#this is just for foundation so i can wreck y'all in two days
mx-myth · 8 months
Many thanks to @omgpurplefattie! Reading your wip was *chef's kiss* I love horsegirl dfs. I was going to wait for WIP Wednesday but thank you giving me the opportunity to post earlier (and also for being the reason I started posting on ao3 again, your reblog tag about dfs and fdb wearing llh's zanzi really stuck with me). This is from my post-canon amnesia difang au:
“Niang!” A young man - practically still a boy, his high ponytail waving behind him - practically crashes through the front gate. “I’m home! I still haven’t-” Nausea swarms his head as he looks at him. When he had woken up on the banks of that river he hadn’t felt that anything was missing. The habits that were performed jerkily as he realised he didn’t know what he was doing were ignored. But the sight of this young man now - this boy, in his light blue robes with golden detailing, with a matching set of huwan and a belt in a darker blue - carves too deeply inside him, shining a light on a deep, yawning maw of a cavity he didn’t know was there. The feeling only intensifies as the boy stops dead in his tracks, staring at him. His skin is several shades too pale to be healthy, the bones in his face too sharp even with the obvious baby fat still lingering, his eyes too bright in the way of a chronic insomniac. He knows the glint of it intimately; he’s already seen it too often in his own eyes. His voice is too high when he speaks, wavering and cracking right down the middle. “Lao-Di?” He stares at him more. Everything buzzes; he can hear every bird for three li, every person moving in the house, every vein pulsing blood in his body, and yet the only noise he can seem to focus on is the rabbit-fast beating of this boy’s heart. He can’t move as he stumbles towards him. The sword shards poke at him mercilessly as this boy falls to his knees beside him. “Lao-Di? Lao-Di?! What’s wrong, answer me!” He thrusts his palm into his face. He hadn’t even thought about putting internal energy into it, though the angry noise from Master He says that she absolutely thought he had. This confusing boy just catches his wrist and grips him like a lifeline. The terrified look on his face transforms into horror once he gets a good look at his palm. “Fang Duobing?” He asks roughly.
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[OC] Chapter 4 - The Phantom Revenge Strikes Back!
And the 4th chapter of my OCs, the Mu5keteers. You can see more about them in my blog by following this link. Anyway, big shout out to my boy @theoneandonlyspudbud for being so awesome!
*******Scene 1: school daze (I just got this pun!)********
The ancient Bell of Atlantica Academia's famous clock tower clanged loudly in a melodious tune, signaling the end of classes for the day. Soon afterward, a throng of students filled the quad, as some made their way toward their extracurricular clubs. Others hurried outside to spend the rest of their afternoon in the city before either returning home, or getting back to their dorms before curfew.
Among them, Lance and Bob walked leisurely through the quad.
"Maaaaan" Lance yawned, stretching his arms "you wanna hit the city? I don't want to hang out here much longer..."
"You're trying to avoid her, aren't you?" Bob smiled slyly
"Ugh! You would, too, if you were me! Every single day, I hear that annoying shrill voice-"
"Yoooohoooo! O Sir Laaaance!!" The annoying shrill voice rang out behind the two, sending shivers down Lance's spine. Lance begrudgingly turned toward the voice.
"Hi, Zilvana..." Lance sighed as he addressed the smiling Fencing club captain. Her coiling long blonde hair gleamed in the afternoon sun as a single streak of pink hair playfully curled in front of her face.
"Oh I am ever so glad to have ran into you" Zilvana tried to speak casually, failing to hide her shortness of breath "but drat it all, I must be off to attend my club duties!"
"Hmmm, yes..." Replied Lance curtly, seeing a variation of this scene replaying for almost every day since the school year started "...well, I don't want to keep y-"
"I know!" Interrupted Zilvana awkwardly, her face blushing red "how about you accompany me there? We c-can talk...um..and th-then maybe you'd consider sparring for a bit, y'know, up to you whatev."
"For the last time, Zilvana" Lance sighed irritatingly "thanks, but no, thanks! I don't want to join the fencing club. Period!"
"But why not?!" Zilvana asked in frustration, stomping her foot on the ground "is it because of what happened on Orientation Day?! I already apologized to you two about that!! And also..."
Zilvana looked around cautiously at the nearly empty quad before whispering "...I kept 'Bob's' identity a secret, just like I promised!"
"It's got nothing to do with that!" Lance irritatingly replied. "It's just...ugh...how do I put this-"
"WHY DON'T YOU JUST SAY IT ALREADY?!" Zilvana shouted suddenly with her head down, shocking Lance and Bob. They looked toward her as she slowly raised her head, tears streaming down her puffy red cheeks.
"...you just don't like me, do you?" Zilvana blurted as she wiped her tears ineffectively with her hands and sleeves "no matter what I do, you'll always hate me!"
"N-no, that's not it" stuttered Lance, trying to avoid Bob's accusatory glance while reaching out an uncertain hand toward the crying third-year student "...Zilva-"
Suddenly, Lance felt a playful pounce onto his left shoulder as a slender arm wrapped around his left arm, and soft fingers casually grasping his own.
"Aww, you heartbreaker. You made another girl cry! How mean~"
"Yu-Yukio?!" Lance was startled by the sudden entrance of the former Motorcycle Bandit, of the now-defunct Wheely Rad Bandit team/family. She wore Atlantica Academia's uniform with the plaid skirt and long black stockings. The notches on the shoulder decorations of her jacket identifies her as a second-year student.
"Aww, you do remember me!" Yukio smiled, gently caressing the arm of the blushing Lance "I guess our kiss made an impression on you~"
"Ki-KISS?!!" Bob and Zilvana shouted in unison, before looking at each other for a second and glancing away in embarrassment, their cheeks burning red.
"Haha!" Teased Yukio "y'all Jealous?"
Yukio's satisfied smile quickly changed when a bike helmet lightly smacked her over the head. She rubbed the top of her head, letting go of Lance and looking toward her attacker.
"Owie! What the heck, Randy?!" She groaned at her brother, who was wearing a one-piece biking suit, while walking beside a red ten-speed bike.
"Quit teasing the kid, dum-dum" Randy scolded "you just stole a peck on his cheek when he wasn't looking. What are ya, his Grandma?!"
"Wow! I didn't know you two went to school here!" Lance exclaimed, trying to change the subject and avoiding the glares of Bob and Zilvana.
"Hey there, Lance!" Randy beamed an earnest smile, that's missing a few front teeth "well, she is, but I ain't. My street smarts ain't good enough to get me enrolled here. Not like mah smarty-pants sister!"
"Aw it's a darn shame, Randy!" Yukio pouted "I would've liked if we went to the same school together..."
"Now now, sis..." Randy patted Yukio's head affectionately "ain't no use hitching yer wagon to a derailed train like me. You're gonna do great things, kid! Yer the only one who can keep up with Pop when he gets all science-y on ya." Randy then turned toward Lance and the others, bragging while beaming with pride "did y'all know Yuki got'erself a full scholarship, on account of her engineering smarts?!"
Lance opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a shrill bird noise blaring from his SmartBand. His brows knit as his face took on a serious expression. He whipped the SmartBand in front of him, with the HoloOrb facing upward.
"Lance, here" he spoke clearly toward the blinking HoloOrb, which immediately glowed and a rectangular HoloScreen floated in the air at eye-level. "What's going on, Feiroz?"
The former Leader of the Love Maidens furrowed her thick eyebrows "Lancelot! We have a situation at a construction site downtown, near 4th and Bradley Street! Details are sketchy, but it looks like a Challenger Team. The rest of the team are en route, proceed with caution!"
"Understood!" The HoloScreen flickered off, while Lance took off his backpack hastily.
"Lancelot?!" Snorted Bob derisively
"You shouldn't make fun of other people's names, 'BOB'!" Lance said defensively, throwing his backpack toward his dorm mate "can you please take this back to our room with you? Sorry, but I gotta go, guys!"
He then sprinted toward the general direction of downtown, bringing the SmartBand closer to his mouth as he yelled into its microphone.
Holographic spikes of ice sprawled across his body, covering him whole in an unintentionally comical running ice cocoon, before shattering completely as he emerged fully clothed in his Ice Musketeer outfit.
The Ice Musketeer switched from sprinting to summoning a patch of ice that appear slightly in front of him, allowing him to slide endlessly if he wishes it. He used his cryokinetic Psy-Q ability once more to create a huge ice ramp to clear the school main building in a single leap, accompanied by the thrilled cheers of the students watching in the quad.
********Scene 2: Demolition ZOOne***********
A primal roar emerged from a hulking figure in the strange black outfit with a slight owl motif. Her fists curled up inside the unusual gauntlets she wore that resemble giant wrecking balls. She punched another steel beam in the almost empty construction zone with her massive fists, completely bending it out of shape and nearly tearing it out of the ground where it was firmly rooted in the foundations.
"GRAHAHAHAHA! Ja almust gutt it, Sally" a thick Scandinavian accent bellowed from behind the muscular woman, which belonged to a big-bellied, half-naked, bearded man.
"What's it to ya, Bull Dozer?" Growled Sally, flipping her neon-purple hair that's jutting out of the modified boxing headgear she wore.
