
"Oh yeah, I’ve heard of this place. My older sister applied to work here"
"Dr. Jasmine Fenton?" Jason questions, even if he was already pretty sure who Danny was referring to.
"Mhmm,” Danny nods, “she recently gained her doctorate and wants to be a psychiatrist at Arkham"
"... I wish her good luck" Is the response Jason decides on.
"I’m sure she can do it" Danny proclaims, somehow embodying the :D smiley face.
Jason considers the possibility of her having similar meta powers to her brother and decides that if she does she'll probably be fine.
Not to mention she has Danny in her corner… And Red Hood now as well.
"What's that building over there?" Danny asks as they're driving on one of the roads on the outskirts of the main part of the city.
Jason looks at where he's pointing, spotting the manor.
"That's Wayne Manor. Do you remember that millionaire I mentioned earlier? The one that owns Wayne Tower and WE? That's where he lives."
Danny sounds a little surprised as he asks "He lives in that huge building? All by himself?"
"Well, not really. He has some kids, most of whom are adopted though you wouldn’t believe the field day the press had when it was found out he had a biological son. Besides them, he also has a butler that lives at the manor”
Once again, it seems Danny has noticed Jason’s standoffish attitude at Wayne, as he tries to lighten the mood a little.
"That manor is still way too big for all of them. Like what are they doing with all of that space? Are they hiding something? I bet they have a huge secret basement underneath the manor with some kind of laboratory and some shit. Millionaires seem to love those."
Jason lets out a surprised laugh at how on-the-nose Danny is, making Danny grin at his successful attempt to lighten the mood a little. Though it makes him question for a little bit…
He doesn’t know, right? Or does he…
"You know, I think the manor is actually missing something" Danny speaks up again.
"Oh? And what’s that?" Jason asks with humor in his tone.
"It would look way better TPed" Danny states confidently, bearing a mischievous grin.
Jason barks out a laugh, a sharp grin on his face.
"Let's save that for the next date, Doll"
Danny lets out a slightly giddy laugh, his cheeks red and heart beating just a little faster at both the 'next date‘ part and the unexpected, but not unwelcome, nickname.
“And this,” Jason says, as he gestures proudly towards the streets around them, “is Crime Alley, which is my turf in this city. I’m the one protecting this place.”
Jason had brought Danny to Crime Alley as the last stop on their date.
“Oh yeah!” Danny speaks up. “I was wondering about that!”
Jason turns to him questioningly and Danny takes it as a sign to continue.
“Yeah so, why is it called crime alley?” he asks curiously with a tilt of his head.
Say what now?
Jason takes a deep breath.
“Are you serious?” Jason asks genuinely curious, gesturing at the drug deal taking place behind them, the mugger that’s running past, and towards the right where gunshots can clearly be heard.
To his credit, Danny doesn’t falter at all, giving Jason a smile and continuing.
“Yeah, I thought it was called Park Row or something like that. Did it get renamed?”
Jason closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose before letting out a strained “Something like that…”
He takes another deep breath before looking back at Danny, who’s still looking at him with a bright smile.
“Is there really no reason you can think of why this place would get nicknamed crime alley? Not one reason at all? None?”
A small explosion sounds and some metal shrapnel falls in little pieces around them. A car tire rolls past. Danny and Jason don’t look away from one another.
Danny ‘grew up with mad scientist parents, an OSHA-violating lab in the basement, fighting ghosts, causing property damage, evading ghost police, fighting a king, is pretty certain his parents have been committing some kind of tax evasion for their research funding, etc., etc. though none of that was really an excuse as his friends and sister didn’t turn out quite as blind to danger as him.’ Fenton thinks about it for barely a second before shrugging.
“No, not really. Why?”
“This is where the Joker attacked you.” Jason tries pointing out, causing Danny to take a good look around them.
“Oh, that’s right! I was wondering why this place looked so familiar! I gotta say, it looks different in the daylight. But I mean, that attack could’ve happened anywhere, couldn’t it? What’s so special about this place?”
God, how can he be so smart yet so stupid?
Now is really not the time to kiss him, Jason.
“It’s… just a nickname, given to the district by the Gothamites. Poverty runs rampant and the crime rates here are… above average, let’s say, when compared to the rest of Gotham. Only old rich folks still call it Park Row” Is what Jason decides to say.
“So yeah, it’s probably best if you try to avoid this place, especially at night. Though God knows you can handle yourself, considering the way you went at the Joker” Danny snorts at the innuendo.
“It’s still better to be safe than sorry and keep away from this place, unless you’re with me. The people around here know better than to mess with me and the people I’m with, so there’s no need to worry.”
“Hmmm, are you sure the crime rates are higher here?”
On their left, a guy dressed in a gray hoodie with suspicious dark red stains on it runs at a car, gets in, and drives off as fast as he can with the car alarm still going off.
“Oh, okay! I’ll try to keep that in mind then”
God have mercy.
Red Hood had driven them back to Danny’s apartment after their date in order to drop him off. Meanwhile, Danny is still not quite over the fact that he can actually call it a date!
After they both get off of the motorcycle, Red Hood walks him the few feet to the front door of his apartment building, and it’s time for them to say goodbye again.
Do they kiss now? Or should he wait till the next date?
Danny really wants to kiss him right now.
But he’s wearing his helmet so it would be awkward as fuck.
Especially if he had to ask Red Hood to take it off.
No, Danny can’t do that. Just no, he’d have his second death, this time of embarrassment instead of electricity. It’s some variation at least?
“See you later, —”
Danny cuts himself off with a not-so-subtle fake cough, cheeks heating up in embarrassment at what he was about to say. He had almost let out another cringy animal-themed goodbye, just like last time.
Great going, Fenton. Despite not going for the kiss, he still managed to almost fuck it up.
It’s like he’s digging himself a bigger hole by the minute.
Red Hood stops walking and pauses. Seeing this, Danny lowers his head to stare at the ground, his body stiff.
Jason can’t quite believe he’s doing this, and if any of the bats heard him, he’d never hear the end of it. But… to put Danny at ease…
“Take Care, Polar Bear”
The sentence makes Danny snap his head back up immediately. His mouth is slightly open, as though he’s trying to come up with something to say and failing.
Not waiting for Danny to answer him, Jason starts moving towards his motorcycle again.
Danny, with his cheeks still slightly red, stares at the leaving figure of Red Hood. His gaze is full of adoration, as he just falls a little deeper for the helmed vigilante.
Jason is thankful the helmet obscures Danny’s view of his blushing face as he gets on his motorcycle. He gives one last wave to Danny before revving the engine and leaving for his apartment.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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dorims · 7 months
make you fix me [ sneak peak ]
gif creds @/endiness
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roman roy x therapist!reader
wc. ~550
genre. fluff, angst,
spiraling into a more than confusing dynamic, roman roy's relationships have always disrupted the balance between professionalism and an HR complaint. It wasn't his fault his authentic-roy-ways didn't follow the 'being a decent human being' guidebook. People fell in love with their therapists all the time anyway, and being a nepo-baby billionaire didn't save him of that fate.
tags. WORKING TITLE, NO BETA AS OF RN, prone to grammar mistakes !! the story is set some time after s4 as of rn, gif is not representative of the timeline this takes place in, allusions to abuse, being dismissive of therapy, roman uses the word looney as an insult once, tags will be added as the story progresses, these are mainly for the text below the cut
a/n. this is a little sneak peak of one my wips! the full document has 3.5k words ish but im aiming for at least 7k, maybe a little more. if anyone wants to join the tag list for this fic please send me an ask off anon or with your url
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“Are you writing that down?” He frowned, “why are you writing that down? I literally just said I wasn’t.”
Yet again, another bold demonstration of your therapeutic ineptitude. You dared to look up at him for a couple of seconds too long, scanning him over until his eyes widened in confusion while he jostled his hands in the air, preparing to retaliate. But just when he started stringing words together, you decided to start what seemed like a new sentence.
“What are you even writing?!” He wanted to tear all his hair from the roots. “I haven't said anything!”
“Well, you have.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Groaning in protest, he scooted closer to the edge of the couch, almost like he wanted to stand up. “I said nothing that means anything.”
“Then,” you clicked your pen, and his gaze immediately zeroed in on your fingers toying with the shiny metal. He gulped, knowingly so, like waiting for the stationary to stab him in the neck. But nothing had happened, and instead, he missed the way you [had noticed] “There’s nothing you should worry about.”
His shoulders dropped with the heavy weight of being scrutinized. One would have thought he would’ve been used to it by now. But from experience, he had learned that the everlasting bitterness of getting examined under a microscope would always linger. No matter what he tried, the only way of coping with it was to wait for it to pass with his tail between his legs. 
“Can you just like stop? Writing?” With his elbows resting on his knees and his face burrowed against the nook of his hands, his voice came out pityingly muffled, much like the hint of the child he had been tasked to cast aside way too soon.
“Because, it’s, fuckin’ weird?” He forced himself to stare straight at the spot right between his Oxfords, shaking his head in disbelief as he attempted a laugh. “I’m not paying you to scribble on your looney book.”
You had hummed once more, and he had wanted to tell you to stop. With his gaze still zeroed on the floor, he failed to notice how the plain Moleskin had been pushed to the side, neatly closed in a genuine display of concern. Or as genuine as a therapist would allow themselves to be during their first session. 
“Then what are you paying me for?”
“To like, you know,” he shrugged in disbelief. “Ask me to draw a stick figure under the rain and tell me how to fix this.”
“Fix this?”
