#this is a wip so ignore my anatomy mistakes
sevenhoursofblue · 7 months
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genuinely tweaking rn
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chaosandorder46 · 29 days
Master fic list
I decided it was time to make a master list. 🤷‍♀️
Tissaia/Yennefer centric
1. I’m OK, You’re OK (6108 words; uni AU)- Tissaia's anxiety is not under control. Yennefer totally gets it, and Triss is a therapist, because of course, she is.
2. And Then There Were Three (26,290 words; domestic fluff)-Tissaia and Yennefer are happily married, and want a child to complete their family. The process won't be easy, but they have each other and their ride or die friend group. Some fluff, some angst, and shenanigans arise on their journey.
3. Self Control (1,149 words; fluff and smut)- Dr. Tissaia de Vries has legendary self control. Unless Yennefer of Vengerberg is in the room.
4. Come to my Office, Please (3,123 words; Eventual smut)-A private message gets sent to the entire group and puts a series of events into action.
5. Stars Fell on Aretuza (1,210 words; hurt/comfort)-It's the first Ascension Ball since the Thanedd Coup, and the first in decades not coordinated by Tissaia de Vries.
6. You Mistake the Stars (31,647 words; whump)- Yennefer saw Vilgefortz as a way to get off of the pig farm, but ended up in a worse situation. When she casts an errant portal and ends up on the Isle of Thanedd, she meets a cast of characters that will change her life.
7. Such a Good Turkey (2,606 words, crack fic)- It's close to Thanksiving on The Continent and no one has any chill.
8. I Might Love You More than Coffee (46,484 words; fluff)- Yennefer is intrigued by a mysterious new regular at her coffee shop, The Lodge. I'm no barista, so I'm relying on my extensive coffee consumption experience for the details on this one.
9. Le Tits Now! (3,939 words; crack fic)-It's the holiday season and everyone is in various states of festiveness. Shenanigans to follow...
10. And I Swear My Breath Turned Silver the Day Your Hair Did (4,942 words; angst with a happy ending)-I've never really written a real fix it for the Thanedd Coup before. I pretty much just ignore it by writing modern AUs or insinuate that everything turned out ok.
This is a somewhat canon compliant (until it's not) fix it for the Thanedd Coup fall out. I've had it in progress for a while and seem to be having trouble working on my other fic until this one is done.
11. What’s Lost is not Lost…Keep Looking! (1,380 words; crack fic)-Ciri's beloved stuffy is missing. Tissaia and Yen are ready to go all Liam Neeson from Taken, but the answer may be closer than they think.
12. Now the Air I Tasted and Breathed (Has Taken a Turn) (WIP; angst with a happy ending)-Ok, so....remember the musical episode of Grey's Anatomy (Song beneath the song)? Um...this is the Witcher version of that. Kind of, though (in my imagination) the characters aren't singing, it's just a montage of scenes with the song playing. If you aren't familiar with Black by Pearl Jam, listening is a good pre-reading activity. :)
13. How did we get THIS way? (3,933 words; crack treated seriously) - An alternate version of Rinde if Tissaia had shown up a bit later. OR...Tissaia de Vries accidentally crashes an orgy.
14. Nothing Sweeter Than a Bitter Cup of Coffee (13,681 words; light angst and crack)-More coffee shop shenanigans ensue when Rita shares some news with Tissaia.
15. More Indelible than Ink (WIP, fluff)- Tissaia is the proprietor of deVries Ink and Paper Shop and leads a very quiet, normal life...that is until a stunning raven-haired tattoo artist walks into her store.
Sabrina/Triss centric
1. The Kids are Alright (5,399 words; mutual pining)-Sabrina breaks her arm badly teaching novices non-magical self defense. Rita and Triss help her and Triss uses her chaos. The healer becomes the patient and Rita is sick of their shit.
2. Downtime (1,034 words, PWP?)- Sabrina's office has a network downtime and she needs something (or someone) to do.
3. What We Lost at Sodden (8,858 words; hurt/comfort)- This is another Sodden Hill story with a focus on Sabrina and Rita's experiences. I feel like Sabrina was too OK, too soon after Sodden, and I would love to have seen more of Rita's experience being charged with holding down the fort, knowing her friends were fighting for, and losing their lives.
4. The Things I Regret (2,036 words; hurt/comfort)- Written on the the one year anniversary of my mom's death. We had a very complicated relationship and I've been surprised at how I've felt since she died, vs. how I thought I would feel. I also had lunch recently with a friend who has gone no-contact with her mother due to her refusal to acknowledge her childhood trauma. These human experiences are always so interesting to me...if a bit painful. So, why not write about it? 😁
So, once again poor Sabrina gets to be a stand in for therapy. I mainly chose her because of her conduit moment, we know she has some issues there. 😁
5. Put Out the Fire in Your Head and Lay With Me Tonight (2,226 words; fluff and smut)-Sabrina is exhausted and stressed. Triss helps her relax. This is all fluff with a little bit of smut and nearly no plot. Just like I like to write. 😈😍
6. Burnout (10,501 words; hurt/comfort)-Sabrina is burnt out and coping as only Sabrina can, which is to say, not at all.
7. Aretuza (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) (1,465 words; tooth rotting fluff)- This is a snapshot of an Aretuza where they all live happily ever after, even if the novices are a bit ...incapable.
8. The world was on fire (and no one could save me but you) (22,760 words; angst with a happy ending)-IMO, this is the angstiest thing I've written, so be warned. None of the major characters die (I could never) but there is some death.
9. The 14th on the Hill (8,985 words; angst with a happy ending)-Another spin on Sodden, but this one pulls from book lore as well as Netflix lore and HCs.
Group shenanigans
1. Icks (1,116 words; crack fic)-Tissaia learns a new term. Everyone shares an ick in their relationship.
2. Triss’s Greenhouse (429 words; crack fic) -Tissaia needs to relax and Triss has something for that.
3. Beige Flags (770 words; crack fic)-Tissaia is slowly learning tik tok. She needs an explanation of beige flags.
4. Another Fic Where Triss is Stoned, but with Pokemon (965 words; crack fic)- This is a crack fic, but based on a real life conversation. No need to take this seriously. :) This is based on a video game called pal world That is essentially a rip off of pokémon... And they have guns.
5. Hanging Around (5,593 words, crack treated seriously)- Ok. I was inadvertently sent on a side quest to tell an important, and very serious story. It is based on the delightful video below which gave me several much needed laughs. This is set in the AUMC universe where Tissaia is a pathologist, Yennefer and Rita work in the hospitals PR department, Triss is a nurse and married to Sabrina, who manages the lab. The slides in question are stained blood and bone marrow which are used to microscopically diagnose blood disorders, such as leukemia. I think that is all the pre-reading needed.🤭
6. After Sodden (29,044 words; modern AU; slow burn?)- Ciri is an environmental activist, but accidentally commits a bit of eco-terrorism. She's now a fugitive and turns to Yennefer for help.This was inspired by a Tumblr prompt...I have taken a LOT of creative liberties here. (Read: I don't follow instructions well).
Wheel of Time
• I (Critically) Care A Lot (7,677 words; Hospital AU)- Moraine and Siuan have a tense working relationship. Or do they?
• You’re Going to Make Me…Late (8,493 words; hospital AU)-Siuan applies for a new job.
• I’d walk to the depths of a world down below (and demand to get back what some circumstance stole) (1,867 words; crack)-Siuan is dead, like...dead dead. And Moiraine has to go to The Underworld to get her back.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
One Thing
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Supermen!AU - Intro | One Thing
I wrote some Supermen!AU fic :D In fact, I wrote two! This is the first one and I will likely post the second one tomorrow. They are both standalone within the AU, so they are not WIPs! But I do recommend you read the intro fic otherwise they might not make much sense.
This fic is basically me getting a feel for the AU and actually sets up quite a bit in a single scene. Fic two will answer at least one of the questions this one might sprout :D
Many thanks to @the-original-sineater​ and @onereyofstarlight​ for all their help and for listening to my babbling :D
Gen, a little angst, and a lot on Nutty realising how hard it is to write Supermen :D
I hope you enjoy.
She was watching again.
International Rescue had its groupies, definitely, but there was something different about this woman.
Dark hair, dark eyes, she had a piercing stare that ignored all the building masonry scattered around them and targeted him.
Scott chose to ignore her. There were lives to save and identities to protect.
Working a rescue was a mix of heroics and illusions. Virgil had it the easiest. His natural strength was masked by the cahelium-laced contraption Brains had dressed him in. No one blinked when his brother lifted tonnes of brickwork – he was kitted out with machinery, after all. No one knew that Virgil had no use for the mechanics. In fact, the machinery, like all their equipment was designed to be strong enough to resist their strength should they screw up. Cahelium was Kryptonian, after all.
Scott almost rolled his eyes. Okay, fine, the mechanics also kept his brother’s inquisitive mind turning over ideas. He had already offered suggestions as to how such a suit might help protect Alan.
Scott’s lips thinned. Alan, their little brother who wanted to join them in the field.
Surprisingly, John supported the idea.
Or perhaps not so surprising. John always claimed that Scott was over protective.
How was it possible to be over protective of the one human left in their small family?
He could hear the anger of their youngest from the other side of the planet at the mere thought he needed protecting at all.
But after losing their father…
Scott returned to shifting rocks.
Masonry may still have moved faster than it should have.
Until he caught sight of that woman again.
It eternally frustrated him that he couldn’t flex his full capability in rescues. Sure, they did when no one could see them. There was a whole list of ‘equipment’ and excuses that explained their speed. Because speed was what they were known for. Human-known physics was broken daily in their lives and for damn good reasons. But here in the middle of a city with the media watching…and yes, this woman was media. That look in her eye was like a narrow beam question zapping through his every disguise.
“John, she’s here again - approximately fifty metres to the northwest of my position – please confirm identity.”
The snort from space was not encouraging.  “We need to check your eyesight, Eldest. That is definitely Lois Lane.”
“She is becoming a problem.”  He hissed and threw a rock much further than he should have.
“You know why, Thunderbird One. She’s tracking you, Superman.”
“Goddamnit! One stupid mistake!”
“You will never live that underwear down.”
He grit his teeth. “Focus, Thunderbird Five.”
Another snort from space proved yet again that his middle brother did not respect the Eldest as he should.
Too much human influence.
Thunderbird Two cut in on comms. “We have a medical alert. Rescuee three is suffering a cardio event.” Virgil’s voice was as tense as it always was when they encountered this particular failure in human anatomy. “I need to be down there, now!”
Masonry started moving faster than it should even before Scott could give the command.
“Thunderbird Five, we need Blanket Protocol now!”
As Virgil started a storm of action to get himself into the basement of the building as fast and as safely as possible, Thunderbird Five set up interference across all communications bands that had any connection to the site.
Unfortunately, they were in the middle of New York and this was going to be an ass of a mess.
Thunderbird Two – the cahelium behemoth that carried all their equipment - lifted from her perch and moved to a close hover over the site, shooting down a couple of tether lines for excuse, obscuring enough visual activity between the piles of rubble, and accounting for the clouds of dust Virgil was creating. It gave Scott hope that they might even manage it this time without rumour.
Except for those dark eyes that were still drilling into his soul even though he could no longer see her without switching to more penetrating vision.
As always, Lois Lane was a problem for another time and he threw her from his mind as he followed Virgil down through the fifty-seven remaining floors of skyscraper to reach the survivors in the basement.
Virgil was going to be a handful after this…again.
Of all of them, he was the one most obsessed by the fragility of the human body. Ever since they lost Grandpa Tracy, oh so many years ago, it had been an obsession.
An understandable one.
Humans died far too easily, no matter how much four lost aliens tried to save them.
As Scott arrived on scene, Virgil was performing CPR, Gordon appearing beside him at speed with their cardiac equipment, ready to provide the immediate switch to life support.
But Virgil suddenly paused, his eyes scanning the prone man before his shoulders dropped.
Oh damn.
It only took Scott a millisecond to identify why Virgil had stopped. There was an irrecoverable brain injury…that would have been recoverable if it wasn’t for the sudden lack of cardiac activity.
They hadn’t been fast enough.
The curse that spat between Virgil’s teeth echoed Scott’s thoughts.
But it was the similarities with a long ago death that had Scott swearing to himself even as Virgil stood and calmly reported the death to Thunderbird Five. Scott’s calculating brain supplied far too much detail on the collateral damage he was going to have to counter when they made it home after this.
But there was no time.
There was never enough time.
Scott grabbed Gordon and the pair of them made their way through the rubble to the next rescuee, Gordon breaking off and using his ‘jetpack’ to fly them up to the surface and freedom.
Virgil joined Scott a moment later, his expression steel as he attended each injury they encountered.
Fifty-three survivors were reached in times not possible with any equipment in human hands. The rescuees were too happy to be saved, too shaky, too in shock, too starry-eyed by the presence of International Rescue to question anything.
Until later. There was always a later after a Blanket Protocol.
Dark eyes were still staring at him.
John and Eos would handle the majority of the fallout. They always did.
There would be questions. Scott Tracy, interim President of Tracy Industries until Alan Tracy reached his majority, would have the answers. Tracy Industries, at the forefront of aeronautical technology, often had explanations to account for the apparent superhuman capabilities of the mysterious International Rescue.
The list of persons who knew their true identities and relationship to the Tracy family were very few. Several of which who helped to keep it that way.
Their helmets may not protect their lives in the traditional manner, but they still protected so much.
The three of them presented each of the rescuees to paramedics, handing over responsibility. Scott stepped up beside Virgil, a hand on his shoulder as he picked up the one they couldn’t save.
Dark eyes of a completely different kind turned to look at him, so much sorrow in their depths…and the reasons for keeping their identities secret were reinforced in Scott’s mind.
If there was one thing he would protect more than this planet, it was his family.
Fate would have to give him this.
He could accept no other.
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spearxwind · 5 years
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ALRIGHT I can finally post this! The first of hopefully a bunch of big movie cgi monster reimaginings that I want to do. This was also posted one month ago on my patreon, along WIPS and other stuff, so do check it out!! 
Anyway, this is the full, in-depth rework for the indominus rex that i worked on during April!! There’s a LOT of thought that went into this. and i mean A SHIT TON. I took the time to write a long ass artist/design commentary (under the readmore, bc its long) to explain all my decisions for this, design-wise! 
I hope yall like this :’) I spent an inordinate amount of time perfecting it
Artist commentary - Indominus rex
Okay there’s a lot I want to talk about but let’s start…. at the beginning shall we.
I did this whoooole thing for two reasons: 1. I want to prove that I am at least some good at creature design, and able to do concept art for my things and 2. a lot of movie monsters, particularly ones made by legendary studios, are never…. that great at all. The indominus had SO MUCH promise as a concept, but in the end they wasted her potential and that was really sad; so i took it onto myself to try and make another, wilder take on it.
OH BUT FIRST, DISCLAIMER: The art is in no way meant to be 100% anatomically correct. First bc this thing does not and hopefully never will exist physically, and second because I’m a simple student and can only dedicate so much time to anatomy and such yes.
