#this is a fake tweet btw i just generated it
siffrin-enthusiast · 6 months
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vullcanica · 1 year
happy sunday from my roster
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jeannereames · 6 months
Do you see memes and shitposts about Alexander and his time? If yes, do you like them, you hate them? Would you change something about these memes?
I’m sorry. I’m just really curious about what a professor thinks about this. Do you perhaps have a favorite Alexander meme?
Well, for me there’s a big difference between memes and shitposts. The former can be rather entertaining, the latter are just trolling. Don’t feed the trolls. I realize I’m perhaps defining shitposting more narrowly than some, but there’s enough of the narrow sort out there I don’t want to confuse it with memes.
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Meme are great. I have two favorites, although not about Alexander, ironically. I’ve shared them below. Both show up in my class Power-points, btw! Many of my colleagues also enjoy clever memes. My buddy Borja Antela was trying to collect some on Alexander last year. For a while, I followed Alexandergoatmemes on Instagram, but finally left because about 85/90% of them seemed to be about Alexander naming cities after himself. Sure, it’s funny maybe the first 20 times, but at 100+?
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So memes are great. Shitposting and ignorant-posting, however, are annoying.
I’m deliberately creating that third category. Shitposters know they’re posting shit; ignorant-posters (usually) don’t. The latter put up videos, tweets, or blog entries about (in this case) Alexander that perpetuate a lie, a false quote, or an oversimplified-and-mostly-wrong factoid. Some ignorant-posters are just reposting what they heard because they don’t know any better and may receive correction well enough—especially if offered politely. Yet others get upset (sometimes disproportionately so) when their errors or distortions are pointed out.
This can be about controversial matters, such as Alexander’s putative “sexuality” or it can be something surprising. I once had a fellow fly off the handle when he posted that Alexander was left-handed and I (gently) corrected him.* You’d have thought I’d called his mother a whore. It seemed quite silly…except that left-handedness used to be considered a Very Bad Thing. So being able to claim famous people as lefties was apparently more for him than just leftie pride.
Aside from oddities, most of the ignorant-posting I’ve seen comes in three main types.
First, we have the religious/spiritual/life-coach sorts who usurp Alexander for a moral lesson—not unlike the orators of the (Roman-era) Second Sophistic, or both Muslims and Christians in some of the Alexander Romances. Alexander has ALWAYS been a malleable figure for lecturing. Ergo, he pops up in homilies/sermons as a parable, like his supposed Last Three Wishes. It is, of course, total bullshit, but there’s quite a lot of stuff like it out there. People read it, go “Aww,” and reblog without bothering to check if it’s correct. It has “the authority of hearsay.” These can be either Alexander-positive or Alexander-negative parables, btw.
See also: quotes attributed to famous celebrities that they never, in fact, said. Alexander gets these too. The ¡Inspirational! “Army of Sheep Led by a Lion” is especially egregious, as it’s a general proverb that appeared well after Alexander (no, he didn’t say it). It seems to be currently popular, along with, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try” (also not ATG). Yet these make great quotes for those damn “Inspirational Posters.” Here’s a whole page of them, lion quote right at the top, suitable for a Power-point!...with no attempt to verify their authenticity or say where they got them. But the image with the quote below is especially funny as they even put a date on their fictional quote. If it has a date, it must be true! Netflix, btw, used that bloody quote even though I told them not to; it was fake. Didn’t matter.
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Second, we have the alt-right/white supremacist groups, or hangers-on who might reject the label (coyly or not) but embrace much of its Eurocentric thinking. These folks present Alexander as spreading good [white] Western values to the poor benighted East [brown people]. It’s essentially warmed-over Plutarch with a dash of Curtius and some Arrian. Their Alexander even sometimes has longish flowing (blond) locks and is oddly tall.** Like Thor. I stay the hell away from them but have occasionally stumbled over them on Tik-Tok.
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Anyway, the alt-right crowd may have read some about Alexander, written by other alt-right guys who take material from a carefully curated set of “accepted” histories: Arrian and Plutarch, and not just Plutarch’s Life of Alexander, but his double-essay from the Moralia, “On the Fate or Fortune of Alexander.” They tend to be war/conquest-approving and see the Greco-Roman past as some pure Aryan utopia from which we’ve fallen into our “wretched age of iron.”*** Of late, a lot of their associated images are AI generated, btw. A couple examples below.
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Last, and on the opposite end of the spectrum are the Alexander-was-Queer-AND-Wonderful, and oh, boy, some of them also don’t want a single bad thing said about their hero. They may know relatively little about his life aside from his putative gayness, but are just as resistant to/resentful of being corrected in their errors and romantic oversimplifications.
And that is what all of these categories share: oversimplification for the sake of a particular social and/or political agenda.****
Isn’t it, then, also shitposting? No. Because shitposters intend to stir the pot. They may or may not believe what they say, but they’re saying it TO get a reaction. Like the Tweet Heard Round the Alexander-verse after the Netflix thing (below). THAT was a shitpost. His entire goal was to go viral, and he succeeded.
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By contrast, ignorant-posters usually aim for a particular audience and rarely expect to go viral outside their circle. Nor do they expect to be corrected. When they are, they react with surprise and anger. (Again, there are exceptions.)
I tend to observe these things, but rarely engage—although I did engage more when I was a young grad student. Now if I reply, it’s general (as here), not to the original post/tweet itself. TBH, I have books and articles to write, classes to teach, and papers to grade. 😉 I don’t have time for flamewars.
* Yes, I made Alexander left-handed in Dancing with the Lion, partly for the hell of it. But there’s zero evidence one way or the other—which I point out in my Author’s Note at the end of book 2, Rise.
** BTW, there’s a Whole Thing out there online about Alexander as tall, even Super Tall, claiming evidence which they don’t actually cite (correctly). Note the “many stories suggest….” Oh, really? These are? Anyway, I don’t think the author of that blog entry is alt-right—which is why I put it as a footnote—but dig the wacko AI white-haired Nordic Alexander at the top! And I’m still chuckling at a 7-foot-tall Alexander. Good Lord, how tall would that make Hephaistion?
*** Yeah, that’s a little bow to Hesiod’s theory of the Ages of Man.
**** Note that I didn’t include Greek Nationalists. While some of them also swing right (Golden Dawn, Front Line, National Reform Party, etc.), many are more moderate. Alexander is a Greek hero, and if what’s presented about him by some is also oversimplified to fit a national narrative, it doesn’t spring from ignorance so much as deliberate choice and what they learned in school/at home. Think about what the average (white) American knows about George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or for that matter, the average native person about Tecumseh or Crazy Horse.
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seeingivy · 7 months
method acting asks!
first of all, you guys ate the style chapter so bad EEK im so glad you guys loved it. more where that's coming from! been having the worst week but watching people react as they read has been super fun and I thank you all for that :')
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https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM2wqGJV/ oh bestie...oh you're SO RIGHT. like y/n's nickname is princess but I definitely think as time goes on historia fits more of the princess vibe and y/n as the popstar. also some part of their friendship is loosely based on olivia rodrigo and sabrina carpenter, just like solely as vibes so
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https://x.com/erjgrs/status/1765732630643851685?s=46&t=Uk-oZnZapecdEA4wRzncKw real. a picture lana would post and the quote tweet would be y/n.
