#this is actually the first dc fanfiction I have ever read
sillygoofyqueer · 2 months
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ifyoucandaniel · 5 months
You. Person. You like. Batman. How does one that exists in a country where comic books r ridiculously unaffordable understand the Batman world enough to read fanfiction of it.
…..i’m going to be so brave and vulnerable with you guys for a second here: i read fanfiction before i read the comics.
do i recommend? not really, however i had the same problem where it was too expensive to buy every single volume i needed to read to get into them, i didn’t have ANY idea of where to start, and i actually stumbled across the fanfiction before i really realized what i was getting into. initially i watched like,,, so many youtube’s on the chronological order of batman comics and very quickly realized there was so much i didn’t even know where to begin. however, now i either read them online through, ahem, illegal means, or i use the DC universe app and just read through the individual volumes! i know i’m going to be the worst batman fan ever when i say this, but since you’re so right and comics are ridiculously expensive and unattainable (seriously tracking down the issue where tim and kon meet for the first time was a pain in my ass), i say just read the fanfiction?? like it’s hella confusing at first, but it’s so worth it because the found family and the tropes are just so good. and a lot of fics are so AU they can be read with no knowledge of the DCU. i’m not saying DONT read the comics, but it can take AWHILE to catch up on all the content of the past like 80 years to understand every character and their story, and personally i was way too impatient to stop reading fics and start reading every comic connected to the batfam. but also, again, i did not realize what i was getting into until i was already hooked and confused as fuck, so maybe take it with a grain of salt :)
but for sure if you’re wanting to read the comics first (good choice, but lots of content and WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU START) i say read that shit online lol. if anyone has an easier way of accessing them, i am begging to hear it, but what i typically do is go to twitter or here and search what i’m looking for (like chronological order of young justice comics, or chronological reading order for tim drake, whatever i’m wanting to find) and then usually people have blessedly compiled a list of all the issues by name and number and i can find them online that way! figuring out where to start and what’s canon and what’s old stuff that they’ve decided doesn’t count anymore is,,,, rough. i still don’t always know what’s going on with what’s new 52 and what’s pre :’)
if you’re just wanting to know enough to get by with reading the fanfics, i say either just jump in and have a sink or swim moment where you just figure out what you don’t know and look it up on fandomwiki, or you can also like watch youtube’s of the characters entire story arcs?? i don’t know if that’s normal but i do that a lot for fandoms lol. i did the full sink or swim where i just completely figured things out through osmosis and was very confused for a BIT. ummm otherwise i’d say read a few comics that are central to the characters and? maybe read some wikis??? depends on how confused you wanna be lmfao
but it’s worth it!!! 100% the vibes are so good and i don’t think i’ve ever consumed more content for a fandom in like ever :D the characters and the tropes and the angst and the found family 🤌 it’s all very good and very worthwhile
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gold-fire · 3 months
Thank you so much for the questions anon! 🥰
🥤: Recommend a fanfic or an author you love.
Well there are amazing authors and amazing fics and I'm discovering a new great ones but the author that inspire me to write Azutara and make me love them it's @itspronouncedjulia with the best fic ever in my opinion Aequus: Nature so of course that is my author and fic recommendation; I actually have read the whole fic three times and there are chapters I reread more than five times or so. I also recommend all her other Azutara fics, she's a really great writer.
Also since I love Tyzula I want to recommend EmberCartwright who has a lot of one-shots or multi chapters of Tyzula and each of their fics are absolutely amazing; my personal favorites (since they have 118 fics) are Bathroom Whispers and Her Mask.
🦷: Share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on.
So I don't know guys if you know I'm from Spain and my favorite meal is the legendary Paella Valenciana (careful there are a lot of restaurants even in Spain who offer Paella and it's a shit with chorizo and peas and more shitty things). The real thing it's the best trick to make the best paella ever and make your friend worship you it's by using arroz bomba which it's a specific type or rice who is the best one to use for making paellas.
☁️: What made you choose your username.
So I don't know if I ever talk about this but I love Azula hahaha, and my first username as guest in AO3 was BlueFire because of Azula's fire color. But then when I create an account as a writer in AO3 I couldn't remember the password of that account and since the name was taken I couldn't use it so I love the color gold and though it was a cool color for fire to, so that why I choose GoldFire.
🧩: What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
So I read fanfictions from PJO, GoT, DC and of course ATLA so for example I hate incest but in the GoT and even PJO it's inevitable the incest and I like it in those fandoms but in ATLA it repulse me.
Also what it makes me click away are the ships, there are many ships I can't stand and when I see them I don't even start reading story (there can be an exception if it's a great work of art and the ship I hate it's a secondary thing and barely appears in the story).
Also I love Azula and I love omegaverse but I don't like the idea of Azula being an omega so if she's an omega I won't read the fic never, I also headcanon Azula as tall or at least taller than her girlfriend so if she's short or shorter than her girlfriend I won't read it (Azula shipped with a man it's a crime so I will click away with that to).
🦴: Is there a piece of media that inspires you writing?
So the principal motivation I get from writing it's music. I don't if sounds silly but listening to songs (specially Disney ones) make me imagine new stories and plots for new or stories or stories I already start writing.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
how would you describe arrowfamily in canon? Cause i have seen conflicting things ranging from "Oliver Queen is a terrible horrible person" to "canon arrowfamily is what people think batfam should be like/if you want fanon batfam you want canon arrowfam" and it is confusing
Disclaimer first. A full, proper, arrowfam read-through is next on my list once I finally catch up with the bats, but I haven't gotten there yet. I have still read a whole bunch of comics, and by virtue of how the DC universe works, I've seen a fair bit of the arrows scattered throughout. (In particular, I've read a lot of Roy via Titans and Outsiders.)
So I can give a broad strokes answer here, but I'm not going to try to claim a deep meta analysis of the arrows yet.
I think the quickest way to explain the contradictory information is this:
batfam fans take up most of the space in DC fandom
for whatever reason, it has become highly popular bat fanon to use Oliver Queen as a scapegoat Designated Terrible Dad to show how much better and cooler and nicer Bruce is.
