#this is because i have no middle english. and also i'm writing fanfiction
willowcrowned · 1 year
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
tagged by @phoenixyfriend
Dream turns to face Hob, the window at his back. “I am sworn to your will,” in your hall, he is meant to add. Whyl I byde in yowre borʒe, be bayn to ʒowre hest. But he sees the relief in Hob’s eyes—and surprise. Hob has heard him.
@darkisrising @sanerontheinside @outpastthemoat @mandaloriandy @that-banhus
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Forever fucked up over the fact that sometimes you have to write the thing you desperately want to read/watch because it doesn't exist yet
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tozettastone · 24 days
Fantasy Novels Recommended By Vibes
A note about warnings and assumptions: I have given no content warnings, but most of these books have them, usually for violence or sexism. Except the middle grade books. I have assumed everyone knows who Tolkien and Jordan and Le Guin and GRRM are and does not require me to recommend them once more. I have also assumed that everyone following me has read and enjoyed the trashiest of fanfiction at some point or other.
Now, let's go.
"I want something that feels like reading the unhinged fanfiction of a 16 year old girl, but written by and for adults so the sex scenes don't make me feel deeply uncomfortable."
Oh boy. Okay. Don't worry, I've got you.
The Black Jewels trilogy by Anne Bishop. High fantasy. If you like to categorise things you will love the worldbuilding in this. Weird and gender essentialist, although not in the way you might expect.
The Merry Gentry series by L K Hamilton. Urban fantasy. Degrades in quality over time. I would say: read the first two, and then continue at your discretion depending on your tolerance.
"Do you have a version of this that is not quite so focused on sex as worldbuilding?"
I do, I do. Not everything that reads like unhinged fanfiction must automatically contain smut.
A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik. It's billed as adult fantasy, but it reads like YA. If you like 2010s fanfiction and wish it were better written more often, you'll love these two.
Any book by Mercedes Lackey will read exactly like fanfiction. I make no comments as to technical quality, but if you like hurt/comfort idfic, you will like these. If you're looking for a zero-romance, one-book introduction to these books, I'd try Brightly Burning.
"That's still a bit too adult. I want something that's fine to read with kids, too!"
Sure! Fantasy loves YA and kids' books, haha.
The Dark Is Rising sequence by Susan Cooper. Middle grade fantasy, leaning heavily on English folklore.
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. Young adult urban fantasy. Concerned with the legacy of slavery in the US.
The Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix. Young adult high fantasy. The pacing is strong, the worldbuilding is rad.
Tithe by Holly Black. Young adult fantasy. Her later books are better loved but I reread Tithe and then went and read The Cruel Prince for the first time this year and Tithe is better.
The Tortall books by Tamora Pierce. I like The Immortals, but reasonable minds will differ on this one. Middle grade high fantasy.
The Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan. High fantasy, young adult.
"Okay, now I want young adult fantasy like that, but weird."
Weird. Hmm. Okay. Try:
The Tooth Fairy by Graham Joyce. Horror and fantasy, young adult, but not like... too young an adult. Give it to a 15 year old, not a 10 year old.
"That's... too weird. Put some weird back. I want something suitable for teens that's committed to the aesthetics of weirdness, but is not actually weird."
Alright, here are a couple:
Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz. Historical fantasy, definitely young adult. The grizzly aesthetics of 19th century graverobbing are a gossamer veil over a cute, but not particularly sophisticated, YA novel.
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Middle grade fantasy. Less weird than it thinks it is, but still fun to read.
"Enough kids' stuff. I want fast-moving urban fantasy!"
Urban fantasy occupies a weird nexus between fantasy and detective noir, which I'm kinda into. Here are my suggestions:
I think everyone who wants urban fantasy is probably aware of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, but I'll put it here anyway because there's a big fandom for the Dresden Files so if you stick it out for a bit you get access to all the fics. The first one will take you 3.5 hours and if you don't like it, move on — the writing doesn't really change. Also has a TV series.
The Felix Castor novels by Mike Carey. Urban fantasy, a little more grim, but definitely better written.
Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch. Urban fantasy. Main character is a police officer. I recently finished the first of these books and it was pretty fun, but I can't speak to the remainder of the series.
"Tozette, I fucking loved True Blood."
You're in luck, I can make this a whole category.
I bet you've heard of the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris already, but if you haven't, it's what the TV series was based on. Urban fantasy, but actually kind of rural.
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter by L K Hamilton. Urban fantasy. Another LKH series that starts fun and degrades rapidly. The first three are fun, they come in an omnibus. I was obsessed with this series when I was 17, which both is and isn't a recommendation. Again, this series has a large fandom.
Dime Store Magic and Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong. Urban fantasy. The rest of the Women of the Otherworld series is hit or miss for me, but I do recall liking No Humans Involved.
The Blood Books by Tanya Huff. Urban fantasy. Read if you've ever wished Harry Dresden was female. Also has a TV series!
"Do you have some traditional high fantasy recommendations that aren't Tolkien, Robert Jordan, GRRM, or Ursula K Le Guin? Please?"
Absolutely. Of course. One hundred per cent.
The Elenium trilogy by David & Leigh Eddings. High fantasy. Technically there's also a sequel trilogy, but it's not as good.
The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. High fantasy. Lots of high fantasy politics.
Urshurak by The Bros. Hildebrandt. High fantasy. Extremely Tolkien inspired but with more amazon women in metal bikinis.
The Books of Pellinor by Alison Croggon. High fantasy. There's four of them and while I wouldn't say they're my favourite books ever, I do think they're a solid, competently written high fantasy series that will stop you from contemplating the horrors of reality for at least three days.
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski. High fantasy. A great rearrangement of European folklore. I struggled with the representations of women, personally, but they're well constructed stories.
"Recommend something that's fantasy but feels like a totally different genre."
Okay. I can do that. Here you go:
The Chronicles of the Crystal Singers of Ballybran by Anne McCaffrey. It's a trilogy that's set in space and therefore engages with a sci-fi kind of vibe, but if you scratch the surface, the trilogy is fantasy all the way down.
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by HP Lovecraft. Horror, but also historical fantasy.
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. The first three books of the Thursday Next series are gold, actually, but start here. This is about a literary detective living in an alternative history setting. Fantasy, but ideal for people who are going to get the rapid fire literary references.
"Tozette, what if you just recommend a single fantasy book, writer, or series, with your whole heart?"
My WHOLE heart? Okay. Here:
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, Johannes Cabal the Detective, and Johannes Cabal: the Fear Institute by Jonathan L Howard are each different subgenres of fantasy, and all three of them are absolute fucking bangers. They are the best books on this list according to me. I love them.
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thebreakfastgenie · 26 days
this is one (1) redeemable voucher to complain about AO3's tagging system (if you like)
Thanks for the voucher!
I probably should have phrased that post differently because upon reflection what I hate is more downstream of AO3's tagging system. The system itself does what it's supposed to do: it organizes the archive. Of course, users get cutesy with it (and I'm guilty of this myself) and other users will use inaccurate tags on purpose to get more attention (this is not acceptable behavior), but neither of those things are the system's fault.
But because the tagging system is so robust and fics are tagged based on tropes, this culture has developed of hyper-curated, trope-based reading habits. This didn't exist before AO3 because it just wasn't possible to filter fics to that extent. Some of my favorite fic reading experiences have been fics that I stumbled across by mistake because I didn't know what they were or because I had to comb through broader categories.
And this is where I start sounding like Ted Gup. Ted Gup wrote this essay in the late 90s called The End of Serendipity about how computers being so efficient at retrieving information was going to bring about the end of people stumbling upon topics they wouldn't have otherwise explored. I had to read and respond to this essay in English class in middle school and I raked Ted Gup over the coals, because I was writing on my laptop with dozens of open tabs. I still think I was right to point out Ted Gup's failure to foresee the wiki walk, but now that I'm older and technology has developed more over the last fifteen years, I'm starting to think he had something of a point.
