#this is for u the person who reblogged my shitty half done draft and was so excited about it im sorry i forgot ur url
narancias-headband · 2 years
Golden Wind - Band AU
This is a long one... Here we go!
Doppio/Diavolo - Sweet and excited... Until you miss the new key signature... Then he's a whole other person. Literally.
Giorno - The new kid. Has been thrust into the role of partial leadership over the band. Talented and quiet. Makes his own reeds.
Prosciutto - Flaunts how expensive his instrument is. Very classically trained and snobby. Will glare at you if you're out of tune.
Trish (covers piccolo when needed) - Quiet, reserved, high-maintenance flute girl. Constantly fighting with the conductor. Polishes her flute every spare second she has.
Melone - How does he see his music when his hair is always in his face? He shows up to rehearsal either looking like he's ready to hit the club or like he just rolled out of bed.
Bucciarati - Outgoing and friendly. Would be happy to practice with you. Looks angry when he's playing. Lowkey happy that Giorno took over as the unofficial head of the woodwinds.
Abbacchio - Only here because Bucciarati convinced him to join. He won't help you figure out notes, fingerings, or rhythms - don't ask. Counts out loud, quietly, but you can still hear if you're close enough.
Tiziano - Loves trills too much. Hates playing low. His clarinet is probably the cleanest instrument in the whole band.
Bass Clarinet:
Cioccolata - Sorry, but I've never met a bass clarinetist that wasn't creepy. Science person who's just in the band for fun. Doesn't understand music theory. Disgusting reed.
Sale (Alto) - Plays too loud, but plays the right notes. Probably the source of the squeaks in the band.
Squalo (Alto, covers Soprano if needed) - Elitist saxophonist. Thinks he should always have the melody. Misses flats.
Formaggio (Tenor) - Hate to say it, but he's the epitome of "saxophone player (derogatory)". Obnoxious. Never stops with the conductor. Thinks saxophones are the best instrument and won't shut up about it. Never practices, but somehow always knows his part.
Secco (Bari) - Hates when he has any sort of melody part. Just wants to play the bassline. Keeps his reeds moist in his water bottle that he still drinks from.
Narancia - Self-taught. Killer range; he just thinks playing high is fun. Plays an old beat up trumpet with nearly all the shine worn off.
Illuso - "Trumpet player (derogatory)" type. Overly cocky. Tries to steal every solo. Plays over everyone else. He's probably the best at double tonguing, though.
French Horn:
Fugo - Reserved and sophisticated. Plays too quiet, but knows his part. Afraid to write on his music. Is the person his friend group ends up surrounding during a break.
Risotto - Plays bass 'bone every chance he gets. Intimidating and skilled. He's probably played the whole repertoire a few times before. Corrects the conductor.
Gelato - Old friend of Risotto's, so he always gets a call to be in the band despite poor attendance. Can growl like a god, overdoes it.
Sorbet - Chose trombone just to sit with Gelato. Always asking about slide positions. Adds in accidental glissandos a lot.
Ghiaccio - Plays treble clef because he never learned bass. Used to be a trumpet player, decided he'd rather be in a smaller section. Most likely to mess up and yell "Fuck!" in the middle of a rest.
Pesci - Shy and quiet, until he gets playing. Can and will blow you away. Takes tuning very seriously. Organizes sectionals for all the low brass/woodwinds to work on their parts together.
Mista - Mainly plays snare. Loves marches. Unofficial leader of the section. Loud and excited. Tends to rush.
Carne - Mainly plays bass drum/tympani. There has to be a metronome in his brain. He can keep time like no other.
Zucchero - Mainly plays mallets, marimba is his favorite. Loves to show off with pieces that require 4 mallets.
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shitty parallel paradise translations ch 101-104
Shitty Parallel Paradise Translation Chapter 101 to Chapter 104
a duwang quality parallel paradise translation transcript draft from chapters 101 to the first few pages of chapter 105. My brother asked me to do it but I really can't put that much effort into something I don't really care. This was sitting on my computer so i thought I'd put it here even if it is half-assed but if this gets enough likes or reblogs or DM's I'll do it more seriously and give the translations to the group who's doing it (or whoever wants to clean this up and typeset this I can give u photoshop if u want). Scans are from rawdevart.com don't go to the other one because that one is full of ads. 
notes: I've never read parallel paradise so I don't know how the characters sound. It's a draft so there's lots of brainstorming words and sentences. 
