#this is a bit of a moot point as he is probably gonna convert to whatever gale wants to convert to so they can be together in the afterlife
antiqua-lugar · 8 months
I always imagined Caradoc as feeling extremely guilty in the ending for picking himself (and Gale) over Orpheus and the liberation of the Gythianki people (nevermind how he really did not want to follow Karlach to Avernus, thank the gods for Wyll), but now that I made him a low-key follower of Ilmater it's kind of turning into a small religious crisis.
Like he isn't the biggest believer but he has always tried to do The Right Thing and that probably was not The Right Thing and he did it entirely for selfish motivations and yeah he is feeling guilty but he is not feeling even a little bit sorry. He would 100% do it again.
But also he figures it's gonna be hard to sell to Ilmater when he kicks the bucket.
Or is it?
Does he have enough faith in Ilmater about this? (Considering the Illmater novices we see in the game I think Caradoc has zero to worry about. "Your honour, I did the best I could but I crossed the line at turning into a squid because I really love my husband, friends and family and I wanted to be with them" still beats "One refugee killed Father Logan so now they should all die in the streets")
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brandyllyn · 3 years
In our own image... (17)
Chapter 17
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Other chapters... My Masterlist
Word count: 1900. Read it on AO3.
Rating: Teen & Up (PG).
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Poe wished he could pretend to be surprised when he woke up the next morning and the Mu shuttle was gone. Wished he could hide behind an exclamation of 'What?' and 'I had no idea!' and then spend the day shrugging his shoulders and acting confused when the inevitable questions began. He just didn’t have a good enough sabacc face to fake surprise.
The workshop was down, the vast majority of the crates and tools gone with her in the shuttle. Rey was perched on top of one of the remaining boxes, talking to one of the new mechanics. They both gave him nervous looks when he walked over.
"What did she leave?" Poe asked, thumbs tucked into his belt.
"Some spare parts for the astromechs. A box of upgraded converter chips she showed me how to replace. A crate of spare tools for basic repairs and cleaning. A box for Chewbacca we haven’t opened yet." Rey pointed at each thing as she listed them off.
"So she said goodbye to you then?" Poe put the question out as casually as possible.
"Did she not…" Rey looked at him and he could see the concern and sadness flash over her face. "Poe I’m-"
"We said our goodbyes yesterday," he cut her off, squatting to look at the crate of converters. "Do we know what droids still need these?" Rey nodded and handed him a data pad with the list on it. "Are you comfortable taking this on and do you want help?"
Rey nodded and then shook her head. "I’ve got it. It’ll be a nice distraction from Leia hitting me with her cane every afternoon."
Poe nodded, rising to his feet. "Ok then. I’ve got a squad meeting, I’ll see you later."
He didn’t look back as he walked away, trying to keep his face impassive. No one tried to stop him as he made his way to the flight line. He passed Command, not bothering to look inside. If someone needed him they knew where to look and he wasn’t ready to invite conversation. He nodded at Kaydel as he passed and she ran over to fall into step next to him.
"What do you need KoKo?" He tried to force a smile but it didn’t feel like it was working.
"Our charts for Phaeda are a bit wonky. Could you send someone over there to remap? D’Arcy has an astromech already loaded up with the programming."
"Yeah, we can do that. I’ll send Snap out. He’s been itching to get off-base." Poe made a mental note.
"Thanks," Kaydel replied. Rather than moving away from him she kept pace.
"Was there something else?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I saw that Kina was gone and I wanted to say-"
"Stop," Poe froze in his tracks, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. "No KoKo. We’re not doing this. It’s private okay?"
"Okay," she said quickly. "I just wanted you know I was here for you if you needed-"
He patted her shoulder. "I appreciate it."
She smiled and then jogged away, back toward Command. Maker, all he wanted was to be left in peace with his own thoughts. Was his whole day going to be well-meaning friends?
Yes, yes it was.
Snap cornered him after the briefing and Poe was more than happy to send the man off-base on mission. Then it was Pava’s turn. After her Karé punched him in the shoulder and asked if he wanted to drink spatchka with them later.
The only person he saw that morning who didn’t mention Kina leaving was Chewie. The Wookie didn’t have anything to say to him at all in fact. When he sat down with his lunch at the table with him and Finn, Chewie got up and left without comment - leaving behind the remains of his meal.
"What was that about?" Finn asked with a raised eyebrow.
Poe sighed. "I think he liked her more than he likes me."
"Well that’s not difficult," Finn replied and Poe threw a nootlik pit at him.
At least his afternoon was guaranteed to be quiet. He had slated himself to do repairs on Black One - some much needed cockpit maintenance. BB-8 whistled at him from the back as he called out questions and he tried hard not to think of her with every trill from the droid.
"What’s the frequency on six-alpha-four-nine?" He called out. When BB-8 answered he adjusted the array and asked again. Tedious, mind-numbing work that took all his concentration and none of his brain.
Exactly what he needed.
He barely noticed when Finn walked up, climbing the short ladder and settling himself against the fuselage of the craft, legs stretched across the wing, his fingers laced across his stomach. He didn’t even wait for Poe’s greeting before asking, "So, you gonna tell me what happened?"
"With what?" Poe asked, teeth clenched around a wrench.
"With what?" Finn mocked, dropping his voice an octave in what was most definitely a terrible impression of Poe himself. "With your lover as Chewie would say. With Kina."
Poe didn’t pull his head up, kept himself bent into the cockpit. "It didn’t work out."
He heard Finn snort and felt the man poke a finger into the back of his thigh. "I figured that much out. But what happened?"
Poe sighed, finally leaning back out to crouch on the wing next to Finn. "She wanted me to put her first," he shrugged.
Finna raised an eyebrow. "That doesn’t seem unreasonable."
"Except that I already promised that the Resistance - this fight - would come first," he continued, pointing at the X-Wing with the wrench. "And that’s not the kind of promise you can make twice."
"Oh," Finn said quietly.
"Oh," Poe mocked before leaning back in to work on the control panel.
Another poke. "You okay?"
"I’m fine," Poe bit out.
"You don’t seem fine."
"Finn I swear if you-"
"Why are we threatening Finn?" Rey’s voice came from further away and Poe groaned. Just what he needed. More people prying.
"He’s grumpy because I’m asking reasonable questions," Finn called back.
"I’m not-" Poe jerked his head up and saw that Rey was now sitting cross legged on the wing as well. "This is too many people. It’s not good for my ship. Someone needs to get down."
Rey rolled her eyes at him even as Finn made as if to rise. "This ship’s wing has a load rating of close to a ton. I know Finn’s been hitting the new shipment of sweets - but not that hard."
"Hey," the other man said mildly and Rey grinned at him. He sat back down, glaring at Poe. "Nice try."
Poe shrugged, wiping his hands on his pants and moving to slide into the cockpit’s seat. "Was worth a shot."
"What are we talking about?" Rey asked.
"Poe’s dedication to the Resistance above all other things," Finn supplied and Poe closed his eyes and thunked his head against the back of the seat. He missed when all his friends were subordinate to him and he could just order them to go away. "Especially over beautiful people who like him more than he deserves."
"Hey," Poe turned slightly to give the man a glare. "I deserve every bit of it, thank you."
"Is that what he told you?" Rey’s voice cut into his thoughts.
"What?" Both Finn and Poe responded at once.
Rey’s eyes darted to the side. "That it was your dedication to the Resistance that was the problem?"
"Yeah," Poe grumbled, turning back to his work. "Because it was."
"I don’t think…" Rey trailed off, a considering look on her face.
"What is that?" Finn asked, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "What do you know?"
Poe tried not to pay attention to Rey. He needed to focus on his work and whatever the reason was that Kina had left it was a moot point now because she had.
"I don’t know anything," Rey said quietly and Poe had to strain his ears to hear her, "But that doesn’t sound like what she told me."
"What did she tell you?" Finn whispered, still loud enough for Poe to hear.