“Yeah, this.” The words had left his tongue sitting, heavy in his mouth, and the rest that wanted to tumble out felt foreign in size and shape, though similar in weight to that of shame. The same one that had seeped from between his teeth and gums and skin countless times when the inconceivable consequences of his actions caught up to him growing up. Shame so thick it would put blood to shame, though they sure shared the same taste. And it had always been easier to spit it out in private, drown the aftertaste with fierce scrubbing and hide the searing imprints on his cheeks underneath the covers. But the walls surrounding him were no longer the ones in his childhood bedroom, and you were still waiting on an answer. “Fix, I don’t know…me?”
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melimpostor · 12 days
Hi there!! I really love your art and the way you draw bodies and people interacting. Do you have any advice for how to achieve that? I struggle to draw people together if that makes sense! Do you usually gather reference? Or just wing it? Thank you!
Hello Anon , thank you for the compliment ! ♥ Yeah i get what you mean, i struggle with it too most of the time... xD I usually wing it, but i use references when i have something very specific in mind (or if i'm inspired by said reference directly). I should use more tho... and i suggest you do too ! I'm not sure if i'm the best person to give advices for something that advanced because i'm crying most of the time when i draw, but i'll do my best haha- So here is how i proceed when i'm winging a pose: I generally start with A, then add B !
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A - The follower is the character that "endure" the action, the character can be squished, dragged in a direction, pinned ,etc. B - The leader is the character that applies a force on A, hugging them, punching them, moving them, etc So let's make them interact !
I start with their torsos
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There is a lot of information to display with just the ribcage and pelvis, and it helps with volumes too ! It's the part of the body entering in contact with the other one most of the time, reason why i start with it. I sometimes add legs if characters need to balance themselves, but no arms or head at this stage yet (except if i'm aiming for a kiss) • I usualy draw the torso of A first. Since it's the one being dragged in the action. This way i have complete control over how flexible their body can be. • The torso of B comes right after , surrounding A
I then add the head and arms
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• The heads are my next step, mainly for eye direction • I then add the arms of B to detail the interaction. I suggest starting with the hands and to complete the junction with the shoulder once you are satisfied with your hands positions
I follow with the arms of A to complete the interaction and the sketch is done !
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(pls tis really quickly done, have mercy-) Profit. That said, i would not be surprised if people find easier to draw B first instead of A (since it's the lead). It just happen to be the opposite for me. I observed my drawings to be more fluid and natural this way. There is no wrong answer !
It's not always as simple as "draw A first, then B", sometimes the pose can be a bit too complex, a lot can happen at the same time or bodies are too entertwined, in those cases...
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And of course, anatomy practice helps a whole lot to have a better grasp on volumes ! Anyway that's how i proceed most of the time, I hope you found it useful
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kyosopp · 2 months
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❝  p1harmony as my favourite songs !!  ❞
warnings !! my music taste please don’t be a hater because its not upbeat :3 + plus the fact i just used :3 there are links if you wanna listen to the songs
❪  ❥ .   yoon keeho,  윤기호 ❫
duvet — bôa
everyone knows that keeho is absolutely ethereal, he’s what every man (and woman) should aim to be. a pretty personality on a pretty face. i associate keeho with bôa’s duvet because of how stunning the instrumental truly is. oddly enough keeho reminds me of this song so much and i need a tiktok editor to edit him with duvet immediately (its a need not a want)
like water — wendy
this song was without a doubt my favourite song to listen to when it was released, it’s such a beautiful song and it reminds me of keeho. i know that you guys probably expect songs like starships by nicki minaj and although i do agree that keeho is definitely a song like that, based upon my music taste he’s just so ethereal and beautiful. he’s a constant reminder of growth and love (he still my opp though 😋)
❪  ❥ .   choi taeyang,  최태양 ❫
i was all over her — sylvia palth
i eat this song up everytime it plays, i don’t care if yall think it’s ass of overplayed, my little heart things yummy whenever its on. anyways, i definitely think theo is a song like this, and yeah he can be a tease to his members but he’s still a good guy with a good heart and everyone and their mother would want a love like this song with theo.
you were beautiful — day6
do i scream this song every time it plays, yes the fuck i do, but i digress. theo is either an avid listener of this song or is just the song personified. “beautiful, just the way that you would look at me” is just so theo and if you think otherwise… well i think you’re incorrect. nobody gets day6 like i do ☹️ (besides king seungmin)
❪  ❥ .   choi jiung,  최지웅 ❫
west coast — lana del rey
lana del rey and jiung is so
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anyways, this instrumental is so beautiful and i need to be sent a bajillion jiung edits with it. i do not stand for west coast slander because it is without a doubt singlehandedly has my heart in ruins.
levanter — stray kids
i love levanter by stray kids more than any song they’ve released, coming from a stay since their survival show. it’s my favourite song released by stray kids. jiung just reminds me of felix’s “it’s all good now” because he truly makes p1eces feel like everything will be alright (all while teasing jongseob, we love a man that can multitask)
❪  ❥ .   hwang intak,  황인탁 ❫
symphonia ix — current joys
this song dominated my entire tiktok fyp for a solid month before it suddenly converted to shrektok. this song just makes me feel really calm and content with my life and I feel like being friends with intak would be like that (when he’s not out for your throat at least).
only — leehi
i actually don’t really know why i think of intak when i listen to only. i guess the. “it’s like a dance we perform together” could contribute because i enjoy watching intak perform and he just seems like a really gentle lover, possibly even a “ill love you like a dog” lover (which is kinda sad ngl)
❪  ❥ .   haku shota,  白翔太 ❫
every breath you take — the police
although this song is borderline creepy and stalker-y, it can be cute if you ignore that its about obsession!! i associate soul with this song mainly because of his beautiful boba eyes. the way his eyes follow his members (keeho) and how he looks at them with admiration and love. he’s very much “every step you take, i’ll be watching you.” but cutie patootie style.
she’s in the rain — the rose
i remember when i used to listen to this song every hour of everyday, just basking in the beauty of it. although this song is heartbreaking i can imagine editors managing to make it cute and loving about potato soul. he has such a warm heart (ignore that he wants to blow up the world) and this song is just yay.
❪  ❥ .   kim jongseob,  김종섭 ❫
right side of my neck — faye webster
i absolutely love this song by faye, and i have no idea why i think of seob when i listen to it, maybe because i feel like his love and affection would linger for a while when he’s gone and mainly because hes such a pookie and i want the right side of my neck to smell like seob (platonically though… totally)
sweet night — v
this song will probably always be my favourite i adore it so much and it makes me think of seob because its sweet and beautiful just like him. plus the instrumental and taehyung’s vocals are just chefs kiss. “i’m wondering, are you my bestfriend?” “if you are too good to be true”
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budder28 · 3 months
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My Pokesona!
I loooooove Pokemon. So it’s kind of wild that I’ve never drawn my own Pokesona. If you couldn’t tell, I mainly love grass type. These are just some of my favs, plus a few that don’t necessarily fit the entire grass theme; but I thought would make a good team anyways.
Not so much a fighting team, this group of pokes and their trainer are actually foragers. They help keep count of the local flora and pokemon population of their town. Their aim is to conserve wildlife, document plant and population growth; and discover new ingredients to cook with. The latter is a passionate side quest, sparked by Diglett’s accidental ability to unearth truffles. The team works together as follows;
Diglett - assists in collecting dirt samples, unearthing things hidden in the ground
Oddish - Is released during the night to help pollinate local flora
Snivy - Despite being asocial, it enjoys scouting out areas for its trainer
Psyduck - Being in the group calms its headaches; likes to help Snivy navigate (gets stressed easily)
Chimecho - Forages berries, incredibly useful. Rings when it finds some. Also supplies pleasant sounds for Psyduck
Lastly, Turtwig - Good at finding water sources. For some reason, it has one Dark move; Bite (inspired by my Turtwig in Pokemon Pearl).
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sonkitty · 3 months
The Sideburns Scheme Post #102
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(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 6, Every Day, The Door Trick
Sideburns Check
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The sideburns are longest-length.
My theory goes that it is mainly from a combination of stillness and Crowley's left arm being so focused on touching the threshold of his car that is his home.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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For the first cut, I can't really confirm that the streak is a streak since Crowley's left-side hair tends to be more saturated anyway.
In the other two front-facing cuts, there does seem to be a thinner, findable streak.
Hairstyle Changes
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Instead of the top hair above Crowley's left eye going more straight and upward, his overall top hair tilts to Crowley's right and curves upward. The streak is not as clearly defined for where it is.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects | The Door Trick Visual Representation | The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 4: The Door Trick and The Door Catch)
Well, this is it.
I am going to go over The Door Trick in detail after a lot more thorough play in trying to grasp the more advanced pocket mechanics of this game.
I'll start by saying I believe quite firmly that the core Trick of The Door Trick here is as follows:
Single accessory touch with the watch.
Double clothing touch with the jacket and pants. Double multiplier because the legs are crossed.
Triple skin-contact touch with the left hand. Triple multiplier because three fingers are touching each other.
These touches are considered simultaneous in the last video frame of the third cut of Crowley from the front.
There's a Rainbow Connection and imaginary Tied Hands doing more because of The Door Trick linking to The Door Catch, but that's the core nonetheless.
This Threshold Trick was the first one I found and when I started to grasp that the sideburns respond to thresholds.
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Because of that pocket touch, Crowley is using the Pocket Chain found within The Pocket Trick.
The pocket touch itself resembles most of the touches within The Pocket Trick. It has the right hand fingers pocketed but keeping the thumb outside the pocket.
Since there are a million things happening, let's try starting from the bottom and working our way through where things take us in the first video frame.
There is a mirror on the lower left side of the screen. That means Crowley can see that his sideburns are the length they should be for this Threshold Trick. They are longest-length.
