#this is a moment in nct history like bro did not have to go this hard on smoothie
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nctsworld · 10 months ago
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nctzendreamz · 6 years ago
Crazy, Rich, and They Hate Me :: Part Three
Jaehyun x Reader ft. NCT
Angst, fluff
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Jaehyun finally takes you home, but he forgot to mention that his family is the richest in South Korea.
You and Jaehyun had finally arrived in South Korea, and were now looking for Johnny and his soon to be wife. You hadn’t gotten a picture of her, so your boyfriend was currently quizzing you to make sure you remembered what he had told you.
“Okay, so his girlfriends name is Rosé. Her hair is an orange reddish situation. She’s always smiling.”
“Exactly. And you remember Johnny’s face right?”
“Super tall, looks like a model.” He eyed you, and you gave him a quick kiss on his bicep. “Not cuter than you though.”
“Mhm.” He said before reaching down to kiss your forehead as he always did. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, and you knew he had found them.
Johnny looked exactly how he looked in pictures, and was indeed a sky scraper. He had a sign that read, Jaehyun, we’re here to serve you on it. His sense of humor was already impeccable. The minute your eyes hit Rosé, you felt your heart stop in your chest. She didn’t even look real. The sight of her holding blue and white balloons and the genuine smile on her face made your heart clench.
“Are these for me!” You yelled, running into her arms. This was your first time ever seeing or meeting her, but it didn’t feel like it.
“Yes! Jaehyun told me your favorite color was blue!” She held you tightly. “You are even prettier in person!”
“Me? You look like a model!”
“She is a model.” Johnny added, smirking at her.
“Not yet.” She shooed his comment away, before handing you your balloons and taking your luggage.
“Oh no. I got it!” You suggested.
“Nope.” Johnny said, moving to grab Jaehyun belongings as well.
“You guys had a long flight just to see us. Let us do a little something for you.” Rosé smiled. Her and Johnny began to walk ahead, leaving you and Jaehyun to grab hands and follow suit.
“Johnny’s into cars.” He whispered to you as you approached a large Jeep with the top off. It was a baby blue color, and it immediately took your heart.
“It’s so sexy.” You drooled over the vehicle. “It’s the perfect blue.”
“You want one?” He said, a serious expression on his face. When he saw you look at him as if he was crazy, he laughed. “I’m kidding.”
You kissed his cheek sweetly. “No you weren’t. And no. I’m happy with my paid off Honda.” You laughed.
“Alright! Bros in the front, pretty ones in the back.”
“Yeah yeah, just admit that you want him all to yourself.” You joked.
“Well...I have detected no lies.” He laughed.
The four of you got in, and began your journey. Johnny had the music turned up loud and him and Jaehyun were singing along to the song on the radio. Everything in the city was so beautiful. The buildings, the sky, everything.
“So where are we going?” You questioned curiously.
“Well there’s a festival that comes around in the spring time. There’s so much delicious food I’m so excited! Rosé screeched. “Does Jaehyun take you to get Korean food a lot?”
“We have, but I think he doesn’t like to eat it with me because it reminds him of home.” You whispered so he couldn’t hear you.
“Awe.” She cooed. “You know, he really loves you. Just incase you ever doubted. Before he asked you to come with him, he wouldn’t stop asking Johnny about it.”
“Really?” You said, your cheeks burning from the smile that wouldn’t leave your face.
“Yeah. He said he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but he really needed you here with him. I think he’s really nervous because it’s been awhile. Two years right?”
“Yeah.” You said. “Is that...is that because of me?”
“I think so.” She said still smiling. “Johnny told me that he was originally supposed to be going to America for a visit, but then he met you and couldn’t leave.” Her eyes moved to her side of the car, where she observed the body of water you were about to drive over.
You never knew that. When you met Jaehyun, he told you that he had just moved down, and was looking for a new life in LA. You stared at him now, and looked at how relaxed he was. He laughed at something Johnny told him, and his smile was so pure. Suddenly, he turned to check on you, and your eyes met. They shined as they looked into your soul and his hair blew perfectly in the wind.
You blew a subtle kiss to him, and he blew one back before winking and turning back around.
Jaehyun couldn’t remember the last time he was this happy. The festival was absolutely beautiful, as always, and the food was even better. The four of you ran all around, trying everything that they had to offer, and when he saw how close you and Rosé had become in just a short amount of time, it put his heart as ease.
