#this is even more unhinged than the og trilogy was
me, getting further and further through french aa4: hEY FRENCH LOCALISATION TEAM I JUST WANNA TALK--
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immobiliter · 2 years
alright spoilery thoughts below the cut!
okay so let me preface this by saying that i do think a lot of reworking of the og trilogy was needed. i'm personally not a fan of a lot of stuff in the trilogy and there were changes that they made in the first few episodes that i thought made sense. however by ep 6 it seemed to have gone completely off the rails lmaoooo. not to mention that my favourite part of the trilogy is the ending for alina & mal and i really hate that it was changed here. alina losing her powers in favour of a quiet life running an orphanage with mal is such a powerful thing after all they both go through, and now to suddenly hint at "dark" alina while packing mal off on a ship to play at being sturmhond is just. dumb. lazy. not a fan. assumedly it's a way to keep the actors involved provided that the show moves forward but still. bleh.
my other issue with the way they kept borrowing things from every single grishaverse book is the way it all felt very crammed in. the plot just kept going and going and it was as if they wanted to get as much in as possible in case the show gets cancelled after its second season. but that came at the expense of the characters, who in many cases were not allowed to breathe or have the development that they needed for some of the emotional beats to actually land. there were plenty of things i didn't care about because the plot simply didn't allow me room to care about them.
positives, though: kaz, nina, genya and david were the highlights, although i cannot believe that they have killed (?) david off without his bromance with nikolai. but genya and kaz really did kill this season and were the most watchable parts
the crows were wonderful, i can understand why they brought in aspects from the duology ( and a lot of stuff from crooked kingdom ), although i kinda wish the pekka rollins thing wasn't wrapped up after four episodes ( even though i'm assuming from pekka being in hellgate that it's Not Over Yet ). i'm still not sure how i feel about jesper and wylan already Knowing each other, but they were cute so there is that. kaz and inej were one of the strongest dynamics this season.
the show vastly overestimates how much i care about the darkling moping around in his dilapidated mansion. nor do i care about the unhinged tidemaker girl. i don't give a shit about either of them, thanks.
the fight scenes were so very camp and it was both funny and also kinda sad.
hahahahahaha nikolai okay. so my overall opinion is that he was Fine and if it was anyone other than nikolai that would be okay, but nikolai as a character is meant to be so much more than fine. he is meant to crackle with charisma and steal every scene that he is in and not just be the dashing privateer and boy prince, but a madman and an absolute pain in the ass for everyone around him, and i just ??? didn't get that ?? he did get better as the show went on but, aside from his scene in ketterdam in episode 1 ( that i did really like ), he really did blend into the background when he was sharing the screen with the likes of kaz and jesper and even tamar. i don't wholly blame the actor, i think it was also a combination of the show's breakneck pace with its plot and the writing, but i just found him bland in comparison to all of the other characters
i also still don't really know how to process what was going on with his family. vasily ????? like he's an idiot but why did they make him a full blown antagonist ?? also why wasn't he blonde like the lantsovs are meant to be ??? he was so cookie cutter it was ridiculous
whoever decided that nikolai and zoya should be kept apart for the entire season. i would just like to talk. zoya was so sidelined and even though i liked some of her stuff with nina it was kinda ridiculous seeing as she has such a key role in the og trilogy
and then don't even get me started on how it's not even the darkling who turns nikolai into a winged monster, and that he still hasn't transformed or become the king of scars by the end of s2. i don't like it. i also don't like that they kept the political marriage between nikolai and alina and followed it all the way through to nikolai's coronation.
but yeah. i probably have more thoughts but on the whole. i think i'm going book based lmao
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secret-jedi · 5 years
A Perspective from a 2015 Reylo Fan
(I don’t assume to speak for all reylo fans but this is my experience)
In 2015 it was considered close to a fact that rey was Luke’s daughter. Anything other than pure contempt for kylo was condemned. The idea that there was the barest hint of a romantic element to rey and kylo’s story in the films going forward was considered an impossibility and resulted in being banned from forums, disregarded as an unhinged fan girl and complete rejection from the mainstream Star Wars fan base. Accusations of being fake fans who ‘didn’t get Star Wars’, sexism, racism, rape apology, incest, you name it. There was a lot of self hatred in the early days that the reylo fandom has grown out of now, it has grown because of beautiful people who wrote near prophetic metas, stunning artwork, fanfics, theories, podcasts, content born out of pure love for the characters and films. Liking reylo became even more than a ship, it was a whole perceptive and way of thinking of the meaning of the sequel trilogy/the saga.
