#this is about fob I’m sorry people of Orlando
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saltandskeletrons · 1 year ago
Orlando I swear to god
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meat-wentz · 2 years ago
the circus was…not popular in the 2000’s?
okay i have to pull out my book of receipts here because let me tell you i think about this so often because in the moment i wasn’t registering how much circus/circus-adjacent imagery i was being exposed to and it was only when i looked back and realized that my 14 year old ass wrote a legitimate attempt at fiction on the doll palace dot com about a girl who gets swept away by a hot demon with side bangs to join, of all things, a circus, did the gates burst open to the flood of 2000’s circus imagery that had been forgotten. so like i’m gonna DUMP like you wouldn’t believe so get ready for a long post.
now first, this is how i define circus-adjacency: magicians, magic, burlesque, anything showy and flashy with a typically large vivacious cast, big teased hair and those small little doll lips with white powdered faces and big blush, grainy filters and red drapes, vegas and casinos and poker for some reason, and you know what fuck it i’m adding pirates in here too.
so let me tell you, first and foremost, the actual CIRCUS was thriving, particularly when you look at cirque du soleil. when you look at their wikipedia page, the 80’s are marked as their start and struggle, the 90’s as their expansion, and 2000-2009 as RAPID GROWTH. you couldn’t watch tv without a cirque du soleil commercial, pop in a dvd without a cirque advertisement, couldn’t drive without seeing a cirque billboard, people were raving about them, they were essentially the new sexier blue man group. now a few things happen in the 2010’s that result in their decline in popularity, they have to close shows due to recession, accidents resulting in death, the tsunami closing their show at tokyo disney, etc. essentially all that plus the cultural attitude is shifting away from the circus, we’re done with that we don’t want it anymore, sorry cirque. but when i say that cirque is probably one of the most popular live shows you can see, i mean it.
now music and movie and television wise, WOW, a lot happening there, let’s take a look:
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1) i want to express so hard that i watched lady marmalade at like 7:00 am and then my ass went to school like it was a moment and no wonder i was struggling with my sexuality it changed me deeply and 2) i’m leaving out britney and fob because i already used them as examples and i’m also leaving out gwen stefani because she and i have beef from this time period but rich girl and whatcha waiting for have these very glamorous dollified pirate and alice in wonderland visuals. now please for the love of god watch the intro to criss angel mindfreak:
not to mention, british boyband take that released an album called “the circus” and had a whole accompanying circus tour where they rode a giant puppet elephant through the crowd and they performed in a giant red tent and lady gaga opened for them???? which sounds wild enough but then you see something like this and your whole brain collapses:
now if you think that’s where it stops you’re so damn wrong, because i read approximately 8 or 9 of these damn books:
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which revolves around a boy who joins a circus to become a vampire’s apprentice and all sorts of gnarly shit happens to them and everyone is some sort of creature, and that turns into the feature film the vampire’s assistant which inexplicably stars john c reilly, josh hutcherson, salma hayek, willem dafoe, orlando jones, ken watanabe and more.
anyways we have pirates of the caribbean which was huge, but we also have lots of vegas representation for some reason: poker face, 21, ocean’s movies, street magicians, cirque, huge rise in popularity of professional gambling etc. i went to vegas with my friend and her parents in 2008 as a 15 year old and the highlights of our trip were going to circus circus, a penn and teller show, and picking up xxx show girl cards off the ground.
you’ll notice that the primary musicians that are latching onto the circus aesthetic are emo (and emo-adjacent) and mega popular starlets, and with the rise of internet fame culture and paparazzi swarms and the constant constant barrage of an audience that puts you at the top only to pray on your failure so they can watch it live on television, like i think it makes sense for them to adopt this metaphor, as britney so aptly put it “all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus,” to see millions of faces peering at you, throwing popcorn, telling you to get on the trapeze just so they can watch you fall. these are also WIDELY popular mainstream artists with very queer and femme leaning audiences and are consistently not taken seriously while being extremely exploited.
similarly to film at the time too, where you see a lot of romances, a lot of musical theater, a couple horror movies, etc. the magician thing i think is fully an exercise in masculinity but i think that’s a different story.
and i think it’s interesting with lots of 2000’s trends returning that we can already see what’s popping up again, vampires are back (hello iwtv and wwdits), pirates are back (hello ofmd), and even the circus is slowly making it’s way in (the greatest showman which i don’t want to even think about or really include because that was already 5 years ago, but hello guillermo del toro my beloved bringing out nightmare alley, and honestly even a small shout out to the quarry for having scary circus elements).
and like i don’t have a full whole explanation as of yet for why the circus became such a cultural staple, but it’s for certain that it very much was. thank you for coming to my 2000’s circus themed ted talk i’m sorry i did this to you.
