#i am such trash for not naming a single female artist song i swear i have a list too but i am just such a sucker for
ambivartence · 2 years
Top 5 song releases from this year! can be all kpop or not :)
ok being the boy group degen that i am i've basically only listened to new bg kpop this year (actually a lie i've listened to a lot of major gg releases too lol)
1. doom du doom (p1harmony) - i cannot express how much i LOVE this song i've literally watched / listened to it so much that i know the entire chorus choreo and like every adlib LOL also the STYLING of the boxer set especially and also the giant flags + intak's flag choreo and the whimsical editing of the mv was rly fun i didn't think they could ever have a song that topped Scared in my books but they rly did that!!!! 2. villain (key ft jeno) - bLEW MY MIND. INSANE. WHAT IS THIS COLLAB. AND WE GOT MUSIC SHOW STAGES. I OWE KIM KIBUM SEVERAL BOUQUETS OF FLOWERS. 3. ruby (woozi) - honestly song of the year!!!! like objectively the best song in this list but i am BIASED about #1 and #2 ok. anyways everything from the intro to the humor of "shit this is red too" is just an absolute deLIGHT 4. child (mark) - mark!!! is!!! such!!! an!!!!! artist!!!!!! i love how angsty this song is it's def along a similar vein as ruby but also so much more personal and honest since it's not a generic love song which makes it so beautiful aLSO SHORT HAIR MARK!!! BLACK OR BLOND!!! AND BEANIE MARK!!! UGH DAMN SON!1!!!!! 5. btbt (b.i) - i am simply addicted to this song and to this choreo like what the hell i didn't even know who b.i was lmao (sorry ikonics) and literally forgot soulja boy existed but damn they did that!!!!!
> ask me my top 5 anything <
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previouslynekolyssi · 7 years
tagged by: @sparkelingsparkles!! THANKS BISC ;D
nicknames: Lyssi, obviously! But literally no one irl calls me that. Even when I meet internet friends in real life I ask them to just call me Alyssa because Lyssi just feels so funny to be called in person? xD
gender: Female
star sign: Gemini to the CORE
MBTI type: I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I’m an enigma. My personality changes every single day I swear. I’ve taken the MBTI test SEVERAL times and have gotten like 3 different results? Most consistently it says I’m ISFP, though idk how accurate that really is...
height: 173 cm/5′ 8″
time: Oh wow I had to look up the code for this lol UTC-08:00??? I’M IN CALIFORNIA
birthday: June 11th!
favorite bands/solo artists: Big big big fan of Panic! At the Disco, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift \o/. I’m also BTS trash as of like 2 months ago lol
song stuck in my mind:  I...have had... X Gon’ Give it to Ya stuck in my head....FOR DAYS. FOR. DAYS. BECAUSE OF THIS VIDEO.
last movie watched: I raaaarely watch movies. I can binge an entire anime in a night no problem, but I have a really hard time being motivated to sit down and watch a single movie lol. The last movie I “watched” was...Bambi? When I babysat a few weeks ago? xD last show watched: The past few days literally all I have been doing is rewatching BSD and BNHA and it is has been glorious
when did I create my blog: This blog was created...oh man.... in January? My first anime blog @lyssi-on-ice (lol rip) was made in November but it was just a sideblog and I wanted to make a new, main blog and then HUZZAH nekolyssi was born!
what do I post abt: Way too much Haikyuu and art that is mostly Haikyuu. But if you noticed BNHA is slowly taking over my life sooooo BRACE YOURSELVES
last thing I googled: “California time zone” due to previous prompt but that is NO FUN? So let me show you some gems from my recent search history... “akaashi keiji” (reasonable) “asuma kousuke” (also very reasonable) “flip table emoji (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ ... (WORTH IT) and my personal favorite.. “what do you call someone that rarely appear at things” (I NEVER FOUND THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR?!?!??!) edit: ELUSIVE. ELUSIVE WAS THE WORD. OH THANK GOD
do you have other blogs: -technically I do? My old blog was @lyssi634 (previously lyssiplier lmao) from when I was really deep in the markiplier and youtube fandom in general. Then on that account I made @lyssi-on-ice before I just created an entire new account, as explained above. Both of these blogs are entirely inactive, don’t bother looking through them lol
why did you choose your url: STORY TIME. When I started tumblr in November of 2015 I was there for the markiplier community and I wanted to add -iplier to my name but I didn’t like how alyssiplier sounded..so I dropped the “a” and just went with lyssiplier...which was supposed to be read as lyss-iplier. But people thought it was lyssi-plier, and that’s how people started calling me lyssi!! Then that transferred over to lyssi-on-ice, and when I made this blog I chose “neko” because I love cats! (Quite a nice tribute to nekoma as well)
following: 97! I need to find some bnha blogs...
followers: 1,702 (THANK YOU!!!!)
fav color: Black. But if we’re talking actual color, then Teal!
average hours of sleep: Totally depends. Lately I’ve been getting 6ish? I’m attempting to fix my sleep schedule since I start work again next week because as a teacher I need A LOT of sleep...but so far no luck lol lucky number: 11 <3
instruments: I sing! YES I’M COUNTING IT AS AN INSTRUMENT, SHUSH. And I also play guitar, but a very basic level. And I haven’t picked it up in like..8 months? So....
what i’m wearing: Nekoma t-shirt & shorts (aka my usual attire)
how many blankets do i sleep with: I have my comforter (that I end up kicking off completely bc California) and one of those really fuzzy blankets you get at Costco to snuggle with. Yes I legit snuggle with a blanket still, LEAVE ME ALONE I’M JUST A BIG CHILD
dream job: I want to teach in Japan ;_; Which actually isn’t a far off dream..once I get my credential cleared this year I can apply to teach American children at the military base in Japan...I’m going to be looking into that very soon!
dream trip: JAPAN (wow no one saw that coming). Also Europe but I am actually going there this October so it’s not so much as a dream as it is reality now :’)
favorite food: I love all kinds of food. But I have a particular affinity for chicken enchiladas ^^ (also any kind of junk food)
nationality: American? Is that what I’m supposed to say? But I’m Irish and German! May or may not share last names with a certain German anime character..
tagging: my sheepish personality prevents me from tagging lots of people..... so I will just tag @anetecomics and @majesticartax \o/ (and anyone who wants to do it, of course)
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