#this is a joke thing but you're free to use it anywhere if you want
Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else ~LA!Shanks x Reader x LA!Mihawk Imagine~
Summary: You keep waiting for Shanks. But someone new comes along and suddenly, you're not so lonely.
Author’s Note: You read the title correctly. I'm evilly laughing right now as you read this in pain. Also, this is technically a rewrite of the angst ending cause the one I wrote and in my drafts is more fluff than angst.
Angst Ending to I Was Enchanted to Meet You
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: angst, fluff, but angst to all you Shanks lovers
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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It had been years since you last saw Shanks. And it's been a year since you last saw Luffy. Ever since he was old enough to sail off in the world to find the One Piece to become King of the Pirates, you had been by yourself since. Of course you did a lot for your small village to keep you occupied but you still missed your boys.
You were tending to your garden as it was time for you to harvest before it became spoiled and over grown. That was until you heard someone say something behind you.
“You don’t seem like someone who can harm a fly."
You turned around to see the warlord Dracule Mihawk standing before you. You stood up straight to seemed less intimidated.
“I can hurt a fly. Don’t think I’m good at harming anyone else,” you tell him as you crossed your arms.
“I see.”
“I know who you are so what do you want?” You asked.
“I was sent to kill you but in all honesty, I don’t think I can kill you. You’re too beautiful to be killed,” he tells you.
“Who sent you to kill me?” You asked, now worried. You’ve stayed in the island since you were born. Not only that, you stayed even when Luffy left.
“Not to worry now. I don't have any intentions to kill you," he tells you.
"Then what are you still doing here?"
"I'm curious to see why someone would send me to go after you."
"Feel free to stay. Just to tell you, it's going to be quite boring," you tell him.
Mihawk stayed around the next day to watch over you. He didn't understand why Vice Admiral Garp would want a warlord like him to kill a sweet little thing like yourself. You did nothing of the sort that would be considered dangerous or even pirate bounty level dangerous.
"Ow!" You yelled as you accidently burnt yourself with the pan.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Mihawk asked you as he rushed inside your home.
"Just burned myself," you tell him.
Mihawk quickly grabbed your bucket of water before gently putting your finger in the cool liquid.
"Thanks," you tell him.
"Of course."
"I made extras if you'd like. I got used to cooking for two," you tell him.
"Was it for you and your past lover?" Mihawk asked you.
"Not really surprisingly. I used to take care of a little boy who used to live with me who had a bottomless stomach. He wanted to become a pirate so he set sail a year ago," you tell him.
"I see."
"So, dinner?"
"Why not."
Mihawk stayed for a couple more weeks before he needed to back out to sea. You stood on the deck as you watched Mihawk get ready to leave.
"So I guess this is farewell?" You asked him.
"For now. I will be back in a month at most," he tells you.
"To finish me off and claim your berry?" You asked.
"No. To come see you again," Mihawk said before sailing off. You shook your head at him before walking back to your home.
You assumed Mihawk was lying or joking when he said he was coming back to see you. But to your surprise, you opened your door to see him standing before you.
"Brought you some new seeds for you to grow in your garden," Mihawk tells you.
"I'm guessing you're staying for dinner?" You asked with a small smile.
"If you'd have me," Mihawk said. You nodded before letting him inside your house.
As much as you didn't want to admit, you fell for Mihawk. Even though part of you hoped for Shanks to come back, you appreciated the fact that no matter how long Mihawk was gone for or even if he was wounded badly, he came back to you. Even though Shanks would come back to you, he hasn't for years.
"Will you be mine?" Mihawk asked you one night. After a midnight stroll, you both headed back to your home. Mihawk stopped you from walking inside by holding your hand.
"What?" You asked in shock.
"Be mine. I've fallen for you Y/n. And I swear to you, I would never let anything happen to you," Mihawk tells you.
"Alright. I'll be yours," you tell him. Mihawk gave you a small smile before pulling you towards him.
"May I kiss you?" Mihawk asked you.
Mihawk cupped your cheek with his hand before leaning in to kiss you.
Shanks rushed over to your home after being away for so many years. He was excited to tell you his adventures and was looking forward to seeing you once again. He knocked on your door, his heart pounding in excitement.
Instead of seeing you, he saw someone else open the door. His smile faltered as he stared at the stranger in front of him.
"May I help you?" The stranger asked him.
"My apologies. I was hoping to find Y/n L/n? The woman who lived here?" Shanks asked.
"Oh. I'm sorry. She's been gone for quite sometime. She left the village I want to say two years ago? Her and her husband moved to another island."
"Her husband?"
"Yes. I'm surprised she married a warlord but he had been kind to the village whenever he was here," the stranger pointed out.
"Do you happened to know her husband's name?"
"I believe it was Dracule Mihawk."
Shanks made it to Mihawk's castle where he knew you would be at. After demanding to see you, Mihawk came out to talk to him.
"You should know my wife is resting," Mihawk tells him.
"You took her from me," Shanks angrily tell him.
"I didn't take her from anyone. When I met her, she was alone," Mihawk informs him.
"She never told you about me?" Shanks asked.
"No she has. I just never told her that I knew you."
"Please. Let me see her!" Shanks asked.
"Let me see if she's well enough to move," Mihawk said.
"Is she sick?" Shanks asked.
"Not entirely."
Shanks waited anxiously for you to come down. His eyes widen when he saw Mihawk helping you down. Your stomach was large but he knew that it was because you were pregnant. And what's worse was that it wasn't Shanks's child you were carrying. It was Mihawk's child.
"Shanks?" You asked in shock.
"Hi, Y/n."
You sat in the garden with Shanks alone so you two could talk. Shanks stared at you, admiring your beauty once more. While you thought you were alone, Shanks knew that Mihawk was watching nearby.
“Are you happy my love?” Shanks asked you as he held your hand.
“I am. Hawk Eye makes me happy,” you tell him with a small smile.
“I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“I did wait for you Shanks. I really did. But I feared that if I waited any longer, I’d be too old for you,” you tell him with a frown.
“You could never be too old for me. You could have white hair and many wrinkles and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” Shanks tells you. You smiled at him before tearing up.
“I loved you Shanks. And I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you longer."
“Don’t apologize my love. I’m sorry I didn’t come back to you sooner,” Shanks said. You nodded before taking off your makeshift necklace that held the ring Shanks gave to you. You handed it over to Shanks before kissing his cheek.
“I hope life treats you well and I hope you find a woman who will love you endlessly as much as I did,” you tell him.
“And if Hawk Eyes dares to lay a hand on you, come find me. I’ll protect you.”
“I know you will."
"So this is goodbye then huh?" Shanks asked you.
"If you find Luffy, tell him I miss him and love him dearly. And that, he's more than welcome to visit me or find me whenever he wants," you tell him. After all, Luffy was yours and Shanks's unofficial son and you two were his unofficial parents.
"Goodbye, Shanks,” you tell him before giving him a kiss on the cheek once more.
“Goodbye, my love.”
You sat on the couch in your lounge room waiting for your son to arrive with his new fiancée. Twenty five years had gone by and you had lived your life. Dracule sat next to you as you both waited for your son to come home. Now that your husband has retired from being a pirate, he had spent his time with you while your children explored the world.
“I wonder what she’ll be like,” you tell your husband.
“I trust his judgement. After all, I chose well didn’t I?” Dracule joked.
“You most certainly did,” you smiled.
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” You heard your son say.
“Over here!” You called from where you were.
You smiled at your son the moment he walked in but your eyes widen from the sight of the woman next to him. Not only did she have the exact same hair as Shanks, but she also had the same eyes as him. It was no doubt that she was Shanks's daughter.
“Mother. Father. This is my fiancée, May,” your son said proudly. You smiled at the woman before getting up from your chair to greet her.
“It’s nice to meet you, May,” you tell her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Mihawk.”
“Please call me Y/n,” you tell her as you shook her hand. You noticed her necklace with a ring on it. It looked exactly like the one Shanks gave to you from years before.
“I like your necklace,” you say.
“Oh thank you. My father gave it to me. Said it was his prize possession,” she tells you. You felt your heart break a little from what she said.
“Will we be able to meet your parents soon?” You asked.
“Unfortunately no. My mother passed away from childbirth and my father passed away not too long ago,” she tells you. You frown from hearing that.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. I’m really glad to have met your son,” May tells you. You smiled at her before giving her a hug.
“Well, I know my son will treat you well. And if he doesn’t, you tell me,” you tell her. May smiled at you before looking at your son.
At the end of the night, you stood outside on your balcony as you stared up at the stars.
Maybe this was the universe telling you that in another life, you and Shanks end up together. But you did wish he didn’t have to be gone so soon. You wished that he would’ve came back to you sooner and maybe you two could've had the future you two wanted together.
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mxtantrights · 5 months
I heard your pleas, and am therefore requesting your take on boxer jason ( i swear he lives in my mind rent free, such a gentle giant with the ability to pummel anyone who wrongs you into the ground? Amazing). Maybe he uses scary dog privileges to get someone to back off while they are giving you trouble?
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Boxer!Jason x reader
gravitates towards you even though the two of you look like opposites. he's tall and big and sometimes his face doesn't look like it can hold a smile
you're the one person in the world that can prove that he can smile. the first time you met, you threw him a joke and made him smile a tiny bit. Just the tiniest bit but it was enough.
when you find out what he does for a living, you figure it makes sense. All that muscle and size has got to go towards something. him telling you he's a boxer also helps you understand why you'll see him with a black eye or a busted lip.
doesn't invite you to watch him fight at first. even before you start dating because he's scared that you'll see him in action and get nervous. Which you aren't, you actually quite like seeing him in his element.
sometimes he'd go a few days between a fight and seeing you just to not freak you out. seeing Jason with a bruised rib or moving tensely is not something you wish for.
you have to be the one to make the first move. Jason isn't going to do it. He's going to leave it up to you for the first few months of the relationship. He figures you have to get to know him and he has to get to know you.
he flushes when you the two of you first kiss. Yeah. It knocks him off his feet. No one is able to actually get a knockout against him except you!
maybe six months into dating he lets you come over after a fight. You offer to salve and stick anything but he tells you he's got it covered. He just wants you with him.
It's fun going out with Jason because he gets you in anywhere. Clubs, concerts, etc. He's got a lot of pull and if that doesn't work he just stands behind you menacingly as you talk your way in. Works like a charm every time.
Jason doesn't like putting his hands on people outside of a fight or training. He vows against it unless the situation calls for it. And even if it does it's really the last resort.
So when some random sleazily walks up to you and initiates contact with you, he waits. He waits for you to handle it. Which you do, because Jason teaches you a few tricks to get yourself out of a tough spot.
But when things take a turn and Jason knows you need help, he's right there. Like out of no where that rando is down on the floor or high tailing it out of your vicinity.
maybe about eight or nine months into the relationship, Jason asks if you wanna come see his upcoming match. Of course he's pretty nonchalant about it, so you agree. Thinking it's some underground type of stuff.
Yeah, and then the following weekend you're on a plan to Vegas because he's fighting in some big arena and it's being televised.
Jason thinks the only thing in his life worth making a big deal out of is you, so no he doesn't find the cameras and the hype around the fight more important than you.
he wins the fight -of course! and spends the rest of the weekend treating you around Vegas, amongst other things...
a/n: I absolutely love this request! and if you want more you can ask for it in my inbox <333 this was so fun to write and think out!! thank you again for sending this!!
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ginevrapng · 8 months
pairing: fwb!james x reader
word count: 1.5k words
warnings and contents: for my friends with benefits james there is no smut asdfghjkl, hurt, jealousy, FLUFF
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you're sitting in the great hall eating breakfast and you spot james across the hall with all the other gryffindors. you're unable to stop your lip quirk upwards as you hear his boisterous laugh, which you guess is due to some joke or prank he's retelling.
your small smile drops as you see lily evans walk up the marauders. you've never had a problem with her, she is a popular gryffindor that is friendly and works well to get top marks but the way she's walking up to the marauders, looking at james determined and with a mission, fills you with slight dread. if you were completely honest you felt she spent more time with james then necessary, especially considering how they've got their own friends and how many times she turned him down in the past.
the hall is already pretty quiet due to everyone already have eaten and a lot of people stop their conversations or lower their voices as they see lily go up to james. everyone in every house knows that's irregular. for the previous years of hogwarts james followed lily everywhere like a lost puppy always asking her out and coming up to her but he had stopped. no one knew why. it was because of you.
because the hall became so silent you heard what evans asked james and you wished the hall was louder, you wished you didn't hear, you wish you were somewhere else, anywhere else, you started to become sick as she asked james if he's free this weekend to go to hogsmeade. "i don't know, i think remus has to study but i know sirius and peter are free too. are all the other girls going?" at that moment it's hard to tell if he's actually oblivious or if he knows exactly what she's asking him but he's choosing not to answer. he has a smile on his face but even from a distance it looks a bit forced to you.
if you were anyone else you would lean to the fact he's being oblivious but you're not anyone, people always underestimate james and you have a feeling james knows exactly what she's actually asking but for some reason he's pretending that he has no clue what she means but you don't know why he'd do that. james is kind and wouldn't want to embarrass someone so publicly but at the same time you're unsure of why he'd be so sure of turning her down but the fact that he is does makes you incredibly happy, you won't tell him that though.
"oh, i don't actually know what the girls are doing. i meant just us two. like on a date?" lily asks him, not wavering at all even with what james has previously said.
james sighs under his breath. "i've got things to do, you should go with someone else."
"what about another weekend?" lily asks, hopeful and you don't blame her for that, anyone would be hopeful asking out someone who in the past asked them out every other day.
"lily, i'm sorry if i'm hurting your feelings but i don't want to go on a date with you," he tells her and you can see that he's trying to be as nice as he can be in a situation like this. no one caught on to the fact that james said that he's only sorry that he's hurt her feelings, he's not sorry for not wanting to date her though, like it's not even an option on my mind, he's not entertaining the thought about going on a date with her, you don't catch on, lily doesn't, the marauders don't, no one does.
everyone is stunned, they thought for sure he'd say yes, he has been pining after her for so long and most people just thought he started playing hard to get, giving her some distance until she recognises how much she misses him but that wasn't true at all. lily never crosses his mind anymore, why would she? he has you. you're all he thinks about. yeah at one point he fancied lily but he loves you.
after a couple beats lily replies with an, "oh, alright then. i guess i'll see you in the common room." this time it's lily that forces a smile. james doesn't respond. she has just been rejected and it's making her feel dejected, not only does james not want to go on a date with her but he doesn't want to hang out with her either. the whole time she thought this was some ploy from james to get her attention but she realised she was wrong. he has no interest in her at all.
as soon as lily's out of earshot and going out of the great hall you hear the loud voices of james' friends. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PRONGS? DON'T YOU WANT LILY ANYMORE?"
"that was mean james, you didn't have to reject her in front of everyone."