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jambalayageorge · 4 years ago
A Story by a Friend
For Love Or Money
By Jon Lagniappe
David and Ellen met during their junior year of high school and became fast friends. Not long afterwards they started going steady. Their senior year of high school started off on a high note. They were both accepted to the same state college. The school year went by quickly and as graduation approached they looked forward to spending time together on the Senior Trip. That year the senior class chose to fly to Orlando Florida. One evening as they were leaving the Hard Rock Café David noticed what appeared to be a lotto ticket laying on the sidewalk. He reached down and picked it up. As he inspected it there was no name on it so he casually pushed it into the pocket of his jeans. That same evening the lottery numbers were revealed and when David checked the numbers against the lottery ticket he’d found enough numbers matched for him to win $500. He immediately phoned Ellen and told her. The next day as they sat eating breakfast they beamed over the prospect of how to spend the $500. Ellen suggested they spend only $300 and put the rest in a savings account when they get back home. David agreed and then he took a napkin from the table and wrote on it today’s date the day they first kissed both of their birthdays. Then he showed them to Ellen and told her that he would play those same numbers twice a week until he wins the lottery.
During their first two years of college David and Ellen lived on campus in their respective dormitories. Ellen was a psychology major and David took up electrical engineering. As they entered their junior year of college they decided to live together off campus. Ellen located a cute little efficiency about five miles from campus. Moving in didn’t take long because neither of them had any furniture. They went shopping for a bed and got a great deal on a leather pull out couch at the neighborhood thrift store. While they were there they also bought a small dinette set and a coffee table. Once they got the furniture moved in they sat down on the couch to rest for a few minutes. All of a sudden David springed to his feet and walked across the room and picked up his backpack. He pulled out a small box and walked back over to where Ellen was sitting. Sitting on the edge of the coffee table he looked into her eyes and said, Will you marry me, Ellen? Then he opened the small box revealing a small one diamond engagement ring. Ellen’s eyes widened and a joyful smile quickly turned into laughter as she said, YES! Yes, I will marry you. Then she threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately. Breaking their embrace, David said, There’s one more bit of news I want to share with you. I’ve been accepted into the apprentice program at TNR Engineering. It’s a full-time apprenticeship. That means I’ll have to get my degree as a part-time student. As long as we're together I know everything will work out. Me too, said Ellen.
The next year as Ellen was preparing for graduation she and a few of her psychology classmates got together for a pre-graduation celebration outing. Graduation would take place Friday afternoon so they went out to party the night before. She had already talked with David about the get together and he was all for it. He told her, Honey, this is your time. Go on and have some fun with your friends. Just be safe. So Ellen and her friends went clubbing until two in the morning. She arrived home around 3am. David was sound asleep in bed so she quietly washed up and fell asleep on the couch.
Later that morning David awoke and noticed that Ellen was not in bed with him. Walking into the next room he saw her sleeping on the couch. Not wanting to wake her up he finished getting dressed for work in the bathroom. Before leaving he wrote her a short note that read,” Must have had a really good time. I’m running late for work. Pick up my lotto tickets. See you at Tony’s for the graduation dinner. Love you.” Then he paperclipped a $5 bill to the note and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and left for work.
Ellen woke up and immediately checked her watch for the time. It was 10:15AM. She sat up on the couch and saw David’s note on the coffee table and read it. She just smiled. Then she  reminded herself that graduation was at 2pm but she needed to be on campus by 1pm. No problem she thought to herself.
Arriving at work, David sat down at his desk and checked his email. Once the screen came up a message flashed, “Meeting for all apprentices at 2 o’clock”. At 1:50pm the three apprentices at TRN were already seated in the conference room. Moments later the floor manager Dan Gillum walked in and stood in front of the three men. He said, I’ve got to let two of you go. I’ve talked to each of your team leads and went over your monthly evaluations and this is my final decision.
Graduation was over by 3:45. The graduates had thrown their caps in the air and were in the midst of retrieving them. Ellen’s mother Diane, her brother Allan and two of her first cousins, Michelle and Terrence came up to share in the celebration. There were big hugs all around and gifts were exchanged. They took turns trying to convince Ellen to go with them to the movies to see the latest Tom Cruise film. After some mild arm twisting from Diane she gave in. While at the movies everyone except Ellen filled up on popcorn and soda pop. Ellen was saving her appetite for dinner with David. After the movie they dropped her off at Tony’s Restaurant. Goodbyes were short and sweet and then Ellen watched them drive away.
