#this is def making it to my top songs this year list
hatsune-sophia · 2 months
calling on every voalsynth fan to listen to this it's so important
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ctrnewrites · 1 year
long live (eddie munson)
a/n: this is heavily based on the taylor swift song. i am indeed a swiftie and i thought the song fit the vibe. (and castles crumbling but it makes me wanna scream and cry) def not excessively proofread. pls enjoy though i tried a different direction than typical songfics :) (also i might start using gifs more so the post isn't bald, gif isn't mine btw i use google image search o7)
summary: eddie's gf plays the prom venue with an original that makes him fall even more in love with her. (probably ooc but its cute so i'll die on my hill of soft content)
wc: 3.1k (woah)
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Prom season, April 1986. Prom season was perhaps one of the most important seasons of a teenage girl’s life. Every junior and senior in Hawkins, Indiana was scrambling to find the perfect date, the perfect flowers, and the perfect dress. And every seller of any trade was making sure to get into the prom market to make that profit.
Eddie wasn’t someone too concerned about the idea of prom. Sure, it happened and there was usually some hot gossip that hit the school the weeks before and after the event, but it wasn’t on the top of the priority list. After all, this is his second senior year. He never had an urge to go to the ones before and didn’t have the urge to go to this one now. He’d much rather spend his Saturday evening playing tabletop with his club, practicing with his band, or hanging out with his girlfriend.
His girlfriend, God he loved his girlfriend. Eddie swore that whatever higher force was out there made her special for him. They were so similar yet any difference they had was even more complimentary. They both supported each other non-stop and made time for each other during the busy senior year. Shit, thanks to (Y/n) he was accelerating his path to officially graduating. But that time was quickly approaching and although he couldn’t go immediately into college, (Y/n) swore up and down that she would be there for him no matter what.
Of course, Eddie’s perspective on prom immediately changed when (Y/n) came barreling into the trailer with a letter in hand and the largest smile he’s seen on her in ages. He loved her smile.
“Eddie, you won’t believe what I got in the mail!” (Y/n) exclaimed with excitement, almost colliding with his chest. She was an unstoppable force, and him, an immovable object.
“Mmm, you got accepted into Harvard?” Eddie asks with a chuckle. “I’m teasing you sweetheart, what is the news that you are so excited to share that you have to break my ribs in the process?”
“SO! The prom committee reached out to me and my band, right?” She started, the joy never once faltering from her voice. “They want us to play at prom! We get in free of charge and our dates get fifty percent off!”
Eddie made a sound of bewilderment and excitement for his girlfriend, immediately going to wrap his arms around her to hug, lift, and spin her all in one fluid movement. “Incredible! I expect nothing less from my dearest, my one and only star.” He smiled and gave her forehead a gentle kiss.
Once (Y/n) was let go by Eddie’s embrace, she started her little victory lap around the trailer. Her unbridled joy filled the entire living room and pierced Eddie right in the heart. The way her eyes lit up as she celebrated.
Although a small earwig in his head tried to feed him jealous thoughts, ones of anger for not being selected as part of the Hawkins High School entertainment, he shook them away. No jealousy nor anger would ever come out of someone else’s happiness. Now the real challenge was finding whatever formal wear he had left and making sure it was appropriate to make his girls’ dream come true.
When (Y/n) got the letter from the Hawkins High School Prom Committee, she was over the moon excited. Letting her other members that they were so on for the occasion and to get prepared. Of course, at the next practice, they were learning more mainstream covers to appeal to the greater audience, but that wasn’t going to stop them from sneaking in an original. The committee was only allowed to give them an hour-long slot due to budgeting and because they knew those students wanted to enjoy the night too.
“I have a quick question.” (Y/n) spoke up during a break during their practice session, “How do you guys feel about Long Live?” she asked somewhat nervously. That song was one of her passion projects, something she really poured her heart and soul into.
“I think it's phenomenal.” Kat smiled as she answered honestly. “I can tell you worked hard on it, and you know where you want to go with it. And you’re also not a total bitch to either me or Bianca when it doesn’t sound like you expected.”
“You just want to perform it for your man.” Bianca giggled and teased (Y/n), tapping her gently yet playfully on the arm. “It’s beautiful.”
“I hope I tell both of you how much I appreciate you.” (Y/n) smiled brightly, pulling the two in for a one-armed hug for each. All 3 girls agreed that if they had even the smallest hint of an original song, they would share it and attempt to work on it. “There are still some missing pieces, but we have time. It’s almost done.”
Kat stood up and looked her dead in the eye, a stern yet loving look on her face. “You better not doubt yourself, because good god you are one of the most talented songwriters I have ever met.”
(Y/n) beamed with appreciation and pride. She was told before that she was a good writer, by her bandmates, mother, and Eddie. But sometimes that feeling hits different when it comes after achieving something huge. It was settled, (Y/n)’s hard worked love ballad was to be played on the night of prom.
At the next Hellfire meeting, (Y/n) sat in her corner with her notebook. She never played the tabletop game herself, but it doesn’t mean she enjoyed the chatter of the boys at the table.
“Oh, go screw yourself! I totally had a good window to roll for stealth!” Dustin exclaimed to Mike.
“You take forever to decide what to do, and Eddie was already counting down before the hobgoblin would kill us all!” Mike retorted in defense.
“So immediately charging him straight on would’ve been the best tactic?” Jeff defends Dustin from Eddie’s left side.
The boys continued bickering until Eddie put a stop to it, continuing with part seven of their multi-part campaign. Although it was noisy, (Y/n) didn’t mind. It was a heartwarming kind of noise. A noise of joy, regardless of who rolled what. She stayed in her little corner, occasionally piping up with a joke towards whoever was the victim. Her thoughts, however, were focused on her notebook. The book she used to write down lyrics and ideas.
“You’re really enamored with that little book there, sweetheart.” Eddie teased her lightly, smiling at her.
“None of your business, dearest.” She responded with a chuckle. (Y/n) took her pen and jotted down a quick 'a band of thieves in ripped up jeans' and her eyes met Eddie’s gaze. “I’m serious. Let me plot and scheme in peace.”
“There shall be no peace for you as long as I live and breathe as your boyfriend.” Eddie quickly retorted, going back to the campaign that he worked tirelessly on.
“Evidently.” She giggled, also going back to the notebook she paid most of her attention to.
Nobody really complained about (Y/n)’s presence in the corner of the club room. Although it was at first off putting to have someone just watching them the entire time, they were soon warmed up after the first few weeks of her bringing snacks. Sometimes she’d even help them with how to proceed. She wasn’t a player at all, but at least she was familiar and respected their time and when they would go over. Essentially adopting a motherly role to the younger kids and being a damn good influence and person to the rest of them.
The countdown to prom officially hit its 14-day mark. In 2 weeks time, every junior and senior would be lining up to get inside a stuffy gym to dance and try to spike some punch. (Y/n) already had her dress picked out. Something she could maneuver in. A sparkling purple ensemble that hugged her chest yet flowed out in a subtle manner. She never told Eddie what the dress looked like, only that he should get a purple tie to match. Lighter colors weren’t really his thing, neither was prom, yet he still searched the shops far and wide for the perfect color.
(Y/n) sat in a corner of Eddie’s bedroom on the floor, toying with chords on her guitar, humming the melody to her hardworking self-written song. She had sort of a blank stare on her face as she kept playing the same chord progression repeatedly.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Eddie pipes up and sits across from her on the same floor.
She shook out of her trance and looked at her boyfriend. Sighing softly, she sets the guitar against the wall. “I feel like I’m stuck.” Her voice came out soft against the din of the air conditioning.
Eddie crawled over to her, his pocket chains jingling together. His arms enveloped her on the floor as he held her tightly in an embrace, her side to his chest as he moved his legs to either side of her body. His body slowly started rocking out of habit, allowing the two to sway subtly yet soothingly. “You know, babe, you are the most amazing, fantastic girl in the world. Beautiful, strong, a fuckin’ genius.” He whispered his compliment after he planted a kiss on the shell of her ear.
The kiss sent a quick shiver down her spine. “Well right now I feel dumb.” She huffed, “This stupid prom thing is stressing me out.”
“Screw the prom right now. You need to rest. Stress is just going to make you feel worse about it.” He spoke as he cradled her head to his chest, moving backwards to lay down. “I want you to be proud of where you are, and I want you to actually enjoy the night.”
The two of them laid on the floor, (Y/n) stared at the ceiling as Eddie stared right at her. This position allowed her to relieve the tension that she was holding in her body. “Why do you have to be right?” She spoke sarcastically.
“I want the very best for my very best.” His lips placed another peck on her head.
