#this is based off of who interacted btw
camplease · 2 years
i'm pretty sure i have the most unpopular campal opinion in the fandom being someone who does not romantically or sexually ship them or think that's canon, but also being someone who's not morally opposed to people who want to headcanon their relationship that way, and not being upset if people even chose to interpret the text that way (as long as they don't insist that it's unreasonable or unsupportable to interpret it as platonic)
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monochromeyuri · 5 months
two switches dating, (especially when they both know dom =/= topping and vice versa) is honestly peak. you're telling me at one moment I'm fucking her because her needy little hole needs to be filled and the next I'm the needy little thing in a rut??? and I didn't even have to pull out for that switch to happen? honestly peak
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rozugold · 2 years
Do dni’s actually work? I feel like the weirdos who keep following me wouldn’t care if I put up an unwelcome sign for them
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byunpum · 3 months
Back to you | Part 2
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Pair: Jake(human and avatar) x Neytiri x Human reader (trio couple)
Warning: i think kinda sad. soft moments, maybe soft-smut in the future.
Note: Part 2 is here, I apologize for taking so long to upload it. There was a moment, where I changed a lot of things, I didn't want to make a long part. But soon I will upload part 3… btw, this story is based (it's like the prequel) of the mini series "mama's boy", I invite you to read it. I hope you enjoy this part a lot. Love ya <3
+Read 'Mama's boy' HERE+
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (final)
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11 years ago…
The laughter and the atmosphere that wrapped around the family tree, the family members sharing and living with each other. It was something that Y/N loved with all her heart, a couple of months ago the clan had allowed grace to enter and interact with the clan. And with her was little Y/N, who was more than excited to share with her best friend, neytiri. Both girls had spent the whole day together, discovering the jungle, playing, and even taking naps on any branch. Of course, grace stayed in the clan. She occasionally looked up where you are, neytiri and you thought you were far away, but you are closer than you think. "Come, let's go ask Sempu," says Neytiri, holding her friend's hand. "You think they will say yes?" Y/N speaks, trying to keep up with neytiri. But the na'vi girl forgets that her friend is much smaller than her. Neytiri smiles at her friend, and keeps running towards her parents.
"They are planning something… I think it is necessary to warn the other clans" speaks grace. She was talking to mo'at, and neytiri's father. Both were responsible for the Omaticaya clan. "Do you think it is necessary… so far everything has been peaceful" says neytiri's father. "We have been peaceful…but you don't know what these people are like. There are humans…very bad ones," says grace. She knew the RDA was up to something…she had seen a lot of activity. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. "Mama!!!" shouts neytiri from far away. The adults changed their faces from one of worry to one of happiness when they saw the girls coming. Both girls run to their respective adults. Neytiri runs into her mother's arms and Y/n into grace's arms. You were a very young girl compared to the humans that were coming to Pandora. The only girl this young. Grace takes you by the arm and hugs you tightly. You liked it when grace was in her avatar body, she looked so cool. "What's wrong?" asks mo'at. Looking down at the little neytiri. The little girl gets up from her seat and stands in front of her mother. "Mama…Y/N can she stay over with me…with us?" asks neytiri. Waiting for her parents to say yes…she looks at her father with a big smile.
" you don't have to say," grace begins to speak, but is interrupted when little Y/N gets up from her lap and runs over to neytiri's father and hugs him around the waist. She hugs the man tightly and closes her little eyes. Grace tries to push the girl away, but neytiri's father laughs and caresses the little girl's hair. He had already grown very fond of Y/N, she was a very gentle creature, with a pure soul. "No, it's okay" the man speaks, looking for a moment at his wife. Mo'at gives him the look of approval. "sure…she can stay" says the man, listening as little neytiri screams with excitement. "We don't want to disturb" says grace. But mo'at refused. "Y/N don't disturb…she's practically part of our family" says mo'at. Neytiri jumps for joy, Grabbing her friend by the sides of her body, picking her up off the ground and running home. Grace stops y/n, looking for a moment at the oxygen machine, checking that everything was in order. After checking, she lets the girls run away. The adults try to stop neytiri, but both girls were so happy that only their giggles could be heard. "We'll warn the clans…but don't let them know anything" says mo'at, she was still watching the girls from afar. Grace only responds with a 'hmmm'.
Both girls arrived at the space where neytiri's family was resting. A large hand-woven hammock was tied tightly to the tree branches. Neytiri had helped her friend climb up the giant tree branches. Y/N had no problem with climbing things, of course. They both rushed to get the toys Neytiri had, pulling them all out and starting to play. Neytiri had the whole night planned. She was so happy. Neytiri had taken out a little bag with a surprise for her best friend. "Y/N look" says Neytiri, sitting down in front of her best friend. "What?" Y/N places the toy to the side, paying attention to Neytiri. Neytiri had spent a whole week preparing a gift for her friend…for her best friend. She wanted her to know how much she loved her, that she wanted her to always be by her side. To Neytiri, Y/N was everything to her, just another sister…she loved her very much. Neytiri opened the cloth bag, and took out some necklaces. They were a little big, but they still fit them both. "Here…this is for you!!!" said Neytiri handing the gift to her friend. Y/N pulled a giant smile on her face, accepting her gift without hesitation. Placing it around her neck, noticing how neytiri puts hers on as well. "It's a little big on us…but I want to give this to you, as a sign of friendship" neytiri says. "Thank you…thank you so much" y/n had teary eyes. Getting up from the floor, hugging her friend tightly. Neytiri was the only person who made her feel like she belonged to a family.
*Hit* (present)
Your eyes shoot open, when you hear the noise. You jump a little, getting out of bed to see what's going on. Jake had entered the room you all shared. You laugh a little, as you rub your eyes a little. "Sorry babe…I didn't mean to get you up" says Jake. "Don't apologize…I was supposed to be there to receive you" you get up. Reaching over to where Jake was, looking for a chair to sit next to him. You adjust jake's messy hair a little. "You look tired" jake speaks. "Excuse me…have you ever looked in a mirror" you joke.
Jake laughs, he knew he was sloppy. These last few months his only focus was to be part of the clan. And to get the best information for the RDA. And if there was one thing he had to admit it was that it had been very hard on him. Jake was continuing his lessons with neytiri, even getting grace to rejoin the clan. While norm was losing patience with Jake, because he didn't understand anything about the Na'vi language. You explained to him with a lot of patience…repeating everything as if he was a little child. And those little things were becoming routine for Jake, but at the same time he was getting confused. It was more than evident…that he was having divided feelings for both women.
"Everything okay?" you ask, watching as jake gives you a smile. Jake had gone silent and spaced out on himself. "Yeah…I'm just exhausted," Jake says. You move your hand from his hair, to his face to stroke his cheek. "You're so down…I know your avatar is better, but remember you're still here" you point out to jake. "I know…I just forget sometimes," jake says, nodding. "So you think my avatar is cute" jake tries to joke. "Sure…, I won't deny him that" you laugh out loud. After a couple of laughs jake looks thoughtful and asks. "Is it because he looks like tom?" says jake, watching your smile drop. "Well yes…but I think it was best if you took that body. You put it to better use." You joke. "I'm going to take that as a compliment babe, we were twins" jake laughs. "I know…that's what scares me" you laugh, settling back in your seat. "Hey…I need a favor from you" you speak up, pulling jake closer. He smiles at you, copying your movements. "I do whatever you want" jake speaks. You laugh a little. "I need you to bring your avatar to the lab tomorrow" you speak, noticing how jake is silent for a moment. "mmm I don't think that's going to make it possible" says jake.
"Please…do something to distract neytiri, I need to run some tests on your avatar. I haven't seen him in a long time, please" you pout trying to convince jake. He complains a little, letting out a small moan. "Ok…I'll see what I can do" says Jake, you come over and give him a hug. "Thank you…I'll be quick and as soon as I finish the routine tests, you go running to Neytiri's" you say. At that you both hear the door to the room open. "Am I interrupting something?" Grace asks with a raised eyebrow. The scene in front of her was very compromising to say the least. You are literally lying on top of Jake's body, even though you were still sitting in your chair. Face to face, talking so close. You pull away with a giggle. "No…I'm just asking jake for a favor..and he said yes" you speak up, getting up from your chair. "Oh yeah?" grace looks at jake, he was flushed red in the cheeks, shifting his gaze. "Well…I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?" you ask. Grace and Jake nod their heads and watch as you walk out of the room, looking very happy.
"You know that playing with both girls is wrong? Right?" speaks Grace, looking sideways at Jake. As she moved some things from her desk. Jake sighs, he knew grace knew everything that was going on. After all she was as much with the na'vi as she was with the humans. Grace had noticed the closeness that Jake and Neytiri had. And the closeness and looks that jake and y/n had. "You can't have them both…it's unfair" says grace. "Why?" jake asks jokingly. But he sees how grace's face doesn't change, this shames him a little and he looks down. "I don't want you to hurt anyone…they've both lived long and hard enough." Grace says without shifting her gaze from her papers. Jake paused before asking. He knew that grace knew your whole life…and that she knew what had happened between you and neytiri. And the curiosity to know was killing him, it had been about a month since he had asked neytiri about the necklace. He didn't want to investigate further…but he thought this was the best time.
"Grace?" jake speaks up, hearing grace reply with a 'hmm?' "How did y/n and neytiri meet?" jake asks, watching as grace gently drops the papers on the table. And turns to look at him. "I don't want a lie….they have a lot of things in common, and that necklace…it's" jake wanted to know what was going on. Grace sighs loudly, letting go of everything she had. Walking over to the chair where you were sitting earlier, right next to Jake. "Well…" says grace.
You had come to Pandora as a test subject when you were about 3 years old. Your parents had died in an accident on earth, leaving you alone in an orphanage. Your parents being RDA workers, the RDA took advantage of that and took custody of you. With the excuse that they would find you a good home…but that was just a lie. In order to continue their research. Their goal was to study the behavior of the clans with humans. And what better than to take a little girl. When you met Graces you were about 4 years old, the woman kept you by her side at all times, taking you as her own daughter. She knew the RDA plan very well, she thought it was a good idea, but she was unfamiliar with the dark side of the investigation. When she introduced you to the Omaticaya clan, you were the same age as Neytiri. It was more than obvious that the clan looked at you without fear, you were a little girl. Fitting right in with the clan.
"From that moment on… neytiri and y/n were inseparable… they did everything together. The clan leaders loved her as their own daughter…they even did the initiation ritual." Grace paused, swallowing a little saliva. "They loved y/n, as much as she loved them…but it didn't end well," says grace. "What happened?" asks jake. "Remember what I told you at school?" grace watches as jake ascends with his face. "Well, I missed a part…that day y/n was there, with neytiri and sylwani. They watched the whole thing, since that day they split up and haven't seen each other since" grace settles further into the seat. "I know Y/N wants to apologize, even though what happened that day had nothing to do with her. I know neytiri wants to see Y/N…but I don't know how they will react. There are so many things" grace is silent.
"So they separated them… but they miss each other. I've heard how they talk about each other," says Jake, still a little confused. "But they're afraid…and fear stops any courage they might have, only time will tell" grace speaks, smiling a little. Jake stands in contemplation, he could understand that feeling himself. "Oh…. why are you so quiet in here" you enter the room with the cup of tea in your hands. " It's all right dear…thank you" grace takes his cup and hands another one to Jake. The three of them stand there talking until sleep falls.
Norm had already gone to bed, grace climbed into his bed. And you were helping Jake up to his bed, he was very tired and couldn't lie about being weaker in the body lately. "Thanks babe" jake says, watching you close his wheelchair. "It's okay..I'm happy to help you" you speak up, fixing everything to climb into your bed on the bunk bed. "Rest princess…" jake says, watching you give him a smile. "Rest soldier" you speak. Jake stands there looking up at you until he closes his eyes.
The next day…
"I have to admit, these scrambled eggs turned out great," says Norm, proud of his breakfast. Jake laughs with his mouth full, while you started setting up the machines. You had gotten up earlier than the rest of the group, you were securing everything and preparing the tools so you could do the tests you wanted to do with Jake. Jake comes up to you, ready to get on the machine. "You're not going to put that piece of metal on me, are you?" jake jokes, as you give him a playful punch in the arm. Helping jake settle in, before closing the door you reach over and give jake a small kiss on the cheek. "I hope you come here and do your part" you speak, seeing jake's smile. Closing the lid of the machine.
Norm coughs a little trying to get your attention, you look at him. And you can see how he has a raised eyebrow. "Don't say anything…that I know you've done things with ruby" you signal norm, watching as he opens his mouth dramatically and touches his chest. "Betrayal" norm shouts. You grab your stuff and start looking out the window, waiting for Jake. You wanted to see what his avatar looked like, you were so curious to see what he looked like now.
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Jake had woken up as usual, he had accompanied neytiri to breakfast with the whole clan. Doing the routine things he had been doing for the last few months. He was still looking for the best excuse to go to the lab, but how was he going to do it? Neytiri was by his side all the time, and like now they were at the top of a tree. They had spent the whole morning practicing jake flight with his ikran. They were taking a little time off, neytiri was sitting, looking at the view while eating a fruit. While jake walked back and forth. Neytiri could see jake's nervousness, looking sideways lifting his ears. "Is something wrong?" neytiri asks. Jake turns quickly, looking at the woman with surprise.
