#this is an honorable mention because it hasnt been happening much.
s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months
out of context things for a fic im reading (its from my mutual, and i might update my unfinished oneshot for gill after...and do a big oneshot seperation lol)
im adding "This letter is filled with glitter. If you open it you will be too." in some way shape or form into my vocab its beautiful
i honestly thought that jay was gonna say gill and OH MY GOD THATD BE SO FUNNY AND KINDA ANGSTY IF DONE IN A CERTIAN WAY LOL
(honestly kinda a fic idea there: ava gets help from lizzie as they learn lizzies brother [chip] believes that gillion likes ava or smth. i wanna see the siblings helping their siblings come together)
...oh the heart refs are starting
"He did. She screamed." pure comedy imo
"He kind of liked that idea, he needed more mean girl friends (one can never have too many)." SCREAMING MUTUAL YOU KNOW THE LESBIANS SO WELL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
...mutual. im not your mother father or parent i wanna put you in timeout AHHHH WHY THESE REFS
mutual. hey. you dont need to remind us. you can let us be happy.
i wonder what the title of the fic means btw
as someone who calls their friend pookie, MISS FERIN DIDNT FUCKING STUTTER
"Stress shouldn’t be real, it was stupid." PREACH!
fuck it is as riduclous as it appears
bro jay and ensa have had a "they/them pussy" moment together and i see it thats the fucking look on their faces good for them
he found his kid got a bitch and was so shocked and happy he fucking died
"But then again, maybe he deserved it." chip babygirl you make no sense
wait chips 17 here. 2 years away from being 19. the canon age. oh nononononononono
hey. anybody else notice a pretty big character of chips past hasnt been brought up yet? like, fucking price. the guy thats believed to have mistreated chip. the guy who made chip kill a man. MUTUAL WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING.
okay so i have a theory. my mutual doesnt plan on giving chip a break, hes just lost his dad unknowingly how, hes currently 17, and price hasnt been mentioned ONCE. characters act pretty similar to canon, including how theyve been mistreated in a sense (seen by the elders). the title (You'll Forget (It's Not Your Fault)) doesnt seem any good.
my theory? following the canon idea that chip has been through so much he easily forgot about kenta and his nightmare shit, chips gonna be dealing with price, and i dont think its gonna be just for a couple months. price is behind arlins shit, and price gonna make chip think this shit is all his fault.
oh nvm checked tags REDO THEORY
minor character death probs means you know who if you read it i dont wanna say it cause big spioier uhhhh READ IT OKAY IM SAYING IT NOW arlin, but from the beginning its had memory loss (how i didnt notice this before is beyond me) so im thinking its caused by like bad shit that happens (price is going to fuck with him more and ill sob) and hes blaming himself for it cause he thinks all thats happening including the memory loss is because hes doing shit wrong
(from what i know, depression and shit can cause memory loss BUT im not sure ill be back with results tmr on this so until then REBLOGS OFF)
check my mutual out or ill llegally have to eat you (on tumblr @red-might-be-dead)
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0rionz-belt · 4 years
top 5 ways my brain has bullied me for wanting to lucid dream by proving that nothing i do will help:
5) Texture recognition. a recent example is that in the dream, i sprayed this temporary hair color spray on my hair. as i applied it and went to touch my hair to try to spread it across my hair, i took notice that 1) it made my hair feel sticky and dry and 2) it felt the same way as it did "the last time" (which was in real life).
4) retaining details from my recent waking life. in the same dream as the previous example, it was halloween and i didnt have a costume but kids were at the door. i thought in the dream that i will "just smudge the eyeliner i put on earlier". later in the dream, i went to fidget with my hair and noticed that i was missing a hair tie from the end of my hair. i did indeed go to sleep with eyeliner on and my hair in a pony tail with 3 hair ties
3) Ability to see words, letters, numbers, and physical appearance completely accurately. I can remember a dream in which i read words from a book and even thought in the dream "oh well i can read words so this isnt a dream". mirrors have worked in multiple dreams.
2) False memories and internal dialogue. as ive said in previous examples, i have had internal thoughts in my dreams. i think most people have them but im not sure. the interesting part is the ability to notice things that would suggest i'm dreaming, point them out as being odd, and then moving on. In a similar vein, i will go to places in dreams and think "i remember this place". reactions ranging from feelings of nostalgia to legitimate fake memories have happened.
1) Doing things that most people turn into habits in order to lucid dream. I used to hold my nose to see if i could still breathe or not. i had a dream in which i had to go underwater, and even habitually stated to myself that if i could breathe, then it was a dream. Even knowing that, upon doing the test and realizing i could still breathe, i did not realize i was dreaming.
bonus: outright thinking/saying/being told "this feels like a dream" or "im dreaming". literally had a dream about the apocalypse and sure maybe shooting something only for the bullet to phase through the thing and thinking "damn it, i have to wait for this cutscene to end" should have done it. but no, i later said in the dream that "this is a lucid dream." I acknowledged that i could do anything, but said that i didnt want to and that i just wanted to stop the apocalypse. it was not a lucid dream.
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colaraqua · 3 years
It's been a while since I came on here an posted about anything going on. But then again welcome to my life a wake at odd hours right now 3:25 am as I typing. Any who searching for an internship and trying to stay afloat during exams at the end of this spring semester. Many things have changed since I last posted.
For starters I have this adorable bunny my partner got me back in December as an early birthday gift and she is just the cutest, she goes by the name Jade.
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Let's see my boyfriend and I also have been having the most wonderful time when we can in the midst of the pandemic and an economic crisis but what I'm sure thankful for is that our parents are somewhat supportive so I've been seeing him alot. Which is great but my head isn't the best living space for myself and doesn't get better with a plus one. So I'm always sorry about my moods that are constantly occuring and my ability to easily get triggered.
Thank you tho for being part of my life working with me to get better at driving an being a better person in general. Here is a photo sketch that I submitted for my photography class about it one of the only good things that happened in that class.
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Looking through these couple months I'm happy to see you were always there. My partner my lover and my best friend. From cuddling to watching shows together and a far and pressing play and pausing and interacting as if we were together makes me so happy that even when apart you still want me in your life.
Sorry about my jealousy tho I cant help it. I always see myself less perfect and less then average no matter how many times you tell me otherwise.
Another honorable mention I love that you support almost all my decisions like when I adopted a butterfly who we named sky or to the present day where we rescued a cat together and also now plants and are daddies together and watching you being excited about the small things your plants have to offer makes me so happy.
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I think we are both happy and learning in this relationship even tho it hasnt been a smooth sailing, I'm happy you are a passenger on the boat and helping, guiding, and embracing the new mysteries that are coming forth.
Thank you so much for being in my life because I dont know where I would be without you. How much I have learned how much I trust and how much of me I have given to you i need to appologies for wanting a tail and become a merman to replace you. But honestly there is so much history in so little time between us it would be hard to take that wish if you were not in my life.
I mean me now can hardly function, now put me someone place new with different rules I will be struggling and without you there it would be more depressing then what I've been going thought nowadays.
Alas thank you for being a wounderful boyfriend. Sketching for me, taking time from your day for me, driving me places, helping me find an internship, playing games with me, reading for me, cleaning and cooking for me, getting me an ipad from charity donations, thank you for putting me first and coming even when I dont ask for it, thank you for existing my lover, my friend, my present and hopefuly future @jemsayb
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phoebenavarro · 5 years
in honor of bmc closing here’s some notes I took on my phone after I saw the show in may and never actually got around to posting lol
under a cut cause long
Jeremy’s striped shirt is very reminiscent of Ness’s shirt in Earthbound (hc: Jeremy is a huge Mother fan, he loves Earthbound and he’s played fan translations of Mother 3) (he always wanted a group of friends like Ness has in Earthbound, people he could save the world with. He’s always had Michael of course, but he wanted to be part of a party like in an rpg) (and by the end of the show he does)
Love all the details behind Jeremy’s bed-- empty soda cans, the n64 and NES, and ROB
All the details in the set are great, like the posters at school and in the mall. There’s a poster for the GSA that says “Don’t fear queer”
Jeremy sounds like he’s about to cry as he says “I was just trying to get to my locker” when Rich is writing on his bag :(
“No, I always sweat this much” *furiously wipes forehead with sleeve*
“I get it, you’re a virgin!” the look of pure MORTIFICATION on Jeremy’s face
Christine touching Jeremy’s chest and he clutches his heart and looks like he’s about to have a heart attack (MOOD)
Christine stopping herself from info dumping at the beginning of ILPR but then seeing that Jeremy’s interested and the words spilling out of her is SUCH an ADHD mood
Jeremy mouthing “fuck, no” when Jake first is talking to Christine
Anthony Chatmon is a very cute Jake. He makes him very endearing. He’s very earnest but also a complete dumbass LMAO
When Rich’s Squip glitches and he’s laying on the ground, Jeremy just walks away lol
When Rich is singing about his penis in the Squip Song, Jeremy points at his crotch and is like “your....?”
The projections behind the Squip people are SO COOL (all the projections are super cool I love them)
“All I have to do is give the Guy Who tor........... ments me six. HUNDRED- yeah he’s scamming me”
I adore two player game!!!!!! The choreography and the projections are great and its a super creative way to make a song where the characters are doing something as visually boring as playing a video game interesting to watch
Michael when Jeremy and his dad are talking is really the epitome of “your friend and their parent are arguing in front of you and you don’t know what to do”
“I think I just blew my bar mitzvah money on a wintergreen tic tac” is SUCH A GREAT line I love it
The squip: “You make everyone around you nauseated” Jeremy: huge smile, mouths “wait what”
The Squip likes to be tall
Literally being able to see the gears turning in the Squip’s head as it watches Jeremy interact with people. It’s absolutely fascinated
The Squip looks so happy and supportive when Jeremy does something good unprompted? Like it gives Jeremy a little thumbs up when Jeremy adds the “She’s french” line when talking about Madeline
Sync up is so awesome and I straight up can’t imagine the show without it now that it’s there. Like I love how Jeremy masters the Squip hand choreography and he’s totally in sync (ha) with everyone else
Okay but I am DYING at the play being set in Athens............. Georgia (like... I went to school there! Go dawgs!) (I saw a production of midsummer once where the “you’ll know him by his athenian garb” meant that Demetrius was wearing a bulldogs sweater)
The Squip is absolutely BAFFLED when Jeremy is talking with Christine and being a huge fucking dork and she’s actually into it. And it’s just fascinated by here. Love it. I think it realizes then and there that she can’t be as easily manipulated as someone like Brooke, and I think that’s why it tries to kind of steer Jeremy away from her.
