#this is def on the list of headcanons i really feel the most strongly about
ashen-laguz · 2 years
taps mic yes hello i'm here to reiterate that the aro hitori truthing that's been going around hatotumblr recently is so cool and true.
like on one hand no shame to anyone who reads him differently, but also How. he is probably the single fictional character who reads the most Aro that i've ever seen. this man's priorities always feel very focused around love imo - mostly that familial love for nageki and the other hatohouse kids of course. he always seems chill and happy to put himself in positions to help out his students as well tho - he's always so patient with even the most difficult of students, he offers to walk hiyoko home... helping anghel at comiket is absolutely going way more out of his way then he needs to, and yet he does so happily!
yeah yeah he says in his own route that he's "lost his ability to love" (read; i absolutely don't think he has, i think he's just terrified of getting too close to anyone and thus refuses to admit to himself when he does Care nowadays) and maybe part of this is just part of being a good teacher, but there's a lot there outside of school hours that's going very out-of-his-way that he sure as hell aint getting paid for that like. you cannot convince me he doesn't care for his students a lot. i cannot personally interpret that as anything besides "he cares about them and wants to be a good mentor figure and be sure they're being well taken care of" which is def it's own form of love
these are def two of the three main examples, and if you notice, neither of 'em are romantic. It's moreso a caretaker kind of love, something akin to a fatherly/older-brother figure (obviously more literally in the case of the hatohouse, but still)
of course the elephant in the room here is the whole thing with kazuaki-kun, but like
kazuaki's intense vulnerability and loneliness would be the exact sort of thing to draw out the caretaker out of hitori. that older brother instinct of "this person is significantly more vulnerable then me and i have the power to help" which
idk about you but that kind of love/care don't exactly sound like a romantic one to me lol. it's a very... imbalanced love, as the 'caretaker' is kind of pushing themself into a position of more power then the other instead of having an equal partnership. regardless of what kazuaki's feelings about the whole thing were, or what label they may or may not have used, that does not sound like a romantic love to me in the slightest
so like. you have this character who is so focused around love and caring for folks... and yet, somehow none of it is romantic. he never chases after the idea of romance, or shows any real interest in it or anything. leaves out a whole specific type of love despite his character motivations otherwise being driven by love
and idk about you but i can't really think of any explanation that makes more sense as to why he'd ignore a whole type of love then "he doesn't experience romantic love"
so ye. aro hitori.
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
Decided it was probably time for me to post a list of my omo hcs for this game since I did the THH chars! Like with the other list, I'll be excluding a couple I have no interest in thinking of omo content of (in this case, Hiy/oko and Teru/teru). I'm breaking this one into multiple posts throughout the week as I compile my thoughts (I'll add a link to all of them on the fic masterlist page later so you can find them all) because I feel this is gonna be a lot longer than my THH post haha!
Here we go, the first 3 (or 4) chars! Please stop reading now if you don't want spoilers for the game bc there will be several!!!
* I firmly hc him as vegetarian (not vegan. He will consume byproducts like milk/cheese/eggs/etc, but only harvested himself or from small farms/sources that he has personally vetted/researched where he knows 100% that the creatures are treated ethically.)
* That's actually not omo-related besides milk oops but it relates to my next point, which is that for the most part he prefers Natural food/drink. Water, fruit or vegetable juices/smoothies, etc. He's not really used to strange 'Human' confections like soda or coffee, so the caffeine and diuretics hit him hard and fast and make it difficult for him to estimate how much time he has. It also makes him jittery/hyped as hell which Does Not Help.
* As long as he isn't screwed over by caffeine or a ton of drinks, he has a decently strong bladder and can hold for a long time. He has a lot of practice from hiding/waiting to help certain animals, laying trapped under sleeping cats/dogs, etc. And also avoiding public restrooms like the Plagues they are for most of the day...
