#this is literally the furthest I’ve ever gotten drawing a comic
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Here it is! Pages 1-10. I’m gonna put this on hold for now so I can figure out where it’s gonna go (and so I can stop failing school). Originally this was supposed to be like five pages but I got a little carried away………oh well! Just know that they’re gonna be okay probably :)
Looking back on older pages I…probably should have practiced drawing them before, especially Mikey (even now it’s hard, since mikey’s main shape in my mind is a circle while all the other turts have more angles to use in stylization)(that’s why I like drawing the twins so much it’s cuz I can stylize the hell out of them) I hope youve all enjoyed so far!!!!! I have!!!!!
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herrfivehead · 7 years
i wish i had been a visual artist or had gotten into a mainstream medium that appeals to my peers more y’know
i wish i knew how to draw comics or write verbal stories without quitting, i wish i knew how to develop visual novels without quitting, i wish i had the resources or nearby friends to make a podcast or SOMETHING relevant to popular interest but the facts are
this is the furthest i’ve ever gone with a project without abandoning it, and it’s in a medium that a lot of people are turned off by, and i understand it, but i can’t help but feel like a hypocrite
i started writing that opera because i came out of seeing a really shitty one and thinking “modern american composers nowadays only want to impress, they don’t care about entertaining their listeners, or whether or not they enjoyed or even fucking remembered the music.  that’s why they write everything to be as hard to learn, sing and play as possible.”  like first of all, it’s probably not that deep, and maybe some composers don’t care about making their shit memorable.  secondly, while my work may not be the musical equivalent of a default wifi password, it’s still uhhhh impressive.  and that’s not such a bad thing.  maybe i do care more about impressing people than i thought i did
but yeah.  making opera mainstream again had actually been a dream of mine that i thought of when i was 17, and i had abandoned that dream for years due to the impracticality and financial instability of the music industry, mental illness, and a lack of a bachelor’s degree.  a literal lifetime of vocal training wasted.
but composing is different, it may be my gateway into recognizing my dream again, even if i’m not the one singing.  i don’t care if this makes me sound pretentious or like a hack, but i’m not nearly as hyped up for you to be able to claim that.
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