This is not a fair or accurate depiction of Ollie.
(Nor, for that matter, an accurate depiction of Bruce, but that fanon diversion is intentional and less like throwing shrapnel at a guy who isn't even part of this.)
People who actually read comics and like Ollie therefore try to push back on this extreme and ooc demonization of him, and also vaunt the arrows in general.
Said pushback is sometimes an exaggerated overcompensation.
Basically, no, Oliver Queen is not a terrible horrible person, nor even a terrible horrible father.
And I would say the canon arrows are a lot closer to what fans are desperately trying to find (or just make up) in the bats. There are various things that are true of the canon arrows/Ollie and of the fanon bats/Bruce that are not true of the canon bats/Bruce. [All post-crisis disclaimer.] Examples:
Ollie is outspokenly liberal and this is a well accepted piece of his canon characterization. (Meanwhile DC writers try very very hard to make Bruce Totally Apolitical and therefore acceptable to all readers. Not that anything is ever actually apolitical.)
Ollie also hates cops! And rich people! For a significant chunk of comics, he lost his fortune and was better off for it, realizing he could never be truly good if he were still a billionaire.
The common fan argument about how Bruce totally isn't abusive; he's a good dad who's just been written that way once or twice by bad writers is...actually not that far off from describing Ollie? He hit Roy once in a comic about How Not To Respond To Addiction; in another comic he was revealed to have secretly known about and abandoned Conner, despite this not lining up with previous comics showing how he really wanted to be a dad. Both of these things are canon and bad, no doubt! But he is also usually a lot better, and has shown an ability to grow and change. (Meanwhile canon Bruce just has a consistent pattern of abuse.)
Subjective, but Ollie seems to really think of himself as a father and delight in it in a way that Bruce just kinda...doesn't.
All the arrows, from what I can tell, actually like each other.
They don't try to murder each other either.
But, as you surely notice, being closer to batfanon desires doesn't mean the arrows literally are the fanon batfam. Like the bats, they are not a perfect model nuclear family (nor should they be!). They too have had conflict and dysfunction (Roy and Oliver stopped talking for a significant period of time!). And they do indeed exist in a comic book world driven by crime and superheroics and conflict, not a fluffy fanfiction world driven by comfort and interpersonal reassurances. (This is not a dunk on fanfic, which I love, just a reminder).
so tl;dr, the arrows aren't a perfectly fluffy fanon family either...but if you see a batfam fan throwing Ollie/other arrows under the bus to make their fave look better, that is definitely bullshit.
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new-berry · 2 months
What are your fav fanfictions?
Who is your OTP?
What's your 3 biggest pet peeves about reading fanfiction?
What is your fav fic that you've written?
What fandom and pairing was your first uploaded story?
What is your most hated and most loved genre to read/write?
Any tips on how a non-writer can write their first fic?
I’m so terrible at recs! My fave ever is “skies of couple colour” by Betty. My fave footy one was a Kylian Mbappe / Hakimi which the author think made private. Sad. But I get not wanting to link yourself to Hakimi.
I have vexed people for what might be decades now (I have dipped in and out of fandoms since far too young now far too old. It’s great. I have a long streak if DGAF) by not having OTP’s. I have characters I like so I’ll try an Anthony Gordon fic and anything with one of my NUFC guys but I’ll try them with whoever. Even in like. Sherlock Holmes fandom I would have read Sherlock with John or Irene or that cop.
Anthony/ Kieran or Frank or DC-L or Bruno G? I’ll believe in anything.
I don’t mind spelling or where you put capitals (if you like capitals) the only think I literally cannot read is wall of text. I beg you: paragraphs.
I am not a fan of women being fridged or some evil harpy that has trapped a man. I also don’t like the “accidentally got her pregnant so now me and my actual love have a baby” but I’ll read anything. ABO? Sure more? Why not. AU? Teeny bit bored of coffee shops.
Of wait anything with young kids when the author has clearly never been around young kids? Pet peeve kids who go to bed and stay asleep.
Mind the warnings but my fave of mine:
A fun one first:
I did fall in love with sexy wolffish Bruno.
Not even losing lasts forever
My first posted story included Marty McSorely. He was an enforcer in ice hockey so like the hard man, literally his job was to fight. And it was my favourite way to write a hard man, good giving and game.
Absolutely wiling to go down, get fucked, fuck someone. The hard man with a core of marshmallow for those he loves? An eternal fave trope.
Fandom is fun and community for me. I don’t read things I don’t like! I just stop. I frown if they are shitty to women but I just close the tab.
I love a rookie/ mentor fic.
I love a hard man taking care of those he loves. I love a twisty threesome where one is on the outside. Porn and yearning.
I genuinely think you should just put it down on paper (as it were, type on the screen). If you are thinking of the story you are already a writer! You already have the hard bit out of the way, so just write the first image that comes to mind and then tell me so I can read it. :)
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Fixation Central
Anyone who follows my blog knows I am auDHD and I fixate extremely fast. I am constantly frothing at the mouth with how much I adore certain fandoms. Most of what I'm into right now is superhero cartoons, but my journey with two of my first ever fandoms: Scooby Doo and Harry Potter.
I've 'left' Harry Potter, but that's because I made my own canon lmao. Or attempted to, at least-
It has long since branched off and my honorary fixations include Gravity Falls, Warrior Cats, PJO, and Doctor Who. And yes, I did also have problematic fixations - let yourself be cringe; if you want to enjoy DSMP, Homestuck, ATLA, or anything in between - do it. I was only part of one of these though. All fandoms have their toxicity, and in the end... make your own fucking canon. Problem solved.
Though, now... it's time to talk about what I like now and the ones I never truly left so without much further ado - let's get on with it!
Read below the cut for the rest!
