#this is just like that time he held out for thirty seconds before telling jc and nhs everything about his top secret romantic road trip
titaniumplatedspine · 4 years
JZ died just before JL's one month celebration. Idk how long between then and JYL passing as well, but I'm guessing by the time all was said and done JL would have been 2-3 months when JC became responsible for his care. As the parent of a 3.5 month old, I'm telling you this age! is so! much!! fun!!!
Highly influenced by my own firmly held belief that you can't spoil a baby.
Baby JL who cries for days because this is new and scary and these people are not his parents. JC keeps the same wet nurse for some familiarity, but things are still new and strange.
JC who spends literal hours walking along the piers soothing the baby.
JC who barely sleeps because even when JL is down for the night, JC is doing the paranoid new parent thing of checking on him every hour.
JC trying to swaddle JL tight enough every night, but somehow the kid still kicks his way free.
JC who is scared to put the baby down or let him out of his sight because that's his only family dammit.
JC who is a sucker for his nephew and picks him up at the first hint of a cry or pout.
JL who becomes so accustomed to his uncle's scent and touch that he will not nap unless he's in JC's arms.
JL who starts to smile in the morning when he sees his uncle first thing.
JC with the equivalent of a boba wrap or ring sling carrying JL around as he supervises the training of the disciples.
JL grabbing JC's bell and trying to chew on it.
JC being terrified over trimming his nephew's tiny nails.
JC taking JL to the clan healer once a week for the first month because what if he breaks this kid.
JC spends his time at cultivation conferences where he should be talking about the status of his sect talking about JL.
JC changing JL's diaper. JL immediately takes a very loud poo and smiles at his uncle. JC can't even be mad. He just sighs and changes him again. He's too soft for that gummy little smile.
Sect leaders having meetings with JC while JL blows spit bubbles at them from his lap.
JC who talks through sect business out loud, and treats JL's babble like serious answers.
JC having to walk during a meeting while a tired JL fights a nap in his arms.
JGS complaining JC is spoiling JL and that he shouldn't carry him so much.
JC exclaiming "He's just a baby!" and clutching JL to his chest.
The Jiang clan disciples have an unspoken competition about who can make JL smile the most and are constantly coming up to JC with new toys or games for the baby.
(fuck it, let's make this mingxicheng)
All the other cultivators half in lust with hot dad!JC
LXC is up early at a conference or something and hears a noise. He peeks through a not-quite-closed door and sees a freshly bathed JC and JL (because that is the only way I shower nowadays is with the baby).
JC is only in his trousers with his hair unbound kneeling on the ground over JL while he's dressing him.
JC is tickling his nephew and blowing raspberries on his belly while JL has his little fingers knotted in JC's hair and he's kicking his chunky little baby legs and scream laughing.
LXC gay panics and runs to NMJ's rooms to wake him up and proceeds to suffer all over his bed.
LXC and NMJ are lovers, but like casually. There's no jealousy. In fact, NMJ totally gets it.
NMJ practically raised NHS after all. He respects JC's dedication to his nephew and he knows how much work a kid is.
JC with the sharp jawline and even sharper words, with the soft secret smile for his nephew hits a lot of buttons.
LXC sets up a dinner between the three of them to try and subtly suss out where JC's interests may lie (it's not a secret he's blacklisted from the matchmakers).
But NMJ is not subtle. He's a blunt instrument. Battering ram, not scalpel.
So when JL starts doing the hungry baby routine of mouthing at and nuzzling into JC's chest during dinner, and JC flushes and apologizes, NMJ doesn't hesitate.
"Don't worry, I also have the desire to suck on your chest, although for totally different reasons."
LXC is embarrassed, and JC is flustered but he doesn't leave and that's good enough for NMJ.
The flirting continues, but NMJ recognizes it won't go far with JL there
Not in a bad way, he just recognizes JC is stressed and tired and will absolutely not relax enough to let them get their hands on him with the baby around.
NMJ starts showing up to play with the baby and giving JC a break. He lifts little JL gently into the air and brings tiny toy sabers for him to gnaw at.
LXC catches on and shows up with plays and poetry to read to the baby, and lullabies to help him sleep.
NMJ starts hauling JC into bed for naps when LXC gets JL to rest. JC is tired and NMJ is content with cuddles and soft kisses.
It's LXC who turns it into sexy times, because he has eyes and NMJ and JC laying against the rich purple sheets of JC's bed is better than any fantasy.