A comfortable silence reached the couple. The only noise ever heard within the room being the echo of the air conditioning. At some point, (Y/n)’s eyes closed as she fell into a light slumber. Once this was noticed by Eddie, he gently picked her up and set her in the bed while lying next to her. Covering the two with blankets, he shut his eyes and fell into his own rhythm of sleep.
 “It’s a meeting day and the yearbook crew needs photos for the yearbook soon.” (Y/n) told the entirety of Hellfire before they started. “It’s why I had Eddie get you guys here early.”
“And because she is way more organized and actually has a camera to take the pictures with.” Eddie chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, planting a kiss on her cheek.
The boys nodded in understanding. Since they were already in their Hellfire “team” shirts, it wasn’t too hard to plan. The setup was simple, a white backdrop pinned to the wall while they stood in front of it with various poses. Several group pictures and several individual headshots for the boys. Headshots including a smile and a smolder from each member. Some of the photos included were also some staged “action” shots of Eddie standing at the head of the table with the boys surrounded to stand over as if they were planning an attack.
Eventually, the roll of film was getting noticeably used up. (Y/n) wanted to keep some for natural shots within the club during the meeting, hoping that she wouldn’t be too obvious but honestly, it wasn’t an exceptionally big deal. Being able to capture a moment of genuine pleasure on the faces of the group she cared so much about was more important.
Later that week, (Y/n) and Eddie stood in the red room of the schools’ yearbook committee. The freshly developed photos hung on a string to dry. Both smiled at the multiple photos of the club just being themselves.
“It’s not fair how they treat you.” (Y/n) spoke bitterly. They were the same as everybody else, just more confident in what they enjoy compared to those same people.
“It is what is it, sweetheart.” Eddie sighed in response, but he agreed. “Not much we can do but hold our heads high.”
“At least you’re confident and passionate about what you love! That’s what makes you different. Something that makes you also incredibly admirable too.” She hummed and gave a peck to his cheek. “Still gives them no excuse for what they do.”
Eddie smiled small at his girlfriend, turning her to face him. “That’s good. I’m pretty confident that I’m in love with you.”
(Y/n) blinked at him, his infectious smile spreading to her. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she brought him into a kiss. Only breaking after a moment for air. “I am so very in love with you as well.”
Here it was, the night of the Hawkin’s High Prom of 1986. The stage was already set up for the live act of the night but in the meantime, a large mix of tapes was selected to play over the sound system in the gym. The event had only started 45 minutes ago.
Eddie strolled in with other members of the Hellfire Club, fashionably late of course. For a bunch of presumed delinquents, they cleaned up real nice. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were lucky to be there as underclassmen due to being invited by the other upperclassmen members of the club.
“So, when is (Y/n) gonna perform?” Dustin asks the group, sitting down at a table on the outskirts of the gym.
Eddie shrugged. “Not sure, was only told it was about an hour block.” He looked around the room for any sight of his girlfriend.
On the other side of the stage, (Y/n) was peeking behind a door to watch the Hellfire members sat at the table. They were late, it scared her. What scared her even more was that they were on within 15 minutes. Kat and Bianca were behind her and staring out of the same window on the door.
“What the hell is their problem? 45 minutes late?” Kat exclaimed pessimistically. “They would’ve been dead if it were up to me.”
“Hey, it’s not that bad. At least they missed Jason and his dumb ass entrance.” Bianca shrugged. “I did not need to see all that movement from him of all people.” She giggled. This made Kat snort with laughter and her hand quickly shot up to cover her nose. Which then forced all three girls into laughter behind the door.
Soon enough, it was time for them to start their set. The crowd was excited enough to watch the girls enter and play a few starting notes of a Tears for Fears song. Knowing the newer, more popular songs really paid off for the excitement of the crowd. While she sang, (Y/n) spotted the club dancing and slowly moving towards the front. Seeing the people she loved having a great time only made her want to perform even better. Just so she could see that happy expression shared through the group.
It was nearing the end of their set, just so they could also enjoy time at the prom. (Y/n), Kat, and Bianca all nodded toward each other. The drummer and guitarist paused as (Y/n) took the mic to start speaking to the gym.
“I just wanna start out and say, I hope everybody is having an amazing time. Everybody looks amazing, you all deserve to feel the same way too.” She started, earning a cheer from the student body. “But I did want to preface this next song by saying it’s an original!” Her somewhat nervous chuckle didn’t hinder her in the slightest. “I wrote it thinking about the people I really love. Especially the one who was the biggest help, even if he didn’t know it. This is Long Live.” (Y/n) finished her miniature speech, then gestured for Kat and Bianca to start the beginning chords and beat of the song as students were cheering, the cheering of the Hellfire Club being the loudest in the room.
The beginning was a hopeful melody, arousing feelings of happiness and celebration. The moment (Y/n) started singing the opening verse to her song, Eddie felt nothing but love and adoration for his girlfriend. With every lyric there was a mention of something they’ve done or said. At the first celebratory sung cheer of “long live”, followed by mystical references, he could tell the remnants of earlier campaigns littered her lyrics.
“You traded your baseball cap for a crown,” (Y/n) sang with a smile, pointing her finger at Dustin who was absolutely enamored with the song, cheering and dancing with Mike and Lucas as if nobody was around. The maternal love she felt towards those boys would never dwindle.
The one phrase that perfectly described the group and how they felt was simple, yet so unbelievably powerful. None of them would ever forget it, they are the band of thieves in ripped-up jeans.
After a moment, the song approached its final chorus. Finally closing with “we will be remembered” and taking their final bow of the night. All judgement seemed to cease with the song, students of all different cliques cheering and applauding for the girl group as they made their way off the stage and back into the crowd.
(Y/n) wasted no time in finding Eddie, running into a hug where he spun her around off the ground. He showered her with compliments and pecks all around her face then pulled her into a lasting embrace. Enjoying the moment he was able to feel and share with her. “You are the most amazing, beautiful, talented woman I know.” He said with a grin.
“Thank you, my love. But you are my inspiration.” She giggled and kissed him, bringing him out to the floor to dance with her.
“I’ve got to get you to write for Corroded Coffin more. With your genius we could sell out stadiums.” He chuckled, spinning her lightly.
(Y/n) held his hand tightly as he spun her, returning “Sounds like a plan,” when she was finally chest to chest with him. The couple continued to sway and dance with the pre-taped music over the loudspeaker. Right now, nothing else mattered but the two of them together. It may not be a kingdom, but the gymnasium lights really shined for them as they danced the night away.
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isekai-crow · 8 months
2024 Winter Anime Lineup (Master Post?)
First post for a new blog where I'm going to try and record my opinions, break downs, comparisons, and various degrees of squees about anime!
The lineup for this year's Winter isn't as packed as the 2023 Fall season was, but that's always the case. It sure is still causing my To Watch List to keep getting longer... but more importantly because it's so lacking in big name shows one of my most anticipated shows gets to shine...
also, holy CRAP look at all this TRADITIONAL FANTASY!!! There is even a decent selection of non harem Isekai this round too! And a lot of awesome sequels/continuations!
Anyways, here's what's on my to watch list for this season! I'll be posting about them in their own or other threads as I figure out how I want to set this blog up. My reasons for WHY I'm watching what I'm watching
Definitely Will Watch!
Solo Leveling / 俺だけレベルアップな件
Apothecary Diaries /薬屋のひとりごと(Continued)
Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) / ダンジョン飯
The Villains Day Off / 休日のわるものさん
Undead Unluck / アンデッドアンラック(Continued)
Fire Hunter (Hikari no Ou) 2nd Season / 火狩りの王
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High Hopes / Might Drop / Taking My Time
Sasaki and Peeps / 佐々木とぴーちゃん
The Witch and the Beast / 魔女と野獣
Doctor Elise / 外科医エリゼ
Cherry Magic (THIS ENGLISH TITLE LMAO) / 30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい (DEF WATCHING THIS ONE NOW)
Shangri-La Frontier / シャングリラフロンティア (Continued)
Beyond Journey's End / 葬送のフリーレン (Continued)
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Gonna Give Them A Few Episodes
Mashle Season 2
Fluffy Paradise / Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame ni, Ganbattemasu (I'm doing my best in another world to pet fluffy creatures)
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic / 治癒魔法の間違った使い方
Blue Exorcist / Ao no Exorcist (OUT OF LEFT FIELD THIS ONE)
Delusional Monthly Magazine / Gekkan Mousou Kagaku
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This is already insanely long, so the second half of this essay about what I think is below ↓↓↓↓
SOLO LEVELING - I've been waiting for the solo leveling anime since BEFORE the anime was ever announced, re-reading the webcomic/manhwa multiple times and just HOPING someone would animate these gorgeous shadows. It is a very well done power fantasy with only squints of romance, and while I'm sad it's been localized to Japan (and all the fuckery that comes with of Korean erasure), I got to see the first two episodes at the World Premiere and I. Am. So. Hype.
