#this is from the video they tweeted of tomorrows episode
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demadogs · 11 days ago
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#cult leading shoplifter
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dnpbeats · 4 months ago
I have this vision its not even a dream its like sth I feel has happened or might happen...it's them playing that dating game again or another version of it and reading the q "who kissed who first". And dan looking straight into the camera and saying "don't pretend you don't know". Then they both laugh and move on to the next one
LMAOOOOOO NO 💀😭 honestly the only reason I think that wouldn’t ever happen is bc there are ppl who wouldn’t know and I don’t think d&p would wanna prompt ppl going to find out lmao
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doomalade · 2 years ago
Me and Jaune Arc
Strap in, this is gonna be a long one.
I have a very conflicted feeling about Jaune Arc. As a character I can see a great potential for very interesting story telling and for some nice and sweet and cute moments with other characters.
On the other hand, I see an empty husk that is used like a dirt-covered puppet being slapped against a wall making the loudest and most annoying sound imaginable.
I do not want to view him as the latter. I want a Jaune Arc who stands as a character defying toxic masculinity through caring for others, being vulnerable, and standing up for what is right. Jaune Arc shows Cardin, his bully, that there are ways to be strong other than beating down on others. To have forgiveness towards him while also remaining firm that the way he was behaving wasn't acceptable.
Jaune Arc trains and bonds with Pyrrha Nikos, his closest and most trusted partner as they form a romance that is tragically stripped away from both of them. As he grieves the loss of the woman he loves, he does so with Ren and Nora and learns to find love once more through his teammates and friends. To not forget Pyrrha, but to move to a healing phase of his grieving process.
Jaune Arcs remains confident that one day he will see Team RWBY once more no matter how much the Cat mocks him and tells him otherwise. He remains strong because his love and care for those around him are strong, and he will do what it takes to be there to fight along their side against Salem.
Jaune Arc in my AU struggles with those themes of toxic masculinity, grief, and overcoming his anger and hatred for a better tomorrow. The lesson is to lay down your sword to embrace instead of kill.
That is the Jaune Arc I want to see. That is the characterization of Jaune Arc I love. The one that nerds out with Ruby over the newest video game. The one that doesn't stop sparring and training with Yang to make Pyrrha proud, even if she isn't there with him anymore. The one that hugs and embraces Weiss as she cries on his shoulder. The one that holds the hands of Ren and Nora and tells them that he will always love them. The one that assures Oscar that he is his own person and that he is a good person at that.
That is the Jaune Arc, I don't see. I don't get that. It saddens and frustrates me beyond belief.
Instead, I get a narrative parasite.
The Jaundice Arc in V1 takes up nearly 3 times as much time as the previous time of team RWBY forming. It often regarded as one of the worst parts of V1 if not the show and I don’t think I’m alone in the thought process that it is bad and annoying.
The VA of Jaune is known to have tweeted the N-Word, gone on record describing his bi gf at that time kissing another girl as “hot for him to watch”, has cuddled with a body pillow of a canonically 16 Ruby Rose, and a whole heaping pile other forms of bigotry, slimy and gross behavior, and the overall corruption in Rooster Teeth.
Pyrrha can be argued to have been fridged for the development for Jaune, something that Ren and Nora barely take a part in, and would not be the last woman character to be killed or harmed to further Jaune’s character (Weiss and Penny).
His aura amp can heal someone, but instead he was made to kill Penny for the second time. This guilt continued into V9, once more adding onto him being seen as having another female character fridged.
Also in V9, one meant to be focused on RWBY and specifically Ruby, he once more takes the spotlight with a rivalry against the Cat, Alyx once more being another fridged character, and gaining seemingly more sympathy from WBY rather than Ruby who the previous episode just took her own life.
Addition of a joke of him enjoying seeing the Bees kiss, while being 30-40 years old, and as previously mentioned in the part about Miles, this the fetishization of a bisexual woman (Blake, who is voiced by Arryn, Miles’ ex gf who he made that comment about).
Also the joke about Weiss’ daddy issues.
He takes up screen time, has caused 4 different women to be fridged or near fridged, and highlights the creepiness of Miles and RT.
This is a Jaune Arc I hate. I am revolted by this character.
I love Jaune Arc.
I hate Jaune Arc.
My feelings on him are already very divisive, so please do have patience with me as I get into this next part.
Jaune Arc is an empty shell.
His character “development” boils down to, beat bully, cry about Pyrrha, cry about Penny, cry about Alyx, done.
Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong.
So, Jaune is an empty shell. Like Cardin, someone you might see from my other posts that I enjoy writing because he is an empty shell. Let me explain.
Empty shells are great for writing in my view because it allows for exploration and creativity. Think Minecraft in a sense. There are no limits to what you can do, the wide open land is your sandbox to play in. I can take the generic bully character and either work through a redemption arc or double down and make him even worse in his habits. I can have a hero and a villain. I can go in so many different directions with him as a character.
This also applies to Jaune, as said earlier, I can have him explore topics like toxic masculinity, love, friendship, leadership, and all sorts of things in any direction I can imagine.
The characters are blocks of clay and I can sculpt them how I want.
So you can understand my frustration when I look to other people to see what they have sculpted and I just see the block of clay left as it is. Bland, generic, nothing of note.
That is how I feel about Jaune Stans, especially on Tumblr.
Take a look through the Jaune Arc tag and tell me what you find.
Did you answer “mostly short blips of Jaune being with a random woman with colored names and it’s weirdly always sexual for some reason?”
If not, then I envy you.
I enjoy a couple of them, especially the Nora’s Arc ones. I like Nora’s Arc because it raises questions about loving after loss and breaking away from predetermined loves or paths of life.
A few of them have Elizabeth from Bioshock. I don’t understand why to this day.
Point I’m making here is that they all seem to blend together right?
Blocks of clay all lined up in a row. There are no new ideas, no original concepts, nothing to grasp onto. Just jokes about sex I guess? Don’t mind that these more lewd posts aren’t tagged as such not filtering them out from those who do not wish to see such content.
Here’s the extra thing, these blocks of clay also have pieces of sharp metal sticking out of them. Reducing female characters to sex objects for Jaune to “conquer”. His dumb and goofy failing at flirting? Yeah that’s in character. The 15+ women that suddenly start to beg to have his children?
Believe me, I am not against smut. I have an entire blog dedicated to it (which the Jaune Stans avoid and comment on my main for some reason?)
It’s an incel’s wet dream over and over and over.
I point out that the two and only lesbian characters shouldn’t be into a man. What I get in return is being called fat, pathetic, and attacked by 10+ random accounts I never interacted with before.
Like they were waiting for a chance to go at anyone who dared to question their dear old Jaune.
Their response to never having Jaune with a guy or having him be with a lesbian? “I’m not homophobic, I watch gay porn.”
The response to having women reduced to objects for Jaune? “I have a mom” (congrats, so do I)
These people getting so feral that I ask “hey why are these things boring, all the same, and dripping in bigotry and slime?”
So you know what?
Fuck Jaune Arc.
Clearly his character is a magnet for incels who cannot fathom that fictional women wouldn’t like their favorite character.
That couldn’t comprehend a poly relationship outside “haha like cuck stuff right???”
That view WLW ships as “invalid” and “oh but they’re into Jaune”
All of you Jaune Stans. Leave your computers, go outside, leave the basement, work out, get some sun, drink water, seriously stop. Stop being a slimy parasite that people will now look at you and ultimately conclude that Jaune is the same.
I once loved Jaune.
I am revolted.
Like the Bee Stans with BB, you have ruined this for me.
Do you feel good about yourselves? Have you ever even felt the touch of a woman? Do you accept BB to save face because of the clear hatred and avoidance you have for queer ships?
Jaune Arc is a parasite. All of my enjoyment has been sucked out and drained.
So thank you for that.
This is the last I’m saying on the matter.
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Nicki Minaj wanted to delete the internet—and with good reason. In July, a deepfake video of her went viral on Twitter. “What in the AI shapeshifting cloning conspiracy theory is this?!?!!” she tweeted after a fan brought the clip to her attention. A Billboard-charting rapper known for her sometimes extreme outspokenness online, Minaj had not given consent to use her likeness and responded with a characteristic blend of fury and farce. “I hereby abolish the internet. Effective @ 0900 military time tomorrow morning,” she continued. “BON VOYAGE BITCH.”
The clip in question was from an episode of Deep Fake Neighbour Wars, an eccentric mockumentary-style show that broadcasts on ITV in the UK and lampoons celebrity culture. In the video, Nicki and Tom (as in actor Tom Holland) are depicted as a working-class couple who return from their honeymoon to find their next-door neighbor, Mark Zuckerberg, asleep on their sofa. The sheer ridiculousness of the video was not lost on Minaj—hence, “I hope the whole internet get[s] deleted!!!”—but its release does pinpoint an unsettling trend taking hold online. The video belongs to an emerging genre of AI-generated media that capitalizes on the disfigurement of race and gender.
Of the many issues at stake amid the AI gold rush, from ethical concerns to ownership rights, perhaps the most terrifying is the purposeful distortion of our very selves. Some experts in generative AI anticipate that the majority of internet content may be “synthetically generated” by 2026. ​​One industry where this shift will have major implications is in Hollywood, where actors and writers are currently striking to ensure AI can’t have too heavy a hand in the visual entertainment the town exports.
In this time of fixed spectacle, the marvel and mystery of visual media are inherent. Our eyes chase awe. We sometimes greedily seek it. Its thrills and intoxications. We obsess over the possibility of what we might see in the reflection of our digital screens. We obsess over what gateways might open inside of us. That AI could further warp our understanding of race by slowly scraping the fundamental soul from our visual identities, onscreen and online, especially in social domains where the mutation of identity has gotten easier, is no small matter.
This moment is primed for bot-driven cultural theft, says Zari Taylor, a doctoral researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who specializes in digital studies. “Ownership of one’s image is something that has been tremendously lost as internet media and celebrity culture has grown,” she says. “We have become so accustomed to accessing the likeness and image of celebrities and socialites in traditional media and online, that we don’t blink twice when we trade our own data for ‘free’ access to social media platforms. Giving away ownership of our image, and taking the image of others, is not questionable but quotidian.”
The business of cultural theft was, and remains, a lucrative pastime. Minstrel shows were once the most popular form of entertainment in the United States, and although they fell out of public favor more than a century ago, their grotesque codes and customs have endured in other ways, in large part, because of the monetary appeal. “Blackfishing raised their profile as influencers, to the detriment of actual Black women,” University of Alabama professor Robin M. Boylorn wrote in 2020 of the Kardashian-Jenner family, who today are worth a combined $2 billion. In America, the commodification of Black identity is all in a day's work.
Left unchecked, the visual culture of entertainment is headed into a phase of post-authenticity, a period where artificial media will have an even more damaging impact on how culture is made, represented, and sold. Like the video of Minaj and Holland, these skewed and skewering visuals, as they grow in intensity through advertising campaigns and marketing efficiency, are a reminder that the present is the future: a constant, ferocious collapse of the real into the unreal, an ungovernable reality where the remixing of stereotypes is not only accepted but big business.
To make a product viable in the marketplace, one must first test it, and that is where the world currently sits: The borderless commercialization of AI is in full swing. The thing is, as generative AI tools continue to adapt and scale, the commercialization of them will find root in a culture already poisoned by racial division and gender imbalance. “If everything is mediated on screens anyway, who can tell what is actual truth?” Taylor says. “The technology that we create will never be neutral.” 
Still, Lori McCreary tells me she is cautiously hopeful about what’s unfolding in the AI space. A former computer scientist, McCreary founded Revelations Entertainment with the mission of fusing “artistic integrity with technological innovation.” Since 1996, and alongside her cofounder Morgan Freeman, she has produced a slate of movies and TV projects that includes everything from Invictus to The Story of God and the Emmy-nominated miniseries Through the Wormhole. She views generative AI as just another tool, but one with drawbacks.
“The main strength of generative AI is ironically also its biggest weakness,” McCreary says, “namely, that it is heavily based on pre-learning an existing data set, and most data sets—including the entertainment industry’s history of films and content—are inherently biased.” In her formulation, “bias has ‘inertia,’ and through [AI’s] tendency to learn and emulate previous examples, its systems tend to propagate that bias forward into the future, despite our best efforts to avoid this built-in phenomenon.”
She shares one example: “If you ask a generative AI system to give you some Academy Award-worthy plotlines, it will go through millions of pieces of data and find trends—from Hollywood’s movie history—of mostly white leading actors in mostly white-centric stories. So the AI will then amalgamate what it observes has been ‘award-winning’ content in the past.” This, she says, “can easily propagate past biases well into the future, creating yet further inertia in that direction.”
