#this is a warning nobody will see :))
egophiliac · 11 months
Do yoy like their silly little dance
the inside of my brain at any given moment:
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Lord give me restraint because if he gave me strength I'd have Arthur Lester on his knees whimpering for an entirely different reason
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royalarchivist · 11 months
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[ Tubbo and Pac both cheer ]
Pac: Die, Fit!
Tubbo: We just gained- wait. Oh, we didn't gain a percentage, but we didn't lose any more.
Pac: ...Man, my first time cheering up from Fit's death. That's weird.
Tubbo: I know, I know!
Pac: Pugatory changed our lives.
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[ Pac and Tubbo cheer again ]
Pac: Yeah! Let's go rooster! ...Wait, what is a rooster?
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danwhobrowses · 11 months
It shouldn't need to be said but I'm seeing a lot of vitriol towards Ashton about their actions and I have to say I don't agree with them.
At the clock tower Fearne brought up the shard, stated that in her opinion Ashton should take the shard because she didn't want it. Ashton decided then as a result they'd take it, but because it was an extreme risk made very aware to them all they knew the other Hells wouldn't allow them to go through with it. Ashton asked Fearne if she was okay with both of them going together alone with the plan, reiterating that they didn't want to put this on Fearne, that if they died Fearne would not be to blame, and that they have no intention of dying, and Fearne said yes.
Fearne having second thoughts at the Ziggurat was just worry, because she cares deeply for Ashton, Ashton kissing her was not manipulation either; it was letting go of fear, having no regret with the person they also care deeply for and taking the risk. And yeah, it was frightening, 10 rounds of perpetual fiery near-death situations and one actual death situation; Laura is fuming, Ashley cannot look, Liam is playing Mad World on loop in his mind, even Matt is completely on edge, but they survived. Accusations that Ashton manipulated Fearne to selfishly take the shard seem to misinterpret the shard saga as well as Fearne and Ashton's characters, they will get a very intense amount of chastising for sure, but it will be out of love, out of the fear that they were going to lose them, not because they thought Ash was manipulative.
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tarotcardcollective · 6 months
Hello payday tumblr. We do not mean to make this a witch hunt, however, we have had a situation recently with a fairly well known content creator very recently, this drive explains and shows everything that has happened in a discord server many people from the payday tumblr are active in. bringing this to light and telling yall to be carful. if u cant tell already this is abt commence screaming AKA "i am the angs", bain-ourwatcher, des-paa-cee-toeee.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
-> warnings: spoilers for kazuha story quest as well as general kazuha lore, kazuha’s friend is named tomo for convenience, mention of blood near the end, kazuha attacks you but it’s a brief memory, standard issue imposter sagau things
-> lowercase intended!
tomo was an avid believer in the creator.
most people are to an extent, kazuha included, but it’s more of a soft reverence for him rather than the burning devotion for tomo, whose belief is that the creator didn’t make inazuma for it to be hidden! they didn’t make the shogun for her to do this to her nation!
that combined with his other beliefs sent him to face her. ever a man of faith, he held firm that he was doing the right thing. even as his body fell to the floor and his vision flew into the awaiting grasp of his friend, his heart stood strong.
kazuha carries that faith with his memory, and does his best to honor it just as well. if he finds a pretty flower he’ll drop it at a shrine, always murmuring his friend’s name as he does so. he doesn’t hold you to as high a bar as other do, as high as tomo did, but it’s hard not to be religious in teyvat, where the gods literally walk the earth. he settles for a quiet reverence, and perhaps a prayer that his friend may find peace at your side when the storm winds howl and lightning strikes close.
and then beidou.
who thanks you daily for calm seas, for large hauls, thanks for the life created for her anew.
and he thinks. and thinks a bit more, and decides that well, his life has been remade too, hasn’t it? and like beidou says, he’s a poet, he’s been gifted with a form of creation, hasn’t he? so he starts leaving more than a few folded poems at the on-ship shrine—it’s kept in the back, a little tucked away both for safety and in case the crew has problems with religion or just doesn’t follow, but that just makes it all the easier to slip things onto it.
and he thinks that maybe tomo had the right idea.
so when he hears of an impersonator, somebody who utilizes both magic and their mind to take the place of the highest of gods…. he’s more than upset.
how dare you? how dare you try to take the place of his god- if the entire of teyvat’s god? how dare you try and swindle your way to the top, try to trick and scheme and deceive the innocent beleivers into serving you instead of the creator you fail to even imitate? he hasn’t even met you and he knows that you’re a stale copy, a fragile semblance even with your spells and alchemy, a careful house of cards that he longs to topple.
the alcor is docked in liyue, waiting for a shipment. he’s sitting on an empty crate while beidou leans on it, groaning about the merchant.