Enjoy the duwang. Namazu out.
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 Chapter 101
The dreaming maidens target is…?
The dreaming maidens spearhead is aiming towards?
 I can't stay as a dreaming virgin?
 Peko is looking this way like she doesn't want to get along.
 You're here aren't you!!
 Come out here!
 Peko's stupid but she's skilled
 Accompany him to sandorio
 Go together with him until sandorio please.
 I think it would be enough with ruumi and amane though
 It probably is but…
 Even though peco has talent, she's not a guardian/has no guardian (?)
And therefore she doesn’t know the world outside/outside  world.
 Because of that I would like to use this chance to give her some experience.
About this world's absurdity (不条理)
 You can make her carry your stuff (make her a porter?/carrier?)
 Please bring her with you
 Carry your stuff!?
 Peko once you're ready we're moving out.
 Argh dammit
 I can't take this!/I can't do this
 Me as a stuff carrier you say!?/me carrying stuff you say!? This genius me!!
 For this ugly guy!!
 Yes yes ill do it ill do it I'll get ready!!
 It's misaki sama's orders so I'll obey it!
 But I definitely won’t listen to this guys orders you hear!1
 I can't believe this humiliation/disgrace!!
 On second thought, can I refuse/
Please can you do something about it…
 Well then we'll be going
 Yeah, be careful
 You'll overthrow the (deep jealousy god)(?),
And I believe you will erase the (hougetsu) from the humans
 Where's peco
She's waiting outside
 I see, peco's a unicorn huh
Kia, what happened to your face?
 I got kicked by a unicorn. It was a shock.
 Even though I've been taking care that much care of it all this time…
Unicorn's hate non-virgins so…
 I put a saddle on a bicorn.
 Arai 荒いrough rude wild
Kisei nature
 I am surprised that it was this easy to put a saddle on a bicorn despite such wild nature.
 Its because Bicorns like non-virgin girls
Once the battle is over, I want you to definitely come back.
 Because you want to copulate?
 Because I like you.
 I'll come back.
 For sure.
 This time, il come back to this city…
  Is When I've triumphantly return from  defeating the (god of deep jealousy ?)
 Well, let's go!!
 Too fast too fast!!
 Is it alright if we go this fast!?
 If we're going the same as a unicorn it's totally fine!
Let's set up tent here
 Wow we've progressed quite far in one day…
At this rate It might not even take 7 days to reach sandorio
 Peco how about you come here and eat together with us
 I'm good
 I am the sole luggage carrier here
 I very well can't partake/join in  with hero-sama and the guardian-dono
 I will go and patrol around the edge of the vicinity
 Everyone else please go ahead and go to bed before me.
 If something happens be sure to call me immediately!
 Don't make fun of me
 There's no way I would depend on someone like you ba-ka
 It’s dangerous alone!
Don't mind me
I have confidence in my skills so
 What the hell is up with her
 She was always a strange child but
 It seems like she got even more worse during the period we didn't meet.
 The human man that she admired turned out to be yota I wonder if she was greatly disillusioned…
 Shut up!
 Who was it, who was the one who said lets  set up the tent at a place like this!?
 Parallel paradise 102
 I want to penetrate! A maidens policy!
 Fufufuffu huhuhuhuh…
 It's one of me vs 9 of them huh
 It's definitely not enough you know
 Okay that’s 2
 From here on it's the debut of my specially made reverse KARU personal knife!  
That makes four
 Fufufu if I used this then the KARU are like walking tofu!
 Nope nope
 Your presence is totally not erased so
 Okay 7
Theres only you know
 What will it be?
 You can go and call your comrades if you want?
 Since im here anyways I'll exterminate all the KARU in the area
 Geez, misaki-sama too
 Whats up with the 'I want to show her the absurdity of this world"
 Even though I am so much stronger than it.
 For real?
 As I thought
The world is wide…
The probability of hitting its weak point is 1 out of 4…
  No good huh!
 Don't fuck with me!'
 What the hell is this
 Just by one punch I cant move my body anymore…
 "call me as soon as there's something!"
 If I call now,
 I wonder if that hero-dono will come and save me…
 There was no point in trying that hard to train in martial arts
 No matter how much you train the body it'll be the end if you get punched once.