The Fixations That Just Stayed
Gravity Falls (joined the fandom late, ended up being the creator of multiple original AU's and adored the Pines family dynamics; would've wanted to see something actually used with the Cipher/Zodiac Wheel)
Warrior Cats (never finished the books, unapologetic Firestar fan - first fandom I ever roleplayed and had an OC named Dawnheart of all things)
Doctor Who (adore New Who, loved all companions and thought more could've been done with Martha; huge Riverdoc fan, Donna is my favorite companion - was obsessed with the Pandorica arc for literally no reason; actually enjoyed the Timeless Child reveal)
Scooby Doo (on-off fixation, made up Scooby Doo AU's and crossovers for a lot of my fandoms-)
Current Fixations
Danny Phantom (literally what started my superhero cartoon fixation; adores Everlasting Trio - Sam bashing is irritating I'm ngl, also platonic Badger Cereal is one of my favorite things; has made ghost king and TUE AU's, among other things)
RC9GN (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja) (never watched it as a kid afaik; huge Randy Cunningham kin, kickstarted my Secret Trio fixation - multishipper for the fandom)
Wordgirl (nostalgia fixation, watched few episodes as a kid but came to love it as an adult; adoptive villains apologist, obsessed with the Rise of Miss Power episodes; Becky Botsford and Tobey McCallister kin, a lot more thoughts but I can't list them all down-)
K-Dramas (kind of picky with them, anything high-drive/action are my favorites; adores Vincenzo and Descendants of the Sun. Taxi Driver was also a fun ride, among others)
AU's and Crossovers Hoard
Secret Trio/Quartet (American Dragon: Jake Long, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, and Danny Phantom + bonus appearances from Miraculous Ladybug) (massive fixation, currently being worked on as a fanfiction series on Ao3 - post canon/future au timelines, darker depictions than their given canon)
Superwholock and Co (Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock) (original crossover I ever got into; adores crossovers with Merlin)
Mystery Kids (crossover between Coraline, Paranorman, Gravity Falls, and Danny Phantom - as I've never seen/played Psychonauts) (first of the crossovers as well, was a casual fan in the beginning - currently also being worked on as a fanfiction)
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons (Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled, and How to Train Your Dragon) (the OG, attempted to make an LPS series for it as a kid; adored any plotlines with Pitch Black - the four being New Guardians of the Seasons? chef's kiss)
DP x DC (personal favorite, i like the Vibes)
Personal Hoard
Totally Spies/Glitch Techs (made it up like Right Now; very behind on Glitch Techs but still-)
C:KND/RC9GN (Codename: Kids Next Door/Randy Cunningham) (original creator; former KND operative Randy Cunningham becomes the Ninja, what could possibly go wrong?)
Project Zero: Heroes United (expanded Secret Trio/Quartet universe) ("Heroes Cinematic Universe" multi-fandom au where superheroes of different cartoons are selected to be an elite team against evil)
Once Upon in Camelot (OUAT/Once Upon a Time and Merlin) (abandoned project, might return to it; crossover/au where BBC! Arthurian cast are reincarnated following the S4 finale - exception being Merlin, shenanigans ensue; post-canon arc, Merthur storyline)
Other projects will be brought up later so if anyone's curious, interact with this post! Likes are appreciated, but comments and reblogs are preferred! Meows.
independent fandom AU's (i.e. Reverse Falls) will not be included within this post! I will be linking that separately!
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
i know that this is such a random question, but...
for the Titans show, do you think all of the cast for the show fit their characters? or do you think there could've been someone else to play their role?
(tbh I love random questions like this omg. I love any chance to discuss Titans at length)
And genuinely, I wouldn't change any of the casting.
It's actually so interesting, because Titans is the first piece of live action DC media that I have gotten really sentimentally attached to. I was always a bigger fan of DC than Marvel because I always enjoyed the Batman films, and I did watch episodes of the Justice League cartoon in passing, or I watched other random animated Batman movies or Justice League movies and really enjoyed them - and I have always enjoyed how DC has so many different styles and tones across each piece of media, rather than the homogeneous boring schlock that Marvel puts out.
Young Justice was the first piece of DC media in general that I got really, really personally attached to, because @nctzenkane is a huge DC fan (and when we first met, it was one of the first things we ever talked about that made me start falling for him) - and he really sparked my interest in certain things and caused me to convert my casual enjoyment of it to a very hardcore nerdom. And him encouragining me to watch Young Justice was definitely the first step in me becoming a full blown DC nerd.
And he also encouraged me to watch Titans - just because Ryan Potter is hot in it - and it's so funny because Jaycen is not even the biggest Titans fan, but I developed such a distinct emotional attachment to it. So in my mind, all of the actors for those characters in Titans - they just are the live action versions. Whenever I am reading fanfiction of those characters, no matter what version the writing is talking about - I always picture the Titans cast in my head.
I know there has been a lot of (idk how to phrase it) controversy? Around Curran Walters as Jason Todd because people think that he's not bulky enough to be Jason and people think he somehow should have shredded and bulked up to become Red Hood?
Honestly, I am fucking relieved that the show didn't pressure him to make major changes to his body just because in the comic books he magically went from a skinny fifteen year old kid to the hulking body of a 6.4" shredded pro wrestler (for those of you who don't know, I have described it as: The Pit makes comic Jason go from looking like Titans Jericho to looking like Titans Hank in five minutes) - like there is already so many gross unrealistic body standards when it comes to men in superhero roles. There doesn't need to be more
And in terms of emotions, and the actual acting, Curran is literally the best fit for Jason possible in my opinion. He brings so much power and depth to Jason's scenes, he makes the character eager and excitable yet worn and jaded at the same time, and he makes Jason's mental illness and struggles so layered and relatable.
One thing about Titans, is that they have some of the most phenomenal actors ever. They might not have the best special effects, or storylines/writing that makes the most sense - but the actors take the material and elevate it so fucking much.
Ryan Potter brought so much depth to Gar (which is something I could rant about for hours), Brenton balances Dick's hardened outer shell and his tender moments so fucking well, Anna makes Kory such a pensive and thoughtful character beyond being just intensely powerful and 'badass' (not to mention, casting a black woman in that role was a risk with whiny fanboys complaining about POC on screen and I am sure she puts up with way too much bullying and hate because of it), and Tegan was so young when she started as Rachel, but she brought an intensity and professionalism that carried Rachel so well (especially during the first season, where her character was the focus) that not many other young actors could have pulled off.