I was thinking about this in a fanfiction and fandom context because I recalled a post I reblogged recently saying (paraphrased) "I have nothing against shipping but some of you are too focused on shipping to the exclusion of everything else." I agree with that post, but for me part of the problem isn't even the focus on shipping, it's that the shipping content is often so formulaic. Fandom talks a big game about diversity and creativity in fanworks, but a lot of the actual output I see is incredibly formulaic. In my opinion that's related to the extreme focus on tropes. Tropes are great, but if you're only looking at fic as a list of tropes you're taking a very narrow view. I don't know what the direction of causality is here, if there even is one, but I think the tagging system and the way the tagging system is used facilitate this reductive trope-based outlook.
I'm from the fanfiction.net era and I find the character and relationship tagging on AO3 useful, but I don't really care for the additional tags. I had to train myself to even read them. I prefer to select fics based on titles and summaries, because those are created by the author. Obviously writing a summary is very different than writing a story (and in fact it's a different skill and it's hard!) but a summary is still written by the author, so it gives me some sense of their writing style. When authors actually include an excerpt in the summary it does that even more. Tags can be useful in conjunction with a summary, because well-selected tags make me curious how all the elements listed in the tags fit together. But I don't want to sort by Enemies to Lovers or whatever.
I don't expect everyone to read like I do, this is nothing more than one crank's ramblings about my personal dissatisfaction with the current state of fandom. Maybe it resonates with someone, and if it does they're welcome to reblog it, but I'm not trying to do social commentary here. Maybe it doesn't, and that's okay too.
I also don't know if the trope focus on booktok and in the traditional publishing world comes out of fanfiction or not but it's even more distressing to me there and I think it bothers me in the fanfiction sphere because of the possibility that fanfiction is contributing to that trend.
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pastorfutureletthembe · 3 months
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Link Click and flowers
When CANON gives us such amazing and layered characters, we're always fascinated. We go on treasure hunts to find every little secret about them. Because we want to understand them better. We empathize with their struggles. We write meta and fanfictions.
Sometimes, CANON shares golden nuggets of easter eggs: Birthdays and flowers.
Today I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about Myosotis and Daisies!
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> Myosotis ~ Forget-Me-Not ~ Scorpion Grass
The genus name comes from the ancient Greek word, mus (mouse) and ous or otos (ear). This comes from the shape of the plant’s foliage, which features short, pointed leaves reminiscent of mouse ears. More than 70 species of myosotis exist in the world. Most likely, when you picture this flower, you think about Myosotis Alpestris. The alpine forget-me-not species is distinguished by its delicate blue petals featuring yellow throats, which create a striking contrast against the rugged landscapes where it grows. Its ability to flourish in harsh, cold environments makes it a remarkable example of nature's adaptability. Another type, Myosotis scorpiodes, is sometimes called scorpion grass, which seems like an unusual name for such a pretty little flower. Before the flowers bloom, the plant's stem appears coiled, like a scorpion’s tail. It then slowly uncurls as the flowers open up. When you give someone these tiny blooms, it represents a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts.
Throughout history, forget-me-nots have been laden with meaning. Europe: A German knight was strolling with his lady along the banks of the Danube river. The lady saw pretty blue flowers—but they’d been pulled loose by the river’s flow and were about to disappear downstream. She wanted to save the flowers, so her chivalrous knight jumped into the water. He couldn’t fight the strong current, so he tossed the flowers onto the bank, and as he was carried out to sea, he called out, “vergiss mein nicht”, which is German for “forget me not.” World War I, they were linked to fallen soldiers and were used as a symbol to remember the dead. Victorian era: emblematic of true love and remembrance, often given as tokens to signify faithful and enduring love. During this time period, people sent each other flowers to convey messages that couldn’t be spoken aloud. In this flower language, they represented love, devotion and everlasting faithfulness. They also conveyed the message, “Do not forget me.” Christian creation: God bestows names upon all the plants He created, except for one tiny blue flower. Afraid of being passed over, the unnamed flower calls out, “Forget me not, O Lord!” In response, God declares, “That shall be your name!”
Forget-me-nots represent true love, devotion, and faithfulness. Everlasting love: From the Middle Ages to Victorian era, they were used to decorate valentines. Devotion: They seen as symbols of remembrance for loved ones who have passed away. Commitment: They’re often given to spouses, significant others, or friends to convey deep affection and loyalty. Friendship: Long distance, two friends enduring affection living in different places.
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> Daisy ~ Bellis Perennis ~ April Flower
Daisies originated from the Old English word "dægesēage”, meaning day's eye. This etymology reflects the flower's association with the sun and its daily cycle. It refers to the nature of the flower's sunny appearance as well as its behaviour of opening in the morning and closing at night. A sun-like core surrounded by delicate white petals as if a radiant sun is peeking through the clouds. The white, often red-tipped petals are both separate groupings of numerous flowers giving the illusion of a single flower. It actually posesses a composite flowerhead: daisies are two blossomes in a single one. Daisies are a diverse family of flowers, each carrying a unique symbolism. Bellis (meaning pretty) perennis (meaning everlasting) are the common Daisy, and those provide a message of innocence, childlike happiness and playfulness. Shasta Daisies have an ability to thrive in diverse climates, mirroring our own human resilience and making it a fitting symbol for enduring love and the continuity of life. No matter the species, it is known to bring hope and joy for anyone who takes the time to appreciate its beauty. They are often given to someone you admire. It is also a tangible expression of union, used in weddings, and ironically considered as a heartfelt farewell, placed on graves, as promise of remembrance through genuine love even in death. The birthmonth for Daisies is April.
Norse mythology: In Norse mythology, daisies were considered sacred flowers because of their power to predict the future. They represented love, loyalty, and destiny. They were also associated with Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. According to legend, whenever Freya cried, her tears turned into daisies. Ancient Greek Mythology: According to Greek mythology, Zeus, king of the gods, fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Belides. When Hera, the wife of Zeus, learned of this, she turned Belides into a daisy to protect her from Zeus' advances. Zeus could not save Belides and instead honoured the daisy for her beauty and love. Celtic Mythology: In Celtic mythology, people associated daisies with the sun, bringing prosperity and good luck. They also believed that these bright flowers were a sign of the summer solstice, carring the sun's light to the earth. In Victorian era, they developed floriography, or the language of flowers, to relay different coded messages depending on the type of flowers they sent and received. Daisies in particular symbolized loyalty and the ability to keep secrets. Someone would send daisies to a person who told them a secret to let them know their secret was safe.
Daisies are quite popular for radiating cheerfulness and positivity. The beauty of this flower is that it implies trust and reciprocity. Innocence: symbolise innocence, purity, and childlike wonder, because of the flowers’ soft, white petals, which give a sense of freshness and purity. They also stand for innocence in the sense of faithful love and loyalty. Love and Romance: associated with true love and secret admirers. As two flowers which have blended harmoniously together into one bloom, it represents perfect union. Beauty: while appearing simple, their sunlike attribute makes them the symbol of aesthetics. New beginnings: for transformative times, most especially for new beginnings. Popular for spring and to welcome new chapters in life. They represent a positive change or even a fresh start. They are often used for depictions of Mary, mother of Jesus, as childbirth symbol. Friendship: tokens to express appreciation or to celebrate a beautiful bond between friends. Joy, loyalty and union in the purest sense. This one is for me haha: Celebrate a 5th anniversary
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That's all for today! they choose wisely, don't you think?
I am willingly ignoring that Forget-Me-Not could hint on Lu Guang's death :D I just wanted a cute post on flowers for now.