I'll just be used for these guys sexual desires and die…
 To think that…
 I was this weak
 Save me…
 Pp chapter 103
   Looking down from above, a peeping danger!?
 s-save me…
 You're late to call
 You okay?
 Why did the KARU run away?
 I don't know the reason but
 For some reason when they hear my voice the KARU run away,
 Whats up with that
 That kind of thing is cheating right…
 That's why when you're with me you won't get attacked by the KARU
 As I thought… I hate you…
 Men… are too unfair…
 even though I couldn't defeat that stupidly big KARU no matter how hard I tried.
 You're right
 That's not true
 Ru-mi -sama
 If youta was bad man then I think he would've used his powers for his own self interest
 He is the only man in this world after all.
 And besides if you copulate with a man you won't die of moon destruction when you turn 20.
 If those are the circumstances then we definitely can't go against yota.
 In exchange for extending your life he could make all the women in this world do whatever he wants
 Every single day copulating with lots of women.
 I won't do that
 That's right, yota won't do those kinds of things
 Even though If he wanted to he could've done countless horrible things.
 Forget about trying to use us.
 He's putting his life fighting to free us from the destroy moon.
 It's very fortunate that this world's only man is yota Is what I think.
 It was written in a book in sindoria/
 That's unusual
 Amelia spoke
 3000 years ago the man who appeared…
 Brought this world into the brink of atrocity
 He did as he liked with all woman
And made them into toys to satisfy his urges
Took their value has humans
 he left them along the sidewalks 
Laugh at their pathetic forms.
 And brought a period of  treachery.
 Akugyaku no kiri wo tsukushita to
      See as I thought its good we got yota
 Was it truly like that
 Even I, if I stay in this world forever that could I also…
 So peko
 Don’t you have anything to say to the hero-sama that saved you?
 So the KARU will just run away when you use your vice,
 So just by using your voice you make the KARU run away, pretty nice position you got there that you can experience the glory of a hero so easily like that
 I hate you even more now.
 Lets go and sleep now
 What's wrong what's wrong?
 The unicorn!!
 The unicorn ran away!!
 Did you tie it up properly…
 I did… tie it up I think…
 It might have ran away from the giant karu's howl yesterday
 Can this bicorn ride 4 people?
 If it's this big then it should be fine, the problem now is…
 Peco, try and touch the bicorn
 As I thought it would not let a virgin ride it huh///
 Well… it cant be helped huh.
We can't just leave peco here and we can't just walk either.
 Peko take of your underwear and face your ass here
We're copulating
 If you're a non-virgin you can ride the bicorn
 Hurry up and take it off
 If you hate me that much then let's copulate in the agreed way and business like way
 Chapter 103
 I'll copulate with you
 I'll do it how you want it professionally
 Hurry up and take of your underwear and face your ass here
 Just with one prick you'll be able to ride a bicorn.
 Know your place
(mi no hodo wakimaenasai)
 (Peco, her only option left is)
 If I have to copulate with you then I'd rather die right here right now.
 In the first place I didn't have any business anyways, I'lll just go and head home alone.
 If I have three days then I can walk back to mi-su so don't mind me please go on ahead without me
 I've already learned plenty  how wide the world is.
 Even if I put in effort its useless
 To lose to a man just by way of him existing is
 No matter what dangers I face, it's better than procreating with a man who feels like a hero just for existing.
 You know what peco
 Then why is your pleasure fountain overflowing?
 I get it peco…
We also walked the same path so…
 You're getting excited imagining opulating with yota right?
  You're wro-!
You should just give up
 I know you know?
 That peco draws lots of naked
 It's famous.
 That there are lots of pictures of naked men hanging in the room
 Didn't you know?
 You're interested in men aren't you
 It can't be helped
 It's alright
 I'm sure it's the same for everyone so
 It's not something to be ashamed about
 You'll get it if you copulate with yota
 To be honest
 I am interested about copulating
 I thought that men would be more beautiful but…
 But… this…
 For them to be this rugged and bony and an ugly being like this is…
 Give it back…
 Give back the beautiful men that I imagined
 Give it back…
 I've been denied whole heartedly while in tears
 If you really don't want it, it can't be helped but…
 If you have even a little bit of interest in copulating then please
 I don't want to leave you here all alone.