He usually got shy when discussing his culture with you, but in this moment, he was confident. Every dish you asked him about because you were unfamiliar, he explained the whole history about it.
“I know you told me not to talk with my mouth full, but this is so good.” You moaned, falling into his lap cutely. He rubbed your tummy as you swallowed the food in your mouth before tickling you.
The two of you are in your own little world as he continued to feed you. Once Rosé dragged you to play another game with her, it was just him and Johnny.
“Rosé still is as nice as she was when I first met her.” He joked, looking at the two of you in a very competitive situation.
“I always thought that the person I would marry would be just beautiful, but I wouldn’t be in love with them. She showed me that I could have both.” He laughed.
“I’m so happy for you, bro.”
“You two seem really in love.” Johnny said, pushing his cousins shoulder lightly.
“We are.” Jaehyun whispered, eyes still on you.
“What do you love about her?”
Jaehyun was still looking at you, running around with a huge smile on your face. He couldn’t hear you laughing, but he knew you were. He wished he could hear it. “She just gets me. Unlike everybody else, our wealth doesn’t mean anything to her. She loves me for me. I can’t even explain it, it’s just different with her. I trust her with my whole being.”
“Does your mom know about her?”
He looked away now, staring at the food still on the table. “You know how the cousins get. They watch our every move. There’s no way she doesn’t.”
“I’m proud of you.” Johnny switched the subject, putting a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder. “For having the balls to ignore your bachelor status. It takes a real man.” He put him in a headlock.
All Jaehyun could do was laugh loudly. God, he missed this.
The two of you had finally made it into the hotel Jaehyun got for the days you would be here. You had questioned why he didn’t stay with his parents, leaving you here, and he got very offended.
“I would never leave you alone. You’re my guest.”
“I think I’m more than a guest.” You pouted playfully.
“You’re right. Way more than a guest.” He smirked as he began to kiss you gently, letting the two of you fall back on the bed.
Now Jaehyun was sound asleep beside you, holding onto your waist tightly. When your phone rang, you couldn’t imagine who it could be.
Jasmine was someone you went to cosmetology school with. She was probably the only person that you talked to and got really close with, but your relationship had gotten distant over the years.
“Hello.” You answered, hoping she wasn’t in danger. As you stared at the phone, her face appeared, scaring the shit out of you.
“Girl! Why didn’t you tell me you were in South Korea?” Her yelling made you grab your headphones that rested on table beside the bed.
“Did something happen?” You said in a concerned tone.
“I live in South Korea now!”
You wanted to scream, but you didn’t want to wake your boyfriend. “Are you serious?” You aggressively whispered.
“Yes! I’ve been doing hair here for like a year. You have to come and see me! What are you even doing here?”
“I’m here with my boyfriend.” You smiled, looking at his peaceful form. “His cousin is getting married.”
“That is so adorable!”
“How far out are you? Maybe I can come see you tomorrow?”
“I’m currently stationed in Seoul. That’s where you are, right? I saw you were at the festival tonight.”
“Cool! So tomorrow you can come over for brunch?”
“Brunch? When did you get so boujee?”
“When I started living with my birth parents.” She laughed.
“So you found them! Oh my goodness why didn’t you tell me? Is that why you took a job all the way down there?”
“It still hasn’t hit me, honestly. I always thought it would never happen, or if it did, they wouldn’t want me. But it turns out my mom tried to get me back, but they wouldn’t let her. My adoptive parents never told me anything about it.”
“Woah. I...I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything. Just come and see me tomorrow. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too. I can’t wait for my boujee brunch with your family.” You laughed.
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i-growl-growl-growl · 8 years ago
Could you do an NCT reaction that expands on the twin one? Like the members mistaking their twin for them and pulling him up on stage? (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, and Mark)
I’m sorry mark reaction is so much shorter than the others but i think I got the point across of what would happen with each member and their twin after the performances so there probably wasn’t a need to specify anyway.
Thanks for being patient with your request. I hope you enjoy it :)
Johnny: Johnny’s twin had come to see one of their concerts to support his bro. Johnny had known he was going to visit so he told the guards to let him in and lead him backstage where the members were getting prepared and rehearsing their lines. “Hey guys this is my clone h/t/n, didn’t the scientists do such a great job on him? Now you’ve all been blessed with the presence of two gods instead of one.” His twin would be embarrassed by the introduction but greet each NCT member nonetheless once they simmered down from chuckling and cringing. 