"i've got to say i'm surprised to prongs, i never thought you'd shut lily down like that. she really does like you and if this is some trick to get her to like you more, don't do it. she talks about you a lot."
james interrupts his friends knowing this could go on all morning and knowing that you're definitely hearing all this, worried you might be getting the wrong idea. "you can go for her pads, it's none of my business." they all look even more shocked as they hear this but he carries on, "i have no interest in lily whatsoever, yes i used to but i moved on from that. i didn't try to be mean peter but she wasn't taking a hint, i kept trying to tell her no and to let her down gently and moony honestly you shouldn't be surprised if anything it's more surprising that this hasn't happened sooner, me and lily have absolutely nothing in common and we can barely hold a conversation together that last more than ten minutes."
they're all rendered speechless at james as they realise he is 100 percent serious about this. no matter if lily chases james just like he chased her his answer will always be the same, no.
in james' eyes lily doesn't hold a candle to you.
he flicks his eye to where you're sitting and you briefly make eye contact. james was feeling in a bit of a negative mood after what happened but that immediately changed when he glances at you to see that you're already looking at him. you see a stupid grin appear on his face, uncontrolled and automatic, you quickly look down knowing that you've been caught watching him. as you're looking down you smile at the whole situation. james told lily no, and he said it so certain like nothing could change his mind. that absolutely stopped the sicky feeling you had. no one would notice you smiling as you're looking away from everyone but james knew that's what you'd be doing.
james wants to grab your face and lift it up so you're looking at each other again, he already misses your face and the colours of your eyes and it's only been a second since you've looked away from him. he wants to see your bashful smile as you try to look away from him again but he'll just place hundreds of kisses all over your face instead. he wants to desperately tell you that lily doesn't mean anything to him, you have gotten jealous on occasion due to lily even if you deny it, hopefully this might help. he wants to tell you that there's nothing to be jealous about. although you both know that he'll likely tease you about how you was "staring" at him the whole time when he turned down lily.
"what the fuck are you grinning about james?" remus asks, he seems the most annoyed with james about how he handled the situation, remus and lily are study buddies so they are actually good friends and he's known for awhile how lily has felt about james he's just always thought james still feels the same way, he thought it was mutual.
james snaps out off his thoughts of you, not wanting the marauders to question him about you. "nothing important," james replies, not looking back at you.
he hopes that he'll have the chance to talk to you today, even if it's for five minutes. maybe you'll talk about your plans for the weekend and you can try and find time to get together, maybe you'll tease him and say lily invited you to hogsmeade while you were at dinner.
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latin5mamii · 16 days
Angel - Jude Bellingham
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warnings: long chapter (1829 words)
genre: childhood best friends to lovers
summary:How could you know that a stupid nickname could change everything?
author's note: I know you've been waiting for this, and I'm so excited to finally share the latest chapter with you! I truly hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And yes, I might have left you hanging a bit, but trust me it’ll be worth it😌. I’m already planning to write the next chapter tonight. Plus I’d love to hear your thoughts—if you have any ideas or twists you think could make the story even more exciting, feel free to share them! last chapter
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
There he was, leaning against the door frame, looking effortlessly handsome as always. His presence seemed even more magnetic after the words he’d left you with the night before, words that had kept you awake, replaying over and over in your mind.
"We’ll have plenty of nights together, don’t worry."
You hadn’t slept much, but who could blame you? Thoughts of Madrid, of Jude, and of how drastically everything was about to change had swirled in your head all night. But now, with him standing there, his familiar grin melting away your worries, it all seemed to make sense.
“Good morning,” you mumbled back, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips as you sat up. Jude crossed the room in a few quick strides and wrapped you in a hug, his embrace warm and reassuring, as if promising that everything would be okay.
“This feels weird,” you admitted, your voice barely a whisper against his chest.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to meet your eyes. “Weird? Why’s that?”
You shrugged, still struggling to put your feelings into words. “I don’t know… it’s just… surreal. Like this is all a dream or something.”
He smiled, that boyish, disarming smile you’d known since forever—the one that always made you feel safe, like nothing could ever go wrong as long as he was around. “I get it. But hey, you’ve got me. And I’m not going anywhere.”
You chuckled, the tension that had been knotted in your shoulders slowly melting away. You held onto him a moment longer, savoring the comfort of being close to him, before finally letting go.
Jude, always the playful one, grabbed your suitcase with a grin and started heading towards the door. “Come on, let’s get moving before you change your mind,” he teased.
As you watched him, it hit you just how surreal this all was. You’d never imagined that you’d be moving to Madrid with your childhood best friend, the same boy you used to chase around the playground, the same boy whose grandma used to joke you’d end up marrying one day. You’d laughed it off back then, never believing it could really happen.
But now, here you were. You thought back to when he first started getting famous, when he left for Dortmund, then Real Madrid, and how much you’d missed him. The messages, the late-night FaceTime calls, the way you both tried so hard to stay in touch despite the distance.
But now, one question lingers in your mind.
You're literally going to Madrid with your childhood best friend for who knows how long, the same one you made out with once after sharing a bed, and who constantly flirts with you.
You didn’t want to ask him that question because, well, he’s famous and has other things to think about. But the thought wouldn’t leave your mind.
“I’ve got a surprise for you, by the way,” his voice pulls you out of your thoughts. He knew how much you loved surprises.
“What is it?” you ask, a playful smile on your face.
“Wait and see.”
As soon as you arrive at the airport, the car takes a different turn from the usual route, stopping in front of a smaller yet equally impressive plane. Now you understand what the surprise was. And you felt a little silly for not realizing it sooner: Why would someone so famous take a commercial flight when they could afford a private jet?
As you stepped out of the car, your eyes still wide with surprise at the sight of the private jet in front of you, Jude chuckled and took your hand in his, leading you toward the sleek aircraft. His touch was warm and familiar, like it had always been since you were kids. But now, with everything that had changed, the fame, the move to Madrid, the endless possibilities ahead,his hand in yours felt different..
“Don’t tell me you’re surprised by this,” he teased, his grin contagious as you reached the steps of the plane.
“I mean, I should’ve seen it coming, but come on, Jude,” you said, giving him a playful shove. “A private jet? Really?”
He shrugged, still holding your hand as you both boarded. “Gotta travel in style now, don’t I?”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. 
The interior of the jet was even more luxurious than you’d imagined. Soft leather seats, a spacious layout, and every inch of it screaming luxury. Jude plopped down onto one of the oversized seats, pulling you down beside him before you could even take it all in.
“Get comfy, we’ve got a few hours ahead of us,” he said, stretching out as if the whole plane was just his personal living room.
You never thought you'd experience this. You remember when in the past Jude and Jobe used to fight a lot, and you just brought peace to them, that’s one of the main reasons their mom loved you.And that feels like yesterday and now everything changed.
As you sank into the soft leather seat beside Jude, you couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh, the weight of it all finally starting to sink in. Jude turned to look at you, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“What’s funny?” he asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips.
You shook your head, still caught up in the whirlwind of memories. “Just thinking about how different everything is now. I mean, you used to fight with Jobe all the time, and I’d always have to step in and keep the peace. Now you're taking me to Madrid on a private jet.”
Jude chuckled, leaning back in his seat with a lazy grin. “Yeah, well, you were good at keeping us in line. Still are, actually.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Come on, Jude, don’t start.”
“Still,” he said, nudging you playfully, “you’re younger, and I’m always going to be the one looking out for you. That’s just how it is.”
You huffed, pretending to be exasperated. “Four months, Jude. Four.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he replied with a smirk. “Still the older one, and I’m still going to protect you.”Jude gave you a smug smile, leaning back in his seat.
You rolled your eyes, smirking as you fired back, “From who? Jobe?”
Jude chuckled, nodding as if he were genuinely considering it. “Yeah, he can be pretty evil sometimes.”
You shook your head, laughing at the thought. “You’re ridiculous,” you muttered, shaking your head with a smile. His playful banter, the way he could always make you feel at ease, was exactly what you needed.
But there was something else you’d been thinking about—something you weren’t sure you should say. The words slipped out before you could stop them.
“When you were in Madrid,” you started, your voice a bit more hesitant than you intended, “I used to check the news about you. You know, just to see what was going on.”
Jude turned his head toward you, intrigued. “Oh, yeah? Keeping tabs on me?”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile faded as you continued. “Well, yeah… but not just for fun. There were times when I’d come across people calling you arrogant, or childish, and it kind of freaked me out.”
Jude blinked in surprise, his playful expression faltering for a second. “Freaked you out? Why?”
You hesitated again, not wanting to sound dramatic. “Because… I didn’t know if you’d changed. I mean, all those articles and posts made you sound like someone I didn’t recognize. And I guess I was scared to see you again, scared you wouldn’t be… you.”
There was a pause as Jude processed what you said, and you felt your heart thudding in your chest, waiting for his response. But instead of going serious, like you expected, he grinned—full-on, mischievous Jude.
“Oh, so you thought I’d turn into some big-headed superstar, huh?” he teased, raising an eyebrow. “What, did you think I was going to show up wearing sunglasses indoors and demand people call me ‘Mr. Bellingham’?”
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing, your worries easing as his joke broke the tension. “No! But—”
Jude leaned in, his grin widening. “Or maybe you were scared I’d start talking about myself in the third person. ‘Jude Bellingham doesn’t wait in line.’ ‘Jude Bellingham only flies private.’”
You shook your head, laughing even harder now. “Stop! That’s not what I meant!”
He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms with mock arrogance. “You know what? Maybe I should start doing that. Sounds kind of fun.”
“Oh, please,” you said, playfully swatting his arm. “You’d be unbearable.”
Jude laughed, the warmth in his voice settling your nerves. “Nah, I get it. People love to talk. But you should’ve known better.I’m still me. Just with a bit more style and better hair.”
“Better hair, huh?” you teased, raising an eyebrow. “That’s debatable.”
He reached up, running a hand through his hair with exaggerated pride. “Debatable? This is prime hair right here. You’re just jealous.”
You rolled your eyes again, but the lightness in your chest was undeniable now. The Jude sitting next to you wasn’t the arrogant football star the tabloids sometimes made him out to be. He was still the same guy who used to annoy you with dumb jokes and competitive childish games, and still, the same guy who made you feel safe and at home.
Jude's house was incredible, a dream come true. He had told you about it before, but you never imagined it would be like this. You felt an overwhelming excitement, knowing you were experiencing something that millions of people could only dream of.
"Like it?" he asked, as he unloaded the suitcases from the car.
 You were surprised because you thought someone else would do it for him, but it seemed he was doing it himself just to spend as much time with you as possible. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered, just as they always did whenever he was near.
You nodded, a little breathless. “Yeah, I mean… it’s unreal, Jude.”
He flashed that familiar boyish smile, the one that made your stomach do flips. “Wait ‘til you see inside.”
And he was right. The inside was even more stunning than you imagined—high ceilings, sleek furniture, and floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased a breathtaking view of the city below. You followed Jude through the living room, your eyes wide as you took it all in.
“I feel like I’m in a magazine or something,” you said, spinning in a slow circle to take everything in.
Jude chuckled as he dropped your bags at the base of the stairs. “Well, I did say I had more style now, didn’t I?”
You rolled your eyes, smirking. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll give you that one.”
He came up behind you, resting a hand lightly on your shoulder, and you could feel the warmth of his touch. “Hey,” he said softly, his tone a bit more serious now. “Do you want to go grab dinner? I know it’s been a long day, and there’s a place nearby I think you’d love.”
You glanced up at him, surprised but touched by the gesture. “Dinner? Right now?”
He nodded, his eyes soft and inviting. “Yeah. Just you and me. What do you say?”
You didn’t have to think twice. “Sure, sounds perfect.”
A smile broke across his face. “Great. Give me ten minutes, and we’ll head out.”
True to his word, Jude was ready quickly, and soon, you were heading out together.. The restaurant he’d chosen was chic but not overly formal, nestled in a quiet part of the city.
 As you both sat down at a cozy table near the window, the ambiance was perfect: low lighting, soft music, and just enough privacy for you to feel like it was your own little world.
Jude ordered a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for each of you.
“So,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a teasing smile, “on a scale of one to ten, how jealous do you think Jobe is knowing that you’re with me now?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Oh, he’ll surely give it back to me in a while”
Jude’s grin widened. “Yeah, well, too bad for him. You’re all mine now.”
The way he said it sent a flutter through your chest, and you couldn’t help but blush. He noticed, of course, and leaned in a little closer, his voice lowering just enough to make your heart race.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting shy on me now,” he teased, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
“I’m not shy” you protested, trying to hide your smile as you took a sip of your wine.
“Right,” Jude said, leaning even closer across the table. “You’ve never been shy a day in your life.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up. “You’re annoying”
You weren’t sure who made the first move. Maybe it was him, maybe it was you, or maybe it was both of you leaning into the inevitable. But suddenly, his hand was brushing lightly against your arm, his fingers tracing a slow, deliberate path down to your wrist. It wasn’t much, just a simple touch, but it felt like everything.
His gaze dipped to your lips, and your heart raced in your chest as he took another sip from that glass. His voice, when he finally spoke, was low and rough, barely above a whisper.
“Do you ever think about it?” he asked, his breath ghosting over your skin.
You blinked, your heart pounding as you met his gaze. “Think about what?”
He swallowed, as if debating whether to say it out loud, and then, in a voice barely audible, he said, “When we kissed.”
Your breath caught in your throat, memories of that kiss rushing back to you—the way it had felt so easy and so right, yet so confusing at the same time. You haven’t talked about that since it happened, maybe it was time
“Jude…” you started, but your voice faltered.
He didn’t let you finish. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
You shyly smiled, breaking eye contact and looking down, feeling the warmth of his words flush through you. Without knowing how to respond, you took another sip of your wine.
Jude noticed your reaction, letting out a soft chuckle. Leaning in close, his breath tickling your ear as he had to reveal a secret, he murmured,
“We should talk about this at home, shouldn’t we, Angel?”
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circeyoru · 7 months
Now I need this... Pleaseeeeee... What would happen if the reader died at the hands of Adam saving Alastor...
And because of that the reader went to heaven and Alastor's soul was free... I need to know What would happen if our yandere would do in this situation, since he saw the reader die ( but doesn't know that she is in heaven and became an angel, because of her good deed )...
And what do you think the reader would do now if he were an angel? Would she try to contact Alastor? Because she is worried that something happened to him after she died ( Maybe deep down the reader knows that Alastor can be dramatic and psychotic and crazy )...
To those that have no idea what this is talking about, check out {Unwanted Soul}
Huh, so the Sir Pentious route now.
If you haven't read the ask about Reader's afterlife death, make sense why you'd ask for Alastor's reaction. But long story short, Alastor abandons the hotel, including Charlie and the others, to return to your home to guard it. He hallucinates that you are still alive and justifies things that he did to thin air.
Now because this is before you mutually returned Alastor's feelings, so Alastor's state was even worse because he had nothing to hold onto. No one to console him because the hotel members don't even know of your existence and that you were kind enough to send Alastor to the hotel to help. Alastor would have overturned the hotel if it wasn't Charlie's connection with Lucifer, he blames the hotel for taking you away. If Charlie never had that dream, she wouldn't advertise, you wouldn't see it, you wouldn't send him there, he wouldn't have to battle Adam, you wouldn't jump in, and you wouldn't d̷̘͍͈̼̚ị̶̼̄e̸̖̍͂. He sabotages the hotel too, removing Husk and Niffty from their roles in the hotel. Too bad both already took a liking to the members there and stayed. Alastor didn't use the contract thing, because it reminded him of you.
