#this is a funny post about eating a little garlic butter. as a treat
malwarewolf404 · 8 days
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Food-driven Hindbrain: 0=0 OKAY
Tool-focused Midbrain: Right, if we were gonna eat something like that, it’d probably be better to use the spatula. That way we could try a bit without contaminating anything :)
Food-driven Hindbrain: o0o I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD DO THAT
Tool-driven Midbrain: But we won’t be being nasty, right?
Social-driven Forebrain:
Food-driven Hindbrain: IMMA DO IT :D
Social-driven Forebrain: NO UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
Tool-driven Midbrain: Go ahead buddy!
Food-driven Hindbrain: :|]===
Tool-driven Midbrain: :D
Social-driven Forebrain:
Tool-driven Midbrain: D:
Social-Driven Forebrain: I warned you
Food-driven Hindbrain: I’M DYING OF SALT SHOCK
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donaldkingsbury · 5 years
I am from the country CLEVELAND, the country of CLEVELAND, OHIO
16 hours ago yesterday the day before this
Someone says:
Donald Joseph Kingsbury You should be embarrassed that you believe your own post
Americas Excrement always rises to the top. #kingsburywine
Nothing for 6 hrs
Donald Joseph Kingsbury America Will always rise to the top above Canada along with almost every other country around the world. The only reason your country has not been invaded is because we use you as a nuclear waste dumping sight and for that you have our protection
...my country rox & rules the world along the banks of LAKE ERIE. We will always be the center of the world for my country is the heart of it all & rocks. For without the country I cum phrom nothing would rock. My country is the center of the world, nothing else could compare to it not even a summers day.
Donald Joseph Kingsbury LOL tell that to the queen you Worship Canada the center of the world that is very funny
Donald Joseph Kingsbury The citizens of your country were shot out of the sky God bless their souls what has your country done in retaliation?? How is it protecting your citizens? Does your government not care? Your country cannot afford to go to war
...my country has rocking maple syrup in the great & powerful heart of it we have rocking corn &world famous health clinics & a ride country that's the center of the coumtrt on the banks of LAKE ERIE, my country rocks & rolls over whatever you call a country
Donald Joseph Kingsbury we have everything that you have but on a much larger scale I don’t have time to list all the others that we have I’d be here all night but all of our Nuclear waste it dumped in your country so I can see how your brains a little foggy
... you have nothing of what we have for we are the rocking heart of it all, no one has corn like we have syrup or Amish, we are the birthing place great music like punk & of course devolution. #kingsburywine
Now a symphony of silence
5 minutes later
Donald Joseph Kingsbury maybe you’ve never been to the United States but we have corn coming out of our ears along with everything else agriculture everywhere I look I see signs that people are selling maple syrup and we also have a bunch of Amish but that is not me bragging about a bunch of inbred’s And punk music LOL that wasn’t even cool in the 80s lol Or ever All punk music was A bunch of losers or outcast
Donald Joseph Kingsbury Not to mention your country is the most passive weak country in the world Maybe if you send Iran all your maple syrup and corn they will stop Punking you Do you like the way I use the word punk it suits your country very well
... you have never been to the heart of it of all, eating corn maple syrup sandwiches. Dancing to our national treasures of Devo & Dead Boys or watched Bernie Kosar throw a ball till that wretched man of Art Modell steal our beloved foosball team & had a count down clock at Tower City. My country rocks on the banks of LAKE ERIE. #kingsburywine
... we have the cleanest of fine water that no Republican governor made dirty for profit of corporations,bankers,401Ks & board members like your governor in 2012ish in Flint, Michigan
6 minutes later
Donald Joseph Kingsbury I’m sure your water is fine with your country Storing all of Americans nuclear waste LOL most Americans are not poor enough to have to eat corn maple syrup sandwiches LOL and if your national treasures are Devo and dead boys now I feel even more sorry for you your beloved foosball team? Our sports are a little bit bigger than bar room games I’ve never heard of Tower city countdown clock we have a countdown clock in New York you may have heard of it LOL and as far as your health care system i’m in Port Huron Michigan a lot and every doctors office you go by there’s no room to park because everyone from Canada comes over to pay for their healthcare because your health care death panel don’t treat you right so they come over to get Healthcare here
Donald Joseph Kingsbury By the way what is the population of that week ass country over there?
Donald Joseph Kingsbury Yes I’m sure the governor of Michigan picked out one city of the state and said let’s go fuck their water up you sound about as stupid as your country
Donald Joseph Kingsbury all the governor did was approve it he had no idea what was going on the only people to blame about that is the city of Flint And the Democrats that run it and lied about the water situation so they could put more money in their pockets and make it cheaper for the free loading welfare recipients so the state don’t have to pay so much water bills
on banks of lake Erie the population of the rocking of it all is 385525 the population of the rivers of Cuyahoga & Ohio that kiss lake Erie in the heart of it all is 11,690,000
#kingsburywine #youngdrunkandhip #Thomasbowersdidntkillhimself
Me:ever get the feeling you've been cheated
Donald Joseph Kingsbury That is an American meme
Donald Joseph Kingsbury My girlfriend grows them in my backyard but if that is you trying to give me a rose please don’t do that again I’m not into your kind of people
Donald Joseph Kingsbury My dad is a bee farm or did you think they only had bees in your country LOL
Donald Joseph Kingsbury The heart of it all? Did your five-year-old kid draw that for you LOL
Donald Joseph Kingsbury yes I do feel like I’ve been cheated out of a minute of my life for listen To that bullshit you called music
2 minutes lata
Me: I am phrom the edges of the banks of lake Erie that rocks to the beats of dead boys,devo,Frankenstein, the Skintree & gohnorea. We eats pumpkin pie, garlic spaghetti with pickles & peanut butter like anyone else. We have great world renown healthcare clinics that the poor cannot afford & corporations & bankers & landlords abandoned but took the profit from the abandonment & bad water from water fascist for the profits of CEO, board members, wall street & 401k parasites, the heart of it all
One hour later:
Donald Joseph Kingsbury Not to Sure if you made it all the way through school or not but Cleveland Ohio is in the United States of America
2020 seconds lata:
...may you continue to be the gyft you are that keeps giving rainbows on the back of a dove flying free above the the light bulb covering the sun, up high
Several milliseconds lata:
Same Dude:
Donald Joseph Kingsbury lay off the crack
or breaketh yr mamas back #kingsburywine
My roommate walking out the door with SW ta walkies the best lil doggie ever, I say to them "iph yinz see any egg nog, don't buy it, it's prolly spoiled." #kingsburywine
Same doode:
Donald Joseph Kingsbury The nuclear waste that your country takes of ours is obviously leaking into your waterlines
best reason to turn all rooftops/living rooms/bathrooms/bedrooms/highways/government buildings/cop stations/religious buildings/banks/prisons/banks/landlords skulls into gardens that grow, turn...