Neytiri could tell jake was thinking about something else. "I'm fine…I'm just feeling a little anxious" says jake. Before neytiri could answer him jake speaks up. "I want to go fly my ikran" says jake. Neytiri gets up quickly and drops the fruit she was holding. "I'll go with you," says Neytiri. Jake stops her by holding her shoulders. "No…I'd like to fly alone for a while, you know…I'll be right back," Jake says. Neytiri knew something was wrong, but she just gives Jake a warm smile.
Jake walks away and walks over to his ikran, climbing on top of the creature. "See ya…I'll be around" jake says, flying off with his ikran. Something in neytiri told her that she should follow jake, he was still new to the clan and this whole na'vi thing. But she also felt she should give him his space. Neytiri watches as jake's ikran walks away, taking her fruit and sitting on the branch. Maybe in a few minutes he would be back.
Jake fly away with his ikran, approaching the lab. The closer he got he could see the structure of the lab. You on the other hand had spent all morning looking out the window, and at this point you were beginning to lose hope. Sitting more in your chair, drinking your coffee. Besides you were getting bored, norm was asleep, while grace was in his avatar body, So you were left alone in the lab. Jake saw the lab and landed in front of it. You are a little startled by the shock, but you see through the glass window, a na'vi very similar to Jake get down. Knocking on the door, you rush to grab your oxygen mask and step outside.
Opening the door, you look up with a big smile on your face. "How do I look…I don't look so bad?" jokes Jake. You couldn't believe it, jake looked amazing. You take his hand, making him take a step down. "You look so different, I can't believe" you speak up, you were so impressed with the change jake had made. He had gotten stronger, and you swear you saw him get taller. You run into the lab to get your tools and start your tests. You needed to know what his measurements were now, how much he was weighing etc. "Can you stop wagging your little tail" you complain, pushing on Jake's tail. "You just called him a little tail" Jake looks at you. You laugh, Jake could see that you were so happy right now. Jake was sitting on a rock, letting you examine him fully. You move in front of jake, looking at his eyes and writing things down in your notebook. "So what, do I look cuter?" jake speaks up. "You've gained confidence" you speak, nudging Jake's shoulder a little.
Neytiri was getting bored, it had been about 2 hours and Jake wasn't coming back. What if something had happened to Jake? What if he had gotten lost? Neytiri had suddenly become nervous, deciding that she had to go look for Jake. He had to be very close by, from here. Neytiri flew off with her ikran in search of Jake. She had to admit that she had already flew far enough, but she still couldn't find Jake. She was getting very nervous. But she wasn't going to give up, she was going to find him, but the least she expected was that she was going to get a big surprise.
After flying for about 30 minutes, neytiri's ikran made a noise, indicating to him that he had sensed and located jake's ikran. Neytiri gives her the signal to approach, but her eyes widen when she saw the familiar looking structure. It had been a long time since she had approached human things. Indicating to her ikran to land nearby, but far away and hidden. What the hell was Jake doing here? Neytiri was no fool, and she knew that avatars needed a human to function. She remembers grace explaining it to her when they were little. Stepping down from her ikran carefully, and starting to walk closer to the building.
She stops for a moment, when her ears pick up jake's laughter and a very familiar voice. That voice causes her ears to perk up and her tail to respond with excitement. Bringing her hand to her chest, touching her necklace for a moment. She takes a deep breath, and begins to approach carefully.
To the outside of the lab…
You had Jake's hand in your hands, comparing it to yours. You were all giggles, making jokes. And some silly flirting back and forth. You were so oblivious to what was going on around you, you were barely aware that you were in a very dangerous jungle. "And did she notice?" you ask. Jake shakes his head. "No…I don't think so" jake says, watching as you lower your face and let go of his hand. You sit on a rock behind you, breathing deeply. Jake knew you were getting sad, he was about to ask what was wrong, when he hears someone's footsteps.
Quickly looking to his side, he saw the figure of Neytiri standing there. Still… staring at you. You look up, noticing that Jake hadn't said anything for a long time. Noticing how he was looking to the side, you copy his movement. Seeing her there…looking at you. You couldn't believe she was there…right in front of you.
After so long…it had been so long. You stand up, not taking your eyes off of neytiri. Jake looked at neytiri and examined her, noticing that she didn't have any weapon in her hands, she was just standing there, looking at you. As if she wanted to run towards you…not noticing that you had the same characteristics. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, until you can see how a warm smile came to Neytiri's lips, as she raised her hand and made her greeting gesture. "I see you…my y/n" neytiri says, you copy her movement, smiling back "I see you…my neytiri" you speak. Watching as the surrounding atmosphere became fresher and a calm breeze could be felt. It was as if eywa had planned everything…for this moment.
to be continue...
Tag List <3
@mimisweetz @crazytacokoala @waywardobjectfun @baybaybear1 @papichulo120627 @katch2020 @anxious-fern @carip-09
*if you want to be in the tag list, let me know (*3*)///
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harrysgal · 4 months
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, lookitsnyoh, mollyjane_x and 74,215 others 
yourinstagram sorry guys, had to visit my parents really quick to meet the new addition to the family. i also went over to my best friend just so she could tell me ‘i told you so’, did some thinking while staring through the window, and had some quality time catching up with my niblings. everything went great and it got me all excited for what’s coming next :D i honestly cant believe how lucky i am to have all these great people around me. 
now im back to duty and ready to spread all my love around, so… who wants some? 
view all 11,401 comments 
user7 YESSSSSSS HIIIIII THERE YOU ARE!!! user13 omg did your parents get a puppy??? 🥹 harryfan3 when i got to the end of the caption tho !!!!! 
↳ harryfan11 right?! so SASSY omg i love this woman
anthonypham 🙋‍♂️
↳ lookitsnyoh 🙋🏼‍♀️ ↳ paulithepsm 🙋🏿‍♂️ ↳ pillowpersonpp 🙋‍♀️ ↳ mitchrowland 🙋‍♂️ ↳ _basselin 🙋‍♀️ ↳ glenne_azoff 🙋‍♀️ ↳ jefezoff 🙋‍♂️ ↳ harryfan5 STOP THEY’RE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT HER 😭 ↳ harryfan64 Harry isnt tho ↳ user9 they alllllll want some love lmao i love it ↳ harryfan64 not Harry tho. bc he didn’t comment  ↳ harryfan27  @harryfan64 for the love of God just stop you’re embarrassing our fandom 
user1 im glad to see you here. hope you’re feeling our support 🥰❤️ harryfan YOU’RE SOOOOOO  loveynrry this is why we haven’t seen her around with harry then :’) bc she took some days off 
↳ user13 no bc the fact that he probably gave her some days off after what happened is so sweet :’) ↳ harryfan80 or maybe he just didn’t want to be linked to her anymore so he sent her away ↳ loveynrry @harryfan80 fuck off from my comment 
user5 yn really said “fuck you for posting that shit” and that’s why she’s so awesome  bestfriend miss you already <3 bestfriend we’re the lucky ones btw  bestfriend also ily 
↳ user4 you two are the coolest i want to be friends with you too ↳ harryfan17 okay but what were you right about tho 👀
harryfan18 This is so childish 🙄 you could just address the rumors instead of adding more to them yknow 
↳ harryfan25 how is she adding more to the rumors? just curious ↳ harryfan18 When she makes jokes about it but doesn’t say things aren’t true she’s allowing them to keep the narrative going  ↳ harryfan25 she never allowed them to “start” with this narrative, tho ↳ harryfan18 Maybe not. But now she’s clearly aware of what’s happening and what they’re saying so she could put a stop to it instead of making jokes about it ↳ harryfan25 honestly I don’t think she would be able to stop them but ok  ↳ harryfan74 She clearly wants the attention so of course she won’t stop the rumors 
harryfan26 very funny but do you have a bf or not????   user15 WE LOVE YOU ❤️ 
Sep 15, 2021. • 
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 217 others
harryupdates Harry out in Philadelphia with some friends! 
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harryfan31 awwww he’s so happy  harryfan35 yasssss my love <3 can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!! harryfan18 no yn around FINALLY 
↳ harryfan56 good. she should stay with that bf of hers and away from him ↳ harryfan48 I knew Harry would put a stop to that whole fiasco after the truth came out  ↳ harryfan52 yep. and I’m pretty sure we’ll slowly fully stop hearing about her 
harryfan15 can people leave yn out of their mouths pls 🙄 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 61,917 others 
yourinstagram what a crazy crazy busy day! didnt think i’d have time to walk around the city this time but turns out i did and omg!! im glad i was wrong bc philly you’re truly GORGEOUS <3 
view all 9,347 comments
loveynrry can’t believe yn went to a museum and harry wasn’t there lol harryfan5 omg i’m going to the show in DC and I’M SO EXCITED harryfan5 would it be okay if I approached to say hello?? dont want to make you uncomfortable I just love your videos so much Id love to talk to you about it
↳ yourinstagram omg yesss that’d be totally okay! you’re so sweet for asking <3 see you at the show! ↳ harryfan5 omg???? STOPSJFNAK  ↳ harryfan3 GIRL SHE REPLIED ↳ harryfan5 I know stop I’m losing my mind I DIDN’T EVEN THINK SHE’D SEE IT OMG
harryfan49 WHERE’S HARRY?!!
↳ harryfan66 living his own life bc he finally realized what a shitshow she is
user1 😍 so pretty! it must be amazing to get to know all these places
↳ yourinstagram it is! its been one of my favorite parts of this job for sure :)))
harryfan54 You’re not fooling anyone we all know Harry wasn’t with you 
↳ user3 ??? she never said Harry was with her?? ↳ harryfan54 C’mon she keeps posting all these vague things just so people wonder about it ↳ user5 you should see a doctor. istg this can’t be healthy 
harryfan72 isn’t it funny how after those headlines came out we didn’t see harry and yn together anymore ☠️ user5 can harrys fans leave this comment section? WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE SO GTFO
↳ harryfan3 i swear not all of us are like this :( ↳ user5 no omg i know that :( i’m sorry it’s just annoying to see these comments taking over her posts thats all ↳ user17 also the fact that she replied to some people shows she’s reading things :( ↳ user9 istg if yn stops interacting with us because of them… 😠 ↳ harryfan3 yeah i get it guys :( i wish there was a way to stop them  ↳ harryfan19 I hope she at least knows how many of us really like her 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 357 others
harryupdates Harry and Yn out in DC this morning!
view all 81 comments
harryfan5 stopppppp user9 oh i love this! harryfan9 MY BABIES 😍 harryfan78 you can’t even see their faces so how do you know it’s really him? 
↳ harryfan68 it’s not them lol ↳ harryupdates It’s 100% him. The fan who saw them also took a picture with Harry but asked us not to post it.  ↳ harryfan78 right 👍 how convenient lmao
Sep 18, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, jefezoff and 92,127 others 
yourinstagram im supposed to fall asleep but im too excited so here’s a post with some glimpses of this long and marvelous day
view all 13,987 comments
iloveyn respectfully, those are legs for days 🫡 harryfan the way i just GASPED!!   loveynrry i LIVE for the concept of pictures 1 and 3 being on the same photodump  harryfan3 MOTHER bestfriend 🔥 bestfriend 👀 lookitsnyoh pls step on my face
↳ anthonypham pls step on my face  ↳ bestfriend pls step on my face ↳ user3 pls step on my face ↳ harryfan19 pls step on my face  ↳ user2 pls step on my face 
harryfan29 idk why buy harry’s mom liking her posts is so funny to me lol harryfan62 This is so inappropriate  harryfan80 ??? I can’t believe you just posted a picture of your legs along with pictures of your job
↳ harryfan25 wait, what? no offense but how old are you? lol ↳ harryfan80 old enough to know that’s highly unprofessional? ↳ harryfan25 unprofessional to whom? lmao she’s barely showing her legs whilst harry is fully naked on his cover album so i doubt he cares  ↳ harryfan13 hahahahaha that’s so true omg ily @harryfan25
user15 ohhhh 😍 i love bold and confident yn  harryfan91 so are you dating harry or not????
↳ harryfan76 she’s not. She’s just desperate for attention ↳ harryfan84 also, she has a boyfriend! 
↳ harryfan5 THANK YOU AGAIN I MEAN IT YOU’RE THE BEST ↳ yourinstagram emmaaaa ❤️ thank YOU! you’re the sweetest and I loved talking to you :))) hope you had a great show!
Sep 18, 2021. •
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PART 7 (soon)
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Tag list: @toldyouitwasamelodrama @gem1712 @metanoiablxxm @awatt31 @namelesssreaderrr @ameerakane20 @yessswhale89 @idkkkkkkk123lgb — PLEASE READ: I’ll only add to the next tag list those who interact with this post. I hope you understand, thank you for your excitement.