The mirror is also part of his Pocket Frame of Car Mirrors. This mirror is to his right. The rear view mirror inside the Bentley is to Crowley's left. The hood ornament of the car is drawing attention to itself and that mirror.
There are four humans to Crowley's right.
The one closest to Crowley just so happens to have their heel aligned against some lighting on Crowley's own shoes. The lighting is a hint that something is happening or being allowed. At a guess, there is a mirrored touch between the lower legs and one foot between this pair of characters.
This mirrored touch is captured into the wide open pocket Crowley has constructed between himself and his car.
The human's other foot then creates another pocket between it and Crowley's shoes.
Since Crowley is aiming for a double-clothing touch and the episode does not show his shoes again after this camera shot, my play and imagination goes with saying this human is taking Crowley's shoes to get them out of the way for the touch. Unlike Crowley's upper apparel with the jacket, the shoes are outside the pants.
There's a shoe locker idea I have, but let's put that idea on hold for now.
One of these four humans is carrying an orange bag. Orange is the current color in the Rainbow Connection. For this Threshold Trick, my play guesses that there are Bullet Catch magic word references. I think this one is "Fish" because the pattern on the skirt reminds me of fish scales, and I can't find any other visual references that I think are better.
Of note, the magic words are supposed to go, "banana, fish, gorilla, shoelace with dash of nutmeg," so they are out of order though the last will be ensured to be "dash of nutmeg".
The car door handles are visible on either side of the car, and I assume these door handles are the car's equivalent of doorknobs, which will be the Pocket Frame for the Metatron.
I think Crowley's crossed legs are reflected in the Bentley.
On Crowley's right, due to the design of the coffee shop, there are flames represented on that nearby structure.
Inside the car, his plants are visible. Due to the lighting, their green does not actually look all that green yet.
Over to Crowley's left are more humans. Eventually, we'll see some hats.
Crowley's left hand fingers look to be claiming Yellow, Green, and Black for use. The index finger is visually over a Green and Yellow sign. Zoomed in, I can't actually tell if the index fingertip is on one more than the other. His other fingers are visually over a human's Black attire.
Because of how things work out, my guess is that's to help Crowley's use of Black do things other than block and what he wants from his own imagination.
The face of his watch is visible.
His right hand CMC thumb joint is lined up with a jacket edge and Crowley's belt.
He has a self-made pocket of hair, and his left vest tip is near his Belt Head, probably to alert us that the Belt Head is active and playing its role in this Threshold Trick.
The sun can be found in the upper right corner of the screen and is to Crowley's left, above his left ear.
I have noted many times that I am left with the impression the sun here is supposed to be significant and acting as Crowley's Overhead Light for this Threshold Trick.
The sun is the most powerful source of light on Earth without actually technically being on Earth.
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As the camera pans up and zooms closer, some things change.
In an earlier video frame, I suspect that the imaginary mirror of the Tied Hands has a Rainbow Connection Reflection and flips. A flip does not usually mean a switch to a new color, so I assume the Rainbow Connection is still on Orange.
Shoes on humans are shown as walking away in the car window pane behind Crowley.
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There is an actual rainbow found between the left side of Crowley's torso and his left forearm. That's the official rainbow for this Threshold Trick. The rainbow places itself over the closed rear car window, the open front car window and well past the edge of the left forearm, questionably all the way to the other edge. This rainbow helps emphasize those shoes that are walking away in the window pane.
Time to play with some words for the shoe locker theory.
The word "locket" rhymes with "pocket". The word "locket" is associated with hair. Taking note of the "r" in "hair" and "rainbow," I'm going to change that "locket" word to "locker," so that the people on the sidewalk for this side of the street and passing by Crowley have a place where they can put their shoes until later.
It becomes evident that the Bentley's driver window is open. In The Pocket Trick Triple Part 2, my guess for a Rainbow Connection Reflection with Yellow happened with a human pocket user near an open window. Since Crowley is going to be stuck standing still and receive a lot of human assistance, including from pocket users, that is theoretically the reason that window is open, besides being useful for The Window Trick later.
For the rainbow mentioned earlier, that looks to be the game's cue that this rainbow is either what allows the incoming flips or is telling an audience player that the over-the-rainbow touches are due to how Crowley's apparel-to-car pocket is structured.
According to this post, the rainbow "doubles up," and there are two of them. Honestly, that's not what I see. The second seeming-rainbow is almost certainly contributing for whatever it is because great care is taken with the lighting overall, but I personally would not fully qualify it as an "official" rainbow because I can't distinguish its color set well enough, even with some tweaks in trying to edit the screenshot with brightness or saturation. Still, there is going to be a link to the Pocket Chain, and two characters are going "up" later.
Another thing that happens as the camera pans up and zooms in as that a car with headlights shows up on screen. That looks to be at least a general callback to The Pocket Trick Triple Part 2 and giving the Belt Head an Overhead Light, before the belt is fully obscured from view with the zoom.
Crowley's left thumb and its thumb joints are cast in shadow, but they are there. He's going to be relying on a different human for the usual hinge touch that his own actual thumb joint manages.
This cut is front-facing view of Crowley #1 out of 3. He will get 3 shots for his part of this double act with Aziraphale.
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Up next is a back view of Crowley as we see the Metatron and Aziraphale walking.
This cut has both Aziraphale and the Metatron with their feet visibly on the ground as they walk toward the pub.
There is a human wearing all black. She has a black bag and a black hat. As she hurries along, she is slightly hunched over. She passes along the sidewalk near the pub before Aziraphale and the Metatron reach that area.
As she passes, yet another human visually passes in front of her.
The one in black is my guess for the "Gorilla" of the magic words.
The other is wearing a striped shirt and has some brown. She'll be swinging her arm as a visual representation for the Tied Hands since they'll be aiming to use Rainbow Connection Reflections twice for Yellow.
Through basic word association of Gorilla, Tarzan, Jane, I name this human, "Jane."
Another notable human rides along a scooter. I don't know if they're doing anything really important besides the general clue about the shoes and Ground Zero or helping to handle the Rainbow Connection, but they do stick out as someone with a self-made pocket using their legs.
Eventually, another human appears in front of Crowley. She is wearing a mostly black hat and black jacket or sweater. I call her "Nutmeg" since she will eventually be the "dash of nutmeg" to link Aziraphale into the Pocket Chain.
When she appears is when a red alert seems to happen, but like I said, I'm hoping something somewhere is stalling the switch because of other things found in the upcoming cut.
Oh, I have an idea, given what happens frame-by-frame. The red alert can hold out and be stalled because when it appears, that's also when the Metatron's and Aziraphale's shoes are obscured from the camera by the car with that alert.
Now it's time for shot #2.
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We are back to Crowley. His watch and left hand fingers are obscured by the car.
A lot is happening for the Rainbow Connection here.
Nutmeg has moved from being on the street to being on the sidewalk. She has some of her boots in the cut but not the actual bottom of those boots. She has her right hand aligned specifically with its thumb joints along a red line that's part of her attire. My guess is that's something hinge-related to pass along to Aziraphale. Her Black is blocking out anyone or anything from taking it until that "dash of nutmeg" later.
Behind her is another human with an orange jacket. This one is my guess for "Shoelace."
The type of shoes she wears are what we U.S. English speakers call....sneakers.
Why would the scene hide everyone's shoes but let that one lady show her sneakers? Oh...oh...it's because the sneakers sneaked by the shoe locker. Haha.
Because the shoes are sneakers, her shoelaces are visible.
Based on what I've read, British English is more likely to call them trainers, so they could alternatively be trained enough to sneak by.
Speaking of silly puns that appear here, I can finally share this one that I've been sitting on for months.
Take a look at this image with the red lines:
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Do you know what those are?
Can you guess?
Do you know how I "know" that Crowley's the one who's going to summon the elevator?
Those are...Holey Crowley pockets to help Aziraphale get into Heaven.
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Ba dum tss.
This game is so ridiculous. How dare they make such a joke with all this ~drama~ happening.
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yes, the Rainbow Connection.
A lot of it is covered here, The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 4: The Door Trick and The Door Catch, so I'll be simplifying things some.
Shoelace has her left thumb joint aligned with a lapel edge of the jacket. Crowley will be using that hinge touch instead of having his actual left thumb joint do it.
After Shoelace shows off her shoelace, reflection trickery takes in her hinge touch and switches the Rainbow Connection to Yellow #1 while also flipping the mirror for the Tied Hands. Yawning Yellow and Banana contribute to making it happen.
Shortly after that, more reflection trickery causes a skip to Purple and back so that Yellow can be hit twice. As such, the Connection reaches Yellow #2 and another mirror flip. There's something akin to a color wheel involved with humans and their bags fully pocket-framing the "Life begins after coffee" sign.
Part of such trickery involves the human most directly behind Crowley. That human is wearing a hat. He has a brown jacket and an excellent alignment of his arm with Crowley's existing pocket between himself and his car. That human's elbow is like the other side of a diamond from what can be seen of Crowley's left hand. I think of him as "Diamondback". He's also a pocket user himself.
Yet another significant human to the reflection trickery is one wearing a yellow shirt and dark gray vest. He has his left hand pocketed and his left arm making a pocket with his body. He is my guess for "Banana" with the magic words. His reflection appears in the two different window panes of the coffee shop during this cut. I assume he's helping out Yawning Yellow, Crowley, and ensuring there is a reflection involving the color yellow for the Rainbow Connection switches.
Because of the color skip, that means the Rainbow Connection is going up instead of down.
The goal for Crowley and Aziraphale is to actually switch to Green next, not Orange again.
So, along comes inadvertent assistance from the Metatron.