Find out more about Hyacinth, Qiao Ling's flower, here!
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cappulcino · 11 days
How much more entitled can people get?
I literally received a message this morning (5:30 a.m for me) saying:
[Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for] need fics and so do [Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for]
Just that. That's the message.
First of all, fanfiction writers (as well as other artists of any kind who post their work on social media) are actual people with feelings and a life you don't know about. You owe them basic respect. So "Hello", "Please", and "Thank you" are the bare minimum. You can also throw a couple "Sorry to bother you" or "I hope you don't mind [...]" in there if you want.
And I don't care that your English isn't good as it was the case with the person who DMed me. I'm fairly certain your language has words for those, and Google translate exists.
Second. I know my DMs are open and I don't really mind receiving some. But I know some people do mind. So please, as much as possible, keep private conversations for private things. For general questions and requests, there is a....... you guessed it: REQUEST INBOX/ASK BUTTON. Not only Tumblr made it easier for us to know how many requests we have left unanswered (unlike the notification count for DMs that disappears as soon as you open the conversation), but your request and our answer to it might be interesting to others.
Third. When you know a writer (or, again, digital artist, video editor, whatever) is already in a middle of something, sometimes maybe working on several WIPs/requests/commissions at once (+ their personal lives and struggles), you may send your own request. But you may not send several requests a day or one everyday (as it has happened to me), nor keep asking "Have you seen my request?", "When will you answer my ask?" and any other variations of those questions. Again, we have lives and problems outside social media, and we can't burden ourselves with more WIPs than our brain and schedule can deal with.
Also, quick reminder that constantly asking about the progress of a fic or other work you asked for or are excited about does not make said work arrive any faster. If anything, you are pressuring someone that may react the opposite way and be so frustrated they can't do it anymore. Thank goodness this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know that, with my AuDHD and anxiety disorder, if you start asking me about something repeatedly, I won't want nor be mentally able to do it anymore and you'll never have what you wanted.
Lastly, learn how to read. For the love of God, learn. how. to. read. Writers and artists on Tumblr spend quite some time answering asks and making detailed masterposts and introductions for themselves and their work. So take as much time to read those and check previously answered requests because the answer might be somewhere in there.
I have received messages about fandoms I don't write for. What's the point? I have received requests for tropes I'm not comfortable with (and I clearly stated so). What's the point? I have received requests to write in a style that is evidently not mine (and while I do enjoy a challenge, I don't think it's fun for neither writer nor recipient). What's the point?
Also learn how to read the room. If we suddenly stop answering you, you might have done something wrong. If you see us suddenly get tense or a bit rude, you might have done something wrong. And if we express our discomfort and tell you you've done something wrong.... you've definitely done something wrong. There is no need to whine or be disrespectful about it or send anonymous insults to our inbox. Take responsibility, be mature and accountable.
Remember that what we post on social media is for enjoyment, but not only your own –ours, too. And remember that 95% of the time, we are not paid to do this, and yet it takes half if not most or all of our free time. You have no right to be impolite and so entitled with someone you don't know and whose services you don't pay for.
Be better.
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streetlamp-amber · 2 months
about the author + blog rules
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.·:*¨ ailís — 22 — fae/they (okay with girl gendered terms) — bisexual enby ¨*:·.
ꕤ — i’m bilingual, my first language is french but i only write in english (though i might incorporate french in some fics/one shots).
ꕤ — i dropped out of college after the pandemic started but plan on going back to school this fall. i still don’t know if i want to major in photography or art history but i still have a whole year of independent studies to figure that out. however, i do have a job. it's a customer service job but i do have some weeks where i'm working more than others so i'm not making a posting schedule. i'll post when i've completed something.
ꕤ — things i like: blueberry bagels with cream cheese, autumn, concert photography, poetry, music (arctic monkeys, lorde, blur, wallows, inhaler, fontaines dc), movies (studio ghibli, nolan’s dark knight trilogy, irish cinema, french cinema), tv shows (peaky blinders, broadchurch, derry girls, true detective, doctor who, the sopranos, new girl), sports (montreal canadiens, liverpool fc, celtic fc, f1), the colour green, europe (but not england or germany), cillian murphy, david tennant, art museums, batman.
ꕤ — i’ve been writing fanfiction for years (it all started with very poorly written one direction imagines on instagram and wattpad when i was thirteen…), improving both my writing skills and my english vocab + grammar along the way. my earliest works available are from 2021 (on ao3) because i’m too ashamed of anything posted before that (and it was also very bad).
ꕤ — i’m very multifandom and will mostly write content related to my most recent hyperfixations. there’s a list down below with all the characters i read and am interested in writing fanfiction for.
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ꕤ — this blog will be mostly dedicated to one shots, blurbs, headcanons, drabbles and maybe short series.
i do write long series on wattpad (and also on ao3 but that one is currently on hold). i’m in the middle of a friends series rewrite with a joey tribbiani x female oc storyline that i’m very invested in (this might be the first multi chaptered fanfic i ever complete). i also started writing a tenth doctor x witch oc au but i’m taking much longer to update this one as it will mostly be original episodes instead of following the doctor who storyline. i also have a tommy shelby x oc fic that’s been on hold for a year that i plan on eventually getting back into writing.
ꕤ — i honestly don’t really care about canon (especially when it comes to stuff like the dc universe). i will always respect identity traits that are important to the character like race, sexuality, disability, etc., but i might get ooc sometimes when it comes to their personalities.
ꕤ — i will try to keep my reader inserts as physically vague as possible except if it’s indicated that the reader is afab. however, i am physically disabled with chronic pain so i might incorporate some aspects related to that in my writing (it will be indicated at the beginning of the post).
ꕤ — i am okay with minors interacting with my sfw writings but if i see anyone under the age of 18 interacting with nsfw stuff you will be blocked. i can’t stop you from reading it but i am not comfortable with you interacting with that content.
ꕤ — requests will be answered once i’m done writing them. i will try my best to do so as fast as possible but i tend to write multiple works at once so if you see me post other things after you sent your request, don’t get deterred. if you send a request i don’t want to write, i’ll reply to the ask to also let others know not to request something similar.
ꕤ — do not translate, copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission.
major character death (canon or non-canon), underage reader or character, incest, any kink involving fluids, noncon/dubcon, self harm, eating disorders, yandere, abuse, manipulation, butt stuff, cheating/infidelity, a/b/o
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✵ doctor who
⋆ tenth doctor
✵ peaky blinders
⋆ tommy shelby
✵ dc universe
⋆ batman/bruce wayne ⋆ batmom/batfamily ⋆ scarecrow
✵ bridgerton
⋆ benedict bridgerton
✵ supernatural
⋆ dean winchester
✵ broadchurch
⋆ alec hardy
✵ true detective
⋆ rust cohle
✵ harry potter
⋆ sirius black ⋆ barty crouch jr ⋆ fred weasley
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last updated 6 august 2024.     divider by @saradika
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frodothefair · 5 months
Unwritten fics game!
@meluiloth tagged me, thank you! In fact, I now have several fic ideas that are probably not going to be written any time soon, because I just outlined FoM, and at the pace I'm going, I'll probably be at it until the fall. And I am not particularly good at juggling multiple WIPs; I never have been.
Rivendell - Currently, it is a published oneshot, but I plan to make it into a longfic. Frodo and Marigold Gamgee get together before the quest, and they flee to Rivendell together when disaster with the Ring strikes. Afterwards, they are forced to part, but Marigold soon finds she is expecting a child. The story will feature their psychic connection during the quest, a healer-elf named Nisilë who is a living ultrasound machine, a reunion in Minas Tirith, and the reckoning with Frodo's illness after the war.
