#this is basically an expanded version of the headcanon if you read that already
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twigs-sprigs · 2 months ago
Hey, I got your lloyd race headcanon thread in my fyp and read through the replies… (wow that one person you responded to was very ….interesting to say the least in their response 😅) I’m not sure how to necessarily ask this question in a non-blunt way, but I noticed you had this point in your discussion that stood out to me, how you stated that “trying to introduce white people into this already fucked up soup, like we have a place in it”.
Does this statement imply that you are white yourself? If so, a white person speaking critically on racial headcanons that don’t necessarily have a definitive weight on behalf of Asian representation is a bit hmmmm… y’know? I’m Asian myself and I believe that this “Asian exclusive” mindset for Ninjago interpretations can be really harmful to other races who may see themselves within certain characters or just have a diverse array of race headcanons in general. And to add, I think the constructive way of going about the shitty writing and appropriation in ninjago is to uplift the diversity of character design and interpretations within fandom and not to focus so much on hyper-criticizing opinions that are generally harmless? That’s the fun part of reclaiming such an easily flexible source, people will always have a different version of Ninjago in their mind.
I just believe that if you’re going to put out a critical opinion on race, you have to expect people to react critically to your opinion as well. I just don’t want that to be a case where as a white person, you may be acting on what you believe is some sort of radical act of justice to the “little” rep people get…when I’ve seen a ton of mixed reps all over this fandom! If you’re Asian, uhhhh disregard this statement AHAHA, none of this is to be mean or anything, I just feel like you need to be transparent about your race and where you stand in the water of the conversation when it gets this deep. PLEASE DONT GET YOURELF CANCELLED FOR GOOD INTENTIONS WORDS ARE EVERYTHING LOVE YOU
okkk ill break this down to talk about your points as you make them so its a bit easier!
i am white! you're right, i should've mentioned that from the beginning, i felt like it was known but in retrospect that's kind of stupid on my part, fully agree i shouldve mentioned it to preface. i will also say english isnt my first language, so my wording mightve unintentionally come off in a way that doesnt reflect my actual mindset, and i take full responsibility on that!
i will say, my post was initially about lloyd and lloyd only, which i do feel i had to point out, given his heritage. my post was about making lloyd purely white, both my post and the reblog i made are basically me saying i didnt like that people are blatantly ignoring lloyd's asian heritage. im not saying my takes are 100% correct and right and perfect, and my wording can be less than stellar sometimes, but i do think it was worth expanding on what i thought, since i didnt want to leave that person's weird response up in the air like that when i disagreed with their point. i don't really believe this is a radical justice take, i just noticed some younger white people headcanon him as white, (mostly on twitter and tiktok) which i didnt really agree with (which is why i made the og post)
like i said, my post was about whitewashing lloyd and him only, i didnt say anything about mixed hcs (wasian lloyd) i didnt say anything about him being any other race, i just said that i don't like him being fully white! and in the end, that's still just an opinion on my part, i never expected everyone to agree, as i'm also fully down for diversity in designs, i think the fandom is really cool in that regard! (when i said "little rep" in my reblog, i meant it as a thing for the show, not the fandom!) i just think theres a line to be drawn between a character thats heavily coded to be of a different race and then whitewashing that character fully yknow?
"I believe that this “Asian exclusive” mindset for Ninjago interpretations can be really harmful to other races who may see themselves within certain characters or just have a diverse array of race headcanons in general"
yep, i agree with this! my original point was absolutely not excluding other races from the discussion, it was only meant to be about lloyd being portrayed as white by people picking and choosing ideas that the show presented. (like wu and misako's names and lloyd's dragon and oni parts that are closely associated with east asian culture)
"And to add, I think the constructive way of going about the shitty writing and appropriation in ninjago is to uplift the diversity of character design and interpretations within fandom and not to focus so much on hyper-criticizing opinions that are generally harmless?"
i also dont believe i ever hyper criticized anybody, i fully expected there to be criticism and discussion when i made my post (i will admit i didnt expect THIS much but again im fully open to discussion still!), i simply stated my opinion in one post and then expanded a bit in one reblog.
again, in the end i dont really care what people headcanon, i simply expanded on my point and said my peace in one reblog, about fully white lloyd, nothing more nothing less. but even then, i wont attack or judge anybody, im fully behind the ignore-and-move-on mentality. and the post was about a generalized minority in the fandom that imo whitewashes lloyd, im very happy to know that the majority is a super open and diverse space full of a plethora of headcanons. i do think the discussion ended up moving away from my original point pretty much!
some people did further expand the discussion in the replies/reblogs to which i didnt think it was my place to reply, since it was far removed from my original point, and people had genuine good points and arguments in the discussion that i myself can't insert myself in, as a white guy! which i was happy to see and didnt feel the need to add much to it anyway
i hope this clears stuff up a bit! if i missed anything or you want to discuss further let me know! either here on tumblr publicly or on discord (my dms are always open, to anybody!) i'm happy to keep talking about this if you feel you have something to add. also sorry if i repeated myself a bit!
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artist-heart83 · 2 months ago
You know what? Today I wake up to yap about my smg4 fanfics, about the process and stuff, so get ready guys, prepare to read a lot.
SMG4 Fanfics made by Lilac_Heart, aka, me but with a different username
Disclaimer. They’re 8 fics at moment, but only gonna talk about 6, mostly because there is nothing special to say about the first one and the new gen fic is still uploading, so it’s not finished.
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I care about you (BoMG1)
The idea came out when I was brainstorming comics ideas, but I only got this funny drawing:
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Then I got an idea: “a comic where Bob got badly injured and One heal his scars, that’s sound like an amazing idea”.
Buuuut, I was brainstorming the ideas of how the comic should go A particular idea made me realize this work better as a fic, I say: “fuck the comic, let’s make a fanfic”.
Can’t remember if the idea that Bob could get badly injured in one of his business was based in Guns Don’t Scare Me from @briandraws, but I do know I have a few bomg1 fics from him as reference for descriptions and other stuff once I did the english translation.
Bob bring back the nickname of “pretty eyes” to One, is a reference to Glowing Eyes.
Scrap content that I found in the spanish draft!
Instead of Smg2 going by himself to find some pills for Bob, originally it was Smg1 who sent him.
A lot of scenes were extended: Bob and Smg2 conversation about the blades; the “confession” of smg1, which was thanks to Two; Two constantly teasing the couple; the ending.
An actual conversation about if the date would happen, which was between Two and Bob.
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Human touch (Marware)
Marware but they just start their relationship. Also, Puzzles touch starved.
Original title from the spanish draft: “Besos para ti” translated into “Kisses for you”, which the original idea was Mario kissing Puzzles.
Just because I really need more fanfics where they are just being soft, and when Mario kisses Puzzles and hugs him ough… So that was the main idea, but I need a “how?” And “why?” Then boom, touch-starved Puzzles.
Obviously I made this fic way before we know about Puzzles family, so let’s pretend when Puzzles have affection of his dad was when he was very young, alright?
The idea of Puzzles not having a hug or any kind of affection since long time ago was based on a prompt I found on Pinterest, and I have a bunch of tabs of how to write a touch-starved person.
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Desiring to become a human, so I can kiss you properly (Marware)
Before anyone ask. Yes, me putting the HDR Trio was necessary for many plot reasons as you can see in the fic.
Also, first time I straight went to doing the english version instead of doing a spanish version to then translate it. Huge thanks to my uncle who give a huge boost of confidence when he told I managed english perfectly hehehe.
This fic was a pure excuse just to finally write them making out, so imagine my surprise when people love it and one of my favorite artists made fanart and I swear to god every time I remember it, it feels like this:
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Also hi @lizaluvsthis
The illusion disks are from fnaf and I had to look up for any info that could explain to me how they work, just understand the basics and then I did whatever I want because I couldn’t understand it correctly.
Also, I don’t if it’s just me, but I feel the fight was forced for some reason, is either that or I just feel like this every time I reread the fic:
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The Dilemma (BadgeHunter)
The biggest one at the moment, and this one have a lot to unpack here.
Original idea from @ominus-potato, which I expand and change a few things:
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List of the headcanons that were used for the story:
Mirror headcanon, come from this post. Huge thanks for @izbiz12 for coming with this one.
Hal Jr. having a body comes from the idea of @blu193, which was the high inspiration to him give him a body.
Hal overworking himself is a common thing I found out scrolling in both Blu and Bear profiles, bring by IzBiz.
With “fresh scars” I really wanna implied that Shroomy already have some previous scars, another call back to Blu because she was the one who have the idea of Shroomy having scars for the bear encounter.
Junior being in scouts is actually an idea from Potato, which cool idea.