* He's bladdershy AF and has been since early childhood. I saw he had signs drawn on the doors/curtain in his room during my playthrough (including the bathroom) and that is definitely his safezone. Can't go outside either bc 1. He's paranoid he'll be seen by other ppl and 2. That feels disrespectful to the nature deities despite the logic that animals do it all the time. He knows that's dumb and he hates himself for it.
* Sometimes I do like to ignore the bladdershy hc just for some variety. Even in that case tho he'd still be a bit of a diva about which public bathrooms he uses. If it's gross or weird he's gonna avoid it/complain/refuse to go even if bursting. He's stubborn af
* We all know he canonically goes commando. Therefore he is in extra danger because any leaks will go straight to his pants RIP Since he usually wears black it isn't that visable (as long as it's just a bit and not a full wetting), but if he ever has to wear smth else u know he's screwed c':
* He's not very vocal when desperate at all. Mostly strangled whines or grunts (only when alone or if so urgent he can't hide it), he's just so easily embarrassed that he can choke most sound.
* He can also hide his body language pretty well. He can manage to keep himself to rigid posture and the occasional shudder or fidget if needed. Only when he's beyond caught and about to wet will he resort to obvious grabs or dances in front of others.
* Even if he wet he wouldn't cry (I don't seem him crying much for anything tbh, barring extreme things like death). He's angry at himself and extremely ashamed. He would get red as a tomato, attempt to slink away and avoid any witnesses for several days. Could get snippy or hide in his shell all pitiful, depending on the person.
* When alone or sure he can't be caught, he'll fidget more once things are dire. Mostly his long-ass legs. Jiggling, crossing, bending at the knees or bouncing up and down, shuffling from foot-to-foot, everything. He doesn't really do much with his hands beyond a quick crotch-squeeze.
* He'd def let Haj/ime or So/nia dom tf out of him as far as making him hold/lose control, he's submissive and enjoys the challenging test of limits. However, I could also see him totally having a thing for 'marking' his partners during the times he doms.
* Lowkey has a bladder of steel tbh, tho you'd never expect it by looking at her. It takes a lot to get her desperate and even more for her to crack enough to show her needs to others.
* She had a lot of long lectures/lessons, meetings, social events, formal balls, etc. growing up, so she just got used to waiting a lot between breaks so as not to interrupt or be rude to her guests. This also makes her wicked good at remaining completely calm on the outside and keeping the quiver out of her tone even when she's absolutely dying.
* Even once people know her problem, she would NEVER grab herself or dance. Literally the most you'll get out of her is legs crossed at the ankles. For the most part the only sign of her desperation is the slight fullbody shivering where she has her muscles and posture strained. If you're very lucky she may wince or her voice will start shaking/get breathy (her breathing gets super fast and shallow when at her absolute limit. Like nearly hyperventilating fast).
* While not shy at all about asking/telling others where she's going, she was raised with manners. She refuses to interrupt while others are busy, and will wait until she feels the time is appropriate to but into convos or leave the room, even if that could take a long time. She will not skip out on a group task if she can help it bc she feels very strongly about doing her part and not coming off as a slacker (so group investigations/new island exploring/building for Us/ami in Island Mode are all LONG tasks she will force herself to stick out without complaint, even if she's about to wet herself).
* Despite being a princess, she definitely doesn't view anything as being 'beneath' her. If someone asks her to just go outside/in a sketchy place/strange receptacle, she'll do it without question as soon as they agree to glance away. In fact, sometimes it's actually a little thrilling.
* If she did wet herself she would certainly be embarrassed, maybe even teary-eyed depending on the situation/who was around. However, it certainly isn't the end of the world for her, and she would be able to brush it off fairly easily once she got cleaned up and had a chance to breathe. Could probably start making jokes about it by the next day, or just wait patiently for everyone to forget about it.
* Probably has a big piss kink (for others. She isn't much on doing holds herself, minus an occasional 'Damsel in Distress' type roleplay). And honestly just a big one for domming others (sometimes sweetly, sometimes cold/cruel like True Royalty). She looks cute but She Nasty (tm). Gun/dham and Haji/me (to a lesser extent, bc his smart-ass take-no-shit attitude makes him a bit of a brat sometimes lol) are her bitches.