Unknown to Alastor, Lucifer once dropped in on your home, expecting you to welcome him. But he didn't expect Alastor to be there. He didn't make a fuss and watched. He's shocked to learn that Alastor was delusional and you were nowhere in sight, he reached for you in Hell. But you weren't anywhere. Gone. You realized you died and your connection with Alastor, hence solving why Alastor left the hotel too. He left Alastor alone in his sorrows.
On your side. You were turned into an angel. The wings were new and weird for you. When you heard there was another redeemed like you, you looked and saw Sir Pentious, like you, in a white and gold theme. You didn't like it. You didn't like the change. You didn't like Heaven. You didn't care you got redeem. When you don't like it, you don't. You looked for a way back down to Hell. You came to terms that you care for Alastor and now you two were separated? What kind of joke was that?
You forced your way to Hell. You being the first to be redeemed was the talk of all of Heaven. You saw the look on Sera's face, don't worry, you were leaving. Emily was congratulating you and welcoming you to a new home. You didn't want that. You did your worst. Replicating what Alastor would to a T. As easy as pie, you reverted to your demonic self, appearance and all, yet the wings and halo were still hovering over your head. You learned to keep them away, 3 forms, angel, demon, and mixed.
It didn't matter to you, you were heading back home.
During when you were looking for a way to leave, you wondered about Alastor. He's free now that you're in Heaven, no one to hold his soul. Will he be the chaotic and destructive demon he was before your time together? Did he miss you? You shook your head, thinking that Alastor would be happy that you were gone. You never got to say you liked his company.
When you arrive back in Hell, you were pleasantly pleased that there was no holy light or explosion to announce your arrival. So you went back to your home district. You saw the new hotel building and smiled, thinking Alastor's having fun since you spotted the radio tower that's definitely for him. You were, however, confused by the shield around your home's domain. You recognize it as Alastor's, it was the same one as the one used in the battle.
Reappearing in your bedroom, you found the place spotless and everything in its place like no time has passed. At the sound of a plate breaking, you turned around and saw Alastor standing in the doorway. You raised a brow and questioned what he's doing here.
"Darling." Alastor appeared in front of you in the blink of an eye, "You're... You can't..." Your eyes narrowed, you figured what happened with his reaction to you. He was in denial of your death and treated like you were alive. Now that the real deal was back, he's in disbelief. You raised your hands and cupped his face, your wings appearing to hover yourself over the floor as did your halo though it was dulled. Alastor cupped your hands, closing his eyes momentarily. The both of you enjoyed the silence. But Alastor suddenly pushed you onto the bed, your wings ruffling from the sudden action. You shouted at him, trying to get him off of you. He turned you around, having full view of your wings. "You have angel wings... You were redeemed?" "What else? Adam killed me but I went to Heaven instead of poof." You tried to get up but Alastor was still pushing you down. You told him to get off of you, only to cut off when you felt your wings being pulled harshly. "Alastor!" "You're staying. You're not leaving. I won't let you leave me again." Alastor muttered, ignoring your cries. "Never."
Yeah, your death and disappearance pushed Alastor off the edge. And because the soul contract was broken, you couldn't fight off Alastor while he's in that state. Normally, he wouldn't dare cause you pain or harm you in any way. But he's going to do anything to keep you close to him. Even when it's forceful. He doesn't need your affection, he just needs you. And he knows all that you like, so you would be fine with it later on. Give it some time.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
about the blurbs, how about jjk guys knowing you have a crush on them? would they confess first or would they try to get you to admit it? (:
i love this sm bc yes they would know right away that i'm in love with them hehe
ofc this mf knows you're into him. and of course he's going to try to get you to admit to it.
but that's a little easier said than done, because he's been flirting with you relentlessly for months, and it hasn't actually gotten him anywhere. sure, you always quip something flirty or sassy back at him, you're quick on your feet and effortlessly charming, but it always seems to end there, at the banter.
so he'd try asking you out, asking if you were free, for dinner, or a movie, or anything he could think of. but you always seemed to laugh him off, already have plans, or give him a flirty non-answer. he was starting to think you were blowing him off, and maybe he'd had you all wrong.
but nope! you're just clueless!
he realizes this one day when you call him out on yet another offer to take you to dinner.
"when have you lost all your creativity? did you finally run out of pickup lines?"
he furrows his brow at you, laughing a little out of confusion, before he realizes you're just as confused.
"(y/n), i'm asking you out,"
you blink.
"on a date"
you tilt your head at him.
"i want to go out with you, just the two of us"
"for real?" you ask, your eyes blowing wide with surprise.
"yeah for real!" satoru laughs. "i've been trying to for a while, don't tell me you haven't noticed?"
you shrug your shoulders. "i thought you were just joking around," you admit. "i'd love to go out with you"
after that it's smooth sailing for you two, but satoru will always tell other people that you rejected him repeatedly until finally giving into his charm. ___
to be honest... he does not know you have a crush on him, and will not figure it out unless you flat out tell him.
you learn this the hard way, after spending way too much time dropping hints- hints which you believed to be pretty strong signals of romantic interest, that megumi seemed to believe was just your personality.
you don't know how many eyelashes you plucked off his cheeks, or how many times your hand grabbed his, or rested on his arm or shoulders for just a few beats too long to be a casual touch. it was getting ridiculous. and if you didn't know better, you'd think he was just so uninterested in you that he juts ignored it all.
fortunately for him, you knew better.
and one day you couldn't keep up with all the flirting you were doing, because it wa only driving you mad!
so when the two of you are alone, you decide to just make a bigger goddamn move.
you're training together, and when you find yourself pinning megumi to the ground with a triumphant smile, you decide here goes nothing, and you lean down and kiss him. (he just looked so pretty underneath you!)
when you lean back, staring at him with wide eye to gauge his reaction, you find yourself holding your breath.
he looks surprised at first, but then he furrows his brows.
"was that supposed to throw me off?" he asks. "because that's good, I definitely wasn't expecting that. but I don't think you should be kissing curses, (y/n), that's kinda weird"
it's so cute how confused he is, but you can't help but sigh, and hang your head. how did he still not get it?
"no, dummy, i just wanted to kiss you"
there's a flicker of realization in his eyes, and a quick blush blooming across his face. he definitely realizes then all the little things he'd found cute about you, were just you trying to tell him you liked him. like-liked him.
later when he relays this story to yuuji and nobara, they laugh at him, because they'd thought you two had been together all this time. ___
when yuuta starts to notice a change in your behavior, he picks up on your crush instantly.
your small chats during study sessions turned into lengthy conversations while wandering around campus late at night. eye contact was more often fleeting, and now accompanied with a blush. it also helped that maki and panda had eagerly told him how you always found a way to bring him up in conversation.
that was the icing on the cake, and yuuta was just over the moon at the thought of you crushing on him, because of course he shared your feelings! how could he not? you'd quickly become his favorite person to talk to, and your smile never failed to brighten his day.
so after his friends had given him a little slice of certainty that you had more than platonic feelings for him, yuuta decided to do something about it.
you're walking around campus as usual one night, enjoying the sunset and each other's company, when you notice a piece of dandelion fluff that had gotten stuck in his hair. you're quick to stop him and carefully retrieve the tuft of white, before presenting it before him on your fingertips, insisting he had to make a wish.
"i think that only counts when they're still on the stem" he chuckles at your antics.
"i won't tell," you whisper like it's a secret worthy of you taking to the grave. "just do it before i steal it"
you're smiling and blushing because you're standing so close to him and he hasn't stopped staring at you and it's starting to turn your brain and heart to mush. so yuuta tips his head and blows on the fluff, sending it off with the breeze once more.
you grin, more joyous than he was about a childish superstition, but he had to admit seeing you so happy made him want to go find a hundred more dandelions with you.
"i like you so much," he says, and your whole body is filled with a comforting warmth. "i wished you'd just ask me out already"
with wide eyes and parted lips, a small gasp of nervous laughter bubbled out of you.
"you wished that i asked you out?" you repeat.
"sure did," yuuta says with a proud smile, knowing his wish went to good use. "been waitin', you know"
your brows draw together, but you're smiling, no, beaming. you're absolutely glowing before him.
"i've been waiting for you to ask me out" you admit softly, your nose and cheeks dusting with color.
with only a little shyness, yuuta reaches out to take your hand in his, your fingers carefully slotting together in a rehearsed dance you'd never taken part of before.
"well now we'll have to find another dandelion" he hums, making you giggle.
he's only joking of course, but when he does find one later in your walk, he insists it's your turn to make your wish. once the fluffy seeds are blown into the air, he leans in to steal your lips in a kiss. ___
toge has known about your feelings for him for months now, and he's certain he's done everything he can to just get you to confess already. he's texting you through all hours of the day, complete with good morning and goodnight texts. he's written you flirty little notes (which he's seen you keep in the inside cover of your notebook to keep it protected!) and he's given you a few fleeting cheek kisses here and there!
the guy could only speak in onigiri ingredients, couldn't you throw him a bone and confess your undying love for him already? it was starting to make him grumpy.
you're oblivious to his own flirtations and attempts to get your confession, and he knows this. so he knew he had to take a dramatic leap of faith to get you to admit your feelings, once and for all.
he kidnaps you.
not really... but he does hide out in a utility closet until he hears you passing and yanks you in there with him. your yelp of surprise is quickly silenced by a hand to your mouth, and as soon as you see it's toge, you relax.
"fuck you scared me," you sigh when he pulls his hand away. "don't do that! if you wanted to talk to me, you could've just texted me" you scold.
he shrugs and gives you a sheepish grin, which makes you realize he's unzipped his collar and seeing his whole face is enough to make your knees weak.
he gestures to you, before waving his hands around the small space. you glance around the closet, wincing, not understanding why you had to meet in here.
"my room would have been just as private..." you say, your eyes landing on an open gallon of bleach on a shelf.
you supposed there weren't regular health inspections at a place like this.
"what did you need to talk about in private anyways?" you ask, choosing to ignore that you were probably inhaling a lot of chemicals right now.
or were you just feeling dizzy because you were so close to him and his face was just so pretty and he's staring at you with those pretty purple eyes-?
toge points to you, and then to himself. "salmon"
you giggle, not quite grasping the specifics of what he wanted to say, but feeling flattered nonetheless. toge frowns.
"what?" you poke at his chin to question him on the long face.
toge points his finger at you again, this time for longer, as if that was the part you weren't understanding. then he brings both hands together to draw the shape of a heart in front of you. you giggle at this again, but don't cut him off. he ends his silent statement by shoving his finger into his chest.
"i love you?" you say, too focused on the guessing game to realize what you were actually saying, but as soon as the words leave your mouth, your eyes are widening and your cheeks are darkening.
toge seems victorious, grinning widely now and nodding his head. you're still stunned frozen as he repeats his gesture again, this time pointing to himself before pointing to you, and then holding up two fingers.
it was his crude way of saying I love you too.
your shock relaxes into ease when you realize he'd wanted your confession so that he could make his own, and he wasn't about to tease you relentlessly for your feelings.
his hands grab your own, pulling you towards him, but just before he can slant his lips on yours, you shake your head.
"there's way too many open chemicals to hang out in here any longer," you say, reaching for the door behind him and shoving him out of the closet. "let's go somewhere else"
you didn't have to tell him twice, he's happy to drag you throughout the halls towards his room. ___
a/n: wanna make the yuuta one a full fic now :(
xoxo ~ jordie
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Hobie Brown & Non-Conventional Relationships
How to Write Hobie in Non-Conventional Relationships - & How I incorporate it into my own writing
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{Non-Conventional Relationship Abbreviated as NCR}
This is Part 2 - Check out Part 1 here if you want! Hobie Brown is unconventional is every way - and he likes it that way. From his music to his views, Hobie is always ready to challenge the norm - choosing to look for healthier, kinder, and freer alternatives.
And that extends to his romantic relationships too.
I talked HERE about Non-Conventional Relationships, the lack of them in fics, what they could look like for Hobie, and how they're a reflection of his values - including his feminism.
In that one, I wanted to talk about why Hobie needs Non-Conventional Relationships, and I analyzed why NCRs are so scarce within the Hobie fandom (hint: it's sexism). I also spoke about how I purposely designed my Spidersona - DiscoSpider Diane - with subversion of a sexist trope in mind, and how we as a fandom can write healthier 'Y/N's.
But I also wanted to talk about - and give clear examples of how a NCR might work for Hobie, and how to write it in fanfiction.
This is a Writer's Guide to writing Hobie Brown in NCRs, and writing 'Y/N's that challenge the norm. As well as how I apply these tips directly in my own writing with Hobie.
[I offer tips and writing advice as well as the ways I use these tips in my writing. I touch on alternative forms of affection, intimacy, polyamory, independence, and labels] Heads Up!! This post is LONG and Detailed. At the end, I have a full deep dive and analysis of my Spidersona DiscoSpider Diane, Hobie, and their NCR - feel free to pass on that if you want or check it out if you're curious or want an example :)
I hope someone out there finds this helpful or at the very least, entertaining! With that said,
Let's Begin~~~~~~~~
Hobie Brown & Affection:
Showing and valuing alternative forms of affection can be a great foundation for Non-Conventional Relationships. There's a wide array of ways to express affection in a relationship - ranging from full on playfulness and messing with each other - to being romantic but only in private. And anywhere in between. In order to challenge stereotypical romance, here's where we can start.
First things first: Cut the generic pet names One of the most common things across all Hobie fics, are generic pet-names. It's hard to find a fic without one 'luv', 'darlin', or 'sweetheart'. And it makes sense, it romantic - and a classic way to show affection. But it can be easy to use these terms as a crutch to infuse romance into dialogue. A good way to diverge from this convention is by dropping the generic pet-names all together. By abandoning words like 'luv' and 'darlin' we're forcing ourselves to find more personal terms for him to call his partner. Hobie calls Gwen and Miles personalized pet-names, and this can extend to his partner too. These names can be personal - When writing OCs, you can use things like inside jokes, a shortened version of their name, or some form of rhyming slang. Having something happen within the story that Hobie pulls a nickname from is also a great idea, or having him call them by a defining trait or something tongue in cheek. [Like if your character is known for being a bit gloomy, have him call them sunshine. If they sing, he can call them songbird, etc.] When writing xReaders, you can subvert typically 'negative' terms into loving and playful names. For example, if the !Reader is portrayed as shy, he may loving call her Mouse Whisper. If they're hotheaded, he may just call them 'hot-head'. But by having personalized pet-names, the reader is shown that Hobie and them have history and past connections that Hobie finds meaningful.