The bar was so low. After being gaslit and being told we were seeing things that weren’t there or misinterpreting blatant canon (bless the OG Offical databank update) it’s no wonder we couldn’t believe our luck when TLJ came out and it picked up where TFA left off. Many were so surprised that we thought it would take the whole film for rey and kylo to be civil to each other but the film sped right past that point obvsiously and the film concluded as it did. From Luke not being the mentor rey needed, the freaking force bond, the shirtless scene (still feels like a fever dream that rian did That), the hand touch scene (smut hut), fighting back to back, the proposal and separation, TLJ was insane to comprehend. Now that TROS is here and no matter what is in it, I’d like to think the positivity outweighs the negative.
Despite the countless -Gates, false leaks, real leaks, on the whole this corner of the fandom has been the most welcoming and creative place to enjoy. I lurked in the reylo tag (which was mostly the Elmo on fire gif for a time) since I got home after the TFA premiere and wondered if others had the same suspicions I had about the movie, and for quite a while after I only lurked because of the fear a lot of people had at the time about making their blogs more reylo friendly because of the threat of abuse from others on the site. Since diving in years ago I have made some of the best friends in my life. I intend to stick around for quite a while because whether people find the ending hopeful, bittersweet, or tragic, I know there’s a lot left to say and enjoy with one another. These past few years haven’t been easy for me but online I’ve found not just an escape from reality but a community of people. Really all I wanted to say was THANK YOU
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elle-eedee · 5 years
dcom daddies: ranked
whats up sluts i’m here to give you the content you did NOT know you needed: a foolproof algorithmic ranking of a mild selection of disney channel dads!
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beast (descendants)
hotness scale: extremely tall (over a foot taller than me! this is Very Important to the scale) and he seems to be a mere thread’s width away from Unhinged at all times, which i love. i also think it’s very sexy of him to still have such a monstrous way about himself (what with the roaring and the growling) 20something years post-curse.... makes me wonder very vividly if such energies carry to the b*droom........ *clears throat* 10/10
quality of character scale: it eternally amuses me that beast seems to learn almost Nothing over the course of this trilogy. he’s literally pro-isle the ENTIRE time jsjdndjdjd..... not great considering it puts him directly at odds with his son (and, like, with social progress) but he Does seem to act the way he does with the kingdom’s safety in mind! plus when he’s not accidentally supporting magical fascism he’s super dorky. i love his goofy dance moves 7.5/10
total score: 17.5/20...... with this score alone you can tell this system isnt rigged bc if i had it my way he’d be winning
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hades (descendants)
hotness scale: i hate his party city clown wig but i’m a total sucker for guys in makeup (EVEN THOUGH A DECENT SHADE OF LIPSTICK WOULD HAVE BROUGHT HIS ENSEMBLE TOGETHER. WHY DID THEY PROPOSE IT ON THE CHARACTER DESIGN WALL IF THEY WERENT GONNA FOLLOW THROUGH!!!) and i think the fact that hes Very Sleepy and doesnt own a dog makes him my dream guy 9.5/10
quality of character scale: he literally sings a song about how cool he thinks it is that he’s a shitty dad............ but he DOES come through when his kid needs him, so that’s nice i guess. i would have liked to see more of him but i’ll settle for reading and writing intricate fan works that delve into a hypothetical personality for him that’s mainly conjecture 7.25/10
total score: 16.75/20 i wanna see him in some preppy auradon clothes
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jafar (descendants)
hotness scale: i wish i had nicer things to say about this man. he just....... bears so little resemblance to the original jafar it makes me :( maybe if he was more gangly, or if he carried himself w the same potent gay energy that og jafar has? itd also help it he wasnt a racist caricature. 4.5/10
quality of character scale: again, very much a racist caricature. jafar doesnt steal!!! why would This be what he chose to do with himself! but he does seem to be, perhaps, the least bad of the core four’s parents, which counts for something i suppose. 3/10
total score: 7.5/20 sorry bud
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dr facilier (descendants)
hotness scale: listen. it’s dr facilier. what am i supposed to do, NOT give him a perfect score on the sexy scale? 10/10