Genderbent!Frodo (in a way, Frodo is also socially trans-masc here, as far as this can be understood in the world of Middle-earth). Another post-quest story, where Sam confesses to Frodo in Minas Tirith, and they become intimate, resulting in Frodo conceiving. Now poor Frodo has a pregnancy to deal with on top of her illness and the events of the Scouring, and she and Sam get married. Frodo then struggles with whether to leave Middle-earth when she is offered that option.
Expats - I wrote the first chapter, and this story can work either as a fanfic about Elijah Wood, or an original story about a character who was a child actor and transitioned to a successful adult Hollywood career. In either case, a fan strikes up an unlikely relationship with her idol, and they get married and settle down. However, the actor's statement during an interview reveals that he knows a bit too much about the seedy underbelly of Hollywood, and he begins getting threats, as well as demands from journalists and other interested parties to reveal more. The couple flee and lay low in Ukraine, where the woman is originally from, and then the actor starts getting local roles and gets involved in the community, which gives him the courage to do a tell-all interview and name the powerful players who have abused others and have gotten away with it for years. (Fun fact: this one was inspired by a dream I had, and the fact that "returning emigrant" roles in certain countries are given to actors who are, in fact, native speakers of English, and it just... hilariously doesn't work, but it's funny anyway. Also, yes, reading between the lines you can probably guess what kind of abuse I am talking about above).
Flowers of Chernobyl - Again, a story that can work either a modern AU of Flowers of Mordor, or an original work. A CIA veteran who was part of a highly specialized and dangerous mission in Chernobyl, Ukraine returns home to LA. His close friend who is also the family gardener overheard something he should not have, and was forced to either join a witness protection program, or be drafted into the CIA as well. This friend ended up going with the main character on the mission, and after it is all over, the friend/gardener's sweet younger sister, who is an aspiring doctor, comes to stay at the luxurious LA mansion for the summer, and she and the tragic CIA veteran get romantically involved.
In general, I am not sure if I want to try to get into the publishing industry. Part of me does want the recognition, but part of me feels like I will invariably have to sacrifice artistic license, and with the two stories that could work either as fanfics or original stories as above, I would have to navigate making sure that there is no whiff of an allusion to Elijah or LOTR, for instance. There is, I have to say, a certain freedom in fanfiction and publishing online. You can write whatever the heck you want, within reason.
Tags: @konartiste, @ceemafanfic if you have not been tagged already, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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feiandart · 7 months
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This is something people asked me more than a couple times until now in the comments, both in the Italian version of Sugar and in the English one. I often answer this with a couple paragraphs of light explanations, but you know what? Have a seat, I'll actually talk about this in a proper way and this may be a very long ride.
I warn you: I'm writing this from my mobile in my free time. This means early in the morning or late at night after a whole day doing things. My brain is shit in those moments so you could find a lot of errors. I'm sorry if my English will be poor, I'm not really able to correct anything. (Also, I prefer to give you my honest flow without corrections. That may actually help getting the right vibe from all of this? I hope so).
But let's go to the proper answer.
I've been asked: "how much of your life do you process through words?"
There is no easy way to say this, no way to avoid being honest here. The reality is that I put all of my life into this story. There might be a lot of differences in the events, but the feelings, all the traumas I talk about, things the characters say, think or do, all of that is mine. I could literally take pieces from all the chapters and give all of them deep explanations on how those are not just mine, but me. I am between the lines, hidden inside all the metaphors, stuck under the weight of the baddest chapters, trying to breathe after writing the most emotional ones.
I know it's a fanfiction. I know the story is not perfect, that there may be holes in the plot and the characters may seem badly shaped, rough, not real. I know, I am not a professional writer, I might make mistakes. This is no excuse, mind me, but not everything in life is coherent or logical as we often see in the media. We can spend hours or a lifetime creating the perfect story with everything perfectly crafted but that doesn't make it real, because incoherence is a huge part of the human experience. And that is what I want Sugar to be: human, not perfect. Realistic when it comes to emotions and relationships, not necessarily in its plot or events. I want it to be a trip into the deep abyss of an injured mind, trying to hold on with a broken heart, not three unicorns running to Candy Mountain. I want to break you into pieces and slowly help to put everything back together.
Look guys, I get it as much as I get that is not actually a story for everyone. You open it expecting another plot and I give you a bad time instead. You think it's something about a sugar babe and his daddy and I give you traumas and none of that. You come for the smut and I put old wounds and control needs over that too, also denying it for a whole half of the story. Truth is, I am a scammer. You come for a Good Omens fanfiction and I break the characters apart, twisting them to the point they might be the same to the very core, but nothing like it on the outside. You have to dive deep to find them.
My God, what am I even doing?
They asked me, "do you choose your words with care, don't you?"
Oh, dear Lord, I am so sorry because maybe people really think I plot all the metaphors, I think properly of all the dialogues, but what if I don't? Most of the time I don't, really. I just put my hands on the keyboard and let them free to go wherever they want. I type whole pages and emerge right after without having the faintest clue of what I wrote. I need to come back multiple times to check if I got what I wanted in the correct way. Hopefully, it does almost all the time. I know where I start and I know where I want to be in the end, the middle of it is pure instinct and emotions. I know how my characters would behave and play them like a TV show in my mind, while describing scenes on the screen.
( There might be some kind of light spoilers from now on. Mind how you go! )
I know I am using Crowley as the raw essence of a damaged mind and heart. He uses crude metaphors, always talks with anger and uses blood and storms in his speech, because he is instinct, he's a tide, he's greed personified and wants everything he could get cause he truly got nothing in his life. He is the passion who can't be contained, he uses art to process his emotions, he uses music to lose himself in something familiar, hoping someone else could help him find his way back home. He uses gardening to grow things because in his life nothing seems to last long. He can't look at tomorrow without fear, but grows things he hopes will last more than him. Life was not good with him, but he wasn't good with his life either. He did nothing, letting time pass without actually building anything, living the days as they come, drowning his pain in wine or between someone else's legs. He knows most of what he is, most of what he's done, is not healthy. But he never really cared before.
And then there is Aziraphale, which apparently is a walking red flag, traumas personified on two working legs, scared of everything hiding outside his door. He got everything. He has money, a big house, books, some people working with him, and is content. So content his heart yells and cries because he's lonely. So content he can't really control his whole life because he is his own antagonist. So content he's not really scared of what hides outside the door, because what's inside is worst. He uses the softest metaphors, he uses his books to tell stories and talk about himself, he can't really speak is mind and talks, talks, talks so much! He wins arguments because he drags his opponents into exhaustion. He talks them to death, using whole paragraphs of elegant, perfectly crafted phrases and quotes he can shield himself with. He's not like Crowley, just getting started on this new channel of communication, no, Aziraphale is well trained. He has thousands of books he can use to get where he wants and still use his experience poorly because he thinks people are just like the books and guess what? That's not true. People are something else.
It's actually funny how I just condensate two parts of me into two different characters.
Crowley holds my outside, and this is why you have his POV for the entire story. You see the world with his distorted, unreliable vision, you see raw desire to be accepted, the need to be truly seen by someone, big pieces of his mind, his dissociations, his fear, his low self esteem, the thousands of radios turned on in his mind, his incapability to let things truly go, is head full of canvases he never finish. And then you see his rage and you're not sure how much that will last. Yeah, that is me. Welcome to myself.
Aziraphale holds my inside. This is why we never get his POV. Too easy, too deep, too much. He is scared. He needs control. He wants and can't get. He hopes and does nothing. He's stuck in his home, with his books, and finds himself at ease there. He thinks he's safe but he's not. He's a living contradiction and at the same time he's not.
God, what was the question again?
