#this is SO LONG bc its a starter with a lot of bg info
voros-kiralyno · 1 year
Closed starter for @unsettledspirits [ April ]
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Being the Alpha is a lot of work, a lot of constant work and most of the time its small shit that Nova didn't actually want anything to do with. Unfortunately, Celeste wouldn't do ALL of the small stuff for her, so there were times Nova had to suck it up and go handle things herself. One of those things were surprise raids on establishments her undercover teams found shady dealings going on. Especially revolving around D U S T.
Lots of places like to skate under the radar selling charged items just slightly above legal limits in hopes that the small overflow will go un-noticed. However those same people illegally sell in bulk. You can only have ONE charged item in your possession at a time, and even with a certified vendors license you can only sell them one at a time within a certain time frame. Logs are to be kept, records of levels, purchases. They're dangerous items in the wrong hands, and its Nova's job to keep her people SAFE. So that meant sometimes she went to bully people instead of sit at home in her very comfy chair with a book.
"The longer you try to deny it the more of my time you're wasting. Which isn't good for anyone involved. There was an investigation. There is documentation. You were CAUGHT, it's not an accusation, this is a seizure. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I sincerely suggest you choose the easy way and surrender all of your charged items. Quick, easy, and-"
A loud crash drew Nova's attention from the Demon trying to smooth talk his way out of being in trouble. The noise's origin happened to be a human girl looking very distraught at the fact that she had dropped a box of what looked like E X P E N S I V E merchandise.
The girl was clearly a slave. It wasn't uncommon in the underworld, especially for Demons. People often traded their kids or other various family members to settle a debt. It wasn't something Nova condoned, but it didn't surprise her that humans did that. She'd put in a law that gave them a high bar for care. Nova didn't particularly LIKE humans, but she refused to let them be starved, or strung up for show, cruel and slow deaths- none of it was allowed. And they all were required the chance to work towards freedom with a reasonable goal. Of course they had to stay in the underworld because exposure risk to the humans- even if most of the time they threw those people in loony bins and called them crazy. Better safe than sorry.
Something about the way this one was very skinny, and seemed to flinch at her OWN quick movements, told Nova she was not under the protection of those laws like she should be.
Nova crossed the room and knocked the box back out of the raven haired girls hands. Rude, but its Nova so. She watched her try to pick it up again and quickly spoke.
"Leave it. Stand up." She put her hands on her hips, really oozing that Alpha energy as she looked the girl up and down. The nearby demon oozing some very nervous energy in contrast.
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"What's your name?"
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