M/ikan (I have to split hers in two bc I have polar opposite hcs) :
Non-Despair M/ikan -
* Is every bit as shy uwu ohnoooo~ as you'd imagine. Super blushy and fidgety and teary-eyed but never admits what's wrong even once it's obvious, to the point of potty-dancing in place (but she's Totally Fine she can hang in there and doesn't need to stop what she's doing)! You literally have to drag her away to the bathroom if u don't want her to have an accident. Would rather die than inconvenience anyone by telling them she has to go, will berate herself for the inconvenience when that backfires and she's made a mess of herself, 120% convinced everyone hates her and p much refuses any comfort bc she's so trapped in the spiral. Bawls her eyes out.
* If on a rare occasion she does work up the nerve to speak up and is denied, that's it. She will not dare ask again even if the person didn't realize how badly she had to go. Nope. Clearly her only option is to hold it until she can't anymore, or until she's alone and can run off by herself.
*Also she totally would whimper to herself in The Worst omo video star voice lmao "Oh noooo I'm leaking into my panties~, it's cOmIng OuTtttt~ uwu uwu uwu" (i'm not making fun of those istg but u know Exactly what 'sexy baby' voice I mean. That is Mi/kan. Don't be so fake bitch We Know u didn't fall spread eagle naturally)
* Says 'Potty' unironically. It's the only word she uses for the bathroom.
* Surprisingly not bladdershy at all. She's actually the opposite. Will go Anywhere (but will be embarrassed while doing it).
* She's used to holding a lot bc afraid to leave class/stuck helping patients for hours on end. However while she has a wicked high capacity and stays very hydrated, she has pretty shaky control. Leaks A LOT, be it in general or bc she gets startled/nervous. She's like a chihuahua lmao. She wears medical liners when on duty as a nurse or during school, but for general hangouts she forgoes them (totally bc she forgot and Not bc she wanted to show her wet panties off to strangers/peers when she falls again, that would be Slu/tty and Improper).
* Once held for ages and then ended up wetting herself just bc Hiy/oko told her to. It wasn't actually a request, just a one-off snippy comment that H forgot about like 10 min after she said it and walked away. When she found out Mi/kan took it seriously she absolutely lost it laughing for the next few days
*Her potty dances include lots of thighs rubbing together/hunching over, hands wandering dangerously close only to pause and grip her skirt/dress hem, hopping from leg to leg and shaking at the knees. She's pitiful when desperate and very cute. Pants and whimpers near constantly, nibbles at her knuckles to try and muffle it.
* Knows when she's at risk of actual damage from holding, but it's still a 50/50 shot of whether she'll break down and go or keep trying to hold. She knows it's unwise, but due to her complete lack of self worth she doesn't really care if her own body is damaged.
* That said, she monitors everyone else very closely and will harass them firmly to take breaks if they're at risk.
Despair/True Mik/an -
* MASSIVE PISS KI/NK. Loves to be dommed/told to hold until she wets. LOVES to do the same to others and tell them all the mean things for a change. She will borderline Break You.
* Takes great satisfaction in watching others struggle. If given an opportunity to make others desperate/prevent them from getting to a bathroom without revealing herself, she will definitely take it. She has no sympathy.
* The Queen of lacing things with diuretics, but can also often find that boring/too easy. A bit disdainful of that method tbh.
* Tying ppl down to hold or hooking them to IVs and 'misplacing' the call button is more her style.
* Used to hold for Jun/ko a lot to appease her. Would be willing to hold for Na/gito, but tbh he's just as willing to hold for her so it's a bit of a stalemate and they've yet to work out who does what.
* Will piss on her victim/lover while staring them directly in the eyes. Does not flinch. She toes the line between sexy and just plain creepy lol
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yukipri · 6 years
Dang someone already asked about Shorter, VicYu and Eiji lol XDDD for the ask: Phichit/Yuuri (can't recall their ship name at moment lmaooo), and Ash?