Maybe I wrote too much. Maybe this is not enough. All I can say is that there's something really important in this story, and that is Crowley asking Aziraphale to "look at him", 'cause all he wants is to bee seen.
But in the end, what is happening here is you looking at me. And it's strange to get so naked in front of so many strangers. But it's also good and positive to me to be seen, for once.
So, thank you. Really, thank you. 'cause with every chapter you allow me to express myself in a way I never did in 30 years. Thank you so much.
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drabbles-mc · 8 months
Thank you for the tag, @massivecolorspygiant!! 💕
1. were you named after anyone? not that i know of sksksk
2. when was the last time you cried? literally this morning 😂 had an hour-long meltdown to my mom. it is what it is, baby!!!!!!!
3. do you have kids? not to be the typa bitch that's like, "my pets are my children!!" but like....they're the closest thing i'm ever gonna have hahaha. i have two cats and one dog 🐱🐶🐱
4. what sports do you play/have you played? i did horseback riding for years and if i had the time/money i would still be doing it. i also ran cross-country and track all throughout middle and high school. i've been doing boxing for about 12 years now and mixing in mma intermittently throughout that time!
5. do you use sarcasm? frequently 😂
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? under most contexts i notice how open they are to conversation or not, that way i know how to gauge myself
7. what’s your eye color? brown
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings for sure. or honestly most times i'll even take sad endings over scary movies because i'm a big baby lmao
9. any talents? i think my writing skills is probably one of the few things i think qualify as a talent of mind
10. where were you born? new york, baby! but not the city. that's a whole different state down there lmfao
11. what are your hobbies? reading, writing, boxing, and doing jigsaw puzzles
12. do you have any pets? oop i answered this one before i realized it was its own question lol. i have my cats Artemis and Apawlo, and my dog Luna
13. how tall are you? 5’2, but 5'2 and a half on a good day
14. favorite subject(s) in high school? english/creative writing and history
15. dream job? i wish that i could be a writer and make a living off of it. but that would also require me to a.) write something besides fanfiction and b.) actually finish a story 😂
This was so fun!!
No pressure tags: @garbinge @withmyteeth @darqchilddaydreamz @rookthorne @justreblogginfics @artemiseamoon and anyone else who wants to! 💕
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daydreamer-707 · 1 year
Unforgettable (Adult!Bakugo x fem!reader Fanfiction)
Finally the time has come! The prologue to my first fanfic ‘Unforgettable’ is out (I thought of a better name for the story)! I have read through it several times in hope of finding and correcting any errors. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
This fanfic is set in the future where all the characters are older. Reader will be female in the story, but I've tried to keep it as neutral as possible.
The story will be found under the hashtag #unforgettablebakugoxfem!reader. In the distant future, if things go well, I would make a list for it.
If you find anything I should add to the warning, please let me know. Somehow I found no more except cursing…
Have fun!
Words: 3666
Estimated reading time: 28.2 min
Warning: cursing because of Bakugo, English is not my mother language
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It was late evening when the last Agency Dynamight staff left the building. Ignoring the light in the entryway, you could still see a few lights burning in the central area. One of them was the office of Bakugo Katsuki, Japan's number two hero. His weary gaze lingered on the three stacks of paper that had formed in front of him. Grimacing in annoyance, he tried not to yell out loud.
The stack on the right was his. Missions he has completed and content designed just for him. The middle one was slightly larger than the previous one. Those were the important papers that he went through and has to forward on Friday. What got him incensed, however, was the leftmost stack, which is twice the size of the two combined. These would also have to be completed. Today was Wednesday. He has a day and a half to do this, since it has to be passed on at noon.
He couldn't suppress the next sigh when he thought of the person in charge. Marie Anderson, a woman who moved to Japan with her family from America 10 years ago. She was the third best student with the best grades and was highly praised for her work. After half a year he couldn't see it at all. Not a damn piece of it.
In the many years he's worked as a prohero, he had to fire his assistant several times. Sloppily worked, company secrets were passed on, bullying among colleagues and the many advances towards him. There were more reasons that he didn't really want to think about. Just the smallest memory of the previous one sent a shiver down his spine and his nerves working at full speed.
A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts and he gave a small grunt in response. Not a second later the door opened and he couldn't help but sigh in relief. It was his secretary, Lilith, who tied her blond hair, adorned with gray streaks, into a tight bun. An elderly lady who volunteered to work under Dynamight and had never betrayed his trust.
"Shouldn't you be home by now, like the others? Like three damn hours ago?”
"I could say the same thing, Bakugo-san. I have made it my task to get rid of the problem once and for all.”
The afore mentioned raised his eyebrows skeptically when Lilith adjusted her glasses and gave him a stern look.
"I saw how you wanted to reprimand your assistant several times and was always interrupted by the other employees. As your secretary, I know what the atmosphere is like in the agency. A half is for and against Marie. Of course I'm against Marie."
Speechless and confused, he watched as her glasses flashed briefly. This happened every time her plan goes smoothly.
"I don't know if I should consider myself lucky or just blow myself up."
"Fuck off."
Not a second later there was another knock at the door and Katsuki's slight smile disappeared pretty quickly, since he could guess who was at the door. With a grimace, he tried to tell Lilith not to leave him alone. But her mischievous smile told him everything.
"I fucking hate you."
"I wish you a good night as well, Bakugo-san."
With this sentence the door was thrown open. There she stood and Bakugo couldn't help but look her up and down. Not in a perverse way. Rather, he was comparing her to someone else. Marie isn't exactly bad looking and is even said to be the prettiest foreigner to have lived in Japan. But ever since he ate with the Todorokis a long time ago, he couldn't get this girl out of his head. He could never really refrain from comparing every potential partner to her. There was no one as fucking perfect as you.
"Oh! Lilith, I didn't know you were still here! I thought that you went home after this message to me.", Marie clapped her hands together in a high voice and clasped them together.
Her attitude and her sentence was as innocent as one could expect from her demeanour. However, if you knew her long enough and took a closer look at her voice, you could hear how contemptuous she spoke to Lilith. Since she was used to it, Lilith only smiled at her falsely and skilfully ignored her as she bowed slightly towards Bakugo again.
"See you in the morning."
"Go on and say hello to your brat for me."
"Of course."
With a loud bye bye, Marie closed the door behind Lilith and turned to Bakugo with a big grin, who gave her a serious look. He could see the corner of her mouth twitch and her smile getting more nervous. That's exactly what he wanted. That kinda reminded him of her first time. She was nervous at the beginning and innocent, untouchable. Everyone in the company loved that about her as she was different from everyone else. Marie apparently had experience to take advantage of that. Through her hard schoolwork and education, she should be able to do such work with ease. But she managed to fool everyone. Everyone asked to give her more time to master it. A few weeks turned into months and most of their work is done by the others. Now that no one was there to protect her, he could finally attack. You must be thinking, half a year and the great Dynamight hasn't managed to call her to account? It was more or less because everyone knew when to attack. As soon as he started, his colleagues or their fans came flying like dung flies. Most of the time he was also on missions or on patrol to check on the right ones. Then there was Lilith. An elderly lady collected evidence without hesitation and laid it out for him. Evidence that will help him open his dung flies' eyes before their venom can kill them.
Bakugo can't really see what's so great about her. You must be behind it, because everything you are or do is great. Your hair gently caressing your face. How you brush them off your face or tie them in a bun or braid if they bother you. Your concentration to master your tasks without problems is just sexy. It looked so easy when you do it and everyone looks at you with admiration. Your simple attire that suits the job and makes you look so professional. His eyes could watch you for hours and he would never get tired of it. He admits he can't stand meeting up with most of his co-workers, but when it's with Shoto and he can see you doing it, it doesn't really matter. Your size was perfect. You are just fucking perfect in every way and no one has been able to prove him otherwise until now.