(this isn't a method acting ask but it's eren and legit the only eren thing i've written since july so it counts)
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hi!!!! thank you so much for the love :') i'm so excited to share it with everyone!
the opening and ending songs are the same! I make a shinzo sasageyo joke in the next set of tweets....I agree with you, I do think that they would write all the music that was included in the actual show and that certain songs are for ceertain characters
table scenes twitter reactions coming...your wish is my command...
vampire by olivia rodrigo, ding ding! one of my fav songs that I get to include i'm so excited eek. I def think lana would cover the song but I think the main like song she would write about ricky would be something like would've could've should've by taylor swift/goddess by laufey/ or history of man by maisie peters
I hope you have a lovely day too!!!! thank you so much for supporting me :')
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I actually considered going with heavenly bodies as the theme for this met gala in the fic (just bc that was litearlly the best met gala) but I ended up deciding against it. but I totally get what you mean,,, they would serve....
also a slight hint, but I did end up giving lana marilyn monroe kim kardashian controversy dress because that is something that lana would do. also in general, lana/clarkson's are based off of kardashians (if you couldn't tell) so....it fit
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HARD AGREE. I think whatever they bond over is something that eren just...can't do. like if they're watching a reality tv show and really invested, he'd sit there being like....it's fake just to get mad glares fro zeke/carla/and i'm adding colt to the mix. eren's cool with the kiddos (falco and gabi) but y/ns cool with the big brothers (zeke and colt)
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@najaemism omg I'VE ACTUALLY NEVER HEARD THSI SONG BEFORE but actually you're so right. also very mikasa during jeankasa meltdown.....also historia (more on that later)
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@leave-rae-alone HI POOKIE! don't worry...I disappear off the face of my blog like every other week. I hope you're doing well and take time to rest!
am I allowed to say megan thee stallion bc I am in love with megan thee stallion? but actually though, I think her style fits the character, she likes anime and this is an anime fanfic, and her using like stuff from tokyo ghoul as references during the nicki drama is actually something that I think y/n would do. also I just love this outfit i would include it as a red carpet outfit or something
hm. there are a few that @/bsenpai and I mention bc we actually talk about method acting everyday like its an illness. I think y/n and eren would do she's the man (that's the movie they've promised ethan cole btw), eren and y/n also do pride and prejudice 2005, I also think she would act as the daughter as interstellar. those are the ones that come to mind rn!
no comment. you did ask this before I posted the chapter tho but you like manifested that one hard so.
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LMFAOOOO. wait can I tell you the funniest thing....is that I actually think young gojo in method acting would be like young justin bieber. like i had this thought the other day when i was listening to somebody to love and i was like....ok chill out gojo damn. like I naturally think he would have that charisma and be one of the first people to pop off on youtube....but he would not flop like current justin bieber.
that's all for today. here are the songs + some hints for the next chapter:
see you again by tyler the creator ft. kali uchis, end game by taylor swift, and vampire by olivia rodrigo
an award wrapped in a ribbon
a red lipstick mark
smashing a crown
sukuna splashing a glass of wine in someone's face...soulmateism if you ask me
there are some of these i think you could technically figure out. but oh well, I will see you then!
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gossipgirloff1 · 4 months
hey, how are you? (also, side note, what do you prefer to be called as on here?) i saw your ranking of wags and thought i could give it a go, if you don't mind (this is based on personality and actions, not looks btw) also, pretty sure yuki's gf, a ps5 would be my fav but i chose not to include it <3 /lh
lily z - she is literally such a role model for me; she wants to be an f1 engineer (also my dream job), has been with oscar since high school, has the cutest fits without being over the top, and generally is so chill and sweet, her insta is private and she's honestly my fav
lily muni he - as a chinese girly myself, she's such an icon. her outfits are always on point and her and alex are so cute, plus, she's an athlete as well, which is so cool
carmen - she's a business/finance major, so props to that (i could never 😭) and she just looks so chill and nice, plus, her outfits are amazing
melissa - she used to be a football wag and now she's an f1 wag, so she really got best of both worlds. and being a tv presenter is so cool, so she's up on my list
tiffany - another athlete! she just seems so chill and cool, and as i said, she's an athlete!
louise - gotta give her props for dealing with k-mag the viking who's been racking up penalties (jk ofc) and their daughter is so cute
egle - her and nico are such a cute couple, and their daughter is adorable as well, also, gotta respect her for making her own crochet clothing line
carola - first of all, bless her for staying with checo despite monaco, but taking care of all their kids is not easy, so i respect her for that, she also just seems so down to earth
heidi - love her outfits, and her and daniel are a great couple! she seems nice but haven't seen too much about her
rebecca - her fits always eat, but dunno much about her *this point marks when i start to be neutral/dislike*
flavy - her and estie bestie are such a cute couple, but don't really know much about her
marilou - don't know much about her, but she's dating lance lmao
alex - whenever she's on camera, she acts up and is always checking, and she really doesn't seem to be super authentic or anything, honestly kinda seems like she just wants attention
kika - i feel like she tries to hard for attention sometimes, and wants to be an "it" girl, she gives pick me tbh
riley - as an american myself, idk she just seems like half of the girls in my school: attention seeking, fake, pick me, etc.
magui - oh boy, this was hard between her and kelly. where to start with all her past? she posted nudes of her ex, joao, liked islamophobic tweets, said the n-word in tiktoks, her dad kicked a woman in the kidneys, cheated on joao, and just seems so fake.
kelly - it's pretty obvious, but she's an attention-seeker that jumps from guy to guy and apparently something happened between her and max when he was young? idk it was messed up. and, her dad was racist and homophobic towards lewis and she has too many things, so i'll stop here
sorry if i yapped too much 😓 hope you have a great day! - 🧋
Hi 👋🏻 I’m good how are you ?
Wow never think about that I think you can call me gossip girl I like being anonymous it keeps me going or like hey gg short for gossip girl like a name 🤭
Thank you for joining the ranking like to read your thoughts about it 😊
Thank you I’m having a great day I hope you’re having a great day too ❤️
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gimyung · 2 years
unloading some random thoughts to free up more space for thoughts it's all jakesinu btw
but these screenshots being both jakesinu haha...
1st pic: that's sinu when he can't recognize that he's fighting the real jake yet and was like "why do u want to win me over so bad" (if someone redraws this i would fucking die)
2nd pic: the groundbreaking movie line... just jakesinu in general
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like 2nd pic is giving me the vibes of that fake tweet thing (im grabbing pic from my own post)
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nah cus something abt them having gone thru all of that when all they hoped for was something more simple. just the right amount of heartache.
they couldve been vibing in gangseo and spent their youths having fun but nooo haha they have to make money. sinu had to sell himself to a fighting arena, jake had to learn illegal schemes and fight a chinese billionaire's bodyguard, and all that
all is well and quiet for now but the heartache just aint stopping haha zzz anyways
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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Silly Wanderer header lol
A little about me ~☆
Names I go by: Nemo, Lune or my username on any social platform you find me on (there's a lot)🕺
Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual
Religion/faith: Christianity. Denomination: protestant - methodist.
Interests: music, composition, writing, reading, gaming, astronomy, genetic engineering, science in general lol, programming
Instruments I play: piano (11 years), recorder (7 years), saxophone (2 years). The hand drum was my first instrument (11 years ago) but I stopped playing it after I started the piano 😭
Fanfictions I write: Obey Me!, AyakashiRR, AOT, and Genshin fanfictions. They are most commonly angst, however I do have two psychological and supernatural horrors in the works!
Novels I write: I actually have no idea. It's just a variety, I guess. My personal favourite that I've written is a fable (made that one wayyy too dark for a children's story). Currently, I'm writing a science fiction book.
Fandoms I'm actively in ~☆
- Obey Me!
- Obey Me! Nightbringer
- Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Starry Love
- Legend of the Phoenix
- Tamashi: Rise of Yokai
- MazM: Phantom of the Opera
- My Child Lebensborn
- Mysterious Forum and Seven Rumours
- Matsuro Palette
- Guilty Parade
- Life Gallery
- Project Sekai
- Cat Museum
- Fran Bow
- Iron Lung
- Mr Hopp's Playhouse
- No Players Online
- Sentient
- I also play Roblox btw 💀 I've only been playing Royale High lately though.