YESSS THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!!! Gonna split these up too bc apparently I always have too many HCs and talk too much ^ ^; So the ship first!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: Phichit x Yuuri
When I started shipping it if I did:
Oh gosh. I was already super interested in Phichit from promo material alone before YOI aired bc he’s freakin’ adorable and also you don’t see many Thai characters so I was really interested? And the first time we see him in the anime is this tiny lil glimpse of him going “Yuuri!!” with happiness at seeing his video and I was like oh shit they’re friends, and then they have the skype chat and I’m like OH SHIT THEY’RE FRIENDS AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES, and they he turns up in Beijing and I’m like FUCK.
I’m a HUGE sucker for long term BFF relationships, friendly social types, and smart capable people, and the fact that he was Yuuri’s friend when he’s so hard to approach…yeah i fell HARD ahAHAHAHAHAH
I actually drew my first PhichiYuu comic VERY early on in my YOI art career which helped me process why I like them so much, and it’s honestly been one of my bias ships since Cup of China aired ^ ^;
My thoughts:
SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD???? Defs one of my bias 2-people OTPs in YOI
What makes me happy about them:
A long-term mutually supportive and understanding friendship. Phichit’s Yuuri’s ONLY international skater friend prior to the canon timeline, and Yuuri’s clearly super special to Phichit too. I see Phichit as the type of person who would do anything for Yuuri and is fiercely protective of him, even if he doesn’t flaunt it, and he’ll always be protecting Yuuri from the shadows. Yuuri in turn understands all of Phichit’s hopes and dreams better than anyone, and knows how to encourage them.
I ship them SO dang much specifically BECAUSE they don’t need to be romantic at all to mean the world to each other.
What makes me sad about them:
When I think about how rough it must have been when Yuuri got depressed, and how absolutely heart broken Phichit must have been after Yuuri left Detroit to return to Hasetsu, and the very complicated mix of emotions that must have been going through at least Phichit up until he saw Yuuri in Beijing. Not gonna go into it in depth here, but I wrote a whole HC post describing how I personally headcanon pre-canon Yuuri & Phichit, and how Phichit probably also left Detroit to return to Bangkok after Yuuri left because he couldn’t stand to stay there….
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When the importance of their bond, regardless of how you interpret it, is glossed over or brushed under that of other characters. *coughs*
Also I guess when Phichit’s portrayed as super vapid, since it clashes so much with my personal HC that he’s a freakin’ genius ^ ^;
Things I look for in fanfic:
When they very clearly care for and support each other, and when Yuuri goes to Phichit for advice, and more rare, but when Yuuri also supports Phichit in some way.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I mean, strongly, STRONGLY prefer each other, but Yuuri, any of the Future!Verse husbands, and Phichit…idk, maybe Seung-Gil? I wouldn’t be too interested personally ^ ^;;
My happily ever after for them:
To be self-promotional AGAIN, Future!Verse lmao. I’ve crammed a TON of my ideal PhichiYuu into that, as well as my personal ideal happily ever after for just Phichit and Yuuri as individuals too. Of course I want them to get together, but also while supporting their separate goals. For Phichit, I honestly see him as one of the characters with the strongest vision and most dreams outside of his immediate short-term professional skating career, and I just really, REALLY want to see him going to big places and not just as a skater. I could rant on about that forever but I’ll just link lil visual list thing here AHAHAHAHAH
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
If we’re taking this literally and not just a metaphor for topping/bottoming, then absolutely switch ;D Phichit likes trying to Big Spoon but in his case it turns into Jet Packing AHAHAHAHHA and Phichit is petite and I feel would be very comfy for Yuuri to big spoon for once and he’s happy to be lil spoon ^ ^
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Gosh I would honestly say anything? Phichit loves traveling and touristing with Yuuri, loves taking selfies with Yuuri, loves practice, loves shopping, loves partying, loves watching movies, loves studying, loves cooking and eating with Yuuri, literally anything.