"Alright, no. We’re not doing this." Poe lifted himself from the cockpit, boots thumping down on to the wing and his hands on his hips towering over them. "She left. It’s over. I for one would like to move on. So if you’re going to stay you need to find a new topic."
Rey and Finn both looked at him, and then each other. As one they slid off the edge of the X-Wing - heads close together as they walked away.
That was… not what he intended.
Poe let his back slide against the fuselage until he was sitting on the wing, legs sprawled in front of him. He didn’t want to talk - but also being alone wasn’t going to work either. Everything reminded him of her. Working with BB-8 on Black One was just a reminder of how she had chatted with the droid - their whistles flying back and forth too quickly to follow.
He sighed. "Beebs?"
"Yes Friend Poe?"
"Did she ever tell you anything about why she was leaving?" He hated asking, but BB-8 was probably the only person on base that he would ask.
"No Friend Poe," BB-8 whistled back. "She told me many times she was happy and that she liked Friend Poe."
Poe snorted a laugh, smiling to himself. "Well that’s nice to hear."
"And Friend Kina said she liked BB-8 when she said goodbye to me."
"When?" Poe rolled his head to look back at where the droid sat in the X-Wing.
"After Friend Poe went to sleep," BB-8 replied. "She asked me to take care of Friend Poe."
He closed his eyes, brow furrowing. Finally he let out a long breath, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, that sounds about right."
"Friend Poe?"
"Yeah buddy?"
"Is it my fault Friend Kina left?"
"What?" Poe jerked upright, spinning slightly to look at the droid. "Why would you think that?"
"When my Friends fought they mentioned BB-8 many times," the droid gave a sad trill. "I was worried that their fight was because of me."
Poe got up, working his way along the X-Wing until he could perch his hip next to the bay where BB-8 was housed. "Buddy, I can promise you. There is no galaxy in which Kina would have left because of you. She loves you."
BB-8 gave a low whistle but didn’t respond and Poe rested a hand on the unit. "Whatever happened between me and Kina - it wasn’t your fault." The droid trilled again but Poe got the impression he didn’t believe him.
"Sometimes two people just… can’t make things work," Poe tried again. "It’s not anyone’s fault. It’s just not right for them. Not the right time maybe."
"Will you and Friend Kina try some other time?"
Poe barked a short laugh. "You really liked her didn’t you?"
"Friend Kina talked to me like I was people," the droid whistled.
Poe stared down at the droid, watching the lights flicker. "BB-8," he asked hesitantly, "do you feel like you are people?"
"I am BB-8," the droid whistled happily.
Poe smiled, giving the droid an affectionate rub. He was letting the stress get to him. BB-8 was BB-8, that was all he needed to know. He happily went out with Poe on missions - had saved his ass more times than Poe could count. BB-8 was Poe’s buddy. His co-pilot. His partner in crime. That was all that really mattered.
Wasn’t it?
Chpt 18
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Femboy Upgrade for Polypa and Konyyl’s Boys
Commission in the same continuity of hyper muscular musclegut Konyyl and Polypa, featuring Azdaja and Tegiri being transformed into femboys!
Focus on femboy transformations, hyper muscle, size difference, with a sex scene later on. Small references to milkiness and general hugeness throughout.
“And, signed!” the small alien said cheerfully, taking a delivery notice from a pair of claws thicker around than his arm. His name, Polypa had learned from some past associations with him, was John Egbert, and his world was a fairly recent addition to the galactic community that the new Alternian regime had started building to repair the damage the Condesce had caused before her defeat.
She supposed he’d been right there for the most momentous of times, and felt a bit jealous. He had met alien revolutionaries crash landed on his planet, traveled with them to exciting worlds, fought on their behalf, and had a front row seat to the fateful duel between the then-Heiress and the corrupt empress they’d fought against, and of course had been there for the beginnings of the new empire… all built on the ideals of the prophet who had foreseen all of this, according to the revelations of the new Empress’ head advisor.
She, on the other hand, had pretty much missed most of that until some of the fighting went to her doorstep. All the time, she’d been on Alternia, living in quiet dread of duty coming for her to leave and never see her quadrantmates again. Her lover Tegiri, most obviously, and though he’d long since shifted into the red quadrant of romantic love, she still harbored some pale feelings there. Who’d take care of him?
And what about her friend/rival, Konyyl, or her quadrantmate, Azdaja? Konyyl had benefited from the same mutations she had, and would have been an attractive prospect for front-line shock troops, but the only thing waiting for a psionic like Azdaja was a one-way trip as a psychic battery until it fried him.
And then, it didn’t matter anymore. When the revolution came and went, and left all those worries as a completely moot point with the dismantling of the old conquest system, she didn’t feel relieved. Just… strangely bewildered.
Keeping these thoughts to herself, Polypa Goezee regarded the small human with a calm affection and a faint smile behind the bandages she wore over most of her face and a lot of her body. A single eye, pure olive-green but for a yellow slit, regarded him. From a lot higher, though; he barely came up to the upraised shin of her digitigrade legs, and while humans were much smaller than trolls, they normally were about twice their size. Among trolls, Polypa was a mutant, and had grown into a true giantess over the years.
Considering the enormous out-slung mass of her belly, though, she could appreciate that he was not in a position to actually notice her trying to smile and put him at ease. For that matter, he probably wouldn’t have been able to look her in the eye even if she didn’t have that belly; her nectar-stuffed boobs (what he might call milk, despite the biological differences) were so big, they’d get in the way. And even with that...
Okay. She was starting to work out that there were some barriers to dealing with aliens, so she had to figure that out eventually. The Empire was all about xenophilia, these days; a bit more literally, for some.
She had many alien neighbors, after the new Empress had opened it up for repopulation after the revolution had left the population severely under-staffed and underpopulated. She’d worked out that her people were far larger than most aliens except maybe some of the Gems (whose hard-light projection bodies could get VERY big), or the robotic Cybertronians, who varied from ‘troll size’ to ‘is that a fucking city’. Her people were huge, by most standards, but she (and her friend, Konyyl) were really goddamn big.
Polypa had rarely seen any troll that was even as high as her waist, but she felt strangely powerful in front of this adorable, tiny alien, and protective; the sight of him made her feel weirdly wobbly and full of squishy feelings that normally only Tegiri had produced on her.
The new regime, weird and surreal as a lot of its policies seemed to be, couldn’t be so bad if it produced guys like him.
As he made a call to bring in the delivery, he studied her; not with an erotic interest or fear, but with a mild interest that made her want to show off and flex her many, magnificent muscles just to boast. Polypa, like many trolls, was mutated to a degree outside the norms of tradilistionalist breeding practices; like many as well, she was not mutated to the point that she couldn’t contribute and so she’d been tolerated. In her case, it had been a common one for her blood caste; a hyperactive metabolism and stomach alteration that converted the food she ate into pure biomass and absorbed it directly.
Her particular version was abnormally efficient; most olives with this mutation wound up very bulky or outright fat, due to complications with the process. For Polypa and Konyyl, who benefited from the same mutation, it had made them grow far exponentially larger after molts than a normal troll did. Their hips grew enormously wide, their incredibly massive and producing much more nectar than normal. And over the years, her stomach had kept growing into a huge mass and a biological wonder, a bundled mass of separate digestive chambers fully capable of melting down trolls and bigger things into just more fuel for her body, so much of her body dedicated to it that her gut had grown larger than the rest of her body, a vaguely spherical mass as long as she was tall, so high its upper regions rose past her eye level.
Her belly was her pride and joy, her clothing designed to show it off, her bandages designed to be thin and reveal as much of her muscles as possible. And her visitor regarded her bulk with fascinated interest; his gaze didn’t linger that much on her rumblespheres (swollen by many meals and several liquid tons of nectar, nearly as massive as her belly and gently parted by its highest point like a pair of whales upset by a much bigger whale rising from beneath it), nor by a butt so big that it rose up to her waist and expanded out by nearly eight feet, her tail curling whiplike around one firm cheek.