APOTHECARY DIARIES existed completely outside of my head space, and my initial response at the premise was, Raven of the Inner Palace? I wasn't actually expecting much from it and then the first few episodes BLEW ME OUT OF THE WATER and now I'm obsessed.
DUNGEON MESHI is one of those manga I've heard about, but tried reading and it was too slow paced for me (I say, currently slogging through The Boat Arc (TM) of Hunter x Hunter), but the anime gives it life and I think I'll enjoy this alot. I love cooking anime and fantasy, so this will be fun!
KYUJITSU NO WARUMONOSAN is just straight up Crow Bait. That curly bowl cut, the gap moe of a villain who loves cute things, and voiced by fricken Shintarou Asanuma!!! (I know him as Samatoki from HypMic, other's will know him from the "Fucking Bullshit" song from Carole and Tuesday, and a host of other roles) Also, all the pretty sentei / power ranger boys!!! I'm so hype, in the most relaxed chill way for this.
UNDEAD UNLUCK is so weird in that it involves a lot of random sexualization, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable like Seven Deadly Sin's random gropping did, maybe because there is actual implied consent involved. Fuuko and Andy are Poly and I love them for it. And the world building is TOP NOTCH.
FIRE HUNTER - If you haven't seen season one, you are missing out. A darkly beautiful post-post apocolyptic alternate Japan-esque world, from the POV of a young girl, and a young genius boy having to let himself be manipulated by capitalism to survive, and gods? a magic system? but so soft that it's barely there even while being a full on fantasy story.
High Hopes or Taking My Time
SASAKI AND PEEPS- What a weird little show that has the weirdest combination of isekai, the most "this is fine." salaryman, and a fricken' CHUNIBYO BIRB. I've already watched the first episode and it feels like there are two magic systems going on and its a bit confusing, so we will see how this plays out!
WITCH AND BEAST - I keep wanting to call this Beauty and the Beast, because the beast is a rad bad ass looking lady, and the witch is certainly one of the most beautiful undertakers I've ever seen. I think he carries his boyfriend around in his coffin backpack, so I'm hype to see WTF is up with that >o>
DOCTOR ELISE - Why do manhwa I read keep randomly popping up as anime??? This is a vilainess turned good story, and supposedly the market is full of these, but none of them are the good ones I've read, so I did a double take of happiness when I saw this. THIS ONE IS GOOD. An spoiled princess gets killed, is reborn in Korea and becomes a doctor, only to be killed by Airplane-kun, and winds up back in her old body where she decides to become a doctor again! The prince is even not your typical icy asshole! (although maybe he is a little at the beginning..)
CHERRY MAGIC - THIS FRICKEN ENGLISH TITLE GOOD LORDS ABOVE. I'm dying. I'm also excited to see this one play out and I'll be hiding behind a pillow giggling like a mad lad while I do. It's been a while since there's been a good BL that's not SAD (looking at YOU Given and Banana Fish, but avoids eye contact with Sasaki and Miyano) so hopefully it doesn't dip into that territory. Going into this one mostly blind as to the premise apart from the obvious Gap-Moe with the love interest.
SHANGRI-LA - I started watching this on a whim as the Fall season started to wind down, and found it to be a good potato chip to have on in the background. I'll probably continue watching it, but not weekly.
FRIEREN - This is what I watch when Jujutsu Kaisen hurts too much to keep going. I'm only a few episodes in, so it'll be slow going, but I think it's about to pick up it's pacing a little where I'm at, and it'll be good comfort food to have.
Mashle Season 2 - The pacing was SUPER WEIRD in the first season that despite all of it's shitting on the properties of she-who-shall-not-be-named, the end of the season kind of fell flat. I wanted to like it more, so I'm hoping Season 2 does that for me.
Fluffy Paradise - I love isekais with an adult in a child's body pretending to be just super smart, and this doesn't feel like it's going to do that, but still looks cute none the less. I'll give it a few episodes, but will quickly drop it if my watch list is too long.
Ishura - Is this what life is like for D&D Characters when they hit level 20? I HOPE SO. I LOVED the Legend of Vox Machina, and hope this has the same sort of vibes, but I'm going in blind!
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - Love me some fucked up healing magic. Please DO NOT let this be ANYTHING like Redo Healer. I refuse to watch that even those FUCKED UP HEALING MAGIC IS FUN. But this. This I want to see. Please let this also not be a harem. I'm fine with ~vibes~ but please no actual harem that's not actually Poly.
Blue Exorcist - THIS IS TOTALLY OUT OF NOWHERE. HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?????? I remember the last season feeling like a disappointment? But can't remember why? Gonna see if this is worth re-watching the seasons from like... a decade ago.
Delusional Monthly Magazine - I watched the PV and had no fucking clue what was happening. Therefore, I will be watching a few episodes to sate my curiosity about WTF OR possibly just get myself even more confused and rage quit. lmao
I've watched the first few episodes of a couple of these, and will be watching a few more tomorrow, so Next Goal: Post a write up or three about what I think!
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My Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs (in no particular order)
Kinda like in Centaurworld, I found more songs in S1 than S2 that I liked but that's not to say that the songs weren't enjoyable. It's just a shame I won't be able to make a S3 list T_T
Anyways, here's my Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs in no particular order:
12. Frightful No More [A Doll to Die For]
It's great to hear Lord Hater again and a song that's an homage to "Everything's Coming Up Roses" (Gypsy) and "The Rain in Spain" (My Fair Lady)...at least that's what it make me think of.
11. It's Just Your Masterpiece in You [Faint of Art]
This episode was a pretty nice message on art block and a fear of failure that a lot of artists face, especially when they haven't done anything in years. I tend to procrastinate by snacking, which of course I can't draw with food fingers (even when using a napkin) so I gotta wait till it goes away, oh whoops, now the days ended, oh well, tomorrow...
10.Thai Culture Cram [100% Molly McGee]
A fun song showing the lengths that Molly is willing to go to learn half of her culture. Granted she didn't realize that this stuff takes time but she's on the right path.
9.Me & My Dad [Like Father, Like Libby]
Kid's who have an absentee parent def felt what Libby is singing about in this one. It just sucks when someone who should be important in your life, doesn't take it as serious as you'd wish they would.
8. Hit Restart [Perfect Day]
Gotta love how relaxed the singer is while describing the continuiously hectic attempts Molly and Scratch make at having a perfect first day of the year.
7. Identity Crisis [Davenport's in Demise]
It's a shame we didn't get more from Andrea this season, especially after this ep. I know we would've gotten her and Alina in S3 but still, I would've liked to see how her and Molly are friends
6. Maybe Next Time [The End] (Spoilers)
Scratch's backstory was a gut-punch, especially for those of us that feel like we're wasting our lives away. It does kinda remind me of a more sad version of "I Remember It Well" (Gigi)
5. Enjoy Your Afterlife [The New (Para)Normal]
A fun song with the Ghost Council about life after the Chairman's defeat that kinda reminds me of "Go Back to City Hall" in S1
4. You Got to Be Low-Key [The (After)Life of the Party]
Jinx is such a little shit in this song. Not to mention this was the ep that confirmed that Geoff and Jeff are married
3. Back to Misery [Jinx vs the Human World]
Gotta love a villain song. Just a shame we didn't get more.
2. Trying to Find [All in the Mind]
Love the abstract visuals of going through someone's mind and the soft vocals and instrumentals.
Honorable Mention 1: You've Been Jinxed [Jinx!]