But I think what makes them both the happiest are those quiet late night private convos, where they might talk about deeply personal things, or just anything silly that happened during the day. It reminds them of college roomie days, and I love imagining them decades down the line still doing the same thing
send me a ship and I will tell you/Give me a character & I will tell you/send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
Please send me more~!  
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villainship · 6 years
[SWTOR asks/questions - R answers]
From @ghostace!
Extremely sorry if the text cut doesn’t work. lmao. I just answered All of it.
1. do you play mostly as male or female bodied characters? which body type do you use the most?
I go about equal on the gender options. I LIKE the body type 2 (aka. the societal beauty standard I’m accustomed to), but I try to mix it up. I don’t like what #1 does with the heads/faces but I do like female #4 faces.
2. which class has your favourite visual aesthetic?
Probably sniper, although double lightsabers are good too.
3. what advanced class has your favourite combat style for levelling, pve, and/or pvp?
Juggernaut/Guardian tanking is my top choice because it’s not complicated. Levelling sniper/gunslinger has been more fun.
4. are there any class combat styles you love, but can’t deal with on the mirrored version?
I still have so much to learn--I don’t have this issue yet.
5. what discipline can you just not play worth a damn?
I imagine the worst will prrroobably be trooper/BH heals. It seems like there’d be a lot going on, and I’m really unsuited to juggling different skills/unsuited for heals generally.
6. are there any disciplines you haven’t ever tried? which ones?
I’ve done tanking, DPS, and some healing, but there’s a lot of subtypes of the classes I’ve never tried.
7. what class has your favourite voice acting?
I haven’t finished much of the game! But uh. I really love the male warrior voice. Guilty obsession.
8. what single line is your favourite piece of dialogue in-game? where is it from?
So far: the exchange on Corellia where you can convince the droid to call up Baras -- just to troll him.
9. what single-planet class story arc is your favourite from all/any of the classes?
From my limited experience, Warrior’s story on Belsavis sticks with me.
10. which class story has the best story arc on a planet you normally hate?
I guess I hate Quesh but that was a good Warrior moment too.
11. which class story has the weakest story arc on a planet you normally love?
uhh I do love Ilum, but don’t feel too strongly about the short plot there (except I loved to look So Important in the cut scenes).
12. which shared (pub/imp) planetary arc can you never skip when levelling through the vanilla story?
8); I don’t tend to skip them yet.
13. are there any side/exploration/heroic missions you especially love?
Can’t think of one right now--but I love event missions. Gree & rakghouls!!
14. which character did you make as a throwaway (ie DvL) and came to love?
I haven’t really had that experience. Cezek is not meant to be particularly important, but I guess I might end up playing her more than I thought b/c sniping is fun.
15. which character did you think was going to stick around but these days is at the bottom of your login list?
No-. . . !!! I love all my children. . . !!
16. who was your original main? do you still play them?
Tarskal. 😒He’s still a main. Lol. Kirryl (pubside) is less-played than I might like her to be. She’s still my only max-level DPS, but DPS is not often sought-after.
17. if you have any older characters, what’s changed about them since you started?
It’s been less than 2 yrs since I started and I still haven’t finished with any of them-! so. . I wouldn’t call any of them ‘older characters’.
18. what companion headcanons/meta do you follow no matter what?
Several of them are MORE GAY than vanilla romance would have you believe.
19. which companion traits would you like to return to the writer’s room for reevaluation?
From what I’ve heard, I would like them to reconsider Doc’s behavior with “no means no”.
20. what five companions would you pick, from all of them, if you had to make a new crew?
Going with what I know: 1. Ashara 2. Vector 3. honestly maybe Qyzen 4. a Nexu 5. (this spots saved for a later favorite)
21. what in-game decision did you most dislike the given options for?
nggh. There’s gonna be some bad ones I bet.