- All Over Me (Roblox)
- Jim's Computer (Roblox)
- Attack on Titan
- Himouto! Umaru-Chan
- Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
- One Punch Man
- Junji Ito Collection
- School Babysitters
- Theater of Darkness: Yamishibai
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- Parasite: The Maxim
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Kagewani
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0
- Orenchi no Furo Jijou
- I'm currently watching many, but these are all the ones I've finished
Web series:
- The Walten Files
- UrbanSPOOK
- Vita Carnis
- Interface
- Mandela Catalogue/Magazine
- Ashur Gharavi
- brandon works
- Hallo Aus Berlin ❤
Fandoms I'm not actively in ~☆
- Ikemen Vampire
- AFTERL!FE: The Sacred Kaleidoscope
- Midnight Cinderella
- Dangerous Fellows
- Mystic Messenger
- LoveUnholyc (dunno how to spell it 💀)
- Tears of Themis
- Vocaloid
Fandoms I'm interested in ~☆
- Twisted Wonderland
- Sally Face
- Omori
- The Backrooms
- Little Misfortune
- Little Nightmares
- Hazbin Hotel
- Danganronpa
- Undertale
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Devil May Cry
- Final Fantasy
- Resident Evil
- my eyes deceive
Content I post here ~☆
It's mainly Obey Me! and AyakashiRR, occasionally Genshin Impact or something else. I used to post a lot of AOT, I might get back into that. Anyways, what you can expect to find is:
- In game screenshots and my two cents 💀
- Memes/fake tweets
- Headcannons
- Fanfictions (mainly angst. I don't do NSFW)
- Theories. I theorise and over-analyse a lot 💀
- My rambling and ranting about random stuff 🤡
- Sometimes there's just completely random stuff that is completely out of place but whatever
Other stuff I'm interested in ~☆
- Urban legends
- Paranormal stuff
- Internet mysteries
- True crime
- So you know Nexpo, Snarled's "Something Scary" volumes, Leminio, and the Infographics Show's serial killer videos? Yeah, that. All of that.
This is just a summary of stuff. I've probably missed a lot since I'm focusing on not burning the brownies I have in the oven right now (it's my first time baking 💀) and I just wrote off the top of my head.
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voetballers · 1 year
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suddenly remembered i can just generate fake tweets that i think would be funny. akiras ass is getting beat in the qrts btw
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iambutmortal · 2 years
Whoop it’s me again👋🏼
Honestly we have sth. like a mating bond now, right?
Thank you for the previous answers!! Hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving, that you can enjoy the time and that you don’t have to do too much work for your papers.
I love your opinion concerning your favourite books—it’s exactly the same for me, just that I prefer ACOSF a tiny bit more than ACOMAF.
I am sorry for flooding your inbox with questions, but I want to get started with your gift as soon as possible so that I have enough time to create it.
So, I was informed your preferred ship is Elucien (you have great taste btw ✨)
May I ask why and what you love about this ship so much?
Would you maybe also like to tell me about your favourite tropes in general? But maybe also your favourite tropes connected to Elucien?
You know the one tweet: Life is just choosing your subway sandwich when you're 9 and ordering the same one until you die
That's how I feel about SJM books. You pick your ship when you first read the series (in my case I was 13 and I chose Elucien right after Elain came out of the cauldron) and you stick with it until you perish off the face of the earth.
But for fandom purposes, I think what I like about them is the range. With Feysand and Nessian there's certain types of stories/dynamics you're always going to end up falling into, whereas Elucien you can do a lot more with and have different types of relationships.
Favorite tropes hands down is idiots to lovers. Give me two fools who don't realize the other person's in love with them or that they're in love despite literally everyone else in the world knowing. I also like friends to lovers (as long as there's no other love interests involved, I'm kind of picky about that), hate to love is fun, also I love love love any sort of arranged marriage/marriage of convenience/fake marriage type thing (but not fake dating don't ask me how that makes sense). And have a soft spot for parents in romance if its done well.
I think most of these can probably work for Elucien, but also historical romance vibes always serves for them.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hi Storm! I hear a lot about many ppl in the fandom dismissing JKK as fanservice and it got me thinking, maybe it's for the better? You were right to say they can make out right on cameras and many will still label it as FS but maybe it's their best protection? They can do whatever they want, we can enjoy what they do, and others can call it FS and go shipping their ships in peace)) As long as they don't throw their ship-related claims straight into BH and BTS members' faces all is good))
I disagree. Calling any members fond fanservice is extremely disrespectful. It doesn't matter who you are saying is fanservice. It's incredibly disrespectful to both the members and their friendships together. They do what they do because they want to do it. Call them best friends, call them friends with benefits, call them poly, call them boyfriends, call them all straight with girlfriends. It truly doesn't matter. Calling them fake though? It's rude as heck. You can appreciate and should appreciate their friendships together first and foremost. I have multiple posts about fanservice and shipping culture here in this topic of my masterlist as well if you are interested in checking them out:
Plus I legit just saw some tkkr today bring a/b/o ideas to real life and not only be disrespectful to JM saying Bam doesn't like him and/or was trained to tolerate him, but that he was hanging around TH and sniffing him because he could smell that they had s*x or he was pregnant/menstruating. And they tagged the members and company's official accounts in their tweet, and I've not seen any tkkrs calling out that tweet but instead defending saying that it's just a troll account and people shouldn't get so worked up. It's a problem and it started with allowing these narratives to just go unchecked by the fandom as a whole and letting it just get lumped together as shipper problems.
(This is not me opening up my inbox for discussions on tkkr bs btw, I'm getting tired of it and don't wanna talk about them anymore)
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carelessflower · 2 years
Heyyyy so you said you were bored so
Idk what specific thing to ask about your wips
I feel like you have a million ideas and you share a snippet of each one (which i am loving btw) but i wanna know everything
How many wips do you have? What are they all about? How many are you working on currently?