The indominus, according to the movie, is an artificial dinosaur, made from scraps and selected genetics from both a lot of dinosaurs (tyrannosaurus, gigantosaurus, therizinosaurus, majungasaurus, rugops, velocirraptor, carnotaurus and although it is not a dinosaur it also has deinosuchus dna) and some modern animals as well (including cuttlefish, tree frog and pit viper), making it a chimera of sorts.
The first thing you might notice is that.. i gave it a veil! Like a cuttlefish’s swimmy.. fin thing. The whole top part of the indominus is a cuttlefish “cover”, and hence it can do anything a cuttlefish could do (change colors or textures) but only on that part of its body. The movie pulling the ‘yeah it can turn invisible lol’ card was hhhh because we don’t really see it in action (i mean. That’s the point but also not) and it’s kind of wild that it could have just changed its whole body’s color at will so why not put a little more sense into it and just have it be the parts influenced by the cuttlefish? Oh, and a lot of the animals used to make this genetic trainwreck are water dwelling and/or amphibian so…  this monster is ALSO amphibian. It can swim really well, and generally do well in water for certain periods of time (it’s still much better suited for land but I digress). I think it’d have used the camouflage ability especially when going along the surface of the water so it’s stark white body doesn’t stand out horribly.
For the head I went with a much more crocodilian approach since it’s supposed to be heavy and wide, however the original design had a bunch of mistakes that i aimed to fix with that too, namely: the jaw joint being literally In The Neck for some reason, made it look frail as hell and like it’d have no strength, and also it had a horribly frail looking, shrinkwrapped neck, which I also took a stab at. (Speaking of shrinkwrapping, they did the same for the skull which. yikes.)
The OG head also had a ridiculous width to it compared to the eye placement, so it wouldn’t have been able to see much at all, added to the fact that it had a really, really small brain case.
In this new version i tried to fix all those things, and added a few aspects from other animals like the eyes being a mixture between slanted frog/snake eyes, and then the cuttlefish horizontal pupil. Biologically and realistically, this wouldn’t make much sense at all but fuck it, it can’t possibly be the worst thing.
The indo I made also has a lot of spikes on its head (as opposed to just two) and they’re all forward facing (as opposed to the OG’s backward facing spikes ???) AND last but not least it has heat pits right below its eyes. Those are from the pit viper and can sense heat signatures (cause i mean. why would you make a dinosaur and specifically mention pit viper dna but then do nothing with that. oh my god.)
I also discarded all the hard scales/spikes on the back in favor of it being able to make new ‘spikes’ with the cuttlefish texturing.
Next item: the arms. In the movie they’re a big part of the dinosaur’s action for whatever reason, it behaves like a half quadrupedal half bipedal creature. Sadly i elected to ignore that. The designers gave it long talons and then justified it by using therizinosaurus, which 1. had bigger talons, proportionately and 2. had bird wrists. So it could NOT have walked on its front legs and that’s the direction i went. Amped the fuck out of those claws, and i gave it the tree frog pads on its fingers (so instead of having to always spear things, it can hold onto stuff by patting it with those) and put some webbing all over bc 1. frog dna, 2. bird dna, 3. cuttlefish dna. I also gave it pin feathers on its forearms, because yeah velociraptor dna. Whoever did the OG design just said ‘yeah we gave it pin feathers from velociraptor dna’ which is what those weird spikes on its neck were, and called it a day.
The legs and tail don’t have that much more going on for them, same stuff. Frog pads and then a couple feathers. The tail itself i imagine is less rounded like we’ve been reconstructing theropods and more crocodilian looking so it can propel itself when swimming.
Of course, being a genetic trainwreck, it’s not a Perfect Organism™, so you can see fuck-ups here and there because this thing had so many dna used for it...,
Let’s start with the head (because it’s where most of the items are anyway.)
The fucked up teeth. Those drove me up the entire wall in the OG design because yeah, they were fucked up bc of dna and that was cool! But they also had them all on the outside for some reason?? and they were stupid sharp and small so they didn’t look like many at all… just frail in general. I changed that to have a couple external teeth (croc dna again, tbh i just went with a lot of croc) and then a LOT of teeth actually inside the mouth. Also asymmetrical because, again. fuckt up.
In the mouth too, it’s got two tongues. One is actually functional, and the other (the snakey one) is fused to the bottom of its mouth. Itd still function as a smell sensory organ like an actual snake’s, it just cannot be thwiped out of the mouth.
The hole in its lower jaw is also the snake dna fucking up, making a not-quite-split jaw. It’s not functional either, it’s just a hole. It’s also got a regular opening to flick the tongue out like a normal snake, it just can’t.
I … did not give it scales (i did give it HINTS of scales, but nothing major) Because. yeah i figured it would be less likely to have them in this scenario haha
Also apparently in the movie they said it could manipulate its heat signature and i just scrapped that entirely cause what the fuck. I mean it’s cool but it didn’t do much, i feel like it’d be scarier if they could have KNOWN where this thing was but just couldn’t zone in on it either way bc it was that good at being stealthy.
The colors. The OG design is white bc of the invisibility thing, and it gives it an overall artificial feel that is great. I wasn’t quite able to emulate that because I went for a more naturally colored look, it’s just an albino bastard. Being this color would definitely be a disadvantage since it’d make it visible to everyone, so rather than just go ‘oh god oh fuck’ [turns invisible] and be done it’d have to curl up and position itself so the veil covers any would-be visible parts of it.
And uhh that’s about all I have! Ty for reading!
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clairenvk · 5 years
r + e fic rec
a collection of 40+ completed reddie fics i’ve read on ao3 and loved; ranging from soft to cute to funny to ridiculous to angsty. you may have read some of this, you may not have, but these are all worth your time. if you read any of these and enjoy them then remember to leave a kudos and a comment for the author to let them know that you liked it!
✨ - Fav 😎 - fun/funny 💕 - Soft 💜 - cute (cute cute!)  🌹 - emotional / atmospheric ⚠️ - angsty ⚔️ - nsfw
💕 up off the floor  - kaspbrak_kid
“In a world where we can kill a fucking clown from space, Eddie Kaspbrak doesn’t get to die from a stab wound."
15.3k words. 6 chapters.
Note - the Most soft. tender. taking care of each other and getting together. this author also has a wip that’s a lot more sad but with as much Yearning as this one so i’d recommend you check their stuff out.
💕 And All The Time He’s Mumbling - monarchyofroses
“It suits you.” Richie frowned. “Huh?” “Being in love,” Ben clarified. “It suits you.” Richie smiled, then, so hard that it made Ben wonder how his face had not splitted in two. “I’m in fucking limerence, man.” 
2.7k words. 1 chapter
Note - ben and richie have a Conversation about the loves of their lives basically. Truly Soft.
💕 What He’s Mumbling? - monarchyofroses
"But. But that's what you do for..." "...A friend," Maggie finished for him, or well, not exactly for him, considering he was about to come out. Richie to God, if you exist and this is your revenge for my atheism, it's not funny. Also, you suck.
3.5k words. 1 chapter.
Note - coming out! i love the toziers. part 2 of the same series the previous fic is from.
💕 💜 No Mistakes - usnavi
When Richie Tozier tells Eddie Kaspbrak he loves him, they're watching Jurassic Park and Eddie's wearing his clothes like it's all meant to be this way. 
1.4k words. 1 chapter.
✨ 💜 Richie Tozier: Come Out and Play - piginawig
Richie Tozier: Come Out & Play, a new Netflix special! Comedian Richie Tozier is back after a very public mental breakdown. And he's ready to (over)share.
5.7k words. 1 chapter.
Note - My personal favorite version of this trope.
😎 Richie Tozier, an Apple Music Listener - plinys
Apple Music ✓ @AppleMusic Thanks for the support @trashmouth! We love to see loyal #AppleMusic fans! Apple Music ✓ @AppleMusic Also, in unrelated news, the #AppleMusic recommended song of the day is “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande.
1.2k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Post Chapter 2. I’m a sucker for fics involving social media. Also, this is funny and lighthearted and i love it.
😎 Retweet. - plinys
richie tozier ✓ @trashmouth what did i miss lol
3k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Post Chapter 2. 
😎 💜 ⚔️ Let’s Hear It For The Boy - sloppybitch
Eddie’s just trying to see if he’s not alone when he downloads Grindr on his phone. It’s by pure, terrifying coincidence that one of the first messages he receives on there is from none other than Richie freaking Tozier. Long story short: trashmouth;) (11:03PM): oh me, oh my. fancy seeing u here Eddie (11:33PM): holy FUCKING SHIT.
9.8k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 1 of an ongoing series.
😎 💜 ⚔️ Let’s Give The Boy a Hand - sloppybitch
After finding each other on Grindr and sharing a couple of saucy texts and a phone call that would make a nun faint, Richie and Eddie find each other in the clubhouse, and they... talk. Sure, they talk. Let’s call it talking. Beverly, meanwhile, discovers that none of the Losers have ever gotten drunk, and what’s being a teenager without breaking a few drinking laws? Ben has a free house, and Eddie has never been more afraid of a game of Truth or Dare in his entire fucking life.
24k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 2 of the series the previous fic is part of.
✨ 💜 Five Times The Losers Gave Richie Permission - toomuchrootbeer
The Losers keep trying to tell Richie something, but he's never been great at taking a hint. 
10.7k words. 1 chapter.
Note - anything that has all of the losers really present in their fics is the loml. some mentions of period typical racism and homophobia but no slurs, mainly mentioned for context of the time.
✨ 💜 Husband and Husband - thatsuperawkwardgirl
Richie gets the idea at the end of kindergarten, when the teacher has everyone do projects on their families. The class talks about how some families have moms and dads who are married, and some don’t. Richie being…well, Richie, he goes straight home and asks his parents why they got married if they didn’t have to. Richie learns about marriage and love, and comes up with an excellent plan.
7.8k words. 1 chapter.
Note - the sweetest, most adorable fic ever. couldn’t stop smiling. Part 1 of an ongoing series.
💜 A Good Husband - thatsuperawkwardgirl
Eddie sits in a chair in front of the principal’s desk, bouncing his leg anxiously--a habit he picked up from Richie, that annoying little twerp. Mrs. Smith is calling his mother for the third time in the last hour, and Eddie knows she won’t be picking up; Wednesday mornings are when she runs her errands and doesn’t return until late afternoon. This is the perfect time to get suspended, Eddie really has to pat himself on the back for that one. Eddie gets in trouble at school for fighting, and Maggie Tozier comes to pick him up.
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 2 of Married Life, the same series the previous fic is a part of. Truly so ridiculously cute it makes me want to scream.
😎 💜 light as a feather (got you and i together) - anniebibananie
RICHIE: why the fuck does eddie look so cute today RICHIE: his sweater sleeves keep falling down over his palms, like how could I see that and not think “I know exactly how to keep those sleeves up, just hold my hand” BEN: richie this is so sweet! BEN: but I feel like you didn’t mean to send this to me? RICHIE: This message will self-destruct in five seconds. [or Richie accidentally texts Ben about his feelings for Eddie and everyone gets involved]
1.6k words. 1 chapter.
Note - could not stop smiling the whole way through.
✨💜 the years go by like days - georgiestauffenberg
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone. He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t. He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!” “Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands. AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
121.9k words. 4 chapters.
Note - make sure you have the time before starting this because i couldn’t stop once i started. god. really good.
💕 come on, come on - Chokingonholywater
“Yo, Eddie, play some music, will ya?” When Richie asks Eddie to put on some music in the car that day after school, Eddie doesn't think anything of it. It's a familiar request; he knows the passcode to Richie's phone, knows where Spotify is, knows what Richie likes to listen to while he drives. But what Eddie doesn't know is why, exactly, there's suddenly a playlist his name on it - literally.
8.6k words. 1 chapter.
Note - They’re in Love. and they have a playlist to prove it.
💕 sleepover - sleqnir
“You jealous?” Richie tilts his head. “Jennifer is kinda hot.” He’s referring to Ben’s girlfriend. Eddie’s face falls. “Oh. Um… no. I’m happy for him. I just…” “Want it too?” Richie’s jaw clenches. His chest aches in a way all too familiar. “A girlfriend? For yourself?” Eddie’s looking at him nervously. “I want… a relationship. I guess.” Richie looks back up at the ceiling, giving another millionth sigh. “Yeah, well… don’t sweat it so much. You’re not the only one.”“You want a girlfriend?” “I want a... relationship.” He mimics Eddie’s words.
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
🌹 ⚔️ the anatomy of a joke - crescenteluce
He trails off and Bev raises an eyebrow. ‘So, you being in bed together fits in there how exactly?’ ‘No, Jesus, Bev.’ Eddie says and Richie, horrifyingly, feels his cheeks heat under Bev’s suspicious look. Something needs to be done, so he plucks Eddie’s phone from his hands. ‘I am appalled by your implications, Beverly.’ He says sternly, trying to ignore the blood still not quite done rushing to his face. ‘I would have you know that I’d never defile Eddie like that, the poor man’s 40 year old and still a virgin and if I’d have the honor of-’ He’s cut off by Eddie trying to wrestle the phone away from him as Bev cackles delightedly.
11.7k words. 1 chapter.
💜 say what you mean (out loud) - Redburn
Richie can’t help it when something heavy refuses to leave his stomach, something relentless and daunting. He looks at Eddie and can’t help but want, can’t help but need, watching this boy watch the stars and thinking he would be happy to spend the rest of his life just like this, right here standing next to him. Or, Richie realizes he likes Eddie and promptly goes through the five stages of grief. 
7.4k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Good ol’ fluff with slight internalized homophobia and a whole lot of yearning.
💜 across the gap - sondersoflight
“You fucking stupid asshole,” Eddie says but he is smiling when he leans forward, grabbing Richie by the lapels of the ridiculous bright yellow shirt with dancing avocados he is wearing. “I’m the fucking love of your life.” 
6.4k words. 1 chapter.
💕 💜 Five Times Richie Kisses Eddie and One Time He Doesn’t Have To - multifandomtakeover
Eddie Kaspbrak is a little inexperienced in the kissing department and Richie Tozier is more than willing to help him out. 
5.7k words. 1 chapter.
✨ 🌹 💕 ⚠️ No Saints, No Sinners, No Devil As Well - saooharine
Andy Muschietti looked at Eddie Kaspbrak so now I feel obligated to repair the damage and make it gayer.
Following Richie from the sewer showdown and to the hospital with Eddie and the Losers Club by his side.
6.2k words. 1 chapter.
⚔️ In This Cold Heart - pineapplecrushface
The future Richie sees while he's caught in the deadlights gives him a chance to save Eddie. In the year afterward, they both try to follow Stan's advice. 
16.9k words. 1 chapter.
💕 💜 ⚠️ 🌹 Wouldn’t it be nice? - podcastalien
Richie wonders what exactly is supposed to be so great about being a kid as he tries to carve initials into the kissing bridge. 