They finish exactly thirty seconds before JL wakes up and starts crying.
Part two, Part three, Part four
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
I find it really strange how LXC has more haters than JC. Overall I do think he’s pretty well liked, but I have seen way more criticism for him than for JC, which is weird. Because I feel like you can find legitimate explanations for a lot of LXC’s choices, whereas the same can’t be said for JC. Let’s look at LXC’s supposed crimes. Trusting JGY? Well, I don’t think we can complain about that, and then at the same time 1/10
breath turn around and support LWJ for always standing up for WWX because...look, I get that it's not exactly the same thing. And it's REALLY not the same thing because it ultimately turned out that JGY couldn't be trusted, but the thing is, LXC genuinely didn't know that at the time! This guy was a very close friend of his! He believed in him! JGY had saved his life in the past! And just like LWJ always supports his loved ones without a second thought, LXC is doing the same thing. Because, 2/10
in this eyes, JGY hasn't really given him any reason not to trust him. The guy is a very good manipulator, and when you are that close to someone, you WANT to believe the best in them. LXC is not an idiot, he is the victim of someone else's manipulations, and it's not like pretty much everyone in the cultivation world suspected anything either. The only one who was actively trying to take down JGY was NHS, who KNEW that the man had murdered his brother. I have no doubt that if LXC had 3/10
been aware of it, he would never have supported him. Not only that - as soon as there is any doubt about JGY's intentions, the man takes an objective stance! He agrees to listen to the evidence! He isn't just blindly denying what's in front of him, regardless of what that would mean for his own feelings; but of course he isn't going to blindly denounce JGY with no proof because this is his closest friend. And while he obviously trusts his brother, he also knows that LWJ's priority is 4/10
WWX, who LXC really doesn't have any reason to trust at that point? We know WWX, LWJ knows WWX, but LXC and him really haven't had that many interactions, on top of his current reputation in the cultivation world. The fact that LXC is so willing to help and hide WWX, despite knowing the dangers it might cause for his sect, and all because he trusts his brother is...a very big thing. It's more than JC would EVER do for WWX. I've also seen criticism for LWJ's punishment, which I honestly 5/10
don't understand because a) the Lan clan also has elders which probably had a big say in the punishment too, and b) LWJ DID commit a crime! It wasn't just him protecting WWX, it was him injuring dozens of members of the Lan sect! Sure, we know why he did it, but just how would it look to the rest of the sect if LXC had just excused that behaviour? Or to the rest of the world? What would it do to his brother's place in the sect if he hadn't been punished for it? I really don't think LWJ 6/10
could have gotten out of that without some form of punishment, and if LXC even had the sole say over it after all (which I highly doubt he would have with no repercussions) that was probably the best alternative to banishment, or perhaps even worse. I've seen criticism (and this is so, so strange) over him blindly accepting the story about his mother, which is so stupid because...LWJ also accepted it, LXC has no way of finding out anything about his mother, and WE as readers know nothing 7/10
about his mother! For all we know, she COULD have been in the wrong, or his parents could have had a completely different relationship from how other people perceive it; we just don't know enough to make a judgement. And then finally, I see people criticizing his behaviour towards WWX. Okay, I kind of do find this annoying too - I was frustrated when he essentially blamed WWX for LWJ's actions, because honestly, LWJ is a grown man who can make his own decisions, but...I also kind of 8/10
understand this. Because this is his BROTHER, and of course he's going to be protective or resentful when he's hurt, it's just a natural reaction to have. It's only natural, and people can't be objective all the time. And also, I think a lot of his annoyance came from him thinking that WWX knew about his brother's feelings, and was essentially mocking them by pretending to flirt with him, and honestly, from an outsiders perspective it would kind of look like that. Despite his own feelings, 9/10
He still supports LWJ in all his decisions though. It’s just so weird that there is so much criticism for LXX, when you can understand his supposed mistakes a lot more than someone like JC. But then, JC pretty much gets no criticism from the fandom. I’ve actually seen people who can’t stand LXC, but then support JC at the same time, and that is so, so weird. 10/10
The thing is, LXC has just as much reason to trust JGY as LWJ does to trust WWX. We as readers know that WWX is in the right, but LWJ, in-universe, doesn’t. He himself admits that he believes and wants to help WWX because he loves him, not because he’s certain he’s in the right. There’s actually a lot less evidence against JGY than there is against WWX for a lot of the story! Evidence that LXC as an in-universe character with his level of knowledge would have access to, I mean. LXC himself points this out; LWJ believes JGY has done these terrible things because WWX said so, not because they have physical proof; at this point in the story it very much is WWX’s word against JGY’s, so doesn’t LXC have the right to give JGY the benefit of the doubt and trust him the way LWJ trusts WWX? And even saying that, the moment he has reason to distrust JGY he revokes his access to the Cloud Recesses and is clearly upset at the idea that he could have misjudged the situation so badly. And remember, JGY’s reputation was impeccable before WWX accused him (origins aside); LXC had no reason to doubt him, but he still did, because WWX said he should and LWJ trusted WWX’s judgement. Can you imagine any other character in this novel immediately searching for evidence and acting as soon as that evidence was uncovered even when that evidence proved their long-held beliefs wrong?