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The next cut has Nutmeg link Aziraphale into the pocket chain due to how her bag strap aligns with another human pocket user near Aziraphale.
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As this action happens, humans and Aziraphale pass by his ears in particular ways. Aziraphale places the something Crowley gave him back in his mouth.
Aziraphale stalls the Rainbow Connection by talking to the Metatron and asking a question.
Due to the mistakes in the Metatron's play, he enacts deflection, redirection, and disconnection. He's also lacking any Overhead Lights.
In the process, a miracle sound is heard for the elevator, but it's not clear who summoned it. The Metatron gave no indication he did it. Most of the miracle sound is similar to Aziraphale's though a little different. There's an extra hiss at the end that's more like something one would hear from Crowley.
Aziraphale himself seems surprised by it and turns his head in Crowley's direction.
I suspect Crowley due to his supernatural zone work that's been happening with the sideburns game and that silly pun mentioned earlier. Back in The Pocket Trick Triple Part 2, Crowley asked, "Do you need a lift somewhere?" Aziraphale declined.
But now, Aziraphale does need a lift somewhere, and Crowley has one ready by using the double meaning of "lift" for elevator.
Aziraphale looks over to Crowley.
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Thanks to the word play with the advanced pocket mechanics, that look is Ground Zero of The Door Catch. There is zero ground in it. No one's shoes are on screen. We can't see the sidewalk, the road, or the floor of the elevator. Green is on screen with him, and the nearby humans are, I assume, assisting with getting that Green.
I've already mentioned the hidden message many times by this point, but nonetheless, there is one.
Aziraphale's thinking or saying, "Here goes nothing," because here we are at Ground Zero.
Now it's time for Crowley's shot #3 to finish The Door Trick.
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A lot of the humans have cleared out of the way.
During this cut, Crowley's Green is ready.
One human is walking from behind Crowley and toward him. She will not pass him in this cut.
Instead, the cut will finish when Crowley's index finger is between the edges of of a black strap on her bag.
That's the Touch Point of The Door Trick. Most Touch Points in The Pocket Trick happen before the last video frame of the cut, but this touch is different since Crowley is working with Aziraphale.
His Pocket Chain reference of Door Windows from the Single of The Pocket Trick is actually all the way across the street with Aziraphale.
The watch is visibly touching the door.
Mainly through my own imagination and guessing at how games generally work, that's when the index finger and thumb are considered to touch his pants together.
Crowley's skin is visibly touching the door. Thanks to a pocket, the skin contact touch is separated into three parts.
It's the front edge of the door for the accessory skin contact touches, but still, he's touching the threshold of his own car door and avoiding the earthly object parts of it in the process.
Thus, he earns his Single, Double, and Triple at the same time here.
Because his legs are crossed, he earns a Double multiplier with the Double.
Because he has his pinky, middle, and ring fingers touching each other as they touch the door, he earns a Triple multiplier with the Triple.
This Threshold Trick was done by Crowley for Aziraphale.
I may as well cover The Door Catch since the two Tricks are linked.
Aziraphale's shot #1.
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Aziraphale's shoes are shown on the sidewalk now that we're no longer at Ground Zero.
Before Aziraphale enters the elevator, his Green is ready.
Due to a pocket of light and two humans reaching it together at the same time, the Rainbow Connection switches to Blue and Purple at the same time.
Aziraphale's shot #2.
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Aziraphale takes a breath. His bow tie touches his skin. He has his own Tied Hand(s) now. There's a little shine in the lower middle area of his teeth, that I assume is what Crowley passed to him through the kiss.
I don't know what happens to Blue for going back up, such as being nullified or accounted for through the Metatron's play or what, but the Rainbow Connection is starting to go up again.
Aziraphale's shot #3.
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As Aziraphale walks forward, the shadows of the green leaves on his coat are visible.
Somehow, he's able use the shadows to stretch back, or something, to use them and switch to Green again.
A contributing factor is likely that Door Windows were the previous link in Crowley's Pocket Chain from The Pocket Trick Single. Aziraphale's collar is visually at the corner of one of the pub door windows in the first video frame of the cut.
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In the last video frame of the cut, he has precise alignment with edges that are very reminiscent of what happens with touches in The Pocket Trick.
This last video frame is the Touch Point for The Door Catch.
For Aziraphale, he has a Pocket Frame of Elevator Edges.
As he moved forward, due to his play, the Metatron's reflection switched from having the Metatron's head reflected in both window panes to instead be in the window pane closest to Aziraphale and on Aziraphale's left.
This reflection is caught in a Magic Trick named The Door Catch, so that's supposed to matter even though I don't have better words or ideas besides this basic one. Clues are likely found in the 1941 minisode with the three-rope trick, but my play isn't good enough to put the pieces together.
My play is good enough to see that this video frame has Aziraphale with vertex touches involving his right arm and the Metatron's right arm. While no thumb joint is aligned with an edge, Nutmeg had one, and Aziraphale has that thing in his teeth. Somehow, those things are supposed to assist for what he needs of a hinge touch, while managing to not pass it to the Metatron, I am guessing.
Meanwhile, the Metatron has no such hinge involving his own thumb joints or anything I can find from human assistance or Aziraphale.
Because I'm familiar with the framing and types of things to look for, something else that I take note of is that his coat does not have its edges meet and avoids creating a pocket of itself.
For the Metatron, he has a Pocket Frame of Doorknobs.
He is pocketed between the doorknobs of the pub doors. However, in the elevator, its buttons are the equivalent of doorknobs so still considered his Pocket Frame. Possibly related, we never saw him cross the threshold from the street into the elevator. Crowley and Muriel both showed themselves to cross for entry. Aziraphale did here for his own entry.
The Metatron's index finger is touching his Pocket Frame.
Crowley has touched his Pocket Frames as well but usually avoids skin contact. His turtleneck made sure skin contact was avoided with Cars in The Pocket Trick Triple Part 2. His tie tassels were what touched the window pane of the Door Windows in The Pocket Trick Single. He did have some fingers touch door frames in the Double, but the index finger was not among them. Additionally, that was a rather different touch since it involved soon pocketing only his thumbs.
The Metatron doesn't care about his thumbs with his pocket touches. The whole hand goes in with his play.
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Aziraphale's three shots are done, but there's one more thing to close out the whole Trick.
The Metatron uses a close-up touch of his index finger touching the button.
I am reasonably sure that Crowley has never used a close-up touch for his hand touches in The Pocket Trick.
Because of assorted clues about non-rainbow colors, my play interprets this overall move as the Metatron making a mistake.
Here's a findable poem about the non-rainbow shades.
Black blocks.
Brown borrows.
Gray shades.
White keeps.
The "H" of the Heaven button is gold, so it is not considered a proper Yellow by itself.
The gray in the elevator could shade it to Yellow, if the Metatron could do something like use his Brown to borrow it.
Crowley and Aziraphale want their Rainbow Connection to stay at Green and not switch to Yellow.
The design of the button itself is such that Black blocks out the Gray, and White keeps the gold as gold.
Thus, the gold is disqualified to allow a switch up to Yellow.
The really big mistake, I think, is supposed to be that the Metatron's left thumb CMC joint is not visible.
There might be other mistakes, such as using a close-up touch at all or the index finger touching the gold and the white at the same time so being over edges of a disqualified color.
But the main mistake I'm sure of is the left thumb CMC joint.
Only a little bit of his skin near his MCP joint is visible, so I suspect that that thumb joint is disqualified too.
The Door Catch is done.
The Rainbow Connection ends at Green thanks to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
There are two more cuts before we get back to Crowley.
The Metatron breathes a sigh of relief, so that suggests he either doesn't know the game is happening or didn't pick up on the advanced pocket mechanics in play, if he does know the game is happening.
Aziraphale also takes a breath and possibly swallows that something that Crowley passed to him.
Story Commentary
The first time I watched Good Omens 2, this scene confused me so much, especially with the Metatron entering the elevator.
I didn't know who summoned it. I didn't know if I was supposed to know.
Things were happening too fast, and I had a lot of questions.
I had too many questions and too much confusion for the drama to hit me.
What's with the Metatron touching that button anyway? What is he, human? I see clues of both demon and human with him so am not really sure either way.
After months of play, I'm glad for the confusion and questions because I have a deep appreciation for the Threshold Tricks through playing The Sideburns Scheme and Earthly Objects.
I'm not sure season 3 will explain things to anyone's satisfaction, but I've found the games worthwhile enough to play nonetheless.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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sketchyslushies · 10 months
Posting this here bc it’s the only place where ppl ik irl don’t follow me!!
Seabound fic!!! Kinda angst ig? It’s my first time writing a fic so don’t judge too bad ><
Kinda spoilers for Seabound!!! And mainly Jay and Kai w a bit of Cole (not shipping!)((ok maybe VERY MINOR lava coded)) (((like blink and you miss it)))
“She was my SISTER.”
Kai snapped, his eyes glaring straight at Jay. A silence fell over the ninja, none of them really knowing what to say. They’d never admit it, but they were useless without Nya. The team had struggled to stay civil in the beginning, and the cracks were starting to reform. It was only when Nya had become a ninja when they started realizing their groups potential. Kai’s stare stayed sharp on Jay, Jay looking back with his nervous yet persistent eyes. Kai just didn’t understand. He didn’t care. He didn’t know Nya like Jay did. He didn’t love her like Jay did. No one did. The others had gone back to normal life, albeit separated. But Jay, he stayed behind. He waited for her to come back. He knew that she would.
Jay would never know this, but Kai cared about Nya more than he cared about himself. If he really thought about it, he had practically raised Nya. She was his little sister, the reason he kept going when he had lost everything else. She was his light in the dark, the reason he even became a ninja in the first place. But he was too proud to say that, too arrogant to admit it.