And that is just the core four - I could also go into how Joshua Orpin balances Conner's anger, inner turmoil, and troubled mind with his naive optimism of seeing the world for the first time so well.
And genuinely, I don't think Hawk and Dove could have been played by anyone else than who was cast.
And not only that, but from what we do see of the behind the scenes, it feels like Titans is a true passion project for all of them, and that's why they put so much care into these characters (even if the writers sometimes neglect the details). I think the actors bring so much to the show.
I think possibly my only 'what if' - would have been Tim Drake being an Asian character as originally planned?
And this is absolutely no hate to Jay Lycurgo, I think he did end up being fantastic in the role. He plays the character wonderfully, balancing Tim's bright optimism, gentle fears/insecurities and heroic confidence well.
But I think a visibly Asian character who is clearly connected to their heritage would have been really great to have on screen, and it would have only added to the amazing array of representation in the show. And as far as Asian actors go, I don't know who I would replace him with. (Especially because I think it's interesting when lesser known/up and coming actors play these roles, and all the ones I can think of are popular from other things, or too old to play this role???)
But I do think that it's really cool how he was also in The Batman, so there could be headcanons of him also being Tim Drake in that universe (which I haven't seen anyone mention?)
But overall, I wouldn't change anything fundamental about the cast of Titans. I think they are amazing and I think they did their job so well. They made the show what it truly is for me. They made it close to my heart.
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halfagone · 11 months
DID YOU SAY THAT YOU READ WEBTOONS? What uh.... What are your favorites? 👉👈 I'm still trying to wean off reading manga, and the only webtoons I've read are Queen Cecia Wears Knickerbockers and Wayne Family Adventures 😂
Yes, I have read quite a few Webtoons in my day (Why do I sound so old right now?) I have not heard about the Queen Cecia Webtoon, but Wayne Family Adventures is a very good choice, in my totally unbiased opinion. 🤣
If you want more DC Webtoons, then there is Red Hood: Outlaws and there is Zatanna & The Ripper. I haven't caught up with either of them, but if you do love those characters or want to see more from them, I definitely commend checking those out. There was also the Vixen: NYC Webtoon, but unfortunately that one seems to be cancelled now. 🥺
If you're interested in completed Webtoons, then I have a few offerings. I love Siren's Lament, it's a wonderfully complicated Webtoon even if it does hurt my heart sometimes. Gourmet Hound is more of a slice of life with some drama for added effect, but I really did adore that Webtoon that the art was just so cute!! Flow has some incredible worldbuilding mechanics and it's just so tasty. If you want more hero Webtoons, then there's I Don't Want This Kind of Hero, although that one does contain some distressing themes at times so like... beware. And then there is one of my ultimate favorites, which is called Gepetto, which is inspired and based on the Pinocchio tale but more futuristic and dystopian, if that's your fancy.
As for ongoing Webtoons, there's Marry My Husband, which is one of those time travel Webtoons where the MC dies and comes back to life sometime in the past and tries to fix their future. The main story is done, but they do have side stories which have been super cute to read.
There's the ever famous The Remarried Empress, and you'll probably see a lot of references to characters from this Webtoon if you read other Webtoons with a similar premise of- arranged marriage, terrible consort, attractive male lead that is decidedly not the husband, but don't worry he will be.
There is a newer Webtoon called I am the Villain, which is part of the Isekai genre, I would say. It's a beautiful Webtoon, the art is just stunning, and I have no idea what's going on but I'm having a great time.
For more action-based Webtoons, there is Eleceed and if anything happened to my boy Jiwoo I will kill everyone in this room and then myself. And apparently I've done a poor job of that promise because this boy has gone through it, but he still a sweetheart and I love him for that.
There's also the Omniscient Reader, which was actually originally a webnovel called Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, but has since been turned into a manhwa and it's so long but it's so good. I love my sunfish man and ugly squid king (bonus points to anyone who knows that reference).
Here is a Webtoon I have complicated feelings about: Tower of God. This was actually the first ever piece of media I published fanfiction for. It's this really incredible, complex, mind-bending fantasy Webtoon. It is very long, it currently stands at 581 chapters and counting. Unfortunately, the fandom ruined the experience for me, and I pretty much quit all of my fics and that's how I found myself here in the DPxDC fandom! There is an anime for it, currently just Season 1 is out but fingers crossed on Season 2! 🤞But definitely read it first before you watch because the pacing is a little fast for the anime and you don't get that same sweet, sweet tension. I am lucky enough that I do still have one beloved friend that I can talk about Tower of God with, or else I think I probably wouldn't have put it on this list at all.
Eleceed, Omniscient Reader, and Tower of God are all manhwas, which are Korean manga for a shorthand explanation. So if you want to wean yourself off those forms of fiction then... maybe stay away from these because they can suck you in.
Speaking of beloved friend, @midnightenigma recommended to me the Like Wind on a Dry Branch Webtoon, and I am still so upset about it because I will never be the same. 😭 The worldbuilding for this Webtoon is amazing and I adore the slow building romance and plot, and the exploration of grief and just- I am not okay.
I have more things I could recommend but that's... probably as much as I should offer now. lol I hope you find a treat to read from the bunch, though!