As time passed Johnny and h/t/n coincidentally found themselves having the need to visit the restroom and luckily there was more than one backstage, however, Johnny found himself having to race for the last one since his twin had claimed the first one. As they were both doing their business the rest of NCT and the managers were roaming around in search for him since there were only moments until the show began. Low and behold, just in time, they found him, or so they thought. 
When h/t/n came out of the bathroom first NCT surrounded him and began walking to the stage. At first h/t/n thought that they were just going to go separate ways once they reached the stairs to the stage and he saw the exit that led to the stands but his brother’s band mates continued to surround him and pull on his arm every time he tried to leave as they got closer until he realized that they thought he was Johnny. He’d try to explain to them that they had the wrong twin but they kept on walking and before he knew it he was going up the steps onto the stage with NCT. 
Once Johnny was finished, he headed out to the waiting area to find the place empty. he thought he’d heard his band members calling for him earlier so maybe they had already headed to the stairs and were waiting for him there once he got there though he was shocked at what he found. It was too late to stop the music and he couldn’t just run on stage and drag h/t/n away so he braced himself for the inevitable downfall that was sure to happen when any of his parts came up. Luckily it was a comeback performance though so there’d only be one song for his twin to perform but still , he doubted the h/t/n knew any of the dance moves or his lines and, even if he did, he certainly wouldn’t know the exact vocals or steps he’d need to take in order to not run into anyone but oh how he’d been proven wrong.
As the song went on Johnny was shocked to find out that his twin was doing just fine with the dance. “Maybe this won’t be a complete disaster after all” he hoped, he still had to worry about what would happen when his rap lines came though so he wasn’t too hopeful. When his rap lines came up another shock struck him like a speeding train, his twin was doing it! and he was doing it well! Johnny would be so happy that he’d sing along from backstage as he watched his bro perform and when the performance finished and everyone headed back to the waiting room Johnny would give h/t/n the largest bear hug in human history and tell him how proud he was and how great he’d been! The members would now be shocked and continuously ask if this was some prank but once they had proof that it wasn’t after asking questions that only the true Johnny could answer, they’d congratulate h/t/n just like Johnny had. His mangers would then approach h/t/n and give them the recommendation to audition for SM which his twin would agree to and weeks later, SM would announce that Johnny had a twin brother who is currently in training but would debut very soon with their newest boy band.
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Taeyong: One of the makeup artists had called Taeyong away to fix up some eye shadow that became smudged when h/t/n had accidentally touched him when he pointed out some guck that Taeyong needed to get out of his eyelashes. Low and behold, the makeup artist had to wipe off all of the eye shadow from that eye and start over, thankful there wasn’t much to put on though otherwise he’d have to go on stage with only half his makeup “on fleek.” Unfortunately though, the makeup artist lost track of time and did not hurry with reapplying the makeup. By the time she was done and Taeyong went back to the waiting room, his band mates and twin brother were gone. 
Taeyong only felt slightly worried, thinking that maybe they had just began walking towards the stairs to the stage before waiting there for a few minutes like they usually do and that h/t/n had gone with them to see more “behind the scenes” of the concert stadium.  When Taeyong got to the stairs e worry escalated to complete dread as he saw NCT and h/t/n already standing in front of the crowds. When he tried to walk out there and send his twin back some guards blocked him and wouldn’t let him through. he did all he could to explain that he was the real Taeyong and that his twin brother was the one who was on stage but needed to be here but they wouldn’t listen so he had to step back and fearfully watch as the curtains opened and the music started. 
Taeyong became tense when he saw his twin look back and notice him backstage. They both gave each other worried looks and he could see his brother mouthing the words “They wouldn’t listen to me. What do I do?!” Taeyong tensed up, knowing that this wasn’t going to go down well so he mouthed “just do your best please!” Once the NCT members began dancing and singing he was tense down to the very core, his hands were balled into fists that he held up in front of his mouth, his entire body was so tensed he could feel the restriction of his own breath. “Please do good please do good please do good!”
H/T/N danced to the best of his abilities, it was better than Taeyong imagined but there were still plenty of mistakes and he could see that the members and staff were beginning to notice that something was up. The major blow happened when Taeyong’s part came up, poor h/t/n had no clue what to sing since this was their newest song that they were performing, there was only a few words that meekly escaped from h/t/n’s voice before he went completely mute on stage and he froze in place, causing Yuta to crash into him which caused a domino effect.