hey era :>>> glad u enjoy my snippet so far hehe. in general u can see that for me ideas come and go with no explanation and sometimes i have no further plan for me i just tweet them into existence. there about like 9-10 wips and they are in various stage:
omg i cant believe im writing this: the fake dating fic, the cat!alec fic
imagine the aesthetic but head empty no plan: 10 things i hate about you au, alec meeting dark!alec (the snippet yesterday), mermaid!alec, that one really angsty magnus wip written in second person, superhero/superpower!au, prince alec requiring for suitors to go through a tournament to get his hand in marriage au
this idea is so sexc someone please write: fuckboy!alec, friends with benefit!malec, the marriage life of being cockblock!au
anygay currently im working on an outline and a title for the fake dating fic. i think i have enough ideas for chapter 1, i think. after that maybe im gonna work on cat!alec. then let my chaotic mind takes the wheel
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king-litchi · 4 years
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Picture source : @Mnine5 (Meijo) in Twitter
Note : actually, it’s not a request but I was bored and I wondered « what kind of person would the SNK characters on the social medias be » - soo here we go
Sorry for my english…I am french and I still learning - please forgive me and protect your eyes 🤧
Warning : (12+) social media can be dangerous
Instagram : friends, family, abs, outfits, travel….king of instagram, super popular on instagram, everyone follow him but he only follows his friends and instagram he finds interesting, over time it has become an influence, Eren has like a million followers on Insta @IamErenJaeger
Snapchat :  « who has a netflix account ? » in story, selfies with friends at all kinds of events, often takes pictures of Mikasa and Armin by surprise, never puts a filter on for him or for the people he snaps, everyone can watch his story and comment (public baby), already received nudes… @ErenJaegeeer
Whatsapp : he is in all group discussions but rarely answers, when he answers it is surely because the conversation becomes funny or because they talk about Jean and then it degenerates (when too far between Eren and Jean everyone leaves the group and they end up « wait…everyone is gone…? ») and a new groupe is created but the fight starts again (others are like « here we go again » )
Twitter :  can easily get upset in a debate, is not afraid to say what he thinks, it is blocked by a lot of people (please take away his twitter), has a large fanbase : Jaegerist (@CaptainFlochForster is the leader fanbase…best to avoid them.) it’s very simple : either you’re wrong or you’re not right @ErenJaeger
Tumblr :  He is not really known on tumblr, follow only his friends and is followed only by his friends. Does a lot of reblog tumblr he likes and post a lot kind of sick jokes like « What is the only dog you can eat? - A Hot Dog » (20 followers…)
Instagram : sharing photos of his travels around the world, a lot of ocean scenery, monuments like the Eifel Tower, does not put a photo of him or his friends, his instagram is public to share his beautiful photos with the world  (2,5K followers) @ArminVibe
Twitter : Sharing conspiracy theories with other twittos, if by misfortune a conspiracy ends up in TT you can be sure that it will tweet all evening, twitter reveals its dark side, It can deal with all subjects and he’s gonna take his time to make you understand that you’re WRONG @ArminArlett
Snapchat : he doesn’t know why he has a snapchat, if you send him a snap photo he will just look without answering but if you start a discussion he will probably lose your message if you have not recorded (his fault, but he really does not do it on purpose, he does not really drag on this social media)
Whatsapp : quite active on whatsapp, in groups it is the one that stays the longest active, uses a correct grammar, always has time for someone who needs to talk (a colossal heart…)
Tumblr : very popular on tumblr with his famous landscape photos, he also likes to share theories with whoever wants it, has created a discussion group of which Erwin and Hanji are part (these three are often found in several discussion groups…), is subscribed to Annie
Instagram : her account is private (like most of his social medias) if she does not know you be sure that she will never accept a subscription request (and she receives a lot of subscription requests), sometimes post photos of Eren and her, sometimes with Armin and a picture with the whole group together, has maximum 5 publications and has maximum 100 subscriptions and she subscribes to only 25 people (who are they?) and her favorite girl’s band @MikasaAckerman
Twitter : is fan of girl’s band, a twitter just to follow their news, she has already been on top tweet (never knew why and honestly she doesn’t care), her account is totally private but she receives a lot of follow requests (she declines) @MikasaAckerman
Snapchat : does not do a lot of selfie but she likes cute filters, often does black snap with dark quotes « the sun always shines after a dark night » , tends to reply 2 days after being sent a snap (🤡) yet she makes the flames with Eren (already 834 flames) so she just ignores snaps
Whatsapp : she is in full of group discussions, but always reads without answering (”Read”), she often ends up leaving the discussion groups (but there is always someone to add her to the group, often Sasha)
Tumblr : has a fake account, by the way she is super popular, she posts her covers of her favorite songs @Mikasong (fucking great voice), already has a small community
Instagram : is totally subscribed to Emily Ratajkowski (but who is not?), was the first happy to know that the likes are hidden, kind to like a lot of ass and body fitness (…<.<) it’s sure Historia blocked him (probably deserved) @ReinerBraun
Twitter : profile photo of a football player, often mentions his friends, and ALWAYS mentions Conny for challenges « Dare or not to ring your neighbor’s door at 3:00am and ask him for sugar », the kind to tweets like « Nicki Minaj or Cardi b ? » @ReinerTheBigBrother
Snapchat : You see this guy who makes a lot of views on snap and who everyone asks for publicity? Yes, it’s Reiner. Become master of the screenshot (already found himself in a complicated situation because of it…this awkward moment where you catch something you shouldn’t capture…), also receives nudes (btw 🤡) he never watches stories @ReineerGg
Whatsapp : he often ends up being ejected from discussion groups for his dubious humour and is often the victim of Ymir’s blackmail (screenshots can be fatal…)
Tumblr : he doesn’t even know what it’s for
Instagram : has two instagram accounts, the first is his real account, he only follows his friends and is only followed by his friends and the second is a (secret) fan account on Annie Leonhart @fannie-kickass
Snapchat : goes selfie on occasions like birthdays (party) or when he is with friends, likes animal filters, snap everyone and without warning, during the evenings with friends he often finds himself in the snap of everyone without his knowledge and discovers him the next day (sleeper pose) @Berth5
Whatsapp : the kind of person to share a lot of petitions like « Hi, Nolan still needs 300,000 signatures to be able to convince his parents to buy him ps5 » (he can’t refuse to share when asked…colossal heart - like Armin <.<), calm in group discussions (is not the type to get involved in an argument, always remains neutral when the situation degenerates), he often speaks with Reiner privately and gives him advice on how to approach Annie - but by the time he decided to send a message to Annie, she had already deleted the application… (legend says he’s still waiting for an answer)
Twitter : if you identify him in a tweet, it will probably not read it but will still like it (why not), he does definitely part of the commentators of entertainment shows or sports matches @Bertholdt
Tumblr : hesitates to create a tumblr but does not really know what he could talk about
Instagram : shares his training and does not hesitate to make demonstrations of his techniques, is quite popular on instagram, to a lot of publication, post a photo with his father just after each victory with a caption « It is God who gives » ; already has a good community (320K followers), account is certified
Snapchat : never goes on his account, totally professional use, it is his father who manages his snapchat to post in story the videos her training and his official matches with the caption « Little Rocky 🔥 »
Whatsapp : it ended up deleting the app because too much discussion that ends in spam (it will be for a next time Berth)
Tumblr : her little cocoon where she can be herself, the only social media that has her interest, her tumblr is dedicated to the cat, she is a fan @Kitty-Catnnie , the only person in the group to know her tumblr is Armin with whom she sometimes chat
Twitter : She is still on top tweet despite her « Mikasa vs Annie, who wins ??? », she never tweet but retweet a lot of things especially those of Conny, it happens to like the tweets of commentator Jean
Instagram : if you want to see his account you must first subscribe, generally accept all requests, send quite a lot of DM like « you wouldn’t have a bandage because I hurt myself by falling in love with you » sometimes succeeds other times it ends blocked ( or screenshots that end up on Twitter) @JeanOfficiel
Snapchat : He was blocked by Mikasa and Eren (not for the same reasons), made the flames with everyone (but the most with Marco), has already tried to snap Mikasa in secret (it is caught in the act), loves selfies @Ihateeren
Whatsapp : the kind who doesn’t look to whom he sends a message and always has the wrong discussion, so becomes panicked « DONT READ!!! » accidentally already sent a nude in a group discussion (unfortunately screenshots have been made) Eren laughed about this story for several months like « How is Jeanbo doing ? He’s grown up since last time? » (he doesn’t talk about Jean…you know…)
Tumblr : he created a popular mini series on tumblr « You prefer…? » and also « If you were… » (the concept is very cool and we can do it with all the subjects), made a lot reblog, reblog ALL covers of Mikasa
Twitter : has been blocked by half of the tweetos sphere after several heated debates, is one of the people who comment on the shows mainly reality TV (he does it with passion) « SANDRA LEAVES WITH ANTONIO W/O MONEY !!!! IT’S A FUCKIIIING JOKE ?????!!!!! #TheVillaOfBrokenHeart2 » or « I’m the only one who hates Mike ? #MonacoShore » , it’s that kind of tweet that Annie likes) @JeanKirschtein