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
⚔️ Men of Fall - kaboomslang
Do you remember? He watches his own hand slide closer along the armrest. Do memories transfer by touch, in this fucked up magic town? Remember, Richie, please, and tell me I wasn’t imagining things. 
7k words. 1 chapter.
💜 Any Man’s Game - tossertozier
It's two months before graduation, and Richie and Eddie can turn virtually anything into a competition. Even kissing.
10.5k words. 3 chapters.
💜 ⚠️ ⚔️ This safe place - tinyarmedtrex
Eddie asks Richie to pretend to be his boyfriend at his family reunion. What’s the worst that can happen? 
31k words. 14 chapters.
⚠️ ⚔️ Stay for the Storm - inoubliable
Richie and Eddie had become friends almost on sight. Since they met, most of Eddie's time in Los Angeles has involved Richie in some way. It's a little different, now that they're both famous. It's a little different, now that they're sleeping together. Well, to be fair, they've been sleeping together for a long time, but. No one knows, not even their friends. Eddie has been very careful about that. It's just not the sort of publicity he needs. So when Beverly calls him that sunny Thursday morning, the last thing he expects her to say is, "You're fucking Richie?"
20.8k words. 1 chapter.
💜 and this is who we are - sunsetozier
He realizes, suddenly, that being in a position like this meant nothing to him two weeks ago. At the time, it was completely normal, holding no real meaning other than comfort and tradition – after all, him and Eddie have been disgustingly cuddly with one another since they were kids, even though they’d usually bicker while holding each other close, much to the annoyance (and entertainment) of their friends. Now, however, Richie can feel his heart skip a beat in his chest, an undeniable thundering that echoes loudly in his ears. He can picture his younger self, as much of an oblivious idiot as he may have been, soaking in the warmth and the affection of Eddie’s touch when they hugged, shoved, or even just nudged one another. It’s funny, really, how much changes once you’re aware of how you feel. [In which Eddie and Beverly lie to their friends for five years before finally coming out, much to the surprise of one supposedly straight Richie Tozier.]
40.7k words. 8 chapters.
💜 hawaii hottie - sunsetozier
Letting his eyes flutter shut in order to avoid everyone’s gazes, Richie meekly explains, “I got another letter from Eds, okay? And I know he’s on vacation, doing all these cool things, and I know Hawaii is, like, super sunny and everything, but- guys. Guys.” He stops, unable to force out the words he wants to. From somewhere off to his left, he hears Bill say, “Spit it out, man. What’s the big deal?”“ There was a polaroid in this letter,” Richie tells them. He would be embarrassed, but by this point they all know how smitten he is, so there’s no reason to be bashful as he practically whines out, “And he’s getting hotter.” [In which Eddie goes on vacation and Richie can't deal with it.]
4.6k words. 1 chapter.
💜 He Came In Through the Window - mischiefmanager
"It’s finally happened. I cannot fit through this goddamn window. I’m out of ideas." or Eddie enlists the help of two other Losers to help fix his bedroom window, and finally spills the beans about what's going on between him and Richie.
11.3k words. 1 chapter
💜 Home - mischiefmanager
“Tooooozier-Kaspbrak residence,” Richie says cheerfully, holding the phone up to his ear. “May I ask who—oh hello, Mrs. K! How the fuck are you?” Richie and Eddie living together in LA, being in love and dealing with Mrs. K long-distance.
6.9k words. 1 chapter.
✨ ⚠️ hit me baby one more time - theappleppielifestyle
Richie reaches up a shaking hand and puts it on Eddie’s stomach. “Uhhh,” Eddie says. “Is this a bit? Is this a really inopportune bit? ‘Cause I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Richie, but this is kind of an important moment-” “What the fuck,” Richie says, not for the first or last time, and lurches forwards to hug him. (Or, Richie gets stuck in a time loop.)
11.1k words. 1 chapter.
💕 are we living for the feeling? - michelllejones
“You’re such an idiot,” Eddie tells Richie with a frown. He snorts at that. “Says you. Your knees are all bloody. You fall off your bike or something?” He asks, and for a split second Eddie thinks he can hear genuine concern in his voice. He’s probably just imagining it, though, since Richie’s only ever concerned about two things: his dick, and the size of it.“ So what if I did?” Eddie bites back, feeling almost defensive. Richie should be the last person teasing him about falling off of a bike. Especially since Eddie watched him trip over his own foot less than a week ago! or, Eddie takes a tumble and goes to Richie for help.
4.5k words. 1 chapter.
💕 what would they say? - michelllejones
And despite telling Eddie he would, he doesn’t go home—at least not at first. He isn't sure what wills him to do it, but his bike takes him in the other direction, past the Barrens and to the street, right to the Kissing Bridge in all its vandalized glory. Slurs and poorly carved hearts and names he doesn’t recognize stare back at him as he digs into his jeans and pulls out his dad’s old pocketknife.
4.1k words. 1 chapter.
💕 back in the summer - michelllejones
“What?” Eddie snaps, feels immediately defensive. “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” Self consciously, he buries his nose into his comic book. Glares at Richie over the brim, frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He waits for Richie to take the bait, provide some half clever quip that will catapult them into some sort of argument, as is customary. But the taunt never comes. Instead, he reaches forward—with a look in his eyes that if Eddie didn’t know any better would let himself think is almost fond—takes a curl in between gentle fingers and says, “your hair’s longer,” in a tone so tender it is almost unrecognizable.
1.6k words. 1 chapter.
💕 ⚠️ savage - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is twelve years old. He's kissed for the first time. And then kissed again. -- "You're bisexual." Eddie has never said the word out loud before, and it feels a little taboo, but it also feels like a weight off his chest. "You like boys and girls. It isn't weird, and it isn't gross, and you aren't selfish because of it. You aren't dirty or disgusting. You're Richie Tozier, and you're my best friend. I'm Eddie Kaspbrak, and I'm an idiot. I get it."
3.7k words. 1 chapter
💕 💜 Morphine - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is fourteen years old. He's a lot more honest with himself when he's drugged. -- They all crowd around Eddie's bed, their faces shimmering a little. Eddie has to squint to make out their features, and he laughs once he does. They all look so worried. Eddie feels great. "Oh my God," Stan says, at the same time that Richie says, "He's high."
2k words. 1 chapter.
💕 We Were Here - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is fifteen years old. It's the first time he kisses Richie Tozier. -- Eddie has a couple of options, here. He can pretend he didn't just realize what Richie has been trying to tell him the whole time. He can pretend like Richie is just being a jerk when he flirts and teases and taunts. He can pretend like they're just friends, and then they can stay just friends, and nothing will change. Or he can kiss Richie. He kisses Richie.
2.3k words. 1 chapter.
💕 ⚔️ The Ever After - websters_lieb
Eddie lives, and life goes on. Or The story of how Richie and Eddie sort out their shit and realize that they've been in love the whole damn time while they work towards their happily ever afters.
20.8k words. 5 chapters.
⚠️ In the Glow of the Vending Machine - sentimentalscribe
“I can’t believe that I’m going to live an eternity in hellfire over a hypochondriac who would probably make sweet love to his inhaler given the chance.” Alternatively: Beverly Knows way before these chucklefucks do. Alternatively: It's the '80s in a small town and having a panicked confession to your best friend is not nearly as fun as it sounds.
3.5k words. 1 chapter.
💜 😎 eddie gets grindr - BookRockShooter
I shouldn’t be doing this, Eddie thinks as he opens his phone. Is this technically illegal? he thinks as he clicks the app store icon. Well, it’s definitely fucking wrong either way, he thinks as he types grindr into the search bar. - Eddie downloads grindr and rediscovers an old friend - and crush - on it.
2.1k words. 1 chapter.
⚠️ confessions in the dark - BookRockShooter
Richie nods to himself. “Okay. Talk. I can do that. Hey, you know a trope in movies I always hated? When, like, the main character’s love interest is fatally wounded and dy–” He trails off, staring at Eddie with a haunted look in his eyes. “Well. You know. And, uh, the main character chooses that exact moment to confess their undying love? Like, shit, they’ve always got the worst timing.” He laughs, short and shaky, and Eddie thinks, Oh my god. “So, what, they wait until the last moment to say something? Isn’t that fucked up? Because, now, they’ll never have time to… to be happy together.” His eyes are shiny and, suddenly, all Eddie wants to do is wipe away his tears. Wants to help him feel better, because Richie Tozier doesn’t deserve to be in so much pain, not on Eddie’s behalf. “Richie,” Eddie murmurs, and he hates himself for what he’s about to say. “Richie, I… I love you.” - *fix it fic for chapter 2 bc fuck canon reddie is real*
2.2k words. 1 chapter.
💜 😎 head lights pointed at the dawn - starkmccall
"You do realise this means people around the world are gonna hear about how much I love your dick, right?" Richie says, tucked behind Eddie in bed late one night.
He can almost see Eddie squint at him. "That's not actually a part of the show, is it?"
Post-Chapter Two. Eddie lives. Richie goes back to comedy.
3.2k words. 1 chapter.
180 notes · View notes
calamity-bean · 5 years
Reddie Fic Recs: Canon Divergent
Comprising stories that substantially alter the events of canon — typically so that Eddie survives the final showdown with Pennywise, because that’s the kind of content I crave. Includes ones set during the events of the film(s) as well as ones set in the future that use the premise that Eddie didn’t die. For stories in which Eddie dies like in canon but doesn’t necessarily stay dead, check out my Canon Compliant recs.
This is a mixture of complete works and WIPs, of various ratings and lengths, mostly recent (like, posted since the release of Chapter 2). If part of a series, I’ve listed only the first work. More possibly to be added at any time I feel like it!
the anatomy of a joke by crescenteluce
He trails off and Bev raises an eyebrow. ‘So, you being in bed together fits in there how exactly?’
‘No, Jesus, Bev.’ Eddie says and Richie, horrifyingly, feels his cheeks heat under Bev’s suspicious look. Something needs to be done, so he plucks Eddie’s phone from his hands.
‘I am appalled by your implications, Beverly.’ He says sternly, trying to ignore the blood still not quite done rushing to his face. ‘I would have you know that I’d never defile Eddie like that, the poor man’s 40 year old and still a virgin and if I’d have the honor of-’
He’s cut off by Eddie trying to wrestle the phone away from him as Bev cackles delightedly.
and they read off our names by liquidsky
Eddie survives.
Part 1 of that ends well to end up with you
Button Up Your Overcoat by stitchy
“It’s just a gut check, there is no gun to your balls here,” says Richie. "But if you were gonna be a dad... what do you think you’d like about it?”
Eddie glances at the dog, who just looks back at him like, I dunno, man, he didn’t clear this with me. I thought we were just hanging out and watching some Treehouse of Horror tonight.
Call It What You Want by hannahberrie
They’re just staring at each other in the middle of a crowded New York train station, and it’s almost midnight. There’s supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight, according to the forecast, but Eddie can’t really remember that right now.
In which, after separating from Myra, Eddie goes to stay at Richie's place in Manhatten.
Cards on the Table by jendavis
Ben had kissed Bev, and it had brought her back from the deadlights. Eddie tries the same thing with Richie. Richie comes out of it knowing how to kill it, and knowing that he'd just seen Eddie die.
He's kind of a mess. It's kind of Eddie's fault.
Part 1 of Writing on the Wall
Cruel Summer by actuallymaxie
Richie used to call it an itch. Eddie makes him feel like it’s something else. It’s one thing to feel it. It’s something else to be able to say it out loud.
Or: Eddie doesn’t die. That doesn’t mean there’s a happily ever after. Not right away, at least.
for better, for worse by kaspbrak_kid
Eddie's done a fucking lot of brave things in the past year and a half. He did a lot of brave things in Derry, and then left his wife and started therapy and came to Ben and Bev's wedding even though he's been in love with his best friend for somewhere between six months and thirty years. Even though he knew it'd be fucking hard. He's not sure how many brave things he has left in him.
hoping to be found by eddiespaghetti (foxwatson)
When everything in Derry is said and done, Eddie really doesn’t know what the fuck to do. He goes back to New York, alone, because he doesn't have any other immediate options - and he heals.
i am easy to find by zach_stone
Or, 25-year-old Richie Tozier doesn't know why he can't remember his childhood, or why he has nightmares about yellow eyes looming in the dark. Then he finds an old photo of friends he can't remember, and things start to change. A "what if Richie and Eddie found each other again during the 27 years" fic.
If You Believe by websters_lieb
What if Eddie held on just a little bit longer? What if the losers figured out how to kill it just a little bit earlier? What if Eddie made it out of Neibolt, injured and barely holding on, but alive?
When Eddie emerges from the cavern to see Richie floating, he just about shits himself.
Part 1 of The Ever After
In Case Of Emergency Contact E.Kaspbrak by stitchy
It wasn’t immediately obvious to the Losers that something was wrong with Richie after the Deadlights. After all, his eyesight had always been shit.
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang
There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
In This Cold Heart by pineapplecrushface
The future Richie sees while he's caught in the deadlights gives him a chance to save Eddie. In the year afterward, they both try to follow Stan's advice.
it’s about time that you just unwind by fuckener
“It sucked to tell people,” Richie said suddenly, tapping a finger on his glass. He was avoiding eye contact again. “Like - it just really fucking sucked. I’m old. I’m like middle-aged. You’re this old and you just start telling people you're gay, they think, ‘Jesus! That dude’s got issues.’ Because they’re right, and you do.”
“It must have come as a real shock to our friends,” Eddie said, staring. “That you have issues.”
it’s coming out backwards by banksoflochlomond
The problem is that he’s known it his entire life. Or at least as long as Eddie started sputtering after Richie’s “your mom” jokes. As long as Eddie, with his small delicate fucking body, muscled up to him and told Richie he was gonna get herpes from licking the swingset. As long as Richie’s known his button nose, still nice as shit after twenty-seven fucking years.
But Richie’s never said it out loud. Never let himself feel it, except when he had to. Maybe that’s why Richie was so good at forgetting Derry. He never wanted to remember. Never wanted to deal with the albatross he’d pretty much surgically attached to his back.
He’s got to, though. Say it out loud. Say it to Eddie.
(Or, Eddie survives. The road for Richie isn't any easier, though.)
it’s time the kid got free by zach_stone
But now he remembers his childhood, and the fierceness of all the emotions he felt back then — love most of all. Love was a blood oath, it was Bev handing him the fencepost that could kill monsters, it was what made him throw that fencepost into Its gaping maw to save Richie from the deadlights.
When it comes to what love feels like for Eddie, it’s always been — different, with Richie. He loves all of his friends with all of his heart, but Richie has burrowed in deeper, somehow, and if Eddie were a more dramatic or poetic man he might say he loves Richie in his bones, in his soul. But he isn’t, so he doesn’t say that, even if he maybe thinks it a little bit and feels ridiculous.
just be still with me by eddiespaghetti (foxwatson)
Eddie Kaspbrak is 38, working as a driver in New York. Richie Tozier is a stand up comic who comes to New York on a one way ticket to audition for SNL, and his agent has hired Eddie as his driver. There's something familiar about Richie, though Eddie knows they've never met. While Richie insists on sitting in the front seat and making something more than small talk, Eddie struggles to maintain professional distance.