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0 notes
nekojitachan · 7 years
Please please please post us something ??? I miss your writing like an owner missing his beloved pet!! Anything you have or just bits of it. Please!!??????
Hmm, I’m really trying to get Heartlines ch5 done soon - I’m not sure it’ll be up for next Sunday, but maybe the following Wednesday? That said, here’s a little peek at the next part of The First Breath. It’s the start of the story (I’ll probably clean this up a little and expand upon it):
Eh… very brief mention of an abusive mother? Think that’s the only trigger here.
It still amazed Andrew that he not only had his ownapartment to call ‘home’, a large loft with a freezer stocked with multiplepints of ice cream and a cabinet with liquor and the entire place warded tokeep out almost everyone, but that he shared the place with Neil. That when hereturned to a space that wasn’t just a building where he was staying for acertain amount of time but where he felt safe and content and had made it hisown, there was a gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile.
A gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile whilestretched out on their bed with two cats, with more cats curled up all throughtheir home.
All right, Andrew could accept that it was his life, allthings considered. Especially when he caught sight of King lying on hisfavorite black sweater, her grey hair now all over it. Yet before he couldbitch at the cat, Neil rose up in an obvious invitation for a kiss. “Thatdidn’t take long.”
Andrew settled for glaring at the cat, which of course ignoredhim, as he set aside the bag of hot chocolate mix which he’d ‘run’ out for inanticipation for the ‘family’ dinner before he leaned in to oblige his idiot.“No, Renee was right in that the one store had it.” Granted, the store had beenin Toronto, but that was a minor thing when all it had taken was a thought andhe’d been there a moment later.
“Hmm.” Neil’s hands hovered around Andrew’s shoulders for afew seconds before Andrew grasped them gently by the wrist and draped themaround his neck to show it was all right to hold onto him, then ran his ownhands along the front of the idiot’s chest while he deepened the kiss. Theydidn’t have much time… he didn’t havemuch time, but soon enough they both were lying down on the bed while King andSir let out displeased meows and jumped off, Andrew’s hands beneath Neil’st-shirt and Neil’s hands in his hair.
It was when Andrew took to skimming his lips along the topof the black collar around Neil’s throat and his left hand began to slipbeneath the waistband of Neil’s dark grey jeans that he reminded himself of whycontinuing things past that point would be ‘bad’, even though he had a feelingthat in another half an hour he’d greatly regret stopping now and getting upfrom the bed. With a slight sigh of regret, he pulled away from his lover,which provoked a displeased sound from Neil which sounded a bit reminiscent ofwhat the cats had made a couple of minutes before (Neil needed to hang out withRenee or Dan some more, dammit, and less at home with all the cats).
“Come on,” Andrew told him as he dragged his idiot upright.“When is the asshole going to be here?” Once Neil was sitting with a scowl onhis face, he let him go to grab the bag of hot chocolate mix.
“Uhm.” Now Neil appeared thoughtful as he considered somethingthen sighed. “Very soon.”
“Great.” Andrew headed to the kitchen, mindful of thekittens from the litter temporarily taking up residence near the coffee able,so he could have a glass of whiskey before having to deal with both Wrath andthe dinner. “Sure you can’t hang out with Renee or Matt for the night instead?”
“Renee has planswith Allison,” Neil told him as he followed along, still somewhat bemused byAndrew’s insistence on calling their fellow Named Ones by their ‘mortal’monikers but playing along as always, “and Matt has been going on about somenew game coming out.” He shuddered a little as he mentioned his friend.“Supposedly he has high hopes of being able to beat Tem- ah, Jean on it, so Ifear if I go spend time with him, he’ll force me to play it so he canpractice.”
Hmm, it sounded as if Jean was off on another ‘not-date’with Jeremy that evening. Andrew didn’t understand why it was taking someonewho otherwise appeared intelligent so long to pick up the fucking clue that areasonably attractive (if one liked annoying and almost always cheerful morons)guy adored them. Then again, it was becoming clear that Riko had fucked up Jeanin various ways over the years that he’d kept the Virtue magically chained inservitude to the prick, a thought that made Andrew slosh a good bit of whiskeyinto the glass tumbler then toss it back with haste.
Riko was nevergetting anywhere near Neil again, so Andrew would just have to suffer throughWrath being in his home that evening while he was out at Bee’s, since she haddeclared the weekly ‘family’ dinners a time for Andrew, Aaron and Nicky to getto know each other better without any ‘respective others’ (meaning Neil andErik) to be there as a distraction (to be insulted by Aaron, for Neil to sayhis weird, unfiltered shit or for Erik to take offense at Aaron’s insults onNicky’s and Neil’s behalves).
Neil came over to stand beside Andrew until their shouldersbrushed together with a purring Sir held in his arms, and some of the angersettled in Andrew at the contact. He felt the urge to unfurl his wings and wrapthem around his lover, to slip betweento some high rooftop where the two of them could look out over a city,somewhere peaceful and safe and blocked off from the world, but he had hisobligations tonight. He’d promised Bee to help her with Aaron, had answered hisbrother’s call and taken that step to save him, so he could only miss a dinnerif another call pulled at him or if there was something equally important.
Unfortunately for him, trading insults with Neil’s uncle fora couple of hours or making out with his lover didn’t qualify as that‘important’.
He debated another glass of whiskey when there was afamiliar rush of power followed by an quick knock on the front door, and sighedagain when Neil smiled as he went to allow their guest into the loft.
/The angry one is visiting?/ Sir asked as she twisted herhead back to look at Neil.
“Yes, for a little bit.”
/Hmm, he brought treats last time./
Neil set her down before he opened the door to admit Wrath,who was dressed in light grey slacks and a white button-down shirt without avest, tie or jacket – in other words, rather informal for once. He held thestrings to a gift bag in his left hand, and judging from the way that King cametrotting forward and Sir’s black ears perked up, he continued to bribe the damncats. “Looking good, kiddo,” he said as he reached out to tousle Neil’s unrulyauburn curls.
“Thank you.” Neil suffered the affectionate gesture with agenuine smile before he stepped out of the way. “You look good, too.”
“Been busy as fuck, but I can’t complain.” Wrath’s grey eyesnarrowed a little when he caught sight of Andrew, then he shrugged. “Broughtsome of those butter biscuits you really like, figured we’d have them and sometea.”
“Well, this party is getting too out of control for me, timeto leave,” Andrew drawled while Wrath huffed and made a rude gesture in hisdirection; he doubted that he and the Vice would ever be good friends, but theywere unified in their determination to keep a certain idiot safe and that wasenough common ground for them.
“I think you need to get the place sprayed for fleas, kiddo.Seems to be an annoying one buzzing around here,” Wrath commented as he set thebag down on the kitchen island.