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skydaemon · 1 month
so we (and by we, i mean the very specific overlap of jews and nerds among whom i make my home) talk a lot about how tolkien's dwarves, in both the books and movies, were likely influenced by certain jewish stereotypes. obsessed with gold/wealth, secretive (especially about their language and religion), refugees from their ancestral home, portrayed with big, sometimes hooked, noses and interesting facial hair, and most specifically: the favourite little meow meows of one particular god, causing them to be shunned and persecuted by other races and creeds. this is likely unintentional, coming from the subconscious of tolkien in the same way orcs were "based on mongols" (ew colonialism) and activating subconscious biases/stereotypes in the people who designed the dwarves for the movies. it's subtext, albeit subtext that influenced the next eighty years of fantasy.
but what i don't see much discussion of is the fact that in terry pratchett's discworld, it's intentional. terry pratchett's dwarves are, more or less, jews.
carrot is a human adopted by dwarves, based on human standards. but within dwarf culture, he IS a dwarf. specifically, he has undergone specific rituals and memorised certain passages, making him LEGALLY a dwarf. this is basically how conversion works in judaism. indeed, as in judaism, it's considered rude to even mention that carrot is six feet tall and obviously wasn't born into the culture he has adopted.
the dwarves also have internal rifts - there are a group of 'orthodox' dwarves who consider the dwarves in ankh-morpork (who have adopted other customs and don't follow traditional roles) not to be dwarves at all, and don't recognise carrot as a dwarf for the same reason. they believe that the way to be a dwarf is to live in an all-dwarf community and follow their traditional rules, while other dwarves believe they need to change with the times and integrate (at least somewhat) with larger society. jewish as fuck.
there's also the interaction of dwarves with gender. when cherie comes out as female (which isn't a recognised gender by dwarvish society) she is ostracised for taking on the feminine roles common to other discworld races. however, she could never THINK of cutting off her beard, because she is still a dwarf. i see parallels with women in judaism taking on roles traditionally considered 'masculine' (e.g., as rabbis, wearing tallit and kippot) and the acceptance of queer people into jewish communities. there's lots of great discussion about cherie as a trans character on tumblr, btw.
finally, something that particularly strikes me is the line from carrot in tfe, where he says that the biggest dwarf city on the disc is ankh-morpork. obviously all diaspora communities can relate, but it's really something to know that new york is the city with the most jews in the world (960k to jerusalem's 570k. btw, 3rd is LA!).
i just love that, again, consciously or unconsciously, pratchett incorporated more positive elements of jewish culture into his portrayal of the dwarves.
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formulawolff · 3 months
public display of affection - s.p.
pairing: fem!reader x sergio pérez
word count: 764
warnings: slight angst, cursing, pda (obv), nothing else really! just some sweet n tender shit
a/n: this was a request from an anon! (i believe)this fic is set during the 2023 azerbaijan grand prix, btw! i hope y'all enjoy some fluffy checo content <3
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"private, not secret."
that was your mantra.
well, more like his mantra.
you could give two shits if the world knew about your romantic relationship with the esteemed formula one driver.
he was the one who was more concerned about it, always ensuring that your identity was concealed from the world. he avoided pressing questions in interviews or debriefs, stating that he simply did not want to respond out of respect for his privacy. he never posted you on his socials, and if he did, it was merely crumbs.
your fingers wrapped around his bicep. the shadow of your stature. your neatly manicured nails resting on his thigh.
of course, you were content with the fact that he at least posted about you. people knew you existed, just not exactly who you were.
although you were okay with it, you were beginning to grow restless. after all, it had been almost two years now, and he would barely even interact with you during race weekends in order to dodge the media or his fellow drivers.
you were well aware that he was not doing this out of secrecy, like he was intentionally trying to hide you from the world or well, someone else. you had those doubts at first, but he swiftly squashed them.
to put it simply, sergio pérez did not want everyone and anyone in his business.
especially in the world of formula one where a single rumor could accumulate into numerous headlines across various social media platforms. where one piece of gossip could buzz around the paddocks for months.
as frustrating as it was, you could only respect his wishes. after all, your relationship had been nothing but peaceful. if he felt that sharing with the world who you were would disturb that peace, then you couldn't blame him.
even if it was a little annoying. even if it did break your heart just a tiny bit that he refused to post one singular picture of you. to just give you a kiss in public. or hold your hand, even.
yet, here you were, pacing in the garage as he soars on the circuit, his car gliding along the track. there were only two laps left in the fifty-one lap spectacle, sergio maintaining his lead.
if he was able to pull this one off, he would be the only driver in history to become a repeat winner of the azerbaijan grand prix, as he won once before in 2021.
even though he was the one behind the wheel, your heart thumps, teeth gnawing at your lower lip, blocky headphones resting on your ears.
the checkered flag waves, your eyes widening, lips parting.
he did it.
he won.
"come on!" hugh shouts, waving fervently, "let's go meet your man!"
you follow the team as they pour of the garage, making their way to that designated sign. that number one. as sergio gets out of the car, he stands on it momentarily, pumping his fists in the air as the team jeers, praising the driver for a phenomenal performance.
as his head swivels, surveying the crowd, you can sense his entire body freeze the moment his eyes lock with yours.
hopping down from the car, he pushes his way through the red bull crew. ripping his helmet off, he tears off the balaclava, nearly panting as he wraps you up in a tight embrace.
hands cup the base of your neck, bringing you in, "come here. i can't fucking do this anymore."
lips crash into yours, the entire world falling away as your lashes flutter, mouth parting so he can have further access. his fingers squeeze, tightening as you loop an arm around his neck.
pulling away, he catches his breath, "i don't give a fuck anymore. okay? i need the world to know who you are. i need them to know that you're mine. i need everyone to know how much i fucking love you."
a giggle bubbles up in your throat as you brush away a few sweaty strands of hair, "was someone thinking about me?"
he nods, adoration glinting in his gaze, "i couldn't stop thinking about you, actually. you were on my mind the entire race."
"but baby," you counter, "you won! you won another grand prix!"
"no win compares to the prize by my side," sergio's head brushes against yours.
"you're my biggest win in life. and by god, i am going to show you off. i'm done hiding you. the world is going to know who my beautiful, amazing, wonderful, funny, girlfriend is. i promise you that."
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God, this man has the absolute worst case of nostalgia based rose tinted glasses
In nightbringer itself Asmo says the day before they Fell he was hiding from Raphael for messing with him/pissing him off
All of Lucifer's siblings (minus Levi, as far as we know) were frequently sneaking into the human world while they were actively at war with the Devildom and while it was forbidden to interact with humans
Mammon used the angels as his own giant chess set????
Mammon used to sneak into the human world to collect pigeon feathers and sell them to angels by saying they were Raphael's feathers, which is hilarious but is also A FUCKING SCAM THAT CURRENT MAMMON WOULD ABSOLUTELY PULL
The others actually thought Mammon would Fall long before he did because he was such a shit head
Asmo used to have his Asmo parties or Asmo nights or whatever up in the Celestial Realm despite Raphael saying parties are bad (I feel like the actual word he used was "immoral"? )
Asmo used to sneak into the human world to go partying with humans
It is heavily implied in s3 that asmo was fucking & sucking his way through the celestial realm (good for him btw get those sticks outta the angels' asses babe i believe in you <3 )
The twins and Lilith used to frequently sneak into the human world
Lilith started a whole ass relationship with a human and lied her ass off about it so that she could keep it secret
Lilith compared Michael to a jellyfish???? the first time she met him and that pissed him off
Lilith held a hell of a grudge
Belphie used to skip work so he could go nap
The brothers, as a team, used to catch frogs, cut holes in books, put the frogs into them and wait for Raphael to open them
The brothers, as a team, used to dig pits in the ground and cover them up so that other angels would fall into them (at least the frog thing was kinda funny this is just them being straight up dicks)
Raphael was constantly chasing them around with his spears and getting on Lucifer's ass about them because of how troublesome they were
S4 implies that the reason the brothers' pranks are more refined as demons, compared to when they were angels, is because they now have Satan
So yeah, they were always asses
But even if there is some truth in what Lucifer said about them being kind & sincere (and honestly, there is. We've seen more than enough evidence of it in the events, devilgrams, chats & s1-4) :
Levi says he was depressed in the Celestial Realm and felt like he didn't fit in.
Both Mammon & Beel didn't fit in until Lucifer found them.
Lilith definitely didn't feel like she fit in.
Lucifer, as a demon, says he'll never want to go back. Talking with Diavolo as an angel made him lose a little faith in the Celestial Realm. His greatest fear is possibly his father. Even before they Fell something in the Celestial Realm was pissing him off so much that he managed to spawn a whole other conscious life form - Satan says he gained his own consciousness even before Asmo was created meaning that anger had been festering for a long time.
As far as we know Asmo & Belphie were the only ones who were genuinely happy throughout their entire time in the Celestial Realm (and I think once Asmo gets used to his demon form he'll appreciate the freedom in the devildom over the strictness of the celestial realm)
Mammon, in Nightbringer, says that they know there's no real difference between being an angel or a demon and that they're all just labels.
Whatever sincerity and kindness they, may or may not have, had in the Celestial Realm wasn't because they were angels. Or because of the Celestial Realm.
It was in spite of all that.
It was just what they are like as people.
And of course that sincerity and kindness aren't gonna shine through right after a horribly traumatic event that killed their sister and permanently changed their bodies. And due to such an event & their Sins becoming more...more, they'll obviously be different and treat each other differently as demons.
But at the end of the day they are good, kind people, even as demons.
Like we've seen that.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
It took the better part of a year, but I've finally figured out where to go with Joyride. A lot of people have been asking for this, so I hope it lives up to your expectations.
Joyride (Part 2)
Part 1
Yandere Ace x GN Isekai Reader
4.8k words
Warning! This contains pretty much every Ace related spoiler btw!
When going into a world you already know everything about, you don’t exactly expect to be surprised by anything. Sure, there will be slight changes and alternate interactions now that you’ve been unceremoniously dropped in, but you had been anticipating for the story to follow all the same beats.
Which is why you were really thrown off when Ace didn’t go his separate way when he was supposed to.
Luffy had succeeded in defeating Crocodile and stopping his plan for dictatorship of Alabasta, but Ace was still here. Granted, having Ace around was hardly the worst thing that could happen, but you didn’t understand what was going on with him.
After your downright bizarre interaction during the little joyride he took you on, you’d honestly had every intention of avoiding him going forward. Then he threw a curveball at you by sincerely apologizing later that night. With everything going on right now he just got a little carried away, that’s all, he won’t harass you about it again. Or so he claimed.
You were skeptical initially, but true to his word, he hasn’t brought up you joining the Whitebeard Pirates since. Between that, and him having an unknown advantage over you by being a favorite character of yours, it was easy to find it within yourself to forgive him. You two have been borderline inseparable since, much to the chagrin of your crewmates. 
While Ace hadn’t openly made further attempts to convince you to join his pops’ crew, he’d found a thinly veiled loophole in the form of telling you all kinds of stories about them. You knew this was in and of itself, a method to win you over, but deemed it not worth calling out. Besides, who were you to refuse the opportunity to get some Whitebeard Pirates lore?
There were many late nights filled with quiet conversations about various shenanigans the crew got up to in their free time, of which there were many. An unsurprising fact because of course having that many sibling jam packed onto a ship would turn it into a vessel of chaos. 
If you had a weaker resolve, these stories might have won you over. But no, you need to go home.
Even though you weren’t convinced on switching crews, or even just staying here, there was a different problem arising from all your quality time together.
The longer you spoke and goofed around with him, the deeper and more intricate the conversations became, the more human he became to you. Or course, he’d technically always been a human being, but your mind had always registered him (as well as everyone else here) as a “character” first and foremost. A figure in a fictional story which you just so happened to be in temporarily. 
Now? After spending so much time with him, aftering seeing him make decisions based off his own experiences and preferences rather than being dictated by some omnipotent author, things have changed. He wasn’t Portgas D. Ace, the fan favorite character from One Piece. He was just Ace, your friend.
With this came something you never saw coming. Guilt. An all consuming, agonizing guilt that picked away at you every single second of the day.
You knew what was to come. You knew what was going to happen to him. What were you doing about it? Absolutely nothing. And for what? For the sake of preserving a story that’s already been altered from your mere presence?
What a disgusting excuse of a friend you were.
The internal conflict you were going through hadn’t gone unnoticed, not when it was taking such a high toll on you. Nami was the first to start grilling you on it. Naturally, she immediately started pointing fingers at Ace as being the cause, which while not wrong, she wasn’t correct in the way she believed herself to be either. It was hardly his fault that you had a heavy conscience. 
Sanji had also picked up on your struggles and was very concerned about the bags under your eyes, even offering to make some tea to assist with sleeping. An offer you turned down perhaps more harshly than truly necessary, but being trapped in a deeper sleep sounded awful with the nightmares you’ve been having.
It had been upsetting enough to watch Ace die through a screen, but in your dreams you were right there. It felt so real.
A suffocating heat burned at your skin and seared your lungs with every panicked breath, which only became more frantic as hot blood splattered over your face. Life was rapidly draining from Ace’s eyes as he collapsed into the waiting arms of his now deeply traumatized brother.
Your feet were rooted to the ground, all you could do was stare in horror as he looked up at you with tearful, pleading eyes. “Why?” The word was more so coughed out than spoken, spraying out more blood that he couldn’t afford to lose. An arm extended towards you, the hand locking onto your own. His nails dug into your skin, drawing out blood of your own to mix with his into a revolting cocktail. “You could have stopped this. How could you do this to me?”
The last word was wheezed out and his body went limp as his dead, lifeless eyes stared through you. A soul wrenching scream tore its way out of Luffy’s throat, only to morph into your own as you were mercifully ripped from your slumber.
The screaming damn near gave Ace a heart attack, you’re sure of it. This nightmare had occurred after you and him had become separated from the rest of the group while traversing the desert, and you had found a compact cave for the two of you to pass the night in.
What made it worse was how he reacted. He was so concerned, even fretting over you as you desperately tried to get your breathing under control. The compassion in his eyes had done nothing to comfort you, it only served to further sicken you. Here he was wanting to save you from something as trivial as a nightmare, yet you couldn’t be bothered to speak up on and prevent his upcoming demise.
The guilt was killing you, and the solution was not only clear, but easy. So why couldn’t you bring yourself to just tell him? To plead and beg for him to give up the chase and not throw his life away. Yet your lips remained sealed. 