In the scene when Shroomy and Hal went to the office of the police officer, there was meant to be a scene where Shroomy looked at the picture frame that was on the desk, which was a family picture of Hal, his wife, and Junior. Cut off for unknown reasons.
Shroomy, Hal, Karen, Swag, and Chris being friends is a personal headcanon of mine. Also, Hal leaving Junior to Karen to take care of him is my favorite headcanon, and Brian and I share the same brain cell lmao.
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Cozy and soft (BoMG1)
Purely made this because I was craving for BoMG1 content, thanks to this drawing I got inspiration as well, Brian marware fic which has the same concept.
It’s the shortest fic I made after a while, which was the main idea, didn’t want to do something long.
A few references to Glowing Eyes (again):
One got scared by Bob eyes.
Bob getting a copy of the apartment keys.
The mention of a broken window.
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Nightmare and Comfort (BadgeHunter)
Idea that I got when I wake up at 7 am. Which the general idea was Hal comforting Shroomy about a nightmare/memory from his past.
This is time I used @bear-boi-5 headcanon about how the aftermath of the bite was. Nothing like Shroomy told in Mario Babies, of course.
I decided that Anti would have control of the body, mostly because he was the most affected of the accident for obvious reasons, also I love Anti, so I would used this opportunity.
I have to avoid mentioning any alcoholic drinks name, because I drink but I have zero idea what are they, soooo… yeah only beer was mentioned because is the one with less alcohol by volume, at least what this post say.
Anti laughing when he gets drunk, is actually based in one of the effects that happened to me.
The dynamic between Anti and Hal is quite complicated, considering the personality of Anti. They tolerate each other and they have to resolved their differences because of Shroomy and Hal hanging out more.
Important to say that after this, Anti would start having feeling for Hal after he understand what Shroomy see on him. Would this cause problems? Not sure, but until further notice, probably yes :)
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Hahaha I just love yap about my fics and all the process behind them, is super fun and I actually wanna share this with all of you because you guys are cool and also there is a inspiration behind those stories.
Now, if you excuse I have to get back to do some stuff :]
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riddles-n-games · 1 year ago
You know what we’ve been really missing out on? A dance headcanon. It may have crossed your mind at some point or you have never thought of it, but trust me you actually have, so here you go and you’re welcome.
We’ve certainly gotten sprinkles (read: karaoke scene, I mean, we were about to get FED and bam Grayson pity party) of such things throughout the series but not in any outright way as is the case with many of the things that could give us more background on the Hawthorne brothers. (Why you holding out on us JLB??? Huh?!) Anyways, here. Read.
Nash-He does line dancing, I mean, you should have seen that one coming. He's basically the country star of his family and he owns it to the fullest; he's literally one of Taylor Swift's back up dancers for goodness' sake. Nash's favorite version of line dance is square dancing and being the sweetheart he is, he will go to retirement homes on dance nights and be one of the choreographers or partners to help the old folks who want to dance. Of course, when there's a festival, that's when he really gets down. But, this might surprise you; he's also had a stint with hip hop and he's pretty darn good at it. He can do the dougie for sure. In fact, he got so good at hip hop that he also started adding his own style to it and gave it his country flare at freestyle competitions (Jamie and Xander's minds were blown, at first, before the big brother cool wore off that is but they were still impressed🤭).
Grayson-All of them learned how to do ballroom dancing (mainly waltz) but someone had to be the best of them, too. Enter Grayson Hawthorne. He is certainly the go-to brother for these types of dances but he excels at tango and waltz which also give him his greatest enjoyment. Certainly, at school events, he was always sought after during the slow songs and was always leading man for the school's ballroom team. It was the one chance the ladies were allowed to swoon without a certain redhead ruining everything. Though he competed nationally and worldwide, he preferred the simple entry level competitions for the sake of the peace. It was also more fun. He also challenged himself by learning flamenco and he was enamored by it, loving the fast steps and quick changes from one thing to another. However, his grandfather wanted him to push it further since he was already pursuing the dance so he wanted him to do competitions and as much as he put his heart and soul into it, Gray hated doing competitions when he wanted to do this for fun. After his grandfather died, he quit comps and stopped dancing flamenco for a while but his brothers (read: Xander) have been encouraging him to take it up again as a fun hobby. He's been warming up to the idea.
Jameson-Should it really come as a surprise that this boy can tap dance? Because, yes, he can and he is damn proud of it. It’s a favorite party trick of his to pull on the dance floor or in the middle of the club and he’s always tearing it up. He also loves Irish stepdance and after watching the famous Riverdance live, Jameson was obsessed. That was how he and Xander ended up being trained by the very Riverdance company itself and they trained for two years until Xan no longer expressed interest but Jamie got good enough that he even went on tour with them. Also, he's been expanding his repertoire with street dancing, mambo, and most recently disco due to a certain someone's obsession with the 70s.
Xander-Despite Gray being the undisputed king of ballroom in the family, his youngest brother still takes to the swing better than anyone. He has been the most enthusiastic about it and loves the energy which matches him well in every aspect of the dance. Unlike his brother, competing never really bothered him and this is actually one of the things that he gets him into a perfectionist complex. He was a junior world champ on two occasions and now is teaching Max how to do it. On the more casual side of casual side of things, he also knows how to shag which is one of his favorite things to do on little dates with Maxine when they aren't going anywhere. And, of course, being the most sporadic of his brothers, Xander always shocks people when he tells them he also has done ballet. He never got to become a principal dancer as a junior dancer but he did get to do a few pas de deux and was a soloist when he was with the Texas Ballet Theater. His favorite ballets are The Nutcracker and Don Quixote; he appreciates Swan Lake but hates the unhappy versions.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 11 months ago
It occurred to me at one point that since it's our grandpa who owned the farm, you could have an infinite amount of cousins who own the farm.
So now two of my farmers are cousins who realised they were both working at the same company after a department transfer and both decided to leave their soul sucking jobs to become farmers.
One of them is my main female farmer when I started using mods for the first time, like expanded. The other is my male farmer who I'm using to explore Ridgeside.
They are basically gender bent versions of their grandparents save for a few differences like skin tone.
So, you know how some of the villagers know about your grandparents? Like Lewis, Evelyn, the cult, the adventure guild etc
How would the characters who knew about Grandpa and Grandma react to seeing how similar the farmer is to their grandparents. Like, the farmer does something that really reminds them of grandpa/grandpa or they notice they have the exact same eyes.
Oh, how I enjoy reading people's stories with their OCs Farmers who are either relatives or friends/neighbours in Stardew Valley! I guess that's why I love the interaction of my OC with my mutual ones ☺️ Your story for your OCs is very sweet, dear anon, thanks for sharing it. Enjoy some headcanons! 🫰💕
All that Farmers managed to do for the residents of Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village, all the good they did for the entire Amethyne family, Maive will never forget. Their kindness and patience, their desire to help everyone and their drive for perfection... All of these attributes that the elderly head of a much respected noble family had already seen long ago in one chaotic, charismatic and kind Grandpa. Even the way he was always running and rushing about, meddling in other people's business and always keeping his overalls dirty from working on the farm. Maive thought it a little strange: the imperfections and smells of the grass, which she usually found irritating, now make her think about her past, when Farmer's Grandpa and Grandma had been there for Maive in joy and sorrow. The few people who were friends with her not because of her status, but because they thought she was a good person. All of this she now sees in the young Farmer as well.
The moment Evelyn saw Farmer on her doorstep, with their overalls stained with grass and soil, a basket of fresh apples and a smile on their face, she almost mouthed the name of her late old friend. In her youth, Grampa had been a frequent visitor, treating Evelyn, her husband and their then living daughter to ripe berries and fruit almost every week. Always smiling, always cheerful and happy, Grampa was a ray of sunshine for all the residents. Even Evelyn's husband, George, stopped grumbling as usual and gave a firm handshake to the kind neighbour who dropped in for a visit. The Farmer who appeared on her doorstep inadvertently made Evelyn go back in time, to those moments, for so much did the Farmer and Grandpa look alike. In appearance as well as in character.
That fire in their eyes... Belinda and Raeriyala have mentioned more than once how much Farmer looks like their grandmother, but after their adventures in Ridge Forest, opening the portal and preparing for the final battle, both spirits have seen Farmer enter the portal into the corrupted magical forest, and how willingly they are to fight to save Ridgeside Village. Just like their long-time friend whose death they will never forgive Gabriella for. Even these words that the Farmer uttered..... "Don't be afraid, it's gonna be okay!" That was the last thing Belinda heard from Grandma before the portal closed behind her. Both the cult leader and the forest spirit for a moment wanted to even rush towards Farmer already, in order to prevent them from entering the portal. Because they felt that they were losing a good friend again..... But the situation with the dark magic was out of control, and they both only have to believe in her grandchild.