And re the punishment, it was punishment for attacking the elders, not necessarily for helping WWX; thirty-three lashes for thirty-three elders badly injured. LXC couldn’t have just... let LWJ get away with attacking the elders of their clan, that would’ve been a political disaster within their sect even keeping the whole thing a secret from other sects. And honestly? Between helping the cultivation world’s enemy number one and gravely injuring the clan’s elders, it wouldn’t surprise me if LWJ could’ve been executed. Any other sect leader probably would’ve executed him for aiding WWX, but LXC couldn’t do that to his brother. Instead he sent the elders who most respected LWJ to apprehend him and bring him back before anyone else realized what he was doing. Was the whipping severe? Definitely. But considering what other punishments were on the table, I’d argue LXC was downright merciful. LWJ clearly thinks it was justified, or at least understandable, and while that doesn’t necessarily mean it was okay (I mean, WWX insists JC repeatedly trying to kill him is totally fine), I do think that should be considered. LWJ knew he would be punished when he went back; a big part of the novel is accountability for one’s actions, and I’d argue this is a part of that theme. 
LXC believing the story about his mother is like... what else is he supposed to do? As you say, LWJ also seems to believe it. They have no reason to doubt it! The certainty suggests that no one (not the sect’s elders, not their uncle, not even their mother) ever brought up the possibility of it being false! When all evidence suggests that something is true and you can’t find anything to disprove it, insisting it’s false anyway will only hurt you! Of course he believes the only story anyone has ever told him when not even the woman it’s about suggested it was a lie! Leave him alone!
And the whole thing with WWX is fairly explicitly him thinking WWX knew LWJ was in love with him and chose to toy with his feelings just for fun. And also making his brother miserable for 13 years, which granted wasn’t really WWX’s fault, but we can’t fault a brother for seizing upon the most obvious target to blame for his baby brother’s suffering. From the outside it really does look like WWX was just toying with LWJ, after all; we know better because we’re in WWX’s head and know that he doesn’t know LWJ’s in love with him, and WWX corrects his behaviour as soon as he realizes, but until WWX tells them he doesn’t remember LWJ’s confession LXC has no reason to believe he’s not being pointlessly cruel. And thinking someone is deliberately using your brother’s feelings to hurt him probably makes it considerably easier to believe that person is to blame for all your brother’s suffering. I do think LXC will get past his resentment of WWX given time! His hatred of WWX is an immediate reaction to the suffering of someone he loves. You know, like JC’s desire to murder all the Wens for the fall of Lotus Pier, except considerably less genocidal and considerably more likely to be gotten over.
As for why people make excuses for JC but talk shit about LXC... I don’t know. How fandoms pick their favourite characters has always been something of a mystery to me.
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antonirenaldi · 3 years
jantoni - one.
WHO ::  @antonirenaldi x @jayceelynd WHAT :: first meeting. WHEN :: mid-afternoon on march thirty-first. WHERE :: the grocery store. WHAT :: no content warnings ; no character mentions.
ANTONI. After surviving off the little pizza joint down the block for the last two weeks, it seemed like it was time to actually put more than beer and leftover potato skins in his fridge. Never really learning how to cook for just one person, Antoni had opted for the hand basket over the shopping cart, figuring he wouldn’t need much to begin fixing his bachelor dinners - although, this had lead to him second-guessing everything he passed (other than a box of Captain Crunch and more beer), and he was verging on aimless wandering when he turned down an aisle and saw her. If he’d been paying attention, he would have noticed her strategizing how to reach something on a higher shelf, but Antoni was distracted by the bump on which her hand was resting. Standing like that, she held a passing resemblance to his wife, and he wasn’t able to shake the thought in time to not be caught staring.