All of these elements came to a boil and demanded your attention, so you did what seemed to be the easiest thing to do in your situation. Drink it away.
Now that Luffy had awoken from his brief coma after fighting Crocodile, Alubarna Palace was hosting a lavish party in celebration and thanks for what everyone had done. And what high end party would be complete without absurd amounts of alcohol?
It started with one, purely to help ease your nerves. However, when it didn’t, you poured yourself another. And then a few more. Zoro had initially been thrilled to have you as a drinking buddy, but apparently even he had his limits and had cut you off.
“The hell’s gotten into you? You’re drinking like you’re trying to run from demons,” the bottle of expensive liquor had been moved out of reach when you tried to go for it again.
“You have no idea,” you slurred out, head spinning from your evening of poor decision making.
Zoro shot you a questioning look, but didn’t press it, likely knowing full well that getting a coherent conversation out of you right now would be impossible. He heaved out a sigh and stood up, “I’m going to get you some water, stay right there.”
Thoroughly defeated, you slumped back into your chair. After all that, you still couldn’t get your dilemma out of your head. Your “demons” continued gnawing at your soul, and all that your drinking had done about it was ensure that you would have a miserable hangover in the morning.
Your head lulled to the side, and you caught sight of a familiar orange hat. Speak of the devil. While you were in the throws of self inflicted misery, Ace was happily taking advantage of all the food being offered. Good for him. He deserved a nice night. 
As if acting on its own, your body managed to get up onto its feet. You shambled towards him, doing your best not to fall flat on your face with each uncoordinated step. Whatever invisible force that had been helping you to make the walk to Ace failed you at the last second, and you crashed into him from behind.
“Shit! Wha- Oh, it’s just you,” Ace whirled around, visibly agitated, but his features relaxed when he realized who it was. He appeared to be ready to say more but you cut him off.
“I need to talk to you.” 
Ace quirked a brow, “Yeah? What’s up?” 
From the expectant look he was giving you, it’s clear that he’s waiting for you to spill your guts here and now. You shook your head, “No, it’s… It’s a secret. We have to go somewhere else.” Realization flashed across his face and he nodded. Fortunately for you, he led the way. You honestly did not think you’d be able to scout out a place for this discussion. You were finally going to come clean and tell him everything before you could sober up and come to your senses.  
It was going well. At least it was, until he passed out and took you down with him. You both collided onto the floor with a resounding thud, him on top of you. The hall you’d slipped into was empty, meaning there was no one here to help you. 
You groaned as you attempted to move, the fall had hit you harder than it should have thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol in your system. You were also mentally kicking yourself for not seeing this coming. He was eating when you stumbled into him, of course it was only a matter of time before this happened.
Whatever, there isn’t time to be bemoaning a minor inconvenience. You manage to shimmy out from under him and use the wall to get to your feet. Ace is snoring on the floor, not a care in the world. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon. 
Taking a look around, you see a door just a couple steps away. You inch your way over to it and try the knob. It clicks open, and you peer in. Looks like some sort of guest room, and it’s empty. Perfect.
Pushing the door open fully, you turn back to Ace. He’s still asleep, but you don’t want to wait around for him to wake up on his own and run the risk of being seen. You lean down to grab the closest part of him, his right foot, and pull. You’re not sure if he’s actually heavy, or if you’re just too drunk for this, but you tip over while trying to do this and fall flat on your ass.
“Huh?” Ace’s head snapped up and he looked around owlishly. The second his eyes connected with yours, he remembered what he was doing before his narcoleptic tendencies took the wheel. He laughed, a light blush on his face, as he got to his feet, “Sorry about that, you alright?”
“I’m fine, get in here,” you urged him to hurry, which he did. In the time it took you to stand again, Ace had already slipped into the room, closed the door, and flicked on a lamp so you two wouldn’t be talking in complete darkness. You eye the door for a moment, then grab a chair and drag it over to wedge it under the doorknob. Someone walking in on the conversation you were about to have would be something of a worst case scenario.
Ace watched this curiously, “Is everything okay?”
This probably looked weird, but oh well, it’s about to get a lot weirder. You decide to sit on the bed and motion for Ace to join you, which he does. You take one of his hands in both of yours and stare at him intensely, “I need to tell you something. It’s going to sound insane, but you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.”
He repeated his previous question, asking again if everything was okay, but you cut him off, “Promise me, please!”
Your desperation got through to him, “Okay, I promise! What’s going on?”
Here goes nothing. You take a deep breath and take the leap, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard.”
Ace recoiled immediately, and if you hadn’t been holding onto his hand for dear life, he probably would have backed away from you. “What? I can’t do that, why would y-”
“Let me finish!” You snapped at him, only to immediately regret it. You sighed, “Please. There’s more, please let me finish talking first, and then you can talk.”
While he did not look happy about it, he did relax his shoulders and settled back into the bed. You took this as your cue to continue, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard because you will die if you do.” Ace exhaled sharply and rolled his eyes at this, assuming that this was coming from a place of fear and doubt.
“I know this because,” you took in a shuddering breath, steeling yourself for what was to come. “I know this because in the world that I came from… This world is a story.”
Ace stares at you wide eyed and slack jawed. He laughed, but was very clearly uncomfortable, “I, uh, I think you’ve had a little too much to drink tonight. How about I take you back to your room to sleep it off, okay?” 
He tried to stand, but you yanked him back down, “No! I’m not drunk! Well, I mean, I am, but I know what I’m talking about! I can prove it.”
His expression was nothing short of incredulous, but he indulged you, “Yeah, okay, sure. Go ahead, prove it.”
“You’re hunting down Blackbeard because he murdered Thatch so he could steal his devil fruit,” you started light. Ace had told you about Thatch being the one he was avenging, but he’d never mentioned the devil fruit before, likely not deeming it an important enough detail. His brows knit together and his eyes drifted upwards as he racked his brain to remember if maybe he actually had said something about it.
“Before you were with Whitebeard, you were captain of the Spade Pirates. Your first member was Masked Deuce, who you met while being stranded on an island together. It’s where you found your devil fruit and built Striker,” he hadn’t told you anything in regards to his old crew, and his face reflected that. You definitely had his attention now.
“You and Luffy were raised by mountain bandits because Garp couldn’t raise you two himself. It wasn’t just you guys, though, you had another brother named Sabo, but he was killed when he tried to set sail and got shot down,” at this point, you were saying whatever came to mind with no regard to whether or not it was a good idea to say this right now. You couldn’t bring yourself to keep looking him in the eye, so you settled for staring at his hand in yours. It was completely slack.
“Your parents are Portgas D. Rouge and Gol D. R-”
Before you could finish the sentence, Ace’s free hand clamped over your mouth with such ferocity that you almost fell off the bed. Forcing yourself to make eye contact again, you see that his are blown wide and wild. The color has been drained from his face and he looked physically ill from hearing everything you just threw at him.
An extremely tense moment passed with nothing to be heard beyond his labored breathing. Then, he hesitantly let go of your face and with a shaky voice said, “Okay. I’m sorry. I believe you. What… What’s going to happen if I keep pursuing Blackbeard?”
You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat, but it refused to go away, “When you catch up with him, you’ll fight, but lose. Your powers are no match for his, you don’t stand a chance against him. After your loss, he turns you in to the marines. 
“Because of who your father is, they decide to make an example out of you and sentence you to death.”
“That bastard turns me in and I get executed?” He sounds like the wind has just been knocked out of him. Disbelief and bitterness are the two most prevalent emotions in his tone, but many others brew beneath the surface.
“Not exactly,” it’s true that he gets turned in and killed, but it’s nowhere near that simple and straightforward. “Luffy comes to your rescue at Marineford, and so does Whitebeard and a lot of his crew.”
Before you could go more into detail, Ace speaks up, “They… W-Why would they do that?”
“Why would they- You have to ask?!” Your voice raises and you have to remind yourself of just how much character development he has to go through in that arc to finally realize and accept the fact that he’s genuinely loved. “Because you’re family, their family! They care about you and don’t want to see you die!”
Your outburst shocked him, but not as much as seeing you start to cry did. His hand is abandoned and you lurch forward to bring him into a suffocatingly tight hug, “Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” You limply hang off of him as more tears bubble to the surface, greedily taking the chance to escape with every sob as you finally let out everything you’ve been keeping in. Ace makes no move to return your embrace, he just sits there stiff as a board. 
“A-And, at that battle, you’re killed by Admiral Akainu while protecting Luffy. He’s devastated by it, being forced to watch you die hurts him so bad,” you cling onto him tighter upon feeling him flinch from your words. “Whitebeard dies there too.”
“What?! How could anyone kill him? That can’t be right!” You’re wrenched off Ace violently and his stare is almost as unhinged as it was when you said his parents’ names.
“Blackbeard does it,” Ace freezes at this. “That should give you an idea of how strong he is. If he can kill Whitebeard, fighting you is nothing to him. Besides, you of all people would know how hard it is to kill him,” you chuckle but it’s humorless, empty even.
A heavy stretch of silence follows after that. Ace’s eyes don’t leave your face for even a second, desperately searching for anything that would tell him that this is all one big, sick joke. But there’s nothing of the sort. 
Slowly, he releases your shoulders and he shifts away from you to rest his head in his hands. Without his support, you allow yourself to fall back onto the bed. Between all the alcohol and your emotional outburst, you’re exhausted and want nothing more than to sleep. You try to force yourself to stay awake, but it feels like an insurmountable task. 
“Hey, Ace?” There’s no answer, but you continue anyway, “I’m sorry. I know that was a lot. If, um… If you don’t believe me about knowing what’s going to happen, stick around until after we set sail again. Bon Clay- Mr. 2- is going to bring the Going Merry over here so that we don’t have to backtrack. Marines will be all over the place, but he sacrifices himself so that Luffy and his crew can get away. Once they’ve lost the marines, Nico Robin will reveal herself to have been hiding on the ship and joins the crew.”
Ace continues to not react to what’s being said, you’re not even sure he’s listening to you at this point. As much as you want to comfort him, your limbs feel like lead and your head is swimming. The last thing you see is the jolly roger of the Whitebeard’s staring you down as you fade into darkness.
Consciousness comes back to you slowly. Painfully so. Before you can even make out your surroundings, you’re assaulted by the worst headache of your life. The stabbing pain behind your eyes is crippling, all you want is to retreat back to the comfort of sleep, but you know that’s not going to happen.
It doesn’t help that your mouth is so dry that you feel like you’re back in the desert. One hand comes up to gingerly massage your eyes. The action brought more discomfort than relief, but it did clear up your sight a little. 
As your senses ebb back into you, you hone in on the pressure all over your body. It takes considerable effort, but you manage to lift your head enough to take a look. Your nose is less than an inch from bumping into someone else’s. Chopper’s to be exact. He was curled up into your side and using your chest as a pillow. Looking past him, Luffy was sprawled across your lap, belly up. Both of them were still asleep.
You prop yourself up on one arm. Chopper shifts, but doesn’t wake. Off to your side is a bedside table with a glass of water on it. Oh, thank God. Using the arm you aren’t propped up with, you grab it and bring the cup to your lips. The water is divine, an absolute blessing for your dry throat.  
As you enjoy your drink, your eyes glance around to observe the rest of the room. It’s the one you all have been staying in since saving Alabasta. Most of your friends are in their respective beds, except for Chopper and Luffy, obviously. Zoro was also not in his bed, instead being slumped over in a chair next to your own.
Your eyes flicker over to the massive windows of the room, and you spot Ace sitting in the windowsill. From the way he’s positioned, he appears to be awake already. Your gaze narrows as you focus on him. Something tickled at the back of your mind, demanding to be remembered. But what?
“Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” 
The water going down your throat is suddenly going out of it when you choke. Memories come back and hit you like a train as you realize what exactly it is you did last night.
Naturally, this wakes up Chopper and Luffy, who are both jolted from their once peaceful sleep by you choking on your drink. Chopper immediately starts to panic, “AH! Don’t die, (Y/N)!”
It was crucial that you speak to Ace again, but it seemed like the world itself was committed to making sure that didn’t happen. Ace slipped out of the room while everyone was fussing over you, and it honestly felt like he was avoiding you now. Everytime you thought you might be able to catch him alone, either he vanishes, or someone else comes out of nowhere to drag you away.
Today was the day you all set sail from Alabasta, and while that did put you in close proximity with Ace, it also put everyone else within earshot of you two. And considering the delicate nature of what you needed to talk about, that was extremely inconvenient. 
The only good thing was that the events following leaving Alabasta played out exactly how they were supposed to. Hopefully that meant that Ace would believe you and give up hunting down Blackbeard, but you won’t be able to confirm that unless you speak with him. 
You were so stressed that you’d barely been able to focus on Robin being here. She “introduced” herself to you as if she hadn’t had an extremely uncomfortable run in with you in an alleyway back in Rainbase, but all you could manage was a half-assed handshake before excusing yourself.
For probably the fifteenth time today, you checked to make sure that Striker was still tied to the Merry. It was, much to your relief. But where was Ace hiding? You haven’t seen him since Robin showed herself.
The stress of trying and failing to corner him was doing nothing to help with your hangover, your head felt like it was about to explode. Did you still have Advil in the bag you got isekai’d here with? Maybe. Pushing off the railing, you march to where your room is while praying that you’re right about the painkillers.
You open the door without much thought, only to stop dead in your tracks when you catch sight of Ace rummaging through your belongings and stuffing them into his backpack. The door opening did briefly make him stop and peer over his shoulder to see who it was, but the second he saw it was you, he went right back to pillaging. 