quality of character scale: he just loves his daughter and wants to make sure she’s getting what’s hers!!!!! his dynamic with celia makes me really happy they seem so fun! though i guess you could argue it sucks that he’d send his darling babey dohter to do errands for big mean scary hades considering that Everyone on the isle seems to quake at the sight of him. but im sure facilier only does that to ensure that celia can hold her own! 8/10
total score: 18/20 and it’d probably be higher if we’d seen more of him
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mr smee (descendants)
hotness scale: not only does this man fuck, judging by the ages of his kids he fucked RECENTLY. get it baby live your truth 7/10
quality of character scale: he seems to be SO kind and sweet to his baby sons..... holding their little hands and such!!! and judging by how nervous the kids are i’d imagine it was primarily smee’s idea for them to go to auradon. extremely noble sacrifice for their benefit even though he’ll miss them 10/10!!!!!
total score: 17/20 i want to kiss his hand, if he’ll have me
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zevon necrodopolous (zombies)
hotness scale: every time i look at this man i think of this post. he’s the perfect amount of frumpy for my tastes and his voice is so unique!!!!! i’d let his z-band malfunction so he could *** ** ***** * ******* **** 9/10
quality of character scale: really really cares about his kids and wants them to be safe!! he raises his voice once which im not a huge fan of but i suppose it was justified given the circumstances. also that shot of him goofing about with d*le in the end scene shows remarkable capacity for forgiveness after decades of trauma and discrimination! what a guy. 9/10
total score: 18/20 an absolute dilf!!!!!
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dale (zombies)
hotness scale: looks like an uncrustable. 0/10
quality of character scale: a fucking cop. die bitch! 0/10
total score: 0/20 get in since you wanna act clown
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coach jack bolton (high school musical)
hotness scale: honestly pretty young for my tastes. and i literally Always swipe left on athletes, so..... fine looking, but not for me. 5/10
quality of character scale: obviously he grows as the series progresses but i feel like jack is Always in the way of troy getting what he wants, which sucks. i like that he’s kinda goofy on his off hours with his family exactly as much as i Hate how much he yells when hes on the job. i do wish we lived in the timeline where he and miss darbus actually had that duet about their disagreements, though. 5/10
total score: 10/20 truly an Average dcom daddy
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vance evans (high school musical)
hotness scale: due to personal reasons i will be having bad taste. however, this man’s fashion sense in IMPECCABLE. i mean, the colors??? the unbuttoned collar???? come on now. there is also the gratuitous use of the d-word to consider......................... anyways 7.5/10
quality of character scale: it’s hard to tell how much of his interest in furthering troy’s career is out of sincerity and how much of it is sharpay nudging him. but either way the result is a man who supports his daughter unconditionally! he could be nicer to ryan, though (plus he’s an evil capitalist) 6/10
total score: 13.5/20 i feel like he and fulton have had Relations
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mr gifford (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: listen, i’m a simple guy. i see a basic-looking man pursuing age gap romance in the midst of a mid-life crisis, i support him unconditionally. also i am just Really vibing with that oversized denim shirt on him!!! there’s an egregious amount of arm hair poking out that just works. good for him! and this is a small moment but i’m very flustered over his natural Touchy Feely instinct after wen pokes out his eye... however: man has no eyebrows. 8.5/10
quality of character scale: i’m not a child of divorce so i don’t know how this stuff works, but i feel like he springs a lot of major decisions on wen? not ideal. on the other hand, we DO stan that he has sydney move in before they’re married. this is not a christian home!!!! 6/10
total score: 14.5/20 probably my favorite lemonade mouth dad, but mostly because he’s like the only one paid any attention by the narrative
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mr banjaree (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: men really have beautifully sculpted noses and we just let them, huh. i’m definitely overusing the word Handsome in this list, but in this case? i’m justified. mr banjaree’s beard suits him SO well and his hair looks so soft...... and we love the implicit cleanliness of a man who wears socks in the house! 8/10