Honorable Mention 2: Feeling Like MY Old Self Again/Small Town America [Kenny's Falling Star]
Honorable Mention 3: Happy Happy Death Day [The Many Lives of Scratch]
1.This House is Haunted [Frightmares on Main Street]
Love this homage to "Thriller" but it's also to see ghosts being able to let loose. A great Halloween special
As stated before, it's a shame that we won't get anymore eps but at least what we've gotten were great. Idk if I should do an overall list
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panelshowsource · 11 months
random thoughts dump of the week bc none of this deserves its own post
coming down from a smol john kearns kick and really enjoyed it, guy has a ridiculously sweet presence and i really like his voice. it also brings me great joy his previous career was working in museums and as a tour guide. i would like that life, i think (i worked at universal orlando for a little bit in 2013 and was always super jealous of the vip tour guides lol). he mentioned on one of his rhlstps that despite winning arguably the biggest (british) comedy awards there are, he never released a standup special or dvd, and he kinda wants to keep it that way so he has something special between him and his live audience — and that really made me sad face. like, my guy, what about those of us who can't see you bc won't leave that damn island. (also ed gamble's new tour having no nyc date felt personal...) in another episode, he talked a little about, in great part due to social media, people want comedians they can know everything about, get the whole look of; comedians who are the same people onstage as off. he's not like that and doesn't really like the idea of that. i think there's a lot to say about that subject but i'll just leave it for now...
speaking of touring ed byrne next week!!! and jimmy and alan carr coming up!! what a fun time :')
speaking of rhlstp and ed, one thing that occurred to me and i thought was quite funny upon listening to his recent episode is that both richard and ed have that self-aware side of them that admits to bitterness, professional jealousy, annoyance with critics/haters, believing they're not as successful as they deserve to be, etc. while it can come off whiney here and there, it's not too obnoxious or anything, i just found it amusing they had this (often concealed or private) quality in common. i might even put jenny eclair in that camp (others too but that's a discourse i don't really wanna start lmao)
if another youtuber, following amelia dimoldenberg (and munya? does he count?), had to go on taskmaster i would probably vote for ollie kendal off of jolly. in my mind he and alex would be genuinely good friends outside of the show
man i miss the horne section podcast so bad
honestly, i'm a little surprised david mitchell doesn't have a podcast. he loves radio, it's not too demanding of a gig, and he's got tons of interests that could make engaging premises for podcasts... i'm sure someone has floated this to him before, so i need the reason why he said no. maybe he was busy with his book. would love a history pod fr
does anyone else ever remember when david mitchell was in rick and morty and just sit back and go O_O also when he was on graham norton with hillary clinton like lmaooo i just love the idea of the booking agents for that show being like "we're having fucking hillary clinton on who can we bring for comic relief who is a household name but not problematic but intelligent but actually funny" i mean they hit the jackpot of course but it cracks me up that that's his brand
did david ever watch succession? rob def did but i need more about it from both of them
sometimes i think about when david accepted his bafta for peep show and the music that was playing while he walked to the stage was "sex on fire" by kings of leon hahahahaha like what who was djing that night fr
where did charlie brooker go
speaking of back in the day — and i do mean back, like 15+ years ago — and my main panel show obsession was buzzcocks, there were a few non-comedians who would come on panel shows who were properly fucking funny, like martin freeman and josh groban, and i'd always pray they'd eventually come on again. and i think at the time the person at the top of my list was professor green. how random is that TT he was just always up for laugh and just so likable. i also LOVED the song "just good to be green" with lily allen in like 2010 lmaooo this really ages me :)
been really enjoying some old angus deayton-hosted stuff, like old hignfy and wilty. i got into panel shows after he'd stepped out of the spotlight, but i remember being crushed when i found out about his scandal. i also remember stephen fry standing up for him and chastising paul & ian publicly after That Episode of hignfy — which absolutely blew my mind, even though stephen has always said what he thinks — and i agreed with him and am not sure even today if i fully forgave paul & ian for how they treated angus. ik he's still here and there, but i wonder if we'll ever see him in any properly notable capacity again
just watched the latest hignfy actually and jack dee pheww he's ageing very nicely let me just say it and pheww emmanuel sonubi please and thank you. also, paul's outfit was quite nice. an enjoyment of the eyes indeed
i've been making a lot of typos in my gifs lately for literally no reason other than not proofreading my rushing and it's embarrazzing i'm gonna do better
speaking of gifs i have NOTHING!!! in my drafts folder. nothing. no content. nothing is made. nothing in the queue. [sigh] sounds like tonight we be bustin it out huh. idk about other gifmakers (i actually don't follow any other panel show blogs, but this isn't necessarily a panel show blog thing, just a regular original content thing) but i don't usually make gifs throughout the week — instead, like, marathon gif like two times a week and build up 10–20 drafts to post throughout the week. if you gif every single day or to keep up with all of the new content, it starts to become a chore, which is never fun :(
speaking of which i probably won't gif outsiders too much because people don't seem to care too much about it + the webrips are just...so ugly in gif form, even at 1080p! it's a dave thing fr, taskmaster used to be the same way -_-
okay here we go into gif mode btw i got some of your requests and will def make them!!
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insidethemachine · 1 year
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Jyuto Iruma - Hypnosis Microphone 入間 銃兎 - ヒプノシスマイク
Heyo, how’s it going~? 
Here it is finally little Jyuto owo I had lots of work this week, srry for the wait >< Do you like Jyuto? I like Jyuto a lot uwu he is one of my favs hehe Talking about aesthetics, he is very aesthetic, also kinda femenine, which I like a lot. The only thing that I dont like is that his color palette is all over the place, red and grays go well, but then he has this killing magenta eyes that are so out of place xD plus his glasses look kinda tinted in lilac too, all of that mixed with his nuclear green eyes haha This is my second time doing him so I toned those things I didnt like and now I think he looks much more passable haha Didnt want to omit this things as I admire a lot Kazui sensei designs x'd
Talking about the sims indeed, I changed of face mask cause Jyuto is more fem, and also updated the recolor of the clothes a little, last time I couldnt figure how to do the chain but now yes owo Also i used this hair before lol
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I was so bad at making sims last year, no wonder why i didnt like it, it doesnt match any of jyuto's vibes haha
cc list uwu:
Skin: idk ;-; it doesnt have a miniature in cas, just this... but it looks fantastic owo credits to who created it uwu
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Skin details: https://miikocc.tumblr.com/post/653369415716519936/face-kit-no1 by @miikocc Eyebags: https://shendori.tumblr.com/post/644196941557841920/download by @shendori I suppose they are there, i had them from before
Eyes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/di-eye-diy-eye-34678649 by @pralinesims Eyelashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-uncurled-eyelashes-edition/ http://kijiko-catfood.com/eyebrow-ver2/ by @kijiko-sims
Hair: https://obsims.tumblr.com/post/664850599835238400/1x1-hairstyle by @obsims
Glasses: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-glasses/title/lexel-eclipse/id/1554155/ by @lexel-sims-cc, retextured by me.
Ears: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pansy-male-ears-53355960 by @p--a--n--s--y
Lips: https://simfileshare.net/download/1440237/ by @ratboysims
Full body (top and bottom all in one): https://drosims.tumblr.com/post/190451225495/kiss-kiss-fall-in-love-casually-rewatching-ouran by @drosims, retextured by me.
Gloves and boots (yes, they are boots xd): just some in game assets that i recolored. CAS BG: https://vyxated.tumblr.com/post/719719135185092608/cas-replacements-set-02 by @vyxated
If something is missing, you can found it in my last posts maybe xd. As always, if you want some retexture just pm me uwu
That’s all for today~, next comes sweethart Rio uwu I really like him too lol I have his uniform already recolored so his sim should be pretty fast to make xd did you heard his last song? it is def a banger to listen in the gym jsjs https://youtu.be/oET-rBb1Jrc?si=wwxUoDMmK2Xwzgz7
jaa ne!
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videostak · 6 months
Top 10 albums of all time?
OMG hmmm i uses to have a decided list but im honestly at a point where my top 10 albums change every so months hmmm rn i think my top 10 is these rn IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER
.) Machine Gun by Peter Brötzmann
.) American Water by Silver Jews
.) Get Up With It by Miles Davis
.) putting these in the same spot cause i listen to the together frequently but Musik Von Harmonia by Harmonia and Ralf und Florian by Kraftwerk
.) Hard to pick a steve reich one but its tied between Four Organs/Phase Patterns album and the Drumming/Six Pianos/Music for Mallets etc album. I dont think phase patterns is his strongest work but its probably that album just cause that recording of Four Organs always knocks me out and brings me SUCH happiness and feeling
.) Pretty Little Baka Guy by Shonen Knife
.) I used to say Fun House by The Stooges but lately ive been spending more time w/ Raw Power and totally get why that was lester bangs favorite but one of those both albums have very different approaches i love how great both are
.) Dancers of Bali 1952 LP - i listen to this and golden rain nonesuch LP and have trouble picking one gamelan lp but Dancers of Bali is what got me into Balinese Gamelan so i think its my fav personally
.) Anything Ryuichi Sakamoto tho probs tied between CM/TV and Ongaku Zukan tho i think its gonna be the latter . Also Hidari Ude No Yume , B2 Unit and Esperanto frequently fight for fav
.) Having A Rave Up With The Yardbirds - rly this year been listening to lots of rock like rolling stones and patti smith radio ethiopia and having a rave up is def one of my fav rock albums smokestack lighting is amazing and all the jeff beck studio cuts are great that mixture if cutting edge heavy guitar in pop song format is pulled off so well
THANKS i wonder how this list will change since ive rly been listening to tons of different stuff lately but rn these 10 are still so iconic for me that im comfortable w/ saying theyre my top 10 of all time but i rly do think it will change like im kinda sad tago mago cause it is an all time fav it just didnt make the cut this time its getting harder for me to just pick 10 ill see how time changes me...