Basically - what if Eddie and Richie did forget, and didn't see each other for 25 years, but they fell in love anyways.
Part 1 of i can stare for a thousand years (you wouldn't believe what i've been through)
The Kids Table by stitchy
For the most part Richie and his sister have a doctrine of mutually assured destruction. They could obliterate each other with their parents given the slightest provocation. To keep things at an even keel, they steer clear of each other as much as possible every other day of the year, but on Thanksgiving? Kids Table is like their NATO.
A series of Tozier Thanksgivings, from '85 to '19.
last ones out by gayingenue
Richie wonders if it’s always been this hard for him to touch Eddie. It hasn’t; they were incredibly touchy as kids, falling all over each other, gangly limbs intertwined. Even as adults, a few days before, Richie had barely been able to keep his hands off of him. Eddie almost dying did something, though. Chipped away at something deep within Richie. From the bed, Eddie laughs.
Like Pulling Teeth by  stitchy
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie muttered. Maybe there was a curling iron around here somewhere he could electrocute himself with. He scrounged a few safety pins from the counter and passed them to Bev without looking directly at Richie. He knew he was being a little bitch, but he could not let on how jealous he was. Their friendship barely survived the Christmas Richie got a Sega.
- In which Eddie mistakes wanting to be ON Richie for wanting to BE Richie -
Love It If We Made It by areyoureddiekids
Eddie lives. Richie stumbles through being in love with the man who used to be, and could still be, his best friend, and maybe something more. This is how they find each other again as adults, in the aftermath of finally killing It.
men who are afraid of the light by beepbeep (aceface)
Eddie survives.
“Well,” says Richie. “I wanted to fuck Paul Bunyan and nothing turns you off your homosexual urges like a murder clown filling his mouth with dagger teeth. Can you imagine those wrapped around your dick? Worst blowjob ever.”
Missing the Boat by stitchy
About a year after Derry, the Losers plan a cruise to Bev and Ben's destination wedding. Cross country travel being the bitch it is, Richie and Eddie miss the boat and get stranded until they can catch a flight out to Hawaii. It's a blast from the past Good Time TM, but Eddie wants to know- why has Richie been so distant?
Part 1 of Missing the Boat 
My Four Leaf Clover by pineapplecrushface
After Derry, Eddie starts dreaming, gets his shit together, and figures out how to live.
New Page, Same Old Book by Rend_Herring
He thought he’d hidden these feelings from himself, stowed them away in some dark corner and learned not to think about it. But the second Eddie peaked in from around the corner at the Jade and looked at Richie with those big, limpid pools of Christmas Orphan meets Bambi, and started rambling about gluten and cashews, it all came flooding back into focus. Richie has loved Eddie so long that it’s become an ache that goes beyond reason.
no sense of living without aim by Anonymous
Eddie had been on grindr for all of two days and in that time he’d already seen more dicks than he had in the nearly forty years of his life. He’d gone methodically through his messages and blocked all the catfishes, the possible serial killers and the bores, and eventually settled on a promising ‘37. DTF. I'll make u a drink after’ (637 feet away).
Or, sometimes your long-lost childhood crush is the anonymous hook-up you meet along the way.    
not quite young by saintsrow2
Richie was sitting in a chair in front of a dressing table, looking into the lit-up mirror while he sipped a glass of amber bourbon. He looked up when Eddie walked in and then there were no words; neither of them had thought this far ahead. Eddie stood awkwardly in the open door, feeling very much like he was still waiting for the big prank to be revealed, for there to be machinations behind all of this that he couldn’t understand. “Hey, Trashmouth,” he said, eventually. “Hey, Eds,” Richie said. “You know I always hated being called that,” Eddie said. “Not when it’s me.”
An AU in which Richie and Eddie meet before Mike calls them all back to Derry, the affair that follows, and the consequences both of them want to ignore.
Richie and Eddie Outrun the Devil (in Richie’s Rental Car) by sofia_estrella
“If It’s trying to kill us, I don’t want to get on an airplane.”
“Air travel is statistically safer than—”
“Eds, please. I don’t think I can handle a cross-country flight by myself right now. There isn’t enough Ambien in the world.”
Eddie snorts. “What are you gonna do then?”
“Drive, I guess.”
“You’re gonna… drive… to L.A.?”
+ alternate title: An Evil Clown Can’t Kill You If You Drive Fast Enough
(Stand-Up) Routines & (Engagement) Rings by cajungirlkye
2 years after the events of IT: Chapter Two, Richie brings Eddie out on stage during one of his stand-up performances in order to ask a Very. Important. Question.
sweet as cherry wine by pearlshop
“Can I come in?” Eddie asks, teeth chattering. He’s soaked to the bone, a cornflower blue polo clinging to his small shoulders. It’s the only thing he’s wearing besides a pair of khakis that are also soaked through. Richie is suddenly very sober. “Eds?” or: Eddie leaves Myra and shows up at Richie's door.
Things that Happen after Eddie Lives by IfItHollers
In a world where Richie manages to save Eddie from It after the deadlights, they still have problems on their to-do list. Featuring everything from Derry to Los Angeles—Richie Tozier's murder trial, Eddie Kaspbrak's divorce proceedings, bedsharing of the platonic and non-platonic varieties, an investigation of magic, a truly disgusting séance, the quintessential morosexual road trip, and OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES.
Part 1 of Things that Happen After
we're f***ing killing it, babe by thenewlondoner (muleumpyo)
Richie has been back in Derry for three days and murdered an Eldritch horror-esque monster from space or possibly from some weird meta-verse, who knows, and faced both of his childhood fears of clowns and his own death, as well as the possibility of losing his first love just as he remembered they fucking existed, he’d like some slack cut for him on the emotional front, thank you!
Eddie is dead, but the Losers carry him out of the house on Neibolt anyway. Which is good, because Eddie is not dead.
we were always here at the right time by fuckener
Eddie’s eyes were getting heavy again. Richie helped him back down to the pillow.
“It’s always kind of like this, isn’t it,” he mumbled.
Richie didn’t move. He was still holding Eddie’s hand, his shoulder.
“Like what?” he asked softly.
“You and me,” Eddie said. What else?
what doesn’t kill me (makes me want you more) by beautifulbane
Eddie survives. He goes back to New York and divorces Myra, but a part of him is still unhappy. It isn’t until he sees Richie a year later at Ben and Bev’s wedding that he realizes why.
you're already gone by ameliepoulain
You can never get enough, Robert Smith cries over the static, and Richie turns around wearing that dumb smile again.
All Eddie can think is: soon, all this will be gone.
You’re So Stupid by StilesBastille24
“Hey,” Richie greets brightly.
Eddie looks over, one hand reaching for the remote to turn off the tv. “They said their letting me out today,” he says, eyes narrowed as he peers over Richie’s shoulder. “You know, Derry’s hospital doesn’t even make the rank of top hospitals in Maine? I’ll be lucky if I’m not back in here from a fucking blood infection in two days.” He braces both of his palms against the mattress and tries to push himself further upright.
Richie swoops in before something horrific like split stitches can occur. “Cool it, Evel Knievel, or your going to be bleeding all over these perfectly white sheets, and then they’ll definitely think twice about letting you out of here.”
92 notes · View notes
patton-croc-agenda · 6 years
A Dragon’s Treasure (WIP/Unfinshed)
A/N: Hey gang! So I made a poll about this and those who answered seemed to be interested in seeing this wip! I can’t guarantee I’ll finish it, but I got so much done I wanted to share at least what I had finished for now! Maybe I’ll pick it back up, but from the fact I don’t really have the motivation right now, to the fact I’m struggling to nail down an ending, to the fact some scenes I have planned kinda give me fae-t vibes idk how likely it is. I hope you enjoy what I have done?? It hasn’t been betaed or anything so sorry for any weirdness oops
Summary: Patton knew stealing from a dragon was a bad idea, but when he destroys said dragon’s crown jewel by mistake, he finds that he’ll have to pay the price.
Pairings (all heavily implied, but not stated): Logicality, past pining royality, prinxiety
Words: 10,424
Warnings: Illness, thievery, threats to one’s life, yelling
Patton’s hands ached from where they dug into the cliffside. The sharp stones dug into his palms, but that was better than reaching up and having his fingers touch nothing but smooth, unclimbable stone.
His arms quivered with effort as he reached his hand up for what felt like the millionth time, only now he felt the edge of a cliff. His pulse pounded in his throat as he shakily pulled himself onto the ledge, gasping for breath as he laid on his back and stared at the sky. It had been sunrise when he had first begun climbing, and now streaks of sunset were bleeding across his vision. He waited until his breathing finally evened out before he got onto jelly legs to face the yawning cave in front of him.
Wind whipped around him, pulling at his curls and clothes as he threw one last look over his shoulder. He could see the tiny dot of his village below, a patchwork of green fields and brown houses. If he looked a little further, he could see the King’s castle. He wondered if his old friend Prince Roman was doing well. Wondered if he’d ever see him again. Patton shook the thoughts from his head and inhaled deeply through his nose as he headed inside.
The darkness slowly encased him as he moved forward, footsteps echoing around him as he walked. He paused, pulling his boots off and setting them to the side. The stone under his bare feet felt unnaturally smooth- as if someone (or something) had gone through great pains to remove any sharp stones or bumps along the path. The thought made Patton’s throat dry, but he shoved it away in favor of a more positive outlook. Now he could be quiet, and not worry about his footsteps giving him away!
As he continued, the entrance disappeared completely- the light of the fading sun swallowed up by the darkness of the cave. Patton tried to ignore the feeling of being trapped as his breath echoed back at him. Instead, he thought about why he was doing this. Who he was doing this for. He almost laughed to himself, already hearing Virgil’s lecture in his mind. ‘Patton, you idiot! You can’t steal from a dragon, it’s a death sentence.’
It would be worth it, though. Patton would be able to use whatever he...borrowed...to help pay for Virgil’s medicine. The expensive kind; the kind only sold at the kingdom’s capital. Patton needed to get it, because Virgil’s condition was getting worse. It was a magical illness, and when Virgil had moved in with him all those years ago, he had warned Patton that this day would come. That he’d slowly wither away in his own body, with the only cure too expensive to ever truly be in reach. Patton had considered begging Roman for money, but he doubted the crown prince would recall a simple commoner such as himself.
After what felt like hours of walking, Patton saw a light at the end of the tunnel; quite literally. Golden light reflected off the stone walls and floor. Patton nearly broke into a giddy run, but restrained himself. He didn't want to get caught now, not when he was so close
Patton slunk into the light, peering ahead cautiously. He could finally see what was causing the glow, and it nearly caused his jaw to drop. Hundreds upon thousands of golden coins, jewels, and pearls. Patton entered the room on the same cautious feet as he had the entire way down the tunnel. He scanned the entire expansive area, but there was no dragon in sight. He couldn't believe his luck! He'd made it inside while the dragon was away. Patton hopped over a puddle that was forming by the entrance due to a steady drip drip dipping of a stalactite.
Actually breaking into a run, Patton laughed and grabbed fistfuls of coins, throwing them into the air. They showered down like drops of sunlight, though they did smack his head rather painfully on the way down. He grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, soothing the bump that was bound to grow there.
Patton clambered up on of the hills of gold, slipping and sliding as he did. He paused a moment as he noticed something strange. A book poked out from the pile of treasure, and when Patton pulled it free he was able to read looping golden words that marked the cover.
A Guide to Human Anatomy. Not what Patton imagined a dragon to choose as reading material, but who was he to judge? He gently set the book back down in the pile and continued to climb up and over. As he made it to the other side, he lost his footing and half slipped, half rolled, down the slope.
He let out an “Oof!” as he landed at the bottom on his back. He could see a few more stalactites, but what was more curious was a large, gaping hole in the ceiling. In through it shone bright sunlight, which must’ve been the source of the coins’ glow. Patton frowned thoughtfully to himself, trying to figure out if he’d been here long enough for the start of evening to already reach midday.
After a good moment of pondering, Patton decided that no- it didn’t make any sense, and he got to his feet, looking around. He seemed to have landed in a small indent in the treasure, as if the dragon had carefully scooped out the spot. Something shiny caught Patton’s eye, and he stared wide-eyed at the giant diamond that was on the other end of the indent. Patton looked around quickly, as if expecting the dragon to appear at any moment, and hurried over to scoop up the precious gem.
While walking, Patton accidentally kicked something. Another book, by the looks of it. Patton picked it up and looked at the cover, which read Logan and the Lonely Dragon. Patton hummed, his interest piqued, and placed the book under one arm until the diamond was safely procured and snugly placed into his bag.
Holding the book once more, Patton opened to the first page. The paper was decorated with beautiful, delicate watercolors. A dragon sat on a cliff overlooking a human village with smoke billowing from its nose. Patton read the text as he stumbled back up the hill of gold and jewels.
“Once there lived a dragon- who despite having all the riches he could ever want protected in his cave, still felt loneliness fluttering in his heart. He would watch the humans who lived below him with envy in his heart, and longing pressing onto his winged shoulders.”
Patton stopped at the top of the pile, sitting down and holding the book in his lap as he turned the page. The dragon had fury painted into his gaze, and Patton ran his finger across the careful details.
“I can not be lonely,” the dragon would say, “for I am a dragon, and am my own companion. I need only my horde to keep my heart content.” Despite his own self-assurances, the dragon did admit that perhaps a companion would be ideal. Perhaps another dragon to mate with, or a chick that he could care for?
Patton was about to turn the page once more when he heard the loud, whooshing sound of air. He froze, eyes darting to the hole in the ceiling as he watched a shadow pass over. Patton scrambled to his feet, sliding down the pile of treasure. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten distracted! He stumbled over his feet, the book tumbling from his hands and landing in the center of a puddle formed on the floor. Patton covered his mouth, pulse racing.
As the shadow passed over once more, Patton made a mad dash for the exit. However, as he felt the air around him whip with the movement of wingbeats, Patton realized he wouldn’t make it, so he did the next best thing. He flung himself behind a pile of gold and curled in on himself, trying to be as small as humanly possible.
There was the clinking of coins as the dragon landed heavily in the center of the room. Patton hardly let out a breath, not wanting to be heard. The dragon was rumbling to itself, but that rumble soon became a roar. Patton swallowed nervously and peaked out.
Brown eyes made contact with gold, and Patton knew he was (for lack of a better word) fucked.
A talon cast a shadow over the quivering young man as the dragon’s claws pinched the back of his tunic and yanked him up into the air. Patton squeaked, covering his face with his arms.
“PLEASE DON’T EAT ME,” Patton wailed desperately. The dragon growled low in its throat.
“Do not be ridiculous, humans taste appalling,” the dragon said. Patton peaked out hopefully from behind one arm, but upon seeing the angry fire in the dragon’s eyes, the hope dropped out of Patton like a stone.
