#this is like mere MINTUES from when I finished watching
molesamole · 10 months
Ok I just finished watching JTTW17/demon's strike back for the first time properly
What the fuck were they cooking with this movie?????? NO CAUSE GENUINELY WHAT THR FUCK WAS THAT /VPOS
In general, I love this movie so ironically and unironically, you REALLY need a certain suspension of disbelief going in to watch it but it makes it so much better when you just look at the weirdness and embrace all of it
It'll take a while to watch it again just from how overwhelming the experience felt but it was so worth the watch finally
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Megatron looked at the Autobot infront of him.
"I wish to be on your side." She spoke.
"And why would I allow you to join the Decepticons when I can gut you where you stand?" Megatron threatened. "Unless you have- information you are willing to trade?"
"I am switching sides. I am not a rat." Y/n informed her voice unfaultered.
"Your loyalty proves you are still allied to the autobots." Megatron spoke, circling the femme.
"My leige let me personally snuff out the autbot femme for the Decepticons of course." Starscream announced.
"As I said once before. I am not a rat." Y/n spoke ignoring Starscreams threat "you take my offer. Or I leave- preferably with screamers head on a pike as a soviner."
A deep laugh came from Megatron as the Decepticons from the lower level of the command deck watched.
"Very well. I will welcome you into our ranks." Megatron spoke, "You'll be my first Lutient-"
"W-what!?" Starscream aspirated, "t-that is my post! My leige! She's still an autobot."
"Unlike you Y/n is known for providing results!" Megatron shouted at Starscream, "And has proven her respect within the mere mintues shes been here on not selling out the other side!"
"Y-yes my leige."
"Lord Megatron." The one optic scientists spoke up, "show our new Lutient around the war ship. As my top two Lutients you must work better than in sync."
"Yes my leige." Shockwave spoke as Y/n walked off, side by side with Shockwave.
The walk throughout the halls was silent, veichons looking her way, and even with there covered faces she sensed the digust they had with her.
"There is no logical reason for you to annex with the Decepticons. Why have you switched?" Shockwave announced.
"I suppose I got tired of blowing you off bridges Shockwave." Y/n responded.
"That is not an answer." Shockwave spoke, "I have fought you countless times on the battlefield, your reasons are illogical."
Y/n sighed, "for being a bot with no spark you sure do seem to care."
"Research purposes." Shockwave told her shortly.
"If you must know. I didn't belong there." Y/n spoke, "I never did, they never cared for me- none of them."
"Another illogical answer." Shockwave pronounced, "I have seen you take shots to the chasis-"
"That doesn't mean they would ever do it for me." Y/n cut him off, "at first. I would count how many times shots I had taken, Tallys are popular here on earth too. But soon the base walls filled with them. And there was no where else to write. I still believed that someone would come and erase the tallies, take the pain one time. You've taken more scratches for me than anyone."
"It would of been a shame if a boudler was to snuff your spark before I could terminate you." Shockwave told her.
"I believe you mean to say: You're welcome." Y/n told him.
"Yes I suppose that is a logically faster way of speech." Shockwave said.
"Then." Y/n spoke as they got to knockouts lab, "thank you"
Shockwave's helm turned to her quickly, his large optic confused on what she had just spoke.
"Come from a buff? Because primus do you need it." Knockout spoke.
"No. Shockwave was showing me around." Y/n spoke.
"You've infiltrated our base a number of times. Im sure you do not need a tour." Knockout spoke.
Y/n smirked, "mad because I beat your aft in too many times pretty boy?"
Knockout rolled his optics, "then go ahead and continue on your little tour. When your paint gets scratched dont come running to me for a buff."
Y/n chuckled, "good bye sweet cherry mech."
"Its not sweet cherry red! I told've you this before! I am deep rose red!" Knockout agrued as Shockwave and Y/n contuied on.
"I'll get you one day!" Knockout declared after her as she chuckled.
Shockwave contuied on with the tour, finishing off with showing Y/n the Predacon he had set after the autbots.
Y/n frowned as the beast looked at her, "I never did like fighting him." Y/n told Shockwave reaching out her servo in a friendly matter.
"He can't talk and we were told to simply just kill him." Y/n spoke as the Predacon rubbed his helm against her servo, "Such a beautiful creature. Its a shame they went extinct."
Shockwave was quiet as he observed the two closely. It was rare the Predacon liked anyone but him, and Megatron.
"You. Enjoy the beast?" Shockwave asked as Y/n turned to look at him and nodded.
"We should carry on." Shockwave spoke as Y/n nodded bidding farewell to the predacon and the two bots leaving.
"You will be working with me." Shockwave informed.
"Very well."
Over the short time Y/n's been there most warmed up to her- that inlcuded Megatron and disincluded Starscream- he was still angered by her taking his post.