“Can I help you? Why are you robbing me?” You stomp over to where he’s crouched down and shove his shoulder. 
“I’m not robbing you, I’m packing for you,” Ace mumbled, sounding lost in thought.
“Why would you be packing for me? Actually, you know what? That’s the least of my concerns right now, we need to talk about last night.”
“We’ll talk about it later, not here.” He still hasn’t properly faced you, and you were getting sick of only making eye contact with his tattoo and not him. 
“Where else would we talk about it?!” You hissed.
Seeming content with his work, he stood up and kicked the dresser drawer shut, “On the Striker. Or maybe the Moby Dick, I guess. I’m going back and you’re coming with me.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing, “Excuse me?”
“I’m going back to the Moby Dick, and you’re coming with me.” Ace had finally turned to face you. His eyes were sunken and vaguely bloodshot. 
The sight catches you off guard, “Did you sleep at all last night?”
He shook his head, “No, we’re going to have to stop somewhere else to sleep before going the rest of the way back home.”
“Ace, I’m not going with you. Look, I’m happy that you’re calling off your hunt, relieved honestly, but I’m staying here.” You will ideally be figuring out how to go home sometime soon, there’s no sense in hopping around from crew to crew now.
One of his eyes twitched, and he looked exasperated, “You can’t stay here. You aren’t safe here.”
“What are you-”
“Let me finish,” the words were spoken calmly, but very firm. “I don’t think you understand how serious this is. You apparently know everything about this world and what’s going to happen in it, do you have any idea what will happen to you if word gets out about this?”
“You’re the only person I’ve told, so as long as you keep your mouth shut, I’ll be fine.”
“Until you get drunk again and tell someone else, then what?” His words were just as scathing as his gaze.
Your face flushed in shame, “That won’t happen again.”
“You don’t know that!” Ace snapped at you, then sighed and dragged a hand down his face, “This is for your own good. Nothing good will come from anyone else learning about this. If it ever got back to someone like Big Mom, she would send every single one of her children after you so she could have you on her side. And that’s the nicer option. I’m sure the marines would be more than happy to kill you off so that no one else could have you if they can’t.”
Throughout this entire conversation, his face had remained uncomfortably neutral, but now it cracked. Fondness peaked through the exhaustion as his expression softened ever so slightly. He steps forwards and brings you against him in a crushing embrace. His skin is hot to the touch, effectively chasing away any chill that you may have had.
“You said you wanted to see me live, and I want to see you live, too.” The words are hushed, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him if he hadn’t been speaking right next to your ear.
Reluctantly, he pulls himself away. His face is serious again, “We’re leaving tonight, be ready to go.”
“If you don’t come willingly, I will make you. The only thing that you resisting will accomplish is making this messier than it needs to be. Even if you don’t like this now, you will thank me for it later.”
Ace spins on his heel and heads for the door. All you can do is stand there gawking at him as he leaves. Just before the door closes behind him, he spares a glance over his shoulder to say, “I’ll see you tonight.”
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thehappynewzo · 4 months
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I just want to give a heads up that I am no professional astrologer.. although it's funny cuz you see most users saying this here and their predictions seem pretty professional in the end no? Lol. Anyways, as I was saying, please don't plagiarise my content..but wait, no, I don't really have a problem actually cause astrology is astrology and if you wanna use it for your posts, fine...feel free to...I have no issue so please widen your knowledge and share it with others. Okay, I think it's best i begin now.
Also, I'll be talking about stuff that are meant only for adult eyes lol😂 so dear minor watching, i understand how curiosity fuels your engine but please don't interact with this, otherwise curiosity will also begin to kill minors along with cats.😂😂
If something here does not relate with your experience, please keep in mind that astrology is an insanely vast but such a beautiful topic so this varies based on other aspects and placements too.
☀️Sun in the 8th house🏠 -
•The sun person makes the house persons insecurities and past wounds exposed due the sun persons brightness, because of this it seems like the sun person hurts the house person unintentionally.
•The house person gets triggered a lot with certain actions of the sun person but keep in mind, the sun person has no intention of triggering the house person.
•These are the triggers that's developed because of the house persons past and it gets exposed to the sun's light.
•No matter how much the house person tries to stop those triggers, it won't stop in the beginning of the connection.
•The sun person might want to explore the house persons deepest parts that they hide from the world and as the dynamic gets closer to eachother in the connection, the sun persons heat either worsens the wounds or helps heal the house person heal them.
•The sun person pays a lot of attention to the house persons deepest wounds and desires.
•They notice every little detail of the house persons insecurities but you'll be happy to know that the sun person usually finds brightness in all your darkest parts.
•The house person will be someone who provides them a shadey place to relax from their own ego and shine. A place for them to dig deeper than surface level.
•The house person gets obsessed completely with their entire soul towards the sun person. It's usually possible that the house person felt an instant pull to the sun person on their first meeting.
•Here, usually along with the above points, manifests in such a way where the sun person wants the house person to be as open and comfortable with them as possible but the house person is too afraid to expose their sensitive hidden parts to the sun person.
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8th house synastry -
•i feel, according to my studies and observations that whatever planet sits in the 8th house becomes like a two sided coin or a opposite sort of thinking here most of the time.
•Usually the planet person thinks and feels some way about the house person but the house person feels like the planet person thinks the complete opposite of what the planet person actually thinks (lol I hope it made sense) and vice versa.
•It's like both the house person and the planet person may have similar feelings about eachother (planets depend as it can change this) but they both think that the other doesn't feel the same way about them.
• EX: VENUS in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) love eachothers beauty and insecurities of eachother but they are insecure that the other person does not like it or will not like it sooner or later.
ANOTHER EX: SUN in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) wants the other to open up to them but they think the other person does not want to or will not support them or understand them. Both of them want to open up abt their insecurities but they both are afraid and hence take a long time to open up but in the beginning are closed off.
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Btw, I'll be making a list of Eros in the houses and signs in synastry soon.
Eros (433) in 3rd house : Firstly, Eros is your turn ons. The Eros person is turned on / finds the house person voice very attractive. Also the house persons hands, how the house person speaks and their mind.
Eros (433) in 7th house : The Eros person is turned on / finds the house persons feminity attractive. Even the house persons ass lol. If the house person is a woman, then the Eros person finds her feminine body very beautiful.
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Kiss (8267) in the 4rth house :
•the house person can be comforted easily by the kisses of the kiss person.
•the kiss person's kisses feels like home for the house person.
•soft loving kisses.
•slow comforting kisses.
•The kiss person can love to kiss the house person's chest.
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Kiss (8267) in the 9th house :
• the house person gets very hyped up and excited when the kiss person kisses them.
•the house person feels protected and safe everytime the kiss person kisses them.
•since this is Jupiter's house, the house person may want more and more of the kiss person's kisses. They may also get a lot of kisses from the kiss person. The kiss person may have the urge to kiss the house person whenever they're around around them since Jupiter expands whatever he touches. This holds true if the house person's Jupiter is in conjunct with the kiss persons kiss Asteroid.
•the kiss person can give the house person kisses out of nowhere too.
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Vesta (4) is an asteroid that indicates what our soul is most devoted towards, where you're most dedicated, where you invest a lot of your energy. The conjunctions can make this asteroid very prominent in synastry.
= If you want to know if you are going to invest a lot of energy in a connection, check if Vesta conjuncts any of your inner planets, especially big 3 (ascendant, sun, moon) and ESPECIALLY JUPITER.
= Which planet Vesta conjuncts indicates the kind of dedication or the areas in which you or the other person is dedicated towards in the connection.
•Vesta conjunct Jupiter = Vesta person is dedication to guide and protect the Jupiter person.
•This conjunction makes the Vesta person extremely, I mean superly duperly extremely excessively devote all the energy they have in them towards the Jupiter person.
•The Vesta person surrenders and devotes themselves to Jupiter person as if the Jupiter person were a god.
•Vesta conjunct Venus = the Vesta person has a romantic dedication towards the Venus person.
•The Vesta person is very much dedicated to showing the Venus person their love.
•This is a 100% loyalty placement in any romantic relationship. Other aspects matter too though but this tops the loyalty placement among many other.
• The Vesta person is usually the one very loyal in this connection but the Venus person loves the dedication that the Vesta person has towards them and this becomes the Venus person's fuel for loving the vesta person in return.
•The Vesta person is devoted romantically towards the Venus person.
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• Vesta conjunct Sun = the Vesta person has an overall dedication towards the sun person.
• This literally means that the Vesta person is dedicated to the sun persons soul.
This time I'll give an example of Vesta seated in _______ house.
• Vesta seated in the 8th house = The Vesta person has such a deep leveled soul digging devotion towards the house person, especially if Vesta conjuncts any planet here (esp. big 3).
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Yay! Special asteroid mention time!!
Vesta ☌ child (4580) -
The Asteroid Child is youthfulness, where your inner child never dies, where you feel a little lost, where you feel like a child.
•The Vesta persons devotion is aimed at making the child person feel like a child.
•The Vesta person invests HUGE amounts of their energy just to make the child person laugh like a child, smile like a child and feel like a child.
•The Vesta person is also devoted to make the child person's inner child never die, to keep their inner child alive.
•The child person can make the Vesta person feel lost at times.
•The child person is lost when it comes to the Vesta persons devotion towards them, especially if Vesta is also ☌ (conjunct) Sun/Jupiter.
•The child person wonders why the Vesta person is so devoted towards them.
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That's all for today my dear readers with amazingly curious minds. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post today and I hope I made somebody smile! Let me know in the comments if anything resonated and if you'd like me to cover anything in astrology!! Love you all so much ! Bye bye for now! Take care, be happy and healthy!😊❤️
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Asteroids mentioned above : 433,8267,4,4580
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moonswolfie · 3 months
Princess of the commoner cafe
Oikawa, Miya twins, Ushijima, Hinata, Akaashi x fem!reader
ohshc AU!!
I've been watching a bit of ouran high school host club lately (still havent gotten very far but i am HOOKEDDDDDD) and i'm sure others have written something like this before but i wanted to throw my own hat in the ring and write this delulu ass scenario
also i apologise PROFUSELY if anyone is ooc it has been a WHILE since my last haikyuu rewatch
(btw i am working on your request anon dont you worry ;) )
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Somehow, you managed to get into the prestigious Ouran Academy based on your academic success alone. Your parents were overjoyed to send you off, even if you felt embarrased about not even being able to afford the official school uniform. You stuck out like a sore thumb on your first day, that's for sure.
At first, you thought you wouldn't fit in with anyone here. Your hypothesis was mostly correct. Everyone in your class is always talking about their latest designer bag or bragging about their new lambo or bugatti. Needless to say, it's like they're speaking in a foreign language.
They quickly lost interest in you after you couldn't list your top ten designer brands (with reasons as to why you chose those specific ones!!!). Yeah, friends are kind of out of the picture.
So when your curiosity got the better of you one day and you visited the host club all the girls in your class keep squealing about you didn't expect things to develop like this.
"Are you gonna visit today too? Are you?!" Hinata, the boy from the other class attached himself to your arm and looked at you with sparkling eyes. "Of course I am." you smiled at him, a little giddy about returning to the club once more.
"We have a special theme today, just for you..." he told you that while wearing a mischevious grin but refused to elaborate. The boys at the club always go through great lengths to get you curious and draw you back into the club. Not just Hinata, all of them.
Let's just say you've become quite the sensation among the hosts of the Ouran High school host club. You aren't exactly sure how you managed to get yourself in this situation, but you aren't really complaining, either. You'd definitely take being adored by the 6 hotties of the school over being ignored by everyone for all your 3 years of high school.
All you did was visit the club a few times out of curiosity, far too afraid to actually openly interact with the hosts considering the crowd of girls always gathered around them. Not to mention you'd definitely get gawked at for your clothes, mannerisms and conversation topics (and not in a good way).
Akaashi was the first to take notice of you, and somehow that evolved into every other host becoming interested, too.
Anyways, Hinata seemed very satisfied with your promise to come visit once again and ran off, shouting that you have to promise to come visit him first.
Well, there's nothing to it but to do it, you suppose.
"Welcome, dear guests, to the host club!" all the guys greeted you and a group of other girls who also came as soon as they possibly could. They were practically pushing eachother in front of the door. Not that you can blame them.
As soon as you stepped into the room, you felt like you were standing at the local cafe located just around the corner from your house. It felt warm and homey. So this is what they went for this time. A strange choice, considering their usually extravagant themes.
"Heya, gir-" Atsumu's smug voice greeted you from behind and you turned around to see that he was about to envelop you in his arms. "Hey, ya lost the bet. I get her first." Osamu pulled Atsumu back by his barista apron before he could actually touch you. Atsumu grumbled something you couldn't quite hear, which you presume was some not so nice words directed towards his brother.
"Actually, I made a promise to Hinata that he'd be the first one I visit." you smiled at the twins apologetically. Neither of them seemed too pleased about the prospect of that, though. "Why? Ya like him more than us?" Atsumu placed his hands on his hips, glaring at you.
"Hahaha, a promise is a promise. I'll be back for you two right after, don't worry." you waved the twins off, winking. That seemed to soften their expressions a bit. But maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, looking back on it. They're definitely going to fight over which one of them you winked at later.
Hinata greeted you enthusiastically, looking overjoyed at seeing you. His cheeks blushed a nice pink color when he smiled at you. "Wait here, wait here." he held out an antique looking chair for you and you sat down behind one of the tables. Then he ran off somewhere.