What this momentum engenders is a dangerous disparity in how and whose stories get green-lit. That’s not to say that imbalance doesn’t already exist—Hollywood’s earliest pictures were riddled with prejudice, and the industry still suffers from racial conservatism—but what the commercialization of generative AI portends is something deeply uncontrollable. Already we are witnessing the poisonous churn of racial and gendered masking across TikTok and Twitter, where bigotry is rewarded with virality. On YouTube, celebrities are rendered in a brutish hue of exaggeration for shits and giggles. All around, cultural distortions amplify in whispers and roars.
Look. I get it. I grew up on the internet. I welcome its penchant for parody, its love of the uncanny. I have always understood it as a playground for unlimited imagination, where the random and unexplained luxuriate in meme form. What I fear, however, is that our playfulness in matters of difference will evolve into IMAX-ready deceit. I fear that our laughter will bend toward manipulation and into something much uglier, only to be turned against us. The full-scale politicization of generative AI is already here.
At its most menacing, the mass adoption of AI tools is a mass adoption of the biases they absorb and perpetuate. In doing so, we grant the wrong dogmas credibility. We arm them. We deepen our unhealed wounds of division and otherness. Without safeguards, this new minstrelsy will produce the inverse effect of the post-racial fallacy peddled during the Obama years. Race and gender inequities will not vanish so much as infect the visual vernacular of everything we watch, share, and learn from. This new minstrelsy will color all that we accept as real and dare us to challenge it.
Consider the context. Generative AI is taking hold at a time that has lent itself to comic artificiality. This is happening as Black TV execs are exiting top studio positions despite corporate promises for more inclusion, as the US Supreme Court believes race has no bearing on one’s social rank, as women, in several states and countries, do not have the right to their bodies, as queerness is outlawed and retrograde whiteness wears the mask of victimhood. To expect no cultural repercussions of the AI boom to unfold in soil so perfectly fit for its sly manipulations would be lying to yourself.
Minstrel shows were profoundly harmful to the fabric and development of Black life—but they were also, first and foremost, a business. AI has the potential to enable the same evils on a much larger scale, and everyone will play a role in legitimizing its reach. “The conversation around generative AI and robbing people of ownership of their image is really a money conversation,” Taylor says. “The Nicki Minaj and Tom Holland clip is clearly fake, but used because they are celebrities. Would they both be OK with it if it came with a check?”
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kittenwalker · 2 years ago
I had the idea of evan and actress reader reading tons of thirst tweets together. Just saw a lot of videos and thoughy it would be nice with evan too omg. You can chose if you wanna write with both or not.
notes : this is very short and shitty but I had a hard time writing the speech and actions together so like yea just a little blurb :) Also evan and reader are just best friends. Enjoyyy
“ Alright ready? “ the producer asked. Y/n looked in the mirror and touched up her hair a bit before nodding her head. “ Okay action! “ The cameras started rolling as Evan introduced himself first. “ Hey Buzzfeed, I’m Evan Peters with the lovely Y/n Y/l/n and today is another ungodly episode of thirst tweets. These are actually going to traumatise me. “ He laughed and slid a hand over his face. “ Don’t worry you’re not alone “ Y/n patted his back, both of them making sad pouting faces. 
“ Oh don’t make them think we kidnapped you here and forced you two to do this! “ One of the crew members shouted from behind, making everyone burst out laughing, lighting up the atmosphere. Both the actors pulled out their phones and clicked into twitter, the horrifying and chaotic app. “ Alright shall I do the honours of doing the first one? “ Y/n asked Evan. “ Yes please, I don’t think I’m ready. “ Evan took a deep breath in and heavily blew it out, making you chuckle.
“ Whenever I see Y/n on screen I can only think of letting her sit on my face and me eating the fuck out of her. “ Her eyes were widening as she was reading it. “ Woah already on a great start here Y/n “ Evan gave a funny worried look. “ Yea uhm, well I appreciate being on your mind and hope I taste good in your dreams? “  She shrugged and made an uncertain expression. Seeing that Y/n didn’t have anything left to say, Evan started with his first tweet.
“ When I stumble along a video of Evan, my vibrator suddenly appears in my hand and bussy is purring. “ Evan laughed out loud and shook his head in disapproval. “ God these people on twitter need to be controlled! I’m disappointed in you people on this app. “ Evan put a hand on his chest and acted like a disapproving dad, making Y/n playfully hit his shoulder and laugh at him. Them grinning at each other brightly, “ Okay my turn, this is funner than I thought kinda disturbing but that’s the twist to it. Alright next one, Y/n seems like a great person to have a smoke with while watching a sunset, making out with her till the dusk takes over the sky. “ 
“ Aww, that’s actually really cute and should’ve been the first one I started out with. Well if you have time we can go have a smoke together, I’m free tomorrow in fact. “ Y/n joked, making a hand into a phone and putting it to her ear, mouthing the words ‘ hook me up ‘ with her wiggling her eyebrows. “ Don’t worry about her people, she’s just desperate for friends, she’s a loner. “ Evan used his large hand and covered Y/n’s face. “ Hey! I choose to be alone sometimes okay “ She scolded Evan, smacking his hand away. He put up his hands in defeat and cackled, “ I trust you, but remember when you’re lonely I’m here to cure it “ Evan placed his hands onto her hand and puckered up his lips while smiling. 
“ Yea yea yea, read your next one big boy “ Y/n gestured to his phone. Evan focused his gaze back onto his phone and scrolled to the next tweet. “ I would like for Evan to push me against the wall with his hand around my neck, choking me, then smashes his lips against mine and we have a very heated make-out. “ Hearing him read out his tweet, Y/n almost spat out her water. She was shocked, who knew the internet was so wild and brave to say such things. “ Bravo you’ve got your first nasty one that WILL haunt your dreams tonight. “ Evan just stared at his phone disgustingly, poor man is disturbed. 
“ Well firstly, I’m traumatised. Secondly, I would never choke anyone because I am not a sadist myself and wish to not hurt anyone. “ Evan placed his phone faced downwards and wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead. “ Yea guys don’t misunderstand that he’s a sadist, because he’s actually a secret masochi- '' “ Guys please don’t listen to this little girl she doesn't know anything that’s coming out of her mouth. “ Evan interrupted her by putting a hand over her mouth. Taking this as an opportunity, Y/n pinched him arm away, making Evan wince. 
“ See everyone! I just got it on black and white that Evan enjoys painnn. “ Not giving a single second for Evan to respond, Y/n moved on to her last tweet. “ Okay last one, let’s get a juicy one. Ah this one, I’m literally so gay for Y/n I wish I could make her feel so good. “  Oh did Y/n love having an effect on both genders. “ Well my fellow, sorry to break this to you but Miss Y/l/n sexuality isn’t colourful. “ Evan said while still soothing his pinched skin. “ Welllll you’re wrong, I actually don’t have a label so you freaky fellows still have chances. “ Y/n smirked while squinting her brows together. 
“ Omg you’re saying I have a chance too!? “ Evan dramatically gasped while flicking his wrist. “ Nahh you’re just my best friend “ Y/n wrapped her arms around his shoulders while smushing him closer to her. “ Way to go for friendzoning me “ Evan mumbled into her hair as he pretended to cry. “ Your welcome, now read your last tweet crybaby I can’t handle this suffering any longer “ Picking back up his phone he read the last and final tweet to end this pain.
“ I wish Evan Peters could smash a laptop on my tits right now, oh come onnn. Why is it always violence? “ Evan sighed. “ Oh well at least it’s over, now put down that phone and delete that app later. You're too sweet for it. “ Y/n suggested as she funnily pushed off his phone patted his head, acting like his mum.
“ WELL uhm that’s it for today’s disturbing thirst tweet, uhm buzzfeed please never invite us again though it was our pleasure to be here.” Evan unexpectedly shouted his sentence, making Y/n jump and her making a ‘ are you crazy ‘ face. “ Yes thank god let’s please wrap this up but also don’t forget to watch our latest movie American Animals streaming on netflix and hulu. “
Y/n was so glad to wrap this up because all she learned today was that she made the right choice of not being on the internet.
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critrolestats · 3 years ago
A Very CritRoleStats Welcome to Campaign 3!
Is it Thursday yet? Almost! We are 24 hours away from the start of Campaign 3, and like the rest of the critters, we can't wait to dive in and do our thing! And speaking of...
What is CritRoleStats, and What Do We Do?
For those who might be joining the Critical Role fun for the first time, welcome! We’re the four Critters behind CritRoleStats, a non-Critical Role affiliated fan blog counting, calculating, and logging many things Critical Role.
We are VERY active on Twitter the night of the stream, livetweeting each episode of Critical Role on Twitter using the hashtag #CriticalRoleSpoilers. If you miss an episode and want to catch up without waiting until the video goes up on YouTube on Monday, we will have you covered with an article compiling all of our tweets for each episode. These usually get posted within 6-8 hours of an episode airing. If you DON’T want to be spoiled by major events (and we definitely cover major events in the show) and you plan on staying on Twitter, make sure you have us or the tag muted or blocked!
When we post on Tumblr, we use the hashtags #critical role, #critical role spoilers, and then a tag of the episode in the format of #C3E###. So for episode one, it will be #C3E001. Other than our tweet compilation article, we typically don’t post anything about that episode until the video has gone live on YouTube. We remove the #critical role spoilers tag a week or so after the episode goes up on YouTube.
We encourage you to go check out our site at critrolestats.com, look around, and learn things! Be aware, though, that we are four spoilers in a trenchcoat, so if you’re looking to stay spoiler free, browse carefully! 
What Do We Know About Marquet?
As a means of introduction, we’ve put together a compendium of all the references to Marquet from Campaigns 1 and 2. A word of caution: We can only present what has already happened, and that may or not be indicative of what Marquet is like now, let alone the yet-unknown region of Marquet Campaign 3 will be set in.
Yet so far, only four locations in the large continent of Marquet have even been seen: Ank’harel, Shandal, Dalen’s Closet, and a region outside of Ank’harel. Vox Machina’s campaign took place roughly 23 years prior to the Mighty Nein’s campaign, and Exandria Unlimited’s campaign took place another 6 years beyond the Mighty Nein’s, so who knows what changes may have occurred in that time.
With that grain of salt out of the way, here’s our preview into Marquet of the past. We hope you enjoy, and we can’t wait to start a new journey with all of you TOMORROW!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
This ask is not about MLC cuz this eoisode was too much and I still need time to process it and I will not have that time cuz tomorrow we get another episode and I am not ready yet!
Still this is about the fact that I believe they have started shooting Double Savage(not that I really care at this point considering who is in it...) and I thought that this year Gmmtv is really mooving fast! like they are airing 2 2023 shows, have 23.5, Our Skyy2, Double Savage, Lonliness Society starting production/shooting and have the last 2022 shows wrapping production and be on their way
So it got me thinking that they decided to move things up a lot faster compared to last year! maybe they reflected on the DISASTER of a year for airing dates that 2022 was and how they had so many shows bleed in 2023 cuz of delayed production or other reasons and decided to move the fuck on with the new shows? still hope they keep it up and not slack off by mid year
on a side side note I saw this translated tweet of Force: https://twitter.com/mesemerry_/status/1628385884696637442?t=z-xWaH6pHu-vD-VwLBL2wA&s=19 And what does late of this year meen!? like summer? fall? end of the year? still it is to long I need it now!
yeah they're really not playing around this year jdkfghdf I'm very impressed.
Double Savage is about halfway done, Boss and Babe is pretty much done, they've been filming Our Skyy 2 since January and Only Friends & Loneliness Society are also on the way, along with some other stuff. And Midnight Museum starts next week.
Looks like they learned from their mistakes from last year and I'm very glad they did because yeah what a disaster that was lmao. I also hope they don't slack off but so far it's looking good so I'm optimistic.
About that video from Force: He just says OF is coming this year lol so it could be anytime. However based on the production stage they're at, which is script writing + revision my guess is still fall. definitely not "soon" lmao.
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nimata-beroya · 2 years ago
Predictions for tomorrow in TBB 2x03
First, it's pretty obvious by now that this will be a Crosshair-centric episode, and I dare to say that we might see neither the rest of the boys nor Omega. And if we do, it'll be like just 1 scene. Pretty much how it was last season with the episode in Ryloth. It'd allow a time jump in the boys' adventures and let Tech heal his broken leg (not that 2 weeks is realistic, but it's better that just one. Altho, if they can grow hair in 1 week after shaving their heads, anything is possible).