“While I do not intend to eat you,” the dragon released Pattom causing him to tumble through the air and land painfully in a small pile of jewels, “you have stolen something that belongs to me.”
Patton laughed sheepishly and bit his lip to hide how it was shaking with fear as he slowly pulled the diamond from his bag. The dragon stared at it a moment before giving Patton an incredulous look. To Patton’s surprise, he batted the gemstone from his grasp and Patton watched it shatter across the cave floor.
“I couldn’t give a damn about that thing,” the dragon snarled, leaning in close. Patton wanted to back up, but couldn’t really gain a hold on the pile he was dropped into. “Now, where is my centerpiece- my book?” Patton felt his heart plument internally as he externally laughed the question off.
“There, uh, there are lot- lots of books here,” Patton babbled, but the dragon wasn’t buying it.
“Where. Is. It?” the dragon huffed, and a cloud of smoke overtook Patton’s senses momentarily. He coughed, blinking rapidly to stop the stinging in his eyes.
“I am- I am so, so, sorry it was an accident! I didn’t mean to drop it I was, I was just reading it and you surprised me so Idroppeditintoapuddle, and oh I’m so, so sorry. I wouldn’t have touched it if I knew it was your centerpiece,” Patton said, and it was true. Patton didn’t want to steal something the dragon would care about missing. He just needed something to help Virgil.
The dragon’s gaze went wide and it turned, seeing the once beautiful book soaking in a puddle. It tenderly lifted the damp thing up, flipping through its pages. A dark look crossed its face, and Patton tried to escape once more.
“I can no longer read the words, nor see the images. This book...it is completely ruined,” the dragon’s voice was even, but had a deadly edge and Patton swallowed nervously.
“I...I really am sorry.”
“Oh? Why should I believe that?” the dragon asked. “You broke into my home, stole my most valued treasure, ruined it, and were about to make off with another piece of my collection. Do all humans act so horridly, then tack on an ‘I’m sorry’ and expect things to work out?” Patton shrunk in on himself, feeling as if his mother were lecturing him.
“I didn't mean to ruin your book,” Patton said sadly, “I just needed something I could sell to afford medicine for my friend. He is...He’s really sick, sir- er...oh great dragon. It’s a magical illness, and all the medicine is too expensive for us to affor-”
“Enough grovelling,” the dragon growled, and Patton flinched. “I care not of you humans, nor your painfully short lifespans. You ruined the treasure that meant most to me, and for that you must pay. Any last words before I snuff out your miserable existence?” Patton gulped and peeked past the dragon’s now passive face at the sky. He wasn’t quite sure why- or how, but the words that came out were calm, curious.
“Why is it light outside when I came in at sunset?” The passive expression the dragon’s face flickered to one of curiosity as well as he faced the entrance in the cave ceiling.
“Really? Your final words in this world are you expressing curiosity about the cave you will die in?” The dragon was scanning Patton over with yellow eyes, practically slicing him open with his gaze. Patton swallowed past the lump in his throat.
“Fascinating,” the dragon leaned in closer, and Patton tried to lean back and away from those golden eyes. Suddenly, the dragon’s tail wrapped around Patton’s middle and squeezed.
‘Welp, this is it. You had a good run Patton,’ Patton closed his eyes as his body lifted from the pile of jewels and the grip around him tightened even more. He felt his body turn in the air, which caused his spectacles to fall from where they were perched on his nose and for his eyes to pop back open. He was hanging upside down suspended in the air, the only thing stopping him from plummeting to his death was the dragon’s tail. The creature climbed over his piles of gold to the center, curling his tail with Patton still in it and lowering it close to the indent in the pile of jewels Patton had stolen the book and diamond from. The dragon released Patton, and he hit the gold and jewels. It hurt, but he was alive. More than he’d expected, honestly.
“Dragons are not inherently immortal creatures,” the dragon spoke, tail curling around Patton again, but not squeezing or lifting- more of a guard. To stop Patton from running, but not hurting him yet. Patton decided to play along. Though, this game might cost him his life.
“You aren’t?” Despite the urgency, the question was genuine. From what Patton had heard, all dragons were immortal unless slayed.
“No. We do possess a sort of magic that can stop time, though constantly generating it is tiring, Because of that, dragons typically cast their time magic across their nest and hoard, making them stuck in time. Anyone or anything will stop aging for as long as they remain within the confines of a dragon’s nest.” Patton stared at the dragon in awe, who looked wildly pleased with himself.
“So it was noon when you...set your nest?” Patton asked. The dragon nodded sagely.
“Indeed, though that was thousands of years ago…” The dragon trailed off, and silence filled the cave again. Patton knew he was going to run out of time at this rate, and the dragon would kill him. However, the dragon seemed to be interested in Patton’s curiosity (a trait many found annoying in him, oddly enough), so perhaps-
“So,” Patton said slowly, sliding slowly up into a crouch, “you like to collect books? I thought dragons only liked shiny things.” The dragon snorted, turning his snout up towards the ceiling.
“Many do, however there are also many dragons who collect things that pique their interest in other ways.” Patton slowly stood up straight. The dragon didn’t spare him a glance, and Patton slowly moved across the small circle of the dragon’s tail, trying not to shuffle the gold beneath his feet. “I, personally, have always found interest in books. While I usually do not care for humans, there are occasionally some that catch my interest. Whether it be them, or something they have created. Granted, the ones that often find their way into my nest are not interesting, nor accomplished in a way I find impressive.” The dragon huffed, a puff of smoke coiling from his nose.
Patton paused his escape attempt to turn and face the dragon. He was staring up at the sunlight with a thoughtful, almost human expression. Patton had always been good at reading expressions, but he wondered if the loneliness he read there was simply a miscommunication between species, or perhaps the slight blur the lack of spectacles caused. The dragon turned to look at him then, flicking golden eyes up and down Patton. His throat went dry as he realized he had one foot placed just outside the coil surrounding him- having found the tip thin enough to get a foot over.
“You, however,” the tail twined around one of his legs, and he was upside down in the air again. “You had a chance to run, just then, yet you did not take it. I threatened your life, and you asked me about mine. You are a strange, strange human being.”
“What can you say,” Patton laughed nervously, “guess curiosity really kills the Pat.” The dragon stared at him blankly.
“I am afraid I do not...understand your tone.” Patton grinned despite himself.
“I’m going out with a self-referential pun! My name is Patton, and my curiosity seems to be what’s gonna kill me,” his voice wavered a bit at the end, and the dragon stared at him.
“Well, as atrocious as that attempt at wordplay was, I think your curiosity has, in fact, saved you, Patton.” Patton felt his heartbeat nearly stop in his chest, rendering the entire conversation pointless.
“What?” A low, rumbling chuckle coursed through the dragon’s body, echoing across the walls of the cave. He lowered Patton to the ground and released him once more, not bothering to wrap his tail around Patton to guard him from leaving this time.
“I need a new centerpiece- a crown jewel if you will, for my horde. The dragon looked at Patton from the corner of his eyes. “It has been many, many years since I have interacted with man, and as much as I hate to admit it, you humans adapt and grow quite quickly. I’ll need a guide, and while my intentions were to kill you, I think you are my best option available. Do this for me, and I will not only consider the debt for your mistakes paid...but I will help you pay for the medication your friend requires.”
Patton’s heartbeat was in his throat as he stared up at the dragon. He suddenly launched forward, wrapping his arms around the creature’s foreleg. “Really? Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He didn’t notice the dragon tense, but he did feel the claws pinch the back of his tunic again, tugging him back. “Uh, but how will I show you around...exactly? I can’t exactly bring a dragon around when I go home. The dragon smirked.
Suddenly, his body shifted and changed: wings and horns retreated, scales welded together and turned from deep blue to tan, chestnut hair grew rapidly from his skull, sharp talons turned to delicate fingers. Patton gaped as what had once been a towering dragon was now a fairly average- if rather tall and handsome- man.
“I assume this form will suffice, yes?” Patton’s tried to shut his jaw, but it just fell open again. He hoped his face wasn’t as red as it appeared as the dragon flexed his new fingers before running them through his hair, smoothing it into place. “I attempted to make this human form appealing, though most of your species is quite hideous, so I am not sure how much I succeeded in that aspect,” the dragon shrugged.
“Yeah, that looks good- your disguise, that is!” Patton squeaked, faced flushed. He turned away from the dragon and began to climb up the blurry hills of gold. “Can we find my spectacles before we go, though? I kinda need them to see good.”
“Well,” the dragon replied, climbing after Patton with far more grace. “You need them to see well. But yes, I can help you find them.” Patton nodded, ignoring the ruthless grammar correction in favor of heading over to the spot the dragon had originally picked him up. He began pushing around jewels and coins, searching for his precious spectacles.
“Are these yours?” Patton looked up from his searching as the dragon dangled a pair of spectacles from one finger. Patton put them on and frowned.
“No, these are the type made for when you need to see things close up. Mine help me see far away.” He handed them back to the dragon, who squinted at them before sliding them onto his own nose.
“Oh, these are helpful,” the dragon stated as Patton finally found his (luckily undamaged) spectacles. His slide them on his own nose, and the distant blurriness came slightly more into focus. He giggled at the dragon as he blinked and adjusted his own spectacles with a slightly awed expression.
“Who woulda thunk it? A dragon who needs spectacles!” Patton laughed.
“Who would have thought,” the dragon huffed, pointing his nose up in the air dramatically. Patton snickered to himself a bit at the overreaction to his bad grammar, but bounced on his toes all the same.
“Well, let’s go then!” Patton was about to race out, but the dragon snagged the back of his tunic again, causing the poor man to tumble back into the dragon’s arms.
“Two more topics to discuss before we head out,” he rumbled, either not seeing Patton turning red, or not caring. “The first, we should probably collect some of my treasure to use as currency. Larger jewels and gold would be ideal, I assume.”
“Are you sure?” Patton hesitated. “I don’t wanna take your stuff, uh, minus- minus the one I was going to steal.” The dragon sighed and nodded. That was all it took for Patton to eagerly collect jewels and gold into his satchel until it was a nearly unbearably heavy weight at his side. The dragon was staring at him with now hazel eyes, but if you took a moment to really look, you would be able to see the bright golden fire of his true eyes. Perhaps his disguise was not as flawless as it seemed from the outside. Perhaps, despite trying to hold it together with all his might, cracks and fissures were flitting across that carefully crafted human skin.
“What was the other thing?” Patton shook himself from staring into those eyes. Wow, could he ever stop being distracted at the most inconvenient times? Probably not. The dragon rubbed the back of his head, flicking his eyes away. Almost as if he were nervous.
“I will need a...human alias,” the dragon admitted. “However, despite extensive reading, I am not sure what, or how, humans typically chose names…” Patton let out an excited gasp, clapping his hands in front of himself. The dragon winced, looking as if he already regretted all of the choices leading up to this moment. Patton ignored that look so hard (he got it enough from Virgil).
“You want me to help you choose a name?” Patton asked, eyes sparkling. The dragon closed his eyes and took a deep inhale through his nose.
“Oh! This will be so fun,” Patton squealed. “I’ve always wanted a kid someday, so I’ve got tons of names!”
“Goodie,” the dragon deadpanned as Patton mentally pulled out a list.
“A good name, though I feel it does not...fit me.”
“Hm, fair,” Patton bit his lip thoughtfully, “Thomas?”
“Okay, I have a friend named Thomas anyway, so that might be weird. Sparrow?”
“That is a bird.”
“Ugh fineeeee. Jack?” The dragon shuddered.
“No, no...that name sets me on edge for some reason.”
“Huh, me too. Weird,” Patton tapped his chin. He was running out of ideas, his mental list of names growing shorter and shorter. An idea suddenly popped into his head, and he prayed the dragon was going to keep his word and not kill Patton quite yet.
“...what about Logan?” The dragon looked at him with wide eyes and took a step back. “In honor of your treasure that uh, that’s gone.” Patton winced. The dragon looked a Patton with those too-yellow-hazel eyes, and Patton felt like he may very well be crushed under their scrutiny.
“Did you finish the book?” The dragon’s voice had an edge to it, not exactly dangerous, but not soothing either. Patton swallowed nervously.
“...no?” Patton could honestly tell that time did not truly move in that cave, for at that moment the dragon went incredibly still, and Patton swore he felt his heartbeat halt, felt his breathing catch. Everything was still.
Finally, the dragon moved forward, towards Patton, and the world was in motion again. Patton stumbled back- half expecting to be attacked, but instead the dragon strode past him into the entrance of the cave.
“Logan will be adequate,” he said.
Patton watched as he slunk down, getting swallowed up in the darkness of the cave’s exit.
“Logan it is then,” Patton said brightly as he headed after him. His bright voice echoed across the walls before hitting their mark. And Logan smiled.
“The sun appears to have risen roughly an hour ago, so it is best we hurry down as fast as possible. I want to try and find my new crown jewel as fast as possible,” Logan informed Patton as he left the cave and squinted at the bright, early morning light. He looked at Logan, then looked down at the soft blanket of his village. He wondered if anyone was awake other then the farmers going out to harvest their crops. He wondered if Virgil was up yet. Wondered if he saw the note left of their kitchen table. He secretly hoped he’d get back in time to remove it and tear it into tiny pieces to throw in the fire as kindling, so Virgil would never know of his stunt.
“It took me an entire day to get up here. I don’t know if we can climb down any faster, either,” Patton admitted, looking down at the cliff. He’d climbed enough in his life to know that going down was always worse then going up.
“Climbing?” Logan snorted. Patton turned to him, confusion clear in his expression.
“Yeah? How else do you expect us to get down, silly?” Patton laughed, getting down onto his stomach and shimmying backwards, finding those tiny foot and handholds so he could begin his journey. The sound Logan made radiated concern.
“You are going to get yourself killed that way.”
“That’s what I told myself when I went to try and take treasure from a dragon!” Patton said brightly. He began to oh-so slowly inch his way down the cliff-face. However, his bag now heavy with treasure, he miscalculated how  much he needed to lean to the left and missed a handhold, tumbling left with a shriek. He held on with the very tips of his fingers, staring up at Logan with utter terror.
The dragon peered down at him, his expression exasperated. “I told you.”
“You sure did, now, you wanna give me a hand?” Patton’s laugh was shrill with fear. Logan smirked and raised an eyebrow. Patton’s fingers began to slip, and he shot his panicked gaze from his hand to Logan.
“Logan, I’m slipping! I’m,” the tips of his fingers lost their hold, and Patton fell backwards through the air. The wind whipped around him, and he watched as the top of the cliff grew rapidly smaller and smaller. For the second time that day, Patton was ready to embrace death. He turned his gaze to watch the clouds as he continued to drop like a stone. The sky was a soft blue, his favorite color, and covered in tiny dots of puffy white clouds. Not the worst thing to die looking at.