You're always impressed by how lavishly they decorate their club. I guess being rich can really do wonders for club decor.
"Are you enjoying today's theme? I made sure to pick out some fitting decorations." Akaashi suddenly appeared behind you. You could have sworn you didn't hear his footsteps. Maybe you were just too absorbed in observing the theme, though. Haha, even all the hosts are dressed like baristas.
"Yeah..." you looked into Akaashi's eyes, admiring their color. You've always found him to have a calming presence, even if he can be mischevious at times. That just adds on to his personality, doesn't it? You think it's quite a shame that he isn't as popular as a certain someone in the club.
"It seems to me you're enjoying something other than the theme." you got snapped out of your thoughts by Akaashi's voice. Oops, you must have been staring at him again. You turned away, making a quick apology. You felt a little giddy all of a sudden.
"Oh, but when did I ever say I dislike the attention?" Akaashi gently grabbed your chin, turning your face back to him. Somehow, he seems more affectionate towards you than he does to the other girls who request him. Atleast you've never seen him grab other girls' chins. You were sure you probably looked awestruck in this moment.
"Hey! Stop hogging her to yourself!" Hinata was running back to the two of you, holding a fancy cup of (presumably) coffee. On his way to stop Akaashi from wooing you, he didn't notice a wire below his feet and he tripped over it.
...Which happened to spill hot coffee all over your shirt and shattered the cup to pieces. "Ugh... I'm okay, don't- AAAAH!" Hinata yelled upon seeing your shirt.
"I'll go get new clothes!" Akaashi seemed tense, quickly turning on his heels and running off.
Luckily, the coffee was cool enough to not give you burns. You aren't even worried about the shirt that much either, you've been on the fence about donating it anyways.
"Aaah, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." Hinata seemed almost dramatically apologetic, bowing down before you in apology over and over.
"What is going on over here?" you heard a smug voice that could belong to one person and one person only. The leader and self proclaimed king of the club, Oikawa, was now approaching the two of you. And he didn't seem very happy, mind you.
"Ah, Oikawa! It's, umm..." Hinata nervously whipped his head around to meet Oikawa's charming chocolate eyes.
"Hinata accidentally spilled coffee on me." Hinata looked at you sadly, like you just betrayed him. You gasped, realising you weren't supposed to reveal that unless you wanted Hinata to feel Oikawa's wrath. Normally he would just scold Hinata for his clumsiness, but when it comes to you specifically, he gets protective. Somehow, he even looks like a supermodel while wearing a barista uniform.
"He... Oh, that won't do. You should spend less time with clumsy good-for-nothings and spend more time with..." he tilted your chin towards him "...Me."
As much as you think Oikawa is an obnoxious jerk, he always manages to charm your negative feelings away when he does something like that. Gets you feeling all giddy like the main character of a badly written shojo anime.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say, bro." you kept your face as cold as you possibly could in that situation. It seemed to you like the word "bro" was a direct stab to his heart, but he quickly recovered, putting on his best flirty face. "I will help you clean yourself up, my princess. We simply must get you out of that dreadful shirt." Oikawa shot poor Hinata a glare. You're definitely buying him "that one good commoner chocolate" (as Hinata likes to call it) later.
"Uh, Akaashi's already-"
"Now now now, what's goin' on here?" things are about to get a lot more complicated, you reckon. Because now the twins have showed up.
"We heard precious china shatterin' and wanted to see what caused it." Osamu added. A few girls were blushing a few meters behind the twins, probably too nervous to approach the two right now.
"Ya said you'd come visit us right after! And now yer here with this a-" Atsumu immediately stopped complaining when he saw your shirt. Both the twins shot poor poor Hinata a glare. (One "poor" for each twin.)
"See, I told ya I was a better fit for ya. I'd never spill coffee on ya." Osamu crossed his arms.
"What do ya mean "the better fit for ya"? Clearly, I'm the better one 'round here. And say the wink was meant for me while we're at it, won't ya?!" Atsumu's anger was now directed back at Osamu. (Akaashi would joke that it's back to where it's supposed to be.)
"I was kinda winking at-"
"Oh, please. Don't joke around with me. We all know I'm the best fit for her." Oikawa posed dramatically, which looked funny because of his not very prince-like outfit.
This always ends up happening. At this point you've given up on stopping it. The twins start bickering with Oikawa while girls on both sides squeal for them to calm down, tearfully inviting the boys back into their embraces.
You look behind you, where Ushijima is staring at you knowingly. You give him a relieved smile, knowing what's about to come. Whenever the other guys get into duels over who gets to recieve your attention, Ushijima is always there to pull you out of the situation.
The duels get so heated that you get to spend a few minutes alone with him before the others even notice you're gone. And so you follow the routine of letting him whisk you away to a lonely corner of the club room.
"Do you know why the theme is a commoner cafe?" he asks after a few moments of silence. He's looking at you with complete seriousness, but you don't miss the hint of a smile on his face. Enchanted by such a sight, you shake your head no dreamily.
"It was to impress you. Akaashi thought of the idea." Your eyes widened. Now you just feel giddy that Akaashi actually remembered that one time you told him you used to visit a cozy cafe close to your house with your parents growing up. It was all the way back when he first acknowledged your existence and decided to sit around with you for a few minutes, sipping tea from a cup that probably costs more than your phone.
"Oh... I like it. I really do." you smiled up at Ushijima. You could swear a bit of blush appeared on his cheeks. He silently put an arm around you, pulling you close to him. You like when he does that.
When all of the hosts are swooning over you like this while wearing barista uniforms, you feel like the princess of a commoner cafe.
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hearts401 · 6 months
Tessa fucks me up dude can I just talk about her for a sec? Yeah? Yeah.
She loved those drones. She loved them because they were what she had. She felt sympathy for them when nobody else did. And I like to think there was a little bit of loneliness motivating her as well.
Her mother hated her. She was nothing to her. When her mother scolded her by saying "seems you still can't follow simple orders" her respone was "No, no no! Please!" BEGGING. Begging her mother to believe in her and be kind to her. She got chained up in her room (multiple times btw. At leas tthats implied. the hand she winced at and rubbed is the same hand the chain was on, which means shed be chained up long enough for it to rub her skin painfully. long enough to leave lasting pain.)
She is very connected to these drones, to the point where she kept all the error drones aroud because she LOVED them. She spent time digging them up. HELL SHE TOOK A FAMILY PHOTO WITH THEM DUDE...
Even when Cyn was creepy and scary, she kept her around. She'd rather lock Cyn up than get rid of her. and when n points it out, shes apologetic and hesitant. But we know WHY she did that. Even if it was kind of a sucky move, it was because she didnt wanna have to throw cyn out. and in the end that killed her.
Also she knows J well enough to know what sets her off (enough to. bite the shit out of a chain). She knows them. and she loves them.
I wish we'd gotten to know more about her an N. why is he so clearly her favorite? but thats not relevant ig
also her saying "I've only ever yakked to robots, J!" She has NO human friends. she has nobody to support her other than these robots. these robots who get treated like garbage by her family.
and then she has to watch these robots turn on her. Not just THESE ROBOTS but the three that she loved most. (also im going off what wouldve happened in ep 5 WITHOUT uzi, where n doesnt get out of the swamp, and nobody goes down to the basement)
V first, then Cyn, then J. And we KNOW she loved these three+N especially bc she took a family photo w them, interacted with them more often, and generally just seemed much closer with them.
and what does she get for it? killed. And also its implied by this screenshot that she wasnt ACTUALLY killed by cyn right then
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(the scientists, the sword beside her, the footprints, the way shes sitting against the wall, the expression she has. she totally just saw all that shit)
and she cant have been skyn bc the scientists wouldve known. the skinsuit wasnt exactly. hm. pretty.
which means she DID see her whole family+more slaughtered in front of her while she was powerless to stop it. She DID see J violently kill everyone around her. She DID see Cyn kill everyone. And she just has to. Deal with that. And despite all her efforts, the solver took over and cyn killed her. (im assuming tessa died somewhere around when n's mineshaft flashback was like i mentioned b4)
and all the while she was convinced shed lose N, id assume. based on the state of the other drone out there.
And honestly, i think what she got was worse.
also i am team "N knew Tessa wasn't the same Tessa he knew back on Earth"
The way he looked at her, and the way he was suspicious of her. He knew HIS Tessa would never treat a drone like this. Cyn has been known to have relatively shitty recreations of people at times (like Thad in episode two) But even so there was no way he could believe it was someone else (like. who would it be? he saw her blood he heard her voice like...) which is why he was so stressed after killing her (when he leaned on his sword and was breathing heavy, yk?)
he loved her and she loved him and now shes dead. just like everyone else he loved.
this isnt about n but like. idk if tessa could see him now i think shed cry. she loved him and all of them
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years
Forgive Me
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Part II
Characters: jake sully x na’vi reader x neteyam sully
Warnings: pure filth, dark/mean dom jake, hurt/soft dom nete, public sex, rough sex, profanity, squirting
Word Count: 3k [i swore to myself that i was gonna make this short smh]
Author's Note: this is fucked up but writing this had my heart racing, so it is what it is. i love you nete, i'm sorry.
Tags: @b-ritney , you better stop what you're doing because it's out loool (ty for the reblog btw) @jakexneytiri baby hope you enjoy plus everyone who wanted it to be a lil longer
based on this and this
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"Take me here." you blurt out, frustration so pent up you couldn’t help it.
"What?" Neteyam breathes, wide eyes watching you back up against the tree.
"Just take me right here. I - I can’t wait any longer" you huff quietly, eagerly untying the knot on your loincloth.
Neteyam looks around, scanning the forest to see if anyone is nearby to witness you stripping. He catches sight of his father, far in the distance sharpening his hunting knife.
"Are you fucking crazy?" he whispers harshly, grabbing your hand that’s so desperately trying to rip your soaked loincloth off you. “My father is right there!”
"So? I need you now." you pant, pulling him in by the arm.
"So? So? So I can’t fuck you here” he leans in to rasp the words, pulling you away from the tree into his chest.
"Fuck. Neteyam. Maybe I should go and ask your father to fuck me since you’re so concerned about him." you hiss, peering up into his eyes.
Neteyam grabs your other wrist, binding them both together in one hand, hard enough to bruise your silken skin. He pushes you back against the scaly tree, pinning your hands above your head. He’s inches away from your face, panting hot air into your face.
"What the fuck did you just say?" he mutters, shoving his knee in between your legs, applying pressure to your needy little cunt.
You can’t help but giggle, pleased with yourself that you know exactly how to get what you want, when you want.
"Haah... I said" you pant, "I said, maybe I should get your dad to fuc-"
Neteyam yanks you towards him once more, spinning you around to shove your face against the tree. He tugs down his loincloth just enough for his painfully rock hard cock to slap right between your wet pussy lips.
"This is what you want?" he thrusts between your folds a few times before lining his cockhead up with your dripping entrance. "Hm? Then take it." he pants into the shell of your ear, slamming his cock inside you. "Take every fucking inch of it." he groans lowly, staying deep inside your cunt - jabbing his swollen cockhead into your cervix.
"F-fuck!" You cry out, walls of your heat clamping around him, trying so desperately to stretch out enough for his fat cock.
A hand flies up to cup your mouth. "Shush, you desperate little thing. Wanting me to fuck you in broad daylight, right in front of my fucking father. Yeah?" he grunts quietly, setting a merciless pace right off the bat.
Your muffled, filthy cries and whimpers only rile him up more, making him pound into your slippery, tight cunt.
Fuck, does it feel good.
"Mmmph! Mmm!" You moan, thrashing your head to get out of his grip.
"Fuck. Don't fight me, baby. I thought you wanted this?" he growls lowly, digging his fingers into your cheeks, "Hush up and take it."
You're so fucking close, you just need him to go a little deeper... a little harder. You arch your back, trying to angle his cockhead to jam right into your sweet spot, all on your own. But all he's doing is teasing you, brushing against it ever so slightly.
It's driving you crazy.
"Look at you squirming around, trying to make yourself cum." he thrusts right into your sweet spot. "Yeah, I know exactly where it is. But, oh sweetheart. You'll have to fucking earn it, won't you?" he pants, plunging two fingers into your mouth.
This how he likes to play. He'll act all sweet, and considerate, and the moment you do something - say something to piss him off he's quick to put you in your fucking place. Then he'll tease, and tease you, taking joy in watching you squirm around as you try to make him fuck you out right. Making you beg him to fuck you faster - harder, all so you can cover his cock with your cum.
Fuck. You couldn't take it anymore.
"Fuck me harder!" you squeal, biting down onto his fingers.
"Sst!" he yanks his fingers out your mouth, "Shut it. You're so fucking needy. So fucking noisy." he growls deeply, manhandling your hips to drill his cock deep inside you.
"That’s no way to talk to a lady. Thought I taught ya better than that, son" Jake interrupts, arms crossed over his chest, leg propped up on a large tree stump.
"Shit. I - I" Neteyam stutters, frozen - cock still buried deep inside you.
You hide your flushed face into your arms, mortified that the Olo'eyktan has caught you two in the act - in public at that.
"Oh, sweetheart. Is my boy not treating ya right?" he clicks his tongue, trying to have a good luck at your face.
"Sir, I - I can explain." Neteyam starts pulling out of you, making you whimper quietly.
"No - no. Go ahead, son. Let's see if you've learned anything that I've been tryna drill into that goddamn head of yours." Jake snaps, taking a seat on the tree stump, gesturing for him to continue.