“You didn’t even cry at her funeral.” Jay said, his electric eyes finally looking away from Kai’s. The other ninja all glanced at each other, stuck between interfering and letting Jay and Kai settle this themselves. It had only been a year since they all last saw each other, yet you’d assume they’d never met before. Tension spread throughout the room, thick enough to cut it with a knife. “It’s like you wanted her dead.”
“Jay, that’s enough.” Cole said, stepping in front of Kai to try to stop any more discourse. Jay was even dumber than everyone thought if he was purposefully egging Kai on. “We all miss Nya, and fighting about it won’t bring her back.” Jay looked away from Cole, scoffing, but backing off. Even he knew he was going too far.
“Whatever,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. “I’m going back to the lighthouse, it’s not like we’re doing anything anyway.” Jay reached for the mechanical door’s button, a hot flame burning his hand. “Ow! What the hell?!” He turned around to see Kai, his aim still good as ever. “What was that for, asshole!?” Jay sneered, not noticing Kai’s obvious anger rising. He walked up to Kai, pushing Cole out of the way. His words came out in a jumbled mess. “I seriously don’t get your problem, Kai. You didn’t give a shit about her when she was alive, and you clearly don’t care now that she’s gone. You’re just upset someone’s finally pointing out the fact that you only care about yourse-“
“Do you ever just shut the fuck up?!” Red screamed, punching Blue in the face. Jay fell to the ground, unable to react quickly enough before Kai threw in a few more punches. “You have no idea,” he shouted, “no FUCKING idea how much I care about Nya! Shut your stupid ass up before you say something you don’t know anything about!” Kai’s stature towered over Jay. Sure, he was only a few inches taller, but he was stronger and Jay knew he wouldn’t be able to do much held down to the ground. The other ninja wanted to step in, but couldn’t help but feel like Jay deserved this a bit. They really did all miss Nya, they just didn’t mourn like Jay did. He just didn’t get that. Kai’s fist would meet Jay’s bloodied face just a few more times before Kai paused. Just as he was about to land another punch, he stopped himself. Something he’d never done before. Jay looked up at Kai, noticing a difference in his expression. His dark red eyes were watering. His face stuck between anger and sadness. Jay felt a droplet of water fall onto his face. Was Kai…crying? That can’t be right. Kai’s never cried before. Was there even enough water in his system to do so? The team kind of just assumed his body heat had been too hot to manage water, but never really questioned it. Jay quickly scurried away from under Kai, leaving him still stuck in a punching position. He wiped his eyes, but the tears wouldn’t stop coming. “I loved Nya more than anything in the world, Jay. I did. She was all I had for YEARS. Do you know how much it destroyed me when she left? How much it bothered me when everyone asked how YOU were doing? How YOU were handling her death? No one asked me how I was feeling with my sister dying,” he sniffled, rubbing his eyes and looking towards the ground. “I had to keep it together. If not the team, but for me. I was the face man, the cool one. A little loss wouldn’t do much to me, they said.” His voice warping in and out of a whisper and a sniffle. “I would do anything to get her back, Jay. You don’t even know how far I’d go for her.” Jay had never seen Kai like this. None of the ninja had. The fire ninja, the most dramatic of them all, looked so small in this moment. So vulnerable. His tear stained face was hardly visible to the team, yet everyone could tell exactly how he looked.
Jay stood up and stumbled towards Kai. His bruised body was staggering, struggling to keep upright. He kneeled by Kai, getting to his level. Cole and Zane carefully kept close, just in case Jay was about to get his revenge. Instead, he positioned Kai’s shoulders up to get him to sit upward. He got a really clear view of Kai’s face, his eyes and nose red, his tears smudging the dark eyeshadow he swore he didn’t have on. Jay wiped his tears away, before punching him back in the cheek. Cole practically ran up to Kai. After all, he did always have a soft spot for his firecracker. But, before he could stop Jay from hitting him again, the smaller boy pulled the bigger one into a hug. Blue’s arms wrapped around Red, a small voice muttering out a simple, “I’m sorry.”
Eyes wide open, Kai was surprised. Before he could say anything, he subconsciously tightened his grasp around the curly haired ninja, digging his face into his dark curls and letting his tears fall.
“I hate you.”
Hope it was an ok read!! Lmk how you liked it/id there’s anything I can work on!
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booburt · 9 months
Hi, I've been wondering for the photography AU what general time period it's set in, what type of camera(s) does Koby use (it looks like a canon to me but seems to make polaroids, at least that's the surface level observation I can make from my extremely limited knowledge on cameras), what type of photography he personally enjoys and the type he usually does for work (if he does it as his profession too). What does Koby aim to capture with his images, the casual mundane life of an average person, an unreal, etheral sight in a place the average person can't go, Luffy's luffiness, etc? Also what's the general budget Koby has towards camera equipment (doesn't need to be that exact, just a general "he's broke" or "He spends all his money on lenses" would suffice)? My questions are kinda vague here because I'm going to research more about photography later. Thanks in advance :D Oh yeah and also does Koby travel, if not what's the general landscape of his nearby area. You don't need to answer this since I'll probably make it up but it'd be good to know.
okok i wrote this all in the few free periods i got earlier take what you will ^_^
also a doodle i did ages aaaaago with a bit of slightly illegible info in my awful handwriting (sorry)
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actual answer vvv
- its a modern au!! so set like. now!
- koby uses sony cameras primarily but yes he does have a few canons (nikon confuses him)
- he has a seperate polaroid camera!!! he usually prints digitally from sd though
- for type of photography, he started with a passion for ocean and landscape photography, mostly beaches and any scene with water in focus. he also has an interest in portraiture but his love for portraiture only comes to play when he meets luffy. cheese cheese cheeeesyyyy because luffy smiles and hes IMMEDIATELY enamoured. anyway, he starts to study and practice portraiture in depth because of the pretty boy he met in maths class and eventually works up the courage to ask him to model for him. they get super close and eventually start dating; luffy likes how dedicated koby is to his work and how cute he is when he blushes.
-SORDY got carried away with the sappy lovey stuff. koby sells his landscape/wildlife photography at local stores as a side hustle thing haha. but he doesnt really do it professionally, he much prefers to keep it as a hobby / simple income.
- koby aims to capture the beauty of colour! he loves vibrancy when shooting with a softbox or some other source of light he will usually use something to change the hue rather than plain old bw on a simple white bg
- following on he HATES shooting black and white photos unless theyre negatives because idk i think he would think it looks cool. what a guy
- with luffy photography he just likes catching luffys smile or just luffy in general; whipped dud!!! he thinks he is gorgeous
- ahahhhh budget budgettt. lenses are fucking EXPENSIVE!!! he uses a 50mm that helmeppo got him for his birthday one year (rich kid stuff. he knew koby likes photography and searched Best Lense For People Pictures and bought the first one he saw) the 50 is canon as consequence so koby uses canon for loofy pics. he has an 18-55mm he uses as well.
- he is broke yes. koby does have a minimum wage weekend job to pay for living expenses but all in all that boys pockets are empty. luffy is the breadwinner (miss rabbit with the one zillion jobs) he works about 4 different jobs and is happy to pay for anything koby wants despite kobys adamant NOs. like i said he gets helmeppo to pay for a bunch of stuff and helmeppo pays on his dads card LOL.
- koby does travel! mainly by train or boat, not often does he go to an entirely different country but he has previously a few times. when he does go abroad he takes luffy with him!!!! (he looks pretty in the snow. he likes taking pictures of him in snow)
IM SO GLAD SOMEONE LIKES MY AU ENOUGH TO ASK ME THIS MANY QUESTIONS LMAO i had fun answering all of this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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captn-trex · 17 days
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technical devotion, part fifteen: promises made
a/n: I think I'm gonna start aiming to get a chapter of this out every thursday roughly. I have everything planned out apart from how it's gonna end lmao, but rest assured, it shall be happy. I'm looking forward to you guys seeing what's in store! also, I did not realise how slow burn this would be lol, we're still a way off from first kiss territory, buuuuut... this chapter is one I've been waiting to write since the beginning ! hope you enjoy it (sorry for the long a/n) warnings: injury & pain (not in any great detail) insecure echo :/
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In the weeks following Kan and Echo rekindling their friendship, Kan slowly began to get a grasp on her new role in the ranks, which was mainly because Echo was now there to support her. He was there to remind her not to let her worries overtake her, and a hand on her arm, or an encouraging smile, usually did the trick. Echo's presence calmed her in an instant, and the task of leading didn't seem as daunting with him around. Not that it was always so simple.
Kan stepped out of the command room, rubbing a hand over her face and sighing deeply. Echo was quick to notice as he exited behind her.
“Have you been sleeping?” He asked, stopping her in the corridor.
“I've been sleeping fine yeah, its just… My mind. My mind is tired” She admitted.
“What's wrong?” Echo frowned.
Kan exhaled a long breath, “I really don't know if I'm meant to lead people. It's really outside of my comfort zone even now, and it's just got my brain going into overdrive. I can't stop thinking about… What if something really bad happened under my watch? Or because of a decision I made? I don't think I could cope Echo”
Echo's expression softened the more Kan spoke, a silent admiration of her showing on his features. He placed his hands on her shoulders, something he noted that helped to ground her and gain her focus entirely.
“M'aira, you're doing a great job, and you'll continue to. Rex wouldn't choose you for this if he didn't think you could do it or handle it, and if it means anything to you, I believe in you too”
Kan let a shy smile lift the edges of her lips, “Thanks, it means a lot yeah”
Echo returned her smile, “Now, come with me, I have a small surprise for you”
“You do?” Kan looked up at him with slightly widened eyes.