For a moment, as he regarded her with some innocent fascination, she was reminded of the curious shifts she’d felt in her insides; deep in her lower abdomen, around some reproductive organs that had been bred into uselessness since the advent of the Mother Grub and the mass production of trolls. She’d felt a heat there, and something growing. A strange process that made her feel hot and flushed, and needy, like she was empty, a factory desperately in need of raw product to fashion something. Oh yes; another facet to her mutation, she supposed, though there weren’t any obvious manifestations of whatever it was.
If there was a definite answer, it certainly wasn’t gonna come from Egbert.
He was chiefly interested in her muscles. Most of her growth, over the years, had gone straight into her muscles, and given that she was approximately 25 feet tall by his people’s measurements, that said a lot. She looked massive; a broad shouldered, broad hipped and broad-limbed beast of a troll woman, broad being a general keyword, but most of her apparently mass was her muscles, grown and transformed so much that they had merged with her fat to create an additional layer of flesh that was surprisingly flexible and under her direct mental control, lumping up in places where her black skin darkened into a chitinous carapace around her back. Those muscles were massive, expanding violently outwards from her body in heavy, bulbous masses of fiber by at least ten feet in most directions. Her biceps alone were bigger than her torso, and every single one was so incredibly defined and veined that they were useful anatomical studies for any enterprising xenobiologist.
Even her stomach was muscled. Abdominals swelled up around it, like plates of armor, enfolded and swelling its mass to even greater extremes. A muscle gut wasn’t terribly uncommon, exactly, but one this big? With the mutated processes conspiring to make it bigger, every day? That was unique to her.
“You guys must work out real good here!” John said brightly as a delivery barge rolled up. Several trolls brought over a heavily sealed crate, moving as if they were afraid to touch it.
Polypa blinked. For a moment, a thick vein pulsed against her bandages in thought, and her massive lips moved beneath the wrappings too as she considered saying something pithy, but it felt dishonest. She scratched behind her long, jagged horns with a single massive hand, bandages winding around them as much as anywhere else on her body. “Um. No, I’m just… a really big girl.”
John nodded as the trolls deposited the crate on the entranceway to the Polypa-sized hive she shared with her best friend, rival and occasional lover Konyyl, and their respective tiny boyfriends, Tegiri and Azdaja.
John nodded, with such graveness it reminded her of Tegiri; she had to smile. He gave her a mock salute. “Okay; sorry if that was rude! Anyway…” He glanced at the order and hesitated, as if going through a mental checklist. “Everything’s signed, everything’s delivered, and we’re good to go! Have a good day, Miss Goezee!”
“Tell the same to the Empress or whoever you’re working for,” Polypa said dryly, as she picked up the crate.
John gasped as the trolls acted as though they were suddenly deaf. “You’re not supposed to just SAY it like that!”
Polypa shrugged. “Hey, they cut a deal with me and Konyyl, and this whole regime is supposed to be about honesty.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s the actual opposite of what governments are for.” John paused, as if to ponder this, and then shrugged. He waved to her one last time, and left with the movers.
Polypa watched him go, still enjoying the memory of the frankly admiring look upon his face. But there would be time for that later; she picked up the crate and took it inside.
Humming softly to herself, she walked past rows and rows of shelves weighed heavy with her various hobbies, and that of her friends; painstakingly painted and assembled model kits, tabletop war game figurines, hand-made paintings and posters of particularly obscure shows. Her body emanated warmth as she passed, rather liked a stoked fire, growing hotter and with signs of actual flame as she got a bit worked up at the thoughts going through her mind.
The craft was brought to a special room, kept cooler than most of the house like a walk-in fridge. They referred to it as the milking room, for some obvious reasons. She stepped into a space large enough for her and Konyyl to use at the same time if necessary, though not comfortably: with the machines they’d adapted from those that milked certain lusii, there wasn’t much space.
She eyed the suction cups dangling from a rack, designed to adjust to her monstrously puffy sap-ducts. Briefly, she longed for the pleasures of feeling her nectar drained… but no, not right now.
She opened the crate, and inside there was another, more tightly sealed box. She opened that up; and inside was a puzzle box of sliding geometric faces. She aligned those faces until they formed a very rude message indeed, and it split… and inside THAT was a tiny treasure chest, with a riddle upon it, and a keypad to input a solution. Polypa snarled.
Roughly two and a half hours passed in this fashion, as she solved the puzzles and got increasingly smaller boxes with even more frustrating puzzles, and by the time she was about ready to march up to the one remaining moon and lodge a complaint, the last box opened up to reveal not another container, but a small canister.
It simply read ‘HYPER FEMME MUTAGENS’. Next to this was a heart, in fuchsia ink. And next to THAT was a small note that said “TH1S’LL T34CH Y4 TO NOT B3 SN34KY W1TH 1MPORT4NT S3CR3TS. N3XT T1M3, DON’T T4LK 4BOUT OUR D34LS 1N PUBL1C, YOU DORK!” it was signed with a Libra sign, and a cute monster face, as if to say that whoever had written that had known damn well, in advance, that Polypa would have talked about those secrets to the delivery boy.
Polypa snarled.
The note exploded in a hail of glitter, for no apparent reason.
After Konyyl floated into the room after getting Polypa’s call that their plan was ready to go, she wasn’t terribly surprised. She’d warned her about a stunt like that. The Empress’ head advisor could be a… well, an absolute troll.
Some time later, Tegiri and Azdaja got the call that today was, at last, the big day, and they shuffled into a side room with a little bit of excitement, and a lot more nervousness. Today was something the girls had been planning for them for a while, after all.
They’d agreed to it, of course. The two boys had worked it out with them. But still, there was a tension in the air.
Azdaja supposed, you never really did know when your future came up, leering at you and urging you onwards.
Still. He swallowed, and stepped into a doorway that looked cavernously huge to him, and when he passed through it, it felt like a grand moment.
Tegiri walked at his side; taller than him, and broader, and not just in the way that a tealblood tended to tower over a goldblood like Azdaja. They were opposites in most respects: Tegiri was broad of shoulders and moved with a surprisingly jerky grace that belied his speed; Azdaja was more than a foot shorter than him, slender and delicate where Tegiri was fit and muscular. Azdaja’s tail was thin and long; Tegiri’s thick and heavily furred; Azdaja’s horns grew in two curving pairs, Tegiri’s horns were broad and hooked. In personality, Tegiri was dour and serious to the point that it felt like he was putting on a performance; Azdaja was jovial, straightforward, and gushed charisma like a fountain. Even their abilities were contrasts; all trolls were psionic, but like most highbloods, Tegiri’s were focused into raw physical power and strength. Azdaja was a powerful telekinetic who would have been facing some serious difficulty had the helmsman battery role not been completely phased out, which made him inclined to look favorably upon the new Empress.
Tegiri was more wary of her strange proclamations and laws, he knew. But they did have one thing in common; their adoration for their incredibly big, beefy girlfriends.
In the room, normally used for careful assembly work or personal workshopping, there was a table that could be used for meals in a pinch. Upon it now was a large jug was set upon a table, olive-green nectar swirling around and quite visible through its transparent exterior, and the boys thought there was a power emanating from it.
One side of this table was the boy’s couch: plush and thickly padded. On the other side was the girl’s couches, looming and skulking with a vague sense of authority much like the girls themselves tended to do, overstuffed with support gel and larger than some vehicles on the open market, and extending from their undersized were wide, scooped dishes. It would seem an odd thing if you weren’t familiar with Polypa or Konyyl’s, body types.
All four of them were assembled there (all five, perhaps, by Polypa’s reckoning; she sometimes regarded her belly as its own entity, a loving but stern ally to be nurtured and fed at every opportunity). Polypa sat as straight as she could, her muscles filling up all available space on and around the couch and overflowing it as well, and besides her was Konyyl, who was built on broadly the same lines as Polypa; she benefited from the same mutations as Polypa, and had grown large like her, muscular like her, and buff like her.