She had finally a proper meeting with Soundwave before a mission and he seemed to take a liking to her, which she smiled at. Shockwave, her and Soundwaves first mission laid the foundation of them becoming a well known trio amongst the Decepticons ranks. And of course- Y/n then switched color schemes, matching Soundwave's and Shockwave's colors- just made them become well known.
She finally had her run in with the autbots, her against Ultra Magnus no less. Y/n had beat him to a pulp- or so she thought- last mintue he used all his strength with a god damn hammer no less.
Y/n laid on the floor leaking energon as she clutched the Predacon fang in her hand.
"You are a traitor to your brothers." Magnus declared, "Surrender now."
"Brothers? Yeah right. The autbots never cared. Never helped me." Y/n argued,"I was a mech sheild! Thats all!"
"Then you leave me no choice Y/n." Magnus spoke.
Closing her eyes as he lifted up the forge and Y/n braced. The pain never came as she opened her eyes Shockwave above her, his hand holding the face of the hammer stopping it in its path.
"Go." Shockwave demanded. "Get the specimen to the ship."
Y/n hurried up, running away as a groundbridge opened up, she stopped, go through? Or go back?
She turned around seeing Shockwave fly through the air and into the rocky mountains as she sighed, tossing the bone inside the portal she rushed after her friend.
She charged into Magnus' side, the two fighting again.
Before Shockwave could even get up, he heard a shot fired an a body fall.
Looking back he seen Y/n laying on the floor, Arcee with a gun aimed where Y/n would have been standing.
Soundwave had landed next to Shockwave the moment after it happened. Both expressionless, but pained on the inside.
The stand off was intense.
"They're not going to shoot back. We have what we came for." Ultra Magnus spoke the bone in his servo.
The two bots turned around walking off as there own groundbridge opened.
Soundwave walked over to Y/n's body, turning her over on her back his slim digits brushed her face plate.
Looking back at Shockwave he shook his head.
The slim bot picked her up walking over to Shockwave.
"A great loss we have suffered." Shockwave spoke as Soundwave nodded.
The green swirling portal had appeared behind them as they walked in, ending at the bridge where Megatron looked over hie warship.
"Lord Megatron."
"Shockwave. I presume your expedition has succeeded." Megatron spoke.
"Yes." Shockwave informed, "but with an unfortunate outcome attached."
Megatron turned around as Soundwave stepped up infront of Shockwave, Y/n's body still in his arms.
"Y/n has been terminated, by the one they call Arcee."
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"I can not give what men call love but wilt thou accept not, the worship that the heart lifts above and the heavens reject not?" (From the poem of Percy Bysshe Shelley _ One Word Is Too Often Profaned) for the 30 mintue ficlet with Barbgana? [I weep at way you create the sense vulnerable adoration Morgana has for Barbara)
Morgana presses her lips together.  She gazes at her pristine reflection in her vanity’s mirror.
“Leave me,” she commands her handmaidens.  Each of them gives a respectful bow of their head, spreads their wings, and flutters from the chamber.
Morgana holds up a smaller, bejeweled mirror to more closely inspect the job they’d done on her appearance.  Her handmaidens have not failed her.  She looks sharp, elegant.   Not one blemish lingers on her skin.  Her lips are the most vibrant red.  Her dark hair flows, silky and soft, into complexly woven braids.
She is, in essence, perfect.  Enchantingly so.
Morgana stands, strides to the other side of her chamber, and removes her dark green cloak from its hook.  Carefully, she drapes it around her shoulders.  Lesser beings would be concerned about trapping their wings beneath such heavy fabric.  It is a show of her strength that she is not.
Finally, Morgana plucks up her mask of spun gold between her fingertips and gently deposits it on her nose.  It is perhaps good, she thinks, that tonight’s event is a masquerade.  She’s been running out of ways to conceal her identity.
Of course, she plans to reveal herself soon to the one she’s romancing, but all good things have their proper moment.  The time for Morgana to expose herself just hasn’t arrived yet, but it’s coming.  Very soon.
When she arrives at the fairy ball, Morgana slips into the crowd.  It isn’t hard.  Most others in attendance are dressed like she is.  All shimmering colors and illusory beauty.  Morgana drifts aimlessly around her compatriots until she arrival.  Her heart skips beats like an out of rhythm drummer upon seeing her.
The mortal woman is distinctive in that, though her deep blue dress flatters her form, it does not sway or mesmerize like those worn by the fairies.  The jewelry she wears on her wrists, her neck, and hanging from her ears certainly is nice (homespun amber does have its merits), but lacks the rarity and glitter of those belonging to the immortal beings she’s surrounded by.  Her head turns every which way, her expression giving away her anxiousness as she searches for the one who invited her.  Another thing that separates the mortal woman from the fairies, who’d never reveal their emotions unnecessarily like so.