“It's nothing special” He said as he took his hands away from her shoulders and began walking towards her office, “I just figured that since you seem to insist on sleeping in your office every night…”
Echo opened the door, showing his handiwork to Kan.
“…That having your bunk in here might be the way to go. That way I can stop worrying about you as well”
Kan grinned up at the clone, wrapping her arms around his waist and giving him a quick tight squeeze, “Thank you Echo, you're too kind to me”
Echo shook his head with a smile, resisting the urge to pull Kan back towards him, “Not really, if I was kind I would have tidied up in here too”
Kan looked around her office, still messy as ever. It seemed that Echo had just pushed the worst of the mess aside to make room for the bed.
“It's fine, I don't mind it like this anyway, the mess doesn't really bother me” She shrugged.
Echo huffed a small laugh, “I don't think I could cope if my office was this messy”
Kan hummed thoughtfully, her eyes darting across the mess.
“When do you leave for your mission?” Kan asked, looking back up into his honey eyes.
“We leave early tomorrow morning” Echo gave a sad smile.
“So I won't see you before you go?” Kan questioned, and Echo shook his head. Kan chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, “I wish I was going with you”
Echo could feel the words tugging at his heart, “I don't”
Kan gave him a stern look, her eyebrows drawn together.
He chuckled, “You can't get hurt if you don't go at all”
“You think I can't handle myself?” Kan asked, minorly offended but mostly confused.
“Oh I know you can, I‘m just happier knowing you're safe” Echo confessed, and he could feel his cheeks heating at the slightly vulnerable admission.
Kan just huffed, “Well it doesn't get much more safe than sitting around in the base all day”
“You'll get your chance to go into the field again, don't worry” He assured, a hand on her shoulder.
Kan smiled. Her eyes didn't meet his for a few seconds, but when they did he could tell there was a certain sadness laced within the gentle expression.
“Be safe, yeah?” She urged quietly.
Echo smiled softly, the edges of his eyes crinkling, “I will”
Without warning and much thought of her own, Kan wrapped her arms around Echo again, more tenderly this time. Echo could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he gently wrapped her in his own arms, resting his cheek on the top of her head.
In the past weeks, Kan had become more physically comfortable around Echo, and though he enjoyed it thoroughly, it was still always a little startling. Especially with a touch so gentle and tender as the hug she was currently giving him, it was hard to not be overwhelmed.
“Don't do anything stupid. Don't get yourself hurt” Kan spoke into his chest, and he was certain she could hear how furiously his heart was beating.
“I won't” He replied, hugging her tighter into his body to reassure her, “I promise”
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Kan nodded along, listening intently as Rex detailed the upcoming mission. She was a little disappointed to not seem to be going on this mission, as they were going to be infiltrating the base that she had discovered through listening in on the Empire's long range comms. It was a dangerous job, they knew nothing about what this prison would be like once they were in, but that was the reason they were set on going. There were clones being imprisoned there, and they wanted to know why.
“Now, while all that is going on, me and Kan will be on a separate directive, looking to garner any information about this prison” Rex continued, and Kan's ears perked up, her posture straightening at the mention of her.
Rex hadn't discussed this with her before, but she was more than happy to do it, particularly with him.
“That's the plan as of now, but we'll have to wait until more men are back here to enact it” Rex moved away from the central holotable and crossed his arms, “I suggest getting some good rest tonight, they could be back at any time and I want to get this done as soon as possible”
Rex dismissed the clones, and Kan was immediately at his side.
“Rex, about the-”
“Sorry to spring that on you, I was hoping to speak with you earlier but your door was locked” Rex explained.
“Ah right, yeah, I was… tidying”
“Tidying?” Rex raised an eyebrow, a small smirk quirking his lips.
“Yeah, anyway, I wanted to ask you-”
Kan didn't get the chance to finish her question as the door to the command centre zipped open and her focus was drawn towards it. She did a double take, the sight she took in not registering in her mind at first.
It was Echo. He was back from his mission, but something was wrong. His form was alarmingly straight and rigid, his forearm resting against the door frame and holding him up. Each small movement sent a twitch to his face, his teeth clenched and eyes squeezed shut, nostrils flared.
Kan's heart leapt to her throat, and she rushed over to him.
“What happened?” She spoke hurriedly, paying no mind to the other clones around them who watched on.
Echo exhaled shakily, “Got… shot, in the back”
Kan tried so desperately to remain calm despite the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. She turned to look at Rex over her shoulder, hoping for some kind of support.
“We haven’t got a proper medic” He said, clearly shaken by his brother's condition.
That snapped Kan into gear, “I've got medical training, I've got it”
Kan took Echo's arm and threw it over her shoulder, pulling a pained groan from him. She quickly led him to her office, which was only just down the hall, and smacked the door panel in a frantic hurry. She set him down on the bed gently and instantly went about rooting around in the draws of her desk looking for her medkit. When she had found it, she looked up at Echo, who was trying to take off his armour, and failing as his wound cried out in pain.
“Stop, let me do it” Kan spoke instantly, standing in front of him and shooing his hands away.
Her fingers got working on the clasps, starting with his arms and working her way up, exactly as Echo did it.
“How do you know how to do this?” He asked, fighting through his pain.
“I've watched you do it enough times” Kan replied, a small shrug in her shoulders as she focused. Echo would've smirked but his chest plate dug into his wound as she took it off. “Sorry” She whispered.
“S'fine” Echo managed to hiss out as Kan climbed over the bed to sit behind him cross-legged. She tried to survey the damage, to see how bad it really was, but to no avail.
“Could you take this off?” Kan asked, her fingers playing with the hem of his blacks.
If it was possible, Echo’s body seized up even more. He nervously fidgeted his own fingers along the hem, letting out an exasperated huff. His blaster wound was sending small shocks through his body with every movement, but he was single-mindedly focused on not letting Kan take off his top.
Kan noted his discomfort immediately, and let out a sigh.
“Echo” She spoke so gently from behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder, “It's okay, please let me help you”
Echo relented with a slump of his shoulders, “Okay”
Kan helped to peel off the tight base layer, several pained noises escaping the man she was helping. As she saw the wound, she couldn't help but suck a sharp breath between her teeth. Three blaster bolts scorched into his lower back, creating a cluster of open wounds.
Echo assumed her reaction was to seeing the cybernetic attachments he had in his back. His breath was shaky as he tried to calm himself, but it only became more unstable as Kan traced around the outside of his wound.
“I told you to be safe Echo” She whispered, “You promised not to get hurt”
She sounded so solemn, and Echo couldn't find it in himself to say anything. Thankfully, she then got to work on the wound, but it wasn't without discomfort. She first administered a pain relief injection, and his breath caught in his throat as she cupped the side of his neck to do so. She warned him every time she was going to touch him, the antiseptic wipe against his wound making him flinch and grunt more than he wished, stinging even with the pain relief. She placed a bacta patch over the area when she had cleaned it appropriately, and it stung for just a second before the bacta started working it's magic.
“Does that feel better?” She asked quietly, and Echo just nodded
Kan ran her fingers along the edge of the metal apparatus that climbed up his back, causing Echo to shudder under her touch. The feeling of it was so intimate, yet so tainted by sadness and clouded by self-concious thoughts that Echo couldn't focus on the warmth of Kan's fingers against his bare back.
“You're lucky, they almost hit your spine” She spoke, sounding resoundingly serious.
Echo could only hang his head. He felt so ashamed. He had worked hard to get past this mindset, but with the woman he desired like no other sitting behind him and inspecting the damage done to his body, he couldn't help it.
Kan could understand a little of what Echo was thinking, she just hoped she was wrong. She slid from behind him and knelt in front of him on the floor, but he wouldn't look at her.
“Echo” She said as gently as she could, placing a hand on his knee, “I'm glad you're okay”
Echo looked up to her, and the emotions she saw swimming in his eyes were almost enough to bring her to tears.
“What can I say to make you feel better?” She asked in a whisper, for fear that speaking louder would cause him to break.
“There's nothing to say” He said firmly, looking down to his lap.
Kan couldn't help but reach out. She placed a hand on his face, lightly rubbing her thumb along his cheekbone.
“Please talk to me” She pleaded.
After a moment of painful silence, Echo sighed, “I don't show people my cybernetics for a reason”
“Echo it's okay-”
“But it's not” He frowned, his eyes snapping to Kan’s once more. “It's not okay. The attachments, they- they're not exactly desirable, and no one wants someone with all… this. I-” He puffed out a sad breath, the next admission feeling daunting, “It makes me feel like I'm half a man”
Kan's heart broke.
“That's not true” She said sternly, both hands now on his cheeks, forcing him to pay attention to her words, “You're every bit of a man as any other, and even more than that, you're a good man Echo. Anyone would be lucky to have you”
“Anyone?” Echo asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
Kan wasn't really sure what he was asking. Was he asking because he just wanted confirmation that she was telling the truth? Or was it something more? She weighed her options of what to say, biting into her bottom lip with her eyebrows pinched. She couldn't just admit to her affections for him right now if that wasn't what he was after.
Instead, she took her hands away from his face, sitting back of her heels with a shy look on her face, “Yes, anyone”
Kan stood up and grabbed the medkit, taking it back over to the desk and placing it in the draw.
“You stay here tonight, I'll take your bunk” She said, turning around to meet Echo's intense gaze once more.
“No, I'm fine, I'll-” He was interrupted by his own sharp intake of breath as he tried to stand.
Kan smiled at him knowingly and walked over, placing her hands on his shoulder to keep him rooted to the bed.
“Please, stay here” She insisted.