The dinner reservation at Tony’s was for 8 o’clock. Ellen was already seated when David walked over to the booth. Before he sat down he  leaned in and kissed her and said, sorry I’m late. As he sat down the waiter asked, would sir like a drink before ordering? Yes, said David. A glass of white wine. Anything for the madame? I’ll have the same, said Ellen.
Boy, have I got something to tell you, David said. But first, how was graduation? Did your mother and brother make it? The graduation went smoothly, Ellen said. No long speeches, no audience interruptions and yes my mom and brother were there along with two of my cousins. Wish I could have been there, said David. I know, said Elllen. But as we had agreed.  Because you are the sole breadwinner right now, your income is important to the plans we’ve made. Now what was it you wanted to tell me? Just as David was about to tell her about his day the waiter returned with their drinks and to take their order. As soon as the waiter turned to leave David began to tell Ellen about the events of his day. Then just as the waiter arrived with their meal David finished the story with, “And they chose me to remain onboard as the only apprentice”. That’s amazing, Ellen said. I’m so proud of you.
As they were eating the conversation turned to picking a date for their wedding. David began by saying, Okay babe, we’ve kept our agreement not to get married until after your graduation. So how much longer will I have to wait to make you Mrs. David Fuqua? Ellen smiled and said, not much longer. I have interviews with two different doctors in the next couple of weeks and I need to stay focused on acquiring one of those positions. So let’s say a month from today on a Saturday. I’ll prepare the invitations and send them off by the end of next week. I just need the names of the people you want to invite. And remember to make it a short list. You got it babe, David said.
When David and Ellen finished their meal. David left a very gracious cash tip for the waiter and paid for the meal on his credit card. As they were leaving the restaurant David received a notice on his cell phone to remind him to check the lotto numbers for that evening. When he checked, they were his numbers. He let out a shout that startled Ellen. Then he danced a quick jig and began repeating 70 million, 70 million. Then he turned to Ellen and asked, babe where’s the lotto ticket I asked you to pick up for me today? His question was met with cold silence. He repeated, Ellen, where's the ticket? Ellen shrank away from him covering her face and replied in an almost inaudible whisper, I forgot to get it. You forgot to get it? YOU FORGOT?! David said in a tone Ellen had never heard him use before. Then he inhaled a slow deep breath and slowly exhaled. Feeling a bit more composed he turned and walked away. Transfixed, Ellen just stood motionless and watched him walk away. A moment later, with her eyes now edged with tears, she called out to him. David wait, please wait. He continued walking toward where he’d parked their car. Reaching the vehicle, he opens the drivers side door and sits down heavily. He leans forward with his arms crossed atop the steering wheel and rests his head. Ellen arrives and sits on the seat across from him. They sit there not talking for several minutes. Then David sits back and pushes the start button, places the gear shift in drive and pulls off. 
The silence is deafening on the drive home. When they get to their apartment, David goes to the closet and grabs his overnight bag and angrily stuffs in some clothes. Ellen starts to say something but the words just won’t come out. David picks up his overnight bag and throws it across his shoulder. He pulls out his cell phone and calls for a Lyft. He raises his eyes to see Ellen’s tear filled eyes and wet cheeks. David says, I’ve got to go. I can’t stay here tonight. I’ll call you tomorrow. Ellen nods and says, alright. He places the key FOB on the counter and walks past her and out the door.
It’s a very difficult night for Ellen. She doesn’t fall off to sleep until after 4AM. When she wakes up Saturday morning, it’s after 10AM. She picks up her phone and calls David No answer. An hour later she tries his number again. Still no answer. She then phones her mother. In tears she tells her what happened the night before. It’s going to be alright, says Diane. Give him some time. He just needs to sort through his feelings. You’ll see. I hope so, mom. Ellen says. He was very angry when he left.
Ellen’s phone rings around 8:20 that evening. It’s David. She says, honey come home so we can talk. David says, not tonight. I just called to let you know I’m okay. Gotta go, David says. Don’t go David! I love you. I love you too, Ellen. I just need some time to work through some things. I’ll call you tomorrow. He disconnects. She starts to cry.