Towards evening, Lewis walked to the Farmer's house, as usual intending to collect all their crops and produce for sale from their shipping bin. The Mayor saw the Farmer outside, not far from the Barn, where they were stroking the head of a cow. The Farmer cooed and played with the cow while the animal closed its eyes and enjoyed scratching behind its ear, rattling its bell around its neck. Lewis smiled warmly, remembering how much he had been afraid of cows as a teen and their powerful hoof strike that could knock him out. It was Farmer's Grandpa, Lewis' food friend, who had taught him how to properly approach these massive animals and and not be intimidated by them. The way the Farmer played with the cows made Lewis remember those wonderful days of his youth when his friend still worked here on this very farm. When Farmer turned to the thoughtful Mayor, Lewis almost said Grandfather's name instead of Farmer's. "You know, Farmer, cows were your grandfather's favourite animals."
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cilil · 10 months ago
So wait, is the myths transformed version of Melkor supposed to be canon?🤔 I always thought the Silmarillion was basically just a collection of the most finalized versions of the first age events, but reading up on Morgoth’s Ring it sounds as if what’s written in there is what was intended to be canon by Tolkien?
It's a tough question that only Tolkien could definitively answer. Christopher Tolkien states in the foreword of the Silmarillion:
"On my father’s death it fell to me to try to bring the work into publishable form. It became clear to me that to attempt to present, within the covers of a single book, the diversity of the materials – to show The Silmarillion as in truth a continuing and evolving creation extending over more than half a century – would in fact lead only to confusion and the submerging of what is essential. I set myself therefore to work out a single text, selecting and arranging in such a way as seemed to me to produce the most coherent and internally self-consistent narrative. In this work the concluding chapters (from the death of Túrin Turambar) introduced peculiar difficulties, in that they had remained unchanged for many years, and were in some respects in serious disharmony with more developed conceptions in other parts of the book." "A complete consistency (either within the compass of The Silmarillion itself or between The Silmarillion and other published writings of my father’s) is not to be looked for, and could only be achieved, if at all, at heavy and needless cost."
Basically, Tolkien worked on this mythology for over half a century and, as anyone who has ever even thought about doing their own worldbuilding can already guess, changed his mind on a lot of things. Myths Transformed in particular contains some later writings of Tolkien and deals with some changes he envisioned, particularly in regards to the cosmology of Eä. Christopher writes:
"In this last section of [Morgoth's Ring] I give a number of late writings of my father's, various in nature but concerned with, broadly speaking, the reinterpretation of central elements in the 'mythology' (or legendarium as he called it) to accord with the imperatives of a greatly modified underlying conception." (...) "With their questionings, their certainties giving way to doubt, their contradictory resolutions, these writings are to be read with a sense of intellectual and imaginative stress in the face of such a dismantling and reconstitution, believed to be an inescapable necessity, but never to be achieved."
So what we can say for sure is that Tolkien wanted to make various changes, but a lot of things were never quite finalized or properly edited or compiled, which Christopher then tried to do.
Which one is more canon? I don't know and the one person who knew best has not been with us for many decades now. But what I would say is that it's completely valid to take the Silmarillion as a basis for canon and use the other writings and other versions - both earlier and later texts - to expand on canon however you see fit.
While it can be fun to examine the material and try to piece it together like Christopher did, I personally am a huge fan of people engaging with various texts in various different and unique ways; it's just important to be clear and honest about what was taken from which text and what is headcanon/fanon and not try to present one's own conclusions as the one true canon.
I know this is not really a clear answer and thus may be not as satisfying, but it's also cool to see how things like this evolve, no? :D
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#1, #4*, #5*, #6*, #8, #41, #42
*The Remember This series!
Hi! Thank you! :D
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Oh, this is a hard one. Hmm.
Probably The Abnormal X-File. It was actually the first fic I wrote for Sanctuary and I think it's one of the best examples of my writing that I've published. It's also not monstrously long and also sticks to canon for both shows, so it's a good way to ease into my writing.
(It is, at the moment, unfinished due to fucking geeksquad, but I digress)
4. What detail in Remember This (series) are you really proud of?
I think I mentioned it in my post about all my little tie-ins and Easter eggs and such, but aside from Nigel's entire story? This detail in Nikola's version, in the chapter where James was talking to him about Helen's pregnancy:
Nikola had cut ties, John was lost to the world, Nigel was dead, and Helen had, occasionally, reached out but had made it clear that she would contact him and he was never to contact her, no matter what and especially not through her Sanctuary. If he truly needed something from her, she had told him to go through James and he couldn't fathom why. James had told him nothing either.
This. This! This was me giving time-traveling Helen interacting with Nikola a nod in this story. Future Helen was the one that told him to do that and is why he has to go through James. Past/Present Helen has absolutely no clue. Helen was preserving the timeline and Nikola, of course, knew nothing back then.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Remember This (series)? Answer it now!
Oh my gosh, I don't know! I don't usually get asked questions about my fics, so I never really think about it!
Maybe more about Nigel and Jeanette and their relationship? I don't know how to answer that, though, because I need specifics to start blathering.
Though if anyone asked if there had ever been Helen/John/James in that universe, I would have 100% said yes and left it at that. XD
(sorry for this sucky answer)
6. What’s one fact about the universe of Remember This (series) that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I'm really not sure, to be honest, because I was trying to make the universe in the fic as close to canon as possible. 🤔
I left a sprinkling of things throughout all the fics hoping readers would pick up on them, fun little tie-ins and nods and details, but I think I included everything I wanted to in the series.
Oh! I kind of headcanon that Nigel and Jeanette were trying for a second baby in the later bits of Nigel's story, but it didn't work out for them. I don't think it would have really fit into a fluff story, but mostly I was thinking they didn't want Anna to be alone.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Tale of the Shadow by Sail North.
The song is basically a story, but I already have a fic planned based on it, expanding on my mermaid!Helen and pirate!John AU and it gives me all the thoughts.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
The amazing Time Will Tell by @galactic-pirates! I love this fic very much and I love the emotions that are captured and explored through the story. And polyamory! The way Helen/John/James is written in the story is gorgeous and heartbreaking in the best way and gahhhhh.
If I can ever write a fic close to that, I will be so pleased.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Look, I'm tired and feel stupid right now, so I can only think of the negative ones right now and I don't really want to get into that.
With the good ones I'm not sure I should get into them, because the last time a question like this came up, I accidentally outed a few people as fangirls.😅
Also there's 66 pages in my AO3 inbox and that's a lot go through.
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zukkaoru · 1 year ago
hi!!! for the ask game uuhm nathaniel, nikolai, shibusawa, and uuuh fuck it. kajii too
whooo okay here we go!!
first impression:
oh i just know everyone hates this guy because everyone hates the scarlet letter. they don't know about the house of the seven gables :(
impression now:
favorite moment:
probably the scene with him and margaret on the zelda, right before kajii comes in
idea for a story:
i so badly want to write a nikonathan soulmate au someday. i don't even know what the specifics would be but can you imagine them discovering the other is their soulmate?? nathaniel would Hate It and nikolai would immediately become the most obnoxious version of himself
unpopular opinion:
every opinion on nathaniel is an unpopular one sdfghjhk but i kind of wish they'd approached his character differently? bc like.. idk there's so much more to the irl hawthorne than "that guy who wrote that one book about adultery that everyone had to read in high school and hated" but perhaps i am just biased bc i liked thotsg so much and would have rather his character be inspired by that book even though no one knows about that one
favorite relationship:
nikonathan is fun. fyothaniel compels me. and i like the dynamic between him and margaret platonically
favorite headcanon:
king james version is his go-to bible translation. he is forever and always a kjv girlie🙏 also he has a younger sister named phoebe
first impression:
who is this clown and why do we ship him with fyodor
impression now:
ohh there is so much more to you than you will ever let anyone see
favorite moment:
when dazai gives him fyodor's arm and for the first time since we were introduced to him, he hesitates
idea for a story:
i think fyolai roadtrip au is the only one i have that would be more centered around nikolai, which i'm pretty sure i already told you about fdgfhgjhkj but basically no-powers au where nikolai drags fyodor on a roadtrip with the intention to kill him and then slowly spirals when he realizes he can't bring himself to do it
unpopular opinion:
i think he's kinder than a lot of people think he is, but like.. he chooses not to be. i think his instincts are kinder than his actions. does that make any sense? like i don't think he's a Good person by any means but i do think there is a part of him that is instinctually kind, which he works to smother because caring about people is not freeing
favorite relationship:
once again, nikonathan is fun. and i do love fyolai too. his dynamic with sigma is also really interesting but i wouldn't necessarily say i Ship them
favorite headcanon:
he has a very complicated relationship with his culture/hometown/etc. because he feels like it ties him down somewhere, thus trapping him. but he also can't just. let go of it completely. some part of him will always miss the place where he grew up even if he tells himself he doesn't care. and he hates it so much but no matter how hard he tries, he cannot free himself.
