#this is also a test fccc
rarestblooms · 4 years
*     ♡      SCRIPT     (  w.  @everwonder​  )  —  𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒆𝒆  &.   𝙧𝙤𝙧𝙮   .
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    what  are  we  supposed  to  tell  em  ??  ‘  long  live  your  love  for  each  other  and  btw  ,  we’re  not  coming  because  we  aren’t  in  love  anymore   ??  ’   -----   sunhee  lay  in  bed  thinking  about  their  conversation  from  that  day  ,  expressionless  as  she  stared  up  at  the  unfamiliar  ceiling  of  the  cottage  their  friends  had  rented  out  .  slowly  ,  she  took  the  pillow  from  beside  her  and  firmly  pressed  it  into  her  face  ,  letting  go  her  frustrations  as  petite  figure  wriggled  around  .  how  could  she  be  so  stupid  as  to  suggest  they  lie  about  breaking  up  ??  was  it  really  to  spare  everyone  from  an  awkward  vacation  or  just  to  save  face  ??  both  ,  maybe  ,  and  also  a  sprinkle  of  denial  that  it  really  was  over  .  three  years  ,  down  the  drain  .  we’re  gonna  get  caught  .  
   after  forty  five  minutes  of  getting  dressed  ,  she  shuffled  into  the  main  room  ,  surprised  to  see  it  vacant  .  grabbing  a  bottle  of  water  from  the  fridge  ,  sunhee  turned  at  a  slight  sound  ,  ready  to  greet  one  of  her  friends  .  ‘  frickyouscaredme  ,  ’  she  squeaked  ,  realizing  it  was  him  instead  .  ‘  where’s  everyone  ??  ’  
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 years
“Coincidental Days With A New Twist” aka “Two-Brain Highway Becky Boxleitner au Addition”: Part 1
I have decided to do my long, rewritten stories for the Becky Boxleitner au into three parts: The Beginning, Middle, and Ending. Some of the shorter stories I may do just two parts with the second part being an epilogue. For the really short ones and one-shots, they will usually just be one post.
Disclaimer: I arrange some canon text from characters around to 1) Fit with the au and 2) not get in trouble for copyrights. The original Becky Boxleitner au was created by wordgirlchronicles. My version is based off that au. The television series Wordgirl belongs to ‘Soup2Nuts’, a division of PBS.
Note: For the unnamed henchmen in this au, I am calling him Mac. I always viewed him as a Mac. I don’t know wether the man’s canon name was Meatloaf as in the episode “Kids Action News” since there is still some debate about that. I honestly think that Two Brains was teasing the unnamed henchman when he called him Meatloaf. I am sorry to everyone but I decided to not include the narrator for my stories. I know that many of you enjoy the narrator’s character, and I do too. As I said before with the disclaimer, I am not including the narrator to avoid copyright issues. Time-wise, Dr. Two Brains is serving time for his first crime/origin story. I am not counting the one-minute episodes just the specials that introduce the villains for the first time before the television series began. Also time-wise in my au universe, the episodes “Tobey or Consequences" and "High-Fat Robbery" have already happened. I will mention episodes that will usually count as Two-Brains time in jail. These are filler episodes that do not need much rewriting and people can use their imagination to fit that episode in the au.  