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3, 5, 9, and 10 bestie!! - katie <3<3<3
Hi, Katie! 🥰🩵 @jovenshires
3. What playlists do you have on your phone?
Apparently I currently have over 350 playlists on spotify 🙈😹
(a lot of them are for specific concepts/ideas tho, so I don't end up listening to at least half of them tbh; I just like making my lil lists!)
My most listened to recently are prob:
Stu'dying (mostly sleeping at last music, that genuinely helps me focus as bg noise)
I have several ts playlists, but one of my faves is def: eras tour in my living room which is mostly a collection of some of my fave taylor songs, that I'm also aware are not all suited for a stadium, but would love to hear live anyways
Other than those two, I have a lot of mood based playlists, but I don't really wanna share those publicly rn lmao.
5. Guilty pleasures?
I genuinely cannot think of any rn. I actively try to avoid feeling guilt when doing or consuming (whether media or food) things I love! 🫶
(I already feel way too stressed and responsible for every little thing 🙈 like ask me to list habits I feel really bad about, and I could name you at least 20 on the spot. But they aren't typically things I do bc of enjoyment, ya know?)
9. Make a confession.
I almost crashed my car into a side walk during my first week of driving it. And I genuinely haven't told to this to anyone aside from maybe 2 ppl 🙈
context: I got my driver's liscence a couple years before that and barely drove in the time, before I got my car. It's also not a new car or anything, it's on the older side and still uses manual/gear shift. It was a weird corner with unfortunate traffic light timing... Luckily no one got hurt (there was no one actually on or even near the sidewalk at that time!) and my car also only got a scratch, that's not too obvious, if you don't know where to look for it 😅 This was well over a year ago now and I haven't gotten my car or anyone else into trouble since then at least 🙈 (but I am still considerable wary of that corner, everytime I have to pass it)
10. What’s your favorite book?
I cannot think of any new ones rn, so I'm just linking my dec ask answer to this one 😅🩵 Top 3 favourite books
Really Get To Know Me - ask game
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sternbilder · 9 months
Ranking my favorite 2023 K-pop comebacks
I feel like 2023 was a year where I followed kpop comebacks especially diligently bc of my newfound interest in dance, and since it's 2024 this means an entire year has passed now of This
here's a list of my 10 personal favorite title tracks this year, happy new year all!
The Top Ten
1. Monsta X - "Beautiful Liar"
listen. when I said
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in january of last year I meant it with my whole ass and I stand by it an entire earth year later. this song fucks So hard
firstable Yes I'm sad this is their last cb with most of the group in a while but also jesus what a banger to go out on
I love the guitars, the looks everyone is serving, the funky little twist in the song structure after the second verse, plus thinking always about lovemelovemelovemetellmetellmetellme + the chains + kihyun with a literal goddamn whip + the gunshot sound effects punctuating joohoney's verse. chefs kiss
2. Taemin - "Guilty"
god taemin is back and you can just feel the catholicity through the screen. the haunting vocals. the delicious string textures throughout (the way the arpeggios shift to pizzicato for the second verse!). the 6/4 time (the only choreo I learned this year that was not to an 8 count). the fucking through the shirt grab. the bridge which they extended in the MV specifically to squeeze in Even More Yearning™.
this is a perfect cb and I will say the rest of the album is also flawless and my favorite out of this list. honestly this probably would have been first if not for the fact that I personally just liked beautiful liar so goddamn much. thank you taemin. no notes.
3. SHINee - "HARD"
aka the song I previously described as "2 baddies, but Good" (no really, they have same key signature & near identical song structure. listen to them side by side with HARD on .95 speed if you don't believe me)
anyway, like 2 baddies this is SM-flavored af but I love the old school hip-hop vibes in HARD soooo much. I've had some people tell me they found it weird and off-putting but to me it's effortlessly cool but also earnest and just. fun? (not only the music but also the visuals? hello? the fashions in this MV) def gotta be one of my most played this year
4. Lee Gi Kwang - "Predator"
ok now for a dark horse pick. I feel like in the borderline 5th gen landscape nowadays older groups are often forgotten (even though hello! 2nd gen bgs are back from the military now and are having a Moment) so people perhaps understandably overlooked this one but god this song is a bop.
is it just criminal by taemin part 2 but less sexy and with a lower budget? yes. but the song is an absolute bop and the choreo slaps in its own right so imo it's a very worthy homage especially given it captures its exact gender of "pathetic sadboy making horny mistakes and needing to dance abt it" so so perfectly,
5. Exo - "Cream Soda"
tbh not what I was expecting from an exo comeback and I was surprised that I ended up liking this so much given I didn't really care for the prerelease tracks, but the more I listened the more this grew on me?
ofc it's an exo track so the vocals are 100 emoji but the chorus and melodies are simply addictive and the choreo for this one is also just a ton of fun (the sexy little head swipe,)
also I love the outfits in this MV (everyone keeps saying this is the Weed aesthetic but honestly? with korea's whole Thing? this is exo's macklemore-style thrift shopping and/or raiding grandma's attic for hidden midcentury treasures phase. to me.) but thank u @ the universe specifically for giving us back silver haired baekhyun. bless.
6. VIXX - "Amnesia"
another underrated release tbh! this initially gave me guilty vibes w/ the abundant use of pizzes since they were released around the same time but I also just independently love this song
I feel like it's a very mature song that takes itself seriously but not in an overly self-absorbed or cheesy way (another comparison I might make is to leo's losing game from last year), the chorus is poignant and hits hard because it's so earnest—maybe especially so since they were down to 3 with this cb—but man that melody is just so gorgeous, like it haunts me
7. Dreamcatcher - "Bon Voyage"
ok if I'm gonna be real it wasn't a great year for my faves—while I liked OOTD and reason they weren't top 10 worthy for me, mx had 1 excellent release before having most of its members yoinked by the military, and I didn't love either of oneus's cbs this year
that being said! I did still like bon voyage! while I preferred the first 2 in the trilogy it still felt like a good and fitting finale, bittersweet and full of equal parts regret and hope
in many ways it feels like a harkening back to classic dreamcatcher with the Big Anime Opening Vibes™ but more somber and grown up, an unexpected summer anthem from these queens,
8. TXT - "Sugar Rush Ride"
it's been a busy year for txt and while I'm not super familiar with them and their releases are sometimes a bit hit or miss for me, when they do hit they HIT
I actually considered chasing that feeling for this list too but despite adoring the take on me-ness of it I ended up nixing it after adjusting for recency bias
sugar rush ride though, I feel is a bop that stood the test of time with its catchiness and surprisingly dark undertones, and is also one of my favorite choreos I learned this year by far like. come on. it's the epitome of Boy Group Hot.
9. Taeyang - "Vibe"
this song lived rent-free in my head for MONTHS, god it's so catchy
I actually missed when my local studio taught this song but I liked the choreo so much I learned it on my own which, predictably since it literally features 2 main dancers, was not easy but extremely worth it bc just like the song itself it's just really fun
other than that what can I say. the MV is nothing special but otherwise it's just a really solid song with Big feel good energy.
10. Kiss of Life - "Shhh"
ok,,,,,,,I don't really follow rookie groups that closely bc generally I don't feel like I'm the target audience but. out of this year's new groups I did especially like kiss of life's debut!