22. do you collect cartel market items or stick to base-game? older items, newer items, a mix?
My character wardrobe is usually just stuff I picked up in the game. I am very into SH decos--cartel or otherwise.
23. which outfit did you spend the longest on? the most credits?
All are meticulously chosen. lol. I think the only pricy one was when I bought the Show-Off armor to have the open-chested vest for TD (cuz the Hooligan jacket with the belts was never in my price range). Getting skanky is the most costly style choice in this game. (And it was not outrageously pricey.)
24. what item(s) did you most regret buying on the gtn or cartel market?
Oh, I dunno that I have any big regrets yet. Maybe a few things I’m like “well THAT could have been cheaper if I waited”.
25. what collections category do you have the highest % completion in?
97% emoteeees
26. which stronghold did you spend the most time decorating? the most credits?
I unlocked most of Yavin, which was Expensive, but I have never properly decorated there. I might have spent approximately equal amounts of time on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas (a Lot for each). Nar Shaddaa is decorated-ish but maybe didn’t take so long.
27. which stronghold do you spend the most time in?
Nar Shaddaa on imperial (it’s got my best convenience setup), Coruscant on pub side.
28. do you host anything at your stronghold, or is it mostly for you?
I’m ready to have anybody over anytime!! I mean I also use it to conceptualize living situations for my OCs, but it’s awfully lonely if no one else ever visits.
29. what do you most like about the changes from beta, vanilla, early f2p, 4.0, etc?
I haven’t been here that long. :o I like how things turn more convenient though. 8); I DO remember a time before heroics were available in the activity window.
30. what do you miss the most about “the old days”? if a newer player, what have you heard about that you would have liked to experience?
Hmmm. It would have been cool to play before spoilers are just A Given about everything. And I don’t know if it was ever a thing, but I like to imagine a scenario where people actually do PVP in the rakghoul tunnels b/c that sounds like a glorious mess. Lol. Oh--AND I wouldn’t mind seeing what planets/world-bosses were like before everything got adjusted-for-level.
31. tell us a random fact/story you haven’t shared before about a swtor experience
Everybody loves to habitually touch/pick-up whatever items they can in this game, yea? 
Well, when we were settling into being level 70, Dani and tried (and enjoyed) playing Uprisings with just the 2 of us and companions. (It can be easy for 2 people on Story mode, or they can present just a nice level of challenge--I learned a lot through those before I really started doing Flashpoints, actually). 
We did good on Inferno! That was the first one. Big success.
We tried Destroyer of Worlds as our very next one, I think. 
So like. . . the mobs weren’t causing many problems for us. It can get a lil crazy, but a tank (me) can keep things a bit organized, and Dani would AOE-/decimate/ those mobs as DPS. They are so weak. >:) ! We must have beat at least one boss encounter (possibly 2).
But as you go, there’s these ~mysterious~ stone tablets scattered all around the caverns, radiating a mystical energy.
U can click on them. Pick them up.
WHICH--as it turns out--(spoilers lmao) is the method of summoning the bonus boss Tentacle McAlien Horrorsquiggles.
Well no sense in letting the new visitor go unchallenged, now that it’s standing there waiting to say hi-- It--uh--turns out, though: the bonus boss was CONSIDERABLY more tough for us than the rest. We did our v best & gave it all we had (I def didn’t know everything I know now about playing my character, and gear was Worse), but we were hopelessly outmatched. \8) Got Wrekked a few times without any progress.
And then we realized we had to walk past the Monstrosity to get through the door. It did not despawn. So . . . Some more death resulted from that.
In the end, I THINK we made it past with Juli’s group-stealth. But the droid with our explosives did not progress far enough to trigger the end of the Uprising. (Either that, or that happened on a different run-through. . .) RIP & Reset. 8D;
We did finally complete the whole thing on the do-over (no problem~!!!) . . .  But we’ve never gone back and had our rematch w/ that eldritch bonus boss.
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