"Well, about what Lilith said to me-"
"Sit down."
Wincing, Marie quickly sat down and looked at him in surprise, maybe even horrified. Whether it was because of his stern voice or that he had simply interrupted her, didn't interest him much. Plus she had just interrupted him from thinking about you and he couldn't stand that.
"Do you know the real reason you're still here late at night?"
"T-the real reason? I don't understand. I thought-"
"Thinking doesn't suit you and forget what Lilith told you because that was a lie."
"I'm sorry, what?"
Outraged, Marie looked at her boss and couldn't close her mouth. Shocked by Bakugo's choice of words and how she could fall for Lilith. She knew how closely she worked with Bakugo and actually tried to avoid being alone with him. However, it was just too tempting. Her boss is incredibly handsome and unavailable, everyone here knew that. How could she have thought he was smitten with her like the other men who were here? All she had in mind was to do something hot alone with him in the office. What could have ended so forbidden good and sexy.
"I didn't know you had something with your damn ears, too.", sighing annoyed, Bakugo stroked his hair briefly.
Ever since he finished school and was able to start his own agency, he tried to come across as professional as possible. Also avoiding swearing, mostly trying it. But he has to pull himself together in such a way that he sometimes had the feeling of bursting. But he won't hold back as much as before.
"See those three damn piles of paper in front of me?"
"Yeah, what about them?"
"Well, at least you're not blind. This bunch is mine, I already did this bunch because it's my fucking job. But this one is driving me crazy. Do you know why?"
"Now listen to me damn well. To this day I don't know why you work here. I get all the tasks that you should do from someone else. Marie can't do this shit yet, Marie has never had anything to do with it. I hear that every damn time from your colleagues. They don't or shouldn't have anything to do with it, because it's your fucking job to do it. Namely, as my assistant, who was recommended to me because you're supposed to be the best for the job. I don't see shit about it though. Because that shit is yours. Papers piled up because I took it away from the staff. Do you know what this means?"
"That… belongs to me? I don't… know."
He grinned dangerously at her with his eyes closed. A gesture that made Marie very nervous and made her sweat. It looked inhuman as he slowly sat up and pushed the fat stack of important documents towards her. She had to swallow hard when he opened his eyes again and a shadow fell across his face. It brought out his blood red eyes and made him look even more bestial.
“These stacks must be ready in my office by Friday noon. If they don't, you're fired."
"That's in two days! I don't even have 48 hours to do this! I will never be able to do that!”
"No shit Sherlock. You are entirely to blame for that. Just you and no one else.”
With one hand in his pocket, he stood up and grabbed the table with the other to lean towards her better. At that moment she would love to say how sexy that looks, but at that moment she only felt great hate and fear towards this hero who was watching her with a derisive smile. You could literally read it in his eyes how much he despises her.
"Show me how much you are worth. The old lady who said you were as good as y/n. Come on, show me or can't you?"
In that moment, Marie knew... she was screwed. Not only would her career be over, but her life as well. But she already knows that she has to change it. She won't be there alone. She'll take the whole agency with her and become the #1 assistant working at Todoroki. Oh how she despise that person that took her place. Y/n L/n, you've been at the top for far too long. It's time she took that seat now.
"Do you have the papers with you for our meeting?"
"Everything prepared and sorted."
"Prepared and ready to serve."
"Is my tie right?"
With a mock sigh, the older of the two stopped, whereupon the younger but taller of the two also stopped. The aisle they were in was slightly crowded, so the two-color haired man pushed his partner aside so they wouldn't get in the way.
"Come show me. Let me fix this and now this should be alright. It's cute how you're still nervous before every meeting, Shoto."
Slightly smiling, Shoto looks at the girl, or rather woman, who has stood by his side for years. He was used to your little teasing. To be honest, he had to get used to it because he didn't know it. You were the only one where he was really allowed to make contact and where he could be himself during this time. With you, he wasn't the son of the number two hero, but just a child.
"I'm not nervous. Maybe a little excited.” He tried to sound confident and got a grunt in response.
"Your expression is even more tense than usual. You can't foul me."
"I'm serious, though."
You walked on laughing and therefore didn't see how Shoto looked after you, smiling but also sad. Just like him, you were born to be the perfect assistant to a Proheros. He still felt guilty about what had happened a long time ago. Even if you claim otherwise. Now he couldn't dwell on the past, he had to hold a meeting and do his best! Unlike his father, he didn't care where he was and it just happened that he was currently in 3rd place.
Shoto quickly pulled you aside and caught you as you stumbled over your own feet, sneezing. Surprised, you looked up at your boss, who is looking at you with the same wide eyes as you are at him. Still a bit startled, you pushed yourself away from him and took a deep breath.
"Are you alright?" he promptly asked worriedly, making you frown.
"Yes… I'm fine, but I've got a weird feeling. As if anything bad is going to happen.”
"You sure you won't just get sick?"
When Shoto saw your angry face he just put his hands up and shrugged.
"I'm just worried about you."
"You should worry more about the meeting."
"Oh, I almost forgot."
Before you open the door to the meeting room for Shoto, you couldn't help but turn around carefully and look at all the people in the hallway. Something inside you wants to warn you, but you couldn't figure out what or who. This little feeling unsettles you. Unfortunately, you couldn't think about it further because you have more important things to do.
"Don't overexert yourself Y/n, okay?"
"I can’t promise that."
Dissatisfied with your answer, Shoto wanted to tell you something, but you were faster than him and open the door for him. He gave you an annoyed grunt before entering the room with his neutral expression. Immediately the employees, as well as visitors, stopped talking to each other. Everyone watches his lips as he greets everyone and stops in front of the board.
"Y/n, if you please."
Standing next to him you nodded to him and not a second later the papers began to float into his place. They were linked together so the pages could stay in order. Everyone watched in amazement as everyone received a pile of paper without anyone touching them.
"Before we get into the dry subject, Y/n and I had a great idea to get coffee and some treats ready for everyone."
Cups as well as three pots full of coffee flew over everyone's heads and surprised exclamations fell over their mouths. It was always the same reaction. In the beginning you were excited and happy to see how people react to your quirk. But now it just bounced off you. The pots poured coffee for each person as if by themselves. Sugar cubes, like milk. You knew everyone here, as well as their tastes and preferences. You used to be drummed into remembering everything. Because knowledge was power and that's what you need as an assistant for a superhero. If you don't help outside, then where you can best grab them under the arms. To be the best as their right hand.
"Let's get started…"
After a while your phone started vibrating. Curious, you took it out discreetly and your bright eyes began to look soft. It was a message from your best friend that you were able to win thanks to this job. Ashido Mina who was currently engaged to Kirishima Eijiro. Also one of your closest friends. Because of your work you don't have much time to see them, but they were all nice enough to write to you or to invite you despite everything. Whether you can or not. You were very grateful for that, you don't know how you would be without her. They gave you light on your otherwise exhausted life.
'Do you want to have lunch with me? I'm dying of hunger! I don't take a no from you!' - Pinky Mina
'Okay, but you decide where' - SweetyPie aka Y/n
'I was just waiting for this! I'll send you the address and don’t be late! I’m very very hungry right now.' - Pinky Mina
Slightly smiling, you quickly put your phone back in your pocket and looked up at Shoto. Frowning, you noticed that weird feeling resurfaced. It grew stronger with every second you spent looking at your boss. Something will happen and you won't like it one bit.
Before you entered the meeting room with Shoto, neither of you realized that you were being followed. Not far from you stood Momo Yaoyorozu, who was newly married to Todoroki Shoto. Now that she was his wife, she wanted to give him a little pleasure. Living with him, Momo knows how excited he was before every meeting and wanted to do his best. Shoto wanted to show that he was very different from his old man. However, until today she didn't really know how he got through it.