When the music was cut and the crowds had been told to go and wait in the hallway while the NCT members got up and would be checked for injuries, that’s when Taeyong was allowed to go onstage and help everyone get off of the floor. He first helped his brother, who was crying and kept mumbling about how ashamed he was of himself. “It’s ok” Taeyong assured him with a pat on the back, “I would’ve done the same thing if I had been you. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” He’d move on to helping Yuta up and then Mark while the rest seemed to have already gotten up to their feet, when each NCT member looked toward’s the crying “Taeyong” they noticed that he hadn’t been wearing the right outfit while “h/t/n” was and each of the staff and NCT members put one and one together, realizing they had grabbed the wrong twin and forced him to perform onstage. They would all apologize profusely on their major mistake and let h/t/n go and stand backstage while the NCT members got ready to re-perform their song, with the REAL Taeyong this time, to the crowd that was now refilling their rightful seats in the stadium. Before the music began though, Taeyong would look back at his twin and mouth “I’m sorry. Everything will be ok. You did your best.”
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Jaehyun: Jaehyun would go and stand somewhere in the crowd where he knows that his twin would spot him sooner rather than later, probably off to the farthest front row corner where no one likes to sit. Low and behold, h/t/n does notice him just as he had expected and h/t/n sends him a pleading look. Jaehyun would find a way to communicate without shouting over the crowd or drawing attention to himself and since he knew there’s nothing much he could do to save his twin he came up with the only thing he thought could possibly lessen the disaster, he’d start doing the dance moves in order to help his brother out hoping that his twin would take the hint and follow his lead. 
NCT, but especially the fans, would immediately notice that something’s off with “Jaehyun” when the music had started but he wasn’t dancing along but by that time it’d be too late to stop, at least for the duration of their first song performance. Sooner rather than later the band members would figure out what was going on when they’d find “Jaehyun’s twin” in the front row DANCING and MIME-ING “Jaehyun’s” lines. They’d all feel so guilty for not noticing before they had pulled h/t/n on stage with them rather than the real Jaehyun, even if they were twins surly they should’ve been more aware and cautious when it had been time to head onto the stage.  
When the first song ended NCT would halt the concert to tell them that they were going to send “Jaehyun” backstage for a few moments to be checked by staff to make sure he’s doing ok. This would be Jaehyun’s and h/t/n’s cue to go backstage and switch places as quickly as possible before the fans would go crazy thinking that he’s going to faint or be sick or something. ‘Are you ok?” he’d ask his twin when they met up backstage to switch places “yeah, I’m fine” he’d say non convincingly, sweat running down his face and his face flushed. “Don’t worry it’s over now, I’m sorry this happened to you but you did the best you could. Good job.”
Jaehyun would give his twin a proud shake of his shoulder before turning his attention back to switching places and ran up the stairs onto the stage to join NCT for the rest of the concert. H/T/N would go to his proper seat and stand there with a new appreciation for what his brother does and how hard he has to work and for what fears he has to mask, if he has any, especially when it comes to stage fright like he’d had. When the concert ends h/t/n would be called to go backstage where all of NCT would apologize for the mistake, including Jaehyun, then he’d be given a ride home by a staff person rather than waiting for a late night bus to arrive at the venue to pick him up. 
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Mark: Haechan was sick so he had been told to stay at the dorms but he came to support his band members anyway. When Mark walked into the waiting room after going to get a quick sip of water he asked where everyone else had gone. “Oh Mark and the others went to perform, you wanna go watch them from backstage with me?” Haechan would ask, “Go and watch?! I’m the one who needs to be performing with them! I’M MARK! Seriously how could none of you have noticed the difference?!” “Oh, is that why you didn’t seem to know what you were doing when you needed to round up Chenle and Jaemin? Oh, I mean is that why h/t/n….” “YES THAT’S WHY! Because he’s not ME!” 
Mark would run to the backstage hall that leads to the stage with a sick and struggling Haechan following him but just as he reached it the music for “We Young” began to play. Mark knew it was too late and he stood in place, praying that h/t/n wouldn’t have a heart attack on stage or something like that. “Well You’re going to get quite the earful from our managers when we get back to the dorms now aren’t you mr. REAL Mark?” “Shut up and just pray that we leave out of here without h/t/n completely destroying the place beforehand ok” “ Sure, whatever. H/T/N does seem to be doing pretty good so far though if you ask me.” Mark would consider what Haechan pointed out and agreed, “Yeah, yeah he actually is doing a good job isn’t he?” “yeah, even better than you most of the time” “Hey, now you really can shut up.” “Never!”
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