Annoyance can be affection too I talked about this HERE We all love attention from our partners - some just seek it out in different ways. Annoying ways. And I can see Hobie being one to do this - Adorable, but annoying ways. Playfulness is a great way to substitute romance in NCR. We all know those relationships where they love messing with each other or pissing each other off. Having inside jokes about each other, or teasing in a way only the other person is allowed to. It's never mean, but in a way, a form of intimacy. And when romances are written like this, it shows that the two know each other well, down to the smallest things that make them tick. They know each other well, and have a clear soft spot for each other when one starts bugging the other and the other doesn't snap (lol). When writing, you can give them small pet peeves that Hobie may do to irk them. When writing OCs, Hobie can give them nicknames that irk them. Or point out things that annoy them. Maybe he likes a food they hate, and eats it in front of them all the time. It's all in good fun, and shows the two aren't shy around each other. You can also have them bring up embarrassing stories of each other, to show they're close and spend a lot of time together. When writing xReaders, you can have him popping up at the worst times, hanging off of the reader, and overall trying to distract them from what they're doing. He could also play light pranks to mess with the reader - and vice versa - always making sure to end it with a hug and a laugh. At the end of the day, it's all about getting their partners attention and playing around with them. And talking about that -
Touch as a Love Language: Don't be afraid of playfighting Some IRL couples playfight. And it can be adorable. If the pestering goes to far, then the reader finally has to give him all their attention - and they can playfight him. Which is what he wants, their attention. This is something that can be done with both OCs and xReaders - and if they're a Spider-person EVEN BETTER. Don't be afraid to have Hobie pick the reader up, having the reader jump on his back, or punch his arm lightly. Having them wrestle for something, and it can turn into cuddling. The character can jump on his back playfighting, and doom - Hobie's running and it's a sudden piggyback ride.
While on the topic of Love Languages: Laughter as a Love Language Laughter can be a HUGE love language. In addition to annoying their partner, some people aim to making their partner laugh whenever they can. Whether this be making jokes, or doing things they think are hilarious. Not only is is super playful - but it shows that they're close and know each other well. They know what they other think is funny, what's sure to get a laugh, and most importantly, when their partner needs it the most. It shows that they care about their partner's happiness, and they want to bait it out them every way they can - even if that means making themselves look silly from time to time again. This is one of my favorite tools when writing NCRs and it works for both OCs and xReader.
If really want to challenge yourself and show a new form of romance: Abandon 'I love you.' Ever heard of Han Solo and Princess Leia? The whole "I love you." - "I know." trope? Saying 'I love you' is of course one of the easiest ways to show love - but when we abandon it, we can find cuter and more personal things to replace it. In doing this we begin to show a NCR relationship that openly challenges romance. By doing away with 'I love you's in favor something personal, we're showing that their feelings go beyond 'love' into something more personal and intimate to them. They can still be madly in love and not say it - it can be completely unspoken cause they both know. And so, they don't take it too seriously. When writing OCs, you can replace the phrase completely, substituting it with a repeated phrase on both sides. "I hate you" also works as a playful subversion. When writing xReaders, you can have the other side not respond the usual way - "I love you." - "Uh-huh." Or you can have them not say it at all. And have it completely but clearly emotionally implied.
Hobie Brown & PDA:
Hobie is a natural touchy guy. He likes standing close to people, leaning over them and putting his hands on their shoulders. So by having him display limited romantic PDA with his partner, and treating them no different than anyone else, you're challenging the norm and forcing yourself to write other ways.
Prioritize Privacy Hobie is often (or rather only) characterized as a very open person with his relationship, openly kissing, making out, and touching his partner. And this is very typical of a romantic relationship. If you'd like to write a NCR you can try to challenge this. Hobie is from a police state, a world where surveillance is prevalent and freedom is limited. Plus he's a rockstar - people get nosey. And don't even get me start on The Society snooping. You can reflect this by having him prioritize privacy - either out of survival instinct, or just personal preference. Hobie keeping his relationship a secret, or simply not mentioning it, allows a freedom not often see in traditional relationships. By doing this, the relationship can develop naturally without typical pressures or outside influence - whether dangerous or Society wise. The two are allowed to take it as slow - or as fast as they want, without worrying about anyone else getting in the way. And with Hobie being a guy who likes to share often, him keeping one small thing to himself can be special. This can be used for both OCs and xReaders.
Keep Kisses in Private Stealing kisses can be extremely cute, and saving them for private can make them 10x more intimate. Plus this is another one that can be used by both OCs and xReaders. By saving kisses for private moments, those rare instances automatically become more intimate. And by having them restrain themselves, when they do finally get to be alone it can feel romantic (not just sexual). By having them save their kisses for only them, they become more special to Hobie and his partner. They may choose to not kiss at all in public and leave it at that or try to steal kisses when they can - or even substitute a different form of intimacy in place of kisses. Ever see that couple that one of them will walk by the other, and one person will put their hand in the other's for a moment as they pass by before letting go? Like that. Cheek kisses can also be a good substitute for public. Plus in the rare times they do kiss in front of someone, you can save it for super emotional or heated moments (or moments like parties, bars, etc - those are always fun. The gang finding out the two of you have been dating a year after you both get drunk at a party and make-out? Love it.)
Or you can take it over the top - and make it openly committed and intimate, but label-less. Having a partner he kisses, hugs and lives with but does not refer to as his girlfriend also challenges norms of possessiveness - bonus points if they're poly (which I'll touch on in a second). By having him clearly involved with someone, and seriously committed but having it between them can be a NCR. The character doesn't have to be his girlfriend or boyfriend. That can simply be 'his person' or 'the one'. Or he's 'seeing somebody' - or 'with them'. He's not outright saying they're dating, but yeah - they're solidly involved. They may have a kid together, sleep in the same bed, or say 'I love you', but by both parties rejecting labels, they're openly denying people an inside look to their relationship. Are they together? What's that got to do with you?
Or have them be 'life partners' aka - marriage without marriage. This one may be easier to develop for OCs, but can be done for xReaders too. Have them openly express interest in being each other's life long partners. Have them speak as if they're married, even if they aren't. By verbalizing this connection, they don't need rings or a wedding certificate to speak to them, because they openly say it as a form of PDA. Having them believe in soulmates, or 'other halfs' takes the 'caring boyfriend' trope and pushes it into something far more intimate and personal. This could include things like matching tattoos, sharing a home together, wearing things of each other's in place of a ring, etc.
Hobie, Labels, and Polymory (Open Relationships)
Every single fic I've seen of Hobie assumes both parties are monogamous. Let's challenge that.
Do away with the idea of Hobie and jealousy It's unrealistic for his character. Hobie is openly supportive, non-possessive, and EXTREMELY confident. Jealousy is an attribute that feeds off of insecurity first, and sexist tropes of possession second - the idea of having no one touch 'your' partner. Any partner Hobie has isn't his - no one belongs to any one. They can be with whoever and do whatever they want when he's not there. So long as he sees his a priority in your life, he'll be there. Let's just hope the OTHER guy is okay with that (and not extremely intimidated by how perfect Hobie is). This applies to both OCs and xReaders.
Open the relationship - and keep it honest The priority when writing this is honesty - because Hobie values it A LOT. And I cannot stress this more. If his partner is honest with him, and genuinely makes an effort to make him a priority, then Hobie is happy. Hobie himself may not choose to have multiple partners, but by having option on the table and having his partner exercise that shows a huge degree of maturity, communication, and freedom. By having a partner who can openly pursue romance outside of Hobie, but still chooses Hobie as their primary partner, their relationship becomes a lot freer, but still just as close - if not stronger. Sure they've got options, and sometimes they may have flings, but at the end of the day, there's no one they connect more with than each other. Better with OCs, but can be done with xReaders.
Let his partner have the last say Hobie can't be a player if he's not the one calling the shots. Have a xReader or OC that is openly outspoken about what they want and the label they're interested in. (even if thats 'unlabeled) Have the reader be the one who doesn't want to make it official, or on the inverse, have them insist that either they make it official or else they'll stop seeing them. And have them stand their ground. Do not have them budge or waiver or second-guess. Have them leave the ball in Hobie's court - and sort it out for himself. By doing this you're giving them a sense of agency and independence outside of him, and inverts the sexist expectation that men be the ones who define the relationship.
In the words of Coi Leray "Cause Girls is Players too." Kick slut-shaming in the teeth. Where are all the city girls? Directly challenge sexist tropes that are prevalent in the Hobie fandom, by writing a female character who is openly and sexually liberated, knows her worth, and knows how to handle her feelings. Have her be the one seeing multiple people, have him be the one to pass the guy on the way out. Its not more shameful when the character does it. If you want to make Hobie a player who can run game - acknowledge that some girls run game too. And many girls can call that shit from a mile away. Having a character who has multiple partners, but slowly finds themself falling for Hobie in specific is an interesting dymanic. It forces you to show a woman's sexuality in a different and positive light, one not connected to her lust for a specific man. And it forces you to challenge the idea of 'fast girls' or 'groupies'. Ever seen 'She's Gotta Have It' by Spike Lee? That. And you can have her other partners acting as a contrast to Hobie. If she starts realling her other partner really ain't shit - Hobie starts looking a lot better. And let me just say - this doesn't have to cause drama. Having Hobie and the character both be polyamorous, only to connect with each other and laugh about their other escapades can be CUTE. And neither are threatened, because they know it's all in good fun, and they know they've got their partner on lock.
Find alternative labels Take 'boyfriend and girlfriend' off the table and get creative. They can be life partners, or Best Friends with Benefits (who are genuinely friends, stay that way and are not just thinly vieled romantic tension), or the xReader/OC can simply 'his girl' or 'his guy'. By doing this, you're able to put a label on it, without taking it serious at all. It signals that there is something there and they know it, and they don't need normal terms to define it. Good for both OCs and xReaders.
Hobie & Gender Roles
Chivalry is dead. Romance your boyfriend to death.
I spoke in the last post of about Hobie's feminism and his understanding of the patriarchy and the way it works. And I think Hobie would work to openly defy gender roles in his relationship. Here's are some tips to do that.
Have the xReader or OC initiate the romance Have them confidently ask him out. Have your OC or xReader be the one to approach him at a party and hit on him. Just by doing so, you're putting your characters in a situation that subverts gender roles - where the many is typically the one to approach his mate. It shows confidence on the part of the xReader/OC and let's them step outside the traditional trope of a passive feminine partner.
Have them initiate touch/affection as well Have them touch him first, or wrap their arms around him. Have them kiss his neck (if they can reach lol). Instead of having a shy and quiet xReader who only accepts compliments from Hobie - have them openly and boldly compliment him. A girl who openly loves her partner/boyfriend and yeah- she's gonna talk about him cause she can. Have them call him pet-names first. And show Hobie enjoying it or feeling comforted by it. In doing so, you're allowing him to show a softer side that is also absent in a lot of fics. Plus you're breaking the trope of once again, the partner just passive accepting Hobie's affection without active reciprocation.
Actively show Hobie being comforted and taken care of - not just when he's in crisis Have the character ask if he's okay - in the way a couple will look at each other and be like "You good?" even when nothings going on. Have the character be the one to ask if he's eaten. Don't only do this when he's about to emotionally crack, or when he's physically beat up. Do it on the daily. Men shouldn't have to break before their emotional needs are addressed. So often in fics Hobie is seen as the perfect protector who never gets tired - and then there's no mention of him ever taking care of himself in any way. That's now how this works. Hobie is community based. That means he looks after the people he care about. If the character cares about him, they have them go out of their way to show it - the same way he does. The xReader/OCs can hold him while he's crying or make him go to sleep when he's up all night. They can hear him out when he's annoyed with Miguel, and help him when he's feeling not 100% too. SO many fics are about the reader NEEDing Hobie for some often asinine reason. Sometimes Hobie needs his partner too.
HI HI! If you've read this far, thank you so much! I really appreciate it and would love to hear your thoughts! The next part is centered around my spidersona Disco-Spider Diane, her relationship with Hobie, and how I incorporate all this into their dynamic. This part is LONG and detailed (I'm unhinged) so I don't blame you if you wanna peace out now! If you do peace out, thanks again! - here's a photo of Hobie for the road!
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_______________________________________________________ Now let's talk about Lil Miss Disco and her Boo Thang
DiscoSpider Diane and Hobie -
How I write a Non-Conventional Relationship For more info you can check out Diane's Character Sheet here and her tag here
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I spoke briefly in my last post about Hobie, feminism, and how subverting sexist tropes contributed to her characterization - so this time I just want to give an overview of how that translates to a NCR - and how that can be shown clearly in writing.
Hopefully this will give some ideas or at the very least, I can ramble about Diane lol Diane & Hobie - A Basic Overview
[You can check out Diane's Character Sheet here!][And check out her tag for more art & writing here!]
I don't have a word for what Diane and Hobie are supposed to be, and that's intentional.
They aren't dating. Because they don't go on traditional dates - they just hang a lot. They're not boyfriend and girlfriend because that's rigid in it's confines. Even partners can be a bit of a stretch. I wanted to write them instead as two people who care about each other and make an effort to be in each other's lives. They're the other's largest emotional support and cheerleader - and their emotional reactions take focus over the romantic ones.
Diane and Hobie have a Non-Conventional Romance because they're in an emotional relationship rather than a romantic one. There is romance there - but the same way a romantic relationship isn't a 'sexual relationship' because sex is involved - an emotional relationship does not become entirely romantic once romance is involved.
Their emotional relationship is very committed, but their romantic relationship is extremely casual. Here are some ways I show that.
DiscoPunk & Affection:
Diane and Hobie do not use typical pet-names. Instead, Hobie is more likely to call Diane 'Daiquiri' - a nickname left over from the first time they've met. It's an embarrassing memory for Diane - and a story Hobie loves to tell. But by calling her Daiquiri, he's sending the reminder that he thinks about the night they met often and remembers it well. Including the 4 Daiquiris she made him buy her. He also calls her Clover - as she's one of his 'Lucky Charms'. Diane is the same, preferring to call Hobie by his name - or over the top names like 'pookie', 'honeybun', or 'hot stuff'. Though the most common she'll default to is 'babe', though she will only do this will they're completely alone. Hobie openly annoys Diane and she lets him. Diane is easy to mess with, easy to sneak up on and easy to confuse (sorry girl). It's easy for him to make her jump if he's too quiet, and despite being fairly outgoing, Disco gets embarrassed easily. Sharing constant silly stories, calling her embarrassing nicknames and ruffling her perfectly manicure hair, are go to ways to piss her off. And you can usually tell when she asks "Am I playing with you? Does it look like I'm playing right now??" In turn, Diane does her 'groupie act', which involves running up and hugging him hard as hell, jumping on his back, or talking about how cute he is in a baby voice while pinching his cheeks. They playfight A LOT. Hobie is known to come up behind Diane, lovingly slipping his arms around her waist. He lifts her up - and then tries to bodyslam her. He's holding her like he's about to do a judo flip and Diane is shoving at him telling him to cut it out. In turn, Diane likes to run at him from a far and jump on his back, and she's known to punch his shoulder if he gets too cheeky with the jokes. (Thank god they both have Spider Strength). And while they may not be quick to cuddle or hold each other in public - if Hobie is asking for it they WILL wrestle, and with matched strength, they don't stop until someone (usually Jess) tells them to cut it out. And Laughter is one of their biggest Love Languages. Hobie LOVES making Diane laugh - mainly because it's such a spectacle. Diane will scream and cry in laughter, doubled over so hard she has to sit down or leave the room. And for Hobie, it's easy to do this, so he does it whenever's the most inappropriate. Him dancing is a HUGE way because it brings Diane to tears almost instantly, without fail. She begs him to stop cause she can't breathe - she's laughing so hard. Hobie refuses and keeps dancing, just to mess with her. On the inverse, when Diane does it, most of the time she doesn't mean to. Diane is clever, but she's blunt and a little.. easy to confuse. And when she blurts something out or asks a question that sounds a bit ridiculous, Hobie can't help but laugh. Like when she saw Peter B. unmasked for the first time, and immediately asked him "Wait, why are you white?" Hobie will almost away burst into laughter, which is usually followed by Diane going "Whatttt? What did I say? Why are you laughing at me :(' Everytime she does this she is completely serious, which Hobie finds even funnier. If she's confused, he'll try to explain it to her, and he never teases her for it. It's just that Hobie chooses his words very carefully, and Diane says exactly what comes to mind.