There were some differences. Konyyl was shorter than Konyyl, her head barely coming up to the upper curves of Polypa’s bulbous biceps and her jagged horns at Polypa’s eye level. Her muscles were almost as bulky, and swelled up over her couch as she sprawled back, but they were barely defined at all, and looked softer, more like the classical weightlifter with their muscles concealed in their bulk. This impression was helped by her stomach; smaller overall compared to Polypa’s musclegut, it was a huge and fairly smooth orb, with firmer hints beneath the fat to suggest her powerful abdominational growth.
Her curves were bigger. Konyyl rose up on a massive butt almost as large as her entire body (though not including her gut) and her rumblespheres were somewhere around the same size. So heavy with nectar that their black was tinted a deep and translucent green, her sap-ducts swelling out against her clothes. The impression was of overwhelming plushness, and even her tail was thick, a broad paddle splaying from under her onto the floor as she leaned back.
Now Konyyl waved a hand, and her muscles tensed with energy, and an olive-green glow shined from her muscles.
All trolls were, again, psionic. Polypa and Konyyl’s mutations had bootstrapped them onto some level of power previously limited to only the previous Empress, fusing their psionics to their bodies and making their muscles both a source, a battery, AND a channel for their potent energies, and they had different talents for it. Polypa made fire, and was immune to her own flames. Konyyl was a telekinetic, far stronger than her own matesprite, and now she projected a wave of mental force that pushed the keg closer to the boys so they could see it clearly.
Azdaja peered at it as it came to a stop. “This is it?” he said, intrigued and trying to play it off, but Polypa heard the fascination in his voice.
“Yep,” said Polypa, leaning back, her swollen forearms bracing her rumblespheres upwards. “The mutagens harvested from the biggest and most curvy trolls in the empire. Some from the new Empress herself and that big advisor of hers.”
Tegiri swallowed nervously. “You don’t say?” he said, perhaps imagining a familiar sight to anyone who watched news stories: a massive tealblood almost as impossibly massive as Konyyl, her enormously curvaceous body an unforgettable sight, and her dragon-like form exuding a predatory intensity matched only by the odd sense of malice everyone got from the broken crystal ball she wore in cleavage that could have housed a lot of Polypa.
That troll was something of a sexual idol to many, Polypa mused, and if something was from her to put essence of feminizing into this concoction, as requested, the results ought to be impressive. “And a bit from the two of us,” Konyyl said smugly. “But not too much. We’re not looking to turn you two into duplicates of us.”
Polypa nodded, leaning forwards, her one visible eyes staring plainly down at them. “Just like we discussed. The whole thing is here; all you gotta do is drink it.”
Tegiri and Azdaja looked silently about the jug, which wasn’t very large, but then it didn’t need to be. It was big enough to supply a cupful for the both of them, and that was all that was required.
“If you want to,” Polypa said, as if to be sure.
Konyyl shrugged her shoulders, and psychically wrenched the top off the jug. “Do iii~iiiit,” she said, sing-song, teasingly, but not seriously. “Do it, ya wimps!”
Polypa scoffed at her. “You guys don’t have to do this,” she said. “If you don’t want to…?” A question hung there.
Azdaja glanced at Tegiri, and a dozen conversations replied between the two of them, in the spaces of their head. They’d had this talk, before. A lot. With each other, with the girls, with themselves.
It was a gift. An upgrade, Polypa had put it before. To make them stronger, to survive the girl’s full sexual ferocity and strength. And to fully bring out the parts of themselves they most secretly loved to be.
But that kind of change could be frightening.
Azdaja looked at Konyyl, staring her in the eyes. Her gaze softened, his eyes staring up into hers, and after a moment, he glanced back to Tegiri, who had been staring soulfully at Polypa. “It’s a big decision,” Polypa said. “I don’t want you to do this if you don’t actually want to.”
“I know,” Tegiri said firmly, and he smiled as genuinely as he could.
The two girls breathed a sigh of relief, as the mood changed. Ultimately, the boys wanted nothing more than to please them, and this was simply the ultimate extension of that.
Tegiri glanced at Azdaja. “Do it.”
In a single, smooth motion, Azdaja’s eyes glowed and an energy in the same colors blossomed around his hand. He waved dramatically at the jug and the precious contents rose up; a mass of green nectar-milk, straight from Polypa and Konyyl’s rumblespheres, augmented by the specially treated mutagens so recently delivered to them. The stream split into two cups, in front of the two boys.
Azdaja took his cup and raised it up, abruptly getting the idea for a toast. “To you girls,” he said brightly. “You’re everything I want.”
Tegiri toasted them as well. “And to what we will become. May we become everything you want.”
As one, they both drank their cups full in a single slurping gulp.
They blinked slowly, loud gurgling sounds coming from their stomachs, and they waited. For a few minutes, nothing much seemed to be happening, as the relevant processes were firing off at a much deeper level for them to really be aware of it.
Around the time where the relevant adjustments to their digestive tracts, reproductive organs and some brain chemistry had finished, Tegiri spoke up. “Are you sure you put the mutagens in-”
He stopped, interrupted by a sudden surge of psionics from within, and the noise he made was notably more high-pitched than usual.
That last noise was more of a squeak, as his lips abruptly swelled up so much it silenced him.
And then, the next thirty minutes got very interesting for both the boys!
It was several weeks before anyone saw anything of Azdaja or Tegiri.
Polypa and Konyyl, yes. They were a familiar sight around the neighborhood, and this did not change much. They came out more often than usual during those two weeks; ordering groceries, having brief discussions with mutation specialists who were hanging around in the area for reasons unknown to the general neighborhood, and talking measurements with a local tailor, and asking for some very specific outfits.
They spent most of the time at home, helping their quadrantmates through their new change. And helping them with newer, and far more ferocious sex drives. It was a good thing their walls were reinforced to muffle sound or the neighbors would have noticed something by then.
A day came when it was time to pick up their ordered clothing and Polypa and Konyyl decided to show them to the world, and unexpectedly, the boys had some ideas on showing themselves off as personally as possible.
Now, as they strode onwards, the boy’s covered up in fashionable grey cloaks, people glanced by as they went.
The streets of Thrashthrust had changed since the youths of the transformed quartet, and among other things, there were other beings than trolls and lusii that walked its streets. Or flew, or swam in the canals, as appropriate.
The architecture was modified to suit them. Most buildings had doorways of the right size for humans, who were generally around half the size of trolls; a few were much larger, for the sake of particularly large aliens. The general architectural styles had not changed much, since the immense strength of some trolls demanded buildings that could withstand the sort of power they had as a standardized requirement; even the Condesce had accepted that. It translated easily into structures that could deal with the strength of beings much larger than trolls. Even the streets and room designs of hives had been adjusted to accommodate beings that could vary a lot from trolls.
This kind of redesign had been necessary. The shining forms of thinking Gemstones walking in humanoid hard light bodies, gigantic machines that thought and felt, quadrupeds loping about in comfort, and blue-skinned curvy aliens lived in a city that accommodated them, and when the revolution had come it, it had not been a quiet one. The old city had not survived the process and so the new Empress (or, perhaps, the shadowy forces behind her) had built a new one to fit the people that now lived in peace within the Empire.
Certainly, it was a lot more adjusted to women as large as Polypa and Konyyl (who were within the size range of some of their bigger alien neighbors; mostly Gems and the bigger Cybertronians). Their boys, having some trouble adjusting to their new forms, moved before them as they made their way to a clothing store to suit their new bodies. Their cloaks didn’t do much to actually obscure their identities, but did offer a vague degree of modesty.
This was important; much as the girls had such massive bellies, the boys had grown some out-slung masses, and those cloaks did a decent job of concealing bulges and shame-globes grown so obscenely massive that they extended right out of their bodies, where trolls normally kept them concealed until they were put into use.