Instagram : accepts only requests from friends, his account is private, sharing small moments of his life with friends and families, use many hashtag like #AllThatGlittersIsNotGoldEvenJean (but nobody understands what he means)
Snapchat : often comments his friends’ stories, is the kind to come talk to you if you put a dark snap like « cruel world »
Whatsapp : often receives private messages like « Marco, are you there? » it always ends in long discussions (« The confidant ») he knows how to find the right words, it is active and always “available” if someone needs it
Twitter : always makes Jean’s defense on twitter, the kind of person to be part of a fanbase (like HarryPotter), uses hastag LGBT+
Tumblr : super popular on tumblr, he makes headcanons and screenplays of his favorite books, series and movies, has a preference for Yaoi but he can make any request (2K followers) @HalfMan
Instagram : very very popular on instagram thanks to his account with Sacha where they share their farce and does not hesitate to challenge, they post the pranks they make to their friends (1M followers) they are not yet certified @TwoDummies , he has a second private account :  with just family and friends (arround 55 followers) @hismotherson
Snapchat : the kind of person who does a snap at 2H00 of the mat « who for the flames », has a lot of snap discussions, always makes stories that ends badly like « I’m going to ride a bike » and in his last snap he ends up in emergency… (true story)
Whatsapp : has an unimaginable number of “caption this” for ALL situations, it sometimes created discussion groups (it’s just that it prepares a stupidity) otherwise is not super active but will always answer if it has a message
Twitter : clash with everyone « Your mother was pregnant for 9 months of your big head but you can’t stand a joke ? SHAME » (blocked), king of challenges, makes all the challenges where it is mentioned, retweet all the « Dare or not… » of Reiner, uses a lot of abbreviation, he invented a lot of hastag like #AlphaLevi and people have fun with his hastag
Tumblr : his more than empty tumblr, has no profile photo, and compulsive liker, it’s literally a fake account for liking funny things @JustConny
Instagram : receives many comments under the photos of his joint account with Conny like « POTAETOS GIRL WE LOVE U » and « POTAETOS POWER », often pranks and ends up in the account, has a second private instafood account and also post photos with Nikolo @MadamePatate
Snapchat : oh my dear, he gets into a lot of trouble (funny drama) so stay connected for his “Storytime” evenings (we often hear Ymir commenting in the background with sarcasm and Conny’s laugh)
Whatsapp : the kind of person to send in a « bbiad » discussion (I’ll be back in a bit) and never come back in the discussion, written in abbreviation, loves group conversations
Twitter : has disabled twitter because of a "caption” that Conny posted on it (potaetos girl exists thanks to a tweet) but there reactivated a week later, tweets like a dramaqueen « WHAAAAT @netflix SEASON TWO IS COMING OUT TOMORROW BUT NOT TODAY  ???? WHYYYYYYYYY ! I’m never gonna be able to wait till tomorrow to eat my popcorns frkrkellelrlrl BUY ME POPCORNS NETFLIX BUUUY », has already been on top tweet #potatoesgirl
Tumblr : victim of her reputation even on tumblr, reblog a lot of post food and potential future challenges from Conny, often finds “caption this” with her face and always reacts with a more than dramatic surprise « SHIT AGAIN ??! »
Instagram : receives a lot of DM from people she doesn’t know, never accept them, like all the photos of her friends, you can see her insta only if you subscribe…(15K followers) @RealHistoria
Snapchat : renames all her friends by cute nicknames, the kind that snaps the place where she is or her food with a « have a nice day », queen of selfie, likes the filters
Whatsapp : uses a lot of emoji, hearts have become a punctuation, in group discussions she often comments « Ymir !! » after a sarcastic comment, tries to temper when the situation becomes too stormy
Twitter : avoids twitter like the plague, has disabled her account, reactivates it on occasions before losing interest once again, in fact her account is a fake where she is named @christaLenz
Tumblr : pretty active, committed LGBT+ activist, reblog testimonials, lots of likes, reblog Mikasa covers a.k.a Mikasong
Instagram : a lot of photos of Historia (it looks like a fan account), often comments the photos of her friends (unfortunately for them) @Ymir
Snapchat : a lot of selfie with Historia, if a fight or something awkward happens in front of her she will be the first to make a snap (and no scruple to put it in her story), if Reiner is the King of awkward screenshots then she is the Queen for INTENTIONAL screenshots, her memories are filled with compromising photos on EVERYONE
Whatsapp : Do you remember the screenshots on snap? Well it is on Whatsapp that they find their usefulness. Can send them to a discussion group as if nothing had happened but her specialty is a service for her silence (yes blackmail) it’s never anything bad, but enough to piss off the victim (who is often Reiner)
Tumblr : forgot her password and honestly she doesn’t want to find it, why did she tumblr ?
Twitter : she is often upset about debates, often sarcastic in her retweets, « Caption This », always the last word, she is very popular on Twitter, she’s already been on top tweet (because a drama with her identity) @LadyYmir
Instagram : does not really look at his newsline, Instagram in black and white and very orderly (#GrandArt), his account is public but no one can comment on his photos @LeviAckerman
Snapchat : a block Hanji (too many snap video that turned into spam), to rename all his contacts by nicknames like « Brat Number one », « Brat Number 2 » (etc.) and Zeke « shithead » nothing abnormal, It has already posted a snap of his head in front camera (had not done it on purpose) deleted after realizing…(especially after receiving plenty of notifications), he and Zeke attack each other by proxy story (no one understands…but it’s funny to read)
Whatsapp : is always “offline” or “busy” but will always respond if sent a message, probably blocked Zeke on all social medias
Tumblr : shares his passion for tea and cleanliness, loves the healthy atmosphere of tumblr, has quite a fan, reblog and subscribes to Armin @TeaWithLevi
Twitter : Tweet by accident (in the pocket >.<) like « jf’dyt’rimsjrdy’yfgi » but other thant he almost never tweets, but when he does it is to complain or creepy « today I learned that a lollipop breaks easily like the legs of a clown » (…we don’t want understand), he’s already been on top tweet with the #AlphaLevi like « #AlphaLevi can surround his ennemies. Alone. » ; « #AlphaLevi makes the onions cry » ; « #AlphaLevi can go up downstairs » (we thank Conny for this hashtag) @LeviAckerman
Instagram : honestly if you want to do a search on someone you have to check with Hanji, FBI of the net (”the stalker”), its account is public : post photos with Levi (who has to be taken by surprise) mentions everyone on its posts, photo with Moblit during their experiences (like “Break”), its instagram looks cool @OfficerZoe
Snapchat : snap often its scientific experiments (and other) and we always hear Moblit screaming in the background « Hanji-san! Back ! » , they like to comment on the stories of Levi and Zeke, already tried to make the flames with Levi and Erwin (tried without success)
Whatsapp : spends its time doing focus groups before it degenerates, its favorite pairs are Eren/ Jean and Levi/ Zeke but never has a battery
Tumblr : strangely its tumblr is very serious, they share its hypotheses and theories on scientific subjects, they talk about its experiences and future scientific experiments, they post the results of its research, has its own focus group (Erwin is one of them) @DrHZoe
Twitter : @Dr.troublegirl everything is in the pseudo, will accumulate and then become spectator of a massacre, his catchphrase is « you’re implying… »
Instagram : it is very orderly and pleasant to look at, post works of art that crosses his path, does not often check his actuality but when he does it everyone is happy…(always the little comment that makes a good mood and a little like)
Snapchat : his story is public but only his “friends” can comment, snap his visits to the museum and snap a lot the streetart but is not really active when he makes “snap discussion” @Eyebrow (account created by Hanji…)
Whatsapp : uses impeccable punctuation and grammar, often discusses with Armin on intellectual topics and confronts their assumption he is the only one who is not part of a discussion group with ALL the characters (just a few groups like Hanji/Levi/Mike), from time to time he receives family photos of Niail and talks about old times
Twitter : activist totally committed to good causes ( #blacklivesmatter) (#justicepourAdama ), retweet the political news, has already tweeted with the #AlphaLevi @ErwinSmitt
Tumblr : pretty active, post on subjects that fascinate him (like history), his tumblr is very interesting and orderly, proposes developed theories and some people (students like Conny) go there to find answers to their homework… @Sasageyo
Zeke / Sieg
Instagram : created an insta to talk with Eren but he got blocked after commenting on one of his photos « Beautiful sweetren, you grow up day by day, signed your beloved brother » didn’t understand why he couldn’t see his instagram after that ; his instagram is very neat : instafood & instabook but doesn’t have many followers because his instagram account is private (like 150 follower) @ZekeJaerger
Snapchat : made stories to address to Eren instead of sending him directly in private (didn’t really understand the concept) that’s how to start the attacks between him and Levi, Eren ended up deleting the app to him
Whatsapp : uses impeccable grammar (also blocked Livai on all its social medias), tends to read without answering « Read since two days »
Twitter :  tweets like « I am now on twitter. » or  « Good Morning Twitter. » and lots of  « Join me on Candy Crush » , he also likes to comment on his favorite culinary shows with a lot hastag, honestly he is one of the people who blocked Eren on Twitter but does not really assume it  « What ? Weird…I must have hit the wrong button… » yes of course… @ZekeJaeger
Tumblr : reblog Erwin’s posts which he finds very interesting, to himself his own theories which he confronts with Erwin in discussion groups, is part of a quite popular team on tumblr “GenshiKyojin”, (with leader Eren Kruger) #uses #too #much #hastag (#like #me) @KemenoNoKyojin
748 notes · View notes
camrensrealbish · 4 years
Blame it on the fandom
I’ve been thinking about the podcast appearance a lot in the last few days.  I have questions for you, Lauren.