She found herself lost in Echo's eyes. So many emotions were flitting through them and she couldn't keep track. She absent-mindedly began rubbing her thumb along his bare collarbone, before she realised what she was doing and pulled away.
“I'll see you tomorrow” She nodded to him, leaving quickly and shutting the door behind her.
Echo let out a breath that he didn't realise he was holding and laid back on the bed. His mind was full to the brim with every thought he’d had about Kan since meeting her.
Her distinct scent enveloped him as he crawled into her bunk. He inhaled deeply, letting it take him over and overpower him, washing away his troubled thoughts, and eventually letting it lull him into a peaceful sleep.
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noperopesaredope · 1 month
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 6)
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Hey, it’s been a while since you saw my face-
All jokes aside, sorry for being gone for so long. In my defense, I was in college, then I had seasonal depression which made it hard to do much of anything creative-wise. This is admittedly one of my favorite fan projects, so I always feel bad about not updating it. But I have managed to get back into it again (finally) and wanted to release one of the easier parts to do. (@bawfulio @sagesilentfire​ tagging you since you guys have been following this AU since the beginning and have been waiting the longest for an update)
Anyways, Monsters and Mewmans, Crystals and Chimeras, welcome back to my Rhombulus Rewrite! Check out this post if you have no clue what the heck I’m talking about or you want to read the previous parts. As I said in Part 4, this part will be one of the two possible ends I have to this AU. Ya’ll can choose which one you prefer. This one is called the “Closest to Canon Ending” and is also sad. It will not focus on the problems with the ending as a whole and shall instead be more about fixing Rhombulus’ part. I’ll admit, though I prefer the second ending as a finale, I’m pretty proud of this one as well, as it has some stuff I’m pretty proud of writing wise. I did make myself sad though, so there’s that.
Closest to Canon Ending (AKA Ending 1):
- This ending is kinda if I switched Rhombulus and Hekapoo’s parts, but Rhombulus had a more proper and fitting redemption. Also, it might make some character choices make more sense.
- So, the first big changes happen in “Ready, Aim, Fire”. We overhear Rhombulus arguing with Hekapoo and Omni about how to handle the Mina situation, saying that even though they may not like it, they need to protect Eclipsa and her family since it’s the right thing to do and they can’t let Mina take over. 
- This is when Hekapoo reveals that they have been backing Mina the whole time, which horrifies Rhombulus. He says that he is disappointed in them, and will go out to support Eclipsa and co, even if he has to fight Hekapoo and Omni. He then runs outside.
- We don’t see what happened to Rhombulus until “The Right Way,” where he jumps into the battle as things are looking dire. We get some pretty cool action stuff from him, which should be fun. 
- He even helps out various monsters, using his crystals to protect them. It brings his arc full circle, showing him go from someone who fights monsters to someone who protects them like he would protect any other innocent civilian. It’s a good moment for him. 
- But unfortunately, Rhombulus gets seriously hurt by the Solarian Blade multiple times, and since he and the rest of the MHC are basically monsters, the blades actually work on them. I think it’ll be the most shocking (and plot convenient) if Rhombulus loses his tails, as they are his main weapons and method of self defense. 
- He’ll manage to play it off like he is fine, but will need help soon. Maybe he’ll convince them that he probably won’t die. He might not even realize the blades work so well on him, especially since his magic is making him more asymptomatic. He’s good at hiding how bad he is doing, mainly because he is still able to walk and run and other stuff. But he can’t fight and needs to sit down a lot, so he won’t be able to do much during the Moon reveal.
- Instead of that horrible first kiss scene between Star and Marco, I have decided to give them a platonic love scene in a way, since I want the ending to not seem too random but still keep things platonic.
- Star is clearly upset and overwhelmed by everything, even though she might not be able to express it properly. She eventually tensely says that she’s going to do [insert helpful yet distracting task], and Marco offers to help her. She agrees, and while they’re working, Marco says that he knows something is bothering her, and she can talk about it if she wants.
- Star confesses that she’s been feeling extremely alone and scared lately. Multiple of her friends are severely hurt and could easily die, and she can’t do anything about it. She fought so hard and is trying to stay strong, and even despite all that, she feels like she’s failed at keeping people safe.
- Marco says that she is the reason less people have been hurt, and that everyone chose to fight and stand up against Mina, knowing the risk they would be in. It’s not her fault this happened. He then assures her that no matter what, they will always be best friends, and he’ll be there for her no matter what. 
- Pretend we’ve also had a lot more great friendship moments between them this season, so that the show clearly shows their dynamic as important to the plot.
- Anyways, back to everything else. This rewrite is called the Rhombulus Rewrite after all.
- “Pizza Party” will be renamed “Where the Blame Lies,” and instead of the MHC having a pizza party, we will see Hekapoo and Omni arguing over whether or not they made the right choice, and if they should go after Rhombulus. It’s a very short, tense scene, where Hekapoo believes that Rhombulus is wrong, but they should still go look for him to talk, and Omni believes that Rhombulus is “too far gone.” 
- They decide to split up, with Hekapoo choosing to go after Rhombulus, and Omni choosing to do his own thing.
- Meanwhile, Rhombulus ends up fleeing with Star and co, pretending that he is fine, until he ends up collapsing while they are running. Mina declares Rhombulus a traitor, and attacks him, causing yet another major blow to his body, where many of the other scars have already spread far. 
- As Eclipsa and Marco help him up and try to support him, Mina declares her plan to wipe out all monsters and monster-supporters. The group tries to escape, but are soon surrounded. Mina goes in for the kill, but a portal opens up under Star, Marco, Eclipsa, Moon, and Rhombulus, whisking them away. They find themselves in the middle of a forest, saved by Hekapoo.
- This is where “Tavern at the End of the Multiverse” starts. Hekapoo is horrified at Rhombulus’ condition, and after picking him up, she says that she knows a place where all of them can hide. And so she takes them to the Tavern at the End of the Multiverse. This space is also a bit of a safe zone for all different types of people, and has some private rooms if needed. 
- Hekapoo takes Rhombulus into one of them to see if she can help him somehow. Star argues with Moon, but they are interrupted by Hekapoo, who says that she needs them to come over to where Rhombulus is. He’s in terrible condition, with the wounds having fully spread all over him. 
- It’s a really sad scene, especially when he begins telling Hekapoo that he can see Lekmet, and they are going to be reunited soon. Hekapoo is extremely distraught and basically in denial, while Rhombulus is basically accepting what is happening. 
- He tells Hekapoo not to worry too much about it, and that their time is close to ending anyways, he just wishes he could have seen everyone win. He tells Star to do better than those who came before her, and that she will be able to fix the world. Then, my boy dies.
- While I still don’t like the whole “destroy all magic” plotline, I thought that something like this would be cool in helping explain the rationale for a few characters. In Star’s case, this is a bit of a breaking point for her. This is where she begins to have her “I hate magic” moment, because she just lost a close friend due to the damage magic can cause when in the wrong hands. 
- And Hekapoo being chill with Star destroying magic makes a lot more sense. She too just lost someone important to her, basically her favorite sibling, and is in a more apathetic state. Hekapoo is mad and sees that the MHC has fallen down a bad path that has slowly destroyed them. Her attitude is less chill and carefree and more angry and resentful.
For Ending 1, I don’t really have any other changes, because all I really wanted to do for this ending is the scene where Rhombulus dies, so that’s the end of that. I think Ending 2 will be a much better ending as a whole, but I thought of Ending 1 first, and kind of liked aspects of it. It’s very bittersweet, and I wanted to make a version that stays faithful to the OG. 
However, the OG is also terrible, so I decided to make another version anyways, especially since I wanted a version where Rhombulus can live. Stay tuned for Ending 2, which will hopefully be coming soon! Or at least, a special post before that giving extra context for Ending 2 (spoilers, I reworked Mina a bit).
Thanks for all your support, and I hope you like what I have in store, since I’ve been working on Ending 2 for a while now. Hopefully this will keep you company in the meantime.
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shiraishi--kanade · 22 days
would you mind sharing ur process of how you come up with so many npcs for your units 👉👈 like what you prioritize first about them or some ways you know what traits might fit best to contrast/compliment the main cast w/o overshadowing them too much?
Silly answer: they posses my family and then hold me on the gunpoint until I write them into the story
Serious answer: I mainly go out of the what role I want someone to fill in the story (so no role - no side character necessary), and if that role can be filled by any other main character or already existing npc, I don't bother coming up with anything new.
I'm an adherent to "every word should move the plot" motto in a non-pretentious way, so while creating more ocs is always very fun (regardless of pc/npc character categories in pjsk ocs, they're still all ocs at the end of the day), there are a lot of them I know will never be important or make the cut to appear at all.
More under the cut because I go on a tirade;
In general even just explaining how I do it is kind of difficult because my mind is a dumpster fire of ideas, but I try to follow at least some rules that I think can be handy, so here:
1. Less is more. This is re: how to not make npcs overshadow your main characters. I will say that... it'll likely happen anyway because readers have favourite tropes and clichés that your main characters will not necessarily always click with. It's not a bad thing. But in general in order for readers to like both of the characters the amount you're aiming to, don't reveal too many details or too much backstory for the NPC. Make their story noticeable and important enough, but don't lean into it too much. Readers feel closer to the character because of the detail and nuance they know about them, their history; this level of attachment will probably not happen to npcs that don't reveal much about themselves. Instead it creates some level of freedom to hc and projection lol.
I'm going to say you yourself should probably not get too into writing an npc, but that's a difficult task.
Also sometimes you want readers to get attached and the npcs to outshine the pc (or at least be at the same level) for story purposes. E.g: Nagi Kosaki. Just evaluate what is it you want.