You two stood there close together. She was too far away from you to know what you're talking about. Feelings like insecurity and her self-esteem from before came up again. Feelings that she controlled and lost thanks to training and Shoto. A rare and disgusting taste appeared in her. Jealousy. It wasn't that Momo didn't know you. Her newly married husband had talked a lot about you and she knew that you meant a lot to him. But in that moment, she wished it wasn't so. She actually liked you since you supported Shoto for so long. But she felt she could take on the role. She was his wife now and what would she be if she couldn't help him?
Momo quickly shook her head, hoping to shake those bad thoughts out of her head, as well as the image of you in his arms. How dare she think of replacing you? Throw you out of Shoto's life? You have a right to it, like all his other friends. But she couldn't suppress the small voice whispering to her how great it would be if Shoto replaced you with someone else.
You take on so many tasks from everyone and from Shoto himself that nothing in his agency would work without you. Shouldn't Shoto experience it for himself and stand on his own two feet and know what it would be like without you?
The ringing and vibrating of her mobile brought her out of her dark thoughts, which she warmly welcomed. What would have happened if she stayed there longer? Maybe she had gotten an idea and gone through with it?
"Yaoyorozu Momo, how can I help you?"
"Marie? Oh my god Marie! Please calm down! I can't understand you very well."
With her heart beating fast, Momo tried to find a quiet place for her phone call and best friend she had the chance to meet. The Anderson family had brought great influence from America to Japan and were good friends with her parents.
"I… I can't do this anymore! You have to help me! Bakugo-san is so mean to me... How am I supposed to do this?"
"What do you mean? I only hear good things about Katsuki-"
"Of course you're on his side because you've been through a lot together. I also only have this job because of you, but Momo! He gave me over 100+ pages for Friday lunchtime! I only have one day left!”
"And I hate it here! Y/n here, y/n there! I am constantly compared to her. She's so much better than everyone else because her family is F/n. I hate her... so much. I was hoping that you would feel the same way and understand me."
Looking ahead, Momo grinds her teeth thoughtfully. The thoughts came back in full force. It would be best if she met Marie in person and heard everything from the beginning. Get a better picture of their situation. What she couldn't know, however, was that Marie wasn't crying, she was grinning on her cell phone.
"Let's meet for lunch this afternoon. Shoto… wanted to meet up with Deku anyway. What do you say?"
"Yes… That would be perfect. You are the best Momo-chan!”
With a loud sigh, Marie stretched and carelessly threw her cell phone on the chair behind her. Her gaze was coldly focused on the half-finished stack before her eyes focused on the crowds outside her office. She was grateful to have her own office with a view of the other colleagues. So she could easily watch everyone and plan her next move.
"Soon you will be rid of a great colleague and consecrated since the fall. I'll bring Shoto to the top..."
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Writer Interview Game
Thank you for tagging me @infernalrusalka I feel honoured that you thought of me 😭
No pressure tags: @gothic-lottie 😭 @ps-cactus @rypnami and everyone who wants to be interviewed! Some of you were already tagged so I wait for your answers on your Tumblr lmao
When did you start writing?
I think I was in middle school? I don't even remember if the first fandom I wrote for was Naruto or Harry Potter. Anyway, I canceled my account on the damned Italian ff site like a few years later because it was so bad and demential 💀
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Mhm, I don't think so? 🤔 Maybe on the contrary, I prefer writing angst over reading angst.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Mhm, whenever I read a good fanfiction I think "damn I wish I could write exactly like that" but at the same time, I want to be original and to emulate nobody.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
There are two. One is my room (I know, boring), often at my desk, but also in my bed. The other one is on board of a train or plane. Surprisingly, I feel very motivated to write when I travel!
Whats your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Ah I really have no idea. The 'muse' appears randomly 😂 but yes, like I said on the previous question, inspiration comes often when I travel!
Are there any recurring theme in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I'm still a baby writer 😅
What is your reason for writing?
Like my moots with their MCs, I really wanted to give my MC Tori a lore. It's still a work in progress but I love writing about Tori and Poppy and generally about HL Universe.
Also, I want to improve my broken English 🙃 I still don't feel 100% confident, but hey, if I didn't try I would have never known! And now I know many talented people 🥺
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love every type of comment, but I guess I like when the readers express the emotion I wanted to elicit? (I hope it makes sense 😅)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Oh, ehm... Idk! I only hope that my readers will enjoy what I write 😅
What do you feel is your greatest strenght as a writer?
Maybe I'm good at writing overthinking because i'm an overthinker. ✨Art imitates life✨
How do you feel about your own writing?
Bad. I often like what I write but not how I write. I still have a lot to improve but the only way to be better is keep trying!
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Working with the new update
If you don't know what is my fanfiction reading log, please check the pinned post first: https://huurrefanfictionreadinglog.tumblr.com/post/744233820045328384/fanfiction-reading-log-template-updated-march
Hello everyone! I've got a lot of love about my fanfiction reading log and I'm really glad so many people have liked it. However, due to the really busy schedule (who said I could do full time job, full time studies and write really crazy and really long fanfiction project at the same time?), I've been lacking with the new update. I'm going to have four weeks of summer holiday starting on 17th of July and after the deadline of my school work at the end of July, I'm going to work with this one a lot. I can promise, that there is huge update coming probably before the end of August, although lot of features I'm planning on depends completely if I learn how to do them. I've also promised to work on with the version which would be completely okay in Apple Numbers, though there is some huge problems with a lot of functions which don't even exict, so I'm just going to publish another version of that hopefully before the end of August too.
Alright, then to the request for help for fellow fanfiction writers & readers:
Since there's only so much you can do with the functions, I'm going to try to learn Macros and Apps Scripts in Google Sheets. However, I don't even know where to start. Do you know some good starting place or would you be even willing to help me with the log as in collaboration? Please contact me via email.
Is there some requests for features? They can be as crazy as possible, I'll just see then what I can make possible. As I know already what I really want to be in the Sheets, I'm going to try to start from the beginning and redo everything. With the version which is now public, I just added there more stuff when I realized what I'd want to add. You can leave requests through this Google form.
With the previous updates I've made a lot of mistake as I've updated the public sheet and then tested it and saw that it didn't work at all. It might be good idea to get someone(s) who would like to test the new version around the middle of August. Would you want to do that? :) Please contact me via email.
You can contact me via email: [email protected]
(And yes, all of this will be completely free. I've seen fanfiction reading logs/trackers on Etsy for a price and I would feel really weird to take some money when fanfiction is completely free too. I do this because fanfiction is such a big part of me as a reader and an author, I love every reader and author. As my mother tongue is not English and because of that my stories are pretty lost from the bigger audience even though I'd like got them to more people, I want to give something so... I do this. I dunno if it makes sense and I'm rambling if you cannot see (I'm weird extrovert with too much things in the mind). :D Yes, let's continue with the log.)
Edit. By the way, I've played with Apps Scripts whole evening and....... in this huge update there will be a script which you can use to AO3 links and it takes almost all the information from the link automatically. Automatically. At the moment it seems that you need to fill author and summary by yourself, but other than that: Title, series (although I'm still working on if I can manage multiple series there), rating, warnings, categories, fandom, relationships, characters, additional tags, language etc. And since most of the people who knows their fandom don't really need "tag (Fandom XYZ)" the script will also delete the Fandom from the end of the tag. I'm really excited and cannot wait how do I manage to get it in the end.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
Hi KBfriend <3
Excuse me marching in here unannounced. I decided to send some asks, and well, I thought that perhaps you might also like these questions. (Feel free to answer in your own time or ignore as your spoons allow. <3)
I know we love to talk about breaking the rules in writing and obviously, that not every piece of advice is one-size-fits all, but there is a lot to say about being able to speak with each other about what we have learned during our journey. I was wondering if you wouldn't share. (I also plan on poking some of the others to see what more we can shake out. The more the merrier, no?)