The Squip is like. So pleased with itself during all of Guy I’d Kind of Be Into
“DID YOU KILL EMINEM” “Noooooooooooooooot exactly” (low key the funniest line in the show)
Brooke and Jeremy are actually really cute and I get really sad for her cause she clearly likes him a lot and he just ends up hurting her (which was not his intention, but like, it still happens)
You can see the beginnings of the Squip’s plan forming as it watches everyone sing “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” during Upgrade
Loser Geek Whatever is. God. So relatable. And so many lines in it hit me so hard because like, someone put that experience into words
You can see Michael on the screens in the set walls saying Jeremy’s name for a second after the “optic nerve blocking on” line
I need a recording of the intermission music it’s so funky and I love it
I LOVE brooke’s dog costume it’s adorable
Jeremy says “fucking incredible” while the Squip is dancing during halloween
The Squip rolls its eyes at Jeremy for not realizing that Chloe is hitting on him and gives Chloe a look like “I know, he’s so oblivious” when Chloe laughs at Jeremy for not getting it
Chloe falls over on the bed during Do You Wanna Hang
The Squip flops face down on the bed when it gets shut down because of the alcohol and then it just stays there for the rest of the scene
Literally everyone in the audience gasped when Jeremy called Michael a loser
Michael does some of the same choreography from Two Player Game during Michael In The Bathroom and it hurt my heart
“pucking your way through the cast of midsummer” okay but what cast of midsummer HASNT had that one person that dates/hooks up with multiple people in the cast
I realized that the reason the Squip tells Jeremy that he has to leave NOW is cause it knows Rich is about to set the house on fire, not because everything else went poorly for Jeremy
Rich set a fire is SUCH a fun number, I love everyone’s slippers/pajamas and I love Brooke throwing her banana peel off stage and flinging her headphones off
I love Jeremy’s outfit in the scene where he yells at his dad. He looks really good okay, even if he’s being a dick
Pants song is lovely, also at the “do you love him” line there was like a record scratch sound effect (Michael: yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation.)
God... I love Pitiful Children. It manages to be funny at the beginning and then it turns into an incredibly threatening villain song by the end of it... Extra disturbing because Jeremy is so into it
I LOVE everyone’s costumes in the play - all the sequins, and I love Brooke and Chloe’s wigs. (Bit unrealistic that those would be costumes for a high school play but they’re so cool I’ll let it slide)
Gotta mention Jeremy’s vocal glitches, they blew my mind. Can’t believe Will Roland just does that (also I’m sad the line about vinyl isn’t on the cast recording cause that was low key my favorite glitch)
Jeremy flipping off the Squip and then the Squip twisting Jeremy’s arm >:(
The Squip’s death is so cool... I love the effects. Technical theatre rules
I love everything about Rich realizing he’s bi. Compulsory heterosexuality really do be like that sometimes
“Hi Rich........ Bye Rich” Michael I love you
Rich like, trails his hand up Michael’s stomach and Michael laughs and smacks his hand away and then he’s horrified cause he hurt Rich’s burns
I gotta mention the Hello Kitty shoes because I still can’t believe they’re real!!!! I love them and I love Jeremy with all my heart!!!!!!!
“Embrace the traits that make you so odd!” Love is stored.... In the Brooke (She’s so sweet and also I think she really did like Jeremy in part because he’s “odd” so get fucked Squip)
Troy Iwata’s Michael has a different jacket for VIMH. He’s got a Japanese flag patch and there’s a different thing on the back. I couldn’t read it but it’s different from George’s. The details!
Voices in my head is lovely and it makes me so happy
(Sorry I still can’t believe BMC didn’t get nominated for at least sound design cause the sound design was amazing. Imo it also deserved a lighting design nom. Sigh. Maybe if they’d gotten more Tony noms it wouldn’t have closed so soon.)
But yeah. It’s been two days and I already miss BMC on broadway. But I am looking forward to the show having a very successful future being licensed for school productions and other local productions!
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wickymicky · 4 years
2020 Comeback Ranking: April Update
oops im a couple days late lol
here’s a link to my last update: (x)
this is all just my opinion, of course. im not ranking these in terms of what the objective bests are, im just ranking which ones i personally like the most
Dreamcatcher - Scream: it’s been like two and a half months but there’s still nothing else like this song. dreamcatcher are my favorite group, so my expectations were high, but they didnt just live up to my expectations, they fucking shattered them lmao. i hoped the song would be good but how on earth could i have seen this coming? seriously, this is on a whole new level, this is unprecedented. i’m not exactly sure if it’s my favorite dreamcatcher song overall, but i’m in love with and in awe of this direction for them, and it’s without a doubt my favorite song of the year. usually when i listen to a song for the first time, even if it’s a comeback i stayed up all night for, from a group i really like, my first reaction is usually sort of “woah, i need to listen to that again to make sense of it”, but i remember my first reaction to scream was like... i was stunned, lol. every detail of it is exactly right, they nailed every square inch of this shit. i dont expect anything will surpass it for me this year lol, except maybe another dreamcatcher song haha
Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na: what a fucking debut, lol. this is everything you could possibly ask for from a girl group banger in 2020. this song is way too anthemic for this piece of shit year though haha. i love pretty much every second, every detail, about this song... it’s such a breath of fresh air. it’s so catchy and yet has the dirtiest, gnarliest industrial synths throughout it, which is right up my alley, it’s an easy way to win me over 
Elris - Jackpot: speaking of catchy songs with gnarly production.... yeah so i had this on my list when it came out, but i had more than 10 songs on that list and it was number like 12 or something, and then last month i also had it outside my top 10, but it occurred to me that actually i like pretty much every part of this song, and that definitely makes it one of the best of the year lol. like i noticed that i was listening to it way more than a lot of songs that i previously had higher than it, haha. there’s a reason for that.. it’s cause this song is good oh and their bside This Is Me is worth mentioning too. i’m not doing a ranking of bsides this month because im tired rn, but like, if this song was a title track then it would be just as high as jackpot, probably. this song’s got some real momentum, damn... it’s just so satisfying. the dance break in the bridge isnt my favorite, but it doesnt ruin the song for me, and ive gotten pretty used to it. everything else in the rest of the song is perfect though. literally... literally perfect. that’s not hyperbole.
Dreamcatcher - Endless Night: who the fuck else would ever even consider doing a song like this, let alone nail it like they have... this style of metal or jrock is so cheesy but who the fuck cares lmao this song beats ass and that’s all there is to it
Izone - Fiesta: i love izone’s luxury edm, it’s such a cool style. and like, this is probably their strongest example of that style so far. well, it might not be as “luxury” as LVER or Violeta, but it’s their strongest edm so far, i think. and this music video is nuts... and the choreo is one of the most visually satisfying of the year too... just all around one of the best comebacks so far. which is weird, cause this was supposed to come out in 2019 lmao... i wonder where i would have placed it on a 2019 year end list.... hmmm
Cignature - Assa: this song, holy shit... they’re making a goddamn name for themselves and i love it. theyre a force to be reckoned with. i personally prefer Nun Nu Nan Na, but i really had to think about it, lol. i know i put others in between NNNN and Assa here on this list, but these are all fairly even and close together, tbh. i love that this song shows a different side to cignature while using the general sound from NNNN, with some lyrics in common as well... it really is a “debut lead single b” huh? 
Loona - So What: i cant think of anything to say right now that hasnt already been said haha. you all know this song and have strong opinions (one way or the other) on this song lol, we’re all orbits here
GFriend - Crossroads: you know, i don’t listen to this song nearly as much as the others here, but every time i do i wonder why i dont listen to it more often. it’s hard to explain, i just really like it. it’s warm. but also sad. but not slow, it’s not a slow sad song... it’s a warm sad song with some momentum to it, and it really hits me sometimes. but seriously every time i go to make one of these lists, i look at my previous list and go “really? crossroads? ive only listened to this like twice in the last month, i’m definitely not including it this time”, but then i listen to it again just to be sure and i go “oh yeah, i forgot, this song is really good”
hmmm... i’m having trouble thinking of two more that definitely deserve to be the remaining spots in my top 10... i can think of a lot of songs i love, but either i dont feel quite *that* strongly about them right now (but might in future months, like how jackpot rose in my ranking just cause i was really feeling it this last month), or it’s something i think deserves to be in my top 10 but i just dont really have anything to say about it right now, you know? like maybe its something i think is great, but i havent been listening to it that much lately, not as much as previous months anyway. either way, there’s just a bunch of songs i feel like could go in the last two spots and there arent any two individual ones that i really feel like i have to put there above the others, so i’ll just list them here as honorable mentions lol
honorable mentions / candidates for 9 and 10 (in alphabetical order)
3YE - Queen Apink - Dumhdurum Cherry Bullet - Hands Up Itzy - Wannabe NCT 127 - Kick It Pentagon - Dr Bebe Sunmi - Gotta Go Weki Meki - Dazzle Dazzle 
i love all of those, i highly recommend all of them, but i wouldn’t really know which two belong in the number 9 and 10 spots. my gut would say weki meki, pentagon, itzy, or nct, but obviously it cant be all four... and yeah, i’m just not sure. so i guess i only really have a clear top 8 this time around lol, that happens sometimes
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 9
🚨trigger warning: mentions of rape in my notes🚨
Notes by me
- the chief from abydos! Also daniels father in law :)
- no glasses!Daniel in this scene
- I love how dedicated Daniel is to his space family and their culture😌 like this random Egyptian planet was like I'm gonna keep you! And he said okie dokie
- "I couldnt possibly be safer than in the company of tealc" AKDEOSNDJSJSSKA
- Jack wants to go back too lol
- Daniel back in his robes 💕
- back home for daniel! To abydos!
- Bodyguard!tealc
- apologizing to sha'res dad for not being able to find her yet 😟 its not your fault babe!
- tealc:
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- shes pregnant and that is....really bad. If its one of the goaulds that raped her. This got dark real quick
- he doesnt want to bring his hopes up that its actually her 😭
- hes shocked but like.....i would be too
- I was right its apophis kid :\ this so fucked up
- Host Baby??? Big Yikes
- okay I'm gonna say this right fucking now before i watch any more. If Daniel blames her and gets mad at her for being raped and getting pregnant WITHOUT her consent than i will personally come thru this screen and slap the fuck out of him
- meanwhile! Jack and Sam bonding time!
- sha're thinking Daniel wont love her anymore :( she better be wrong or I'm throwing hands
- she said the goauld is Amunet? Is that the dog goddess? Or the crocodile? I'm getting my Egyptian gods mixed up
- Daniel sitting outside to Process™
- "hasnt she gone thru enough?" My brain stopped working I'm so happy hes not not blaming her. Writers for once youre doing something right
- man hes really emotional about this
- tealcs right they need to take her anyway for her own safety.
- do u think he sympathizes with her bc hes been raped too? Its not said but I feel like thats what it is. He knows it wasnt her fault. And that also means they can comfort each other about what happened to them😟bc they understand
- okay why is sams dad being a total dill hole
- "Ive heard nothing about you, sir." Jack youre not off to a great first impression
- Jack making sam smile with sly jokes
- her dad knows she be lyin about her job
- he wants her to go to space HAHA if only he knew. His tiny brain would explode
- Daniel said he loves her no matter what and then gave her a big hug im LOSING MY MIND
- are we keeping the baby??? Am I gonna see Dad!Daniel and mom!sha're ??? 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
- micheal shanks eyes are super blue in this episode for my viewing pleasure only
- protective!Daniel 😍
- I'm just remembering how they met and when she showed him the forbidden drawings in the caves and they spent days together just sharing knowledge. When he found out they were married(in her culture) and just completely accepted it. When he saved her bc he realised he was in love. When he stayed on abydos so that he could live a full life with her and her people because he felt like he belonged. I'm fine
- parents need to ask before they set up things like job interviews. I have personal experience with this and im full of rage
- this reporter literally having a recording of Jack talking about the stargate and Jack flatly denying it. Zero fucks given
- Daniel saying he wont force sha're into anything. Bc up to this point shes been forced into so much!! He knows he needs to let her make her own choices!!! He gets it!!!