“Not funny,” Neil sighed, but before he could chide hisuncle for the pathetic joke, Andrew grasped his lover by the chin and pulledhim in for a quick kiss.
“Try not to do anything too stupid with the old fart thereand save me some cookies,” Andrew told him right before he slipped between, and left with the sight ofNeil’s smile in his mind and Wrath’s gruff voice calling out ‘little shit’before he appeared in Bee’s kitchen.
There was the smell of garlic and meatloaf in the air, andBee paused in checking a boiling pot to stare at him for a couple of seconds.“I still can’t get over that,” she said with a smile as she pushed up herfogged glasses.
She accepted the fact that Andrew and Aaron were demi-gods,that Nicky was a powerful witch, that Andrew had taken on the Aspect of a Furyand meted out justice and vengeance, that there were times he bore wings andfangs and claws… and it was the teleportation which left her amazed. He shookhis head as he held up the bag of hot chocolate. “I got you more of that mixyou liked.”
Her smile strengthened as she wiped her hands on her hipsthen reached for it. “Thank you.” She set the bag aside on the counter thenlooked him up and down as if to take in the finely knit black sweater, theblack jeans and ankle boots. “Hmm, being a mythological creature appears toagree with you.”
“Amusing,” he told her while he filched a slice of breadfrom the basket set out on the counter and began to break it apart to eat it. “Where’sAaron?”
“He went to get changed after helping me prepare dinner.”She checked the pot one more time before turning off the oven. “How’s Neil?”
“The same as always. Nicky made the mistake of showing himWikipedia a few days ago so now I have to make sure to limit his time on theinternet or he’ll spend hours correcting ‘the many, many erroneous events foolish humans keep asserting took place inhistory.’ Which is usually followed by the question, ‘Andrew, do mortals knowwhat the word ‘history’ means?’.” He rolled his eyes while glancing around thebottle of wine Bee had to have out on the counter somewhere, and started for itonce he caught sight of it.
Bee did her best to bite back on a laugh and didn’t sayanything when he started to uncork the bottle, having given up by then onlecturing Andrew on ‘underage drinking’; he wasn’t ‘human’ and a few glasses ofwine wouldn’t affect him, that and he no longer drove. Hell, ever since he tookon the aspect of Tisiphone and ‘Andrew Joseph Dobson’ had for all intents andpurposes disappeared from the world, the Fates had twisted things so that Nickyhad ended up with Andrew’s car. He’d be a bit bitter about that, but he couldgo anywhere he wanted with a mere thought and had ‘inherited’ enough money withthe Aspect to buy a few dozen fancy sports cars if he was so inclined.
“Yes, that does sound like him. You’ll have to bring himover soon, I do enjoy listening to his stories.” Bee smiled as she reached intothe oven to pull out the meatloaf, while Andrew poured her a glass of wine aswell.
She’d just reached for the glass when Aaron entered thekitchen, dressed all in black much like Andrew – however, that was where theirsimilarities ended. Unlike Andrew, Aaron didn’t have a fancy black credit cardand a nice huge bank account, so his style relied more on Nicky’s and Bee’scharity (well, and a bit on Andrew’s, considering that he’d given Bee somemoney back in November and December and told her to pass it off as presentsfrom her for the ungrateful bastard) than anything else. There was also thefact that Andrew had never looked like such a sullen asshole ever in his life. “Oh,you’re here already,” Aaron said with a faint sniff as he folded his arms overhis chest. “Wonderful.”
The smile faded a little from Bee’s mouth as she glancedover at her latest project. “We were just talking about Neil.”
Aaron’s lips twisted a little upon hearing the name ofAndrew’s lover. “What, we’re starting it already? Nicky’s not even here yet andI have to put up with how great and perfect things are with everyone but me?”He scowled at Andrew, who merely stood there drinking his wine, well used tothe current rant. “Having fun playing house with the scary freak-“
“Aaron,” Bee warned as she set her own wine aside and gaveAndrew’s twin a narrowed look.
“-and you go around messing up other people’s lives, huh?Kill anyone else’s mom today?” Aaron taunted him.
“Aaron! That was uncalled for,” Bee said, but before shecould go on about displacement or some other bullshit, Andrew shook his head.
“Not today,” he informed his brother. “But I did kill one acouple of days ago, some drunken bitch who’ll never harm her daughter again.”Andrew ‘smiled’ at Aaron, an expression that had too much sharp teeth in it,and didn’t stop even when Aaron flinched from the sight and Bee drained herwineglass. “Funny how the girl was so grateful for what I did, how all of themare grateful, except for my own flesh and blood.”
“But… she… I don’t….” Aaron sputtered into silence and shookhis head, his expression no longer one of utmost petulance and spite but ofconfusion instead. He wrapped his arms around himself until Bee gave a lighttouch to his left shoulder.
“Go check the table, will you?” she asked, and after aslight start he nodded then hurried into the dining room. Bee watched him gobefore looking over at Andrew. “He’s… well, he’s trying a little,” she offered.“At least he’s talking about it now. It’s small steps but it’s something.”
It was Aaron blaming Andrew for doing something Aaron hadbeen unable to do, for Aaron being unwilling to let go of the past when he finallyhad a future in front of him. Not for the first time, Andrew regretted beingunable to let go of things himself, since he was now stuck with Nicky andAaron, with a pest of a cousin and an ungrateful shit of a brother. All thatand he still had dinner to get through with both of them.
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destination-of-fate · 8 years
(English Subs + Text) Soraru and Mafumafu’s new Cooking Videos
”I tried making Sticky Ramen for my friend” I’ve subbed Soraru’s latest video on his official channel where he tries to cook a meal for Mafumafu! :O If the English subs don’t pop up immediately, click the gear icon and enable them~ Below the “read more” is the full transcript for Mafumafu’s video! Watch Mafumafu’s video here. I can’t subtitle it because his channel doesn’t have community contributions enabled, sorry! ;_; But feel free to share the link to this post if you see people wanting to know what’s happening in the video! This goes line by line and might be a bit hard to understand without the video side by side, so feel free to ask if you have any questions~ I hope you enjoy both videos! :) (Please do not use these translations to upload a subbed version of either video to Youtube or anywhere else)
Title: “I made Medicine Curry for my friend [I’m sorry]”
(Lines not spoken)
Mafumafu: My face looks so bad today… Hey there! Everyone! Hello~ I’m Mafumafu. Well, you see~ Soraru-san, who I work with for certain things He’s… So physically frail! So as for that- I can’t cook or anything at all, but there’s- Medicinal cooking!! That word means-
(Lines spoken) Mafumafu: Siri~ “What’s medicinal cooking?” How do you activate Siri? Siri: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that. Mafumafu: SILENCE! What’s “medicinal cooking?” Siri: I found some information about “incidental cooking” on the web. Mafumafu: “Medicinal cooking is a variety of Chinese cuisine.” Eh… it’s Chinese food…? But I wanted to make curry. So for today I want Soraru-san to feel a bit better That was our plan So here! Medicinal curry That’s what I want to make! I don’t actually know anything about medicinal cooking But basically I just need to make something that’s good for your body, right? Here are our ingredients. Meat!!! *sniff sniff* Ginger I really hate this stuff G-garlic Potatoes! And this… Can you see this? “Lily bulb…?”