first impression:
who is this
impression now:
what if they let him be a dragon living in a castle forever. and he just promised really hard to be chill. and they let him be. and there was just a dragon in yokohama. would that be sick or what
favorite moment:
idea for a story:
i don't actually think i have any ideas with him even in it sfdgfhgjh uhhh best i got is the one universe in snowfall where he's the god of death and gin tries to bargain with him to bring aku back and he's like :/ sorry. no can do. the laws of reality forbid it. that would be kinda cool to expand upon
unpopular opinion:
what if they just let him be a dragon livinbnbgf
favorite relationship:
idk whatever was going on with him and fyodor in dead apple was like doomed toxic yuri to me so let's go with that
favorite headcanon:
um. he likes it when people braid his hair
first impression:
this guy is insane (concerned)
impression now:
this guy is insane (affectionate)
favorite moment:
THE LEMON RUNWAY actually wait no it's when he says he's only part of the port mafia bc mori provides financial support for his science experiments. he's got his priorities straight
idea for a story:
he and ranpo hook up at some point pre-canon, after dazai joins the ada. this is because ranpo comes to the (correct) conclusion that eventually, most of the ada is going to end up sleeping with someone from the port mafia and he doesn't want to be left out. important to note here that both kajii and ranpo are aro(spec) and not particularly interested in an actual relationship. ranpo is dealing with fomo and kajii loves science experiments and they have a great time. and then two years later when this comes to light, yosano is like. ranpo full offense but what the HELL is your taste in men do you only like people who want to skin you alive just to see how you bleed???? and ranpo is like. tbh? yeah
unpopular opinion:
i feel like a lot of people hate him but i think he's such a fun character!! like. his ability is being immune to lemon-shaped explosives?? he shows up every once in a while to throw around lemon bombs. he's a mad scientist. what more could you want
favorite relationship:
i do really think kajii-ranpo hookup would be funny. ultralemon 4ever <3 also corey and i decided kajii and tecchou exchange terrible food combo ideas and make jouno's mental health Worse simply by being friends
favorite headcanon:
he eats lemons like apples. yes. he bites directly into them, peel and all. also alloaro kajii is a vibe
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flyinguraniumrod · 7 days ago
Oh I will yap about him. I will. I think about him (and Astrotrain, and kinda Octane too) a lot every single day 😭 Honestly, one of the videos which made me really get into transformers was one where they put TFA Blitzwing's voice over clip of the bumblebee movie one. So, Bumper Robinson's voice alone led me to watching Transformers Animated and oh I am so obsessed- LOL. This show is too good, I just can't like TFP more than it. Also, I just can't not like movie version of Blitzwing, even though he isn't a triple-changer- I like probably almost all versions of him anyvayz
Yeesss, nevertheless, he didn't do little during those stellae cycles.
Lol I think it needs to be mentioned that Screamer could be a lil crazy too?
I don't think Blitzwing would be so loyal-in-a-genuine-way to Megatron [as it was already mentioned... he is scared of him, maybe Megs did something (edit: wanted to add smth here but nvm) and he kinda wants to get away, cares about the cause itself more], however, he still did a lot regarding him. Hol' up... how many 'cons even reacted, for instance - but maybe less, like Lugnut to Meg's death? I don't recall 'cons individual reactions appearing in the comics...
(I miss you readallcomics 😭... readcomiconline is so stupidly braindead with those pop-up ads I ain't gonna search rn- brah, the former literally had zero ads...)
Continuing- Ya, decepticons couldn't be held together in a decent way without Megs, but BW made the situation quite not bad.
I am not sure what else to say/add here rn since my brain is like this rn:
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I have seen some people mention this, even write fanfics, however, what was with Shockwave during Megatron's absence? Was he supposed to report from time to time during his entire mission and did he continue doing that during those decacycles? Were those Megs-exclusive calls? Or could anyone in the high-command be the one who takes the reports? (Ngl, Shock and Megs having chill-talk calls is a truly splendid headcanon btw)
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☕☕☕ am so all ears rn-
I absolutely love the worldbuilding in TFA so much, the Autobot-Cybertronian population having a phobia of organics, the stuff about functionalist society, propaganda, ejrjfkrjebehfkgkkt I love reading what people have to say about such elements of this universe- (and not going to forget the 'cons lore! since this is also the cartoon which made me prefer them to the autobots in the franchise)
Btwww, have you seen the comic @/mfdragon has posted about BW and Sumdac very recently? I ssoo see these two as having quite positive relations. I wonder where I've seen the post that was basically talking about ,,how did Sumdac get food while in Meg's base" lol cuz BW was mentioned there too (I just had a weird thought- what would be bro's opinion on fast food aka the unhealthy stuff? Idk what's my brain on)
Lol and he could take on the entire Team Prime so easily! Had the show had better and sometimes a wee faster animation, and had the 'cons not been so nerfed, Hothead would have crushed them faster. Bro loves fighting, and his smile is so precious-
Lockdown may be OVERPOWERED(as in, really and quite impressively good at fighting), but him being able to defeat decepticon high-command would be kiinda- ya know
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F. R. FR.
Oo I love such discussions too :D I jus don't feel like Not-responding, da
To me the ,,which personality is your favourite?" is a wee odd question (btw imagine somebody who isn't into transformers reading that out of context, LOL). I interpret Blitzwing's condition as something else, smth that isn't literal DID. Transformers processors work differently to human brain imo, + it's s w i t c h i n g f a c e s. Each of the three are technically Blitzwing, in my view, but with their behaviour being a bit intensified. Won't expand on these headcanons too much right now... xd but Hothead needs allat good attention too fmksjerjtdkecjk
By the way, I don't delve into what headcanons people have quite adopted too much, so my thoughts aren't necessarily close to those, da
I had such a realization last night-
I yapped about Cyberverse Astrotrain's dimples under the eyes yes
Oh but there is also DJW's Human!Error TFA Blitzwing design having wee dark circles under the eyes (just like Starscream and kinda Lugnut)
Non-g1 (talking about cartoons/series, not comics) versions of these guys are just so tired 💀💀
Each time I rewatch tfa I just can't. stop. thinking. about how t i r e d Blitzwing is, LOL. Predominantly in ,,Lost and Found"... (also not going to forget the scene near the beginning of season 1 finale)
I mean just look at how many times he's just laying- and especially how annoyed Hothead is. He's had enough and it's like he's sick of everything. Sometimes it feels like bro does N O T want to be here during the above-mentioned episode... l o l [*]
I literally started headcanoning that he got captured by Lockdown just because he wanted a wee rest after all that stuff from season 2 finale and before it and basically got surprised, no fight 💀 (dumb-aah as some would say?) Imma elaborate on that another time maybe cuz it might not sound too clear
Not gonna do any (attempts at) analysing 'n stuff rn, da
(Btw, I am planning to do a yapping session about tfa 'cons)
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andaminyard · 7 years ago
This is based on this headcanon that is probably better written than this but??? I kinda wanted to expand on it properly so !!! lmk if you enjoy it/want more of it
basically neil & andrew keep encountering eachother and there’s definitely some kind of soulmate forces at work or smth idk 
Being on the run wasn’t something that usually left Nathaniel with the time to look out for the little things that didn’t seem quite right. So caught up in looking for familiar faces with significance that it wasn’t really much of a surprise that he’d managed to gloss over a boy who looked no older than he did, with equally as sharp edges, standing in front of him and confronting him like he’d known him his whole life.
“I’ve seen you before,” The boy says, and they’re outside of the school gate, where Nathaniel can feel the gaze of his mother on his back. It’s as safe and grounding as it is terrifying. If Mary heard that comment, she’d choke any vague resemblance to himself out of Nathaniel. At least he wouldn’t look like Nathan anymore.
“That’s impossible,” Nathaniel’s saying back, forged German accent heavy as he carefully keeps up his persona, Kaleb, who had supposedly just recently moved to America from Germany after his mother was given a job opportunity.
“Why? Because when you were in Ohio you were blonde? Or because when you were in California you had brown eyes and now they’re blue? I’m not an idiot,” And Nathaniel can feel his stomach clenching – his throat blocking up with the desperate need to run – can feel the panic of a hand on his shoulder and the ease that rushes over him when it’s his mother’s voice which follows.