There were hands gripping his shoulders, and his body jerked into an upright position as his he stopped falling. There as a loud whooshing sound next to his ears, and when Patton tilted his head back, he could see Logan looking at him with a neutral expression. His eyes were bright yellow once more, and, if the fact they were still airborne was any indication, his wings were back out. Patton let out a hysterical laugh, and the grip on his arms tightened.
“Careful, Patton. Humans are fragile creatures. A fall from that height would have shattered every bone in your pathetic body. Honestly, how did you even make it up to my cave without dying?” Logan’s voice had an almost concerned edge to it, despite his impassive exterior. Patton tried to shrug helplessly, but the grip on his arms was too tight. Logan sighed.
“Let us just land then, shall we?” Patton beamed at the dragon.
“Sounds good!” Patton looked down at his feet as trees passed under them, watching as the shadow of their combined forms (it looked like a weird blob with wings, honestly) got bigger the closer they got to the tree line. Patton laughed again, though this time out of giddiness more then hysteria.
“What?” Patton swore he could hear a smile in Logan’s voice. Patton shook his head.
“I’ve always wondered what it was like to fly,” Patton admitted. Logan didn’t reply, just approached the ground near the trees and lightly placing him down. Patton managed to put his feet under himself, but the second Logan released him, he collapsed onto his butt. Logan landed gracefully and folded his wings. Patton watched, mesmerized, as they seemed to melt into his tunic.
“Right, your village is that way, correct? I believe that would be the ideal place to start. We will retrieve your friend, then go purchase the medicine he requires before searching for a new crown jewel for my horde,” Logan said smoothly. Patton nodded slowly.
“Okay, but what are we gonna tell Virgil- my friend. Like, about you?” Logan snorted.
“Simply inform him you met me in the market and I offered to help you pay for his medication after hearing your pleas.”
“But,” Patton bit his lip nervously, “but that’s lying.” Logan scoffed and glanced at Patton before striding in the direction of the village.
“You are sneaking a dragon into your village in disguise, Patton. Yes, you will be required to lie.” Patton winced and followed close at Logan’s heels.
“But...lying is wrong! Especially lying to your friends,” Patton protested. Logan didn’t turn around or reply, simply kept moving. “Logan!”
“What do you want to tell him then? The truth? That the dragon you tried to steal from if accompanying you into a village- that is terrified of dragons, might I add- because you angered it and need to help find it a new centerpiece for its horde?” Patton took a step back as Logan ranted. The dragon-man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Tell him what you like, Patton...but if push comes to shove and I am unable to find a crown jewel soon, then I will punish you for destroying my original one. And well- I can’t exactly let your friend tell anyone what I am in that scenario,” he fingers twitched, and Patton swallowed dryly at the implication.
“O-okay,” Patton stammered. Logan nodded once, sharply, then turned on his heel to continue their walk. Patton stumbled after, wondering what on earth he was going to tell Virgil.
Patton led Logan up to his and Virgil’s tiny cottage at the very end of the village. Behind it were sprawling fields of green, occasionally dotted with colorful splotches of wildflowers. Patton looked at Logan hopefully, “Would you consider a nice flower as your jewel?”
“Absolutely not,” he deadpanned. Patton huffed and crossed his arms. The door swung open suddenly with a loud BANG! Patton may have jumped into Logan’s arms, who looked at him unimpressed.
“PATTON WHAT THE FUCK?!” The shout was followed by a rapid series of coughs, and Patton looked at Virgil as he hunched over, wheezing.
“Oh, Patton, you were correct in telling me he was, ahem, ‘really sick’,” Logan said, setting Patton back on his feet. Virgil looked away from Patton, shoving to stand in front of his friend as if to guard him as he glared at Logan.
“And who the fuck are you?!” He attempted a snarl, but it was rather weak. Logan offered his hand smoothly.
“Logan Drake. I found Patton on his way and, after hearing about your condition, I agreed to supply funds so you may purchase proper medication. You’re welcome.” Virgil stared at Logan’s hand in shock a moment before slowly shaking his hand. Logan met Patton’s gaze, daring him to challenge the lie. Patton bit his tongue and looked at his feet.
“So he...didn’t end up stealing from a dragon?” Virgil asked cautiously. Logan looked away from Patton, nodding.
“Yes. Obviously to attempt such a task would be suicidal, so I persuaded him to seek out other means in order to gain money,” Virgil nodded slowly.
“Fine. You can come in,” he held open the door, and Logan slipped inside easily. Patton moved to follow, but Virgil gripped the back of his tunic.
“Oh no, I still have some very strong words for you, bud. Patton smiled sheepishly as Virgil closed the door and folded his arms, a glare that could kill more men painted onto his features. A breeze ruffled their hair, spreading gossip throughout the trees and lush meadow grass.
Virgil lunged forward suddenly, pulling Patton into a tight hug. Patton startled, wrapping his arms to rest loosely around Virgil in return.
“You idiot. Gods, do you know how scared I was when I saw your note? I thought I’d never see you again. You’re so stupid, I love you.” Patton laughed softly and cupped Virgil’s face, pressing a kiss to his forehead and wiping away a tear that trickled down with his thumb.
“I’m okay, Virge. Lo talked me out of going. I’m safe- and hopefully soon, you will be too. Okay?” Virgil nodded sniffing loudly and rubbing his nose on his sleeve.
“Okay. But if you pull this kinda shit again I might have to lock you in your room forever,” Patton laughed at Virgil’s attempt at a threat.
“Are you two done?” The pair whipped around in surprise to see Logan leaning against the doorframe. Virgil scowled, and Patton’s laugh turned nervous.
“For a guy generous to pay for expensive medicine for a stranger, you sure are rude,” Virgil snapped, but he did head inside. Patton followed, seeing Logan roll his eyes at the young man’s attitude. He made sure to elbow Logan in the ribs, which made a very dragon-like growl escape him. Virgil startled and turned back to look at them, and the pair jumped apart hurriedly.
Their cottage was small and cozy, decorated with a multitude of flowers and stones that Patton found pretty and would collect on his way home from the market. Sun shone through the window in their tiny kitchen as Virgil pulled out a chair for Logan. The dragon sat down carefully, folding his hands in his lap, and Virgil sat across from him. Patton hurried to set water on the stove to make tea. Virgil coughed, and spoke carefully.
“So...you’re going to pay for life-saving, expensive medicine,” Virgil said slowly, Logan nodded along, “for a stranger...because you, what, want to bribe me for Patton’s hand in marriage? Because buddy do I have news for you.” Patton was glad he had yet to put the kettle on the stove, because he dropped it and water splashed all over. Logan simply raised an eyebrow.
“Trust me, if I were interested in such a thing, I would not be seeking permission from you,” Patton crouched down and picked up the kettle, refilling it and setting it on the stove. “I am simply decided I need to try and be a more generous person. I am a wealthy merchant, and needn’t all the money I own.” Virgil eyed Logan suspiciously, and Patton held his breath.
Seconds ticked by, but Virgil finally let out a loud sigh. “Fine. When should we leave?” The kettle began to hiss and Patton took it off, grinning wildly and interrupting before Logan could speak.
“Right after we have tea,” He set down the cups and poured with a wild flourish. Logan actually leaned away, as if he were afraid Patton would splash him with scalding tea. Which, to be fair, nearly did happen. The three enjoyed their tea in tense silence- no one quite trusting anyone. Except Patton, who trusted Virgil knew he was lying, but that didn’t exactly help things.
When tea was done, Virgil pulled on his cloak- his sickness often gave him a chill, and along with that he liked to stay hidden from view, and the trio set out. The village itself was not particularly busy, just a few people here and there chatting or doing chores if they were not the type to work on the farm. They headed past the center of town, and began to follow the dusty path that would lead to the capital- where the most gracious and benevolent Queen Dani lived with her son Roman. The marketplace there had the finest goods in the kingdom, and Patton had seen multiple vendors there who sold medicines that claimed to heal magic-borne illness. Patton told Logan all of this as they walked, the sun climbing ever higher.
“You know,” Virgil quipped, “you’d think a merchant would already know about how the marketplace system works.” He sounded suspicious, and Patton and Logan shared a look.
“I’m a foreign merchant,” Logan said smoothly, slapping a hand over Patton’s mouth as he was about to give a rather poor excuse. Patton huffed and licked Logan’s hand, making him squawk indignantly. He wiped his hand on his trousers, glaring as Virgil and Patton snickered.
“I despise you both in equal measures,” he said- yet the malice in his voice was nearly nonexistent.
“Aw, you love us,” Patton teased. Logan scoffed at that.
“I’ve only just met you. Besides d- I can not feel ‘love’,” he hunched in on himself. Virgil snorted, earning him another glare.
“If you can feel contempt, you can feel love, buddy,” Virgil informed him. Logan snorted.
“Then let’s debate,” Virgil shot back.
And thus began the three hour debate between the two. Patton lost interest about halfway through, and began to look around as they continued their journey. They passed through a thin forest, in which Patton noticed Logan took a few steps closer to him for whatever reason, and then walked through a lush field. Only disturbed by the path worn out by travelers who walked before them for years. Virgil’s arguments got quieter and his coughing got louder, which was when Patton decided to call for a pitstop.
The trio sat down by a crystal stream, where Virgil drank as much as he could, as if he hadn’t seen water in decades. Logan watched with an expression Patton could only describe as concerned.
“Is he alright?” Logan rumbled in a whisper. Patton sighed and shook his head.
“He can’t do a lot of physical labor without straining himself. He says when he was little, before the illness set in, he loved to run and play with the other children. Now though…” Patton trailed off, and he and Logan watched Virgil take deep, gasping breaths before he sat up.
“So, who wants lunch?” Patton asked brightly, much different from the somber tone from a few moments prior. Logan looked surprised at how quick the change was, but his own expression smoothed out quickly.
“Very well.”
At last, the dirt path under their feet made way to cobblestone. Virgil and Logan had finally truced on their debate, having half forgotten what they were even debating, and instead were discussing their interest in stars and constellations. Patton didn’t really understand the fascination, but he was glad they were getting along. They began to pass more and more people, until they were practically swallowed up by a crowd. The marketplace. Patton grinned and took Virgil’s hand in his own, grabbing Logan’s with the other. Logan jolted in surprise.
“What are you doing?” He asked. Patton smiled at him, and the dragon’s brow became even more furrowed.
“It’s crowded. Don’t wanna lose either of you two,” Patton said. The confusion mostly dropped from Logan’s face, though a tiny bit remained. Patton considered asking, but decided not to. Instead, he temporarily released Logan’s hand and stood on his toes so he could try and smooth the wrinkles out with his thumb.
“Smile, it’s easier,” Patton said, taking his hand again and pulling the pair along before either could argue again- either with Patton or one another.
The crowd swallowed them, and Virgil instinctively ducked closer to Patton, hiding under his arm. Logan’s grip on Patton’s hand grew a bit tighter than was comfortable, but other then that he showed no open signs of discomfort. They wandered around for a bit, getting lost in the scents and the sounds and the bustling energy of the market, before Patton finally spotted something that got his hope up.
“Over here!” He said, bustling his boys over to the merchant. He smiled coyly at the trio, indicating his wares with the sweep of an arm. Crystals and shimmering vials and bottles hung from the top of his cart, and they chimed together whenever he moved. The sweet scent of lavender wafted from the cart. A good sign if Patton ever saw one. Logan and Virgil hung back suspiciously, as Patton bounded forward.
“Hello there!” Patton chirped as he ran his hands across the smooth, wooden edge of the cart. The salesman leaned forward on his elbows and arched his brow.
“Greetings, traveler,” he smoothly replied, “what ails you this day?” Patton’s face lit up even more, and he pulled Virgil forward. He tugged his hood further down his face.
“My friend has been struggling with a magical illness since he was five,” Patton explained. “It started out not too bad, but now he has trouble with moving too much without getting worn, and he has a constant cough and chill.” The man leaned closer to inspect Virgil, who shrank behind Patton.
“I have just the thing,” the man said, voice smooth as honey. He reached down into the depths of his cart and pulled forth a shimmering crystal bottle. The liquid inside swirled deep violet.
“One sip of this, and your illness will fall away within a week’s time,” the man assured. “Though the cost is hefty. Can you pay the fee?” He indicated the price inked onto a parchment hanging from his cart. Patton bit his lip and nodded, opening his bag and pulling out the gold and jewels. He placed them in front of the merchant, who eyed them greedily.
Suddenly, Patton felt Logan loom up behind him, he turned as the dragon lightly pushed Patton behind him. He snatched the vial from the merchant, who squawked in offense as Logan adjusted his spectacles and squinted at the vial. He uncorked it and smelled it, recoiling in disgust and throwing it. The liquid shimmered, in the light before it splattered against the merchant’s clothes like drops of rain.
“Logan!” Patton gasped in horror. Logan turned to Patton and snorted.
“It was fake.”
“Wh-what?” The merchant stammered, “I’ll have you know-”
“I’ll have you know,” Logan leaned forward “that I know a thing or two about magic. That was just water and dye mixed with a bit of lavender. You’re more likely to poison this poor man then heal him.”
Patton and Virgil turned their gazes on the merchant, who was quick to defend himself. “This is simply untrue!” He hissed, “My father was a mage, and he taught me everything he knows about magical medicine.”
“Magic in your blood or not, that doesn’t change the fact you attempted to sell us a scam,” Logan growled. Patton put a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. His eyes were going yellow.
“What’s going on here?” A loud, booming voice asked. The group all turned to see a guard walking towards them. The merchant lit up gleefully for a moment, before his expression melted into one of faux fear.
“Good sir!” He cried, “This man is destroying my wares and scaring off my customers!” Logan looked annoyed as he turned towards the guard.
“I did no such thing. Granted, I did throw his own product in his face, but that is because he was trying to sell me a faulty remedy for my very ill companion.” The guard turned to Patton, and something about those warm brown eyes was...familiar; like the soft, cool fertilized soil he’d dig his fingers into as a child on hot days while he helped his family farm.
“Logan was just trying to help,” Patton said. The guard nodded and turned to Logan.
“What makes you say it was fake?” He asked. Logan scoffed and folded his hands to rest behind his back.
“I have magical origins myself. Along with that, I have spent many years reading about the subject, and know for a fact that all that was in that so called ‘potion’ was lavender, water, and dye- which, might I add, could potentially harm my companion.” The guard nodded thoughtfully and turned to the merchant.
“Sad, your innocence can not be proven nor denied unless you find a previous customer to backup your claims. I suggest you let them take their business, and their money, elsewhere.” The merchant’s face twisted into a scowl.
“But he destroyed-”
“He destroyed one of your wares. If I find you truly are selling products that are harmful, I think you’ll have bigger things to worry about,” the guard’s voice was low and threatening. The merchant’s face paled, and he scowled, glaring at Logan with a heat that could make the gods jealous.
“You’ve seen the last of me, Logan,” the merchant spat, taking the handles of his cart and wheeling it away to relocate. There was silence among them momentarily, before Patton turned to the guard.
“Tha-thank you for your help,” Patton said, finding himself getting lost in those eyes again as they met his own in sheer delight. The guard winked.