- im sorry both Daniel and sha're are so pretty in his episode. My bisexual brain is just having a real good time looking👀
- I REALLY really love it when she calls him "my dan-yel" ❤❤❤
- the SGC has a mole???
- LABOR somebody boil water
- oh its my goauld mans with the sick earrings
- Daniel helping her give birth. Sitting behind her and helping her breathe. I'm love
- "this is where we hid from Ra remember?" Ajdjsisnana thats such a cool detail
- he'll never leave her again there goes my heart
- "It's O'Neill. With two L's. Theres another colonel O'Neil, but he has no sense of humor at all."
- dont you hate when youre about to uncover a huge government secret and then immediately get hit by a car
- shooting the zat gun into the camera was a cool directing choice 🔥
- sam: so I'm getting a medal for my service this week! Cool right?
Jacob Carter: I have cancer
- he could not have been any more blunt
- ok dude cant you just accept the fact that she cant tell you what her job? Dont you know what top secret means? Cant you just be proud of her for what she does already???? Dick
- "I will always love you!!"
- she is scared she will lose Daniel and the baby :(
- its a boy! 💙💙
- the goauld is back in control oh god Daniel run
- shes actually pretty scary as a goauld
- yeah ok shoot the woman who just gave birth tealc YEESH
- that was a good idea to frame Heru'hur tho
- Daniel hesitating to leave her again. My heart is breaking 😢
- they saved the baby at least
- poor sha're didnt even get to see her son 😔
- bringing the baby back to the grandfather was a good idea😊
- this baby is SO SO cute
- is Daniel a stepdad now. Is he gonna come back and play catch with the kid when hes older. Is he gonna fully adopt him. I want him to fully adopt him
- Jack blaming himself for the reporters death. You gotta stop doing this to yourself man
- black shirt Daniel 👀👀👀👀
- HAHA tealc shoving the jaffa into the vortex lmaooo
- "you dare challenge me?"
"I was thinking about it"
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- she definitely saw them and didnt say anything
- "are you alright?"
"No. No im not.........but I will be."
"She looked directly at us, Daniel jackson. And yet she did not reveal our position." YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS LADS. Theres still hope for my girl. She can fight this I believe in her ✊😤
- I will say it again tho. This storyline for her is very fucked up. No excuses, its just a bit over used in sci fi for the women characters to have surprise pregnancies.
Whump under the cut
Tealc whump: fought with jaffa
Daniel jackson whump: shocked, emotional, crying, forced kneeling, back handed
Sam carter whump: emotional , crying
🎶listening to You Are The Reason by Calum Scott and Leona Lewis 🎶 in honor of Daniel and sha're making me lose my collective mind
No glasses!Daniel for most of the episode
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Roll for Panic Attack
*Trigger warning: mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts*
I am afraid of a lot of things. Clowns. Death. Answering the door when i’m not expecting it. Sticking my foot out over the edge of the bed at night. You know, rational, normal stuff. But right now, I'm scared of something that feels like it shouldn’t be as scary as it feels. For the 2nd time in my (albeit young) life, am taking online classes at my local community college. My first time was 2 years ago, and it sent me reeling into a deep depression. As ridiculous as it sounds, I never want to get back to that place. Who would have thought, right??? But im getting ahead of myself, so let me explain the past so one can see where the issues in my grimy future lies.
Sophomore year of high school is where our intrepid young hero begins (read in the voice of Brennan Lee Mulligan: DM to the stars). As anyone in a fiery hellscape would do, I explored a program that gave me a glimpse of freedom: Running Start. In this wonderful program, high school students can attend college classes either online or in person, and not only earn college credit, but can be at the high school less. Great! At first, I thought it would be amazing! I love to learn, and I love not being at the highschool. Suffice it to say, I rolled really low on my perception. But my perception got steadily higher the farther I got in the process of applying. I felt like it might be too much. That I might not be able to handle this. But everyone in my life told me, “you’ll be fine! You’re a smart girl! And your so independent!” So I continued on… feeling like something was off.
Cut to a month before Junior year starts. I feel…. Nothing. I’m bored all the time, and nothing really makes me happy. I’m so scared im going to fail college and it hasnt even started yet… To my family, I am the same. After all, I am used to faking emotions thanks to all those years of thinking panic attacks were SUPER normal right! But I began to explore what was happening. Our hero rolls her dice: 18. I realized something that made me break down in tears of shame. I realized I didnt feel love for my family. I knew I loved them, but I didnt feel anything.What was wrong with me? I tried to imagine horrible fates befalling my family to see if I could muster up some feelings then. No dice. (get it? Dice? RPG’s? Shut up this is comedy GOLD) My sister found me sobbing in the garage. Grabbing my mother, they went to see what was wrong with me. I explained how I was feeling, and even voiced my fear of being depressed. My mom wrote it off as burnout. Which to be fair, I don't blame her for. I had been acting just as I always had.
Skip ahead some more. High school is in full swing, and my college classes begin. Things feel...okay. I was taking 2 classes: General Psychology, and Introduction to Art. Psych was tough, and its reading was intense. 1 page took about 10 minutes, so 6 pages: one hour. The professor thought that because we were online, we needed to make up for being lazy and not going to a classroom. We had around…. 120 pages on a good week. Wanna do the math there? Let me break it down for you: 10 pages=1 hour, 120 pages divided by 6=  hours. About. Add to that the 5 hour assignments every week, 1 hour discussion forums, and hour long tests every week. Our total for this class hours per week: 27. Now, remember, I was also taking highschool classes too, and one other class. Also remember that I was 16. With an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. All it took was a month to break me, and send me hurtling towards depression with all the force and speed of a bowling ball dropped from the top of the Empire State building.
Thanks to my natural ability to repress my emotions and fears, my body decided to send a clear message that something was afoot! I began to get full body HIVES. We went to the doctor, and she basically went, “umm wow, that's definitely an immune system reaction…. But you aren't sick…. And you haven't been sick…. So I don't know why this is happening…” Always what you want to hear from a healthcare professional! So at this point you might ask: did any of this alert you to the fact something was off? No. At this point, I was in complete denial that anything was wrong. Surely getting up in the middle of the night to count pages and double, triple, quadruple check that I had planned every single second of my week was written on my planners pages. What did catch my attention, terrorizes me to this day.
I am religious, and I do my best to pray every night. During this delightful stage of my life, I began to ask God to let me die. I asked that when I went to bed, that I wouldnt wake up. That it would all just stop. That way, I wouldnt keep on down this path, suffering. I thought if I quit, everyone would be disappointed in me. What a waste. How pathetic, right? Of course, this was myself talking. But I wanted to die. I didnt even care if I went to heaven. I thought even if I ceased to exist, it would bring peace. Inkey, dark, peace filled sleep. 
This is what scares me. Because I can never get to that place. I hated myself so much. But what was worse was how I felt about my family and friends. I began to resent them a bit. Just a little. How dare they love me! Why do they have to keep me here? I knew that if I died, it would destroy them. I had no illusions that those I loved would be better off without me. While I thought I would cause them shame and disappointment in life, I knew that in death I would kill them with me. And while I might not have felt love as I do now, I never wanted to cause them pain or suffering. Ever. So here I am now. Better, because I can tell you it can get better. Scratch that, it WILL get better.
And now to the present: a full circle of sorts. I am so scared that this course will be too much, that I wont be a college graduate. Please understand: I honestly thought for a long time that I wasn't going to go to college. Not because I couldnt. But because I didnt see the point, at least for the art fields. And honestly I still do. But I know that even with a stupid certificate that I probably could have taught myself all the same information for a 10th of the price, it will open doors for me. And to be perfectly frank, I want to make my family happy. I want them to be proud of who I am. I want to be proud of myself. To prove that no stupid mental illness will take this away from me. Not again. I know I can pass and even excel in a college environment. In fact, during my tenure at Running Start, I was invited to join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.But I want to be able to mentally handle this. I want to be strong enough for ME. I know that finishing this won't make me weak, or if it is too much that it means I am lesser than. But I'm going to try damnit! And if it is too much, then I will stop, or at least work with my therapist to see what would be best for me. 
And so, our hero begins her journey. Roll for Initiative.
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ssj4 · 6 years
Sorry to bother you, but I keep seeing posts about a future Goten AU and I keep getting really curious! However, when I try to find links to anything about it I end up at some abandoned URLs.
some disclaimers im getting most of this from an old draft i had written about the au, i havent watched the specific scenes in dbz and dbs that these are based on in well over 2+ years so i dont remember the timeline of events that well so im sorry if some of it just straight up doesnt make sense lol
this whole thing did start out as an excuse to replace the romantic scenes with mai in dbs with goten actually so the truten themes are pretty significant but that aside future goten is a very good boy with a much different personality and outlook on things… much like how future trunks is compared to his main timeline counterpart :3c the whole thing was developed by me and my gf together and we never rly posted too much about it and the broken links you did end up finding were probably from like the one or two times we did but here u go im glad u asked 
the big change is it starts out with chi chi getting pregnant before goku dies of heart disease or whatever in the android saga instead of the cell saga, so even after he dies in that timeline she still has their 2nd son and he grows up in the future timeline with trunks.
when they were kids (like 10-15) goten was stronger than trunks just bc gohan and chi chi were there to teach him just a little bit. trunks and goten sparred a lot though so he was able to keep up but never really passed him. (that part isnt really important but i figured it was a nice detail that made sense)
thats when history of trunks comes into play, and they both get really serious about gohan training them. the scene in the movie where gohan knocks trunks out before flying off and getting killed is the same except now he just knocks out 2 kids instead of 1 i guess. 
i feel i gotta add that this au was created when the future trunks arc in dbs was airing, and mai was introduced as his love interest, and honestly in my opinion the scenes were written really well but i just wasnt digging the fact that before she was granted a younger appearance she was already middle aged, like she was old enough to be his mom if that makes sense. so it really isnt a dig on mai at all cause i love her and id die for her its just the romantic plot that i didnt like. so when that was airing i thought “WELL what if that was someone else” 
she’s still with them though in this timeline and she still has her younger appearance! 
the future timeline is still progressing the same as it did in canon, the androids still wrecked the place and no one was strong enough to do much about it so trunks is still set up with a time machine to meet with the other timeline. goten stays back and does his best to protect everyone while hes gone just in case
some stuff happens in between here but skip ahead to trunks coming back from the trip after the cell games i guess! lots of stuff happened obviously like trunks literally dying, spending years in the time chamber with his dad, meeting a whole gaggle of clowns that he’d only heard stories about, seeing gohan as a preteen. hes got a lot of stuff to share!!! now hes back and he can take care of the androids + cell + and goten can catch up and lifes pretty good over there! 😇
during the rebuilding period goten would spend a lot of time with chi-chi and ox-king and still slept over there occasionally which she really appreciated, and he invited trunks and bulma over there with him frequently.
despite this he wasnt present when she died as no one really expected goku black to wipe out the landscape so far from the city, but she and ox-king died along with more than half of the population. (ugh god im so sorry queen i love you😓)
as i said before mai is still here and she’s still the leader of the resistance!
events of future bulmas death is the same as well as mai originally intending to go with trunks when they meet up together in an abandoned building. goten is already there as the three of them rest up a bit and start making their way to capsule corp. goten was planning on staying behind anyways but he wanted to see the two of them off. when goku black interrupts them as they arrive, trunks and goten encourage mai to escape, seeing as she only has a gun and everyone already knows bullets arent gonna work. 