the MV doesn't do much for me tbh but musically it sounds uncharacteristically mature to me, in a good way—it has a subtle confidence about it that I like plus excellent vocals, and is (possibly hot take?) what I was hoping to get from newjeans this year as a continuation of their debut last year tbh
Honorable Mentions
Jungkook - "Standing Next to You"
this one just felt like cheating bc it's technically an English single and there's probably some recency bias here but I can't not mention it bc I simply love this track. I'm not even a BTS stan but it's just a jam with great vocals and instrumentals (the big band notes and MJ influence! please!) and the choreo is also SO ridiculously fun, both the chorus and the dance break
BTOB - "Wind and Wish"
this is just a wholesome song that makes you feel good, like is it a lil bit cheesy? yeah, but it's also Good Vibes Comma the Song, wearing its entire heart on its sleeve in the most endearing way. it's nostalgic and mellow and full of love for its friends and a zest for life
also special shoutout to the bridge, which in such an otherwise lowkey song did not have to go that hard and yet it Did?? that harmony gives me chills, 100% certified vocal kings would cry again
Shownu X Hyungwon - "Love Me a Little"
this is a pathetic meow meow song in the best possible way and was sadly beat out by the other slightly better pathetic meow meow songs on this list (guilty, predator, amnesia) bc it was just a really good year for them but I still think it deserves a mention bc first of all yea boi @ my mans shownu being free from the military but also the instrumental/dance break at the end is dark as hell and also SO fucking tasty
Infinite - "New Emotions"
another 2nd gen group that quietly had a renaissance this year! this song is simply a bop and while the song itself is not as memorable as some in the top 10 the choreo is actually really fun
also myungsoo looks really ridiculously fine as center in the first chorus and that's the last thing I have to say about this song,
Key - "Killer"
honestly I really liked both of key's cbs this year but I feel like killer was slept on somewhat, it's got a hint of sadboi but it's tempered by the upbeat 80s pop style, plus the grungy mullet and beret outfit from the MV was a fucking Look and a Half
And my favorites per month
January: Monsta X - "Beautiful Liar"
February: Purple Kiss - "Sweet Juice"
March: Onew - "O (Circle)"
April: Lee Gi Kwang - "Predator"
May: Dreamcatcher - "Bon Voyage"
June: SHINee - "HARD"
July: Exo - "Cream Soda"
August: MAMAMOO+ - "dangdang"
September: Key - "Good & Great"
October: Taemin - "Guilty"
November: VIXX - "Amnesia"
December: TVXQ - "Down"
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ainulindaelynn · 1 year
Top 10 Bands/Musicians
Tagged by the wonderful @aeide and @sleeplessincarcosa <3
Some of these are temporary and some are always. Aaand I’m breaking the rules to go off the rails because it’s late 😂
1. Def Leppard - it’s always Def Leppard. On every music list I ever do, it will always be Def Leppard. Foolin’? Animal? The BEST.
2. The Black Keys - one of you suggested this ages ago and I fell down the rabbit hole never to be seen again.
3. Joseph - this is a local PDX band that’s gone a bit bigger, but they KILL at this very airy sound and have some lyrics that are just 🙌. Whirlwind, Honest, Canyon, Wind… there are so many good ones.
4. John Denver - Being honest here 😂 My dad grew up VERY rural, packing horses into the mountains on the weekends, and his dad used to play this on the radio when he was a kid, making breakfast, so he’s always done the same and it conjures alllll of that for me. And he writes with a lot of texture. Experiential. You hear the flight patterns of The Eagle and the Hawk. You see the sea spray in Calypso. These days, I do a lot of gender-neutralizing with his music, but he was very much a hippie (see Rhymes & Reasons 😂), so I think he’d do that himself if he were still writing today. He has so many I love: Matthew, To the Wild Country, Poems, Prayers, & Promises… Among all his famous ones. I mean what other songwriter leaves after a fight and returns with Annie’s Song? It’s just absurd 😂
5. Ingrid Michaelson - She never comes to mind when I think of artists I love, but I have 30-some songs of hers. She just never misses the mark. Her old stuff. Her new stuff. It’s all fantastic.
6. Dean Lewis - Half his songs were written for Thalexios. Change my mind.
7. RAIGN - both of these last two are for a handful of ship-specific songs (likely short lived), although I’m coming to love RAIGN’s style more and more.
8. Imagine Dragons - immediately puts me back in a very specific era. They don’t swear in their songs and usually I couldn’t care less, but when I was doing mental health support in schools that made them one of the few bands we could listen to and they were ALWAYS on, especially Whatever It Takes. I love the person I was then - I was very myself, despite the fact that things were WILD 24/7. I sang a lot of Start Over on my way to work 🤣
9. Mumford & Sons - Don’t know as much about them as I should, but this is an era too. Awake My Soul especially, but there are a dozen at least. And in lieu of a 10th, I’ll do Story Time, because this has me nostalgic and it’s way too long and tumblr is something of a void, right…? 😂 When I listened to them most, I was super young, had started working with a nonprofit, and my worldview was being blown apart. I was also “not-dating” a guy I’d known my whole life - a marine stationed overseas at the time. Before he reached out, I’d noticed a pattern of hometown SOs he’d start up with and then ghost when he came back. I knew his game. He just wanted an anchor. We never talked about it and I never felt compelled to tell him I’d NEVER date him, because I knew he was bullshitting me. But things got out of hand. We talked twice a day for 10 months… with a 16hr time difference… during a HUGE time in both our lives. Him processing his life. My revelations. Love, but not as a partner? But we never talked about what we were doing. And at the end, he started scaring me, getting all weepy about me when he was drinking and I felt like an awful person. We talked about him coming home, but I always kept conversations pointed at him, the family he’d see, what they were like, the places he’d go... If he cut ties, I didn’t want broken promises. I wanted it clean. And sure enough, his plane landed and we never spoke again - all that sap, a strange goodbye. He’s a stranger ever since, walking around with a year of my mind tucked inside his, and I smile when I remember him, because it was what we both needed and it ended when it needed. I hope, somehow, he knows that.
Buuut I’ll never break the silence to make sure, so good luck, buddy. Best wishes 😅
No pressure tagging @desperate-confidence @merelyafigment @milfeivor @newengland-shrike @blue-mono :)
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scortchedtoast · 2 years
My Top 15 Kpop Songs of the Year
1. Love Dive- Ive- Like give IVE their tens this was song of the year, mayhaps even song of the decade (getting ahead of myself). The vibes were immaculate and the song is outstanding I even like the dance break which can break a good song if done poorly. 
2. Hype Boy- New Jeans: Like this is really also the song of the year for me, Love Dive triumphs but probably only because it came out earlier. Like this song is immaculate and attention is pretty good too it would be in the 16-20 range of my fave songs of the year.
3. Catch the Star- Woo!ah- They really outdid themselves like this was a masterpiece and such a great way to start the year. I really didn’t think it could be beat for a while and at one point it was higher than Love Dive but its not as replayable as Love Dive. Still a bop tho!
4. DM- Fromis_9- Again the girls were taking no prisoners' at the beginning of the year jan-feb was insane like this is probably my fave fromis_9 song after love bomb of course.
5. Talk that Talk- Twice- Of course the queens had to be here and for their only comeback of the year. Truly I couldn’t have wished for anything more (except a more coherent MV), like the song is good and repayable. They never disappoint and this comeback as well as celebrate was made just so much better by all the members continuing on and re-signing their contract!
6. Smiley- Choi Yena- Another early bop, like it’s so catchy it’s still in my head! Truly a great debut but that’s to be expected from the izone girlies. The only critique is Bibi was so not needed, like it wasn’t bad but Yena defs could cover that part herself and I’m not crazy about a feature being on a debut. And we must thank Yena for holding down yuehua entertainment until everglow come back.
7. Love in Bloom- ILY:1- They are bringing back christian kpop and I have to thank them for it! This song is so refreshing and unique and a bop. The MV and styling were cute and I replayed it so much it just had to make the list. A very solid nugu debut.
8. Run- H1-key- This was the song of the summer for me. It just screams a fun summer like I was a little unsure of the group what with their former members alleged political connections and their debut song but this was spectacular. 
9. Antifragile- Lesserafim- This is probably my most replayed song of the year which is crazy because it literally came out a few months ago lol. Like this is such a good song to workout to they really served. I was worried what they would do post garam kick out and with the success of new jeans it was looking a bit grim for them but they came back swinging. Also their performances are so good and Yunjin I find genuinely funny which is rare in an idol, like they’ve been added to my faves list.
10. Rollarcoaster- Woo!ah- Yep Woo!ah made the list twice and if we extended the list to 20 entries they would make it thrice. Woo!ah had a great year with a comeback at the beginning middle and end of the year all of which were really strong but starting with Catch the Stars and ending with Rollarcoaster is insane like their producer is a genius. I envision this will climb the rankings but since it came later it’s at number 10.
11. Flip That- Loona- I started writing this before the Chuu situation and the potential exodus of the Loona members and man am I bummed out now. The song is good and everything I wanted after the girl crush mess I’ve been force fed for the past two years. Like just a nice chill song for the summer, not their best but super refreshing. (BUT, everyone needs to boycott bbc and not listen on streaming sites and don’t watch their new comeback or interact with the teasers.)
12. After Like- Ive- They also made the list twice this song was a bit boring to me at first but on a second listen its an earworm. Whoever is producing these Ive tracks starship needs to pay them more cause they are excellent.
13. Loveticon- CSR- Giving Christian Kpop Horsegirl vibes as my one anon put it and we need to bring the genre back so I’m glad they’re helping. Ever since gfriend pivoted to whatever apple was the genre has been left behind and its revival and CSR and ILY:1 can do it! Weird group names tho.
14. Higher- Fifty Fifty- this group has a decent concept and I really like that they sing a majority of the chorus and songs together as opposed to in segments like it makes them unique in kpop. A nice chill jam with good vocals what more could anyone else want.