"Isa nice puunch but iv ja vanna do some real damage..." Bull Dozer boasted, a strange mechanism on his back lifted his massive shoulder pads and locked them firmly in place on top of the long bullhorns attached to his hardhat. He turned toward another steel beam and knelt down, aiming the gigantic shovel-like contraption on his head. "...joo call da Bull!"
Bull Dozer's massive mechanical boots hummed softly as their light-up display glowed red, just before he thrusted his massive body with astonishing speed! He kept his head low as his tree trunk-like legs propelled him ever closer toward his helpless target. The impact was undoubtfully devastating, the steel beam completely got torn from its foundation and was sent flying to the far side of the construction zone.
"Gahahahaha! JA! I am de 'Epic', ja?" Rojoiced Bull Dozer triumphantly, patting the dirt from his thick fur loincloth.
"Bah!" Spat sally disgustingly "all you did was send it flying away. What if that was an opponent and they landed safely on their feet?"
She turned back toward the bent steel beam she punched earlier and expertly took an orthodox boxing stance. Her blue eyes grew colder as she stared down the steel beam.
"It's easy to destroy the weak." She unleashed a flurry of jabs at the steel beam, bending it in different directions with each punch.
"But it's so much fun to play with someone strong. Someone who's almost at your level, who thinks they can beat you." Her eyes lit up with chilling bloodlust as she switched up her stance and delivered explosive right-left hook combos, causing the steel beam to bend and twist in uncanny angles.
"And then mercilessly maul them in the ring" her relentless barrage became even more savage, the steel beam is practically putty between her fists! "Destroy every shred of hope, every iota of self-confidence, watch their very essence drip away with every punch that pulverizes their pretty little face..."
Suddenly, Sally stopped her murderous assault and smugly sneered at the steel beam as it stood twisted beyond recognition for a few scant seconds, before collapsing sadly to the ground.
"...and then watch them wither away right before your eyes." Sally flashed a sadistic grin as she looked at her handiwork with a perverse sense of pleasure.
"...I-I uh joost leik rooning into things and watch them fly off rully far..."
"Pathetic" snorted Sally in disappointed disgust.
"Quit yer belly-achin' and get ta smashin'!!" Growled a hairy, hunchbacked man carrying a gigantic wrench that's almost as tall as he is.
"You're sure this will get their attention, Seamus?" Asked Sally.
"Dun ya worry none, Wrecking B-owl. Nuthin' attracts a super-team more'n property damage-"
The rest of Seamus's words were drowned out by the deafening sounds of an erratic locomotive a few feet away from them. They both turned toward the source to find a thin tall girl hopping on one prosthetic peg leg, while the tip of her other peg leg extended and retracted rapidly like a mini jackhammer.
"Umm...Mr. Chang, sir?" Meekly implored the girl with the mostly shaved head, a tuft of blonde hair with red highlights just above her forehead shook violently with the vibrations from her malfunctioning leg "it's happening again..."
"Aw, fer Christ sake, Jackie..." Seamus Chang slid a hidden knob on his gigantic monkey wrench while making his way closer to the frightened girl. The side of his wrench opened up like a Swiss army knife, revealing an assortment of tools. He grasped the Phillips head screwdriver and pulled it out along with a long retractable cable attached to the end of it. Then he grabbed the erratically shaking peg leg under his arm in an attempt to stabilize it while using the screwdriver to navigate its circuitry.
"I tol' ya ta be careful with the controls, lass. These things are very sensitive." Seamus grumbled, finally able to shut off the incessant hammering. He tugged slightly on the screwdriver, and the retractable cable dragged it back into its compartment.
"S-sorry, Mr. Chang..." Jackie answered pensively.
Seamus's features softened as he extended a giant hairy hand, stroking her cheek reassuringly "Ah, it's all right, lass, it's what I'm here for. Are ya ready fer action, Jackrabbit Hammer?"
Jackie smiled enthusiastically at the mention of her superhero name and she replied confidently "You know it, Monkey Wrench!"
With a click of a button on the built-in controls in her gauntlets, the jackhammer tips of her peg legs were replaced with two powerful springs. She took a few practice hops, reaching higher and higher with each leap, before crouching low upon landing with her third hop and shooting up three stories into the air!! She pressed the buttons again at the acme of her ascent, switching back to the jackhammer tips upon her descent toward a pile of stacked cinderblocks. The thunderous impact tore through the blocks faster than a greased up hamster shooting out of a potato gun, while Jackrabbit Hammer maniacally laughed in satisfaction.
"I'm all for destroying private property of those capitalist tower tycoons" Sally sighed "but I don't know if clearing out the area was a good idea. They may have gotten here sooner if we had a few hostages-"
A whizzing whistle ripped through the air, forcing the weirdly-garbed vandals to look upward to the source of the sound. Only to be met with a good-sized ball of fire whose size keeps getting gooder and gooder with each passing second.
"Look out!!" Monkey Wrench shouted as he leapt backward to avoid the fireball, which exploded threateningly in the empty space between the criminals.
"First contact!!" Panted the low-flying Fire Musketeer "I win!!"
"Tristan, you flying butt!" Priya slid from a nearby street light and onto a stack of steel pipes with the aid of the electromagnetic soles on her boots, acting like a miniaturized maglev train. "Throwing stuff doesn't qualify as 'first contact', you dork! I was way ahead of you!"
"Be that as it may-" Tristan rebuttal was interrupted by the sloshing sound of an oily projectile that hit its target with a satisfying SPLAT. Tristan looked down at his clogged up boots, then at Monkey Wrench holding what used to be his namesake and now is a weird-looking greaseball shooting catapult, and finally looking down at the rapidly approaching ground. It all happened within the span of one second, which is why he didn't even have a chance to yell for help.
Fortunately, help was already on its way in the form of leafy vines forming a soft intertwined ball to cushion Tristan's unscheduled landing.
"Phew!" Sighed Tristan in relief, turning toward the Green Musketeer with gratitude "thanks for the save, Blossom!"
"Any time, fearless leader." Smirked Blossom, riding on a throng of sturdy green vines.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Lad!" Monkey Wrench pressed another hidden lever on the catapult, returning it to its original wrench form. "Was I supposed ta wait fer ya ta finish yer squabblin'? Too bad the Demolition ZOOne ain't so accommodating ta yer domestic nonsense. How's about you concede yer sanction to us, and we'll let ya be?"
"Blossom, watch out!" Priya shouted to warn the Green Musketeer of the 400 pounds of Scandinavian fury barreling down toward the redhead. Blossom used her Botankinesis to manipulate the vines, vaulting her into the air and over the head of the charging Bull Dozer; who crashed into the cluster of vines as they were tightening around him while Blossom landed gracefully behind him.
Priya was so captivated by Blossom's performance, that she barely noticed the huge fist charging ominously toward her face. Fortunately, the Lightning Musketeer anticipated it with cat-like senses and dodged it with even cat-ier reflexes!
"VANDERLUSS!" A chilling scream echoed through the construction site/warzone as Wrecking B-owl stared at Priya with menacing glee.
"S-Sally?!" Priya flustered "didn't recognize you in that outfit...they say black is slimming, but you're still as massive as ever..."
"YES!" Sally snarled, grabbing a steel beam and lifting it like a gigantic baseball club "spout your boastful quips! Your bravado will make your crushing defeat all the sweeter!"
Wrecking B-owl swung the steel beam in a sweeping wide arc, barely missing the ducking Tristan who was fighting the strangely agile Monkey Wrench.
"Ach! Watch where ya swingin' that thing, ya daft-EEEEEE!!" Screeched Monkey Wrench as he narrowly dodged Sally's second swing.
"I got'em, Mr. Chang!!" A cheerful shriek arose from Jackrabbit Hammer as her peg legs sprouted springs to enable her to swiftly cross the construction site in three long leaps.
Just as she was about to land the third leap, a sheet of ice formed underneath her projected landing spot. The slippery ice robbed the teenage dynamo of her equilibrium, causing her to slip and fall comically on her face.
"I got her!" Proclaimed Lance, approaching the fallen rabbit to deliver the not-really-final-but-still-quite-incapacitating-and-involves-an-ice-prison blow. But before he could even form a single icicle, Jackrabbit sprang to her feet with an impressive somersault launching over Lance's head. She switched her peg legs' configuration to the mini-jackhammers in mid-jump, crushing the icy ground as she landed. With a flick of the built-in controls in her gloves' palms, the motors on her legs came to life with a terrifying roar! She lunged at Lance, delivering a spinning flurry of kicks and somersaults in the direction of the retreating Musketeer.
"Uhhhh, I DON'T GOT HER!" Lance yelled panicking as a high-kick knocked his rapier from his hand and lightly grazed his cheek.
"LANCE!" Cried out Blossom, inadvertently loosening her Botankinetic control over the vines ensnaring Bull Dozer. The energetic Scandinavian took the chance to wiggle his way out of his leafy prison.
"Guahahaha! Worry about yooself, gurl!" Bull Dozer snapped the vines like a stick of slimjim! His mechanical boots glowed red with a menacing hum before he charged toward the distracted Blossom. Suddenly, a heavy figure crashed from the sky between Blossom and the charging Bull!
"Looks like I'm just in time for the rodeo!" The Love Musketeer girded himself for the ensuing impact, as the two giants collided violently "Blossom, go help the kid!"