this scene is the same as it was in canon, where trunks tries to rush black but gets beaten quickly. mai trying to buy him time to let him escape is replaced with goten actually fighting him and taking a hit for trunks but getting knocked out as mai did. trunks under extreme stress from already losing his mom today assumes hes dead instantly, (he has dumb bitch disease, he didnt even check for a pulse in canon!🤔) and fires a masenko to escape into capsule on his own 
after trunks pops back in time and black is focused on searching for him, mai sneaks back in to retrieve goten (even though they told her to leave she really just ducked behind some rubble and stayed close, because she wasnt just gonna leave them!)
she takes him back to an underground bunker with other members of earths resistance and when he wakes up she tells him that trunks made it to the time machine and that hes presumably in the other timeline now. 
idk if yall remember it well but i rewatched some of the episodes just for this, and trunks in the main timeline believing goten was killed and mai is alone and he wont be able to get back is so sad. and when he spent that day with gohan and his family and cried thinking about how if black hadn’t have shown up, he couldve had a family too… he doesnt deserve to be this sad 😥
skip to when he’s finally able to get back home with goku and vegeta with him and they make their way to the bunker where he sees mai and goten together! the scene in canon where he rushes over and starts spilling his heart out is the same, with him telling goten he thought he died
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they get a really sweet hug moment here when theyre both happy to see the other is still safe and it gives both goku and vegeta some Food For Thought, because goku actually didnt know there was a goten in this timeline, and he doesnt really recognize him at first. vegeta has the idea in his head that this is probably goten.
goten never really had any sort of real attachment to his dad. it makes sense hes never met him, hes only ever really heard about him through others, (his mom, his brother, trunks, and probably bulma has mentioned him as well) so he definitely knows OF him its just that, he doesnt know him. so when he sees the real goku standing there for once a lot of thoughts run though his mind, like, “that looks A LOT like goku black!” “thats definitely my old hairstyle” and “holy shit is that my dad?” but the first thing he actually says out loud is “Holy shit its goku orange” and vegeta really almost loses it because cause any doubt in his mind about this kid being related to kakarot just went right out the window cause only someone related to him would say that
and as you probably know a lot happens after that with them all finding a way to defeat zamasu but i dont want to include all of the rest when you can probably just interpret which scenes were changed  
ANYWAYS now instead of trunks surviving the apocalypse its trunks and goten surviving the apocalypse. thats why its not a really super romantic deal like Who has time for dates when goku black Might possibly be hiding in this abandoned olive garden?? so theyre just very close and privately affectionate
the ending where trunks and mai get to live in a new world with their counterparts is the same except gotens there with them of course, dbs left their ending pretty open 
so that takes care of the story changes, heres some additional details and information on gotens character in this au! 
heres his design, drawn by my girlfriend @ssj2 uwu !! 
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he kept his natural hairstyle for a while, but i think he changed it sometime during the rebuilding period after the androids and just let it grow out a bunch. up until then he kept his natural style purely to honor the guy he’s heard so fondly of even if it brought him a lot of mixed feelings when people said he looks just like him. a really distinct feature about his new hairstyle is that the spikes look like horns and i love that a lot !!
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and the shawl he wears was the same one chi chi wore 
some personality traits for future goten is that he has a habit of bottling up his negative emotions and has trouble taking care of himself, as hes always more focused on the well being of his loved ones. he can be mischievous and cocky but hes not overconfident (or he hasnt been since gohans death) however in some situations he can be charismatic and assertive which works really well imowhen their timeline is erased and theyre temporarily in the main timeline, goten gets to meet a bunch of people like gohan and his family, chi chi, and even his counterpart 
sorry if this post was messy i wasnt really sure how i wanted to make it look and im kinda bad at dumping information out so if any of its confusing just redirect me to it and ill try again gdjfksjdgsfk 😭❤
hmmm anyways thank u for reading!! its an au we made years ago and we love a lot and i hope u do too! be nice pls!! and send asks about it if you’d like cause its fun to think about! 
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rubyleeray · 6 years
Top 10 Otome Husbands
@destinedatmidnight​ tagged me (thanks boo!!!) in this Sophie’s Choice style tag and I put a LOT of thought into this! It took me all day (lmao sorry to my boss because I did NO work today. I just held a tournament on paper of my favourite dudes). I am confident in these 10 and I’m hoping I can convince you to be my sister wife with at least one of them if you haven’t tried them yet! 
Things to keep in mind: I have played probably close to 80 games at this point and I’ve liked/loved almost all of them! I’m sticking to characters with Main Stories only and I tried to pick guys I think would make anyone a good husband and not just the guys I stan even though they are garbage XD! (i.e Takeomi Shiina).
In no particular order!
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1. Lugar - Cinderella Contract. Hands down the most odd Love Interest in any game I have ever played. When I downloaded the game, I had written him off entirely. I have never been big on blondes and I am not down with mullets, but one day I got his story in a gacha and it was WILD. It was sexy and weird and funny but the perfect mix of all three and I was sold. His back story is also super interesting. He’s a bishop by day and a borderline vigilante at night. His hobbies include biting you, referring to you as “Miss ____” and scolding you. If you like weirdos, you will love Lugar. 
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2. Yukimura Sanada - Samurai Love Ballad Party. My first SLBP boy and still my favourite. Yukimura has everything you want from the perfect otome husband. He’s adorable, considerate, and honorable (to a fault at times). He grows up a lot in every route of his and even his enemies respect the hell out of him. If you haven’t played SLBP yet, do it! And start with Yukimura! He’s perfect! His hobbies include sweating, blushing, misunderstanding everything, and wielding a spear. If you like good boys, you will love Yukimura. 
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3. Jumin Han - Mystic Messenger. My first otome love ever and still one of my strongest! Jumin is a total surprise when you play his route. He’s odd like Lugar but also chameleon like in that he can shift and be anything and everything whenever. He’s got issues for sure but he acknowledges them and (as much as one can in 11 days) works to improve himself while also showing conviction and going for what he wants. I know everyone loves a dominant Jumin but he is a lot more than his red ribbon. His hobbies include petting his cat, taking shitty pictures, drinking wine, flying places on a whim, and cross stitching.  If you like Ikemen Sengoku’s Kenshin - you will love Jumin Han.
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4. Taisuke Nadauchi - Rental Boyfriends. Raise your hand if you were expecting me to pick Takeomi Shiina lol! While Takeomi is hands down the sexiest of the RB gang, Taisuke is the best man overall. He has the best route and dynamic with MC in the whole game. There’s a lot of growth and development from both he and the MC in his route and they have a super healthy and supportive relationship which is a bit of an anomaly in this genre. They are absolutely adorable and you need to experience the magic! His hobbies include doing makeup and hair, roasting everyone around him, staying up late to clean after gatherings, and getting shy over you when you are fresh from a bath. If you loved Toma from Irresistible Mistakes, you will love Taisuke.
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5. Chiaki Kira - Several Shades of Sadism. Chiaki is a total brat, but I love him. He’s almost useless without MC but he knows it (which I love), but he will also fight for her when things get rough. He’s cheeky, pushy, hilarious, and good father material in his relationship with Mutsuki. His hobbies include being a pain in the ass, holding things just out of your reach, reading you to filth with hisnyouger brother, not cleaning his room, and burritoing himself in his blankets.  If you like Ikemen Sengoku’s Nobunaga, you will like Chiaki. 
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6. Soji Okita - Era of Samurai: Code of Love. Soji is extremely sexy and intimidating (terrifying) to begin with, but quickly it becomes obvious that he is the kind of sweet that makes your knees give out. He is so caring and considerate and everybody loves him. His whole existence might be pure angst, but it beautiful. He will stop at nothing to protect you and practically gives up everything for you. The maturity he brings out of the MC is nothing short of phenomenal. His hobbies include being a dad to every stray child, being bffs with every townsperson, and murder. If you like SLBP’s Saizo and/or Ikemen Sengoku’s Mitsuhide, you will love Soji. 
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7. Nobunaga Oda - Ikemen Sengoku. Nobunaga is arrogant, intelligent, open-minded, and sexy as hell, but he also has a super sweet immature side that is really endearing. Everything of his I have read makes me giddy as hell. He is logical and extremely passionate and I totaly dig it. His hobbies include stealing and eating candy, actively avoiding being tickled, playing board games, and not sleeping. If you play religiously or have never played an otome game, you will love Nobunaga.   
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8. Yushin Kuze - Decoding Desire. This idiot lmao. I love him so much! He is a total pain in the ass, but he’s also the most transparent love interest ever in that he loves you so damn much. He’s always experimenting with (literally) and inventing things to make MC’s life better/more interesting, but they usually backfire horribly and one or both of them always end up naked?? He’s smart as hell and a lot of fun, but when he gets serious, he’s serious. His hobbies include blowing things up, inventing modifications for both humans and androids often against their will, eating caramel things, and digging large holes for no reason. If you like Ikemen Sengoku’s Masamune, you will like Yushin.   
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9. Soryu Oh - Kissed By The Baddest Bidder. Adorable and willing to get murdered for you. Not sure what else to say about him other than he is cute cute cute and I love him so much! He’s so enamored by you and your acceptance of his dark past and present. He’s always trying his best, even if that sometimes means blowing up the kitchen. His hobbies include being jacked, reading detective books, thinking about eggs, and threatening Baba & Ota with his gun when they piss him off. If you like SLBP’s Masamune, you will like Soryu. 
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10. Miyabi - Enchanted in the Moonlight. Miyabi is...absolutely delicious. I love how bold and shameless he is. He knows what he wants and he makes it happen but he’s also extremely considerate underneath all his pushiness. Have I mentioned on here that I have a real bad ears and tail kink? His hobbies include rubbing up against your leg, eating Inarizushi, whispering graphic things to you in public, and chasing his tail. If you love SLBP’s Shingen and or Nobunaga, you will love Miyabi. 
(Lmao yes I realize now that most of these guys look the exact same. Tall, Dark, and Handsome never fails!)
Okay I’m sweating now. I tag @pseudofaux, @justjen523, @bulbaqueen, @kawa-akarin, @theweatheredwarrior, @heavenzfiend, @ladyofsamurai, @elnarablr-blog and anyone else who hasn’t done this yet because it’s fun and I love reading them! Sorry if I tagged you and you have already done this! Just send it to me so I can see it! I searched your blogs for key words and terms but I think everyone on here hasnt done it yet! 
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bipolyjack · 7 years
Please tell me more about why you like sheith, I'm very curious to hear the rest of it.