It is a normal day, by Fair City’s standards, over at the opening of a new type of prison designed by Fair City’s Crime Control Services (FCCCS) with the city’s Warden being the head consultant. Becky Boxleitner and her pet monkey Bob is standing among the crowd of spectators and reporters to show support for District Attorney Sally Botsford who also helped in the construction of the project. There is a hush over the crowd as the Warden walks up a make-shift stand to the podium to begin his speech. The Warden clears his throat and begins, “Today is a momentous day in history. When people look back on this historic day, everyone will remember that we made history today. I present to you a new method for containing Fair City’s criminals. Here is the new, escape-proof, Giant Maze! A guaranteed way for making sure villains will serve their time.” As Becky was listening to the Warden’s speech, she felt a swift, yet light bump on her arm. Becky quickly turned her head to the source that was one ‘ace reporter’ Todd “Scoops” Ming, Becky’s friend and secret crush whom she invited to the opening so he could write a story for their school’s newspaper, The Daily Rag. “Hey Becky,” Scoops asked in a whisper, “guarantee means that what the Warden is saying about the Giant Maze is true?” Becky nodded in affirmation and responded, “Yeah that’s basically it”. The Warden then gestures out toward his left to Mrs. Botsford who, during the speech, has been standing off to the side holding a giant pair of scissors. “Now to officially open the Giant Maze is our city’s own District Attorney, Mrs. Sally Botsford!”. Mrs. Botsford walks up to the ceremonial ribbon, blushing from the public attention and recognition. “Oh thank you.” Mrs. Botsford responded in delighted embarrassment. With great force, Mrs. Botsford cut the ribbon that had been blocking the entrance to the maze which created more applause from the crowd. As the crowd began to quiet down, Scoops immediately raised his free hand and gives a little shout over the crowd, “Umm excuse me, can I ask a question?” The Warden’s facial features turned into a frown as he faced Scoops and gave what sounded like a mumbled ‘alright’. “What is it?”, the Warden asked in a gruff voice. “Have you ever tested the maze to make sure no one can get out?” Scoops asked. The Warden stares directly toward scoops with a stoic expression and replied with a short chuckle first. “No, no we did not.”, said the Warden as if that statement was as natural and common as saying, ‘I went to the mall last Saturday.’. The Warden’s face quickly became more exuberant as he gestured towards a metal police transport vehicle. “But that’s why we are going to test it out today and show everyone how escape-proof the Giant Maze really is. Bring out the prisoner!”, the Warden called out. The back doors of the vehicle were pushed opened, revealing two prison security guards standing on either side of the prisoner. In the middle, stood Fair City’s worst villain, Dr. Two Brains. The crowd gasped in shock and fear at the sight of the city’s top villain. “Dad.”, Becky exclaimed in a quiet whisper. Bob had also let out a monkey shriek in surprise. Scoops stopped writing upon seeing Dr. Two Brains and turned to see Becky’s surprised, yet sullen expression. Scoops frowned as he remembered how her dad used to be Professor Steven Boxleitner, a helpful man and mentor to Wordgirl until the lab accident that fused his mind with an evil mouse brain. Scoops knew how hard Becky took the news of what happened to her dad. Even though she explained to him and Violet about how her dad arranged her stay with the Botsfords and still cared for her, Scoops could still see how it was tough for Becky dealing with the reality of her dad being the city’s worst villain and #1 enemy to Wordgirl. Becky continued to stare in worry and concern at her dad with the surprise of seeing him here having worn off to a numb feeling. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to face Scoops who was giving her a sympathetic smile and showing comforting support. Becky returned his support with a smile of her own (coupled by a small blush). The two kids turned their attention back to Dr. Two Brains who at the moment gave a maniacal laugh then started sniffing at his surroundings which unfortunately indicated to the two children and monkey that the mouse side of the villain was in control for now. The Warden continued talking after the crowd’s shock wore off and the gasps died down. “Now we are going to demonstrate how escape-proof this maze is letting Dr. Two Brains loose inside!”. The Warden made hand gesture towards the prison guards and the two men forcefully escorted Two Brains towards the entrance. While walking Dr. Two Brains, who was bearing an angry and grim face, took a glance towards the crowd of spectator without turning his head to face the crowd. He soon caught the sad expression of his daughter Becky who was watching her dad being escorted towards the maze. With their gazes still locked on each other, Two Brains’ expression became softer as he gave a small smile towards his daughter, letting her know that he will be alright. Becky gave her dad a small, sad smile in return as she watched him being shoved into the maze. “Now you see, guaranteed security.” The Warden commented with a satisfied grin as the entrance door to the maze was closed behind Dr. Two Brains.