Morgana sweeps over.  She makes eye contact with each and every one of her guests who may have fancied themselves a romantic rival, and glares them away.
As this is her domain, the mortal woman, Barbara, too, is hers.
“I can not give what men call love,” Morgana whispers in Barbara’s ear as a way of greeting.  She darts around when Barbara turns her pretty head, to remain out of sight until she reaches Barbara’s other side.  “But wilt thou accept not, the worship that the heart lifts above and the heavens reject not?”  She lingers by Barbara’s other ear, allowing the mortal woman to face and look at her.
Barbara smiles with relief when she sees Morgana.  “I was scared you’d tricked me and wouldn’t really be here.  I’m glad I was wrong.”
She’s not completely wrong, Morgana muses, but doesn’t mention.  It is in her nature, as it is for all fairies, to without certain, particular truths from time to time.  When it suits them.
Morgana loves Barbara, yes.  But that’s entirely the problem.  Love makes one vulnerable.  It gives another power over oneself.  Barbara could break her heart and, in effect, destroy her.  The very thought is terrifying.  Especially because whether or not that happens is entirely left up to the mortal woman’s whims.
Is it not natural, in such a situation, to seek a little more control?
Morgana takes a crystal glass full of wine off a passing tray, and holds it out to Barbara.  “Here, to soothe your nerves.”
To keep you.  Morgana watches the wine stain Barbara’s lips.  For once a mortal drinks of the fruits of the fairy realm, they’ll never be able to find their way out again.
In many ways, Morgana is strong, but she is also foolish.  She slipped up, fell in love, and left herself open and vulnerable to another.  To a mortal, no less.  This affection she feels, it is a weakness.  But, one she can control.  Morgana will never allow herself to ever be hurt by heartbreak.
Barbara smiles at her after finishing her sip of wine.
And, in doing so, she merely sealed both their fates.
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goddamnitdazai · 7 years
2 4 5 combined????? w chuuya (also i bet he's gonna spice that hot choco up w some mintu)
winter weather prompts (closed) // hot chocolate - blankets - fire placei cant believe i posted this prompt a month ago im sorry y’all T_T
               Chuuya never liked winter.The fashion yes, but temperature? Absolutely not. He hated how dry his handsgot regardless of the expensive leather gloves he wore, and he detestedwatching his breath curl upwards as he walked down the street. Shivering,miserable, red-nosed and Dazai always teasedhim for it when they were children. Even as an adult Chuuya managed to catch acold by merely glancing at a snow covered window from in the inside.                Recently though, he’dmanaged to find a way to make the cold work in his favor.                Night had eclipsed overwinter’s sunlight blanketing the entire city in navy. Crisp white snow falls carelessly,continuously, until the sidewalks vanished. Stillness met with serenity curlsthrough the house. The only interruption humming from the crackling fire Chuuyahad set after dinner was finished and the dishes were clean. His hair felttangled against his neck as he shifted his chin atop your shoulder. Bourbon-lacedkisses find their way up your neck.                “Chuuya,” you sigh against your mug, “I’m going to drop the hotchocolate if you keep doing that.”                “I’m being gentle like thedoctor ordered.” He replies.                Thick wool drapes over hisshoulders and cascades onto yours. Liquid warmth in a deep scarlet red ties youboth together. Your back pressed gingerly against his chest—his hands haveforgotten the mug of spiked hot chocolate. Next to a plate with half a slice ofcake, some sort of Christmas sweet he knew you loved, the mug sits onlyhalf-finished and smelling nothing like chocolate. Orange tendrils split theair emitting a single glow framing the sharp angles of Chuuya’s face in gold.                Hazy, but beautiful, icy blue melts intoadoration. His eyes were always sharp, attentive, crystalline strength lacedwith a dominant stance begging to be challenged. Yet, when they found their wayto you became endless pools of starlight. A hand slides up your chest and danceover your throat. His thumb presses against your jaw while the rest of hisfingers fan out and fasten a soft grip under your chin.                 He tastes sweet, dark chocolateand the slightest hint of nicotine—his tongue curls and flicks playfully alongthe back of your teeth. Your soft moan is met with a dark, sultry laugh.                Wind taps against thewindow. White licks of frost ascend over layers of freshly cleaned glassallowing the city lights to twinkle in. Flames caress tangerine lighting overyour skin as the blanket slips down your shoulder blade. Hungry, nimble fingersskate with the fabric; his lips follow over the round of your shoulder thenback up. Retracing steps with nibbles up to line running beneath your jaw. Thecast over your left leg knocks against Chuuya’s ankle.                “Chuuya I think you puttoo much bourbon in the hot chocolate.”                “Maybe,” he smirks, “but Imade it strong to help warm you up. In fact..I’d say you’re a little too warmwith the fire and the blanket and all those clothes on.”
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