(alright luckily i had the beginning of this saved elsewhere when tumblr just randomly sent it early so imma just begin by pasting. also spoilers for voltron s4 obv) 
the original ask was something like “curious why u like sheith? ive thought abt it and i think i prefer klance”
rubs hands 2gether Thank U for Asking
first of all, thats chill! if klance is ur thing, fuckin go for itmy dude, have a great time with that shit. the fandom’s huge andtheres tons of content. im all for ppl shippin what they want and imnot here to tell someone to ship or not ship something. if u do trulywant to know why im a sheith tho, buckle the fuck up cause im awashin sheith feelings at every moment and i got Things 2 say
alright so the main thing with sheith is that it feels realhealthy and good. (well it did. things are weird this season bc shiromay or may not be a clone but up until his disappearance at least.)they’re rly good abt checking in with each other to see how theother one’s doing and feeling, and they lean on each other a lotfor support. they also treat each other as equals and respect each other’s choices (again, with minor exceptions in the current season). they got that good good hidden backstory together. they got that good good star crossed lovers thing goin on where the universe keeps ripping them apart, fucking them over and tossing them back together more fucked up than before and my dude i Eat That Shit UP. also that good good height difference.the show gives them lots of moments where they’re either alone in a room together havin a private moment or havin an equally private moment in front of the whole fuckin team where fuckin everybody can see them (like the first Hug tm). they’re openly physically intimate with each other (which keith is not with anyone else) and they’re not like. ashamed of that. there’s so much canon content i cry daily. 
here lemme break it down
we know they knew each other in the garrison, and not just like in passing, like acquaintances, but enough that keith was the only person there to see shiro off when the kerberos mission launched. in s1ep1 lance says of shiro “omg that guys my hero” and of keith “you’re my rival” but neither shiro nor keith know who lance even fuckin is. bc presumably they didnt hang out. everyone in the garrison knows who keith and shiro are but they - keith especially it seems like - dont keep track of the other students. also theres this whole fanon thing where shiro and matt were best friends in the garrison and hung out all the time before kerberos, but in s4 when matt greets shiro hes incredibly stiff and awkward and calls him sir and shiro just goes “pidge never gave up on u buddy” which i guess could be a clone thing but could also be him bein like “i totally did give up on u tho, whatever” (and i can totally buy that considering how pidge’s whole personal arc this whole time has been looking for matt and their dad, and while shiro has been supportive of that, he’s also been like hey dude that’s not our top priority as a team). so from that i infer that matt and shiro werent best buds in the garrison, and that he must have spent a lot more of his time with keith bc in s2ep1 keith makes it clear that shiro made a significant impact on his life and that he still thinks about things shiro said to him before kerberos. which we havent seen. bc theyre hiding the pre-kerberos backstory from us and i cry. also their flashbacks in s1ep2 (i think, i dont exactly remember which ep but i think its that one) when they all put on the headsets and we see their fondest memories, shiro’s is the day they were separated and keith’s is the day they found each other again like jesus.
then there’s keith’s first scene in the show. the first thing we see him doing is kicking the shit out of like three garrison guys to rescue shiro. we get that close up of him touching shiro’s unconscious fuckin face and his first line in the whole show is him saying shiro’s name. like shit dude how am i supposed 2 not ship that. the first time keith and lance interact, its lance butting in on that moment and keith being like “who the fuck are u” and its. uncomfortable. we also know that keith has been livin alone in the desert and obsessing over these lion carvings bc he got kicked out of the garrison for basically insubordination sometime after shiro went missing. we get that scene in the shack where keith talks abt feeling lost until shiro showed up and everyone else in the room looking all confused and uncomfortable as these two dudes who clearly already know each other well and have been separated for like a year just stare into each other’s eyes or what the fuck ever. also the scene outside the shack where keith comes and finds shiro and puts a hand on his shoulder and asks him how hes doing - theyre alone for that part. also worth mentioning is that keith has no hesitation touching shiro’s galra tech arm, whereas lance hesitates before shaking his hand. we see a bunch of times that keith is touch averse with almost everyone except shiro, in a way that indicates a degree of prior familiarity and a good understanding of boundaries that keith hasnt had the time or inclination to set up with lance, hunk, pidge, allura, coran etc. also the one time he holds lance when sendack attacks the castle and lance is unconscious, lance sort of blows it off later and basically goes “no homo” when keith brings it up so that was a bummer
i also love some of the Pauses they put into shiro and keith’s dialogue, some of them are just. so choice. like when keith proposes a crazy plan that puts him in danger and shiro just takes a sec, closes his eyes, then goes “alright i’ll back u up, do what u gotta do” like!!!! boi!!!!!! thats good shit. also in s2ep9 during the blade of marmora trial when keith is basically having this nightmare about shiro rejecting him because of his connection to the galra, (which real actual shiro can see because this whole ep was a fuckin fanfiction) and he does that same thing where hes like “shiro... *pause, close eyes for Just a sec* you’re like a brother to me” which! by the way!! i have said the same thing!! to a friend i had a crush on!!! who was straight!!!! and i was a little baby who didnt know i was into girls yet and we used to say we were like sisters bc i? didnt know i?? was gay???? we shared her bed whenever i stayed over and she really did see me as a sister and i would just lie next to her and daydream about touching her boobs,, anyway keith is so relatable there i could yell forever but continuing on,
can we, real quick, talk abt the first time keith flies the black lion? bc in s2ep1 hes not the black paladin yet. real shiro is still around. and keith legit goes up to black, puts a hand on her big ole nose and goes “ur boi is in trouble, we gotta help him” and she goes “yeah dude hop in” like?????????????? thats some fanfic shit again! black Knows! also dont even talk to me abt how many times keith and shiro yell each others names in that ep its unreal. also the trope (that i eat the fuck up every time) of one member of the otp lying trapped and injured somewhere and talking to the other member of the otp thru a helmet comm or whatever and they cant see each other but they can hear each others voices, so they have to keep talking to like reassure each other they’re both still alive and okay?!!! im such a sucker for that shit!!!! ummmmm the fact that shiro keeps reassuring keith that hes fine when theres a gaping glowing wound in his side and hes like visibly in pain, clenching his teeth, eyes closed, groaning, sweat beading on his forehead, the whole fuckin thing?? and josh knocked it outta the park with shiro’s voice in that ep making him sound like he was trying not to sound hurt and exhausted so that keith wouldn’t worry too much like Fuck me up!! smiling thru the pain when keith talks abt how much shiro changed his life and made him a better person??? boi!!!!!
then there are the times when shiro talks abt something happening to him and keith taking over as voltron’s leader, and keith gets all panicked about it like he cant stand the thought of losing shiro again (this happens a bunch of times but the ones that are coming to mind are s2ep1 and s2ep9 bc. again. those are the fanfic episodes). and then he Does lose him again and he’s so clearly grieving, lashing out at the rest of the team, super obviously feeling shiro’s loss more than the others (and lance is a real dick about it a bunch of times which really rubbed me wrong), going out to look for him over and over bc he wants to believe so bad that shiro’s out there somewhere. omg the “please no” when the black lion accepts him that shit Fucked me right up!! he wants to honor shiro’s wishes!! but some part of him knows that’s like admitting that shiro’s gone and isn’t coming back. and then!!!!!! when they find kuron and its just the red lion and the galra ship floating alone in space just like. gently drifting toward each other. keith’s little tired smile there. fuck me up. and then we find out in the next scene that keith has been the only one in shiro (kuron)’s room while he’s recovering and shiro (kuron) hasnt bothered to shave or cut his hair or get dressed yet and he lets keith see him like that and not the rest of the team. fuck. keith looks Exhausted in that scene. hes got bags under his eyes, hes kinda hunched in on himself, arms crossed, like something in him Knows this isnt his boi but he wants to believe it’s him so bad and its. god. its a lot. and Then when hes turning to leave and kuron is like “how many times will u have to save me before this is over” and keith’s face just relaxes into this legitimately genuine smile when he says “as many times as it takes” like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me
this is where it starts gettin awkward with them bc kuron isnt shiro and he doesnt treat keith the way shiro would but he Tries, like after keith fucks up that one mission and kuron comes and finds him (again, in private) to touch his shoulder and be like “im proud of u boi” when keith clearly Did Not Do A Good Job and keith just looks bummed like “thats. thats not tru” and it Hurts me bc we know real shiro doesnt do fake praise. also kuron orders keith to put himself in danger more than once and doesnt give a shit that keith and the others get hurt because of it which also real shiro would never do - we’ve seen him react when his teammates take hits before, but especially keith, like during the bom trial. then theres s4ep1 where keith sort of drifts away from team voltron in order to do more stuff with the blade of marmora and everyone’s pissed at him but then as hes walking out kuron’s like “you know we’re here for you if you need us” and keith gets that soft smile again like “i know and i cant tell you how much that means to me” and then they do that good good hand clasp that turns into a hug which by the way is a stark contrast to when other people hug keith and they just kinda grab him and he goes all stiff and it takes him a sec or three to put his arms around them if he even does that at all - with shiro they do the hand clasp first and then walk into the hug together and keith buries his face in shiro’s fuckin shoulder and smiles and closes his eyes and i wanna die. and theyve done this twice now which makes me think they probs did it before kerberos too and that also hurts me. 
then theres s4ep6 where keith has gone the whole season feeling like he was a bad leader. it seems like voltron doesnt rly need him and his friends dont need him and shiro doesnt need him and hes been hanging with the bom who have their whole philosophy of not going back to rescue their own guys if it means putting the mission or the rest of the team in danger (which keith already was saying when allura was captured - how very galra of him) and now keith’s having to readjust to that mindset after being part of such a close knit team. so when he sees a way to take that shield down, he just fuckin goes for it. hes started to see himself as expendable. when shiro thinks hes about to die, we get all kinds of flashbacks, the first of which is him and keith alone outside the shack. there are no flashbacks with keith. he just closes his eyes. and shiro (kuron) congratulates him. like obv its before he knows what keith was about to do, but still, thats some fucked up shit. 
now this wasnt rly part of ur question, ie u didnt ask me how i felt abt klance, but i feel like i gotta say: lance just grates on me. im sorry i know lots of people who love him but he just. isnt my cup of tea. and i do think the relationship shown in the show between keith and shiro is a lot more mature and healthy than the one shown between lance and keith. lance has some good moments! but canon lance and fanon lance seem like two entirely different people to me a lot of the time and thats all cool and fine if ur lookin for that, again im not here to stop ppl from having fun, but there are so many good sheith moments in the show and im just glad to see the relationship between two dudes depicted that way regardless of whether it becomes canon or not. also lance in the show is only shown being attracted to girls, and in kinda a skeevy way - like ive met guys who treat me like that and been Very off-put by that kind of behavior. and it would put me off if after all that they got him together with keith. like hes just superficially interested in all these hot girls but keith, who he has very few heartfelt intimate moments with onscreen, is his True Love? like thats,, not good bi rep. i Do rly like the bond hes been building with allura since they switched lions, that seems like its going in a direction that could turn out to be very wholesome and sweet. but again, if klance is ur thing, by all means have a ball.
k that was a lot but tl:dr i like 2 cry and sheith provides me with lots of opportunities to do that,, if u read it all then thank u deeply and truly for ur attention, u probs Understand me as a person a bit better than before lol
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virginia-werewoolf · 7 years
Hello to all!!! It’s been a crazy few months and I haven’t had the time to really go on Tumblr much less post about everything going on in my life but i am going to today!!