“It’s said that lily bulbs have positive effects on the throat” Mafumafu: It’s like sawdust… Aah, something came out! And finally, the curry. These are the items I want to work with What should I do? For now I guess maybe I should put this in The directions are written here! Huh, I see... Okay~! Wash my hands thoroughly… with soap First of all, since I’m not very skilled I think I should start with chopping the ingredients Is this right…? Soraru: It’s right, it’s right. Peel it Mafumafu: Do I have to peel it? If it were you, do you think you could eat it if it wasn’t peeled? Soraru: We’re eating it together. Mafumafu: Eating what? Soraru: Huh? Don’t say that Mafumafu: Eh, I’m not eating it. I don’t eat curry. And I just ate before this. Soraru: The thing about curry It tastes good Because You eat it together
(Caption) “No more forced comments”
Mafumafu: I wonder how long it’s been since I last cooked Ah, but I did cook during our DVD project Is this right? Do you even wash the peel with water first? Do we even have a peely thing (*He means a peeler) A peely thing (*He means a peeler) Uwaaaaa~ Let’s peel this potato I’m a little scared What’s with this? OW! I hit… my fingernail… Eh, can I stop now? As for why we suddenly decided to do cooking videos The truth is that Soraru-san was in poor health at the start of the year Soraru: That’s true Mafumafu: He couldn’t even sing… That’s why… We wanted to upload videos that weren’t songs… And put at least some kind of work out there Or maybe rather than “work” This is “rehabilitation...” He can’t do livestreams either… He can’t talk much… So I said I’d make something and he could eat it… He said “Me too~ Me too!! I want to cook too!! I want to post videos too!!”
“*This is an impression”
Mafumafu: He said to me all of a sudden: “I want to move to the countryside, where no one knows me-” (Impression Fade-In) “Maybe I’ll start a second life as a farmer or something” When he said that, I was worried about how depressed he was Of course, I was worried So I quickly bought a video camera…. Like… I said “It might seem weird, but do you want to film some video and post it?” “Want to do something for fun?” It was funny to see Soraru-san unexpectedly get so excited while preparing for it. Soraru: There’s something on my mind right now, more than that potato… Mafumafu: Yes? Yes? Soraru: Why do you have Lipovitan D on the counter? (T/N: Energy Drink) Mafumafu: Oh, no no, that’s just there because I wanted to feel fired up as I cooked. Soraru: Ah, you’re drinking it yourself. Mafumafu: Right, right. Don’t worry. Please don’t worry about that at all. I would never! I would never! www Soraru: Yeah, I guess not (Confirming) Mafumafu: Right, I would never www You see, I just… Soraru: Even someone as ignorant about cooking as you… Mafumafu: It’s so I can wholeheartedly cook a meal. And I do want you to get your nutrients (?) Soraru: Aren’t you the one drinking it? Mafumafu: Ah, that’s right! I’m drinking it! Of course, of course! Well, you can supplement some vitamins and such too (?) Soraru: Ehh ww Aren’t you the one drinking it wwww Mafumafu: I’m drinking it! Of course, of course! Don’t worry about anything. In fact, you can sleep if you want. Since you’re not feeling well. One is plenty, right? (potatoes) It’s just for one person, after all. Time to cut? I’m used to using silverware. *bam!* I’m good, right? Time for ginger! How do you eat this? Do you shape it like this? Soraru: Chop it small, at least Mafumafu: Soraru-san, you can go away now Soraru: No I can’t Mafumafu: I’m making the ginger around the same size as the potato Can you even tell the difference between them? Soraru: Yes, yes, yes I can. Mafumafu: Eh, could this be… Could it be that if I use this trick, you won’t be able to figure out that it’s ginger? Soraru: Is this Russian Roulette… w Mafumafu: Mmm. Okay. I think I can get away with this? Look, you can’t tell! (Delighted) Soraru: What would happen if you ate that… Mafumafu: I don’t know Should I grate it and fry it? I’ll grate it into the pot Ehhh I hate garlic~ I don’t want to touch it... Soraru: Can you put garlic in curry? Mafumafu: Yeah you can! I wonder if this will be ok… I’m sorry, Soraru-san Soraru: Stop it. Don’t apologize before you make me eat it. Mafumafu: I’ve never had this before. Lily bulb? What does it look like? What part of a lily bulb do you even eat? How do you prepare it? Alright… (He googled it) I wonder if you can really eat this I’m so sorry Soraru: Don’t apologize before making me eat it. Mafumafu: Let’s do this- Soraru: All the stuff is white Mafumafu: Yeah… Ok, first! Let’s cook the meat and vegetables Maybe I’ll start with the meat? Let’s cook it! I wonder if I’m doing this right It’s already scary! It’s splattering! It’s splattering! I’m scared! I’m scared! HEY! AAAAAH Wait, wait, wait Eh? I’m scared! Am I doing this wrong? Eh, ah, wait www eh, hold on- AAAAAH You need high heat for Chinese food
(Caption) “*Curry is not Chinese food”
Mafumafu: Seriously, stop it! Hey! Seriously! STOPPPPP ITTT!!!
“*His highest voice of the day”
Mafumafu: Alright, I’ll add the vegetables now~ Here I go~ Yaay~! Soraru: I really can’t tell which pieces are ginger Mafumafu: It’s splattering. It’s splattering. (He’s a bit used to it now) Which is it!? Soraru: Eh, I can’t tell at all. Mafumafu: Doesn’t it smell good? I can measure the water by eye, right? I’m adding the water~ Is that enough? Ehh, should I open it? Oh! That looks good~! I’ll add the roux How much do you need? I guess I’ll add about half? wwwwww this is so rough www Even for me, this is really imprecise I want to put it in piece by piece while it gradually melts I should have brought some chocolate or something Soraru-san wouldn’t notice, I’m sure Soraru: Some people do add chocolate as a subtle seasoning Mafumafu: That’s not what I mean It would be completely chocolate… You probably wouldn��t notice it, right Soraru-san? “It’s sweeter than usual this time”
(Caption) “*This is an impression” Mafumafu: Like this? The work I’m doing here is quite tech-y
“Tech-y: To do something in a technical way. He’s using it to show off.”