15. Pop- Bugaboo- I liked the song it was fun but this is mainly here because my girls have disbanded and its only right that they make the list for the two years they were active during.
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krewekreep · 1 year
Introduction of Sorts + Interests
This page will really be for me to get back into writing, develop my writing and indulge myself. I’m open to requests though but ask people to definitely contextualize your Bias (person you’re requesting for—yes I’m gonna use K-pop lingo oh well) and/or the scenario cause otherwise I’d simply write for myself. Which is why I also am making this page because I’ve been on tumblr for 10 years (my main account turned ten this year) and I’m worn out of the smut fest no prose or story fics. Definitely has its place in the community but the older I get the more I need actual full blown delusion. I need scene, setting, set up, climax, denouement…and so I’ll fulfill the order myself. 🫡
My interests:
(Im a 2010s coded Tumblr user so uh, I mean I suppose Dr Who and Supernatural aren’t 😂😂😂😂lmao ew anyway (I was into supernatural I’m ewwing at you and myself) .
Too I usually am not following everything that’s mainstream (I know im so cool) so also if something isn’t listed I most likely know of it—but went no further. I also like older anime and media so if you have something super specific that feels out of place no worries. Im gonna end up writing Greek smut about Dionysus so…🤷🏾‍♀️
Anime: (I’ve seen actually too much anime to name so here’s the ones I have a bias or have an affinity for the characters)
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer
Attack on Titan
Fate Series
Chainsaw Man
Attack on Titan
Spy x Family
Fave genres are horror/seinen, shoujo, and slice of life.
KPOP: (1st-mid 3rd Gen main but still aware of 4th gen pretty deeply)
I dont really want to do requests for idols but I don’t mind overall, explained further below
My fave boy groups (somewhat in order): Big Bang, Shinee, BAP, BTS (ex-army, long story**, don’t come to my page with that bullshit 💕) B1A4, IKON, EXO, 2PM, GOT7…I could go on. (I’m not gonna list them in an order but my heart can’t not include MBLAQ, Teen Top, U-Kiss, etc ugh those were the days😭)
Girl Groups (in definitive order): 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, F(x), Girls Generation, TWICE, 4Minute/Hyuna, Wonder Girls, Secret, After School, Global Icon (short lived), Tiny G ( VERY short lived), EXID, Ladies Code, etc.
Now 4th Gen…is cute…they got CUTE people that’s for sure. This list will be co-ed simply because I’m not feral for boy groups like I was younger. Really the boy groups don’t do it for me (4th gen overall criticism tbh) cause it’s really looks and kinda arrogant personalities I find obnoxious given y’all can’t even publicly date or be seen smoking…tone down the elitist vibe lol. But shade aside I do jam some things and have a playlist for my fave 4th gen songs so for sure no hate just a BOMBASTIC side eye sometimes. Anyway…
Stray Kids
Lessaraffim (I’m gonna leave it like my mind spells it, enjoy)
NCT 127 (specifically them ((in reference to the units)) cause I enjoy R&B coded K-pop, they do too much Niggaboo shit (looking at Mark and Taeyong DIRECTLY in the eyes 👁️👄👁️)((BUT it’s a Soo Man thing cause him, YG, and JYP competing over who wish they were a born a Black man the most…Soo Man and JYP ✨fist fighting✨over the top spot IYKYK)
New jeans (they’re minors and if they all aren’t their def much younger than me so no requests for minors please this is for taste assessment only)
BIBI and other female soloists (Hyuna, Sunmi, Ga-in, Lee Hyori, etc)
IVE (they really got some bops tbh, this is another TWICE case of let these young women talk and sing how they naturally would…music and live performances will thank them for it)
Nobody really else I guess honorable mentions are Ateez, Fifty-fifty,
*im gonna add that for Anime/Manga the double dipping means some combination of me knowing the material in both forms of media. Like Jujutsu Kaizen is an amazing example currently as of course the anime is ongoing but the manga is far ahead by a large portion of plot. So if your anime only, manga only, or something be sure to let me know so I’m not spoiling by accident. Don’t want the smut to spoil a character death or something….right? 😅
**the long story short and overall caveat of why I’ve fallen out of love for groups and K-pop are the fact that yeah as a Black person I genuinely started getting pissed off with colorism, n-word usage, appropriation, and mockery. The shit gets old and as a poor old super fan I’m happy I didn’t spend the money people do for folks who would literally refuse my hand…🫤 be fr. Likewise, the deaths of idols who were literally my biases really (of course) bothered me and took a toll on my enjoyment of the genre too. The more you love it the more you learn and that’s usually where the fun ends and now it’s numbers charts and placements. Lame 😭. I let the time I was fan be that but otherwise ? Eh I’m good I’ll bop from time to time and catch the tea but my bread in my pocket (besides my B1A4 What’s Happening and Twice Scientist albums😂)((and the other old albums I’ll get before they disappear forever or get destroyed🫠))
But yeah that’s that on that. I’ll be posting whatever ends up decent enough to be read by others. Otherwise wherever this ends up hope you drop a message🥸!
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
When I move has been stuck in my head like it deserves I love that song so much y’all remember when I said Tomboy was the song of the year back when it came out and then I said Nazababara was the song of the year? I’m sorry but When I Move is clearly song of the year. Not that the others weren’t good and don’t get me wrong I fucking love Rolling Quartz so much they are my favs this generation but y’all how can I not get excited over 2nd gen. These 2nd gen girl groups all coming back this year to perform on stage whether it’s a new song or a medley of old songs or whatever it’s everything. We got, I specifically got blessed by not only 9Muses, Tara, Girls Generation, 2NE1, Afterschool and Kara but I also got Teen Top, 2PM, U-Kiss and Big Bang which, although aren’t girl groups it was iconic nonetheless. And these are all groups that I got into first after Shinee and Exo so seeing these idols again after so long showing the younger gen that they still got it is such a moment for me. It makes me happy to see it.
I remember when H.O.T came back to perform on running man and the fans were so excited and feeling every emotion and I thought it was so wholesome seeing a group you grew up with again after so long and there was even others who were excited for when Big Bang could do something like this and then IT HAPPENED. And then like we even get bands like Ftisland and cnblue to come back which is great but idk if they’re 2nd gen but still! It’s so cool to see and Sunye came back which is awesome and there’s even soloists like Hatfelt, Sunmi and Yubin that are still going which is so cool and Rain came back which that was fun even tho he’s like what 1st gen and Boa is still in the game. I just love seeing it and I love when the younger generation of idols get to perform songs by these groups. I would love to see Fx comeback tho an DBSK that would def complete my list of older generations. Wonder if CSJH would be willing to comeback like S.E.S and Sechkies did ugh I would love that tho.
OH WHAT WOULD BE AMAZING TO SEE IF ALL THE GROUPS I JUST MENTIONED DID LIL COVERS OF WHEN I MOVE GEEZ OMG LIKE KARA AND GIRLS GENERATION DOING COVERS OF EACH OTHERS REUNION SONGS UGH THAT WOULD BE PERFECT. This is why I love the whole idols doing each other’s songs on tiktok trend. Idk how it started but I love it so much cause not only do they get to interact with so many artist but they look like they’re really enjoying it and it gives lesser known groups a chance to interact and capture the interest of people who are watching the collabs like for example Alexa and Nature. And it’s like the whole industry is doing it, the younger generation, the older generation, soloists, khiphop artists, and they all dance to each other’s songs and god I am in love with this trend idk whoever invented it thank you cause it’s my favorite thing ever. And it looks like we’re slowly getting collab stages at award shows and music shows in general back which is fantastic. Seeing the current generation of idols getting together and mixing around and dancing to any song even the older ones that’s so cool. It’s my favorite thing. If I was an idol it would be a dream cause it would get to dance with all of my favs lol. And it’s cute when the now idols are fans of older groups and then they get to dance with them like Sunmi and Dreamcatcher it’s everything. It just opens up this whole new fun activity for idols to do I can’t get enough of it. And I love love when groups get studio choomed and they get to go on it’s live and do relay dances it’s another favorite thing of mine.
Anywee When I Move slaps, I love love love the song so much, beyond love the song it makes me want to dance ugh I love Kara I’m so happy they got to come back and I hope I can find more idols dancing to it. So far I’ve only found Mirae and I adore them for all the Kara dances they’ve done. OH I WOULD SIMPLY DIE IF ROLLING QUARTZ DID A COVER OF WHEN I MOVE AHHHH THATS ANOTHER THING BANDS NEED TO COVER MORE SONGS. Like Rolling Quartz and N.Flying and Xdinary Heroes is doing a few now and then but boy would I love more. I just want more covers and more idols dancing to each other’s songs it’s one of the only good and wholesome moments in the industry. Ok I’m sorry for the rant I think I’m done now.