Unbeknownst to the crowd, a uniquely marked green van was parked near the exit of the maze. This van belonged to Dr. Two Brains as indicated my the mouse emblem printed on one side of the vehicle. Inside the van were Dr. Two Brains Two loyal henchmen. One henchman, Mac, was watching the event through binoculars while the other henchmen, Charlie, was sitting in the back of the van, waiting for his cue. Next to Charlie was a medium-sized sealed box. When Mac saw Two Brains getting locked in the maze, he knew that was the cue to start the plan. “Okay, the boss is in. Open the box.” Charlie then lifted the lid on the box which revealed a wheel of stinky limburger cheese. Overwhelmed by the pungent odors coming from the limburger, Charlie immediately put a clothespin on his nose while Mac just held his nose with his fingers with a disgusted expression. Charlie then grabbed a pair of silver tongs and used it to pick up the cheese while Mac, still holding his nose, tells Charlie to hurry and put the stinky cheese at the exit of the maze. Charlie did so with eagerness and expecting relief at having the stinky cheese being far away from them for a while. The plan began to work as the pungent aroma began to spread through the inside of the maze until it reached Dr. Two Brains who was still at the entrance. Two Brains quickly caught onto the delicious aroma and, with human/mouse speed, ran toward the source until he reached the exit where his henchmen were parked.
Back at the opening, the Warden was still talking about the effectiveness of the maze, unaware that he was soon about to be proven wrong. “So in conclusion, the prison’s new Giant Maze is, as I have said before, guaranteed, 100% escape..” Suddenly, a van bearing Dr. Two Brains logo, came barreling down the road across from the maze and everyone there turned their heads to see the van head off accompanied by a eerily familiar, villainous cackle. “…proof.” The Warden finished after his interruption in a dejected tone of voice, now seeing the evidence that the Giant Maze wasn’t a guaranteed escape proof prison as he had boasted earlier. With a defeated sigh, the Warden pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke into saying, “Alright boys, tear it down!” with the enthusiasm and voice of a construction foreman. As a demolition team came out from no where to began destroying a large amount of money’s worth of government funding, Sally Botsford began walking toward Becky and Scoops. Becky noticed, to her confusion, that Mrs. Botsford had a remorseful expression towards Becky. When she came up to the two children and monkey, Mrs. Botsford spoke towards Becky in an apologetic tone. “I’m so sorry Becky. I had no idea they would use your dad as the first test subject for the maze. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let you come here today.” Becky gave a forgiving smile to Mrs. Botsford, who was concerned with Becky’s emotional health. “It’s alright Mrs. Botsford,” Becky replied with an understanding expression, “I know you just helped to organize the list of options for criminals to be chosen for this new prison. You had no idea they would happen to choose my dad.” Inwardly, Becky was surprised, but sort of expected that her dad would plan of finding a way to escape from prison soon, even if he wasn’t chosen for the maze. Sally Botsford smiled, grateful for Becky’s understanding response. In a more positive tone, Mrs. Botsford asked, “How about I take you kids to lunch?” Mrs. Botsford wanted the kids, especially Becky, to relax after today’s events and to take their minds off things. Scoops and Bob both cheered in agreement, but Becky remained silent with a concerned and thoughtful expression. She believed her dad was getting started on some type of crime with how eager he was in executing his well-crafted plan to get out of jail. As Scoops, Mrs. Botsford, and Bob were getting ready to go for lunch, Becky interrupted their progress. “Actually Mrs. Botsford,” Becky called out while grabbing Bob’s arm and halting him, “I just remember I need to take Bob to obedience school today.” Bob looked shocked and then looked up at Becky with an “Are you kidding me?” look, but Becky didn’t notice as she stared at Mrs. Botsford and Scoops with a sheepish smile, hoping that lie would convince them. “Really?” Mrs. Botsford asked in confusion. Becky nodded with a quick yes. Mrs. Botsford and Scoops, much to Becky’s satisfaction, easily believed the lie. “Okay, just hurry home after you class.” Mrs. Botsford replied cheerfully with a wave. Becky gave her and Scoops a wave and fake smile in return. She turned around while pulling her now upset monkey with her away from the dwindling crowd of spectators. She took a quick look at Bob and noticed his still upset expression at her fib which now made Mrs. Botsford and Scoops believe that her monkey still needed training like a child. “Look I’m sorry Bob, but that was what I could come up with in the moment.” Becky sincerely apologized. Bob rolled his eyes, still feeling indignant, but accepted the apology with a monkey chirp. Becky smiled at the resolution. Then with a determined look, she said, “Now, let’s go find dad and stop whatever scheme he has cooking up!” Bob gave Becky his own determined monkey squeak replying that he is with her. “Now” Becky said with a heroic smile, far away from any watchful eyes, “Word Up!”.