Anyway, I'm rambling.
Initially, I thought we'd see Cody later in the season as I thought we'd see Seranno (but the premiere proved me wrong), so we might see him in this episode. If that so, we're probably visiting Geonosis (if rumors are correct) and have that scene with Cody and Cross by the Memorial. I'm not completely sure about this, but it's a big possibility.
Of what I'm 100% sure is that Rampart and Crosshair will have a conversation (like it was shown in the trailer they release in TBB panel at Celebration). However, I don't think Rampart is going to be too direct about having discovered that Cross lied to him. I think he'll test Crosshair and laid out a trap for him. If Cross will notice that Rampart is playing with him remains in doubt. He probably will. He'll know he's in danger, and that's why he might double up his "Soldiers follow orders"and "Do what needs to be done" obsession. I'm dying to know how all that will play out. I'm scared for my boy!! 😖😖😖
And regarding the teaser that the Kinner bros tweeted, I'm not taking it literally. As much as I'd like to see any of the boys' chest, we won't see any. I think that tease is about Crosshair wearing a vest during the conversation I mentioned above. Just look: (Forgive the quality. It's a screenshot from my phone of a low-quality, secretly-filmed video)
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Oh My Goodness! Look at him!!! 😍😍😍 That's my boy!!
Anyhow! sorry for the simpping moment. Regardless If I'm right or wrong, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode!!!
Happy TBB eve, everyone!!!
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whyissupernaturaltrending · 4 years ago
March 31, 2021 - Leaked script and Jensen Ackles' new role as Batman gets supernatural trending.
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Two things happened today. Let’s start with Jensen, who has been cast in Batman: The Long Halloween animation film as the title protagonist [tweet]. The film in planned to be released in summer [x] [x].  Misha responsed with a short video of him on the beach: [x].
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What is more, a leaked script caused some discussions in the fandom. The scene is of Jack's prayer to Cas and Kelly. Some phrasing is particularly interesting (Jack’s “[you said] (...) that just being was enough” vs Cas’ “it’s in just being” from 15x18 confession) [x]. Many fans are upset that such an important scene was cut, there are continuous discussions about Jack who became literal god at the age of three, Cas who wasn’t in the last two episodes, and all the controversies surrounding the finale. Fans are also speculating what other scenes were cut, as it had been confirmed that several hadn’t made it to the final episode.
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A clearer picture of the third page and the transcript of the scene can be found here. However, there are questions about the authenticity of the scripts, which are currently offered on e-bay (full explanation here).
As for Misha, who is also trending on Twitter [x] - I am not sure why exactly he’s trending. He tweeted about the Trans Day Of Visibility [x] and called out ABC News for their article about covid vaccines [x]. People have also been posting more cameos and some fans are planning a Mishapocalypse 3.0 tomorrow (though it's Tumblr and not Twitter). So either he’s trending because of all this, or for no particular reason, as he’s done a few times before.
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In addition, Twitter is currently overflowing with this gif:
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machinegunbun · 4 years ago
What about reader is the manager/assistant and fucks up some bug career opportunity for them?
Mistakes can allways happen but that was something really big
Maybe even gets fired for it?
Fucked It +
TW?: Mostly angst but theres some very slight smut with readers S/O
A/N: Not to age the writing but Im writing this as colson tweets that he’s gonna play at the halftime show in the next few years. S/O= Significant Other. I wanted to keep it kinda gender neutral cause bi people exist i dunno. 
Word count:1.8k A little longer than a blurb, but just as dialogue-y
This year had been stressful, to say the least. There was the release of tickets to my downfall, and along with that the cover scandal, the bloody valentine music video, downfalls high, the snl episode. It was like every second of your day was filled with something, you rarely got the chance to spend time with your S/O.
That’s right, you had an S/O. Being Colson’s manager wasn’t your entire existence, although you’d seemed to have forgotten that recently. Their name is Devin, and they are not very happy with you.
They’d broken down in tears your first full night home, telling you how under appreciated they had felt while you were away. Devin had a life of their own too, though, and considering the pandemic at hand had chosen to go stay with their family to avoid the covid hot spot that was LA. You understood, and as much as you hated to admit it you barely even realized they were gone. You didn’t know what that meant, but you knew whatever it meant wasn’t anything good for your relationship, but, you loved them and you wanted to recreate that spark.
You wanted to put work into them, and you, and most importantly your relationship. You’d gotten through the emotions, but as for the spark there was only so much you could do thousands of miles away. So, you decided to put in the work and devise a plan. Your plan started about an hour and a half ago, beginning with a shower and ending with your favorite lipstick.
You love Devin and you want nothing more than to wrap them up in a soft blanket and kiss them on the forehead and take them on picnics, but you also wanted them to look at you and touch themselves. You could do one of those things in your current situation, and you felt both would help to replenish your spark.
You looked good too, dressed in your lingerie with your hair all done. You felt so unbelievably sexy just looking at yourself in the mirror, you wished they were here to witness it.
You stood in the doorway of your bedroom, your LED lights set to red, your phone set to start recording in 
You tried your best to pose sexily in the small frame, arching your back and playing with your hair, slowly slinking down the wall. You were sure when you sent this Devin would be calling you within seconds. You checked the video, editing it to the length you liked and saving it to your camera roll.
Butterflies began fluttering in your stomach as you looked at your message app. You had seen Devin in so long, what if the spark had really gone? What if they didn’t want you anymore? Or what if they just didn’t want you right now, what if this wasn’t the right thing to do?
You took a deep breath, looking yourself in the mirror and quickly clicking through your messages, sending it before you could think too much and clicking your phone off. You moved from the bathroom, moving to your bed, staring at your phone and waiting patiently for a response.
After thirty minutes you gave up, too nervous to check if they’d seen it. You were cool.
Well, you were cool now that you had cried and and picked yourself apart piece by piece, ending up on the couch in a heap of blankets eating a family bag of your favorite chips to yourself. Family guy played on the TV, the episode only really meant to drain out the noise of your thoughts, and momentarily the bling of your phone. You would’ve missed it entirely if it weren’t for the flickering of your flashlight that you’d enabled to make sure you didn’t.
You rushed from your comfy blanket fort, spilling your chips on the way, your hand wrapping tightly around your phone. You turned it around, seeing that the notification that had popped up was only from Dylan, the guy that got Colson a place at the halftime show. 
Work, great, the thing that started this all. Was this the universe telling you it was over? You read on.
It simply said “Call me.”
Your eyebrow raised, considering waiting until tomorrow. You opened your messages, seeing that you had accidentally sent him the video of you in your lingerie. Fuck, thats why Devin hadn’t responded.
You opened his contact, calling him quickly, each ring feeling like needles being inserted into your brain.
“So I hope you understand why we wouldn’t want to be associated with that unprofessionalism.” He said, you’d zoned out through his lecture
“I understand, I do, but I hope you’d be willing to reconsider as this was a mistake on my part and not Colson’s. And seeing as this isn’t public I hope we can just brush this all under the rug and forget it ever-”
“I hear you, but I don’t think that will be possible. Mistake or not it was unprofessional on so many different levels
“But, sir-” You tried, your fingers thumbing over the buttons of the remote to mute the tv.
“It’s over, I’m afraid.” He responded, a beeping noise signalling the call had ended
Oh, nicer, you thought sarcastically, it wasn’t the universe after all, it was the manager.
Tossing your phone on the couch beside you, you retreated to your blanket fort, unmuting the TV.
Colson and the boys had been looking forward to performing at the halftime show since you’d met them. They’d been so excited when you told them you’d got them a spot. Although it was the last thing you wanted to do right now, you knew you had to break the news to Colson. 
You stared at your phone, willing yourself to reach over and call him, eventually drifting off into an unsatisfying sleep.
“Oh good, you’re here! Okay, so I was thinking for the halftime show-” Colson began, but you cut him off before he could continue
“Oh, yeah, about that.” You say, rubbing your head in hopes it would soothe the dull ache that had begun to rear its ugly head. You opened your eyes in time to watch the excitement drop from Colson’s face.
“I…” You began, not sure how to start “I fucked it.” You began to laugh, taking a moment to acknowledge how ridiculous the situation had really been.
“What do you mean?” He asks, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.
“Devin and I are going through a bit of a rough patch with them being away and all, so I decided to try and,” You made a vague shimmy movement with your shoulders “spark things up a bit. You know the silhouette challenge on tik tok? I did that, but I got nervous when I sent the video and I was on the couch for like hours crying too scared to see if they even looked at it, next thing I know I’m getting texted by Dylan asking me to call him.” You paused, partly for dramatic effect and partly to let yourself laugh. You buried your face in your hands, Colson watching in amusement, eager for the end of your clearly hilarious story.
“I accidentally sent him my nudes. It was so fucking embarassing, oh my god!” You finish, looking up from your hands to realize no one else seemed amused.
“What’s that got to do with the halftime show?” Rook questioned.
“Oh, right.” You’d completely lost track in the midst of your rambling “He said it was completely unprofessional and he wasn’t interested in working with us.”
Colson remained silent for a moment, looking over to the other boys before responding “He isn’t interested in working with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed at this, looking between the boys..
“What’s that mean?” 
“This is the gig of our lifetime. I’ve- We’ve wanted to play the halftime show since… forever. This was our one chance and because of you we got booted out. And you were laughing about it.”
“I’m sorry, it was a genuine accident, I thought you’d find it funny. Some corporate guy saw my tits ‘cause my relationship is failing, if I don’t laugh I cry.”
 “You’re the one who sent him the nudes. This is your fuck up.”
“Yeah, okay. But I work for you, so by association he won’t work with us.”
“Then you aren’t a part of ‘us’ anymore.”
“Colson, seriously? It was a fucking accident. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Watch your tone, I think you’re forgetting you work for me. I’m a nice guy, but this isn’t my shit to deal with.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated, your voice lowering. It was easy to forget Colson was your boss, he never treated you like an employee. There was more respect between the two of you than any boss/employee relationship you’d ever seen before. You’d never even seen him mad before today. You were genuinely lucky to have had this experience, to think that it was about to come to an end broke your heart.
“Is sorry going to get us this gig back?” The question was rhetorical, but you shook your head “Then I’m sorry, I can’t let this pass me up because of something you did.” Colson says, staring you down. You stood like a statue in your place, unsure whether or not you should leave. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
You took it upon yourself to make the decision to turn and leave, driving to the nearest gas station, where you sat in your car, crying in the parking lot.
Everything was fine and in the matter of a week it had all gone to shit. How did this happen?
You were in a happy relationship, and now they were living with their parents for who knows why and telling you they felt neglected. Your career was going amazing and you’d ruined it completely with one mistext.
You started your car back up, settling on the hope that maybe Colson and Dylan would come to their senses, and come Monday morning you would still have a job.
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desssu · 4 years ago
TW- Mentions of depression, suicidal actions and thoughts, and anxiety
Y/N is a faceless YouTuber that suffers from social anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and depression. She is invited to a Valorant game by RyanHiga and happens to meet Corpse, at first she was anxious having met a 'new face' - but when she meets him again... and again... and again, in different lobbies - she soon warms up to him and their friendship becomes unbreakable.
Will their friendship blossom into more? or will they remain as they are? Find out next time in the next episode of dragon ball z kai.
Y/N/N- your nickname/ screen name, Y/F/B- your favorite breakfast
Author's Note
I fell down the rabbit hole, that is corpse Tumblr fanfiction, and thought I should write one for myself. This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please be nice (´。_。`). I will also be referring to y/n as 'she' or 'her' in this case.
P.S. You can send me a request for different scenarios, for different fandoms if you'd like.
Word Count
Another day, another stream. Today's stream was relatively normal, with a few troll comments here and there but nothing out of the usual. I closed Twitter after tweeting out 'a good night to everyone who stayed tuned for the stream and I'll see them tomorrow.' Before getting out of my chair with a huff, my legs numb from sitting down for hours. I waddled my way over to my apartment kitchen to get a bottled water for myself - when an 'oi Felix' is heard from my phone.
Y/N/N! Good day to you, I'm wondering if you'd be free to play some casual Valorant at around 2 p.m tmr?
Hey Ryan :) sure I'd love to, who else is playing?
I got confirmation from Rae, Sykkuno, and Corpse to play with us.
Corpse? I've heard of him before because he's another faceless streamer/Youtuber like I am, but we've never gotten the opportunity to play together. I reply with a quick 'okay see you tmr!' continuing my task of getting bottled water for myself. Bottled water in hand, and my phone in the other I beelined to my bedroom intending to get some rest - but after 30 minutes of staring at a blank wall, I got up and decided to edit some videos instead.