"Thanks, Lee!" Blossom yelled back, allowing a cluster of sturdy vines to carry her rapidly toward the struggling Ice Musketeer and away from the brawling titans.
Nearby, the battle between Priya and her hulking rival still rages on, the Lightning Musketeer staying on the defensive as she dodges Wrecking B-owl's wild swings.
"You can't Rope-a-dope me, Vanderluss" snarled Sally ecstatically "I can do this all day! On the other hand, you're looking a bit sluggish!"
Sally swung the massive girder in a vicious low arc, sending the gravel and dust bellowing upward. When the dust settled (literally), Sally was surprised to find that Priya was nowhere to be seen!
"Up here!" Sally turned her head to see Priya perching atop the far end of the girder, the soles of her Tesla Boots stuck on the metal surface like magnets.
"I wasn't trying to tire you out" Priya smirked as she used her Fulgurkinesis to gather the static electricity in the air toward the coils on her Tesla Gauntlets, which channeled the electric current throughout its conductive lining. "I was just learning the timing of your swings so I can do ...THIS!"
Priya thrusted her left hand on the girder, sending a massive electric shock toward the unsuspecting Sally. The gigantic brute let out a short yelp as she dropped one end of the girder onto the ground, which was more a reaction of surprise than a response to pain. Priya, still magnetized to the fallen girder, took advantage of Sally's brief opening to build up the charge in her right hand, which ended up becoming almost twice as powerful as the one she unleashed from her left hand just now.
She then used her Psy-Q ability to build up a magnetic charge on the soles of her feet to do something slightly different. Priya always used the magnetic capability of her Tesla Boots like a maglev train, allowing her to simply hover and slide over most metallic objects. Now, she's building up opposite magnetic charges around the girder and herself, her Tesla Boots lighting up like a Christmas tree.
Like a flash of lightning, Priya shot up the length of the metal girder toward the unsuspecting Wrecking B-owl, who was still holding up the girder with both hands. Priya's right fist clenched low as she aimed it at Sally's face to deliver a...
"Railgun Uppercut!!"
Her fist exploded into Sally's unprotected jaw in a fury of sparks! Sally's whole body lit up with electricity as it went stiff, she then immediately fell flat on her back.
"You always did have a glass jaw..." Mumbled Priya as she rubbed her bruised knuckles.
"HA!" Heckled Tristan, as he dodged another wide swing from Monkey Wrench's monkey wrench “I thought you were too embarrassed to do attack names!"
"It was embarrassing when you said it, nerd." Priya materialized a pair of handcuffs from her SmartBand's custom teleportation app, and used them to restrain the unconscious black-clad behemoth. "When I name them, they're awesome!"
"Just keep yappin' yer fool mouth" grunted Seamus "it's anglin' for a good smackin'"
Suddenly, an 8-bit rendition of William Tell's overture blared from Tristan's SmartBand, before a holo-screen floated from the glowing HoloOrb.
"Now's not a good time, Sarah!" Cried Tristan, ducking another close swing before Priya stepped in to divert his attacker's attention.
"Well, make time!" Sarah replied impatiently "you have to get everybody out of there! The area's not safe."
Tristan somersaulted over the charging Monkey Wrench, letting Priya press on her attack, and answered Sarah as he tumbled on the ground "what do you mean it's not safe?"
"I had Theresa run a topographical and spectrographic scan of the area" Sarah leaned slightly off to the side to reveal the smiling former Love Maiden beside her on the neighboring dispatch console "and we found that the construction crew didn't dig deep enough for their foundations! There is an underground air pocket approximately 200 meters below the surface, which does not correspond to any subway or sewer tunnels"
At that moment, Tristan glanced around to account for his teammates and their opponents. The Lightning Musketeer was keeping Monkey Wrench occupied. The Love Musketeer was locking arms with Bull Dozer, neither of them budging an inch. And finally, the Green and the Ice Musketeers were fighting off Jackrabbit Hammer, who launched herself into the air, only to dive feet first into Lance with her mini-jackhammer peg legs chugging away madly.
Lance deftly dodged her attack as she sank into the soft ground that he occupied seconds ago.
"Haha! You're good, little flea!" Chuckled Jackie trying to free her peg legs from the gravely surface, only to be surprised when the ground sucked her in further! "Wa-Whoah!"
"Oh no!" Tristan shouted in panic, both members of the Mu5keteers and Demolition Zoone alike watched in fear as the ground around Jackie crumbled and the sinkhole kept getting wider and deeper.
"JACKIE!" Shouted Monkey Wrench, ignoring his fight with Priya.
"BLOSSOOOOOM!!" Yelled Priya, panicking as she saw Blossom stumble into the sinkhole while trying to rescue her opponent!
"LANCE!" Tristan cried out, running in his gunked-up boots toward his brother who struggled to hold up the weight of the two girls, before the ground crumbled underneath them.
************Scene 3: Down the Hatch!********
All members of both teams still above ground (and conscious) rushed toward the edge of the sinkhole-
Blossom's voice bellowed from below, causing everyone to tense up and slowly look into the abyss anxiously.
"Blossom..." Priya dried her tears, looking toward Blossom while feeling partially relieved. "...you're ok..."
"Not  ...ungh... for long" Lance replied, his back pressed against the wall of the hole, as his feet are firmly planted on one of Blossom's vines portruding horizontally a considerable distance down the dark chasm.
"Lance is right, this hole could collapse at any second" she was nestled gently in an outcropping of vines as she was cradling an unconscious Jackrabbit Hammer in her arms.
"Dammit! My boots are too gunked up to fly down there to you guys!" Yelled back Tristan in frustration.
"M-my girl...how is Jackie?" Seamus trembled as he inched closer to the edge to look at his teammate with a terribly worried expression. "...please tell me she's all right...?"
Blossom gave him the most reassuring smile she can offer given the circumstances as she said "It's Mr. Chang, right? Well, she's still breathing, but I think she's concussed from one of the fallen rocks hitting her in the head. We need to get her medical attention immediately!"
"Well -unghhh- we can't have her shimmy up the wall" Lance winced "I'm doing all I can just to keep this -urrgghh- hole from collapsing on us any further."
Blossom glanced up at the partially frozen, muddy wall, as she fumbled with the controls on Jackie's gauntlets. Blossom pressed the button that she saw Jackie press earlier which retracted the jackhammer tips of the unconscious girl's peg legs and produced the industrial-strength springs she used to hop around.
"Tristan!" Shouted Blossom standing up with the comatose Jackie, getting the girl up on her springy legs and angling her body carefully "I'm going to make her hop up to you guys-"
"WAIT" Tristan shouted back "don't let her hop straight up, she needs to be launched at an..." Tristan paused, his lips moving soundlessly as he did the math in his head "...82 degrees angle- just lean forward a b- no, that's too far- yes, perfec-"
"NO, ya rube!" Seamus interrupted gruffly, trying to hide the tears in his eyes "ya need to account for wind resistance, lean her back a bit more! I'll catch her...please..."
"Ok, Mr. Chang, sir." Blossom smiled sweetly, obliging Seamus's instructions.
"Ungghh, Blossom?" Inquired Lance, straining against the steadily collapsing wall.
"Yes, sweetie?" Replied Blossom casually, readying Jackie's limp body for its flight.
"Your vines, rather -urghh- this wall, can't support the recoil from launching her up in the air. You do know that, right?"
"We don't have any other choice" Blossom answered resolutely "she needs to be looked after right away."
"I think I heard some of these -unghh- fallen rocks hit water down there. If we fall, actually when we fall..."
"Yes, I heard them, too."
Lance looked at Blossom with determination "...do you trust me?"
Blossom smiled as she made the springs on Jackie's legs coil tightly, before they unfurled upward, launching Jackie's unconscious body at the agreed upon angle into the arms of the relieved Seamus. As predicted, the recoil from the jump tore the vines viciously from its roots on the wall, bringing a good chunk of half frozen earth tumbling down.
In the mess of tangled leaves, clay, and ice, the two Musketeers were free-falling down toward the abyss. Lance dove quickly like a bird of prey toward the fallen Blossom. He embraced her tightly as they fell into the nearly-bottomless pit!
The cries of the panicked Musketeers aboveground barely reached their two fallen comrades as the hole started expanding and collapsing in on itself.
"Hold your horses!" Leopold yelled anxiously, firmly restraining his two friends from getting closer to the dangerous abyss "you'll fall in, too!"
*************Scene 4: The Hole***************
"Ok, Blossom" Lance was closing his eyes in deep concentration, letting his Cryokinesis reach the mystery body of water far below- hopefully faster than their bodies would physically reach it "Get ready..."
Lance somersaulted in mid-air with Blossom in tow, making himself stand upright while princess-carrying the Green Musketeer. Suddenly, a spiral of ice sprang from the dark depth of the pit, connecting perfectly with Lance's feet.
"...hold on tight!" Blossom obliged, grasping her arms around his neck closely. Lance's eyes glowed a faint blue as they widened in gleeful terror. The downward spiral they were sliding on gradually slowed down their insanely fast descent. After several dozen spirals, they were finally at a leisurely speed where they gently skidded to a peaceful stop, barely causing the water at their feet to ripple upon their intrusion.
