#this is NOTTTTT the last you will be hearing of me on this matter
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like save me kate douglas as dykified beowulf in ninth hour. i love you tragic knight woman-wooer monster-and-fool victim and perpetuator of the cycle of violence. tell me there’s another song
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osarina · 3 months
Hi, Fyorinaaaa !!! This is the first time that I write to a person I follow, first of all I wanna say you're so cool and nice 🥺✨️🖤 I enjoy reading your fics, your style feels very natural and smooth, if that makes sense 😅 I am obessesed with your pm!reader universe, the last fic (wlwlmb) was yummy. I have a question, if you don't mind... you said Chuuya was nearby reader before she went to Dazai's table, is there a possibility that Chuuya look around searching for reader and saw them? That would be interesting. Because he wouldn't want to look, not just because she's his friend, but also it's so wrong and perv... at the same time, if he was never exposed to sex, maybe it would be impossible to just don't stare. What if he can't sleep because he's overwhelmed with the scene and can't stop fantasizing? And then he should've pretend like he saw nothing and try to hide the blush and the bulge everytime he sees reader the next days 👀
Pd. If something sounds strange or funny, it could be that english isn't my first language or that I wrote it with my pussy 🤷‍♀️
anyway, it makes me SOOOO happy to hear you like the pm reader universe, it's genuinely my favorite thing to write ever so it makes me so happy to know you guys are enjoying it too. AND YKKKKKKKKK chuuya DOES have like a sixth sense for when reader and dazai are up to bad shit, so i would NOTTTTT be surprised if he just so happened to get a feeling, look over in their direction and see it happening LOLLLLL he would be so flustered catching him like that because he IS experienced atp, and w reader at that!, they've been training together for quite a while, but to see them do that so blatantly in public ??? UGHHH it would make him so flustered he probably would not even be able to concentrate on anything else like he KNEW they were freaks but that was a bit much even for them. it would be like one of those things where you KNOWWWW you should look away but you literally cannot bring yourself no matter how hard you try
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Hey love 💛 can I request a Loki x reader fic? Something angsty but fluffy where the Reader is friends with the Avengers, and Loki can’t believe she’d fall for someone like him? 😊 Thank you so much!! 🥰❤️
so sorry for how long it took me to write this, I've been swamped at work now that school is starting back up. I hope you like it and that its what you were looking for! Thank you for the idea I really enjoyed writing this one ❤️❤️ 
Warnings: angst and fluff, reader gets hurt, stitches are mentioned, nothing crazy in this one just insecure Loki 
Y/n and Loki clicked the second they met, they were basically best friends. They both loved books, both could use magic (y/n would never admit it but Loki was superior in his magic compared to hers), and most importantly they both loved to cause mischief together.
The sound of Clint screaming like a little girl was heard through the vents of the whole compound. Y/n and Loki sat on the sofa both of them reading their own books when they heard it. Nat, Steve, and Tony shared a look before looking at the two questionably. “Can I help you three?” Y/n said not looking up. She was more focused with the spider illusion she made, which was currently following Clint in the vents along with Loki's own illusion. “Why is Clint screaming? You two never relax like this in the middle of the day.” Nat answered knowingly. Loki looked up at them and shrugged, “I’ve no clue what you’re talking about, maybe he saw a spider.”
Then almost like it was planned, Clint fell out of the vent opening in the living room. Right on top of Tony. Tony groaned in pain and pushed Clint off of him. Y/n couldn’t keep herself from laughing when Clint went on rambling about two spiders in the vents following him. His head snapped over to look at the two. “It was you two! I know it was, one was purple and the other was green! Whyyyyyyy?” Loki gave the small happy smirk on his face that he only did around Y/n. “Arrow man, I think the vent dust is getting to you. We would never do such a silly thing.” Loki stated looking at y/n, who was smiling beautifully as she agreed.
Thor walked in at that moment and saw the look he gave her, he only gave that look to their mother usually. Thor asked what was going on and why Clint looked angry and terrified. Steve finally spoke up, “Y/n and Loki placed two illusion spiders in the vent to chase Clint.” “Did nottttt!” Y/n wined.
After a small argument everyone decided they wanted to get changed into pajamas and watch a movie, Loki only agreed because y/n had begged him to watch it.
When everyone was back and settled into the living room, Nat popped in a comedy movie that Thor and Loki said they'd never watched.
Y/n was seated on the sofa in-between Loki and Thor, wearing soft black pajama shorts, and a shirt with Loki wearing his helmet on it that Tony got her as a gag gift. Steve, Bucky, Nat, Wanda, and Tony were also in the room seated on another couch or various recliners. About halfway through the movie most of the lot were asleep.
