#this is endgame kidgeance watch
camphalfgalra · 6 years
Wake Me When It’s Over // Chapter 1 – Strangers Just Like Me
Pairing: Keith/Pidge/Lance Rating: T Chapters: 1/? Summary: At eighteen years old, Lance shouldn't be running through the people barren streets with a horde of the undead trailing behind him at his heels. He should be at college, chatting with his best friend and hooking up with girls over the weekend. Seems like fate had different plans for him. [x] (Preview down below)
"Hey, none of us are going to die," Pidge replied, tossing her bag over her shoulder and eyeing Hunk with a small frown.
"We are if we leave here tonight," Hunk replied crossly. "This place is safe! Why are we leaving the one place that has provided us with protection for a week and is the safest place we've been at since Garrison got overrun? We're literally sentencing ourselves to death out there."
Pidge rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Look, that radio chatter we heard means something. I have no idea what it means, but it's obviously important if we're hearing it being broadcast over the radio. If someone escaped, then that means that they were being held hostage against their will."
"Even if that's true, why should we help them?" Hunk asked. "We have to look out for ourselves, and that means staying here where it's safe and we aren't in danger of dying."
"Hunk, if Pidge said she had to kill more than ten of those half-dead freaks today, what makes you so sure that we're safe?" Lance questioned, placing a hand on his hip. "We both know that unless we're in a governmental refugee, we won't last much longer. Staying in houses that are in zombie infested neighborhoods isn't going to work for much longer. Our best shot now is to look for more survivors, like the refugee that escaped whatever facility it was that we heard over the radio."
"Lance is right," Pidge said, glaring up at Hunk, "we aren't safe here if we stay much longer. The only real place we'd be safe at is at a refugee center, and the more people we get in our group means more supplies to go around."
"Even if you're right, what are we going to do tonight?" Hunk questioned, narrowing his eyes. "We can't just sleep in our car. That would make us bait, and I'm not ready to die yet."
"Garrison might have a few buildings that can be safe to crash in tonight. Our goal tonight is to go back to Garrison and figure out where we're going after that. Once we have a plan, we drive around and try to recruit other survivors that won't kill us and find whoever the escaped prisoner is," Pidge said, looking directly into Hunk's eyes. "I know you're scared, but this is how the world is now. We fight to survive and see the next sunrise, and we do whatever it takes to make it to the end."
Hunk emitted a sigh, pouting. "Fine," he said childishly, "but Lance is driving and I'm sitting in the back of the truck to make sure to shoot down any walkers that may be following us."
Pidge nodded. "Sounds like a plan." She turned and walked out of the room, heading downstairs into the kitchen, presumably looking for more knives to add to her pouch.
Lance whistled. "She's kinda cute when she's authoritative, isn't she?" He asked Hunk, a small smirk on his face.
Hunk sent him a dirty look. "Keep it in your pants, Lance."
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