Promotion and Camren headlines
It’s interesting when you look at the ways they used Camren for promotion. In the early Fifth Harmony days, to bring LGBT teenagers to the fandom. Then quietened it with Brad and Austin PRs. Then “I found the girl” was released. And then finally Lauren’s coming out followed by the “never real... ever” tweet. Tweet that btw made headlines and brought Lauren’s name into mainstream, ensuring that the first bit of information general public learns about her is that she was not in a relationship with Camila Cabello. 
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And now apparently they’re doing it again, use Camila to promote Lauren, while simoultanously slamming Camila’s gay rumors. Very clever if you ask me.
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Are you seriously trying to tell me that there is more blame in teenagers who wrote fanfics, that in people who used two girls’ relationship in whatever way they wanted to sell a product?  
The fandom shouldn’t be to blame, but you know who? The management and the label. People in control of her career and image. People who didn’t give a f*ck about her mental health and didn’t offer any help or support when she was starting her career in LA and everything was happening at once and closeted Lauren started to panic. The people who were “making decisions on regular basis to fuck them over, to make them literal slaves”. Most importantly, people, who’ve worked in the industry for years and knew where all of this would lead to and how to manipulate the story. 
And ok. Maybe Lauren didn’t know better in 2013/14 and the fandom, who was pointing out all the moments her feelings were showing seemed like an obvious target, because she didn’t know how to deal with her feelings for Camila and her internalized homophobia. But am I really supposed to believe, that nothing has changed since then and she’s learnt nothing?
That Lauren, who’s outspoken about the contracts and the bullshit of music industry, even when she’s not supposed to, that this Lauren would blame the fandom and not the people in charge? 
Fake it till you make it
That was some great acting on Lauren’s part (a little bit worse on Becky’s). Girl, maybe you should be the next one with acting career?
I wonder how many times she rehearsed her speech. Because without a doubt, it was prepared with her team and thought through thoroughly. What was our biggest argument against them saying Camila and Lauren were not dating? The way they look at each other and some of Camila’s slips (”Mine’s Lauren”,”Who are you kissing under the mistletoe?”, “Why do you assume it’s a boy”). So they made sure to take all our arguments away.
I also did not have that connection with her. Camila and i were just very good friends at that time, you know what i'm saying, and we respected each other. When each other would talk we would look at each other, we had love for each other, like genuine friendship, you know what i'm saying, and in the latinx culture i don't know about you, but growing up I was very affectionate with all of my friends i was very, like, we would tell each other shit that yeah, maybe you would think we were gay if you were listening over, but we weren't, you know what i'm saying.
It made me really angry, because seriously? You’re gonna use heteronormativity to shove Camila deeper into the closet?
Why now?
That was the first question that popped in my mind right after I recovered from the shock of hearing Camila’s name. Why now after 3 years of ignoring Camila’s existence?
LJ1 is coming. Album with a lot of songs about Camren in it, that you can easily connect with Camila’s side of the story. Why am I so certain about it? Because she made sure to incorporate Camren timeline into the relationship with Lucy. 
I was like, I need to own this, you know? Like, of course she can’t be with someone who doesn’t want to be with her really, you know? That’s traumatizing. As someone who was really queer and accepted that about herself, and I loved that about her. She was so self-assured and who she really was and I really wanted to be like that but I couldn’t give that at the time, so I had to deal with the pain of losing her because of that. Then she came back into my life and we had a very toxic relationship, because neither one of us was healed enough to be together, but we loved each other so much… that happened when I was 18. I wanted to be with her so badly that I didn’t even give her time or me time to even know if this was what I wanted or what she wanted. I was like “no, now we’re gonna be together” so I went all in and was like we’re going to be in this relationship. And I remember my mom being like… She knew, but she also – again, there was a lot of toxicity between this girl and I, this was not a healthy relationship, this was not anything to romanticize what I went through, but also, it was my story.“
Started as friends with benefits, Camila wanted more, but Lauren wasn’t confident in her sexuality, so they broke up and got back together as a couple in 2014. That’s exactly what we were speculating was going on with Camren then, what Camila confirmed in her songs (Feel it twice, Should’ve said it) and even mentioned in Zach Sang interview. 
They really decided to sink the ship this time. They’re not playing anymore, so I’d get prepared for a big shitshow in Shawmila circus, let’s pray it’s not marriage.
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
off topic - let’s talk about gaylena 👀
selena gomez is one of taylor’s oldest and bestest friends and given that she is in the 22 liner notes, a huge part of taylor’s life, and maybe fruity herself it seems like possibly we don’t talk about her here at the blog enough!
i don’t want to do a timeline of selena and taylor’s friendship - you can read more about that here, but they met back in the day when they were both dating jonas brothers and to me this idea of finding a real friendship in the midst of these contrived promances is pretty adorable.
ofc most of y’all think taylor is a fruit basket but i think there’s a good chance that selena is too!  i’m not saying she is for sure but y’all know me.  i’’m here to make a compelling case that everyone and their dog is gay so let’s gooooo! 
Part I - At least one fake rs!  
Selena “dated” Taylor Lautner in 2009 and he’s definitely gay.  Of course, that doesn’t mean she is, it could just be PR, but y’all know I gotta note everything!  We stan our fruity bffs dating the same gays 😍
Part II - Selena x cara delevingne
i feel like there’s a chance they met through taylor but everyone in that squad adjacent circle knows one another.  cara dated michelle rodriguez for the first half of 2014 and then got with annie clark in March 2015 but it feels like it’s possible something has gone on between her and Selena from summer 2014 - early 2015? ...maybe something casual on and off a bit?
August 2014 - Steamy pics surface in Saint-Tropez, France
Selena and and a freshly single Cara vacation together in part to celebrate Selena’s 22nd birthday.
They party together and look cozy!
Pictures such as this surface and spark rumors around the two:
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Selena apparently loves the rumors and gushes about being shipped with Cara.
You say Selena drag queens were the true measure of success for you. But isn’t it true that you’re not truly famous until you’ve been the subject of a gay rumor? And last year, the tabloids had a field day with photos of you and Cara Delevingne. I’ve made it!