Y/n had passed out, her legs thrown over Thor's lap and her head laying on Loki’s chest as his arm was around her shoulders. He usually didn’t like touching anyone, she was the only one allowed. He was stuck in his thoughts not noticing he had been staring at her sleeping face. He didn’t understand his feelings, he had never liked being around anyone, never enjoyed one persons company so much as he loved being around his mother. He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful. Her h/c hair perfectly complimented her s/c skin, with her piercing but soft e/c eyes.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t see Nat and Thor share a look of knowing. It was only when Nat got up and went to the kitchen “for a snack”, truth is she was going to stay by the door and listen to the conversation, that Loki snapped out of his thoughts. Thor cleared his throat getting the raven haired mans attention.
“Yes Thor?” Loki looked at his brother, slightly annoyed not feeling like conversing.
“Brother, I know that look you give her. She has captured your heart hasn’t she?” Thor asked quietly so he didn't wake the sleeping girl. He already knew the answer of course but he wanted to make sure Loki didn’t mess this up. He saw the heart eyes y/n gave his brother when she thought no one was looking. It was actually so cute it was disgusting and everyone had seen the way she acts towards him and looks at him. Had Loki not been so naive, he would have noticed by now too.
Loki sighed, thinking for a moment. Back to all the memories he had with her, she was the only one willing to give him a chance at first. She fought alongside Thor to allow Loki to join the avengers, she welcomed him with open arms no matter how much he pushed her away at first. It wasn’t until he saw her in battle on a mission that he gave her a chance.
Loki heard a scream and looked towards his team mate. Y/n’s hands were glowing purple, her eyes had turned a vibrant violet. He watched as she skillfully swung her large obsidian daggers, slashing a mans throat in front of her. It was that man that had screamed in fear. Loki decided at that moment he needed to know more about this little witch.
He didn’t expect that moment to cause a close friendship between the god and witch to bloom. Several things clicked in place all at once. The feeling he had around her, the want to make her smile and laugh all the time, the feeling he felt when she had gotten a bullet wound in her leg once when fighting hydra, the anger that bubbled up in his chest before he killed the man. He realized, maybe he did love her. A sad look formed on his face as he looked at Thor, there were no words needed. He couldn’t fathom that she would ever love him back.
The next morning y/n woke up cuddled against Loki on the sofa who had also fallen asleep. Everyone else had already woken up and gone to bed. She snuggled into what she thought was a pillow. Her eyes snapped open when the ‘pillow’ was breathing. She looked up at the victim of her cuddling, seeing the raven haired man that she had fallen for months ago. A blush formed on her cheeks when she noticed she had in fact fallen asleep on him last night. She carefully got up so she didn’t wake him and left to go get ready for the day.
After that morning, y/n had noticed Loki was distant. He wouldn’t seek her out anymore, he would barely even look at her much less answer her. It was hurting her heart more and more everyday. She even asked Thor if she had done something to upset Loki, which is where she was now.
“Lady y/n, I promise you did not-” Thor got cut off by the sad somewhat angry girl.
“How did I not do something wrong Thor?! I fell asleep on him that night. I didn't think it was going to piss him off. He won’t give me the time of day anymore! Even Tony asked what I did wrong when he saw Loki blatantly ignore me in the living room.” She was yelling at this point, tears streaming down her face as she paced back and forth in Thors room.
“Lady y/n, please listen. It is no secret to me that you have fallen for my brother, please be patient with him. He does not know how to handle these kinds of feelings very well. Would you like me to talk to him?” Thor said, worried that Loki was going to push away someone that truly cared for him. “And come off as desperate for his attention? No thank you Thor.” She sighed and left the room leaving a worried but mildly upset Thor behind.
Loki couldn’t bring himself to talk to her. He would never imagine that a girl like her could love a monster like him back. So he withdrew himself from her, it made his chest hurt when he ignored her that day. He saw the sad expression she gave to him then to Tony who only shrugged to her. He stopped hanging around in the living room after that, he stayed in the library most days unless he needed food. He didn't get to see how sad he had made y/n.
She was angry now, hitting the punching bag with enough force, Nat thought it might just break off the hook on the ceiling. Nat had come down here to talk to the girl. She knew what was going on already, so she wanted to check on y/n. It wasn’t until now that she realized she and Thor needed to do something to fix what Loki was doing. The redhead had never seen this sweet girl so angry, she was yelling as she hit the bag with all her force. Venting to Nat about how Loki was a dick for ignoring her instead of telling her he wasn’t interested. That she just wanted to punch him for being such a jerk and for making her heart break into a million pieces.
Nat finally stopped y/n from throwing another kick to the bag when she said that. “y/n/n calm down, it's ok. I’m going to talk to Thor and get this figured out. Truth is, that night Loki and Thor had talked about his feelings toward you. He never outright said he felt the same way about you, but I was certain he did. And I'm doing this regardless if you say I can or not. I hate seeing my precious little witch so upset, it’s actually kind of scary to even me.” Nat hugged y/n. Something she rarely did for anyone except for Clint and Wanda.