quality of character scale: i super SUPER dont agree with this man’s Smothering-Adjacent Methods (and also i know firsthand that strict parentage just drives kids to be more rebellious, lmao) but all things considered he really just wants the best for his family PLUS he’s willing to meet mo halfway at the end! :’) 6/10
total score: 14/20 the way i feel about him is the way i feel when i get crushes on pastors in that You Are Complicit In My Trauma But We’re Gonna Kiss About It way
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mr delgado (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: OOOOH GLASSES! 5/10
quality of character scale: it’s sort of implied that the Wacko Energies of charlie’s family are mostly the fault of his mom so it’s cool of this man to distance himself from that. he is, of course, still complicit in Whatever The Hell Her Deal Is unless he is constantly fighting with her offscreen 6/10
total score: 11/20 would have loved to see more of him
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mr yamada (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: another chapter in the saga of unbuttoned collars! doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to show off his strengths but i appreciate that he is not the thinnest dad in town 6.5/10
quality of character scale: WOW fuck this guy. very dismissive of stella’s aspirations!!!!! i don’t like that he feels the need to talk Over her to her mom when he’s asking about her vegetarianism. dude she is right there.... however it’s a lil touching when he holds her guitar up at the end, so... 4/10?
total score: 10.5/20 *thinks about his slightly protruding tummy in his last scene* *thinks about his slightly protruding tummy in his last scene* *thi
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bob duncan (good luck charlie: it’s christmas!)
hotness scale: in keeping this Specific to the feature-length xmas special, i will say that bob duncan is QUITE handsome! disappointed that he was wearing a shirt in the scene at the pool.... ill bet if this movie came out post-workout/makeover he’d have been shirtless >:/ i feel robbed... spare tummy, sir? spare tummy? additionally i love a man who rolls up his sleeves AND a man who stans kaiju movies!! also i love that he, quite literally, canonically fucks 8.5/10
quality of character scale: he’s about as charmingly incompetent as he is in the show, but the difference here is that he literally did not do a damn thing wrong! all he wanted to do was be civil with his inlaws and he frankly deserves MUCH better. its clear from his banter with the kids that he loves them very much (also i love how frequently he feels the need to jump/dive for things in this movie. silly slapstick icon) 8.75/10
total score: 17.25/20 this man’s mere presence oozes nostalgia
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jerry russo (wizards of waverly place: the movie)
hotness scale: this man was MADE for me. the bottomless collection of hawaiian shirts....... the TWO tummy out scenes..........the fucked up evil thing his voice does when the kids try to steal the spellbook!!! he really has it all. also i love that he is truly just trying to have some beach intercourse 9/10
quality of character scale: i love that even when he doesn’t remember the kids he still maintains a little dadly rapport with them? the instincts...... it’s also incredibly good of him to relive his decision to give up his magic without hesitation once he realizes the severity of the situation :’0 10/10
total score: 19/20 i’ve never seen an episode of the show but im really about to start
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neil morris (dadnapped)
hotness scale: handsome....... mr morris makes me feel simultaneously like a sapiosexual AND a morosexual because although he completed enough schooling to become a dentist, he also threw it away for a writing career like an absolute champ. also i find it unbelievably charming how Along For The Ride he is about the idea of being kidnapped. a man after my own heart 8.25/10
quality of character scale: this is a tricky one...... neil DOES show active concern for his daughter’s safety when push comes to shove, but he also has my least favorite type of redemption arc: “you THOUGHT i was neglecting you, but actually i was thinking about you the whole time and just never expressed it! we good?” so like. bleh. but he’s pretty mild mannered which i deeply appreciate in a man! 6.5/10
total score: 14.75/20 maybe talk to your daughter instead of writing a macgyver ripoff, dumbass
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major joe mason (princess protection program)
