#this is for those who actually like jay and nya being siblings/platonic!
rere9500-18 · 2 months
Ninjago Dragons Rising !!SPOILERS!! (Idk how to do the ‘Read more’ cut thing on mobile, sooo)
It’s just..
Even when they were younger, Nya’s always been protective of Jay when she had to be. She was there when he needed her, even in the most dire times.
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So, to see Jay acting like this.. knowing this isn’t like Jay at all, harms her more than anyone will ever know. Because she knows her best friend like she knows herself. Jay’s changed.. and Nya isn’t sure if it’s due to the Merge or due to Ras.
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Even when Nya won, you know she felt terrible. Because like Lloyd said, they may have won the battle, but they lost Jay in the process. He still put that forsaken mask on and now, they have no idea if he’s even THERE anymore. Not even a small fraction of him.
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The Ninja got to see their brother again.. but at what cost? Because will they ever truly see the real him again?
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Just.. one more thing.
“Which we will, right?? Jay needs us. Not only has he lost his memories, he used the Gong of Shattering. We have to find a way to heal his inner goodness. We have to save him.” … “Before everything changed, Master Wu told me only unity can save us. Without Jay, we aren’t united.” -Nya, after being told that Ras wants them to follow Jay to get them out of the tournament
The way Nya valued her friendship with Jay more than a tournament will always be on my mind. Forever.
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Cole headcanons, because apparently when I’m bored I think about Cole (and Morro, and Cryptor, surprisingly enough):
Cole is annoyingly acrobatic. In fact, when they first started doing their ninja stuff he was the most flexible and acrobatic, when it would make more sense if it was Jay or Kai due to their builds or elements. Not once did he ever share the reason as to why being Lou putting him into ballet, gymnastics, and having him train at home to peak flexibility because Lily was the one who did it before, so Lou was not gonna stop until Cole reaches Lily’s expectations. (Lily used to do the splits easily in front of Cole and Cole was determined to do that too, no one could stop the force that was baby Cole. As much as Lou started the idea, he wanted to stop because he kept thinking it was too much. It was Cole staring him dead in the eyes and saying ‘Mama wants me to’ that pushed him to continue. The dance stuff was all him though). He actually helped Jay train into being more flexible pre-pilots and later helped Nya do the same.
Cole understood Lloyd’s desire for sweets a bit too much, and instead of pushing it down and making Lloyd learn control, he encouraged it and now Wu had too deal with two sugar rushed ninja.
Cole used to argue with Kai all the time when they first began training together, until one day he had had enough. When Kai huffed and walked away after a particularly heated argument where not even Nya could get Kai to calm down and Zane and Jay couldn’t pull the two apart, Cole stomped up behind the shorter male, picked him up, and teddy bear hugged him until Kai apologised. It’s Cole’s version of when older siblings keep you head locked until you apologise. Kai was an embarrassed mess because Cole wouldn’t stop complimenting him and sharing his point of view like a healthy adult whilst he was still huffing. He didn’t argue with Cole for the next week and agreed each time the other told him to do something. Nya couldn’t stop laughing each time Jay and Zane mimicked the moment. The only reason Cole did that was because he remembered a big argument between his mum and dad when he was younger, and when it got heated from his dads side, his mum just picked Lou up and held him until he calmed down and she was able to think with a clearer mind.
Cole absolutely LOVES throwing dirt at people, and when they found out Nya’s element, he was able to convince her into helping him make mud to throw at people. They had to run when Zane had enough and froze the mud to chase them with it.
Cole likes to pop out of the ground at random times. Lloyd had to quickly learn to watch where he stepped, less his foot connects to Cole’s face again.
Cole actually planned to sell fake ‘special, one of a kind rocks!’ During that one time they were poor as dirt. It would’ve worked amazingly well too, seeing as everyone knew he was the earth ninja. Despite Wu not being there to tell him off, Kai had fun smacking Cole over the head for that idea.
Cole is probably the only ninja completely willing to commit crimes, especially fraud and theft.
Similarly to how Jay had to teach Zane how to live a tad more normally and how to understand society, Cole had to do the same with Kai and Nya. Wu could not be trusted because everyone realised he was just a tad of a recluse.
You know how Nya stepped onto that soulmate machine thing and it said Cole was her perfect match? Well, after Cole threw away his weird need to prove it right (lowkey think he was just matching the energy Jay had given and got petty) he called his dad up and explained it all and how they somewhat worked it out but it was still weird with Nya, and Lou lowkey just laughed at him, and reminded Cole of all those fairytale book’s he used to read and how they tended to explore the topics of found family and friends. Cole didn’t understand, but Lou explained that soulmates aren’t just the people you love romantically, but the people you love platonically. Cole and Nya sat down together just an hour later and Cole had to share this epiphany to the person he considered a sister, and understood him just like he understood her.
Cole is usually dragged into helping Pixal in her personal projects due to his strength, but he knows she also enjoys his company.
Cole and Vania share late night texts about their lives after not talking for weeks and they talk for HOURSSS just sharing everything they’ve been through recently.
Cole struggled to learn how to swim. Mainly because his element enjoyed making him more sinkable rather than floatable.
Cole went through the phase of having decently tight curls as a child, to loose and flowy hair, to extremely tight curls. He likes having a new hair style every week, from wavy hair and ponytails, to dreads and puffs.
He wears hoodies in the hottest of heats just to prove to Kai that he can. (He can’t its all sweaty by the end of the day)
If Morro stuck around Cole would absolutely force him into living and healing. Ghost duo my beloveds 🫶
Yes these are head canons leave me alone ajdghdhd
Cole the man that you are.
Edit: guys why is it telling me this is a mature post i swear its just cole being a lil loser
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rere9500-18 · 1 year
Them 🤝 this verse
having a chokehold on me
Anyways, made another one 🫶🏾
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