“Kaleb, what are you waiting for? We need to leave,” She’s reminding him, and Nathaniel knows she’s dropped her accent on purpose. She knows their characters are broken as much as he does. He knows he’ll suffer for it, and that he’ll be gone by morning. We need to leave carries far more weight than this nameless boy could surely even imagine.
“I’ll see you around,” Nathaniel doesn’t need to look to know he didn’t imagine the smug tone in the boy’s voice – especially how it clenches itself around his throat and feels a lot like choking.
After the bruise of his mothers warning clears up, it’s easy for Nathaniel to forget all about it. With his eye out for so many people, a boy as young as him seems pretty low on his radar. Seems impossible to even waste a second thinking about.
Until he’s sat in a classroom in Brooklyn, and a pen bounces off the back of his head.
“I told you I’d see you around,” The voice says mockingly, and Nathaniel turns around and suddenly feels the need to leave as soon as he possibly can. “Hey, hey, now. No need to get all flighty.”
“Who are you?” He’s asking, fight or flight screaming at him for wasting a moment doing neither. Instead he’s focusing on him, eyes scanning his face for something anything he can use against him.
“Andrew what?” 
“Right now? Andrew Price.”
“Right now? Implying it changes?”
“Not as often as yours, Kaleb.”
“Noah,” He corrects, “Why would yours change?”
“Oh, Kaleb, Surnames change for all kinds of reasons. Forenames, however, I think you owe me an explanation for.”
“Noah,” He reminds, assuming it won’t make a difference but important either way. There was no point in pretending he didn’t have any idea what he was talking about, and lying about it seemed like his only choice. “My mum’s indecisive.”
“About your name?”
“And where we live, and who she is. Calls it wanderlust.”
“Paranoid looked more accurate to me.”
Nathaniel’s about to say something – but the teacher’s calling for his attention. And he misses it the first time, thanks to the unfamiliarity of his own name, but eventually turns around to mutter a sorry.
Andrew leaves him alone for the rest of the lesson, but stands over his desk afterwards. Lunch was next and while he’d normally spend it alone or with some superficial friends he’d made just to look his part, Andrew seemed intent on sticking with him. And taking him somewhere private, apparently, as he leads him up to the roof. 
Nathaniel knows he shouldn’t trust himself with this boy who seemed to recognise him far too easily given how much effort he goes through to change himself. But there’s something about him which feels unmoving, safe.
“Alright, time to cut the shit,” Andrew says the second the door is shut behind them, and Nathaniel feels his breathing stop with it. It feels too much like an accusation and the start of something Nathaniel is absolutely not prepared for at this moment. “I know who you are,” He continues, and Nathaniel can hardly breathe. “Why the fuck do you keep following me?” Ah. No. Not quite. 
But it still feels terrifying. If some kid can remember him well enough to need to confront him about it, then what are the odds that other people can too?
“I thought- I thought you were following me. I’ve only seen you here and—back whenever,” And he feels numb, “You’re the one who said you saw me before then. I don’t even know who you are.”
Apparently that was a disappointing answer for Andrew—who just rolls his eyes, sighs and mutters whatever. Or maybe he just didn’t believe him. 
“What was your first name?” Andrew’s asking, and Nathaniel hates the question with the way it’s worded to fit his lies. He’s not asking what his real name is, because as far as Andrew is aware, that is, at this moment, Noah. He’s asking for his first name.
“Jack,” He says, effortless. “Why does your last name keep changing and why do you keep moving?”
“Gotta adjust to my foster parents of the week somehow, haven’t I? Names and locations are just the trivial parts.” Which—actually makes sense. Maybe Nathaniel should steal that as a future persona. Andrew Price. He likes the way the name sounds, but not so much the risk attached to it. If he’s run into him this many times, then if he were to do that then, then explaining that to him would be near impossible. “What’s the truth about your mother?”
“Witness protection, but don’t ask me why. She can’t even tell me.”
“Witness protection wouldn’t move you this often.”
“High profile.” He tries, but if Andrew can work out that much then—
“What did she witness? The president committing a murder?”
“My turn,” Nathaniel interrupts, trying to deter this. “How many times have you seen me until now?”
“Seven. Or eight. Depends if you changed your hair-colour while in New Orleans.” 
“I did,” He admits, and that feels a little haunting. Ohio, Brooklyn, California and New Orleans twice. That makes five, but when have the other three times been?
“Even someone as stupid as you wouldn’t change that much. I get the feeling they’re not the only people you’ve been, either.”
“Nineteen,” Nathaniel says, and it’s a truth after a truth. He isn’t sure when he stopped lying to Andrew, but he feels it somewhere between the clench of a lie and the warmth of trust. “I’ve been nineteen people including Noah.” 
The bell rings to signal the end of lunch and Nathaniel disappears with a warning into the crowd of people as he leaves. He doesn’t see him again until their names are Andrew Spear and Alex McClean, Twenty. California. Don’t approach me next time, was a warning that they both understood perfectly. It’s something that Nathaniel appreciates when Andrew catches his eyes across the café and something Andrew very clearly resents as Nathaniel catches him glancing over every other second.
There are no more sightings until after Mary gets lost to his father’s hand and Nathaniel becomes Neil Josten, identity twenty-two. Milport. There’s only one identity between the two and Neil wonders if he and Mary had waited around for too long between them. A year was a long time to stay anywhere for someone on the run. 
He knows the second his coach says anything about Wymack what it means, though, and Nathaniel feels the swing of a racquet long before the shock of who caused it. 
Andrew Minyard. Seventh name. Fox.                                     
For all Neil had been following Kevin and Riko – always making sure they kept their distance, keeping note of everything they did through his binder—he had never expected to have to meet either one of them again. Or at least, thought that until the day Andrew Minyard signed to the foxes and Neil became well aware that it was only a matter of time before he would encounter Kevin again – and here they were, face to face and far too close for comfort. 
Andrew’s grin looks far too out of place after their last encounter, almost two years ago. And Neil wants it gone. 
“Neil Josten,” Andrew says, tone upbeat in a way it wasn’t before, “Or should I say, Noah, as you were so intent on me using that one. Will you disappear tomorrow now that I’ve said hello? That seems to be your way of working.” 
“I’m not signing, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“But we came all this way to get you,” Andrew’s grin doesn’t fault, regardless of the mocking tone in his voice. “And she’s not here to stop you, is she? Miss—witness protection, was it? What exactly do you have to lose, Kaleb? –Noah? Or was it Neil? It’s so easy to lose track.”
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fatherwerewolf · 3 years ago
sonadow headcanons????? what???? we haven't had those since 1907!!!!
definitely in a sort of highschool/college au, sonic is DEF the jock, whilst shadow is ofc like the emo, reserved, introvert BUT can also but like a jock sort of??? like yes we know shadow is introverted but i feel like shadow isn't AS introverted as some of others he hangs out with. like, he could totally chill around a group of jocks and like participate in their activities with no issues, he's just the kinda silent but deadly one there. hell, even some of the jocks ("THE BOYZ 🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶") are lowkey kinda intimated bc of shadow bc of his intense demeanor, his death stares, etc. plus, both sonic and shadow are HELLA daredevils so we both know how that goez 😋
expanding more on the highschool au, sonic most definitely "finishes" all of his homework in under like 10 minutes like he just picks and chooses what looks easiest and just goes from there (reason why his grades are kinda low WHOOPS) ON THE OTHERHAND, shadow literally spends his whole lifespan on homework like he spends such a long ass time on his homework bc he is "interested in having educational successes".........sonic jus calls him a nerd and that always pisses shadow off. anyway yes shadow spends so long on his homework and that lowkey bothers sonic bc he always wants to hang out with shadow but shadow is always like "not now" or "im busy, maybe another time", etc etc. lastly, i find it funny that shadow ends up being taller than sonic in the highschool au and sonic is jus like wtf this is crazy
so the concept of shadow turning into a werehog is a interesting concept to play around with, saying this bc of his background. yk with being a alien plunged in chaos energy, and having THAT mixed with dark gaia energy?????? oh my FUCK WHAT. just imagine that shadow the werehog is just a even more aggressive, alien-ified, BIGGER/TALLER, SHAGGIER, and overall scarier version of sonic the werehog. shadows like 5'6 in his werehog form with sonic being 4'1 in his werehog state??? so like sonic is just scrolling around during nighttime and then his like, "omg is that shadow???!!!" and then you just see shadow fucking up a village or something LMAO
headcanon that WHENEVER sonic has to wear pants, he wears fucking shorts. formal event? formal shorts. causal event? convention? ceremonies? gatherings?? WINTER??? shorts. he's definitely that kid that wears shorts in the summer and he is not afraid to own up to the fact even tho shadow absolutely HATES IT (but at the same time shadow thinks its the funniest shit ever bc whenever they really need to wear pants, he just pulls out fucking shorts)
idek if i wrote about this already but i HIGHLY hc that shadow loves reading books. like you can literally look at him n tell that man has a PASSION for books and/or literature. most definitely loves poetry too, maybe even writing some of his own on the side. to add onto this, i feel like, and this may be surprising but i think it somehow works, is sonic actually likes poetry too, but, he likes the cognitive aspect of it, he has a knack for thinking about what the meaning could possibly be or mean, or why the author wrote it in a certain way, etc. it challenges his mind basically. shadow is very abstract with poetry, on the other hand, often allowing his mind to wonder when he writes down the words, only sometimes going for a certain feel or meaning.
ight gays i think that's it for rn, so sorry my account has been kinda dead lately!! life has been pretty hectic and it's gonna still be a little hectic here and there but things are starting to get more settled now!! i'll try n get back into the swing of posting more often again!!!