Mafumafu: This is kind of a pain I’m sure this is fine ww Alright, it’s done~ Soraru: There’s definitely not enough roux in there Mafumafu: Eh, really!? I think it’s enough… This really doesn’t look appetizing at all I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get married Soraru: Definitely not at this rate Mafumafu: It’s bubbling now Ah, but doesn’t this look kinda good? Soraru: Has it thickened? Mafumafu: Yeah, it has! I think I want to use a bit more Hmmm~mmmmm Should I add the whole thing? I’ve been cooking properly up until now, so I want to be careful with this Little by little
“Putting in ⅓ of it at a time”
Soraru: No way wwwww You did it with so little hesitation I thought maybe my eyes were deceiving me... Mafumafu: Ah, look! It’s so thick! Yeah, it looks good! Soraru: Aren’t you playing this off a bit too much? w Mafumafu: You sure complain a lot… Such a pain… It’s a pain, but… There's no foam forming this time, huh Time for the secret ingredient! *clang* Soraru: He suddenly opens the fridge… Mafumafu: Honey~
(Caption) “He believes he is doing an impression. Please treat him kindly as you listen.”
Soraru: Oh, it’s honey The sweet curry is getting even sweeter *drip* *drip* *drip* *drip* Hey, hey, hey!! You added so much… Mafumafu: Eh? That’s normal I want to put more in Butter~ Soraru: Can you really put butter in curry… Mafumafu: Butter curry! Butter chicken curry! Soraru: Does that have butter in it? Mafumafu: Eh, it’s butter chicken, so wouldn’t it have butter in it? Soraru: I see… Mafumafu: But who knows What about Tabasco? Soraru: Wouldn’t that taste bad? Mafumafu: Maybe? Soraru: Ah, ah, ah, ah… Mafumafu: I tried my hardest to make this, so please eat it, ok? Ok, Soraru-san, you can leave the room now~ Soraru: Alright Mafumafu: The curry is almost done… But for the secret ingredient…
(Bottle Label) “Lipovitan D” (T/N: energy drink)
Mafumafu: Maybe that’s too mean? It might be a bit too mean It can’t be helped, then I’ll go with this
(Caption) “A meaner upgrade”
“Yunker” (T/N: Nutrition drink to help with fatigue and illness) Mafumafu: He won’t figure it out, right? He’ll feel better, right? Healthy things + Healthy things = Healthy things This is fine, right? Soraru-san! I think it’s done~ It’s done now! Soraru: Yeah, that looks good Mafumafu: It’s still full! It’s still full! I didn’t drink any! Soraru: Huh, you really didn’t put any in. Huh??? Mafumafu: (Oh crap) I didn’t, I didn’t… Soraru: I thought so. Mafumafu: I just felt like I had a cold coming on… Soraru: I thought so. Mafumafu: Yeah~ (monotone) Although I don’t actually feel that way IT’S DONE!!
(Caption) “First taste” Mafumafu: I’m giving this the name “Mafumafu’s Medicine Curry” Soraru: But you didn’t put any medicine in, did you... Mafumafu: Of course not. Of course not w Soraru: Here I go Mafumafu: It’s curry that works like medicine H-How is it? The ingredients are: Meat Sliced garlic Ginger (chunks) Shredded ginger Soraru: Ah, the garlic… It’s so strong… Mafumafu: Really!? Soraru: But I actually like garlic quite a bit Mafumafu: There’s also~ (continuing) Lily bulb How’s the lily bulb!? Soraru: The lily bulb… Mafumafu: Did you eat it? Soraru: Is it… this thing…?? Mafumafu: The curved things Soraru: I can’t find any? Did they disappear...? They dissolved? Mafumafu: Eh, no way… Ah, that’s it Soraru: This? Mafumafu: Maybe that’s garlic Soraru: It’s garlic, it’s garlic www Mafumafu: Maybe they didn’t get added? Soraru: But you know~ It’s not bad Mafumafu: Ah, it’s like a gray area? It doesn’t taste good? Soraru: It’s like… Well, there’s garlic in the curry…. Mafumafu: Doesn’t it taste good? I thought it’d be pretty good
(Caption) “Ginger disguised as potato” Soraru: Want some? Want it? Here Mafumafu: Me? Sure, of course. Soraru: Want this bite? There, potato! (Huge lie)
Soraru: Isn’t that horrible? Mafumafu: The End
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derangedknifefreak · 8 years
Void/file travel: Chara randomly appears in timelines/au’s other then her own to mess with them. Past: Chara when she was younger, aka, during the goat family time with Asriel. Possesing Frisk: Chara during her first genocide run. Will be written with both my muses. Non-canon: Anything else you’d like to rp, such as post pacifist or random ships, I won’t say no but I won’t consider it canon for Chara’s story.
Full Name: HIDDEN Nickname: Chara >     How’d they get it?: It was the first thing she thought of when she met Asriel.
Age: 14 (but if you count all the timelines she’s been through she’d be around 30 or so) >     Date of Birth: 25 may 1974 >     Zodiac: Gemini
Species: Human Gender: Trans Feminine (Aka, born male, identifies primarily but not completely as female.)
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them Sexual Orientation: No preference
>     When did they realize this?:Their interests don’t lay in traditional sexual contact, so the gender or species of the opposing party simply don’t matter.
Current Residence: Post Genocide Undertale verse
Fight Abilities
Hand-to-Hand capability: Very quick reflexes and good at dodging, but having a teens body, her punches are virtually harmless. >     Who taught them: Reflexes came naturally but she learned how to deal with monster attacks through multiple playthroughs with various Frisks and Players.
Weapons: Chara will use whatever weapon is available to them and is light enough for them to swing effectively. She has an obvious preference for any weapon with a sharp edge and point, like knives, swords and spears. She usually picks a knife because it’s the lightest and easiest to maneuver. >     Who taught them: Self taught
Physical strength: very little Speed: very fast Planning: She knows all monsters from the original timeline so she can easily plan her attacks around this knowledge, but when she meets a new monster she tends to attack blindly until she’s figured them out. Powers: Can possess anybody. A monsters’ weaker soul doesn’t stand a chance against hers, but the soul of a young determined human could probably expel hers. Gaining LOVE makes it easier for her to possess you.
The only parents Chara truly remembers having at this point are Toriel and Asgore. Before she fell into the underground she actually had a pretty normal family life, but she didn’t get along with any of her family; she simply never fit in anywhere. She was always the odd duck out and not once felt any kind of understanding from anyone. She hates humans primarily because they’re ‘stupid’ and ‘useless’. This hatred only applies to adults as she’s generally willing to give children a chance.
Chara was always a bit closer with Toriel, she appreciated goat mom’s humor and felt accepted and loved by her in ways she never felt before. Unconditionally. She loves Asgore too, but simply has a slightly more distant relationship with him. Asgore was more aware of her somewhat twisted nature, which is probably why he kept her at a slight distance.
Of course she was closest with Asriel. The two shared literally everything together. Toriel had a difficult job just getting them to eat of different plates and sleep in different beds. But despite how close they were their relationship was less then healthy. Chara would manipulate and emotionally abuse Asriel to get what she wanted. Asriel was for the most part unaware of this, but occasionally it would dawn on him that she treated him more like a pet then a brother. He never complained though; he just wanted her to love and approve of him.
