#this is like when ppl write fanfic just to spill their headcanons. this was an excuse to draw jiji and aira for once heehee
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bakedbananners · 3 months ago
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that one homie with an air of profound vexation about him
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 years ago
Hey uhhh love ur recent headcanon about Bucky I 100000% agree and it really is a very sad but A+++ headcanon!
I saw ur tags tho and I know this is not why you said it but I want you to know that I honestly think you seem so kind and are so talented!! And I get why you might feel burned out and all that but uhhhhh dude your writing is insane. Like the way you use language is so fascinating to me both when you describe 💫the spicy stuff💫 and everything else! I’m a very visual person but you paint pictures in my brain like no other with your words! Your dialogue is always freaking fantastic (I read a lot of plays and screenplays so I’m v picky w it) and your characterization is always SO spot on it’s insane! And the parallels you create between the characters’ inner worlds and dialogue show so well the tension there sometimes is between what a we might say vs what we might do or think in a given situation. THAT is part of what makes writing exciting (at least to me) and you execute it so well! You truly are a wordsmith, it’s just *chef’s kiss*. Aside from that you seem like such a pleasant person, judging from the way you reply to ppl, and that’s really humbling and nice to watch seeing as you are so good at it. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you cause, I mean, I don’t know ur life but I feel like people don’t tell each other much how great they are and in what ways, so yea. (If the egg emoji isn’t taken I’d like to but the 🥚 anon hehe)
related to this headcanon
Thanks, I was feeling inspired lol!
Also thank you ×2 for the mass amount of compliments too 😊
I feel that with the language part though! I think about that all the time, looking at how people use their language and syntax and imagery and shit. It's wild how different people's brains work!
Yeah! Thank you! I really try for conversational dialogue and often talk to myself while writing it haha. <3 <3 <3
I'm glad my characterization is on point haha, I just fumble around with that lmao. (I'm p sure I learned how to do it from fanfic in the first place)
Oof yeah, inner versus outer world has always Fascinated me. Like, how do you look at the world and interact with it? I like that that spills into my work. <3
Thank you thank you thank you thank you
(I think I'm nice haha, I at least try to be nice all the time)
The egg emoji isn't taken, no! It's all yours, lovely.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 years ago
What do you do when you fall in love with two fictional characters who are in love with each other? (*Cough cough* Lestat And Louis *cough cough)
There’s room for you, anon! In between them… 
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[^Don’t share with him bc Lestat’s pig ok, we all know it]
No but really, I think that’s what shipping is about. You can live vicariously through one or the other of them, and get the best of the whole ship
I do think there’s some truth to the idea of shipping as a way of learning about relationships and in engaging with the characters, who are otherwise just ink on paper and only really exist in your imagination. Lestat speaks directly to the reader, breaking the fourth wall, but he can’t really speak to each individual reader, he doesn’t know your name or anything about you specifically, but it’s a form of intimacy bc you know so much about him. It’s the one-sided relationship of an actor to their audience. He knows he has an audience and he can see faces in the crowd, but he can’t actually have a relationship with a real reader since he’s fictional.
But you can get close to the characters by identifying with them. I can love Lestat for some of the reasons Louis does, and I can love Louis for some of the reasons Lestat does, and in agreeing with them, it’s a form of connecting with them individually. Like we’re sitting at a cafe together gushing about how cute it is when Lestat throws a tantrum over someone (usually just himself) spilling blood on his new Gucci blazer (bc deep down he doesn’t mind that much, he just likes having smtg to throw a tantrum about), or Louis defending his right to making stacks of books in the parlor (bc deep down he likes having an excuse to talk about books in any capacity). That kinda thing.
I think that’s where ppl are really going when they say, “My son” or “My husband” or whatever, about fictional characters, you want to express a form of devotion to them bc they belong to you, too; your vision of them (your headcanon) is truly your own. 
So you can have them both, you’re invited into that ship whenever you open a book or read/write fanfic about them, enjoy/draw fanart of them, individually and as a ship!
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