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astriiformes · 4 years ago
Hi! This might be a slightly odd question and a bit hard to answer, if you're willing, but when you're writing fic from at least some level of 'i headcanon this character as trans/ace/etc' ... how do you actually find the story for the fic? I'm asking because i've got some headcanons i really want to write a fic about, but i don't normally write at all and can't get a grip on a beginning idea i could turn into an actual story rather than a list of headcanons :/
Oh this is actually a fantastic question! I am a little biased, but I personally love when people write fics that include headcanons but also have at least some loose plot going on beyond just being a coming out scene (and it's a common comment I get on my stories, saying other people are excited that I tend to write actual Narratives in my headcanon fics, so I think you're already on the right track by asking how to do the same yourself!)
I think my primary advice on the topic is to think about your headcanon, but to also think about a theme related to your headcanon -- something that would be different about or more prominent in a character's life if they were [x], something they might have fears or, conversely, joys about, how canon might be different or a different angle it would bring out if the headcanon was true. Saying "I want to write a fic about this character being trans" is great, but broad, and broad tends to offer less in the way of plot/story ideas in my experience. Thinking instead about experiences that character would have if they were trans tends to afford a lot more potential plot bunnies.
I'll offer a few examples from my own ongoing/past/future projects to help you see what I mean. Most of my stories have stemmed from expanding a single specific theme or idea, which has given me:
I Breathed a Song Into the Air, my aroace Legolas fic, which started with me wanting to explore the sort of nebulous but nonetheless extraordinarily committed relationship that Legolas and Gimli have. It's equally easy to interpret as platonic/queerplatonic or romantic, and lots of people have written one or the other, so in that I personally saw the perfect opportunity to dig into a much more complicated look at aspec relationship dynamics by sort of making it...... both, or in this case, platonic for one of them, romantic for the other, and extremely messy as a result. Basically, I took that ambiguity and ran with it, and wove in my headcanon thoughts from there
The dual Back to the Future fics I'm working on right now that center a reading of Marty as transgender cropped up from me realizing a couple things I could dig into: 1) a theme, and 2) realizing that the headcanon made one thing in canon much more complicated. I have a lot of feelings about time travel as a metaphor/thematic lens for transgender experiences, and realizing how much I could expand on the strong parallels between different versions of yourself existing in alternate timelines and similarly different "versions" of yourself existing throughout your life gave me a great starting point. I also realized that doing a time travel/“period” piece was a great opportunity to dig into transgender history, which is a topic I love, and recruited a librarian friend of mine to help me dig into a bunch of primary sources from the 1980s, which ended up affording me way more plot than I had initially planned out!
I have one story I haven't actually buckled down to tackle but that has existed in my mind for a while that would center an aroace take on Luke Skywalker, specifically dealing with the transition period after RotJ of the Rebellion shifting into the New Republic -- and conversely, Luke looking at his friends and family and realizing that everyone else is moving on in ways he isn't ever going to (especially Han and Leia, who are moving towards getting married and having a family!). Melding together that idea of a galaxy in transition and a group of people in life transitions -- and the fear of getting left behind as everything changes -- was the spark that gave me a whole plot.
Broader here, but for characters from speculative fiction stories in particular, it can also be inspirational to think about the worldbuilding around queer experiences in their universe -- I've had some fantastic conversations with friends about things like trans healthcare in the Star Wars universe (and how the Rebellion might not be the best equipped for it!), how different fantasy races feel about sexuality and gender in worlds like Middle Earth, and etc that have absolutely helped inspire my writing.
Basically, I would say think about why that headcanon compels you so much! Is it because there's an experience of yours it means a lot to you to imagine that character shares? Is there a story in that? Is it because there's something in canon that you think makes it feel like a particularly interesting or compelling reading? How does that blend with the themes of the work of fiction itself, or with some of the relationships that character has with others? If you play around with the core of why you like the headcanon, or what it would look like or how it could change things in in canon, or what else it adds to it as a reading, it's not uncommon for a plot -- or at least a theme of some kind, that you might be able to develop into something larger -- to fall out in the process.
Happy writing, and I hope I’ve helped give you some ideas for getting started! Like I said, I adore when people write queer headcanon fics with a bit more depth and narrative, and I love that it's something you want to try your hand at.
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mitsususu · 4 years ago
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I give my hand to you with all my heart. I can’t wait to live my life with you, I can’t wait to start. Steve and Bucky are getting married! Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories:
“We didn’t need this to love each other, but I’m glad we get to do it anyway�� (T, 1k) by AidaRonan
In an alternate universe where they never go to war, Steve and Bucky live a whole lifetime together.
They're near the end of the line now, but there's still time to make it official.
Or the one where same-sex marriage finally gets legalized in NY and two very old men do the thing.
+ Modern AU. They got to grow old together! Courthouse weddings and heartfelt vows.
“My Big Fat Wolf Wedding” (T, 12k) by AggressiveWhenStartled, galwednesday, quietnight, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt
“Basically married. Permanently engaged anyway. Weres have their own deal.” Natasha sounds much, much too gleeful about Steve’s rapidly expanding personal hell. “So you better wake your blushing bride and tell him the happy news: that it was an accident and you had no idea what you were doing.”
“I,” Steve says, strangled. “I can’t do that!”
“You can’t?”
“He thought I was proposing! And he accepted!”
“Wow, maybe he’s just as dumb as you are,” Natasha says thoughtfully.
“I can’t just promise him a ring, take him home, drink from him three times in a row and then wake him up the next morning to say oops, just kidding!” Steve casts around, looking at his wreck of an apartment. “I don’t even have any good champagne!”
+ Modern AU. Vampire Steve and Werewolf Bucky. Mistaken identity, accidental proposals, wedding planning, family gossip, and idiots in love. This was published a few days ago and if you haven’t read it yet, you MUST
“just goddamn marry me already, for fuck's sake” (E, 6k) by newsbypostcard
"Do you," Steve says, fingers newly tugging Bucky's underwear until it starts to slide off his hips, "want to marry me, or not?"
Bucky sighs. "You know, in some circles people would consider this interrogation under duress."
+ Post CW. They’re practically married already, but Steve wants to make it an official forever. Lovely wedding vows in Central Park
“All the things yet to come are the things that have passed” (T, 9k) by sangha
Peter gets underestimated. Everyone calls him “kid,” as if he’s not part of the Avengers. Well anyway, contrary to what the others may think, he does notice things. Being in high school is good for something. Noticing when people have crushes, for one.
Nobody else seems to notice the way Captain America looks at the Winter Soldier. Peter is still not sure how to act around Cap. He’s a little intimidating, not a very approachable guy. He always looks very severe and serious and to be honest, Peter’s arms still hurt when he thinks about the fight at the airport. But when Steve’s looking at the Winter Soldier, he looks a lot more approachable. Softer, somehow. Peter likes him better that way. Not that he’d ever dare say that to Captain America’s face. He’s not in any hurry to die again. Anyway, the point is, Cap clearly has it bad for his best friend.
+ Post CW. Very cute. Peter and Bucky friendship, proposals, and a simple wedding.
“Brookland House” (E, 8k) by Ark
“You seem distressed, my angel. Are you not pleased with the match? The word from court is that Lord James Barnes is an upstanding gentleman, not given to the wild circles around the Prince Regent. And Steve, it was he who asked for you. The young man has kept you in mind all these years -- despite our circumstances.”
+ Historical AU. Arranged marriage, childhood friends, and a long awaited wedding night
-☆- And a freebie! -☆-
“les voleurs de mariage” (G, 988 words) by silentwalrus
Anon asked:
Sorry if this is too much. I've been obsessed with better than to bend since I read it. I can't help but imagine if Steve was found earlier, Bucky was rescued and Steve married both of them like he wanted and lived their lives. Do you have any headcanons on this version? Details!! I want them to be h a p p y and it's too much to ask for in canon. And! In ITHLYN does the team ever find out Steve's relationships with both? I'd LOVE to see you write out their reactions. Only if you want to. Thanks!