Virgin?: In the classic sense, yes. However they have been involved in sexual acts of a different nature.
First crush?: You could argue that (genocide!)Sans was their first crush; but it would only be his strength they crushed on, not him as a person. They also have a certain obsession with their frisk and the same goes for Asriel; while they were never in love She considers him hers and used to get really possessive.
Any romantic relationship?: It would be difficult for any relationship with a person this twisted to evolve into a romance, but it’s not impossible. Chara could only be romanced by a personality more dominant then her own, and that person would have to accept her ‘demonic’ nature, and to a certain degree, understand it. Chara is an emotional masochist, she won’t like being hurt physically, but she likes it if her partner can give her the feels. The more it hurts her heart, the better. 
Favorite foods: French Snails in Garlic butter [Don’t put them in pie toriel!], Candied apples, Pure Chocolate >     Least favorite food: Pasta’s in general
Favorite colors: Red [BLOOD] >     Least favorite color: Gold
Music: Trance and the gentler styles of house music Literature: Fairy Tales Smell: Lemons Feeling: Bittersweet Season: Fall Pets: Hamster Place: Core Favorite sport: Dancing Possession this character values most: the Heart locket >     Why is it so important to them?:It contains a picture of her goat family and reminds her of the happiest time she had in her life.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 155 cm (5 feet 1 inch) Weight: 45 kg (90 pounds) Body build: Slender Eye Color: Deep brown/ red >     Glasses or contact lenses?: No
Hair Color: Light Brown >     Type of hair: Frizzy straight >     Hairstyle: Chin length, styled outwards
Complexion and skin tone: Pale / Caucasian >     Any particular blemishes?: Her lips are always cracked.
Shape of Face: apple Scent: Salty and Metallic Voice: Medium high Mannerisms: Giggly, seemingly carefree, DISTURBING Health: Physically; she’s literally a walking, rotting corpse. It doesn’t really bother her much though and she can’t exactly get sick either. Her soul (Which isn’t in her body, she’s using Frisks’) is all cracked up and eternally bleeding. Style: Simple and cute, a cross between childish and feminine. She likes sleeves that are too long. Tics: Not exactly a nervous tic, but She cannot stand still when she hears music, ever. She will dance against her own will.
Preferred Clothing
Underwear: Solid colored slips Shirts: stripped sweaters Pants: comfy shorts, leggings Skirts: short, multi-layer Jackets: loose and comfortable Shoes: anything without heels, Short boots Accessories: She doesn’t go anywhere without her locket. Formal wear: She’d purposely wear something old and torn up just to make a point. Sleeping wear: shorts and shirt Swimming wear: children’s bikini
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Did they go to school?: She was home schooled both above and under ground. She’s good at exact subjects.
Native language: English >     Do they know any other languages?: No, but she carries a wing dings translation sheet around just in case. Multiverse travel taught her to.
Manner of Writing: Childish, doesn’t use difficult words and keeps her sentences short. Any Mental Illnesses?: So many, but they are undiagnosed. In short, she’s thoroughly fucked in the head. How does your Character see themselves?: “After everything I’ve done, It’s still just me. Nothing’s wrong.” How does your Character believe they are perceived by others?: They think they’re seen as nothing but a demon who only exists to torture and kill everyone around them. This believe is often accurate. How self-confident is your character?: If they don’t feel confident they will just pretend they are so it’s not noticeable. They’re a good actor. >     What makes their self-confidence waver?: Dying to minor monsters
What would embarrass your character the most?: If somebody felt sorry for them. How does your character feel about love: She doesn’t see the point of it.
How does your character show affection/love?: Play around and threatening them longer before brutally murdering them. She may even make you a flower crown. Before forcing you to eat it. Probably. How does your character handle grief?: In short, she doesn’t. She just pretends it’s not there at all. >     What are they like when they cry?: Quietly sobbing while hidden away OR grinning madly while tears stream down when their face with the FEELS. >     What can make them cry?: Being reminded of Asriel’s betrayal or in those rare moments when the fact everybody hates their existence actually gets to them.
How does your character handle physical pain?: She gets mad and makes sure to pay it back triple. >     Emotional pain?: She gets high on it.
Leader or follower?: Follower/ loner ‘big picture’ or ‘little details’?: Big picture Energy level: She’s quite energetic. Describe their sense of humor:  Dry and dark. Very dark. She finds screams of agony especially funny. Hobbies: Playing games and dancing. Talents: Seeing through people, dancing. >     She dances a fast style of contemporary dance.
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing.
Emotional Characteristics
How does character relate to others?: She seem them primarily as tools or sources of entertainment. How does the character deal with anger?: Fight. >     With sadness/ loss?: Smile >     With conflict?: Kill >     With change?: Curiosity
What does your character want out of life?: To be entertained What would your character like to change in his/her life?: Generally they’d answer this question with ‘nothing’ or ‘what would be the point, this world will end regardless’. But occasionally they’ll long for the time they were happy with their family, and wish Asriel had used his powers to get the 6 souls and execute their plan. What frightens your character?: Little white dogs >     Are they afraid of the Dark?: No, they embrace it. >     Death?: No, they’re technically  already dead.
Is your character judgmental of others?: She’s quick to gather what to expect of the opposing party but her deductions are usually accurate so you can’t really call it being judgmental. She’s kind of judgmental of naive people though. Is your character generous or stingy?: Neither, she doesn’t really deal with money. Is your character generally polite or rude?: Rude. Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic. Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert/ behaves like extrovert. Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil, no need to be cautious when you’re already dead. Logical or Emotional?: Both Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Messy Would they rather be working or relaxing?: They like to be active. How do they feel about animals?: Pets are pretty cute, she secretly has a weakness for fluffy things. They are most at ease when: Listening to music and dancing alone. >     Ill at ease when: having to behave for some reason in a crowded place; too many people judging her at once.
What is their best quality?: Good dancer. What is their biggest flaw?: Everything else.
Some History
Chara didn’t go through any sort of trauma aside from those caused by her own abnormal personality even as a child. During her childhood she never expressed her inner demons the way she does now. She was actually a pretty sweet child before Frisk showed her it was ok for her to be evil, to be themselves, through doing a genocide run. Since then she has seen, and caused many more broken timelines.
Breaking and recreating the timeline over and over again has caused her soul to crack. Pieces have broken away over time, leaving her with less and less of her ‘good’ self. If she continues the way she has, eventually, she truly will be nothing but the demon called LOVE.