What is the most useful/helpful pieces of advice you ever received during your formal education in relation to writing?
Once you started to write, what was the most important thing that you learned about writing or its process?
Has your real life/job had any influence on your writing? If so, how?
What advice would you give to aspiring writers (be it fanfiction or original)?
Hi friend! Thank you for these asks. I will never turn down an opportunity to natter on about things, my inbox is always open!
It took me awhile to think of one, because the vast majority of my formal writing education was for nonfiction and the little bit of creative writing we were assigned was generally poetry and I HATED poetry as a kid. BUT. I distinctly remember one of my middle school English teacher saying that the worst thing our writing could be wasn't being "bad" (whether technically or narratively) The worst thing our writing could be was boring. I remember her saying she'd rather read 100 bad stories that were interesting, or at least where the author's passion shone through, than one "good" story where nothing interesting happened or the author clearly was just checking boxes about what should happen in a narrative arc. She would forget a good-but-boring story immediately while every terrible-but-interesting-and-passionate story was very unique and memorable. This leads into my answer for question 2...
When I started writing fanfic on FFN waaaaay back in 2002, I realized that some people were going to hate what I wrote no matter what - after all, I hated some perfectly fine fics for reasons that had nothing to do with their quality. The people who wanted to read the things I was writing would find me, and they did! I still have friends from way back then, even though we've all moved on to other fandoms and hobbies. So yeah, that was what I learned - fuck the haters, write EXACTLY what you want, your people will find you. It was heady stuff for someone who was always That Nerdy Weird Horse Girl in school.
Oh yeah. I was a paramedic for almost a decade. I'm now a biologist in a medical pathology department. I definitely use my knowledge of A&P and quite a bit of the trauma I witnessed and ended up being subjected to as part of the USian For Profit Healthcare system. Also, it wasn't ever my actual job (unless you count the under the table farm labor I did for a goat dairy in college) but growing up in a rural farming community and around animals has given me a big interest in the history of agriculture, and I love writing about people doing subsistence farming.
My advice builds off of my answers to 1 & 2. Don't put things in your story or write stories out of a sense of duty. Don't censor yourself because you think it might be "too much" or "turn away readers." Write (and draw and create) what you want with your whole chest. I have devoured fics that were barely readable due to atrocious grammar and spelling about characters I didn't even really like with a premise I thought was stupid and pointless because the author made it interesting, and a big part of making it interesting despite the shortcomings was how much the passion they had poured into it came through, and that they were clearly having a blast the entire time they were writing/channeling their id. This is related to something that kills me when I see it on fanfiction discussion communities especially about fics with explicit sexual content - people snickering about how obvious it is that "the author had their hands down their pants while writing this." MORE HANDS-DOWN-PANTS SMUT I SAY. NO SHAME. So I guess that's my advice. NO SHAME. Want to write the filthiest, most ✨problematic✨ smut ever? NO SHAME, WRITE THAT PORN. Want to tenderly describe every step of the main villain disemboweling a unicorn? NO SHAME, SHOW ME THAT SPARKLE BLOOD. Want to write yourself as the Maryiest Sue who ever Mary Sue'd having fun in the fictional world of your choice? NO SHAME, YOU 👏GO👏GLEN👏COCO! Life is short, and late stage capitalism robs us of joy every chance it gets. Don't rob yourself of joy.
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zzoomacroom · 9 months
Get to know me game!
Tagged by @4typercent (thank you for always tagging me! 🥰)
Were you named after anyone?
My first name is my mom's middle name, and also my paternal grandmother's first name (although no one ever called her by that name--she went by her middle name, but they named me after her partly because we shared a birthday)
Do you have kids?
No and I don't want any. I like kids, my students and my baby cousins are awesome, but I don't want any of my own.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes, with some people. I'm usually pretty sincere, though.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
It depends on the person? If something about them stands out like height or fashion sense I'll notice that. I tend to look at people's hair a lot because I like hair 🤷‍♀️
What's your eye colour?
Green bordering on hazel, but they're starting to turn gray around the edges.
Scary movie or happy ending?
Both are good! How about a scary movie with a happy ending?
Any special talents?
I can smell crime before it happens.
(For real though, I don't think so? In college I was pretty good at cranking out A-worthy essays three hours before they were due, but I doubt I could do that these days.)
What are your hobbies?
Reading, cooking, walking around and looking at nature, being chronically online, I used to crochet (haven't done it in years since I broke my wrist and it never healed properly, but I want to get back into it and make a lil morpheus plushie)...oh, and I'm just starting to get into writing fanfiction at the tender age of 35 🙈
Have any pets?
Two cats who are ornery old bastards
What sports do you play/have you played?
I don't do sports, I am absolutely pathetically hopeless at anything athletic.
How tall are you?
5'8" (I am actually the shortest person in my family; all the men are like 6'5")
Favourite subject in school?
English, art, theater, band
Dream job?
I like my job (teaching online language arts classes), but it would be cool to be a full-time writer or artist of some sort.
No pressure tags: @sunshines-fabulous-legs @shippingallthelegos @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @bisexualhobgadling
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celestie0 · 4 months
Hi Ellie! 👋
I know I've been missing, but I wanted to send a message of support 👉👈
I think most people forget about how relevant/important fanfiction and online publishing sites are. They give people who don't have money or resources the opportunity to publish their stories and ideas with others.
But I think the environment of both fanfiction and anime fandom has become very "toxic" over the years. I remember that before there was greater harmony within these matters. A few years ago we prayed that the authors wouldn't abandon the stories and vanish.
Some anime fandoms have a bad reputation for inappropriate behavior, and it looks like the JJK fandom is going down the same path.
I fell sorry that you have to go through that and that some people felt entitled to "control" in your fanfics, when most of them are too lazy to write a story. that's also why I don't interact much in the jjk fandom
Speaking of smut, you might not want to write about it and your story would still be very good (and it is); but some people don't understand that the stories belong to the authors and it is up to them to develop the plot.
Another thing that bothers me is the demands of (some) people when it comes to publishing chapters. Artists/authors also have a personal life, family, work, other hobbies, etc. They don't live exclusively to write fanfics on tumblr. But these people like to make authors' lives hell and coerce them into writing.
As for Wattpad, this is nothing new under the sun. I used to use that app but I abandoned it years ago because of changes in the app itself and the people who used it (who I believe are mostly minors, some even pre-teens). There is a very immature and bad environment there.
Again, I'm sorry you had gone through that, and I apologize if I expressed myself poorly, as English is not my first language.
And I hope you recover well on your hiatus.
hiii my lovely <3 hope you're doing well!!
you're so right!! i've been reading fics on n off since i was maybe in middle school, and back in my day (lol i sound like i'm geriatric), we used to just read and feel grateful and yes silently pray that our fave author doesn't just randomly dip out of nowhere haha. i think the entitlement a lot of authors have to deal w these days is crazy. tbh i'm reallyyy not one to expect ppl to interact w my works at all, i think i've said this before in that i choose to post, therefore people can choose to interact, and if they do, then i'm immensely grateful for it. but when people DO interact and it's just rude or disrespectful, i simply cannot condone that behavior.
it's honestly kind of counterintuitive, because the more people pressure me for chapters or certain scenes, the more i end up second guessing my writing, and the more it causes delays in updates. it's just such a bizarre thing to think authors will feel MOTIVATED by passive aggression and pressure.
thanks so much for your words my dear n for always supporting me so much :'') you're such an angel <3 omg no you explained everything so wonderful, n i feel so lucky to have you as a reader
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