They very rarely say 'I love you' and only do it in private. Usually, they'll only say this when one of them is going through it, the other just did something awesome, or they're alone and in a good mood. It reserved for moments of intimacy or spontaneity. With a relationship that is so playful, the two of them would probably think that saying it outright is a bit too sappy and plain. Instead, they substitute it by asking the other if they love them -
If Hobie does something for Diane, instead of Diane saying "I love you", Hobie will be the one to say "Don't you love me?" If Diane does something for Hobie, instead of him saying "I love you", he can swap it with "You must love me." (Usually the other person may say "I do" or an equally loving "Shut up.")
DiscoPunk & PDA:
They prioritize privacy. They don't label themselves - to anybody, even close friends. They let people make their own assumptions because it doesn't matter anyway. Plus with Diane being very committed to her place in the Spider Society, it's preferable to just keep it between them. Hobie doesn't really care either way. But the less people bothering him and asking questions, the better.
Diane and Hobie never kiss in front of other people. Save for a few exceptions. Despite being very physically and playfully affectionate, Hobie and Diane choose to keep most of their PDA completely private - and they're more likely to link arms than hold hands. When it comes to kissing, the two saves it for behind closed doors, or hidden spots in HQ. With relationships between Spider-people being prohibited at HQ, it's just easier that way - and the both of them prefer it. This even extends to close friends, including Pavi and Gwen. They may dramatically kiss the other's cheek to annoy them, making kissy sounds and grabbing each other's faced - and on occasion Hobie may give Diane a forehead kiss (she's tall enough to do this). They may cuddle in front of others too, but that's about it. But kisses in specific are just for them. Wasn't a conscious choice, but they like it that way. There's two exceptions though: 1) Shortly after meeting Hobie, Gwen ran into Hobie and Diane kissing at a hidden spot on campus. Nothing heated, but kissing. Diane felt her looking and seemed very disturbed and uncomfortable she had seen. Gwen left quickly, and although Hobie assured Diane that Gwen was okay, the two of them didn't meet until a later date, and Diane seemed a bit embarrassed.
2) Parties. After shows and while drinking Hobie and Diane are completely fine making out in public and showing full PDA. Why? Because they have the cover of the 'groupie act' and they can argue that they were drunk and were only messing around or even say they straight up don't remember. Their terms of commitment are unique. Neither Hobie (in my little universe) nor Diane believe in soulmates. But they do consider themselves 'committed', but they're not life-partners either. They don't care if they'll be together forever. The idea is nice, but it's not their focus. If they wanna spend their lives together, they can start but showing up for each up daily, rather than wearing rings daily.
DiscoPunk, Labels, and Polyamory:
Diane and Hobie are in an open relationship. Since they've never officially asked each other out, monogamy hasn't really been on the table ever. And both are fine and comfortable with this. Because they're great at minding their own business. Who's the girl leaving houseboat when Diane comes through? Who cares - but if touched the makeup Diane left on his bathroom counter, she'll be sending her an invoice and an angry letter. This is equal on both sides.
Diane is without a doubt more active, and more prone to one-night stands (she has a kink for guitarists) rather than full on relationships. Maybe it's the fact that having Hobie in the picture is intimidating as fuck to most guys.
Hobie also has his share - though he usually finds himself in flings and short relationships - going more for romance than sex. In fact, Hobie was with Diane for the duration of his relationship with his Felicia Hardy.
Naturally, Felicia and Diane knew about each other - though they hadn't met. Diane was fine with this and at most would ask how Felicia was doing. Felicia however really wanted to meet Diane. Like dying to meet her. So she found out Hobie's secret identity and just - turned up at one of his shows. Diane was...understandably confused. She was nice, but confused. Asked Hobie later like "Why's she here. Nothing wrong with it but like forreal why is she here?" and he's like "IDK I aint invite her m8 she always does this." Eventually the two got to know each other and although Hobie isn't with Felicia anymore (it's messy), her and Diane are still close friends.
Hobie perfers to let Diane have the last say when it comes to labels.
He's fairly unbothered. What's he gonna do - tell her he has to be her boyfriend? Or brush her off and still expect her to be there? Nah, Labels are the last thing he's worried about. And that's because he's fine with all of them. So long as they're clear. If avoided labels, and demanded to be label-less, that was still caring about labels.
This is where there's conflict - and instead of most fanfics in which the conflict is coming from him - in their case it's coming from her. Diane avoids commitment, terrified of the threat it could cause to the multiverse and Hobie's universe in specific. She's drank the society Kool-Aid so to speak, and will dance around the topic. Hobie has on occasion mentioned monogamy between them being a good option, but when directly approached, Diane will try to dance around the topic - mainly afraid of what Jess and especially Miguel will do if she falls out of line.
This, along with canon events, are the only things that can get them to actually argue - and it can sometimes decend into screaming matches (more about the Society rather than their relationship). They try to avoid bringing it up. But Diane is still paranoid and avoids it.
They use alternative labels instead. For sake of implicity, if you ask them directly "What is x to you?" Hobie will either say "Diane's my bird." or "Why do you want to know - You interested in me or her?" He may also say 'The Old Ball n' Chain' (mocking boomer humor) or simply say "That's Daiquiri."
Diane will most likely say "He's my little boo thang." She may also call him her 'hubby', or say 'I'm his biggest fan.'
Finally, DiscoPunk & Gender Roles
I wrote in the last post about how feminism and inverting the sexist trope of 'groupie' contributed a lot to Diane and her behavior towards Hobie. This can mostly be seen here:
Diane initiated the romance. Diane has always been Hobie's groupie, and outspoken in her affection for him. She thinks the girls hiding how much they like Hobie is silly - He KNOWS he's hot. Why not come out and say it - hype him up. Diane is also a way bigger flirt than Hobie - and I really wanted to write the two of them this way, because so much of the time Hobie is the one flirting, usually on a passive OC or xReader that simply passively accepts.
It's rare in dialogue that someone outright points out how hot Hobie is. So Diane does it. She was fine with being like "You're so hot it's distracting and that's not a joke. :) "
Diane usually initiates touch. Hobie rarely wraps his arms around her (unless he's doing that stupid judo shit she hates), but Diane does it to him all the time. She's tall enough on her skates that if she holds him by the waist from behind, she can see clearly over his shoulders. And it's not unusual to see Diane's eyes peek over Hobie's shoulder when you're talking to him. She's not listening, she's just there.
In turn, Hobie accepts this touch very much like the way an xReader would. He's usually the one intiating and offering touch, but when Diane does it him, he finds it comforting to be on the receiving side.
And I usually see this/show this as him softening into her touch, complimenting her for it, or baiting her into cuddling (like plopping down on her on the couch)
They supplement this a lot with closeness. Hobie and Diane always seem to be shoulder to shoulder, whispering inside jokes into each other's ears and trying not to crack up. Most often, Hobie with hput his arm around her shoulder, or if she's in her skates - a hand on her waist to steady her. Not that she needs it. Their relationship is mainly and largely emotional. And that's the basis of it. Hobie was the one who recruited Diane, and has been there for all of her canon events since, seeing her in her most venerable states.
Diane is dedicated to canon - and letting Miguel write her life for her - and although she finds herself conflicted and cornered by the Society, Hobie wants to be there for her always. And he'll be along for the ride as long as she'll have him. Diane in turn, tries her best to be positive when they're both from worlds where things can get really negative. No matter how much he tries to hide it, the constant battles and brutality with the police of his home world wears on him - and he's aware that he's different than most other Spider-people. He's killed before. Usually, he lets it out through his music and when it isn't that - it's through anger and protest. But like Hobie, Diane is a huge supporter of radical happiness. If you can think of Hobie's music as a call to arms, Diane's music is a love song to the sweeter brighter things in life. Diane was raised by The Black Panthers, and she knows just as well as he does what the brutality and pain of oppression can feel like. She has her feet firmly on the ground and her head happily in the clouds.
If anything, Diane is a person of comfort and escapism for Hobie. A reminder of the sweet life that he's fighting for. Diane lives completely free, free of labels and limits - even while living under the thumb of the Society. And she tries to remind Hobie what freedom feels like, when he gets tired of fighting every now and again _________________________________________________
In this way their emotional connection is mutual.
More than anything, I wanted Hobie and Diane to be emotional rocks to each other, before romantic partners. I didn't mean to write it that way (in my head), but it kinda ended up that way.
So often in the Hobie fandom we see the extremes of either Completely Detached Hobie - who sleeps around and wants nothing to do with labels - or Completely Committed Hobie - who is madly in love with his partner in a traditional sense. And in their relationship, I hoped to challenge that. By writing a Hobie than didn't care either way, or went with the flow. A Hobie that was just as thoughtful in his relationships as he was in his friendships. Instead, I wanted to shift the focus to Diane and making it about her choice. By having the woman be the one to define the relationship, the story can now focus on an internal struggle. And seeing his partner being the one to struggle with labels - whereas he's made peace with them.
And by having their affection shift more into playful - that was just because I think it's really funny. Hobie's a little shit.
All of this allows Diane and Hobie's relationship to be something based on mutal care and admiration for each other - rather than lust and clear-cut commitment.
They're able to be independent people, with independent lives and beliefs, while still being a large part of the other's life. They're able to excecise freedom in their situation, while still having an underlying conflict or struggle driving their story.
Hobie and Diane deeply care about and love each other, multiverse be damned. And even if they may not always see eye-to-eye, they're willing to put that aside if it means they have a chance at a peaceful future together - no matter what universe they're in.
They're not conventional, but they're in love. Cause I said so.
So uh....yeah. That's how I incorporated Non-Conventional Relationships into my uhhh..deeply complex mental world that isn't written down yet besides glimpses in comics I make in photoshop.
If anyone read this far I will genuinely be so surprised, cause I literally just wrote an essay about their entire relationship lol
I feel like I could type anything down here and be safe cause it's hidden in a cattacomb full of TEXT like lemme just-
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(I laughed at the second one til i crrriieeeddddd bro thats so foul)
But if you did read this all, thank you SO SO SO MUCH! As you can probably tell, I think about this a lot. And these characters mean a lot to me so I love sharing them when I can. I hope this helped someone and someone finds it helpful or at least entertaining! You rock <3
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Writing this is normal, well-adjusted behavior. Cringe is dead.
Stream Diane and Hobie's album 'BackAlleyJazzLettuce' aka their Funk-Rock fusion ship playlist
Now take this photo of Hobie Kissy Kissy Face and get off my property.
441 notes · View notes
ritzylate · 5 months
@saradika-graphics made the lovely dividers and also taught me what dividers were.
This is from a huge fic I'm writing and I'm posting entirely out of order. I plan on posting the whole thing on a different AO3 eventually. this is just the start of just one part of the story. I cut out the worst of the NSFW content. I'm saving that for AO3. Kinda wanna feel out the crowd to see if my writing is something people would enjoy reading.
"Caught" A Harvey x reader fic - NSFW
NSFW 18+ MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI I literally cannot say this enough. This is not for you.
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Super dialog heavy.
Content warnings: Past relationship trauma, trauma and sadness in general, established relationship, adult entertainment, getting off. You get the idea.
Word count: 3200 ish
I have trouble with tenses so I'm sorry if this is ass to read. I tried.
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“So you're staying at Harvey’s then?” Robin asked.
“Yeah,” you say, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
“That's great,” she says with a smile. “How are things going between you two? Good then?”
“Yeah,” you say with a little more conviction. “It's going really well, actually.” 
You feel a smile spread across your face.
You hide your embarrassment by staring intently down at the pebble under the toe of your boot.
“That's so great!” Robin cheers. “Harvey is such a great guy, and he's not too bad to look at either,” she says with a wink.
You let yourself get lost in the thought of him for a moment before clearing your throat.
“I best be off,” you say. “I don’t want to get there too late. I don’t want to keep him from opening shop too late.”
Robin laughs to herself.
“Of course. Well, have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.”
“Robin, you're too young to lecture me on what to do,” you joke. 
Robin throws her head back in a laugh and waves goodbye.
The short drive to Harvey’s place allows you time enough to think of how you want to thank him. A few obvious ideas cross your mind, but you shake them free, wanting to offer something special and more thoughtful than just that.
“Hey!” Harvey stands out front of his office, the morning sun bright and beaming.
You hop out and sling your arms around his shoulders.
“How are you doing darling?” he asks, holding you in a tight warm hug. The fall air smells of sweet leaves and honey.
“I’m good,” you smile. “Robin’s started on the renovations. Should be done in a few days. It really means a lot to me that you wanted me to stay.”
Harvey chuckles. 
“Are you kidding? Of course I want you to stay. I’ve been waiting for today all week.”
Harvey leads you inside and up the stairs to his flat. 
“You can put your bag anywhere. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll make us some coffee.”
As nice as a good breakfast or coffee sounded, you had to get back to work. 
“You’re so sweet,” you say. “But I need to get to work, I have a long day ahead of me.”
“You need to eat,” Harvey said, flatly. “You can’t work if you don’t have enough energy. So sit. I have some pancake mix. I bought it just for today so if you don’t have any I’ll be sad.” 
Harvey tosses you a sarcastic smile as he reaches into the cupboard.
“Okay, okay,” you say reluctantly, sliding onto the bar stool at the counter.
“So,” Harvey starts. “What do you have planned today?”
You sigh. 
“A lot. I have some weeding to do, probably cut some trees down. Could use the firewood.”
Harvey nods as he listens to you spell out your mundane day.
“What about you?” you ask him over the rim of your coffee mug.
“Not much, honestly,” he says. “I have a few patients. But nothing big.”
A timer dings signifying the pancakes are ready. 
“Here you are, dear,” he said, sliding the pancakes onto a plate. 
“Thank you, Harvey,” you say earnestly. Your stomach rumbles at the idea of a pancake breakfast.
Harvey takes your plate and throws it in the sink as you finish your last bite.
“I’ll get to it later,” he says with a shrug.
“That was really kind of you,” you say shyly. It was hard for you to accept such kindness.
“Happy to do it.” Harvey watches you for a moment before drawing his attention to the clock.
“I better get down there,” he said with a heavy sigh. “Or Maru is going to tear me to shreds.”
You wipe the syrup off your lips with the back of your hand.
“Breakfast was lovely, Harvey, thank you,” you say again. You feel like there isn’t enough thanks in the world to express how much his gestures meant to you. 
Harvey places his hand on the small of your back.
“Don’t work too hard today,” he says as he nudges you, giving you a kiss on your cheek. 
When you arrive back at the farm, Robin is knee deep in her project. It’d only take three days, she said, but you have trouble imagining how such work could be done so quick.
You set to work at the farm. Your cows needed milking, your chickens needed feeding, there were new fruits found in the cave. But your mind wandered. 
Wonder what Harvey is doing right now?
If Robin was paying any attention to you, she’d laugh at how blissfully unaware you were of your surroundings. 
The sun sits high in the sky when you lean down to start plucking at the weeds biting at the base of your crops.
You yank at the greenery when you feel a tightening in your calf, followed by a sharp, sudden pain.