The next morning came with a sore body and a raging headache. I sighed before reaching my hand to the side table, pouring myself a glass of water to gobble down along with my anti-depressants. Lazily walking toward the kitchen to make myself breakfast, I glanced at my black cat sleeping on the living room couch. "Tsk that lazy cat", I thought. "Chaton, time for breakfast, you've been sleeping since yesterday night. It's time to get up." he let out a tired 'meow' before sluggishly getting up. I poured out some fresh water and cat food for him, before tending to my own breakfast which consisted of Y/F/B and some orange juice.
After having my meal I freshened up and prepared myself for stream. It was 11:30 a.m and I decided I'll get some practice in before I started playing with everyone. After practicing, winning a few and losing a few, I decided that I was ready for the stream. I posted a quick swipe up to watch the stream on Instagram and tweeted a link for my stream. I wanted to start streaming 45 minutes earlier than the scheduled time so I can get the opportunity to chat with my viewers. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for stream.
"Hi everyone, how are you today?"
"I started having a better day when you started streaming!"
"good what about you?"
"your voice is lovely"
"what are we doing today?"
"Today, we're gonna be playing Valorant with Ryan, Rae, Sykkuno, and Corpse! It's actually my first time interacting with Corpse so I'm really nervous"
I continued to converse with my chat until it was time to play and as the time grew nearer, the faster my heart began picking up the pace and the more profusely I began to sweat. The feeling was unbearable, so I opted to take Zofofit to ease my nerves for a bit. I glanced down at my feet to see Chaton, my cat, rubbing his face against my feet. I smiled softly and picked him up bringing him to my lap, "I'm okay, I was just a bit nervous - were you worried?' he let out a soft 'purr' before napping on my lap. The sound of my alarm throws me off guard '2:00 p.m'. I dismissed it and joined the discord call, almost everyone was there, except for Rae who was in dire need of a bathroom break.
A deep raspy, but pleasant, even and calm voice spoke up.
"Can you all hear me well?"
Ryan and Sykkuno spoke up replying with a 'yes'.
"Okay introduction time!!" Ryan ecstatically spoke up. "Corpse, this is Y/N/N - she's also a faceless Youtuber, and Y/N/N this is Corpse famously known for breathing and bimbus." Laughs from everyone erupted from the latter comment, I was the first to speak up after calming down, "Nice to meet you Corpse, I'm Y/N/N - I hope we have a great time playing together today." I said to him slightly nervous he replied with nice to meet you too.
We continued the stream in laughter and comfort. Each of us enjoying each other's company. After several games, we decided to call it a day and bid each other a goodbye. The call ended with 'nice to meet you's, 'hope we can play together again' and 'have a good day. Shortly after leaving the call, I told chat I was retiring for the day and ended the stream.
I was welcomed with silence, only the soft 'purrs' of Chaton can be heard.
I'm gonna end here for today, I'm getting kinda sleepy lol. If you'd like me to continue this, please let me know.
🌹Have a good day/night/evening, everyone! 🌹
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theroguequeenaniki · 3 years ago
Questions 2009 -> 2021
This is from my Facebook. It popped up on my memories page thing. I originally answered this in 2009 when I was 15, it’s now 2021 & and I am 27, so I’m gonna do it again. Leaving the original answers. Original answers will be italicized. Commentary on the original answers in parentheses & crossed out? Lol. (I’m not gonna tag anyone, but, like, I guess if you want to answer these random questions from Facebook 12 years ago, go ahead lol) 
Can you fill this out without lying? You've been tagged, so now you need to answer all the questions HONESTLY. At the end, choose people to tag. Don't forget to tag me so I can see your answers! To do this, copy this entire message, then go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, delete my answers, and type yours. Easy! Next, tag people that you think may enjoy this (in the right hand corner of the app). Click publish (at the bottom). Have fun! :) 1.What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My cup with my Big Red in it The straw to my Kate Spade tumbler to drink my HEB Cola Lol.
2.Where was your profile picture taken? I got it off the internet. it's a random anime girl. My bedroom. 3.Can you play Guitar Hero? Never played it. Probably wouldn't be good at it. Not to good at video games. But I am good at Mario Cart, both 64 and the Wii. plus I'm good at some Sonic games. Still never played it. Idk if I’m any good at Mario Cart or the Sonic games anymore, I haven’t played either in years lol
4.Name someone who made you laugh today? Doctor Who TikTok. My cats.
5.How late did you stay up last night and why? Umm, probably about 10:00 cause it took me forevor to get into bed. Uh..Past 4am. Lol. B/c my sleep schedule is fucked. I was in bed by 3am though, but I was playing games & watching TikToks on my phone. Lol.
6.If you could move somewhere else, would you? Yes. I'd move to either New York or Sweden. I don’t know. Part of me says yes. But part of me says no..b/c even though Texas has it’s faults (a LOT of them), I cannot imagine living anywhere else long-term..
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? HAHA. Yeah right. I've never even been kissed! Still nope. I have been kissed though. He just didn’t kiss me under the fireworks the one NYE we spent together...
8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? Um, I think R, but D might also. D is accross Stasney from me and R is a couple blocks down (I don’t talk to these people much anymore & I’m not going to share their names on Tumblr) Uh. I think Maybe Raven? B/c they’re the only one who lives in the same city still. But, Sarah might technically be closer distance wise? Hold on. Ok, yeah, Sarah’s closer, even though she doesn’t live in this city anymore.
9. Do you believe exes can be friends? It all depends on the situation.(I totally stold M's answer but it's true) (I don’t talk to this person anymore & I’m not gonna share their name on Tumblr) I mean, yeah. Two of my best friends are each others exes and they’re still friends. I haven’t stayed friend with my ex, but, uh, he ghosted me so? Lol.
10. How do you feel about Dr. Pepper? I love it. I still love it. Lol.
11. When was the last time you cried really hard? I can't remember. I don't think it was that long ago, I had a light cry on Saturday, but I don't remember the last time I cried really hard. When we got back from our trip in July. Had a full on breakdown that night. Overheated all weekend. Overwhelmed. Anxiety. It was not a very good vacation..I cry a lot though.
12. Who took your profile picture? I got it off of google. I did. 
13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Umm, either myself, or one of my family members. Aside from myself. I think my dad, on his phone, b/c there was a cicada on his shoulder and he wanted to ask the family group chat if he could keep it. Lol. I take a LOT of pictures of cats though. Lol.
14. Was yesterday better than today? Hail yes! To much drama today! And I couldn't avoid it cause I was in the middle of it! (Oof, what drama was 15 yo Linda dealing with that she couldn’t avoid? Lol. I mean, I guess, Sophomore year was a bit full of drama lol) Anyway, I mean, they were pretty much the same. One wasn’t better than the other. One wasn’t worse than the other.
15. Can you live a day without TV? yeah. Now Music there is something I can't live without! Yep, Do it almost everyday. Sentiments about music remain the same. Lol.
16. Are you upset about anything? Yes. I'm annoyed about something and it's making me upset. (I assume this has something to do with the the drama mentioned earlier lol) Always. Anxiety & depression are a bitch. My rooms a mess & I can’t get myself to clean it. My shelves are still a mess.
17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yeah. though i havent really had one yet. I mean, yeah. Even though I haven’t had one last, aside from friendships, but they’re worth it. 
18. Are you a bad influence? I hope not. If so, let me know.(again I took M's answer but it's true) Probably. Idk. Lol.
19. Night out or night in? Depends on what's going on and how I feel about it. Night in usually. I do like going out sometimes, but, like, to dinner. Maybe a movie or a show. But, you know, we’ve been in a panini press, the only thing I’ve been comfortable doing is going to dinner (fully vaxxed & masked). But I also prefer staying home anyway. (Like I usually just go to dinner with my family lol)
20. What items could you not go without during the day? my computer. my book. my journal and a pen. My phone. My journal (b/c I write in it every night, as a diary, 14yo Linda wrote stories). Uh. I didn’t take food or drinks into account in the og, so I won’t in those. But, yeah. My phone & journal. I can go a day without my laptop if I need to. (Went the whole trip in July without pulling it out, though maybe that’s not a good example since my anxiety on that trip was so high..) I want to say a book, but I’ve been in a massive reading slump so...I wish I read as much as 15yo Linda did..
21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? I don't remember. I think it was myself.(if you want to know, ask me in person) I honestly don’t know. I don’t remember the last time I was in a hospital. 
22. What does the last text message in your inbox say? "Mrbobbybones:  wish ted would finally meet their mother already. geez. get to it. However, I see myself in that character more and more each episode." yeah. That's what it says. It's from Twitter. (Huh? and I can’t even go check b/c my inbox doesn’t go back to 2009 on Twitter?? (I haven’t had my account that long) Wait wait wait just remembered I used to get tweets to my phone as text messages lol)
Facebook messenger: “ Cool” From our group chat. Lol.
From actual text messages on my phone: “ heeey! Just put up the Tuesday PDS just for you  it’s a big one.” From Phillip Defranco’s text line Lol.
23. How do you feel about your life right now? I'm loving and hating it. but hey nobody gets out alive right? Uh..I mean. I’m alive. I have WiFi. Food. Family. I haven’t seen my friends in 2 years. (Minus Alex, b/c they were here in July to cat/house sit, but I saw them for like, one night..) There’s a lot that could be better. A lot that could be worse. 
24. Do you hate anyone? yes!!! Oof. I mean, kinda.
25. If we were to look in your Facebook Inbox, what would we find? some random conversations. most of my convos on her though have been in chat or through comments. Facebook Inbox is now Facebook Messenger. So you’ll find all my Facebook Messenger convos. Mostly our group chat. And side group chats for secret planning (birthdays & stuff). Plus other chats? Lol.
26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? I better! (excuse me miss 15yo Linda you absolutely could have passed a drug test you ALSO didn’t drink or smoke or take any drugs lol) Yeah. Absolutely. I don’t drink or smoke or take any drugs so, yeah? Lol.
27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? 
Yes. But I can't remember when... Yeah. Pretty sure. 
28. What song is stuck in your head? Gee by SNSD(Girls Generation) They're Korean. A few My Chemical Romance songs
29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? EDWARD CULLEN! Joke! lol. No I don't know. If it was Edward, I'd call the cops. whoever it is though better have an explaination or they are gonna get hit in the head with my Book of Shadows. (Maybe I wouldn’t mind Edward at my window though? Lol.) Uh. My friends? Lol. Idk if I want anyone knocking on my window at 2am.
30.Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? I don't know....... Uh. No? Idk. Most likely not gonna happen. 
31. Name something you have to do tomorrow? I can't think of anything right now... Eat. Should probably clean my room.
32. Do you think too much or too little? Way to much! lol. Way way way too much
33. Do you smile a lot? i try to. I think I do. I get told that alot in Theater...
I think so
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whateverthedragonswant · 4 years ago
15x20 - it took me two months but I think I finally get it
Edit 2/16/22: This theory has been unfortunately debunked due to the recent explanations/discussions by both Jensen and Jared about 15x20
I’ve been thinking a lot since yesterday since Jared’s VF interview popped up. I ended up rewatching 13x21 and 13x22, and once again, Dabb’s writing style made sense with the story they were telling and the framing they were showing, but something wasn’t sitting right. I wracked my brains and it finally hit me. I just need to get this out, throw these thoughts out into the void, so please don’t mind me.
This legitimately took me on a ride so of course it’s super long. Like novel length long.