And, in their wake, they left behind the shocked, the startled, the astonished and the openly lusty. Trolls, humans, and beings from distant stars, all creatures that could be reasonably expected to have absolutely nothing in common when it came to sexual desires, nonetheless watched the boys go, their various visual organs wide as they followed the pendous rippling of newly enlarged butts.
They were fixated on the stride of legs now ideally suited for sensual swaggers, every muscle fiber dedicated to synchronizing with widened hips to walk and jiggle just right, so that all the world saw them in motion, and could do nothing but watch. The swish of manes far, far longer than usual for those boys, and their heart analogues beast faster to see the boys glance back.
And at the side of huge, soft lips that looked ideal for sucking, for kissing, for pleasuring, various reproductive organs worked to painfully intense function, at the mere glimmer of light playing on their supple flesh.
The trail expanded, and there became a crowd around Konyyl and Polypa’s favorite clothing store; not moving or following, but frozen in place, transfixed by the new beauties being firmly steered by the big-bellied amazon olives, and even after they went into the store, for nearly 30 minutes people were still hanging around, hoping to get a glimpse of them.
People were asking, who WAS that? Who were those boys? Did those buff women get new boyfriends?
And one person worked out what had actually happened with commendable speed. She sat up at the small table she’d been enjoying lunch alongside a friend, and as she watched the two gorgeous male trolls stroll by under the watchful eyes of their mates, it clicked for her.
She didn’t know them particularly well; they were just neighbors, but anyone around Polypa or Konyyl wound up sticking in your mind. She knew them. And however modified, however beautified, she knew the faces that glanced her way with an endearing touch of shyness.
“Was that…” she glanced aside, perhaps for confirmation. “Was that who I thought it was?!”
“Who was?” Said an alien friend of hers; a mass of curvaceous hard light, and at her chest was a large garnet. She was one of the Gem people, her true self being that gemstone nestled between her massive breasts.
The human woman pointed at a towering building, a sign atop it indicating that it was ‘GALGOR’S WHATEVER THE HECK APPAREL AND I DONT GIVE A DAMN ACCESSORIES’. Various mannequins in the windows, of increasingly improbable forms, indicated that it offered outfits for every body type, and the proprietor really meant every body type possible. Inside, through the windows, you could just barely glimpse someone coming out.
“Azdaja and Tegiri!” she said.
Strolling out from the store were four trolls; carrying up the rear were Polypa and Konyyl, whose huge sizes meant that they were a crowd all on their own, their huge bellies alone filling up so much space that they could plow their way through a crowd without fear of ever being surrounded; people backed away in the certain knowledge that they were fine with knocking people around with those guts. Standing in front of them were Azdaja and Tegiri, and now their neighbors stared, mouths open in surprise..
“Come take a look at my boy!” Konyyl said proudly, gesturing at the goldblooded psionic now floating around her like a fairy from troll myth and legend, a psionic glow curling around him as he levitated with an ease suggesting some truly terrifying power. It took even the neighbors who knew the power quartet well a moment to recognize Azdaja, as he slowly revolved in the air, an monstrously huge butt distorting his orbit. Then his face came into view, and even with his skimpy clothing, his changed hair, and his radically different body, his face was not so different. The muzzle structure was a bit different, any hard edges or straight lines smoothed out even more than they were before, and dominated by a massive pair of lips pulsating in his psionic colors, but nonetheless, it was Azdaja, and greatly changed.
He moved like a troll who had burst out of a particularly painful molt and was reveling in the feel of a body that felt perfect for him, his legs primly pressed together. Admittedly, walking was probably a bit of a problem at the moment; the formerly slim troll’s mass had compacted so that he was downright frail, except for his hips. They were massive, swelling out ot a prodigious swell of squashy chitin and barely-there muscles, all around perfectly curved fat, flaring out of a waist barely a foot across, so incredibly thin that it looked like a severe structure weakness; his enormous hips swelled out as wide as he was tall, almost violently in the contrast.
His torso was slim, covered only in a short and glitzy jacket too small to be of practical use. His shoulders and chest, and torso in general, looked much smoother than it used to be, psionic channels glowing across him in vibrant patterns, particularly around his chest. His areola had swelled, so puffy and thick now that they were nearly as large as the breasts of some aliens, and his nipples extended out nearly as long as his forearm, stiffened by the attention he was being given. Just as his psionics, one was colored blue, the other teal, glowing softly.
A long and slender tail curled around nearly three times his height and looping around him in a living ribbon, swirled and kept him balanced in the air. From the twitching of his legs in the air, it was obvious that he had no idea how to walk properly with his new body; those hips must have come with a complete shift to his center of balance, and his legs looked poorly suited to it. Below the knee joint, they dwindled to nearly stick-thin lengths, digitigrade heels and nubby climbing claws curled around one another. His butt, clad mostly in spangly shorts that covered about as much as a thong, was almost as big as he was, rising up to his shoulders nadi ts lower slopes dipping nearly to his foot-joints, and where it actually joined his body, fused with his thighs.
The crowd watched, fascinated, as Konyyl lovingly stroked him, running her claws through silky mane that fell past his knees in sheets of gold-tinted black, kissed his astonishingly gorgeous face, and as their tails intertwined, she gave his gigantic ass a healthy smack, again and again. “Look at this soft bastard!” She yelled happily, sinking her claws into it. “Damn thing almost eats up my entire hand!” Azdaja moaned, thighs broader than his far slimmer upper body squeezing together.
And at this, a monstrously huge genital length extended outwards from his crotch, a strange echo of Konyyl’s massive gut; somehow his shorts managed to contain it, but everything was outlined; multiple enormous shafts as thick around as his entire body, glittering fabric tight around ribbed ridges, and below, a quartet of enormous and squashy shame-globes jiggling out of his body, thick and descending down to the ground, each one at least eight feet around, and they somehow swelled bigger as Konyyl stroked him, digging her claws in with enough pressure to leave marks but not enough to actually hurt him.
And for the other pair, Polypa was inviting the crowd to take a more hands-on approach. “They got cute recently, and now they really want to show themselves off,” She said, supporting Tegiri on one muscular forearm like a tiny wriggler in its lusus’ claw. Tegiri squeaked shyly, but with a strange lusty hunger, adjusting his body so the crowd could better see his new body, and he was built on roughly the same lines as Azdaja; his enormous butt spilled onto Polypa'’s arm and even pushed against it, his micro shorts defining hips no thinner than Azdaja’s door-wrecking pair. An absurdly long tail curled around her arm, covered in the same sort of hair as that spilling down his head in a dense, poofy mass.
As Konyyl held Azdaja in front of the crowd, inviting them to see come close and examine how his chitin had merged with flesh for a supplet and squeezable coat, and even lifted up his mini-vest and tube top to demonstrate, Polypa caught the of the human who’d spotted them in the first place. “You,” she said heavily. “Come here, please.”
The human stepped numbly forward, aware of all the eyes upon her, Azdaja giving her an intrigued look, and Tegiri studying her. As she approached, she noticed a sudden smell she hadn’t. It was a nice smell, and not particularly strong. It was pervasive though, and it must have been coating the area around them for some time. Pheromones, she supposed, as she felt a heat rise in her loins, and a dryness in her mouth. She smacked her lips numbly, and felt an urge to rock her hips forward as she took in more of the beautiful feminine boys.
Tegiri’s bulge looked… inviting. Especially as it got closer when Polypa placed him down.
Tegiri squeaked as his massive shame globes touched the ground; he only had the one pair, but they were as big as all four of Azdaja’s shame-globes, combined. There was a surprising sloshing sound, not unlike that coming from Polypa’s own rumblespheres, and as his full weight settled against his shame globes, Tegiri moaned with something that was almost pained, but aroused as well; the hint of distress made the human want to rush in and kiss him better until he smiled, but she also wanted a lot of other particularly lewd things.