+ Post WW2. Bucky gets rescued and marries Steve in France. Crackfic, Outside POV. Tagged for Steve/Bucky/Peggy but there’s no Peggy romance actually in the story
+ Previously rec’d Wedding stories (x18) here
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masterhandss · 4 years ago
(I know you have a lot of asks to get through, but thoughts on this prompt. It hasn’t left my mind since I read Vol.8) I have made a prompt/concept/theory whatnot called “Only the Fourth”. Alan is my favorite and I like throwing him into not so good things. So my main ask is your thoughts on the prompt and/or if it’s a logical one that ‘could’ happen and not that far from reality/canon.
I’m really sorry for taking such a long time to answer all your asks (and everyone’s asks/questions in general ;;-;;) but i’ll do my best to get through everyone as fast as I can!! qwq
So I finally read Only the Fourth and its honestly a really interesting concept that I can see as something that can happen in the books itself. The series itself doesn’t do anything with the idea of how Alan is perceived by there people since we usually just focus on how his self image affects himself. The idea that some foreign nobles consider him to insignificant that he’s basically free real estate it pretty darn sad but can kinda work. 
I’m no historian though, so I don’t know what happens to princes that don’t ascend to the throne. While a scenario where Alan gets kidnapped for his magic/lineage sounds exciting, I don’t really know where the scummier or lower nobles would get the confidence boost to consider kidnapping Alan.
Spoilers for Volume 9 btw, it says there that some nobles in Sorcier is working alongside the nobles of Lousabre in order to kidnap citizens (the ones in the book were commoner children) in order to improve their own country. It’s not just nobles with magic that they want, but the general populace because they are jealous that even commoners can read and write in Sorcier, but only a fraction of the nobility in Lousabre can do it. 
I’m only mentioning this here since a prompt like this is very interesting, but if we’re talking about whether it “could” happen in the story, it’ll only work if the kidnapping of the baroness in Volume 8 and 9 and the other children in Volume 9 are isolated cases that just happened to intersect (and both of these can happen at the same time though, its just that V9 didn’t imply it to be that way so I can only assume whether these kidnappers’ motives are both or not). I can’t really say for certain though since I mostly skimmed the volume out of curiosity and just plan on a full analysis read when the english version comes out. 
If the nobles in Lousabre just needs pretty much anyone from Sorcier, regardless of their social status, just because they need more literate people, then the chances of Alan being targeted would be very small. BUT! if Lousabre also wants to populate their country with magic users in order to imitate Sorcier(/become the new magic country of the continent) or to wage war against them then the chances of Alan being taken for such purposes would increase. 
“He’s only the fourth prince, I’m sure in due time people will forget about him.”
Alan might not be a contender to the throne, but he does have a good reputation among the nobility, which is much better than his Fortune Lover counterpart. He constantly performs music at gatherings which helps improve relations and opinions of the nobles to the royal family. He’s also smart (I don’t know if the light novels have clarified the roles of the Student Council beyond Geordo being the president and Maria being vice pres in their second year, but in the Modern AU Side Story, Alan is noted to be the Secretary, which works since he’s rank 3 overall) so it would be such a huge shame to lose him as a possible vassal to whichever brother of his ascends to the throne. He is the least important prince but that’s not to say that he’s completely ignored, I mean he’d important enough to be given work and training like what he says in Volume 6 and 8. 
Alan is also a prince, so regardless if its for the purpose of increasing literacy in the country or breeding magical blood into Lousabre, I’m not sure how likely they would pick Alan considering that getting caught (regardless of whether they find Alan or not, just that they link the event to any country/family) could cause an international crisis and ruin alliances between countries (unless that’s their goal somehow). 
Plus his big brother Geoffrey loves him so much that I doubt a search party (since you mentioned one occurring but that it probably wont last long) would conclude until he is found. Even if other nobles and knights try to convince Geoffrey that searching for his baby brother would be a lost cause, he’ll either ignore them or reduce the search party to a few of the most skillful people he can find. 
Regardless of the specific circumstance, again I think an arc or story like this would be really interesting. I’m not really disagreeing with the prompt at all, I’m agreeing that it’ll be very fun, and I'm already imagining the various reasons why the lower nobles would regret their decision to target Alan for the rest of their lives hahaha. 
In the past few paragraphs I was just thinking of reasons why they wont dare to choose Alan, but the fact that lower and foreign nobles don’t/might not know these things about Alan is enough to contradict me and reaffirm their decision to target him. Lower/foreign nobles can just be ignorant, self-centered and dumb, they don’t seem to need an elaborate reason to choose Alan, just like what you implied on your original post
It’ll be very cool to see lower/foreign nobles call Alan insignificant just because he isn’t a contender to throne, only to realize how important he is to a lot of people when the characters inevitably go on to rescue him :DD. It’s a very nice prompt that can open a lot of character developments for Alan and his brothers, reaffirm/question his self-worth and expand on the world-building of the series. I can see a few holes in it, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting/exciting to see in writing. 
It’s so nice to see so much Alan love in your account, even if it comes at the cost of you throwing dangerous situations at him XDD Reading your ideas and headcanons about him has been really fun and now I kinda feel like reading fics in AO3 again
Thank you for the ask! I’ll do my best and try to mow through all these questions ;;w;; Anyone is free to add their ideas on here if you guys want :DD
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years ago
Is all of that Joey lore going to play a part in your story? Also will Abby appear? She seems like a very interesting character.
The Illusion of Living came out after I'd already fleshed out my version of Joey, so no. Those notes are NOT a guide to what's to come in OoB.
Out of Bounds Joey has a lot of stuff I can pull from TIOL, but mostly because they're bits I can use to fix a few issues I had beforehand when setting up a story for him. Abby will have a role in my fic too, so no worries there, you'll be seeing her too.
Also, to clear any further confusion on the matter of my TIOL notes:
There's a massive difference between canon lore and my interpretation of the characters. The notes I made were an attempt to figure out what TIOL brought to the table, and not headcanons (you know, like those basic reading comprehension exercises you'd have in school).
There's stuff I suspected already (Joey's overall social manipulative skills being a slowly acquired ability, his upbringing in a poor household, the fact he's actually a good script writer, theater kid, art snob, incredibly vain, slightly OCD and potentially ADHD coded), and stuff I don't particularly agree with (the hints that the root of Joey's problems might be mental health related), much like how I disagreed heavily with Sammy's portrayal in DCTL and how it contradicted the information we'd been given prior.
That's why I started writing Out of Bounds to begin with. I wanted to expand on canon and fix a bit of the lore I disliked. I'll include tidbits of canon here and there, but overall it's heavily headcanon based.
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corinne-eaglebridge-sso · 4 years ago
Alright. Expanding on my post about Druid merit badges, as well as a rant in the tags of another post, I’m bringing you:
Keepers of Aideen Druid-In-Training Headcanons
(Edited to incorporate the new tack set and add some more info)
(Read more still doesn’t work I’m so sorry. If you’re on desktop you can skip this post by pressing J.)
Based on the clothing in Farah’s shop. I’m literally just writing the colours of the outfit sets + the saddlepad & leg wraps down. Exact outfit details depend on whether or not it’s the feminine or androgynous version. (Yes I am basing this on my scouting experience, where there is a feminine cut and a gender neutral one. I personally use the feminine one so I don’t have to tuck my blouse into my pants. The tunics will work a bit different of course).
Sun Circle Beginner: Red
Sun Circle Advanced: Green
Moon Circle Beginner: Pink
Moon Circle Advanced: Purple
Star Circle Beginner: Golden Yellow
Star Circle Advanced: Deep Yellow
Lightning Circle Beginner: Light Blue
Lightning Circle Advanced: Deep Blue
No Magic: White
Circle alignment unclear: Earth tone
On the “unclear circle alignment”: finding out your circle often takes a while. You have to get more connected to your magic first. If you’re really young when you join (about like... under the age 10, but that’s an average; it’s different for everyone) you also have a lower chance of finding it out until you’ve become older. You’ll still have magic, just not specifically aligned yet, and very much weaker than older trainees.
One can sometimes have a “primary” and “secondary” circle. In that case your uniform will be the colour of your primary circle, with accents (a band around the wrist of your tunic, a big seam on the edge of your saddlepad, etc) in the secondary circle’s colour.
Druid Badges
Here we go folks.
First level badges are for beginner druids-in-training. They need to earn each first level badge to become an advanced Druid-in-training.