The pain catches you off guard, and you reach down to grasp at your leg. 
You fight to stay on your feet, but before you know it you fall to the dirt.
“Are you okay??” Robin calls out. You hear her boots hitting the metal on her ladder. 
“Oh what happened?”
“I don't know,” you say honestly. “I think I pulled something. I stood wrong or something. I'm fine.”
“Well. It's a good thing you're fucking the doctor, huh?”
You try to laugh, but the grimaced pain on your face won't go away. 
Robin rubs your back. 
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't joke. When a farmer stops working because of pain, you know it's serious.”
“It's not serious,” you say. “I'm fine. But…maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to stop early.”
Robin wraps an arm under you and lifts you up. You hobble to your car, Robin helping you open the door to shuffle you in.
“I can drive you,” she offers.
“No no, I'm fine, I can make it. It's all good.”
Robin looks after you with a worried, motherly look on her face as you wave to her through your open window.  
You pull up to Harvey’s clinic. The windows darkened except for a distant light shining through the hallway door leading to the stairs. . 
The pain comes and goes, but either way, you really weren't getting that much work done. And you’re already here. No sense in returning only to have the pain spike again. You might as well call it a night.
You push the front door open into a near silent office. The only sound being a slight hum from the heater.
“Harvey?” But no one answers. 
You close the door quietly, locking it behind you. 
There are slight sounds emanating from beyond the stairs but nothing too distinct. Just enough to let you know he's home. 
You climb the stairs, holding onto the wall for extra support. 
The handle to Harvey’s flat sticks slightly, but gives way to a click with enough force. 
“Harvey?” you ask again.
You move to peer round the door, not wanting to spook him. You press your knuckle to the door to give it a knock, but take pause when your brain catches up to what you're hearing.  
Heavy breathing, soft moaning, the creak of Harvey’s leather chair.
You peek your head around the door just long enough to see Harvey at his desk. His laptop opened, the screen obscured by his bare chest.
Harvey’s head rests on the back of his chair, knees barely visible on either side of him. 
“Oh fuck,” he breathes.
Your eyes widen from the shock. From this angle, you can't see much, but you still feel your cheeks flush.
You can see enough to watch him bring a hand to his forehead, running his fingers through his hair. He grabs a fistfull of his auburn locks, tightening them into a fist.
You shut your eyes, turning from the door. But the sounds of Harvey still wash over you like a wave. 
You feel breathless yourself. What do you do? Do you say something? Interrupt? Do you turn and leave? And even then, what next? Wait a few minutes, then come back? Do you pretend you only just arrived, give him a shout up the stairs to give him warning? Do you lie and pretend you didn't see anything?
You decide that leaving would offer the most ideal situation for him. Leave, wait downstairs for a little bit, then come back up. He doesn’t have to know you were here. You pull the door towards you to slowly shut the door. As it swings shut, your boot catches the edge, causing the door to bounce off the rubber. The hollow squeak sounded louder than church bells in the current situation. 
Harvey’s head whips around, his eyes widening in horror.
“Oh Yoba!” Harvey shouts, fumbling with his laptop screen. His hurried, frightened movements cause him to trip over himself, nearly knocking over the bookcase and all of its contents. 
“I- it- oh my- I can't believe, I-” Harvey’s panicked voice rushing over his words.
“Hey, hey, it's okay!! Harvey, it's fine!” Your race to issue as much reassurance as you can through the half closed door. 
“I wasn't, I mean, I was but, shit this is so embarrassing oh Yoba I don’t know what to say.”
You close the door over and hide even further behind it, teetering on the edge of the stairs.
You can barely make out Harvey's figure as he fumbles to pull his pants up around his hips before the door shuts completely. You hold onto the handle with one hand, your knuckles turning white from sheer panic.
“Harvey, really, you're fine! It's okay!!” you call through the door. “I'm so sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you, this is my fault, I'm so sorry.”
“You're just here earlier than I expected, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe-” Harvey pulls the door open, looking at you with a beet red face. You stumble over your feet to catch your footing. 
 Harvey narrows his eyes. 
“Are you okay?” The panic in his voice fading immediately. 
You don't say anything, feeling your own embarrassment sneak in. 
“Your leg? What happened?” Harvey's voice shifts from anxious to concerned medical professional immediately. 
You didn't realize you were still rubbing your calf.
“What?” You almost forgot. “No, I'm fine, I think I just strained it or maybe a charley horse, I'm fine. I thought maybe it was my sign to come back a little early. I should have texted you, I'm sorry.”
“Yes you should have!” 
You feel a wash of shame at his voice being raised. This was all your fault, none of this had to happen if you had just been responsible and texted him first. 
“You shouldn't have walked on it, I could have come and gotten you. That's what I'm here for. To help you.”
His words softened and by the end his voice was soft like satin.
“No, no, I’m sorry. I shouldn't have just let myself in. There’s nothing wrong really. I can go,” you offer.
You stand up straight, putting your weight mostly on the other leg. 
The pain fades into a dull ache that feels more like a memory of an injury.
Harvey walks to you, placing a finger under your chin. He pulls your eyes to meet his.
“Hey, no, stay here. You don't have to leave. Let's get you off your feet.”
Reluctantly you follow Harvey into his flat, feeling a flush of panic and shame for having created such an uncomfortable situation. 
“You don't have to do everything yourself, you know,” Harvey said. 
You laugh to yourself, thinking of all the times you were really injured, and probably should have called upon him for help, but didn't. Of all injuries this was hardly the one you'd bother him with.
“I've been through so much worse,” you say, before realizing that was probably the last thing Harvey wanted to hear you say. 
“It's just a muscle cramp. Really.” 
You try your best to assure him, but the worry still sticks to his face.
Harvey runs his hand down your arm.
“Why don't we get you some water, sit down, relax a bit. If you're getting Charley horses you might be dehydrated. Or you're overworking yourself, but either way, water isn't a bad idea.”
You feel yourself blushing at how Harvey rushes to take care of you.
You don't say anything out loud at first; you just take a seat on your favorite stool.
“It seems we're both not used to having someone else fuss over us.”
Harvey reaches for a glass, his pj's riding down on his hip slightly. 
“Whatever would give you that idea?” Harvey jokes. 
Harvey’s voice returned to normal, but his eyes still held worry. His brows stitched together in concern. Concern for which one of tonight's events was a toss up. Probably both, realistically speaking. 
As much as you hated to admit it, taking a load off felt nice.
The two of you fixate your gazes on the tap filling the glass. You wondered which one of you would break the silence first. 
Harvey turns the tap off and leans over the counter to slide you your drink.
“Thank you,” you say quietly. You take a modest sip trying to draw out the silence until one of you finds the strength to speak.
To your surprise,  it’s Harvey.
“Listen,” Harvey starts.  “I-I would feel better if we just…forgot about what you saw. I honestly-I can honestly say I have never been more embarrassed by anything in my entire life.” 
Harvey fixes his gaze on the floor, wearing away at an already thread barren towel sitting on the sink.
“Harvey.” You try to soften your voice as much as you can without sounding like you're patronizing him. You want to tell him you’ll forget all about it. You want to tell him there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, but you know that won’t help the situation.
“I've always felt this weird, I don't know, shame? About that." Harvey makes a wide motion with his hands towards the corner of his room with his desk. 
“I know all the facts, I know it's not weird and it’s common for a lot of people.  I hear the shame and fear from patients myself, all the time! And I reassure them that, scientifically, it's not only safe but healthy. And if that doesn’t help and they still have concerns, I’ll suggest a therapist I know out of town, and they’ll come back to me telling me how much it’s helped them. I know all that. But…” Harvey trails off, tracing a finger along the edge of the counter. 
“I find myself feeling weird about it too. Like, I don't…” Harvey shifts from foot to foot. 
“Like you don't what?” You reach out, taking his hand in yours. 
“I feel like I don't deserve it. I feel like, okay, sex, at least someone else is getting something. I'm serving a purpose. But by myself it's just me, and I struggle with the idea that I deserve it.”
You sit in silence, letting Harvey take his time and say whatever he feels comfortable saying. 
“I'm sorry,” he said. “I don't know why I'm telling you all this. This just made this even more embarrassing.” 
You take a beat before speaking again.
“Thank you for telling me. You can always tell me whatever you want, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you sharing that with me. I know it can be hard.”
You reach a hand towards him, inviting him to your touch. He obliges, leaning into your cupped hand. You gently stroke his cheek, feeling the flush of his skin. 
“But we don't have to ever talk about this again if you don’t want to. You have my word. I will speak of it no more.”
Harvey went quiet for several minutes. The only sounds coming from the ticking grandfather clock and the hum from the radiator. 
You don't look away, keeping a soft gaze on his face. 
“You don't think I'm weird for it?” Harvey’s voice was small, almost weak. 
“Yoba no!” You exclaim. “I'd be a hypocrite if I did. My vibrator gets more use than my farm tools. My bottom drawer is as colorful as a rainbow.”
You offer him a lighthearted smile as your eyes search his face. 
Harvey closed his eyes and nervously tapped his foot against the linoleum floor. 
“That's really a relief to hear,” he says with a nervous chuckle. “My biggest fear was that you’d be upset.”
“Upset?” You tilted your head to the side. Upset? Upset about what? The very idea would never have crossed your mind. 
“Yeah,” Harvey drawls. “One of my past partners felt a certain way about it. Certainly didn't help me with my own hang ups.”
“I'm really sorry to hear that.”
“Eh,” Harvey shrugged. “We were young. I wasn't exactly the most reasonable person either. It was just a bad time.”
You nod. We've all been there you want to say. 
But instead you say, “just know that I’m here to listen. And if you want to stop, we stop. But I’m here to listen for as long as you want.”
This time Harvey is the one to nod. You can practically see his thoughts racing behind his eyes. 
“It’s okay. We can keep talking. This is good.”
You settle into your seat and take a breath in. You open your mouth to speak, but just offer a smile, a nod, and a small squeeze of his hand instead.
“So you don’t think it’s weird?” he asks again, continuing to nervously shift around.
“I think it's hot,” you say with a shrug.
“Really?” Harvey’s surprise both visible and audible. 
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “I would have been open to watching if that had been something you wanted. I panicked, and I didn't know whether to say something, leave and come back, pretend I didn't see anything and call out like I had only just arrived…”
“I would have picked the last one if you gave me the option,” Harvey said, putting his head down laughing.
“I'm so sorry,” you plead. “I was turning to leave, but I made too much noise. I’m truly sorry, I wasn't there for more than 5 seconds, I swear. I wasn't even sure what I was seeing at first, it was that quick a glace. If that helps.”
Harvey inhaled deeply. 
“That actually does help,” Harvey chuckled. 
“But-” he stuttered. “I'm kinda glad you didn't. Leave, that is. I'm kinda glad we're talking about this. Really glad, actually. Not just to clear the air, but because this feels like a really good conversation for us to have.”
Your heart beats out of your chest, you feel so warm and fuzzy.
“I really like you,” he says softly. Harvey looks up at you over the rim of his glasses. 
“I like you a lot, so, this feels like something I should share with someone who I really, really like.”
“Oh Harvey,” you say, placing your hand over your heart. You had a million things you would have liked to say. But all you could do was sit there, staring at the man you were falling in love with, thinking about all the ways you wanted to kiss him.
“This is, I guess, my first real, mature, established relationship since college. And even then, I don't know if I can call any of those relationships mature or real.”
“I'm really honored to hear you say that,” you say in a voice closer to a whisper. You can barely hear him over the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. 
Harvey closed his eyes and took in another deep breath. 
“I guess that's the plus side of dating in your 30s, huh?  We're all a little experienced.”
“A little traumatized,” you add. You sound like you're joking, and even though you both throw your heads back in a laugh, you both know you're right. 
There's some more silence between you, but the air feels lighter. 
Harvey rounds the corner of the counter and wraps his arms around you. He holds you in a tight hug. His heart sounded like a war drum.
“Thank you,” he says. His voice deep and echoing in his chest.
“You deserve to be happy, Harvey.” you say, absentmindedly running your fingertips down his back. 
“I’m starting to believe that, now,” he said, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
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nicoleheichou · 8 months
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 78: SURPRISE!
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Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
"Why are you in such a rush Darling?" You can hear the slight hint of amusement in his voice. "Stop asking questions and just walk faster!" You tug on his hand and lead him towards the direction of the restaurant. Unbeknownst to Sakusa, Kenma had rented out the whole bottom floor along with the gardens so that you'd all be free to enjoy yourselves without worrying about others.
You eye the entrance of the restaurant, one of the doors propped open. "Hurry up baby. I wasn't kidding when I said I was starving." You practically yell, hoping your friends could hear you and were getting ready to surprise your now boyfriend. He chuckles and gently tugs on your hand. "Darling, slow down, the food isn't going to run away." You turn to shoot him a glare. "Says you!" You hear him sigh before he's nodding and picking up the pace, practically dragging you towards the entrance. He could tell you were starting to get hangry and he did not want you to be upset.
"Um, Darling...are you sure the restaurant is open? It's dark in here." He turns to you before the lights flicker on and everyone jumps out and they all scream, "SURPRISE!" You can't help but chuckle at the dumbfounded expression on his face. "Happy birthday my love." You plant a kiss on his cheek before Kimi is asking him to lift her so she can do the same. You watch as he lifts Kimi up, a big grin on her face. "Happy birthday daddy!" She plants a kiss on his cheek before everyone else gathers around to greet him.
"Did you plan all this?" He asks once he's had the chance to greet everyone. You smile at him and nod your head, "I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the help of the guys. Looks like we kept them busy. " You joke. He pulls you into a hug, burying his face in your hair. "Thank you for everything. You didn't have to do this. But now I'll be looking forward to every birthday now." He teases and you can't help but chuckle. "You better bring the same energy for my birthday!"
Before you can get into a who loves who and is willing to prove it more argument you're interrupted by Bokuto asking if you guys can start eating. You grin and nod your head. "Thank you guys for coming and joining me in celebrating Omi's birthday. It means a lot not just to him but to me as well for you all to make time out of your day to be here with us. So let's get this party started!" Your little speech is met with cheers and shouts before people start making a beeline to the food and others to the open bar that Kenma had hired.
You glance around the room and spot Kimi playing with her cousins so you decide to finally greet his family, wanting to be a good host. "Mom! Dad! Yoko!" Their smiles grow as they spot you, pulling you into hugs as soon as you're in arms reach. "Thank you for coming down on such short notice. I know it means a lot to Omi that you're here to celebrate his birthday." His mom waves you off. "We wouldn't miss it for the world! It's been so long since he last had a birthday party. He never wanted us to throw him one, so we're happy to be here." His mom says as she glances over at her son who is excitedly talking to Ushijima.
"Enough about my boring brother. I heard he finally grew some balls and asked you to be his girlfriend!" Kiyoko says and you can't help but laugh and cover your face, trying to hide the heat that is slowly making its way onto your face. "You're pretty much part of the family now." She grins as she pulls you into a side hug. You smile and nod your head, "That's the plan, I'm not going anywhere." Kiyoko squeals and hugs you tight.