Below there be spoilers for The Originals, GoT & of course SPN:
The Supernatural series finale - here’s what we already know:
Wayward Sisters was not picked up by the CW in 2018
These are the shows the CW chose to go with/ordered/picked up in 2018 instead of Wayward Sisters: Legacies [spinoff of a spinoff], Charmed [reboot], Roswell New Mexico [reboot], In the Dark [from Ben Stiller’s production company] & All-American [from Greg Berlanti’s production company]; Legacies is from Julie Plec (Vampire Diaries/Originals); Charmed is from Jennie Snyder-Urman (Jane the Virgin) & Brad Silberling (Jane the Virgin) is involved; Roswell New Mexico is from Julie Plec; In the Dark is from Ben Stiller; All-American is from Greg Berlanti (Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Supergirl, Batwoman)
The Originals ending had high ratings - both brothers go out in a blaze of glory, there is a hint of romance but ultimately, it’s about the brothers and the family (as it should have been tbf) - this is what the CW saw when they got such high ratings for that finale
We know how successful The Vampire Diaries, the Originals, Jane the Virgin, Charmed (on its original run on the WB), and the DC show-verse have been for the CW & Ben Stiller is Ben Stiller = one spinoff making it through, two new content shows, and two reboots ordered
Dabb & Berens react to Wayward Sisters not being picked up, Dabb almost as if he expected it possibly (or at least that’s how I read it) & Berens is a little more candid; Kim, Briana & Kat tweet reactions to Dabb’s tweet (x) -- Dabb, the co-showrunner (Singer was the other) from seasons 12-15 & Berens, the writer of such episodes like 15x09 & 15x18
Jensen states 15x19 will feel like the season finale & 15x20 will feel like the series finale and Misha nods in agreement - this panel takes place while J2 is quarantining to shoot the last two episodes I believe he says  (2:51 - x)
Two things Jensen says in the video link above: 1) “I will say and I don’t think this is any secret but that there have been some adjustments made from the scripts that we were going to shoot in March to the scripts that we’re shooting now” (3:04) & 2) “Eventually once it all comes out, we can probably share what those adjustments were but it’s, you know, we’ve had to accommodate a pandemic. So, it’s unfortunate but I still think it’s gonna hit a home run, I hope, and then, you know, we’ll see.” (3:18) -- basically paraphrasing (or how I interpreted it): “some things have changed due to COVID, I’m sure we’ll be able to talk about what changed to explain, but please remember COVID, I hope it’s still resonates with the audience but we’ll see”
Dabb joked at Comic Con 2019: “If you thought Game of Thrones was bad, just wait” (x)
Mark Pedowitz talks about SPN ending with season 15 & about possible spin-offs - “I’ve been involved in two spin-offs that did not connect. We have had no further discussions with [Supernatural EP]Bobby Singer. We have had no further discussions whatsoever in terms of Supernatural spin-offs. I tend to believe, at this point, [that] the show’s essence and blood is Jared and Jensen.” (x)
Dabb gives an interview to Syfy Wire before the last 7 episodes start airing (x)
Brad Buckner talks about why the spinoff attempts haven’t worked out, chalking it up the magic SPN is that has to do with J2, then adding Misha, then adding Alex/Jack: “You know, they keep talking potentially doing a spinoff. I think part of the reason that some of the spinoff attempts haven't succeeded, even the ones that never got shot, but just never got off the ground is that this show just struck gold. The boys, and then Misha [Collins], added Misha, worked out tremendously. Adding Jack. That just almost never happens. You screw with the tried-and-true formula and there really is no formula for the show. That's what the odd thing is. It's not CSI.” (x) - basically paraphrasing: “we know how important the dynamic is between the brothers, then with Cas & then Jack added in, we know & we can’t replicate it in other projects”
Jensen tells EW: "I read through the original draft [of the finale] when it first came out just as a fan, because I was like, 'How did they put it together?' I knew the end result but I didn't know how exactly they were going to get there, so I quickly read through the script. That was back in early March. And then I put it down. Then COVID hit and we all went on break and I was like, okay well I assume it's going to change so I'll just wait until the new draft comes out. To be honest, it didn't really change. How we got there involved a little bit of changing but we still get to the same place." Dabb also says: “We did a rewrite once we knew what our COVID rules were going to be for episodes 19 and 20, and it changed some things, it did. Particularly in episode 20, there were things planned that just aren't feasible anymore.What it did not change was the story or the emotions, or anything else. It changed some of the set dressing, it changed some of the circumstances, but it didn't change where we were going or, honestly, in a large way, how we got there. So, in that way, I feel very lucky." (x)
Dabb says to EW: "Everything is pretty mythology-focused up until the finale. [The finale] is a little bit more of an old-school episode. It seemed like a lot to land all of our myth and a satisfying farewell. Doing it all in 42 minutes would have been really difficult. So, better for us to treat it almost like a two-parter, where a lot of the myth stuff, not all of it, but a lot it gets dealt with in episode 19 and then 20 can focus more on the characters and their journeys. We wanted it to, in some ways, hearken back to where the show began, which was two guys on the road saving people, hunting things. When we were going to shoot the episodes, I did a final re-read and made some final tweaks. Jared [Padalecki] weighed in and Jensen [Ackles] weighed in, and [co-showrunner] Bob Singer. We just wanted to really make sure it was landing the right way. We believe it feels like a fitting end to the show. We're happy with it and the hope is that the fans will be too." (x)
Jensen gives an interview to Glamour (x)
Jensen does Michael Rosenbaum’s podcast: “The ship has already sailed on this being the last season. Jared’s already got another show lined up, and I’ve got a few stokers in the fire. So we’re gonna knock this out and try to do it justice. I’ve always thought that there’s a possibility of, you know five years down the road, getting the call saying ‘Hey let’s do a little short order action for a streaming network’ and bringing it back for six episodes…and I do feel like this isn’t the long goodbye right now. I feel like this is, let’s hang this in the closet for now, and we’ll dust her off down the road a bit.” (x) (x)
Sam & Dean ending confirmed (x) (x)
Walker is very heavily promoted during the last few episodes of SPN and the finale
Misha after the finale aired: “There was supposed to be a different ending originally that COVID restrictions made impossible to shoot”, “But it involved bringing back lots and lots of cast members from over the years”, “I don’t think we’re supposed to talk about what that ending was gonna be”, “So in the original iteration of the ending, Cas hadn’t gone to rebuild Heaven. He had had a...there was a different conclusion for him” (x) 
Plots are dropped like this one that the GA caught from 15x15 (x)
Dabb before the finale aired  (x) - basically paraphrased: “nothing has changed, we’re still going to the same conclusion”
Dabb tweets out a thank you the day the finale is airing (x)
Dabb after the finale (x) - basically paraphrased: “nothing had changed, we were always going to that conclusion”
Variety after the finale aired, echoing the 30%, how they viewed the ending as well as Cas’ & Jack’s sacrifices (x)
the day the finale was airing, Kripke shared his original pitch notes & promises fans that they’ll love the ending because what he would have written would have been much darker - "I knew that we were closing this chapter and opening a new one. It felt like it was the right time to take a step back and focus on new projects, but still, keep my grubby little mitts in the show." (x) "I had a long talk with Jensen [Ackles] about it and I had a long talk with [co-showrunners] Andrew [Dabb] and Bob [Singer] about it and I think it's the best possible ending for the show. It was interesting, they pitched it to me and I went off to think about it for a couple days, and admittedly, me being me, I spent some time thinking, 'Okay, is there any other ending I would pitch back that I think is better?' And I spent a couple days trying to chase down a couple avenues and couldn't come up with anything better. So I went back and I was like, 'Guys I think it's the right one.' There's some substance to it but there's something emotional, I think there's a positive energy around it." (x)
funnily enough, on an unrelated note but sort of related showing how the CW operates with backdoor pilots/spinoffs & how differently certain creatives are treated over there as well as what they consider will generate more $ (the backdoor pilot had high ratings) - the Arrow spinoff, Green Arrow & The Canaries was not picked up but they considered moving it to HBO Max before scrapping it altogether, which took them forever to decide (x) (x)
Jared loves the finale, thinks it’s the right ending
Jensen has not said a word about the finale or Dean’s ending since it aired (except that one instagram pic we all know about)
Misha loved Cas’ ending in that it was right for the character, sacrificing himself nobly and that his words led to the boys & Jack saving the world
I know there’s many more things I didn’t include in this list like: Samantha Ferris confirming that pre-COVID & post-COVID they were not asked to come back, that Jensen initially didn’t like the ending when it was pitched to him & Jared (though as of this moment, he has not said explicitly what he didn’t like about it), that Jared’s VF interview just came out where he stated he thought Sam had the right ending, Dabb has not said a word, Singer has also not said a word (that I know of anyway), the CW has not said a word (again, not that I know of), Jim Michaels is an ass, so is Adam Williams, Misha posted a video to try to stop the conspiracy theory about the spanish dubbing of 15x18 & attributed it to a rogue translator, he then apologized and listened to fans since he realized fans were upset about way more than that particular piece of it, and everyone else has stayed virtually silent about the finale and what happened.
I do want to mention this: 
Jensen said up above that they could probably talk about what the changes were -> Misha says he doesn’t think they’re supposed to talk about it & Jensen has not said a word since the finale aired
Jared & Misha have talked openly about liking their endings for their characters & Jensen has not said a word other than previously stating that he expects there might possibly be a limited series run or reboot a few years down the line 
No one involved with the show, past or present, has said anything resembling negative or critical (or really, at this point, logical) in any way, shape or form about the finale
Pedowitz & the network have not said a word (that I’m aware of)
So, before this post, I personally would have loved to find out:
why they thought Dean dying that way was a good ending & a true one for the character -- from a rando bad guy & on a milk run hunt
why they thought Sam would want to honor Dean by living a miserable and depressed life in a way that he thinks (note that Dean never said) would make Dean happy but obviously not himself
why they thought the line “Cas helped” & Dean’s little smile would be enough to close out the Castiel part of the Dean arc (despite Misha not being there due to COVID restrictions) if they were focusing on closing up the emotional aspect of the boys’ journey
why they thought Jack rebuilding Heaven before Dean got there & it’s implied he got Cas out of the Empty would be enough to close out the Jack-being-their-kid arc (despite Alex not being there due to COVID restrictions) if they were focusing on closing up the emotional aspect of the boys’ journey 
why they dropped Eileen and Sam’s acknowledgement of her existence never mind the importance she had in his life if they were focusing on closing up the emotional aspect of the boys’ journey
why they thought Lucifer mentioning Chuck had sprung him from the Empty in 15x19 would be enough to close out The Empty arc (despite COVID restrictions) if they were focusing on closing up the lore aspect of the boys’ journey
why they thought that Chuck was the ultimate Big Bad when they mentioned back in season 13 that Chuck and Amara did not have power over the Empty, then in the same season proceeded to show The Empty overtaking Heaven, then Death’s Library in 15x17 while killing reapers left and right, then “you made it loud” in 15x18 after Jack explodes but The Empty is still powerful enough to be summoned to take Billie and Castiel later in the same episode
why a random monster would be the one to take out Dean Winchester when he has taken on God, Lucifer, archangels, angels, demons, the King of Hell, a 300 year old witch, werewolves, Alphas, vampires, witches, ghosts, & many other monsters - when he has taken out vampire nests on his own (think season 6, despite the vampire blood in his system at the time), the Stine family & their mansion full of guards (despite having the MOC on his arm, it didn’t make him more powerful or a better fighter, it only made him more bloodthirsty and more enraged, increasing the desire to kill)
why Sam would not call for help when Dean was hurt and then confirms he’s dying - did they not bring their phones in with them?
why they thought Dean’s injury would be fatal when it clearly wasn’t 
why they thought Dean shouldn’t die to protect his brother or the kids or even a cow in that barn but to a senseless movement (I do sideye that a vampmime unable to speak was the one to kill Dean who infamously hasn’t been able to speak on other certain matters rather than Jenny herself)
why they brought back Eileen into the narrative if her presence was not going to have some lasting impact on Sam’s journey - how did it affect his growth or his character, influence his actions? Does he decide to fight harder to get her back along with everyone else? What does his experience Does he feel better for having known her? Did he leave the life to not only honor Dean but Eileen as well since maybe she never came back? Does he ever use ASL again after learning it from her?
why they decided to make Sam and Eileen’s relationship romantic that late in the story if there was not going to be any follow through
why Sam stuck to texting Eileen as they sped towards her home if Billie Chuck was Thanos snapping people - why did he not call her since it was so urgent?
why they decided to have Castiel confess his love to Dean - outside of The Empty part of this arc, why have his confession be the factor that summons The Empty, that his “just saying it” would be what makes him happiest enough when he was already saving Dean and sacrificing himself for him?