”come on! we’re gonna be late, and he had a week to prepare! who is this guy, even, thinking he can do shit like that?”
he’s about to speak—likely to admonish her for swearing when there’s children playing along the docks—when he spots you approaching. you have messy, shaggy hair and a face covered by a blue mask, dressed oddly for somebody in liyue. he doesn’t spot either vision nor weapon on you, but it’s hard to tell. at the very least, you don’t look hostile.
he decides not to get beidous attention, letting you do so as you walk up to her.
“pardon me?”
your voice is rough and coarse, like ore dragged into the light of the sun after growing underground for millennia.
she looks you up and down, deciding that you aren’t the merchant she needs. “what can i do for ya?”
“i w-as told you could provide passage to inazuma?”
she tilts her head. “huh? but the saokoku decree was lifted recently, there should be proper passenger boats leaving every hour.”
you swallow, and kazuha listens to the wind around you.
it’s afraid. apprehensive. tense, like you expect them to turn you down.
which he’s pretty sure beidou’s about to if you can’t save this.
“theyre full, and i heard you were leaving immediately. and besides, everybody knows the alcor’s one of the fastest boats on the waves.”
ah. you’re smart.
beidou laughs. “you’re right about that, kid, we certainly can get you there the fastest! but it ain’t gonna be cheap…”
you brightened, standing a little straighter. the wind lifted into a gentle breeze. “i have mora! na-ame your price.”
while they sorted that out, kazuha inspected your odd character. your voice was rough, strained over certain syllables, and occasionally you’d scratch at the side of your neck. he’d initially assumed that the mask was for anonymity, like shinobu from the arataki clan, but now he thinks it’s more for an illness.
one that could spread throughout the crew.
“well, you’ve got yourself a deal! any problems?” she turned back to kazuha for his verdict, and he checked over you once more.
dirt on your boots, but hands in the pockets of your jacket. you were more relaxed now, the air speaking of possibility.
“you sound sick,” he says simply, and your eyes widen.
“a-ah, i- it’s just disuse. i d-ont really talk often.” the mask lifted in a weak smile, your hand coming up again. the skin there was quickly turning red.
“then if there’s nothing else, welcome aboard, uh- whats your name, again?”
you give a name and dip your head in thanks. “thank you for your k-indness.”
kazuha took up the task of showing you around the boat, for no reason he could explain. you were nice to talk to, funny, and your voice was smooth after youd taken some of the medicine you carried.
you were easy to be around. it was like reuniting with a friend he hadn’t seen in years, an indescribable sense of comfort filling him at your side. you felt like home, like campfire chats around crackling wood, or the soft sound of waves on a shore. a clear sky, a cool breeze over a sun-warmed rock.
he was almost- no, he was sad to see you off, waving goodbye as you rushed onto the docks of ritou.
you would go far. whatever you wanted to do, kazuha was sure you would succeed, and extended you his blessings in your endeavors.
now imagine his reaction when, after settling the deal, beidou brings him a flyer. her jaw is set and her shoulders are tight, and he’s quick to see what irritated her.
it’s you.
the flyer has your posture more intimidating, a long staff in hand, eyes cold and calculated instead of the warm glow he remembered.
but it’s you. undoubtedly. even your picture tries to pull a smile from him- and then he sees the charges below.
and he wants to shiver despite the comfortable air.
how can this be?
how can such a kind soul be so deceptive?
but isn’t that the thing? it says you utilize spellwork- that has to be it, right?
(but how can the wind lie?)
he leaps from the side of the alcor, barely able to tell beidou not to wait for him before he’s gone.
he’s in a confused daze for the next few weeks, constantly on your trail- but the wind guides him in loops.
you’re everywhere.
your aura is permanently in the air, giving him a shot of nothing short of pure bliss before he gets his wits about him.
he’s almost afraid, because the wind doesn’t lie- but it has to be, because you can’t enchant the air- but that’s the only way-
his mind is confused, constantly in a state of conflict, his instincts saying you’re a friend while rational thinking says youre foe. his heart calls for your safety whilst the careful shell around it reminds him of your crimes. of the way you’ve tarnished his god’s name, of the way you’ve disrespected captain beidou and her crew, of the way you took advantage of kindness to serve yourself.
of the way you took advantage of people like tomo.
he’s on a beach, preparing up some fish for dinner in a cave, when the wind suddenly smells sweeter.
it’s the scent he’s been following.
he stands and rushes onto the shore, unsure why he’s not reaching for his blade but not thinking too much about it, looking around. sand slides beneath his feet as he races towards a familiar figure: you.
you—his mind supplies him with the name you gave, but is it even yours? or was it just another layer to the lie?—jump as he approaches, but quickly relax. you slip down the mask to sip at the medicine the same shade as the sky, smiling at him.