How did you react to those rumors? Honestly, I loved it. I didn’t mind it. Especially because they weren’t talking about other people in my life for once, which was wonderful. Honestly, though, she’s incredible and very open and she just makes me open. She’s so fun and she’s just extremely adventurous, and sometimes I just want that in my life, so I didn’t mind it. I loved it.
Notice she doesn’t deny them?  Now of course she could just be being cool, if she freaked out about it that might be even weirder but hey, it’s still kind of interesting.
Then she admits to questioning her sexuality???
Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Oh, I think everybody does, no matter who they are. I do, yeah, of course. Absolutely. I think it’s healthy to gain a perspective on who you are deep down, question yourself and challenge yourself; it’s important to do that.
(Selena btw, this is cool and all, but not everybody questions their sexuality, maybe you’re just gay 👀)
November 1 - LACMA Art + Film Gala 
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they even left the event together 👀
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and they hung out earlier that day as well:
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They were seen the next day partying for Kendall Jenner’s bday singing to her:
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a few weeks later Cara tweets Selena’s lyrics!
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In December 2014 they are travelling together in texas:
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in january 2015 they get cozy at the golden globes together!
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and they leave together again:
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January 19th/20th a bunch of gay nonsense happens
They post this gay shit with matching shoes and linked fingers:
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then they say this to one another:
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Enty says they were hooking up!
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then we don’t get any more content that i can find for about six months! perhaps they had a fling from summer 2014-jan 2015 and then it ends, Cara gets with Annie in March?  Then after half a year apart Selena and Cara resume a friendly relationship?  Perhaps!  Selena is seen with Justin a bit off and on during this time but this was in their Style/Heat Death Era imo (tbh i probably shouldn’t give a hetty pairing including Justin that designation 🤢but y’all get what I’m saying - it’s fully possible Selena was hooking up with both of them!
Now I’m not super familiar with Selena’s discography so y’all lmk if I’m missing anything major - lyric wise that point to her not being straight.
Selena’s album Revival that comes out after this relationship has a few songs with some vibes, even though I get the feeling a lot of it is probably about Justin, allow me to reach.  The title track could be translated as someone coming to terms with their sexuality (among other things):
I feel like I've awakened lately The chains around me are finally breaking I've been under self-restoration I've become my own salvation Showing up, no more hiding, hiding The light inside me is bursting, shining It's my, my, my time to butterfly
Good for you, imo, is too sexy to be about a man even if it’s not super queer lyrically it’s a vibe ok?
Me & My Girls might be a bestie anthem a la 22 (oh wait, no 22 was gay too) but I mean...could be about a girl gang of lesbians too!
And if we want it, we take it If we need money, we make it Nobody knows if we fake it You like to watch while we shake it I know we're making you thirsty You want us all in the worst way But you don't understand I don't need a man 
Quinn Fabray indeed!
Nobody feels probably like a retrospective on Justin 🙄but...there is a hint of sapphic craving in there!  Saying this particular lover loves them differently than everyone is a bit 👀 plus this stanza:
No oxygen, can barely breathe My darkest sin, you've raised release And it's all because of you, all because of you And I don't know what it is, but you've pulled me in No one compares, could ever begin To love me like you do And I wouldn't want them to
Is Perfect about some bitch Justin started dating?  Probably but bear with me here this song is actually pretty fucking gay.  Gay enough that I’m gonna add it to one of my gay playlists.  Could this song actually be about Cara moving on to Annie?
Ooh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love, like you, like you
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And she's perfect And she's perfect
Part III - Selena x Julia Michaels
Julia Michaels is a singer/songwriter known for her song Issues.  I don’t know her sexuality but she at the least has gay vibes!  It seems they met around this time perhaps because Julia wrote on Revival.
They have a friendly enough friendship for a few years, liking one another’s posts on IG from time to time, posing for a photo a time or two and then they seem to get swept up into this very intense friendship in 2019.  They write some music together and Julia goes whole hog in promoting the shoe brand Selena is hawking this time 😭
2019 - The Superior Sapphic Jelena Timeline:
It starts, for some reason with a lot of shoe promotion:
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chill, chill
more shoes
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but more gayness?
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this homo shit
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Then we go into the REALLY GAY NOVEMBER OF 2019:
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Then they perform together:
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And...actually kiss...on the mouth on stage???
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Sure it’s just a peck but still...if that were a guy people would say they were dating.  
Somehow kissing on the mouth isn’t the gayest thing these girls do over this period because these fucking dykes got matching tattoos.  I’ve read enough Larry blogs to know this actually means they’re secretly married.  All jokes aside this is fruity behavior. 
From their IG stories:
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Selena gets Julia a very nice christmas gift:
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Covid sets in and content drops off but god damn!  It’s possible they just had an intense friendship but if a man and a woman collabed on music together, kissed in public, and got matching tattoos everyone would say they were dating!
Selena, as far as I can find, didn’t have any public boyfriends around this time so who are some of these love songs about?
Rare comes out in January 2020 and perhaps has some gayish songs?
Don’t tell me why but boyfriend lowkey, has a gay vibe.  Don’t ask me to explain it but it’s just the musicality of it.
Crowded Room could be a love song for Julia?  (or by Julia for Selena, since they’re collaborators?)
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
These are general gay vibes, our secret moments in a crowded room tease
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
It would have started out polite between them, since they worked together for years before whatever 2019 was happened.  And throwing someone a line first of all makes Selena sound like the aggressor but also “throwing someone a line” could be a reference to writing songs together.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same, 'cause
Lots of people are afraid at the beginning of a gay rs.  Treacherous tease 👀
In summation!
Selena does gay stuff like fantasizing ab kissing other women in her music, getting very touchy with famous dykes on vacay, hangs out with Taylor Swift, has chronic mental health issues, dated a jonas brother and a twilight gay, has admitted to questioning her sexuality, and loves being shipped with women.  Is she gay?  I don’t know!   But all she’s missing from her celesbian bingo card is a suspiciously intense friendship with a Glee Cast member! What do you guys think?  Selena fruity or just weird?
Edit to add: so apparently I missed an entire ship and Selena supposedly acted really gay all the time with her backup dancer Charity Baroni.  Exposing SMG has posted a lot about all that.
Also Selena has been cast in a gay role! edit to add: @bisluthq went and found this for me - julia is indeed a fruit queen
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leejungchans · 4 years
— universe update (210209).
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note: words in italics are in english!! normal ones are in korean!!
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Juliet [20:10] I didn’t know Hongjoongie oppa lost that many pairs of AirPods...
Juliet [20:10] ...What to do ㅋㅋㅋ
Juliet [20:11] when they call you clumsy but they also lost five pairs of airpods ahahaha
Juliet [20:11] Hm...if I got all the members pretty AirPod cases, maybe they won’t lose them...?
Hong Joong [20:16] Are you really going to buy them for us?
Juliet [20:17] Just the cases!!!!!!! Don’t misunderstand!!!!!!! I’m not buying you all Airpods ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Hong Joong [20:17] Thank you in advance ㅋㅋㅋ
Juliet [20:18] Aing (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
Woo Young [20:19] Oh, you’re being generous today~
Woo Young [20:19] I look forward to receiving mine~~
Jongho [20:21] Please buy me a pretty one
Juliet [20:21] They’ll all be pretty...what do you mean? (`ー´)
Jongho [20:21] Your taste can be questionable sometimes ㅎㅎㅎ
Juliet [20:22] ...
Juliet [20:22] I offered to buy them pretty cases but...they’re teasing me...? ㅠㅠ
Juliet [20:22] why are they coming for me????