Before she can go on a tangent of all the things she wants to do now that you and her brother are official you're interrupted by your sweet brat. "Mommy! Look!" Kimi holds up a a drawing she had made. You smile as you see what looks to be the scenery of the gardens outside and two people sitting on a bench. "Did you draw me and daddy?" She nods her head, a big smile on her face. "Were you watching us?" You raise a brow while waiting for an answer. You notice the way she looks off to the side before looking at Kenma who's pretending he can't hear the conversation you're having with Kimi right now.
"Uncle Ken said I'm not supposed to tell you that we were hiding behind a bush and we were watching daddy ask you to be his girlfriend...but I got excited and forgot." She says with a shrug. You can't help but smile at her honesty. "I love your drawing baby. Let's hang it up when we get home, okay?" You watch the smile grow on her face. You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist, before a kiss is being pressed to your temple. "Come on, my girls need to eat too." You can't help but lean into him if only for a few moments. "Alright. Let's go!" You say excitedly as you take Kimi's hand and hook your arm around Sakusa's.
We're so close to the end! Are y'all ready to say goodbye to our little family?
Kimi really did forget she was supposed to keep it a secret but she was so happy for her daddy and mommy. Lol.
I'm a day late. I was so exhausted yesterday lol. My bad y'all.
As usual, let me know what you thought either in the comments or through ask!
Taglist: @taelia15 @dorkange @sexyandcringe @szeonn @natriae @whore-for-anime @diestheticu @strawberrymatchatae @youraggedybitch @mikk-o @erenisms @akisrandom @confusion-lord @trashy-simp @somniari-94 @pillboxmb @astrrnmy @all-in-the-fandoms @mattsunnn @kunikame @daninaninani @juniorhooter @crayonwriting @sosiegate @grassbutneo @saaraunicorn @lalalemon101 @sunahyejin @sugusshi @roselleviennesstuff @queen-aria-things @hello0i @oopskashish @wolffmaiden @shakesqueer444 @julia-1901 @blkladyelle @marinarihearts @oikawas-toris @carlgrimm @zekeslefttit @rory-cakes @nomnom21 @noayuusukki @yukimaniac @the-jester-calamity @everytimeswift @morpheus-rex @buns-inhiding @rntrsuna
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sunflower-emoji · 4 months
Keigo thought to share, but heights warning in advance! Do you have any headcanons for flying with Hawks? There's this type of roller coaster I used to operate called a vekoma flying dutchman- a coaster where you're strapped in, laid down on your back, and then ride on your stomach after the hill. There's only 2 of these coasters left worldwide, and I swear it's the closest to actually flying as it gets. There's this moment when you're at the top and you feel weightless- the skyline cuts your field of vision right down the middle, and you're left with this beautiful upside-down horizon that would be impossible to see anywhere else. I think sharing those sort of experiences would be important to Keigo, and that he shares his bird's eye view of the world as often as his partners want ^^
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Zaz!! Thank you for this ask and oooh what a cool and slightly terrifying roller coaster. I may have gotten a bit carried away, but I'm not particularly sorry about it. :P
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Flying with Hawks: Headcanons
Dumb jokes galore
"Told ya I'd turn your whole world upside down, chickadee."
He will sweep you off your feet in the most literal sense, and he will make that joke every. single. time. He loves your surprised little yelp and the way you cling to him when he catches you off guard. But most of all, he loves the way you still blush at his corny lines, even as you roll your eyes.
Shared point of view
"Hm? You want me to take you flying? Yeah! Thought you'd never ask."
I agree with you 100%; those moments in the air are so special to him and being able to share them with you is something he cherishes. You may be hesitant to ask at first, worried about using him or being a burden, but once you see his unbridled joy, your requests grow in boldness and frequency. He revels in the ability to make your face light up with awe as you see the world anew.
It's also his go-to way of sneaking in quality time with you. Even at his busiest, he can usually manage taking you on a lap around the neighborhood or picking you up from work, turning a mundane trip into something magical.
Slowly, then all at once
"C'mon, I'm the number two hero; no way I'd ever let you fall."
If you're a little nervous about flying or heights, he's happy to take it slow at first. Holding you just a little ways off the ground, so your feet could still touch if you stretched, before slowly floating upwards until you're above the trees.
On the other hand, he's happy to go full mama bird on you if that's what you need, bundling you up in his arms and jumping off the nearest skyscraper before you have time to think. Either way, the terror quickly evaporates into thrill as you take in the views from the safest place on earth.
A place just for you
"Are you free tonight? There's something I wanna show you."
Keigo has different places he takes people to, depending on the situation and his relationship to them. His sidekicks get treated to post-patrol takeout on a rooftop in the business district, and Tokoyami gets advice bestowed upon him from an old radio tower. When you first start dating, he takes you to the flashiest vistas in an attempt to impress you (it sorta works: the views are indeed spectacular, but you've been falling for him for other reasons for quite some time now.)
It's after you've been dating for a while, when he's certain he loves you but hasn't said it yet, that he takes you to the secret places he's never showed anyone else. They're his absolute favorites, the ones where he feels most at ease and at home. Before you came along, they were the one thing he was ever selfish about, the sole part of his life he kept just for himself. He never expected that to change, but now he wants nothing more than to share his whole life with you. Because he no longer has to be alone to feel the most like himself; he just has to be with you.
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schizoidcel · 11 months
requesting a jax x fem reader fluff and if you’re comfortable slight suggestive stuff alphabet!!
Just wanted to say how Ik I got other reqs but I wanted to do this one first since alphabet shit is easy and fun to do. ANYWHOO Ik bestie said fem but again I only do gn stuff so it can be seen as both 🙈
Plus I decided to use a diff alphabet cus it's more fun that way
Activities (What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?)
He loves messing around with you.
Whether it be messing around with people, the tent, the adventures IT DOSEN'T EVEN MATTER he just wants to wreak havoc with you
Boo! (How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?)
Jax is deffo all in for those ...
He loves scaring you with putting random shit you fear in your room or making you extremely happy by giving you some random thing you like out of nowhere
Cuddling (How do they like to cuddle?)
This guys limbs are LONG .
So whenever yall cuddle prepare to be wrapped up like you just got put in a straitjacket.
Date (What does their ideal date with you look like?)
Jax is up to do literally ANYTHING with you, as long as it's not completely boring.
"Boring" does NOT include lazing around together in bed or anywhere at times, he loves doing that
Emotions (How do they express emotion around you?)
He's definitely more vulnerable around you in private, obviously cs he trusts you.
And it's the same for you!
He still barely vents, if at all, he dosen't want to ruin your image of him
Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
He never really thought about it, he's more of a enjoy the present type of guy I feel like, though breaking up with you is something that would never really cross his mind.
Then again, I don't think having kids with you is something he ever thought about either
Holding Hands (When/How do they like to hold hands?)
He dosen't hold your hands that much
Rather, he either uses your head or shoulders as an armrest (cuck) or just likes to throw his arm/hand around your shoulder or body
Injury (How would they act if you got hurt?)
I imagine he'd get worried but not that much, he knows you don't crack easily, and he wouldn't lose his head over you getting like a scratch on your arm.
However, if you like, LOST said arm he'd definitely be confused.
He would also joke about how you managed to get hurt that badly, but once he realizes he's kinda stepping too far he stops, and instead "shows" you his more "worried side" instead
Will try to ease the pain (keyword: try LOL)
Jokes (Do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
God he bothers and plays with you so much its unbelieveable.
Mostly because again, he LIVES for your attention, but also because your reactions are the only ones that repeadetly make him laugh
If you ever tell him how he only mainly pranks you because he wants your attention he'll deny EVERYTHING
Kisses (How do they like to kiss you?)
Loves them.
Receiving or giving he dosen't care he LOVES how tingly they make him feel
But what he loves most is how weak you get in his hold once he starts kissing you repeadetly/intensly .
Love Languages (What are their love langauges?)
Jax has his own love language.
As I said, he likes to prank and joke on you or on the other members with you.
Though his other love languages would definitely include quality time and physical touch (We all know hes needy deep inside .)
Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sometimes, you two sleep together.
Whether that be because your room is too far away or because you're tired or literally just because
But once you both wake up, you either lie in silence for minutes to hours or talk about the most random shit ever.
Nightmare (What are their fears?)
His fear is simple: You or him abstracting before you both get out.
Yes, just that.
It terrifies him whenever he thinks of it 🌚
Oddity (What is one quirk they have?)
He's a rabbit.
What I'm implying is that you can see how Jax truly feels about a situation by looking VERY closely at his ears
He's been trying not to make them move whenever he feels literally anythin.
But if you look at them very intensly, you can definitely see how sometimes they perk up when he's alerted or lean back when he's relaxed
Pet Names (What do they like to call you?)
I just know he calls you anything that gets a reaction out of you .
Even if its corny or cringe or cheesy, he does not GIVE A SINGLE FUCK he just wants you to get flustered.
Though one pet name he likes to use alot is "darling"
Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tries to remember what you like, dont like, what makes you happy, what makes you uncomfortable, etc. (Albeit he dosen't really do a great job at it... he tries LOL)
Mainly because he wouldn't want to step over a line while joking, but part of the reason is also because he wants to remember as much as he can about you incase you two get out
Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Appreciates the moments where you both just enjoy yourselves most.
Though, his favourite moment ever was the day he first pranked you.
Nothing will EVER beat the face you made
Security (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves defending and protecting you, it makes him feel powerful (silly ass bitch).
Though, if you want to protect yourself, or want to protect him, he definitely won't complain (He'll find it hot in a way. deffo.)
Time (How long did it take you to get together?)
It took a LONG time.
Jax mostly was in denial about his feelings, and you were way too scared to confess 💀
There was this period of time where whenever you two were next to eachother you could feel a sense of awkwardness in the air, and the others found it way too funny to do anything about it.
Though, eventually, Jax got the courage to confess to you
He regret saying anything immediately after, in fear of what'll you'll say, even though he knows he would probably be like "Oh no it was just a dare" if you rejected him
But thank the GODS you liked him too
So now that he just pull his crush, his ego is thru the ROOF
He'll definitely act even cockier .
Unique (What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?)
He sometimes rubs his chin on you subcounciously while sleeping ..
You don't know if this is actually charming or not.
Value (How important is the relationship to them?)
This relationship is really important to him, as he never let anyone be this close to him before
And if he did, obviously he dosen't remember anymore
So now that he's with you, he will definitely not plan on dropping you anytime soon, if at all
So you better not do the same either, he wouldn't know what to do whether you left him willingly or because you died/abstracted
Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He likes getting pet.
That's it.
That's the wild card.
(He'll also never tell you, you'll have to figure out yourself)
(Ok Ik Gooseworx said he'd prolly hate it but this is y we call it headcanon yall lets keep living in illusion)
X-Ray (How well are they able to read you?)
He can read you SO WELL like it dosen't even matter how your avatar looks he'll most of the time always have an idea of how you feel.
Yearn (How do they act when they miss you? Do they show it?)
He won't show it
He will NEVAR allow himself to show anyone how badly he misses you.
Though once the both of you are together again, you can obviously sense it by the way he holds you (he holds you tighter and closer, basically)
Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sometimes sleeps with his eyes open and it's the biggest scare of your life when you wake up and see that bitch looking at you, eyes popped like looney tunes
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
Can you tell I didn't know what to add for the ending LMFAAOAOOO though I genuinely believe he DOES sleep like that sometimes
Anyway this draft didn't save like . 7 times. I had to redo so much someone be glad I didn't bomb this country out of frustration cus GOD
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truly-a-snitch · 1 year
Hii can I request ranpo and chuuya with an s/o that has a kitsune type ability? like they can turn into one fully and can also semi transform with just the ears and tail, you can make it female or gender neutral
dang ranpo is popular LMAO not that im complaining hes my little meow meow ^_^ also i went w gn reader bc i dont write fem reader !! also u didnt say if u wanted hcs or not but i went w hcs if u wanted drabbles or fics feel free to ask again !!
WARNINGS: a bit suggestive in chuuyas but nothing explicit
chuuya and ranpo with a kitsune ability user s/o
kitsune are born tricksters, being yokai, and those with kitsune abilities are certainly no different ! while your affinity for practical jokes may grate on chuuya, you are still his s/o at the end of the day
(he would NOT be dating you if he didnt want to trust me)
when you’re partially transformed (or fully transformed) he tries to watch how loud he gets since he’s not very good at volume control and he doesn’t want to hurt your ears
he likes to scratch behind your ears or pet your tail !! he does it mindlessly tbh, even though he can’t feel your fur through his gloves he likes hearing you react or feeling your ears/tail twitch
he also likes hearing and seeing your foxlike mannerisms ! he can always tell if somebody is getting on your nerves because of your gekkering, and he’s particularly fond of when you nuzzle up to him or the way you ‘shadow’ him (trailing behind him)
chuuya probably has a book or two on his bookshelf about fox mannerisms just so he understands your body language a bit better
one thing he had to get used to was just how talkative you were. foxes are very social creatures, and much of that crossed over into your personality
luckily for you, he likes listening to you talk
if you have claws, he thinks thats really cool (he's into it in a sexy way)
the shapeshifting throws him off not gonna lie. especially because you're so smart as a result of your ability. however he loves watching you mess with people by turning into other people
ranpo is 100% THE BEST audience for your illusion tricks. he will sit next to you/in your lap/literally anywhere he can see you and demand that you do your silly little illusory tricks
he thinks your fox form is absolutely precious. he loves petting you and carrying you around on his shoulders
joins in on your pranks all the time fr !! he helps you make them more unpredictable
so far, you've gotten everybody in the agency... except dazai, who keeps seeing through your plans. you've gotten ranpo, but he 'let you' (you aren't sure if he actually did)
mimics your fox noises ! you start yapping ? he yaps back. you bark ? he barks right back !
hes been a play wrestler ever since he found out that it's a way that fox kits blow off steam. any form of physical touch is a big yes for him, but especially wrestling. it's the only way he expends energy he doesn't absolutely have to
(its probably nostalgic for you, since you likely would have done it as a child/right when your ability presented)
prank wars are common between you two as well !!
he's talkative ! he loves talking and you two will frequently go on dates where you just infodump at each other over a meal
he likes to play with your tail and ears a lot !!
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Being Annie's Younger Sibling Would Include:
Requested: Can I request some headcanons please for being Starlight's younger sibling? How their dynamic would evolve as the show goes on? - anon
A/N: I wasn't sure if the reader is a Supe or not like Annie, so I split in half depending on the way you'd want to imagine it :) I love this idea and I could go on forever! I'm re-watching the first season, so things might be a little sketchy between s1 and s4. Thank you for requesting! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Being Annie's Younger Sibling As A Supe:
You and Annie were extremely close given that your mother pushed you two to be the best
From what you ate to who you hung out with to what you did with your free time was up to your controlling, domineering mother
You were so grateful for your big sister who gave you that kind of motherly unconditional love and support your own could not give you
Staying up late and talking in your shared room
"What are you gonna do when you join The Seven?"
"Make sure you're there with me."
Annie snuck you snacks that your mother decided was too sugary or bad, giving you her own just to see the smile on your face
Coming to her when you're having problems in school, with crushes, homework, and your Supe abilities
Because your mother is the way she is, she's constantly comparing you and Annie together. Who is stronger, faster, getting better grades, taking part in the most saves. etc.