his skin prickles, suddenly feeling hot just at the way you say his name. it’s so kind, so loving, almost, and any response flies from his mind. it’s so hard to be mad when your voice sounds like silk and the light…
the sun shines on your skin, nearly glowing, outlining every curve and angle of you and with a gentle hand. if you catch the light just right he can catch lines of something yellowed across your skin. it’s odd, he didn’t remember that on the… boat…
the flyer.
you were a criminal.
a criminal of the worst kind.
a fraud, somebody who tried to take advantage of the people, using spells to try and garner attention and wealth from people-
people like tomo.
he grit his teeth and ignored the stab of pain in his chest as he drew his sword.
instantly, every ounce of happiness drains from your figure, replaced by an ice-cold tension that makes him want to shiver despite the warm breeze. “ka..zu…?”
the nickname falling from your lips begs him to reconsider, to stop.
its his last chance to.
“how dare you disgrace the kaedehara name?”
your eyes turn glossy and you back away, shrinking in on yourself. a choked-off sound crosses the short distance between them, and kazuha forced himself to ignore it.
you are not an innocent. the beautiful sunlight across your skin did not mean that you yourself were as good as it, the lovely scenery around you no indication of whatever rot lied in your soul; something that had to be there, for you to try and imitate the creator.
and it was rot. you were rotten, bitter, deceitful, using the magic you’d have to have bought—for no being could grant somebody like you that power—to try and warp mildew into meadows. he had to remember that.
he was being charmed.
and then he’s in liyue.
he’s going to a meeting with ningguang with beidou, where the news is broken.
the normally ever-steady tianquan looks shaken up, asking beidou first for her promise to utilize her crew and connections to spread what she’s about to say as far across liyue as she can.
and then she says it.
and kazuha leaves.
he’s in the crows nest of the alcor—it hasn’t left the harbor in months due to the awful storms over teyvat and the cruel waves—and curled into a ball, hands tangled into his white hair, undoing his ponytail in the process.
he tried to kill you.
he’d had you pinned to the beach- you didn’t even fight back. you’d just laid there, tears beading in your eyes, just staring up at him even as his sword was resting in the hollow of your throat.
he’d nearly drawn blood.
he’d almost killed the very god he worshipped.
the shining light in his best friend’s life, the new beginning he’d found alongside his new home with the crux, the-
the flush across his skin whenever you were close, that sense of calm and serenity- of course. it all made sense, now that he put aside his blade.
you were a god.
his god.
and he’d tried to kill you.
he tries to soothe himself—you’re okay, you didn’t hurt them too bad, did you? imagine how the killer feels—but it’s in vain. the very wind turns against him, biting and cold despite the warm sun, and he’s shivering.
shaking, about to cry, because you… you were only seeking a new opportunity. you wanted another chance. you just wanted to live- ningguang had said your memory was likely damaged if even there at all, you didn’t even know you were a god at all. you didn’t even understand the nature of your sins, you didn’t understand the world you were in in any form, you didn’t understand why you were being chased, persecuted, hunted.
and kazuha, alongside the entire world, had decided that was a crime punishable by death.
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cometrose · 6 months
i could cry into the void about rezhong forever like the fact that the only reason its not popular is because azhdaha doesn't have a tall anime twink form like im gonna sob
Imagine being partners but slowly watching your partner lose themselves and their memories and try to destroy everything you created together and you have to seal him away in a prison of the earth MIND you zhongli is the one who awoke him from underground so he just put him back there like?????
And the fact even after the betrayal Zhongli and Azhdaha still care so deeply for each other like they can't change the past but when Azhdaha is conscious Zhongli is upset that he has to leave him again. They are victims of fate!!! Doomed yaoi!! It was never meant to be but they wanted it to work.
And if Azhdaha is the Geo Dragon Sovereign he was perfectly content with Morax taking his authority and he loved humanity and their friendship. BUT we know Sovereigns and Archons don't work out like I am telling you it was doomed from the start but its so good please listen to me!!!
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saint-ambrosef · 4 months
i dont know what to feel about today
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phantonixx · 3 months
on the verge of being expelled from uni right in a couple of weeks before graduation. such a thrilling feeling
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onetoomanyyy · 2 months
…would anyone be interested in hearing about my Splatoon ocs
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
I’m still out here, locked in a battle with some health issues thinkin’ bout my pixels ✌🏼
My goal was to finish the early 30s arc before I had to take a few breaks around my own schedule, but who woulda thunk three posts at book chapter length every week is a recipe for burnout? Anywho hopefully a story update coming for ya soon and I can get myself back on track so we can see this arc through (because after, the drama starts, and come on, we all know I’m in this for drama).
