#this is another 'Virus should not be aloud Tumblr at night' post
xviruserrorx · 3 years
I always hate how horrible Lamia's character was treated. Mostly considering that this is another person in the series being used. In the show (were gonna ignore all greek origins of Llamia for now as they don't follow any of it in the show really) Gaius says " The high priestess of the old religions took the blood from a girl and mingled it with that of a serpant." So the high priestesses got these Girls and forcefully mixed their blood with a serpant (not their best moment). Then we hear Gwen and Merlin talk about her with the line "She's just a girl." And they make it very clear in this episode that she is just a girl. Now with this show they use the term girl and boy (or even the term Young in front of their names) for younger characters. (Kara, Sefa, Mordred, Daegal, Eoghan, Gilli, as well as for Merlin and Gwen in the earlier seasons)
This always bothered me because it's like did they just snatch up this girl away from her family and use her. Like what's with this show and manipulating these younger characters who aren't even adults, making them have a "Bad roll" and then killing them all off or we never see them again?
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