Sunday morning, Ellen is preparing to leave for the supermarket when she hears a knock at the door. It’s a FedEx delivery man. He hands her an elaborately wrapped box and asks for her signature. She signs for it and steps back inside. The note attached to the box is written in David’s handwriting. She reads it and smiles. Opening the box, she discovers a small felt covered box along with a letter. Two words are written on the face of the letter, FORGIVE ME. Ellen’s heart quickens as she takes the top from the felt box. To her surprise, inside is a pearl necklace with matching earrings. She has always wanted a strand of pearls. Then she begins to read the letter. It reads, Ellen, I’ve loved you since high school. Thoughts of you have filled most of my days. You bring joy to my life and give it meaning. You inspire me to be better, to do better. The other day when I left for work I had a feeling that with all you had on your plate that day you would probably forget to get my lotto ticket. So during my lunch break I picked it up. Later when we left the restaurant, I was really disappointed when you told me that you forgot to pick it up. At that moment I decided to let you feel the weight of your actions. If it’s any consolation, I felt miserable for causing you to feel miserable. I promise from this day forward to never purposely cause you misery. Now if you have found it in your heart to forgive me, come outside for the rest of your surprise. Placing the letter down, she ran to the door. Standing outside leaning against a brand new Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 was David, Diane and her best friend Taylor. David said, all together now. In unison they yelled, SURPRISE! Ellen ran down the steps and into David’s arms. For several minutes they embraced and kissed. When Ellen pulled back she said, if you ever…  She didn’t get to finish because David kissed her again.
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kahauieni · 8 years ago
Just got tagged, son! (I'm sorry)
I’m not sorry.
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 amazing followers that you would like to get to know better. Tagged by @pasta-hero Name: Jennifer Nickname: Jen, Jenn-Jenn, Hennifer, baby girl, many things depending on the person. Zodiac sign: Pisces Hogwarts house: It literally changes every time I take one of the tests. My very first time tho I think I got Gryffindor. Height: 5′5″? ^^; Orientation: Honestly still figuring that out, so prob asexual/pan or aromantic? Idk. I’m working on it. Ethnicity: White with a light farmer’s tan. Favorite fruit: grapes, watermelon, red cara cara oranges Favorite season: Autumn if I was forced to choose. Favorite book series: The Lunar Chronicles, Graceling series, Percy Jackson, HP, many other YA novels and probably some dystopian shit lol. Favorite fictional characters: There are so many and I usually don’t have favs, but I’ll try to narrow some of them down. Conan/Shinichi and Kaito (DC) Yuri (Yuri on Ice!!!) Aang and Zuko (ALA), Sora (KH2 to be exact lol) Amaterasu (Okami) Garnet (SU), Katsa (Graceling) baby girl Penelope and my man Morgan (CM) Cinder and Kai (power couple from Lunar Chronicles) Dude, I could go on. Favorite flower: lillies, roses (there are more but idk their names and don’t have the time to google some) Favorite scents: citrusy, woodsy, or even some men’s cologne, cinnamon/nutmeg/all spice, coffee, flowers, lots man. Favorite color: I lean toward darker shades of colors like blue, red, purple, etc. Favorite animal: white tiger, wolf, dolphin. Favorite artist/band: I listen to a broad range of music, so I’ll settle with the alternative/rock genre (I use the term very loosely): NateWantsToBattle, Imagine Dragons, FOB, P!ATD, Skillet, Set It Off. Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: Does cold coffee count? Average sleep hours: Depends on my schedule really. Number of blankets you sleep with: My trusty comforter is usually all it takes. Dream trip: That’s a tough one. I’m gonna steal “a trip across Europe or two weeks in Orlando, Florida going to all of the attractions” from Hannah, and a road trip w/ my friends to all of America I haven’t been and Canada. :D Last thing Googled: find android using google account (my phone was either stolen or lost) Blog created: I honestly don’t remember it’s been a long time (same as Hannah cuz it’s true) How many blogs do I follow: 691 (def too much, and I promise I didn’t unfollow anyone to make the two numbers like that lol) Number of followers: 169 What do I usually post about: YOI, DC, youtubers like Markiplier, SU, Sailor Moon, Rooster Teeth, Achievement Hunter, animals, random funny or cute stuff, pretty much any other anime, game, or anything else I’m interested in. Do you get asks regularly: I do not, but feel free to ask away! I’m more than happy to answer or even chat w/ you guys! What is your aesthetic: I like subtle references to fandoms more so than in your face ones like the triforce from LoZ or “Born to make history” quote from YOI. Space is cool. Pastels are pretty. Steampunk is always neat. Nature scenes are breathtaking.
I do not have time to decide and tag people rn since I’m dealing with this phone bs and moving, but feel free to do this yourself if you’d like!
And one last thing: you guys are all amazing!
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