She was blushing, she was sweating; he was just so… sexy.
“Come on,” Polypa said. “Give him a touch. Feel for yourself. He likes it.” Tegiri nodded at her, with a hint of impatience and a thrust of his hips that spoke to a ravenous need. The human stepped forward, timidly, and in response to an unspoken primal need that was doing unfortunate things to her underwear, extended her hand out. Normally she’d never consider such a thing, but Alternia had an.. open approach.
Even against his shorts, his shame globes swelled out hugely, and when her hand pressed against one, it sank in. She gasped; the round mass almost sucked her hand in, cool flesh pressing around her fingers and wrist, kneading tightly and shit that felt good, and her thighs relaxed in unconscious readiness. She felt liquid in there; no real solidity, just soft flesh and reservoirs underneath, and it swelled against her, pumping up.
His bulge extended. He only had the one, but it was apparently very dextrous and a little bigger than the sum total of all of Azdaja’s bulges, a prehensile and dextrous organ with a number of soft spikes rising beneath the fabric, faster and faster as she had drawn closer. Faint teal patterns glowed faintly, bioluminescent designs drawing the eye to its gentle width.
Without thinking about it, she placed a hand against what was presumably the tip. It felt cold, bracingly, and it felt good, even as her hand unexpectedly sank in, and the flesh curled attentively around her fingers.
“Ah…” Tegiri moaned, almost going cross-eyed. The girl pulled her arm back with a loud sucking noise as the bulge extended out even more, as if longing for her touch. He whined again, louder and in a very real pain, and he gave her a reproachful look. “Don’t tease, miss.” He humped back and forth on shame globes big and soft enough to actually support him, wincing and sloshing noisily, his butt wobbling archly. “It’s very - ah! - rude!” The girl blushed and disappeared into the crowd meekly.
Her gem friend watched with strange, stirring feelings as other boys, girls and neutral beings gathered to cautiously examine Tegiri with their hands, or to gaze upon Konyyl demonstrating the marvelous pliability of Azdaja’s body with smacks, kisses and the occasional pinch. They crowded around; fingers, palms, metal digits and more diverse limbs pressed against Tegiri’s fat lips, ran through his soft hair as he rumbled his pleasure. Succumbing to the erotic pressure he exuded, they moaned in soft delight as they pressed themselves against his butt, or felt at the tension of his belt against his waist, or stared in shock at just how little his calves looked compared to his bulky thighs. Others pressed against his huge bulge, trembling at its sheer bigness and magnetizing weight, feeling up its arousal spines and examining his cum-stuffed shame globes.
The gem felt passions she’d have thought alien curl around inside her, subtly modifying her projection in response to desires that were suddenly getting a lot more potent; she’d never seen the… attraction in the masculine form before, but now she was really wanting to explore some boy’s bodies with her own caresses. Some part of her that had a xenological interest thought about how unusual these mutations were, and louder parts demanded that she touch them, RIGHT NOW.
She joined the group; ogling the now more tender strokes of Konyyl’s claws exploring Azdaja’s multiple lengths and working him up with the skill of someone who knew damn well how to get him horny before his sensitivity got ramped up ten-fold. She dallied at that for a time, eyes fixed on every wobbling ripple of his soft butt, appraising the narrowness of his shoulder and how his hips comprised almost most of his mass (including his genitals and butt, of course). She studied, for a time, Tegiri’s needy begging for the indulgences of the crowd to touch him, and it was surprisingly not entirely sexual. He craved touch; on his jaw, against his stomach, slow and dragging caresses against his shoulders. Even his hair was sensitive, and in soft, urgent whispers, he pleaded for it to be touched. She complied, as did half a dozen others. It would have been cruel not to.
And so it went on like this for some time. The others were not yet accustomed enough to Azdaja and Tegiri’s gently shifting personalities to really notice their need ramping up, how their words were getting slower against the lustful desires and scenarios taking up most of their brainpower, or how as they got more and more aroused, their fecund shame globes were pumping out mega-liters of gene material and expanding their shame globes, and their bulges kept getting bigger, heavier and the urge to shoe it into someone was so overpowering they were losing the ability to speak, at all.
Konyyl noticed it, though, as Azdaja’s flowery speech and bragging slowed down into needful whines. Polypa saw it, as Tegiri’s more terse speech withered away entirely until he was squeaking miserably. The others were too enraptured to see what they did, but they knew their boys so well.
And now their boys needed them, and Konyyl and Polypa had spent so much time showing off their boy’s new bodies that they were positively drenched in lust too.
The two women exchanged a look and as Konyyl’s route passed close by, a word. Polypa stood up, picking up Tegiri and propping up his painfully stiff bulge with her other arm. The people below her cried pitifully, one or two still clinging to his body for a few moments. She shook them off. “Sorry, folks. Our boys are done for the day; it’s been a very tiring day for them, after their little molting today.”
“They don’t look tired,” a Cybertronian mini-bot in the crowd said, with a hint of defiance.
Konyyl gave her a look and a growl that sent her scurrying away. “Don’t you dare try to pressure my Azdaja!” He clung to her, and even as his bulge sank against her cleavage, he had an insufferably smug look.
Tegiri clung to Polypa and started impulsively thrusting against her shockingly warm body, a consequence of her own fire-theme abilities. She flexed a muscle to be big enough to obscure him, and as her muscles swelled up, he vanished from sight. People sighed in disappointment, as the four left.
All in all, Konyyl and Polypa supposed, it was a good demonstration of how good their boys had gotten. Azdaja and Tegiri weren’t in much of a position to think clearly and give their own thoughts on the matter, but probably would say the same later.
The two girls, nearly blinded with their own lusts and doing their best to soothe the boys without them busting their load on the spot and wasting precious genetic material, searched for a place to offer them just enough privacy to satiate their boys without being caught or interrupted.
But it became clear, fairly quickly, that with their physical requirements, they’d have to make such a shelter.
Konyyl located an alley off the turn of the street, and urged them in; Polypa followed her in, and the two of them put Azdaja and Tegiri down as gently as possibly, trying not to brush them against their own bodies. That could be enough to make them… lose it.
“You boys hold tight,” Polypa told them as Konyyl surveyed the area. “Konyyl’s just gonna… give us some privacy.” They whimpered in some vague approximation of understanding. Impulsively, she kissed Tegiri on the cheek, and he calmed down, even as it made his arousal worse. Life was complicated being her boytoy.
Konyyl’s muscles swelled as they generated and directed her psionic powers, and the alleyway reshaped itself to her whim. Abandoned buggies flew up around her as dust fountained up on the wave of her telekinesis. Fences ripped themselves out of the ground bits of buildings that weren’t being used for anything were torn away and anything big enough that was in the area was pulled up, and then finally slammed down at both ends of the alleyway, and then above them. “Privacy!” She said, in a faint paint. “Got some… damn privacy!”
Polypa turned towards the boys, a smug smile on her face that underlined something that was almost feral in her. Heat pulsed from her in response to her own psionic powers generating a massive ton of heat, embers flickering around her. She reached out for them, and remembered that Tegiri was her’s, specifically, and focused on him as Konyyl advanced first on Tegiri, remembered herself, and focused on Azdaja. For a moment it felt like things were blurring together, that one was not the other, and it was a true romantic quartet.
An odd thing, to feel as abruptly natural as it did. Polypa let the thought flow on by, and Azdaja’s empowered abilities painted the dark so brightly it was like having lamp posts in there. Both girls loomed over their boys, letting their own tension built.
Need swelled the boy’s bulges even bigger, their glowing bodies getting almost painfully bright now; both sets of bulges were longer than the boys were tall now, at least twelve feet for both and growing, and growing faster as the girls approached, the muscular bows of their thighs just barely touching tips that were, amazingly, still clothed.
Both pairs, femboy troll and hyper muscular amazon troll, quivered in anticipation, in delight, and in absolute, mind-melting need.