“No problem, Patton my perfect padre,” the guard winked. Patton blinked, and Logan stepped in front of Patton again, holding an arm out suspiciously.
“I do not believe we introduced ourselves. You would only have been able to pick up my name from what you overheard,” he accused. Patton saw mischief light up in those soft eyes and it suddenly hit him like a crashing wave. It hit him, why those eyes reminded him of childhood and warmth and protection and love.
“PRINCE ROMAN!?” Patton shrieked. Roman stiffened, ducking behind a wall as people looked over at him. Patton slapped a hand over his mouth, cheeks burning. “I mean, ah, sorry.” People quickly lost interest and went back about their business, and Roman returned from where he had hidden. He opened his arms, and Patton slipped from behind where Logan was still trying to shield him and lunged into Roman’s grasp. The prince picked him up and spun him, and they laughed together as Virgil padded up to stand next to Logan.
“I can’t believe you remember who I am,” Patton said as Roman placed him back down on his feet. Roman held a hand to his chest, offended, while one arm was still looped around Patton’s waist.
“How could you think so low of me? Not remembering my dearest childhood friend? In fact, it was you who did not recognize me- and I’m famous!” Patton giggled, and Virgil let out a very obviously fake cough- which shortly morphed into a real cough. Patton pulled away and gently rubbed soothing circles across his shoulders. Roman huffed in protest.
“Yes, well, now that all our happy introductions have been made- we still have a dying Virgil on our hands,” Logan said. He sounded almost bitter, and was glaring at Roman like he had personally offended him.
Roman turned to Virgil, who stiffened under the attention. He shrank away as Roman leaned forward, narrowing his eyes at Virgil. He ended up ducking behind Logan. “You said it was a magical illness?”
“Yeah,” Virgil’s voice sounded annoyed, but Patton could detect the tiniest hint of a waver; he was unsure of Roman.
“Well, I think I know someone who can help, then. Follow me!” Roman took off, and Patton and Logan shared a look before they followed. Virgil trailed behind with a hesitant grumbling.
The prince led the trio into the forest, veering off the path into the trees. Logan and Virgil grew a bit more hesitant, while Patton continued to follow valiantly. They ducked under branches and dodges around thorny plants until they came across a small clearing. Virgil sucked in wheezing breaths, and Logan awkwardly rubbed his back in a manner Patton had previously.
“Is that a cottage?” Patton asked. The other two looked up.
Indeed, in the center of the clearing was a delicate looking cottage surrounded by a vibrant garden. Roman smirked and swept an arm grandly.
“Welcome! To the home of-”
“Hi, Roman,” Roman shrieked and jumped into Logan’s arms as a teenager appeared out of seemingly nowhere. He had bright golden eyes and a smug smirk. Roman grunted as Logan dropped him.
“Oh, it’s you. Is Remy around?” Roman asked. The teenager shrugged indifferently.
“I dunno.”
“How do you not know?! He’s your mentor you stupid lizard!” Logan perked up at that, and looked from the teenager to Patton and back again.
“Yeah, but he’s also Remy. I’m gonna jet, though. I think he might be passed out on the floor, but no promises,” with that, the teenager waved and seemingly vanished into thin air once again. Roman grumbled in annoyance.
“Uh, who was that?” Virgil asked. Roman wrinkled his nose.
“Remy’s apprentice.”
“Aaaaand who’s Remy?” Virgil asked. Roman rolled his eyes.
“He’s the royal mage. You’ve never heard of him?” Patton lightly patted Roman’s arm.
“Not everyone has heard of your staff, Roman. Virgil and I live two towns away.” Roman flushed in embarrassment.
“Oh…” Virgil snorted and Roman rounded on him.
“What are you laughing at Lord Snorington?” Roman asked.
“You,” Virgil shot back. The two started to bicker fiercely while Logan took Patton by the hand and dragged him towards the cottage door. He shoved Patton in front of him and nodded towards the door.
“Knock,” he told Patton. Patton looked at him, confused, but shrugged and knocked. The door creaked open a crack, and the pair looked at each other before stepping inside. Dust danced in the light that streamed through dirty windows. The floor was a mess of dirty dishes, crumpled leaves, and a man who was laying facedown on the wood.
“Is he dead?” Patton squeaked. Logan walked over and nudged the man in the side. He groaned and rolled over.
“No,” Logan said. He proceeded to step on the man’s leg hard- and far too close to a certain area for Patton to be comfortable. The man shouted and jolted up. He had dark goggles covering his eyes, and what looked like grease stains all over. It was actually kind of disgusting.
“Are you Remy?” Logan asked. The man wheezed and sat up, rolling his shoulders.
“Bitch I might be, who’s askin?” He asked. Patton and Logan shared a look, and Patton gracefully took over.
“Friends of Prince Roman, sir,” Patton said politely.
“Sir? Mmmm no- no ma’am, not in my good magic cottage. Rem will do fine gurl,” Remy stood and kissed the back of Patton’s hand. Patton blushed and pulled his hand away, while Logan tensed. “How can I help y’all? And where is the royal brat anyway?”
“Don’t call him a brat!” Patton said.
“He is a bit of a brat, Patton,” Logan admitted, though he shut his mouth when Patton shot him a deathly glare- apparently forgetting he could literally kill Patton in one fell swoop if he wanted to; it was the power of the dad glare.
“Either way, he’s outside with our friend Virgil, the reason we came,” Patton explained, “You see, Virgil is sick- magically sick, and we need a magical cure. We were going to purchase one from the merchants in town-”
“But those honeys are faker than Roman’s confidence I gotchu babe,” Remy nodded sagely. He brushed off his shirt and readjusted his cloak before marching over to his desk. Patton watched in awe as Remy skillfully crushed leaves and poured liquids until he was holding a tiny vial full of green liquid. He held it up to the light, gave it a couple shakes, and then grinned and tossed the vial to Patton. The man stumbled, but did catch it.
“One sip of that a day until it’s gone and your man should be cleared up in no time,” Remy assured. Patton took the vial in his hands, cradling it like he might a bird. Logan snatched it up, much less kindly, and uncorked it to sniff at the liquid. His eyes narrowed, but instead of throwing it in Remy’s face like he had the merchant originally, he recorked the vial and set it back into Patton’s hands.
“It seems legit enough,” he said, almost bitterly. He took Patton’s bag and dumped the gold onto the desk. “Would this suffice as payment?” He asked, arching his eyebrow. Remy snorted.
“That should work, yeah,” he peered thoughtfully at a diamond. “Why not go give him that now, cutie?” Remy waved Patton towards the door. Patton nodded, and Logan moved to follow, but Remy stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait a sec, babe, I wanna talk to you real quick. Patty can handle himself, right?” Remy slipped an arm over Logan’s shoulders, making him tense. Patton looked at the pair of them worriedly before he nodded and slipped out the door. It shut with a firm click behind the man, and Logan immediately pushed Remy off with a glare.
“What is it you require of me?” Logan asked, his voice almost cold. Remy sighed, and motioned for Logan to follow him as he slipped into another room. Logan hesitated before he followed the mage into what appeared to be a living area. There was a cauldron hanging over the fire.
“Potions?” Logan asked, nodding to it. Remy snorted.
“Soup,” he picked up a poker to revive the dying embers before giving the soup a stir with his ladle. He took a long, obnoxious slurp and smirked at Logan, holding the ladle out to him as an offering. Logan politely declined.
“I know you’re a dragon,” Remy finally said, dipping the ladle back into the soup and stirring it slowly. Logan tensed again, feeling his fingers twitch and change until they were pointed claws.
“Relax, dragon boy,” Remy said, not looking up from his stirring, “my apprentice is part dragon.” Logan stared at his talons as he willed them to melt back into soft, human skin.
“Roman did call him a lizard,” Logan noted softly. “What is the story behind that? If you do not mind my asking?” Remy smiled almost fondly.
“Actually, that’s why I wanted to talk to you,” Remy set the ladle on the side of the cauldron and turned to walk over to a plush armchair. Logan sat across from him in an equally nice chair. “I’m gonna tell you a story, Sweetheart, so shut your pretty yapper and listen, m’kay?” Logan huffed, but didn’t protest.
“Gold from dragon hordes tend to have higher magical energy then regular gold. Probably due to the magical protection that freezes their nests in time or somethin,” Remy said, fiddling with his goggles. “So often times us magic folk will pay high prices for gold specifically from dragon nests. Usually we send knights or warriors to try and get it for us, since we’d rather not get fried to a crisp, y’know?”
“One day, though, a young witch decided to sneak into a dragon cave to gather her own materials for a rather complex spell. The dragon caught her, obviously, but he found her so beautiful that he decided to keep her as a piece of his horde.” Remy’s voice grew quiet, so all Logan could hear was the crackling of fire in the fireplace.
“Surprisingly enough, she loved the dragon just as much as he loved her. He took a human form, much like how you have now, temporarily so they could- ahem,” Remy made a particular hand gesture, and Logan nodded in understanding.
“Long story short, she got pregnant. However, her family wasn’t exactly happy with her being essentially kidnapped by a dragon- no ma’am. They came with a slew of castle guards and attacked the dragon. He was unable to fight back upon realizing they were the family of his love...so he was slain.” Remy pulled his goggles off to clean them with the bottom of his tunic.
“The witch realized that if her family found out the child’s origins, they’d be at risk of the same fate as their father. So she got in contact with an old friend- the royal mage,” Remy slipped his goggles back on, “and he agreed to take on the half dragon, half witch child as his apprentice. Didn’t expect him to be such a lil shit, but I guess he takes after me, huh?” Remy grinned, though there was a sadness in it. Logan was silent for a moment, resting his chin on folded hands.
“I recognize I asked, but you mentioned this is why you asked me to stay behind. Is there a particular reason you felt the need to tell me this story?” Logan inquired. Remy sighed loudly and flung himself into a much more dramatic position in his chair.
“Yooooou needa take a page from the book of dragoning. Y’know?”
“...No. I don’t follow,” Logan admitted, narrowing his eyes. Remy flailed his arms.
“You can’t get attached to a human is what I’m sayin!” Logan tensed at that, staring Remy down.
“I won’t. I don’t understand what gives you the idea that I would,” he said, voice almost dangerous. Remy didn’t take the warning- instead rolling his eyes and standing up.
“You got awful defensive over Patton when I flirted with him. Y’know, considering you aren’t at all attached to him,” Logan growled.
“I need him to help my find a new centerpiece for my horde, seeing as he destroyed my last one. Of course I’ll be defensive over your possible distractions!” He fired back, standing as well. He loomed over the other man, though he simply scoffed.
“Well sorry for tryin to look out for ya, babe. Don’t come crying to me when you’re tail over talons for him,” he folded his arms as Logan’s hands curled into fists.
“I won’t. Because I won’t fall in love with him! Or any human, for that matter!” He snarled. There was a tense silence, only broken by the door being thrown open.
“REMY HOLY FUCK!” His apprentice leaned in, “Those guys outside are freaking out because they think you stole their friend. I thought I told you to stop doing that.” Remy snorted and ruffled his hair affectionately.
“What can I say, babe, I just have that effect on people,” he winked and turned back to Logan,  “Well, you heard him,” Remy said, making a shooing motion. His apprentice grinned with sharp teeth.
“See ya soon, Logan.” Logan nodded and headed for the door, stepping outside. He paused and turned back.
“Wait...What do you mean soon?” The house was gone. Logan blinked and rubbed at his eyes, but the clearing stayed empty. Well, empty aside from Patton sprinting towards him. Logan froze as Patton threw his arms around his shoulders.
“There you are! I knew Remy wanted to talk to you, but I got worried after a while.” Patton fretted. Logan pushed Patton away.
“Yes, well- I am here now. Did Virgil take the potion?” Logan asked. Patton nodded.
“I made sure of it,” Roman agreed loudly. Virgil elbowed him in the ribs, and Roman squawked in surprise. Logan nodded.
“Right. Then I suppose we should take Virgil home, then,” Logan said, looking towards Patton.
“Yeah, sounds good to me!” Patton chimed in. He turned to Roman and gave a small bow. “It was...it was really great to see you again. Even if it was only for a while.” His gaze flicked back to Logan, who had gone to stand next to Virgil. “You guys ready?”
“W-wait!” Roman called, just as the three began to leave. They paused and turned to face the prince once more. He kicked at the grass almost sheepishly. “I don’t know if you know, but relations with the kingdom south of us are tense...so to help with relations my mother is hosting a ball. Citizens from both kingdoms are welcome to attend so...would you like to come?” Roman was looking directly at Patton, but he added “All of you- of course.”
“I would love to Roman! But…” Patton began. However, he didn’t get to finish, as Logan quickly cut in.
“But nothing. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we most certainly wish to join you, Roman.” Patton and Virgil both looked at Logan with surprise. Virgil tugged on the front of his hood and bit his lip.
“I dunno, Lo,” he commented softly. “Big crowds? Fancy clothes? Not really my scene.” Logan shook his head and placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder.
“Trust me, Virgil, I think it will be fun,” he said smoothly. Patton noticed his eyes flash gold briefly, and the tension in Virgil’s shoulders seemed to melt away.
“Okay…” Virgil sighed hesitantly. Logan nodded.
“Excellent. Patton?” He turned to face the man.
“...Sure,” Patton said. Roman smiled warmly.
“Well then, come along! The ball isn’t until tomorrow, but you can all stay the night- there’s plenty of room!” Roman chattered excitedly as the other three followed. “Oh I’m so glad you agreed, my mother will be thrilled to see you, Patton. She was always quite fond of you,” Roman laughed. “So always urged me to snatch you up before you were taken by someone else.” Logan’s stride faltered for but a moment before it returned to normal. Patton wondered what that was about…
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ellipsesarefun · 7 years
Otayuri Fic Recs #2
References: Summary, Thoughts, * (Complete) Note: This has been sitting in drafts for quite some time and the ones that were WIP are now complete. If you do want an Otayuri Fic Mayhem for the day, or week, or month for your vacation, here’s the second fic rec!
First Fic Rec is HERE.
1. A Heart Beats At Night by  magicalyoyo  >>  Otabek’s heart was pounding a sickening, dizzying rhythm, but he schooled his face into stoicism as he pulled his helmet off to get a better look. “Yuri Plisetsky died two years ago,” he growled. “What the hell are you?” >> ANGST, ANGST, DRAMA, THEN FLUFF. Full of supernatural beings and jargon. I might re-read this again, because I skipped some parts to gush and weep over the Otayuri angst and fluff moments. I missed the other portion of the story, but this is a great read! Several chapters to look forward to.
2. * Anatomical Accuracy by  Fayina (Dayea)  >>  Yuri has a secret talent in drawing, and he'd be damned if Otabek finds out about his shameful collection of the Kazakh's portraits. Oh and his skype call with Mila and Sara is getting out of hand. >> This suits me. Why? Because I’m a sucker for anatomy (and because I’m in a Bio course with a slight art enthusiasm that I would be completely immersed into AU’s such as this one) and because I love College and Roommate AU’s. With Pining, of course. 