Because she's older and has more experience, you have to work twice as hard to keep up with her. You don't hold this against Annie, though
She makes sure to tell you how good you're doing all the time and tells you how proud she is of you daily
Growing up, you and Annie would play The Seven and draw pictures of The Seven and what your suits would look like. It really was such a big dream of yours to be part of the team, to be a sibling duo too
Training together after school. You two take it very seriously, but when your mother isn't looking, you two goof off like regular kids and chase one another around shrieking and laughing
Playing dress up in your Maeve and Homelander costumes
Designing your costumes together
You both audition together, but only Annie gets the call. Though you're hurt you didn't make the cut, you're glad at least one of you got to live your dreams
Walking down the red carpet with Annie and your mom, feeling, for a moment, what it would be like to be part of the team
When it's time to leave, Annie promises she'll put in a good word for you. This is before she realizes who and what she'll be working with. Once she finds out, once she realizes, she regrets ever saying anything
To keep her in line, Homelander and Vought use you against her: they know you use the police scanner, they have the resources to fake a crime that ends up killing you (that is, if they want to be that discreet about it - Homelander is eager to laser you in half just for fun)
She keeps communication limited and her details sparse. She hates lying to you when you ask if it's everything you've dreamed of, but she can't tell you the truth. No one can know the truth
Instead she asks about what you're up to, if you've saved a stay cat from a tree or walked an old lady across a busy street
You know she's joking, but you can't help but feel like what you're doing compared to what she's doing is so small, so silly
Watching every interview and TV appearance she's in. Cheering her on!
Your mother purs all her focus into your career now. You can't do anything or go anywhere without her interrogating you
It's suffocating
By the time you're able to book a flight to see Annie (and escape your mother) she's deemed a traitor by The Seven
You show up anyway, demanding answers. She hasn't called you or texted. She hasn't been on TV. Annie's disappeared, and you're the only one who noticed. You're kicked out of Vought with even more questions and a terrible feeling
That's when you meet Hughie
Being Annie's Younger Sibling As A Non-Supe:
Growing up, you were kind of in the background, the shadows of your sisters success
Your mother put all her effort and dreams into Annie, creating a bit of resentment towards her and their relationship
Now that you're older, you know it wasn't love and affection that she was getting, rather it was pressure and constant critique
Sitting in the crowds of Annie's pageants, dragged along to events and celebrations for Supe kids, left to entertain yourself while your sister was doted on
Constantly hearing "Why can't you be more like your sister?"
Still, Annie did everything in her power to be the best big sister
She played with you and read to you and looked after you in school. She made sure no one messed with you or picked on you. As far as she was concerned, you might've been your mothers child, but you were her baby
Making your own Supe suit from dress up costumes and clothes you found around the house, pretending you too had powers
While your mother wouldn't entertain these ideas, Annie always called you whatever name you wanted, playing along with your "Supe powers"
When you two rough-housed she was always gentle with you, knowing she was so much stronger
You had to come up with your own dreams, your own ideas, since your mother wasn't projecting a future like she had with Annie
Going to college, getting a job, meeting someone, etc. Your milestones vs. your sisters seemed painfully average
Annie was excited for you, though. As silly as it might seem, she was, in a way, jealous. Where you saw average and boring, she saw safe and stable, a life uncontrolled by your mother
You're still in school when Annie gets the call about The Seven. You're overjoyed for her, but you can't help but think about how lonely it'll be here when it's just you and your mom
Annie was the glue holding your family together
You never miss an interview or appearance, everything she does and is part of is recorded so that you never forget this big moment for your family
Annie calls you once a week to fill you in on what's going on, leaving out the worst parts, both wanting to protect you from the truth and knowing she'll face consequences if she said anything
You're always sending her little things from back home: cards, pictures from your childhood, gift baskets, etc.
As far as you know, things are going great. She's living the dream your mother always had. Without her, you and your mom have little in common. She tries to take an interest in what you're doing, what you're studying, but for the most part she leaves you alone. You two have your own lives
You miss her a lot. Sleeping in your shared bedroom just isn't the same
You plan to fly out to see her between breaks in classes, but before then, she's deemed a traitor to The Seven. You call and text and even show up a Vought, demanding answers, but because you're not a Supe, you're not a member of the press, and you have no power, Homelander and Stormfront send you a way without answers
That's when you meet Hughie
Where The Two Lives Come Together:
He's heard all about you from Annie and gets your number from her just in case
When he realizes you're in the city, he makes his move, introducing himself as a friend with all the answers you could ever need
You're wary, but he shows you pictures and texts between him and Annie. If she liked him, if she trusted him, then so could you
He tries to ease you into the truth, but with Annie missing, you don't want to be lied to anymore. You're done being babied. You find out about everything: Compound V, and Homelander, and Vought, and everything
If you are a Supe, you feel this extra sense of fury towards your mother for poisoning you and your sister for her own gain
The Boys are wary of you: you seems down to earth and sweet, but naive. Even if you are a Supe, that still doesn't mean you're ready for this life. The constant danger, the harassment. They thought you should go back to Des Moines and let them handle it
Hughie sticks up for you, defending you, and eventually, you find your way on to the team, at least in Hughies good graces
When Annie gets out of Vought, defeats Stormfront, and wins her place back into The Seven, you take even more initiative with The Boys
You call your mother and tell her you won't be home for a while. She pries for more information, but you fear you've already given up too much
After Annie comes back to The Seven, her ratings are better than expected. You know it's safer for her to play along, even after Homelander announces they're in a relationship together
You try not to pry into her relationship, but you can't help but take sides: it's better this way, to "be" with Homelander. He can't hurt her if they're in a public relationship, at least not as much as he wants to
You and your sister argue about this (her safety) and yours. She doesn't want you anywhere near this kind of danger. She was trying to protect you from this, from Vought and Homelander
If you're not a Supe, you're more vulnerable
If you are a Supe, they know about you, your powers. They can figure out how to hurt you, kill you even
Regardless of abilities, she makes sure you don't let anyone know your real identity, making up a name for you to use with ID's and everything
She will do anything to protect you
Because you're so dedicated to one another, eventually The Boys realize maybe you're not so bad, maybe you have more to offer than they thought
When Hughie and Butcher get their hands on experimental V, you decide to take if you're not a Supe
Annie is furious at both you and Hughie. How could he let you take an experimental drug? How could he take it himself? She makes you both promise not to take it again, but both of you break that promise
You were always compared to your sister growing up, now you could be just like her, at least for a little while
After she publicly denounces her place at The Seven, she officially joins the team
Having her there with you feels like being back home, if you forget about everything else going on. Being with your sister, it reminds you what's important
Talking more to your mother, not necessarily being open, but talking nonetheless
"Mom, I'm fine. We're both fine."
She's furious Annie left The Seven and she blames you for her decision. Annie was always the perfect one, the better one. As far as she's concerned, you talked Annie out of it over jealousy and insecurity
Annie tries to stick up for you, but you know it's better if she gets it out of her system
Becoming fast friends with M.M. and eventually Kimiko
They both see what you're willing to do for your family, your sister, and there's a lot of merit in that
You're exceptionally close with Hughie. He sees you as a younger sibling too, someone to watch over and protect
Supe or not, Butcher still doesn't 100% like you, but the same can be said for any of them
Annie encourages you to keep up with your studies, to have that life you always wanted in the back of your mind, but you know, realistically, things will never be the same
Sending Hughie all of her most embarrassing pictures
In return, she tells him about your most embarrassing memories
It's not easy. It never will be. But when it's time to leave, you stick with your sister. If you're a Supe you get away with her, Hughie nodding at the both of you. If not, they take you with him. You beg her to go, get to safety, watching her abilities grow more powerful than ever before
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable bridges
(Under the cut)
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Out of the woods
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in the hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said, "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up, you were looking at me
You were looking at me, oh
You were looking at me
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet?)
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods?)
I remember
(Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet?)
(Are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet? Good)
Oh, I remember
Wildest Dreams
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' it down
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' (Burnin') it (It) down (Down)
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow (Follow) you (You) around
(Follow you around)
Is It Over Now?
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashin' lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs
And my whispered sighs
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin'
Off of very tall somethings
Just to see you come runnin'
And say the one thing I've been wanting, but no
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
The drought was the very worst, ah-ah, ah-ah
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst (Oh)
I reached for you, but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad
Illicit affairs
And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
the last great american dynasty
They say she was seen on occasion
Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea
And in a feud with her neighbor
She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
Fifty years is a long time
Holiday House sat quietly on that beach
Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits
And then it was bought by me
You know I left a part of me back in New York
You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
You knew the password so I let you in the door
You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
But what you did was just as dark
(Ah, ah, ah)
Darling, this was just as hard
As when they pulled me apart
my tears ricochet
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me in your bones
And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)
And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)
Back when we were still changin' for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say, "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
You weren't mine to lose, no
champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a violent blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the fiercest fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
tolerate it
While you were out buildin' other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm beggin' for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
Right where you left me
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What if Y/N was like pepe la pew she is very romantic, she always pounced on him and kissed him a bunch of times while giving him a bunch of mushy lovely knit names.
It stinks to be single😫😫😫😫
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(Lmk Wukong) Heart eyes heart eyes for days. This man was just minding his own business until you got bombarded by a very affectionate and cute demon girl. He was being called things like my cute little peach. My sweet ray of sunshine, my adorable little monkey? Such a handsome monkey and how cute he is and With how hard and how much is blushing he feels he's gonna pass out. Oh no you're giving him kisses he's not going to survive this.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) His face is so red with fury and embarrassment. He can't do anything or be anywhere alone. Because now you're over here sticking to him like my gum got stuck at his fur. At first he thought you were looking for a fight. What with all the nicknames and the lovely w language? You were talking to him and that unfortunately isn't the case. You always tell him that your lover not a fighter. And that you simply want to grant him some much needed attention in love. You once said he was an adorable little monkey Which caused him to blush so hard steam came off his face. He will let you ramble on and on about how you'll be such a loving wife to him and that you will take care of him for as long as you guys love which is forever because of the and immortality. Eventually, over the years he learns to tolerate you when you're antics and text and don't tell anyone but he loves you too.
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(NR Wukong) Oh man you picked a wrong one. Well in your case the right one but let me explain. This guy would break With Any kind of affection you give him A kiss? A hug a bunch of nicknames. You give them the fact that even though he would probably run away from you. You were just gonna hop, skip and jump towards him in such a teasing nothing manner. And by the end of all that, you're gonna find yourself Running Away from him. Because you may have over did it with the kisses and affection.
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(HIB Wukong) The man he can deal with you and whatever to help. This is right now but he is forced to. First of all, he's blushing and angry. Because you said that he was such a handsome monkey and The most adorable demon you've ever seen. P has to think you're mocking him. Because when people see his face they usually stay to hell away. But no, the second you see him. You ran towards him pounced on him Adam attacked and smothered him with so much affection. He had to think this was a joke. What no you were softly calling him all these nicknames like peaches, my Sunspot, My wonderful warrior and the second you also called him your king. Blushy and teary but only you've got to see it.
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(Netflix Wukong) Hell no he ain't gonna survive you and your love. I mean, he knows he's great and all. But he's never experienced anything like this before. There's a demon girl who was very passionate and loving towards him. And that excites and terrorizes him a little and not to mention. You would just come out and nowhere with that. Sometimes he has to go into hiding the second. He heard oh chestnut my heart is sizzling for you i'm coming. Boy had to bolt out there Because you were shouting that from across the village and hopping around just looking for him. But between you and me I think he likes the chase that you chase some down just so you can love on him. The dude could really use it
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(I’m wondering if you do poly relationships. If you don’t, then feel free to decline this request)
How about some Robin x F!reader x Sparkle hcs. This includes the characters relationship with the reader and the poly in general. Some fluffy and chaotic shenanigans
( . .)
( づ♡
I absolutely do! I myself am polyamorous, so i loved writing this. Ty for the request 🩷
(Everything is a little random, honestly this post may or may not have convinced me that Robin x Sparkle is an adorable ship)
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To say you three had a chaotic relationship would be an understatement, almost everything was a surprise when you all were around.
Oftentimes you're with Robin, helping her along with anything she wants or needs. It's hard for her to do things when she is the robin, so she'll ask you for favors, which you get many kisses in return for.
Whenever sparkle shows up is when it gets interesting. She very much likes to show off around you two, so she'll show up in the most random ways possible. One of Robin's bodyguards? Surprise! Sparkle has been pretending to be him all day. Even Sunday isn't safe, she's pretended to be him on multiple occasions, and neither one of you figure out till she finally drops a hint.
Despite her tricks, she really enjoys being "sparkle" around you two. Even if she is just playing a character, you two make her feel like that is who she should be, trickster and all.
Robin also feels like her truest self around you two. She never has to put up an act, she can laugh genuinely at both sparkle's antics and your jokes, it never feels forced.
If either you or sparkle stay the night, she will absolutely sing you to sleep. Sparkle always needs to be listening to something to fall asleep, so it helps her immensely. You've developed the same habit ever since you started living with Robin. She sings around the house and at night, so you always want to hear her singing!
Robin is also very lovey dovey, she would always hold your hand if she could. Whenever sparkle graces you two with her presence, Robin is most definitely playing with her hair (would also do the same with yours if it is long).
Here's some more silly little head cannons (but in bullet point form :D)
. Sparkle is a big fan of PDA with you, anything that will surprise other people is what she's going for. She'll wear lipstick just to leave kiss marks all over your face, and you won't figure it out until you finally get home that day.
. You probably do most of the cooking in the relationship. Of course Robin helps whenever she gets the time, but she tends to have lots of duties to attend to. (And I'm pretty sure sparkle would burn the food or make something that she finds to be good, and it's actually like almost inedible.)
. Dates in public rarely happen between the 3 of you, even if you (hypothetically) found a time when none of you were busy, Robin can't exactly go out as herself, nor is it really a good idea to take sparkle anywhere. Most dates consist of either a spa night, watching terrible movies, or cuddling.
. I mentioned this earlier, but Robin's love language is a mix of physical touch and words of encouragement. If she's in public with you and sparkle, she'll rain down compliments on both of you. She never fails to notice little things in your outfit, or how sparkle is luckily holding herself back from bothering the shit out of other people. When you all are in private, her hands are definitely busy with one of you.
. Sparkle is a mix of acts of service and giving gifts. She'll never say it out loud, but it's always her doing when suddenly your schedule will miraculously work itself out whenever you want to spend time with her or Robin. She'll do just about anything to see you two smiling and laughing, so she'll use her connections quite often for you two. As for gifts, she always makes sure you know those are from her. Even if it's just a silly little bracelet, Sparkle will write a long theatrical note to go with it, usually making up some crazy plot about how she found the item.
Anyway, even if all 3 of you walked down very different paths, each person brings their own love and happiness to the relationship <3
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How to write an ending no glue no borax (literally kill me I hate writing the end of anything T-T)
Once again, ty for the request! It was lots of fun to write, and honestly challenged me a little. I have lots of my own little head cannons for Robin, but I never really was a big sparkle fan, so I didn't know too much about her. I tried not to write her ooc, so sorry if it came off that way :(
I do know more about her now though and I am happy to say I do like her! I was honestly considering pulling for her bc she's coming up in the next banner, but I'm not trying to pull another Jade and Argenti rn.
Thank you for reading!! If you like my work please consider liking and rebloging it 🩷
Daily click to help those in Palestine
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