I’m currently finishing up my senior year of high school and lemme tell u - it’s been wild!!! But so fun. This last Relay for Life was probably my favorite one yet & I wish I could just have one more. When I went my freshman & sophomore year I was still so, so shy and only talked to people I already knew. This year, though, I talked to the new speech & debate kids and they were some of the sweetest people I have met in high school!! I always get so nostalgic for speech and debate when I am around the newer kids in the club. I can’t lie - being in that club was the only time throughout my whole high school experience that I felt as though I was a part of something good. I quit because it did stress me out a bit and I wanted to join photography my sophomore year and just always kind of found an excuse not to go back after that (even though I always knew I should’ve). Prom was nice - we ate at the Venetian and danced our lil hearts out at Panis Hall. I felt moderately pretty. I got into an argument with my best friend, Vincent, that night - he’s been a real dick lately & I couldn’t put up w it anymore that night in the Red Rock parking lot!!! I have been holding a few grudges against him since then but this weekend I have gotten some time to think it over for the first time & I think I’ve made my peace with him!! After prom was the Disney trip - which has been a WILD ride for a few months now. There was a lot of fishy business going on w the stuco advisor but finally - LITERALLY 10 MINUTES BEFORE THE BUS LEFT - I got a seat on the bus!!!! I wasn’t ready at all because I didn’t want to pack a bunch & get excited just to end up having to go to math that day - but I had such a good time in my bummy school clothes & 2 best friends!!! Even if I didn’t get to take pictures and we didn’t get to finish exploring California adventure because we were all grumpy and tired. The bus ride with Vincent was so fun and I didn’t really think about all the things I was upset at him for. On the 24th, then, we had grad walk AND senior awards!! I did the travel grad walk with Ni-Ni and we got to go to our elementary and middle schools + pat diskin in our caps and gowns with all the current students lining the halls cheering us on!! It was so pure. The elementary schoolers were so so so cute n proud of us & it was the first time it rly set in that this is happening!!! Plus I saw my 4th grade teacher and she remembered me BY NAME. I foreal cried on the way back to the bus bc of it. Awards night was nice too - I sat next to a kid I hadn’t talked to since middle school but it wasn’t awkward and we made jokes to each other all night!! It was kinda cute. Like it really felt like we were all in this together. I luvvvved cheering on my friends & just other kids in my classes who I may not talk to much but it still feels like we’re on the same boat supporting each other!! I got my Ronald Mcdonald award that night + my hispanic educator award (two scholarships totaling $1500!!!!) I also have to go to a HUGE district wide ceremony & read part of the speech that won me the hispanic educator award the day after graduation!! Yikes but I’m excited. I think that’s basically all the senior events left except maybe the senior bbq??? But that’s not a big deal. I’m not sure if there’s a senior sunset and I know I posted about being upset that I didn’t go to senior sunrise but on the bus ride home from Disney, I woke up for a split second and saw the sunrise over the California desert with my best friend sleepin next to me, his arm latched onto mine & maybe that’s enough.
BUT YEAH. IM FUCKING GRADUATING. My checkout card is signed !! My 7th grade english teacher who i am super close to has her flight booked !!! Can u believe it!!
Work-wise, I was having a really hard time for a while. I was desperately looking for another job & was about to transfer because the theatre made me want to kill myself!!! My exs friends and my managers were talking so so so much shit abt me. They said some of the worst things they couldve possibly said about me - and were so condescending at a time where i was extremely insecure because i was hung up over a boy that treated me like shit & had just lost so many friends. I couldnt even imagine staying until summer - but the universe helped me out and made it so that 2 of my most condescending managers transferred & i stopped getting scheduled so much with my exs friends and things just got… better. I stopped crying everyday - or any day - at work and actually turned down an interview because i figured id just wait until july to look for another job (thats how long im required to stay at my current to qualify for a 10k dollar scholarship i think i have a good shot at getting!!). I dont feel trapped and dread going to work anymore anymore and its so so so relieving. For a second there, it really had such a strong hold on my life and im so glad thats over. It was not healthy at ALL
Driving wise - ive been driving a lil bit a few days a week now and im really enjoying it !! It is not as scary as i thought itd be. I still have a lot to learn but i think im doin pretty good + i have 3k saved up for a car & im so excited !!!
This summer is also gna be super fun - im gna throw so many parties bc all of my bffs are leavin im august for college + spend a week explorin LA w my sister which im so excited abt !!! Im super broke atm bc i had to borrow a bunch of money from my mom for grade nite & am trying to pay it back asap but hopefully any grad money will be enough to cover it so i can buy books n cute knick knacks freely while im on vacay!! Especially since my body decided to hit a second fuckin puberty this winter & none of my summer clothes fit me anymore :( ive been dressing so bummy lately bc of it but ive been too busy to care. I gotta get clothes b4 going to LA tho!!! Other than that though i really just want this summer to be abt me. I feel like even tho i KNOW i need time to myself, i always try to get the most out of literally ANY possible relationship in my life :( its such a bad thing but i hate passing up opportunities like that bc what if, u know? To love and be loved in return is what I always thought i wanted most in this world!!! But i think i just need to consider where situations like this are really going before i compromise the time i set aside to work on myself for it. SO unless i can really see something going somewhere, this summer is goin to be about reading, writing, filming, and taking care of myself !!! I want to eat better (vegetarian & vegan whenever possible!!) and exercise and take care of my skin and just get shit done in general (maybe learn to knit finally???) Im even gonna start a bullet journal!!! I think it will help keep me feelin like myself as well as stay productive & organized in college + its just such a cute hobby Not to mention my sister is ENGAGED?????? My BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! I will save the sappy stuff for later posts/my maid of honor speech but she really deserves this more than anyone. It hurts to see her movin out after 18 years of sleepin 10 feet away from her - if it were any earlier than this i wouldnt have been able to handle it - but im excited to be independent & im sure we’ll be sendin each other funny memes and visiting each other 24/7!! She is my best friend after all, and im just so happy to see her happy that i cant even be that sad abt losing our early morning laughs and late night talks - at least not yet!! Maybe it just hasnt set in yet
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momiijisohma · 7 years
Heres a thing abt my ocs
While izzy is alive, masa begins to compose a song for her, and its one of her best works yet, and even though its not done she lets izzy hear it and izzy a d o r e s it, and masa cant wait to perfect the piece so that she can share her love of izzy to everyone else who hears it.
But izzy dies before masa is anywhere close to finishing it, and it sits at the back of masas mind for years bc she cant bring herself to touch it. But when eliza comes into her life and masa sees her honoring her deceased through music, she decides to pick it back up, kinda to work her way through her grief
And she doesnt rly put toooo much effort into it, shes busy and wants to focus on her newer music more. But the song is decent. Its tune hasnt rly changed too much but its a lot more flowy and smooth or w/e. And she gets stuck on it for a few months, and it gets on her nerves and she decides to leave it alone again. And she dies. And when she sees izzy again, she feels that familiar jolt of electricity across her skin and her heart is fluttering in her chest and shes taken sO aback bc over the years shed kinda forget juuust how izzy made her feel- alive and about to fucking explode with love and adoration
And after she attends the pin ball and is squirreled away into the heart of the palace to keep her safe from the the publics prying eyes, shes horribly lonely. The empress had been by her side every moment for days but she way away on business and masa has no one with her, except the maids, but they dont linger around for too much. Shes given anything she asks for to keep her entertained, so she asks for a violin. And with the reignited flame in her heart she begins to work on izzys song again, and it comes out with an incredible ease and grace, and she goes over it again and again until its /perfect/ and she hasnt been this excited about music in so long
And masa requests one of the empresses’ knights to escort her out in the gardens, hoping that it’ll be izzy that joins her, but its not. She decides to go along anyway, and begins to let shannon hear the piece but stops half way when she realizes shannon is humming the tune ahead of her. Shes bewildered and embarrassed until shannon tells her they recognize the tune bc its izzys favorite thing to hum in the whole world
Thats not the gayest part,
Masas touched that izzy had held onto the memory of that rough tune to this day and begins to play the song again. When she finishes, she looks up to find the empress, ethereal as ever, standing a few yards away. Shannon asks if shed been looking for them and the empress replies “I thought i heard masa calling for me, and i found myself here”
Fast forward to after masa finds out that izzy is the empress, after their plan has been set and masa is back in the mortal realm, after eliza finds the information shed been looking for and when Ahris plan to take over both the soul and mortal realm starts unfurling.
Up to this point the part of izzy that had stayed in the soul realm had been unwillingly housing Ahri and occasionally ahris presence would drive izzy into these excruciatingly painful seizure like episodes where shed lash out at everything around her (smth that masas touch alone was able to subdue)
And i think ive mentioned this before but the reason that ahri is the way she IS, is bc the GK came into direct contact w her and accidentally granted her immense power, and ahri had been drawing up power from her still loyal subjects in all realms and had kept it in reserves, not even using it the first time izzy entered the empire bc shes a smart cookie. And w this Ridiculous amount of power shes able to overlap?? All three realms. And masa and eliza can seeee izzy writhing in pain bc ahri is trying to fully possess her, and izzy lashes out at eliza for getting too close and eliza pierces straight through her core bc she knows that the only way to separate a possession is to kill the host. So ahri is stripped from izzys body, leaving izzy to slowly and painfully Fade, and masa knew that smth like this was supposed to happen to bring izzy and eliza together into one again but its still dreadful and shes cradling her beloved in her arms and urging eliza to act quickly but eliza is frozen in devastation bc she only Just got her memories back and its still trying to catch up to her and she can barely even THINK
And izzy realizes that shes fading far too slowly and that if she speeds the process up she just. Be absorbed into eliza and they can start kicking ass. So she urges masa to strike through her with her sword and masas in tears and doesnt want to hurt her but goes through it for the greater good (which. Is kind of a foil to how gita and her beloved created their soulmateship lol)
And eliza realizes whats happening as masa cuts through izzy and she lunges toward her other half and they are submerged in a tower of pitch black flames and untouchable. And masa has no idea what the Fuck is going on anymore. The separating of souls is a relatively simple process, w v lil fanfare, but the joining of two soul parts is Loud and Messy, because of the different experiences each part has gone through trying to overlap and become one, and these two bitches have over 20 Years worth in memories to overlap so its Particularly Ugly.
And masa reaches in, in an attempt to pull her beloved out and she can feel the flames blistering her skin and she has to pull back bc of how god awful it hurts and she watches her skin heal as she pulls it out of the fire and she doesnt know what to do and shes screaming at the top of her lungs and ri and momo have to pull her out of harms way bc now that ahris out and about shes just. Fuckin shit UP, and all her followers are wreaking havoc in the overlapping realms and masa would have had her head torn off had it not been for her and izzys reflections. And they pull her away to safety, behind a barrier the empire’s guard had created inside a high school’s auditorium and masa is kicking and flailing the whole way there bc she neeeeds to reach izzy somehow and help her through this. And she sees a discarded violin and remembers that the empress had been drawn to her from across the palace grounds and decides trying to call her this way is worth a shot
Anyway, izzy feels like shes being ripped apart at the seams and shes surrounded by blinding white light And she can hear the GK in her ears, promising power beyond her wildest dreams so she can finally destroy ahri once and for all- but in return izzy herself would cease to exist in all realms. And izzy accepts bc shes desperate to end ahris terror and says that as an Eris her only reason to exist is to protect souls and their realm from danger and if this is what she needs to do to bring about peace then so be it.