Nonetheless, the tension and strain from this harrowing ordeal brought Lance to his knees as he groaned with exhaustion and relief. Blossom, who landed gracefully on her feet, knelt down beside Lance while tenderly caressing his cheek.
"You did it, champ!" Blossom said affectionately.
"Y-yeah..." Lance mumbled, his cheeks blushing, as he gently patted her hand away. He stood up and looked up at the far dim light up above. "...we're a long way down..."
A distant creaking sound emanated from the ceiling, just before a handful of dirt floated down to the waters below.
"It's not safe to stand here" Blossom commented, using the Lantern App on her SmartBand to look around.
Lance wiped some of the fallen dirt off his hat, only to halt his hand while touching the blue feather adorning it. He took off his hat to have a closer look.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"There's an air current here, see?" He pointed the feather gently wafting to a faint breeze "there must be another exit somewhere..."
"KZZzzshhhtt..you guys-kzzhhtt-ear me?"
The garbled voice emanating from the glowing HoloOrbs on their SmartBands startled the two Musketeers. Blossom hurriedly answered back "Tristan? Is that you?!"
"BLO-Kzzsshhhtt-ooomm!! Ar-krsssshhhh-ou Okay?!"
Blossom sighed upon hearing Priya's panicked voice "Calm down, Pri! We're all right."
"But this hole does not look safe" added Lance grimly "it could collapse at any minute. We can't risk climbing out the way we came. We have to find another way out..."
"Where wo-krrssshhtt-ind another-rsshhkkzz-ay out?!"
"Leopold, there's a faint breeze in this tunnel coming from the opposite direction of the hole" Blossom replied "we're bound to find another way out if we follow it."
"NO! It-skkshhhh-dangerous! W-whoaa-ksshhhhhSZZZzz!"
"Tristan? You ok, bro?" Lance asked worriedly. He was alerted to the noise up from the ceiling as Blossom dragged him out of the way of more falling debris.
In a few seconds, the shaft they occupied earlier was completely blocked up with mud and rocks, as the two Musketeers caught their breath in a nearby tunnel.
"Well..." Blossom cleared her throat as she stood up straight and looked toward the far end of the tunnel with the aid of her SmartBand's lantern App. "I guess we better mosey on, yeah?"
**********Scene 5: The Underworld**********
The two colourful figures roamed uncertainly through the drab and damp structures underground. The cavernous and drafty path they were walking through is not really a tunnel so much as a geometrical nightmare of collapsed buildings and concrete structures.
Lance managed to stammer an inquisitive "wh-what are those buildings?"
Blossom did not break her stride as she replied "there were many floods during the Apocalypse, many of which were strong enough to destroy numerous coastal cities lining the Atlantic."
Blossom then touched the HoloOrb on her SmartBand which caused the Lantern App's light to condense into a spotlight. The focused beam of light swiveled between the different monuments and mangled street signs, all of them belonging to various countries that bordered the Atlantic Ocean.
"The debris from across the world..." Blossom continued solemnly “...the tides pulled all of those broken pieces into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. When the Arachnae landed on Earth over a thousand years ago, they decided to build Atlantica city on top of the wreckage."
"That doesn't sound very safe..." Chimed in Lance, while looking around in the dark.
"It wasn't..." smiled Blossom "...sinkholes like the one we fell through were quite common in the early days of building the city. But eventually, they were able to stabilize the foundation to a reliable degree."
"Wow" said Lance "you sure know a lot about this stuff..."
Blossom sighed and replied "...it's kinda hard to ignore history..." She turned her spotlight toward a fallen skyscraper that may have once been a grand hotel. The light shone brightly on the mostly rusted sign with the Stylized 'E' in the logo of the 'Everglades Towers' emblazoned on it "...especially when your name keeps popping up whenever there's mentions of corruption, greed, and total disregard for basic human decency..."
"Blossom..." Lance reached out a hesitant hand towards his teammate's shoulder, only to freeze midway as his eyes see a peculiar movement "...we're not alone here..."
The ominous words hung heavily in the air between them as they both became keenly aware of a distorted space just hovering in front of the stylized 'E' on the rusted sign in front of them.
"Oh no..." Lance muttered fearfully, slowly unleashing his rapier "...not this guy again"
An impossibly white hand burst from the distorted space. The rest of the pale body followed through the distortion and floated eerily in front of them.
"So..." Blossom stood defiant and upright, taking a measure of the apparition "...that's the Phantom Musketeer?"
To say that the Phantom was glowing would be inaccurate, its body simply did not allow for a single shadow to lay its dark tendrils upon its pale form. Even in the dark depths of the underworld, the white ghostly figure was clearly visible.
Blossom took out her wooden rapier from its sheath and said "... I thought it'd be taller."
*****Scene 6: The Menacing Phantom******
Lights from the Musketeers' HoloOrbs danced wildly in the dank underground, accompanied by the distorted clangs of metal-and-wood-on-warped-dark-matter. Blossom and Lance tried to surround the Phantom, flanking it from both sides, but it was more than capable of warding them off - even overpowering them a little. The Green Musketeer took advantage of a slim opening to deliver a deadly thrust, but it was anticipated by the ghostly figure as it evaded it deftly before bringing its blackened blade down on the leafy rapier. Blossom rapier's blade broke off cleanly in the attack and she stumbled to the ground due to her unspent momentum.
"BLOSSOM!!" Lance screamed in a panic, a thick wall of ice erected itself between Blossom and their attacker.
"Lance, no!" Blossom shouted after her young friend, a twinge of anger and frustration laced her words. From beyond the wall, she can hear the distorted sounds of swords clashing and the desperate grunts from Lance.
She reached for a grenade pellet from one of the pouches of her belt, which was a bigger version of the pellets that she normally shoots from her sword's firing mechanism hidden in the hilt. She threw the grenade onto the ground, shattering it upon impact, prompting a rapidly growing cluster of huge vines! Each one was as thick as a tree trunk.
"Dammit, boy..." Blossom muttered to herself, her angry eyes smouldered with a faint green glow, as she directed the leafy tendrils with her hands to demolish the icy wall! Lance stared in awe as the vines continued their undaunting charge by slamming the Phantom and carrying it along several feet into the air, before smashing into the ruins of a toppled skyscraper.
"Whoah..." Lance exclaimed before being jerked to his feet as Blossom grabbed him roughly by the collar "B-Blossom...?!!"
"What the hell was that?!" Blossom's brow knit angrily as she spat out those words "that was stupid and reckless!"
"I-I just..." Lance stumbled on his words trying to avoid Blossom's enraged stare "...I was just keeping a p-promise..."
"A PROMISE?!" Blossom suddenly released Lance's collar from her grip, causing him to stumble and fall on his butt "what kind of promise makes you risk your life like that...and for what?! You think it's your job to rescue me or something?"
"B-Blossom" Lance stuttered nervously, slowly getting up and patting the dirt from his outfit "that's not what-"
"I don't need to be rescued!" Blossom interrupted forcefully "I know what you're doing! You're trying to be like him, but you can't! Stop trying to copy Armand, you'll never be like him-"
Blossom stopped herself in mid-sentence, her angered expression quickly changed to one of guilt and regret.
"Oh no...Lance...I didn't mean... I-I'm sorry" Blossom covered her face, backing away slowly, before turning around and running down one of the tunnels at full speed.
"Blossom! Wait!" Lance hastily ran after her.
***********Scene 7: Big shoes to fill***********
A pair of green boots stamped through ankle-deep waters covering the darkened tunnels through the underground ruins. Followed closely by a similar pair of blue boots of someone much shorter.
"Blossom" Lance panted behind the Green Musketeer, who was sprinting a few feet in front of him "w-wait up...huff..."
Blossom ignored him as she ran ahead, which prompted Lance to call out to her apologetically "look, I'm sorry! I don't know what I did that upset you...huff puff...so much...but I'm sorry!"
Blossom reached the end of the tunnel that opened up toward a wide open cavern where pipes and various tunnels protruded from all over the concrete and steel makeshift walls, spilling their liquid content in the center where a huge pool of water-like substance sort of rested at the bottom.
Noticing the precipitous drop, Blossom turned around toward the rushing Lance. As he got closer, Lance noticed Blossom's watery red eyes that looked toward him with great sorrow and shame.
"Lance, I-" her words were drowned out by a creaking sound from below her feet, as the ground groaned under her weight and finally gave out with an awful shrieking noise, dragging Blossom downward and out of Lance's sight.
"BLOSSOM!" Lance's panicked shout almost rivaled the cacophonous sounds of the fallen debris, as he sped toward the edge to look for his teammate.
"Stay back!" Blossom called out, hanging on to a protruding pipe with one hand, while her other arm dangled limply by her side.
"What's wrong with your arm?" Lance climbed carefully down the side of the cliff toward Blossom.
"I-I think it got dislocated when I fell. I can't pull myself up..." Blossom winced in pain "I told you to stay back! You'll fall, too"
"No, I won't" Lance's boots froze to the side of the cliff "I told you, I made a promise-"
Blossom's eyes widened in rage as she interrupted him "What kind of promise forces you to risk your life like an idiot?!"
In her outburst, the damp pipe in her hand started to slip away and she lost her grip on it. Lance shot his hand toward hers and grasped her arm firmly.