Konyyl moved first. She was upon him in a flash, but careful to not mash her stomach into him, and Polypa half-expected her to simply shred Azdaja’s clothes off, given her earlier ways of showing him off. Instead, she stripped away his short jacket with a tender mindfulness, and at the same time, her telekinesis undid his shorts, pulling the tight fabric and complicated support garments away so that his equipment fell freely. He squealed at the sudden rush of cold air, his bulges stiffening painfully, and her telekinesis did not half that at all. In say way, her psychic grip was still her grip, and he responded to it as much as he would her hands or the rest of her body; he moaned, softly, pleadingly, but with a hint of challenge.
As the rest of his clothes were taken away, leaving him nude, Polypa did the same, and she had to do it very delicately. As much as her mutation gave her special fibers that let her flex her muscles for some unusual gripping strength across the whole of her body, it didn’t make her any good at actual telekinesis. But she was a lot better at delicate movements that her bulk suggested. Long hours of careful kit assembly, painting, and bucket-filling with a far smaller and frailer troll had made her very skilled at being careful. His clothes came away easily under her claws, her lowered gut twitching in such a way that her big abs could actually clip things off and peel them away. Her muscles did the same to her own clothes; a sports bra, her shorts and her bandages rained down around her, and in the soft glow he produced, the burns streaking across her body looked softened, dulled and blending into the rest of her; in the right light, you couldn’t see them at all.
As Polypa took a couple ponderous steps back, thus, it was with all his clothes, leaving him completely naked; his body a smooth black dappled with the teal of his caste, his glasses still on, his hair falling down around his delicate body, and it all supported on his massive butt as he lay portraste on his back. His bulge towered up towards her, like a worshiper raised up before their goddess, and all his being concentrated into the sensations and awareness of that marvelously sensitive organ.
Konyyl stripped herself, her clothes coming off with a faint sucking sound that suggested both their tightness and the various fluids their milkiness and arousal had a tendency to produce. She lowered herself onto her boy and got to work, psychically pulling him onto her belly; she made a noise as his butt slid against her sensitive belly, half giggle and half pleased gurgle, and his butt was no less sensitive. Azdaja growled loudly, with a pleased edge, his tail curling against her belly and digging in, sliding against the places he knew that she loved.
He back arched up, her rumblespheres rising high, hair and horns arching upwards. “Ahh yeeeah,” she murmured, voice so low it was almost growling. “That’s my boy…” Her rumblespheres came down low, engulfing even his massive bulge.
It said something about how big and huge their bulges were, Polypa mused as she started working up Tegiri, that they couldn’t be hidden in their bodies anymore. She trailed her claws in curling patterns around his hips, seeking out the little sensitive borders between true chitin and his more tender flesh that few others could even see now. He rewarded her diligence with approving, loving moans, and he tried to sit up, perhaps to return the favor somehow. She pushed him back with a swell of a forearm muscle, cooing gently at him. “Nah, nah,” she said, and blew kisses at him that echoed in this space. “You let me handle this bit; your turn comes soon.”
He nodded meekly.
Polypa’s inquistive claws slide close to the base of his bulge, the beginning of the progenerative mass of his shame globes, and there was an interesting change there. Most trolls had a tentanook; a flexible bulge that was mainly used in the sex act, concealed within a larger nook. It differed from troll to troll, but that was the general rule. But these boys were different; there was no hint of the feminine lips of a nook at all now; her claws found only deliciously soft flesh rising in ridges around the bulge, and enormously sensitive too, each slight brush making him twist and moan in pleasure. It made her thighs loosen, her own nook pump up and her bulge slide out and dripping gene slime.
She felt her own bulge… part. She had her own genital mutations, of course.
She worked this area there, slowly eliciting little gasps and moans with careful strokes, warming up both him and herself, stoking the heat of lust and getting her own body warmed up just right. Beside her, Konyyl was doing much the same thing, her massive rumblespheres folding around his mass of bulges and swallowing up even those monsters. He slipped into her belly, gasping and panting half-challenging demands in wordless grunts, stringing them out as she flexed her rumblespheres, around and mashing against his bulges.
Azdaja’s head rolled back as pleasure over took him, his awareness of the world dimininshing into a sea of olive perfection; his bulges swimming in a sea of squishy fat, impossibly erotic flesh massassing his every sexual inch, and tons of sweet liquid swimming around it all, droplets of nectar being forced out and raining on him; he drank it up in a haze, seemingly lost to everything but his most basic instant of pleasing her and teasing her at the same time. Polypa groaned in soft delight, her mutated rumblespheres a massive erogenous zone, her breathing growing fast and heavy, a long tongue hanging over her bulging lips.
Polypa, unwilling to let herself be beaten to the punch, lowered herself over Tegiri, her lips parting and then her mouth opening wide. Her lower jaws split apart like the mandibles they were, a thin film connecting both parts, and the inside of her newly revealed maw a slippery, wet mass every bit the equal of her nook, complete with throat muscles of astonishing control.
Once, that particular modification had been useful in her occasional devouring of other trolls and threatening aliens; throat muscles she could flex as well as the rest of her body to gulp them down and force them down no matter how they struggled, and a mouth capable of swallowing anything up to her size. Over the past few weeks, she’d seen some more recreational uses for it too.
Her parted mouth dived down onto Tegiri’s bulge. She slid down it, slow and careful, her warm tongue almost a flame against his far cooler body. He squealed at her first touch, and in her impatience to take all of him at once; she swallowed his entire bulge in a single gulp, and he actually yelled out loud in a delighted squeal of overwhelmed pleasure, made wordless; it was too much sensation for him to think at all, that part of his brain shutting off entirely in the moment.
Her throat muscles squeezed tight, pressure strong against his bulge, every inch swimming in saliva normally meant to slide hapless prey and other meals straight down into her gut with no hope of escape. Some awareness of this had to get through to Tegiri, a measure of excitement at coming close to a fate he had absolutely no power to avoid. He was in her grasp more literally than normal, and his big hips rocked, his cries increasingly more urgent as he humped at her throat.
She cooed through the mass filled her up, and withdrew and forced down again, in a smooth motion she was starting to refine; her lips slid down a slick path of saliva mingled with the troll equivalent of pre-cum, bright streaks of teal visible in her olive saliva. Her huge lips pressed tightly every second in hungry kisses, and up she went, and down she went, fellating him ferociously and without any mercy.
And yet, at the same time, it was a curiously gentle thing, her hands descending to his hips to pull his legs against her belly, her ab muscles flexing lovingly against his inner thighs, as if longing to stroke every inch of him that she could. Both loving, and domineering; that was her relationship with him in many ways now.
For a long time, perhaps several minutes (long, by the standards of stamina she’d learned from him by now) he humped into her throat, and she pleasured him in this way, taste receptors in her throat marveling at the multitude of flavors his bulge possessed, her throat muscles squeezing tight around spines meant specifically to pleasure nooks. And her throat was built very much the same as a nook now, and certainly in sensitivity. Pressure mounted, in Tegiri, and a thunderous churning in his shame globes as at least some threshold was reached.
And the taste flooded down her throat, bright and cool and addictively delicious, as his bulge contracted and pulsed and let loose a stream straight down. Not his only one, of course, they’d learned the boys had some truly ridiculous reserves. Even so, she felt well and truly warmed up, and she pulled up, looming into the sky and swallowing about a hundred gallon’s worth of genetic material.
It pooled in her stomach, mutated to have nutritional value, and exactly the right kinds of tastes and flavors she craved; if she could consume nothing else in all her life, as Tegiri seemed to be doing with her nectar, she could subsist on him and him alone. She swallowed again, her throat working on its own as if furiously desperate to gulp down as much of it as she could, and Tegiri’s bulge remained stiff as she moved up. “Okay, she said, sliding herself on top of him. “Now it’s your turn to handle me.”