Was his father really telling him to fuck you? In front of him? The thought of the Olo'eyktan watching you get fucked out only made the blood pump in your veins harder, making you even more flushed... even more aroused. You'd never admit it, but you'd always had a thing for his father. Who wouldn't? A warrior with that much power and strength. Your thighs rubbed together at the mere thought, just as Neteyam slides back inside of you.
Fuck, are we really doing it? You look behind you, shock plastered on your face.
"'m sorry, love." Neteyam whispers in your ear as he pumps his cock in and out of you. He couldn't disobey his fathers orders - he would never dare.
He thrusts into you languidly, keeping his hands frozen on your hips, gaze locked onto anything but the spectator - the judge. You're afraid to make a peep, covering your own mouth as he gently grazes past the swell of your g-spot. Perhaps it was the audience, but Neteyam seemed to have stage fright. He went from pinning you against the tree, plunging two fingers in your mouth and pounding sweet squelching noises out your pussy to - well, this.
"Go on boy. Fuck her like you were before. No need to hold back 'cause of your old man." Jake chuckles, eyes fixated on your bouncing breasts.
Neteyam's hips pick up speed, rutting into you a little faster - a little harder. Little moans make their way up your throat and you try your best to hold them in, squeezing your eyes shut and biting your bottom lip.
Thrust. Right into your sweet spot.
"Oh f-fuck!" your eyes pop open, looking the Olo'eyktan directly in the face as you let loose a strained moan. Neteyam's covers your mouth once more, not wanting anyone else but him to hear your pathetic, filthy, little noises. You can't help but rub your thighs together, arching your back so that he can tickle that sensitive spot deep in your cunt again - all while you stare into his father's eyes.
Jake props his elbows on his knees, face resting in his hand as he holds eye contact with you. It's as if he were asking you for permission to fuck you properly - to fuck you how a real warrior should. You stare at Jake, teardrops crashing onto Neteyam's hand that cups your mouth, silently telling him 'please' as you squirm around trying to make yourself cum. Your eyes fall to the bulge between his legs, earning you a little sly smirk from his father.
Shit. What am I doing? Your eyes flutter before tearing away from the sight of his clothed, growing cock.
"Hands off her mouth, boy. What the hell are you thinking? You tryna suffocate the poor girl?" Jake waves his hand at his son as he gets up, an expression of dissatisfaction smothered on his face.
"Sorry, sir." Neteyam breathes, hand falling back to your hip.
He walks slowly over to you and leans into your face, inches away from your lips. "Are you feeling good, babygirl?" he asks huskily, his predatory eyes boring into yours.
"I - I, uh. Y-yes" you squeak, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Doesn't seem that way, sweetheart. You've been squirming around tryna make yourself cum." he whispers, inching his mouth closer and closer to your ear. "I can help you with that." he whispers before pulling back to look into your eyes once more.
Your eyes frantically search his, brows pinched together and mouth slightly parted - an expression of desperation. You wanted to cum so badly. You wanted him to make you cum so badly. But you didn't want to admit it. You couldn't admit it, not with Neteyam here - with Neteyam still inside you like this. You bat your eyes a few times, breath becoming raggedy. Jake smiles, taking this as your way of saying 'fuck me, please'.
"Alright." Jake stands, huffing out a sigh as if he were about to do some charity work. "Looks like I'm gonna have to show ya. Move out the way." he orders.
Neteyam grinds his teeth, hard enough he may actually chip one. He looks at his father, then down to you with defeat in his eyes. He knew he didn't have a choice here, but that didn't take away the feelings pulsing through his veins, the green flame of envy in his chest - the blood bubbling in his heart. Reluctantly, he pulls out of you and steps back, eyes locked onto his feet.
"N-nete?" you whine quietly, eyes bulging from the sight of his father taking his position behind you.
"Sorry, love." he mutters, retreating to the tree stump.
You watch as Jake quickly shifts his loincloth to the side, unsheathing his massive cock. If your eyes could pop out of your head anymore, they would. You stare at his hung cock in awe, covered in blue prominent stripes with a thick mushroomy head. He's easily a few inches bigger than Neteyam. You gulp down a wad of spit, quickly turning to face the tree once again, squeezing your eyes as you prepare yourself to be ripped into two.
"Easy. I'll take my time with you, sweet thing." he whispers low in your ear.
He clears his throat. "First." he projects his voice, "you need to get her into a comfortable position. If you wanna pin her against a tree, you gotta have her facing ya." he spins you around, bringing you face to face with him.
"Then, you gotta put her leg around ya. Like this." he huffs, hoisting one leg around his hip. "Feel okay, sweetheart?"
"Mm-mhm." you mumble, feeling something thick press between the folds of your pussy.
"Good. See, boy?" Jake raises his brows, "then, you enter her. Slowly. You can't just ram it in."
You look over at Neteyam, elbows on his knees as he hangs his head low, peering up at you through his brows. He's visibly fighting the urge to lash out at his father, or was it... the urge to cry? It's hard to tell. But the more his eyes water, is the more difficult it becomes to keep looking Neteyam in the eye.
But you can't look away.
You feel Jake's bottom lip brush against your ear. "Ready?" he whispers, rubbing his tip against your entrance - lubricating it with your thick slick. You nod slightly, still staring at Neteyam, who watches as your eyes widen, brows pinch and jaw drops when his father slowly slides himself inside of you.
Your hand flies to your open mouth, hoping to muffle your tiny, strained whimpers as his cock stretches you out.
"No need to be quiet with me, babygirl." Jake whispers, rubbing your thigh that's holding tightly onto his hip. "Lemme know if you need a minute, okay?"
Allowing your hand to fall from your mouth, you pant "o-okay. I need... a minute."
"Alright. You're okay." he hums, waiting patiently for you to adjust to his sheer size. "See, son? Their comfort comes first."
Neteyam lets out a silent sigh, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows. The sight crushed his heart.
Jake feels your walls relax around his cock - your body's way of telling you it's ready to be fucked once more. All he does is quirk his brows, silently asking you if you're ready for him to fuck you good - fuck you right. Another hasty nod grants him permission.
"Now watch, boy." he commands, angling his hips from the get-go, prodding his mushroomy head right against your sweet spot. "It's about the angle of your hips. Got it? So when you... thrust ...fuck 'em... thrust ... they can't help but moan your-"
"Ugh fuck, Jake! Sorry, I - I mean... sir." you whimper.
"...name." he smiles, "It's alright sweetie, you can call me Jake."
Neteyam can no longer look, not even at you. He hated seeing your face screw with pleasure, all from his own father's thrusts. He hangs his head low, listening to your broken whimpers and whines that you tried so desperately to keep to a minimum. You couldn't help it though, your cunt is squeezing so tightly around his cock it made it hard to deny how good he's making you feel.
"And when you feel 'em clenching around you? that's when you fuck right..." he shifts his pelvis once more, angling his cockhead right into your sweet spot, "...here."
"Holyy shit!" you let loose a high pitched, lengthy whimper.
He chuckles breathily. "and that's when you pick up your speed, boy." Jake begins pounding into you, fucking the air right out of your lungs.
It's like a fire had been set in your lower back, pooling towards your pelvis to set your nerves on fire with it. You try your hardest not to cum, doing everything in you not to succumb to his insistent, relentless thrusts. But you couldn't help it - oh fuck, it was the best pounding you've gotten in your entire existence. Your pussy walls can't help but clamp around him, just as you feel his hand slide down to your clit.
"Oh, and son? Don't forget to give some love to this little nub here." he gives your clit one, quick swipe with his fingers, sending you over the edge.
"Fuck! Cumming!" you cry out suddenly, head slumping into Jake's chest as your cunt flutters helplessly around his cock.
"There we go. You're alright, sweetie." Jake holds onto you closely, waiting for you to come down from your high. "See that, boy?" Jake raises his voice, looking over at Neteyam. He's got his head buried in his hands now, ears flattened and shoulders slumped. Jake scoffs at the sight. "Not looking, I see. That's why nothing gets through that thick head of yours." he huffs, growing more and more pissed off.
"This boy ever make you squirt, sweetheart?" he hums, carrying you over to the large tree stump.
You're too fucked out to answer. Cock still buried deep inside you, every step he takes feels like a jolt of electricity surging though your spine. Little mewls part your lips, as you try your best to cling on to him for dear life.
"Ah. You're not gonna answer me either?" he clicks his tongue in disappointment, suddenly pulling out of you. "I'll take that as a no. Such a shame." he shakes his head, plopping you down on the ground right at Neteyam's feet. He yanks you up on all fours, hung cock pressing firmly between your folds once more.
"Watch me this time, Neteyam. I won't repeat myself again, boy." Jake scolds him, lining up his tip with your entrance.
You look up, to be met with watery, rage filled eyes, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. "Oh, Nete. D-don't cry." you hiccup, climbing up on his knees, face inches away from his. "I - I'm sorry, my love." you apologize, but not for being so loud and getting yourself into this position, [lol] but for how good a cock that isn't his is making you feel.
His eyes flutter in response, blinking out a few tears that were blurring his vision of you. He feels you grip onto his knees, digging your nails into them as Jake sinks his cock slowly inside of you once more. You grit your teeth, much like he is his, and struggle to hide in your expressions just how good his father is making you feel.
"I - I love you nete." it slips out just as jakes mushroomy head kisses your poor, bruised cervix. "'m s-so sorry"
Jake's only getting more pissed off with the two of you. "Yeah? You're gonna be sayin' you love me by the time 'm done with ya, sweet little thing." Jake groans in your ear, slamming into you so hard he winds you.
"Ahh haah, ngh f-fuck, Nete!” you stare into his teary eyes as you reach out for him, “Please f-forgive me” you pant, stars blurring your vision. Neteyam's dead silent, closing his eyes once more, feeling your little dainty fingers grip him tightly.
"Quiet." Jake spits, getting upset that you're moaning his son's name instead of his.
It was quite silly, really. Jake had Neytiri, and you were his son's mate yet he had the strongest urge to make you his little bitch. To fuck you so hard he'd ruin you for any other man - even if it's his son. Once again, he feels the quick, brief flutter of your pussy walls around him, right before they clench around his cock.
"Look. Look at her, son. Look at how her body responds to me when I fuck into her like this." Jake growls, slamming into you so hard that you’re swollen lips brush against Neteyam's. "This is how a real warrior is supposed to fuck, got it?"
"I love you. I do. I-I really do love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so- oh fuck!" you let loose a high-pitched squeal, clawing at his hand.
Neteyam's eyes pop open. He can’t bring himself to answer because he’s too busy watching your face screw into that same filthy face you make right before you cum. And oh boy, did that make his heart throb.
Jake gives you one hard thrust, right into that fucked out little sweet spot of yours, making you shake uncontrollably as you gush all over your legs, making a pool of your own cum at Neteyam's feet.
"Got it, boy?!" Jake shouts, thrusting into you a final time, slumping you over into Neteyam's lap before pulling out of you roughly.
"Yes sir…" he grimaces, watching your lifeless body collapse into his lap.
"Good. See to this mess." Jake spits as he quickly fixes his loincloth, leaving you behind for Neteyam to clean up.
totally forgot my taglist: also lemme know if you're tagged and don't wanna be &lt;3
Tags:@jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @avatar-lover @sooebear @vanillawhale @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @qweq-6802 @rodeosayu @girlpostingsposts @erinloversworld @agelsully @zetey @raaaaainn  @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r @bby-bo @neteyamsmate4life @wheniseeyouigogonutz @sullymenrhot @jakescumdump @erenjaegerwifee @eywaheardyou @saturnheartz @lovekeeho @afro-hispwriter @lovemyavatar @rainbowsocks @eddiesluvt @etherialblackrose @sleepilysworld @fezandashgirlfriend @kahlowy @babyymeme @lovekeeho @ilove444sworld @kaixiio @becksimagination @ameliestsblog @theycallmesia @boooogieman @fanboyluvr @boohoobaby @that-one-lightskin @st-cass @jakesully-sbabygirl @urfavgirlmakenna @zaddyskye69 @doggyteam2028 @iikatsukii @netemoon @onmyknees4loak @1-800-not-simping @khamaniix
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alexa-fika · 5 months
hii!! i love all your writings btw im giggling to all of it (i've read the x child!readers its so cute help)
i was wondering if you could make whitebeard pirates x child! with mist df reader that is moody oorrr that kind of child who likes to play pranks. if you could make it use they/them?? thank youu!
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Naughty Bratty (Whitebeard pirates x gn!child!reader)
A/N: HERE WE GOOOO I COOKED, once again most part of this is based on interactions either my own students, so I hope you guys liked it, decided to combine these two requests since they are of the same nature and also it made the creation of this the more easier and also slightly longer ✊🏽
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Dokucha Thatch is almost done with lunch; we’re gonna head down to the mess hall, so you need to put your stuff away before we do,” Izou called
“No!” They screamed, kicking their feet
“We can play with them later; right now, we must go to the mess hall and get lunch before food is gone.”
“I don’t want to!”
“That is quite alright, but do know that you won’t get to play with these then,” he said, gesturing to the building blocks in their hands
“Noo!” They cried
“Then pick them up,” he repeated
The small child scowled but obliged, grabbing the blocks from the ground and putting them in the small basket they originally were in
“Thank you”
He sighed, shaking his head as he followed after the child towards the mess hall, following after them as they grabbed their food
“Dokucha, don’t hold it like that; you will spill it all over,” Thatch called out to the child as they balanced the bowl of food in one of their hands
“I don’t care”
“Well, I do because it’s my kitchen and my responsibility,” he snapped back
They grin at him, smacking the bowl to the floor, laughing gleefully
“Okay, that’s it, you’re done.” He stated, walking towards them
They stick their tongue out at him, turning their body into mist and making a quick exit out of the mess hall and into the deck where they glided over the ship, close enough to remain between the huge sails but high enough to where the crew could not reach them
“Dokucha come down.”