"The promise I made..." Lance strained as he held on to Blossom's arm “...is the same one you made! I made this promise to you, to Tristan, to Priya and Leopold!! I MADE A PROMISE TO ANYONE IN DANGER!"
"One for All..." Lance grunted, every muscle in his body tensed and coiled desperately "...AND ALL FOR VICTORRRRRYYY!!"
Lance used every ounce of his strength to pull Blossom to safety, the ice on his boots becoming thicker and spike-ier. With the Green Musketeer sitting safely in the half-collapsed tunnel, Lance slowly melted the ice anchoring him the Cliffside before pulling himself up as well. They both sat in the relative horizontal safety of the tunnel as they panted from relief and exertion.
Eventually, Lance broke the silence, looking at Blossom wistfully "I know I'll never be Armand...he's...he's someone I look up to and respect a whole lot... His are big shoes to fill..."
"But I don't want to wear his shoes! I am my own Mu5keteer! I will proudly walk in his footsteps, but at my own pace..."
"Heh..." Blossom managed to smile bitterly "you think you could squeeze in a few more walking metaphors in there?"
"Ha...I guess I've been thinking about it a lot...metaphors help me put painful things in perspective..."
"Hey, speaking of pain..." Blossom grabbed her limp arm with her functioning one, and with one sharp motion she shoved her arm back in its socket. Her shrill scream of pain lasted all of two seconds, but it packed so much agony in it.
"Oh Lord!" Lance exclaimed in shock, drawing closer toward the wincing Blossom "are you ok?!"
"M'fine..." Whimpered Blossom sheepishly, while ineffectually rubbing her recently un-dislocated shoulder.
"Kzzssshht~an you hear me~shhzzztt"
Lance and Blossom perked up upon hearing the familiar, yet static-laden, voice of Tristan coming through their SmartBands. They quickly raised the HoloOrb closer in order to hear the garbled words more clearly.
"Tristan!" Lance exclaimed "we must be close to the surface."
Blossom craned her head to look up at the ceiling of the cavern where they almost fell earlier. The ceiling was a tangled mess of girders and concrete that - just barely - allowed a dim light to trickle in from above.
"I have an idea." Smiled Blossom as she fiddled with the capsule-shooter at the hilt of her broken rapier, selecting a specific capsule containing one of her patented mutated Edan plant strains. She then aimed the firing mechanism downward toward the pool of liquid and fired of a capsule.
"I hope that's mostly water down there..."
**************Scene 8: Rosethorn*************
Lance and Blossom watched as a single, thick vine rose steadily from the waters below, thanks to Blossom's Psy-Q ability of Botankinesis. The Green Musketeer concentrated on the mutated plant below, her eyes glowing a faint emerald hue.
"Ok, get on" Blossom said as the top of the vine made its way closer to their perch on the cliff's side. It then curled up, accommodating a mostly flat surface for the two Musketeers to stand on safely.
"Now, just like what we did with the Big Bandit a few months ago" Blossom turned her head toward Lance and smiled gently "I need you to slightly freeze the water in the vine, and use your powers to stabilize it for me."
Blossom then lifted her hands dramatically, in an effort to gather concentration for her powers "I'll focus on directing it upward."
"Aye aye, cap'n!" Lance cheerfully answered as he lifted his head up toward the dim light, his eyes glowing a soft blue. Alas, his happy-go-lucky demeanor evaporated once he spotted an uncomfortably familiar ripple in the space just above them.
"Uhh...Blossom..." Lance whispered nervously, a primal fear response urging him to flee just as pure determination roots him steadfastly on the leafy green platform.
"I see it" Blossom pulled out her broken rapier from its sheath and stopped the plant from rising any further "whatever happens, I need you to keep this platform stabilized. I will deal with the Phantom."
"But, you don't -"
"Listen, before we fell in, you asked me if I trusted you." Blossom interrupted resolutely, taking her eyes off of the slowly emerging Phantom Musketeer and smiled at Lance reassuringly "now I'm asking you: do you trust me?"
Lance smiled confidently back at her and answered "always."
His smile wavered a bit as his gaze floated down toward what's left of Blossom's wooden rapier. Upon noticing his concern, Blossom chuckled bravely "haha, don't worry about it. As long as I have water..."
Blossom abruptly bent down on one knee, and in one swift movement, she stabbed the engorged vine at her feet with her broken blade. At the same time, the Phantom Musketeer floated down menacingly, his dark blade shimmer and distort the space around it madly.
"...I am never unarmed!" With another swift movement, Blossom pulled out her newly regrown blade from its wet, makeshift sheath as she blocks the Phantom's strike!
"Whoah!" Lance looked dumbfounded at the miraculously repaired blade, its edge looked even sharper than before.
"Heh, you liked that?" Blossom smirked as she expertly parried the Phantom's furious attacks "well, you're gonna love this!"
With that, Blossom's eyes flared with green fire as the rosebud decoration on the hilt of her rapier bloomed majestically. It caused the leaf-like crossguard to expand outward, the sword's handle elongated far beyond the grip size for a one-handed weapon, and the blade itself thickened and grew even longer.
Lance looked in awe as he witnessed, right before his eyes, how Blossom's wooden rapier transformed into a fearsome Zweihander, its dark mahogany blade shimmered in the dim light.
"Say hello to Rosethorn, the Everlasting Blade..." Blossom balanced the long blade in her hands and lifted it skyward "...there's nothing that she can't cut!!"
With a dramatic flourish, Blossom brought down the gigantic sword down on the Phantom Musketeer, who lifted his blade in an attempt to impede it. However, unlike their previous encounter, Rosethorn was not in the mood for any nonsense from the shifty distorted mess standing between her and the juicy, might-be-flesh of her target. Rosethorn seemed to grow bigger and stronger as Blossom's eyes glowed a brighter shade of green.
With a sound like glass breaking running through a distorted synthesizer, the ebony blade of the Phantom Musketeer cracked for a split second, before shattering in all directions like confetti! Rosethorn merrily completed her devastating arc to slash across the Phantom's chest. Instead of blood spurting from its wound, inky black tendrils sprang out eerily, accompanied by an unearthly silent screech that almost shattered the two Musketeers' eardrums.
Lance and Blossom were conflicted whether to plug up their ears to stop the noise, or to cup their hands over them to listen to it better. It was like the absence of sound made it even more deafening.
The Phantom convulsed violently, as shadows crept along its body, making his features more defined. Blossom's eyes widened in shock, staring intently while the shadows roughly sketch an anguished expression on the blank canvas of a face in front of them. The long nose, high cheekbones, and pointed chin were all too familiar to the two Musketeers; but it was Blossom who tried to reach closer with her trembling hand in disbelief.
Suddenly, a low rumbling like a distant locomotive could be hear from above. Lance looked up - while Blossom was still entranced by the Phantom's appearance - only to find the tip of two miniaturized Jackhammers pierce through the ceiling. Debris fell gently beside them as a ray of warm sunlight gently wafted through, illuminating the whole cavern below.
Blossom and Lance winced, their eyes adjusting to the harsh light, and was surprised to see the Phantom vanishing before their very eyes! They looked around incredulously, and then at each other. Blossom finally spoke, tears welling up in her eyes as her knees fell to the ground "that...that was Armand's face...wasn't it...?"
Lance hurried over and kneeled down besides her, holding her shoulders gently "I...I don't know what we saw...but we'll figure it out..."
Lance then hugged her closely, hearing her softly sob on his shoulder, before continuing "...it's what we do, after all..."
"Hahaha! There they are!" The cheerful cackle from above prompted the two Musketeer to look up toward a smiling Jackrabbit Hammer with a bandaged head while she was being lowered in a harness. "My heroes!"
"BLOSSOOOM!!" Shouted Priya, trying to dry her tears ineffectively "you're all right! Thank goodness!"
"I'm so happy you're safe" Tristan smiled wearily "not that I had any doubts, mind you..."
Leopold put a reassuring hand on both Priya's and Tristan's shoulders and just smiled silently, while watching the two prodigal Musketeers are hoisted out of the darkness of the ruins and into the light of a new dawn.
"Yes? Sorry, there's no training for today."
Zilvana called out upon hearing the soft sound of the gym door slowly opening.
"Oh, sorry...I'll come back tomo-"
"Oh, L-Lance!" Zilvana whirled toward the familiar voice "I-I didn't know it was you! Please, do come in."
Lance sheepishly entered the gymnasium and closed the door gently behind him. Zilvana looked on with great concern as she inquired worriedly "Goodness gracious! You're all bandaged up!"
Lance absentmindedly scratched at the bandages on his arms, before stopping to stroke the little tuft of hair that managed to peek out from the bandages. He nervously managed to squeak out a reply "Y-yeah, it was one crazy weekend...but listen, that's not why I'm here..."
"Then why are you here?" Zilvana asked sternly, memories of their last encounter still left hanging in the air between them.
"Zilvana...there's something I need to explain to you..." Lance said pensively "...after I became the Ice Musketeer, I began to feel that all eyes are on me... I felt like I'm always being compared to...him..."
"Lance..." Zilvana softly mumbled "...you know that's not true..."