End of Part 1
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enzaime-blog · 7 years
I can say enough nice things about my breast cancer
New Story has been published on https://enzaime.com/can-say-enough-nice-things-breast-cancer/
I can say enough nice things about my breast cancer
For more than 20 years, Karen Lucas has been diligent about getting annual mammograms, as well as yearly visits to her OB/GYN. At the age of 65, during a routine mammogram in August 2012, the test showed calcification in both breasts.
“Although I was not scheduled to have a follow-up mammogram for six months, in January 2013, I decided to have another mammogram prior,” explains Karen. Following the test at a local radiology site, her primary care physician called to inform Karen that she should undergo a biopsy with a local surgeon. The surgeon recommended surgery and offered to perform the procedure at her local hospital in Gloucester County, NJ. “I immediately started to research the best cancer treatment centers as I did not want to have surgery in the hospital he recommended.”
Karen turned to her circle of friends for answers.
“My friend and lawyer told me about an oncologist friend of his who recommended I go to Fox Chase Cancer Center,” recalls Karen. “That friend knew Lori Goldstein, MD a medical oncologist at Fox Chase.”
Karen reached out to Fox Chase and was immediately impressed.
“I called Fox Chase Cancer Center and my first contact was with the nurse navigator who asked to see my medical records,” she continues. “The staff at Fox Chase called me the next day and scheduled an appointment for the following Monday. After meeting with the doctors, I was informed that I would need a biopsy which they did that very afternoon.”
Karen was diagnosed with early stage invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer, or DCIS. “Dr. Goldstein was very compassionate and knowledgeable,” adds Karen.
With an immediate comfort level at Fox Chase, Karen began to search the website for surgical oncologists. “I selected John Daly, MD, FACS, to perform my surgery because I was so impressed by his credentials and immediately felt confident I would receive the best medical care with him,” describes Karen. “Meeting Dr. Daly for the first time reassured me that I was in good hands and I trusted every word he said. He had a warm and caring demeanor which reduced my fears of having surgery. I was relieved when Dr. Daly explained the entire process and he made me feel more relaxed and optimistic of the outcome.”
Within the month, Dr. Daly performed a lumpectomy. He referred to her to Penny Anderson, MD, a radiation oncologist at Fox Chase for follow-up treatment. After recovering from surgery, Dr. Anderson began Karen on an six week course of therapy.
“I appreciated the way my team worked together so quickly,” admits Karen. “Time is critical with a cancer diagnosis and the team of FCCC doctors scheduled the surgery quickly so I did not have to wait and become anxious about the cancer spreading.”
“My team of Fox Chase doctors is excellent.”
“My team of Fox Chase doctors is excellent and I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Daly,” says Karen. “He is always nice and patient and he answers all your questions and never rushes patients.  Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Anderson were both amazing and I am forever grateful to every employee with whom I had the pleasure to meet.”
“I recommend Fox Chase Cancer Center to anyone who is diagnosed with cancer as they will receive the most professional treatment from doctors who have been trained in the best hospitals in the country,” Karen shares. “Because it is a cancer center as well as a teaching hospital, Fox Chase has the foremost treatments and clinical trials of any hospital in the United States. I want others to know about Fox Chase so that they or their loved ones might also make the decision to get their treatment at one of the leading hospitals in the region and country.”
In 2016, three years since her treatment, Karen is feeling great and is enjoying her work and her healthy life. A college administrator, says she stays active swimming, boating/sailing, biking, dancing, and most of all traveling. She feels confident her quality of life and health is because of the exceptional care she received from her team at Fox Chase.
“I want to thank everyone connected with my care,” Karen says. “Fox Chase staff is always so compassionate and friendly and it is a pleasure to be helped by people who really care about the patients.”
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