JAYCEE. Jaycee had a long day at the office at her company, and was feeling super snacky. She walked in and grabbed a basket and immediately went right to the bouquet of sunflowers and gently laid them in her basket as she finally found the spicy pickles she loved. “Dammit..” she was wearing heels with her height at five, five. But she still wasn’t able to reach it, due to it being pushed all the way back on the shelf. Feeling eyes on her the entire time, but she kept trying then finally huffed with a bit of humming dye to her son kicking another organ. Placing her hand on her belly, she rubbed it slowly to relax him and went to look over at whoever was just staring at her, prepared to snap. But she looked up and arched a brow, wondering what he was staring at. She looked around and moved her foot out one by one to see she didn’t have toilet paper on the bottom of the shoe. “Please tell me you don’t want those pickles..?” She furrowed her brow as her golden brown eyes looked into his eye, softly smiling. “Because my son seems to enjoy giving his mom heart burn obviously.” She laughed softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
ANTONI. “Hm? Oh, no. I don’t.” He almost turned on a dime to disappear back down the aisle, when he suddenly registered the woman’s predicament. “Sorry, let me ...” It was somewhat of a risk, coming further into the brunette’s space in hopes of proving that he wasn’t a weirdo, but he easily reached the jar and handed it to her with what he intended to be a reassuring half-smile. “For you - or, I guess, for him. When are you due? Wait, I’m sorry, is that a rude thing to ask? I mean, I know not to ask it if a someone just looks pregnant, because they might just be ... fat, but you’re clearly not fat, you’re pregnant.” What ... was even happening to him right now? This poor expectant mother just wanted her pickles.
JAYCEE. Jaycee sighed in relief when he said he didn’t want them, her hand rubbing her belly. She smiled back at him sweetly with a hint of a blush creeping over the apples of her cheeks. She could see he was trying to not say the wrong thing, and it was honestly really cute how he was stumbling over his words. “Thank you.. You just made us both very happy. And no, no you’re fine.” She place the pickles into her basket, then held her left hand out to shake his. “I’m Jaycee Lynd, and I’m in fact pregnant.. not fat.” She smirked, licking her full lips slowly. “My son is due on the twentieth of April, so very soon.” He was a very handsome man and she was a bit flustered, pulling her long hair to one shoulder. Opening her mouth to ask him if he’d like to go for coffee or anything. But she chewed on her inner cheek feeling silly as a very pregnant woman, who was huge, to hit on a man. “It’s really nice to meet you.” She said as she let her eyes take him in, from his head to his toes, working her eyes back up to his when a teenager ran down the isle knocking her into him, causing her to gasp and grasp at his clothing to not fall.
ANTONI. “Antoni Renaldi, pleasure.” He was almost surprised at how soft her hands felt, and he glanced down just in time to notice the lack of a ring - although, the very noticeable baby in her stomach was clue enough that she was far from available. Not that you’re even close to being ready to think about that, reminded the rather large part of his brain that hadn’t quite wrapped itself around being a single man in a brand new city. “Oh, wow. That’s - really pregnant.” He was smiling, his tongue swiping against his lower lip just before he responded, or ... tried to, before she was crashing against him. Sacrificing his cereal box and six-pack for the sake of catching her - JC, she’d said her name was? - ensuring she was steady on her feet before calling a stern “Ay, slow down!” over his shoulder to a kid who was already long gone. Turning back to her, his hand instinctively pressed against her stomach, as though he could magically tell if her little man was alright. “Are you okay, are you hurt?” He pulled his hand back as if he’d been scalded, realizing how inappropriate it was, but - it was instinct.
JAYCEE. She scrunched her nose laughing as she nodded her head agreeing at how far along she was. There he was, that smile seemed to fit him so much better. Thinking it’d be nice to be why he smiles all the sudden in the midst of everything. Her eyes wide as she was gasping for air, trying to calm down. His hand was on her, making sure her baby was okay and it was so comforting. “Yeah, I..” licking her lips as her full bottom lips was tearing from her teeth. She didn’t know this man, but he seemed.. He was safe and she knew she needed to get to know him more, when she almost reached for his hand as he pulled away. “I’m so sorry.. I.” She pointed at his cereal and beer, as the baby felt like he shifted in the jostle between a running teen and pregnant woman. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you when I landed into you did I?” She asked a bit concerned not noticing she had gravitated closer to him. “I can help get someone over here and then replace what is ruined. It’s the least I can do.” Now who was jabbering away like a nervous girl, almost giving off a doe eyes look of worry.