“Nope!” They laughed, accentuating the p as they twirled around in the air
“Dokucha, if we have to come get you, you won’t like what’s going to happen,” Ace called, having followed after the commotion in the mess hall
“Ha! Ha! Can’t catch me!” They mocked the two, pulling at their eye and sticking out their tongue out at them
“No, but I Can,” a voice piped in behind them as a force brought them to the ground
Once they had gathered their thoughts together, they glanced around them, noticing the talons caging them, following them up to the owner only to meet up with the disappointed look of their brother in his hybrid form
They frowned, turning their body into mist once again only to find themselves unable to, noticing how their brother had gotten ahead of them and covered the talons in haki to keep them solid
“Let me go!” They screamed, punching at the talons, trying to slip free from their confinement
“No, can do; you are done for today; we are not doing this.”
They glance at their wrist at the feeling of something surrounding it,only to spot a sea stone bracelet now locked around it, Thatch kneeling next to them
“Take it off, Take it off! ” they hollered
Ace sighed, taking a hold of the child and nodding to Marco as they lifted them, keeping a tight hold on them as they walked into the ship
“Where do I take them?”
“You can take them to my room; we can talk to them there; they'll probably keep trying to run and throw things if we try to talk to them here,” Marco answered, transforming his body back to his human form
“No! Let me go, asshole!”
“We’re not using those words,” Ace sighed
“Fuck you!” They screamed, trashing against him
He shook his head, tightening his hold on the child, and they entered the first mate quarters, placing down the child in the corner of the room
Marco followed after them, closing the door behind him after assuring Thatch they had it covered as he headed back to feed the crew
“Nope, you’re not going anywhere until you calm down and talk to us,” Ace said, blocking their way as they tried to slip away
“Fuck you! I hate you!”
“You can keep talking like that all you want; it will just make you stay here longer.” Marco shrugged
“Fuck you!” They sobbed as they began screaming at the top of their lungs, screams echoing across the room
“You’re just going to hurt your throat doing that,” Marco pointed out
Dokucha ignored them as they simply began to scream louder, kicking at the walls around them as they kept trying to slip away, only to be stopped by Ace each time
After a while, the child’s screams settled down; only small sniffles escaped them as they sat in the corner
“You ready to talk?” Questioned Ace softly
“Yeah,” they muttered, looking up at them
“So? Why did you do it?”
They stayed quiet, not looking at them
“Look at us.”
They ignored him, staring at the ground
“Dokucha, look at us,” repeated Marco sternly
They glance up at them at his words
“Why did you throw your food and run away?” He questioned, kneeling next to them
“I don’t know,” they mumbled
He sighed at this
“You think Thatch liked that?” He questioned
They shook his head
“Okay, so here is what we are going to do: we are going to go back to the kitchen, you are going to apologize to Thatch, and then you’re going to go talk with Pops about what happened,” he explained
“No! Don’t tell him!” They cried
“It’s too late for that Dokucha, we’re telling pops,” Ace told them
“No!” They whined
“You should have thought about that before you did it.”
They frown at that
“Are you ready to go apologize to Thatch?”
They nodded, taking hold of Ace’s extended hand as the three of them made it back to the kitchen, quickly finding Thatch, who, upon seeing them, stepped out of his cooking to approach them
They stayed quiet, fidgeting with the bracelet on their wrist as they shook it around
“Dokucha,” Marco called, a warning tone to his words
“If you are not ready to talk to Thatch, we can take another time-out in my room.”
They glance up at Thatch at the words, muttering a small ‘sorry’ their way
“Sorry for what?” Ace asked, prompting them to continue
“I'm sorry for being mean and throwing your food on the ground,” they finished
“That’s quite alright, pumkin’; it did make me sad to see you were acting like that; you think we could listen to my words next time?,” he asked, kneeling down in front of them
They nodded, giving the man a hug
“Thank you, Pumkin,” he said embracing them
“Alright, thank you for apologizing Dokucha, are you ready to go see pops?” Ace asked, picking them up and placing them on their hip
The child nodded, placing their head against his shoulder as they began walking to the Captain’s quarters
“Pops, you have a second?” Marco asked, knocking on the door, opening at the affirmative response from the older man
Whitebeard glanced at them, sending a questioning look, spotting the child in Ace’s arms
“They are having a rough day today, been rude towards everyone,” Marco elaborates at the unspoken questioned
Whitebeard let out a grunt, waving the two men off as the fireman put them down and walked out of the room, Marco following behind him
“Why are you being a brat today?” He questioned, cutting to the chase
“I'm not…”
“Really? Then what would you call what you have been today? Cause it sounds like you have been a petulant child all day long.”
He sighed, gesturing them to come closer, plucking them into their lap as they did
“Dokucha, we are not your parents; we don’t have any plans to abandon you.”
“I know”
“You're not showing it,” he quips back
“When you want our attention, you just have to ask us; we are not like them; you don’t have to waste yourself away trying to do the impossible just to be praised; you need just ask, and any of us is thrilled to be with you, so instead of acting like this talk to us, alright?”
“Thank you, Papaw”
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Okay I know that that end is kinda suddened but honesgly the other one I had went too deep into the education sode of things and was too messy, so I just decided to stop there, hopefully it makes sense
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missterious-figure · 5 months
You enter into your private office after a long day of cleaning out each of the peacock's rooms, feeling as exhausted as ever. All three of them just finished going through a huge molting, coming out as beautiful as ever. But left sooo many feathers to clean up.
You are so ready to take a nap but there is still paperwork to be done.
As you approach your desk, you notice someone dropped off a large box with an envelope with the casino's logo on it. You remove the letter inside, informing you that a new line of plushies of the famous peacock boys was being considered to be sold in the gift shops. They had sent you the prototypes for you to evaluate, saying you are welcome to keep them afterwards.
This is a surprise for you that the casino is wanting your opinion, especially after your previous interaction with your manager and how they were ready to fire you on the spot.
Setting the letter down, you turn your attention to the box to open it and remove its contents:
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You place each adorable plushies onto your desk in a neat little roll and discard the box.
You are amazed at the quality of each toy. Each of them is a size of an oversized pillow and feels as soft as down comforter. The fabric itself feels like the smoothest velvet you have ever felt.
And what's even more surprising, each of the toy comes with a unique scent! You realize the casino must of picked these scents based on the boy's favorite drinks.
Sun's smells like a pina colada.
Moon's smells like a blueberry mojito.
Eclipse's smells like a cosmopolitan.
You have no doubt that these will sell very well for the casino. Especially for the patrons who would love to take any of the boys home with them.
You couldn't help but to start snuggling into each of the plushies, imagining it was them you are holding close into your arms.
Without realizing it, you had fallen asleep with Eclipse under your head, while Sun and Moon in each of your arms right there on your desk.
Not too long after, the door to your office slowly opens as coos and trills can be heard from three stars themselves......
*Died* again.
WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE LIKE KILLING ME WITH THEIR FABULOUS WRITING!? The stuffs look SO CUTE, btw!!! Thank you for this! I really loved it!! THANK YOU!! (I guess it makes up for being died)
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I don't really think of any modern AUs for red dead for some reason, idk, I have modern AU thoughts for any other piece of media that takes place in the past but for some reason I just can't separate these guys from the old west for the life of me
BUT the one modern AU thought I had and that I have very frequently is the thought of the entire Van Der Linde gang going to disneyland. That thought just tickles me. Like
Tilly, Mary-Beth and Karen make it their mission to go meet every single disney princess and they also kidnap Arthur and make him go with them. But he actually ends up having a kinda fun time because he enjoys wonder and whimsy, doesn't mean every character interaction before they took pictures wasn't stiflingly awkward though. he mumbled the entire time and refused to do any whimsical poses for the pictures
Hosea and Dutch are camped out somewhere shady by the park entrance with everyone's bags and snacks and water to act as home base and collect all their idiots at the end of the day, the only time they move is when an employee runs up to them and asks if the exhausted man with the scars on his face who fell asleep on a bench in direct sunlight by splash mountain and may or may not be suffering heat stroke belongs to them and they have to go help John before the park calls an ambulance. They go on exactly one ride at night, the jungle cruise, with arthur and john. Hosea laughs at all the skipper's bad jokes and Dutch thinks the whole thing is fucking stupid
Susan is also camped out with them but she gets worried about everyone too often and keeps getting up to go to everyone's last known location to make sure they're alright, but at some point Sean tells her to go take a picture with the evil stepmother from cinderella because they look like twins so she just goes back to Hosea and Dutch and lets them fend for themselves
Lenny is genuinely having a fucking BLAST but is really embarrassed about it. He does get a picture with belle because she's his favorite disney princess (bookworms ftw) and he runs into Arthur there being held captive by the girls, they both rib each other about what brought them there later. After everything is said and done though he and Arthur totally go on some rides together
Sean WAS hanging out with Lenny but they got separated within like three minutes of entering the park because Sean kept wandering off so Lenny left him to fend for himself, but he actually stayed out of trouble the entire time, surprisingly. He just rode the carousel again and again for like 8 hours because he was piss drunk before he even got to the park (since you can't drink there) and if he closed his eyes it almost didn't give him motion sickness (he never considered the possibility that he could also just not ride anything? Or maybe go to where Hosea and Dutch said they'd be?)
John is living that one viral post where he sat on a bench and fell asleep from heat exhaustion, then woke up to his ice cream melted all over him and mickey mouse putting a cold towel on his forehead. He was there because Jack wanted to ride splash mountain btw and John was terrified of getting on
Kieran lived one of my magical disney park experiences, which was he went on one ride with the group and was feeling good about being included, but then he got off the ride and literally couldn't find a single person he rode with, so he's wandering the park aimlessly worrying if everyone just left him there (this is not exactly what happened to me btw. I went on a ride with an uncle who is no longer an uncle who had a tbi and so could act unpredictably some times, mostly by virtue of being incredibly spacy, he got out of line to go get a drink and when he came back the line had moved up a lot more so he just told me he'd meet me at the end of the ride. Then at the end of the ride I literally could not find him. I wandered the entire area for like twenty minutes realizing he'd wandered off somewhere before I finally gave up and reported it to my cousin who I kid you not was completely unfazed and told me not to worry about it, they'd find him eventually. I still felt so bad about it even after he turned up not even thinking twice about the whole thing)
Abigail is busy being a responsible mother to two children (her husband and also Jack), Jack is having the absolute time of his life and they've lost John about ten times because he's too scared to go on the rides and also too scared of the disney characters to join them for pictures so Abigail eventually gave up looking for him, Dutch and Hosea would find him and babysit him (they did)
Pearson is floating around between the different groups, he's got the big backpack with the snacks, water and sunscreen in it while Hosea and Dutch were holding onto whatever he couldn't carry. He's like pretty ambivalent about everything happening and is kinda just happy to be there, but he is hella interested in all the food vendors and taking notes on what everyone in the gang seemed to enjoy so he can try and make it himself later
Swanson got a little too silly before coming to the park and ended up stuck on the magic teacups ride because he couldn't process how to get off. He was at park lost and found for like two hours before Dutch and Hosea found him, only for him to end up stuck on the teacups AGAIN like an hour later
Sadie thinks this entire trip is fucking stupid and she exclusively sticks to the biggest thrill rides, spending most of her time in california adventure (is that part of the park still called that? it's changed so much since I've last been there), a few people who also enjoy thrill rides have tried accompanying her on her bender but she literally never takes a break and apparently can't get motion sickness
Bill is lost. He was pretty sure he was with Javier and the Marstons at first, but he lost them at some point and now he's stuck in the star wars land and doesn't know where the exit is, small children keep pointing at him and making wookie noises, and he really just needs a drink tbh
Javier has been EVERYWHERE. He has a plan and an itinerary, either keep pace with him or you're getting left behind (rip Bill). He finishes his schedule within like three hours and then goes to hang out with Sadie on her masochistic thrill ride loop before he has to tap out after like five thrill rides in quick succession. He started the day hanging out with the Marstons and Jack insisted he wear a pair of mickey mouse ears, so like the cool uncle he is he agreed and in every picture he's in he's standing there in bedazzled mouse ears with an extremely stoic expression on his face
Charles silently slinks off to critter country (is it still called that? idk how the park has changed) upon getting there because he wants to go see winnie the pooh. After a couple hours of wandering aimlessly and wanting to hit people who crowd too close to him he finds and joins Lenny and Arthur. They go on some rides and then go see winnie the pooh again. Tigger grabs Arthur by the hands and makes him bounce with him and Arthur is in such a whimsical mood and has been doing goofy shit around the park all day at this point that he actually enthusiastically participates. Charles considers it a 10/10 time
Micah was definitely not allowed into the park. 100%
Strauss didn't want to come to disneyland, he had work to do, and the entire gang tried their hardest but unlike several of the other gang members they were unable to force Strauss to join. Party pooper :(
Uncle is having a great fuckin time. He went onto the haunted mansion and just fell asleep and rode the loop until he was personally escorted off by staff because they were worried he died in his sleep or something
Trelawny is there!! They have not seen him for four months but he is there for some reason! Late into the night Arthur got onto the haunted mansion, turned to his left and Trelawny was just. there in the doombuggy with him
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