 At least…
 Inside the tent please…
 Oh my oh my
 Hurry up and get it over with it already
 If you look at her closely even though she's cute what an amazing smell
 Well it's not like she's taken a bath yet
 Even though you look like you really hate it your pleasure fountains bursting you know
 Even though I haven't even touched you yet you're already really excited aren't you
 Shut up!  
What is this what is this?
 Good it's come out already the non-virgin mark
 With this it's settled then
 Let's ride the bicorn and head off to sandorio.
 But… if you want to apologise for all the rude things you did regarding me then I’ll continue copulating with you (?)
  What will you do
 She said lots of conceited things already…
 Let's mess with her a little
 Will she fall
 Or perhaps she'll endure it
Hero sama…
 For not knowing my place and all the incalculable rudeness
 I am sincerely very sorry
 Oh Please bless this wretched pervert with copulation…
 You didn't have to fall that far!
 What's with you
 I… I'm a pervert who loves men!
 I'm a pervert who always imagines copulating with men!!
 I didn't know!
 That men were such strong beings like this!!
 It's totally different
 Than women!!
 Thank you
 It's not something you have to say thanks for
 For saving me
 Even with for people riding it this bicorn seems to be totally fine
 Yeah! Because it's this big!
 They say the humans of this world came out from that castle right
 Everyone was born in the castle and leaves the castle to start living in their own cities/towns
 You leave the castle between when you become old enough to be self-aware or not so there are only hazy memories.
 In this world without men, girls being born from a castle…
 If you think about how it is, inside that castle it's like there's something pretty nasty about it inside…
 Who on earth lives in the castle
 The empress
 Nobody has seen her face though
 The empress has already lived for thousands of hears and protects this country
Isn't that?
 Could it possibly the witch?
 But here,
 Whether you can say bad things about the ruler of this land…
 Well then let's head off
 What a creepy forest
 The shortest course would be through here right
 We can't go fast here so it's also an opportunity to let the bircorn rest.
 Please save me!
 What are these guys?
 Kobold loves young girls and metal
 They're aiming for our weapons
 Small fry…
 As expected her martial arts is ruthless/can’t be excused
 Are you alright?
 b-big sister thank you…
 It was scary…
 She has an unexpectedly kind face huh
 Everything is alright now
 Peco had a little sister
 They were killed though
 Hey ru-mi sama
 I want to take this child all the way to the city
 That's impossible
 I mean that child can't ride a bicorn right?
 You planning on copulating with a child this young!?
 I wasn’t!
 Oh alright!! Then I'll walk and drop her home to the city myself!!
 You guys can go on ahead first!
 Like I said it's impossible peco
 You definitely can't walk in the outside world alone.
 Aren’t you underestimating me a bit too much?
 Just because I was saved once yesterday…
 It's alright
 There's an easy solution so
 I feel a bit sorry for them but this way it's settle
 Let's hurry and move on
 Peco look closely!
 That childs a ghoul
 Ghouls turn into people to let their guards down and then attack and eat them
 Even if you cut of their arms and legs they’ll regenerate but their stomach is their weak point.
 I'm sure it teamed up with the Cobolt to attack people.
 The Cobolt for the metal and the ghoul for the human meat
 How di did you know?
 Ghouls have a special smell
 The smell of human corpses
 The ghoul made you let your guard down So I apologise I ended up saying it in such a roundabout way
 But with this you understand now right?
 I understand you have confidence in your martial arts but you can't walk the worlds outside of the city with just that.
 I think that's why misaki wanted you gain experience.
 See, look peco
 Aren’t you glad you didn't have to go back to mi-su alone?
 If you didn't mate with me you would've been dead by now.
 Shut up
 Why don’t you go die instead!!
 Die you!!
 Pp 106
 The weather has been fine all the way…
 At this rate we should already be arriving at sondorio!!
 Just a bit ore nishina…
 I defeated garia and I obtained the card that will free you from the cold sleep./ that will release the cold sleep
 Once I get to sandorio I'll awaken nishina…
 And then…
 What on earth happened to her,
 Why did she become the "wtich of deep jealousy"
 Everything that I don’t know I'll hear from her!
 It's sandoria!
 What's the matter amane?
 What the? It's/something burning?
 You're wrong
 It's a beacon/signal fire right?
 Does that mean something happened in  sandoria?
 What, is that…?
 What on earth happened?
 We haven't met in the while huh
 Nakuta sama… what on earth does this mean?
 It's proof of my resoution
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