ANTONI. He’d never been the type to make anything of his height and stature, not the way his brother seemed to, with the sense that clearing 6’ somehow made you entitled to sex, but it was still cute, the idea that she could somehow injure him with a little fall - even with the assistance of her temporary belly. “I think I can take it,” he assured her, chuckling just a bit. Turning his attention to the cereal box, he added, “And so can the Captain” as he popped out a small dent in the corner of the box. A quick retrieval of a rogue beer bottle and a check to the five that had stayed in the holder confirmed that everything was in tact. “No casualties,” he reported, returning his items to his basket and taking hold of it as he stood back up. “I’m going to be - stressed about you, though. I’m sure everything is fine, you just don’t want a pregnant woman to fall.” He tried to laugh again, though it was a little less natural than it had been a moment before.
JAYCEE. Both of her hands rested on her belly, as if she was comforting her son.   Causing her dress to rise further up her thighs, where the back was a bit longer. Jaycee snorted and instantly covered her face, but he was just being so calm and cool about it. And loved his personality, and instantly thought of exchanging numbers. She reached into her knee high boots to pull her phone out and typed in his name before handing her phone to him. “Would it help if we exchange numbers, this kid has a mean kick and who knows how you’ll feel tomorrow.” She joked softly, hoping to calm him a bit, noticing the change in his laughter. “Hey..” instinctively reached for his hand to get his attention. “I will get checked out for both of our worry okay? It would have been probably tragic if..” she cleared her throat as her voice cracked at the thought. “Never mind that, you saved me and my little one. So don’t worry, too much.” Not realizing her small hands were holding one of his large hands and realized there was no ring and looked back up at him and placed his hand on her lower belly right where he was letting her know he was here. “See, still active and I feel deeply he’s safe.” She smiled.
ANTONI. His eyes followed her as she bent down, smirking a bit as she pulled out her phone like a rabbit out of a hat, reminded of the way his wife would lament the lack of pockets in women’s clothes. The comparison gave him the same kind of pause that had caused him to stop and stare in the first place, and he took her phone out of reflex. “Oh, yeah, sure.” As he punched in the last few digits of his number, he wondered if he was setting himself up for a future awkward encounter with the pretty girl from the neighborhood grocery store who’d ghosted him because she was pregnant, and if he’d forever need to keep his head down while shopping there for fear of running into her again - but then her hand was on his, and the worry lessened just enough for him to hit save. “‘Saved’ is probably a stretch, but I’m glad I was here for you to fall on ... Oh, yeah. There he is.” He’d never in his life put his hand on another woman’s pregnant stomach, let alone felt a baby kick against his palm. “He’s probably pissed that I’m keeping him from his pickles. Did you need anything else, or should we - ?” His voice trailed off as he nodded towards the checkout lines.
JAYCEE. Jaycee took her phone back and sent him a quick text just saying hello and that her name. Smiling, the tip of her tongue was resting between her teeth. “No if you wouldn’t have been here, I’m so stubborn I would have gotten that step ladder and..” she paused before tilting her head at what would have happened. Putting her phone back into her boot, her emails dinging. “He probably is, but he can learn mama is in charge.. but I’m sure I’m keeping you.” Feeling her cheeks warming up she prayed that her blushing wasn’t as noticeable. Switching her basket to the other arm she notice one of her sunflowers in the bouquet had broken, sighing softly. They were always around her house until she couldn’t find them anymore. Walking towards the check out lines with him, she rested her free hand on her lower back. The closer it came to checking out she hoped that they’d be seeing one another again. Not that she’d blame any guy for not wanting to deal with a woman pregnant. Seeing the cashier couldn’t stop staring at him she leaned up to whisper. “Don’t look now but I think you might have an admirer.” She smirked, it was cute to see.
ANTONI. Tugging his own phone from his back pocket, he glanced at the text - oh, Jaycee, not JC - he quickly saved her number. “No stepladders, alright? Not for the next ... twenty days or so.” As they approached the line, he gestured for her to move in front of him, adding his two items to her small purchase and gesturing for the cashier to ring everything out together. At her whisper, he simply blinked in response, a little surprised at her bluntness, until a moment later when he realized she was referring to the employee. His cheeks were a little hot at the mistake, blushing slightly in a way that mirror hers. When had she started blushing? He gave the cashier a tight-lipped smile and polite nod, using the keypad to purchase their things, and clarifying that they needed two separate bags: pickles and sunflowers, and cereal and beer. “Let me know when the doctor gives you the all clear,” he said genuinely, handing her the bag with her things in it, not hating the way their fingers brushed in the transaction. “I’ll be thinking about you.”