“Of course, I do!” Lance snapped, only to apologetically add “…sorry…I do know that…but the feeling just made me defensive…I wanted to distance myself from Armand any way I can…”
Lance then looked toward Zilvana with a remorseful expression “…which included being in the fencing club…but I was wrong to use my hang up to be so rude to you…”
“Lance, you were not rude to refuse my invitation…” Zilvana replied regretfully “…I shouldn’t have pushed after you have said no…I was just…I was so impressed by how skilled you were! I felt it was a waste NOT to be in the club…”
"To be honest, I was a flattered..." Lance interjected "...I didn't have a fencing club in middle school, so I never experienced someone wanting me to join one so badly."
"Hey, now...I wasn't THAT desperate!"
"The point is..." Lance smiled "...I have to give it a chance...but...I don't think I'm ready to dive deep into the club..."
Lance looked at the excited Zilvana before continuing "...do you think we can start with a few sparring matches here and there?"
"EeEeeeeeeeee!" Zilvana squealed with glee while jumping up and down "that's all I ever wanted! Here!" She then threw some of the fencing gear lying on the ground toward Lance.
"What? Now?!"
"Oh, like you've got anything better to do!" She hurriedly put on the fencing vest, helmet and gloves "c'mon! First to ten points win! En garde!"
Lance sighed concedingly as he donned the borrowed gear carefully. He then adopted an orthodox stance while replying with a smile through the mesh of the face guard.
"En Garde."
*******The End of Chapter 4*****
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ferretandtheweasel · 7 years
Why I ship Draco and Ginny?
Seriously nobody asked for this 😂 tbh this is just my Harry Potter and Drinny journey. Also this is just me posting something to start this blog with. So, here's how everything went down:
So before anything I want y'all to know that I started reading Harry Potter at like 14? 13? (don't remember exactly). I was given the first 3 books as a gift. I was instantly hooked and finished them all pretty quickly. And because I am a slut for grey characters, Draco managed a place in my heart even when I low-key hated him (In the first two books lol). He was interesting to me because I wanted to see where his story would go? On the other hand I already had a soft spot for Ginny since Sorcerer's Stone. I had older cousins who wouldn't include me in their stuff so I found her adorbs and relatable in the first book and my sympathy for her only grew in CoS. Book 5 Ginny though, was my fav Ginny because she really put Harry in his place and hexed Malfoy. She became one of my favourite side-characters along with Luna and Neville.
Despite my love for her, like most people, Ginny ending up as Harry's main love interest definitely surprised me. JKR did a good job of convincing me though. I accepted quite easily that Harry and Ginny were endgame but before embracing Hinny, I was a believer that Rowling would make Ginny Weasley end up with Draco Malloy.
Some might ask and God, I wish there was some proper logic behind this but for some reason, my 15 year old romantic self was sold on the idea that Ginny and Draco are going to be Romeo and Juliet of the Wizarding world?
No, I don't know why I thought like this 😂😂😂 It just made perfect sense in my head at that time for Drinny to happen, I do laugh now at how cheesy I was as a teenager. I just loved thinking about the wizarding world, imaging about other characters that weren't the trio.
Anyway, so this revelation of Drinny possibly being Romeo-Juliet happened during Order of The Pheonix, Ginny hexes Draco with bat-bogey hex and for some reason I was fixated on that particular interaction in the book. I used to imagine Draco being flustered that little Weasley had hexed him, it just gave me so much thrill thinking how annoyed he would be that a girl got the best of him, I imagined him being turned on while he was mad at her, or that he would eventually get attracted to her while trying to get back at her. I just imagined them having the enemies-to-lovers sort of relationship and it just made sense.
Now let me tell you when I read Harry Potter, I lived in a small town in Pakistan, not only was internet not easily available there, it never occured to me back then to actually search for the Harry potter fandom online the few times i did get a connection, so I had no idea of "shipping" or "OTPs" and I didn't know any spoilers. So yeah I used to create scenarios in my head where Draco and Ginny would meet in the Hogwarts corridors and they would argue and have intense sexual tension, or how Draco would want to take revenge on Ginny for hexing him and it would lead to them to having an angry shouting matches which would lead to make out session etc (Yes, I am aware we call these 'headcanons' but back then I was not familiar with fandom terminology).
Anyhow, I finally get my hands on Half Blood Prince Book and lmao remember the scene where Harry is spying on Draco, and then Blaise (or someone else? Idr correctly) brings up how hot Ginny is, I was losing my shit because I was like, why else would JKR bring this up in front of Draco? I was sure that she was building up a secret romance between Drinny behind the scenes because we see stuff happeing through Harry's eyes. Yes i was connecting dots of my conspiracy theory, or at least wishing that that is what was happening.
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So y'all can now probably imagine how freakin' surprised and confused I felt when Harry got jealous over Ginny and Dean in the Astronomy tower? 😂😂😂 Like i did not see Hinny coming, it hit me like a wrecking ball... But ofcourse I accepted Hinny at the time because I also loved how tables had turned and now it was Harry who became obsessed with her, I also loved the whole "But she is Ron's sister, I thought I liked her as a sister, Ron will be so mad".
So anyway I go move on with my life and finish Deathly Hallows but ofc Harry Potter series felt like my childhood ending and I couldn't accept it. In my head, even when I had embraced Hinny, I still felt the love for Drinny and saw their potential, by this time I was finally allowed a phone. (Yeah I got a mobile phone when I was almost 16 😂) and while searching for random hp related stuff online I came across Fanfiction...
I started reading fics because I wanted to know what happened between the time when the war ended and when epilogue happened. I also wanted more answers about all the characters. However, I used to find most stories/character ooc, so I used to leave most fics in the middle and move on, very few fics could satisfy me because few writers nailed JKR's Harry.
Anyhow exploring the world of fanfics to read something that I actually like, that's when I was introduced to the giant that is dramione. Dramione introduced the idea of fanfiction deviating from actual books, so I gave them a try but then there were so many Dramione fics on Fanfiction.net but their fics pretty much very early on put me off of that ship, and then I altogether gave up on it because the disrespect to the Weasleys especially Ron was astounding to me. Also people turned Hermione into a mary-sue character in fics which also put me off. I feel like people dont know how to seperate Emma Watson from Hermione. Anyway that is a rant for another day.... So yeah, It was then when I randomly decided that maybe I should check out if anybody wrote Draco and Ginny fics and it was like magic 😍
ff.net had some great Drinny fics Some of them were post series, some of them during their Hogwarts years. Some were pure fluff others K I L L E D me with angst! I still have issues with fics where in order for Drinny to happen they show how bad/abusive Harry-Ron-Hermione are. I leave them instantly, or fics where Ginny is ashamed of being poor (i feel like she loves her parents and everything they've done for her) or fics where I find them ooc... but over all Drinny is a ship which has given me some great fics and those fics have helped me deal with personal stuff and cheered me up when I was down.
Also reading about them gave me an insight on how healthy a relationship between them can be where they can both provide each other with validation, comfort, love and passion.
Reasons why i think they work:
1) Ginny and Draco are opposites but they compliment each other rather than repel. Eg: Ginny and Draco both belong to ancient pureblood families yet the environment and ideology they grow up with completely opposite, their values are opposite even when their world is the same. That gives a lot of foundation for both of them to learn from each other.
2) Ginny is fierce, talkative /bubbly (Ron mentions how it's strange that she's quiet around harry because usually she won't shut up), stands up for those she feels are being unfairly treated (Luna, Neville), she's quite popular as harry realises in year 6 that she has her own friends, she even gets invited to the "slug club"... I think this works so well with Draco who hides his emotions, is under control of his feelings... He's also somewhat of a bully in early years which just goes so well because can you imagine how explosive their encounters would be in the great hall? Draco saying mean things to Ginny just to wind her up and her reacting and never backing down. I think Ginny is really one of the only ladies who can match him inch by inch and call him out on his bullshit. Maybe wind him enough to lose control even.
3) They both play quidditch, can you imagine the friendly rivalry? That is one thing they can bond over, they can also bond over their ancient families and their respective experience of growing up in wizarding world post voldemort... It can be similar and different. They really have the potential to be attracted like magnets. Sorry dramiones, but the angst and enemies to lovers that Drinny delivers... No other hp ship does it for me.
So yeah guys Drinny is my guilty pleasure and I think Draco and Ginny could have worked out really well as a couple but off course I understand that JRK wasn't writing a romance 😂. There is just so much to explore in their dynamic though and I am glad for all the fanfics and fanarts are out there because they really satisfy my curiosity and love for them.
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The toddler looking to be about 4 years old in a blue t-shirt and no pants is Issaiak Jueronup Kattluauti.
He was told by Douglas Shaw, my classmate from 4th grade, 6th grade, same school for the years between including 7th and 8th. To suck his dice and Issaiak said no. So he said "let me suck yours" and he said no.
And so Doug otherwise known as Alex bashed him over the head with a hammer, a ball pin hammer. There should be skull indentions.
In 1992 I inspected his skull with him. I had lived in Texas. He had lived in Minnesota. I remember he said "is it always this cold?"
And i asked him "what do you mean? I thought you were from far away (up north)?"
And he said "what i mean is, i could get used to this"
He died in Texas, his body carried by gocart through the tubes until he got to a little known place in New Mexico that was small and dark, not alot of human traffic or from cars either. And he built his own tunnel and buried the bodies between the concrete building foundation and the concrete gas chamber foundation.