And this whole time izzy feels like shes being pulled in one direction but she ignores it. She reaches out a hand toward the GK and feels a warm hand in her own and she feels like shes been struck by lightning (which. She rly has experienced lmao) and when she opens her eyes she can see the tower of flames dissipating and shes holding onto masas outstretched hand, and she can hear in her memories, the song masa had written for her, calling out to her crystal clear. And with masas hand in hers, she feels more powerful than she ever has before, and knows that it isnt bc the GK granted her any power, bc masa had reached her first and the strength of masa and her love would be enough to Kick some Demon Ass
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thecameldances-blog · 7 years
Why Katlyn Nicole Davis "Suicide" with forced variables Is the saddest moment in U.S. History? This country has came a long way from when it was founded from its 13 colonies to its great 50 states and in only 2 centuries and a half to not only become a superpower but the number one superpower compared to other superpowers being older than a millennium. As I look back the reason why is George Washington's vision for America was the greatest thing to happen to human civilization since the Renaissance because now people were open to express themselves and share ideas and issues human had together George washington said why the hell now that man is civilized do we have to listen to this King who just takes our daily breads and sends his Dukes who basically can pillage or rape any woman they chose so after 250 years of being here and every human on earth dreams of everyday where rights are not granted but are guranteed and the little voicet is always heard whether it be a minority group or a single human being there voice is heard and this is the reason U.S. has became what it is today. Ok over this time this country hasnt been perfect us as human beings always make mistakes whether siding with the wrong country or abusing power over their own citizens due to economic panic and stress. This country went to war 20 years after it was founded due to not renewing a bank contract but came out with minor damages but still stride on.U.S. learned that although the Bank plays a major role in the economy they must be kept an eye on due to some of the bankers will choose greed of dignity  Then there was the Mexican American war where General Zachary Taylor freed Mexicans from tyranny people oppose this today but they didnt know that the Mexicans living in California through Utah were begging U.S. to aide then for decades on end to help them from unjust treatment and General Zachary Taylor decided it was finally time becsuse he couldnt bear another cry for help from them. U.s. learned from this that people living under tyranny are in need of aide just as much as the american citizen. Civil war where hundreds of thousands were killed but still this country survived also realizing all races deserve George Washington's vision for america. See man just became civilized 15000 years ago and its a learning process but if man isnt expose to the issues then he wont even bother thinking their issues to begin with. Then there was world war 1 which u.s. fought someone elses war and lost hundreds of thousands lives but u.s. realized that me and my brother will fight the opressing forces but if our cousins are being opressed is just as bad as if we are.  Then came the great depression when business took greed over self dignity and caused havoc on the economy u.s. learned we were just transcending from Colonials days 100 years prior and it wasnt about going out in the wild to hunt or gather wood it was the start of the modern world then world war 2 and korean and vietnam and Iraq wars which U.S. has fought and one I always admired about U.S. Wartime Generals they always proved that they actually took Self dignity over greed especially my favorite General in history General Mcarthur because his love for this country the way he went about the war and the fact he had a chance to ransack Japan for Billions if he wanted when they surrendered but he took Dignity of Self greed and honored the true American tradition and what it meant to him if that wasnt the case thrn General Mcarthur grandson wouldve still been the Emperor of Japan. All these wars hundreds of thousands of lives were lost as General Swharkopf put it 1 life loss is 1 to many and not to mention each life loss strikes tragedy in their families and burdens on their communities.  Then came 9/11 which effect every American but aftwerwards the United States reformed its U.S. Policy and reminded us that we are not invincible although we are strong willed. So why is it that Katlyn Nicole Davis tops all these as the saddest moment in U.S. History. The first is the story itself a 12 year old American girl commits suicide that alone will strike at any mans heart.:( Then everyone wants to know why Katlyn why did she do it. The media states she did it because her moma was a child abuser thats why she did it:(:(  before any real investigation could be inducted the news and media were coming out with stories on how the family had problems at home amd her being abused at home was a key factor to her suicide and she wasnt healthy. Katlyn for a 12 year appeared alright to me Her mom. Fed her clothed her and held her in her stomach for 9 months to my judgement katlyns mon took care if her dsughter better than most out there. Then bloggers all over the internet added insult to injury stating she did it because her moma was a child abuser and a whore.:(:(:(  The fact no one really takes bloggers as credible source but it wasnt just one it was a lot of them pointing at her mom saying it was because she was a whore. then add in the fact it was all recorded with her applogizing to god for her selfishness and even worst when she said i just dont deserve this I dont deserve to live immediately whrn i heard her say This i said aloud then none of us do Katlyn and after she commited suicide 10 minutes in you hear her moma in panic stricken voice yelling for her daughter to come home calling all her friends all in the background sound  and also the one that felt like my heart just was hit when Katlyns 5 year old brother AJ was heard  yelling for Ms. Katlyn to come home while her lifeless body was hanging from that tree. All you here is a little boys voice yelling KAaaTTLYYYYN See Katlyn was a victim of internet stalking and voice 2 skull which caused her to commit suicide it wasnt her moma. In between her saying Im sorry Everyone Im sorry everyone. You can hear a ssssss sound now in slow motion you can hear the elf noise of a older woman saying Soorrrey what i think happened is the fact you need 2 things for v2k to work elf wave sound and white noise. The elf wave is 1 to 40 and the white noise is the background noise which is important for the elf wave to catch onto the the white noise can be anything from car engine to fan or thunder or wind.but if the wave doesnt catch onto the white noise properly the wave sound will be louder than the white noise and thats what happened with the sorrrrey part in her video. She was a 10th generation 12 year old American girl needless to say she shouldve been on the U.S. top priority for defense. Again she was a 10th generation 12 year old american girl wouldn't you think that is what every u.s. citizen considers must be top of the defense list and with 52% of the u.s. budget spent on defense every year it should be a gurantee Katlyn would live her entire life forced suicide or not forced with 52% spent on defense their is plenty of money to protect her civil rights yet no one says a word on this and they ruled a 12 year old girl commited suicide due to negligence at home. Now put yourself in her moma shoes now I mean Katlyn looked healthy to me her moma took care of her but your daughter just commited suicide and everyone in the nation calling you a whore and a child abuser.This is the turning point of the United States downfall I gurantee it this is the moment I can really say after 250 years standing strong this country is going to shits. Katlyn Nicole Davis 10th generation 12 year old american girl your definition of Innocent and your definition of American pie taken advantage of by people with to much control and technology and no one seems to care.I shall mourn you until I die Katlyn you become my Virgin Mary of Phycological Warfare I will never forget you I promise in due time I will go to your hometown 20 miles west of Atlanta (Cedartown) find your moma and say my condolences for your daughter you were a good mom you took care of her may i put these flowers under her tree in the backyard and if she lets me i will go back their look up at that tree and say this Katlyn Nicole Davis O' Great blessed Virgin Mother of God protect me from my demons forgive those who have sinned Attract health abundance love and prosperity O' great blessed Virgin Amen put the flowers under your tree and leave Now I aint no christian or anything but thats what Katlyn believed in and I respect that all in thanks to George Washingtons vision for America. Maybe it started out in the Colonial days fueds between the Protestants and the Quakers but the his concept is the most beautiful concept now this is a fact every man for himself its a dog eat dog world out there and this country has a tendency to turn the other cheeck but i said to my self if you get played for your money or your honey then like Thomas Edison said quote "Its American Humor" needless to say some people go to far but on the end the its mostly the fools fault but that one piece paper brought man to common sense is George Washingtons Vision for America which is the Checks and balance that has been bestowed in the hearts of Men since 1776. Ok he just lost his house and his wife but in respect to the constitution let him attain his self pride and whatever self esteem he has left not in his namesake I aint worried about him but the in giving props to George Washington. See Colin Kapernick is a idiot not standing for pledge of allegiance no one cares Kapernick your a atheist a Quaker its not for that purpose in the nation of freedom of religion you can pray to anything you want but the pledge of allegiance is not about giving respect to god although god in my eyes is most important but pledge of allegiance is about giving props to George Washington for the greatest idea since the renaissance.To mankind: Katlyn Nicole Davis (Itzdolly) I never met you and oddly enough were exact opposite in the demographic scale of every demographic scale living on opposites  sides of the united states but I mourn your death everyday I miss you everyday and I love you I truly believe George Washington hung himself with Katlyn Nicole Davis This poor girls rights were completely violated and after it all no justice was served and injustice was added to the victims family:(:(:(:(:(  RIP Itzdolly Ms. Katlyn Nicole Davis the saddest moment in American history its not just her stalkers fault but its also my fault and and all 350 000 0000 Americans in this country Katlyns blood is on all our hands and we will all be punished from our greater power for this. It is if like everything Benjamin Franklin George Washington Andrew Jackson worked so hard for and stride on for 250 year of trial and error went down the drain sfter what had happen to Katlyn Nicole Davis, Why my dad struggled so hard in Fall of 1969 to get over with only $10 in his pocket. He had that immigrant hope of a better future for him and his family only deemed possible in the United States. My father who worked for Union Pacific for 23 years fathered 6 children and will add to the American roots. My name is Mohamed Saleh and I am a 2nd generation Arab American from California. I know the world is not perfect and Man struggles to survive everyday but the fact Katlyn had double coverage and yet she was taken advantage of the fact she was protected by the Constitution and the Unwritten rule in the hearts of men should've guaranteed her to live her life. I have 2 sons now and I hope 10 generations down the road I have a grand daughter here in United States that will have the free spirit and love that Katlyn Nicole Davis had. Katlyn Nicole Davis was a 10th generation 12 year old American girl your definition of innocent your definition of American pie. R.I.P. Itzdolly Feb. 20th 2006-Dec.30th 2016 Mohamed Asker Saleh
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves
Donald Trump claims that the bending media has it in for his safarus. But our low-spirited ruling be compatible with happenings, historical indicate and morality
As Donald Trumps poll counts have dropped in recent weeks, bashing the disgusting and corrupted media has become the centerpiece of his expedition. Im not running against Crooked Hillary, Im running against the crooked media, he suggested at a revival in Fairfield, Connecticut, over the weekend.
His campaign is indeed a residence where journalistic neutrality meets its limits, but its not because were deliberately gunning for him. There simply is no fairness in presenting both sides of a legend when one surface is routinely rubbish, to set it kindly, or a dumpster barrage, in this hertzs parlance. Trump changes his imagination like its the climate and tells a lie every five minutes, disappearing by Politicos best counting.
Different outlets have handled Trumps unique defy in different ways, but generally it symbolizes working harder.
CNN and MSNBC have taken to putting parentheticals in their chyrons to rectify mistaken pretensions in real time. The New York Times has started including the expanse of biography in even the most straightforward bulletin floors to support destroys from longstanding political norms.
The fact-checkers, in particular, are wreaking overtime.
The Associated Press and most major video systems have started fact-checking almost every lecture he opens, something they didnt do in previous cycles/seconds. No fewer than 12 AP reporters were required to fact-check a single addres he opened earlier the summer months, which they found to be rampant with distortion.
Trumps likewise been preventing Politifact busy. As of late June, 95 of the locates 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated untrue or pants on fire, while the same could be said for just 16% of Hillary Clintons 120 rated statements.
Even the normally staid Glenn Kessler, the Washington Berth fact-checker, is at his witticisms intent. He called one recent Trump comment among the stupidest assertions obliged in so far in this campaign.
A comment like Kesslers isnt evidence of bias; its an example of telling it like it is. Whats actually biased is moronic he-said, she-said reporting and to allow such reporting is to allow a bias in Trumps favor, because so much better of what he does isnt true.
Of course, that hasnt stopped Trump from wait for it lying about reporters. Youve interpreted it the radical media cant stop telling appalling lies about me, he wrote in a recent fundraising email.