3. Break Me Down, Down, Down by  legolifesaver >> Yuri refused to let anyone call his videos “pointless”. He spent too much of his time on them and he wasn’t about to let some asshole question him.orYuri runs a fashion channel, Otabek makes covers, and they both meet in the middle. >> A Youtube AU. This AU’s rare for this pairing, but i’m not sure.. I’ll probably scavenge for more if I missed any. Three chapters in and my brains already spewing daydreams all over the place for this couple!!
4. More Than He Bargained For by  FollowYourDreams  >> Yuri made one mistake. One. But, since it resulted in police bringing him home, his parents put their foot down. Now, he's being sent away for the summer to learn his place. He'll be staying with the Altin family and learning from their son, Otabek.Aka, the one where Yuri is a rebellious shit and ends up spending the summer with Otabek and falling in love and shit. >> First heavy fic I’ve read for this pairing. There is a ton of dense and tear-drenched backstory for Yuri and he needs all the XOXO’s he can get and that’s from Beka himself. My heart kept tearing itself in pieces for my smol little son. Also, I adore a literature enthusiast Beka. Brilliant mentions for Jane Austen and Ernest Hemmingway (if you do want some classics, you could dive in to Ernest Hemmingway’s stories; maybe even a John Steinbeck?).
5. On the Cusp of Dawn by  LoveActually_rps  >> Otabek bowed to the new Prince and offered the flower crown that his sister, Sabrina, had made and a basket full of fresh cherries which he'd collected from their small farm on the cusp of dawn. Carefully, he set them down on the overflowing heap of gifts. The Prince, who’d just turned six, frowned at the basket for a long moment before raising his hand and shoving a fistful in his mouth. Otabek blinked at him, totally taken aback. “Mmm-hum… ” the Prince hummed, closing his eyes, as he chomped on the bites of the plump fruits in his mouth. He opened his eyes, fixing his crystal green glare on Otabek. “Bring me more tomorrow,” he ordered, taking a few more from the basket. “Y-yes, your highness,” Otabek stuttered, bowing again before he was shoved away by a royal guard to clear the area. He hadn’t missed the way the Prince had shot a burning look at the guard. [Aka, AU where Yuri is a Prince and ranked highest among Omegas, whose life has revolved around his childhood friend, Otabek, who holds the lowest rank among Alphas. Their worlds suddenly comes shattering down after a loss they both isn’t prepared for] >> What got me into this fic is the fresh concept of omegaverse. There’s a level of Alphas, Omegas and Betas, with a hierarchy that (idk if there’s a proper wording for this but I’m just word vomitting) dictates how people treat other people and it’s apparent here and it seems to relate in the society we’ve been living in for a while now. I like this concept, and it just sparks a rich dynamic between Otabek and Yuri. Otabek’s determination is also pleasing to read. Here you have an Alpha of the lowest rank who’s trained for years and it’s finally paying (which is fucking awesome). I’m excited for more chapters to come!
6. * I’ll take in stride, the consequences of falling by  harajukucrepes  >> He wanted to ask to be touched, because in times like this intimacy would break him, and if he was broken enough, Otabek would finally see that he wasn’t ok. Stop having faith in me, stop idealising me, I’m not perfect.But Otabek would kiss him like he was the most wondrous thing to have happened to him, the most treasured, most beloved, and if there was one thing that would make him feel the worst he could humanly be is to be loved like that, because he would only want to lock this feeling, hide Otabek away and crush him underfoot if he could.He would bury his thoughts, destroy his voice, vanquish his own colours. >> Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful MASTERPIECE. At least for me, it is. It’s just an awe-inspiring work of art! It’s familiar that it almost felt like a Haruki Murakami tale and I don’t see words, I see feelings, music, anything that explores the relationship of these two people. I just love how this author blends all timelines together without disrupting the mood of the story (I think that’s what you call it, I’m not sure). I LOVE THIS PIECE and I love it so bad. This deserves more than one kudos from me!
7. Fly by  foreverhalo  >>  Otabek Altin, CEO of Altin's Aviation Academy has a secret business not many know about. He meets Yuri Plisetsky and offers him a chance to become a pilot, a long awaited dream ready to be fulfilled. With no questions asked, Yuri accepts but he doesn't know what awaits him beyond a simple act of kindness. Then again, Otabek wasn't expecting for Yuri to open a side of him he wasn't aware of. >> This deserves more attention. This fic is AWESOME. It’s a shady business in the guise of an aviation academy that features a darker, much more sinister (maybe? but the author seems to be leaning towards it, idk) Otabek. I haven’t really explored fics with a Dark!Otabek but this is a start. Maybe it’s a mild Dark!Beka for now, but it’s only been a few chapters and I love it. I love the story plot and how Yuri is dragged into this mess. I’m predicting it’s gonna be a bumpy ride for these two idiots. 
8. * They're All Long Gone (It's Only You and Me) by  JennaFlare  >>  Five years after the show, Otabek visits Yuri in Russia and dredges up what Yuri thought was long-dead history. >> Unrequited love dugged up into something reciprocated after a few years of friendship. My kind of tale, actually. This was an indirect inspiration to my fic ‘now i gotta wash my hands out with soap’ and ‘Reunions’.Maybe because of the events that occurred in my life or maybe because it’s absolutely relatable topic on a daily basis, I love this fic.
9. * Of Monsters and Men by  RoseAnthem  >> Ever since the day dark, mysterious, and endearing Otabek Altin told Yuri Plisetsky that he had the eyes of a soldier, Yuri hasn't been able to stop thinking about him, the boy who saw him as something other than a beautiful, delicate fairy. Now three years later, Otabek has moved to Russia to live with Mila, his new fiancee and Yuri's skating accomplice, and train under their coach Yakov.Yuri knows that his skating career is more important, but he can't seem to ignore the tightness in his chest when he sees Otabek and Mila kiss or the tug at his heart when Otabek smiles sweetly at him. He knows that he isn't in love, so why does he feel this way? Yuri decides to bury his foreign emotions as he always does and focus on what makes him happy, but as they grow closer, he cannot ignore the pain in his heart; and neither can Otabek.This is a story about the tough choices of love and the sacrifices you have to make to be happy. The story about two boys who don't know their fate, because their futures are standing in the way. This is a story about love and life. >> OtaMila is my NOTP. Friends are... fine, but essentially, I don’t really like otamila (sorry). But I love this story. So much drama! So much self-hate! So much self-deprecation! DAMN this is a monstrous fic! My waterworks filled a dam in my heart. This is so BEAUTIFUL YOU HAVE TO READ THIS FIC. If you want to of course and if you want drama, angst, and all that with a tinge of happy ending, this is your fic. 
10. * Frayed String by  Errolina  >>  Nikolai Plisetsky always told his grandson that he was the one that got to make his fate and not a string. Yuri always hated the fact that he was always reminded that he didn't have a soulmate. Otabek always did want to defy what was left of his string and make his own fate. >> Now this fic takes a bumpy turn on the concept of Red Strings of Fate Soulmates. It’s a fresh concept, one that I adore very much and love how it’s used in this three-shot. Go check this out if you’re up for some tears and fluff in the end. But there’s some angst too. 
(For some reason, most of the fics involve pining, angst with happy endings, and more pining)
11. * Talk Flower To Me by  ABoyWorthFightingFor  >> "Can I help you?" A voice asked, shocking him back into reality. Yuri gave a small jump at the sudden words, cursing under his breath for being startled."Otabek Altin?" He asked. The bassoonist gave a nod, but didn't offer anymore words, so he spoke on. "I'm Yuri. You're accompanying me, or whatever.""I know who you are," he spoke, starting to disassemble his instrument. "You're in my math class." Oh. So that's where the name's familiar. The black haired teen looked amused. "You didn't know? You sit right in front of me. Every single day." The Russian only scoffed with a roll of his eyes to try and hide his embarrassment. >> In my own Filipino language, “Nakakakilig ‘to”. It’s so giddy and it’s full of fluff everywhere! This is a unique way to spice up the use of flower language. Happy endings coming your way! Read this if you’re having a bad day or nothing seems to get right. This cheers me up!
12. Watch Out for This by  dovesnroses  >> “It could have been your guardian angel, ya know?” Georgi observes as he’s testing the soda dispensers the next night. Yuri reaches over the bar and takes an olive.“No such thing as guardian angels in this part of the city,” he retorts stuffing the olive in his mouth. Georgi gives him an amused look.“Well if they’d been planning on raping and or murdering you, they would have done it. ”Or: Otabek DJs at the club Yuri works at, and everything goes from there. >> Awesome piece of work! I’m loving the dynamics of not just Otayuri but other people as well. I can’t really predict what’s gonna happen in this fanfic, because recently there was some angst, and while that angst was resolved, I’m not entirely sure it’s gonna stay that way.. After all it’s still a WIP, so I’ve got a feeling there’s more! After all, what’s a happy ending if there’s no angst? HAHA kidding kidding.. But I love this fic. I re-read the sentences over and over again until the plot’s in my memory cabinet. Go check this fic out!
13. crystallofolia by  RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus)  >> Yuri stared at the flower, utterly paralyzed, ignoring Viktor’s scandalized, “Oh my!”“What the fuck is this?” My eyes aren’t beautiful .Without wavering, Otabek continued to hold the flower out. “I call it a tulip. As well as an offer of friendship.”AU in which Viktor is a florist looking to start a family, Otabek is a flower vendor dreaming of home, and Yuri is an orphan wrapped in seven layers of teen angst that he can only get out by screaming profanities and shoving flowers in people's faces. >> What other way to spice up the language of flowers than to put a gallon of angst, backstory, and more angst. It’s like embedding the scientific name of a parade craniates in a fanfic that has an involvement with the feelings, the plot.. everything! If you want a dose of new flowers per paragraph and chapter, this is the fic you’re looking for.
14. * Reaching out for Silver Linings by  Muspell  >> There’s a whole life he didn’t know. A whole person he didn’t know. A whole person Yuri considered his best friend. But who the fuck is he? Is anything Yuri thinks he knows actually true? Who the fuck is Otabek Altin, after all? Has he ever even known who his best friend was?------------------------------------------- Warnings are there for a reason, please have that in mind.Second part of the KazGang series, sequel to To Judge a Book by its Cover. >> Angst... So. Much. Angst. So much misunderstandings... I’ve been treading lightly when this fic first came out because I knew how I can’t get over an angsty fic easily, so I waited till the angst wavered for a bit before reading it. And it was mind blowing. Still mind blowing. I’m planning to read this again because I like how Otabek’s dark history was portrayed here. So mysterious... 
15. * A Stiller Doom by  Tessa on Ice (tessacrowley)  >>  “It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it. Millions are condemned to a stiller doom than mine, and millions are in silent revolt against their lot. Nobody knows how many rebellions ... ferment in the masses of life which people earth.” Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre >> I saved the best for last. It revolves around the OmegaVerse, the major differences on how people treat alphas, omegas and betas and how it influences Yuri as a omega skater amongst the crowd of alpha dominant field of skaters. What I do love this if most is how the politics blends in chapter by chapter. It’s rare that I read such and I love how the socio-political aspect was dealt with in this fanfic. This is a great read, and if you are into stuff like this, you could try this out! 
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secondhandart · 7 years
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Howdy! I’m a pretty lazy artist so unfortunately this is the last thing that I even put effort into and it’s a WIP I’ll probably never pick up again. #mentalillnessstruggle But still, I’m stuck in a ditch as far as progress goes and I’m just looking for any way to improve my art. So, thank you for doing this haha.
Ah, yes, I know that mental illness feel. And yay, Homestuck stuff! I had a fun time going over this one, and I think I’ll just give you a lowdown on what steps I would take to get you out of your ditch and straight into improving your art.
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As I doodled over your piece to find key points to help you out with, these are some overall things I found:
You’re so restrained! Everything feels tight, and honestly, I can tell you’re very careful with where you put your lines, and that holds you back. Loosen up! Try a warmup! My go-to warm up is sitting somewhere in a room and filling up a sketchbook page with drawings of things I can see from where I’m sitting - lamps, toys, even mundane things like pencils and remote controllers. Most importantly, I use a pen so I can’t fret over mistakes.
You have a lot of great ideas in design! Whether it be original designs you came up with, or you just have a good eyes for design, there’s definitely some fantastic ideas in here. However, you seem hung up on getting these neat ideas in there, but it doesn’t seem you think a lot about how they work. I want you to try and think how everything in the clothing is sewn together, what kind of fabric was used, what’s holding everything up. Granted, there are plenty great artists out there that seem to ignore all of this when it comes to fashion design (looks at Tetsuya Nomura), but have at least a little bit of logic!
Speaking of fabrics, let me point out what is actually the first thing that jumped out at me.
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THE BOOBS! You would NOT see the entire shape of the breasts through fabric. I know this is a SUPER common thing we see in anime, but this is something that’s done for either A) fanservice or B) because this person has never seen a real boob before. Or both, who knows. Just remember…draw the fabric stretching OVER the breasts, and shaping around them, but don’t draw each individual breast.
Another thing I noticed is something that I did as a kid, and that’s going back to complicated designs. I wanted to draw Final Fantasy-esque things CONSTANTLY, so I drew things with complicated, belt-heavy designs on the daily, thinking that’s really all I needed to spice up a drawing and make it look good. THIS IS WRONG. Before worrying about design details, you gotta learn more about anatomy and how the body connects together. And as much as I’d LOVE to do a huge tutorial on anatomy and show you all there is to know, this post would literally go on for days. There’s so much to learn about anatomy, and I learned the most when I got a sketchbook, looked up tutorials every day, and redrew everything in those tutorials into the sketchbook, taking notes and writing them down into the book, then drawing pictures, applying what I learned from the tutorials every step of the way. Here are some FANTASTIC resources!!
Practice practice practice, but don’t worry so much if every drawing doesn’t come out better than the last, or doesn’t even come out good at all. In order to make GREAT stuff, you’re going to have to make good stuff first. In order to make good stuff, you gotta make a lot of just okay stuff. In order to make okay stuff, you’re going to start off with some pretty bad stuff.
Seriously, at least 75% of the art your produce is going to be bad, but that small percentage is worth it. Trust me.
USE REFERENCES!! For everything! Pose references, face references, even references for the flowers in the hair! For whatever reason, I grew up thinking that being an artist means being able to draw something without even looking at it! just having it come straight out of your head.
My go-to for pose references is senshistock. She’s got everything, but there are a lot more stock artists out there as well! You can even trace over their poses if that’s how you learn, there is no shame in that!
Overall: Practice lots of anatomy, and try warming up and loosening up by drawing real messy with a pen just anything around you! Use references, and even try tracing some stuff!
(if you’d like a criticism more specific to the piece, let me know and I’ll do another one for you, but I thought I’d just give you some tips to get out of your slump and help your improvement overall. Otherwise, thank you for the submission, @witch-cub!!)
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