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desert--moonchild · 2 months
ten questions for writers!
i got tagged by @actuallyitsellie @tiltingheartand and @rdng1230 🤍
how many works do you have on ao3? 10
what’s your total ao3 word count? 99,028
what fandoms do you write for? actually posting on AO3 just 9-1-1, but just for funsies for myself or with my friends throughout the years I've done Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Final Fantasy XV, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, NCIS, DC, Marvel, The Hobbit a little bit of everything it feels like haha
do you respond to comments? why or why not? I try to! People say such nice things so I always try to respond but sometimes I get behind and I miss a few
have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of
have you ever cowritten a fic before? i haven't! but i'm working on a couple things with @actuallyitsellie right now!!
what’s your all-time favorite ship? I don't think I have a die hard all time favorite ship? I kind of jump around from thing to thing as the hyper fixations change- right now it's definitely Bucktommy, the fics that have definitely left me questioning my existience the most have been Bagginshield fics
what are your writing strengths? i think i'm good at characterization and getting the character's voices down? I'm also really good at background details because everything i write has pages and pages of notes or world building that goes into it (i LOVE worldbuilding, it's seriously one of my absolute favorite things to do)
what are your writing weaknesses? I am CONSTANTLY rewriting my book, which is why my AO3 fics always have mistakes in them because i'll finish them, read through them and then post them at midnight before the carriage turns back into a pumpkin and the rewriting demon gets me. Sometimes I don't like the pacing and I'm like... did I read that too fast or did it just not work as well as I thought it would
first fandom you wrote for? Ninja Turtles when I was like nine before I even knew what fanfiction was (i didn't discover fanfiction was a thing until I was 12)
i have been totally out of it all week but i don't think i saw @reformedplayerbibuck ? (no pressure! i think i've seen everyone else i would also tag hah)
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bloustorm · 11 months
tagged by @aobawilliams
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
just 4
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
9,731 words3,338
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 I got My Hero Academia, Trash of the Count's Family and Kiss the Abyss, but I also got various wips for Naruto, DC, and some other fandoms or crossovers like DCxWC
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Woes of a Drunkard (341)
How about No (76)
Burned-in Fingerprints (24)
When did I lose you for real? (18)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! I always try to respond to the immediately, I myself like when the author responds to something I wrote in a comment (though I also try to write longer comments) and I think it's nice if it just gets acknowledged that I saw that they took their time for it. Also comments give me live and kudos just do nothing for me.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would probably be "When did I lose you for real" if I ever manage to finish that fic whoops
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh hard to say actually, like Burned-In Fingerprints ends pretty positive if I remember right but like How about No doesn't even get angsty at all? but I would say it's a neutral ending so yeah. Fingerprints.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but like my fics aren't that well known obviously or haven't really been written out enough to have anything offensive in it lol. I really need to finish my wips one day
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, that's a secret /j Idk what's meant here with what kind, anyway only a selected few are allowed to read that anyways
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Hmm haven't written anything just thought about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so (unless it was done without my knowledge)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, there's kind of an idea of doing it with @grolahvol and possible @fanfiction-artist-prototype but that's up in the air for if it ever happens
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
...yeah no idea right now, come ask me another time. (It tends to change on the day)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
*crying* all of them.
Would really love to actually finish the posted stories I have on ao3 but I am currently so OUT of the fandom that it will take a while before I can look at the again I guess, like I literally have the third chapter almost ready only needs simple edits but nope
16. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly got no idea? I probably got some I'm just not sure what it could be.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
word hard. Also no idea how grammar works beyond "whatever feels right to me".
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eeh, I probably wouldn't do it because it's bothersome having to look up a translation while you're reading a fic, unless it's something that fits with the context or just a few words here and there. Also switching languages in the middle of thinking is so hard to do, why would you do this to me. + like it just feels awkward to write it in another language, at least to me. Or to read it, there are a few language that can make it work but like german is not one of them (at least to me)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh technically like the Ga'hoole movie or something mabye?? that was even before I knew about fandom.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
UGH, I like the Drunkard one but How about No is also really funny
tagging @fanfiction-artist-prototype @aro-aizawa @slagathorius-maximus and uhhh whoever else sees this and writes
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rpking99 · 1 year
Part 1 here
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"I-ahahahaha...." Kara laughed nervously as the Supergirl flouted in the air, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly "So we kinda... well... got a bit over the top there at the end, huh?"
"A bit?!" Karen frowned, the Power Girl resting her hands on her hips "If I described all the shit we did to each other under Black K, the reader's would be reading a fanfiction instead of out informative blog piece!"
"Alright! Alright! I get it!" Kara groaned "Sorry for the wait guys. We had to... well... wait for the Black K to wear off before continuing. And considering how I am with Black K once I'm on it? It is kinda tough to get it all off me and then give me enough time to 'detox'. With earings, a necklace, the nipple piercings, the butt plug, the-"
"I think they get it. I think they get it." Karen groaned "And that's another thing before we go into detail today. Kryptonite's effects are temperoary, but take time to wear off. Longer the exposure, longer it takes to wear off."
"Now, on to the sexy fun!" Supergirl cheered "What's the first Kryptonite today?"
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"White Kryptonite." Power Girl commented as she suddenly held up her hand, showing off the glowing white stone
Several members of the audience screamed and hid away
"Oh, don't worry. It's harmelss." Power Girl waved dismissively "But it's also time to clear something up I think wasn't too clear the first time. Only Green K's causes pain of any kind to Kryptonian's they effect."
"Now, as for what White K does." Supergirl continued "It kills plant life. That's... Kinda it. It's bad for plants and bacteria. Superman, our cousin Clark, actually has a White K laser up at the Fortress of Solitude that acts as a sanatiser. Has destroyed multiple parasitic life forms."
"So, arguably, this is the best type of Kryptonite. It is actually useful." Power Girl nodded as she put the white rock away
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"Platinum Kryptonite is next." Supergirl said as she held up a near identical rock, only a bit closer to silver in colour "As you can see above, this gives Kryptonian powers. To any humanoid being."
"So humans, Tameranians, Thanagarians, Martians, all of them automatically become as powerful as Kryptonian's." Power Girl nodded ... "Well, Martians where already like that, but there are only so many commonly known DC alien species."
"And yes, fan boys. Give this to Goku, he gets Superman's powers." Supergirl rolled her eyes "So.... What's next?"
"Next is another white/silver Kryptonite.... Silver Kryponite." Karen explained
"And we have no pic for it!" Supergirl called dramatically
"Silver K is exclusive to Smallville and looks just like mercury." Karen sighed, shuddering in fear at the idea of said fear "Even a tiny bit enters the blood steam and it makes Kryptonian super paranoid. To a scary level."