JAYCEE. “No step ladders I promise.” She held her hands up with a soft giggle. She watched him pay for her items and was just admiring his kind gesture. But started to get the feeling to tell the girl to look elsewhere, but that’d be extremely rude of her. Her fingers lingering, as she grabbed the bags. For a moment she was confused about letting him know she was in the clear. Mentally yelling at herself that’s not what he was talking about. “Thank you, I will definitely let you know. I think he’s fine.” Chewing on the corner of her bottom lip as she wondered if he meant anything else when he said he’d be thinking about her. Walking out of the store she tucked some hair behind her hair at the gust of wind. It was as if she was walking slower on purpose to prolong it, but she didn’t want to seem desperate. “Thank you again for everything, I’m glad I bumped into you. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing one another again.” 
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whimzea-blog · 7 years
//so i stole a prompt from nonnie for a zeath costume party fic and changed it to a jian fic lol
****let me know if you guys want me to continue this*****
JC was uncomfortable. His tux was hot and scratchy and his bowtie felt like a noose around his neck.
It didn’t help that he only knew one person in the whole place. Kian had bailed at the last minute, so Dom was his only companion. And Dom was currently off chatting up a stunning black woman with long braids who was way out of his league and clearly knew it, by the eye rolls she was giving him. But Dom was nothing if not persistent.
JC adjusted the mask on his face. That was the other thing. Not only had it cost a grand to get into this fundraiser/party/bougie free-for-all, but it was a masquerade, of all things. It had nothing to do with the charity- which helped homeless Los Angeles youth find housing, jobs, and support- but it was sort of close to Halloween. At least, that’s what JC guessed the reasoning was.
They’d decided to go because they’d heard that some of the Victoria’s Secret Angels came every year. 
“And you’re helping homeless kids. What’s better than that? Getting your perv on for a cause,” Dom had said. JC had been hesitant, but that had sold him. Because he was an idiot.
He had been furious when Kian had bailed, but Kian had just shrugged it off. “It’s not like I’m out a grand. It’s going to a good cause. And I really need to go home.”
And now JC had been standing awkwardly by the bar for a good thirty minutes, trying to get tipsy enough to mingle with the crowd, but not so wasted that he’d make an ass of himself. He still had Angels to find, after all. 
The party was being held in a huge mansion in Beverly Hills, and it was truly opulent. There was a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling over a literal fucking ballroom, and the floor was marble, the grand staircase was marble (but covered in plush red carpet), and the railing he was leaning on was marble.
They’d put the alcohol on the second floor, so he’d stayed there, watching people come and go through the huge front doors. It was clear to him that he was one of the least wealthy people there. It made sense, considering a grand was the absolute minimum one had to donate to attend, but he was still blown away by the gowns, and the jewelry. And the masks were outstanding- examples of true Venetian splendor. He felt sort of lame in his small black mask.
He was about to go rescue the woman with the braids from Dom when something caught his eye. 
A woman had just walked into the center of the ballroom, and JC’s breath caught in his throat. She was stunning.
She was tall and thin, with creamy white skin and miles of blonde waves spilling down her back. Her gown was a sparkling gold, so form-fitting that it looked like it had been melted and poured on her. A delicate, gauzy cape fell from her shoulders, giving a tantalizing peek of her bare back through the fabric. 
Her mask was also gold and covered the top half of her face, affixed with a gold chain. Her lips were a deep ruby red, and JC was transfixed by them, by everything about her. He had to meet her.
He downed his drink and made his way down the stairs. The ballroom was crowded, and he had a hard time making his way through to the spot where he’d seen her.
He couldn’t find her anywhere. He crossed the ballroom at least a dozen times and knocked into several people along the way, but she had disappeared. Had he imagined her? Did they put drugs in his martini?
Dom found him before he found her, and he was dragged back up to the bar. The girl with the braids had finally come around to Dom’s charm, and she and a friend were waiting for them when they got up the stairs.