As an advanced Druid-in-training you can specialize. You need to choose a minimum of three level 2 badges and are required to at least pick one of the level 2 badges that align with your circle.
If you have multiple circles, yes, you will have to do double the work in circle badges. But the payoff will hopefully be worth it.
As an advanced Druid-in-training you can be taken on as an apprentice. Your mentor might require you to take on more badges. I.e. you get a Wild Warden apprenticeship; your mentor might require you to take Soul Riding Level 2 and Animal Care Level 2 if these aren’t part of your chosen badges already.
Basically advanced druids-in-training can choose which “subjects” they want to take (although certain “jobs” might require specific “subjects”), while beginner druids-in-training need to take all of them.
The specialist badges can be worn when your apprenticeship is completed and are often worn by druids, as completing an apprenticeship generally takes longer than becoming a Druid and because specialist badges are not Druid-in-training specific. I.e. Rhiannon would have a Wild Warden badge and Farah would have an Artisan badge.
Moon Circle Specific
- Illusions Level 1
- Visions Level 1
- Illusions Level 2
- Visions Level 2
Sun Circle Specific
- Spacial Portals Level 1
- Dimension Portals Level 1
- Spacial Portals Level 2
- Dimension Portals Level 2
Star Circle Specific
- Physical Healing Level 1
- Mental Healing Level 1
- Physical Healing Level 2
- Mental Healing Level 2
Lightning Circle Specific
- Offensive Magic Level 1
- Defensive Magic Level 1
- Offensive Magic Level 2
- Defensive Magic Level 2
Skill Badges
- Herbalism Level 1
- Herbalism Level 2
- Alchemy Level 1
- Alchemy Level 2
- Runic Language Level 1
- Runic Language Level 2
- Soul Riding Level 1
- Soul Riding Level 2
- Animal Care Level 1
- Animal Care Level 2
- Knowledge & Research Level 1
- Knowledge & Research Level 2
- Crafting Level 1
- Crafting Level 2
- Teamwork
Special Rank Badges
Apprentice Badges
- Apprentice Critter Wrangler
- Apprentice Spymaster
- Apprentice Archivist
- Apprentice Pandoria Explorer
- Apprentice Herbalist
- Apprentice Alchemist
- Apprentice Wild Warden
- Apprentice Blacksmith
- Apprentice Artisan
Specialist Badges (Follow-up of Apprentice Badges)
- Critter Wrangler
- Spymaster
- Archivist
- Pandoria Explorer
- Herbalist
- Alchemist
- Wild Warden
- Blacksmith
- Artisan
So... Yeah! That’s it for now!
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years ago
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♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz // @monagxrie​
OK SO I HAVE TOUCHED UPON THIS IN PASSING BEFORE. Saying that a friendship I had to drop before was as a result of the mun getting weird and just stealing everyone else’s muse concepts and ideas and ‘improving’ on them while refusing to acknowledge why the community was upset at them and didn’t want to interact until they changed things. The eventual punchline was them starting a multi with ‘original lore’ that was just them ripping off C*ll of Duty: M*dern W*rfare as a franchise.
But it went so much deeper than that. You have to understand that MW, before the remake games, was pretty sparse on characterization. When I was in the community, pretty much everything was fanon or personal headcanon. Within the RP sphere, everyone’s takes were very personal and not drawn from any serious canonical sources.
So today I bring you a long but also truncated history of..... The Theft Saga.
To start, my friend Tin played a canon villain-turned-hero as he gained a conscience and realized that the new leader of his rebellious faction was a genocidal warlord. That was the canon lore. The fanon she introduced was that this muse and the primary antagonist had history before canon, and were lovers as well as comrades in arms, but eventually had a difference of ideals that caused her muse to switch sides in the eleventh hour. Problem began to play basically the same character but better, with more backstory with the primary antagonist (childhood friends) that made their bond ‘deeper’ than what the antagonist had with Tin’s muse, little bits and bobs like that to try and undermine Tin’s plotting.
It was just juxtaposed enough that you could read it as a narrative foil rather than outright stealing concepts from Tin, but even then a lot of us were kind of side-eyeing the OC as a lighter and softer version of Tin’s canon saying that while the primary antagonist did bad, he wasn’t irredeemable. Which is... a weird hill to die on if anyone knows about the franchise in question.
Which then brings us to the point of the question. Shit that got stolen from me.
My OC Julia was a Russian woman with a tragic backstory who eventually defected to the West shortly after the fall of the USSR and came to work for MI5. Over the course of RP, she became a part of the military faction that opposed the main antagonist, being their liaison and advising them with what knowledge she could glean from her assets and superiors alike. Due to the machinations of RP, she slid down the slippery slope and became a double agent for the primary antagonist and began feeding him intel as well, so soured to the xenophobia she faced as a Russian in a new Cold War that she valued her own survival over loyalty to country or ideals. This eventually led to a romance between Julia and the primary antagonist, as played by a friend. So we have this morally ambiguous, long-suffering woman in military infrastructure undermining it from within while routinely bumping uglies with the main villain.
Wow, Kadi, why would you expand that much about a character you no longer play? Why, so I can show you the startling similarities!
Problem introduces their OC, a Russian woman with a tragic backstory who eventually became a medic in the Russian army. Over the course of RP, it was revealed that she was actually a double agent for the primary antagonist the whole time, and had been a childhood friend of his (sensing a pattern?) who had fallen in love with him in her youth and never let go. She was already at the base of the slippery slope and was a seductive, charming bombshell that ‘just meshed’ with the more theatrical and charismatic primary antagonist. She was soured to the current Russian government for being ‘slaves to the West’ and so sought to see them brought down and a new Russia reborn in the ashes. So we have this morally ambiguous, long-suffering woman in military infrastructure undermining it from within while being the apparent soulmate of the main villain.
She read like a knock-off of Julia which polished off any flaws or unattractive features she had, as Julia was made to be more unsettling than attractive, to make her a more ‘proper’ partner for the villain. Even the FCs favored in general aesthetics -- J*nnifer Connelly as Julia vs L*v Tyler as the rip-off .This was the point that the theft become apparent even to people who weren’t involved based on the messages I got at the time. Unfortunately, it did not stop there.
I played a canon character I interpreted as a flirtatious, sexually liberated military man from afar who was everyone’s best friend and therapist? What a coincidence! They now have an OC who is a flirtatious, sexually liberated military man from afar who is everyone’s best friend and therapist! 
I envisioned a canonical sniper as being of Romani descent and with a complicated relationship with a white parent? Well, now their sniper oc (AS PLAYED BY SEBASTIAN STAN. THE WHITEST WHITE MAN.) is Romani and has a complicated relationship with his family. Replete with dropping a slur OOC and trying to argue it was okay to use bc they were referring to an actual Romani person.
Someone else in fandom played a wholesome, excitable American character who struggled deeply with her time on the battlefield? Oh baby you know the thief had to get on that gravy train.
Tin comes up with a therapist OC to try and keep the walking nest of neuroses that existed on that base from imploding? You’ll never guess what kind of OC the problem dreamt up next :)
They also made a duplicate of the canon I played as bisexual and POC, but made theirs heterosexual and white to be more ‘canon accurate.’ Literally looked at what I was doing with interpreting a character’s model as non-white, looked me dead in the eyes as a queer person, and said the equivalent of ‘eat shit.’ They then proceeded to ship with a friend who shipped their OC with the canon in question and vagued that I must be such a bad ship partner bc I also shipped my muse with another (male) canon character and wasn’t giving ‘his wife’ attention. The biphobia popped off the page, truly. Even ignoring the fact that both of those ships took place in separate universes, so there was no wife for my muse to be ignoring when he was shipping with Tin’s muse.
It was obvious by then that they were trying to make ‘better’ versions of their partner’s characters, who reflected better on the main villainous faction or were less ‘diverse.’ There were clear implications that we were trying too hard or some such, despite the fact most of the community was queer or belonged to other minority communities. What representation we put out was being undermined as trying to be woke and that only the problem was doing this right by not pandering.
They started branching out and stealing from even more roleplayers, and then demanding interaction in the most godmodding way possible. Eventually, the rest of the community put our foot down and demanded they quit their bullshit. They just got real passive aggressive, made a farewell post, then fucked off to the multi where they are sad enough to be ripping off Call of God-Damn Duty like it’s original lore, when each character is cobbled together from other people’s muses.
It’s been almost a decade. I still lose my shit thinking about this. The best part was the primary antagonist Julia shipped with looked at their rip-off’s lore and said outright ‘I never plotted this with you, it doesn’t work for my aromantic muse, I’m not acknowledging any of this, ask before you spring this on your partners.’
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