WAIT WAIT OK CRAXY, ALICE (Elris), ROLLING QUARTZ, SKYLE, MIRAE, AND T.A.N ALL HAVE MVS AT THE PARADISE DINER which I think is relatively new but I first saw it in the Nazababara mv and I think it’s super cute like it’s a cute location and I think it’s a real business like I don’t think it’s like just a set or a pop up diner but it’s super cool and honestly total cute date/hangout spot tho and all these groups use the location differently kinda but I love to see it. I even gave the diner a stupid nickname; Paradise Diner Sunbaenim 😔😤💅
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ambivartence · 2 years
Top 5 song releases from this year! can be all kpop or not :)
ok being the boy group degen that i am i've basically only listened to new bg kpop this year (actually a lie i've listened to a lot of major gg releases too lol)
1. doom du doom (p1harmony) - i cannot express how much i LOVE this song i've literally watched / listened to it so much that i know the entire chorus choreo and like every adlib LOL also the STYLING of the boxer set especially and also the giant flags + intak's flag choreo and the whimsical editing of the mv was rly fun i didn't think they could ever have a song that topped Scared in my books but they rly did that!!!! 2. villain (key ft jeno) - bLEW MY MIND. INSANE. WHAT IS THIS COLLAB. AND WE GOT MUSIC SHOW STAGES. I OWE KIM KIBUM SEVERAL BOUQUETS OF FLOWERS. 3. ruby (woozi) - honestly song of the year!!!! like objectively the best song in this list but i am BIASED about #1 and #2 ok. anyways everything from the intro to the humor of "shit this is red too" is just an absolute deLIGHT 4. child (mark) - mark!!! is!!! such!!! an!!!!! artist!!!!!! i love how angsty this song is it's def along a similar vein as ruby but also so much more personal and honest since it's not a generic love song which makes it so beautiful aLSO SHORT HAIR MARK!!! BLACK OR BLOND!!! AND BEANIE MARK!!! UGH DAMN SON!1!!!!! 5. btbt (b.i) - i am simply addicted to this song and to this choreo like what the hell i didn't even know who b.i was lmao (sorry ikonics) and literally forgot soulja boy existed but damn they did that!!!!!
> ask me my top 5 anything <
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club577 · 2 years
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more comprehensive analysis + statistics breakdown under the cut (warning: long)
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of course this number is meaningless since i feel like spotify keeps redefining their genre categories every year
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welsh rock at #3 lets goooo (the "cymraeg" genre was only #4 for me last year, and all the welsh-language music i listen to is welsh rock and vice versa)
thank god "metropopolis" isnt on there this year that was embarrassing . i miss punk being on the list tho
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~946 hours, or ~3.11 hours per day (assuming collection period was jan 1 to oct 31)
~16219 songs assuming average song length of 3.5 minutes, ~53 songs a day
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(i think april was def the peak of my club 57 hyperfixation)
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56,768 minutes listened = ~39 minutes per song, or ~11 plays per song
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last.fm stats as of nov 30:
club 57: 352 plays run into trouble: 219 y bardd o montreal: 128 bike dream: 135 (only song on the list that i never put on loop -- its just Like That <3) boy division: 117 (paradis disparu by sŵnami was actually tied with boy division i believe -- last.fm says ive played it 119 times and i know for sure 2 of those times were in the last month)
bike dream is still in my november playlist whereas y bardd o montreal isnt, which explains the extra few plays that it's gathered since spotify stopped collecting data
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oh boy what will it be....
(56,768 minutes = ~123 minutes per artist, or ~35 songs per artist; 1,454 songs = ~3 unique songs per artist)
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what a surprise
(my top artist every year since i got spotify in 2018 -- it feels like my number of minutes listened drops every year but i just looked back on my old wrappeds and it's actually been rising (more than double the 2020 number) even though they make up a smaller percentage of my overall music)
apparently i was right on the cusp of making the top 0.005% like i did last year -- one of my friends listened to them for around 6k minutes and made 0.005%
(~10.2% of my overall time, ~5.8 songs a day (using 3.25 as average song length since their newer songs have been getting shorter))
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yeah okay okay jeez i get it . i know
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only listened to matt maeson these last couple months after he dropped his new album so im glad he made the list
last.fm stats as of nov 30:
bastille: 1816 plays mcr: 1200 the wombats: 937 matt maeson: 849 rostam: 797
i was scared of mcr beating bastille this year but yeah they werent even close
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this feels pretty accurate -- certainly applies to my listening habits for bastille, matt maeson, and sŵnami off the top of my head. i rlly love seeing what all my friends got for this one <3
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hits1000 · 2 years
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983
Top Songs of 1983 - Hits of 1983 Top Songs of 1983 including: 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire, Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All, Billy Joel - Uptown Girl, Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart, Elton John - I'm Still Standing, Michael Jackson – Thriller and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1983 AC/DC - Guns For Hire 2. 1983 Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 3. 1983 Alaska y Dinarama - Perlas Ensangrentadas 4. 1983 Bananarama - Cruel Summer 5. 1983 Barón Rojo - Casi Me Mato 6. 1983 Billy Joel - Uptown Girl 7. 1983 Bob Marley & The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier 8. 1983 Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart 9. 1983 Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart 10. 1983 Corinne Hermès - Si La Vie Est Cadeau 11. 1983 Culture Club - Karma Chameleon 12. 1983 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 13. 1983 David Bowie - Let's Dance 14. 1983 Def Leppard - Photograph 15. 1983 DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 16. 1983 Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In The Stream 17. 1983 Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money 18. 1983 Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? 19. 1983 Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue 20. 1983 Electric Light Orchestra - Rock 'N' Roll Is King 21. 1983 Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues 22. 1983 Elton John - I'm Still Standing 23. 1983 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 24. 1983 Frank Stallone - Far From Over 25. 1983 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 26. 1983 Freeez - IOU 27. 1983 Gazebo - I Like Chopin 28. 1983 Gonzalo - Quién Piensa En Ti 29. 1983 Irene Cara - What A Feeling (Flashdance) 30. 1983 Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night 31. 1983 John Mellencamp - Pink Houses 32. 1983 José Cid - Portuguesa Bonita 33. 1983 Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) 34. 1983 Kajagoogoo - Too Shy 35. 1983 KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up 36. 1983 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae 37. 1983 Lime - Guilty 38. 1983 Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night) 39. 1983 Madonna - Holiday 40. 1983 Masquerade - Guardian Angel 41. 1983 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride 42. 1983 Mecano - Barco A Venus 43. 1983 Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance 44. 1983 Michael Jackson - Beat It 45. 1983 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 46. 1983 Michael Jackson - Thriller 47. 1983 Michael Sembello - Maniac 48. 1983 Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow 49. 1983 NEA - 989 Luftbalons 50. 1983 Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. 1983 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 52. 1983 Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 53. 1983 Paul Young - Come Back And Stay 54. 1983 Paul Young - Love of the Common People 55. 1983 Real Life - Send Me An Angel 56. 1983 Righeira - Vamos A La Playa 57. 1983 Robin Gibb - Juliet 58. 1983 Rod Stewart - Baby Jane 59. 1983 Rod Stewart - What Am I Gonna Do (I'm So In Love With You) 60. 1983 Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita 61. 1983 Slade - My Oh My 62. 1983 Spandau Ballet - Gold 63. 1983 Spandau Ballet - True 64. 1983 The Flying Pickets - Only You 65. 1983 The Kinks - Come Dancing 66. 1983 The Police - Every Breath You Take 67. 1983 The Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep 68. 1983 The Smiths - This Charming Man 69. 1983 Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 70. 1983 Thompson Twins - Lies 71. 1983 Tino Casal – Embrujada 72. 1983 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 73. 1983 Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know 74. 1983 Trans-X - Living On Video 75. 1983 U2 - New Year's Day 76. 1983 U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday 77. 1983 UB40 - Red Red Wine 78. 1983 Vídeo - La Noche No Es Para Mí 79. 1983 Wham! - Club Tropicana 80. 1983 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1983, Best Jukebox 1983 Playlist, Late 1983 Non Stop , Top 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Compilation, Best 1983 List, Late 1983 UK, Best 1983 Playlist, Best 1983 Non Stop, Best 1983 Video, Greatest 1983 Non Stop, Mix 1983 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1983 List, List of 1983 Mix, Top 1983 USA, Best Songs of 1983, Top Music 1983, Hits of 1983 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1983 #hits1983 #songs1983 #listof1983mix #hits1983 #bestsongs1983 #classic1983playlist #greatest1983nonstop #best1983list #best1983video #top1983mix #greatest1983video #mix1983playlist #top1983nonstop #mix1983compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzT6er00YIM
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