The flip side of Trump incessantly lambasting media outlets is that he too speaks coverage obsessively, calling his safarus director several times a day to discuss specific fibs, according to the New York Times. The adulation of anything he deems to be flattering coverage is too quite possibly as unprecedented as all else in his campaign.
As he applied it at a revival in Radford earlier this year, about 80% of reporters are worse than the sleazebags he works with in politics. The political press, he added, is the worst of all.
By supposing there can be a few non-sleazebag reporters, hes left chamber for those who would tell the narrations he wants told. Dont trust the media, just the members of the media writing neat happenings about me, he seem to be saying.
Whats less straightforward is what Trump realizes to be flattering. Take, for example, the story of Tony Schwartz.
In 1985, the then New York magazine writer Schwartz wrote a piece describing Trump as by Schwartzs own remember a ham-fisted bandit who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized holders from a construct that he had bought. To his surprise, Trump, who was then trying to burnish his tough-guy persona, was so taken with the article he hung it on his wall. Trump especially adoration that everybody seems to have read it, as he subsequently gushed to Schwartz in a tone on gold-embossed stationery. Soon after, hed entice Schwartz to leave journalism and ghostwrite the myth-making notebook Art of the Deal.
Schwartz recounted all this in a New Yorker piece about how he repents his persona in creating the mythology of Trump as a charmer and savvy industrialist. He territory openly that hed never forgive himself if Trump were elected president. I genuinely is argued that if Trump triumphs and gets the nuclear systems, there is an superb alternative it will lead to the end of civilization, he wrote.
For reporters, that floor is more than good read it a cautionary tale: the moment we buy into Trumps notions about what constitutes biased versus unbiased coverage, we buy into the logic of a employer propagandist.
Voters should understand that, too.
To have a low-toned sentiment of Trumps suitability for higher agency, to write critically about him regardless of how many journalistic outlets he blacklists in retaliation, is not a mark of bias its a button of honor. And columnists tellingly boast about it as such.
Trumps right that the media does not have a high sentiment of his political fitness, but hes wrong that that stirs us demoralize. Our low belief is well-founded, undergirded by abundant realities, historical indicate and righteousnes. It means were doing our task , not his ghostwriters.
This article was amended on 17 August 2016. An earlier version mentioned 95% of the Politifacts 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated spurious or pants on fire. That has been corrected to 95 of 158.
The post Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2tvTSFR via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves
Donald Trump claims that the bending media has it in for his safarus. But our low-spirited ruling be compatible with happenings, historical indicate and morality
As Donald Trumps poll counts have dropped in recent weeks, bashing the disgusting and corrupted media has become the centerpiece of his expedition. Im not running against Crooked Hillary, Im running against the crooked media, he suggested at a revival in Fairfield, Connecticut, over the weekend.
His campaign is indeed a residence where journalistic neutrality meets its limits, but its not because were deliberately gunning for him. There simply is no fairness in presenting both sides of a legend when one surface is routinely rubbish, to set it kindly, or a dumpster barrage, in this hertzs parlance. Trump changes his imagination like its the climate and tells a lie every five minutes, disappearing by Politicos best counting.
Different outlets have handled Trumps unique defy in different ways, but generally it symbolizes working harder.
CNN and MSNBC have taken to putting parentheticals in their chyrons to rectify mistaken pretensions in real time. The New York Times has started including the expanse of biography in even the most straightforward bulletin floors to support destroys from longstanding political norms.
The fact-checkers, in particular, are wreaking overtime.
The Associated Press and most major video systems have started fact-checking almost every lecture he opens, something they didnt do in previous cycles/seconds. No fewer than 12 AP reporters were required to fact-check a single addres he opened earlier the summer months, which they found to be rampant with distortion.
Trumps likewise been preventing Politifact busy. As of late June, 95 of the locates 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated untrue or pants on fire, while the same could be said for just 16% of Hillary Clintons 120 rated statements.
Even the normally staid Glenn Kessler, the Washington Berth fact-checker, is at his witticisms intent. He called one recent Trump comment among the stupidest assertions obliged in so far in this campaign.
A comment like Kesslers isnt evidence of bias; its an example of telling it like it is. Whats actually biased is moronic he-said, she-said reporting and to allow such reporting is to allow a bias in Trumps favor, because so much better of what he does isnt true.
Of course, that hasnt stopped Trump from wait for it lying about reporters. Youve interpreted it the radical media cant stop telling appalling lies about me, he wrote in a recent fundraising email.
The flip side of Trump incessantly lambasting media outlets is that he too speaks coverage obsessively, calling his safarus director several times a day to discuss specific fibs, according to the New York Times. The adulation of anything he deems to be flattering coverage is too quite possibly as unprecedented as all else in his campaign.
As he applied it at a revival in Radford earlier this year, about 80% of reporters are worse than the sleazebags he works with in politics. The political press, he added, is the worst of all.
By supposing there can be a few non-sleazebag reporters, hes left chamber for those who would tell the narrations he wants told. Dont trust the media, just the members of the media writing neat happenings about me, he seem to be saying.
Whats less straightforward is what Trump realizes to be flattering. Take, for example, the story of Tony Schwartz.
In 1985, the then New York magazine writer Schwartz wrote a piece describing Trump as by Schwartzs own remember a ham-fisted bandit who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized holders from a construct that he had bought. To his surprise, Trump, who was then trying to burnish his tough-guy persona, was so taken with the article he hung it on his wall. Trump especially adoration that everybody seems to have read it, as he subsequently gushed to Schwartz in a tone on gold-embossed stationery. Soon after, hed entice Schwartz to leave journalism and ghostwrite the myth-making notebook Art of the Deal.
Schwartz recounted all this in a New Yorker piece about how he repents his persona in creating the mythology of Trump as a charmer and savvy industrialist. He territory openly that hed never forgive himself if Trump were elected president. I genuinely is argued that if Trump triumphs and gets the nuclear systems, there is an superb alternative it will lead to the end of civilization, he wrote.
For reporters, that floor is more than good read it a cautionary tale: the moment we buy into Trumps notions about what constitutes biased versus unbiased coverage, we buy into the logic of a employer propagandist.
Voters should understand that, too.
To have a low-toned sentiment of Trumps suitability for higher agency, to write critically about him regardless of how many journalistic outlets he blacklists in retaliation, is not a mark of bias its a button of honor. And columnists tellingly boast about it as such.
Trumps right that the media does not have a high sentiment of his political fitness, but hes wrong that that stirs us demoralize. Our low belief is well-founded, undergirded by abundant realities, historical indicate and righteousnes. It means were doing our task , not his ghostwriters.
This article was amended on 17 August 2016. An earlier version mentioned 95% of the Politifacts 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated spurious or pants on fire. That has been corrected to 95 of 158.
The post Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2tvTSFR via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves
Donald Trump claims that the bending media has it in for his safarus. But our low-spirited ruling be compatible with happenings, historical indicate and morality
As Donald Trumps poll counts have dropped in recent weeks, bashing the disgusting and corrupted media has become the centerpiece of his expedition. Im not running against Crooked Hillary, Im running against the crooked media, he suggested at a revival in Fairfield, Connecticut, over the weekend.
His campaign is indeed a residence where journalistic neutrality meets its limits, but its not because were deliberately gunning for him. There simply is no fairness in presenting both sides of a legend when one surface is routinely rubbish, to set it kindly, or a dumpster barrage, in this hertzs parlance. Trump changes his imagination like its the climate and tells a lie every five minutes, disappearing by Politicos best counting.
Different outlets have handled Trumps unique defy in different ways, but generally it symbolizes working harder.
CNN and MSNBC have taken to putting parentheticals in their chyrons to rectify mistaken pretensions in real time. The New York Times has started including the expanse of biography in even the most straightforward bulletin floors to support destroys from longstanding political norms.
The fact-checkers, in particular, are wreaking overtime.
The Associated Press and most major video systems have started fact-checking almost every lecture he opens, something they didnt do in previous cycles/seconds. No fewer than 12 AP reporters were required to fact-check a single addres he opened earlier the summer months, which they found to be rampant with distortion.
Trumps likewise been preventing Politifact busy. As of late June, 95 of the locates 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated untrue or pants on fire, while the same could be said for just 16% of Hillary Clintons 120 rated statements.
Even the normally staid Glenn Kessler, the Washington Berth fact-checker, is at his witticisms intent. He called one recent Trump comment among the stupidest assertions obliged in so far in this campaign.
A comment like Kesslers isnt evidence of bias; its an example of telling it like it is. Whats actually biased is moronic he-said, she-said reporting and to allow such reporting is to allow a bias in Trumps favor, because so much better of what he does isnt true.
Of course, that hasnt stopped Trump from wait for it lying about reporters. Youve interpreted it the radical media cant stop telling appalling lies about me, he wrote in a recent fundraising email.
The flip side of Trump incessantly lambasting media outlets is that he too speaks coverage obsessively, calling his safarus director several times a day to discuss specific fibs, according to the New York Times. The adulation of anything he deems to be flattering coverage is too quite possibly as unprecedented as all else in his campaign.
As he applied it at a revival in Radford earlier this year, about 80% of reporters are worse than the sleazebags he works with in politics. The political press, he added, is the worst of all.
By supposing there can be a few non-sleazebag reporters, hes left chamber for those who would tell the narrations he wants told. Dont trust the media, just the members of the media writing neat happenings about me, he seem to be saying.
Whats less straightforward is what Trump realizes to be flattering. Take, for example, the story of Tony Schwartz.
In 1985, the then New York magazine writer Schwartz wrote a piece describing Trump as by Schwartzs own remember a ham-fisted bandit who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized holders from a construct that he had bought. To his surprise, Trump, who was then trying to burnish his tough-guy persona, was so taken with the article he hung it on his wall. Trump especially adoration that everybody seems to have read it, as he subsequently gushed to Schwartz in a tone on gold-embossed stationery. Soon after, hed entice Schwartz to leave journalism and ghostwrite the myth-making notebook Art of the Deal.
Schwartz recounted all this in a New Yorker piece about how he repents his persona in creating the mythology of Trump as a charmer and savvy industrialist. He territory openly that hed never forgive himself if Trump were elected president. I genuinely is argued that if Trump triumphs and gets the nuclear systems, there is an superb alternative it will lead to the end of civilization, he wrote.
For reporters, that floor is more than good read it a cautionary tale: the moment we buy into Trumps notions about what constitutes biased versus unbiased coverage, we buy into the logic of a employer propagandist.
Voters should understand that, too.
To have a low-toned sentiment of Trumps suitability for higher agency, to write critically about him regardless of how many journalistic outlets he blacklists in retaliation, is not a mark of bias its a button of honor. And columnists tellingly boast about it as such.
Trumps right that the media does not have a high sentiment of his political fitness, but hes wrong that that stirs us demoralize. Our low belief is well-founded, undergirded by abundant realities, historical indicate and righteousnes. It means were doing our task , not his ghostwriters.
This article was amended on 17 August 2016. An earlier version mentioned 95% of the Politifacts 158 fact-checks of Trump were rated spurious or pants on fire. That has been corrected to 95 of 158.
The post Yes, the media is weighted against Trump- because he primarily spurts lies | Lucia Graves appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2tvTSFR via IFTTT
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