He used the gas chamber frequently for insurance fraud, him and his father. So between that smell and the natural bowling alley smell of grease and smoke from cigarette smoking patrons, the bodies wouldn't smell so much to be noticed. Especially with Lyme.
The list of the 36 isn't the men who were in the gas chamber with Bobby. Those were his friends. His friends that for one day came to back to life to be with him. To help him do what he thought was the bravest thing anyone could do. Die.
36 lives that broke my heart and his. And Blue/Byron who was spelling it as Brian, took in under his wing to help when they needed it most.
And they all have met my twin sister whom died in June of 2019.
And they all knew and watched over Bobby. As best they could.
Bobby didn't know. He says "I thought they were real"
They are. Ghosts have cell phones, too. And they work just like ours.
All those 36 are buried in that clay sand between the bowling alley and the gas chamber. And Bobby provided a list of all those children.
They were brutally sexualized and beaten. I talked about one time of my young friend whom kept me company after Denise had killed my grandfather, he kept me from drinking bleach in attempts to kill myself, which for some reason never worked.
Alex had told me want he had done to this little boy and threatened to do it to me. And I was going crazy wondering if he had hurt a child. I was listening to megadeth and pacing my carpet. Very energized and ready to fight and I kept wondering "but was it even true?"
And I heard a little voice strained. Sounded like he'd been choked to death and he said "hi, well ill tell you?"
And I asked if he could because his voice sounded to strained and I asked if he was sick.
And he showed me the gocart strewn over Devins knees was his body (Devin was murdered shortly after high school graduation in a jail cell because he had been pulled over and injested all of his drugs immediately and it was far too much. We were in the same grade. 6th) and Dusty was standing along with Alex in the back.
And he said "not yet but I'm about to be, I don't know what they will do with my body, please help"
And so I put him back in his body and he grabbed the steering wheel and wrecked the gocart. He told me "that didn't help, they just start beating me"
So I yelled "help! I need help! I'm a little girl!" Into the tunnel and it echoed. Devin and Alex went off on the slide to find me. They drove the gocart up instead of using the down slide. Which was available a mile south.
So Dusty laid him in the back and drove to Belen and began to dig the hole for his body.
I brought him to life several times but Dusty kept grabbing him and holding him still while he dug "I'll just bury you alive, I'm not like those other too. You're too small for me to beat you"
He cried and said he wanted his mommy and I told him he was in luck. His mom would die too if he kept hanging around me. And a year or two later, she was brutally sodomized, raped and killed.
She is on the southern grave. In a pink tutu. Age two. His soulmate who was to be the mommy of his kids. Her name is Jaunargia Laquitazio Apujatu.
His parents and hers are still living. They need to contact Los Lunas Police Department and ask to speak with the police chief. So they may gather the remains. They would like to be buried together and I will apply financial assistance of the Community Welfare Department.
They would like to be buried in South Africa. They would like to go home where they're no longer slaves or mistreated due to the color of their skin.
It was 6 weeks before I even asked why they had done what they done to him. I already accepted people did bad things. I was about comforting him and talking to him and helping him not feel lost or abandoned or hurt. And sad.
He said "well because I'm black, duh"
I was shocked. I said "are you sure? How do you even know that your black?"
"Because I go to school (day care) and the teacher always goes "you're one of them black kids, be good or else""
I asked "well don't they have any other black kids in Minnesota?"
And he said no. It was like my school. Just two or three in each room.
He went to school with me and categorized me "different than other kids because other kids were happy and genuinely loved their parents"
He did alot of research.
He says he was "like a little lost sheep - black of course"
And he said I was most like the kids that abandoned him in the dirt, but nice of course and wanted to know why they were afraid of me and why I would make them stop if I knew what hid on behind closed doors.
That is when he met Byron. Because I only cried. And Byron told him the truth, that I was an orphan and my entire family either stolen or stolen and murdered and how Denise is bad. And how I had legal parents only.
He said that the other adopted kids he had found at least tried to like their parents that had adopted them
I said i did!
He said "but not really. Only lightly"
He said thathe found out that i saved all my love for my real parents and that was why I was different. That i didn't want anyone "fake" in my life. And he said it was a struggle to find that out.
He said he wondered for 8 months if he had been taken from a bad place to Hell where I was. Because he knew it certainly wasn't Heaven.
I told him "well its Earth! You certainly didn't go anywhere but down the street!" And I apologized for it being so bad but i did tell him I wanted to be his friend.
"Well I'm stuck here so well all I know to do is be okay, like you. Nothing more. Nothing less. Because i certainly am not happy without my true love"
I told him to see her, and he said he did but left her to sleep. And she went to sleep earlier than I. And he went back to her in the morning to wake her up so she could be happy.
But he said the happiest that he could feel wasn't happy at all. It was just surviving.
I told him he was one smart kid.
That made him feel good. Happy. It was and still is the truth.
So those 36 bodies were murdered brutally in filth by 6th and 7th grade boys. One per week. 76% are African American.
So it wasn't a mass suicide. It was simply the souls of those bodies coming back to life one more time to help a fellow injured soul find happiness in his death. It was a gift from the Gods and Heavens above.
Currently they are with their murderers and accomplises in the tunnels below the airport. And they are physically able as any grown adult in physical form and more capable than me being as damaged as my body is.
As they do not and cannot rest due to what those "children" did to them. They have peace.
RIP? I used to tell him... RIP little dude. And he would call me an old bitch. I would tell him "well its naptime!"
He forbade me to ever say it. He said "i will not rest until that scumbag is beneath the earth meeting his maker in the worst Hell i can imagine and all his friends, too, to boot!"
There is no rest for many. There are hundreds of spirits there. What we would call "poltergeist" as they have the ability to do things that no one else can -- be a ghost only and move things and be of physical form while still not having a body or someone being able to touch or see them.
Issaiak told me once "i ain't no Casper!"
And i laughed because I didn't want to call him dumb or throw it in his face that He was dead.
And then he told me everyday for 6 weeks. "I ain't no Casper but I guess ill play with you" we would read books or i would draw him pictures or he would ask me to mail a letter or card to his lovely.
And i did.
And it wasn't until he explained to me that people where he's been from had called white people Casper because of the KKK's outfits. I didn't realize he said it to category black between white.
And he told me that Minnesota was still segregated then and now in 2020 he tells me it still is. And it starts in the schools.
Defund the schools while y'all are defunding the police. The schools are the worst place for any child of color or not, but even worse for children of the darker skin.
I write this so you know that Bobby was royal. And so y'all know that you're waiting for a loved one from the dead, its gonna happen. First they must save us. They must save us.
Because they know we can't save them and we can't even save ourselves.
So id like my friends that i made after they were buried/brutally slain to be buried where they would like with a lovely large gothic tombstone taller than a man. Of marble and steel. With their names and BD and DOD. And you may add "little stars of Bethlehem" and please add "thank you" before the star part.
Then if Sugar Lane would be okay of it, the shirts the children of the man who owned it before the brother did, if there were a statue to be made of an eagle in a fire... Like on their shirts and a list of those that have lain there beginning in 1992. I think that would be really nice. I hear the sister/daughter and her husband are very wonderful people and their shirts were just about perfect to make a memorial with.
I am sorry their building burned. But i want them to know that Bobby chose it not because he knew they were buried there but because he knew of the abductions of children and the human trafficking that occurred there at Sugar Lane Bowl.
And he wants it to stop. The pain for children. Kidnappings and brutal assaults and he wants me to stop crying. And he knew the building was damaged beyond repair. But its because it was the HQ for child abductions in the 1960s through 1970s and beginning in 1980s for sexual assaults and kidnapping for sexual predators whom bought the children then in the 1990s, a site to pick up random individuals by human traffickers for the sex rings where people were forced to have sex with each other and paying customers.
She knows she's nothing like her brother nor her father and that is because she was stolen from her childhood home as well.
I hope she gets all the help She and her family needs. And I hope that they're doing just fine and well. And we can use the Community Welfare Department funds to pay her insurance deductible if Bobby didn't make financial assistance arrangements and if they allow a memorial statue then the funds will pay for that as well.
A nice large Garden like walls and roof made to do karate outdoors with solar panels to create heat and cool air can also be arranged. Nature doesn't grow well out here so something natural and hopefully in the future something will grow joyously in the soil to make it like a true Garden.
I would think any town of Bethlehem would need a Garden of Eden. Wood flooring and wooden walls shaped like tree trunks and branches which come over and hug each other. Like Tondre Road. But wooden. Maybe some concrete. Then vines grow to fill in the spaces. Natural light filtering between the faux branches and also spotlights for nightime.
A small snacking area of tree stumps and a little fridge that had fairies around it like magic.
A rounded glass for the north and south if enclosing is necessary. Glass that can slide to the east and west.
And a large playground with trees overhead for shade and premium lighting like the Becker street has. Beautiful street lamps to enlighten the park.
And a state of the art security system so no one ever gets hurt at that location again.
Bobby knew I would give back his money, only using what I needed. I know Bobby needs to do this. Not for punishment. Because his heart is so protective and loving and forgiving.
And if they could forgive him, he would like to pay.
He left me 90% of every thing he owns. All his cash. His houses. Cars. Trucks. In 2008 I promised if "life were reoccurring" if reincarnation existed and he somehow found me and had all the proof i needed, i would give him back 75% of what he left me.