hotness scale: prime dad bod, very believable for his line of work. also he has such a Gentle Way about himself when he’s around princesses....... i love all the hand holding when he’s escorting rosie. absolutely my type 8.75/10
quality of character scale: gosh.... where do i even BEGIN!!! his whole dynamic with carter is so ideal... i was apprehensive at first because his job would require him to be Absent a lot of the time, but upon reflection it’s clear that he’s raised carter well enough that he can totally trust her to be on her own, and also she’s only sad to see him go because she sincerely enjoys his company. everything about his profession is so noble and i love the way he can carry himself as casually or as politely as a given situation calls for. worst thing he does is say “i might have to stop calling you ‘pal’” because his daughter is wearing a pretty dress. i wish he was my dad but i’ll settle for him being my husband 9.75/10
total score: 18.5/20 i almost made a ppp self insert this morning specifically for Him
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ted thompson (zapped)
hotness scale: athletes arent sexy!! this guy’s face screams The Only Websites I Know How To Use Are Facebook And Reddit and also he’s a dog person BUT he is sporting quite the tumbey if i do say so myself and for that i shall let him live. 4/10
quality of character scale: ok i know the whole point of this movie is Boys Bad but i hate men who are loud and i hate dads who get Weird about the inherent femininity of their daughters. when he calls zoey “sport” and then cringes like he’s made a mistake? dumb and unnecessary. HOWEVER all of his efforts to bond with zoey are really really sincere. like when he fixes her music box? that has NOTHING to do with the app he just Does It!!!! the movey mightve rubbed off on me a little too much but there are multiple ways to show love and just bc im not used to his way doesnt mean it has no worth! 6/10
total score: 10/20 mr thompson sir im sorry i doubted you at the start of the film
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rob adams (radio rebel)
hotness scale: this man dresses 5-10 years younger than he looks and i respect that for him. but i was expecting him to be a bit more of a slimeball considering how tara talks about him in the opening scene... and you guys know how much i love slimeballs. regardless, pretty handsome! 6.5/10
quality of character scale: it’s nice that he goes to such a Public and Corporate effort to connect to his stepdaughter! even if it’s in a way that financially benefits him, it��s pretty clear that he cares about this family and wants to do right by them. nothing exceptional, though 7/10
total score: 13.5/20 i GUESS i’d be down to smash if he asked
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ralph bartlett (read it and weep)
hotness scale: ok i was gonna say something mean about the fact that he’s balding but honestly he has really nice arms........ in addition he’s really quirky and optimistic which i am going to admire into my grave!! when he gets excited about having customers during the finale his voice quirks with an almost charlie day-esque charm. handsome. ALSO he calls jamie “princess” which is!!!!!!! something 7.5/10
quality of character scale: the way ralph parents his kids is Very 2000s in that he kinda babies his daughter but gets to pal around with his son, but i guess both dynamics come from a place of love and he could be doing much worse. plus he’s an honest hardworking small business owner! i support him 7/10
total score: 14.5/20 i would definitely go out for pizza with him
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dr james hartley (how to build a better boy)
hotness scale: THIS. THIS IS WHAT DCOM DADDIES ARE ALL ABOUT. gosh..... this is truly the Most dad ive ever seen in my life. i love how his hair is always mussed..... how he’s so Desperate to relax that he falls asleep after Fifteen Seconds of smooth jazz..... and also. like. hes a scientist?? hello??? pretty sexy of him. i want to give this man the relaxation he deserves 10/10
quality of character scale: ok so,,,...,, kinda fucked up that he lied to his whole family (with the possible exception of his wife—sidenote, WHY did they make dr hartley married? his wife never comes up except when bart says she’s out of town. let him be single so i can slide into those dms) and EXTRA kinda fucked up that he works for the government? what a scab. BUT it’s very very clear that he cares about his kids (and gabby) and prioritizes their safety above all else! also, did you SEE how happy he was when mae won homecoming queen....... he loves her so so so much! :’0 8.5/10
total score: 18.5/20 i thirst tweeted about this man and roger bart replied ‘Aw, thanks!’ so i dont know where to go from here
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