why they decided to bring Jack back, have him excommunicated from the family be Dean in dialogue, never have the conflict between them resolved by Dean assuring him he is indeed family, when he’s said he is family before & that Jack is their kid, if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ emotional journey
why they never showed Dean & Sam discussing Cas’ confession or the words he said to Dean about himself if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ emotional journey
why Dean & Sam never discussed Eileen again after 15x18 when we were given the approval talks from Dean to Sam in 15x07 & 15x08 if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ emotional journey
why Dean & Sam don’t ask Jack to bring back the people they’ve lost, to eradicate the monsters from the world, or to even help Kevin if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ lore and emotional journeys
why they showed the crossroads demon taking the girl away in 15x15
why they never had Sam or Dean talking to Jody or Claire ever again if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ emotional journey
why they never had Dean asking where anyone else was like Ellen or Jo when seeing the Road House in Heaven if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ emotional journey
why they never had Sam asking “wait, this is Heaven?” since he never knew about the changes Jack & Cas made when seeing Dean again if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ narrative soundly
why Dabb tweeted out his thank you’s hours before the finale aired but not right before it did, while it was airing, or right after
why Kripke tweeted the day of the finale’s airing that fans would love this ending since his would have been darker
why Jensen thought they would be able to talk about the changes COVID forced them to make after the finale aired
why Misha says after the finale aired that they’re not really supposed to talk about it
why Jared thinks this is a sound ending to his character’s journey
why Jared thinks that Sam was honoring what Dean would have wanted by not settling down with someone in the life when both boys have mentioned quite a few times in dialogue, for themselves and each other
why Kripke/Singer/Dabb thinks this was a fitting ending for the boys’ journey
why the 30% think this is a true ending despite the obvious plot holes, the dropped character development, and the ending not making sense to the narrative/story they’ve been telling the last few years
why if Chuck is a stand-in for the network and Dabb knew the ending they would have to give due to network demands, did he not only write the ending this way but also talk about it in multiple interviews saying they were always moving towards this ending, it’s always been about the brothers, and this is a true ending
why they had Dean question his ending at all if that is his true ending
why Jensen thought Dean’s ending had changed from going out in a blaze of glory to something else
why Jared said before he & Jensen knew what the ending would be that he thought Sam should “keep fighting”
why they strongly hinted at a leader arc for Sam the last few seasons
why they strongly hinted at Dean being strongly affected by Cas’ death/absence starting with season 13
why Jensen, Misha, and other cast members were instructed to “eye fuck”
why they chose to keep the ending ambiguous for both boys if they were focusing on closing up the boys’ lore and emotional journeys and making it a finality as Dabb said
why people are surprised that some fans are still upset to this day over the finale/ending and how bad it was considering the show ran for 15 years and had a very loyal fan base that the show not only knew existed but interacted & engaged with for many of those years
why no one other than Jared & Kripke that was officially involved with the show is talking about it 
why Jensen still has not said a word about the finale if he thought fans were going to love it after having Kripke tell him the same thing (I suspect because he knows no matter what he says, agreement or disagreement, it will make some people pissed off so he stays quiet, he said all he needed to before the finale aired, and he’s moving on - at least that’s my take on it anyways) 
why the network has not said a word despite the reactions after the finale aired & the ensuing movements/trends
why they aimed to only please 30% of their known audience, why that number was not a little higher
why the big secret of everything that was changed, why Cas’ ending changed, who was meant to be in the finale & how it was supposed to end if the show is over & has finality, that the boys’ lore and emotional journeys are concluded & it was a true ending
why the silence? even D&D have spoken on the GoT ending by now, it’s only been a couple of months since the airing of the SPN finale but fans’ passionate responses and dislike of that finale does not show any sign of dying out or slowing down - so why the silence?
why (again) that ending? that true ending where both boys’ character & story development are dropped? where important characters are missing? where some points of the plot have not been closed, if they were focusing on closing out the boys’ lore & emotional journeys? if again it’s a true ending & there is finality? 
I had so many questions and I had a pretty good idea what the answer was to most of them (as you guys do, too, I’m sure) but until someone comes out and says this happened because of this, this, and this, we won’t ever really know.
Until I saw something that I just cannot get out of my head and totally turned every thought I had about Dabb, the show, the network, Jared’s comments, Dean’s ending -- all of it right on its head.
COVID: We all know that COVID has been to blame for what happened, why certain characters weren’t in the finale. Welp, here’s what I think about that:
I suspect that COVID did affect the ending but not in the way you’re thinking. Not to discount the new restrictions which did prevent certain cast members from being able to film but it also affected the production in other ways as well.
Let’s pretend COVID hadn’t happened at all (God don’t we all wish). What would be different? The finale would have been shot as intended, it would have aired in May (I think), and live cons & panels would still be going on. Cast members wouldn’t have had to quarantine for 2 weeks prior to shooting, no adjustments would have needed to be made to the scripts at all, and Walker would have remained on its natural trajectory.
But as we know, COVID did happen. The world shut down, all productions were put on pause as well as all other businesses and occupations. That means anything that wasn’t shot for these productions or was in the middle of production would be affected. Some things that were already shot were affected in the post-production phase (take The Walking Dead season 10 finale for example) and got delayed. The movie release dates kept getting pushed back, some films had no choice but to move their releases to streaming networks just in order to survive. We know that COVID has hit everyone financially, individually, their families, their jobs, and their businesses, not just big corporations and production studios. In that video link above, Jensen is asked about the brewery during COVID and he even mentions that thankfully, they had just gotten canning machines right before COVID hit. 
From a production aspect, we know how COVID affected it. But for SPN and then Walker, it hit especially hard. They now had these factors to contend with:
Jared had a new show he was moving onto (I’m not sure if January 2021 was the initial premiere date they had shot for but I’m sure production must have gotten pushed back)
Jensen was joining The Boys (not sure when this decision was made, I know he announced it in August 2020, but not sure how long the talks were before then)
Filming resumed (but with restrictions) in August 2020, with J2 doing the mandatory 2 week quarantine (video link above)
Production on other CW shows (& all shows, lbr) were slowly coming back but premiere dates for new seasons were being pushed back so they could get the actual productions done - think season 3 of Legacies which is supposed to air this month
No one knew how long COVID would be around or if there would be a vaccine soon that would be available to the public
Actors still had to be paid for the 2 week quarantine (as one would expect)
Since there is no real new content to speak of, not many people are tuning in - a lot of people heavily relied on streaming services while the world was on pause
The 100, another fan favorite show on the CW, was ending its 7 year run at the end of September (I’m sure the network knew by this point what JRoth’s planned ending would be and what would happen in that episode before it & that they might lose some viewers for that show) - and funnily enough that Jared’s new costar had been a part of
new seasons of Flash, Legends Of Tomorrow & Supergirl have not come back yet since their productions were delayed; Arrow is no longer on the table or even the spinoff (link above)
Ruby Rose had announced in May 2020 that she was not returning to Batwoman, meaning the role had to be recast or the story had to be rebooted (they chose to do the latter)
SPN, one of their fan favorite shows & an OG crossover from the WB (last of a dying breed so to speak), is ending after a successful 15 year run - though one of the stars is staying with the network and headlining one of their new shows
due to the change in demand as a result of the pandemic, other networks are now moving into the streaming game as survival (think Discovery +, NBC, CBS, etc - tho tbf the battle for content was already going this way thanks to AppleTV & Disney+, but don’t be surprised when more mainstream networks start changing to this, expecting you to pay for monthly access to their content outside of your cable bill)
A lot of people talk about the CW using the downtime during the pandemic to look at SPN’s actual ending and going “nope, get rid of the gay, Dean has to die, play ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’, twice, got me?” I’m not saying they’re wrong (I actually think the network did interfere with some of these) but some of these other factors definitely contributed to what the hell happened with that finale and why it feels so different compared to season 15, the last few seasons, even 15x19 itself. Especially when we see Dabb’s writing style for the last 12 years, and Singer’s visual style when he directs. Not to mention they were the showrunners since season 12 and where they took the show in that time frame.
If Walker was always set to premiere in January 2021 (or let’s say earlier, like for the Fall 2020 lineup), had COVID not happened, they would have had time to promote the show like normal and do their usual PR, production would have resumed like normal, none of their other shows would have delayed productions either, and their dates and numbers wouldn’t be skewed in any way. There would be no pressure of Jensen or any of the other talent moving onto other projects/studios/networks/production companies that have their own production issues due to COVID (again, I don’t know when The Boys decision was made but I’m sure it wasn’t a discussion that suddenly happened the day before Jensen announced it). The guys did interviews still from home but that’s not the same as doing a press junket or attending a premiere or getting out in the public eye to promote, promote, promote (though the cast did do this before season 15 aired but due to COVID, the length of time that delayed production, they could not do this for the last block of episodes when they returned & keep fresh in viewer’s minds like maybe they would have been able to pre-COVID, watch they won’t be able to for any of their returning shows either).
Now seeing it through that lens, how can they fix this? How can they make sure to get a guaranteed viewership that they haven’t had time to go and promote for? Social media/the internet is a given and would have been used regardless of COVID but now they also don’t have the cons the guys go out and usually do, they can’t connect with viewers that way either (though the guys did do panels, M & G’s from home). They don’t have anything else on the docket really that they can use as a vehicle to get Walker and any other new shows ramping up in the promotion department to get viewers away from streaming services (that aren’t theirs) & other networks, to keep them watching not only what will be coming back on the air (eventually) but also any new content they are trying to put in front of you.
So we get this for SPN’s series ending:
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What does this achieve (what it puts into the heads of the viewers):
A strong relationship between brothers is being viewed
While Dean is having the emotional death monologue, we get to see Jared’s acting shining through as much as Jensen’s
“Let me look at you” “There he is” “My baby brother” “I’m so proud of you, Sam” “I’ve always looked up to you” “It was always been you and me. It’s always been you and me” (x)
They talk about the pilot episode where Dean goes to get Sam from school, Sam mentions the Woman In White from that episode, they talk about John and how Sam stood up to him circa what the dynamic was between John and Sam in the first season - notice how Dean mentions “I don’t know you did that” which brings his dynamic with both John & Sam circa back to the 1st season - the pilot started Sam-centric - they use dialogue from the 1st season: “I don’t want to do this alone” “Yes, you can” “Well, I don’t want to”
Sam is about to deal with the death of the other main character in his life & it will affect how his life continues - “Hey, I’m not leaving you. I will be with you right here. Every day. Every day you’re out there and living and you’re fighting. You always keep fighting. You hear me? I’ll always be there. I’ll be there every step. I love you so much. My baby brother.”
After this, we get Dean’s hunter funeral, Sam shutting down the bunker, leaving, & we see the life montage Sam has before he ultimately dies and joins Dean in Heaven. Interspersed with it is the conversation Dean has with Bobby once he gets to Heaven and then his 40 year drive. And what plays during Sam’s life montage? “Carry On My Wayward Son”, the theme for SPN itself.
It has become a Sam-centric episode again featuring a little Dean, just like the pilot.
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Now that it aired and the show is over, almost two months down the road, what do we see in the first official promos from Walker? What do we already know about the show before it’s even premiered?:
Walker has lost his wife because he “didn’t protect her” - he’s left behind
He still sees his wife (we know Gen will most likely be in flashbacks outside of the premiere episode) - she’s still with him
“You’re chasing ghosts! She is gone and there is nothing you can do about it.” (x) - title of this promo “Moving On” & title cards “Moving on takes letting go” interspersed with Cordell talking about him missing his wife & shots of his wife - this was promo premiered 12/16/20 
Another brother relationship
his brother is grabbing him like he & Dean used to do to each other, they are having a broment
the series is about Cordell Walker, he’s the center of the story, played by Jared
See anything similar to the list above? 
Now compare the promo that premiered last week to the December promo linked above (x) - has a completely different feel to it, doesn’t it? His wife & loss are barely mentioned
Why the difference? One, because they knew SPN viewers (regardless of the backlash from the finale) were still feeling the loss of that show due to how they saw fans reacted to the announcement of season 15 being their last, they did not have any heavy hitters airing at that moment plus the holidays, they knew viewers are inside due to the cold & COVID which was rising again, they knew viewers would be watching more cable programming due to the holidays (think Hallmark Christmas movies, Freeform, etc) & the backlash for the show from some of the viewership (30% isn’t enough, no matter what that 30% itself tries to tell you) that they needed to regain to get Walker to hit the ground running. 
One part of Dean’s death I’d like to focus on are these lines & this one factor:
“I’m fading pretty quick. There’s some things I need for you to hear so come here.” - he’s not fading, he has time for a monologue
“Oh man, I did not think this would be the day. But it is. It is and...that’s okay.”
“I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to tell me that it’s okay. I need you to tell me that it’s okay. Look at me. Look at me. I need, I need... I need you to tell me that it’s okay. You tell me that it’s okay.” “Dean...it’s okay. You can go now.”
Dean’s theme does not start until after Dean says “that’s okay” - it gets close plenty of times in the beginning of the scene but never actually starts until after that line
Remember Dabb joked “If you thought Game of Thrones was bad, just wait”? (link above) We know that Misha and Jensen have watched GoT. The show itself has made quite a few GoT references. And what happened in the series finale of GoT? This scene (x)
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If you watched GoT, remember how out of place this part felt? How the dialogue didn’t seem to match what the hell had happened? How Jon seemed to be defending Dany’s actions when his character would never have done so before that moment? How Tyrion says this line above? 