2. Don't oversaturate your cast. In the spirit of previous advice, if a role in the story can be filled with already existing character, don't go ahead and make a new one, especially if they're just gonna leave after two scenes. Forging closer bonds with the characters we're already familiar with > new cool toy. It's also hard to keep up with huge casts of characters (as much as I love them).
3. Don't be afraid to make them too similar. By all means give even your narrative foils mannerisms and things that set them apart, but if your reader can at a glance say "ooh they're narrative foils" and be correct, that's a good thing. Pat the character on the head. Narrative context that's immediately apparent to some category of readers that purposely put effort into looking for that sort of thing is as good a sign as any. You're not being a high-fiction writer here (unless you are and I'm the absolute wrong person to give advice for that), embrace the inherent simplicity of visual novel-like storytelling and relish in it. I've seen people backtrack in making characters because "it's too obvious" and it's kinda sad.
I think this is all I can say in terms ot general advice. I think the need to create NPCs, and their amount, varies too much on the stories for me to go and say "do this when you need to achieve this, but don't do y unless you need to do x". See: WxS story will not be as effective without their huge supporting cast, but we barely even have any npcs for N25 story, usually only 2 per character or so, and they're fine. They don't need a huge supporting cast because of what their story and character development is. Hell, Suzuka's parents literally don't even have personalities because they're not important to her story.
But overall I think the distinction between pc/npc in like, our specific genre, is kind of scary. You should still enjoy the process of making and writing those characters, even if they're a one-off appearance. Treat them as people of their own who just happened to brush shoulders with the Important character on their both ways to growth, I think is the gist of it.
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aesterblaster · 10 months
Hi there! Lovely blog 🥲 I came across a post about Rin (and his jaded side), which inspired me to rant a bit myself. I apologise if this lacks distinctness - English is not my native language, I also write on the bus so it must be worse than usual. Lastly, I don't have the alchemy of the verb so I tend to write more mud than gold lol. Anyways, I'd like to say something about Rin's ego (I'm consciously using arguments that I haven't seen yet, so I'll say very little about Rin's material living conditions such as the role of his age, his personality, the social impact of being Sae's brother etc, his “brother complex”...)
Well, mainly I find there are many parallels to be drawn between Nagi's character and Rin's, especially when it comes to their relationship with soccer (incidentally, the discussion they had at the end of the Manshine VS PXG match highlights their common problem; they have no ego). No… in fact I would say that there is a fundamental distinction between Nagi and Rin (absence of ego versus negation of the ego). I'm going to use schopenhauerian elements here (lightly) by integrating them with Kojève's ideas (the most primitive to the development of his thought on history). I don't think this is Kaneshiro’s ambition (but Schopenhauer (SC) drew heavily on Buddhist (anatman) and Hindu philosophy, so why not...) but Rin deals with the suffering of the world (equivalent here to the abandonment of his brother, who initially served as the pivot around which his reality revolved) by sublimating his own interiority (ego); he erases his 'ego' so as to become a footballer (he disappears in his work). For SC, the aim of the work is to develop an intuition that proposes a division of the world (a feeling of strangeness in the face of the notion of existence), which in itself makes it possible to overcome its absurdity (of the world). Moreover, everything Rin enjoys revolves around the question of the place or confirmation of the self within its realm (horror films = quest to feel/ his favorite music evokes the inability to find one's place in the world + Ciguatera (one of his favorite manga) tells the story of a young hopeless man with no goal outside of getting a bike and his new friends who gradually build themselves up in the midst of adolescence). Besides, in the same way that the abandonment of the Self is achieved through sublimation (freudian) in the work, it is also achieved through "charity" for Schopenhauer, and in some respects we could compare this to Rin's attitude before Sae's return (complacency towards his team-mates’s play style but also the stoic behaviour that emerged following Sae's departure).
It's true that, in the past, Rin undertook every action symmetrically to Sae's (theory of mimetic desire, which partly explains his disproportionate reaction to Sae's new purpose), whether through peer pressure or "willpower", although these dynamics can be criticised, they enabled Rin to situate himself in the world (shared existence creates a sense of belonging). He was the brother of the best (“even if my brother is stronger, he is still my brother, he treats me like his brother, we are equal, perhaps equivalent, we share a common humanity”). Except that this repression of the ego comes into conflict with the desire or struggle for recognition after Sae's return when he challenges Rin's perception of their shared humanity. Sae rejects Rin's humanity by telling him that he didn't see any value in him other than his ability as a player (which Sae doesn't recognise at the time). At this point, Sae imbues Rin with the idea that a being IS based on the object of his desire (to be, you have to desire something that surpasses the "need". A position that Sae continues to defend, particularly when he tells Sendo that his quest was primitive, even animal, so much so that it focused on primary needs (reproduction/affection (family), security (good salary/ position in the national team)... during this exchange he clearly establishes himself as the authentic human (free) being compared to a bunch of animals or sub-humans (enslaved)). One’s humanity (unlike animality, low things) is defined by the victory of conquering the desire of another being (the recurring theme of bllk). Whoever achieves this on his own, is in a sense, the master and the vanquished is a slave (master-slave dialectic), and while the master obtains recognition of his humanity from the slave, the master does not recognise the humanity of the slave.
In this way, self-awareness becomes a function of the other's awareness of us, and Rin integrates (even if he fights against it) his inhumanity (animality, even) and his subordinate position in relation to his brother (he’s the slave). Therefore, they are no longer brothers since they no longer recognise each other as equals. As a result, Rin performs a double negation of the ego (more or less voluntary and/or undergone), first through self-denial (for the benefit of others) and then through non-recognition (Sae’s abandonment). In addition, this could explain his jadedness and the disdain that you pointed out in your susdite post, because the value of the recognition I receive is a faction of the value of the recognition I give to others. In other words, the master gets recognition from the slave but it's not adequate because he doesn't recognise the slave, so the slave's recognition is worth almost nothing (as for now Rin doesn't care about soccer or blue lock, the aristos/master in his microcosm is Sae (Isagi only in relation to Sae) and, as in ancient Greece, the aristoi only recognise each other. In this sense, Rin seeks to recognise his own existence in the approval of his master (someone he wants to be equal to) and not in his work (if we're talking materialism, in Marxian thought, work is a means for man to recognise his own existence in the world in a broader sense, Rin really does live in a microcosm, but that can be explained by other factors) using outdated or even archaic means (for the venerative connotation of the term). It's funny that it's during the u20 match that he thinks it's imperative for him to make his mark on history. Even if I doubt Kaneshiro's qualities in this area, I'm still looking forward to seeing Rin's evolution in the quest for his true "ego" or "personal identity"now that he's started it, and he's wondering (I don't believe in these things but it could be interesting).
That said, I apologise for the length (I did try my best to keep it short), grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and inconsistencies. I only hope that I have been sufficiently comprehensible. Thank you for reading if you happen to do so. Have a nice day 😁
woah this was a full on psych thesis. Thanks! It was pretty long but I do enjoy your points and connections. I def agree that to Sae, Rin is still attatched to sub par desires and his recognition means nothing. I wonder if Sae's edginess isn't fully due to trauma but also realizing how futile Rin's way of thinking is. He just doesn't know how to properly explain it without being rude as hell.
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pantspissedinreverse · 6 months
Got any tips on how to play med better? Like when to uber n stuff? (I use the vaccinator btw)
I feel like being supportive of my team and I wanna be silly with it and also mainly cuz i hate myself
heya, thanks for asking :) i dont personally play with vacc much nowadays but when i did id try to get as many of the 4 charges as possible before i encountered an enemy and then popped the appropriate res bubble on my pocket, ex. we encounter a soldier so you swap to explosive res and pop that but then a pyro comes so you switch to fire res and pop that as well, so on and so forth another good time to uber is when a lot of enemies are near, this is better for stock/kritz but if you can arrow tank then youre good i dont have much vacc tips, as stated before, i dont play with vacc much but i think that @vaxxman (sorry for the @ :')) might have more info about that for other general tips heres this:
first things first learn heal priority, usually when im in casual i start with buffing my explosives (solly, demo) then my fellow med if there is one, followed by scout, pyro and heavy, then the sniper if i can get to him and lastly spy because those guys can usually get out of sticky situations well or just simply die
i dont know what primary you use but personally id say use the crossbow, its meta for a reason; huge healing output in a short time and you can style on people by hitting some insane arrows. also no matter what you use, learning how to aim it is crucial, what helped me most was aim training maps like tr_walkway or tr_denial (<- this one is mostly for scouts/soldiers but shhhh) both require pasting this command into console before you start them up for the training bots to work sv_allow_point_servercommand always
also movement is very important, for starters damage surfing (right before youre about to get hit jump then crouch mid air to get a boost) and it carries over to every class, yippee! also since i can talk about movement, theres a strategy i often use which i call the shimmy, its a more complicated one i guess? it takes some practice, heres a clip i got of it in comp recently
^ the shimmy fair warning for loud audio, these etf2l schmucks are loud as hell anyway! what you do here is press your movement keys (mostly A and D) in quick succession, move your mouse around a bit and throw some crouching in there in order to make your movement as unpredictable as possible to confuse the enemy and fuck with their aim, this mostly works on hitreg classes (scout, engi, sniper, anyone using a shotgun) and seeing as it works well against comp scouts, it should work in casual as well!
lastly heres some more resources for you, tr_medic, a compilation of training maps made for, well, medic, its a bit less user friendly than tr_walkway or tr_denial but better for medic specific stuff like keeping distance when healing, also here is the art of medic which has everything you could ever want to know (even some comp stuff, neat!)
anyway, thanks for asking! ill take any chance i can get to ramble about medic strats :) best of luck!
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