#this is cool tho i might do this yearly to hype myself up
carltonlassie · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread love and link each other to awesome works!
@goobzoop thank u for tagging me ily <3 ur my number one woohoo
...... so to be entirely frank i only started writing fics and drawing shit in 2020. I guess there were attempts like 10 years ago, but then it never really went anywhere and my English probably sucked back then lol idk. So this will be a cool record of what I’ve done this year and a celebration of more stuff to come ahh
I would tag sum peeps before the cut so u don’t have to read below if u don’t want to, but the only person i know that comes to my mind who creates content is @jawnwicks. I see grendel creating things but I don’t know him personally..... i am always looking respectfully though. But anyone! If u see this feel free to do one and tag me! I wanna see :)
📼 Bow Chicka Wow Wow [Shawn/Lassiter, Psych]
My first ever published Psych fic 🥰 I read through this again (even though I’ve vowed to never read my fics again bc... what if it’s embarassing) and it’s actually hilarious. I think I’m hilarious. I don’t know where the idea came from and who wrote it, but it’s a solid story. The pacing is pretty good too and there’s enough details I think to get the story going. Also goobzoop’s accompanying art is so good. 10/10
🍊Orange Creamsicle [Shawn/Gus, Psych]
I know Shawn/Gus isn’t a popular pairing, but I absolutely believe that Shawn would just be like, wanna blowjob? And give Gus the most amazing blowjob he’s ever gotten. And he’d be completely nonchalant about it too skskdfs. Also I have such a hard time writing oneshots and endings, and i think this was a pretty solid attempt at both of them. I think the ending could have used more care but like eh, it’s out it’s good.
👔 Drawing of Professor Hotchner [Reid/Hotch, Criminal Minds]
When I read the first few exposition chapter of @goobzoop’s fic I was like holy....... i can literally imagine the scene and i just had to draw it. I think this is one of my first proper drawings involving people too. I remember i was trying out different brushes and just kinda seeing how it goes... and i was like hm, how do u background... and just slathered colors until it looked serviceable haha.
🩲Drawing of Pinup Lassie [Psych]
I absolutely think this is hilarious. Lassie with a bootyshort. It’s so wild because the drawing just kinda came out in one sitting and i was surprised that i drew it afterwards. I got a new brush set and i finally found a brush i liked so i guess i was in the zone. I absolutely think they should make a psych episode where it’s full of bad porn tropes such as this drawing. Anyways. If you’re interested in the time lapse video, here it is! I still think it’s wild that i drew that even as I’m watching the time lapse video. WHy can’t i draw stylized characters like this anymore. Why must i go through a faux-realism phase. Idk
💭 Mr. Monk and The Dream [Monk/Stottlemeyer, Monk]
And I think as the final one, I Have to mention the fic that started it all. My first ever published fic. I was so scared to post this since this was for Monk who’s canonically against anything sex or anything that involves touching other people’s body or exchanging bodily fluids lmao... I remember posting all seven chapters at once and bailing because i was so scared of reviews haha. But the response I’ve gotten was so good and i was so encouraged by everyone who left such nice comments <3. All I remember was that I kept on having this scene playing in my head, and more scenes kept on coming and coming until it HAD to be written. I published it late July, but I must have started it around April or so. I wrote the entire fic on my phone, lying in bed past 4am, 5am, until there were birds chirping outside. Unhealthy, but we were all going thru unprecedented times and quarantines lmfao.
So you somehow made it all the way down here! Here’s the stats on all the written work that I’ve accomplished in 2020. Wild
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I still don’t really know stuff about writing and I’m learning every day, I just write in a style I like to read, what is worldbuilding and what is consistency and POV. Idk, i just work here. I still have absolutely no idea how to tag things on AO3, but keeping the spreadsheet above is helping me with continuity and avoiding plot holes, and honestly just getting motivated to actually do things because i love completing tasks and putting lil check marks and labels on them haha monkey brain go boop booop
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