They were breaking the fourth wall, enacting Tyrion as the writers’ mouthpiece and Jon as the audience’s mouthpiece. Because they knew fans of Dany (namely the GA) would be shocked at what Dany had one, and what was still to come. Bryan Cogman confirms what the aim of the show was, to make people think (x) & that the writers were going to challenge the audience for rooting Dany on before this, as confirmed by Kit Harington (x).
You know what other show is infamous for breaking the fourth wall sometimes?
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So now look at those lines again, look at how Dean’s theme starts up, look at the scene (linked above) and notice Dean looking away from Sam, behind the camera at 3:12. Singer is directing the episode, the editors left it in, and this aired. Now notice what he says as he does this: “Oh man, I did not think this would be the day. But it is.” - then what does he do, he goes back to talking to Sam, but looking down. “It is and...that’s okay.” Then we see Sam’s face again.
This them breaking the fourth wall (why else is Dean looking in that direction during his death scene? How does that add emotionally to the scene or help tell the story? No other characters or events are back there).
This is the writers saying to you: “We didn’t think it would end like this. But it’s happening and it is what it is, we’re going to do it.” Maybe they planned for Dean to die all along (I still don’t think they did but I don’t know that definitively, other than what the show’s story told us) but they didn’t plan for it to go like this.
Then Dean says this after we see Sam’s face: ““I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to tell me that it’s okay. I need you to tell me that it’s okay. Look at me. Look at me. I need, I need... I need you to tell me that it’s okay. You tell me that it’s okay.” - this is Dean talking to the writers
The writers back to Dean: “Dean...it’s okay. You can go now.”
This is why the forehead touch. This is why the hands shots. This is why Sam is that emotional (besides losing his brother). This is why Dean has that little smile before he covers Sam’s hand with his. This is why Dean’s theme doesn’t start until after what the writers say to the audience, the “that’s okay” because after that was their goodbye to Dean.
“Goodbye, Sam”  
Now think, if Dean was your character that you wrote for and you truly loved him (or even say if he was real and right there in front of you), how would you send him off if you and he could talk directly? What would be the truest thing you could do for him? If you couldn’t let him live or give him anything he wanted or deserved in the end? 
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Baby is there, Baby makes him happy. He has the Road House. He gets to see Bobby again. His parents are happy and live down the road. Jack rebuilt Heaven for him. “Cas helped” implying that Cas is out of The Empty. They chose to purposely play Kansas’ version of the theme here and have Dean say “I love this song” right after the lyric “There will be peace when you are done” (this may not have happened while they shot it, but they purposely edited it this way).
The hunter funeral shot isn’t just meant to be a transition to Heaven or even a transition to POV shot. It’s also indicating that something is shifting here. We know how long it takes them to burn bodies in the show (see Mary’s and Cas’ funerals for reference) - look at how it becomes an overhead shot and how quickfully (and almost artfully if that’s the right word) the flames engulf Dean’s body. Then we get a sort of white fade if you will. 
Then: “Well, at least I made it to Heaven.”
And who did they choose to greet him in Heaven? 
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Who was named after Robert Singer as we know. And who directed the episode? That’s right, this guy. And how long has Singer been with the show? Since the beginning. 
“Yep.” “What memory is this?” “It ain’t you, idjit.” “Yeah it is, ‘cause last I heard you were in Heaven’s lockup.” “I was. Now I’m not. That kid of yours, before he went wherever, he made some changes here. Busted my ass out. And then he, well...he set some things right. Tore down all the walls up here. Heaven just ain’t reliving your golden oldies anymore. It’s what it always should’ve been. Everyone happy. Everyone together.” “It ain’t just Heaven, Dean. It’s the Heaven you deserve.” - look at this dialogue, this is once again the writers/Singer talking to Dean directly 
And who’s that in the shot in the background during the pie festival scene in the beginning of the episode?
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Singer himself (x). These scenes parallel. Dean is having his favorite dessert: pie. Instead of Bobby handing it to him, it’s Sam. They sit on a bench outside of a restaurant (it looks like?) They included Singer in this shot for a reason, behind Dean to his left. Then in Heaven we have Bobby handing Dean one of his favorite drinks: beer. They’re sitting in chairs outside of Harvelle’s roadhouse. You know what else parallels?:
“I just... I think about Cas, you know? Jack... If they could be here.” “Yeah. Yeah, I know, I think about ‘em, too. You know what, that pain’s not gonna go away. Right? But if we don’t keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing. So quit being a freaking Eeyore, alright? Get into this.” “Yeah, you’re right.” *Dean has Sam smushing pie into his face*
“So Jack did all that?” “Well, Cas helped.” *cue Dean’s little smile*
The pie in the face moment isn’t just meant to be comedic. Not with Singer still in the shot. Not right after they talk about Jack & Cas. On the surface, it is: “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time” & then Dean takes the fork and gets some pie off his face to eat it, Singer laughing in the background. But notice how Singer walks out of the shot right after and they show this on camera. Singer could have been an extra, he could have been some random guy saying some random line behind them or interacting with them in some way, maybe handing Dean the pie for instance, or someone who accidentally knocks into them for more comedic moments. But instead they kept him in the shot, watching the boys, but staying his distance.
And whose name is on the pie truck at the pie festival? Dabb’s. His name isn’t there just to be there before the end of the show like we’ve seen all along with other names.  
And note the dialogue in the beginning of the pie scene, when Dean & Sam arrive:
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” “Oh, I don’t have a choice. This is my destiny.” And what does the camera pan to? The pie festival with Dabb’s truck in the background.
Dean has two different reactions to the mention of Cas & Jack, and why? Because Heaven was the Heaven that Dean deserved. Where everyone was together and happy. Singer was in the Heaven shot, too, but as Bobby Singer. Heaven is where they were able to speak candidly with Dean after his death. Where they could let Dean be Dean. Where Dean could get the ending he deserved which was everyone together and happy with Cas and Jack somewhere out there in the same Heaven, his mom and dad down the road, and his Baby there to drive anytime he wants, complete with beer.
“It’s a new big world out there. You’ll see.” “Oh wow. This tastes like the first drink I ever shared with my dad.” “Quality stuff?” “No, it’s crap.” *they both chuckle* “But it was fantastic.” “Just like this.” “It’s almost perfect.” “He’ll be along.” - who is the one member of Dean’s family, including Cas & Jack, who the writers haven’t been able to give Dean in his perfect Heaven yet? Sam
“So I guess the question is, what are you gonna do now, Dean?” “I think I’ll go for a drive” “Have fun.” - notice Bobby’s fond smile as he watches Dean approach Baby with a big grin - and once again, Bobby is in the background, watching
Then what comes after Dean starts driving & Kansas’ song is done playing?
Neoni’s cover of “Carry On My Wayward Son” starts playing after Dean tells Sam: “You can go now” (3:28 - x) - and what does Sam do? He smiles and looks down at Original Dean’s watch that he’s wearing & again we get the hands shot - this scene was meant to parallel Dean’s death scene - Dean being present in the form of his nephew who shares the same name, who tells him he can go now & watches Sam die, the cover song being Sam’s version of that song so to speak, and notice the zoom out shot as Sam dies - what do we see? The infamous mantle with the infamous Winchester-only photographs that then fades over to Dean arriving on the bridge in Heaven. Sam is being released from the narrative to go to Dean’s heaven and we know he’s Dean’s Sam again because of the callback costume to season 1. 
The Sam that mourned Dean during that whole montage of his life was only partly Sam the character we’ve come to know and love for 15 years. It was also the CW’s Sam. Not just the Sam the writers loved. Once he moves into Dean’s Heaven, he belongs solely to the writers again, so to speak.
“Hey, Sammy.” “Dean.” And then the hug, the looking over the bridge, the zoom out (showing the big world Bobby talked about that the boys are literally facing), and the credits. And what plays in the background? Dean’s theme, by guitar. And what credits do they show before the crew shot? Andrew Dabb & Robert Singer
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This is why the cover version is played right after Kansas’ version. This is why Dean 2.0 looks like someone who could be on Legacies or one of those shows. This is why the Winchester-only mantle. This is why Blurry Wife. This is why “very, very purposely ambiguously”. This is why “you’ll love the ending, mine would have been so much darker!” This is why “it’s a true ending.” This is why “If you thought Game of Thrones was bad, just wait.” This is why “Supernatural will never get the credit it deserves. Most people who are looking at it from the outside are going to focus on why it ran fifteen seasons, and ignore why it lasted so long.” This is why Jared is happy with his ending and why Misha is satisfied with his. This is why the vampmimes, the rando Jenny callback, the milk run hunt death, that Cas & Jack weren’t in it more than a couple of mentions, why Dean never talked about what Cas confessed or responded to it in any way, shape or form. It was all about Walker.
Had Jensen been cast as Walker instead, you almost have to wonder if it would have been Sam impaled on the rusty nail, a shirtless shot for Jensen, and a Dean-centric ending while Sam waited for him up in Heaven. Everything else would have remained the same, though. The network would still use it.
15x20 was not a bibro episode (or Wincest engame or a pure brothers ending circa season 1-5). 15x20 was a vehicle, almost a backdoor pilot if you will (though not technically) for the new show. There’s a reason why they kept explaining that 15x19 would wrap up the lore/the season and 15x20 would wrap up the boys’ journey/emotional arcs/wrap up the finale, why it would be a 2-parter and it would feel different. Why it didn’t sit right with Jensen. Why Jared sounds like hes parroting what CW execs would be saying about the finale & Sam and Dean. Why Dabb hasn’t said a word since the finale aired. This is why “take it or leave it”. This is how COVID affected this show (I’m not saying it’s only this, they did start the Chuck/network arc earlier than COVID after all). And you know what Dabb & Co’s response was?
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But even more so this:
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Jack becoming God. That is why Alex mirrors some of Rob’s movements from Rob’s performance as Chuck, not just to indicate he is now God. Not only could Jack (aka the writers) break Cas out of the Empty, he completely remade Heaven so Dean and Sam could be safe in the end, given the ending they deserved, where everyone was together and happy. How it always should have been.
15x19 was the best finale they could give us and they tried their hardest. You know why?
Jack becomes God who doesn’t insert himself in the story anymore - his “I’ll be in everything” monologue: “What do we call you?” “Who cares what we call him? Look, all that matters is he got us back on line” “Dean, I”m not coming back home. In a way I’m already there” - “What if we wanna see you? Have a beer or whatever?” “I’m around” (when I first heard this line I thought it was an odd line for Sam to say but now it makes total sense) - “I’ll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, and in the rocks, and in the sea” “This is a hell of a time to bail. You have a lot of people counting on you. They’re gonna have a lot of questions that need answers” “And those answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today, but someday” “They just need to know that I’m a part of them and to trust in that” “I won’t be hands on. Chuck put himself in the story. That was his mistake.” (notice after this line Jack talks about how he’s learned from everyone and when he mentions Cas’ name, they show a shot of the brothers - that is who is missing from this family moment) - notice when Jack talks about people being their best, they can be that Jack looks to Dean and the camera focuses on Dean’s reaction - “Well, I’m really as close as this” *puts hand over heart* - then Jack disappears, we see Sam’s & Dean’s reactions & then the next shot is beers in the boys’ hands (x)
Lucifer is broken out of the Empty by Chuck to indicate that the Empty could be broken into
We find out what happened to Adam
We get a new Death for a few minutes named Billie Betty and Death is killed with no new Death
Chuck gets his ending - through Lucifer and Michael themselves
All humans were restored in the end (& had COVID not happened, we would have seen familiar faces return as well)
Dean never got to respond to Cas’ confession one way or the other but we see him tell Chuck to bring him back and get the whole Lucifer scene - think they could have had Lucifer get in another way or call Sam since he lost Eileen but no they chose Dean for this, to show Dean running up the stairs - because while they couldn’t have Dean respond, they could show this, and Eileen? It was never going to happen because the CW didn’t want any romance in the end for Sam (and that’s why Blurry Wife btw) - this is also why Sam & Dean don’t ask Jack to bring anyone back
Dean reaches the end of his emotional arc as far as he himself goes by the end of the episode with “That’s not who I am”
Dean and Sam get a goodbye with Jack
The intials on the table with Cas’ & Jack’s name added
The brothers shot on the table in the end where Sam looks sad and Dean claps him on the shoulder before they stand and leave
Dean and Sam driving down the road in the Impala (open ending that doesn’t end in death)
the song being played “Running On Empty” - everyone thought that meant Cas or The Empty somehow but look at the lyrics (x)
15x19 was their finale and they weren’t able to give us more than that (except for releasing Dean & Sam from the narrative & having them back in the same place as their family and loved ones)
You know what cements all of this?