"Indeed." Kara nodded before grinning "You know, I think we are in luck. We haven't had one weird Kryptonite yet."
"Yeah, you're right." Karen realised "And we only have two types left. I wonder what the next one is."
Suddenly a pink glow washed over both heroines, making them gasp out and cover their heads
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"Pink K, of course." Kara mumbled as she blushed, looking at Karen... And getting lost in her breasts, unable to look away from her counterparts chest
"Pink Kryptonite... It is a bit of a meme, as some of you may know." Power Girl mumbled as she tried not to look at Supergirl. Mumbling under her breath as she bit her lip, small words like 'why is she so cute?' coming out under her breath "It... It makes Kryptonian's gay."
"Yeah." Supergirl nodded as she tried to look away from the other attractive blonde "Not-Not much has been explored about this. Like how it effects bi Kryptonian's, how 'real' it is, and things like that. It's mostly up to writers interpretation."
"But it only ever appeared as a throw away background joke in one Super Girl comic." Power Girl further explained "At least until it got a.... Revamp in recently years."
"In a-In Justice League Action, a newer Justice League cartoon for kids, it did gender swapping instead. Turning Superman into a Superwoman." Kara laughed nervously "So I guess it depends on what kinks you and your RP partner are into."
"Remember. Always ask before doing such a thing." Karen nodded, blushing "And also remember, suddenly being lesbian or gay doesn't mean you're automatically all over your partner. It changes what-what you're attracted to, not who you are or how horny you are."
"Yeah, what she said." Kara nodded before a second light covered them, a purple glow.....
(the next segment is 18+ only)
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"Aaaahh~!" Both moaned, falling to their knees as their juices flowed down their thighs
"If you're-you're here for canon, this is-is where you can get off." Kara panted as she hugged herself, shaking "Bye now. And... And remember, this is an 18+ RP blog so.... Oh fuck~!"
"Our-our final Kryptonite today is.. is Purple Kryptonite. B-Basically an OC type of Kryptonite created by-by this blog's writer." Power Girl moaned, finding it almost impossible to keep her hands off her large breasts as she rubbed her own tits "Mmmm~!"
"Purple K, as-as you've guessed makes-fuck! Horny! Horny! Makes us horny!" Supergirl moaned deeply, a hand under her skirt pumping "This is-isn't real! It is-is made up for this blog! Fuck! Karen! I need!"
"Coming! I'm coming!" The other blonde panted, crawling towards her counterpart. Almost drooling as she approached her
"I-I need to be cumming soon or I'm gonna go insane!" The younger counterpart moaned, her blonde hair flowing around her like a halo as she threw her head back
"You lot..." Power Girl panted "Fuck off! We're gonna be busy!" And with that she pounced, pulling Kara into a deep kiss
The two moaning as they wrapped their arms around each other and began to make out, their hands gliding across each others bodies
And that is it for the Kryptonite Explains two partners. Hope you all enjoyed.
If you want another thing like this, I could do it for Lantern Rings. Or leave suggestes based off my other Muses.
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green4allseasons · 1 year
Green! I've been wanting to ask you this for a few days, but I'm too shy. Today is the day. When did you start shipping Jason with Tim, and what dynamic do you like the most between the two of them? Also, how did you come up with the idea of taking advantage of the YJ series to write about them?
Have a nice week!
Ahhhhh! Oh my goodness, I am SO glad you woke up and decided today was the day! Seeing this message in my inbox gave me all the fuzzies and happy feelings🥺💕! But I also completely get it; there are so many cool people in this space that I want to send asks to, but I am also shy and have yet to. This may be the thing that encourages me to do so!
As for your first question, I actually found out about the JayTim ship in kind of a roundabout way. I've been a DC fan for many years (particularly the animated movies and shows) but never really thought more about the other universe-wide ships than a casual "oh, that's nice" for most of them. But then, a few years ago, I came across a stunning fanart that was actually JayDick (If you can believe it!!), and my thoughts were, "OH! That's nice!!👀" Insert many Google searches later, a foray into Tumblr, and my first experience getting into Fandom spaces, and that's where I found a fanart for JayTim, and let's say my mind just spasmed "ahdfdfdsfsdf," and I was sold.
As for "what" exactly sold me on their dynamic? It's funny because I am not usually an enemies-to-lovers fan (friends-to-lovers is much more my jam). But for Tim and Jason?? It just works. I also am a sucker for angst, and pining, and good old fashion snarky banter. But honestly? I think what really got me was the absolute "ride or die" way that they care about each other when depicted in fandom and even platonically in canon. I know "ride or die" could be applied to a lot of ships, but I think that these two would go to far more extraordinary lengths to protect each other than, say, some other characters (particularly those of whom are hindered by their moral code). Both of these characters are consistently shown to be greyer than not, but just go about it in completely different ways. I've always been more attached to gray characters in fiction, so when there are TWO of them? It's just the chef's kiss. TL;DR They are both just MESSY and yet competent AF and I love it.
But even with my attachment to them, I never considered writing fanfiction! I've only ever written original stories. I don't even know why I didn't consider it because I've loved reading fanfiction since I was as old enough to navigate a computer (a LONG time😅). But suddenly, a little over a year ago, I was re-watching all of Young Justice while simultaneously watching the new season, and BAM! Two very specific scenes came up in my head (One that has already been written about in Part 1 and another that has yet to be shown in Part 2), and I could just Not. Stop. Thinking. About. It. I'm serious. Those two scenes kept me awake at night, the brain rot was all consuming, and I got that feeling that all writers have felt a time or two where if they didn't jot it down in that moment, they'd just implode!!
So, of course my totally normal person response was to immediately sign up for AO3, outline an entire ~40-chapter story around those two scenes right down to the nitty-gritty details, and start uploading.
100K words later and here we are! The rest was history!!! I know this is probably WAY longer than you ever anticipated 🤣 but THANK YOU for asking me! I hope I didn't scare you away with the essay. I have just loved these characters, the JayTim fandom, and my first experience writing fanfiction so much, and all it takes is a little question for me to go on a gush about it!!