Beside her, she heard a faint series of noises that sounded like liquid hitting a wall. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Konyyl lowering Azdaja with delicacy, some of his bulges still clinging against her rumblespheres. Nectar polled down her, her entire front and a lot of Azdaja too, and even more of it was streaked onto the floor below; enough to fill a large tub. Not from an orgasm, Polypa suspected, but the sheer force of Azdaja’s ejaculations. This theory was pretty likely, from the yellow-hued genetic material dripping deeply against her rumblespheres. She covered him with aggressive kisses as she lowered him down to between her legs, her nook so swollen it was a pulsing mass of sexual flesh, her bulge tip slowly pushing out, and the ground beneath her oozed from the olive fluids gushing from her nook..
The ground beneath Polypa was no less slippery. The need pulsed hot than the flames that were slowly rising from her body now, and she lowered herself onto him, with a trembling thrill inside her nook as her bulge mashed against his.
Before, this would have required so much delicacy; he’d been weaker, then, though he was exactly the same size. But he was stronger; even with her full weight pressing into her, Polypa felt his body as a firm and steady platform for their pleasure, solid as a rock despite his softness, and through careful experimentation, they’d learned something they had hoped they’d get:
Their new bodies could absorb the kinetic energy of even their most powerful thrusts or the impact they constantly put out. The girls couldn’t hurt them now, as they’d been so worried about in the past.
And now, Tegiri didn’t even flinch or gasp in pain as Konyyl settled her full weight upon him, her fat larger body eclipsing him. Her greedy nook swallowed up his bulge, as huge as it was, and the only sign of it was a happy distending in her body, and her nook apparently doing its best to try to swallow up his hips as well.
Her mammoth thighs gathered him up, holding him closely and her thigh muscles completely cocooning up as he thrusted into her, and she let him at it. She waited, studied, kept the desperate lust at bay just long enough to feel for his rhythm, to burn it into her unconscious mind.
Ah, she thought with a little smile as her head tilted up. There we go.
She thrust back, with such force that outside windows shattered. Glassy micro-organism cultures fell out of their frames and slithered around on the streets. Doorways blasted out of their frames as Polypa (and now, Konyyl, finding the rhythm of her Azdaja more efficiently if not as completely as Polypa had) thrust into him, riding on the wave of his own motions to redouble it right back.
Back and forth, two together, mingling such sweet forces together that all other sensitive diminished.
There was, for the moment, nothing in the world but the awareness of the other.
One, a massive body engulfing a smaller one, squeezing around him with a delicate and ravenous force; a marriage of things that ought to belong nowhere near each other but complemented each other so well. The other, a thing so small it seemed to have no business filling her up so well, thrusting and riding her like he was born to it, that there was absolutely nothing to existence besides pleasing her, drawing out every little gasp and satisfied moan, and the sounds of those noises were accomplishments, driving him on to do it again. Harder. Faster. Heavier, with far more enthusiasm and ferocity you’d expect of their newly passive natures.
Perhaps they were no less fierce now. They just saved it all for satisfying their amazons.
Polypa’s bulge was one of those that could blossom, the tip opening up like a flower in full bloom, its internals acting as an auxiliary nook. Tegiri’s questing bulge, driven to fill up as much of her as he possibly could, kept pushing in more and more, twitching wildly as each of Polypa’s internal clamping drove it onwards, and at least it dove into her bulge, and was greedily pushed in, her body wanting as much of him as it could possibly get.
The quartet were very different, but on this, their respective pairs were nonetheless of the same bent, now as they accelerated faster and faster to their peaks:
And as she thrusted, intent on absolutely emptying his shame globes and leaving him spent and happy and pleased-
And as he pushed into her, the only thing he could think of satisfying her more and more, his muscular goddess, the looming authority to which he’d dedicated all his life-
They hit that peak.
Separately of one another, both Azdaja and Tegiri cried out with a wild sound that was nearly feral in its honesty, stripped of all complexity. Their hips pumped wildly and their shame globes contracted with such speed that it made a strange noise. Their bulges swelled, distended the girl’s bodies by a small but shockingly notable measurement-
And in single jets, they came inside them, spraying out a massive payload right into the girls. Absurdly virile genetic material, laden with mutagenically-amplified agents and a measure of psionic substances, filled them up. At least twenty thousand gallons of genetic material flooded into them, and their bellies actually swelled slightly larger as it pooled in.
Not a single drop of it escaped their bodies. Special biological mechanisms locked it all in, absorbent tissues sucking it up or muscular action pushing it upwards, towards internal chambers unknown in modern trolls, where millions of eggs were being produced every second in waiting of being fertilized.
The gene-flood came, and the eggs swelled as they sucked up every single droplet. Instantly fertilized. The significance of this was lost to the troll girls, who had been having sex for weeks without this particular mutation of the boys kicking in until now. They felt a deep sense of sudden satisfaction unrelated to the orgasms twisting in them, pulsating and rising up until they tilted their heads back and roared their satisfied delights, pleasure rising up and peaking so hard it felt like blacking out. They squeezed the bulges against in their pleasure, triggering another sudden jet of gene material, and even more eggs were fertilized in the process. From Polypa in particular, her whole body lit up, flames blasting around her and her scars glowing like illuminating brands, and in that moment she was an inferno, blazing bright and knowing nothing but the heat, but the fire.
The boys flopped into their girl’s muscles as the latter drew back, panting in a curious warm feeling they couldn’t quite pin down. They just felt… satisfied, as if some biological compulsion or itch had finally been scratched. Both pairs settled back, panting and letting their depleted stamina recharge.
It was a nice feeling, laying there. Fluids pooled around them, they were covered in each other’s sexual liquids, the smell of one another. All the same, it was a restful thing, a peaceful thing, a small moment of something almost divine.
And then, soon enough, Polypa sat back up, gazing down into teal eyes that looked far more alert. She wiggled her thigh as Konyyl also stirred, and Polypa brushed one of Tegiri’s shame globes. IT still felt full of genetic material, though a bit less than before.
Nonetheless. “I want more,” she said, voice rumbling with a need that had barely diminished at all.
Tegiri smiled brightly, and the look of his eyes was more than a little unhinged with the same kind of desire. “Yes, ma’am,’ he said, voice husky.
And all four of them went right back to it, obliviously wrecking more of the neighborhood without realizing it, lost in one another. Azdaja and Konyyl didn’t even say a word, and didn’t need to.
The clean up after they finished and vanished was a bit of a nuisance and gave a lot of people woozy feelings of arousal, but that wasn’t their problem by that point.
On its own, that would have been the whole thing, and all of the thing. A newly mutated pair shown off to an envious world, and their quadrantmates slaking their lust in sudden love in an alleyway.
Normally, that would have been enough.
But there were aspects to Konyyl and Polypa’s mutations that had a lot more importance than they thought.
Some time later, after discussions and a few off-hand comments that meant something very different to the white-haired scientist human who seemed to have a close relationship with the new Empress (And had apparently masterminded this whole exchange), there’d been emergency visits. X-rays, physical examinations. There were charts and technical explanations that neither troll woman really understood.
Finally, the scientist got to the point.
Polypa stared blankly at her. “What the hell is ‘pregnant’?”
The buxom scientist, Ms Lalonde, thought of a way to explain it. “Well, you know that Mother Grub thing you have?”
Konyyl and Polypa nodded.
Lalonde explained, gesturing so emphatically that her massive bust bounced with nearly as much exuberance as herself.
Finally Konyl said, “So… we’re like the Mother Grub now?”
“We have… trolls growing in us now?”
Lalonde nodded. “I think your mutation triggered some kind of atavism; you trolls used to be like that, until the Mother Grub bred it out of your people. I guess this woke that up, so you can be impregnated. And your boy’s own mutations reacted well with that. Really, really well.”
Polypa contemplated this, monumental a moment and a complete game changer as it would one day before the entire troll species in an age when the government could not exert any real control over troll population dynamics, and she spoke her judgement in a way that would probably not make it to the history books:
“Huh. Neat.”
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