Her friend was lovely, a curvy brunette with bold purple lips, but JC couldn’t stop thinking about the girl in the gold dress. He tried to keep up his end of the conversation, which seemed to go on for years, but his eyes kept flicking downstairs, hoping he’d catch sight of her.
She reappeared again an hour and a half later. An older man had a grip on her wrist on the edge of the ballroom floor, and JC could tell she was trying to politely but quickly get away.
“Be right back,” he mumbled to the group, who all looked at him like he was a lunatic as he rushed down the stairs.
Fortunately, she was still there when he arrived this time, and anger and disgust overtook him as he saw the older man leering at her, trying to pull her away from the ballroom to a different part of the house.
“Are you all having a good time?” JC asked with exaggerated delight. They turned to look at him, and he saw the girl’s eyes widen in surprise, and then relief.
He didn’t wait for an answer. “Looks like you are! Anyway, this lovely lady here has won one of the raffles, so she’ll need to come claim her prize.”
“I didn’t hear them announce anything,” the older man said, giving JC a dirty look.
“Well, the music is pretty loud in here, so I’m not surprised. If you’ll come with me, miss.” JC held out his hand and she took it gratefully, using the older man’s distraction to slide out of his grip. 
JC led her quickly across the ballroom and through a drawing room to the gardens outside.
Everything was lit with sparkling lights, and people were milling around on the back porch and on the paths woven throughout the flowers. It didn’t seem like the man had followed them, so JC finally stopped moving and turned to the girl.
She was even more stunning up close. Dark brown eyes fluttered at him through her mask, and her neck was long and delicate. Her hand felt soft and warm in his.
“Are you okay?” he asked. She nodded, smiling shyly at him.
“Thank you,” she said softly. Her voice was deeper than he’d expected, but definitely not unpleasant. She sounded like she worked at a phone sex hotline.
"Did you come with anyone? I’m sure they’re worried about you.”
She shook her head. “No, I’m alone.”
“Well, I’m JC,” he said. Her hand was still in his, and he squeezed it gently.
“Colette.” There was something about her eyes that was incredibly mesmerizing, but he didn’t know what it was.
JC let go of her hand reluctantly. For the first time he realized that she was actually taller than he was, but her body was so willowy and gorgeous that he didn’t even mind.
“Would you like a drink?” He gestured towards a table by the window, where a waiter was pouring glasses of champagne.
Colette nodded and he lead her towards the table. He watched with rapt fascination as her long fingers wrapped around the stem of a glass and she brought it to her lips.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it. It was either Dom calling to chew him out about leaving, or Dom calling to tell him the Angels had arrived. And what did he care about them when he had Colette?
He talked to Colette for a long time, drinking glass after glass of champagne. She was funny, and sweet, and they had so much in common. And she felt so good beside him.
It was late when they strolled to a more secluded corner of the garden, both of them pleasantly loose from the alcohol. 
“How could you possibly have come here alone?” JC asked in awe. Moonlight made her gown sparkle and made her skin even more flawless. She was like a painting.
Colette didn’t answer. He took her hand, and pulled her to him gently. He was careful not to spook her, considering what had happened with the older creep. But she wasn’t afraid. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he gripped her waist, desperate to feel the smooth skin of her back. Soon.
“Can I take your mask off?” he murmured. It was fine for the party, but now, all he wanted was her bare of anything but his hands.
She shook her head quickly and started to speak, but he shushed her. “It’s okay. Maybe later.” He didn’t know what that was about, but he didn’t care. Didn’t care if the rest of her face was covered in disfiguring burns or horrific scars or something even worse. It was her eyes that were drawing him in.
“Can I kiss you?” His lips were centimeters from hers, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop if she said no.
But she hummed in assent, and he pressed his lips against hers. 
Beneath the lingering champagne and the lipstick, her lips felt oddly familiar. He tried to kiss her more deeply, but the stupid mask was in the way and he couldn’t get good leverage. 
He pulled away and before she could protest, he pulled off his mask and slid hers off her face.
Her mask fell to the ground along with JC’s jaw.
There weren’t scars, or burns, or anything except smooth skin and dark eyes lined with kohl, and cheeks pink with blush.
“Kian?” JC breathed. 
Kian slid out of JC’s arms and picked up his mask before hurrying towards the door, the cape flowing behind him. 
“Kian, wait!” JC called, but Kian’s legs were longer and he’d almost gotten to the ballroom before JC had the presence of mind to follow him. 
He saw Kian disappear through the front door, but when he got outside Kian was already gone. 
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