Blank Character profile by Jadeookami@Deviantart
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On the 13th of Jan we jetted our way into Lisbon, Portugal. Even on the plane flying in at dusk we could tell this place was going to be the tits. Our uber driver from the airport was really sweet and though he spoke little English, tried to point out local sites and main roads for us. We were basically speaking to each other through our phones, got pretty funny at some points, especially when he was trying to explain something to us and his phone kept translating what he was saying to “Mazda 3” haha. The people here are really warm and it has to be one of our favourite places so far; good people, great food and the city is fantastic. Perched right on the coast and surrounded by beaches which are just a short, cheap train ride away.
We arrived at our Hostel – Livin’ Lisbon. It seemed really cool, clean, in a big old building that looked recently done up, and was buzzing with all sorts. After being checked in our host escorted us to our room, a private double room with a massive bed and desk, drawers etc – right in the city for only 34aud a night including breakfast. Shared bathroom, but there were two on our small floor so no real issue there. The hostel even provide dinner each night for only 4 euro each. Pretty stoked at the value and quality of the place. We got settled into our room and headed out to grab a bite –  Found a new burger joint just around the corner called Gutsy. Was ok, lets just say its no Burgerfuel… the “home-made” lemonade was pretty decent though.
Upon returning, showering and clambering into bed, we soon discovered the downside to our amazing accommodation; Right next door (somewhere) is a night club playing DOOF-DOOF til the small hours, AND the hallways of our level have polished wood floors with high ceilings and echo any footsteps or voices ten fold. At about 12:30am I’d had enough of the loud Americans in the hallway (who I might add had left their bedroom door open while they drank and shout-talked). …”ALEXAAA, ALEXAAA! OH MY GAAD ALEXAA WHAT REWM ARE YEW IN??? IM IN HERE TEWW!”… I was at the end of my patience with inconsiderate assholes and while I couldn’t do anything about the top 100 hits from 2005 going on next door, I sure as shit wasn’t going to tolerate loud conversation from the fools down the hall. I got up and told them politely to shut their door – I was actually pretty polite too, I don’t know if my face registered calm but they apologised and shut the door, appearing completely unaware of their noise level. An hour later I donned ear plugs and finally fell into a deep sleep…
14th Jan – Day one in Lisbon started with breakfast at the hostel, pancakes with Nutella, raspberry compote, and yoghurt plus muslie or toast – coffees wasnt bad either. Then out to explore. We had rounded the corner of the hostel down one of the many tight and tall little back streets when we came across an antique store and were told that there was a vintage market on the main street, Av. de Liberdade, a couple blocks away. Onward we marched until reaching said market, it was full of treasures – most we either couldn’t afford or  couldn’t afford to carry home but purchases were made in the form of a great periperi from a foodie stall and a few other bits and pieces. Also had the experience of being told off by an old stall owner for picking up a perfume dispenser that looked like a vintage flip lighter… “if you don’t know what et es, do not touch et” before explaining what it was and clicking the button I was about to click myself – Cheers mate.
We continued further down the main street towards the harbourside, sucking in as much sunlight as possible on the way. Lisbon is stunning, full of century old buildings with brightly painted or tiled facades. The streets smell of the most mouth-watering food and there are a tonne of people trying to sell you weed, even cocaine! – but they were offering it all to Jim, I guess he’s got “that” look haha. We stopped at a bakery and bought a couple of treats, lemon curd doughnuts, custard tarts and this savoury scone roll type thing with pepperoni and cheese in the middle – oh my. Further down was the sunny waterfront at Cais das Colunas which was humming with tourists and a couple of street performers including a percussion band that were on point – complete with a hoolahoop-gypsy-hippy lady dancing in front.
Off through the back streets again, photographing dozens of pieces of street art and graffiti  – its everywhere here but adds to the colour and beauty of the city. Soon STARVING we stopped in at a hole in the wall local restaurant for a late arvo lunch and ordered grilled sardines with potatoes and salad – pretty standard local style food where the fish is chargrilled. A small bowl of fresh olives, local beer and sangria topped the experience off. It had to be one of the tastiest meals we have eaten on this Europe trip, and so simple. All the food had so much flavour and the fish was so good! Definitely wanna try cooking like that back home. Dessert was interesting – mine was like a custard creme brûlée, and Jims could only be described as scrambled egg cake with coffee syrup haha. Kinda weird but we ate it all. After a couple of hours chatting and drinking, we left and walked up the hill (not a nice feeling when you’re full of fish, custard and sangria) and got to a look out point Miradouro da Graca at the Igreja e Convento da Graca Cathedral which was in the middle of a service so we couldn’t look around – but what we saw of the building was gorgeous. Then back up and over many hills and we were at the hostel a couple of hours later. Having booked in for the 4 euro dinner we enjoyed a plate of pasta later that evening before retiring to our room. Another dance music induced sleep, and we woke to the morning of the 15th January. This was another Stop The World day. Jim and I were exhausted. Our feet were bruised and sore and staying in bed for the day was luxury. There aren’t many times in your life when you will spend the entire day in bed – blissss.  Jim went out to the supermarket round the corner that evening and we made burgers in the hostel kitchen, using some of that periperi we bought the day before… Perfect end to a perfect day of nothingness. The morning of the 16th, well rested we leapt (not really) out of bed and prepared for another day of exploration. Its bright and sunny here every day and way warmer than anywhere we have been so far – getting up to about 16 degrees during the day. Got to say the sunshine is sooo good after a couple of months of cold/rainy/overcast days. We joined our fellow hostel goers for breakfast and then left for the train station and Cascais beach. Three trains and 45 minutes later we were walking the stunning shore line and small cobbled streets of Cascais and wishing despite the cooler climate, that we had bought our beach gear with us for the day. The water is crystal clear and so many different shades of blue and turquoise it blows your mind.
Down at the small beach cove a sand artist – is that what they are called? Sand sculptor? I don’t know, anyway a guy was building these epic sand sculptures and castles.  Jim chucked a coin into the well and the sculpture (of a guy holding his ding-a-ling) turned into a fountain and simulated him taking a pee into the well haha. Pretty cool. Our explorations took us further around the point, and being a monday in the middle of winter almost all restaurants/stores were closed. A couple of kilometers down there was a marina where we found a Portuguese tapas place and indulged in a multitude of delights; fresh clams with butter, garlic and parsley, prawns cooked much the same way but super crispy, mozzarella and tomato on toast with basil, olive oil and balsamic, Iberian ham (local cured ham which is only produced in spain and Portugal) on toast with red pepper pesto, great bread and olives again with a local beer and white wine – not sure what the drinks were called but they were delish too. We ate everything. It was too good to leave, including the buttery garlic gravy from the clams and prawns which we soaked up with the bread. Another bakery stop (or two) for custard tarts and we were feeling sorry for ourselves haha, too much of a good thing or in this case, many good things. The day was drawing to a close so on the train and home for the night. We were still so full that we didn’t eat dinner until 10pm and it was another home-made burger for Jim and a cheese toasty for me. The 17th of January, post hostel breakfast and chores were calling. We spent a couple of hours at Vem e Lava laundrette up the road where we soaked up the free wifi and I wrote most of this entry. The plan, to get the laundry done and then head off on the train to the ferry terminal to catch a ferry across the river/harbour to Cacilhas and then another bus and over to a beach called Costa da Caparica. The weather was perfect and the water extremely calm so the ferry trip of about 12-15mins was effortless. When we hopped off the boat we were in the port area of Cacilhas and there were a few outdoor seafood restaurants serving charcoal grilled fish, as well as Portuguese fish stews, paella and clams. We sat down and ordered up a bunch of food before Jim realised that he hadn’t grabbed any more cash after our laundry expenses that morning and we were left with 30 euros for the day! – This had to cover our bus and train tickets too. So Jim ran up to the waiter and apologetically cancelled our lunch. We had already received our drinks, bread, cheese (Portuguese sheeps milk cheese which is so yum and served at most restaurants as soon as you sit down) and a tasty plate of olives. So we sat and ate bread, cheese and olives and downed our wine and beer before apologising again. We paid 10 euros for the drinks and nibbles – I might add it was only 7 euros but we felt so bad and cheap that we tipped 3 euro haha.