Nat did exactly what she said she would do the next day. She had already talked to Thor about it, and right now they were both standing in front of Loki. “What do you two want?” Loki said, obviously annoyed.
“Loki why do you ignore Lady y/n every time she is around you now? I thought you had reciprocated how she felt about you?” Thor started. Loki was thrown off by the question, hearing Thor’s voice he noted he almost sounded disappointed in him. “As though she could love someone like me? I’m not someone that anyone could ever love Thor, I’m a monster.” He replied looking at his brother. Then he saw the anger on Nat's face.
She stomped up to him and got in his face, “You say this, but did you forget how she convinced us to let the “monster” Loki live with us? Or how she went out of her way to make sure you were comfortable here? or how she risked her life for you and got shot in the leg for it? Oh let’s not forget when instead of being scared and running away when you had got sick and your Jotun form came out, she took care of you and reassured you that you were different just like her. For crying out loud, have you seen her when she is at her peak power? She ripped a hydra mans head clean off simply because he called you a monster! Get your head out of your ass and fix this. She loves you Loki. But you will lose her if you don’t fix what you have broken.”
With that, Nat stormed out. Thor looked at Loki, who looked absolutely heartbroken he had not noticed all of that before. “Please don’t scold me right now brother. Lady Nat did enough of it for not telling you to clean up your act. She is correct however, y/n loves you, you have broken her heart by your actions. She has been taking missions nonstop for the past two weeks, and when she isn’t she is in the gym or her bedroom.”
Loki nodded in understanding. He needed to tell y/n how he felt even if she did not feel the same way. She could push him away if she wanted to, but he needed to let her decide instead of deciding for her. “Jarvis, where is y/n currently?” “She is currently in the medical room getting her arm stitched up Sir.”
With that Loki teleported to the med room and saw Dr.Banner stitching a nasty gash on Y/n’s bicep. Neither of them had noticed Loki’s presence, he saw how numb y/n looked. Her usually happy smile and bright eyes were replaced with a frown and her eyes were a dull shade of e/c. When Dr.Banner finished up his stitching he took a deep breath, “y/n I know you’re upset, but these solo missions are going to be the death of you. You’re too tired, this wound is the result of that and you’re lucky it was only a quick stitch job. I have informed Steve and Tony that you are not allowed back onto any mission until you get adequate rest and this wound heals.”
Loki clears his throat to get their attention when Banner finishes talking. Y/n looked at him then looked away, Banner left the room not wanting to see how this turns out. Loki takes a cautious step forward towards her, “Y/n please, I’m sorry. Just look at me at least.”
Y/n makes no move other than shifting her gaze to look at him, then he sees it. The anger and the sadness, that he has caused you to feel. It weighs heavy on his shoulders and suddenly his confidence wavers. She doesn’t say a word, only stares at him. “I did not mean to hurt you y/n/n, me and thor had talked one night and i realized tha-” He stops when she stands up angrily and cuts him off. “What did you realize Loki? That i cared about you? That i actually wish i could be enough to catch your eye the same way you caught mine?” She starts spilling all of her thoughts at once.
“No that’s not what i’m saying just listen.”
“No you listen. I waited Loki, I waited a few days actually, for you to be ok again. Before I realized that you simply did not want me around anymore. For a while I thought maybe it was because I fell asleep on your chest that night. Then Nat told me you and Thor talked.  She thought you implied that you felt the same way about me. That you actually loved me back. Well you completely ignoring me and going out of your way to avoid me, was worse than you telling me you didn’t feel the same way. I would have been fine with staying just as your friend Loki. But no. I even thought that going on solo missions would make you worry enough to talk to me if only to scold me for it.”
She had tears streaming down her face at how little she thought he cared while yelling at him. He tried to grab her and hug her mindful of her arm, but she only shoved him. “Don’t try to act like you care after all of that Loki! I can’t believe i was really convinced for a while that you might actually love me back.” He froze, all of her words finally processed in his head. He thought he heard wrong the first time. Oh how stupid he really felt now. The h/c haired girl went to start going off again. He cut her off, trapped her against the wall and kissed her. It wasn’t a lust filled kiss at first, he was testing the waters. After he was about to pull away she grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back to her with the uninjured arm. Catching him back into a kiss, for the both of them this was all they needed to understand each other.
Pulling away he looked into her eyes, they weren’t dull anymore. They were shining bright and she was smiling like an absolute idiot, “I’m sorry, i guess i should’ve let you talk….” She apologized sheepishly. “No it’s ok I hurt you and you needed to let it out i understand. But I am upset at you for getting hurt because you decided to go on a solo mission.” He leaned down and kissed her again, this time it was all teeth and fighting for dominance.
“I’m happy for you two and all but can i have my lab back?” Banner interrupted them.
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