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male-reader-haven · 2 years
Who am I?
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A little about me...
Call me Jae, or J! I am a k-pop fanboy in his 20's, specifically stanning BTS, Stray Kids and ATEEZ (though i'm a baby atiny, so please be patient lol). I love all things music, whether it be K-pop, alt, old rock or movie soundtracks, I love it! I love survival video games like Subnautica and The Forest, love old cheesy horror/slasher films, and I love collecting vinyl records. Obviously however, I have the biggest hyperfixiation being k-pop, specifically my favorite groups lol. Now as an adult man, its difficult to express my passion for these artists and their music, but hey, that's what the internet is for! I write as a hobby and as a passion project really, even having some of my own novel ideas in the works with original characters and plot. A lot of what I write however is fanfiction, specifically self-insert where I can be part of the things I love so dear. I made this blog to post some of my writings! I write specifically x male reader, mostly BTS. I take requests and answer questions, and I will try to post as often as possible, yet I am a college student so honestly whenever I can I will! <3
My goal is to bring some fun and joy to other fans like me who may feel unsafe or are scrutinized for their interests, as well as readers and fans who are hardly ever catered to (ahem, fanboys/gender non-confirming fans,) so if anyone is able to put themselves into what I write, then I have achieved my goal! :)
My biases!!!
💙Skz: Han, Changbin, Leeknow💙
💜BTS: J-hope, Jimin, Namjoon💜
🧡ATEEZ: Mingi, Seonghwa, Wooyoung🧡
Things I write:
x male reader
boy groups fanfics (Mostly BTS, Stray Kids and ATEEZ. I can do groups I don't know, but they won't be as good :/)
x gender neutral reader (Upon request for non-confirming folk!)
Smut (18+, I will always put tags and warnings!)
AUs, imagines, short requests, sometimes longer requests or stories if it's a concept I really like!
I can write about characters other than k-pop too! Ex. marvel, DC, game characters, Sherlock, Supernatural, etc, just ask!
What I will NOT write:
x female reader (There is so much already out there, just look somewhere else <3)
Rape/non-con (Do I really need to explain why?)
Anything else that I find disturbing or immoral, or anything I just don't want to write about lol
DISCLAIMER: My blog is STRICTLY 18+, so please only follow if you are 18+! This blog is PURELY FANTASY AND FICTION, and I am in no way meant to harm/defamate/portray the actual artists and people they are about. I am NOT a pro-shipper. While I sometimes may write ships, it's a subject I am very on the fence about because I do not want anything I write to harm the actual artists (we all know what happened with Dan And Phil, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, etc.) If I ever do write shipping content, please know that it is not to be compared with the actual people at all. What people do with their romantic lives and whom with is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, and I want to respect the artists and people I write about because in the end, I am a fan first. Overall, everything I write is purely fictional and nothing is meant to be taken seriously, lest stated otherwise.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
-Much luv, Jae ~ <3
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Ok @quodekash thanks for the tag(!!!) but I just have to open a new chain this thing is lagging as hell😅
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well my second name is the female version of my grandpa's name while the first one is "original". But, my first name is way cuter and I usually use that one. (I will actually kill you if you ever use my second name)
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago actually, during my therapy appointment. It was the first time I've ever cried there🤔
3. Do you have kids?
Objectivively? No
Figuratively? YES.
4. What sports do you have/have you played?
I did some dance classes when I was a kid and I took on swimming for like six months.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I'm more of a Passive Agressive type of person. My best friend says that I'm a Bad Person trying not to show it but who still wants to be a bitch about things.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
I don't know??? I do the usual fruity assasment but yeah...
7. Eye colour?
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Happy endings. I want Hurt/Comfort - Angst with a Happy Ending showed down my throught
9. Any talents?
... I don't know? I don't know if the things I can do can be considered talents...
(self love wooho)
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital somewhere on earth
11. Do you have any hobbies?
Maaan this is gonna be long:
Reading books, comics, webcomics, mangas and fanfictions.
I like tv series, cartoons and Bls.
Obviously films.
Animated movies are YES.
Choice based videogames. Like DBH or LIS.
I like the LEGO stuff!
Marvel. Just MARVEL! And some DC too.
Writing and translating (yes as a hobby).
Recently I started making lists and playlists (they are SO good for stress).
Listening to music of course.
Watching Youtube.
Scrolling endlesslu trough Tumblr.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog, his name is Holly and when he's not ignoring me he is veeeeery cute.
13. How tall are you?
1,68 (I do NOT intend to use the Feet Sistem, you uncultured vikings)
14. Favourite Subject in school?
15. Dream Job?
I want to translate books.
Npts: @emozionidinchiostro @fenoy7 @waitupimalittleslow183 @saladbroth @artemis-skadi-morrigan @dark-sky-official
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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Sanvers fans know her from her amazing contributions of art and fic to the Big Bang, but @morganastorm24 is also a multi-talented writer and artist for multiple ships in the DC universe. She also has love of everything Lois Lane. In honor of the Planet's star reporter, we've asked her to share a glimpse into her writing process. Thanks, Morgana!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
I've been writing for as long as I can remember - even longer according to my mum. I've always loved creating stories and would sit with my teddies and toy horses, reading them stories (even before I could read, because that's what pictures are for, right? Telling a thousand words and all that). For my 6th or 7th birthday, I apparently asked for a "really nice writing set and an even nicer book to write in". I was given a ring binder with plastic pockets, a notebook and a pencil case full of stationery. I still have that ring binder to this day, though it's not filled with all my random childish scribbles like it once was. 