He asked me "what proof"
I told him "my heart will know"
"So you don't know you're just telling me that you're willing to? Don't worry about it. I can just make more. Or go on welfare. That would be fun. Here tie my shoe"
I pulled his laces on his boots the way id seen him do for many days and tied it up tight. He asked me why I had. Why i had gotten on the floor and tied his boot.
I said "because i could"
He said he had only Asked because his back was hurting and i had teased him the day before about it being such a struggle he had to rest. A couple of days later he did buy sandals as i had recommended when I teased him which he wore with socks.
Big nerd.
Anyway my accountant will get with accountants and figure out how to help their karate business really get kicking it..
And what those BNSF railroaders really need is a nice local low priced general store close to the train depot. And I think they would know just the place. It just needs a little over haul.
Like some graffiti bodega of a small city. Or a little market with the rounded windows of the Little Hondrous Mexican place. Double panes and glazed to keep the air in cool or the air in comfortable warm. Some solar paneling and some better lighting. And of course registers and counters and shelving. Some meats and breads and some homemade food to go. A small deli/kitchen and a real dine counter in the back. Like the Mexican market in the old Blockbuster in Los Lunas. But instead of Mexican because Pete's makes amazing chile rellanos and good food, some country food. Like okra and collard greens and mac and tuna casserole and some old fashioned picnic food. May be even sell some picnic baskets to go.
That place on Becker. The entire Avenue feels so alive. So different than any other street,I used go just cry when i would drive in that area after moving here to New Mexico.
Until today i did not remember where those bodies were buried. I got in many fights there on Becker. I've had to hide and shield and run and tree says they gave me aid one night when I got really wounded and I was crying in my hiding place.
And so to pay back their kindness. I offer them ideas and a willingness to help fund. A small percent.
That night in February 1994 it was so cold and unexpected. Texas was so warm and I was so angry i had forgot my coat. I was just in a tank top and jeans. Dusty had broken my neck. Killed me dead. So my mommy woke me and told me to hide up against the bowling alley and i argued in a loud whisper "this place is BAD! I need to run and find some place else!"
And the sister/daughter and her then boyfriend had came out with the trash and i hid in the dark from the light and she said "oh you know what? Im going to smoke. Don't wait up"
And she confessed to me he beat her. I told her "just uh... A few minutes. Let me fix my neck and here uhh ill help you"
"Here use this" she handed me a broken pin hidden behind the air conditioner. She just placed it on top. "When you're ready. Ill leave the door open for you"
She knew what i was doing. Trying to save those kids. And she told me "you feel like I feel. He beats me, too. If you ever need help, just let me know"
And i told her i would help her. She helped me hide the body in a dummy waiter. I healed him 3 days later. While I stood next to him, she was scared. Didn't know what to do because he would stink. So i held the pin, healed him and let him out. "You need to leave here and never come back"
I beat him once a week. I couldn't best Dusty or 3 on one but I could beat him and i did, after 3 months he left. Alive. Never has she seen him again.
I did though. He moved into my neighbourhood in Texas. And i had him killed then. But Dusty took him to the hospital and had him put in a medical coma. He was executed this morning in the gas chamber. He had a glass eye. Because I hit him so hard with a baseball bat that his eyeball popped out. They couldn't reattach it.
I saw him a couple of years ago. About 5 years ago. He looked at me from his truck while I was in mine. And I got scared. I was so scared for days. I had to leave my house with my daughter after trying to sleep under her bed because of my heart condition, it wouldn't calm down and I needed sleep and I was a royal mess and I spent 3 nights in a hotel in Albuquerque. Because I couldn't settle the fear he caused me in my own home.
I'm not scared of him now. I've built myself up against him. But he was terrifyingly scary.
Now knowing I had to save her and not understanding why she couldn't do it herself but just accepting it. Only understanding that Dusty whipped me. Now I know the intimidation he gave her.
His twin is still alive and is a POS. But he just died and I'm glad someone finally listened.
His name isn't listed with the 36. Nor are the other 30 with him. They don't deserve recognition. Only tattle to tell that horrible people have left and the world is a bit safer.
They were in an adjacent gas chamber, different than the 37.
Anyway we all know she's a good lady and i think we can help her out on old Becker. Tree drew the architecture of what I said and can deliver it to her and her husband for consult. He's just emailed it. He's said.
Its been a long day for many of us.
Again i thank the many fire fighters I hope a ladder and slide of a fire truck like photographed this morning is included. Something sustainable and something elegant and mature.
I'm a hero
But I also need heros
So thank you to all that have been one.
To me, especially but also to others
I've spoken about 36 children and young adults that were smaller and weaker. Ones no one in,the world were able to save.
No one. Not one person. No one. Not even me.
And Lord knows i tried and I died doing it.
7.12.2020 ended the nightmares of so many. Bodies have been found and can be put in a home of their choice.
That is one of the best gifts from anyone and that came from Bobby and our two friends that ran out when told to.
Bobby could not had done it without those 36 dead supporting him.
Always do be careful of the dead. Many like to have friends. In Okmulgee at Dripping Springs there's a woman on the dock area in the camping section. She's so strong and she always always tries to get people to drown to be with her. But they always leave her she says. She's just a 3 year old girl. She does a magical lure and all that she can. Everything but mean. She's scary because she's so tempting. 835 people she's gotten to play but she's only drowned 8. In 462 years. Little like her that panicked that they forgot how to swim. I am terrified to go on that dock. In that water i will not swim. She's too sweet. I'm always too tired. So be careful.
This was different with Bobby. He didn't know that they were dead. And he claims they certainly didn't seem like it.
I believe him. But i also know its true.
They were dead. Dead nearly 30 years.
I forgot what started this post. But I'm done now. My back hurts and I'm tired.
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0225pm · 7 years
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the sweetest!!!!!!
in all honesty it has been some time since i last ever received something like this from han and it makes me feel so frikin happy!!!!! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
han came over to fetch me today and i made him wait for a long ass time before i went down all bc i couldn’t decide on what to wear. hahahahaha i know u shouldn’t dress to impress or whatever but idk man i just like dressing up and looking good for han as well as for my own confidence??? in a way, it’s kinda like killing two birds with one stone bc if i think i look good, it makes me feel good too. also my makeup didnt look too shabby either!! except, it only looked good in the beginning but as the day goes by my makeup looks like a wreck hahaahah when la will the day come when i finally will be confident enough to step out of the house with just some lip gloss and maybe drawn on brows hais i think never HAHAHAHAA
OK then we went to tampines hub since han has been mentioning that he wanna check the hub out so i’m like ok let’s go then!! after which we went to the new giant library to look around for a bit. han said it’s the largest library in the east??? which tbh i think it’s true bc they have up to 6 levels and they’re all spacious af!! and there are plenty of sockets for y'all to charge ur mobiles/laptops while studying, etc. before going in the library there was this giant touchscreen board of advertisements of events that the library is hosting and i saw one about parents and babies idk if it’s some exercise or something so i asked han over to come see and he was like “but we don’t have a baby??” and i was like “i am ur baby what” HAHAAHHA and he gave me the L for lame so taik!!!! anyway the library's rly quite lovely so we decided to spend some time just chilling on the sofa seats for a bit. before that i was looking around the shelves for interesting books that i could maybe read for a bit and borrow. i found 4 titles but ended up only borrowing one.
around 6+ we decided to make a move and grab some dinner. han asked me what i wanted to eat and my throat was craving for something unhealthy like some fried chicken or just something meaty and he was like,
han: unhealthy???? have we even ate anything that’s healthy LOL u don’t even eat salads me: hahaahahaha noOooOo i mean like fast food or bread or pizza la han: bread????? me: yaaaa kinda like subway or smth and what i mean by healthy is like “normal” food at food court etc
damn taik rly but it’s true la since when have we even ate anything truly healthy HAHAHAAHAHHA but wtvrrrr ok then we ended up eating at kfc bc i rly wanted to try the spicy drumlets!!!!!
honestly at the first bite i thought that it was rlyyy spicy but after awhile it wasn’t as spicy as the first bite for some reason??? idk why but ya maybe my tongue got kinda used to the spiciness after awhile or something so the spiciness was quite tolerable!!!
and then we went to daiso bc i needed to get more sponges which i use mainly for dabbing on foundation. i stopped using beauty blenders for a really long time already cus i felt like it wasn’t v hygienic to use everytime + idk i just feel like i can feel and see the bacterias still crawling around even after washing it clean. i’m quite a messy and gross person but i became v sensitive to facial hygiene especially after my crazy breakouts started happening when i reached adulthood wtf man i want to cry just thinking about it urghHhjjh!!!!!! but ya i decided that disposable sponges would be a better choice even tho i’m destroying the earth even more :(
then han sent me home!!!! and we played two rounds of ml tgt while i stole some wifi from my own house LOLLLL
alsoooo we’re meeting again for a movie tmr! hopefully our plans will follow through bc i won’t be able to see him on friday since i have closing shift on that day. what a bummer but das ok!!!! he prolly need to rest and take a break from seeing my face also haahhaahha so annoying
okkkk it’s 3:14am now and i’m tryna poop but i can’t so i think i’m gonna play maybe 1 or 2 rounds of ml before i sleep while waiting for my hair to dry a lil. goodnight!!!
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