Juliet [20:23] Yah if you keep teasing me I’ll buy you an ugly one (#`Д´)
Juliet [20:23] any suggestions on what to get each member, ATINY? (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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— atiny’s reactions; (a/n: ahjdhwjds sorry i’m too lazy to make the fake tweets but let’s pretend they’re on twitter😭😭😭)
ahsjjwjshhsjdjaj juliet and the boys roasting each other on universe is what i live for 💀💀
the ateezers’ interactions on universe radiate sibling energy ahjdhwjsjsjsjdj 😔
watch her buy a poop one for jongho after today hghgggggggggghhhhh
juliet speaking in korean: 💕🥺🌸🌷✨ juliet speaking in english: 😎💀🔥💣🔗
hajshwhhd one minute she’s all 😠 to the boys and the next she’s talking to atinys like 🥺🥰 the whiplash i got 😭
THE EMOTICONS????? stop she’s so cute pls ;;
“why are they coming for me?????” JULIET PLS I AM WHEEZING AGDJWHSJDH
LMAO not @ juliet clarifying that she’s just getting them cases and not the actual airpods💀💀💀💀💀
Okay but why is no one talking about how cute it is that she offered to buy them the cases??? 🥺🥺 my heart
juliet texts in lowercase i knew she could be trusted ✨
this is why i got juliet’s universe 🤩 look at this CHAOS!!!! my queen delivers all the time <3
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— bonus: what cases juliet would buy for the boys;
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top row, l-r: hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, yeosang; bottom row, l-r: san, mingi, wooyoung, jongho
disclaimer: i do not own any of these photos and i only made the collage; i made hongjoong’s (top left) by editing a sticker i found on picsart onto a photo of a clear case, i do not own the original photo nor the sticker, i only edited it.
note: i actually don’t know if all the boys have airpods or not hajsgwhd 🤡 if they don’t let’s pretend they do bc this is all hypothetical ahshjajs!!
hongjoong; juliet would probably customise one for joong bc he’s always reforming his clothes/accessories so let’s pretend she customised that case for him!! it says “my treasure” bc he is ateez’s treasure :’)
seonghwa; it’s a toothless case (very adorable btw). need i say more????
yunho; he can do a very nice spongebob impression so she bought him a pineapple case reminiscent of spongebob’s house; to juliet, the pineapple is also a happy, tropical fruit which she associates with the energetic yunho!!
yeosang; she wanted to get him a fried chicken case but she couldn’t find one that was cute enough so she got him a chicken!!
mingi; mingi does an adorable impression of a sunfish and this shark reminded her of him :’) (a/n: MINGI BEST BOY I MISS HIM SO MUCH AND I HOPE HE’S DOING BETTER)
wooyoung; even though they tease each other a lot, wooyoung is genuinely the sweetest person ever so she thinks this strawberry milk one suits him!!
jongho; ARE YOU KIDDING ME PART.2 IT’S A TEDDY BEAR CASE HOW COULD SHE NOT GET THAT FOR HIM (a/n: i want one for myself now...)
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a/n: feedback is always and highly appreciated!! whether it’s a reblog, a reply, or a short ask, it would mean the world to me 🥺💗 and remember that you are more than welcome to chat with me about anything in my asks!! if you want to do this ask game for juliet feel free to drop an ask with the emoji(s)!! 💕
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If Game Changers say we like something, we’re “being fake” and “afraid to lose our title”. If we say we don’t like something, we’re “being ungrateful” and “shouldn’t be allowed to represent the company”.
Whatever about all that, I have opinions about this anniversary business and tbh my tongue hurts from biting it. So what the hell, have my opinions that literally no one asked for 🤷‍♀️
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Let’s get one thing straight first, I don’t blame the Sims Team for any of this. We all know the Sims Team has a budget to work from that EA give them, and we all know that budget is FAR lower than any of EA’s other franchises. So I’m guessing what we got is exactly what the budget allowed for, which is just sad.
I don’t hate the hot tub, it’s a cool object with some nice swatches, but it’s an object we already have. It’s literally just one of the other hot tubs with a roof over it, which as Fab Flubs proved, can be done already without that “new” hot tub. There’s been a disturbing habit from the Sims Team lately of recycling objects for new packs, but to do this for something that’s supposed to be a thank you to the community that’s supported them for so long?! Not okay. And if they were going to give us a hot tub anyway, why didn’t they make it a heart-shaped hot tub for nostalgia, but this is all besides the point.
I really just want to know who approved this! Who was sitting in a meeting and going “A hot tub we’ve already used but for base game and with a roof and some lights? Nailed it. They’ll love it.” Were they high?! Or did they just forget completely and got to the day before the anniversary and had to scramble to come up with something? Who thought it would be a good idea to take a hero object from a previous pack and make it base game?
If you don’t know what a hero object is, it’s the object in a pack that the team generally spend the most time on, it’s the one object they know people want the most and will buy the pack just for that one item. For example the murphy bed from Tiny Living, the washers/dryers from Laundry Day, the photo studio from Moschino, the climbing wall from Fitness Stuff, the bowling lane from Bowling Night, etc etc. Think about it, how many people would have bought Perfect Patio if it didn’t have the hot tub? I would have, but I’m stupid when it comes to buying ALL packs, that’s well established lol Don’t get me wrong, it’s really cool that those that haven’t bought the pack can now use hot tubs, but for those that bought the pack specifically for that hero object, it’s a slap in the face.
Second, and this is my biggest issue with this whole thing, IT’S THEIR 20TH ANNIVERSARY. There are so many people that are like “you don’t give other people gifts on your birthday, do you?” No I don’t, but I’m not a multi-billion dollar gaming company in an industry where one franchise reaching 20 years is a MASSIVE deal! Most franchises don’t last past 5 years and those that do make a huge deal about every year they make it to after that.
Take Blizzard for example, World of Warcraft just made it to 15 years and they went big. Not only did their anniversary celebration last from November to January, but they opened up old raids for higher level players, which had higher drop rates for some long sought after mounts during the celebration and when completed gave you an achievement that awarded you with a guaranteed mount that looks like Deathwing, a raid boss from one of the first expansions (hello nostalgia!), and they opened up an old battleground that when completed could earn you two other new mounts. They also sent out celebration packages to every single character’s mailbox (not just every player, but every single character... each player is allowed 50 characters per account btw) that contained a 15% increased xp and rep gain token that lasted for the duration of the anniversary celebration AND a cute little battle pet that again, was inspired by another old raid boss, Nefarian. And on top of all of that, you were also able to purchase goodies from previous anniversary celebrations from an NPC for those two months of the celebration.
I dunno about you, but to me that’s a crazy amount of nostalgia and goodies, and Blizzard always celebrate their anniversaries in this kind of style, even the ones that aren’t “major” milestones.
So why isn’t EA making a big deal about the Sims 20th anniversary? In fact, literally everyone else is making more of a fuss about it than EA! There have been dozens of interviews with Game Changers and devs alike. The Fader, Playstation, MTV News, Polygon, EB Games, NVIDIA, Youtube Gaming, Discord, IGN, Need For Speed Spain, and hell even The Onion tweeted about it. Thousands of members of the community have shared their sweet nostalgic stories about how long they’ve been playing The Sims and what the games have meant to them.
And EA gives us a giveaway, a patch with a couple simlish songs, only 3 minor bug fixes and a recycled hot tub, a graphic that seems to be full of random numbers that mean nothing, and more ways to give them our money (new expensive merch that doesn’t even really scream “it’s our birthday!”). I’m sorry but where’s the nostalgia? Where’s the real thanks to the community that has supported them for 20 years? It’s just so disappointing, and yet, not surprising at all. It’s become normal to see something like this happen and think “Well, did we really expect anything different from them?”, which when you think about it, just seems so wrong.
This franchise has meant so much to so many of us, and it’s sad that we’ve been made to lower our expectations to the point where when something like this happens, we’re not even surprised anymore. We shouldn’t think that way about a game that we’ve grown up with, supported, and loved for 20 years.
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