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puhpandas · 6 months
Tony Becker is one of the only times that I've seen that a character has actually been doomed by the plot when people say he is
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carltonlassie · 2 months
So I'm on a Greyhound (already a bad start) and I had to give my witness statement to COPS in the middle of the journey and I was a bit shaken about the whole thing but now I feel more normal and I'm more occupied with directing my energy towards not peeing my pants, so there's a good thing
#when i got on the bus the driver gave a warning towards a guy sitting in front of me for behaving inappropriately towards a lady#but some guys in the back defended the dude so the driver walked away....#and another girl got on and sat next to him (bad sign)#and it was already sussy when he introduced himself & got her name but things went south so fast#when he put his laptop on her lap and started watching a movie. she begrudgingly agreed bc what is she gonna do? make a scene?#but then he started leaning on her shoulder!!!!! and after a while he had his arms around her and shit#and she tried to give the laptop back to him and pulled out a book to push him off but then.#he just. leaned on her shoulder and pretended to sleep n shit and she was getting real uncomfortable#about an hour in we're at a rest stop and i see her talking to the driver so i think whew at least shes telling him about it#but she just walks away with all of her luggage? so i talk to the driver to ask if shes ok and he has no idea what im talking abt#and im like whoa yeah the dude u were talking to before was behaving inappropriately to her#and hes like oh man and he drives up to her to pick her back up while he goes to get the bus maintained#and like ... 30 minutes later he comes back but hes not letting anyone in and he calls me over to tell me that shes p shaken up about it#and he called the COPS and her sister is coming to pick her up#so now i gotta give a witness statement when the cops come but at this point everyone on the bus knows im the snitch and now#im worried abt the guys who defended him before bc theyre still gonna be on the bus and behind me!!#but i talk to the cops. give my statement. she cant press any charges or anything but they will remove the dude from the bus which is great#bc the dude has been yelling at other women for being a snitch and a cop presumably for the previous incident??#but then i get on the bus and all eyes are on me and the dudes behind me start hollering at me and im like shit#but then theyre like you did a good thing. he was being creepy. leaning on her and lying down on her#and im like bro. and yall defended him??? 😭 also nobody did nothing?????#and im like aight can i go home now tnx#but thankfully there's this old guy who sat separate from his wife next to me and i felt a bit more secure w/ a human shield#anyways the whole thing just left me kinda shaky but that could have been the low blood sugar?#log
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hecate112 · 9 months
Everyone coming to Zhang chualn's aide at the end was great. And those little flashbacks about everyone added a lot of emotions. Gave good feelings at the end. I love this kind of content. And when the oldie Zhang zhiwei came, I was shouting "what took you so long!!" to my screen so loud 😂.
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poppyseed799 · 10 months
btw I don’t know if this is a thing anyone is thinking about but I’m not gonna stop drawing Jimmy as a canary. It’s a lovely bird. It’s still something that’s been really important to his series. There’s no reason to drop the canary headcanon just cuz Lizzie fell into the void.
#warning: don’t open up these tags I went on a very heated and rather unrelated rant cuz I’ve been mad#trafficblr#life series#secret life spoilers#secret life smp#jimmy solidarity#also I’m sick of seeing ppl celebrate Jimmy surviving because they hate the canary curse fans like SHUT UP!!! LET US HAVE FUN GOD!!!#LIKE LITERALLY EVEN IF NOBODY CAME UP WITH THE CANARY METAPHOR WE WOULD STILL BE TALKING ABOUT HOW HES ALWAYS DYING OK WE DIDNT MAKE UP THAT#HE DIES FIRST HE JUST DOES. GOD. so what if some people make shakespeare sounding posts about the curse that I don’t understand. we are JUST#having fun and making connections where we don’t need to BECAUSE ITS FUN. NOT CUZ WE DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. sorry for the past few#days I’ve been genuinely mad at this fandom’s growing hatred towards its own community.#LIKE IM FINE IF ITS NOT YOUR THING BUT GOD. WE ARENT EVEN DOING ANYTHING 😭😭😭 THE LORE LITERALLY WRITES ITSELF OR IS WRITTEN BY MARTYN LOL#I’ve just been getting SO TILTED man. like ohhh yeah okay ur right i said too much guess I won’t say anything anymore#does anyone else genuinely not know wtf ppl are talking about when they say a certain hc takes over everything about the character#cuz I literally see so much varied Jimmy content yet I’ve seen several ppl complain that ppl ignore aspects of his character in favor of#WHATEVER when I literally don’t see that happening to him. step out of ur circle or something I don’t even HAVE a circle man
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benjinoff13 · 2 months
with shows like bridgerton and house of the dragon there’s always a group of fans that feels entitled to post countless and countless of spoilers because they have read the book and they know what’s going happen, just because a show is based on a book doesn’t meant it’s not a spoiler and just because you have read the book doesn’t mean you can post spoilers without warning, maybe be a decent human and give a warning
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