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Where Jared & Jensen are looking right into the camera and thank us (the audience) & the zoom out to show the crew on the bridge, then the thank you message to all of the fans. They purposely broke the fourth wall to show you this (even though it happened after the fade out from the shot of Sam hugging Dean). This also explains why they kept Jared and Jensen in costume, and why they literally shoot from the same stretch of bridge they just ended the scene on, why the zoom out shot is similar but this time it’s facing the cast and crew. The show (the world) is now behind them but they want you to know how much they appreciated your support this whole time.
“We felt you guys here with us all the time.”
And who is on Jensen’s left? Singer
And who is on Jared’s right? Jim
Though this isn’t a shot for the show per se and it’s not a blocked scene, it’s not telling the SPN story anymore or any story really, they purposely chose to craft this shot this way, to have Jensen and Jared walk out of frame to lead to this shot, and zoom out this way
And then what do we hear? “And cut” and it cuts to black - why was this line added? why does the ending shot for the crew mirror for Sam & Dean’s ending shot? because this is breaking the 4th wall for the episode & they’re showing you that
And what were we left with for the actual episode?
the episode focused on the brother relationship
Sam not having any visible love interest/wife that is in one scene, in the distance, indistinguishable but we are able to see she’s brunette (brunette like Gen & Shoshannah)
Dean out of the way & driving in Heaven - leaving for Sam to be the focus the rest of the episode (though they keep Dean’s presence through Sam’s son & the impala scene), only when he dies do we see Dean stop the car and wait for him
And again what does all of this remind us of based on the promos we’ve seen so far?
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It’s unfuckingcanny.
This was never about pleasing the 30%, not for the writers and the show. This was never about pleasing original fans of the show (from earlier seasons) or a certain section of the fans. It was always about viewership, about gaining ratings & making sure their new show that Jared was cast in did well, that a smooth transition happened. 
This is why Dean’s character and story development went out the window. Why Sam’s did. Why no Cas, no Jack, no Eileen. Why Cas and Jack are barely mentioned and why Eileen is never mentioned again. Saileen and Destiel were too heavily paralleled all of season 15. Think, if one had happened as endgame (say Sam signing back to Blurry Wife or Dean hears “Hello, Dean” in Heaven since Shoshannah and Misha couldn’t be on set), even the GA (that goddamn 30%) would have went: wait, huh? But the network couldn’t erase Cas from the narrative like Eileen. Misha had been a regular, Cas’ role was essential to the show by the end of it, to the boys’ arcs, he was too important to the story. Plus they saw what happened when the show tried to kill Cas off in season 7. This is why the market research in 2016. This is why Jim Beaver intimated that we should have been happy with what we were able to get. He wasn’t being an ass or unsympathetic, he was just being blunt and stating facts. This is why we got the character montage at the end of 15x19 and no big series recap with “Carry On My Wayward Son” at the beginning of 15x20 which was essential to every season premiere episode, every season finale episode, and mid season-premiere episode of this show. The show wasn’t theirs anymore by that point, not really. This is why the cast & crew aren’t supposed to talk about what the original planned ending was. This is why:
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Holy hell, it has taken me almost two months to try to make some sense of this whole goddman shitshow and why they ended Dean’s story like that as well as Cas’, Jack’s, Eileen’s, and Sam’s. We knew there was network interference (and this post doesn’t take away from the fact that the network has been interfering long before 15x19, long before COVID even) but this is...wow. It all makes so much more sense, at least to me. Who knew that it would take me going back to GoT, rewatching SPN episodes so many damn times, trying to see exactly what they were showing through framing, music cues, the performances, the narrative itself about Dean and Cas as well as Sam and Eileen and the found family narrative and Dean wanting a different ending and the whole leader!Sam thing and why it was all dropped...to finally get to this point. Wow.
Dabb, I am so sorry. I sincerely apologize. I have been so incredibly angry with you and Singer but now, I get it, especially after seeing what happened with Wayward Sisters and how the nerwork operates with other shows. I felt so much pain watching Dean’s death happen, with that dialogue, but I can’t imagine how painful it also must have been for those who wrote the character, who loved him and knew him the way you guys did, the way Jensen did, to have to do it that way. Especially, “Dean...it’s okay. You can go now.” I am so, so sorry. I feel like I should have seen this from the beginning but I didn’t. Ngl, I couldn’t watch that scene before this past week and I still can’t watch it, but now for a completely different reason. I have a pit in the bottom of my stomach just thinking about it.
Like Chuck said: “A headstone with the name: Winchester” - they were set on a death happening. Because what could have happened (and did sometimes though it didn’t take) during Kripke’s era? One of the boys dying. It makes me sick honestly. The CW execs saw GoT, too, but they took something else entirely different from it.
If nothing else, at least I can make some semblance of peace with this now for myself. With the show, the writers, even Jared’s remarks (though tbh I was never mad at him for those, that’s pure PR and parroting/towing the company line). I totally get why this show needs to succeed from Jared’s vantage point and for his sake alone (as well as Gen and their family’s), I hope it does (it makes me sick to say it but I only do so for Jared) or there’s another better project he can land and still be close to his family. Out of all of the main cast for SPN, he talked the most about missing them. So, either way, I only hope the best for him on that front. 
The CW on the other hand:
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tldr; I’m tired and Dean, Sam, Cas, Jack, Eileen, and the whole show were done so fucking dirty - fuck that network
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years ago
NCT AG Masterlist
AG! Who Are We? Who Run The World? Girls! Feel free to leave me some requests from these prompt lists. Make sure to specify which list it comes from so I know! 
Group Profile
Member Profiles: Moxy / Hannah / Juno / Aurora
Moxy - NCT / SM Artists / Outside SM / Mark & Moxy / Kun & Moxy Fun Facts / Johnny & Moxy
Hannah - NCT / SM Artists / Outside SM
Juno - NCT / SM Artists / Outside SM
Aurora - NCT / SM Artists / Ouside SM / Aurora & Jisung / Times NCT were Protective of Aurora
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AG Fansites / How To Handle A Homebody / Channel AG Famous Contents 
AG’s Sleep Habits / 
Lyrics Distribution
Something Like A Party / B.O.Y (Basically Over You)
NCT AG Writing 
Tagged under #NCT AG.Writing and/or #NCT AG.Drabbles. Find the masterlist right here
Time Of Day Series:  Dawn Overview / Dusk Overview / Dusk Comeback Show / Time Of Day Overview / Time Of Day: Tomorrow Overview / Favorite Songs - Time Of Day Series / AG Presents: The Time Of Day Tour
NCT Albums:  Welcome To The Jungle Overview /  Emergency Overview
NCT Albums: Moxy in MAW / Comments - MAW Dance Practice
NCT 127 Albums: Moxy in Loveholic /  Moxy in Sticker/Favorite /  Moxy in 2 Baddies
NCT Albums: Hannah in 90′s Love
NCT Albums: Aurora in Work It
NCT Dream Albums: Aurora in Hot Sauce 
Resonance Pt. 1&2: 
NCT 2020 Yearparty Video / NCT 2020 Resonance Live Event  Resonance Pt.1 Teaser Photos #1 / Resonance Pt.1 Teaser Photos #2   Resonance Pt.2 Teaser Photos #1 / Resonance Pt.2 Teaser Photos #2 Resonance Pt.2 Lines / Resonance Individual Teaser Photos  AG in Resonance
SM Year End Activities
News Articles
Tagged under #NCT AG.News
~ 2019 ~
New SM Girl Group / NCT AG Offical Announcment  SLAP Debut Performance Date
~ 2020 ~
Info On Welcome To The Jungle / NCT NYLON Interview 
~ 2021 ~
Moxy for Men’s No No
~ 2022 ~
Moxy @ Queendom 2 Press Conference / Moxy’s Acting Debut
~ 2023 ~
NCT AG Tour Announcement
Tagged under #NCT AG.Schedule
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~ 2020 ~
NCT AG Season Greetings / NCT AG at the AAA’s / NCT AG at MAMA 2020 NCT AG at KBS Gayo 2020 / Beyond Live NCT: Resonance
~ 2021 ~
AG Catch Up / NCT AG at MAMA 2021
~ 2022 ~
AG Catch Up #2 / 2023 Season Greetings / NCT AG at MAMA 2022
Tagged under #NCT AG.Video
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~ 2020 ~
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~ 2021 ~
Happy 2nd Anniversary AG
~ 2023 ~
To Us #3
Variety Shows
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NCT World 2.0 - Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6 / Episode 7
Queendom 2 Episode 0 / Episode 1&2 / Episode 3 - 10
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Individual Member Updates 
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ggukkiedae · 4 years ago
[1:18am kst, march 21]
hi guys!
i’m sorry for being pretty inactive lately, i’ve been caught up in a bunch of new stuff and like hanging out with my sister bc we can’t leave the house still ✊🏻 that’s why i’ve been kinda gone
i just have to tie up the trouble promotions with the last one or two episodes of royals reality and some tweets about them, plus the bts nct txt reaction videos to the mv
after that, it’ll be in the soop, progressing the girls’ timelines from 2018 (my longer posts), and requests
i have a lot of requests in my inbox rn, so i’ll be closing requests for actual scenarios and bulletpoints for a bit just until i finish everything in my inbox. don’t worry, i’ll tell you when i open requests again :3
the girls and i are still open to questions, though, so feel free to send them in! i have a few in my inbox rn, but i’ll be answering them tomorrow bc i’m about to sleep rn :3 (i’m fixing my sleeping schedule! yay!)
anyway, that’s all for now! please remember to stay safe and stay healthy! the world is a scary place, so let’s stay safe and do what we can to help keep others safe as well...
see you in my next post 🥰
-c 💖
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putschki1969 · 4 years ago
SPICE×H-el-ical// 2nd Single「disclose」Release Commemoration Live Broadcast
2020/11/17 20:00 (JST)~ Twitter hashtag: #ヘリカルSPICE生放送 Don’t forget to tune in! The video will be archived for ONE week Here’s a Google Drive link I did some live commenting/summarising
Hightlights 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Hikaru is wearing a cute cable-knit pullover with laces. Her hair and make-up look gorgeous
As always they are drinking bubble tea XD
They talk about the song and how it was supposed to have unusual lyrics. This is why she mixed a lot of stuff, like English lyrics and Japanese lyrics. Hiragana and Katakana. Everyone should check out the lyrics in the CD booklet because she thinks it will be qutie fascinating. When she heard the song for the first time she knew it would be perfect for English lyrics.
She wanted her dress to fit the image of the song. The blue also fits her image from the past 10 years since she often wore blue as part of Kalafina. She particularly loves the skirt since it flutters so nicely. She lives that the sleeves are see-through and black.
Everyone is looking forward to the customised autographs from the Animate campaign. Hikaru was very excited to sign so many pictures.
She brought the Revlon lipstick she showed yesterday and which she is using today.
Finally an instrumental of “Landscape” in the background. It’s not what I expected but it sounds lovely. I think I expected something much slower since she talked about a calm atmosphere in her countdown video. She explained the same stuff she mentioned in that video about the different sceneries and such.
Some talk about the anime and the episode which is airing today and she is lusting over a sexy onee-sama from the anime XD Not quite sure who she is referring to here. She mentions that it’s another character who is her “moe” but at first she is not willing to share. Fans ask her who her “true” moe is and then she reveals it’s Sissel.
Talk about her acoustic live on Dec 29. She really would have loved to provide a live stream option but unfortunately it wasn’t mean tto be this time. Hopefully next time. Then she talks about the flower theme of her new songs. She did a lot of research on the “language of flowers”.
Hikaru is introducing the live goods which are available for purchase in her online shop until Nov 20!! (The keyholder is bigger than I expected. Love the mask holder tho; Now I kinda regret not getting the parka) AHHH! A backpack???!! HikaRucksack XD That’s new!! I WAAAANT! Seems like it will be available at a later date (Nov 21 ~ Jan 8) in the online shop, Hikaru will try to decide on a decent price)
Game corner where you need to place yor magnets in a way so they don’t touch (game is called JISHAKU). Hikaru is so cute (and super stressed) trying ti carefully place her stones, If she wins, Takeshi Kato will have to write a live report for her upcoming concert XD Alas, Hikaru loses the game. But surprise, surprise, Takeshi Kato will do a report anyways because Hikaru was so sad that she lost.
Present for lucky winners who watched the live, tweeted using the hashtag and are following the SPICE Twitter account: Three posters with a signature
Also, tomorrow there is a live-tweet event to discuss the new single. It starts at 21:00 (JST) and you can use the hashtag #disclose同時視聴会
Feel free to send art, comments and questions using the above hashtag.
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