#this is fine.dog
sntechsupport · 4 months
A player got in contact recently, screaming about how "It's eternity out here". Attempts to trace the connection return impossible location values. Outside of space.
They're not one of ours, but they appear to be passing this way.
ETA to you guys: 6 Cycles
You guys know more about The Between Non-Space than we do, so I figured it was best to ask you lot.
- Dr. Syne Wayve Ph. D, SPace II Emergency Response Team Leader
Yeah, so, fun fact from behind the scenes: Fluffle's been talking to me recently and we've decided to release some people from Living Hell on parole, in case they "learned their lesson" and "they might want to play nice now, it's worth a try".
But they don't have a native space to be dropped into, so... We just plopped them outside of LH. They're figuring it out.
Eh, they'll be fine.
SN Tech Support (Gear)
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queerbauten · 7 years
tfw one of ur faves tweets something Problematic™, and even though they’re one of the few celebs on whom “callouts” work, you’re still afraid to actually say something, because... because
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candyholic-2 · 7 years
Abt the dog shaving post: what about like trimming fur around the pupper toes? I usually do for my furbaby to get to her nails to trim them and the hair just gets so much in the way and gets trimmed anyways ;-;
That's generally fine.Dogs such as Goldens and Poms have these little tufts of hair in between their toes that can be trimmed and their butt fluff can be tidied for sure.But that's as far as I will go with double coats -unless medically necessary.
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