I started writing fanfiction not long after Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. That's the earliest fanfic I can remember writing, anyway. I wrote Anakin and Padme's adventures after they got married, and then when rumours started flying about what was going to happen in Episode 3, I wrote my very first "fix it fic" by finding a way to keep Padme alive (as I couldn't bear the thought of my favourite character dying). Most of those very early fics never left the pages of the notebooks they were scrawled in and nobody else ever saw them (thank god!), but it wasn't until I started reading fanfiction online that I realised I could actually do that too - share my ideas with the world. I dabbled a little in fanfic for the tv show Casualty (a British medical drama), had more success with Doctor Who, wrote some more Star Wars, then Merlin and eventually (and most recently) Supergirl (with a dash of other DC). 
What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
This fic was born of a single image - namely Chyler first revealing that she was going to wear a black and blue super suit and become Supergirl for one episode. That image alone was enough to get my mind racing with possibilities and ideas of how it might come to pass. I have to be honest and say I stopped watching the show after the Crisis stuff, so I've never actually seen her episode as Supergirl, but maybe that's a good thing? At least this way I know that my version of her is different and unique.
I am and always will be a huge Sanvers stan, but there's something so appealing about AgentCorp as well, and the show really dropped the ball when they wouldn't let Alex and Lena be together. They're an interesting and dynamic pairing - they share interests, are both huge science nerds and yet so completely different that its great fun writing them both together.
As for Lois and Kara - that one literally came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I'd never intended for it to happen, and yet now that it has, I'm wondering why I never thought of it sooner!
Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime? 
Absolutely. I got to a point with the fic where it had grown stale, and I was constantly hitting up against a wall with no idea how to get around it, or to power through it. So, I walked away from the fic and decided to focus on other WIPs and new creations instead. Coming back to it now, I've been able to see everything with fresh eyes, and I can see not only where I was going wrong before, but also a way to fix it. Changing the villain, adding characters, getting rid of redundant plot threads and adding more relevant pieces has really helped to get this work to a place where finally, I can see the finish line and I know I'm going to make it. That's a huge relief, considering where I was 2 years ago when I first started writing it.
Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Never give up. No matter how hard it might be, just put words on a page. It doesn't matter how rubbish they are, as my BFF always says, "You can't edit a blank page." Let yourself suck, let yourself write horrendously. It's all good practice. Even if those words never leave your notebook or the document on your computer, they've taught you something, they've helped you to improve, so be proud of them.
Writing is also a bit like a painting. Not even Da Vinci or Van Gogh sat at his easel and created a masterpiece on his first try. There's the initial sketches to plan out the idea. That's your plot or summary. Then you add basic blocks of colours. That's your first draft. From then on, you work away slowly, adding details, shading, contouring...those are your second, third, fourth drafts. Keep revising and editing as much as you need - there's no right or wrong number of times you should be doing it. Because each time you do, you're adding more detail to your masterpiece. And what you end up with is a work of art.
One final piece of advice... writing is not a solo event. All those times a writer is depicted sitting along, tapping away at a keyboard or scribbling in a notebook, it's so misleading. Get yourself a writing buddy. DKGwrites and I are best friends, we met through fanfiction (and I'm eternally grateful for that everyday). We have regular writing sessions together, and ok it's 90% messing around, distracting one another, talking utter nonsense or throwing random videos and links to each other, but that 10% when we do actually behave and get down to the task at hand, it's so much more fun writing together than it ever is when we try to write alone. Silliness aside, we help one another, bounce ideas off one another, motivate and encourage one another, and it's the best thing ever. So find yourself a writing buddy, and have a blast!
If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? 
What if Supergirl was a badass redhead called Alex Danvers?
We'll have more about her artwork in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, check out her work on A03!
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jeromiah · 2 years
i saw another take about how sexualizing dick grayson and ignoring his character is bad or whatever, and the argument includes the fact that he’s been SA’d and that if he was a female character people would be up in arms about it.
first of all this man is sexy as fuck. i know it. you know it. DC knows it bc they keep selling me sexy comic variants and i keep buying them. it’s okay to sexualize him because he’s a fictional character who will never know. and if we used the “oh but what if he was a woman” claim that means we shouldn’t sexualize anyone, leaving the only historically sexualized characters to be women. also, his sexualization by DC leads me to believe that his comics are more often read by women and queer men—and they’re catering to it. not a “win” per se but an interesting observation.
his sexy persona doesn’t negate his experiences nor his character as a whole. (if we really wanted to get into the nitty gritty of it, i could argue that dick’s sexualization and objectification are a self-imposed unhealthy coping mechanism for his trauma but that’s too meta for DC to have thought of) he can do both. part of his character is brushing off his trauma in front of others, so can we mistake fans for falling for his misdirects? also…people who have been SA’d can still be sexy and be sexualized (with consent if they’re real people) and like being SA’d doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever see them in a sexual context again. if that were true i’d be miserable and a virgin lol
also, we’re literally talking about batman here, one of the most widely-loved franchises in the world where most people haven’t actually read a single batman comic let alone all of them, it’s impossible. same goes for nightwing, who has a more reasonable solo series to finish, but still isn’t for the faint of heart. you don’t have to be an expert on dick grayson to like him and think he’s hot. he is a kind, light-hearted person who’s just too hard on himself and struggles to find a sense of identity.
“and here we slap the ‘sexy’ identity on him.” well…yeah. we’re allowed to do it. turning to fanfiction of all things and expecting it to portray dick honestly is just a dumb expectation because a large chunk of fanfiction is sexual and even if you aren’t reading sexual fics, you’re still reading the works of amateur writers who don’t write for DC. the fun thing about fanfiction is that you can do whatever you want and some writers choose to ignore things and you’re reading their work for free.
dick grayson as an objectifiable character is so fascinating. like i think asking questions about why dick became the sexiest character in DC, why DC embraces it, why his current writer is all over it despite being a straight man could be fun. what does this say about comics culture and the state of sex in popular sequential art? what happens if he does become a sex icon, and is that even truly possible? how does it interact with DC’s growing cast of queer characters? what does it say about the relationship between DC and queer audiences?
i think coming to the conclusion that sexualizing dick grayson is bad and it shouldn’t happen leaves out so many interesting nuances and factors at play that have created this unique situation. and like…he’s sexy as fuck. i love owning a dick grayson swimsuit cover.
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