On the way to the bus we saw in the distance a giant sailing ship and headed toward that to check it out. It was called Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória and is a rebuild of a ship that sunk in the Lisbon harbour.  We had a walk through it and had some side-splitting moments from acting out the voices of the many freaky looking mannequins they had set up below deck… Good times.
Another bus ride (after wasting three euro’s buying the wrong tickets first time – good stuff eh) and we found ourselves at Costa da Caparica township. This place is a bit of a surf haven and after walking through the extremely tourist oriented township we made it to the beach where, despite the cold water and next to no surf, there were still a few guys out. Jim and I had packed our bathers knowing that the water was around 10 degrees but we both refused to come to Portugal and leave without swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. We stripped off and changed on the beach under our coats and towels before running into the freezing salty water. It was fecking cold BUT it was also really refreshing and afterward (once warm and dry) we felt completely revitalised. We wandered up the shore and watched a few fishing boats on their way in before strolling back through town and catching a bus to the ferry terminal – just in time too, we arrived a couple of seconds before they pulled the platform and left for Lisbon.
Night had fallen by the time we got home, so we quickly changed and left for dinner at a local joint round the corner down a back street. More bread, cheese and this time sardine pate – which we both loved, before mains of grilled fish (cant remember what type) and potatoes. The food was good, and we left pretty happy. That night we were kept awake again by noisy Italians in the room next to ours and the club next door. Fun fun.
The 18th was our last full day in gorgeous Portugal, and we spent in the town of Sintra, located about 45 minutes out of the city centre by train – towards the west coast. It was quite a bit colder there being a more mountainous region, but had warmed up by mid afternoon. The main attraction in Sintra is the medieval castle ruins Castelo Dos Mouros, which was built in the 9th century by the Moors (Muslims of Europe). We walked up about 100 floors of stairs and steep walkways to get to the top, and the 360 degree view of the area, including the ocean, inland towards the north, and Lisbon city. Beautiful. Also the walk was lined with lush green trees and plants, every single part of it was scenic. After reaching the summit of the castle, we walked right around the walls to each tower taking photos before starting our descent down the opposite side of the hill. We passed an old Tuscan style villa Vila Sassetti which has been restored and is maintained for tourists. The grounds and villa are stunning – romantic Tuscan style architecture with bright terracotta tiles all over the place. From there it was a short trek down through the old town area (full to the brim with over priced tourist targeted knick knacks and restaurants) – Jim and I decided to play it smart (so we thought) and walked further out of the tourist part and into the local areas. There was a restaurant called A Tasca do Manel which had decent ratings online and offered a 2 course lunch and a drink for 7.50 euros each. Sounds good right? We sat down and were told that the chicken curry option was all sold out so we would have to have squid stew. Trying to challenge our taste buds with local cuisine we boldly accepted.
The first course of lunch was squash and vege soup, which while a bit under seasoned and sweet was still edible. The next course, squid stew…. Joisus…. it was bad, sooooo salty and with a weird texture that made each mouthful a struggle. Plus the potatoes served on the side were way too salty as well – not as salty as the stew but not much of a reprieve either. I had to wash each mouthful down with beer and when I ran out of beer I gave up. We were one of the only tables in the restaurant (we had originally put this down to the 2:30pm time we sat down to eat but soon realised why it was empty). We followed the stew down with a semi burnt tasting espresso and then escaped as quickly as possible after paying. The whole train ride home we were burping up old salty squid…. delightful.
Once back in Lisbon city we went straight to the hostel and lay down for a while, still both feeling the effects of our scrumptious lunch. Dinner that night was plain bread… neither of us really felt up to proper food… :S
Later that evening, while scrolling the internet, Jim found there had been a few quakes about 20 miles from Rome, where we were heading the next day! We called our parents to “seek wise counsel” (say that out loud in a Texan accent) and had a decision to make, cancel our flight and stay in Lisbon another week til we fly home, or just say FUCK IT and go… we chose the latter.
The 19th sadly arrived. Time to leave Lisbon, we got up early, packed, and were out the door by 7am. An Uber arrived to collect us, and the driver got out to help us with our bags. While putting our bags in the boot, the car started rolling forward – he had forgotten the hand brake – Once in the car and on our way to the airport he consistently ran reds, turned on a dime, and flew over speed bumps. Radical.
Another round of airport security, of course Jim got stopped and checked, and we were on the runway leaving Lisbon bound for Rome, exhausted but excited…
Street art, Lisbon
Sintra street details
Squid stew…..
Cascais beaches
Costa da Caparica Beach
Path to Castelo Dos Mouros
Lisbon street details
Vila Sassetti
Cascais waterfront
Cacilhas port
Cascais streets
Rossio Square fountain, Lisbon
Chargrilled fish
Lisbon street details
Door details, Sintra
Ferry crossing to Cacilhas
Castelo Dos Mouros
Touristy knick knacks, Sintra
Cascais waterfront
Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Cascais beach
Freaky mannequins in the Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Gardens outside Vila Sassetti
Castelo Dos Mouros
Cascais beaches
Post lunch – Lisbon
Costa da Caparica Beach
Lunch in Cascais
Gardens on the way to Castelo Dos Mouros
Lemon curd delights
Costa da Caparica Beach
Gutsy burgers for dinner
Castelo Dos Mouros details
Cascais lunch
Arco da Rua Augusta, Lisbon
Arco da Rua Augusta, Lisbon
Gardens on the way to Castelo Dos Mouros
Cascais sand artist
Chargrilled Sardines, Lisbon
Cascais sand artist
Lisbon, Portugal On the 13th of Jan we jetted our way into Lisbon, Portugal. Even on the plane flying in at dusk we could tell this place was going to be the tits.
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